iiK««ler IS the Gcoeral Poet Oflicf. It is* 1 wrcnckwinginrfinifrovin(rlliepr.»undt u moosi^r lorniidable ihiD Argus wuli tbc ( apiul «nd ih» I’ui* ^,«4iundred eyes, and Briarvus wilh his | ■“ p;, »nd pI.niinR’trees'and }iuD(lrcd hands, tur, wt’h more fljos aiud f>hruSi> m tlie P«iin*>lvakia A^rnui'miJ ou tnore handu tbia theee old worthies, vTery th« )>ulilic crauud* eye is malignanJ, and every hand eiigaped | kr.p;ng *n rriHiir tv.« p^.blic f.rc cn- ,D the work of corrupnuB. 1 his monsu r , «a.;r «o;k, «i .(,* ts bleated all over, from il)e crowu of his I * lluute »nu i;.xtcui.*« lluil.1- Lead te th« soles of hia feet. There is n* j form nor cotnelines* in him. The half ibal »'*ni|i!*11114; iLr furnitur* at tli« I’rct- is tme of him has not been told, and all j , , , , 1 r L I'Pf «xe«»si of txprudiliirc* 1h-voi:! Ihalis kiwwn has been exiorlPl from his ,pj,rupr„uons tl,b l«te keepers. wh« have an inlen.p» in withhold- tt„rr i.r ih* PuUic Bcildinjs during tie inp all the facts that » tu their power to j>«>f CUIKTWI. Now vre conrlude here is a monrtcr worth looking at. Let the people look at him; aud when they are satistiid as to this d«> pravsd nature, let them riiic up one man and defttrey him. moM TBl; ^oR* *rrr»urAN The l‘osTl)rKiKi; Uepokt.—I’erhaps no clocumenl waa ever published which con tained a more coo»piracics for party purpeee^, aud the per THE MINKRS' AND FARMERS’ JOURNM Icallv wroiij m the o6!iirs of our govern- tntut npd* f h niPiit, nnd uow is the time for all wlio fctl .this . ,nnv intirest in tl»e purity, welfiiro und .of tiie Coinmi ee ' bilitv »>f tho snnio, to piiuw ! ^ pause, ol things mi 1*0,00) '""•'1 irns‘? ynuW’afi’rr UeJrewntTtive ,'ho Hon” that Hicb was the slate Mr. Campbell, a very- interesting rvhort r Urnrhiinajfninin It^Sl : Lteu^ Allen of the I'. S. Army, who, hu'k iS.WH) iMakinjr in or# year, the s«;ro of Wtstfrn ( «ro/inMii_ omuntuiratioti. itiK iiir juin.v.ku 3,(KX) Hii ,'i>ourscU liDnkru| I hailed nti the pride aud bi*ast of our io- \ernii.t'iit, ju'ldinp u considerable ri vcmip, now nimble to in^tt its own debts; arc t. f r^>^t^n^vr9. !aV III I*.' M. (ieftrrni the lK |«rtment coiilinut-a to o\tend Its usrlulne-s without inipairin|: Hh l’rv6b)t«rian Missionary, au Interprsif, iiMi ill) Canadian \oysters. Tbe obitru Nos. ftllow citi/.f.us, at tins, of the expedition were accowahiliod /W/oif-ri/itfns : In the«^e times of hij^h Ki K k. p»liliriil «.xciteiucat. 1 think It a duty winch nulling Irom tlie ojiera ever published which con- errrj fr.-aud inj/prT.dcnt .tent under forn^r Adii.iuuMraticn., citizrn wlai has ti,* weWhro aud Mabili.v of widely extended, ui.d all the bles..n;;s c. n- v«-y.-y...^.part>purpo.eNaudthopcr- lo r-ise Ibeir n.