fllM'ERS’ k FARJHEttS’ JOU]|NAIi ^•KIATW» AM> rVBLlHHED EVERY NATLUIiAY, MV THOMA8 J. IlOI/rON..^;nAUIX)l'Tl^; MLClirENIIT/RG COUNTY, NORTH-CAROLINA. . WU. TEACH you TO r.nuc, the M01V»UI or TH» «AKT.. 4N.. BR.no out r>0>. T... C*Vr.>N, T„. ^O. NTA.NB, MtTALH~V.-,„C^'W,U. «.V« H1-K«N.TH n«,.UR ,.»K AN.. Pi,K*..;KK.-„R. "VOL# IV* SATl HI>AV, 3t8, 18:{1, NO. 179, Downing: I'orrevpoudciK'c. From the New York Dnily A«lverliiirr. W Asm>0T0N l(5ih, Jan. 1>"34. I was pind tlif (j.iiKrul was miorin, for 1 j IibcI botli over five years; and if ihey ex- don’t like to let people sec me when my | pected it warut a ^un to cost nothin, they iitenm is ii|*; Imt if I don’t do soiiiethin, I i watt niiMakcn. And that, aint all, llier'o THE I Extract «t n letter fiom a highly res- ■illfl**' A Flll*lllcrB tloiimnl ^ctuhle cenilemnii of the city ol' New w„,Uil »>‘d u every SuturU^y .m.ri.W.^ , ^,^,^80- •hU Ftfly Ctut$ It not |Aid imi.l | A«lverli;«*r and N|‘w ' "fk Adv*>cate, remeVXri 'iTll.'il'von ^ K'ipj)os* I should hh.w tip ji»t like h sleam-1 was that pli.gy » surplut m'ony” busiw liiethroe itHH.tliii; 2Arf|dati-d 7, lWi4, 7 o clock ; *. i J l»"nl on tiie Mnssissippy—iind so I cut mv i cvry htxly Haid a spell aEO ifsomeihin w n^,i it ih«- end of thi- ytar. No |«i(K-r will i iq ii|t> evening : V, ai^coolinued until all »rrc*r«ue. aic p;iid. . .. ,, , , . option of th« Ed lloi. • " ' .naKTlt^EMEN'I’S will be in.cr.ed .t / ,//y i 7'’ «/ ''''verH«t pef *'iU«re (no* exrording i!0 linm,) lor | *h*** 1 rw4ideiit iw |ir»i infcrtion, and ti5 c«-ni» for eiirti mic. liui.k ot Fhiludelpliia mbiil-u »ni uuitcini , . /> m i ' Jacknon laHl eveuinfj, and «uid, “ if ijuthiiig ' n »mra » h, jnu j>n«. tm f„.j arid dlei t lik** a toii till brfakfawt time. | thi ii iil«>ut nothin. I remember how I a twixt Miiiidtoa pliiin Hii»ht, and lit him mm ' _ ' . .. , , i.,.., ,, ' * u i.«n the Ciineral I t'jil d tlie lolktt in my message a spell ago, — w II sitjs he, i ihat the safeM place for the I'lirplus mouy •(■"uurs ?! was in tlie pockets of the people ; and 1 be« ^ split up 1 lifive that nay \n alon« broui>ht uver Hioro be deviM'U tor the releif o| tin- liaiikn, he .li.iCrritl .T*” , '''"’*1 «niifto Ihsl h month n. n l>!.r;>ii>. | than one State to our side : and if our peoplo dmIi—or >1 for three vK-«-k«, for on« -yire. A lilM-ral ditcount will bo ii>at' to tlir«e wlwrti**- by llw ^nrtiil» coiaii.untcale. (Otibriof ioaerlion* niu«t ti 111* in«iiu«cnt>t, or t isul mrbid, and chargrd accordingly. ((II corii.i.unicaltoni to the I'^itur inutl rome ’^yr, pMlagf, ot they may iio( (k- atlrnilru lo. oontwiHteinad. iotlK*e i, dono for the reluf of the country, all th.- .'jl' V'r /.i ^*>^0 the G i«*d*^(bf Mubhcatior* Vl!r ••"ift sKxm stop v|iec.e puMiieut.”; , ” ^ i”**, *he al)in.t room—w II wi led tor (luitiication, ii»e i / , jV' j . n 1 "Ut a lilt of “ (#/«n/ aUiiit em. W rll, «, • • . c . .. • ,.u..beno..d n.,h.m... Unj excellency rophed, umi «/_ri had pot ,n the fi-M^h hem ,dai.y nro or thfv imIHk; contiiitM'd and ou iiKiiiirui:: turther il unv llun^ c«iuld «i • .t ^ .1 1« Cmi^ral, I dm, and en ,«t 1^ „ie releif ol tlie lia.Vk^, he r.Mft’ 7", l* ' "!T'‘ l.s. u. a month ... n 1 m., , , . I ,, , did nt like lh»-look on em a bit (It the time,' . j i . . n i .1 /. 