THE MINERS' AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. ' ciIAItLOTTK* ^-rTnitvAy , MAnrii aa, ih34. w*er»l eoinmunictttioM which ,uo»»o.d»bly omitud. H, liiw rec«-iTed ihc firil No. of lh« “ Af*«- I Utrald and Vatoo Adrrrtiier," priuUd at M*». l> II- *• "•“‘'o' 0 - f-OXGUf-SS. I A-fofuinj to cur l»»l fron> Wa»hing. , itK^ pniiciptllj *iig»gid in Uit; »u- ^ariioo»nd llie di«-u».ioo •ri»iii|{ th«rcon,of g,,w.ri»ls tnd rr»oluiioM which are fornwd- ' jr,^, kil nectiuui of the country. I A pretinbl* tnd renolutmu* Mid to haye bten ^rihj a (nectinr in York. I’a.aiid forwardrrt Vice rrfMdoiil for iiitroJucUwi, *«ve ri»« lo wrraind anuniated dcbalr. (hi aci-oui.l of K*«lufioi»« conUliiint •omrlhitiK di»rf'.|x;ct. ^iDiheSwiialc. amJiuor* pw^licularly to one ol' otuilx ni (Mr.>Veb«tir) th« Vicx- PfMidriit iwMihinli proper I* introdo«« th/rn in their, foru). but eiliibtied ibem to Mr. WiJliii« | SfDitvr fipoi l‘tnn»jl»»ni». who “ Ujuk apoii ^ i*«irth* rwpowibility” of utriking out iht of. ,„r« parijraph ami »n thla muUktcd Uwm they I to Uir Senate. ‘ TV r*e*p«i«n ol th« n)«olutiona wt» oppwrd tr« |founU. Pir»t, that ticy contained ciiar. ( .hVUo» m ih-i» character a|rainit Uic Hen- | •• t*i tio«i*.andone«f Ihcir nicitihrr*. fwcond, i!il^ renJuliona hivtiif hc«n altrrrd wilh*'Ut •,IT, ibt) did uoi contain the opioioM of lh« ■ -.;,unj at Yifk, and eoo«Hjy»'Utly could uot be :rodu*d into the Senate a» meh. I l! w»» »rcw*Hj Tcry pro^rly by .Mrairf. Prr»- ‘ Uj*»a «tht f», iW the ri^jiuof petition in j ;«•{>!( »a* a 'rrry importinl nn«, that it rttaiiied p«r« and audrfilrd, an) Uwt if' ■ S nlr flC any ol'ila offtrcr* had a rijht to ei- •n^tVai nivmrialor mniuiion, tliry hadai- »r>| (M»itrr or add to,aud thi« k»t«t adia- :;l«ur» rr ^er, lbs SenaU Cuuld never hno* ' brtbe: lit p»p»r brfoea tlittn coiitaini-d ll»* ►•- ■ n; aa4 Pj’itiwos of ihorc it • aa preaumcd t« re- j .rfnt fV Lie cr hajxi, a eTitended that the; v: •Inking cut any d.»rc»|i*ctrnl or mi pro-j &ofr paper* nit*nii^l »bf the >^naie , lirea o'len eicrcw«d, and that on o«* occa. i IhH ri|;h« b« roor* pfO{>erly ciercii^d I ihr prijMlL « 1 pr aijKlc and rr«>>otiona wrre Anally rc. l.^d by a T»(c of ‘.’ I In ‘JO, Vr. Ix-ifh, th nrw hrnitor from \ try in it, haa tukiainrd ill! hi|;h reputJiticio in a *f>«ich , • f hy Uiin on t>i» inlroduclion of the I’etrr*- | mi'toorMil r |m>baliii| the conduct uf the ti>k;.t oe (he renmnl of the |>«Utc t'undt. j Vue I’n »ijt'n« hai rr-o«mil>tled U> tJit Mi nate, i '9'it Baoa Liirr lore, wiiuM rvomination «a«; ’ rrtfki iince rrjcctcd. It it rutnoarMl lUal ' li.f n>r»Mcc Cf' timing the re-nonnnalior., the ■ •iikrit luiUmi tlh Senate tliat no oihcra «iU . if ao, (lu rreiulrnt ha* itot oiily a*- ' Ihe hi4,h prrriifatite ol' ln*ullin( the Sen- j if t«-nntninMtihg pcrann* ta afRrn that hiT* . ..a njr. ted, but really coiumtta a vtntalion of >..«:iiulidK, Wy reiu^inj toprrinit the Seiiilt •etith him on the apfwMiitnirnt In oi]i*«, »7 intriion, nulUi'nnif iheir li»enl »• hen ci-; We can I mt but euirt.M our aaloiiiah. ' ni-ttt t.Snee hij>h pnwi r« elaime*] andeii r :'ki tiie l’r•idriit dor i>o(liin{ in that way ^ Kir •iirpfiw u«) but tital inany honent and men are »till an Minded hy a ileUi«i«n ' r I'nm thi It fmiilpee* or tl« man aa to *ow- > I.) Minjiort bitti in thcM: hifh aMunipliootof Mr W r'o»lrr h.'.« Introduced liia hill If re-ehar- ' I'' R*nk of (h I 'liiti-d Male*, it vit mia tlic *-Vr !#r III yiani n*>cr the expiration nf ita '■ li-ritr uni!