TUK MtNRUS’ AND FAnMERS’ JOURNAL looked ■b«ad, and saw the ruin and rniaery that were to be bmugbt upoti the country, but they were without a remedy ; «nd »uf- ficicnt, thought they, “ for th* day wwiUl bo llio ovil tUrreot.” But tha viudeitive second for tlse nniiit'imnce of yrnir iude-i invt'nit'd by the Arch 4Jnj;icittn i 1] would go down with' • * _ .1 ■ .» *1 I ^ . 1 _ A. .nf •>« I. fil ilpftlroV Kite BO OCCfCrO II* _ . MMeUtgmre. pciidonce. , At tlio clo»« of the last war. nnd n inoro cunning c.«tnvance iw destrjjy j ^V,u, ,uy last braatb, j TJie »*ack«t ahip Si1hi« Richards ha... hvt WHS tiie condition of tho currency ?, the liberties ol q Ireo |>eo|i1e never was dt- » 11 _ i) ' rived with I^ndun papera to May !i;y Was It sound «nd uniform, or wns the conn-1 vised. It is tb« c»'and plan for your sub- “ i rj >o .»AC’K?()N MAN, j Liverpool to tbe tilth. They lrin» i.’. ... tr\ flooded witb uncur.’t.nt and irr»Hli'«niable ‘jngntion, in wfiicli all other scbefiics have lUtavtt u ftimii h Ltbfiiy- |tclli(fence of the di-ath of Geni>nil I I* . . Jl.'.l *aI. i I ^ ^ rc\pnffo and ambition of your Prwidetit tiotot;, (niaiiv of ihvui drpt nerotini; into bten tmT:;ed. li i« (he proliticwhf ino •! .il- “ . I »- I _ \ ' 1 ■ .1. .. J il.......I.lu hA Imiil uwiiu-v iriivt^riltncut ua in- mil rounsellorB w)k> surround him. ll i» | ri>t und inoolianic, and every branch tbtt union of the ntirrd and purst—it is the ■ honest labor? '1 lie Siituc |)ulri«.ts who hud Kciiura of the public money, and its ranio- conductetl you through a glorious wur val to innumerable Fpi llanks throughout i ucnt to wcrk to des^'oy this LItghtinj} ra^; II- f».rget that he once told ('oiiyress that he \ , a pa g . of H.tremlv to f..v« the country a n id Hui.k, il tl.n- would only let him draft Us !«l ti.e (.«u lenmn rc. on m .r, charter. It is th« *hen^ which is intend-! t.ou, than llm ‘ ir- ed to inbke tho rest of the unioo tribut.iry ! h« has ' 6 X. r,. I did Mr. F.dilor, expcct to give i"n t, ou the tiUth of May ! The particu. which l»cnrs datu June lura of this melancholy event are eoDUmej good fH»oplcof thmc'1^1-1 in the neit letter from tbe corre#|K»udcnt p, but 1 lliid, It la out of I of the Journal of ('ooituerce. thixcssjy—Hut if all the facta j UKATH OF LAFAYFriTR no boiler louiida-1 Lai aykttk m wo moki:! The brave honiBS II. IJen- i the noWe, the goiierou*, the patriotic htro ugh his w ordy ea- dietl on the morning of tbe XOih, at a quar! It IS the , which IS “ lull of sK)und and fury, sig- ! ur before five o’clock. Ilii ilioeaa wu at the union, for electioncefin^j purposes, that j money nystcni, aihl to cure the evils which lo the grout Hate New \ ork. * ' i j- nothiiia." to lilile purpose. As to first exce«dingly slijht, aad bo aoecalcula. lias alarr^ the patriots of the land, and