THE MINERS' AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. it afflicw the country by too much legibla- ’ lion; U two evils wher« it cor- ncf one. «tal«te iMok is la^ with Uw's whch thi»e «»«•> were permitted by ^mrtein/ lo t>««8 for the couaty repraneulcil ty them, Mithowt d«b«te aiuooj; tbo rrat ot' jour r»>pre8enlative», merely hrrouao they men locals I'nless aome prudvnt check is •ppliod, a few more years will give each couuly a code of lU own. Local legislation *‘Las iitcreaaed, is increasing, and ought to Ve diminished.” VVa may I* deceived, but wo tiimk It proceods from Ccunltf rsp- raseotatiun in both hraiicb»!S of the Lc;;ic- lature. The puopla are not informed of the ac*9 of ooa As.sea«hly, Ufore anulber Aaseiubly has met and may have repfaled or modified them. They are never ublc to whose kiiccs smote together. Again: “ A CitiRcn” aays“ Liberty must >\iK TMK jouMNAL. |such circufnslaiices, when the Lxctutive “ ! holds the ke\s of tins nation in his own iron Mr. /^o/#«i.--Vou will confer a favour vran». inlcrpn'ts our laws, and osHUines lo , Uaiwc he cannot in giving the follawing cou.muuicalioQ b ^ himself «ha soU-power of luuking his ^ but ,4«ce in your popcr. point«K>nfs. ^Id» control over our Arm). ^ ^ n,„,erials constitute VOU AMCi:Rll’TIO.NINC!IARI^rrE. ; N«vy. Office, &c. !•* j/ i v«rhave added i^^^^ I received wilh avidity and rtad with de-I \Vc should feel and manifest alarm st|in. , .„d in'iurv upon injiiry. itht, another commumcation in your latit 1 „,rh a state of thing. 1 nni rondy to say, t«.wnrJs the THE BANK OF MARYLAND STOpPfJ -*,CMa4 1831 I I be tallowing notice wbh Imniled r aertioo by the Cashier of the IWnk | rylandk last night, whco this ^ bout gaiug to press: '‘ I TO THE PUBLIC. Bans or Makvlanu, ^ttb Ma.o, is,i T1.C Uoord of Directcrs of tfaia •■rrrUliieit with »urpn*c and drep m.rT ' 11* tny tiiot the conimunily «i|| tfeel, ' \ ■tiiutioii ii untbir lo proct-cd iu butm.. impersigncd “ A Citiwn,” whicli.l presume, 11) ,hat I had the of thunder snd lun>:s , Once .-oju,.tion. finding bis i '* from tirecircun..taacos, and not thecom-:„f brass, tl.»t I niighi raiso a voice .h«t J-^171« deaiid to I ^ nninication, wos inleitdetl as a n ply to a would fill every hill ainl vallwy with lat-s a g , J-„,| i,j producing the i Uic lUnk. ^ tomicr one signed “Liberty.” It is suf- C.tizc.s of M.^cUlenbiirg you should .u. I a.'-J fk'ient to humble the stoutest hi*art, na lt down the mi^^l stuhlwrn and olidumte i loelings, to wituesa one of our frieiu, fellow creatures, labouring undor either Sheriffs of the Stale are not unfrequently ig Doiant of material alterations made in the laws lur collecting the revemie, until after they have incurn^ the forfeiture of uegU>ct- ing tlieir provisions. These, we confident- Jy assert, are soiae of tba legitimate fruits armmal I/agistalurea. I HrmstHder in mit itnrl^] Fttyrtttrille, March 19. KidnMpping.