TJIR MIXF.RS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURN'AK POETRY. THE AMERICAN FU\G. Krf«d«c» fr*m btr nountan lirighl • L'arur'ied b«r Sttnd«rd to iti« nr, Sh* tore the axurc robe »f aight, An>l tPt the lUrs of glory there * SSe raiagWd with its j;orjr»'-«» dius Tb* ailkj baldric of th« skieI^ And tlripMl iu pore whit*, %Viib Krrtking? fh>ni the nmrniBg lighl! Th«fi, fHtn hi* mantion in the »uo, Bh« caU«d her eagle bearer J«wd, And gave into bit migbty hand The lyoibol of btr ho««n land! Ma>«^tic menarcb of the cloud ! VVbo rear's! aloft thy regai form, To hear the tempest trumping loud, Aad see the lances driven, When *trid«« the warrior of the storm, And rolls tbe thunder-druin of heaves! Cbild of the »ur ! to the ’ti* guen To iruard th* barner of tht frer— To hover in the sulphur smoke. To war^away the battle.stroke, Aod bid Its blendinp ahinr aafr. Like rainbow oo the clood of »i» The harbinger of victory ' ef tbs brarc! thy folds jha'.! fly, The sifQ of hope and triumph hi4;b ' When speaks tbt signal trnwii'et's tone, Aad the long line eomee gleaming on. Ere vet the iitie-blood, warm an4 »et, liss dioimrd the ghsteotng hayooet,— Each •oldu-r's cys shall bnehily turn To where tby aikteor gloncs bur«, Aad as bis springtng steps advance, Catcb war sod ren^cance froin the giaace! And whea tbe caonon's mouthingi loud, Htjre in wild wrcatiis the battle ahroud. And gory tabres rue and fall, Liks sb >ots of fltrne on mdnight's pall! Therr shall thy victor glances gUw, And cowering foes (diall sick bvaeatb Each galiant arm thst strikes below That lovely nit«ceDger of (eatii! riag of ih» seas ! on owafl's wsve. Thy Stan shall i;iitter o’er ths brave, ^^'hen Deatii careering on the gale, tsirerps darkly round the bellied s»il. And frighted waves rush wildiv back Br’sre the bro«dsids's reeling rack, * Tbe eying wander^T of tbe sea Shaii lock at olcc to heaven and tliee, And »mils to see thy sp'.sDUors fly, la triampb o'er the cioemg eve. PiSg of the free-heart's imly her.e. By angel bands to valor given ! TVv stars >ave lit the valXin And al! thy hues w**re born irt heaven 1 Vor tver P»al that stanuaid sheet' here breathe* llu- foe but tails before u», ,ih Frtedoni’H fo.l b«»e-ith our leet, Aud Freeooui'a tiaantrr streaii.:ng o'rr us ' Lsak .HiSt S. etio humors—she is unhappy, herwlf, and ! makes every one unhappy aroum! her, while her hu»l»an^ diivcn to other SKurcos for cn- j joyiiMMil, too fret^ucnliy plunj^es iiiln ilifwi- j pation and ruin, hocuuse he cannot lint! the : happy retreat which his urdonl fniicy hn»I paujtei!. A bad temper, iherrPjrt*, in a uo-, umn, poisouH rII happiness and turns her milk to pall; blights her yoiitli, utid brinps on premature, frellul old a;;e ; palls all hor ^ OO .My Knuku itre »o eiJintiied, tf U:i drbts I W twl >rnnt. I'm rrguirtd ,'■«;/ in fiittnf Fll nut trust a rful; TO TIIKJIM BMC. IMK T.J- .M. IIAI'I*OLl»T B D AS eftaliiiahrd an F.Y K I'•I' IK MARY and B fi a srUtiU'Al. WAKl) at his r«Md«nre. lor I^'e «c.