911NERS’ & FAKMEISS’ JOURNAL*. PRINTKU AM) 1*1 JIVKUV SATL HUA%,in THOMAM J. UOLTO>.... HAHmTTF, MKC Kl EMM HC COI NTY, NOBin-CAUOLINA. !«• ' TKACH YOU TO riKKtlt THK »OW KUt Oy THK KAKTII AM tlKINO miT KIIOM TIIIC CAVFRNH OK TMF, MOCNTAINH, MKTAlJt WI!IC!I WII,L*;IVK HTKKNGTI! TO C.I’R HAN?* AND MHJKi;T AIX SAIIRK Tt> OUR UKK AMrPI.KAflRtU—DR. JOHNSON^ vol.. IV. '1 lit: niiMi**’ 4t FariiHTw’ Joiiriinl \ AfiloLN J 1SKNOMl,NA Uh 'I'HfjSljA. Iiirjjc Bculr. Fv;n diKtillalion clod's notdivp'iti^ra- tiefiiiat ettu i.—Thi in otiu of iJie iiimst im. j wiitcr ol nll its biltcrncs*, w h« n it oonlaitm Hal I '"ti'd m«l l>uWi«ln?ti •'■“turdty morning l^rtanl i>iibjcli it |i|ij»iciil jfiojfraphy. '1 hr o-, atniimniac. 'I’hiis inarin'TK, tlioii;jh ■ailing on Tuio Dolltht per ariiiuiii, it ii«nl in wlvancci i '''“f*. it* oxhalutiixm, winrh rt-frcsli r:id ni'»i»- - the iiiid*t of wnti r, oftrti rve ihcmtulvei !».|(fisccl l)olUf$and * 'uti «i"l I**'*! until ' "up^irtM vey IiiIiIb lili-, and fiirtiiwhun • to all tliu horrors ol djinirof tliirst i»!» ri (hrir iTr the riiiHdtloii »l' tbrtf niontha ; 7'Arrr | »upr,l> U> those vuliiahle canal* of, a!o-k of frn«h ualer has Ix-cii rxhanstfd. Uiit *ivi/ t at the'-tid of tlic yur. No papt r nil! | «liu fi tl 'JU({li coiutanlly tlo» iiig,' ahould th.y Im» lijrtiiiiatr enough loialli'i wiili rdi«oiitim>e«l until *11 arr. araKO. uu p*,d. ' »cv»-r , tloal.neor i.xed ico. piece-o) it. when incll.-d. af- - .-.1^ I- *> ithyiit th^ kiiioly infliipiirr of tliMr vopotirn, lord them nutcr »inch is trenh, althougli a little I which every imiii'rnt csraiM- irom the Burfiirt-ol | i,ir.ij'iil. ( vlornf S'fa ii'iilcr.—The color of tlio sea va- u,,|cM*t tho option of UlC L*lltOI ■ ... .... . ■ * »» r. I » •» . f ub t-:'» «i in- 4 rffiii mo nui I'Uf «»i iinKK llSKMKNTH will lie in^rtcd at hfty ,Ur a. all the earth «oii!d hfa-ui.h like . de*t rl.- tV.w p«r Cn"‘ Uk- fir»t iiiMTtioii. *r,d ^5 c« nU fi.r raci* auc- mdmr wefli—‘"f '*«■* ka, for on. ,t;u«re. A librrnl di»c«ii't w(ll madi to tiiofx- «l». rti»e by the y «r. tt TOn all adv. r- l,*.mei.l» comniunicateri fi»r publication, Iht- nunikt of |n»erl|onn inuat U. in'tid on the inai rinoflhe iiKii»«cript,or they » ill b' Coiit.i.uiu until forbid, and chargtd ac or%!iiij;ly. • • Ml rom3iutiirai''n» to tJ'f l«ditor inu'l ronir j • f* •remea 'iVrenf ‘•■'■y '"■y ^ Ml'-ndcd to. | oth. r. —— : i.V/»ni ot till drying up of the ocean, whether alow or rapid, would pruhably lie nullicii nt to r>rduce all orjraiii. H'd usturi- to a (.tulc ui’ aiiiiiliil ition. 'I'hc \a«t iiiaM ol water i* tipiully u«;lol for a!>«orl>iii(f and di i-umpoainn a prrnt nuaiitity of ihixumi^ t'a*. and ariiiiial v "Ptahlc pmiibiiiii. ’r!'« o aii tcjo, l>y al- ■ordiiii,' iiicrcant d farililicii to couiiiii rr.e, h cunn riei* vi-ry iniifh in apfrararire, hut is jri-nfrally of n deep hluiHh green, which liccomea clfarcr tow- ards the coakta. ap;iarci:t color of the nei fCeitm lontii-c entirely Iroui the soiii'! f-aiiw« which iiii|>urt a rhudc to diilaiit uioiiiitHin)>, ni.d whicli give the atiiiKsphiTC its azure hii'. 'I'he rayn of hliir lijrht, heinj; tl:' ijiont relViinjjihh-, p'lXM tin advaiita;jro( n’H;tiliorl'()Ml to iiatioiiH wliicli iii thr pr :it>-t ({'laiititv tlirou. h the Biju:iti. Hu- iimhv loltv iiioutil.iiiiii and m many rr'piH riv. r» »reiiifd to liuve M'lieralid lor ner lri>iii eatii _ ' Ihf S'U.