1 1 T . • died, “ I Mill never i>uller the hunk to be . , 1 1 j 1 And I i»*st tell d the Cfii’.eriil a eet e about ffit but as ever\ l>olv i»a.d monv wa« I'Uiijv , , , »- i /. . v iirtered i*hile I have i»ower lo bievi nt it, • , • ,, ' , . , H l‘> im-pare him—?sow, fin\s 1, (j1u1r.1l, 11‘ , , ,1 . , ' ^ , scurce evtr\ where, the (unerallhoiiylit it i„, . 1 . 1 III the e.xp«.-riiiK-nl ot specie pay iiient hast . 1 ■ , r j . .. let me have \oursi«‘Cs, '•a\« I, a miiiit— 'Hl - ^ wBsnatnnil and tohiid It prelly ►cnice in , I ,i.. f>ltyin^ Ptguhd I‘uppif.—'l'\,v l. lilor llw .N' * ^ »rk ’rmveller, &•. \c. Ac. IVH II U» to explniii thi; iiieunitiji> d the .',ir)ed phrase, “pla^in^ piy and |iup otiich, a few days aiitce, wy upplpd tV poli>. al coiir>w (if a eontf iiiporary “dii«n east.” As we art? alwavs i»d to ftrutify the cur.nsity ot our jd*, an«l •«}j^( ially when we have the means of excilny it, we have -M.el over «Hjr c>llerti»n of old pn>^ awcilote-*, for the pnr|x:w of amrer. the origin of the rant phraiio, winch lepl t'hiirte until lieen inaue.' • W’e hHve understood, that the Cashier and not (he I’leaiiieut of tlut Liank hud been lu aahin^tun. prcllj I the I'oNt Oflioe too. Now, sajs I, (Jitirnl, ’ my notion is that we li^^t let Mitjor IJarry ' t ll hii own Hlory ah/iut it ; for an lie h»n |d'«neno inurii in reffiriinii;; things, and we have gut itiivv a pretty t»orfl niiijorily in I (,’on;reM4, he may yit out of t!i“ wra|K*. he rMlowmg was |*enned by a venerab e vi 11 .. ’ 1.1 1..1 . i . « irst, sa\s I, theie is the printm accounts ! I'x) Hiat tno eorn all tielonped lo the pi . . . . . >» ell tiie (iineral thou;.hl that was about , ’ /. r .1 n . /wi- 1 i.i . . . .1 r .1 . tleioau, one ol the “ a»t u the co ked ,1 _ . 1 », 11 »'“> stationary of the Post Otiico, when that rot inKt ti.e pen ufore the gate m „ , , , ,1. *he tiO't >»av, and >Aiiiior Uurrv loHfie his ’ . 1 , n . m ■ .u 11 L on reudiiii'the kttera Irom V> abliiiitf • . 1 n 1 i 11 • >lr. Adams was I’resident: and here is the 1 ►‘hut. hut .Major, says the O literal, la .uthe C...m.e,cial of last evening account «mre we’ve been m-here is the a little puz/led yet to know what account The following was |»enned by a venerable genth hats ton lu tt.e Comiiieiciai ot last evenin;/;— 1 „ u . *• j o cute story atx ut his havin tounn an error sTol, AMI HE D —U . , lints, that had b» en Kecent con^erMl.ons and nub icatiotiH . 1 i j / 1 \i ■ . , ' . overlooked ever since (iiiwnil ♦Na-.liin';. Ijive line to recoilectlol.s •! the dlHpot*iliun , „ 11^ ..Ilf n . in.o itK.. J 1 I. . lonotiiiie. 1 U‘gai) to think fi>r a siiell a'.wi unuil^^Q lo s iHBfl Hlii» If HUH A aiitft oi kiifii—-iur hriit i rt:ai(ji!iit ’ • i i aoii>eiiin«a aootl^^r lu uiat- . • * I. ’ ' res it 11 Congress, ub‘Ut as much ,hm^_and •on,eliin«-_RDott.cr mat j-U^.-rge _ U a^hln;;ton-^»ho was_ Uuly „ ,1,^ j..^, 1. i.t...- »i:..... A-,. I ... I* . as ino iiiero tiuu itei-n a fire 11. ttie J'.nt . »,r.r Ih- .* In .1#^! ! r Si . ^ 8'mc Ot the III V b. n^tors li:iV« . 