THE MINERS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL roivrii j (JKNAU 3/r. IfoHon.—\t*u mU obtif* b frimid \o the Laws, Coostitui»n aod the Bank, in i;i\ing th« fuHowin^ Cotnmuuicaliuo « place w \'«ur paper. THE Bl-BBLS BIHSTED Seote shrewd and taleuted gentloiuon, m tiin own estiuiaUoa, has, in oi^er to n?)iev« himarir of a k«d uf political iuformMiiuo, %'uluntHrilv, takan o^on hiiireett' the adjust- riKBt of tba preaeol existing diHiculti«'9, in rlMion to lha diBtroM and wide spr^d rum, created by tha removal ol tb«* De- positea from tha Bauk (/ the I'uited Stutis. f he attempt haa been made to affwt thii>, tbriKigba Conniunication, which nppcared in yoar paper of the *22d inst. over the •■(.'nature of “ A Cit«aen,” which pniduc- tiun, for palpable altairduies and glaring inci>osii*lonci*f, cannot be equiilteii \MtL«»ul re«>rting to the fountaiD from whwK:e tbej caroe, Viz. tlie Globe. He oshem biniself luto notice by a s«'er}>. inj aud unqualifi'd dt'claratioo, viz. that the Bank part) liere, and in C'oojiiess, ron- letui, that the Prt*sideot is a 'Ijraiit, Des pot. A;c.—uicreiy, fur8«th, becouse he r* - nr>vcd the Secretary “ Duane" and ap|)oii.t cd lliia and grn)iMi circutatad thrwigh hia “oflici«l or^n” the iloSe,afid I presume iKo i)copla are pre pared to judge of titp piiriTy of the fountain, by lasting the streams which ttow from it. C'OSGKKSS. Acconlmx to notice pn*v^ou^ly given, Mr, 7 " ! \Vel»ter prf.senlcd on the ISih init. the fol- iheSeiute,on hriday,(l4th)M,. 1 ^ rccharter the I'. S. Bank for im'feiited a memorial, on the •u»ij*‘ct ol | I' „«^nt ......... ........ ....... ... ,,,„va»lmg distress, from tlie BuilUing ; »ii years, Iromtho expiration el lU | reue laaktho cit,E. ».ot M.rklenbHrp .f “'«> I of PbiladHphia, accom|mmed : are wtlhngto .«rmider their rights “''.‘' i riaterema.ks. Iio««d.uteIy «f-1 ^ cun 88 our Chief>traU ? Are ‘l.ry ^ hunselfio the Vice PreMdei.l prepared tosav tliat «*• man shnll hoki tlie ■ ^dr»tinir«of tlim nalmn Are they now reudy lo i under his tiiiffer ’ “I’"" ' Jk U inacuJ, 4f. '1 > «.y We arc wil- "* “ A» Act to imorporat vooaichic.Al .n»>tr.i. (he Bai.k of the I nitt-d continue, for the trrm of mx yc«n, *ntitl*U “ An Act to imorporalc the iuh^riiUri loUie UauKal ll»« I'uiUd SUUi." hat the act entitled rporate the wiltncriUTa te t>l«tf»,” apprjvt-d I ticin of iho country. the twutbduv of April, lu lha y«ar owe J"«irnal8 o« Uichiaond uiid New York, the .Mciwa^e of tlie Prasideat, \(’iti7ni’'itnnpine^lnhini-’ Noonc fiul.i .Mr.('Uy) can prriorm the duty ! ,|,j^u«,itd eij-bt bundled aini aixletMi, ahall »»« .ilcsaafte ol *•»« * rasideot, cjnve\,n, •IS Mkit 1 an..ll^r unfudinif “ ““i I contiuue id lull forctr auU eHict for tha teiiii »1»® noimnution «1 the same per*oo, \ * mldt.. another unlud ^ u. cU..Rt 1... oou,«.. Jo ,k„ p«.nud ol a atroog, and it .seven sa.d. arr. ’ “ Frm the Aational hadligmrn We stated, the other day, thatit deratood that iIm Preaident of the v Sutea had n mminatid to th« Seoa,* , old GoTernment Ihrertora of tin B.rl, f tbe United States, whose n.n,„u,„ ', boen ouca nJecUd by tbe Sen«ie rw said, by inadvertent error, the thrtt i\rJ t..ra: there were/our of thetn: it unoi ceamiry bare ta repeat iheir naiuss arc alnady sunWieiitly kno^n to’fgJ? We now loarn, from publipations id linp to live iiidier a uioiiuichical go\'trn Birm ? No! I prrpmiic ‘ >elf, that lie lu.