THE MtNERS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. CHAItliOTTKl ^ ""^^riiRI»AV, APHII, I«, U347' The comniunie*U*n from Zii> lH)Wiui'g we may ^fl in «“f of tl.c financial nyHlcm, v/hai wai aftcrwardi call. | “ It has always been a maxim in politics, j bod, aod aftor a few inomeiits, approached eil and innorjHjraled as the Hank of \orlli.Aincri-1 founded on, and drawn from, natural cauM.s a cljeat of drawers, took out a pistol aod ca. It iinolotir intention now to speuk of the and crttisequcnces, that the more foreign j before the (i«vernur could M!ze him, placed lariat imporuiice of tlii« inititution in thr lurceiii-1 countries whirh Qtiy nation can iiit;re8t in it at his right temple, and blew out hia lul itsue of the revolution. That in er abouid be ‘he j»ro-perity of iU own, so much the bet- ‘ known to every citi*en of the country. Only a ‘C- 'Vhere the treasure is, there will the fi-w yearii afier the •ucfesaful tcrniinstion of the revolution, in 1786, some iipatArt pcililictaii» in the Slate «>f Pennsylvania, forfeiting all the boiiefila We call the atlcntwii of our reader* t« the Ad of the Kxecutlv. Committee oa a.nendinK ; orTbe bank to the wun7ryVdi^reV^^^ llie Cunatitution itf tbin 8late. It wil be cuud which they had come under in ^uur fir»t _ I granting the corporation, made an atlem|it in the Icgialatiirs of tiiat Slate to break down the inatitu- tion. The aubjcct waa refirred to a committcc. heart l>e also; and therefore w hen fc.reinner# hrainN. lie was dead before he fell I Not n niURcle of his face is said to have changed. Ilis untiiiiely fate has produced the deepest vest their money with us, they naturally in-' sensation and regret at Waphinaton. vest tlioir good wishes with it; and it is we | /H Uii hmond Enquirtrt that obtain an itiHurnoe over them, not they i —— over us.—lint the conuiiittce set out so ve-, It will Im recollected that it was stated ry wrong at first, that the further they liav- i in our la*t wetk’s pmxT, that the American elled, thu more they were out of their wuy;j Lriy Ldcoiniutii iKiiiiid from C'harletiton to and now they have got tu the end of tlieir' New Oileatis, had been wrecked on one of rr|K>rl, they are at the utiuobt distuiice from the Baliiiina Keys; from whencu the officers and that conimittec rcporud afainat the bank.; their bu.«iness. and |iaKspiigei 8, vMtii a portion of their prop- AnionfT the rtaaoni urged againvt the inntitutieii i “ As to the second dreadful pait, that of erty, made their CM-ape to Nassau, N. P., A meeting haa been ht id in Philadelphia, in op- dilKMi t« the rriiioval of the Dcpoaitea, which waa »aya the I'nited Slatei UaxrIU, by I IF. TV THOI'SANU peraoni. The inaeting waa , - .1 i i . • i. . i ' , h JA Sc t. r and a aeriea of 1 *•* '*'* *“'"® ajainat the United the over’utninf; the government, [H'r-, where th«y were jfroysly insulted hy the y • n ■'’K**" I Staten Bank, iliat owned aome of iu '*“ps the coHiniittee m»>ant that at the next! Hrilibh authorities cf that island, were for- ^lutionf introduced by I’eUr A. Browne, | which he prifaced with an ele«|iirnt addrcM, when ' «ere unanimoualy adopted. i/‘ 'i'hu report j llioHC aeviTC, CRuatir , and iuiiiinoua prodiicli drew from Mr. Paine, one of election themselves might ho turned « iljly dt prived of their property, and