—'Ve loaru that this itifa- Dous business is carrying on to a coosider* able extent, near the iim-s of the counties of Sampson, ajne and Johnston, and that |i%e free personal'^color, have beeu ab»iuc- led from that neisfhborbood, by a set af da ring outlaws, and UK>st prrbably have been •old in botKiai^. If these things be so, it is time f.»r citiit'ns of that neijjbborhood to ht iictive in thrir exertions tobriog th* of- feii-ters to justice. The cau.^e of sulieriug liuuwnity, culls up«n them for a generous etF>rt ifi behall of Ibis unfortunate class of our population. 'I'he violated lawsot tl>e Sute require them, as good citizens, to use everv (losaible ranaiis to viudirate its hu mane and roemful pn>visions, by ferrt'tiiig out and bringing to puuishmeDt its invaders- Journal, ci.u.u.wu. ui... . I ,udr.n»,.t u,e, the fact, that abortive. , ■ , ,i._i .ui'lofoiin,is,iM>ti»»acrim-«ib«-irrl»jnn. Tk,/. Iress and ruin I A^nin i “ A ritia*n as^rta, that . or»oi th* mrtiluiion will ha»» tb* / ' you behold the j citizf-ns of Mecklenburg (a large majority), ,„j, y,,,, n, i.roiiuced by I are Itcpuhlifuns. \> by ? is it U-cau>« they df,w»iu. .lul the op.|n aceoijAu d« by the b, /wti.t, and uiiforf.iiiate j»entleman, acquiltwl | this acT of I'.xecutive usurj atui 1 C an swi'l^'f' r,^,','\he*r»ir'ejercw ")'• 1'” •"** »® ruliL^nuJ^^ himM'lf quite creditable, and snti.'factorv to ; you rrHect upon these fuels, and say, tb*' brued witli^ u. • »nd «iir not the entire aniouui of lUir crtdm. created by his “ bursting.” When this convulsive effort of nature took place, ac com|>anied by a vialent abilominal muscular Ballimort, Marck 24,1*34. The anDouncenii ut in tlie ^^pen of || •ouiidiiig braw and morning, of the stoppage of thi» Bank, c uijon ns the ma>.t fl.Kinshing and enterpns- i toritHjnly ’. 1 .« ,-.^1. inff—pnjswrilv crowned tiie effort* ot her straiiga •“ Liliertj , rti h u, - - .iiKlusliious ciitzAif. But the Kxecutivc assertion, u.e like a » .ouudmg bras, and , contraction, all lie oc« uinulat»-d p'litical in-i has seen projier to blow his ciiilling breath a tiiikliug *ymbol. fu 1 hke an electric thock up»|ij th# (,iiyof formation was ejected, like the lava from , ovar t!ie land hv hich our country 1* laid Hear him again; he says I. riariotte u ^ do tK)t recollect at u,) per J a ridrano. I'nfoitunatelv for this «a,te, nothing lait » uar, famine and pev „as the fir*t place «u d^lare have witm-»»-d such a K««r»l trorm he has undergone all the writhing ! tilerKre” stands our view. Dots the Onzntetl, and I say, sl»« was among trie uM«nt amoiigallcla««. Tfceitrwudli*^ a-'onies of disappointed ambition, and heme Executive breath the lanuunira of a pure ii,st to arrest hsccutive usurpation^, awl furem«»n have bien filU-d with ^rwjaof. Foflage.—From an official documeo* It apf>ears that the amount of postage re c*^iv^ during the year ending 31st March 1**;^, at tba edkea her«at'ter named, was u fellows : Ciiizen” has to remain in this unli>rtunate DcCll H>rrTO lU mm,-* i#»-vai - • a t * .._-_.led, aUlsrd, vil.lie,!, aid slar.dered se-; prrfcrs-lie cau have cMotct. , tlilemtua, wiih hisscn.'iibiliticsollunded, his „nd ail th-«* caiinecn-d with or in- j undersiandiag ciiyu)|.lied in polili«'»l mid- ju il,e affairs of tl»c in*titution. S!w Ms. Hoitob ; Ixsticrs from Baltiiaore, r^rctted lii j night darkiK‘»« ood delusion, and hisjudg- ^.