by unfiHinded .bru.., to panic in nil* thnHifh THE Ai\u t ^ - __ create . 'outor il.cir anoi.ialoi.s’T^liticul coudiiTon. 1 ami nttrntion tl.« lives aiHl properly of our oi» good II is to be liopcd that tli.««o prtions of two citizms «re so c.yensnely «ruritv at six |*r cent. iiitqr«»t, IS the S>uthertitr.l>e8\vhiclN in that event j TlwittI.esc Byils umy be crcatlj lessened^ y ,)j,y Ui« W 8>»e»- ill.}'I’uriipiko I'oiiipuny. 'Hie bill to crcct a new county, by tlie name of Vunci v, v,n» tukeii U[), uud, oi> ,notion of Mr. Hrittain, of Burke, its lurth- er consideration was |>osl|>oncd until Mon- ‘*‘*yr!*Martin, of Rockinphom, nubmitted ihe lullowiog rtbulution, wlucli rvtiu mid luid on tlio tubic: >Vherca-» many of the good people of North I’ttrolina entertain tlio opiuiou that (he L'on*liiutiun of tlin» Mate u defective in some of Its provisions, more especially in ihe present n.ode of representation, which iiibttad of being on the jusl ai.d ecpiitable basis of taxation and populaiiun, is sccord- ,ug to geogrsphical limits, uiieijual in size and greatly dispn«f>orliiiii»le in wealth anO numbers; and the right of elcctmg the CJov- eriior ol the Slate ought to be veiled in the tree |>eople therei)f; and that biennial inret. iiij;s of the (.Jeiierul As*euibly, subject to the call of the IJoverut.r, would ciiublo, il Ui dis*.li»rge all Its neee!»»ai> duties to the countrv, and bo of gieut huwog to the StHle;” als** behoving that tl.ey have re lumed III their own hands the power of al- leriii^ or amending theConstilulion without being restriiined in the tiiuiie or maniier m which !>uch umcndiiittiits are to be mude, it the Judici.ry, to wbicli was referr»o th, bill to prevent justice* of th« penct fr™ suing a Capias ad Satisftciendum on judgiiant ot a justice of the peace umil return “No property” is nisdf, „ ^ unfavorably thereon. Mr. Outlaw lu, J that the bill liu on the table and be winch was not agreed lo. Tl,^ • ■■ ' Towed the exertions of the liank; and it can- turn. They h,vc neilher t^hc intelligenre, V io. be doubted that the exercise of its pow- the industry, the mora h.j^bits, nor the do- ^ ‘ cr,a.Kl the expenditure of money, as -11 , ...e of improve^n^w nch a. ^ m li,IS so palpably violated, were it not that I app ar. r ,i„. ,.i i Ihe charter iti-lf will expire as soon as a , fore, and it it is to be averted, and it l^ it ; ol the .>ul.jecl. ■i.ttUwi ;n n>v I Hiiiiiinl and in- atlapieu lo iiie Ufw reiaiions iii h iin-n iu-; i -"r- "nS .i,r,b.l Zl .. ..r, ; -ill'l.. placcd. Tbc .l„ch I,a.; lov.J ^ "li;,: %rithin the reach of the Secretary of the been rccenilv made, hna «. t«r proved sue- , ed with success, I ttnder ) hi, in c Treasur>-, to enable him | cesslul. The emigrants generally are rep-1 sion, the cu-o|^Tatinn which it may be in to; whether the public dep«sites in|re,K rtct lo be p,^,-fhJ c.mtented., my j vckSON . -• .L IT J ft>p rrmnlrv 4iiituh o to their wnnts and hub- : . _ rt.» i»nr.» Ihe" Bank o( the United Slatas were en-' the country soitablo to their wants an.l h.ib-, ^ p„rmU,, ^^33. tin-lvsafe; but lliat as his single powers iis. and the essential articles ol subsistence m.tfht be inadequate to the object, 1 rec.m- easily procured. hen the reiKjrt ot the |.:|{ Itl^ V. mended the subject to Ccgre:.