MINERS’ & FABMKK.«» JOVRNAli. i*ki>ti:i> ami i-i ^ m M9 I W IIX TKACH YOV TO 1-1KH 1C TMK BOWKIJ. OF TIIK KARTH \ Ol-i* • ANI* BKING out FIIOM UIK , R!»B OK TIIK M.)l NTAINS, Mr,' JIKCKI kxKI K; roifN I V, NOKI I|.( AROirilSA. s.vi-umnv, ai, m.w. VVI»0| WIM. (ilVJ.; STKKM-TII TO Otjn IIA.NOS ANU SimjFCT AM. NATl'RE Tf> F ,T AI.I. NATl’BK Tfl OfR USF. AM. Pl-KASLTie.—Dh. JOHNSON. TiiE; HiiDrrN^ A rariiirrit’JFoiiriial NO. 169. sary to lonn bttwecii the ♦■astern, woiiterji, be extm'Mii«li(.,| uorilitTti ami southorii i>ortioii« oJ'ilic L us soon us practirahlc ; atid mficunt of li.e nature of ilu>ir govorfinients. j other portions not mentioned, upon the ■ 1 i.rj were not d^v.sf d only timt tl.eir citi- I article, thtrs is an annnal drHw.h»clc. niou. to that end it m rccomnieuded by th« JjpriiiUtJ anti jmbluhcd every Salurdoy inoriiing | it Tiro DolUir* |Kjr ■nnuni, if paid in ndvHiit« ; ' riicy da not think it com ' u i*iw oi me i:nion; and . ' y'-'® —«nu propriety of* ■O, ll.« Stale of NomI. CHrol.Ma i ' "®‘ P7[*^r province of the gf,.. thf. works prop.^ed, and the e,,mdiency of ■d to thr «Mp n.entionrd ii. th»- i T . K"''’"""*'"'’ ^ go’erninent undertaking the,., ex- Hcl.cuulo ; „„d vour co.mi.ittec have, there' i r ‘l'Ctrinc derives its sup^.rt um.n- •ore, put ,t down as v»hat may possibly con- i '7'" 'IZ P'T*"'','’ nmiiiwr of in»crlion» inn»t t»r iiutrd on Uie nmt. giiiol tlir iiuinu»cript.or tliejr will b« coutiiiuid uutil forbid, and cliar|;e«l tccurditigljr. ,• All roininuDicttion. to the KUlitor iniial ronu I'm nl potlafrr, ur thi'jr may mil l>c attrnilrtl to. iulcrmti tiiipron-utrHt. mi.moimai, of rriK INTKHNAL ly. |-K()VF.M KNT (•* >.NVK.NTION, Ttlht HonvraUe Ike Utneral .IftrmMy mf AortA- Carulma ; out the ruiige of iiiliwdual enterprizc, and should it do .^7® c*e.:ut.oii exciu. u.ll euiitk.d • vcl> by the moans the State, and under schedule ; and «he dirertion of its ollicer.. While the conimittee are of opinum that most, if „.l nil t.ie s|>eii(iu plum, referred to their toii- •uleralion.Mrt- t.«. |Ki uliarly 1.k.hI loti.rni a part III thejjeneral ■theme abive mentioned, may pni Pillule a part of her ctlects. our corn •H.ttee f.iither rocomrneud, a. the most ef. iient within the limits of each partiruiar Slate, if not i ' f.'ctual and sprrdy ,„,KJe of earnin^'into 't";'''',.''/*-''"*, .y some . '-xecution the view8 Find wishes r.fti.e Cm. '"«V ol rii.|it under- v?i“7 •>'«' n memorial HM,u‘d hv ,1,^! iinexpedient that overlook them ; hut us the W!lecti..ii of par- memherb of ihiit Oodv be re.sitTifullv' sub i ^1'" icular i^heme or schemes, from amoi.y i.ulted to the I,e;;iMlaluro,durin«; its piesent »-ntirely ii(K,n the generality *i.bmittcd usthe ino.M Horthv session, pmv in- concurrente therein ^ ‘ '/1,.* ,.|einorial ^ a C^vmIkk. ii,«n the -u aeci, o| le(^,«U„vo patronage, is on m'- and its aid in tiie.r accomr.li'hment I t-'.terpi ize ; and they coa- •(ilijrti of Intrrnnl Iinpruvement, in whirli vidious ta»k, i»nd which, furlhermoir, the> ’ “ Jies-K-i tfullv Kubmille I | feive that the iul.ject under consideration »tr; represented forty oiKlilcountie# of the I •*=«l ihemwlvi-s very illy ipialilied to |k r- I'l'Nt A.\ C\.M I Ui i.V ( !,•„,„ >> all these attributes. It is assum- Male, re.|iectfull> thewcth : i form, tlie cominittu.r lluticr il,em.Mlves that Srh^HuU oHhr rjuu p,o,^,rU lo be 'M-'rd\ocrf.