^i miutu. h.m to cU..Rt 1... ocur«.. ' “ I'T" T,. ...j -ft.., ,he n«>nud of a strong, and it is even said laurel to hw vcneralrd brow, HUiply b«-- .qu, ii„„, »,r. umo uuttivi.aiy fiiuit. lul wiili'ol »'» >•‘*^•1 , . 1 aoii t haracter distmrtlv 1 '' cause l»a, (accor»in» (o his own d»-ckrii-! in Uiijf* «ud suWuidb_v lU-Utojidisir*** • ihervin luniled lor its expirati*»n, o 1 ‘ |.. nnmlniiiirtnM n t tioiis) fr«*tiBtod tl«- Hnnk n.vxlnn; atteinpl-, «I.Hh ,«.very ilu.. otonx I ,|„rd day of March, in the >ear ^ “V Z cH J beheld III C'harl..ile Vof in “fr-*- »•>>'»"' •••! imm^aud tithl huii.lred and thirt>.Mx ; aud Inaidintwill not make any other for tn, cd to be held III t. I>nrl..lle. s>r, ti.c J' >ou «..inia.u «.i1j ^ proiK>rtn.-., ■ w“no■«»1 ‘Iwt he w,l| ,0 llui roiwquetice ol the H|)[)earanc«* ot thi« tre-| nciUitr nor ‘hat all tlio iigiiu, luitriw. p 1 ’ .^1.* ,,, m«Kl»!is HerruU s tlii> i^'hticid jfiaiit of ^uvrL i.o i.. Imu ii.d i«U him wiUioui xu^jjir p.wers, and pri»iUg««ise‘;ur»‘tl b\ tb itaii A* far as wa are inforr ^ ( harlotle wh.x^e tal«it« bh.dsutha bril- aiiou Imt m the Ui.Kuasc «l truth .ml ad, wh», all the rules, conditioiw, restiic-, pw*- as lar as wa are miwrrnrd, ihu \|^ hant Ifslri- thr»VKHit ilif whose 'h«'“Huai ot h. ■ > . 1 ■ I liiiii 11 niie.irly ruiutJ ainl uutlonc liif iiji-**uri» ei.H^unire rrealt\i a j.Hrlial alniosphrrual lua.K.U to oiic'«ti"ii. €arlh]u:ike, the ra_\Ironi w htwt> inlol|«H-l, ■ •|y4| hu 1 xj* tiimm m uiM*t»iiuj; «>n ilie comin. downii[»oii therncrj»jes«f the Pnnk |njii«i liki tin* fJnlo^ophir’* r\(j»;fiiiiviii iijwn* iwrtv with such in.Pftu«*-ily, they ®"vul»e4i .1. ti»nu«i.d rccorr .nd . . Lrr^d lomiaihin.l^rthoai.r4ranre of this the s.nid act. had not been inude ; Prort. ^o^ryioniimUi^x «o oflica as corr^.„HKi,n» • ^ ,1 »• I . «>»»■ «i •^•“1 ciicuutii.;i, ai.«l ih* M iluK Ml uiiKrh Pi Ibc iwid ^ power •! the I’ttWoirt yi^antic coostqueiitly, they tailed ,u. p„,.k, to Ik- rontU and rv.iof.u. neverll.olts-, llio^ uiiKh cl Itoe i i-_;,if,,v, Juof ihei.» iV , to laeet him, hihI make a lK>i»l«^rout* sjiecch 'r*.!! him Out, m a »inck! ni^i, n*or« ili«u »uiv art as dedan s that i»o other Jkink shall l>aj ^ jl )ui««cf uf Iwo hours diinitkOti. Himm't, Ii« a oi up^^arilioi iu- e»tab!intM,Hi bj any future Iftu ul the I ui* i wifrf ; ui upon lui Me« oi ibcimt. itcii v4 dolUri-, li«»f ocfuroii. Uil him Juriii({ the contiiiuatK:c ol the J » fe»Kieol who eifrc;»* iln C«r|K>r«lu.ti tl.ertbv cn-..l.