-oti.ii.oo*lio!i of all pH>r»oij» «ho iiiay romniit ih. n.M K... to hi» care. Holi. ving that an i:,tabli.hnu iit of tills kind has long slnro been (iil'rd for, from the uaUire of Jur|ticul (»pt rations, the siilmeom-It att. iition riqui.ite in ord. rto rcn- ,1, r th. in Mj. ri -.Hfiil and the app sis to initigatr the panfK of HUH', ring humanity; ai.d »«are of the iiiii.rartiraUilily ol’.impartiiiff that mcv^rtry mallaru 1'Rbi:k C 1..4KS1CAI. SCHOOL. AI'I.AKSU AL »t ||()OL has been n. j at Mallard Creek ( hurrh, in »h,ch th) u’ un and I.reek I>«D«uage.. with Kng|,.h mar and Orography ar. i.ught. The »uUc *^: lioiiei by untiring eaertion.and con.Umt .11,.' to his business, to mrra a portion of the mi, " " of Mecklenburg and ths surrounding pu^i,. f® wire of the disrrepance that too oJt. n tween the as« rtions made by teacher. .0 .dvertiM-menl and the stftual loiprovenitm ! J tlieir pupile, lie mak.-e no eatraordiu.r, '-'"•H'. . taiuif:, eim»\n)onl^; baoislios h^r fiiemls, and rer.- . . ^ . . , . *. . Mtu utum^ imrKruHii. I ' . U I* -! Ik ♦ Civinc crffhf often Jtirudi/$ip in- (ai.U in inohl tasrt o*ily fctUiiHoii; luifKrunii dt-rs her home comtortlcsa aud barreu.—, I."!,,.,, ■' ' ' ■ u jccuai.did b> those who arc tht iubio.t. »f sur- is poir, be breaks his cru>*t in poacc aiid i j thnnkriiineM, for it is not stee^icd in ihn mu- \ trrs of hii:erne*». An nniiaUo lein|)cr is a j jjewpl of inestinialilo value in the stjrii of. I eurthly happiness, becau-iu with that alone ' ! the u biniK wf a cross husbaiid uiay he sub. jdued: many vices niny be n\crcoine; the ! boisterous may be tamed ; the imruly con- j jquerrd; the fretful lran«|Uihreti; and the | \;jk>, the ir,c»ttiiiuc :innt of « *»| oRl'I* I hurncaue sortenril and hushed, as the ti.ild UK' tl»>, to mai.e iti b i. iarO c'luin«, il :«t la A ViHnV UK CAKF.S, CH U'ht:HS A >iin' /'/vrf IT. v\ El I. »5v a rri>. Leimin^. I'oroci Aiil*., A.c- cVr- .MolaMx:-^, ll- >.r,t uiiT *iiil lAindon ' Ihc lam- nlahle ft 1 th-t niaiiy surtt r lor the » ani > “t* of , uf that attniition which ths if »ituation di-rtandis 1 of tuition as fullows but whuh If i!««ii*»l th m. by the d.MiUai.t»fr«u» . ' rirc,ini.tat.ce. under whi. I. a country I’r.ctit.uu.r u'i. j" lal^r. and which niuvoid.blv, howev. r di..:ree '•ra.iHim, aad (..ogr.phy 7 1.1, pr,\. i,t l.iiii iroin itnt'arling '2 hi» aid, so I'le ur *t s. *»ioii w ill roniiiisnce on t^.• first loudly c*ll.d for, c-ii be o«l» frurn an day ol J-Uy u. »r I bs whols.tic yrar ceou.ns h^.tiiution, wh. r. it i« the |.r«%»i;>x of a 1 racti '«n nionlhs, duidej luto two «-«jual *r»nni llionrr ngu. dailv stt.nlaiMC Kroin the con ' »i«l.-ralion that »'|.»r«t»d Stitjical llrpartmmt Hould U-d.-irabls. !>r ll«pp«.l>lt loduce.l toot Ur his servicii to the publie and M.liril* foi h e* zcphvrthat s«ecpiocr tho Loir-v • suckle ' "hkh jot, *;7'>‘’'H’.'f‘T‘ » • •» • i ih^nc ^u^rd (inK}*« for t)’C ( 8^h. f\rr i rtriictl lo be brf>ujM to ni» f*tabii»iiu»eni, I ( f,n». , under the cae^meul. ( \urloitt, S, ■’. ,Vuy J, j whrn- fV*ry ilUnUop »*ll U' Tei*jctt\ |S rinrr, Mer , ' N. 11. I purchi* d t \u«-tion a larj’e Tian Ilint-rto famm.