\''^ ■‘'“''‘-■'’1*“'’. That, according to ihc apiviintment of or two geiK ial prin- "J »' vj«m the coniiinjilurrJ Imm. **'*** work;* ran l« done more cheaply by 'heir n-»pcctivo cofialitucnls, th« mrmbcrs ‘-'I'**** •••‘‘V will biiiig nil ilione lo«.j| woik«, if Ihc Kiid (’iKivenlion aMPiubled in the •‘Ki»lalive patrona;;e, \Mihin iIh cily ff Kiileigh on Mouday, thr 'jrith m-( **’“* '‘o'*® na) be turnetj awav, t.int, and ba»o continued iheir «e»Ai.u ti “ have t hums to atti-iiiiwii; nhilo tion* tio prcsenl liinr. That early in (he ^ (oMeretl lieyund iheir n.eiiis. 'Jo Kaiiiimiid\alu-(ii nj'nk Sio(k, " t.'/tD.WO Ijv the f;oveinmcnt. It is do. do. kouiiok'. Nav. S(o.k, .'iO.iHiO denied that an individual can accomplish do. d.(n)M'icar lio. 3'i,.'00 a work u itliui hisabilitv wilh more despaich, do. do. T.irnpike, WH.O f.delilv uiid economy than a niiii.U r, because do. do. |f.,ni,io( lulil ,H,|\ ||jrlowt33,0(l0 ^ elusively, it next l>ecomes proper to inquire, what sum is necessary for their accf.mpli.sh- ment, and can the State command it ? P'ive millifms of dollars, it will he seen, is the mnximum sum required, and this, it is pro posed, should be rai.sed by loan, in sum* not exceeding one million annually, ’ihesd sums are Fixcii upon as being extreme.^, be cause the Convention are not willing to prac tice any imposition upon themselves, th« Le. gt.slalure or the people. They must neces sarily speak in round numbers, and thev chose such as were rather likely to be over than under the amount; that the public mind, at the same time that it was called upon to contemplate the happy fruits of their pro posed undertakings, might fully underMand the diffirulties to be encr>unlered, and tho price to Ixj paid. That the correctness of ai>. Jo. lo,nnio( liilil ,H,|\ ||jrlowt33 0(l0 ^ . i v.», do, do roHdM.K^^kl’ii.iyo.v i '"""1 f‘»r.centrated , the Computation may be tested, the busis ia lon, a rommitli-e was raitrd, consisting of "*' •* '■ee^'nuK-nd tiiat when. toT. ni,f>s . 'I urni.iki ( i’jxjii ‘■'I '' nuii.U r, and a princi|al vvillal- j furnished upon which it is made. ii’«ii.brr fi..m each ’ongre».i.,nal Ihn. i com(mii) '«hall bo moor|Kjraled bv , tcroUi^^nd?''"'''**’ l‘'S [ 35 miles of rail road in tlie northern net >f the State, to which »a» referred the- ***‘‘' A>.h inbly, lur any work «f In- Vjron iin->ld, ml •ul.j'Ct of Iiitemnl Improvrmem ‘'"priJVodient, wjch coin(idn\ shall, do da iiilt ui.txiingui'sl.td, f the Slate of .North Carolina, from which, Iprusttutn.n ol tln ir w.»ik, b«; ’iroU(;b tiM ir Chairmno, Ihinraii ('umeroii, ! *'* «ith, or cro»i.N any ot 1-Hr. the Convention rvceived the follow ing exi.cuii o or to b* executed by any uort.towit: other iiKor|H>r.iU^ c«impiniy or I.) ttie iiiiilurrs •n..cmam.t.ee to »hK:h wa. referre,! I subject of Internal ^nprove- -nt for the .‘.lateuf North Caroltna, re- .n tu the C.,..cnl.on .. follow. : u. «n> *uch wo.k. li.. 'Tliat thi \ have duly rr>n«iderel the »rnil mailers refernsl to them, and after lull cofitt-reuce and coiii|ari«ou of view*, lfu»t tliJt they have been enabl'd I •'laiin^ for inOi'jry duriilir ll.i i.ili w:ir. I’k’I'OI tiuii ol cBl III luiids, •.>0.0110 4't,iloo oMii peculiar iiitore.-,! than any agent. iSut S.