were , and a* the painc time, able partly been the t n«ic; j tlireiitenrri with the halter hy tho Lieut, ’lii.ns for wl iih he waa diK- infliicnce of the bafik, for it had (jovernor, in case tlKV atlen pted to pre- 1 . " 1 I. none, not ovt n enou^:!'to obtain the pcrmis. j xerve it. We oliserve that a niiblic n’eetins In the Senate on the iiHth ult. the Ciuration waa , mgui ic uruig i« revo u ioiiar> « rugj o. ^ ^ ^ hearing from yoveriiim nt, bul b\ on ti.e Mil)j‘;t t w ;is held bv tl.e citizens of i,.n no .Mr. Clay'* re»oluliona. 1 he tirat out j la cntit e utertat,r>ns on tn lu (he of leaw t and the choice of Ih« ; \\ iliiiin^tdii on I'ridav l«st, « hicli is said {It we would refer tlie rcad.r. an conUiiiin;' many „ho m«..'^t probiihly resent the undue ■ lo have b;eii t'jp largest lyid most respcc- n» THE JOtfRMAL. tiitn no .«r- '-’■•y »do;itrd 26 lo 1^, and ia a« follewa ; You domocratic brothera aUMf, I pray you, liateii to my aong', I’ll tell jou aomething rather new, “ACitizen” writes, and writea foryoo» By hia judgment and learned k>re He’ll Make yon convorta, by the aeoro. The Wood of your airea ia worm atill, Let muahrooni polilicia.ia aay what tlwy will, A coDHtaut aim, you ahould pursue 'I'o cHtttblish “ Liberty” and freedom too. “Liberty’*" banner Uien proclaim y> hen “ Liberty” writea « A CiU7.en” complains* “Liberty” writea without oatentalion But “ A Citizen” writea fall gf vexation, And who but a very slave Would be a partizan or a knave. Not even “ A Citizen” himself should be A tool for Andrew andvlnvcry. The “ noisy barrel” and “ bubble bursting” Is nothing; more than an empty queation. Tho’ an “ empty barrol” s«)tind8 the loudest^ Vet empty heads are fflach tlie proudest. " Lilierly” btanda and braVeS th« sloria Amidst “ A Citizens” |r«at alarm. The good of all is what we heed. And this should be a republican’s creed : I^t every voice riae liigh and loud, from the snialli'st to the greatest crowd ; From tho Northern laities to New Orlcant, T'Vom the eastern shore to the western plaios. A>«#/rri/, That the n-awns assigned by the Sec-I loiuid print ij.lea, as wi lion 1 he »ubj!Ct o( banking ijf!coii--lilulioniil iiiHueiite wliirh that lahio asseinbiii^e ever witnessed in that I In support of virlUB~and”“Lrberty"* nu/y ol ^y**‘'®,"1^ I asconstitutJoualUw. (Jjr present bunincss, how- h'.iise and coniniiKeo were astuiiiit;^ o\tr place, (’ol. 6'o/.rie///o/rnfs oflicinted as Let our words and actions all ajjree. I StatM ^d^l’ts'^br’wlclbw,'I l»iC privilcf-es of citizrnsliip. ‘ Cuairmnn, lUid MiyamUr Andertm, E-q. L«^rc» on tl»e 4th day of December, lo33, arc J paiticularly apphcalJe to the subject under dii«-u* “Tho committee mij>ht have lieen so as Reirelar). A !«‘riis of spirited resolu- I ^tilfactory aud insulTicienl. j gion. At\er alluding to and answering other ob- mKlc“st as to ha\o confined themselves In I fioris, Fiihtnitfed by TJII. Esq. yt;\K—M>'*srs. Bibb, Black, Calhoun, f lay, uj tlie baiik, .Mr. I’uiiie ta»i.nuc» j tlie bank, and not thrown a {renerai i*iiuii .■.lrori;2ly evpn llieir indignation at the r,,too 1 •• As to the committee complumin.. “ that l’‘‘l're thr event, insiilts and injuries o!’i',ed to our fellow-cit- byve,t.n« th. ir money in tl«- *•••" '[‘■’ir-" conanittre j-r. diot,, .r.eris, and rulii.i-npun the (MAcrnment of ,;,r .