-U, .hall not bo ' Veto p«>wer hv freely a* t;eneral J.c^^ coiitiii-ied bv this act ; bol tUt it *l,all ba , •«» J"*”*. “ dtaobhged if oti« wlul lor t'..nj:re«, v*he»ever it siiall ,ec I brandies of tlie i.ov»rnn.ent exercw it* t.ous, ami duti« ibcrcm preatrilcd ,nd »«*«>«» )•» beeu acted upw. by ih» imposed, bs aud remain alter the said tbird Senate. day «>■ March, m the vear o»n» thousand i >“ •'peeking of lliii re.ootinnaiioo, ti,« vjht huuilrod and tbiriy m», durmg the } New ^ ork Jourml .4- C.Knni«rci., s-ids4s \enr«, asif the «iid h».ilali..n in 1 wve, cunwdars the |^wer of i|» U6l inC ^rvAiJHI I lirOlliUiinilvlJ X't hit: 1 aim ut tu«. V wi MMi«rv4v»** --- tw. p..- —, , U «W e Kxecutve re- 1 ce* trow mg out of thi.. not of iincxampird UDiiWi.i.tnu. -huh • .Un i.-w.iu. -»«. *ue esiallibh ai y oilier Bank, tocoine in- l«n'* whe« the Lonatitulisa eooir* llntions. i aml^'ltiical bravrrv. lr»-'Mrt cTceediii^lv,.*7.'''*^^^"! lo exi.teiice uud op. at any tiuM*, 00 >« them. —A mocwnU coti«Hi»r»iwo ar in nrr. ar ol' ’.he prntU-ii.aii h>.s I . uiider^'o tlie la!,k U»u»uuu. «i u.. »!'« louilh day ol .March, one thou- . Sd^Th^ **'****■ 1 • i.ii I-....i.t U..H ihiriv-Kin. , me twocase!" Will ool iroid, Jh«Di*.,~ cxc\usi«:Iy upon which the ceives tbe*^ merited appc! eorrv ‘*A Cilizen” is so far ... ^ ^ , i j 1 ^ ,1 , farts, finding him however m thin prcdica-j of cm'ulaimjt lits own arti; ol r»iic»n.. worxii jr vu.s»e» ca.t out oi emiiiujii.ti.L liil sand ciyht huuaieU aod imrij-»ix irM>nl I advise him «o send on h r a few ' if still niort-laiul, t. the l’.»i*lv (Ii n- h^u o; in». t«4r»ai iidplrs^. »*«..*•, ik. si, ^ , Ami br ttfurdun nacttd. That ,„r.'GI,lK.:i.) .l.ich„,«n,,bo b. ; .ry, .b. o..c.>,.c..U,.p«.,.».c U,,, II.,- able to accelerate his luipeded mnti >n,auo !culean pohtician I.tef« U;em [>eilcclly 4U1- purtuiuoi winch bui >wUro-i> th.y ki^ep up with the “ su'Tis of ihe til. e».” j^l—a# regards a n-i-euo:;. Mcrc ;um.ij «u lionent liTililiW.1. .'^y u> him I ask “ V Citizen” if the President did 1h e.xphiiatioo, I wnuUi add that ihe in- iij*t,ii tirmiit** b. ii«ii«f»Uc, wh«i. fjuiut-u i>\ not‘lhe Deposites from the Bank of clamenry of tl.e pre.tnletl IW a..Uju.Uwc. .1« u.iiuu.ul, 4]hcd u, all puUic iiK>w}» avceuiMt; to the Lmted ’I he power«' iheiNMiHte IS concurrmt with that gf m Prekideot. 'I'be “ advice and cowetii'' I.IULRTV tbe rmted Slates’ dtd lie not sa), that Ik? ( people fr*«u tbe c.oi.fry .•moudin;* the im;cl would take upon himself all the rej|>onsibili. 1 mg, coosequtnlly noiit; was ty ? He did. Il tsfbr thre unparalleled ai i, j for this as'^mption of poncr, not dele^alrtl j to him, that the friends of the Constitution | and hberty, brand him with such hard ii.ime«. Can “ K Citiz*Hi‘ I.aTLK HioM IM-J.a.M*. Ntw \oHK, March io.— I he pcket with all hi!i's^''P Caledi»oia, I'lipl.nn iJraham, arrived woiild be accumulated Ialcnt5, bf>asted bril-; m-hi from Liv«rjH«>l, wiiU KiijjIkI. liancT of intellect and strooi raeloncal jdale^, of !.•« fitst K.biimr>. Sfat saiicdon, Slalc., ...1 b.coo.m« p-jaole Irom aiHi al. ; •'«* > ^ ter llie Ibe M hshtd ihc lore ; iVtniidii, that, at any time after this act shall lia\e been acce|led, Coogrcwi .