0 MIMESES’ & FARMERS’ JOVRlVAf.. PRi.vrKD AM> rinijsiiEo evkuy satiruay, by TiiouAs j. iiorron Rf* toi'RTv, xorthcarouwa”. ~ =^*, 7T =-— ^ . WMJ. HMICH W.ixoivt rr_«t%. TH TO ot» H.VNW 4 vu wwrr-r Arx natt^ ot-a r« a'.d fLtAS. ^P|m • TZa THK I minrni’A' FariiirrN* Juiinial > I,printed •‘xi publul.cd averjr Saturday n-otning j at 7Vw D>kUr$ |>rr aiioum, if p«i«i in aiivttic : i DtiUrt^nii F\/t^ Cr*tt if not paid untiJ tltff Ibe rxpir»tion ^ lbr«« months ; TTtrrr • PiUMri 4t the end of tltv jr»t. V« paprr wiU ^ dw'aiilinu«d until all arrrara)^* ate pMid. | jkPVKRTi^K-MKNTH will ht inaerlrtl at f'>Py [ Cfli per aqoar* (not eictrduif M Uim^} li>r I Ik 6nl iiMrrtion, and 35 ernta for each auc- | »rrk—or $1 for tlircr »eck«, for c>n« I I a,utr«. A likcfal diM»irit • ill br ma^ to Umk ' ciM alrerti«r bjr Um yar. >n all ad«cr. f tMitent* coatniUDicalrd Ibr (luUiratioa, iLf j eonbtr of fnaertiom must be ooud na th« mar- ftqol'th* n>anu4brif>t,ur they will be cooluiilcd j «iilil tbrUd, and charfcd accordiu^y. I • • All rommunicatiana t» the Filter mo*t rome I jMMtmz*,or tbry liiay not be attrnrfrd (a. SATCUilAV, APKII^ 12, 18.U, AI>I>KKSS To thr i*ropl* or A. C'aro!iiia, O.X THr s PJBCT or amfnulvg the state ' COA^TITITIOA. , T".* fj«neral right «f m Maj»rilir «*f lh« j voiertitj a State to alter thMrCf>o- j it,tu(ion in aoy munnrr »btch nuijr wit the ■ p).«tir« of that mnjrri!j, is, in our cnuntry, i la^twtab'.e. Rut tltr pnctice uf the A-1 ■mean Statt'* has drtcnniOPtl, that the Lost oriimry, ami p^rbips tberpfsrp, the nn** appropriate, method af rem«^J) ing , OiOftitutional PviU, ta throu|;h the medium ' if (State ('writention.nuthurizt'd.acd iq it* «fi}Mfnt Jrtejw, n"j*ulak-d bv law. Accor-, uotly, m^re than 3'MKM) I'rrciDfO cif tht» Sat* petilifloed the Uw( Gcwral AimuiUv, ’ Idspn>»i4e meana fur the cur«> ol' etiia lu ' ll«rirr>iiHlitul»ia,8^iiv4 whtchlhev have . been coojplainii.f f«>r mor* than Tean>. | Till* apfiiraiKW wim naU« uadt r th« ad- Jotica JotinKloa l^uoir Marwo Mo»re Martin Na*h huluw PiKjUotank Ftrquiui>ica I'trtoa Hicha.ood KoU.«oa Sampi^ Tyrrtll W ayiw B- rtie t'r»»pa fidfi cotrh (traiHille ilalit'at Ncw-lianover Niwtliaiiiplbtt F’ltt " irrrn Wake A noon baocnfuba Burke ('hath«m Camber taod ( asacU CabKrrua l>a»id*oo Uiiilt>rd Iredrll LincUn Xckk-«kar{ M ,>al^i.ery *r«n|» Kocfcini;haai RanMph Kottan Katberi^d Su-k.-a Sfifry u ilkca .VW) iao«i 7C0 4IIU 470 9:il »:o :iK) lUK) hOO HJO KiO 600 9So 4-'io «yo Inoo i:>oo I'M Son* aijo l«^iO li«> J'wiO Sijm lorn iauo ll« 13n !'♦« I3ne Nto r*4o 14'«» llo So59 'VO 2.^0 11 « 1: « l.ViO I.V0 lono &0 NO. 184. 4400 9^iO 6100 5:; to 7KW 72* K) 70W) 6*i00 7600 6»MJ 8.T0G 7S'iO Wuo lo^uo 4'ioo 3Sf.io Ho>o 'JO.M I 1^00 lo.7u> 1> Vfl e*iuo l»,3ro 10,riOO Kjoo 17^ ltj.:2u> n.jao lV.«*o T'^.Huo 7,>«« l'i.7w 17,7oo :2I^ 17ji«o l'», -oo S >j* 11.‘2ro II.»9 1“ 3o« 1^,1 XI 13,7.0 li.4«o -2»X) 7*U0 371)0 4^1)1) 61 MM 504IO 4^ 4i«iO 4.iu0 64W 5*^j0 (uoo 7;ko 3:(oe 5T7.