threatened such [icril to the geneial pros- iwheme, which ) i the corruptum which he char»;es ui>on the tod upon the laiuentablo reaull. He fol. brought about the ruthless war bctvv«en ' penty that awaited you. The C ... He foi. advocates of the lUuk in Cougrejw, lowed the remains of Duloof to the |n»e, 'he "r;:"'.';-- r"-*:; , >ri !M' saw tli« ll is the Hcheine which caused the I’resi- j Bank'*—“ Kank or no Bank. I ate a Bank; but they lot krd to' the lights Staten Hank was a sure pledjjc for the re- I^t others condemn, if they choose, a f*t' evperience nud wi-doiii ut home uud a- niuiid of the depos.trs, a n ady ear would Tnited Sutes Bank, as uuconatitutional. bn«d ; aud they give us tho present Bank of bo fouod for tbe adoption of K:hon»e, Lvt It be branded with every odious epithet. «he I nitcd fcilatcs. Tndor its operation, ‘ ' M» JA« KMtN MAN. U*(aut* u Jutfid to LtUity. tha succrss which it proUMs«'« to the II.K Till: jm reward fur character*, who, up tw tbe iMh, |tve it ta 4n(/f*rtr their opinion that their illustnmji ^tient -lie who would recover. (>n the luth.fivaof th«ni I'lhefHjb- iteifed n bulletin, deacriptive uf his state, corruption and anticipating hia recovery. Hut lo tho . course *>( tbe ni|ht, a moat tnaterial cbaop tuk place, bia Irrratbing becaaie very 4if. lirult, aad when an elfort was making to ; npply a bli«ter to his c)»e«t, be mildly ob ‘ snrved tbat it would be of no avail, and suno trr, who was am a Jkiksou-ni«n, l>cr«u»e I love Lib- ette. tHi the Itttb, roii»idrnibi« setMtiwo L. t the memory of the father of bisc.Hin- the worlhlr5« r.-money system w.s so..n hopos of iho “ heir «pr>arrnt.” Th.s grand , , ^ JAfKS^)N- M O' Mter eipind m tU arm. oftSoorgo Ul.y. the father also of the Jjr*/ cured, a umtorcn currency, eo.ual to golU M:hcine was accordmifly carefully elabo-. .... r . . . . * Bank, be insulted by calling it “ tbt first I s'lvor, was instituted; broker’s bhops rat^d, and has b«>en aln ady opom d, iHim mnnster shog bas no there counlr Lave little you believe the deceittul five luaves and two fishes.” Is the name of Wnshincton of no weijrht among^t you ’ .And do you put ycHir t'aitb in the man who on vesl*>rday denounced tho tyrant as “ the curse of his coimtrv,” and lo day worshi(*s him tbe gud of his idolatry. The Bank hn>krr, nr>d w» II may lhc\ coinpl.iin cf ltd , wii*^e political atnw, here of th«t great ii;ucb mischief, in that I-ng duration of vcur honds of |>ol!ulion the inheritance | “>nip«^, cti^s.i « 3 Hic i • n« in n iiMiuiri « m-Ui ik. I - ° ^ I t'til »'ibrui)‘»ion, uud rrnde a laiiliiJg impres- its name, lo make luquirtes rclalua tu ibo { ' while l:« was urr4i.id«d b\ npics and trai- This disiui;;ui*bad complirnrDt m gea^'ra! -U d.«-' lk|...rtd iV.irurlioo iiXo It.