-~couutx> 1* owr»Lthiiv^ lu biiikru(ac>r «i,U or I' lnt lesululioo, cau^ sucb him oH!.«a»o. 01 •ti«Um».11, UM-U.,- • ^ ,*,iU,«wn ami reuH>»«lto b> undM ihe iiiUi’i.uuUc ^rkulutir, to- .|U.4ht) ul lliu utwnl )K.roiciou« tcudciicy lu Uil ,>r'i«*^uti»ii ul an (.rruocou* ijrateiu. 'Icll biiit IK.W uiuch iiiuff iruu jftorj ib tv, be won b) rrtra- oiiif •Up.-', liiii. .} Wiinlly ruahiii^ uu uiiUl jii, me iiiuoi.uuoc ^raiiiuur, «/- . ulUu . by iih: ai.) oiIkt cij*t.i) or place ot de(*^it«. AluvrKau ptufik, 4nd lfi4l Uivt ucw rre al hi* liauti' Ih'.I* r Irralmn.l. '1 til ImuUi«l Ijim- il ajiiiifl'.tv jfor^ib'.litjf o: *umiiuu» c«in>anK>ii Ailh lluf »vut-l o» llif Ko'ntii L4it(K.rur* mlio, jinjlt-'iojilutinjr v.jiii tmiilivr«.iic« tin cuiiil*£ra. earl) action of tne (iurarnnirni.inbct^, t.i« Pn>^eoi actually sal in rvncn ikIi ih« Sruatr upou tbe n>o>miilio(is : ibe iocoo«eni nee of that pracirt ct. 4 ' It to be di«u«*d b) (icn. M a»«. u* p i.vers, calculate upon ini3!eaduij» nien, i ^be 3d ol ibai mooili. whi^ eyes are open to all the scenes which j 'I’be ncc»junti from F ranee aod .^pam are u.«. oi ihi miHrvM ot' inc »uiio, r-^«ka i.iu.wti present thenui lvci, whose judgments an-1 not aslale as those alrend;. lu our ji, duini; i.Tiii5 :»ceiK m ut ui» uiu- £j„|far«, which said m nut videoplv buried in prejudices as "his land no further news iuid been receiv*^ m cii.jj couruff*. li)oo 4c»itr lo iituie Uank, o«i Ibe o-n?' I hope not. D-^es “ A Citiiteu” coo-, England CrfHn IWlii^al. LiUe mtelhj;cnct I :j«iu- each atnl e»»?ry year, aole himself under the belitf. that he has j of loien-st h is, liieretore, re^heu us by ihi^ i.^o, ai.o lur urtaiu rum mm ni.u.. at thi» important crisis, “bigwilh file oi J arrival. All unlicatioBs ot' hostile inten- jirr~. iu Im i(*c-«ur«». Ti». t.o.i iiii he nntu«n«,” adrainiftered an anodviie tu tt.e , lioas on the pirt of Loglaod and rnnce, a- im* Uxi. aW.;,.i.c, i*iri>m. by ui«wi-i Citizen* of Mecklenburg', bv the o,oration | taii^^l Uu«ia, lo cu*.M-^ueuce of her vie«‘^ ‘•J : . . , .. I r L I *r I I J tfi foruj tjHu that oil fftoru iu Loiu rv** loaU# \uU rf which, the sensibilities of the people aro|-.D lurkey, have pr,..«. d away. Ooesit.jju- ihc *,.1!.,.. oi.trc«l/«iax.i,t.o ...d •illed into a perfrct state of security aud j lar fact which »a> ir.enlu-ned by .air Paru p„>'. touiiy uoui i..« •caih' lo take all “ Citircn” sa'.s for . corrcifi>ondenl, isconliriretl b) tlw Kn^li^h rncc u(ua a Urc «>i la# fiKiub«.tk »:>.■ 1 tea tn;!h * 1 hope tbe (»cip!e have not .irnved at lhi« point of crcdulity. “ A Citizen” may exert his talents, simin hi» inti llert nrvl F\pan4i hi» vivid ini.iginatii>n, until tb • n une of Jackson be buried in for^renul- Senate w aiill tl»ac«‘Uncd ol the Prmorcia all matters of appointui«nt ttxi of tirpra- lion wilh Foreijjn Powers, lS« wilbiul wbos^ anaenl hia power in tb» ;>»• uiiara la iiu^tury. hca the IVu.- ’ •-iKilemita i>r evades tiio auiborit) U ite .Senate in this |tariirular, he vwUtntiac «{>irit of tlie CotuitiiuiKin, even if be k*«. wtthiD tbe lettar of it. I be veto p'>wer of ihe Praaideot, * pnpers, narnely, that the Admiral of the are onailln.j; t-, wiUidrs# tlirir .uj.