mWERS’ & FAMMEMS’ J01JR]!lirAIi. VOL. IV. i*ltlXTKI» ANI> l*l'llf.ISIli:i> KVKIIY SATI.UI)A\, IJY THOMAS J. 1 tf U.TOy..».(;il AHIOTTF^ MEt'KI EXBI K; * OUNTY, KOBTII-CAHOLINA. , VKHKO or TIIK MOUNTAINS, MKTALS \VII1\H ?s^^vri: R I) ayTTvi^i teach you to Kimti thu: bowkl* of tmk kahtii and iRiNn mrr ruoM me caVkrkk or tiik^mountains, mktals \viiihmviu. oivfc strkncjtm to onji immw *«d fubjbct all nati'ke to on» urr ani> rtrAiiimr.—dr. jobn»«n. NO. 185. Tii>: FarnM>i*M’Joiiriial Iiprintfd »nd’|ul>li»licd rrery S«tunlay morning »l Tieo Dollar* p«T 101111(11, if paid in alvancp : firt IMllari tinii b'ijti/ Vtul$ if not )>aid iinlil jftrr Uic ••xpiration of Ihrfc* uionllti; 'I'hirr Pollan at the fnd of l)ii* yrar. No paptr w ili ^ di.srontinue^ until all arnarugc* ftr« [>aid, u„lr« at tlif option of thu Kditoi. j^pVKR'nf'KMKN'l’S wtU U) inxprtrd at Fi//y Vfnt$ pot aqiiare (i«t ricerdinp 20 liiirn,) (nr (J,« firat inirrtion, and '2't c«'(it« fur cat'll iinc- cciding Week—or |i»r tl»«e wcok*. tor on( tquarc. A lilx ral dii^ount %ill U- made to those »!io advrrtwc' by Uie ytir. Vi On all advrr- tiiH'Uiunt* cmiiiiiunicatcd lur pnlilicatiun, flio B'tinbt f of |ii«.Tlion niuot t>c uolcd on the mar- gill Ilf the nianuJCTipt, or ih« y wHl bp conliiiucd until Ibrbid, and charged ac«>rdii;Bty. • 'All coinnuiiiicatiuiiM to tlic l^itur iiiii«t ronie f'rrof po*h»sf, or th n uiay not tie «tlcinJ>-d to. To llic ol* Cnroliiin. CONCUIX.U. lU. have nnticiputk ci, by the precfilinp rtniurlii, (lifl niDluiuaiit of that bnsis »>f r«>|»- r,'>.nta(iou whicli 19 UeoMiuleJ, aui the r. jurlioo of loeuiber*, «hich is prop«wd. If tl/ ro be any ti)or> just otid rujtuhliruii kMmlard, kt U J>« oll'. rtrd. ll 19 to re^u- litp th* aral. of rvprfscntutioii acoorJiDj; to Tasc» and Vopuiation. 1( u not pro- pud, ty any, lhal your n'prr»rut.itioii VI. ! assembUid twice in this iStato—atiil }u in- It is alfw proposed to abohsh Korough stance cannot b«i found in thif hiiiloryoflhi! Representation, in whole or 111 piirt. If States, whe^e thry have uniJertalteuto dis- thcTO be any touiiH in tho Stale whoie |>e- j rnjjard the* powers that wore vyrted inthi'in, ciillHr inttTfsld rf|uiro, and who«i popula- or to pass tiie lK>iindnries whi'’hti«ovfrei«n tionjustiriesacouliiiuanceofthisprivilejje, I people had ni:iik«>d oiit. ’l'U> indilgrncf it will be preserved by the Conveulion. Lf a suspicion which ohirmfeit'the '*'• . or^anizfition t>rbucli a bxlv, would (jhvert Hie prenent Constitution make* it irnpcr., ^|j princij.lcs of acl.wi 'which ariin from iUiec on the I.cgislature t« elect tield-Ol- otsfrvalion an.ioxw.-ritnco, aird wouilbrera hccrn of thn Mihtia bybailvt, and to ^ for opposition,renllv nonuuate Justices of the I'eacc. ll is be- „ ^.^et apprchefi, »» tha’f liovf.l that those [K.wrrs OMf^ht U more ju-' j„,c!ii^,t.nt fe'i,le are n«*t ;oioi.4ci;t Ip diciouslyexcrciw'd,»ndccrtiiinlythey would „„vern tlu mstlvfs. bo more econoniirHlly |H;rlor:ned, by such | ^ Rep\i>.!ic'.nt—ro nro- tiibuiiald e» the Convention nmy al.ii.k it pniHMi.loK c a fiw U>t t» iiivcht With filluT or U luit* povt‘rnnicnt are cslablisljrd b) tho /favfice ever the- tht'ory of this provision may American Slaten, and tUl ff-y are It* b-, thr (;'nernl AsMruib!