*mm!oi'I compaiiirs, tiiey are subjc-ct to all the ' di(T(.'ienc*-«j divii-ions and dititractions of o- l,Of>;,iKiJ pinion uiih a goveintneiit, and in common with it niiist dcjK.r,d upun the skill and lidel- il> of agents; while, on the oilier hand, it ! j _ counties, at SM.OOO per mile, •SSfl.OOCI I l.iO ditto a(TOi.K tlie Stale, l,200,'(Klf1 I 3t).> dilio I'roni Eas.t to West, S.'wojtoo I )^hip cliuniiel from Newbtrn to Beaufort, 600,000 (“■TUL.fJI.U ■‘wamp* Itiiils »\itlioijl rk'iniBtc, \i.l>ii:l nil iii.ir iiitirtsl on iilM.vf sum of , - l.O'w.tMMi ;,i 4 tii.t. ^•entrHl .\»»*;llibl> mii\, III till ir d.M'ietloli, 1'.i.lri. « ol' l.no-, Kutm iilx-ihe redtaiiiiiig two blih.s, fi.r ami on ^dl^ » auction, on ttceiMint of ilic .''late, u ih riuiito re >|iiesj.d i._v such ct'ni|>ui.\. 1 ho comiiiillce huvo endeavoreil to •5,000,000 The rate of cost per mile, for the first IS CO. lam that government engaged m ex- three items, is supposed to l>e excessive, and tensive piil.he woiks can, from its superior '.s founded u|K.n the comparisr.n of the rale wealth, mean-Mormlormation and influence, of similar works in other States, although command persons of more esiablished fame it is believed that in this State the rate would 50(M, ‘"Hl'^-' ai'ammentsto u.anage ilsafiUirs Ik? less than in any other; while it is fur- . than any private coinpan>, h w. vcr extrn- iher suppt.sed that by practice, experience, 2.:iXt ; mid. troiii its mcale.iLtilv miiknor crc- ' and the improvements for which the present ~i7,rr i-l"'" day is so remarkable, the rate of cost of _ terms, and, lioni its illimitable weaiili, is in rail roads per mile is in a regitiar course of .1-1 .1 plan, whirb, if not prrtipct 111 n». |f. f„rn. an e«timai« i.| ihe aiiM.uiit iM-ce*.-urv a fu:i, free and animated (■ix■.l^»l.,n danger i| ulliniate talkin' in Ihe sue- diminution. These items, however, munt M Ira-t the b«-«t that llM*y can re»!«>iuibl\ tor Ihe full accomi.liBhiiuM.t ol the li.f. ..in - ‘1" “I"»-'on uii. nee m tl,,- Uo- cess ot I's iin.li iiakiii;;s. But, afier all, at last drpend upon the surveys, reports and *) Mill tw carried into exii-ulii.n. » hrmc ; und, ati« r iiitftiire ioiiMdef"ti..ir, J ‘he anirtuutivc to ';'ir ap|.lieatnin to tho 1 .egisUiture is lo do compulations of experienced Engineers *• It iH 11.1 doiit.i obvi«n)« to every think- Hiev le*-l very Ci.ntidem ii,at li»e millions i.|’ * '»•*'«' ne^alne; and, upon m.ii.,n, one I"'' nswhat the can. Siie can command 1'he Convention l>eiieves that, upon tha i man, that no plan could be deviwd en- dollars Will tw n Milhciei.t iilouaiu e. Thi-. f^oiii one i f the eouniie.s m iho ii.i resources ol the governniei.t; she can- whole, their computations will be found to tflv accepubic to all, or. |.erbapii, in all .um will m.t U; rrquiirj in grruirr'instal- ««• i. ei,u r Ins di«i ut U nut comma- ' - ‘ ■ - ■ - • - •JiUiU, accepuble to any en« ; while it uHM.ts than one o.illii.n . f d..ll:irs iH.r an- , -tock comp:: f}iiMlly app«n-nt that unl sh nomcthin^ num ; tw.'ihaifi n.um l.-s» m.iv s- rvi . In r.,ii!..rinii\ wiih ti.e lust t lau e «.l that “f' I'l'l'lio n ^ • « l>„ .1 _ J » I . I 'kt\0 • »«• I dufK-10 arc^min..date all, or nenrlv all, j » U hatner amount ma> U^nquind, ■i .-Jt on entire changu tn the prif«ri|.|er, ' caonot be r..iM d .,il.erwi-e n't thi- iiii.e ilia., ;.iwn uatur.. that b.«arty ►upp.