# ..m,, Prestdenl: All my family fe«l f:i! Hi of an ar'pr*«rhir.y and brutal li* gratrful for tho u.tfrwl ik* ( bainbrr bas lU v.r. w.hJ tl.c- plain* of with the ^ laiher’s bra th. I luiiiot iSo ( UK,u.-rori. ol Kurn}.f! Hr ,,,, „,„f,ctioii to ii.form you tbal was a pbming light lu the early dajs of ir> Imj la the absence r»t‘a I'Kited Slate?. H^uk, Jn#d up the l*.«jniaii** of your wpulth, i*ad Uepublic. lie was no head of a partv,^'-** on the gcv rn': ent br.irini: no iiit'-r- has blaite.i your i:;r!u»?r\, is ti.c bojjrful who made a'.l ihiug tributary lu purpASfs’ul Pst of Gpfrcct t. at and 'II d^ll.irsfcr [.ropeny anl roiinlfri.art of tl^t »jK in. partizan warfaro. He was the father of -he bncd.-ed. l!ut tie “ collar men'* and It i» th** crand §« ijcrnc of a rluin of Lliili- ki...ocuiitrv—the achifcvcr ofit.*libertie,-i— ihe “ js.lH.-e .!aves,” as uniir.r.g as him w},a i,ud Hank.. fhr,H)/hout li.e I n.on. f r the ^ ^ ^ i ,h« ' T': the friend of his countrymen. WhenUJood warned Jerusalem cf its tite for .M-ven Ion;: pur^«« of f.iril.taim^f the e.:abl.*h:^t.M .-I ^ there is a slisht in provtmrnl lo I,.. «oa. arii c.'irrace and human misery—when v^ars, rover ct-H-w to itll iis lhat the I niifd ,i;i ber»-jlnarv rncuarcSiV loo rum.* o. ‘ / , ’ i. i i • i J H-T'e the kiinlo*^ Mr. Pr»nd«cl, le vude.spread rum-wben oppression of the States Bank will dt.troy the l.hertic* of the yuir fr»-e c J^fitutivo. Ut A but prevail. ‘ ^ pr-*»t the h...nage of our respectful crat,. poor fur the benef.t uf rich usurers and 'vMiotry ' l’eI!;AV-l’it:z"i.s, they are tho »bd the days of vonr llepMhiic ar* num-• '’'eiriore ore- d, V |« ||„. Chsmbrr; and accept lor jour- brokers—when the tear- of lb* widow and very men that would move tbe heavens |,eieJ. ..u m..y U.a:.t uf > ur hUrty ; ,!on mucc' !h'e l"er»deoi'v*!i The '•ratiiio. issian •»:rf, tho t a j.irj. immoriai Jtll r»«'n ; H''* aii*'**, 1>V his \ eto • •f th*- orphan b«ll excito in Die Qcilher tho and the earth loacconipli'th the unhallowed iul it will lie the liUity cf ih*- U f.-eIin29ofdi«tresaoorsyn.jir.lhy,lhcnv*iiJl coi.surniuaiion i f ri^tio^'upon liie rutu-of u will i* Home's, Jioefty uLoer t.,^ v .n,. if, ,.4 imi k- t,.ke .Vndrew Jicksontbr my mode!. When >c.ur IrtfC conslilutior>. '1 hey an; What do the S'lxrc.ite* .jf bu’id!f«i ‘ . i.i ,1 ti,l tiie laws of my country are violated—us mercenaries, fighting for pay ; and faithful power prr.j«v>, |».i ih> v cd! r to >j ^ |* , n-v * n icicrnal lmt>^.ve• c r-'titufion tran pled up^—its public faiiii •^rvicetu the uur(-T who IS n.archmg over prrMdrni, uwl il,e n.yrn..dons who »ur-| ^^rlusiv^dv in ll',* .Norther'll and I ji»- u*?pt»«‘d—ami it» very libert;*^ supplanted ) ur cHii»liiutionand law» to dcK|>otic pow- r,,u!*d h;m, aa army merc*-inn*-s, to ‘ ^ , m ni'. il « S iih m an. “ r v^ith tv raonv and denpotism ;—w*«.