AT AtCTIO:^. 1!^ rm Tr •ad Fhm thi: Fayt Uetillf Obscrrvf\ I whole of his su^nptron* «f any part there* I WILL *611 «t Public Attcttm, tm | Bank qf Cape /'txtr.—We have procuroil, j of, before the tiiiiB limited for the piij rortit, .Satorday, tke'^d «f Mareh j thruuf^h the *tt(?iitifm of friends who werw | and each omi every subscriber bo on • otWiiof 6« Vi, uuJ 18 nionliu,, present the late im^eting wf tslockhftldcrs ^ in mlvance, sImjII have a discount ut ine ^ i«f thii Inslitulioii, the followiinj accuutil ol j rote of six pcrccnt. per annum, computing' the proceedings of that bodyt iioHfte ahd JLol, the same from the lune when the |tayinciil Pf^ •tfeetj»d)oining Mrt. Unr« T. Polk’» i niet-tinc wh9 orOTnisud at Ihe Bank- i* M'aJ**. “* required to IT J ^'i* »* 1^' jing House in NV ilniinfjton, on Monday the j he made. , , i- ,• Hm*ehold and kUckn Furniture I apj'i^^Hin.ciil of Charirs! l'l*ere were l«il I wo dissentin? votes up- I P. .Mallett, Esq. of this plate, Chairman, | adoption of the first resulution. And and i>r. Thomas II. U rivhl, of NVilaiing.; we d.. not leain tliat thye was any opposi- :„.n S^rr^i«rv. | ti„n to tlic Others. Tiie whol« prtK^^cedtf which ii nearly all new. All iny Farminj^ t teiiMK 3 lloi>e«i, ^Va^ffun and Vrar, Oiir >!(cart an«l Oien> 1 .^ilch Cow and Call’, I ion, becretarv- ,, 3,f*5a Sliai«3 of Stock were represented were chan.ctrri?cd by urnt unaminity. i —the State Stock being repicsciitcd by Dr.} Applicuiions having been made from I.a- and .andry othar artielw too tedious to mpntion. ; Frederick J. flill. ' I “•“> e^tahlitthmeot at lb' Ir^n ign ihleUiM^encr* LATKST FR(>M ENGLAND. Nkw York, Fob. ‘*'3-1 P. M. Bv the packa shio .New York, Captain lloxie, whicii left Liveri>ocl »n the 8lh January, we have received pa|)er» of that Trcm the National J^elligenc^ Tho Ofl’icial paper ofye$t#rday pu*Wi,L ei the following, and two other simiUr let’ ter*, which are said to hava been addrw, ed to the Preaidoni and a meinber of hi* family, as •• apecimeDs of the rownstj, i.iaco to the 7th, and Loiidon papera to tho aro resorted to by the friends of the inclusive. The New York was the I to forco a restoration of the Deposite*." '1 he John Jay, packet Asuatw Jac«on, Prraident of th* V t«d 8tAle> of Amtrici t olh, incliisi fwckct of the 1st of liic 8th, came *Hit in company. 'I’he papers contam little lutelligence of interest. • J.o.vnoN, Jnn. 4th, evening.—The ex- I am very awry to inform jroa that If th. d. poBitet are nol replaced, abd ihe Ikoic ef the I will at Ihe Muna time rent a field on sharia «i ' of the first measures was the anpcitit-; of llraiH-hcs, a Committee was raised upon >IA r%n«i hall* I _ 1 • ted States is nol re-chartered, by the 4lhof M, k .i,;;no„. .lueh r,»>»,U-d m-.U sV, Market, consequent upon the I^wn made i r«.chart«r the s^.d E bv the IJuiik, lm» id some degree eubcided,, it yc, d» not, the United States will lo»e .Secretary I’residcnt and Directors of the piincipal 1 our liuutbk servant. inakini; the examinatiou, the Committer, Mr. Lamb whs lo hit NOTICE. for ‘ •>*^l>“rtmtnt N Monday, the I7tii of March next, st the through Dr. Shuuiau, uiaiie the folloviing Hank, nnoer!