-rt and by ban. 1 his, tI.e romn.itie. ml..riiKd, rrrnoe from the di»R r. nt *Tlion* of may probabh U-..blaimdal a rale o| i |k-i Mil., no msrnlial to iiltimato miccons cenium |K.-r annum; bnt it is Ih ii vini tliai ^.ru.«terl-kmf,fanu€.t t,e cx|rfH.t.Hj. j i|,e rate can, in no no;,», .v.e d n»i , ii • It wiii ncre»ary, therefore, that the ' pn.j.*>r measure-i are ad..ptei| t„ |,ri.v uie fur VI i)'M»etl b) Ihe rornmitte*'hIiouM lie bs ihe regiiinr pnv rni-nl of the inlep'>i. The ji.d general as the want* of the Hiatt rommittee iloes not di.ubt that the l^*gi>hi- . re, and lU n>enn« are MitfK ient to ac lure will, if it •.houM sn hap)M n that tt,»- re- pti«s. 'I he Stale may l« considered s.nirees hereatter j»'inled out shall U- in>ul- ^'id' d, in Its present cor>ditn*n, l.v fue licient lor this pur|s>Hi», (i\ u pr>[M>r svsiem «*>etintnl iiilere*t«, VIZ. First, what of luxation, supplv Ihe di tif icnrv. whn.li lied the Northern cirtiniii s ; secoiidlv, tho C on\entioii »hnil'i rccomniend, aiiti I'ar river anil .\em*r counties ; thirdiv, siunil pledged to >.ii--!hiii them m t«> tin ! rniinties usually tr.adin^ tii the towns. e.\tent et its weij^ht and mthienee in Iho lli«* Fenr; ffMiiihIv, the extreme commnml\. In addiir fi to the va-t liiml •'■ nip.irt of the .‘^tnte; and, fiflhly, the N.f w« n!tli held l.y the >i ,!.• in the ,i|i: i,on> '!!•■ rMiiilie*, 1} mg (>n the Itrninoke. 'awl proj>efty of h'r i iti/.'ns, he aunexnl ■ I ' i hiain tlie mp{>ort arul countenance m hi-dnlu wts loith -miiirv iiem^ ami.untin;: dilli rent aeetn ns, as well us to ac- •" ll'C »'» luul property now a\ai!iil>l nut command individuals to sub.scribe to ; Ik; sutlicicntly liberal to cover the actual inies. In the present .state of cost. They can only sav, that it is their mind she will l>e sustained in the wish to be’ correct, and' thev have taken >ne: she will do nothinir for our relief by some pains that they may be so. ,mlhori.-.ing the other. j ^,|| inquire, can the money bo The n«.\t qne.oliun wlilch arisen is, whe-; Ixirrowed, and upon what terms? VVe are llier the plan v\e propose is worihy of the ^ infi.rmed that in the city of London, alone, ,fgi^lature .’ We do not fifiy millions are waiting the demanda of a IJepi.rl, li.e t'..(ivcntioii b> gs h ave to Ia_\ Ix'liire the L* gislalure and (-ei.pio ('f thi- i-ouutiy. III a ii.ciiJpn*.. d fi ini, its \ iew(i and vvi-iie-, ii[ i.ii thi.s all iii|h.|iaiit sul ji'.t. The (’f’tivinli.in disclaims all id-a >| di tnling patronag'; of the to the L gislatiire in the di-rhar^e i f that sny that it is the be«t which could possibly Imrrower, to say nothing of the other por- lii;.h Iru't whi h i« comnin.itteil lu it under have been proposed; but we do say that it lions of Kurofie and Ihe surplus capital of Mir wisr Ci>nstitiit|(.||; l.jt a^ks tho r*a»on- is one calriilaied lor great and general util- our own wealthy cities. As to the rate of ilile priv liege of re.-|s.Ltfull^ ajj a!iiig to iiy ; that the [.eople will receive it as com- loan, the commillee, in their report, havo tli*‘ sound M i)s«'. the warm paiilulisni and mensunite to their great and iinperious undertaken to say that it may probably ba liigl; resiMc.sibihty of % our enlighti ucd body wants ; and will sustain us in its rocommcn- obtained at four |>er cent, and can in noevent, III l>» half of a |>eopIe, of wiioni, in comii.on dati.n,and \ou in its adoption. It has been exceed five, if proper measures are adopted M iih \oiirsel\es, the) constitute a [lart.