— ,\k to the m o*" tlir l«i- ' 1 f j ^ V ,k.. . - . “‘II o th*'M'a, It •M.Tiiin to liMKr ini-niulitirp kiiK.lar ImUmlunl /«>fnrr._Nothi « mo - , . totllilion •I'’*” ti’Jt*'***’ ltXllVltJu;ti!tIII l»***lll' i It It wir'oriid up Hou.d pri'M'iit ii>o(intailii, val. »»f;ceI •'*"t I. oiri».T, inhahitid al. idirtoftltfniihun. Mdnv even rt-f'tw to ' “''"-t ihrou«ii..»t ii. » ho!» ni. nt !•) an ininieti«- HecliVP fraitchi.*, uiid ,ir.de -ov«r. d will. iwrci'T ii™ 1.1- I , I ;'‘•nd or Kr«nl. It wa» thiit that l>uiati louiid liierii-n lvP!* on n lu«ul ol {X.lltn ni , ,),, t».ftoiTi o( ll. Adriatir Se* ; ttic tj«d of tiata. fotlT’rr*. “ U hilt lft8H*T» it to nif, in) |roi«aniiii (U tlore, accoriiii.i; to liifu, i» urM'ral («.- •• vihn m Fn'!*iii'iit, or whal are hi« | hunjr.«l i«*-t m thi kti'-»«. 'li.t ctli htatrd liivcr rMK-ii.le»’ I I IK» ollicc, nor do I «'-►‘y- U. *liom tl ■ hn!--r.r Kr. u, ntU II, cm. I > II # t r f poy «i t » ik •f rui into tl»«-ol .M« •••iiia, »ofni tifiiM tl»i* whii^ |»iuUfc;hiiig her way —ithI n»tt»racenM ^ >n,rrur, to | Ihroujf.. li,* biUu*\h. apjKarB to iaarl. outa uirrow tt. rm*, Hi thr end of itw who I ihc rn'k«, tiic ainia ol vklurli, b int; ^I’vi-ral\ardn j ol'tire ; cnth stroi.e ol (tie oar iiiita a light jujmc- the helm iil'lhc ('UW’rtllli*'!.!, am) M )i\ lli«*rt‘- . loiif, w I rr more than vuthcirut to klaii(;le a man. tirneK lirilil.int aiiU dkzzhn;r> &t oth> r tii:i'5 tinn- id, which from itsdeiiMty and depth, iiiul.eit tliciii uiiiieri;o a firoiig retraction. '/'In othi r «!iadi« 111 tliij cii'-r of >ra.\vnt'TK de- p» nd on cfmsfs whwh nrr lot ,;1, oiid jtometiiii'^ illuHory. It IS kaid that tlic .'tU-dili rrunuan .''tu, in Its purt, iiuD wiinetiinr* a purpli tint. In ihe tiiilfof 'fiiLica, the na m whiir, and round ttif .Maldive l»land», black. 'I'he \ ernieilh', or Vrr- in illif^ S«-a, near iililbrnin, ha* rtei'ivtd i:i« name from the red color wliii.li it oltc.ii atinnineH. 'J'he !an;e pheiionimnn was observed at tlie mouth m'tlir ri\er i’iata, by ,Mag;illi.n, and aUj III other placi s. //li'/U oMV AVn.—The light nr njtafklinff of tit f tra i« a mi I'nifieent ard inipOMHi; i«|Hrct.ic.li'. loi.«i« up nuitnt/imfii, un6 thr ' tr .'iarK ille«, inaf *>!•.; i« ilu;' tip Iroiii a »ul>-iiia. ii.nllu.iu*. the reluljjent wa\ei> heup up, rull, und I^Aernu-^iil l» o| Ihr ,^oplv, ; tul-.ui.nmi. ^ br-k ir. ^h.t.|ng ,^ni. At oUu r Umos we fer t ^ . . .L. . ^ t«a ••...All t * a . •-MI a j ft ltd f) j f ‘ ^ * 11 -k, I lti»dM\n w*t*r. lliM up : itri't- #ipBrklinif ri>eful Jirig Ihr lorm.i o: I: ,w:iM{JuaU I>*fl to rorn ihr tl J»ih ol iIm'(v-r «u ; ai.d in (Im* (iu)ph c>* j IuIh-s purruiny lach otiRT, .iriii;; utid ib'-'ii 4firtin* of^AorfuiU'iil, or i ^ nr o* ;ri w«ti r i* 1 lorlh ai. w, ti'ifi ^ I* ? I hl*» Id- (Mil Ui ri«r Jike a iiij'tid fiilt. aSi>i.iJir ()i>F n;>ff in witilir ufjiiirn^ daiHfvrf»Uh Ii. ! luri.i -h Uii- inh.jii-jil. «. the town of A.-iiu. IIN «ynxert.i.i-nl like our..- ... .. . 1-1 I *11 the rii cT*»t e ( 'ih^. totJir ■mtith.iTf St lh>' ■•pini'i(mi indiruiuali «>(l' tj iia'e an j oi lUtabano, m the bj/ ot .\a;;ua,at |i«purl«ut b>-ariiit: Ujxm ri»tl«>IM»l CUti^^rbK, U«o ur Ihr.e iinu • trom the land, ipnnr"''»i freoh IfWnono*'aliixiitJ alt. tlilil to nrrwu hini» il ' » »•« f Zi»h tip »ith »urt foice m th» u.id-l olth.-, !i'• i r.- !• d lor the pur|KHie, in nrm tcuC\ to U oe- frw ifw rr.-x.M.liililv .f irf«rf; riiiiiii? till, ‘alt, tn.l .n.all b.«?. . -ii.iiol ar;.r.Kirh l)i. .i. with ciipi^d ; and the i.«c *.>.ry arraiif. „.,„tv ar. .iin.ie ^ t I I Ift* eU , I*:** 1* rjy r )i»u lli' w. lrr lii'' *Vi»h* r I'* fccivt: »il \ uuiijf tr«iiii aUrfMd ihUj Ihn fart, j| ,1 a>>t n) Ur a* Ihi*) U|«i*«|irt |i ha« t> *>n o»..