-cted wuh it circulut.d throusUout the •wnal an« pohtical advancement ot uavn>r- . ► j 1 »-.i i I mt. d Smtca »nhont tHickelinc the ij^-o- .I... ...oK voices insounding thenUrm ot Uie approuch- ' o‘Ud . tutcs «illio,.t ,Hn:Kemig , ! hi-» iVpartnirnt under loriHcr Admiimtro- l’,eMd*”nt (n»M*rts. thiit the De- ; had no steam engines—ne s'tu|;e coocliei lions (if 1 niiJtuke not) was «lwa\s able to ‘.. . .. - ^ voutiits, sustain Itself without huMiig 'I'r. asurv for ii'‘siKtance. XX.,,* uluM\s iili r to qiieiicf, in>- » - - - • vvucuts, ■ I •>artnienils“p?il*ndiiigit»u'*erulnv*s without no roud«—m tad no other facilitifH fur pro- r''’^hrb,“ fiur. . il.e D nari. «"d correc t Malrmeul ?—NV by such then.—the li^ht ladiaa csooe, which mo\ts U.iuns f)l Uie I ja Mmrliwci hv nil u lih rrfttt rQMiilU —ibeir hatL thy favoritos—and such deep—dfbtro)in —damning corruptioii. A republicnn poT crnnicnt may, f»r ashert pi ri«Ml, endure, nnd even sumvo jnjj and inifOtuous toirj'eit wuh which we pi* s money lo suslaiii these oj>cratioi.« are aU>Ot to he visited se*-r«cy and fa\ourili‘ni prucli^d by an with great rnpiditj—ibeir pocket oonip«>s. l'\**ciiti\e III »*u» h H Ik‘|>artineiit. j es and »tout hearts, liny met wiih great I Vllov. t'lti/ens, I tour kiml ludul difiiculiies—on land wuh imptnsirnhle tor- pnt.teolVw niocii«>i.ts longe r, while I nmin-1 c»ts, making s«»ann:is, deep ttremifg and tainunot»:f.T fuct whuh f-es to pro\* that swain|*—and wlien the> look t« koai, 1 1 1 iii*:iarji nui> r \uiutiit>ij ui iitc i ^ , lh« ceriuption ot bad rulers, ' 1 t j .1 . . . ,u „ 1. l>epartn>ent as de\e!oi»*'d 10 tho 1 ktU no ijovemracnt on earth—no people, ci- ' , ' i» * L 1 _i ._ _ ve>ti£ntions ot the Cdinmiliec appoiiited bv niclancholy exhibition of the I’osl t HFicc rccent irj- eit wuh which we pi*'s money lo susiaiu in j . • ,.y,ruption is deep in the IV| artn»mU. 'J'be dangerou* cascades, rotks t.-jd sJulW wa- .-The awful ..Id ontheron.rirN «M>'VHr-. of a nnllion ^ that o.. “ Clerk in the ter. At ^n.t di.tanee. the> were refre^L.d u il^h* ti) err. thcr republicao or monarchical, can U\e un- ^ | der tli« ,n?..a8ces and surMve the d.sea^s which have crept ustu the Gorfmiacat. raoji Twt «noDE »t_^v rO!T()rriCEREPv>RT.— day,the Uepoit of the OtBce Cunmittec of th# Senate, 00 the past abuses and actual Bteni. ^ e published of thif document, with sueh commentaries fis thea tccurr«d to us, on .Monday last. It fentien. . ■ txhibite a course of corrupt mv«g''menl knowledged fact t,. which I call and re.|ue5t nnd uncxau-.pled profliascy which hasaston- >«or sp.-. ial attention Ix-forc I proceed any lars h«d bi'tn pftced in tbe Trtusury. VV hen this ecotiomical Administration coia- mfuccd ii8oj>era!ion^ot " reward* aud pon- lohmf-nts” cu) )ears *mce, th* I’ost 'cUd?t.W th" il*. e;;nMut,;n.r.ade by The Comrn.ree ihnt i. hasb^.n .,..andcredamon..ho^ who s^d ^Irtl svis f'^rtunatcly fell luto the rnnk, ..f p. .‘.c"l ti .. r--■7i'rrn\tr.:.s-r^ ,, , wereactivelv and zralou.lv eng,«.^ “' J K^minatina t'he .lark^.n and Van Hu- iH' .