« r the »amo rule*, rr»lrict»ona, • '»w proM4«'d MiUi IIh' i'»crutinn oft'oo- ‘ r Uiiiiiig ti.mijlit of Cilahliahing any oUi- Iron) Ihr j*n, raJ trnaur nf the bill, it* ohjrrt ' ■rilaS upnahlr iIm'(>re«ent hank towmri! ■ : •! j|T4du;iIl_V no o* uol to opprr»a tlie '‘■'■rrrrul part of Uie community, w!iilein the ' ’':M',i!'o(i»ri-*« tliiiiki prOj" r another bank 'f 111 tl'«r*i‘.i‘r iiiav !«• e»lsbli»h«'d, to Mp- ■ wani* of tV iienjilr, and ihu* avoid that ••«rT di«trr«* «liih »• Hlway* prinlucei! 'i'xlir.g u;> of «o large an iinlitulioii. ■' i'-4n I* wortliv of Mr. \Veh*ter, and .tppear* anwil all rfiilw ti!tic« but •nr, and thnt i« '''•■'i.l 'i|>[Mi*ition nl the ad:i>ini*tratiin to tlie P"*'U Djiit. 'I'liis I* Mj tiiniiiJabU’ a atuinbiin^; i 111 the »nv of It* fiK'cie* that vie fear Mr. ^t' T Mil not In; ahle loeoceecd, and Ihe «ii»- ] *1 I'll •oinniunity will rnntuiuv unniiligattd. j ' II Will l« fonnd in antiihrr coliiiiin. j '"lii' llu'ni nf KcprtM'ntaliren a* we bare be- ' ’'inirkrd t!m i;rfat di hate hitw re-coinincn- Mt \\ ildr of iMnr^iii, offered an amend- •' ' i> I ipfc.rinj of the n* «>«* of the Secretary r.uiKivul of the deponito*, lo the ri’|*»rt of' «n»uttcc «f W.y. ,„d Meana tpproviii(( fhi* aiiK ni!iiicnt .Mr. W. «u|ipnrted in a wliru Mr. i’lnckiicy of 8.C'.ob■ '*'''d tl,» |W. ! •'^'iie uliarp ahoolinif hn* taken place hetwn n , Ad»,„or M„,*ehumtt». and .Mr. F'olk ofj t. A* a ipcciinciii, not nf the conlroviT*! ”'t ol Ihe mannrr ill which it wa* carrM’d mi,' I’'He lilt cuucluiiiiig rciuarlui of Mr. AUami-. Mr. ADAMS reque«tc(l Mr. PiMcK?»tY, of Sinilh Carolina, who claiiricd tbc floor, to iuilnljje him merely lo nny, tlial lie hiul no r*!|j|y lo make to Mr. Toi.k: adJm>;, \ Hhill u«vcr bfl disposed to interlerc with any memlxT who mIihII rise on this fl«K)r uiid priinounce a panegyric upuu the L'hiel Mngistrute. No! Lrrthc randicd toninif! lifk »b*urd pomp, And crook the |>rcgnaiit Ijinpea of the kiifC, U her« iiiiiiirr may follow tanning! A» in the Senate iiiaiiv uieniorialn Arc. are pre. •enied to the House of Kepri HmUtiveii, but in the laltrr, IJm dfl>atc on them owing to aoiiio caiu>c or olhir, it not >« diacuraive a* in the former. Tfin HA.NK yri^iTiox. iMr. Polk in a aprcoh recently delivered in the IIuiim; of Kepreatntativca, uki Ihu followini; liui- fU"ire. •Mr. P. wiid thnt he rf'pnrjrd th»' pr**Rent conlroverny rnt hnviii^ acquired a character nnd a tone which pave it much hif{!ier iin* porlarw e tliun wi»» ut firsl nitaclied to it. It was tto lunger the lourr ()iie»(iMiof itunk nr no B.'ink. It wan n (|*ici«ion HlUctinp tli€ honor of the cmintry—up>n th*' docis- iiHi of whicli depended the fiiriiri* clftncter H' the liovernriKMit iIm'H'. If tlie Iknk •hnuld now provp ils»‘lf to lif* strorii; eii'unjh to coiitrol thf currMit of piiblu-Hlliiirs, wh) then it n>ti«t be'oin(‘, in all uflcr time, tin* ruler of ll»e land, to whom all mu»»t l»ow who (xiwer or fireffrnient; and, if lli^-y attain nllirr, miiM r»*cfivc it at the (;ni- cioua will kihJ pira.ourc of this great luo- iii*‘d aris^locracy. Thl» Unjua;;!-, or at Irart iti imfrrt ia reitera- ird from one end of the ruuitlry to the ollii r by IttoaeoppoMd lo re.eJiartvring lH«' |ir sent baiik, of e»Ubli«hing • iiinilar one. Tin* ia an error in renKMiinf |»ro»f*ted with mucli rare, Mifier for tlie purpoif ol producing ePVct or through the i£a«ratice of thoae who made u»«! of it. In our n lio4-hny rcmineacence*, we remonihcr a rule in lliig!i>b ;rrafnmar which «as inculcatcd l>y our icac'icr with aome im/i'fuirf rravin*, U'fore wc ouuld exactly anli'r»land «ta imjwl. Tlic ivotn- inati«e ea»r pay*, Uie rule, i* the thinj; which ai-l*, Ute oh;eclive caae. the ihinj actrd upon. Now wi conceive in the proncut pivliiical di»- eu**iin which i> g>ing on that llie people, mHthe baak i> ID llie nominati\' c^e. InalKiilofllicbaiik runirolin;; pu|.