^, as worth) commissioners now engaged in investigat- • of iheir s*>ruMis uv.esiigation : declaring it , mg the condition and prospects ot the.-« In- j i:. 11,y opinion, that an inquir> mto the diuns, and in devising a phn tor their in-j nsactions of that lnstituii.«, embr.icm;>! tercuurse and g..vernment is received, I as transitctiuns 7 hurttliHj, .Vi>r. 2S. Ihen, o«> motion of Mr. Poindexter, 1^1^ nitely postjHined jeas—ha, nays 42. On nmtion of Mr. Wyche, thecommm,. on the Judiciary were instructed toingui: iiitothu ex|>edicncy of providing by |»* f the appointment of Kegisiers, wlnre>,f^ cies ahull occur in that office belwetnietta of the County C'ourla. On motion of Mr. Fi.her, the c«ninmi« on I’ublic Koildmgs were inslruciwl t„ quire into the prewnl slate of ihecoDtran beretolbro made with the sculptor, htU lluglu^, for repairing tlie Btutue of ington ; and into the condition of tlie uud wbttt dis^okitioti bad best be laidr (4 ,^ Frtdity, .Vot. 28. 8ipha Smith one of Ihe n»eniber» !>!«, tin (\Hinty of Hertford, appeared, produ,M creileiitials, was quuliBrd and tuii|(),|}^i Some private bills were read thtwoflj lime, but tho Le^ialuture adjtmrtifd »iui early |>eriod lo atlend Ihe delibemiioa (f l!ie lutenutl Impruvement ConveutibQ. Sulurtlay, .\gf_ Mr. Rragg prei»nled a bill to iin ,rL ' rnle the (irienstille aixl Kiiud>L« Ri| IS beli' 10 be most c)i|>idient, under tx-j Hj«d C«»nnHin) ; which wn» n-sd iKtf-ij isting circuinstuni es, tu submit ihese qu-s-' lime and ordeied lo be printed tnd n-ifrf»^ lions directly lo Uic i .conic of this State:’ Rieei»ed from the I'lewdrnt of the Is. On moii nof Mr. Vunn, lh« coininiUee 1 tien lore. ternal Impniveinenl ('oiiveriiiou, t icct comn.iitie on tbi : muniraterti, •lating Ihul, should it piwi »;ifp dep«i?itory for Ihe public extent to which the exaiiiiiiutioo, thus re-' }>Hrfmenl commended, was gone into, is spread U[»n Sii::geviionsarc mnde hy the Perretary ol .naWe wut «nil vour j.Kirnals, and i& t.x) well known to re- ' varii^ua improvements, which de-«T\e can - [ a* ^.ractt. a n. quire to be stated. S^ucii as was made re- ‘fill con?ider;.tion, and most of which, if a- suited in a re(K>rt from a maj..rii> of the d..pted, bid fair to pri.iimte the elTkicncy of Committee ».f Wavs and .Me.ins, touchmj{ Hus iii.portunt bran li of the public service. ^ certain spi'cifi.-d points onk, concluding Amiiigih. s*; are the organization of, committee weie inslructid lo inqtnre with a resolution that the tji.vernment de- | the Na\ y lt«ard, the n \ iM->n of the pay lo i the e^pediewy o( tho pres* nl , S. nnle. p .-lies might safely be continued in the «,lficers, and a change in the fteriod of time, | law relative to tne oath by which taxable J he This resolution or the n.anncr ol m>ikin^ the annual appro-1 property is rendeied in, so as lo repjiie ihe • fy (_,rtui t*f .Met. kknburg lu tlnor »l Mar p*i'iies might B;ink of the I'nited S^tates. „ , . , , „ . The t>ropo*iiu>o of the other Mouse, Ihai'that ■ joint s«lecl comniitlee w»ii UM! th»t llic Pul/hc Trcafiirc-r be ri'ju-#t. ! ,, . i> i ,i. «• , , nil irinMiiitioihi»Hou«. I the MiiiKJiiai ol ihe iinproveineni I n'snh nt of ihe ( oo»enti..n. «rw t^taU'iiKnt ol ail