^ri, or Uk- Vtccrov ofKi;%plhaJ.V^>rtedtuihe(.r:>m 7 11 1 • 11 It him thjt, 10 1.1* b*m«ii »amx iiri'l^r atlml t> ifrnior, and was wiib his visad atv.on> powrr «bi«l to riKccTUit stantmo)'le. 'I'Lc Briti>h P.jiIi.Tf'ient (0 mwt on ' rooi.lry ; and tl.«l unU-» hr o)jci.« it tmontir all.: t*» tht rrur W hi» .Vdnni.i'IrjlKjii IH> hn’iisii liiia^^viial.ijii rin aivl hu Sc. X And bf uftirthtr 1‘hat, lu cun^Wcratiou of the bem-liu and privilu* j;v> c*Hileirtd by this a I, Ihe said liank •Jtull j*ay lo tlie I uited .**t«tea (he annuity nr vemiy Mjiuol two lioiHlrtd thowsau*! sum nliall he paid, by 4lh Uay »f .Vlaicb, in (iuriiig tb« saiu leriit I ol MIT yvars. | Six. 4. And btU/urtHcrtntirftd, T»*t „ihir baiKj. Is iwt inordinary pw^r.i ( may provioe by uw, UmI tbe aaid ^ , ,,, exercised wp»« the m#r* « P>ank »>haU be rvstrami*U, at any Hme alter pleasure oj'lb* Prwdeut, bu: apwisi lh« third dayol March, in the year one r,».v>n,, «hich the Pm.nitot . tlioijsand ei^Ut buudred aixl thirty si\, fruui a#s*gu to Congrras for even ^ ' makmy, ia.«uinj:, or keepm*{ lu circuUtKHi,' „ m the pi.werolTe. any n..lcs.>r IhI.s ol Mid bauk.or any *>*’j^re«,if so niiixi'd. tu over rtik. Tr Its ollK-e.-*, ol a lei« sum or «U:i*amii.aiior |Ve«Ml»nt i« anttrrrablf, tberefare, 1 ' liian lv*rnty dollarn. \ eu>, when be applie« il- Sr». And bt it further trincUd, Tbal, Tiw Senal>; u* not in any manoer »t auy linie or limes within tbe hi»t Ihroe , Ue to him, l»ul entirely in'lej»nV.H fK^,s.ililhebor.esl yeonmnrv ofthemde-|the 4ib iVbruarv. The subji^l w!,ich it n„ ,.„a.v„ai.... r,n ar.i r., i.u -or ^ ,0 nim, i-i. -m.n-y , ,, at II II .1*11 I . I I u I. man tofiifii#- c#n t»if a«%iul coi;*r«*nnon vtruniol flie c i»l *imI cur^irtitiui). Kkh in r#Ttrd I# ihrir i»iiari tir;iie 111 cea-iflef^ strains to declare the | beton-that bi«ly, shkI w nich are i>f vital in- Prr'idt-ru a'i'yrant, I .sarpcr, A:c. Such ler*-.-t to the o.untry , me tnu.-* eauineraled : epih*i!» 1 have no d«»ubt are gratiny to 11 hurch K form, in*.-( uims i4'the Di.-tjrn- the tefiinp?! of “ A Citizen,” but he must jier«, Ptior tviw'- f^r In.loi.d, and an altera- pr» |wre hims»-lf for such nalutations. j tion lu the lln.'lisli »y u in, and Cvrporation A« re;.-ards lire constitutional right of the i Ueform. Prr-'i'lcrii to n move llie Secr**tary I que.>- Ihi the l:.%t tvia ii-T;s m Jariunry , the ti'/D It very much. In 17?y, fhi* aul/ject j weather had bmi v» ry femjie>iu.>u>, imd VMS discu'ied at som*/ length in Con^r*****, j cooniderabie lo*.*. exjicrienttd by the uudcr- «t*d then decided by a small majjrily, (only wriU rs at iJoydj- two) that be had the n:;ht. Livr.tfooi, .Un.—TI trr tv« raimr ap;>trlt- The KTample jriven by “A Citizen,''I ctitlcmaiid ;or cot* >o in th. i arly rwrini ih^ »«. k. abowm* the evil ronsequencci which mwht ! p;ie« n. r.- f«..l :.r all ani J , a u Vc I *n new Ltiland*, w| :cli ^'.