* it unnecessarj A bKNofRAT. U to lue Conrt-House in Charlottr, 1 will Report : bidder, a Vsry likely .YEGHO .tl.f.V. y««u)^ and of fcod character, bt’longui|f lo the es- laic of Robrrt Davis, dec'd. 'I'arnis made knowu oil Ihc day of aale by D. R. DUNLAP. Adm'r. Frh'y. 2S, lSa4. 3w N. B. All those who have deminds artinst the to exhibit tho following a* the results estatear«reMuiredto prc*.Btilicui, asthalaw re. oftheir invehtigaticn. The total debt due , t’i. ti i ' lueelmi; *»t rarlmii.cui on me im oi iir»i to»o, «h« in« have Uieir ;>*/. at ^hilev« i ,;uirc9: and Uioae who are mdeUed to ll.c same ; (e.xclu*ive of its Capital Ss 1U6,. Dary f rfWa wi ( nrc/jna.—The Ha - i ^ ^ ,^^,1, ^r proBrietv wo TIL •fboUi and Secretarv, the meeting adjounietl on circular trom tue i nnocei or o. u- . upon Mie fresidont, to e«aa,«r»ie h.u,; „ enter into the details ol tins stiilement, and ® rhejuer * ill be iv.ued from I)owoiis otreet « |,ether they are the work of nji*:hie*«a I alHUii the loth or 13th. it will notify llie Hujjs.^bUeh a» luay be found lo evrr) Ursg ' lueetmg *»f Parlinu.cut on the 4th «l nejt to»o, Vhu inll have theirJf*/,«t «>h«tevei riy” attfiivlance of e,p«.„He of truth « iuf>ortanco •• must uj^Jertake to aay. dcnce erty, Tiz ■ . the annexed exhibit shuus, alter deducting 'I’he Km^ of .Naples and the Pope of/Prcnrk day of March. if)ou do wrv I Siarifinff Furt.—In the coonr Hctrae*, H0V9t Oiie Good Road Waggon, Famine I'itnals cf all hinds, One i'otUm Gin and S-refc. The Gin has a new .Metal t'oj Wheel. —At-«>— One Threshing Machine and Mi tal Horse-tnilL There will, at the same time and phce, be hired, all its other dr bis, 1.031, to r«-iuiid the «kin uiiincdiafcly air.** the abdoimti. K,p,uu*a. were rrpulvd with j;rrat slaUgh- '• tintil the 1st oi Jiauary next, a nainbtr of likely Stockholder*, ai^d au actual surplus of 87,-* Findm; a kr.ilc wa* o^^d, Mr. If. dr*^ atid ler (,y l.W>i) Carli>ts at liueruica,(lUsta) ^ NKGROKj*. ! opened his own ; upni whii h b'lth wftit to under Xa^aia. Two b'lndre*! of tiio lto\«l Sale to continue from day t* day antil all are - *' ... •old. Terms made JA.S N JAs. TeVy. 25, 1S31. .