-Ify(Mine*;t£Ctcdyour I KE.M H IIIUM'V. anj «ot ii ch. ;i|-. i fanning uleni»ils last fall, bring them for- cm atlord to »ill by tlie jjalloit ci. \iry uka1ci«i. ward now aud »»'e if they are in pood order. tinn». " •• Apply a coat of paint to the «owi; it costs but httle and wdl prespf\** liiuin l>oni warp ing diid decay. Sec if there is a pe^ or a nail lacking, and bo pure to rrplace i(.— Loc'k to your feocea and see that they ure i'arriauv .^akiii^ - - *'V^ . jfc.. i> t II iKMri'i r- larjc, !'«>r tin liberal* rriv"rt lii hit iitii of t.u»iii int'urui them that he »lill 1 ■ at [Pros* tbe New York Evenu g Star,] ! in good ord^r, A stone 'vall look* ir.uch j neater than a brn>h f ncc, or a crai'v, rick- }etj, rad ft-ntc, tbjt a fwr eld aheep cant j rest hii* booci against w ithout eudangering ; bis neck. A Ud fenf-e i* a fruitful s«urre I of quarrrl* between tn-i^libwrs. Scra[>e up j i‘'» chips about yr>ur door vard, l«t theiu I decay in heaps; th»y tnake eiceileot lua- j nure. D-..n*t work j»ur U-y»fix> hard ; but I (>e sure to keep them diligeut. Ihtu t keep I them a di^'inp' and driving that vou uiay I have tb« bettor chan«'e to lean over the j fence and wrangle nbout p htics, or loiter ,uih v ' at “ th« comer,” about the atorps or tavern. 1 :^t them aucx;»ra;)io ot industry arvJ promp- rei»or>»bie pru^*, 1 titude )ourself, aad they will kw very like- r tl. ' ! ly to foiSra it. them ptck t;p the «.ic‘,i.d * .-.h 4 », f -i,*, j..l »»f'. I «tone* about \our farm, at^tl pile them in lu^n ID hiv er;>(>ley, l.M wi rk wiiibt. »ilt. • heaps, to make a wnil, re{>air the ruadd, or ncatni«i!, djraiiility and d*[.«irh. : at l«,t to 1-! out of the WOV of VWir SrMhe, Ir-.r,, , U. .law. for »r„k of any de-.ri;.- , ,, ,, 11'". i'. L ' > t‘®n ill bi* ..lie, «..l b* prwai,:.? a tu ai-i. - hoe and }-lough-haro. D«ii I kl them woik ih4,,i,t j!:weeei>i u ' K W. KKWIV. Mifkltnhtirg, V«y 'iOtk, J--' if P. K. Tl«»e wuhtngtooiiUin inftitmation, in rigard lo U.c subiM ttlicr.ara r« ftird to Ih \| M Otr. of ( utiroid. the Hr. Juhii k..binM»f., 1) li Harrii, 1^. >li(|(;iote, la |;rr W- iMerltk-nburg S W h ■ ■ ^ 1- r. .MOKUISOX 1 «* than f.r tbe »an.e strvicti rtimii'oai u.r ■ ■ ■ AS junt rectited a apriiig auppi;, compru-j dvtUini; ol the pilt-nt. | M u.g a Urge atwk aiid variety ot' J rom Ih* tdtanla;:,-* of Surguvl In'ijrtnati.Tii ; Jen». J ir-iu a ro».r«-of -ludi** at Ur M.Ol.a.i » . :i. -c tf Saitl: l •■* and al the l onrrsity neatlv put up in sirre lo soil Pby«irur«, Famil ^ ol r •i,i.»\l»»iiia, U . llii r »it* the *■ i|i»ri. nee ol sikI M'trhant*. Ala«, a frfy eiUroaits a»«,nJ V'.*r»'pr*. lice, and iK jmfral » .c*»» mrbt ol>« and fine htlhtr!o »’.!> Iioani IJ’.I lii» i*Jr4liv. ». lielu j** t« j Hit rit a liberal pit'ii.a^e. | '1 lie touuvl and a-M.UnT f#f a pru^c •*ional Paint Prf Mhn, i'o/Hil I'crauJl, .Vo. ij gfi tirii:au, of lii^li ai.d ri'pirUble rm.ili. »>i''n«, H tilau, will t« o;>t*ii.. 4 m e.