* fcinO 7-m 7hoo 9lj» 4 Joo &l'JO 6^*1 o ll,4oo yio* ii>« 14,>j»o Irsloo •Jva &MM> II ;oo li.7o ll.V*, 17,tijo ^jjo KJ.O !»,5oo 1 ijno U. n l-«. xrt l‘i.3oo loJoo mnMn*tom.t to •tate. ti.at tl.ti I Sf.,tr- ».l.ica»a. in I77*i,dinded into 56 eoontirs. r«.. brouyin into niMcnee atrt .b*tcrs a »(Hnl of, • intli.dii.e tiic y Me ol wliat ta now T.i.itwireel fccti jnal hoaliUiy, *hith n.srs t!ic |«jm of your ; lia» r«l, .t ,he better lu.lt of her letrilory, l^gwla'ore and inattrially iiiipcdta tlie iidTancc- ' snrl liie r.-:imiinitr ii cat ap into 65 countieii. The : m lit of tl.e ccn,n.oti ^o.J. Thi* » fo piaiLly A.s.i.Uy Hhich r.;» once pompoi.rd of 115 UM'rn- I true, Uiat tjone wtio ha. auy regard far hia charac- bru i,as ^ooc on to incrfa«! tu Their »«. ter. will t# nturi to dcn> lU »K,ti» which were onre htid 3 and 4 and 5 wreks ‘L' .7'"®*'' ‘'‘'rcasw# which sn.tain r^iiy.axei.cn htloWHtekc. The./»eavona which iin atiiiand H,at hai U.-.B made tor once co»tSlj,ooo. uow co«ttbc people fc5a,noo; and I j • » hi'.ti ofiCe ro»t Ie»* than I 1d/)oo, I I »».■ lar»M» V He rvrr tati-n in tli'- Sl^{^ at thr aniually, now cjats ;5Nj.ooo aiid ripna/da. llaTe ' ^ T f L’liilcd Sule^ «a« Incrra-ed >lf>iiiand« ou the Treasury in a^y ' r If u Aurnt etertirn, iiiort than wuy, be^u t»imd by Ibt txptnsc of the Judiciary? halt that number volur.iarily voUd in favor ol L1 any ui.e foiat out the adctition of a hunUrtd changine tl.i» .eature of yr.arConalilutioci; and i! dollar* H.r tl,c cijx;n»c« of tli.- Judiciary »incc it («ll» Imd tut I, k. pt ejm in all iLc countut umicr * w-u placid u|*mi a r»;«pe( Ubl>_- Lrnia aiid suited to (ttir •uih^jnty ol Uw, ihert* i» noiUKibl (hat laarly U.c tl'^ohite .>f U;*; SIaIc, and we will two-thirdA ot til* volcra *.ou!d bare aai.iUioaed ii. »h«w tiiin in rrturn the adu.tioii of twice the a- *‘ich ifal and (i« rstTerauce aniof,j ttiiwc »»r. i\jt m. rjcriuttiLntof public «pirit i mlh. abo xkit^ lf.»a Uic i^crifice n.llke 1* ss to tii }i».r rs ui>le!i:i it lua) l.t;your Ui.ivLrsitv, . tlK»e who yield a pow'r to wu;cli they can Isv ai.U ;i*r ilwt, cn .ire iiid'.Lttd to tiic patrioium anu I (K) ju»t claim. Bit tli« ri”lit ot n nrr-jK nta*ii«— litH.rai;ty of nijJivH-iil rontribiitori*. An they th-.- a fair and equal rtprcnentatmn of ti;«! peo;ik—is re»ult o! ary uiipior.tutiic ipecu:«tioei or pccuti- I i>0T» aitoUier naii.c tor ciril tVcrd«n; and the strug- ary lom ? l-'ar otirt.rvi ikc i» the truth. The -State gle fi r it can r»f»er c«.a»«; « hiie the »pirit of I.iot.'- by eiabarkiuj ricu iii tin; three old Dai.k-s lia^ ty exisU in o>jr land. Fr'.^men whoresitt it, do rialtied a cUar profit of «« of io(ian, aiid injnry to tlirrn*’vi»—fhcr c.u.not enter upjii >j «e will»}. >w prc-« oUy) ha-, thereby not bi«- I *oe}i a warf*r?. wil.KJi;l telmijr their principle* a t ncd on. bijl dclayid tlie’di) of her pwertj, or, »1btw *7 l^e »fnritof party. Policy, patriuwin Jwe luifijt *»«re ccrrtcliy »ay, ha* post^ooet. ihc and «;lt ;n!ert«l, unite n r^,iMriu2 lli*:in lo do ii*y of ita duccrery; and jet lije greater part ol' • jusitte and pr(.acr\e tqualily in ti.