-that in th lan.il> ot thi I'rineipalit, where du« altiiilion vu.l B ifk imrtifit;* ol til** Kvrr_\ n« t|rlil> rli'«-d i-’ »ti •’p ro;;*!*, ti;'." t«ilu’ii il th' , 1« ji\i d to tJi. ir ht alth, «>tial liatMU and inofaia, l ints IdHllirl to kit'pBIl Ujnm tin- •'« tln' ‘Iiifca t'own »utKl niy to a r>i'«irterjl)I« i a» wi II ai. to the rultiva'mn ol liuir ininu^. .swt I IM.IO I’Cv>iAiJ. 1A.VHTI Ti:. ^ lit. n* It -'ton OI Uii» >t,ii.liiary will com- UK nee on tin lirKt ol .ti^irch. 1 lie new ot,;. a' r:x.uci I.fth. nr niv fioni Iiiik* a » . . .1 A- ^ tk... ; Uii tiMtv, il !• o«.» Rr»dJ-‘'j;'V iS«l Ihc *. * d* pWftc l.n l.t.tlK»,l..«d,.„u..ter the -flair*..! t^- .VaV-’nnrc are mm,., pl.c. in ! -k1 m I. ttrniiM nt tii.ii”r «titch h»* livi-*,innJ h.- wt> r.- i> (i>>ijoni hoa »et be. n loimd All the brai.chu of ttuily rc.jiiuiii to a cp.ti- ijhah L(:ucati‘jn, are lit re taui'hti^y the In!*."., •Map'i, • hirts ano otlitr npj>«ialuij uit> d tn iliudut. tiie St.' iieef and n iioei tl:e •iiilr^. ^ t'i the aii«ancm»eril >4' the U »t tcrtsuol bit iouutry.— Hal. Ht({ist(r. ^~mv|l'ie t'*.rthe laitUrilleiKl^oy iliflit of hi* I llt.1 I ,u-l not iv>i, io^:. that the»'a i» r.ally ' »tudy oi ihi ui at oi.c* more intiUTtin^ aim pn.fiu *iUMiilr*iii ail iilea. wlmli.il not a«-»'ird, i« at ' aMc. hi'irudioii i.o!»o^ivuiin the l,«tin,(.r.• k, . «.l, b> iioui. ar.te*.iitorinioletnlhear.a:«.^|.«f.f I rexich ai d Italian t>unru,n;i>.; in .VJunu, ) traw - natural acnii'i. 'I'lie rrioMitauni of eoiilmmta ; iiHT a'-d t’a'iilinp, and m I'luni anti i )rnain'‘iital •4»ni t'l rvi--(«Ti. » ith «iia! .-.ri railed th*- «Sy«-! •Nvertl. woi». 'J In- m hola^tic >ear omiipriw* tni •e* ol ih' .rk ; toil i».>'j> t'w hi'lK>! Motntulim do , inoi tiia, Hao.uO irto twu w..'aioua ul fi’.c uioiilJ;.'. ii> t ri.a to Lll.ia^ ei I. It i« trw.lhst l'ie> ti»»Bjach. w ••titl i ■« I', "ii'i I' nrd b? Ihi' eieni«i'.t« ; EXPrNCES. . i K. in till«Clt\. -♦•M "I. "nil 1-M.nrU t>? lti-eleni^l.H , . „ .V tv, I ^ .|„ „ PM nti.iOHl . t in ptii -tHit It t * •''‘•'■'•"“f.v '>•' d *' »'«•" «nd h the rf^i.r h-.d , , ,^..,^.,,,1, ,o hnd t... t-tt.>„. .»m .1 on-. th.rd 1 «'-I'•* >“" >n a.i tiic brani h. » .,1 an J,n. | I.i.xiMJTu.x, Kv- .Marrh II. Titor»« 'V. h\iiRiH. rhar||«fl willi the urilrr id JiMl « I*. I m:k, in till* cit>. * trird luht Hi-rk nl cioiiiv, (to H hich n rKarjT'-d,) .in.l ■iquil(*li. I Inal'., it* neplh »ithcur li'tlr ii.»T'i':.et,t. Ihr .»inm**ni'ed nn VV rdlM-*df«\ ; tin jur\ w»»m ' gr. atr»l d. p«h t.nt ha» ).•» n trn d In he iu'8»iir>-d Mnivllr.| in !».« n*..rfll»L- ; Ih.* » •* »»••> "• “•* "Oil.-.rn ■ »n '.V Urd ,Mul- , .All* 1.1. i4\'-=-hr «\»r> I. .i\v •tuf.nni;' lr.id. :th-P4fl.dtii.. .Hnm.Mm. nlth v i-h t ril.!. r„,,. t, thr >.r.ai;h «0 \U-lnr».|:i\ »!lrrno.n ; Ih- , ,„j,h .h 4t>«t tr-1... ith.«i’f n^mr th. U. ’om. •th>r llie (icI.iK'C wrr*- •'tniiiHirtI «li i p/ /',e .v-n —‘Hie -alti.r.. .>1 the •''a itili?i!«\ miTflltlB ; Jtiil^'* 'laSPtI OfwtieH m [. iieral o Ix- I. >s thi pi4a* r-'.e 10 tl»f Jury U tlm p:»rt ot' thi* pru- '■'i'l**'*' i-i 1 ' 11 1 ' . i.;i.*u> in nrtain .'Ui.lri'«. it.d ..I alU 111 sll itt.^ n.ur^hix .Urrtio.-. ; .Mr. -nib. , ,,, , »rd til t‘ir dutenrc ; . n. Hnurii«.\ »,i,, „ * v.-r.l j.hn..,. |. « *t t'le Mir^ir., ■*etJ f>(i liip (.rtiiiii «i(l« : ^Jr. ( Infill al- tnan .-.t U"' b..;io.n. In Itie atrait r»^('«n*lantlno- r>”^ il thi Jiirv '.li brhalt .'f lh«* }>riM»n« r ptr, the pfo,..rl..