>^imib. Southard. Sprsgue, .‘Jwift.'lWin- ,unk will diuw Ur-c from ns for lu- must kcome the I nitcd iilales to lake irrcmq,t, uecisite L. TvIt, \Vag«amau. \\Vb.t. r-SH. i tercst," it is like a miller complaminj; in a 'muees and cowards, and, ihcrtlore, tkvO cjftcimt meaMir s lo inquire into, and to IV \YS--M«'ii»ri.IVnt«n. Brown, Forajth.nmn- j season that so itiu' b water runs into ’I** o>mmitt«e preuict the dominion ol ■ rtdnKS tiiM f,iiliii};e,” were uuamm&usly a- I,, Hill, Kane, KiDgo*" Alabama, Liiin. McKean. i . ' ,1^^ predict the disgrace of the dooted.—lluitigh Slar. M'wn*. Ko».m»o«. hJitplov, lalluiaute, I his O^sui Home 01 It runs out. , hue. wilkina, Wright—la. I “ C’euld tlios* f.ireiyiterc dra^v this inter-j ‘ r,. w.aiid one which au mo.:uied at tlio in- 1 est without putting lit anv t ^piUjI, the com- I No'lh Annrira e-ji imnee «t.Il t. Tlie n.ii.k fit [ tiii.sville, selected by the it, T;,. «eond one, which waa mo,:uled at tho in-,es« Without putting IK any t KpiUil. , 1 •• r 1 1 ittcf of somo of Mr. Clay’a frias.da, w»a aUo a- | plaint wotild lie well-tounded ; bul as they evi.t, in its all tt( A rc, itr t.iwi powers lliiil I.*-, as one (.t the scnn (lozin ; d •*6 u>'20, and la in ibf ful'rfjxnig worda : | must liiat put nioncy in betoru they catiiiiiiw at* fur w.'.irh it wa» iiiKiituti d—the hU riics of I I rtusurii-'s ol tho (Io\ ernnient, has rescin- i:»ec. j any cmt. awl as they n.u.t draw ii'.urn year., u,r^ of 1’cnnsyhi.nia still e.«,t.nue ur.iis-' c.>iitr;.ct, and will have nothii,- more Riulrtd, Tbal ih* Picsidrnl, in ihe laU ii::d. r Ell circu!H»tanocii, there wiil U- foui;! uieii, ly lurpr najonter, the I rlcgates to the Intuf, trim, iltitimj the Utr tension, rnted ho>Te»cr muili caloulati-d fi r liie (^cittfal pr«,ii,(cri- 'i'l iit wut fuimrrly a itiong Jiichson I ty, arc coiiliiiiiiily eiidcbvuting to pruduov ounly.—/ uyt/Uti./r Ot^D. rr. agree. The question novp beloro tis all In, shall the great prostrats the Email. If the Bank goes down, we'll all be poor, Our libcrM.'* pone, our pro«pects o’er. All mnst agrne in the last exprestioD, If they’ll but make a true confession, I'lie Bank it seems is called a villaia Recaiiw it idRued seventy million. It accommodated our citizens dear With a currency sound, they need not fe«t| It is fur parly and fur power, Tliey woild destroy tlie useful tower. This toner which paid our nation's debt, V\ hy should you get in such a p«l. To break it down when out of season It* hard indeed without good reasoo. There is a chat ^oing the rounds I think without any good grouode. That a Bank 1* not, by the constitutian, A uscfi)] and legal institution. So «ys many of our representation But not the wisest in our legislation, Maniel, .lohn, Menry, Willie and Lee. With many others do disagree. They say the Bank, should always stand) As the common bulwark of our land. In York he will, appoint the place And have a Bank, of ten million A> a substitute for this corrupted villain. I. itiaca. i aiinnin, » i- i . i. i K-ing Frrhnehuysen. K«.t, Kn.gbt,, draw Iron, them and they o;.U 1.1-s, I'oindeiter, Port. r, ift/(r»/from us and as we shall have me . , • j ,i . ■ ,■ . 1,1 m.t - Pft %fmi, Kohhtfi>« Silibrf, Snath, SiHitK- »nu>ni'y «li iho «llllc it reiiuitiS u »llj ^ n:nontl uf thf Drjmitrs irag a unurpatiott j Tombnson, 1 ylcr, W agga- j mil alwajs be in lair favcjr. L'u.