-a evils er, is their vo.iiiuf:i. l)o you Lelie\e ihat eonpK'r voiir libfrli«*«, .ind rr.ar' h over / i i*' *r ,i v" ii." *i i n»oi»c*d the deiih c4 their collengue. ^ ■ ' ' riwh and l«.>ulify the ,N..rtb . I.ccaus*;, be .tH.ciUHi of annooiK ii.j lo tl.4 r.n iRi.K i.AKAvrrn:" Till* note was loudly cbeered by orarly evcrv Uioii.bor in the "hamber; UjI, utdiap- j pil), iLi; joy was Uit of short duration, for tb«* D'st i*\ tin; l’r«»idfnl thus an- Dorsb. moroiu;; reinaio*. S ... r, arr ui-j ouiy ifiif aijij derniinini'. .\ 1 rojan lior‘t., or sfnel.iiri ' i , i m , . i r . ^io«r ii • auij lo m-- . holy r«..t.r.e;s,.-l.berly! They care not .rh^-me ftr the pr.....:li..n of vour liUirl.. . at i s pl.asu.c th. forlu.M s .iWted .h.S r :,r y(Hir liberty. Ail they „ the _ij,e proleciiou which the lan.b rctnv«- " «'• «hi» once ,b« CbamU-r. an.1 *o al*.. w.r.i cauv.' of codiltlulional liberty, has »anctico- ( witii hi.s si;;na’'ire a L nit»;e Stulw Bank ’ ‘ }"or oi» m;. .aii i..-» ,, —the prolcclmu wiin.ii lou un.u rr.n*«- . i i ^ . u V> as U uu the 1'r.aident cf the convent.oo -n.l fi.hes of oinre-P.-ri.h the c-n- • fra.„ ,1,^ do ih. work. \,.l i m 'T ^‘ t:.at fn.-ned VHjr constitution^ Did h« -.Htutiou, but “I Andrew Jacks.,n, whilst was . vcr so IW a ». h-.ne op.if^ctcd » Ttie i p»ioi«Mc rlf«r to the wituc.- all t ie deUtea upon th.s iD.Iru- I breathe th« Lr. -tl. of ii.e, will never re. I ..„«d .‘‘tales li.ink. wh,[h has sh.d ,,, , luriA to 1,0 purpose. Did he he!p lo baihl -''"re «h« Jep.?ile*,’ —iVri^h th- conMiiu- blesaitiKs over your Wiid lor foriv year-, M f •" tat fubnc without coniprehend.m; its fair Hon, rj>slhc roliar man, lut frue me sf- m^an the Hank which « ashin;?t'n as well !''’V/ . Vu ' ‘ proj^rtioDs ’ If authority be wo,la anv «ico u;.der “ the kork of Ages.” If (.rn- „ nbirh .Madi^.n a;,pro^..‘., aM ha. ^ ' '‘‘T*’ ’ «“ ■ • f.Nor of the I .il^d b.-„„ ^fZnh in if, u.-.r- ! ‘ v«ry » coli:,r men- oinven.mc.s and fw.ililie* l..r th- : ^ Ujr r outiicnty ? V', bo, then, was it ap- "‘■uld l« l^udr-i id its prai.v. j).>)ou not ,,^,^.1 prcv'd w iih his•i"f*aUire the preseot Hank ' beiiev*.-it ? Is it not iheir Inide ’ onr* lir V. 1,'. lliv framers of ) our constitu-I It i-true thst ninnv wi« i. n and pal- instiiu* tioi! ' Il wa-s Janxs .Mad4.>.Oii, (wbo, ihe rmt-, wl.o ar*- now ►tnipghog aijaibsl Lx- |i'*o l.» projxirtioDs . II auinoriiy i/c woiui any ■■■ tliiri;:, where will you get any autbont) so ''fal J«ek»'n were in f irn;-" :ablvc'nclu»;ve’ But do )ou want Hank, Ih^fo v» ••(•ral ofila members. Ili» iiiliuial'’fnei'Jj \!r. I’ranron l*» le>»iert, mo»«d tbal iM I’revidcnt xhtHjId b« iii(«tnicted lo »rit* * l*lj ter to tbu I .ei f*ral'i family, eipn 'suf" of ib'i prnfi.und gnef f^ll by tho (.'hamber lur tha irreut loss his colleagues and the entire vT I'ranc*' had ev{^‘riri»t «fd. 