|ie opinuin, poMic opinion i lor- njed upr4i an inve«Ii{;atiou of th«. crinktilnlioniili- ly Of unc«n»lilutio«ialily, eiprdiniry or iiit'tpcili- ancy cf eatibliihlJic a national bank- \Vhy (an- nol an honeil end patrM>ti« cit'.ufi f-irm an o- ^inion oo thi* »il.jrrl a* well ai* any other matter nf political aJip* iJiency, without b' lr^ tn'd thit he IS un)er lh m.trul •! a nionud aristocrccy, that Um bank i* a riiKr of Ihr land and tut li other il»nija»ii UMtlaia buj l»*r with which to trijf.^ :i tlh ;x,*;>le. We repeat that il u an in- ► iMmiof (i«auiiiii|r lo **y Uut the bur.k coiiiro!* I.:e t*o[He wtt»n lliiiac icry pe*>i»lo are apinaiid lo, lo know n ilKy wuh the hank U> esivl or not. Ilic f» - jile dclcrinine that tlic bank eliall be- re- rlurUccrd or tuM, the Sank d w« nit d>-l>-foiii)e Ihe qmMi>n lor ihem. '1 o r« Uirn to our (lamuiali- a! ilht»lrilion ihe |n>|>ie act, tiic l/ank i* ihc liiini; acu-l up»t^ \\ « (in nol kiHiW that we hire •tirrnjeu in c.jn»' y»cg ourovB »d-^ on thia onhject lo our r adci*. but wJial we moan lo My i*, that il i« rra- •it ing upon n wr»»ig fniiMlation In »nppo*c iJtC l>iople ko peliiically di»lK'iic>t aud H'rorant aalo be uoA r Ihe control of any ii oiui d inaHluiioii, adniiltin^ il to poMCM tlir ability or ineUuaticii to cjert any tuch )nllu»n;-, and that con*etjticn!- ly II 1* a t'i!»«: com lu»iou lo aay ht-cau»c t iiiajor- ily of ihe iK*o(>U; dtcm it cxptdient to liavt a hauk that tl*ey hare roine lo »«ch a rvn>'lu«io«i ihroujh It* induciice or any clhrr io)pro|>er inutive. I W’. Boultiin baa lie«n r-lfrletl to ('ongreiw from the ’h»rloii« l>iMrirt, in : Virginia, b> a m.ijority rf arvnral hundred votca ov«T Jud;;* Bf\erly Tucker. 'I'he forniur i;* in favnr of the AdminiMratioii and op('o*M't] to the I'nited Slalf's limik, and llie Utter oppoMtd tu Iho Adunnutru- tiun.—J'iiy- ab*trrtr. On Tliiirsduy IiikI, iho lifeless l)ody of a mnn wus diM overrd in the siibiuhs of ihis C’tiv, and Ihoinjh h> h.nd evidrntiy bern forJoiiir dnyt*, it wiH rruddy re«'Oi:ni- zpii. 11 If n.iin** w-as I iiUntine liitlrit,* n-a- hlent of thii roHiity, and r»*ip'c(al>ly ciiniHTlrd. 'I lu* r.iii!«r ofliis «J«'ath has not rertainlv l*®en H«-»itatned. Hr piirchnfu'd aloi»r of our l>rna Mores, a lew dajs n^o, a vial of InuJiuiuin which may have producwl Ilia death, or under the iiilhieiit n of ardent Spirit*, to the UM-of which ho was at titn«« adilictetl, he inay Imvo luid hiinsell down, and |»en»hed Iroui expobure l.> the we ilher. Hal. Iiigis\r. \t the Superior Toiirt ofCiranville, Jud;^o Noinvooi) presiding, the noted Washinf'- Um 'lahvrn watiigiiin wnlenrrd toU- han ded «n'> etinewlay, tho WhofApnl ensu ing.—ih. The fiej;i«*lalon* of Virginia hna adjourn ed. .\n art hnn b**en pa>»»fd for the pradii- nl uholitiwi of liotti'ru'x. No ik'W 1/Otte- rie»ar« to S** aulhi*ri7rd and al)er 184U, the Mile ol' 'I’lckels to bo ab«olutely prohihded. Mitrt/faiul.—In the House of IViejalrs of till* State, on Kriduy last, Resolutions were piiN?iei, by a vote of to !)l>, (‘it incmbeu abstrif,) approving tlio courne ol the Kiocutive in oppuiiiug a renewal «»f the charter of the Bank of the United Staten, cVc. «tc. 