>n 1* a« to t.i. In the M. dite- ; i- Mdriv ti). riiifiir ; atui iIh- . . , , ^ a, ' iLtt in ilu- H. Um-wr IjK* u itl -I hv J. .1. » ritt.«li.l.-n, l.l«|. ; .\I»*-.I. J. .,u, „r • |.ir till* Ollini'.lt- «, >» ta in'>ri>)a>ili> fi In n»'lt> d ua'^r, a« iniciit tor the priH-^"' . liJ,iH7 lo lii.i iiO, ai.il lii,l'-;tr» li'.tMtii. Wuiir '1 lie Jiirv r. tircl wu;;ht to Ik Ci n.»cr and hiavi-r nt a ieil4in dijrth, , , and ir.'ri the rca'tll 0: eti'. riineiii. i:i which mr- into » .^url it. «. ^ J,,, ^ n hour wiili n \or* utiwup ~lUtlliL'r.nr. ' t»,;n e mtpul'd t':at « . ! I'lHaf'Ut* «> bv II ^ Mid /;j/._(),.r nrichHo.)r of t!-c ' ^ . , . , ^ , I.MJ d* I til lo h^'t liil >'al* s (. /.-II.. r.!Cor.N, thia luormii;:. Iro.n t> .• Kli'h I.d I'alien, to^.tiler willi Latin aiiJ »,ri. I-, nfii- v.ar $lji In .'..M.tion lj> till al>ovc for Instruction in .^luvic p.1 H>Mon Qt Ir-iK-h . • - t I’jliwi . . - • lu Nicul'work ... . t; llrBHiii{' and ra'ntmp • - 1> , 'riiiiion lot pui.iU iruin t!ir village tlie same as III. f( arc, h;Wirr ex. • ' ,, I luruiarly. " A. .1. I.KA\ l.NUOIiTH, K. d.l.l.AVL.\\\UKiM, I’liUi I, rhnrlntlf. C. I fh. I'.'il. isil I iiiird .Yloitc> ibr .^alr. II f.h^* waiitii'i; riiitcd •■'l.ili > .Vlonry mn fl. b. aicomiiiodat. il I't up,'U mg to ."i IM.\Ki.\S. ti'.ii ihri-e q-n!.^r« of an lo-tir witli n \or :lof “Nwt liiilUv.”— •iis'u'n* l,'-i'0 latiiouiH »n>m ihe mr ,icr, it lu« ' )M:n exiipul'd t':at at thatd.pth it lHilihl hr I } ei>in|.ul.«. ^'t lO'HI t>> IU..WII wi'i^’liU Sta-ua' •iitiuual »aitniii, m> um at •> rer- lnlt»-rnr»« : al h «?l, it ap ■ p *.M troint'.’ ;ition» n' S|i;^rrinnnn, who | ' *.'\*niiin •* o(' H fnud lull, who nwi'i , iwiih'...' . a waier tr«>in ti ' ".n doivri riicaiuit »l r.'^'l, \ l“ trr«la Y, nl |jth'>i>i», kihI Ivund i* ti«i t .i* la»t- o. tr.^h wal.r, ■40.lit...'. Iher «.K, rapid (..r’ti.o suh lv ol ! ‘x-" 1 rr.d. Ac- r *..1 . .1 . I II . it ccr* ii»ir chmui.il U itku very IiitU ^ i-il n2**rn lit lhaC htillunU U»U‘ ** ^ ' ? i. . r *1 • . t i are. t he i(K>.r;itifj«iH "t the- aiitiiitti m ; o^thrSn'tt' ■'f >lf.'els, iiowe\#r, nr»" 1. It Uliw ritteii l)\ »r to i» re. ivc ihi- m'* ■* 'f .^-.7 i-o^r. — I' i« ri«i III ii>. s i.-«ultin!: t'roin the UooU f^lIK Mib» tlt^ r lo't o.. I t.in ».iiiy eviHiiig nt tli>- in^t Ccnnty ^ our', a KiU i allIt^ln I’t/.'kit f’-yin c .iDtuininc tt.i ibllow inj; uptib, mi: I >111 neti pa\ ahit to > iiii'l " illiA'ii'on on .lame* l:. i.ritlilh, due >';fd of JruiuMi,, Ifii (K( (»ni noti ;>avabK' lo S. illi.ini«on, E.\eeutor of d. iithof ;>o'.lani.« rof-, I'n Jaim* li. l.iithth, du« 30th |)«- ‘ ceil.her, I '.i' _ •' 11 Oii« not. puTsl'le to .'amen .McKee, adin’r. of U 111. \I. U.eon Jameii tirib>>le and .S.loinon kiid, dati'd 1-th IVm chiIht, 1^;W, due 1‘J iiionliiH alur date, (or tCsi .“tO with a credit ot U\. :.ly .lollHr'-. (»tn' not.' ol sa>iie date, pay ..bit lo dillo, on .lyhn and Janien .Matthews 1.J I'; '•'Ktiot l!„. r„n,„„rr^^.ltiro wasnllrHCt. ,)..,H,Mle, w hirh the „ i.a. t^niiied hy ‘ '• a \niin;:lntK III n ntl il.^riuo d:t!.H— , re. ipitnlioi.. the «allne«s prijiinlv from '' nil n kr.l III tbf llio't dckperatf man- ■ th. mrruplion nl ii'er wrI. r f |i m-i iii«, in lict, ‘‘f- liir.ittii.j, her -*\eriil f 1 I'l Iho (iir, ih«l liic in-h wnter which i« disrharc d into clo*o "'K her r!re.. «la. ..t to ahr-Js but tor. 1 'o'"P«- .. .1 I 1 I . ••'d. !