*.u C>ufi.rB- >t been a^r'.auj ^iu^’Micred, and the last dollar )“’*”*• , . . , ;**'• coi.?uiutd ui'.lw t n:eMhiliiry iU- ' n the LKltlSLATl’RE. ■ S>rni can be iitroducrd into the (j>jTcrni.ient. I Byyoar prcatntt or..utut«Mi, ite Gcccral A-, V. hence thr;i dx» it bannro—V.hal u ll* r^»! rta:t.ly me. t a««i»//'y. acd it w jTopo td tu il’. r cac«e of ta.» intoJ. ribJe public e^il I It f u. to hare hua^uil nf in l. - ordiuiry rerc„ue ta betwrm li>,ooo efrrrjtnry , and *t the san.t titi.-, to diiniiiitti xad I j,ooo ^;.»irj «t»s Uiio li.e auuMtu ar.i.ual iiBiiiVr o! meii,tic.-i>. ci fnse of th; ;;rtcrnir»efif, and thiji been the Will And being deducted from the aWre bal ance of 12i“,49o, the difference ia th« real amount of your State Bank and Newbcrr. B»ak Stock*, which will be OB band at their cloae, riz: 35,5f}'t A suni bareij oif&cient ta meet th« defi ciency in four ordinary revenue for two years; but which may not b« recetvad in time lo answer that object for th« preM&l _ >«>’; Tni. u aproiw*itioninwhieh«2’art »ntcre«t«d. ca.*e br niinr v\^rV~-.o «t vo-ir po-lic'offi eri I " « to put the whoU ease beforU ani ihe a.’eral.ou m t’e;uji.«^fd a uili by y^^t ot Fmanct, ici l.ate yr,ur kruKUve Comr:i;:- . >«»- The State owns a!so #^00,000 worth an by yn»;r irUnfrt. Oae porUoc. o? ' t.c rtj-u/Ud. I ';t «.ur«* trooi H.itcb tiiudefi- I 'jC Stock in the Bauk of Cap*-Fear, not !»• y.ar K»prei«r.twt.u. har? bKtn cn^agtj .u ti- .^cnry t>'n i-if p.t-d, .:i; lie Uiri- | ken into view bv because the teucd »ri‘Va^„n,i anotl-r. «.d t.^^^ peo .Ic b.v, H.f,,:/ ux nr^ M' Ltc ntarir eThaiu*ted 1 I r ' tJie Charter Arw your Uwt l^>uno«^ UpJO the public «1 by lbe«e ur.til boi.. T>:e G^-neral ,\ >.*.T,».iy c*!! yearly /«ir or i?c«. I . Ins^ltolioo IS extended, and there* II ’ Moke choice of th? basw whichaccurdi • I*''"* “2'• »»v#fc.'*T oi’ti. rever.ic tncoc3«meBce of theirm-1 th* Stock caooot be Qsed ttnlesa it la '*'•** Ifeia akam of Stock i» the B«nk of Newbem, in the tmo- »alued by the Stockholder* at per tharc, (worth ro.) but the »Ute receiTcd !a.t year, at lat diridend of t apital, Wo on the ihare, and receirc* thi* yf-ar, at a *econd diridend thereof, ft.'oM)the*h*re. Thotormer urx^eiu •ltd. net Te.int*tted—tht latter ia inclo- drdintiieprccedirifCMioiatea. Heoc«, thf r»> I* a re*idoe of Stock in the Rank of Newbcrn, equal to 25 on tiio ahare. 45,iIo The afgrejate of Iheae two ralne* of Stock, I* l28,49o But there i* a deficiency already shown of i:i,^ TJif-re arc aboot »7o,ooo Treauury ootea rfdet mabic atthe Tr^aanry, (including 10,000 wb ich w e ha ve a n de r atood are rc- di?«med and tniraed, but which come in lo neat y*-ar’»Trcai»ury Report,) which note* were iMued to pay tor th« Ifanlr Siockf, 7o,aoo The Le^Iatorc have directed lh« wbol« Statute Law* to bo difealed for publi- catH*n, and,ataTeryrm>derateestiiiiata it w iii coat 10,000 more to publish thesi, Thcje, added together, will make I taoctKW of yw BJI of lli*hl^ - ".hVo;;, o' ot'lInuarriiiht'^aM ^ , cr^iTd nrvurVildT-n^Th^'bkg | to tiy»et the iron/* of the GoctmmerJ, |.h,rh.r.rr»e,lo Ihe f-^4e a ri«ht-lo, "A?!':.