♦rc in rtqiirst, '1 gr..w out .,f tbe President not havmsi ihe , jv>wor of retlioval, m so futile and taucifill, I („•„ irv^oiry in tlir imrl »i ^r> illy f»il«:n nti, atMJany adxiiUc "»"i a in Uif prr’.i'>ut l3y* which may l.iti>H. liiUeat hliu lu ai.U tv rl t.’iai m-re i» a p'iiil l»ri m»i v.iiith hitiiuti rinl>ir»nff rinniil :,'o, i»-l h»iu i>»> riri»« lhi.t brave, ri>na, aittl jmUi'Hiv U> ■•ladiM.'./* aiiil e»;»*ir.” N'-itiM’r l!oU'»e sal on •‘^alurd.ny. In the 1I>«>»0 of Ki'prevnljtur'-*, the \ ir^inia Ui'i«'iulic»rii» w*-rw tnkeu up, bimJ Mr. (il>«Uon, Mr. .Moorv and .Mr. i'loekney «(>oke. 'i lie tlouse alj >unii.-d wtiile Uie lust gentli'iiian iiad the Ib^or. continu' d by tbia art, il shall U> lawlul of appoiutuicut lo oirMT. lor the Presideot and Dir*«lor» loaivitk u- , m«»n('the »«;»«ibI fctockiiokk.r'* then III, such ■ TSt nail humtd,—Tbe Pu»t (xirtiona of tl>o capital sluck ol the s>.id ' «c(it down veilerday and , bad iHf r-'' t urporalion aa tlicy may have wilUdrawn trafrferl, in the bop^ >t' fiodinj; lb« t from M» ti*« u»«r, aud loay jud^a proper »o niin'ini! from ihe ‘ieioi I**! ’ todiviOe. ' pcnorMi em|>l*'yed were uo^ueir** ttc. tj. And bf It furthtr rrutcUd, 1 hat V\ Iwru the I|J»- eblied, he di»pslfl>'i * Mi riiucli ol any act or acis of Concrei«, wng«rii to lire remains ol the boat, heretoloreiiflsiiifi aiM iiuw in i«rcc, auppU*- ter som>* tine rak* d up frora ll>e In Ihe .'^Tiale, on I ookday, the whole nieutary to, or m any wur connrctcii with, tiear the b'.ws, the bck aod chum « pow that I leavi* It unnoticed. As rejfards the reascrw given In me i hai br»ti nearly k;-t m H|. vj'n marfc yt irr jerrrtarv' fV-r the removal, 1 will j.wi ob^ | M--^ - L o , larlv til* !att/'r. irtnt Off w' -ll br t(.u d.iy erve in r«lali-jo to the .1 per cent Moeh |,„^l„ Se lervf I am friMP- than a-tnnished al tlie fact tiiat “ A Cilizeti’’ has made rjch an e\- p'witioo of his pditical information. Is it y Ksiblo “ A (-'itizen” does net know lhat tbi*. nfiliir, dunnfr the laat C'Migre.s# wax iOll b»jf« can, talvni fin oprfuUtioii, ainuuiit lo luipori l'2r3i>3 bd.^1. utlnig was eo^rovird with Ihe pre»4.'iitalion of memorials lu relaluHi la the l*i-p%itea, and the d-hate arising ibereon. In thi! /Ikum', ui'inl ol the day was sfient III ine cbiiMileration of the Army .\ppro- pruili'in Bill. Mr. Kverett iniv»d mi iid- dilioiiul cluuser!? tbe bill ollowint; a Aur- (fer>n il'I^Ofor “ iierloriiiin;' a m rien ex|)»-rinient#ofi llic uloinach of a viouiHh d lioUher, in illustratKMi ol ihe proc:'?.ni ol di- i^slioii.” Several jjeLlIeruen li-mn^ ob- jrCledlo llie ilf’m. Mr. Cfo,keil ri/M:. Ile saii],(Icntleinon ohjecltfd to p.iyin;^ for ex|*erin. iils ; hut III tliew days whui wc are trying ex|-« ri- Sinptijiir fli.icorrri/ in ral wnrkii eiiwhoweiei'nipl >yoil in repairing naHe »lie’.ubr t"'of special in\«stigation, | the Vau!nlje|..ri.r.f;;;t .;mldha!!.di>«-overeo n tn.- House of Kepresentatives, at which ' ma c.rrser, a r->ll ol canva.-, v» hu h on m.