tur«i» bcloni;’ ; C'lMtVciilu^ii bc pniitcU iiihI riU*rrcd lo n hull of lf*« rciiiliii^n nf th* two li P«cii> ingihiir«.'t»cii,.iioiii, •uUselect couiniillee, wssugfwd lo, bihJ n-eeive that IxkI). Messrs. i;^ Uic gross iinoui.i ot-•wii. ,\Ks»rs. Iliuioo, IxJwards. M»iuiK'r ui l*a»- M’I^ol cMnpuae Ihe comuiittM uo Oil niolion of .Mr. Msll, the Judiciarv ||Uolaiik, iSiiefuid and I’o) were app*»intru of this lluisc. I'oiin the COUIU.IIICV ou Ihe pail ol ImW , Mr. Pirrse, prrsentrd a bill illcsia^.-j. stables f«ne dultur for exeruling Siiie i«. certificale of allowance i>f the Coon- rants which pau«ed it* first re»«Jin([. Oil motion of Mr. 8eawell, tli« ken bv the ..ther^departmrnls of iho Go- ! of policy appropri.ited in lh*» present Mate of renewed his U,nd, and given imw ai>d lutlh- | Cuontv ; which ws. (? i|ji» *»rcul Qndusc* nc*uritv^ tlio »#;cuiiln?!i shttli bt* j * » i > \emnient, or either of ila branches, I am, f-ur country,for securing the great and use.' ■■■ -i.-n i-■ ' • -- i notwiths.tai.ding, wholly incapable of rteeiv- ful purp«rs of naval pr*leclton in peace, in^ otherwise than with the most sincere and duo prrparalKMis for Ihe confin^'eHcics Te.rft, all opinions or sugi^estion* pro- of war, meet w lh my entire ap,,r.bation. had against , i f, rr. d tho re«..iui.o*.s •ii.truUing them to ce. diMH from su.h a source ; and in re,,^ rt j II w ill l« prrce.xed from the r. p;rl rt- -Mr. blone. Ironi iIk- cominiltee appointed , i,*i.eiiev of .iiK:tt.lm.i to n»iie am I more ineliued to do so, than ferred to, that the fiscal concera*= of the es- to c-hI.mI iIk: Uilloting lot (.overnor ot Ihe ; ^ J relaliou ll dee.;s aiaJ cocve^an- to the House of Repr»‘senlatives. But it taMishuient are in exce!|. nt coddilion ; and ' Ma'e, reported lhal David L. Swainisdulv ^ • Mill be MM-n from the brief views at this lUs hopd that Congress .nay be di.p*.-,! to elected. ‘.do th-l tne pr.«l ex«oli.« .ikJ Hk, tune taken ol the tuhj'ct by my-elf, as well ti.ake promptly cveiy 5uiiab(e proM->ion de-> motion nt .vir. ^heraro, a mt ; .. .. i_ ... . . . as the inon? ample one* pr>!iented S*-' r*-tary of iheTieasury, that the in t he det>osites w hich has been 0i uvi tu, ^ v.\ »*. i «i, , * .c»*. ..i.» * • — .ii i i i Las been deemed to be called for by con- continued, upon the strength «>t’ its own re-1 >‘f hi* election, and to usrerlain at H'^aioiao ih iitv rt i wi n» ii at •idcnitions which are not arieeted Ly the sources, to racilitate th** ii.eans of coinrr.j-1 •""« i* *'d s.iil ins cw.veuiwnre to alteiid free tVoin alt liability, and said renew ;il U* ' I'***' an equitable ph a in b.r ot a recover) Uing : •'*“*• «'"• had a»jain.t s.ud lormer *xor.l.o«. ; «« «' ;lf,aswell ti.ake promptly cveiy 5uiiab(e provision de-> motion of Mr. Sherard, a mtssajf* *'** 1’^*"^ id e\«olioc^iKj Hie ed bv the ?