------ t .ocu-by grad-jaliv cooaua»ed br the ,an« oo*l pcti.it .»if, we c'ln. im.-Ei*iri caii' of»iUwhict • .,] ^ (Ae-va to lAut, Cis-t..K»e u.e reoi«t. j ihat k» pf*po*r J. In a tiu:t. or" proi'iond y at* ; w ..Wt anv effj- •»•••♦ Twaaa ar^ • v ^ • 15 %!■«« »a4 Hil» • J _ • *• ,1 t . ’ C**'01 4ii UctfVJu zrc4 rhK:b lia*'* a« iirj pmero^ aud tat « for d. r. ■ re*:Jrr. Mlihoatir Ueitlatvrr for a rtdrru wht-ther it be uwa alooe, whue nc.i ,t .if ' - , jiopulalRio akioe, or lederai pr;niial»uti a-' Ihat k» praposr iWofoimfii^,’afte7haim^'p..*ii^the “'i*-»•“. lhat in tni. Si.u , I I a Uiitiurily ol 4Mt lAwii pmern and tax a I rnajfirtty •( hei-lkirdt, TL« 33 counties me C't.n. im.- oi*in ca>i'. of»iU which “bry- #i mot' sluvkly," and aaotner,' n^tidvs that have wasted th • o toiAui, a.'^ cife^jMc lue resw^-y t(,ai »e. any .tn.e ti* -"i-rn ap fVi>m the '-p. ^ . n ,u . 11 1 . d- -nary., r.;.x« o. in.. t .«.tu-i*on one «de. I '* •'* ' ■/.i,tr fmrcarra, aW to tnstmrl tkrtr AV/.. ' »'^rai pr^nilalKn. a- • i ** .« ■” k..i Kv Of p..jii>Uni.« aiid la\*?s cucnbirmi— . _ rrtrlflatirft, Dul It »«• rejeetrfl D) me .u., _ , . . . In a Hu:^ or pr« ior»d p^ate ; w .Wt anv effj-« an.* a d-:tercur«.l r ■..-unce u»H 00 ti»e otiter; an-! >**"» ‘h« addition of a tew B«nk I iftnilc III Ihe *ha{ie of the liiU pr^tixed lo lb» Addn'M. inatUittKia rto one aide, | t« ic 00 tiic oiicer ■, in- ' L. .j ct itin’U *ith ti’e op*- tti« other Stocks. b« lefi ta a few r.t'r* li.e 0*ajrwu'uc»!u4: ot Ihc prirpfK^e of«i!i»Ltibg tiicU tiMMkMirvs \*rrt calrulatod t« uieet the jual ru4 ..^K-tli.id U the to dr%«J* T‘t-' L«,-ui.;re ^nay be > ,»K,m,.ionty. The gr«iter . w-Mtoo of the s>ute • I, th., ^ai ? J Vr .f tliM.n that a Jair and fn>e L «pco.- .4 jmk you the «j£ -n v.Hir foi.a,tui..«, and of ihe ground* accuniiti* to lU orz^ixs.zaU. n, ~- - nivh,. h acliniiKe ta rieraaoikd, wmjW ^ rt»nc.le the n.inmitv K. U«.ir adcpl.on. iUlJ :%iitacc lO *«re uowdhtvf to r^wiii.K-i^J I. tiw.r '*»« each . an cxent« d ti* ri^ht t« pr«-«Kl " --.ci. the sanction of Irf^iniatirr nuttrnn 'y. but hopiug that a cwuiinou iiiter>-»i, a *a« ot juiiiit-e, a proper r*-*j»«ct lijr Ki« f.'.>iiit4i'*nlul principlrs of {M>(>ular |{i.v»'rn- l.l^, and a di^aliusp of tfK- |>uhlic mind a* 1 ii« L.ijiptriiller’* Aavnwat to *jc Le^r'-'^Iatnre I 'jw, intlt (luwa tav. tai-iiice oi' t iiu in ' ^ Tn~^»nrr. 10 STf-r.'trr 1 .t at tjT,.- . V pa."\ «f tlM».tt^wit fiT jT-'. wvi Lh*’ tt:- • T-wu.;. u .-M'.inca « >■‘1.' •::> 4.-*vrapru;t- mX *. Uh; l-.-jiM-ijt in* m I-J i, ,br iiiu.'.... « 4 II,,,;. i.iu uu jetu t'tj.cniUd i.-i-x -at !L.,^*.-t, t'jrt It il.4t •- ' L. .iiiA.'.u:-; .j ct icjK u *ith ti'e ' ■‘hares bel^oeing to the Schooi Fund) of the «-r of eVt-un,- L ti^er*. J ;*t;cf3 -it’ the C.ipttal aod pftjfiia denred b> ihe Sute frwta *■ '■* : Bank Dindend* aad fa«s aad bomia, for *te >-mjtr*U laJ 'Jar. ^rT»_-; anothf!-L», Ual a • ot' lui'ti U7i-. ai.