^, is in practice, abstract ions. H6: fii.jus- a very ui.lit di «itory H theAj poweis. iic« |iko that which w-have khdwo to ex ilic'Oificer.-t o| th» Militia are e!ctt J j,t, if public cviiuhKe tho.-«e we Imve |X)inled without a,»y previous knowhnine ol the, ,,.j will not move iufo nctun the iluaUficiUions r.indidati-s, atul a ft-'Cur- l^gi^!..,„ve powers of tbc CoTerr.rnei.t to! rctx-e to th.’ pf ri.Kj at which your Cwu»,ti. j e-jme Kifo method of refurmin? Uie | tuton woH fraiiU'l, will show why it (Jonsiitmion, so an to redress h^KriiiTan- ] /Atn thou^lit cviiodicnt to f;i\o \our Lejjis- to reinovo this ii j«i>tic';, l4 li.^sl our 1 l:iturc tho e\H.i.Mvn njht ot el*,ctint Id,visionsai.dfiivnpouecab!erliUcti«tl.e*witl OiTir- rs. 'J'his was tht n n soveitign btato, n.ajority of the I»oo|.I*.—fftin thnt Con-1 iu the largest si'ns.‘—ir.ainjained own | izi-d its own twrces. 1 ho . j, divested ol iho nnly c army, nnd oT^aniz> _ warol th- Hcvo!uti(;Ti fur Indeptt.d'nre had 1 laws ily criterion i float dictates, 1 be bu«^ oa citl^r of theao „.p,. n'>H ''^^nrr'-d wi-h toipithin\ f.ur , usitrpatir^, fn-o- Such charj^es, are iLo prftf*\ts of j IxT^eTi, ftnd ii*ithrr ti.c CoiimHuM.ii ol iho ^ from s«‘t , . r t • _ rviitii’rt*; anl yr>ii, at lea-rf, will , _ J J. liul to j ^ nitfd i?ui'tior iheart of Conf**ii«*ration, „(■ n rl, in a sjiint of concihatioD, even the ratified. As to tnn of^ p,,j^ jjovcniioi.t are too •laDjr'roiJi to prt'juilices, and to ac on>niivJat*i tbo habits j I’‘'^cc, c.irh ^comity di’|eguii-n (i* prjicticul—that they aie ik> more that> r»lely. I prfjudired opposition to rt forin* »ini views of tl)« niinoritv, tl»e in.ijority, who jn ' tho no:i'.mntnn i'>r^ ihf niorooriiifiieriK of gcvernmeiit—dccep- „k thu loeaxure of juMk-c-. bu\« pltHi;.«l n counties, nn-J before tJio Count) | „,.,j in n« ad^lin»^tra1ioIl. ri.urtsncrrdivwittdM al! thtir patronage, ^ 1’, -Citi/i n? : \Vekaow thatihese this pri\i!rgf was not iiiifroiuct;il) ubo»wd. arrnse the j.uWic nund to a con- ' •••■ I i*rJ(-ration ol'l^t itf alfiirs wiU provokea sws- In the ninth ^tion of the Prenmh'c to : nK>liv. s ainoop hohm?, of cenaure lli^inoalwi that each ('vunty, uo matter iiuall ita p-.pulation or taxes, oiu-.t La'8 •lectioo of one im-ml>er/ whatev r 111* ratio shall bo which is ti» d on. It than strict eiualilv r«quirtd of them, j I* '■ apl*^nJcd, thwi is e:>ine niany, aixl a sneer of pretoiided scorn bit «• d* Out believe that any humau i•'** vvonis “ to oirike | oihcM. Iu deliance of .^ach ob!>ta'jlcs, I «- ,»i;iii«l»celhismi.j«»rilyorlheir 11^-‘K r. q-ii»ile (piahWatwns or ^ jhoduty ai,bi*;ned to pr. s^iilaiiifs to di-'r*‘Kard th»» pl«d;;e, if it is , Mfini»rsnnii J otrrj.' U n toboregjrtteo ^ rrspuctablc portioy of your Ueprc- arifd u;jn by tho minority. '1 he vrry :chatJtn,=. h«d noi Uen ^'I'^-cully 1 wwlM’cunti' s in tho .Stat« are piH uhari) ; it, hi>w »«*r, th^meiu-urw meets j are ik.I srctional pai tl7-ii;S. e ir.itr.-,i.^ in embracing this coiKrilu.tingct-.;«'‘h }■’»«• >*wr l.|-i.r..un:ativr,s .State and the «hole 3tate.’' J r, uul«>* tin V hj»o resolvwl tolia£.ird t(K- ; haNiiu* CTHirr ciintrol ol it ui li.' next M’gis- j ij.jj have seen her Iie*iKl:iturc liutracted e:;ixt oi' additional ciaspornlion, iH.twith- j can D ufM'it moroc\f ii(;it. « are ; y,ndcouutils Oividedby ^c- tundiu4 the c*>rtimty of uliiiiute sutceK.s 1 tvarrantftd m t’.at t,othm« tri-rc a.pp««J to Ik: dif- >bich awaits a caus.