^h.d U[^ J u-.tor,. TP .nirfinrablv c.Ki- and .*> liulhiiig id >«u ao> Ion- I'bore IS eiio siuM)«>ru an«l ac- uheJ the mo^t excited nnd credulous oppo nents of this wicked Administration. In- drd, whai do iie see? Tbe (Jcoeral Post i;r.n.cr;hr.,v;,.v.r..ich,n.. wlllquf^ttvn,Mz:—When Andrew Jackso.T (*uch measure* 7 ( an )^u ru-.j*l> anil con- xpre-sly »a\s that DO “l lfrk in ttie ter. At jtnai oi»iance«i lUej were refreiLtd I’oat Ot!jce l)e|«rlment, as'istant Tost .M«v lu tho house of an Indian Trader, who «|| ter, iVc. kbttll l« a ruail contraclor, or in- treated them with jjreul htwpilalUy. 1 hey ttr* >ted lu the truiuiK*rlaiiem f the mail"— Kive an inteustio;{ anenlote ef *n lnl,«n (K>»- wh'it are the fhcts—a elcrk in the IW- Chier, the gretl man of his tribe, but »ho f>«rimenl bei anic a conlra« lor in Michigan poss*>M-d great |x>wers from aalure, *hicb and recei\td heiw*- ij and KK)t*, for car- .licws that man is the Mine a»ery r*btn*. rviii;; the nmil—it.e cvnlnict was made iiiTited ihe ofTwerti lo kreakfitM st bii p'rnaiely, withcut a Ivertwinp—as the law cabin. 1 hej f»und it in a neat coddiU o requiie.*—.N# Molal*. n o: law Itcn '—('an —tbo halls war* hung ariund wiib ihut, VI.U tav the>e tiiir-i are nuht' >'illjou war clubs, pipes and wstDpum, di. bu\ tins IS ecor.i^iiiN ' "ill >ule\»r sa> pooed in tlw rm>1 tast*-ful aaDiirr. Ili« saain that the Vdiiiinistruli« n has btf n one rnedaN, wampum aiid t'ags wsre tpait'4 wbich lias vavfd the rouiilry tb u-mnds ’ with red paiut. D»4 he allowed Si>:.e the odiCers to sit dcwn to brtaLfatl aul) him but Mr. S«.hi*lcraft, vho corku.an(kd the ei|>cdilton. Tbe **\jrc« of ihetnigliijr Mi*»i?sippi—th^ XJiOther of ritsr*- ifte {rrht arter) of iLe " «et—whoM watsi rwli I'uro’ u.tjsiN auu coo- - . I , .1. J » 1“' - , . , . I. h ftp islralion wus cliarged With fcMra\n^«m:o in'the tinoat country on aafth, scd aW Ofiiec, in the good manacement of whn h elevated to l!.e preMorn'iul ihair, tU- ^^|,,ch results in such drendful tlio public m ui>-let us for the bowm is drrorated below with a ibo-ttJ ererv cl,7.n uf the rmled Stales IS daily cry was raised and siii.ultanc-u:.!) cirrui.it- pmctice *1 wnicn resuiis in sucu arenuiu. , ... . . . ercr) citizen ut the I mUd .talcs is oaii) coo*qtioBres» It is staled by the and per».ou% interested made a pcneral ,v of the O-mmittee, that there are onl> a It has be«n a iwrt i/oor'to the Trea«irv of s'^ict econo.«y, t'n.t the UP.en.m.nt in a the Nation, at which a few favored ind.ud- '»>frt jK;ruHl ot tin.e w.KiH b^ c^inplotcly «n opan acknowlcdpi.'d taCt by h»* Poi>t .'las- tri Cenernl—bo assertt, thut t ie tiiin now sake of impfi Titijf a few moiut nt« to ad Nan'.ige advetl to the cjtf'Onditures of the (»• A(*miuistrations ai:d pla«eilicm ((|(rili IT and »>ee how much *aved bv Cen. J.ickstm : > iprrrf 1 ir«» orOci J U Sie«mU«ts—IS a »a.all l.ake, se>ta u.!