«.n iJ p..ruciii*r ci«i.tJK3 : Tueamouataf theiae probts tsih-j* ..as utcijcic ji:ki . a.'.u a-3cuckcd. ' ^lAted in the official report of a C.)iKiaitte4 If are .er.; 'rdy aaiurncd, and that ^ raised bv th«» Legisiatufe of I?32, Tiz: .u-y are u-: a j-cU c.-rK. tnU ilc.i .t, cm o>-:ien.i; of pr.da to 1-30, tro« ^ M ae at any It -em«ly oj j.-.nr c«d.- j BMk*. =60,000 L.r:n n.c e*p«n«e* « Iro L«;ii-*al.;re rnay be ' b. Bank of Xewbora and 6v rej,i..uiy i;..- aar..-.«r i memtcnU Ii. or 13o. • 3^^ p«d ditto ditto Liti oy ...».iT f ■ u'.'i;, ii .-aiua.s. Ti»uj, lU anci-■ li ciai n..ty l-« red-iccu bc-.o^v one-ihtrd «f tfie nae. Bv t;iu« aj .l by tnniftrriRij td Siie I.';* rif.it ac' eiact^^ U-.tir Uowens.ir, anc rotitriUitr lv«« t!taii oiie-lhi.'il th.ji rfve* uu»*, do c«.»t more than half *4' the t..iai a- tnauiit. Hv recvirrtng to th* j.hj uul pcrccive that iJiey pay wmle Lcn - nt; in *he Ti^^rrrr an «n(ip«rr,> r:- ilit’v r««t %41,«5«*, •hM't) wan >; * v>i ja-inos N,v.«t' I I i« n.«li« .of a n.aj'.nty, am) bey*4»d ihnraj-r.***!*. .W r«-«-Tr"—. of t.Sr It.r jr.'.. to KTcun* til? as»eiit »t oil at>ct>oua lu I: 1 n*t* jMir;, rcf.rtn, ik’loriuined to |*ur. tax«-a. la ti jiiti, toat ttKti a^u.^ eieci a ruijnnfj of Ofe Ixr^t-lal'ire ’ f^iie of lh-i>e r-'txtiKs cm? t«mi f ur toiir,^ indirat.d b\ ll*eir prr«:.-,d ' ' I :.no*v l;.,d Ufire i-hi. 'The t* ** P*> ' > . A .1— k- .i,.-. 1 riin**4i as HHK-h tu^iii. uci;er»,n* pr«'M.utt d U-l>ie itie high* »t l.uinan In An :ipf.e.il has U-en lakou froin iiK" irr\.it>!«i €:f t!i«f p.-'- yle lo the luiiarri^ii (♦ ipie th(-ii)M lvc», urfl to u« baa bc^n Htr. f Ihi' tfu»t of prr^it nt.r.^ it to jou f»r I'.J..'. •m.i. jt t*-r Fraau'v aoaw 1 Ui:'if Jit: in'--,, i 'J I *«re rbr - i ii» j .1 4ii.! tu be paiii. b.*i.jnt the I ■ .av .>1 i.'it.r r».i', ..If u,i. r ».» I* J f r•^ J oaa wi- til-«rr* uf l.-M* i«> 3i',0C?J T«^Uh*r, eqia! to 143^.aoo B ji besides this, the State ewned $12o,. y ih.! «v.o.ata.«i);Lt il.:i:j.aJta.:^riacd 1*^ 10 Gorercmeat Stocks, which th* e- * Jist*.;!-* »f rjir u> *,iEe or.‘Kr trijur.al, iL. cooomy •{ earlier davs bad prvTided, aad ^-Huia^ w.!' V ihof-ered. You w.U be rtiieTed | ^btch were invested ifl tbne Banks, acd :t Tmn the t«3c‘>rcr «r«: sectMnoI ■ u . «.i l. .1 ir routr.,ver.«;aeu*a.l.i-^ia.'U-.i»i,7U.,e,naJ Mark It! Here ar« nfK'-»e..t*:u.a to *v« y part o: u.e' coramucitr,' *»'» m>uitio and a quarter reduced to a fifth incurjin; la a •rii-; ot pr)p«,ta»oo an.i tajj.u>a ' of that suBi, and lhcoj;b th* lattar is dimin* -r.ir.aiatc, aid C .>c- lurtisi a ahing ever)' vear, by the nrcetaarn txpene- UTJ check .p..^ '.oc v .;.:*..nn. , ’ es ot' the GoVemment—by th* expens.re. I a*i Tou all I.. -*'HXiU'w » ». c.'wJMiE c-iestion’ .• i ■ ^ . VV;it >ort«« «• nm,tg u aot »iJ^siatioQ—yau will be urged t* «vr;i,ij 1„ . .'. -an l:* a : ;ca iu«c.tio«i ’ Ti>ere «nhhold the instructwioa by which aion« :er«, twb-e a'* n.Uk.b. Is It jusi, or *iv, ttiat tiirir r**cr*:aeriLit«Ki i*-*>:'ia--;'-*of Ir'fisV on *-\d •ll'jow ii* rjiul to the rAutn ‘ ou. -, r.