^ired cither for prcse-rving or ituproving the was sent to the other lb u-e, pni(Hj*inj{ Ihut P'*'*' * oxsuiioa loii ma) iu« uo hechange sj,,e,n. ' " ‘ ^ i a joint selcct committcc be a,n>-;.n..d tor'-^'*; “'‘f, J'* ) ordered, 'I be ( I’ Orf.ce f>..’5artrner.l has . ^>n the (io»ern«)r e'l t, and iiitoini him "'*! '* at o . , m w icn ■ |>uaioiHO Wtdil liitve rt-n weei his bobd jimJ ^ivon new S4 cuntV, luriiicr mi uritH s ohdil'mg ttie lutl'.'St op- porlLiiiity lo know their sontimcri«»; th»' prt*st lit Conyress will t»« mncerelj wjIici- cords of the I)*'(>arlmciil, the annual state- tous to carry toto full and fair etP’ct the merits have l«en cali-ulated to exhibit an a- ^ill of ibcir consiiiuents in regard to this mount coiisid« rahi) shf.rt c f the actu^il ex. in^tiiutioa- It will be for ihoBe in wliose p* ii‘e inrurred tor that st rvicc. These il- b»-hall’ we all act, lo decide whelher the lusir_\ statements, to:»ether w i!h theexjiense F.xeeutive I).-pjirtuient of the (iovernin iit, f-f carrying into »fF-ct th*-law of Ihe last in ih*‘ steps which it has takrn on this soli- .ses>.iin of Congress, establishing new in.'iil ject, has bfen found in the line of its duty, routes, and a dis[>osifion on the [>art of the 'I'he accompany mg rejtorl of the fVcre- Head of the [)*'|iarlin(,‘nt to grutil'y the w i-,h- tar> of W ar, with lo it,e\hit)it the o^H'ralmns paitirtenl for the past tifin of the vinous su admini«ilnfi(>n. [ w..uld su.stain. As »or/n aa he had discov- /t will be Been from them that the army Jered the im[jerftclion of the ntetlK«), he iDJinluins Ihe i li.irjrter it has heretofore caii.>-ed an invrsti^iation to b>‘nuide of its re- atquircd for ertki»'f»« y aixJ military knowl- .‘^uit.-, and applied the profKT remedy to cor- cdjfp. Nothing has occurred since >iur reel the evil. It bccnn.o ricccssary fur him been di«K:overed, that from Ihe earb.-si re- dlium Cii»:,toi. is duly elected.' I a.lmini^irutor. si«J »,u.iroi..i«., .i« lo rnable ,, , y , lliaiii to niuku liitdl m tlit-in>'iiis wiih the ,,, '**''!/' ' *• • courts of their re>ieclivv I (Mjiitiea w heoMVir On meition of >i r. I lav t.>n, Ihf coimnit- . . , , , - ’ . Ihi'V are If) pur'-1 ludti mi aereeabl\ lu law tee on Ihe Judiciary wfre instru» l‘d to ' » . exi'img in Iho Mountain or (>ib di»trirl. Mr. drier preaeoird the reriiBcaltif |ow«r»ee the Ciiunty Court of MkI Uirg in ta»or of Martha Thompwn, i sinner ; which was ordered lo be signed bv the .*p» aker. Mr. \V augh preM’nted ■ bill to *>•: for the colWliou H' drbfs when it»r»s risible pro|»erly ; .Mr. a b*!lisi lam the aiix>uiit of exports r«i«H a Stole for oeie jenr, and for olh'r re-; In |«ir»iiance of arrangeroriiN nolieed. bi>ih b.Mioehcs of the hgn: ■saeiiibled in this li ill, recettrd la I ‘ ll«e Improveinenl (.'•■r.'fflua when his K*eU«iM-y OavidL- .‘‘••a, I'ri'•iih-nl of that b-»lv, submitird wi' iiehuii a memorial In the !>'^i»lilufs- i merrvinal was r«'ad by lh»’ M«. !?■ Slrany*- ; ami, iip«>n Ihe witt.drasd thf Hall of iIk- I ‘onvrrition and the f*' It wn», »n inoiion ,f .Mr. Seuwfll, iliai iIk* memorinl lie transniilini is v • 1 . I , N'liale, and thal it b* printe), Iso t , , I- 111 ****■■ ‘Jirrrting the suic ol lUe liiiiila . , . i i i • quire i.tIo the exMilienrv of ameniiin" he . i ... . . >or eaeh member oi the I.e2i»!iluf«. 1 . . I j' 1 reinaiiiing uos*nl, u« pjiitO li\ treaty Iroiii . « law m relation to d..-ds and cs.vej:.nre, j ^ : .W.,,. fhr. 1 made l.v femes rover., so as I-, provule ihat , , au« nUeJ, it- tuither ^ thepr.w,fol eKceution and the private | c.n.iJcralioo w.« po;i.H.,H.