10 re.iK-inUr the par««i In defhl, him often. II- «asthe patternol a p. rlert . the mony, it’s all right, aint it, Mujor? es, says 1 ; on\ some lolks, 1 8ii[ipose, ill set a squeeiiii jest like the pigs »*htn and 1 to(.k ’em to the window, and gave ! they come in a leetle too late for their corn; (he screws a twist, and tried ’em, and j and say, although they don’t belon;: to our eet in e\ *r\ thing lo«jk’d natural, 1 handed ! part}, thej’ve got jeM as ^ond a right to a em to thf tiineral, and then he and I took J share as we have. Well, Says the (imeral, the slate, and went over the fi^erM both on Inhere they are mistaken; for Gorernor IIS staiidin;; up by the table s i.e by sidf. i Mass) said (and that made him Governor First, sajs I, theie is the printin accounts ! l'> ) that the corn all belonged lo the pigs as am puzzled yet to know what account lo ani'Mjnt of ciujtr-icts for one spell, and there I charg that Post Otiico debt to—if we can IS the amount tir another—liere is the jnn\ yit that right, and saveBarrj,! shall ini!nls*r of ofticei'i and «-larks fur ne Hfiell, I slc‘*p sound to-night yet. Well, says 1, and tli**re is the nuiiiher tor another—and | Gmcral, there is ony one account that will here is the rust of wages and isallnrys of 1 stand that charge, and a good many uioro the Tost l)!lje when Mr. Atiams was | too, for as we go a long, and Congress gits to Presid**nf: and here is the cost Hince our jsiftin things, I sup[H)se they’ll find out some* time—phiyey deal of d.ll!*rence Ginerai, | thin more. lo the first place, says I,tlat s«j8 l.airit It? TheGineral he didn’t sa) j fire in the Treasury last Spring did a good unrrtirut, I... II. I 1.1. I.^ 1 » 11„ L' . f..lk^ shall Isirrow money v.ithout ron^-iit Jl.. i^^li! and correct-at the same ,.f (and whK h. uj.Mi ti..-hull is a n . til T r 1 "'‘r’f “">• ‘•’'prt-s'"*' prettv rate law, for foogre-s culd'nt tell ‘ ' L V ^ A , ' ■“ ' -‘herw.M- how ti.e moncv was g. in.) I am, t«i>k out the pig and put in a pup 1.. 1.. 1. f- / 1 to make things Mjuare there, to say nothin 'have got good noses, then w’ell fetch up on of the •■mn Major I'urry says the Post Ot- | the ony account 1 know of, and that account fice h.ir* overdrawn from tlie ii.iiiks—and , «s I said atore will stand a good many as he dent know what tlie amount is, I doiit : charges yet. Well, what is that account. ’■ I c\ or ol gentl^iimrily r(-li!ieiii'>iit. n-ll him he dil isrt thank him tor tbc ,«.«tiKo. Cuiri*e, al^triied ut the mmI- trjUHniit;rntion of « vali«be pig iiitu ■ ty, at.iM ■) tvH-k III lia»tc to nmke hn> •leracqii.itnn d with thedsii>ni«hing tiiri, *Mpfi«’i''d to Klnp at llie luinie tiiiuae and diwn the 1 to l«-nih ii;c iMime little knowli-dg'' of th- world. U iih this vn-w, I one day a-k«tl me, “ W hen ih a man rich eii'*U2hI r(*lid, When he h is a tlM'iiMind (M'und-*.'* He wid, *• .\n.’’ “ |Vo , thoiiHaiid “ No.” “ Ten tli>'Usnnrl ?” k.-t in t»>e «„.« pUe. .. ih..„H«od!’ “No.” rn,. Ih. .„neheu.HrHat.ogthe.tr-l.g. , ^ V ^^idi I thuoght wi*u'il wttle the t>U'm>-s;—btit he atill con- No.” 1 gave It up and W hen the (iiiieral come ri iiicmlier he ^ S^'iiate was arter, sjtvs he. Major, will .. . r;il he Ick’d at me; and I lr>ok’d m j now, s:,\«. I, [,ut alhhat together, and |f that * * him ; and then we bith looked at the »late I'nake a sum of debt due you, says I,that r,i„ i» (»(r Ji .k asm. Hiine-bv the (Jineral he opened ' “'H balance a gool many accounts. I’m mis- them accounts ol the l*ost 0|f«:e stand the r . . r . .... . ^ c/rharu^. f.'