-. 'lb.-n.-areyicoor.i.ct who.-a-;fr;r>^ h t e«prnM' tu ytiur goveruuient i* un^rv loan tarx^l'TO, fi^r r-.mlt:. _> ::Hiou. »,ir doiy w'll be b^at pT. ^ a^,r«rfate pubiw tat; ai*l _.,r ^ J.. -a -w*- ak-« 'I 4 . ITU! i'faifd Ly t-m;tlin*t »>i*»ry ap{i«rul to yvur {■-VKitis 8fid pnjudiccs, aikJ we rout* til '■rvlvf* |.j Ujui^ JOU F.VC*rJ>, II .iLf ihi» ap(.ej| irresi'^iU*', if u »» !'■ I*"! til tennitKd Ur ibv rules o‘ Jajiict atjd cantlur, I rsiyl -M. RLIT.IiSl NT.VTIOX. .4J):3».r, WlI ' k • -I I 1- J. i4iny 'ui'.-.—■■(rcorj-i ( ' imaivn.. ci.r4 ’■> r»»i.-c tilt ".at i s 1.4 Xf. &.C. tu uc p->ui .U Uac •4i,(X' ■" “ cu'^pi'i'e r*drtw e^•rp^ by rrformiaz t.W . th*s Can be cd^-fually checked. Feliow- T-e CTn-cr .a. rr..^ «t dcwn the Citizens, Will vou listCB to the coun«b of .,U t. . secliooarpartysptnt ut^r such cir- I It I** u >>, tLiCieAM: vour laxtrSi. c jiiwtanccj I Or will vou L66d tb# c&II# of itv-itc t i- o! 4 oy tvnnMuf: tair.c ot OTcrtd justice, and enlightened patriotiacn, *: I .', r ct »or d be tcaporiry j seconded aj thev are by the warning* of r.r. u O., .r. lU, ba.e | self latercst ? Let not passion nor prem- nit that ti.j wvKilu >■» an onwekoine I > .l- uf llie«»» do i»-»» pxy inl*> th« '1 r^ii^jry a •u o f^ual to lh»* wa^ea «>f their own .M-.-ir*- ber», ad.)ed U> a juM pruportiua of tlj* mri- dcnul charge* i4 Ufuicttm alone: and 1'.‘ «if tl*«»B pn> an ajgr> gs*« '>* on ly, wbn^ reprpM^iHtttra atMMr, rtor'.Y** 1 back ' I* th:* right’ itjii-^l t«- Ut r*ce.»at>i« at. uie o# m b«:.or« warik* a fpt* People wt>o>e rcrnhi^:cxMirv lay »>''^ '’eni.'-tr, I'3-S, to ».t: a * • • * T).^ ' • • K* *a. /*•* t fai>>^ I. R « : w >P>. r i t. ' tU4t taia vo«r v.r,a«.-. o-u . lu .. A be ju.t ,o ^'it. i u »«clio«ial party-sptnt under such Cir. f c^jlar’ire ii t'f u >>, tLiCieAM: vour laxtrSi . c jiiwtanccj r Ur will vou L66d tb# c&II# of .-o ittu ulc t’i»' tv 4 M rvruov;o^ Mr.c oi s^crei justjce, and eclightef^ed patriotiKn, tr ciz:**i on!j, 4Bd wvrf IMTOCil icMv w«*uiu 1^ «u uuwtejcucov | »• *« • ' reu,r..„ U, Ueiiai,.; ;«r t vo ye.'* ar.d mofe,lo 1 a?..;.. .1. You can pcrrene low la^fftctuil it! This suhj^t p.’-esents a forcible appeal t* «.-.i:d certiitly U- a n lief lo any, whilst it | such araoog }ou as detirf to the Slate woa;d be u-1 to ot.'M-r*. .\l.ikin; an *fjr.‘"aV of T roT^r tj' «. i;'p.*.jpri-ti«r.s for ,^aty « «iMi.tii.'>.4 '.UC to.a ir2 wf r.Mou y « iJ be -.re;., tcto 5oa.e «:c:;ocj and tajust embark upon a scheme of Iiiteraal Improve. ,..a u,,,, ;;r.r;;?;.r„rrp:^-r. I .. h., i*we pirtul hy fctjuinrc cacii couj&tj lo > ©icvale her character* ” er® a loan pay lu u«u ;iM aiU.ri «i>it of tin: CLuafy T rea«ory;' taken by the Slate, sutlicient to commenc* «». bo’t It I» Tain lo di- to.* a propobition ofthia kind j operations in such a work, the funds must 1 ^ urukr the control of a GoTernment wh«* t.'