-J, fl.'ilrieli..’ Hilk Kail*. Kmg of Alaba'iua] i mittcc mu.t have forjOtfn which Std • of the . el.ang.-, » tl lea^l, caunol have tho etT. tl of! Kii?or*IS. I.uin. M. Kean. M-wic, .Morns, j Atl.mtic tli*-> were on, for tliecnh* wraild U- Mokmg lh-ni 1. «. r Uian their present jituctioa. !k.^ >i.^lry. Tanoadje, ", „ v»e pit motH-> m;o their We d., not ^ ml to i>„j,earh «'«• , ,„ixture of Cti^ Pepper, Salt, a:id V^n-i We'foVeV^r musrhimTiVavoW n«, ngn . J w I ' iitetoad ol their pittliii^ it into ours. , thon’ wh . ii.ay Lc op-.Mi'iil lo ihe 1 tj.ird .'-t-ti s e^nr, h? n ^'iir^h', I'.as LcCn useii with good I l^ur Constitution we should proclaim, >!• '!oo:c,of Ala. fipre*»rd ni» individnal con- | through, line h\ line, lUnk, on li.tKfound o.‘ ii^ in ik y or , j'^ct iii lliut CiTv. Support its merits, and its fame, r riyci m iIk opii.ion* advmctd in IIk-rcaolu-y unet.rsUl iti.-r.ahty, bul we do say t!. it per-ofi» i ■ ■ un»,' tl, btht vioj that llicy were contrary to Um ; (f,,. fy,|( re(M>rt; w hut follow s w!rfi are coiiliri'jttllv htrintiLf u:*i:i iori.-ncrs o« n-1 * It ' AVrr V..»/l ,,4/.rii l .—Wc have Lor.don papers of JicrcJne for fcarUt Fi rr.—The New ! //‘‘’'f is run I 4j . .La. 1 The dye 18 cast, the ucalv w turned, 1 r.rk Coiiim.‘reul Advertiser savs that a ; if Andrew this will allow. iiig Kr S l!ic dai.ptr ufth.' ini>titut:on lo llii ! iCth Feliruary, by the Rutent. ln'.iHK111 of hi» .Mate, lie voted sf*in»l t)i«w- uiay be called 1 ht liniu;iUifti>n.t ij the n r'.- Ni-*.rt *>>«M.bfrs and B»ll. vcro abociit, Uilh iniiltc, and a liliiientab'''. [Hi».llaniin''tis, de- , |iv„ rlit^sni'Uie r.mnlry, eitl» r do it ihrniipli igno- . I'.irisaee jtii ti*'are to llu-S.'Jd frsrsnre express P I W) noul’J bi»t rotoJ inllK aff.tUialivc, had ((radlD^ th»«i{ it w. It is a |HibllC hirront, a r« ur for liir. purpost; of iiapo-ing on thou ■ erf lor the ntubility ot the thn iie o(T,.iuisI'hilippi. feen nriMiit ' Upon lh' MSUM' niul spirit ot ihe ohoarrinoie i};nortnl Uian lltemstivc*. They l.^ons was in a ^tatcof grcul disturbance, from J 0 r w hole couutry. i sl.all give the i‘‘:iiaipder m-rv lai>i t lilu r i»rn of the iii!iiiin>a—we iii n,t the workn en i«tanc;ing cut for W’ajres. I^ouis Tm»t nf oi:r reader*, who are rvot dis|Mw;i lo toother, as it stand# m the r« (Kjrl, aiid ilicn wry e«>ii«l;ii^ to thrir \nuny, uor tui; oii.ti tu . .1 ihe prtsrnl .d.n’ini.trai.-I ngU or «-ro»/. my rnu.ark^. ili. ir U-arn *ith rrgr.t, tlial the Ions ecnUnued i “ I he laiiKolstion. are, “ J Imt !Mrr,2,;..r» L; :ir !• o*i r, anl Ihil iJh- llot>»c of krprrsrota tidve fully austatntil Ui*> l’re>uJ ul and Sic- irv in, what wr eon»idr, iJtcir anlawful a«l»- »dl doul llue« be mote ui l more iniiJvevl tu ' become I'tiiCKholdrrs, iiutil thfc lime may ar- rue when this >'i.>r»r i.m en^’in'’ of p«,»er ir. ,i>, ... y. j jna\ bi'CKin*'kill K’l i to l'>f''i;-ii loliuenc *•,tiiis -ilrsrt t.He fcllowmjr urnonwii 01 U»* I •' , ■* * • ' 'eiunliv ni.iy ugil r*U**d Jof th I yurHion €Hi , , j j i r.«Iui..s..- 'Jbr the,and d^-nd:mce n;..n 11,7. I line or ••tUr ol the i.uropean |»owcrH. 1 liat Sui'^’cmt ('ourt.— 1 he ( /urt will proba- h!y n«j >urn to-dsv. 