— uur wish, in the spirit of republican legisla- to provide for the regular payment of tho ■|'he i!iii'ro\enit-nts made in olhcr States lion, t(. elli;ct the greatest good to the great- '' ' ‘ ‘ ' have awakened in onr cili/eiis n sense of est nuniber ; and if any poi tioii of the State iheir ow n neces'iu , and |M(iiiied tothe mc.'iiis is on.itted in our plan, it ii.u>t be some por- bv which thev ait lo he rein Vi il. '1 hroii^h lion that is not, in the nature of things, w ilh- u» the\ ery to \oiir hono.'abie body, for it m the reach of direct assistance, and can IS vou alone whocau do it, to put those thvn fore only Ik U'lietittid by tho general would not only fn-fully sustained, but which means wiihm their reach, and we confident- prosperiH . If it cannot slake its thirst w.nild be imperiously called for by that high interest. But can this be done? The Convention feels certain that the Le. gislaturc can and would do so by a proper system of taxation, should any accident cre ate the exigency—a measure in which they .'' “■Ii our demgn of geixT^I ulilitv,th* ■I'ji'tof ull thrs»? M'ctioiis must Imi con- *!''• I hihI altendi'd to. Tho committoi- ' >'.;l.l It rather calrul.nted to rxnte dis- 'inil locisil the ardour «.f ItioiMr who*.** items amount swamp land.s, wliiili the commillee reeoni- rnendti Nhoiild Ire pledged as far as it will g iiii;>l.t not Im) fully nif t, to lie at this pa> nietii of tlie inlcre-t, nnd re; -.y r- ifir 111 thf reconin.endHti..ii or ro- •h*' I'*’*"* M’-'*' "" lale iiM) fioin tm.e to time find it neces s;irj to txirrow lur the proj»eciiln n of tin Si heme uf Internal I in|>ro\ t inenl. ol any of the phum whu h have Irf't n 'ffd lolli' ir coiiHideniliuii ; I'verv one *lnch ma\ pcrhajw l»e, in ilwlf, highiv ■'iliv cl pulilie patrouage ; IhiI, from lie'ix w iiiiii|c, |» y„„) iiip u( ||,(. means i.f •N.H.. ti, ne.-.,.f,(f,ph-h all. and. from unnual items added them If p^riilinrly loeitl f hararler, iii>t well ,iv„,l,,bh; income i f I .it.’..') to aid ns 111 the accomi hsliment of some In- dustry of every citizen of the State a cheap \ial li-eal ol.jeet; lii.t we come boldly fur- and easy mten^iurse with snilicicnt mar- waid and lell joii that onr |ilan is tm. slu- kcts ; and will lefund to us the tri'aite which |K>i d>>iis t'-r mdi\iilual ( iiterpri/.e, too gene- we have been paving to olher States, by rd in ils iitilitv to U> the peculi.ir concern draw mg to our iiiaikets the prinluce of st.mc I'f anv one ‘e-iion of the Slate, and prav of onr iieighbonng sisters. 'I’iie Conven- ihat ils pxcculion may l»e exclusively direc- lion believes ih.il, to the enlightened body “ The sum of •’i'l ,1 tiT,!)!!!*, at 1 |M'r cent, leil by the pan nial w isiloni of the Stale go- thev are addressing, it cannot be necessary set apart as a (.artial wcurity to the projKis- will vield an iiii-iiii.e >.f I'.',!*"'*, and olher vernnient, and the means furnished from its ti« show the vast advantages w Inch have ever id creditors of the State. This, by further eiiHiii Treii.iirv. The tirft question v\hich pro- redounded to a State from a pro()Cr s\stem [ reference to the report it will Im; seen, ia (er annum, sents rt'i'lf i«, is this demand reasi.nable ? of internal improvement, or the necessity coi.uexion with some ccrtain annual items. liecoine necessary, each member of this Convention doth hereby pledge his sacred honor. But it is ho|>ed and believed that it will not be necess;irv. 