\ll p'rtMfu mdchted to (aid eu to come forward and inait having doniaodi apainst the to present the;r accountj witiiiD tle mue pre^cri. great propriety have »>iie), i , i- »• ii i . . , . i '■ -i i . t ..r brd bylaw. I e>t now due upon notes bot m regLiUrre- •« pieces, ihe rl..j|i»“s o .Mr. II. were w,th the ujrless jnjruiit ©I ervmnM>, who (laint. I liat.aa wm inlw»u.e1, letrtt. uewal but secure. j oearlv cut olf, aivi notLin^ b*it his cool and ' coiiatantly fluoe ihfjn in trout, ai*d form lyai>«w conincl l^>r tb« em-tianof »wi- 'deliberate re»olutii«n, he b» ing a hnrR».* iht-m in the rear, cuttin,/ olf diti{{s had been fco'le for th* •p?r«acl»r.j | ^.'ig.lia «K«n of weak stature, saved him frcin the supplier aud strt»j;glera. Zca’s vusoii, aiH) Utu Urj{e cI«m *>f wir ai,"«0 knife of the assassin.—[/£«/. iV'ar. i uup ; iiUrity w..» iiicrvasing, and it was niiHil ho deprivej **i labor scd aipjcrt « ! th'.u^ht t!,o t^ueen wmild atiare il udIcmi lluti cily.” Phrniolopy VlhUfrnttJ.—-A foreigntailed oi tuo co«»titutioi.aliHt» for aid. Tlio remark will apply slw lo Phili^l- al rp|.ite« that amon;; a lar;^c S'«« iiibla^e ■ \|{,rvuo, the Lut her vJ" I irrijus lloyd, phia. Ii it ih.I time lor •»ir bruU»)^[ /wn W^hf da? of «le I In the abov-rs‘imafe, the dr.i;btrul debt «ork in the dark, and ctit a;id thruvt at (Juard were siain j ti.* line bud-0 killed, some remarks mode id Ihe House 4 Rt- V.S, NtKLY, \ AdmtMt. *f.^4,«>rj, h»s not lie«u classed as bad, be- each irfher furiously. For some time the und liu wounded, and the reioaanler were prr-jtentaiive*, a tew da\s since, kv .Mi. is. W. s«'I’U.\TT, (j trotof#. cause \ our C’oiiiinitice bc‘lie\H that a por- issue of the cont**-! was»xtremel} dHiLlful; Frtsti insuricctiocs were sUrl- Sru>i:>, of .New \erk, lie said : “ ll« »• \OTICF. [■ of my rcaidinjj II personi indtbted to me for WASHISG J X :ron«eroenct of my rcaidinjj out of the .^tats. (Japilai }>;xii due .Stockholders, I>.bt, Ssecif snd Sp' rl(? Nfit«i in circalauuo, less 611,000 i'*t, m the coonty of Mecklenbare. are r*f9ectfiji!y solicited to maiie payment to Pear*- i ail Tlioiup#on, Ljkj. who is auUiuriztd to cvUi-ct ,^ and ijiTe rcccipti. • .Mi pe.'nons that do not piy M- tention RlU^t txpjct to find thcrs accounts in ths haniia of an oliictr tor colleciioo, on or beiore the fir>t day of .Vlay u«it, &£ im loiigrj tnduljencc wjt be JiTtn. _ . ID i'i>rr'5ii Itank^, R. N. ROBBINS. ' l)-,e Bank* iii .North I arulina, rf,arloftt, Feb. 35, 1^31. 3w , Nolt> ut'other Hdnkn imi h.ind, N. R. The copartncrehip of Robbins, Hu;;hcsSc. K«-al Kftaie, ai i’ial pnwi.f »a!ur, Co. ic the mariufir-tory of W'iMnug .Machines for IXbt, inrludirijjf H im ol twenty fiv« counties in this Slate, is difcsolved by j ' liiutual coaserit All person* iniltbled are rck- petliully caJied ooori to make psyment. liOBBLNs, IIL’GHLS A. CO. F. b.-20, 1^01. ' el-',Oia, lea. Ud, Miaiii, 2,JO' 4 't-,-00 I.O''i.i of per'^oc.'i who were in\i*'d to dmr at the Htid iltfir "H unhapp) compel.lon^, had tiou»e.'arfiiters, plasterers, »V*; to'''■‘•It lolTi:* ct'iel hotfl at ^ sU-nce, wai «n eii.iiient ».