'J he (bilow in*' caeos hav3 been iiceid«d since i ur h^t: .Vrfi -i.'JJ—Ki»tin, 'hi- f Jcjtici*. delivered the Ju(1"P:eiit of llie I'ouil, 111 tin two »uit» in Ivj lity, ol' r a'jd ife m l ft!!. r» \. ( ! ; Ir.'i •, iVom (>libii8 tollic l{« jmi 1 l" UiP Muxlir, soeie of itii rxci |>lluii! and r i' •. , «ili.« rp. Alf", the ».); liimii >l l)iel't,url ,11 . I it Ilf .Simuel Clark v. \I»;. Joh an 1 ill aii.l otlurr, 111 l-'in'.v, innii Ik they do i;itl ai>j«'ir lo itav'- any iiiUiist 111 the! , ly tl' ugit lied l.j th‘' (hiIiIics of V tfMU Ij.f Uydletille nUrerrrr ; , l]ur»jv;iii l ouit'^, Ohtl tlli. ^'011] people of oil ll. rw t,»e=e,o.. f»rn./rrf.-*>n K...hv U.t. Mr. redu* ed cre« morf mto a ►lal*- ot i'l. «J \ I. lor iJk rr*\Miu# (jurHion mt I , 1 ! i l' I litkt n «.l\:tim. dM-Iaring lhat thr I’,St*l« . || it wrrn even CoLlilted to tliu Imndi H . i;iit lo be rtcharirrcd. was pasM^, 13.'. ^ „k ncans. it would lie totally destn:- five r. 5.1. d..;a,irr thai H- Public P p«i.e. ‘iHut equality whi. b ...■•hl prevail in a ;:.I In be rv^i«*d lo Uie Book, wa. pa^ republic. e have n-thing in our free dik! no 104. vqual j(ovcrnnH'nt capabic ot iMl.iucing th' Ijii 3.:, .i. (iarire that tbr Slate lUnks ofifbt u> (ntiuciictf which this bai.k niu-t create ; and |i " 111,1*1. as^U.e plarcaut I)rpo»ile, waa ptii**.!, w |.u:h in tllO COlirse of a fe A n.if whi no;' :ln-y *vck h;i -ecoui.t. I>;ifi.i3. 1' '.'t, J.». .0 «,»*iM«. tk. to* '7 u.. of ,h. !>M..*t..ith, llank and Br.nrl..-. lo iiKiUirt froia a'neriill)^ I cnn*\ ha la. A.readv «C j,Hhe e .«e of S llers \. nrvan a-ri .tl..r«. ^ e. *a«al^ pa.wd, 174 lo 41. h«vo f^it Hs I'lllueiieO indrert.y inK rkriilj: jycuu S.i;n»on, di.Mni^kiuj,' tl.e h;!l of the com- Vh I n. I're h*s then or«i. rtd to eonsut of,,,, ,,f th,. h.j^i>lalme. Already plmnant. p->'-1 nnii(« r*. iJic h'Hi«« of ns?*enthi\, ihu r-|'iC'~'ni.itives lU 1 fiv. Chit'Ju«tice, ddivi red the Hpiiiion ot r W.iil* iher 'rda l.*'h rc«olnlK>ndeelar. " , . , ' .1 . ■ .1 . .. " rrr«=-m.u;t,r.ent ro.d un-n. ol ihe i>« haw Iven m u. that tho ■ 'V. llui, on .Mr. I’uik'a moiion, ihe llouM ^ creditiM ourpa|>*'r «rreiM-y will !»* bla»te.:by *1 »'! I thu bank ; ai;! ifthis^'ro»ii; evil continues, we luar th U H* i>in«'t v» ry distant when the • 'Ihe Rahith Reei«ier of the «i|i he able to dutiite'to tlio l»‘ rislaturo, »( v.j t there is hardly a doubt thai ihc re- hot hw.s to pan, and w hat t > lorlK-ar. • ' •Hixuntol .''lock has bctn ukun lo enabU Sutf Kia'( lo go into i|ier.itiin .d ii.ti •4.1,'KH) worUi of stock w ...apUco. rijilijipv; hud i^n'i- U uii cdirt—f'oli.-h, becau*e ll miirit; to «xriu horliiity, witlioiil.nnswering any • (1. (rtiveJHlr•»l^e—Ii'C.'om i!n- Iht alre ut 11 o’clock. TiiC tdiel is ju: litii d ii|)Oii oid usages raked up fniin tla lioiinparte and Bourbcrn times. From .'^piin there is no special news, exccpt the rcMjIutf rc:u'alof Uie niir.istry 10 pLr.nit Mina lo ri;i !o Sjk..n. Frvirn rorl’iful the intelligence is that Mieuel’r. troDi«.