'I'lio concurrence of the S«nate in these I Resolves was not anked by the Hnusc of ^ J )elej;ute9 ; and a very gfxxl reasftn the j House had for t!0t as^Uin^ it. The Resolves |Woiild hnvo U-eu negatived in Ihe Senate, , 111 all probability, by an ununiinuua vote. I IS'at. Inttll. •Mr. Soi Tiuun doliverol hia PiscoiirHO on the profcMtional lilij and cliarhcler ol Mr. Wiht, lo a very crowded audtenco, lo iho Hull of Representatives, on Turwlay evening. It was heard with grfat ||;nuifi- ciilion, by huudredj who had known Mr. I VVHIT long, and who cherish the most af- fectiouatu regard l«>r his memory. 'I’lie duty of coaiiuenioralin'j his virtues, in this I mode, >;uiild hardly huve fallen into better ! haiid.s lhan thoso of Mr. Suulhird, who had . the pleasure of uiany yetirs’ acqiiainiuiuo, IhIwovh ofthc ino*t Iriendlj character, v.ilL Mr. VN IHT. 'I he Discourse will, ofcoiiiw.; U: puiilislii'd, iuid, we lire eure, will be jread witii jjieul interest—ib, j Moftilc, ^i>irrh 0. Wc learn Ihnt on Saturday nijiht la;»i, a I(lislurhaiice, which resulted in a serionb ri- lot, broke out ainon^ the Students of the T- Iniversily. 'I’he dwelling of Iho I’resideiil w ns attiicki'd, the windows or' the Profes- Kf>r>i broken in, and Bcveml fire arms lis- N liarjred. e did nit learn that [K-rsmiiil j injury was s«usiained by any of the parlies, (K>r doesiHir infurniMnt know the particiiiai ! aii*^ f>f the disturbance, or in wiiat iiiaii- ' i»er it w.iti (jut'lled. VVu wait with aiiXK ty ' for the {mrlKuliirs of this dis"race!ul aUiiir, ; which will doubtless be furntuiicd by oui ' t*» xt advices from I Ubcaloo^a. Tlie Irjitliilure ofliic Slate of I>o'ii«iann Invi !» fnic tl#« .11 a m 4;; »clieni« ol lii‘u ri.i.1 liii- i provtiiieiit ’Mk. bi^i pr0|«>)-.-« l)ie lln»r("rjiion i ti a company »illi » cnpilal ui’ Iwrt-it/ niH.'ioriK, I r>r»lruct arail-roi'd tfoni Orliaiii* Id L ton lirMi^i.St. Kriijiti»»ili! and l.'linloti, tin nc e ' wardly to lln- boundary line of .Mi^siHsijipi. It i*- rLC>inii.end d a* part of a preiit rtdlt. Uiruu}.'h \|i->>i«Ki;ipi, .Alnlia.nit, (Iei»rj.u. N«ulli I'iwi iSoulli df^Una, and Virf inm, to jshiiiptoii eity. I i.ic jot Its udvocalc* allirui that if tin-M' Stuu-^ will |>a»s lav.s III anlIiori«e thf c.^n lriiction, c-'iiij'tt- iiie* wilt l>f lonmd for rontiliUiii^ lh kk.i!, */■ tliat n iliiin Iwi iily year* a trip irouj New «> 1* iiii' to W a>hiiigluii will nol o«.cu;:y u-oic tliiu tiT ■ day*. Suprrmr Court.—Ojiiiuons hove been ’dflivond by the(\>urt, lu the folluwinj; Ca- !jt>, Mir-e our la-it : MiirrK\rn, .Tudire, c'l'livered IIk Oriin- , mn ol Uie I'ourl III tlie t«-i in Kfjuity from lliif- 1 w, .~arah'S ard r. fReward W iliiaiiiK and o'fur? r- v»i>.iiic the dicrct below aud tUkUiin.nj; Uic dc- leiirrrr. IKhii'i, Jnd;re, delivered tlie Opinion of ihf il’oii t, in :l)t r»»r ol i:» ciilor!> ol in. I'rootii r. Kiehard Cf'ioin, from l/cimir, ritl.'-hii;: tlic juiig iiieiil ii' i.oiiKjil at.d rnnunuin:; ll’i; f ati'.i. liATO'i, Judge, d' ll\:rrd tUc Hpiniuii >f the CViuil, III lli« « iM.- m l-.)uUy r nio». d Iroin .Na^li, ArclieUuo 'i'l' r. Hou ll h'ii ilan mid idltrr> ij« r!..rin. ihi ..sujnnicnl set up lo Ix-tniudulcnt, M ttiiii> k'itii-the rrpi.riof tlie Alanlcr and uirtcl- in^' ,.11 accoaiil lu bt tjken. Matrh 1'.^---C.\ri’ S, Jude. d-;iivfrrd Uif-Opin- Kill ol li.e l oiirl. in li e Cd» of Vti k, Adiiir.or Miorl, r. the Adtiir. of l»u »>, from •^a^!l ; r. vcr- , Mii;{ M iiiuih o:'l.‘it ditr« t bc-iow lu liti Ur(u tlitrc M.U1IU fraud in ol/'.Jiiiin^ ihc jiiijcini iil* coin- ■ piaiiifd oi;, and rii.