.t tL J h««c home^cr. »r.if aii oi.bcr k/uUliTe &c- . rw «»M wva^. It^uUUTe »c-! , u«. m:*a:K;tioo.d bv tl.c *.vtreign Wiil, Wd be ;expenses exceed Ihe ordinary rMt^*~u^ the bB*J"“ t'li^i t-.'i. r-wi^ud on l»t Not. Vritji Ti.c e?i. baVeat on^; j revenue §15,000 per yaar; and who does ^ of the Sure not ez- ■net, I. that ,Mft winch alluws lo e*cb repre^nt.Uioosln^ldlogtthw The ord,n.v'T rcrenn. thric mfmh^r, m (lrncr*\ .U ' « h«*r* are 4-»c«int.c in theaule which c.dm; , •o^-blj, w„b..ut rrgnrd to lU p^HiU- “"* J’*?' c«v, r tl^.r ro«l U. >uur TV a..^.i id '»•l.t... .,r l.»l ,nj “■'"■'"'■I 1-31, ' 36 €;,ooo Its ciose 15 the •:*n*tai;t:on>l org. n xoiion of the ' not know that the sy stem would be a “ 9cap6 Lt V'>lature; the / r- U cau eorract it. (goat” t* the sin of all oth*r e.tpendilures, frm, tVre are 117,-- ooiiar, n the Un.ia of j 't>r%surcr which «r .»^ve rfCaor.td iacHir T, . . j- • • ■ t- • ; prtot,!iop bcrau.i tiic sum h*s been *t‘i! ^ tau^fht di^nnc^inate, wbeo it ipart b> ilk* to a-cumuU'- a* a S.*oW fmU, and is notorious that few among you pnewMs or I« tn W FLanW Kh ' kna>A #*Vi # bAjs* r%rto» tm c'.jlly prrt«rfd •. i . , • — ^ ■rti oijr i'.iufrial Ofljcer* ainl Uk* * leo*ral or wlule popuiatioa wutcli crin*iMia u>n L.e Tuulic Treasory, Jun. g ihc t atiog 6il«e in n.£!iy re^pcct*. Tbey «bo ' ... . . . tftera fur tiiat p.ir,K>w, had pood reason to that no priident »ould periuit her 't — • ^ , . . lur^w.'Tu anu iitlw.'i. i •,= & ^ vi^iiiUbTc . urv».saary cxpei.»cs to e.iceed the ordinary reve- *l**w. liif. itrmiMl IHihijc TiiXffc, Fed- ai’r*lCT’»,or totiear |rcruic.l —J'S,' Tr«a«urcr m Kis Rrport* I nue, aad thcr»h-re, may be eiiUrely aoqni'tfrd of , • - «ira«« a *4M«M »ai till ^ - w ^ ! (’-..Ii .«! .J- ‘‘•‘I make up Iheir claitu* to the recntewu- correii’yiar • u»ed trx I J, a T Arethfv *aac«*.m»oo . tie result of .cc.dent * It ha. b.en : belicie. >t s, a I ARtE which »;X.libltS, ' • turrscen and b'riti-'M. TH- t;nance ( oiun:iiU:e . nec».&*ar - i»lMlUt ' Of North f'ir«.)tn«. -fff: nilcil fmm the kr». •I >tt( I an»t itK l rfi»e# of ll-'Xl. - inrrT'ijin. tradirllt'n. l.ook at it, and then let reawn pta, br a *ote*«' 3o,.«o trren^en, petitionrd ibe ^ to ahc^r ;■•»* we can without d«ult.; that n^ore and conarience ao.twer theae etX{Uiri«*«. same bxir to rc*u«e tb«* rrxTanee by Otniiuji. than bali'the amount u already cootomed by the ■ 'i ' ‘iii.Knc ' ’I'nliitk ^ r) ' j.l. r. t [; I) Im '•«t^, ■ ■■ ‘iia li..,.. u . 1 heir w.puiation is aa di»pr..p.)rti.Hiale tu anrau«ier U*ir *r«ioM thr.t\i.« cour« of puU.c ^o.ccdin^*. and to de- i'i.l.(.i rr.,,rai I • ^ aithertajc h » " The ci!l of the peojit’»*j dia/eiforded aad ■ iowi»lr*te ho« »oo:» Ihe ctrxr bait witlwiioc >1, le, a« oeir taxes Dafc pro{>e*ilof th- t ommitir*. wa* ncTer acted ' unle*» there w wna . luoief.t rttbrm : ■ The S*tate crn* 27fJ? *haret of Stock in tl>c::>l4tc L'a:ik,« hichthi* bank i*nr«r I diTitUnt aioone the proprietor*. Tbo S«o..kholder» »ali*ed it hy autbcrity uf* law.tf^doiU. prr*hare; bi.tlbc rectivcd 5o doli*. niwi lit.? share at th« Uf diTuiioool'CapilaL h it rx/tfmifd —not rf'inrrytrd. Iknce, the rosid'je of Stock will bo 3o duii* per tliare, or r; r» PopalUlinr 'P'.p':lalt«..»l e t >» »>«*» ln-^l •t.M.i) 6:»io T :s» ♦.1 :> ) 4.. *•» .VD .’t .Tni 37.,f» 3: Ml 4.