« wef di «ccniliii;; !lie lort ban* of Iht 'i'a^us, and tii'-iiei' aiii.xy Lifbuu. The uur iiiiiot uv ai.v iiiian-' i iuie ' Ii our virtue all abandoned ? And we in de«putifm landed ? Our eongressinen should all know this. If tli;-y grant no Bink, wt'll them dismiss “ A Citizen” reed not be apprehensivo That even such money, will b« offensive, “ A Citizen" when he writes again, .Should uol his own renown proclaim. AMin’S. MEEKLY ALMANAC. The (•.iziltc ie I"rn’ice of tliC l.'ith Feb., has n (T.Tk I **■'* piinl'il int( to Anirrican«. K au'frt ^ “ (uiierul Lc 0)t tie i still ecnfined by serious;( a .1.. n c in favor ol the I'Ui.iUtf and or-’ j '’h' , .... ... . * '‘iruriu forbid «li but iiib mtiin&ti$ Uicnd^ lo enter lit J ir;; AO ».'0-nt tu U. tikcn. —ia rnN. liii-f.Ji.shco, Uveicd lie-1... . j * .u i * . ...inion o: tl,e ( ..u,., 01 Ihe e,,e of Al.iia U , ^ v.a. sti.l indisposed at the last ll (I and other* v. ! W eL!), frotn Oran;'i-, oi - ( iiA.iit the I*' til.'rti of li.e ooiP|'Uin:ints b' aiiw The lAWidoii Cniiri. r of the ilth contradicts a rumor cirLulutiiig, Uul tlure was a svliisiii it* the Cahi.ii I. I^nilon, Fell. 4 —The Itninlts at .■Marseilles have bceti mirpresscd. but lho«’ at Lyons still con- liniu', Willie in I'uris a coiuiJwrublc dc^roe of agi tation irivails. i.ivLuroin, civrroN .markitt. ldccipt; l, r'tbninry. It.—Though ihere has the C. ii't III il.c 1 fi»e Ilf Joji-ph H. UutKii v, been a lair a;nnniit o]'tiU!>iiiess done in Colton thi* ll.iteii.V .Miinirord,froin.hin» .deilarinnlhephiiii- wetk, yet, o-.\i.ij to the increasing di.i|)o»ilion on lifleiiliooi l> tl.e I II'.. Ill of ill. K - ihnrgn:, tin- imil of hel .us of Atiiericiin lo tffccl sales, we (li(n-iinj( Ilk aojount with iiiteie.-t lo bo us- ha^e loqui'lc a dieiiiie 01 lully 1-ftd.per Ib.nilhat ,.i.rtaineJ. description. .’iftiirA .’tl.—I'l ! r;\, ( Iiier-J ittiee, d. livi red the jVi'Ik/uv, Filirtiary —There was a brisk de- Oi.iiii.jn oi the « oiirl ill tiie cast of Wut’on v. m:ind for I olton in liic e.^rly f>art of the week on lUteh .Milinfoid, froii. Jones, didaring the h g- siweulation, which w a.s followed up by the trade, »asdoneat an advance *• \\ hen the sky lalls w e »hu!l be killed. ^ charge ui«.n the luI.d^ in iho hands of the and a enin'ni raMi Uiisiii We uii- There is *om«Mhlli>' so ridi il!iMieh gra^e, iMi doi; ndnnl .Miiiniin), and dir.'ctiiig an aec»unt lo of jd to Jd on lu w I’-iwi ds, Jd on S. a Islands, }d WM taken wiJ« of prolMUhU, and wi wild',!\ I’ of lh« amouut due ,U anti in- , |K-r lb. on;i, ni.d .•( x.;ry full prices for other ' 'ill . i- trri st I ixiiids. Will.I'l the lust tew days, however, new ,andincon.sisienlmllM-wl.o|econqH.»it.oiio( ^ 0,.ini .n of ihe' ttowed. have tx-en sold on lo^er Urrns, and only thiH long piirnijrapli, tl'jl I ani at u I»sa ln»w ^ '^imt m tiu ca.'* »r I'hk ;ht r?*, !mii» II ,_v- ' rntr alH>ut '-t |h r llj. iiijjlier lli.m i>n ihis tlay wvck. to l»**gm upon it.—It IB like a drowning luan ^ood, utliriuiiig the jungmenl l>elow. .\Uoin the 'I'lie i-;dis minprue l.J( Sea UUiid!., i.t 14.\d to crvititf lilXi! (lie! c»ie of SoulhtrUnJ oud Wife v. Webb, from 2ld, v ilh "(IhI ined, at ^'d toI'Jd; I4,1(X> Boweds, •• rhw nnrl of the renort is made no of F-dgceoinh, a.iirmiiig the jiidginenl bt low. Ali>o i 7 to '.hi; fi,-’:!) Orleans. 7 Ad to lOJd ; 2,4JU .MoHle r, 1- »i'i r , ^1 . Ill the ca>e 01' kormxay and others v.Carraw ay ' and Alat'aina, 7jd lo!'d ; l.liM) I’ernsmbuco, ll;d; roRF.UiN I \niAi.. ‘ 'rii- !i |i;4i iwrn said, uiid m 'iich an able ' ■ r. 11 rrply lo Ihe circnm»Un !• of for* igners intiM ll.nkoftlM Fniiedst-ir. b*. Iwodreadful prcdielioiw. 'I’lie fir.-.t u, that . ;•a. in ,l./c:i.m to its rechart-. r, that wr if f'.rn;.n. rs purch.iM- Iwi.k s(.k k, we shall ,.