/ory and lie. racket, or not ^ W h\, m.vs 1, Gin* ral, its hard ti-ll.n ; but as nigh as | can calklate. the valve, and let ofi’the stej w hizAiii \«'U never lie.-ird m vonr ls>rn dav*. ' form, say? !,debtor to the Gineral—J hat 3 .t.iiice to hi* frieiKi* the way to k ' '*>• pii p\ and replaced the pi,; m the ,,, k ', iitT^ weM home and t>M hm nma- | ciMif* wwtl t.ar.1 ... t.n ; l.,i as n.gl, as , can calklate. enuf, says the tiim-ral, and that was the ..ysl, I ^uess Uiey t in the way Con- ^ j * eend of the Post Oflice acccounts. gress ..„les a.n.smts- hings |.«.k p a-. ^ IVomyour fnend, rro»k^i, 1 ; and tiu* w cr» I is, , . ^ , , ,, , u i i Afninp , A . , J r . |ji« liickorv ni.d tlirastj u nuind a sim II \Mtli I _ • !. I; *i one wa\, and tl»«*n agin aimthor wav. th it h::t ilnln’t do nogood. Sisavs i.i.i ill#. I,.,'begged he | uiu aleard now they woi.t stand twistiii mu I nil a Mii'i V M* * 'V ' wouhl intorm me. lie gravel) >mid, j,„y „„,re. The onv way sa\s I, is to I i ,, i 1 ^ him. ,^pp>. I „ iioister ms.Med . |,„|e more than he has. straiten em, and thafs nil j can d-. alx-ii ^^'othmg else says I. but t.. take m> a.xe ! Ml I nn ^ V “"'*‘“'*i«ndlhat I* nevar. If he acquires one thou- I’.nt, sav s I, if tin \ I.-, ak lo bits r*tT.»* **' ’ V'’*’' Ilie wishes to have two thisi^jiid, mraiteinn ou cm, I can't h* Ip it.—We « utJi-e wa« completely ci»nl.Hio«i«>*l. ,1..... .i,r.. m'i. l_ m ^ i .. 1 • : Donnin^v.lle .Militia, «d Brigade. MOKi: CIVIL war. Verily we knew this to be the age of ci* -iH«i tif ttfofge i win d, K»«|. who b.tppv to «.-iv I have disr,.\ered tin- re«- >'f.mnntte,l |„r i„„l uinkr the l-lluw. I f„|| ^,,isfa, tn.n to .ur-oin-tauies. {she stop,KHl i„ r coach ! of„.an, can onlv be fMund 111 p--.. ■ mthe .hop of . verv n-pe'-l.ible I „ii i„, ,„n,.,te p,.r|er- d’( iirtments pot to^etiier. Well, sa\s I, (iinerul, I'll trv it savs I ; and so the (im- • rul w lit to U-J ; and I got my slate, and I aot all the post Chliie iiecounts I'ir.in the it liionlv the Creator,not thecria- iin,e .M'l.enn le.l the utfice and Ma .»i aj’ -aai »• vi»i» x m>x« .>••• t 11 1 1 ,, . . I. . I, . .1 sot down and talked over tue iiiHtter. jor Harrv came into It. It tinik me a goo«i '••'lan in Picradillv, and re^JU^»t•fd to .ilks ami satms. In.e., vVr. , ,u,e,'that cau ^*tl^.fv• • '■•loctmg a qiiaiititv, worth alfiut I .l,„o| R,r^f fr,^n f.lln».nc |„ I,,,,. ,u,.|,„ M„j„r l);,„y » iul piv It—not liMvmg bnnight htr : uns d te w.is rommm.ic:ited lor the Sah ' ■ and do as I did last ni::ht—there is a good 1 vil commotion, but who would have thtujght (leal of hick'iry wants splittiii in thewooil- jthat the fair sex should have caught the house yet. And with that 1 handed the ,-pint / liut so it is, the ladies of New Haven, have formed ttiemselves into a so- jsolviiig neither lo marry or hold comniunion whatever with any gentle- idulges in the use of Tobacco, the bachelors of the aforesaid lately assembled, and {wssf-i* a spirited resolutions, all inoppesj- P‘ skily aleaiM the boiUr would burst arter i tion to those of the antitobacconists.— The all. .