^^ therel'on: bound in go>d laith, to sus 1 Ti*e t» from Uw rr«»V_*tt riin oT July nwming, state that on Ih* (ailureoi‘i'Tj|». j ment enveloped in such a depth oi'prejudicts, ,1^ character and stand.nj long 1 n-! eith. by jiTinf « a fUc« in your pajicr you 1 ^ bud Hank, tbe wliuhr tew d »i« u u that a reslorwtion, I fonr, will l>e as lui- She came out publicly, aud fear-j ^liimuthobiifc A roar, all cl«*ne» of people lu ire'i.d practicabla as that ot' the dtpotites. I jn her own detVnce and self pn-stna- { I^K»\aRY PROJKt T. c»Kiiim»t«*^», a run 00 all the Baiu>, wth t » A Citizen" in his lait production, which tioii.' All her acts have been knowuand !„ ptirsusueot a r«CMun^KUlioo of the o e»«*l, •«« wr.teria>»,biwt ■ required (I presume) 3davsl«lH.ur for ils s««d, and came iiiKler the obeervation of the I f;,,w.r»| A»embl>, ii»ado at its ».-wionin rr^rd b. fofc. 'I be iUitkfctl^r.u 1 conipletioa, asserts une*juivocally, that he StockkMrm, lHrfct»r.i and ('ongrmt, b) \Jay l»kt, that th* churrhf-s iiodrr iis care ih« Maryland llauk, will, it, lu* • IS unable lo understand what “ Liberty" ; which tribunals, she nhould bi-judged, an.' *bolild •l-vve as a » « i»on *-sp*^ial ’( he iollowing tacts art staled id uw i^'.M 1, mea/M. I have no douU Init that “A net kv tha Kxocutive, St-Cretar\, nor “A p,a»,.r for the converwH n ol the world," the )rtter»—our readtrs will n«ie tUir •! Naw York city %17ft,7.32 77 Philadelphia ll.i,7*'9 6y,*'y3 76 Baltimore B“',h43 -.iJ New Orleans 34,3H1 «j3 Chariest an v;9.339 60 Cincinnati au,140 31 Richmond ]f»,77"' fO Albany 11 I'ltLsfHjrg 15,V37 OU' Siivannah 14,'9fi4t Au JiiHta, Ga. 14,,.’i»2 IH Prov idenca M,»54 59 New Ha^ea 7,743 -0 Hartford fi,SlT 71 Port laud n,19.> 67 Newark 4,4'3 74 piay Citizen,” is sincera in this declaration, and Citiz»-o.” first inJaniinrv. aud also a coiniuenta oq tba um thus iMdei^tW p;l-| It poes to prove coocliisivulv, wlwt I have ^ Aijain: " A Citi/en'hnsre»orl«^s»sm to rra'ihiticn'* that oth^r t hri»iian dei>»,mma- jic niooiew. Ix-fore ti>uchcd up'n in relation to the pow- t!ie i(iitTK'n5« ani**unt t>f lcan«, which took U; r*«pecffully rrqu»*>led to unite in ( •• flank baabra rircalaimf mi 1. ers of his mind. D-ep and lasting indeed place as he afsrrts a short lime prec»dino jh* ubeervartce of the *ame day ; a njeHing «f lu ioit» m i|»c U*t »•>! »irj- would be the astonishment of “ Liberty,” 1! ilje. last I'residential election an«l wu* dont: held in the |>re>!>>leiun Church, in he believed “ A C’itiz'n*’ could underitand to delcat .lackstm's ekction. 'I ms 19 uotb- Mcrccr, I’a. T>*e laeeimg was numar^»un- j jrani*d—ao r»rr»M «u •'tit any [>art of bis pro«luction under the ex- , mg but accrtion, and has its ongiii in tl*e |j aiiend«d, by individuals asin«Hrted with Tauct, dnw an Wi*- isling state of his intellectual facuUi€*. hot and infuturiti d brain of the llxccutive van.