^1 6700 .V.KI I &t‘li) 4.VKI !• r» 5Vi» a; .» »-*iO 'J") (i; 0 II'KI f-7i« 7»'> 6hM) S-HXt &M) 5w.«) 3»4«l 4>lU 54MI 11 UX) I'H)') 7MKI .1-.IIU 3uJ iJirJ 4:M prof>e*il of jbrcii shown to bo. ' U liere * ill you k»*k tor the cause* of i». (>i»e nu.n in une wtion of the Stale, has auli* like iii.se! 'IV answer u not dit'icuit u b« ■ miK'h iHiliticai w*'ij{liliw*r**;iiiiniiotber, wa'^e. j.r aix, lu another, or fimn an..ther,Acc. , edwithtbenmltipiuatMHiofoounti.*. Whenpob-j . J ico-thinU of the cotuniunity pny one thirti |j^ cnoTenieoe* made the enct:n« of a new ooun. i I *4' (he SHiiM OjiniiiUiiity to bt llH*ir ma.iters. ty ntttttan aiiA.ui!«nMl*6(e, mooearction of the ( Ih^guise It a* you may, this is the naked titate, amxLr has been fre.j wnily erected cIm. ! \v* w.KlU nut wearv VMI by com. *her* W.th.iut n.ct-«ity.n order t^rtaerre k- , . ^ , . _ J . ■ . gwlaliTe fotrrr tix- Uttrr. ITie laewllec- t».m of men who hare ooti.red their party frelin^* )cr, uorcauit dc ncces^ry ‘ iHnI wo should. 63a1o' * .Since thi* .\Hdre*a wa* prepared, the i*tate upon an increase ot taxes ee,ual lo the pres> «ul defkifncy of rcrenue for Goremiaental purposes, added to the enlarged demand on It for the interest of a State debt. Far be It from us to damp tb« ardor of patrioti«n [ in the pursuit of an object so worthy of the , State, si> necessary to her prosperity and ' her character. But tbetie are not litua* for concealing tacts. The occasion requires ol' us lo state without f«ar what wa believe to be true. If, howevar, the Sutc espens* es can be dimiotshed by a judicious rvfomi, &sd barnvicy resivfinj tu bvr cwuimkis, iuea the proceeds of your Wtttem Ltmdt, when disposed of, and your remnant of slocks, will leave you the means to meet th« inter. e$t of a loua for linpn>vem*ols ; anJ therw raanot be a doubt «f success, unless North* Carolina is destii3ed lo occupy in history the chapter of excrptioru forevtr. Tedious as we havs be*n oa this point, we feel cnostrained to add, tbal the expet> siveness of your liCgislatBre is boI th* only rounlies tugotbcr, uor cau it be ncces^ry . „iil attcat tbi* siatenKat, and if it did n»», wa are [ Bank h«* declared a 2nd Unitend of faphaJ, by [ objection to lU present organization. At iKtaf «ro aliAJil#! i ||J OUf StAlutC buok« toU th* rr##kpfi^ * whw^ tK* foAt#> r^^iair■ fi#r the DT#. r . . r^. . prooaetiing* of tkc Oaocral .VitcwLlica *Ht€ iiM( »a Mxt ccbpa- • .\ new coonty wa* rrtalrd at lh« l«jt arjjion, j h«it aa ita »t)U>iie» h«v* out bet a aacCTlau.ed, it i* impooaiU* to taJkC it uilo account. anslaiined by our Suiute book, and the rceorded ’ wh*ch lb* State foceiw* 2o doll*, per nhare the pre-1 - ./• as m Thu. tbe —nt year; hot Uii. can make n- difereaco .n^e 1 •"/ (rane^ re*oh of th-*** cakulatiors howeror it 1 anntinl meeting of eur Keprcsentativ** Bjay relieve ihe pfcnst o*cef*i(y oi'aur Trewury. was jrh.ips «:*J and aecesTxry; but HOW