'i bi* was iiiktantly arcerded to, and I..J ' fit* «UU • |WI U|f ■ I .1 .11 . S-.I • a.*- ^ •mm ^ — ~ » i.||on of vour pro.-,er.tr. h..s all I > «vmt4-|..' (-ha.nl-r suspend, d ,I. proceed,u*. !■ r *3 liecouic the grand enemy of v.ir fr^e l T’'* ,"i’ '» hour, so that the Utter of condole,,ce shculJ u'.. r..s, and t!:e o(ik« holders and o!-1 m.m. diatelv writlon. A (’oi.ikiI hnnt.TH andtha r. tain. r. arwl d. |rn. '- u.,m.(ration o| U a^hm.ton. Jet- „ ,heThudlen.* iKw,n alter hi* dea..«’; V. It 'I ll' rc Wbs a tifiie when the nanie hrain aloo". it dir-d m ils embryo «tat-, and jHirs*- of tbe {-eojile tbroiii^hnut tie I mon.' 'j'* wliirli llr, in | fn|v,\'| r oKi:i>r''M'l ' of VV i*V.,titfO,n Mas, il.vlf a liofcl m any the monstrous birth never pre!.^nted iIh l»f. ur.d do you ho;>« that your lil>eriiMH „ ,|j 'I" '‘'’''‘i4'''*hed i{rftdnesH, has biesaed our |> x«ih. .Mav **•.—In maif ly rin!-'. 'll,.-ii£ii«i oiK.e was, when the vijico loruied pro[Krtiors lo public rritici-m. Hut survne tho “ experiin nlMoney m|^w| ^ J \CJ .si .N Ma\ I'» >ou the dt'mi-w of tJcneral llm .Mar|Un of .M • ’ fi w Mitlificnt to chc.r and am-' wi:al puarantfc have Ihfy, tiial u[M-n the er every where. “ M\e me money." said j June 3uh,‘ . J„'l,,fjjctle, 1 l»».|iev* that I do all m mi Col. Crorktll.— I here la something in power lo give mt ra»t lo the *tut>Mnent^ ' The vi>uHrab*n patrml and heroic s*jU.i was in the '7lh Ji ar of bis j havin) rt;.i:e 1.111 co\j!iir\m'n to a victurujui In- imna of Ibo pr»*eTit Itjnk, will not Ik; p.*. n rrlebrated Knghsh »«tatesman, "and I ll iph o\'r ' deral u.orpation, in the cauw; labli‘-h‘'d a grand Mummolh, in VV all sirHct, wil| r.onfpier the worM.” ,^nd with lh f.iCori>l!l.i*ion-ii ai»'i tivil hl/Cfty. '1 be one ' m the City of \.w W>rk, and in tbe mid»l kword of the naliop in one hand, ai;d wirld- Mc!.t> \»nJ, ll)v' o;h' r was rore.m.*st in mam- of the rt''I p*;sliloofial p.;litital atmosphere mg il« Irtanury in tho other, ahull a crral | *’• this g( ntlRinan singularly ^ ^ l7.'»7. H i ri: vour co: «iitntion:il freedom. 'Ibe in the I mtcd ;>IhUw ! Siifdi a Har.k, in central powor, thus Mronjr. be atifl.'frrd jo j'"'K'"'*! ■‘"1 •’taking. Atlhot lowool fn, house in lli« mo d Anjou li'Tre win, wl;Pn vou lc/ked U|»'.ii a Wahb- the heart of ihe ilhnni/ Ji'einri/, indeh’ed control and ronimand the universal ciirrr-n. ‘lor sneaker, he wa« hc.-irrf to «*» . - ■ r gli^n a".'* a .Mj ••“‘■b as tit's saP.st guid* « to lh.it (’abil for il**crr-alion, nnd conlrollt'd ry if lh^ country—lU |Hjbii; and iN pri- lu exf'oi,Di'ing at.d lef'-ridir'r }our cori'lil'j- by it, w-j'ild b*; filled with poison at its »ate porn-^ Jive to Van ijiiren the m.,i)c tio.T. ”i .'