'I'he schedule an nexed to the report of the coannittee, shows, in addition to uncertain items and the Mwamp lands, an aggregate available fund of 1,067,. 000 dollars, which it is advised should bo '•'ilulnl (i.r meor|K>rntioii into nny gener- |'a;i this suni, it will be >.eni, coiinisIs ol Is it rii;lit and [.roper that the government which now exists tn North Carolina for it.s will yield, without infringing upon the prin- V''"» of Inleriml ImproveiiM'nt. Hut * lll-» is wInch have U'en l.ereti.loie si t apai i ’»^*t the wimtM, in port, of the [x-ople 'l j fot iho l.ile;ai v I’uiul. I5iil vour commit- ' ■ '''r||i,.ni roimlies, and thos> Iv ing l*e. j i,.,. thinks lh.it ihe gn at oljec! forwlmli ‘ llilil.ix, u|M.ii iIm^ Kminoko, they rw i|,is fund was ori^mallv i- i ;i;.;irt, will in ''iiiiiirnilfd n ei.ii.iiiMiHculion friiiii r.ilenlon , 111. mih«- sutler b\ ihe pri posed divcrsn.ii. rnil ro.nri, mierseeting with the l*oits- '|’|,i, fmul has Ihmmi f..r a number of ve.ir' Kail |{.ind to liNiiiok*-, or by ('anal ' nniised, nnd would prnl.ablv so re- •h ihr |»,.||.ul Swainji t unal. j umin for a nuiiilM-r ol siars to come, so fjr T. a''(.iinimoiliiii' ihe people on fa Stale should undertake the arcomplish- adoption. Her wa.sted fu ld.s, her deserted cipal, a sum more than sulHcient to defray ment of gn^at public works ? 'I'his certain- farms, her ruined towns, her departing sons, the annual interest uj)on Ihe first million l\ sounds much hke a selfevnleni prof.osi- ull reproach us with supine neglect. 'I’he borrowed. That million, f judiciously ex- lii>n, and It wenis dillicult to conceive how immense tax which Noith-Carolina no»v pended, would prubably, by the time the se- a ne";iii\e iin«wer slioiild ever bethought pa) s in the u nv of exirn nx(«Tiso in trails- eoi.d million should l)c Uirrwued, \ ield an i f. I’lit, >lran:^e iis it may seem, doubts (x.rtation of the fi uits of labor to market, ine.me which, ifnot suflicient of itselt’, would, have Jhtii e\pre-*ed upon the question. The und bringing Un k nece.ssaries in return, are w iih the sorj.lus *>f the annual produet of (rndeney of human nature is to run into ex- sullicient to palsy the arm of industry and , the original fund, pay the amount of inter- the ' MS the use li.r which it'is nouniiall) designed iremes,and in sudd in and (.recipilate rti«ht weigh ilown the spirit of enlerprize. My : est upon such second loan, and so on, Mies •ir anil .\, ,im river*«, they lecommehd llie ! w eonceri.ed ; and, if iis.-d imni.d.atelv . it from one error, a man often finds himself way of illustration, we will nieniion salt a- ; qjwtics, as the loan might l*e required. But “'''(f ^ ship ihai.ml, to'c, nnrrt the « a ' is ih.'Ught that m n.wi.v ci-uld it coii'trib- ihoi!glitle"-l> ru-liiiig into an opposite, but lon-. (>i'this indisiMiiMlile article, it is sta-I even if a less happy result .should take placc, 'f'^rnr inf.ri ilail^.ur wiih .\eiis«. river. Mit.'so I II; ctuallv awi’.ie an.l imme.hat.' not U ss lali.l one. 'I’ho extravagance of led that the couiitv of 11t'delU onsumes, on , and it siiould be necessary to make some ■"M'f"!-'-' C.iiiher, a communiealion bv -pre id of reulU usi fill ami substantial km.w. |,un-^all o.