>.nii!>»i(the toiiij>Iu:iiai.tu tiii. Ill ,.4rt—nud d>cr«e;i." Ui3l tlicre \,a» iraud in oNl.iii.iii" iLfst jiidgi.iti.U, and lhal un accuiiut nllMll Ix lalti'n. , I'wiri, Juii^e, (Iflivcrcd the Opinionof thi- ( ourl lu till c»»c 1 III iini'tt ll «*cr and olhcr-^ r. iiaek. Urslir ami o!h; r*. Iron,«Jranvilli n vi rsing liu- judciitenl b low, and nidiTini; a nrw Inal. Ki mN.rhiel'JiiHllce, dc!ivcr\cd t!ie I )piiiion il iIm I ourl, in the c»t ofI'luile» l>enm« r. 4‘iiile. iiHm .M.iriiK, in K.juily, fruin .Mii-klcnhurr, ina- tiiii;: a di crcf in laior of the i'laiMtiti', nnu ciircc- tiiiy an ac-onnt ^ Ki iriN, t liict JnMire, d-li\Trcd iheOpinion ol thrl vtiil in th'-r»*r ol'.los>!iua Ijiiiiiiel:!. .lolin k««l>erl», frou. l.iucuin, atiirmui^f the juiiyuicut below. i;i ii iN. I'hicfJiii'tico, deliver* d the Opinion of lh « oiirt, in Ihe ci!« lt!i non dcnii-col l*aui r. Waid lioni Wish-nptcn, reriminj; ihu jnd^riiienl Ik-Uiw ; and orilt rtcif a new Irul. j Murrh 1 1. Ki IHN, I hit-f Ju.ticc, deliven-d the ‘«Ipinioii ol ihi l oiirl, on a motion tin- h ( 'ntwuin, jin till rn*e 111 IW on d> inw of lltlUrd r. kerr, I from lialeH ; ri riisnij: the Ccrliorari but cigilinu- in" lh chu«c, ill ordi r lh.U thi- uinendiueul di-i- ri cj niiplit be niudr IM-Inw. AUo, in the cjsc ol i State r. .Init r, Ire n I r*nt>liu : r-\er.iii? the de- ‘ tision ol tin- I ourt brl»w, md dirietinj: il lo pro- u» i dtojiiiljmeiit .iganintll c ili lcndiint. Also, in {the ca'u ol” Arthur tirefory r, .Mfrul IVrUins, ! from ( urrilutk ; r. vcrsinp the jinJifin. nt U-low, jiind ordi-rinj a ni w trial. -Mm>, inll«-cr.»e ol riinothy Wailon i’. Whilnitll .Stalling*, from ; i;.ntcii; rever'iiiij; tlie jiidjiiu nl below, and orih'r. i inir a new trial. -M'o, in the enKc of IW on kni of Skinner and Ilau;;hlon r. Cox, from Chowan; allinniiij' the jiidpim-nl Itcl'iiv. , March l.'i.- KrrnN,I hief Justice, dilivcrrd the ' Opinion ol thi I curt, in the cane of Smith and ■olheriir. Hnrham,from Wake, dvclarin? that up. iontheacconnt.s tnkcn there is a balance dus the j deleridant.but rtuiiiinc the bill ibr furdicr direc- i tioni. 1 ii.t'JToN, Jnrire, (1 Iiv red the Opmion of the iCourt, in Ihe ca-^- in Diiiiily, Mary frnven, r. I’e- Iter Craven and other*, from Randolph, deelorine: I Iho Plaintirt not entitled lo l)aw««r and disnnsaiin; . Iho bill. ! The remnius of an Indian were dug up i hint week, by some labourer* at work on itJeoroe Street. When the grave wan •- 1 [lenedl the body apjioared to be in a tnler- ■ able state nf prosorvation, but exposure to the sir soon reduced il to its kindred dust. Au arrow head and a pi^>« wore found in the Krsve, and are treasured up us the on- ' ly tangible mementoes of this depsrlail son , of tho forest^JNVw^iTTJ DIED, In thie place, on the t2.'id Inat. Mri. ElitabtUi Brown, wilis of iMr. Pcler M. ISrewn in the 8tth year of her age. In tlie upjier end of Mecklenburg county, on the i^Oth insl. after a protracted itineas, of hearty tour year*, Mr. Alexander (tiUenpie, in the 62d year of liik ai,'c. 