|I i luf I II-t)l Hall, tlif rKt nn ‘ . itliiMil MIM>I|S1\ >\*»UIMlinj^ i tiiii) N’co)iMd rri MH a predt llir riMiinmn Oil Ihkhhv n,tf» { h»sriul n*rrt!l, i ,mrv»iro! nil ffTrr«iri«l v^nt. r*. Hni in thw cnr Mr/ Fw il\, u rfspfrlaM#- , ni'« , tl m muI, llial ihf mllm should im rrtwr '"f l- tiii,k.T of .Market m'., knocktil him ^ r-m. day to .Ux. IUIl.v,who hr.meh. d this o- "ilH d.iii'{. riu» I'lri r, uinl liiirl bin ■iniiiii, «li>hi» llii . tpiTimenti. were n;«de, which in fntii'e Mj;. niinht cnndiiee lo throw lij;htoii '"n M.. I n «« 11 . j III Intii'e ^l^;e^. nili>lit i ri .'Ir. r„ .unti' ill IhuI , ,|,p ml.jcd. St\ersl nix>tn philii-opliri, eon- 111.,' iitill'N cotir>i»> HI rliCMmit, I hiil.T III.’>•."" the rrviiluiiin of a primitive fluid *™''- It rei(ir.!ed in tin* (iaXftlP. ||.. l which mi»l ’... ve h- I.l m nolution all the fu'.stan. ["['•rwiialj daw,, ||„. Mroft, pl.it.-rd int.. i r;-'-'•« \i''''‘.rilT ’flf I ^ i 1 , 1 I M'a-wat.ri. lia»int ill l>oMt( d all lln eailhly princi- ‘•'“"‘^• ph s. iHith a. id niid m. talh., V. ilh which lliey IV" H'lt heard . f tin: hiiiiiihI Kin. e, „ ,,npieL'i'»ti d, lln rc rriiinin« in tln ir resldii Jt wlii.j,. ciiri'fr riipiil aud aJrikiny. u.n, [••Inch i* the pr. •.■nt s. a.) somr ol these ele - . riip wiul r:| I),HY (V.k Ik h aci'inn |.* have u|iiii l,im. “(io ah-iiii!’’ win ““'llo, ai.d |„. i'uir,Il,.d It well. Pinlututphiu Inlil. lioi ni. iiiar\ piiiu ipli'S t'>i> intmialely romhuied with water ttM»ra|>e from it ; and A'lth re*,>. t to the hill, ri.e—n| I^ca uulers, us il diiiiiiii'-l.ev in |>ro- imrlioii to the depth, it enn iirihi- Nol.'ly fmm the ur. Hi .jiiiii'tilv o'di'eomiMw.’.l am) p.itriryinj; an imal anil vi n.I.ihU mhslaiires w hirli th'at in th'- •' T'«Wr oner h. aritia .n porson t.-il liow ' ''' t.llrl, he ■ , . ,, I to hrinj: I..IO It. Cl., I'»r atmtlier who V^.nn *tllir»T- | ,\t;,mi>lto trmln S.rt irwlrr ,ltinlnh!r.— \I ^“"itiil needed his n«4istntic'*, drily ’ l''rlfii-l, liuMthou fj: ' * ("or hit iiri- ol)-» r- "'I ur.- h.ivi 1.. . n 1 .i,.|ov'd I., r. nih r wa- .1 tt.ili I diiMt'il le. 'I'he oiiln one whic h ha* silC- *'l '"}) r.li.i i» ..I'li.lnt'.'ii ; hill r. iimri'H |i«i luurli eare, ' und too iiiuili iwl, U) bn used frcpicutly, or on a One note on /aetiari.ih 'riniuipsoii, p.iyabje lo mvsell, for tJH M. due Glh January, IKU. One nol« on Aiired I'urvi.iiiic and (..or^e W. Me.Ni-ely, pa>abl» to iny^eli, for *11* W, due in November, I.-;)'*. One note on Jonathan IViwiiea, [layable lo .lohn M. Ilappoldt. lor !>'JU and anmc eeuta, due 3dlh Januarv, One note on William V' . D arinon, payable to myatli, for i'.l I", dii« iMh I .hruary, l^3•l. One tivle on i!!iam Suit, d c'd. )wy able to Pax id lirow n, Ibr S'-’', due C.'.th IKcember, IMl. (*nenot. r.ii.lolm ami W illiain Marlin, payable to Kiehard I'eopies, tor 'ilti .'til,due UlJ.ihuary, 1h31, with a er. dil ol Id doll'., ll'th April, IKII, Onn note m 'l'homa> .).(.i ler, pay able lo niyaclf for.» .lollnrn, due ,\o'.'ml«T, 1n)3. (*11. n..le on .lames A. W alkup, payabio lo .Mar- CUH J). .Malison, lor ST.*, due in 1''33, with two small crertii*. Oim ii.'V on Mo“ea W. iithliertson, p.iyable to 'riiomaa 'J'lnlt. r, due February 2i)th, ib3:», lor H dollars and 50 chhIm. One note nil John W. Thompson, pnyaWe to Thoniaa Trotter, du.- tlh May, K-31, l..i jU 75. There w ere s. veral other pa|wr» in the pocket book not reeolh'i led. | All persons are forewarned trom tracing for any of lh« abovi' notes, and the payers arc eautiourd not !