>us churxbesof tha plac*, and a- fymi.nuO. ihii» UwiT.rt nAOw Mmj^ V4« Having cxbau«tf‘d a!l his own n.sourcts, hiroaelf. liut U-t us exnmma this point |..r' ,„nnjr other r i*‘rci*ts, an addrtrsa was de- * exttacted all hecou’d from “ I-iberty,” and a moment, 'l ue b«.l election to.k place in h^rred by tin' U>-v. Andr* w U'. Fllark, of l>nl. I tinding still an insuificiency, he tlies w ith the the fail of ’32, the grrstest exl*r»*ion was |(t rnrirw d I’rt »bv terian 'hurcli, o»i tlie ^|j"* thoaifb aidid by U>» i>'tmmcat ■ rapidity ot' lightning, lo tlie ludicrous dia- m ’3! and up to April '8J : in tbis ir.*.nih, Mihjertot theditili'ioflol lb«in>)i« ltbrou;,'b- Inpi:, w hich occurred betwwu a lady and Jtlje discounts were greater than at any oth**r rmi ilir w«rld. At the cluse of the religiotw VV here does >lr. Pecr^tarv T»p^ .'iai a jjf*ol!emr.o, touching the display of ora/ory p*rnid since the/funA-came into cvistcLce, ^,erci»e#. an interr Itasca of opiai««i t«Jt gorily thus to ojorl with Ui«puU». -» used up«5n that i.ieiuorable occasion—in tlie am«>unting nearly to 71 millions. Certain- bftween slu^ae pre*«ot,a» to the menna «»jf»port of h>cal bank»l simple trunUir of a A «»f snnjf> I have • K frum this l:m* the contest brcamo hot-1 j^.^t hk» ly to furihrr the»rt lor winch j ‘ no d.»ubt, but that •* A Citi» n" has noni/y ! ter and hotter, the n»*ar»*r the aj prouch, the JmJ rspecially uniti-d in pm>« r. by • the Senate, Mr. Webater on enough, to conssile biruself under the irffu ’ more beuted and inlhiiiej the (wrtien be- coriesr«i«'Jing eveitions. 'I l.e proj»* t wj« • . ^ 1 „ hi mirhl r. i .„.ii ... 1 .11 iu.« 1V-.™ - J .r„i-#• - mg the H -ston Menional, Signed b> iHinjj fi (J.jubt, but that •* A Citi» n" has rani/y ! ter and hotter, the n»*ar»*r the a| prouch, the j,j,j rspecially uniti-d in pra> f-r, by • s ■!oo"h, to conSsile bia.>elf under the irffti ’ more beuted and inllaiiirj the (wrtien be- cories[i«'Jing eveitions. I l.e proj»'’t wj« 1 ..lai he has tukcB a ciMirs*, which will se- came, aud iiotwithslainhnif all this, from i|h n ■u.-ge-'t'-tl of proH(rin2 and s*-o«*iiijr 11 ”K f curc to bim, present applause, and future April until tlie canvass wiu over, there o*"-' , to be Fupporlvd by M«rcer , 70»0 rtsjiertabla citix^ iia, tn*o« » *''* aggrandizeraent. Is lie not mutJikm ? ; tually was a reduclioo of war 7 milhons. ‘ (.Q,j„|y, and a r>>fiiiBill-e was accf rdinjBly %i>ry imprrMite and apposite rtraa/w. *• A Retnarlcahh Mrteor,—A recent letter . u i 1 . » t • , , r .1 from Brun in M*ravia, givea an extraor- “ A Citizen” comf-’ains heoiily, because I ask, liow crniU «be electi.rfi U it.ected ap,H.,i.t.-d tod-vi» iih «i>s for ca,r>iug this •Mnarv account of a meteor, sjiid to have » Libertv" has not answered a solitary ar-1 whtle these reductw.ns were nn,„g„n I hr ,j,ei,!.ur». »«.r«* fully iMotrt.ct. b»en lisibla in that town. Just after mght- guinent advanced by him. “ Libehv ” CHild ' aw rtioii is too baw ever to \k n peatrd a-, 1„ con.phatKe with tlie s.