'i'he d(ceai>ed waa one of our must ux'ful r;itizenii, a kind neighbor, a g;ood lit- Ihcr Olid husband, and has lei'l a dix'-oiiiiulate widow and Iwoamall oona to mourn their irrepara ble loss. t’tnimumratfd, WEEKLY ALMANAC. MaIjch; Ib34. Sun 1 Sun I moON’8 PHASKS. riacBl sctii.l Saturday, ,5 d0i6 10 :W Sunday, 5 49.6 11 31 Monday, .5 48'6 13 1 Tuesday, |5 47,6 13 For Marek, i(^4. {.ast 2 New 10 6 47 morn. 5 £1 morn. 2 Wednoeday S 466 14 First 18 7 40 morn. 3 Tliurfiday, 6 4.5 6 15 Full 25 18 bU mern. | 4 Friday, 44i6 16 Lart 31 7 8 even. THE MAIthETti. ISaiik ol' C’apc Fear. j rniflK uiidersiftiied having lieen appoin-1 ted Cuiiiiiiir«i(«iers for receiving sub- i script ions to slock, in th« extended capital; of the Hank of Cu|»e Fear, horeby notify I ihe public, that Books w ill beopeued al the ^ Store of Mestirs. Morrisons A: .McKee in Charlotte, on the hn>l day of April nest, I lo^ purpose. \\II,I.IAM J.ALFXAXDF>R, H.M \M W. IXJ.NO, W. .MOIMU.soN. I M'^rrh-y,. 1WII. 1 /r 1 -\ r js % j.k. Ihe higlK'st bidder, the aud Lot, in w hich Col. John Sloan now lives. —AI.,eU— j Iiis interest in the Ltmond's .Vi/ic (as it is called,) also ‘20 acrc.s of Land I vinu in ihej town of (Jharlotte, on the we.*;! side, adjoin.] iiiff the pi'ss'-.>i..iofis III Major Jjoiig. Al.^e,' •^.ino house|)(i!d Furriitiirc. 'JVriiis made known on ihu iav of s.ilc. N, \V. ALLXAM)KR. Ti-u^ter OF JOHN .'I.OAN. Ma rch I. W('' A N J: W F'.ST A H L11131 h. > T. Tjl^ilK »iit»>erit>>?r would in brin hi« fruiidi atid M Uit public, that he has just optntd a !•, in the !)OU»c fvrintrly oeciipii d by Thn«. A. ^Icra, mie door iiorl;. ol'C ol. Sloan’n. lie h.i« a general :i!>!>ortnienl ol liio hi-sl ior i;fn Sttirits'A' IViiifH, ijiat can Ix' procured. Liki wise, j (•roccriig, ('onfnlionant n Calrt. .\?id a nneiiM.r of other liiint'!* which is phaeant| lu lliP lii»le, and would lend lo niak*; u» happy H liile Mtlirijf oviT a fine }>Uu- of oysUrii. Auioiiy \,hich arc ihc Ibthnviii" nrliclea : j -WIXKS- I Med'ria,'r- neriftu, .Mo«»clI, Frontc-i l:ae, .Mu^cati-I, .Mala{ra, Clianii>aign, j nnd Clax'l, hy the kingle bollie, or in do7iiis. -MMRITS-- ^ ^ Coguiac Hrundy, Holland Gin, Ja- ^»^-iiiai> a Kuiu, .N. K. Rum, U hisk«y, I’lai II 31.d Apple Rrandy, I’hilHdcl- phia Pi-er, Ntnnrk I ider. \n B?>sortmriit of Corduils, fcuclias“The lifcoi' .'•l.ui,” whiih hy liie bye i« quite an inportant drink lu ii»,—'I'eiiiptrjnie, ^liiis Cordial (Tem pi r*rice) 1 woild icconiiiiend to tlie 'renipcrance y-nut-n.eii a> a plea«aiil drink) IVrtccl Love,aad I luve, Li-inon Syrup, A-c. A c. | y7'UHS A' AtftS. Oran;jC8, Ix-inoii-, Pine .Apples, I'lfs, Raisin*,! Currant.^, .Mii.oiids, Knglith '\ ulnutx, Nut? an) 1 ilnertu, il-o, tV'tfu'-, Suiram, t andiesol all ^ kinds, Ci;rc.-., rackers, Herrinptt, Salmon, .Mack- • I'r. 1, Dr. Slaiitliiii’» i>itter»- Suit, Hacon, Soap, I andlcH, I'l ppt r, tiiil^'er. Cloves, NuUiiCjfa and Spii-L, CaKtH, (,!ri»ii thre tiincii a witk,)l-irej Crackers, Kne,0>Mcrs, A.c. Ac. j All of v.hi h 1 V ill si ll lo»: liir llie Marry up, ai.d if llu pi.blle doubt this, just esl! at lli« Hfti Si^ii, whicii ha* on It “ J.Kiuor*, 'Vines, iKer, Uv»tcr», Fiah, C'chiiim, Svj;ur^,’Wc. I 1 AAC IIYAMS. ! ChorlnUr, Marr',. 1N". l._ t'M I i'oiiiiitinsiiftt tls* ***'!/• L.ivW W IN6LUU cuiitinue tbcir A-1 • pi ney in Faytlti ville, Ibr the Iruiibaction | i)» CoiiimiHunn Bn»iiie>! "rni raily, tlie cuiloctioii | nni! (teltleiiieiil of Claims, Uiseount and Renewal' of Ni.ti s, at I ilher of ihc Hanks, purciiasc ol'Motk,, iiivtstn rut ai.d tran.fcr of money, A.C., \c. .March-.1, 1 ■•34. 3l‘'4 rjlIlR MiliMiibt r h»sl on Wctliusisay eveninjr *. ol the last County Court, a Red Caltekin I’oi k.l Book conUininu’the li.llowing papers, viz: «liif note pavahlo lo.Snm'l illiaitixon on Juiuok B. i;ritVith, due ::i3d of January, lwi8 00 One note payable Ut S. W’llliauuon, Exncutur ot'. Jjines I’oUs, on Jiiiiies B. C.riftith, due oUlh IK--1 cciiiber, 1 _ 6 11] One note jwyahle to James .Melvi-c, adm’r. of! Wm. Mrkeeon Jaiiicii tJribbli and Solomon Kei d, ' dated lflii Dtcrmlx r, I.13;J, due 1^ iiionth.i after ^ date, ti»r S'3 jH with a credit of twenty dollars, j One iiou of !