• nay them to any person Imt iiixKolf. .WnrrA 14. Ml. U M. W ILSO.N. MOST IIOKKtHLE (K CLKRLNI K. I LOVK, LAW, AND PHYSIC. On ,'Vlonrliiy m^lit tlio U) iriht. at R«*n-1 We once heard of a country wighi who pfrN hotel, in 5Im town of NalrhiltK-hes, h fell in love with tlie reigning belle of a most iinprweleiit«d and trajjinil o-curi^nce neighboring village. 'I'his haughty fair look place, “ niiirdrr most foul,” we iiiifilit one had discarded a bf>st of admirers, and so truly call it, hi>t for tb« btrrmjf prcsuinption , completely had she awed the other sex, tLbt that t!ie per|>etrator was in a fitkle of men-; tbiy were afraid to come within a “forty ml uli. niili.'ii. His imii.e is WOrthington, loot pole” of her charii s, for like \ an Bu- a ciii/«ri wo are inforrin'd .if Arkaiiwm, a ten iiiatjie; they threw a spell ground every iniin of genteel exterior, atid poswMiii^ one that cauie within iheir infliienee.— more ilip.n ordinary iiiti‘lliii;enr». Hodge frequently saw the beauty, and was On tliO flitnl iii;;iit aliendy altuded to, he . aNo smitten. “ V\ ho’s afraid” said he one and anoiber j;( iitleiimu «ho came to the day os he commciiecd, what he presumed plfice With li;iii, v.'cie lodjjed in tlie sniiu-. would Ik* a !en years seif'e of stormiiij; the ixd, in a r.Uiin .•i>iitiiiniii.' :> or 4 other beds,' adaiiiiintine castle of her aflections. Son:e* 111! oreuiiii d, ntnl M.iue ol tlieiii coiilaiiiin^ times hi>wever love can see Hhat nobody two [.erNoicj. |f wH?iatj"Hi 3 oVlix-'k, w hen else run, and there waxsometbing in H(.d^'e all uatj .sileiit r.iif^ drirk us the ehamber.s o;' that lu spite of his awkardness, sent kive’s death, that Wdi ihiiioton rose rriiin his pil- ^ raptures to tlio bosom of tiiis fair enchan'* |.»«, arii'eii wilh a larye and formidable tn ss. Now it happened that a l)i«lorand wea()'.ii, (iiiiii(‘timts calh'd un .\rl-.aiis:is n Lawyer btdli, had e?:'ayed to storm iho kiiifi*,) anil ci.mniciK ed an ludiscrunitiate aforeKaid eastie of adamant, and thoujjh the attii. k upon Ins utii’on« inus roim-mates. ^ Lawyer promised that his Sultann should A oijiiileman froui I’oiiit ('onjwe, whose I repose under eastle canopies of state and name we do u't know , was staldied to the j feed on the brain of the I’henix, and iho heart, und cloi>od his eyes forever, |>erha(»t doctor, tlia! his heart’s idol should enjoy a w iflii.iit a striipL'le ! An flderl) pMitlcman ' very divinity in his domicil; yet Hodt'O of Mdliile rcetivi d a dangeroiis wound. ,\f- tliou};h ho wa> careless of his persijn, and t«r womiouiy too oiliei's in the s'uir.e r.KJiii, wore ciunisy shoes, in one or two visits, ime irf tli.'m Ins b.-d teliow, Wortiiiiiotoii done ijore towards s«'curiDo the victory lhaa rtiilied I lit, probably with iht* iiitetitiun o| either of his ccni|)eti‘ors who hud trod fur makinn Li.s ; but tnisiuking the way '\ear«, and wilh con.'iiiJerable c.tpense, to Hs IS supposed, be aseenij.d another lli{ht win their w.'iy lo the heart cf the proud oft-tairs, winch led lo the garret, where j villager. 'I'he Lawyer gave up the caso twone;^r» mm were sleeping on the floor.! as hopeless and Felo de sc destroyed the Me cu oiinteifd ttiernin crctfhing the room, !.»ver of his own heart before it destroyed and dealt a blow to each, wouiidin^ boih, | him. The Doctor greased his hwels, and und one of tiiem sev.-rely. lie then descen- j walked Spanish, that is to say, never tu re* lied to Ihi' wrond story, spmiijt from the! turn. Now this c.ise seems to 1)« ditlicult .allery Hiid liej ; hut in consfqiienco of an j to solve. 