-rwtiofiupou tin- ,m- “ wor.N, ayn;; jin fact the s*»me, uutrl her i(.u!.ib'-pr-.nciiilfs of justicc ar^ *up(*\*ncd ' of U» ; rni, th.;n to i:lo;ho l-'e name hc» bi'come a b) e-word ol riuicuic, 1-v a clear and uti*yuivocal cxpr«*»»uu of v*ntien w jth p-’^'f r topive to mdiMUual-s I at the liio puUic will. I ^ Macn s ol I.'.ii.., a rit;l.l tobo , incui,.„,,o„ „r principles asS4.rlcd m their * IV. I. Ie !c i \ ov^n a irc%-hold of j,regrowiUff tf>o I’.v the prcurnt {’on»'.itnli»H>, the election | f»»s f\knt, th ui;h of I’ vain*', and t*|j|jjy^ ^jvance out slop in the race for of /.'.,r- rn*^r if ih tl»r Cem r il 1 rl..i!i. t', eiii with author,ty to divest Jr»;f tht-Uur of i«rly A-«''aiW), and it i« projxMied to lra!tt!*'r tlf ■ ^ ot ihf rijjht of m.Iiii;» at eltjctunj.-, fg^.ryrtch bhall n«il dri\e u# from tiie utt*;mpl n rci»«! »if this power to the |i«f pie. It 1 or cl.««i to restrict this ri^'ht to j-uch ot them charactur, aiio ic-aiiiiiitite iier ou^ht to be a hollictt nt rtatoa for thi-! 00‘v a l.«'■■ iut»:n-iis fcl ?l;iki* in the coon-* cl ..:if c, thi- Chief I A--culi»c la the ol'- ; lr_\ , jo.Ut'iuiactrr I) J ( jvf lln- pnvile;;**; | ' Marn.ift*! Rit we l.iv* ob*crv«d h ' tul llie r.-oiile, and they di'*ire to mak« j ut'd also Id fitnbiish‘■■nue circunint.intial the pro;?-->!*of rau-.-. «|..olalcd to^.ir miokwU..), tt,«*lo ti.n thea.* :v.-u \rc],..uprrpar«d rul- l.y which n;^v U-(jcM-natuJ. ll a.i.-rni of,KVoh.r inc’,;..i.iion. W • L-*ct.:f lu admi; that this would be or un- ; is not dexi^iiCd t i *1!*’ riie (;nprt)or ha* 00 power or i chi«; o(y"r»f , ptroiiBge b\ which he can control er car : all' r «!il C, r.titutr.ii on these suhjfCiH, c\-; uni'.irrthicl.i!i ir i«iint.;;4t» Kcpi.sviit uv.sIh,\( I;mit the ekaivft ‘ran- ^ ^ j ,je,ne*..,.t»Uvc of .•HM, in ui y way, nor to ! f^pL.auJ j uni'.ir .shicK i!i ir ioiiat Kcpi.sviit .UK I rdurrcdainw Ihctn—«i Jiuvca-irctUiii-i-d.hy itii- j atul di'.linclfrmii each ollK-rr and •' whi-h the . u,Cy t'aticr Uk . ^‘v.aiiul Ujy V*1 It I« a.h. flint V our Ciovuriioris I'l-rahty .1 iho pr'»ir,t day ,*f, ut^l iruii oi a vitiuons c;>uru^-«. Wchol-. , I. Man I ^>Uture. ’Ihu el.,I him annuuiip, uud ! |>ut»ti.:i a-.ii^t the Cat.ioli.-ot ' w-i.d a,«t 11. Frutii the If, Y. Vaily AdvfrtUrr,- THE BAITLK OF OLD BANKO. 0k A FABIJt. A dof there wua, of nolile port, \\'ho dwelt abfidt Saint Andrew'* ceort, f 11 trail’d in rvery avocation, I!i fittiiij of hi« do^-fhip’« station. Not only would iie salcly guard liis tiiniiUr'« (oonting ho'iic and yard, lliil ran of errandb, to acd fro— ■ l!;ymid wliat olher dogs could do. ^^ilvrr and i;r>ld no tliief would dare T o touch, A^ liik\ under ISaiiko'i cnrc ;— If he but grovil’d, or rais’d a bristle. No man or doj» wnuld dare to lus.^el, Ilut fit p’d asict—and on he’d tradj;e it, Lauun with an ei.oriuuas budget. ]!ut Ktill, in trmper Im was mild, ■ Anil nt’cr wa* known to Imrm a child. Nor by hiH looks to fri:jht its mother, Nor Ui tpiM on a canine brother.