«iH C- tiawl plBi,", every tiling which couM i prove»l lo bT a v»-ry aiiftent painting, ni''nt* on liio rurrcncy, why not iry cxp» ri- l#; riiw*d ajiainst theBauk by ine I*re.Hii re(»rewn*m2 on a lar;:e .^ale the Iwttle of mention ihe HCioi.tes’ '1 ho»j;;b, for his d‘ iil and Se cretary w'i*s produced and the | \4fmr0urt. Tl.'’ paintir/: is near 10(1 feet part, he tholJ^'hl it was hardly neceswiry to menliotM'd, iheu this act shall coaso lo bv ;ii s'Kin was j.M.ked upoo as settled. “ A j "i breadth, arnl-'0 in beirihf. S.,me think uiakc any ap(.roprialion« at all, for Ihi-, or m force. Cit./W’ furthermore as>orls, (nothin- but ' ‘hat the fmir.tinK wa- p.,; into th- vaull, al any thm- ei^-. He had U-eu aiuicst Ihe said original act ol' iiMrorporalioii, ap- jiortmanteau contiiniio^ lb«‘ 15itnni' pr«i\eO on lh« tenlh day of Aprd, lu the western letlar". 'I'bcJock waitiiofhu,^ year one lh«>ii«aiHl ei^ht hundrod and six* ind, and lha chain rn-arly de*tn}*J- ' teen, as is ih>I inco.-iaiatent with this act, doubt remains that tlie whole fwi'ei'l'- fhall be continued lu full forro and eilrct botily viry valuable, of Ibe road duribi; ihe aaid sit years, after the ihird ncd.—f . >V. fiauttt. day of \larch, m tlie year oon thousmbd j — eijjht buudrt-d and thirty »ix. j \ bill haslieen before the Ski . 7. And bt it ft.rthir encrtfti. That the Stale of New ^ ork lo '^1“' il shall tl* lha duly of tha President anU punithmfHl. It was ryVr/r./, m Ihrectora of Ihe said Bank, mi or bolore the of Aa^» nibly on the ‘"lli inalaiil, hv lir5t day of ib* next m!m.iou of Ck>nfitrm, lo ai^aiiisi TUI. Conn*b’rin2 the Bisnify to the President of the I nited .Slataa imioviition which it propose* ^ Iheir a cepiance, on in-halfof ihe Bank of ilerivcd fri-m aulHjuily, and ^ lit*' I iiiiel Slates, of tlic taruw and cihk.i* vailing in all e«Hjnt«;e», rivili»d»n • & tioni in ttiih act contairn'd, and if they sliall tail III do Ml on or lx;tore the da\ above llic uiinorilv was a loriiudable u»e- Amerirvn f!rnernh.~^ Mhingl*^' imI in after lile a feruier «jrveyor, a was a bo«*kbind«T and atationer. M'fs ii-*^itioti) that the l iiit'-d Staten H,mk ‘he timeofthe great fin-in l..i.:id(.n. I't .le-d i«jt in 10 fofinthi wi million" of D*il-1 Ur>—flo-ii-d the cf/«intry wiib I . State* [ W.mdcrft.L—The S’iitf r of l!ic Liver- M'ine\,ji>l U-lijre the lukt Pre»nd«-ntial | pool (Pa.) Mi reury, h..i p reivcd a (oni. eU^ tion. f^r th«‘evpr»,» (KjrjKJse of niakifi;; (iiiinicatioii u'.nch he f- ivs (^>r.lains an »r- fri*'..ds lo t!ie Uank andd«lt*ating Jacksoirt. I n fru;:ibl; ch iin 'f irctinis?jnces, calculat- flrclion. hit p«-sihle shat “ A I'ili2/*n’’} i.d to prove that Nap>.*Uon Bjnapatic it lia- l*M ii;;lit of I'leiH uhlch have w, ff'-\ »till living. rently transpired ’ iJof 1* he nrit know that 1 thii lar;;e nmount wa^ lo;.n*«l Hjt i*(ore th- | Rin^rorm.—A rorresp.n- opir.i.fisol the l-r*:.;i.;U wire^ ‘‘'>'*7'. N-nt m th- A.n-nenn FarnKr write* asf.). |,er.sons mter.