.e t.r^t was tho “ Star ii. tiio l»;u.t’ lount;in. and its pestilential vaixjr^ would lion >if you voires in Ibe system wbifli he lhal cMidMct»‘d you lo yeur [>olilical sa;\a- ito *.caltered o\cr tin; union. 'I'lie New Iris U gun of est iMishin;' innnmeriible —ilj«. M-c''iid ws', the “ ^hinitjj{ lighi’’ j ^ ork lactics wciild l>e the order of tho day ; “ I’et Hunks" throughout tbe union, i:nd»T thiil guidr dand dire tel yo'jr fu/Uieps at ^ and then well ii i^hl jiatriots Iromble for hi' inllueiice, and n-ady to do his bnliijnjr, t.'.e oi.iy cruis w hf-n votjr Ihk dom Liis beer. tne lib'-fliei » f th' ir country. l^K'.h a pro- and tho dndern alrfsdy ennrcles biii brow ' I J* h! (Kiril fcin^'o it* fuuadai;-o. 'j*-ct is the j>Ln ut the Nan Hiiren v:h'-d, —lie dnsof our li*'[iu!jlic wiPi bo num-' I’ M IS VS rishington, who sanctiWifii and if md i-d lin y have not a more doeply hud Ixjred. \ our fn « irs'.iiulK tiH will a* surciv r-i i».d will, hi-Bigimt ire y'ur fir'll .Nation -ehrinr*, lo wjl.j.i.'ate you to the yoke, bo d->.troyed. as the [K^Ktili-ntinl I (.«, U ravorite of llm .South, ('o!. .lolirison’H’/V »i/r. of ll-nrv V was lont by the occurrcuce al K.i.'s, and .MaJi^iO, wlio sar»clio„.d a;,d .'u^h a achema ti.rv have, if my imder.'.uro to cVstrov and hhnt human lilb. I| i y„r.- than fifty ihounaml (..rions w.To'on the ('hatlcnu de Hiav.*. H.lion fors,..aker. he was heard to say, m th.. hearing of the r.j-cled c.ridulal..- , „„Hoobiedly. ih Why, rh the> ve g.n ,K^r Sulherhmd ,.f fi.rlune. IVaih sernis « an ugly .lap, and iHi him, 1 gue«-, u«o,i^^ him ; and the u,.Ji,uJud huM.uuf „f human'nam^e appear t develop lb-mM.'lvr. bil I* *'TVO and prt 7'Iif yew Yiirl. Harr,—The great con- mole his purpoK-". Napoleirfi ihe Secou* fi-sl Ix t»( i n ihf; North ai^l Smlh o\cr flu' limnnrrju^, anti li ifavrtfc, nr*' N. ^ . I iiion Ctrtiriie, io*,k pU>. on Iho llth with the dead. Tin- empiro and the re(>u insl; and was won, wiilu ul amllorl. hv ihe lie have mici umhed w ith tli' in. I he r»'.li- d . \,t w. r.od, yo-ir only authority ? ^landing hfi.s not left m. , and that « hem*' ' the iffimorlal Wa»hington was amongst iii, j tho uurw, ami (^ays .Mh). N.mh) I ho funeral of (ii neral I/ifayello l;i •!.* .f the H.[jb!ir jou ha». is m lS« foil tide ol to-cesalol and ruir:ou,.i and dar^d to a».,ume mhIi powers a- .la»k.,hrpp> lo iiuord, ii great numh.T of Udii- b»' u splendid—il will l*o an ml-r*sting. 4 found s eogag«d m two urduou-. ex(rim Lt. ’ In bis imprinripkd etlorN non has done. 1 would ariav m> vlfajjm'.l' adde.l to tha ph ^surv of I'.e U tacir vm n touching Npertacle. but it will be pr«* warn ; luc fi.tl Ik/r tby ucUicvou.ti.t,aud iLw lo c’.utcli the > "ptre, the atbemu Laa bttu bui, uai«f Hit bUijJird cf ii.y cou..t j,— i prciitiicc..Sar. ' durtae of grrat consi;i|iJ"iicc3. Hiatio

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