^icktBlion« of a f,«U a verv vivid streak of lii-ht was sudden- tind no ar^umont to answer. nakd new^pa- tram. I'urtherinare, m 31, when numl>er »f the fru ihIs ot tbo csu«p, and in iv visib'e tha rffecl of which was to I»>ad [.er assertu ns mid part^ dfclami*lion«, wi re immense rxtenstions were going ..n, why [,|,r»usnce of poWic n«lic«*, th« to the belief tl«t roauv houses lu thL imme- j->ur.Hl forth in/««i*, »nd " LiU riycon- was no r.on.plaint ma.le lU-n, was tl,^ .W- u,.,. a. u . I'Urk d. Iivored a Mi.^nn.ary diaie vicinity wera in’flaiDCS. \ cotitinw-d ccives it to be a l.?» of time and wa-ta of rr/arj 8«*leep, did 1 ho fact escape his m^i- s*rn)on m the |'reab>termo i l urch .hi 1191^ vras heard, ai.d thp heavens ap^ared, to um-manv ar;rumcnls agaiir»t such lane*: ? if it did m l, why were not ***"'^- I hurHdav tho Gih in-t. from tU, to be comyletelv on fire. A small rom.d j n«ked a-^rtmnv which enjanate from the P'mUs removed th»-n ? "as the hi. I •. _v„d who then is willing locoo-^crate hi* of fira wis olwerved at I'oascowitz. ’ Kvecntive hinisi-lf, and circul«te»l by his Magistrate slumlwrinj in the cradle of «erv»rc this .lay unto ih*- l»rd.” I. Chroii. Auiterlitz, Raiz, and many other places-| iiu*«rable ptusioned pres.-**s arouml him. , and /i-xyri/, miawaro .-f th.^ facts; why ,-jy, 5, moog wh'ch areilie fvlloai.Tj! Where were the public irMwrr* -^u# I’liili d Stales ? No man in ih*» Seiwif ii**' no man in tha other hoo«a kor». 7''*! '"* time that the Senate bad hrsrt! a i - th. y were d*poaitel in certain L ki fued or rrr«le«l by ils will. Hi') t' lie chang'd, for awghl lha !«riu:i *;» • within tliP Inst half hour, to some whi. h it knew n./t. ^ hat *•». M' -t.tM This craduallv attained the sizr and apjMrar- I " A”carv^n'’ 7n,.st exteml his researches ! wa, he nof awake t.i duty, at:d why d.d I.. |*r,nous to -he pul,he exrrci-e. of Ihe '' aiKa of the moon, until it wa« the size ted ■titi but coDtiBued to incr. ase I h»*yoiMi ih« I‘rcsid«.'tils poliiical 6ooA-j not inHict tho ( unishrnent then ? I |,ntv|to ronfer^M-e wna held (m tw»«>n "?• "* H ** l*** 1 J of a hou-«. It crea- | if not, he never can convin«e nii mtelhgont a*k, how has “ A ( itiz* n” provetl l.i> al- ,j,; .S 'I ait of the irn. ■\v«niMy, niemb-' aea' VVaa it situated as it is where tbf n ^ 6') *»*. •niH-* It was impoe»ible to lo4t at the meteor with j e»en dfiii' s what the Ktecutiveadmf'^ him- ('hiirloMe uikI therefura will say nothing stjltation bihI llie mo»l liieiMlly awl harmoni- order to aea llul lb' the nak»^ eye, and tba noise accompany ing I wir, m relation to th« removal of the t/f- more al present'in this p«Mnt. Hut I wibIi ou» exprission of s ntiments the fijlowinjj * .uki'n tlwiai' nlaCcs were It was at time's as hsjd as .\l-1lie say h, that the Lvcutivo ic- h»>rc to etnle a fact, which will go to shaw, nrrnngemenls were enirrel into. I he Kev, '1 ,1 no^ I'he i>reser»it'^ though luminous rays were seen to d^ri j uMived “lhiaiic'’and appointed “'I'an-’y, ’ the sole cause and cround wurk of ihf lir.-t M»‘^srs.'I'ait and Dinw id.lie, w**r*’apfiomt. 