\nl so 1 went to work piiltiii out the 'amount of these Resolutions is that they fire ; and the ony way was to gel the sf)ccs, S will “ go to the death" for their tobacco, and screw ’em hack to “ Glory” agin ; aiio | and that they forthwith cut short all tel- as soon as I did that, we oot our pipes, and 1 lowship with the above s»x;iety ; and nny spell to git em all strung out in regular. Now snys 1, Gmeral, though this is Imclielor breaking these resolutions, is to lie .wioArri for one hour, and pelted with qx.ids, twenlv minutes. All these Resolutions to remain in for''P, until the\ lay down their arms and sue for s.tved them- ladios has anti’s lor tobacco pay jiosta^e ; She de«crib-d ! '^'1) bo was a Si.iMlav Scholar, s:iid to him. •n tt state of lunacy. * ‘''ni'toniK, Dialing i..,k i„ M'tU; and TT’ri/rr.—A good anecciote i9 It made tlvin hanks the f-'ltl'iuullv i:ii' sMiiidU hiir;:e • '>ij mini: tli: ■III coiitiiied. *h.. nlil Is- Ht lurjjc. rnis agreed I'tili* '■l''rk was iishvreil m- ’’|‘nriit)f(,| ,,| (|„, |)h\itn'inn, where 1 ‘'^'^"'''""■dnearK two 'dnvs as a 1mm- ^ I ^'"1 It w I, not until the' M. I), h id li. I'l" *'”’** ihe Kiip^Keu'd residence of "'.tliiit he would lni;d th« exclama- ••I the • priMiiter. lam not n g'MKl «»ld man.” Then,fatln-r, voii are twn e n4 Imd as Kli was, if yon are not giMMi yoursell', and lead your children into w ickednesB.”’ /)rn*r Population.—I nder this head a New V ' ik |'»|H'r latpiv mentioned the case ofovei lOtl jieople ill that city m one hoii..e W'e have since noticed, in a I.onlon I{ It was most d.iyli.'ht afore 1 got through, evrv thini;, and piittm it m .itlu r banks, and I tini'hed olf with the sums Major Bar- our folks can siju ii-eofi a goinl many nc- rv sa\s he has U>en borrow in, and h fl a counts, and Congress wont know m.thiii - 1 pretty spry silorei to r-coimts with so many new- had fiiiislied, she clasficd h»T hands and e\- claimcd, “Oh! the wonderful cratur, «ute was ever justice sarved out more equally — not a farthing more has gone bv water than came by water—sure wasn’t it b\ iho blank to put in the ainoimt he says the Post on’t for it will take a Otlice has overdrawn the Banks where the fi.jer out all th(> aero (HMai:'s are k' pt—for as he don't know deport Banksfor we’ve «ot ’em now j s»>lling of milk that I got them, and waso t w'l what that amount is, 1 can't tell mys**lf pretty well mixed up with what the Fn'a ^ that same half water ? Oh ! the wonderful tl„,’ I suppi*se I could, upon a pinch, snry calls “ roH/i/ip aud “cratur, oh!” make nigh uiMMi as good a at It as he f>T rhrt k.i," and “ 7'riM,ri/ inirnints could, or nny one els*>. But I thought I and Zekel Bigeh.w says he could m three A memorial in favor of restoring t.he ds- wouldn’t guess at nothin. 1 never guess days, with the power the government has [XKSites has been sent to Congress Iroui when I gel hold of my slati—I sifer on got now, inimui/and rm/M/'-r and cori/iH : Phiimielphia,sijfiied by 10,‘,'59 fiersons. one side and then chalk down the sum onlrin/ away, l>etween so nuiny |MK-kets, nigh | .\ memorial signed by iO(>U merchants , r. ' I . 'r; . . ' 'I''" l“'"‘ I'H' l»'d^, which wer. ' U-^ars and other ^ Icliaraeters of lik-calihre—in addition ' u// tHiiJx jor miIl ul i.'iit OJ/ire., the daily and regular occupation.