*M. »hi. b a-iji i«^uuc tUui, V \'rif\\ liifo\vV *. 1 \. re ti.ini* to t.u In. 1..^ ar.d the |.u..lir it j witU .t ai.v aiiOiliwiil , ,. . . ^ ' 'hr II. ».a> U f'.und at 1. » I ••jti.i.bmrnt, nntt* bc.ow t hai,^Ue. 00 Mi' I’ri* if Of »■-J »ii.-rr lo ma* be fo«.* iil.d U hii* hi prop lo dc*''le much of Ki* Iijt U> the .ihr braiuliL* ef bis {.fv.tuica lUali rivtue due a! ttfitioh. I’l^ntarnft SftI.'rmfnt. Vffi enUrf f'If. A r M,„ U. 1*>'. >3n» N It >nc ' r two MU'li '■ts, rf jo» all»inmei l» and n»iral -.hiritlef, »i.i U; reenvd. wLo can rfijoy »oi;, » iV: ^T»t.'.n« .11 lirf'J-ad I a:.U iiMainili«i 1 a « *11 *«l' - ■■ 1 I .ittif.. rwint 111 hsH t' ' .•) krj* leave t' »/ to tarr r it on New t'.^ubiivh- f.»e «^0"r U'lrtli. »• .i'CVl t!» J It* iu> on ni.d >ud aiti r-t.. l.t.'iV'tio u.4li»- t J onlyr. oil o"'t ' or ’V'*’ ■*y .will. -k. V ‘n ' ;.*tt of tu# e-oi;'.ry, »!'. >.f wiMitii »il' U>Ci 'd on, sroTMins » »ii;'piy o.'ti.. "•.i.try dt’o/fU, and Li |.'it«ti.\l.s 1‘utty, Haltrr't XliiUrtals, Ihjt Stuft^ (;«id 1m/', Smalt, Sand Poprr, (•'Ivf, ^ f. i^r. IS an jrc c»'i- ■Fh*\. Jj.t fi.-snrj Iro B t-‘* '“- J'*‘.'-rn I .lir« il. 'cl, >»d •» a*» ■'l»rni.»i-1 to w lo( ca>tiof »!.ort cfio.i « . «>«i aMcrtii.r..t oooifs. with gr»-at heavy iirplerr.en's requirr g th^ I.’FI'AIKS dor* on the .f.ort »t not.ce ar.d on The f.llowii.; U.t ci-i i—e » • » i (•tt •» cof •:tf -1 Chaji(cr on Tftnp^r.—Oaecf tbe m«st slreukth of a man to wieM th*'in ; if you rbe rro't r-a«^r ib!c t^rn. impre^ive admu'jitiotjs ever given to a are able furaiiib tlieai w .'h thofie of a Itsht '1'^* mother, is found in tbe advice o( hrr physi- j band make, and they wili work with great- ciar., f>cver to nourish her lufant whan in a j er alacrity. Give tliem a piecc of ground pas>.»on, as ttie pure fountain from which it; of their own to cultivate ; it « ill in ue them derives its aupport, is for a time poitonetJ I to prudence and activity. l)ut don’t i»eg- by the ebulliti.jfis of rage, ao^ ccivuisi jns j lect tbeir educatimi l»-l what w ill cutre. Kui- Bod death too frequently follow. How dread-1 ploy a gi»oi t^ar!i*r and \>*> sure thi>t >our ful, t;j«*rffore. IS the consequecre of passion childrea go regularly to ich'jol. iK.atkie;. vlKn It may ev^n eDdanger the life of the; them at borne f.d.. >vork >ou might j,i>t as jon.>:e’jt being at the very oiotxiCDl when well di.jourself. f)>n t let tuein go 4 tourl- of ( u:,rlott^ on ( nurri. .trrei, vii.h It rej» i\es the Dounshrnenl so D«cewarj for mg till they have got a ttiorou,'h knowledge ijtt sii ftMf Toirti I'roptrttf I'im Ij l,taJ rfuarttriof tke nAVIM; purr>, -d. ai.J ai;; ai.iH.ii I I •***;'« la rill in 11.'foiiii tr o^ R..« jri, l.\ •ii!..»ti ■ •II Lo« n it* f \isteiice—and ho-.» frcqjently la e»er>- of grammar, geography, arilhrneiic, and .Si.rf!/-».#.r Totrn i^otH a^hrd iK'ri to '1 li'; II--^’r i i af.