'Ihe question is:—hat made mjiir\ in one of Ins ancles, oc asi.ined by | Uo«l^e more acceptable than his rivals? his leapiiiiifrom height, he had on- l)*\e pive it up? He trat rich, bad moro Iv pr'iceeded ab'iut twouiiI.'S, nhenhe was inoney than Inith his learnetl coni[.eers in overtaken. A’ fust he inanifeMed a di-sfio. = love. 'I’he damsel loved money better thao »iIion to arre;-! hts pursuers, but on threa-■ she did law or physic.—Banner. ii'iiin;.' ti* sliimt him, he snrr. ndered, and ; wa.s taken to town and deliver.-d lo iheci- 1 A late Paris paper mentions a sin^iar vil authorin's. Ue have uol leariud the fose which lately came U lore the puli. e. result ofihe iiiv*'.itination. . 1**1** Mi.ns. was aniusing biiuselt la thir iiif.irn.niit htate.s that when apore- ‘I*'* galleries of the Palais, he observed, hend.-d, 'Vort!iin,rion apfH-ared to be in iiis ,''l*en carelessly looking over Bome pam- riyht iiiind, and nut .iiiiv rationnl, but plausi-t I’l*!^*’’•** a bookseller s, that a suspicious lile mcoiiversutioD. He in'ibtcd, however,: stmid near him. He pretended not that there b“.d been a combinaiion a^ain.'^t jif'***'** *b*^. *he saine time takin|[ out hi-shtc, and that hisi>cd fi lU.w had tried to I'** «old snu.T box, and returning it lo his strangle him with the sheets! 'l'heoul\ >oat pocket. Shortly, wheu the crowd was clue we have discovered, w hicli niav reveal i numerous aliout him, he fell some the true cau.s.- of this lar>ieot:.ble tragedy, at f*is coat; of a sudden he turned a- lain the st ilemeiil, that U orlhington is'a l^'Ut ands.‘iz.-d the fellow by the ear—theo man of iulem(H!rale habits. " *‘li « f«ukniie, which he held m his other iUanttr's IiUcUigcnccr. hand, cut it oft close to the man’s head? .Ml this was accomplished in an m»lant; and The folIowin.-T remarkable instance of,'I'f pick-pocket roared o\it mt.'rdrr / quite somnabuli-tn is ^iven bv the Aiiirsburg Ga- lustily, at the .same time thr.iwiujit down the xetie“ Un'sdeii was ilie liiealre of a me- , -n'lH' box. “ There’s your ear! exclaimed lanchoh s;KHrtacle on th-,« 2Uth IK c. As ,throwin}r it at the fellow’s feet, earlv its .seven oVl.K-k in the iiH.niinp, a and j.ickmo up his snuff box. The specta- fe'unle was soen walking on the roof of tors were coiivulsed with laughter. A po- ne of the lofii.'st hoti.si .sm the city, nppar- lice mansiK.n made hii appcarance aud took ♦■i:tly ormpied in preparu;" some ornRtnenl tlie one eared mail into custody, as a cliTistiiins present, 'i'lie hnus.‘ stooil | as It were, nl.'tie, being much hiotier thnn Jfiroiiir.— A hale and healthy look- Ihose a.ij.iiiimu It, and to draw her from her ing malron from the Emerald Isle, says the [leriloiis situation was iin|)M>sibie. 'J'hou- Porllimd C.juner, called a day or two a^o .sands of sjH‘ct;itors had assembled in the ‘o know if we would be so kind as to put a Streets. It svas discovered to l>e a hand- 'i^'ce in the paper for h-?r. Her name was some vouna >:irl, nineteen years of a^e,the S.irah Scott, and her story ran thus: she daii;.lii.-r of a master-baker, fKJssesbing a l'»uud it was no use to stay in herowncoua- Hinad itide|>endei,ee, bt'queathed lo her by i T> «nd starve. She had six childien be- her miither. t^lie continued her tern lie ' s.oes the old man, and he was miserable promt iiad.- for hours, at limes sittin;; on the and could nr.t do much, and the taxes took [nirHtiet and dressing her hair. 'I he police , all'hey could earn, and it svas more than came lo the spot,'and various means of they could do lo bring the year aliout.