|ic governmei.ls was fomid to lie un anr.ual average,-lOOi* bu.sliels. The or- small encr.mhmcnt upon the principal of f'-n'l. riVF-r, or raiinl, or uiiv two of l-dt;e, us l.v increasing' the Irt. ililv of mler- afiuiUul parent of c.irrupliou, and, there- dinaiy cost ..f this ailicles, in the Kasterii tho orignml fund, it would take seven years ' ‘"'•'■r ull Luitnl, from some ix.miI on the ic.iirse U tween the diFli-ient s.-e!ion« of the f,.,e, , heapness was earlv sanctified in our markets, i- 10 to *>0 ceii's per bushel. It now nnd iieaiiy one half to exhaust the fund now ■** -f'! of ||„. •iViiness. e ' Slide, anil hriiving well mlurnied persons, htical hi.-lory i.s a nee.llul atlribute of a costs, wlu n it reaches the Iredell planter, on hand, in the pa\ ment of mtwrest, b> bor- nnd imoilier e. mmumeatioii ol the ' b. arii’i ' w ilh ih-1.? the arN and .si ic:u e>, ure one. T.ut the cv il principle romplam- I .'lO cents per bushel; niakin^r from IUU to ' row iug . no million nnmmlly, for five \ earf, '• I'Hi lfr,.,,, Home pumt on tho |{..anoke wiih aFl the improvemrnis ..f eivihz 'd lill^. ed of in ihoso governments was not ex(K'ii- 1 Id cents per l.ushels for Iraiisportatson. It nllhough noaetiml income should be drawn riimin.g Houihwaidly to the .S.nih to t!ie most inaccessible mountains and se- .1.lures in the improvement ol the country, is supposod that this, b> rad road, may be from any part of the works; and, m that line. IheM- two’Utter works, It ,pir,n n d v,dies of ill-'Stale. A part ol p.itii.n./..ng a^ricnlliire and fostering the rcduced lo‘J'> cents. Thus .show mg that, lime, if the n-oney was noi most stupidly iHiiW'il, «,11 iiiiij anxvvrr the pur|K.s«> Ilie fund wliuli it is |.: i'|.eMd tosrt apart r remaining (K.iiii.ii^ i.fihe .‘^i.ile . as a p.irliil 'ciiiilv to lin.se w!i.i may hi- «!' 'i"' ‘'oiiibinrd vull, it is hopid, eo.iie the creditors ol li.e ."si:!!.', it will..I-' t.if wiHiis of the SiNie lit larjjo, and U- >. eii, coii«i- s o| lands Ivmg in the west- ^ Iitl'l ,r\ pHil, ifiidllv fall mwilh, and ern part of the Stale, to which the Indian 'Y'p'>'! ' I, :ii,x internal eoiiimimicatirn lii'e li.i'ii' l ii- V' t In-eii e\im;;ui'lied. Ii ^ ' b; li'.rcaftcr th.ii;^ht ncci’S- i*;, Iheicfore, dcsnal Ic that tins ti;Ic siuulu ti> all rcj U ilican Ills, hut llie-.e mado i:i pensioning ihe mill- iqion the article of salt alone, an annual tax, expended, would not the gradual increase of I.HIS of power, in siistammg an indolent and for want of cr^nvenient transportation, is le- ilie value of prn|>erty along the lines aflord •iiirse.proud ari'locracv, m the xiniritrc sn- vied upon one county of ilellnrs. Sii|>- a capital for taxation sullicient to dis» harge i u I. S I.f useless olViceis, and in cruel and pose, upon a moderate calcnialion. licit thiTO the jU-ht ? ’I’hat increase on the route of the eiiK.inal w aste in nn'|oce>sary waifare. The are :I0 other portions of the State in a lik.- New York canal, is saul to l«' *lHt,0IH»,000. t 'i.mnionweallli is a term sli ietl\ npplieiihle situation ; and we shew, b\ a simple process ami on Ihe S.ailli Carolina rail road, a sum ’.a!.' ', and is strongly sig- of arilhincti«', cxclusixe >^f wiiat i o-tid l.y s'll'iicient to defrny I'v 'a hole eost ot its coti*

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