/-! long, a»d about threo wide—in ike n.>*t di«iaal country on earth, wl>«r« nut a bird o.^ r;i v has been c>r ao animal «a» to be seen, ths c*t;i»try bcuig too poor lo giv* iiuli«i»tence lo ib«ui. [(tfvrgtltun I m ’i. f ij^fililarn ufnl«f ' A J.c prcdeces«r esliiaated '.Lat it would annual Iv aSTi.rd an incrca»eJ amounl of ravenue. I’»..t on the contrary, this ‘..'.OO.OUti has been ... . , in>p.irlial •t.itemcnl of the sitiintioa uf th* ri'^-i \ious and deeply interofed cumn.t/.jit) lH.”Minmenl c^'cr wh..-h tbe Pr#».d*:i.t as- upwards-if 8'Oit.ftOO—worse lhau iiotLing’ cocviw:e the p«*oplo of the u.-isisuii.dcd ' ,iro! and lor tl;B faithful and adfJ to ihn sum the amour t on lard* w '.cn wa'^te of ti e public m> ney ’ f-,u3i.Ji.rtd, t!ie re>cnue expected lo hav« hjiucs entire cei 1 wish tha read-r lo If.ar in noiMl i; imng to, ligLi tbe in*es!tKali*^.n> are g«uijf llinM) THtM \SI) 1K)I LMiS ha* partin^nt secret C ■ nlrwctork aud the laws l-.rin ’ 1 wish tha read-r lo If.ar in n.iiMl L adhennls How much mort- P'-f* "f the t omtmttev that tl.« l'o,t Onice m cof-v.iue-r^ ..f a fi.hng ..II i.thc rue- £.:;dothcrayeuii-»fl,lhe pf,WcUvetokarn. I’^-t .M-,ter ..-r^cr.l ha-actunll) known, ti.al in proportion to the pr. wiu l»orroni»d uownriJs ol co.'ilriry to and ir.cr»;3se ol f«jjiulalioo in any couotry, aiid unwarrant'(i by law, ni order to keep ;n the «an.e pro}»«ptiou lnt»^l an increa'^i oi L.-lnti «( 1 Ititii la Ul IU!u»it !•/f W ( »rn' I,«.| l*MI I I , ( K \ .) Jl M 1 '.’lb.— rltoi^ V nrrrnre.— A *bkir.j*ccurri iKe to.4 plac€- In re!a4«r«k. \ Mr. I . learned Mifti Koeknor la*t wr*a hcauinul »ad lO- trre*tiD|i w*>»a«i, of otjr of oor U'^^t ri»ve;. t^bU' families, t hi ihste»*uin^ Mrs. Hxl- urr (lh« rr.oiher of ll«e briv«) liad s lar;t ipiantit) '•f rustard niiJs. sad seiii m i.io h«iu«r» of h.»r j::4fried chiklicn. i>iilj..o- yrar — Are any more fiit« nec*-»»arj to day Mr«. l o»ier h«r daunLlcr. "s« lak^n ill, and diad 10 a f* » bMir*. V\ hile tbo ra.Diany wss s»*euibhLj; l«r her lurtaral, future ihe d^ufblvr of htr's beiii.* njd .enU lil, and l\ and ihe tuo*ral was po«lpenrd, itut lotb iniglt h b-jrii^ tog' tl>er. B lore thi» took p’.a Mrs. IWkiicr died . aod,o«io alifr li.s .U- • r, ei^bl lia»« di«i, aftd niue fcuie are don- g«.r>.u^!y ill. Foi^.n hating lyen •tispecle.l, lbs ints arc all in prison, bol Iher* n—I recoil.11.end to lU** r i«»i»-r lo Ckauunc law rr^tcrt carefully—read it s^ain and a- t;ain. -V- ^ H 1.11. dt'ifa, c*i»*mal or intanr^l, to pr vr 1 tharju. 1 (.0 coot»-nt» *f tb* st.imMCU *b«. no a(>poar4t»cr of p«isi«J. 'lhi f)u|i«fB in all re.H ii,lJe lbwe of A'lalic t I'” , yet uo r.tie elv» la town has b*t* n ' . . . i- JA-CKr/iN IXONOMY. inrr’i, ii.L.-t lime been known l.y the .|i»te a^-f-rleil on ibc .‘liior i>f Con^jn*--*, liui I l>l '>» t'KI MM U- Th** l-llewiin; hkl of ihedili' M ni Hriti^h ,|„i ,]rT«|fd family «*h"* I’fin.e ^lini..l»'r'durm;' the rrnfi. cf t .