— In bhort — tbron; !i a)l the eonntry rounJ, IS'o \lng liic Uunko ccuU be found. But, *» he pa'^i’d from day t« day, I *lt»:rs, or bundles to convey, Nn* hti dlrg I)i(lo, nor old JowI«r, Tut wnj;»’d his tail ol cv’ry yrcwler, H-'irie olhi r dnRS rjnitc jtalotu (;rew. Aiid {iruicl'J—but dar'd ni bite Ifini to*. Now ill pood nml*^o's dftily track. He ofl«« pifiib'd by (’'rnr'iil Jack, Who Kept around Li f».-.l;xe door A KCQft of evlMi'd-do^’S, or more, \A'ho in more ways than I can mention, 'J'ry’d to aUn;rt this dogV rttention. 'I'he tlcni-ral tlMiught, kt hiB rinninand I' aiko V ouM coii and tick hitf haod: Or, for c piceli of bread and muat, \Voi;id crouch tnd Intrn about his IbctJ dr ffop»-ftnd —aii piippies do,— And say “ i’ni-weU—and Ivm' are you?” but no iillurpwicnU ojuld prc\aili— iJanko wiit on, mid WJ^J>'ll lii» ail. And »a'd us [•luin a* dog conid t.ay, “,t/y rfiii'yf^li.'i I must away I” At tins enraj’d old Gen’l. Jack« Till- nn..4er of a i»nariing pnck. Hail’d tlirr;Ujh the Town a Ihir and Cry! And said that “/'as.Vo wcht to t/ii.’* A dog po*3»%'d uj so muck potetr, Ife swore should not »ur»ive an hour! Sju'.c a'k'd—* hit ivil ha* he done ?— And sonic byjtunUers answered—“nonf.” Itut tK.n—riiiB d'J with (lerffct ease, C«iu!ii kiU a hundred,—it he plcusr^— Arid Ihoujjh it (XMild i>ot I4 |irctended That Ilinko k’it had tl;iw ollctidtd. It wi»sr««/t’J in reason's spite, ’I'nst Kiuko should be kill'd outright!' Th''»i, one ind all, the rolljr'd crew, \Vilh hidtouti jeJls at Uanko tkw;— \''ho raised hia llag, and bid defiancs 'I'o, aiid do^^i—a foul alliancc I—- Sonic yelp’d in Iront—but al a ditt'inet; Sonn tt.oughl heiiivd there’s no rfbi»tance ; And cauttou:>!y they sueiik’d aronod, U nich nikde uiil iJanko change his ground ! lie plac'd tiis UkcU against Uit wall. And biii ditiau>;e to lictu tli! And now the General saw tfiis strife, Most kliortly end lu ioM of hje— Not of iLc wuii*!'r-'log, oid Uanko ; Hut Joirlrr, Ae/ff, S.incho f or sorue limp'd off,xind some lay sprawling 1 lie sore itrt-.ts ol Hanko’s niaulinf! U:j G> d’1 JiCli tcx.k thi» m ditdjeou ! And ft 11 to «ork with his ‘iiigu bludgeon, And ar.n'd ut Ivi'ko such a blow, A* vkell ini;>iit Ify tJii inotiftir low! Itul >till, by >ionie unlL'’!.) chaiics Ti.e flixilie** Itkkory u auld glance i—' And i-d 01 lay ni,- low— J.ii: ' r or t*.# blow ! \\ !io Uid lo lii’ikt) the disaster, Wiiith was iullictLd by their matter! But, (nnt to make iny tjls extensive) F"nko remains on the dtjctnice, lUnim'd round, fie tannot quit ths firld;— Put *ti*nf and brave, he will not ifUld, say llii* ontct i* iiirhirivui And trust the will i .-w- rirloriout! 2 0 f/i£ Ijlifor of the N. Y. American: The annexed «xtract is tRkCD from an ad* dress to th« People of Nortb-Carolina, iit 182M, written by Mr. Gaston. la it etiy longer projAecy, or is it already history 1 “We should be unlaithful to *ur duty, if we tild . nol advert to some of the psculisr trails 4nX>eivi.ral Jackson's charsctcr, which fill us with serious ap prehensions. All know—his iVisndsJboaHt of—hia eneri^y—his decieic n—his high spirit—his t na j. ty of repiila'hion—and his prosnptitade for ieti«n« *'Jeab'us iuhonor.suddeo and qnii^ in quarrel.'