-d uutd i hursdav . animation may 1* lo^de out ol ciKirt. - mq.itre into il #■ ex|i.diencv ol'*eslin« i f.g re,K)rtol the>ecre. lleafloltheD^lrtrl.ncnttogrutilythewi h-) Mr. Ilrittsin, of Macon, liom tho joint j , ... p..we, m »l,r (-..imiv C.sjris In .uitr •he d.xurnents anc«-XPd es ..f the public in the extension of the m .iK ,fl,.ct commute,, on the Cherokee l^„„K ' w/ » submitted vesterd.iy by pobiKi » ^ralionsofthe War IV- laeilifi,-.,, have i.MluceJ him to incur r, .*1^)1,. which was n-U rn-d the bill direclmg the I, / '» fHation lo cout Urn 1st year, and the condi- .ib.hties lor their improv ement, bev ond w hut of the lands remainina uns.dd, acquired ' on»ti -itiou ol th« ^l„t.-, was ,;„.j pre^ei.trd a hill totliff suhjcc.s entrusted loiu the eurr.i.t resources of the J)..p,-.rlment hy tn.aty from the Cherokee Indiunl, j H.r:e,Mj ihe jli^ln ^ |H>rtel the saino with MJiklry am.'iMlmeiilH; j W tdnruhiy. The. 1. when the bill was made the ordi r of lh i . motion of N|r. ilall, t.iecoiitiiulieo on day fur Tuesday mjxf. ' I'doe.ition and the Liti rarv l ui.d were lu Suturday, Sor. Vi(\. i '»'f“' >* d to inquire into tho evin.-diency ol Mr. Si.eriird. f...... li.e r...nm.IU.n nn. I >he loico ol VaCulit ..r whi« h was read the lir'i tune, 1*kI table, ,ind orden-d lo Ik* printed. Mr. I‘i!*her pre*ientfd a hill toftinxl tiin«‘ for regiHtering grant* sfd tnesw* > vevi,rir*-«, |M>wer» »f atloriwy, biH*■ country, an/1 thus pr.,videiitU furnishing in The progressive ir)crea>-e in Mie income inquire into iho exiKtdiency of comp*'llinL. rwrsr'r* tK» r>kA_.r>a r«t iti t^fi r Kisu Ikssiiti ^ L II.. 1 1 1 . i . . ■ . . ' * . ’ ^ 'Heinjitiiig yrude of caiil.tiii or iiowiirtlH ln.m pants to the rejjion «s-*i;:n*-i (or th»-ir re-i- w hich were every wli* re ii.ade in ihe d'-n.-e we-t r.f the .Mi .Ms-ir-pi. .ShcHild Ih^^e f.hinery employe,}, and in Ihe rapid adviinefs o|fi« |:,l H« rvires hMandin-Ihe jrreat imprwvement« allowirq; a r. aw.niibb-eomp»-nH;.|ioii to'the ma- )iistie.i of thu |iea^e tu this Slatu for Iheir .'fr. r.nmnper, from llie coiimtiil^ the Judieinry, r*-jMirti-d a hill r>iK’ri •fipninlii.eiii of Urgiotrri m rtf*' diich was read tho fif't tiiiie * . Kdnionslon presented a l«H ' l!i« of Stati*. ■ bill fixing a umliirm riK«>' • wsHmi'nl of ihe real e..t,ite, with lh« ' provemenis thereon ; whu h Isll* Iho first tinic, and llic lait naitted *** ferrrd. Mr. Jordan preMi’nted a hill ' the lejraciea, h«lrilMltlve nhares, devi.'*'*'^ undivided inlrreil in r»'.il eMsteol il>‘*^ in;f or reinovsl debtors t.i ■ttacliniei''; (.ITk-isl most all the frrt>»’« now rcinainm nvirr, and for the lermination of diiLcuil iiiid emburrawiNg questioua of OMUOSS. mncrrnwK t. , .. .. iN or. iothT jHibhclKrtidH ; which were rt'sil n molion ol Mr. J. I). .Jon-a, the eom-, fir,t time and referred. I mill *i on the Ciirr. Inati'-s mfififd b> the .Senate, proviMOii whi-h'have U'-r’i inad.rm tlK.t ngainst the ex- w II hav, made for thp rr nioval of al- "'■lerifp, show v. ry el.-aily th.,t they are m a in. ^ ‘ " • a meu.sure. Concurred g'-'-nt de;-re« the r. Mill'.,f rriniiiial ne{l,- hj m,l,on ot' Mr Slloo llie 1 '^**1 1 Mr- Hoidd-r pre-w'nted a bill 10 if many ;;.-nce on the (,arl r,| tlios,. hy whom Ihe r„. Intern.-,1 Inipnm-nM nt were mslrurlid •' ' 'r ''''’''' ''' »f disliihjtion of