(,trri d .\am Iroui I'urtUL'sI al A vainonto, ol'the rum that await* theiii, if Saj'cO pb\sician of I.,yons who had «l'vcti d miK h ' »nj, a cuO-Hi.leri-b'M lor*«-, *i»d tied leeti Jackson persist* lo hi* ®ad i»esmre«. '■>*w time lo the study r«f the |i*^ aitar dortrine«» b> 1,UU0 %cu«;» ti»eu *>f ilie rountry. 1‘kii.lf nf t rail and S|Hii/hi'‘m. lie wa* alMi k**'! : 'I Ikj Cunilo Nh rii»> and llte Ki«hop itf »— up»n Ihe suhj**ct of his favfxinle hohbj [^,7i had i>*4.'a(M.d lulo Portujal. and ibc Skocltnj' Arridrnt.— ^lf. CIn>»o* C. which he deffcd^d with D.tJch 8>4l huni»>r. I ( artists ha\e il* Mro)ed a small [deamjre (\C„s« n. «*P^*’»''** ChymiM. who 5ai » rvvfml [ler^iur refjueso-d iheDtxIor, at (urui or country house of the ljueen Undent, laboratory at No. 31 llatiidtoo “ the cl*se of the d'.-S'^rt, to pronounce his o-I .V) ij.ile* «>f llie crtpital. 'I bv .Mad- d„j|i on Saturday in Ibefoti**! pmion i>n their tacullifi and rjiiahti* atMnio, J nd ^iovt rntuenl had received .fficial inielli. Hmnner. It af»f>rars be »m«- proce*Mi ll%htern Rait~Mio4ut iAm\ 1^1 Frnm Suh m, .V, ('. to IHakehj, md of the . || Feurnhurg ficil.n^d, and to Svffdk surplus exist.s. And j.^jr Com.nitfee l^-' ,7; f^o.n theor«an.rutio„of h.s.k..ll.’; Thc law'i'roViJ.iv’ior tt.e d.-licrm y m Ihe „ eon.inoo, .ad .« ^ t^l 0/the FortMmuuth atui yorfoik hail lu \e3thDl the prf s»-iit prot^i-rcl* «-f the D.^lor ma.l« oo reply, but aj |«ared ^ I r,.n.urv was adopted unjoimouslv. The believed that in thus haateoing th* considerably agitated. tion made to a pr..^ . of a' law |«r ,TJ, 'ceLlnVol^eurrcd. At sb-ol -« - Line will pnss thrmfh Greensboi iiiii Kov}. Timt—from fcalem to feutfcik, thret Caroltna, at the session of I'3:)-4,” le, and iis»;(iin dar«—..OJj mi!«s. lunation I of'Jtitri iH'ceniU'r, »|»e.ik ol IhecoiHmucd |,|« eves were driven back mlo 1"* Ihe wame is hereby accepted:—and lliui wa^* imm»'diale!y rat«cd in thj room. I he J emlmrra^-iuen** of the I’orte, , bwi- arms was blown . iF I'''" ‘1*1 iT| Ul froii th^ P^tith Sootn V^ iff* gree-blytothe to r.*chHrt.-r the Hank mforiuHl.on that an m.livid. ! ,j.t,.ch the I'r.rt. from Ku^ia, or^cvaa . w»le ainl three children, m ual corx erned in a roLI^ry ot plal-, whi« h ; „^aken Ihe mllu. n:e of Him laller Power circumslaix es, to ciwhle 'j*' ••VIS nft-ctfd la-^t night »n a nen>hboriii)^ , j,t ('onslaiilinttplr, would t*e vain.” Iiitelh- turn to iSeir native countrv, 11 town has be-n dinin« in this ordinary.’ | ,,.,^,t„i tut!.,, :iuih PnijTRiMs m lUoadway, )e-l'r>!"y 'Y^A Atldotic ciiiea one day lu advutce of any other Line. Tiiis il now in full op'-ration, and the Pro- fvrietor pledpea liimfell'to unt rt> ry itrtioii to r*-nd. r halixfailioo, ai>d Hiak* this Line acctpta- We to tn; I’ublic. 