* 'I’heKe qualities in cxeeHS niay b« pernicious rvtn in th>-‘ soldier; but in a CisiJ Magistrate, upU ss di- rccti^l by wisdnni, controlled by moral and religioua prinei|ilea, tempered by’moderation, uniti'd with souno eonislitutiona] knowle^lge and enlarged viewa of [Kjliey, they arc fraught with danger—Ibsy fcay produce mitcliUf of the mont appallivf kind.— Where ceininand is miUmiled, and pbedienee per* feet, afjencral may press forward tt' the attainrr.ent of hia purport, dia^ia^ol orobrtitclijs. but pl4t. him in the f'hair of Slat/", where lii^ JindA Jumtrlf feiiecd around by tlie, Voartitutioiial barrifrt tree- ted fut the pn'servatihn of civi,>frecilom, &nd hia imprtnnu* trmprr must chafe and frrt within tho circle of reslraitit. Al length, iinpatitul «f tOnJine* ttunf, he will be lenipled to bur§t iit boundt and IrampHnpon eoustiluiianal rrUricti^ut, relyiiffr/>n his |>opnlariiy, und secure of tlu; dntolcd obedienc* of his fulliixcfrt, he will enact the aec^tstnmedjMrt of the b..Idler, se'king the end, rr^rdUtt of tho means and reckless of the r^ss^^iifVici's.’*' * • . “ Tht vary prw-pect of bis sltTation seetns t« as, to have already produced an unfortunate chaii^e in the tone o.f public sentiment ana morals. '1 lie pacific virtues, so iiitiniaU;l|r asiiociatcd with tha charities of lif! and tlie best interests ofdOcial tnsn —rteerevce for —rt$lraint of p*»nioH—r/sfeet for age and $tatiun—decency to« ai ds adversarie* are thrown by as iinpcdiinenu which ritard i> ;arucr of’conrjuesf. Violf^e, irUimidmliun, bva$f» of fcti9tle»» Hienfrth, common military artifices, arc 'ised to dispirit and terrify resistance. ' In martial equipage tJicy issue fortli.” ,\nd liltle else seems wanteil but the waving ban. ner and the warlike music, to make tliis mareii t» ' Power military in all its respects. Should it ter. minaW in victory, may it be but a victory over p«. litical foep, and not over the Constitution—th« Peace—the Morals—and Uie Libertiesof the Coun try." Can any American look at this extract from the wise fornbodinj of as wise a inan as these United States contains, and net la* nient tliat the w arning voice was not timely listened to, and not admit, in bitter sadness, that its wor.«il anliop-ations Wave been too lit erally realized?—Ed. 'V. American. . The Stockholders of the Girard Bank, the Uepoaite Bank at Philadelphia, have by I a decided tnajorily, decided in favor of a restoration of the Governn.ent depoailes to the Bank of the United States. In the Of* licial paper, in this city, under date of Mon day last. It IS declared that in the evi^nt of such a delerininafion by the Stockholders of the Girard Bank* '• That Bank ought, and DO doubt will, in pursuance of its contract, be requiicd to pay every dollar of deposiies on hand the moment it refuses to receiva the accruing revenue. Not the indulgence of a day, nor an hour, should be given to an institution which desert* the post it has voluutanly assumed,” kc. “ No; not a day should be given to this Bank if it shall prove recreant. If other f«afe State Banks can bo found in Philailelphia city or county to taka the deposites, tbore let them be pbced; if not, let them be transferred to Baltimore and New Vork; and in the last resort, soon- er than yield one inch to this insolent and usurping power, which is forming the banka into a league againM tho people, let them b9 t.. .