^or^e roid^d the c;i*tard. Ml wbo »ls uf it Iia'. I iiird,(i or;;«* I ourth.and W ilhani I'utjrih, araro ili- The pb)«ician»snd iiu;'' ar*‘ iiilerriiimg, a« ah' wiug th»* roiiipara- liro duration of tbe yaiibus a.ltuiiustiu- tion^: hukf of N'‘wca»li« »'th Ariril 1T'»1 Karl of Hu'» ‘.VUh Mj> 170',' (lei.r^e irorMilt» (father of ihe pre»"iit I'.rd) l>tb April irates are all in alarm and buslU, ai.J two jieopls stem tj sgrce in o(.ini. a si ihe true caUkO of ihis nic!»nciisl) »t»*lalieS t.nc^*i‘»rlable e.tuation of the t.eM r il ram« into oiFice' ar- » r^spon•.lbl!l:les ’ will prcKlucc a re-oit un- Tins WBS eiaclly in accordaiice wi^i tb** cr-rd-i.;; lo iho rep'.rt of th*. former 1’. M. expected ) mortifying lo his .Muje.ij ...com- ryr'-Sali. US of t'hos*.* wbo wished bim Ij ' Mr. McUi-e. in 1-J7 tb-rc wa, a Kurp u^ fort. 'Die iJ. i.arliii. i.t has U.rrow.d up- cieMtfe the Atif.'nn ttnlU. Ilut it soenn of U.ine'-n ooe aiid iwo hundred th«>u.'&nd wards .f ^ JOd/KMi contrary lo and in o|^n t’jai Ik- .Je.-iaired of beinp able to render dollars on hand, and in tl:9 ««tn.e r* p*.rt, ha violation of the law—which axpr*-.‘ly de loose w hieh had’Ijecn occiipitrtJ four y»*.ir» J>'[>«rimeiil be iitlendod to r tare* that " Ih*! pow»r of l..,rrowin;: n.oney by \ ankee dray-bors»-i a fit abode for//o,- mth yi-ilanc , iii.d manajfd j idicioii.lv, in is vc^td m ('oner. did Conpr.-^ or by \ ankee Oray rovgh-hrtd ractrt; and aceorumgly be or oore l the crertiot) of new cnrs. a ft wr \i Hrs It would b*-able to wiftplj ll;e the i’ost Master (letiernl atui (i^n. J icko.o waMs of the (•uveruiaent, atd fi-\ into the b>rrow this inotxy'*—all say the latter''— Hi It been tuhtooiary Cr the I nited 'I raa>ury annually h.»lf a million of dollar^*; did they act atcorumg to law’—had they ftatrs to I' ploy a cardan r fur the i’rcii- iheso arc 8'.atftn'’nts fr»m n man who il.iuiih any lojr il or con»tilutioiml nj;lil lo borrow fient' U c ask* for infjtinali'.n, as we don't hish ar,d r* ^p»v iahle in the afitcfthns of his rncney ' .No: not pretended—W asnoi ih» rv Marrjui* ot liorkingbam I hike of t • rrifton '■•’•1 Aujj. 1 I.ord N'irth .allarwartU earl of tiiiilforu) til J in. ITTii 'lartpn* of Uwrkingham UOth M:ir( h 1 K.irl of .Shwlhirne l»uk** of r>rllaiid W ilham I’ltl lUnry A'!din;;ton Taow Vis- count .Sidmouth) 17lh .March l"f>l VV m. I’ltt rc.i[ipjinl*d l -ih .M.iy I'O-I I »ird t > renville Aralunrh, '—K »ery curivu^ n.ir^«^ to..k pl« » in this Ticimly on VVefiiie-di. !a,t. Mj.rtit n f]iiarter of an srrr of l-mJ I Jih July i:o.i ,aMfn b.ii.k of tl,« Kenn* lui.k [-'rf. uhd IMO ihe ri»*>r, rsrr)lOg aw halt ■! Ill* ! hike of I'ortlarid .‘'IM firirr P' Tceval r.arl of l,iv« r|)M>l "ill .Ian. 1 '•iMi aOlhM irrb I'li; •Ihs ..u uib.r tail 'i.