„,u to iHiily. **■ VI rjr U. l.w.rd in re«->irriiig to the ».ib. , £;ay auil oUiers v. I arraw ay ' aud otlii ri^, from I'uphti, disuii...king the bill w ith-| tolled; 1,4110 liuhi.1, ^;,d lo'Jid; l,7.iO .Maran out eosU to eidier i>«ily. ' ham, tid to 10.^1; IVmeraru, lijd to I'Jjd ; lie all ruili'-d :—tho ^eeond l«, that if the (:\n>. Judge, d'livrriH the Opinim of the' 140Wes| linrn,''>1 to ; o.^O Carthagena, tiid AincneaiiM keen the bank to tlitmselres, we 'ourl in ih. ca»eof To d«ell'h I:x'r.*v. Langston, to f.^J, and l.-Sne Surat, at ,^Jd to 7J per ib. mak- . «c rot iknuw It IS 11111 u«ed by many . „ , . ' , ('loin Pi riiuiniuns, surtaniiiig soino of the tjcep-j ing tocelht r hales, ol which ;t,.»00 .Amen- , ,,, , , , ' ^hHii Ik* tilHu ruiUt'n* . . . • . » .. . Knlililcrt and »>prrrh m3k> rn^ ft uatl , *'S'M As u pouf of whit h we nted I the j;outlemcn, by residue, and di'creeinir in liivor of the plaintiH's 12 .Saturday, 5 3.T6 ii) ,, • 13 Sunday, |5 34 6 26 14 .Monday, 5 33.6 27 '’u n ft. ii; 'r J- r 0.1c oo^Pw e 11 26 aft n. 'a I uesdar, 5 32 6 28 ,. , - ’ ! ‘ rirst 16 7 4 alt’n. Full 23 3 22 morn. Last 30 11 19 morn. 16 Wednesday's 30|6 30 17 Thursday, ,.5 2!. fi 31,f' H Friday. ' |,'> 2.'i6 32^ HIE .HARKI:T8. FAYKTTEVILLi; APRIL 8,~ Brandy, Cog. IJ a 2; Peach 5.5 a C(f; Apple 2Ss33; Bacont'}a9; Beeswax 17a 18; Bagging IG a 20 ; Cotfee 12J a 14 ; Colton a 11^ ; Corn a no; Flax.seed UK) a 110; Flour 4J a ; Fea. thers 31 a 36j Iron a 5A ; Lard 10 a 11; .Mo lasses 31 a .33; l.>.Tt« 3S a 40; Nails, cot 6 a 6.^ ; wrousrht 18 a 20; Rum, Jamaica 140 a 0(1; New I'ngland 45 a 50 ; Rice 3^ a 4; Sugar, brown 61 all; common 10 a 11; l^f and Lump 14 a 18; .Salt, Livcr|HK>l 55 a Co; Turk’s Island G2^ a 70; MeelJ.Vmerican 8 a 9 ; Eng. blistered 16 a 20;Ger- man 14 a 15 ; Tallow 9 a 10; Wheat 95 a 1 UU ; W'hiskey 30 a 35; Wool 16 a 18. CHERAW, APRIL I. Baron 10 a 10^ ; Butter 15 a 20; Beeswax 16 a 17 ; Bagging, tow 22 a 00; Dundee 24 a 25; Cof- fee, prime green, 16 a 18; 2d and 3d qualities 14 a 15J ; Cotton 10} a 11§ ; Corn 87 a 00 ; Flaxseed I a U; Flour 6 a 7J; Feathers 32 a 35; Iron, Swedes 5 a 0; English 4^ a 5; Lard 10 a 12^ ; .Molasses 40 a 50; Nails 7j a 8^ ; Oats 50 a 00; Linseed Oil 61} a Ig; Rice 4i a 5; Rope 12 a 12A; Sugar, .Muscovado prime, 11 ^ a 12j ; com mon 9 a 10; lioaf and Lump 15 a 18; Salt, Liv. erpool 75; in sacks, 4 bushels, 3 a 0; Teas 1} a 1 j ; Tallow 10 a 12; SU'el, blister 8 a 10; Uermaii 14 a 15; W heat 90 a 100. LOST, OX Sunday morning, 6th inst. between my house and tlte Brick Church, on tho back street, a !ilrer L. Epinr IV.4 TCH, with silrer face, tininbered inside of the ease 3724. It had a blue riolKjn in place nf a chain, brass key in tha shape of a fox or woh ’s head. The finder will be , r . .11 «|'"1S. «nd overruling oth.■r^; reforming the report can and 1,(N10 Sural have been f,n sp-euIation, I ^ \ cominittieol fortune teller* is n nov- j,, j„ p.,r( and Si Iting it aside as to the ! with COO .\iiicriean and 100 ^llrut shipment. | ^ ^ - frc ir 1., a eommiinu alum publishi d a few “ s|K-fimcu of their art, liuvc iliyo- unlek. ihe defendant sliill require an account lo bags were mW at ra 'h.