«;. I V firiivii'd i sit'iati d in t:.e mu>t pU-V'stit p«it ol ei jnymetit through hfe pciw.a»*d by givir g practical farinin;^ wav til a crabbed petulent wayward tetuper. \ me th*- fir»t love letter they write, and if it (},, Til.^j-,and br;,'r ev.ugh I'or tin. S-.rnettiiBff may b-charged to Ihsine Nature la nusspelt, don't l*-l them “ ahead.’’— tian f.! a iiuiiirr..-i* lan.ilk. 'rtrn air all l ai d cor.v-ni> i-rr^ Uiat ct ro'iM rt‘,ijirr, uwt the !• a*t of I-' tork, v>i Hint lli'je. l!'.ark ar.d lift>« :i t 1.*^ II -up. :Ui.« Ituck I a«*iu. r» '■»(t of ah n.i»»r» and , r t raj inilrl. tor lai'inii r t. iu*V« roii«L t 'vrd. » 4 ty ho* af'ie * Kid. U fjile anil »reri. I I irr *«IL. of all c»>r«, |U.«i.! *ii'»e* N.» o'd. Ili..»n I n • t... I ir.'n I>nilt I! «B ( SMi.n.frf, t.Mtn, rin* at..i IW'.wo cUlon ('i»..uirr, M:-k Jear^ I’auSur^ i ord. 1 r p»nlalo«'n*. Rwi a \ u-«juI'j1 aitn iC or frintli I’ ..'o Fnglitb 41.1 AL » d-i l'«.i,t. d l«uch ai.O ^ .Mo'nr.s t Ir.dia ,Mi.«lir.. «erj h»r>i!*w * >1 ^r 1 .am l.Ui k l;ali»n .*'i. \ ou had better exam- n7i nda” I h.l' »nd H *■ * •''alliu*. .Sallio l.«»«Dl.6S .rnettiiBffmay b-chargeO to Ihsine .>4ture la nussptn, aon i i*?i w.em - aiieau. — uaa » iiuiiit...j* lan.nk. i i,rn ..r ,ii uie nr. A of c..u>re«i>i|^k» in tbe for^natiou of our tempera, but c.r. , U hile looking aUer you.lf ar^d the b^y,. S\yr*t, Kiadi sy I.nut ■Ni;,. Miidai>r-hici', * »*ri«it of Kit)>ors It to early itnpr«s>ions—to proper correctnas, don’t for?»-l vour wifa and daughters, n 1. ^ to (jevere adiaoaitions 10 represhing and hard w..rk to v fiur up the fioors, and the lie »ill aU. »-ll bi» »’. ll fu'd an.l prof.-alle checking th^ gusts of peaion in a cbild.— ei'.«nsc ot a coat tf yellow ocbr» i> a n.rre A A IK ■ ^ This »i*lchfal and anxious duty I* more oe. tr.tW. \'lU letter put it on—it w ill save j | • M cesaarj with a daughter than with a son, tbe girls fr .m Irettmg and your wite from ' ,, , ron^mK'.t «!..i..nff from tl.r- d»rli. b^jcause a Ixiy la thrciwo upoo the world, grf.winj; old. Dot k'*ep them a borrow- .iij. r »iihor iTiib'^ii i!.e »i. ^rK on Biingles »:lh mankind, and ndaness and mg »*ilt and reels, tubs »nd wh''«N; ifvou ’i;,ii mi «iip-i».-d k) p-‘^si..n are promptly che‘ked by prwm;,t ura a rnmmoo manager\fMi can du so ea>-i- «r'T 'c n.iry-iti ron.plet- ord ai d in *» I'h a tan okC Ij 4tl. r l.4:.'i ar.d £.l.eni«o'» tii.f l..«»e* !i:*ck, «.:d \\ uitf ai.d ..Ui 11 ll>»e r»irn'» rafi'l. rn H'.«e \ larirty ol Iuo'Im ini- ..i *, [.IjH. «V f j'd riuu and f'i-.;riil .S«».m .\lut.n.* J4(oLft anil .^Iu'.l ^lu»■..a. I i»hc;> l.n«n* Iri'h l,ioen« ti., ( «wrt and • n. i.ri' k l. :.»n( .y,.ar».'i. Nlrrin» •••«•», l^. i'’>a'i« I!. .«.*'i.> \i. h.'k .V While betbiliiU \tlla . \ L I .1 L - p f .yr, J ilobk.r>«U licieut correctivaof a bad lemper.—Not ito , lra\agaikre, wh^u (rf-r.iaf/S tlM-i^ thty h ;\e ,\. no n.oi y la r- j-irr.l down. ar.! ih. -iKau.i.* A,.rc,o i iiee»«, >»ith a girl. From her pursuit* and dome*- j are a«i old a» the hilN, but liii) them il )ou wiU be n.c t ia;..r'.i.lf, tjon* wi.hinj u..h 1 j | l>oni.