*e no rcarf.n why Conpre s could not ture** ol f*'ur jf'nr-of th** fortr.'T Xdwiw.is- iimj to Ihe r-s|t>lTiw f»«partment—the L a!.o an appropriation to hiro carriag'--dri. traMon with the eip nCit'ire» of the firkit trr.n'>;ictiuns af whii h ha OiUi.t hate Le^n Vfir futmui,'C00I.S ho,;lers. and man. four j earn of the present, we hsve pr.-rut M r%iM*i»ureiina.d-eerv«ntsoftveryde!x rip. “d to our Tiew the striko- and uiM.ipeci nf(nv«r-niit. In his rnes»ii|'« in 1 he 3\s “ (h*- r^iMirt of the I*. M. (ieorriil is ihe K«nn**bork brtd^’e, ■,a draw bre.^** au«l nrorly filhnjf up the channel for a r. I or more. — \Miere on lne*di*> a i>nip‘•1 jMlh July ,i,e sizi- inniht h-«e loid all';"• ♦ .th .\pril I U. lorded wilboul d.lhcu.i^. LMh iK-c. I.-- moved in a solid nias;*. and Ih' Hpplclrres upon it lo.hed as (Uun-hu i; «M»em to le as firmly imlieddrd in their new hiiualion, as they did »[.ol where they wars reared. v*ni acrompanieil wilh a noi^e rcM’ ,'i'* {*■''' iho ruinlling *f an esrthqtiuke. ‘•Ih June I'U, • luumbwtk Jv\.f A Sailor nl ( hurrh— V “ J'’H> ^ Jack of niue," lrr^h from the I’otj.n a*-. a cru,^ nmont' the ••fi.sh came np in ibo »t»iiinbo»>l lli-ra'. )'' day, and mado his npp^nranre at t •“ Mr. t.s-e-s church, " itha cur.»u. h n of bis eye and a twi.t d his .pod. ^ The jreit iirin" ,\narorid« W longinjf lo ),,, „.ai upon tha threfliold of t f’eule’B Miiwum, muasuriinf II feet in |)iiriD' tin; M-rnion, Jack ;{ave J' _ years. ,„l ( , . jjH-r, •• I cao I r “ V • ^ i j^p,at I ^ IC.C.O years a iiuruber of n^'w n.ail rouias purt >.f the measiige inada llirou;!h ignorance irnoth n Idunkrf' This will (jivo his dijjest- (|,*n turned to the iiudionuo, bowi; ^^l.r C»rd«ri*j^i i..»ry,ar^d^,.^nj»U^^^ *s;ak«!i3L'-d, and the trampor- .r deotjju ? if the former, it r^flertn hut lit- ive powers a fur trial, yet (tvrhaps n'.| more e«J|y, and left tbe hoiisn. I’V-i''Pm *n>f i®r > talioo »1 ibo roail *'.pwdited, but takini; the tie rredil upon the llxecutive, if ihe latter, nlranye th in hisdipf's’in;* tha foalher«, b ur, ‘ I ./r p» ■ J fo*i »;!■ at North (.»'! report as (food authority, I eay it clearly it rifcarly j^reaents to « ur view a slat* ol af-^ arid bones of the varians animals he fexl^i ’firlhin!,'tn SiroiH' ^ eMk. _ o~labh»bos the fact, that tbesr- new rsiles, fairs much to bo regretted—What doe^ he on.—A. Mer. Adr. ’ ^ woman li»ms "> .‘^tockpirl, l-"gmf'' ra«!«B-.»deam»jfe way.^^-lv.,.11^^,^^ U ar n'jite » small proporlKtn to the ■'»yinl‘*30—that “ ihe rep>rt of the [ VVe tre mquejited by Mr. I’enlo lo sta ! •ifioiKliturM. f ellow Cmzous depend up/-.n . .Master ticneral exhibited a satisfactory : iJiBt tl*u »UU*i«ut i# Htrn ily « orre:t. iba - ’- • j.yQO it, tUtio u radically wid pratU-1 v»«wff tbtBipvfiwii biftucii»f thc OoYciu-1 y. Y. t\m. Adr.] IS a woman li»ms "> who was cutting J t>^ •g »'t of ' ' age of f'.'.

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