1, i«?rc ami Cotierctt li^ from if, tliere was no fall of atui.tsphcric j which h*» ought to have d'jne. Why was production, Mgn*?d “ A (’itiZ-n.” ItiMllii*, ed to confer with IIk* eatern lor^ign *' ’ Mone«, or aerolites, at tbe time, but Dr. this »k«.e? 1 aidwar, Ijecausc “ Ouantj” so aoon as this ruple rycd gentloinan ob- Mi»«ionary Soriety wi il»e •uhj«’Ct ol re- lo be denied, Iveirhcnback found aome a frw daya after- would noi violate his oalk, go contrary lo serv.'d the notice for a niP. ling, hu fell to n-iwng a Missionary under its care, auch • . ..p p,,yic monev— wardxneai Blansko.—Atkina-im. \ lair, and against the dictates of un honoKt work, all th.* powi»rs of his mi;«i were cal- |ier'*./n lo l«; seU-rt.-d and auifporl.**! by iho O ^ l,olwee'n lli^ } and upri;;hl cvniu'iinre. He refused to do, led into action, new^papeiscolloclcd (I pre- citizens of Mercer Co. Uev. Mr. B'Cgs waa lino?* The number of militia in the l.’ what mither time nor circum-tsnces r.?- ■ume) and notes taken down; holaboiir.d sppomti-d to corr^pond with certain young " |be m'meu‘ rdiiig to the latest returns, is l,34(i,l 16. • quin.-d at Ins hamls, as a fuUbi'ul and hoin i>t so excessively to be 10 readiness, for the mnn of ihe S.*eeding b*«iy and pro. ure an *** nnilrr the iuthoriU' f ..tficer. When the cry was rai-iid aj:ainst awful appr.iachiiig ronU»t, that lua body exprftMUKi of their wiiliiijfiiesiior iinwillmg-, exclusive ^ Cording IMVIFES. To UiVf ini- ifain* cnJ rf Mahogapy.— Itiluto oik; tea^poonftd of oil of \itiiol in >ne laltle ppK»ntul of s.»ft water, apply it to t!ie part stained with a small pifce of llio flannel, rub rather lijjht and quick until the spot di«apf*»'ani, then washofF with a lilll*’ iiiitk, rub quirk until dry, then apply y'ur polish, &x. S)>irita of »alt wil! answer tbe aauiC [njrpose. MolantfKfor prerertin" Fruit.— flf^eipt for pref>:irin^ uiolass'8 for (.reserving fruit, A;c. winch rend»*rs it rinich letter aiiited for lliat purpoae than a syrup prepared fr'iin the lottf eugar, as it is not liable to candy, nor if well prepared to fcrment: Taki eijflit [MMiiid* mola*»^s, bright New (Orleans or sugar ficuse, H Iba. pure water, and 1 lb. .'ijirst-ly powder*^ cbarcr>al—lioil for !i( tn nutfs, th'H strain through fine flannel, d'^jbk-—put it again m tbe kettle with tli.‘ while f/f an egg, and boil gently till it forni? it ayrup u( boottftcocc, and Mraiu a- gaio. tbe Lxei ntive f r his ciHiduct m tlii'i tnms- ttulli-red, and his mind being srniiewhat dc- new to M-r»e as a Mi«i-#iunary in some f«»r-; ° ' J ’rrrasur)—• artiuii, he l»c.'BmefurioiHand said, he would petid^mt upon a vigorous stiile ol the Ixtdy eijrn station in tlie event of one .*f them * “ Conurcss declan^ ^ take all tlie responsibility up/n Lis own l(>r the disciiarge of its proper fimctnma, l»eing sele tcd ns the object of support, knew n.)t Her g tUAV oia a pi,- r'-| -» O ^ shouUlers. Was this not an fjfK-a fl^//ni«if7n, neceinarily Mislained an injury in a corr»«- Rev. J. L. Ihnwiddie was appMnt»-l to ; that he was the cau«e of Ihe removal being {*ondmg ro/io;—ha was deprived of the corresf^d with several young men of the | > u M Jnit'>^^'”‘ made? 1 a«k ihe frcem.n of this county, privile^^e cf .Iclivering his views iiprtn Ihe AiHoctBte Kefornioil Church for n similar 1 Prendnilial.