'I'hc (V,«cl.e» and Teams arc of Uie best—dn- Ters ac' OfiirinxJatif f ani attrr,ti»r. 1 ' Ail ai.d pi.r(.cia ut tiie ri»k of the owners. l-'arc fr-jni S«I»m tfl f;iak1y, fll >) Uo. do. do. lo SuirIti UO JAMM W JLITR^V.n, ironie. N C Jan 1. t^'J of Cape Tear, \m opened as s'joti as practi cable. >Vhereas,the FtookholJirs have at t!ii« meetinfTt resjlved to Oj)en l! >*.Is ol tmb- scnption for an incr*‘»*c of 'apital, purvi- ant lotlj« Art of the last l./*£'is!ature ; and wln reas, ifm w Stf^ckbolders t>‘ aj!nitt*;d, It IS proper that the mjrplns pr'»bts remain ing, afier a f.ur dedur;tion for had '»nd , „ wh* ih-ler d(«iWful ci«-(>l and losses on r*-al '•state, Vnlrbratpd Kolrrt Ht. Clair, th f-vrry e>r was turned upon the ffirirmH , u|,. Pans, und at that dale all rsuhI^npl'i"u'’l'i»T"whirl/ui the r«'r»« should beduided among the preseut Stock holders— stran;rer, and in a few minulei he was m tlic « u'*tM*v of the police, the nlo|»>n platr having l»f*:n found conrealed in his boj;. ;.'age. Hut what was the amazement of led as ihf Ihe aceotii- was «iuic-t. N»\v IIFeb. I®. Fatal Caxnolfy.—A |rti»T from iiohlon htaleii that Mr. Ctmrh-ri T. Uull, late of the ' J llkl wiin n this doy will b>‘. submitted to the 1 '“f* ' in other pHrtx «f Iho city. X. y. Ci>ur. AM VKI' mlf' I OK SAIJ; plice of Dammas Dupin exe iited for the mrird»-» of an inn k’e|ier and hii wife at Jfi it thtrrforv Hrnnlrfdy That if tli^ ad ’|f»ntm*rency ? .Sl. (,'ldir, after esraping dilional Stork be subscrib»;d, that the from the jfullows at Roehfort, Imd rontinued A J.ikely Ncgrr> woman, twenty three president and Dircrlirs be inntructcd lo 1 to ev;ape jmtice by spreading Ihst he had \rars old, a good bou«e servant—and dividend of such surplus profits,' been found niorden-d on the Turkinh fron- Ijetbr** admitting soy new Slock holder^, so tii;r. Alter some days of confinfineni m 3/7 1 as lo plac»! all on a fair and eipial fojling. j the dun;;» ons of Valence he made cunfes- — - —- tt: 'I'hat It shalllKJ lawful for any I siuns—was tried—cyixlcmuod—aud gud- tV.-iuks of all hiufh for sale at thin (tjffxn, au'>s.:nb(.r llir the new block, lo pay Ihe lotiucd. h«r 1*0 ciii!Jren. Ft. J7. I'ru lirm of Peters af.d Hull, of this rily, rose / ‘„r„l n-trnM, "'’““V, , i III .1 1.1 - 1 of stage driv'^rs arm . j ua at rom his Ud on the ni,hl ol hr ..,h mst., a vplrndM ^ b..,ng in pam and m tl,.- dark taking in ('cicr rd. N- »' * Hoiiifdnii;' to ul**;viutu It, HHtilluwetl u qmui- ** ( nruoru iiiy of ar.rnic, whieh termmaled Ins c.i- *i;,,7nany of the pr^ i|">'J teace in a few hours. I „„j ,,,, in ihirr, VernK>nl, K- One of Ihe New.\ork pnjiersdonieti that *‘lts, with iheir w ives, dan? ^ ^ Mr. Nan Biiriti was endorser for Mr. nod »weolhesrts, vvore Knowcr to any a'lrv urit ii:ne thev hud of it*

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