-iiiin- date, payable tu dillo, on John and JanicK .MuMli'-«e l-'l ; One nolo payable to Itolwit llowio, d.iteil Nov.. 1due 1-’ iilontlis, on 'I'homas 01i\er and Wil-1 liamtirav Two n’ole*, *ame date, on ssme [irrsnns, J«va-j blc lo Williiin I low ie, for oO doIlarK each. One note on John M. Iliip|K>ldt, payable to I.-, Drake«, tiir ‘•.V .ill rt ite not recollecltd. j Ikiie iMilc on /«ebariah Thr>mp«on, payable to, myself, ior !i:W M. due (Ilh Janu.iry, l.-i 1. ! One nole on Allred I’urvi. n«;e and (ieorgc W.j ^lc^'eelv, payiihle to myself, for tli* 1^2, due in, Novenil'er, H3.'l. t l i One note on Jonathan Downes, parabL- lo John | M. Ilappoldt. for sSiU and *oiue cent?, due 30lh ; January, l''34. ,, I Onenolu on William W. Prarmon, to mv.ielf, Ibr $;• 40, due ISlh February, If-:)!. I One note on William ^^^ltt, dcc'd. payable to' D.ivid Brown, for SC-M, due S.'ith IHccmber, IP.S3. j One nolo on Juhn and William .Marlin, p.iyab!e| loRichard I’coples, for #111 3U,diic IkI J.inuary,' lh.‘)l, with a credit of 10 dolU. llMh April, IKII. , I )nc nnie on Thomas J. tirii r. imyable to inysel! I for .'i dollnrs, due Novisinl>er, lti3;i. One note on Jame* W alkup, payable to .Mar- j cii« l>. .Mani.on, tijr S7:i, Uao in ls33, with two j funall crediU. ' One nolo on "Moses W. Cuth()erti!on, piTBi-le to Thomas 'I'rotl. r, due February -’Hlh, IKIi, Ibr j S do.lar* and 50 ci-tits. One nole on John W. Thompson, payable to Thomas TroUer, duo 8th .May, IMl.for lf> Till re were si vrral olhcr papt.s in the pocket book not roi-olK-etfd. All pi’ruon* arc forewarned from trading for any of the above notes, and the payers ace cautioned nut to iwy them to any perion but iiiywdf. March 1 4, IC'34 " M V\ U r50N FAYKTTKVII,!,E,MARCH 25. Rrapdy, Cojr.^lJ aS»; Peach 55 a 60; Appla 2Ha33i Bacon 8a H; Deeswax 17 a 18; Bavvin^ ‘iO a IW ; Coffee 13 a 15 ; Cotton 9 a llj | Corn 'JW a 9.*i; Flaxseed 100 a 125; Flour 4i a 54 ; Fra- thi r« 34 a 30 ; Iron a 5^ ; Lard 10 a 11; Mo. lasif' s 2*.) a 32; Oats 38 a 40 ; Nails, cut 6 a fi| } w-rou^hl 18 a 20; Ruin, Jamaica 140 a 00; New Kncland 45 a .>0; Rice 3i a 4; A'ugar, brown 9 all; eoniinnn 10 a 11; Loaf and LuraplG a 18 ; .S'ali, Liver|H>oI 55 a 65; Turk’s Island 62) a 70; iVtiol, American K a 9 ; Kng. bliRlercd 16 a 20; Ger. man 14 a 15; Tallow 9 a lU; W heat y6 a 1 Whiskey 30 a 35; Wool 16 a 18. rilARLFiiT ON, MARCH 17. Cotton, upland, 11 a 12^; Rice, prime, $2 13* t 2’ ; inferior to good, 00 a 0; Ffour, superfine, 5i a ; Corn 60 a (15; OntR 42 a 43) Whiekey 28^ a :J:l; N. F. Rum 35 a 36; Brandy, Apple, 3:2 a 33; I’eacli -10 a 43; U;ei-w«x 17 a 00;’ Tallow, Caro lina, II a 11 A; .Mackerel, No. 1, 16 75; No.2,5| a 0| No. 3, 4i| a 0; Bacon 7 a 8^; Hams 8j n HU ; Lard 8 a ; Nails, cut, a 6 ) Bagging, Iiundee, 22 a 24; low end flax, 18 aSOj Bale Rope 9 a 11 ; Cc^. Brandy 1) a 2; Holland Gin 1 a 1 j ; Iron, Russia nnd Swedes, 84 a Alt i ^It, Liv erpool, in baps of 4 hush. Slj a 00) in bulk 28 a 0(1; T. Island 00 a 00 ; Sugar, Havana white, 9 a 10; brown 7 a 8) niuncovado 9 a 9^; St. Croix i Jahiaica 9 a 10 ; New Orleans S a 9|; Molasses, tuba, 23 a 24; N. Orleans, 29 a 30; Cof. fee, prime grieii, 12 a 13;^; inferior to good, 11 a 11/'; Hyson Ira 7.) a 95. .%orth-Carp!ina nionty, 1J a 2 per tent, discount Savannah and .