—(»l. K-> • why was this act doiir st this time? 00 days btf re the iiiectiug .if( onjress. 1 answer, It wins done for the express | i.. „ — - -1 - y ciP«- «'i ■-r/ f)oac of gratifving the nifM predominant ahz’d, he fell into a “ siroon.” In a Miort pjnnted to preach a Miswonary S>rioon, on ling themielvr8 •• He|Mio 1 ‘ ,^,pl^J• pa^^lon in the breast of the Kxecntive. v iz., time however, these lethnrgic f.ielinjjs wrre Kriday Ihe y"lh inst. in tii»- llev. J. 1 to the ktler, informing ihing a vindicative and inaii^n;int tiijyw«7io«. reiuevad, he liecame a c^iinbvistible boly, Ihnwiddte'selitiM h at which time aud placa lion, Col- J.s;iy8: ‘ ' 1 j,^ve is"'®^ ** Me was d.-termD€d to put down tiie Hank, blazod up, and ignited the atmo«pherc a- it is #*|»ccted that salMAictory information yr>nd my prcaont situation, ' gmf and pr.ialrate all the pro«(,eclB jf the enirr-1 r.siml him, which commciw rd spresdinj; it- on tlic subject will l»e laid lielbic ihe pub- jMred. So far ns my hum county, privilcj^e cf .Iclivering his views iiprtn Ihe AtHoctote Kefornioil Church for n similar 1 I’rendniltal,—Vol. n.> • !? oniy aoljcct, and hetice the ecstac) aud joy which pur(Kn>e, and tlie H.v. A. W. Ulack, with some limo since, nominst^' nmnis'f iresB.— . he hnd anticipated from the f/is//ii/of his' mcmlwni of tl*« Ueformcl I'r^sbyti’riao ^ for Ihe w-xt I’re>>idency, by 0 , ,iy. r‘*| ur- »-loqiifnce upon that occasK>n not iM-ing re- church. Tha llev. I»aac Regga was »p-; memliers of the K.-niu. ky In r«plT prisinc and induitrio'js c itizens of America. s«‘lf through the laedium of the Jimrnnt, in lie.”—jVrrrrr ljunnnary, VVas mt llip removal of th.* deposites an the conimunication sign.fd " A Citizen.” j act of o|s^n h.rtHihty to the Hauk ? was not Again: “A Citizen” has attempted to! ihis bl(»w inflicted lo break l.*wn this losti-; giveadcacription of “Liberty,”astostature, - 1 tiB»f uuw. •• |;ern tuliou? and waa it not followed by customary maiinom, apjtearanca, 4:c. I regret 1 can- e*'pre»i.lenl, James Madison, enlared up- ij^ aitipKiyin.'nt has -i .ijiy i» O' pub-. mred. S.. far ns my , be useful, lam „i,,oh o«hf* IJ..yond .1.0 public On Fuodsy, lhe 10th ult. tlie vcnernblo J'h/jr^dclXevel to be n»^ (•ractica and vindictive annunciations of not r.-turn all these compliments. I willing. 1 on Iiin eighty-fourth year, a highly malignant irarfart 1 Is not this: ly a.lniit tliat act of tlie F^xoculive standing without a , hoistrrout clamortmn, jumipous and very III# hoalth IS burth.'n, and mii»* A Citizen” in debate,a remarkably g.-vl, A feebleness in fiisiaove-iI havfu"'^*''". ■ niainjiit|£ TTi»»aww» m , irx^aoi * f wu« 1 lu mi/T tr*/i§wyy'9mta wiu *i;r> ^ • L 1 I • 1 » Bf AJJOft i'U*ul*IV a ifurallH in the annaU of either ancient ar lengthy, l*ut unfortunately, seldom touches *’ " "* ‘saans us activi y, an - ^ that the «>* J«HireJ mod.*rn history. It it. Hum lie not virtually the suhject with rffrrt,\ut manners aro him from axercine on liorM bock, nre iKiitlier !• be iWght, dcr i ^ tUc (>108 of goverDUX'Dt lu Lut owo Uftuds ?' agreeable, addi«;M u/l chjcctivottble, uoU ibc only uuark) of lue itdvuiKed lili*. ^ '''