— pn s»‘r>aiion were resorted to. In a few So she resolved to come to America. Ilav- ii.inutes the street was thickly strt wn with succeeded m pr.Krurmg means lo pay straw; iM-da were C4llei for from the house, ' her passage, she fors.M.k her mud cabbiu, but ihe heartless father, iiiffuenced bv the und l«de adieu to her children and old man, ^rirl’s step.im.lher, refused them. ’Nrts j and embarked for St. .lohn’s, from which W.-K- suspended from the balcony of the plHce sbe wandered into .Maine as far aa tirstllo^r, and the neighbors fast, tied sheets | Portland. She betook herself to the severest lo tbeir wiikIows; all this time the pin.r : l«h«r, principally washing,and by ri^id eco- girl was walkmti in jierfect unconci.-us-j ”''•*>> »br, ot\er awhile, earned etioujjh lo ness, s.iim iimes >:a7.iiig at the m.M-n, ami pay for the passajio of two children to this at ..ihers amumg «r luiking to herself, country. She accordingly petit for them, S.ime pers...,sMA'v,.eJed in *-ctlin- on the and they arrived. Animated by her sue r.K>f, but dared not appn«ch hei, lor foa. * c-ss thus far, she toiled on, and procured of the consequences il ihoy awoke her. To- | ‘l>- passajie money tor two more, and they wards si'vi n o’cl« k she approachud tbc vl- j arrived also. She toiled od—what will a ryveriie of the parapet, h-.-edforward, and jiii.dher not do Ut her children?—till she uazed u(H)n Ihe multitude beneath. I’lve-' ‘■arned the passage money for the reinaimog I rv one fell that the moment of the calas- j '«■'>, and she heard in June last that tbev tn.phe had arrived; she rose up, however,' had arrived in QueWec. ‘And uow,’ said and returned calmlv lo the window bv she, ‘ 1 am going, to si'nd for the old man, which she had got' out; when she raw a**d then we shall all be here.’ If luch a • there were li-rhts m the r.sim, she uttered m"ther and such a wife tioes not deservO a piercin:: shri. k, which was re-orhocd by a statue to lior tneruory, who does. , thousands ln-low, and tell dend into the! Lynch. Mr. street. The city on the following da\ was : lull of sorrow. ’The police anti the ihlher ! ^ ‘in pedl.- ralle.i upon a spn.dlc slwnkcd oM , , ,, , 1 11'. . .. , t'eutlenian in snioll cloth., and tirhi wiJi htock- are both blamed lor h.TMnj; left a ll;{hl in |,.p„ 0,„1 i„qi,,,ed “ do you want nny tin wure ?’* I the chonilK'r. The cilizeiis say that tli«' it dog d'lysand th* tlie* took u pecolior li- ' police are Itw olliciotis in med.ilin*; with m^tothiold gentleimin’s lens, cnllingfor iho Ibeir private afi:tirs; they are violent u. j ronatantemployiiuin of hi* l«,nds to brush thein I . ' , . I • J 4-1 ^ !iwar. *lt vouliavrtf niir of tin boots, 1 shnnW gainst the l ither, as he is m’cusetl of havin» j p.-n'Tshly. ‘ H yes’ «..d tha attempterl to poistiu his lii'st wile, and "I , to his curl, r. turned with • I rejoiclug nl the inelanchuly late of her child, ! imi) of c.iiidle moulds, “ lllc^e air will c.\actlj &• us Iw will now inherit her prop^-rty.” Jyou.” ;\ strip of niim elnstir applied to any joint It is tht* custom in lurkey, by way of aflecled wil!i the rheumatism; has been reproa.h, to black the trout oi those hous^ found in all casesan mfnllible renie«i\, sa\s ^ the inl.abilants of which are notorioui tor ibe Lel>aiK'n KepuMican. The prescrip j laletieaiiuji ; prop«u»ting falsehoo.1, vV..'. If lion issmijdcenuuijh tu warraul on exnen- j i* at we e the cate viiib us, wb ti a duimuV W atranicc Dttdj/ur sale at this OJict.' mcut. »ii:ure •'onto ot'onr Hou9ta would iuak».

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