>.^1 n *r«^aiU tn tK* mtat/tfn locked up in a vault in the custom house. 1! a«/cJ.—A niaciiine for rcuJing news- j ^ftcr this, the rest of the Deposite Banka papers—to silt the chaft' from the wheat— 1 ,^,u know, at least, vpcn trhat terms they from the tiold—tho cream fniiu v,oiH the rublic denosites. Rule or fTiin *1. .■ ..ll wit, thegeuius, tile spicy originality ul jHjre ! fjcieut in that language. iiiventidO, frotu the ruhbtah, the lumber, j home with as much lalin in his head aa and the refuse of dullness, and ignorance, I „ hen he starteil. Going into the bum and iniU’Xilitv.—-V. V- />• ^ yard ho met his father who kindly received tB -Bi' ■ L a.ii- I ^considerabla time had elni*. M?iuiru(ite 'I'oirn £ roper* y J,J asked his son if he had riiade any Wrr^nary. t! have now laid Ijeforc you the grie- vntices uhicli aro coiiiphiiiied of—the prinil tiiiil tliey exist—the necessity for their cun- k' yi.ur »wu action—and, in i»«rt, tbo ha'/.- if'l (*f dfUv iiig It l.m;;er. The other parts '■1 \our Cimhlituli.n which tho ndvocHlev I'lr Ki'jitrm hiivo pri'pow'd to allor, uiight piv; htiie raiise fur C4>iiiplaintf it lh"*’Ovils "wie removed. lUil the .‘H-nipuUus per- foriiinnce of our trust rrcjmrcs that we liioiild Dolice all. V. Tho proposition upon the mihj^cl of Slaves •ri .'la\or),nH it 0x11*1* ui this .'^tato, re- •J'lires fioiiHi explanation. The op|K»nciitd ^1 a ( oiivi tiutiii had repoatedly chargod the »''v(C.'ntes of the Uelurin of our H»*pru»ciita- hoii lAuh u ilnaign to impose uiieijual bur- •Ifii- iiptn tho .Master, and, perha|s, inter- •♦ro oth*'rwi.s« u ith his rnjhtii. The chargw ttiijlit have beru repelled by a barii denial, *H'l Ihr abecnce of all proof to snstnia it—-or 1') th" faot that all parts of your Stale con- tain a large Slave popiiFatioii—but the Ue- prem'ulalives of a oiajorily, determined to rnmiive even ■ pretext for hostility against •hctr just claiiiis, cwuseDted lo accept thi* ®''odificalioti, to put these things beygiid the f«i»cli of ordintry cuutingcncieii. of ai*innhnc ihc Con.stitution ought to be , next A»M;nib!y to give to it ihcir saiunon, »o as „,„\y .ho Jo: prevent di-urd.'r, l>y u n-currehce to lunda- ^ rsiuuv. the ^-iovances of alt. inrulnl priiu iplcs, the iiickIi* of rfciorrn should have «o much oontiJiMicc »n tiio be mad» practicable, and, tftcxchldea mere iiraij;ht uirward intfgrity o! tlie people, as not t^i spirit of innovation, it niu«t not rendered J he^iute in ^ irererv ti.o eiiHv. Tin-* IS all thut the ineuds ol 1 jurfgmuu, lAry win assom’c' the meiisure a^-k. rt.!«iM>i..ib*hiyi «ho sJiall impede it by We have In-en ncrewsarily prolit in thc; vkiii,bJdmg correct inteili|^ncf, or by appoaling considcralton of this jmporlaiit subjecl, and to th. prijudices, or alarming the Icdrs, of a nu- it IS a source of nsgret with us tbal the nority. 'oin(»ass of an .\ddres.' like the present, ax>u sAij:. (. i\e hcad l^t irtfrs the Uoid-miiiinw Rr-rion.) n__l^ 'B J A VING purchased, jiIh and lieing snvious [••'''is tostlUea lonnin th.'.loun ly of Uow aJi, the sub.