*u.», bruwn - .-j.- .-i . . L-. bl,»fl,rd I»«fT*tK'» J*ai.«, H.u r*oni. *tie li.i;' Moi ifatiL.loi i.o>*fing »iulr. ilaa, *ood artif I' I’lir^'y U*d. 1 A'fTtmrnt uf llar»l%»arr A. I’alm leaf ll*», .Mraw and Tu»(a/i lM(N>iKTS .M/a.* tiinip, I.»ghorn Hat' Somt f.rst raw while and b!tck HATS, nianufjetnrtu f» r us. A.*o, ll>*« ( With sod Hair ’AI»S. It p*si..n are promptly cr)c‘Sed by prwm;,t ura a mmmoa manager \rMi can on w ra'-i- ^ punuhmeut, and the rough treatuirnt he ly, li'th»y a-k for a n*-w gnwn or a [air '.!iTr e\p»friente«on lifVs stormy billows, is >in ef. 1 of shoes, don't w;old and rnl» ih^-m ab iul » i House ai.d e:i .r. ^ iicieut correctiva of a bad temper.—Not ito , tra\agaii/ip, wh^u (^-rhaps tlM-t*** thty h i\f ,\^ no n.oi y :« r- j-iml down, arn! \>ith a girl. From her pursuits and domes- j are a«i old a» the hilN, but liii) them il )ou ' wiil be n.c^t ia;.^r',iilf, tl oi* «i ..... tic h;.biti, she is nece^wiriiy estranged from ^ are ab!»-; if you are not, tell thr'.-nso kmJIv : \ ,j„intiij m the wcrld until that periol arrive* wbnn ! and frankly, and if 'I'^v as reasfitiable 1^ Ip':'?!!!’’!!' U.M. U. l.n.Ni,. ;-if i -11. \i‘W Tailor’s Shop in i'onfont,»y. subs« rilir,r lalorms his old cuMom- * **rs and th«- ji'jhlic in gencriil, th it he hii rerncvfd to ('oiioord, where be Ins o- p» ried a shop, in which the'i'ailorin;^; llusi- in iis various br^iuehf;s will Sc ei*' u- ’ 'i>ncty of f.idii*’ .Vh'j*-«, hr I ft«*hir.*»wi ted m the faiUioa.ible, mat and dura- r.'a A. .vi.oe., mm4.' i-y I. r.Jl.nan It II n .. I. ir .1 . I MUtHf nifcOf i icilhinCs hie n.anner. Ho flatters himstlf thut hi^ • a 1, 1, i. %'s’l-i»'I'lwww ^kill in the bu".ifie-.s and his ron.itant t«er- A K I KN I • I • !.• » fcb* le called u(kxi to Uke an interest in its as our farmer’s wives and daugl.t' rs j*-u-i Ixi'tling c90cern«—when h^e aer'oiTiphsh-' erally are, th»*y wiil say i.o moro al>'/ut it. cients, and, probably, persfina ottractioii*, fhDt let them apetity dressi s and fashions; draw nrouud tier Iriviids arid adoiir^ra; aiiJ a plain simple attire is a'lvays more L'.ton- Sklien she IS about to be translated from fccfio-^ '“i thari a Liwdr^ ii.'iUatioij ol iho prk»iiil- la*tic pursuits and r»aiden hjbits to tl.e, iiig node. nor# e^Uvated sphrre ID which the wife and ! (Iirla must l.rew K'tnelhi.-.g mor« than rii'’itber Uio\e*. Here is the trying moment.' merely to read a:-d wriTe; they cant hare Tbe ardent lulmirer w e* in the object of t«;o much arithrretic, nrid a ktiow ledge of all his fond af. ction nothing but wnat is truly ihe Entrhsh branches of education will amiable; he finds her all tuat jlowibg fan- j make th-m contented at home, prev*-nt gad- tj hid painted;—but when the giddy lover ding, tattling and rorupibg. i irally doti t u •uperaed-'d by a temp*, rate husband, aud'b*jrr»*w,(wt take at least wiont w»pa|)er; you ui,ine.s anrt tiis con.itant r,», he eximi'ies with deeper BcruH | will hnd your account in the •iip.