^k over th. signature of •• A «'«« ».” I „i„uMN saved thnr honor *>n one point, wliieh tak. n of debts due tVon. the l.lo B. and , miles on Saturday ll ‘i* I L I . * ■ . » I I JuHiuKxi h'lrrii r (il tlivrc Ihj mjiH) ot di'blii ol ■ ■ ■ “ '1- . irnn.i.t.nco ol foreijiirr. owning slo. k i ,ho ,HJopIo limy sny they are Jol.n t hnrncr paid belbrc the fihi.g ol t. alludid lo v.ith much emphasM •" I ,i,,t hankers, nobcwly cun wiy they are not bill.—iioifii'A ^tar. i »r.ti rrpiiMii'an and dangetous to our liU r- , rulijurorfl.—'I'here IS, howevur, one consoln- —♦— ■ “Ifistory," II I* fiud, phil«K>i!hy teach-j tioii left, which is, lhat thecotiunitleo di not j DKATII OF (iH.N. BLAIR. ■ nainplr, ' -11 1 . i._ *1 ^ There WMS a {jood inijuiry to-day, and 3,000 PS were stild at rallier improving prices. The ere 2..'500 bags. EiEr, In Row;in county, on Sunday last, arter a long sieku'sisCapt. Jnhri Hmsktns, Intr merehanl of this place. -Mr. Hoskins was well known lo most i«. „. o„ IK,.i k,.,.,o„* ,1 1. I lour children t«» niourn the \o*m of an uiduigrnt htisliaud and t'athcr. 4ioI(3 I'lllMMl. The rubseriber havni'j a lilllo spare time will devote it to FLIM .N I f )l.l> n»on Ihe moil rea- , , —•' I Htate Hiou d t link there isanv iliins improp. I ins Htiuir wiui i»ir. 1 im uuct, „uo ~ • y.r a. r. gard. -1 ihe sue. «s oi’ tlie conie.t, I „crs niircha.Mn.r' bank sto.-k, or; been iniieh in tl-.e I louse hut has beeii sick. | .^Lm^allr atlmkd .0. ‘" fe-'utte, were about to fail, our sol. I jjr funded prop rty^ On Tnosd^y evcnin;' about (» ocl»K-k, wej ISA.AC IIY.A.MS. '‘"irii n>it only unpaid but luifid and uncloth- j | why b;ink stock should understand, that (lovcrnor Murphy ol Ala. j n, 1831. Fl-3«. ‘ i'lil Waahington hinisflf wrou to ilie legisla-1 |turticuliirly ptunted at) the lepisl.kture who hoarded in the same house with him, " ' ihr dit»'.-renl Suiet, ihai without aoiiie . i,„vc authority to prohibit it. It is a morn was in Ins room, conversing with him— '" Old ht nni't give up the conti-«t. In Ihis j |K»litical opinion that has tKithin^ to do With when tijn. I> s inai, was brwight in. It -ney punoiic men, ai the h«ad ofithn charter, *r tho charter with that; and j brought a very atU-ctionate and touchmj let- '"'’**sRi,UriMorri»,atepmdforw«rdandhy therefwre Uk? first dreadful predictlou van- Ur, at whieh the iinfortiinatc pentleman ,.u»lLa u.. II.. i».«iii' *•- ' *“ the subscriber. N. B. CARREL. ChaiUie, Ajn^l 10/A, 1S34. K4lf For ^alr or Rent, 4CONVF,NlE\ r 1)W FI.L- l.\0 llorSF, wiihsll the neccfsary ort.building. Apply to THOMAS A. Mr.KA. iof», i;3i- till FOll SALE, 4N excellent Italian OVlTAH,xi;'i\h ease com plete. Enquire at ihia olfice. lt'/M^34._ 4w ~^TATE OF yORTH-CAROLiyA, MrCKt.KMU’RtJ rOl TTY. Court of Ki/uily, jVoMmfcer Term, IS33. Thomas O. I'olk •» Jolin (lallanl and 1 Stephen (iall.-xet. J T appe.iriiig lo the satisfaction of Ihe Court, that the Defondanis iu tliia case, do not residu witiiin the limits of this State, It wai Ordtttd, that pubbcafion be made six weeks in the .Minors’ vV Furmers’ Journal, that the sail detindants ap pear nt our next t?onrt of ti]uify, to be h^den tor .Mfckh nhurg county, at the Court House in Char lotte, on the 7lii Monday after the 4lh Monday in March, IM l, tlicn and there to answer said Bill of Complahit, other«i»* ludsiueiU wiU bo Uken, pro omiesso. araiosl them. True copv. !'• PUNLAP, r. ,v. *. r.-h, iVjI. I'liCe 4u' • - doll*.