=Med in the alCnrs of _lh-. “ Aftr-r 1 hud th-teller nearly tw. n- lo^o Uiiainst all appropriation bills, till he km w wtiere tiie money was. Ifuoenian in the roiintry could take all the inom-y, what wu.s the UM uf p^isiiing 5ny bills about ItIlwasa inotkery—it wa» childuh, to sit ther^' a;J tppropnale at all. If laie nmn could take the money urid |>ut it where tiic law had not placed it, huw did the nous'! kii'iw where It was? Ilow could Fatal .>fi^oAr.-On Salur.lav eveninR. (fot from biui a Hound lectureIDS'^ - (ire«-n w:^ a Uacksmith, and ; ker; ••ibcil, tbroujjh all his ihiHight ahe had M>m« m Ihc house, ami , iman haviit« searched for il, l.aiiid a. f« iina^med, lu a bottle, from which she lo«ik |(* |*rdon, lor m *' ^|mrn' > the iiecr asary nuantity and (>ave it lo llie •n‘’hennipnny,) was a pr ^L,r,bu*.^ the son Ilf MImha Norr ros», 0 Ifne Iwy, ele ven years of a:;e liwik ill, and bis mollier nshed lo adiiiimster ifia/Miesia to bini. Slie child. i^jiiik or to th^- piihlic. llir opiiiiiais had | ^ never been p iWi-ti.-.] lo the world, anti : I'rUe’rVi’atnir^ir'wh'ich Iw.k olf the fjiiaiiiny uiiu j»UTr ii iw iit«; • aa * , , ,, I . 1,1 1 I vMMs,. Ininwdiatrl) hfcCirfTJiilairiedoJ inter-11'*®*’** ^ * mJ thal liey lei Ulumii.l.tU iM his royal maies- attributed to ly.fHK:K.t,ormtl.e prckel of ihal imp of the ell^M-la of the mapn.Hia ; lait the child ! the revou^ f, ame ao rapidly wor- •. and s. r.Ki.iiUd !r:rl h I u..rdS.3'‘ r . . 1 . 1 . I -I'l '•'« *■»'*' tannnr, his lib Au'litor ' Ihe money was vearw on inv r I le.ier near y .w. n. ^ oecarne ao rapioiy wor- arm so c.«.iii-ra ,y hand, and had used dollars with torture, tbal slio thMi«ht it .iece«..ry cHild not » ma'reh through «be I wlih fire Ihiawnd men, to coll m a phyuicun, who on bein|{ sbowu mation whicii llie majority ol his asN'rti'ins. I>'i the .It zensof Mecklenburtr ku*iw, vl)-'> h'1 t!,« f,ict» emanate from,>1' wine. “ \ 'it.i'-I:'’ -;» aka so vauiitiu/'ly ' I wil ii-il t:.e n. 'I'h^v eiri.uiit'' fioni ti “ huDOol h';artcd'’ i'rwuJeut buui»clf, auu ! Ui» wheel tviio« air haeaaed baud was as whole aa the other.' The prvnferotu man ryery thing to fr*-. tions m r'*lalio{i thereto, Inth)' Mouse nothing; ImjI private bills and peliiions were ae.ted on. I men, |\er llie revoluno''» .rtyrofHuok*;";; hesitated nol I" , Auiericsn phV Marion. (Ihe nW fox) I/I III »»n- ,fiupvT'tfiii «i . • 1^. SiiinUtfff*''' ; , Ohio. It Iff a l:iH ei;^hl yt^am of ugr, wlio, • . Vurolinn, * .„.i I..„ *..’i ’; iiiL'-cock ot JHWlh Carolina, rpindruperl L for exhibilKin in tbe .Museum at Cincinnati, country. imJ tltv |MK»r man every thiii); to ho^. 'I'o ih« * A lady asked her physician whuther siiulf aliout ou all fours. -r.i.i r •» ry i liani{.; U.r»;itr.i* Iwi», to thff latter was iiijurioua to the hrniii! ' No,” said hi-, | well formed in other renpecU, beBllhy aud I pro .... -t II-: h'tl. I. ir. thi; turrimg of ‘ tor i.i bjdy, who has any brains evar takes ; lively, mid ski|M about ii|Kin his hands with siiuli. ’ as much ugility as a m-nkey ally al li«u bultuin. has feel and ankles Imt no leas, ami uih's I "'t*', It is said that be [ l»^rd s boy. ; j.)» i>it,\ ri\''^„ I Ilf nil " '