‘\ugusta Bank Bills 2^ a 3 per ctnt. discount. CllERAW, MARCH 18. Hsfon 10 a l^’J ; Butler 15 a 20; Beesvaz 16 « IT ; Ba"jing, tow 22 a 00; Dundee 24 a 25; Cof. fee. prime grein, 16 a I«*;2d and 3d qualities 14 a 15i: Cotton 9i a lOJ ; Corn 87 a 00 ;Fiaxsei d ^1 a U; Flour 6 a 7i; Feathers 32 a 35; Iron, .Swrdcs 5 a 0; Eiiglioh 4} a 5; Lsrd 10 a 12J ; Molasec! 40 a .0(1; Nail* 7J a ; Oats 50 a OOj f,ins«^d Oil!?I} a Ig; Rice 4i a 5; Rope 12 s 13i; ^uffar, .Muscovado prime 11J a 12^) com. inon fi a 10; Loaf and Lump 15 a 18; Salt, Lijr- erjiool 75; in sacks, 4 bushtils, 3 a 0; Teas 1.1*5 11; Tallow 10 a 12; Steel, blister 8 a 10; German 14 a 15; Wheat 90 a «■!. I.AM> TOR SAI.Ee As I intend moving lo the west, during the iic.vt year, I wish to sell five hun* dred acrcs of land on the Catawba river the residence of the late John Dow. The buildings are extensive and elegant, with a considerable number of acres of first rale river bottom and a g(X)d meadow. I am determined to give a great bargaia in tbia land if application is made soon. W’.M. S. NORMENT. March ‘2Gth,lSti4. Pl-4ir. P.iy the Tailor. Those indehted to me are requested to come and pay immediately by cash or note—the Cinilt would be prrftrred. A. GRAHA.M. .UirrA2n,lP3l. Timber \Vanted. rj'^HEFubscriber is authorized by theCommis- ■_ sioners to contract for 250 logs, 17 feet k>ng (iby 10 inches square—post or white oak—to he ilrllvered as soon as practicable. Those desirous of eonlraetinj, would do well to propose inimedi. OASH will be paid on delivery of liio limber in Charlotte. By order of the commlssioncri, THO.MAS A. MERA, Agrnt. X. R. A •mallnumberoflogswill becoclractcd for, if it should not be convenient for one person lo deliver ail. T. A. M. laghtor ten hands willjhe employed by the day, we*'k or month, .^pply as above. T. A. M. March 21, 1?34. 81tf FE^IALE l.\STITUTEe ^rallE next Session of this Seminary will com- ^ iiiencc on tlx first of March. Tho new edi- 111 e crtctod for the purpose, is now ready to be oc- cupicd : and the necessary arrangements arc njada lo reccivc all Voiing Ladies from abroad into th» family of the Principals, where due attenlion will bi- given to their health, social habits and morals, r.s well a* to the cultivation of tiieir minds. All the branches of study requisite lo m com plete I'-ngli.-h Education, are here Uught by thu kid of (ilolx-s :Vla|*s, Charts and other apparatiie suited lo illustrate the Sciences and render the study of them at once more inleresting and profit, able. Instruction is also given in Ike Latin, Greek, French and Italian Languages; in Music, Draw, ing and Paintinc, and in Plain and OrDamental N.^dle«ork. The scholastic year comprise* len iiiontli.s, resolved into Iwo sessions of five months each. EXPENSES. For Board, Furnished Rooms, Washing, Fuel, Lights, iitationary used in the School anil Instruction in all the branches of an En. plish Kd icaiion, together widi Latin and ;reek, for one year floO In addition lo tiiu above for Instruction in Mui*ic jK-T session 21 French . J . . 8 Italian .... 1(1 Needlework ....> Draw ii!g and Painting - - 10 Tuition for pupils from the villaje the saae a.-t foruivrly. A. J. I.EAVENWORTH, K. M.LLAVENWORTH, iVinci/w*V. C'.'frJottr. X. C. Fi'h. 35, 18.t4. 7t»tf I'liited .’Volley I**!* BJIKUSONS wanting UniiddStata# Money can M. be accominodatf d bv applying to !• PKIX^ii A, DINKINS. Pr^20,1633. _6‘*tr .siii’l{fKJ'S’ DEEDS, 1'^OR Lamis 80I1I lor Taxes; for Lands sold ^ under a. \Vrit of Fieri Fucias ; and for Lands *».ld un.h r n ^VIi^ of VeuJiUoni ExjKjnM—for sulc at t';ir Otli