-^cri- bii otn t »-r sale, on ihe nn'st J.ihrral am. a uoai mod'Aling T rm, his prr'>ent rcoidenc. in the town of Churloltc, ou Church-strcet, vfith Si.rty~tii.v Totrn Jxtls attachrd iherrto. Tho House is new and elegant WM. li HAYWOOP, Jr. W.M. A. «;raham, K. M. SAI‘M>1.KS VKSTI KN K. (iAI.fS, J\ Ill's SF.AWI LL, WM K. HARUUOVi; will not allow ns to dixcuftss tho n^odes in which tht'ne ani!fHlmcut- to your Cot>«litu- lion iiiiglit be ellectcd. I-et none, however, deceive you by his idle fears of a Conven- liou. Thn delegatee of tho people, wlien eloctfwl, will havo no unlimihd twirrr»;\ ^ A Justice in none such arc desired. The act which two men to be whipped for your Legislature may |«ss, will b« their • ^nd after the operation was iM,ln wariuiii, its validity Will be »l*’nved 1 said thej; might, ifthey chose, fn»in the sanction of tho People, who akine , j'rom th( decinm of the court. are wivereign. ’I’he act ot tlie Legislature ' figure in latin. ‘H>, yes,” replied the art ful fellow for it was found that he had learned to be more cunuing thaw wise. “ Well,” *«id the father, •• what is the lat in of fork V' pointing te one in the bara yard. “ That is forkibas,” replied the sim pleton. “What 18 the latin of dung?” teonlir^ued the father. “ Why that is dung- 'ibns,” coutinued the ton. “What is tho • ! latin of cart?’ says the father. “That ia Iv iiui^hrd ; situated in the nioa pleasant part of j cnrtibus,” replied the blockhcai. The fa- t>»e villJtpe, and Usgo eoonyii lor the sccommoda-1 ,j,er liuw as tb« saying is “ smelt the rut,” ;ion of a numerous laniily. j"’'' and said to hia sou.—“ Jist take that air vshirh Is a Capiiol H>/i, air cartibus, and if you don\ I will gn» w ill become th« act of the p«*'pk: whenever it IS ratified by them, and is only aj’ormUy SjH-Uinp.-‘M a baker’s at th* west end of London, any lady or gentlemen *0 dispo hieh the HiK-cilic d.-legnted pewers «>" ei^ j j„ and have, as ve arc infor- bKl.od^ and expressed ' ^ ..otice over tUo door, his or her with hko Inmii'd authority, hvo assembled j mtu ‘> „ iu «very Sw* of tbo L u»«n. Tlioy bare i “ rtfa/# baked htre. which is a Cofilal ■ , ^ , . -.1.1 He wiil also si-ll his xrell fixed and profitable TAN-YARD, sitoati-d St a couvcuient distanco from the dwell ing house, (either with or without the stock on hand.) This establishment is not surpassed by ^ _ any in tlio counl»>—U» eoiiiplete order and in , “nfter a Unff a ;.ud repue) it oontsins fifty one vat., with • tan tO'>k flaTO * ““f “ ■ dlotlier fixincnts, with a good Leather shipot tUre« days. He * fmVso nnd ^1 otlier fixincnts', with a good floutc antj ceMnr. A* no i»®nry u re^uirr^ down, and the terms rtilLU* tnaJf most tkforabic, U»ow ^is!iing proprrty 4rt iuviicd U call tud enqoire for ik ba.r- “‘Iwssion will'be fivtrn fcrthwith if • 'V M- • lAiJiu. m37,ie34- you one coafounded lickabus.’ Dftfotch of Jtusincss.-~K Mf. Gore, of Bellville, N.‘Y. cf»roplaiiw that a public print in that region, In aot^uncing his mar riage, did him injustice by stating that it nd tedious court* shipof tUre« days.” He »"ys I cotisider it derogatory to my character, and an insult t«» my oigoity, te liave speut so mtKh time in the vain »od frivolous business of courting. U Ay in/act, sir, it/vas but three Aour*.’* TlS who a wetch wmild wwr, two things wust Je. * Fscktt bw w»tch, wU wutcb his pock«itiH».