-rior mtel- J.i-CbtaliliHhmcnt will en-1 ny into the qoa!iii**s of ner head and heait,, ligem e, capacity and capability of your redeem all plwlges made to those i ^ rofhrrtf, tmhlHH iV 4/*urnsit'at’f L- IS shackl'd n-vr^;d eipres^.on to firnl, farnily ; yoor bam, your fields, y^r bo-jv- custom. j • veijth and Ij^autv under the detormity of n and fariiily w ilUhow it.—7 orllnnu ( uurur. .. , ,1^ 1 I’ASHlON’ > ’ ^ , ^ : I I 1. I ■ IK- r> iiii; u,\ I I * ( cir.e. in Urge K iinait oiuntilKS confirmed bad le; _jud fed..teahisj ; rrgulaMy U-th from New-Y ork and riiila-( \t«*a»-.., W llavan*-.ul I..,uf .Vii;ar imvrj and uuhappineas Irom tn.* Uioni-nl j , ,, •„‘riM,od w ihe estate of Thom iv delphia, and worki by tho most approved , ' \\’|\|:vi. of his uut. rturir.te diiiC.very—helitid-th.itj \ d.e^d. are rcr.uir.d u, ton.« , e^str-ms. I 1 «"-■/,11-A i^.eet ..laUga S " uature has r»'>t l.eeo munific^Dt in this bias ing, hut n»-gleei i,aj nre,.{iht-nH natural prjjieosities, like a itur garden which is al lowed to be over riri w un wet d . Ff li« IS bUaaed with wealth, ho rennol enjo. It, fru'ii the fretful contradiction ol her ttui|>*>r , if be has to lnU>r w.iii (.are and anii^tv, his bufue ta always baleful to him, ll. Smarl*, dte^d. are rc'|Uir d U> tori,« «a/d Sfid •-tl« ifiiriK '1 h'jac who ha. d”iriari'!« IU the tiiue I .March. HAK .V>Al’ June I7r'* f.d.»tl« ,fiiri,.di> It-jac who l.a.. J|\(. fJl T af>'> dl»- r',.' ,nd Madder wsrrant.d ImrJirrrriTd sttest-.d promptly attfndil to. ,\nd I a1s«, » few of t/aiducr s RII i.K «.l .\S. to U 'A M ,1. AI 1^-X sN'I)I;R, A't-n'r. ! *^'*•1 *boi;_'h not least, Ins terms will be ver> j e«>ld ft.rt a»h hj Hii nifr h R l)t .!> VI'. if he ai;viii‘iS he is treute.l stiih neglect; if 1 h u eoei#; forward and weiile. ft is iinctrely de- aecosiiiu.>ialing. '1 MOM AS S IlK.NDKR.';o.V Contotd, Marrh !''» IKll. N. B. lie IS determined to do worit iu a wr»M Ac o.are brr«by re,o«.u *'*perior 8t> 1* to any dor.« 10 this part •! >)'l l('h\ ^ f.L in(:~*H»id U tlis lt»» firm of A. It CoMon Yarn, of ail No*. Lt$l ptaUl>f snd low. We in\ile pervuiis )S*l w i*'h te buy (•e'4«, li.enll and Ix’ar our pri •* before tli«y make pur' haars. H b. \MLI-iA W^.^'./rtrnj H.Mfl !l A. \V 11.MAMS A gofid many of ear Un.k arrtunts havfl b«'en Le adntfjiiishi's lie is thrcat«ned with dm {pleasure ; if he raik/-s bik voic* lu auger, he IB asiwiled with tenfold nol*«r«—hia aerv •nts r«fus t'. reinaiK with him—his friends wui o&t >«cnlivi UiCir cvutlurt lo b«r «plcu- • ircd that all p«rmns irid>ktd to me sai'l firm comply with tfii* art» rti»eintnl a* S'ion as (lo-aible, a* il la sr.solut!ly ceccasary that IL* b'ii.ii*** ■hould be cloaed. A R WOM INGTON Junt2j,lbil v:>tl the rounlry, aiKl always wsrrnnt lo fa well. ' sisnding Ioniser ihiin on* yf »r, all *'n li si rounts —“ we ai's anaio'ia tij havo i:Ioad Ky Caihof Note. ' r of parsons have not ror not w ■ I S I I Iibhrhi d and tor sals at this offks and I peel cfcdiv IvX lL'’y cann. t get il. V at HTtfal !Si«m w tk» .lUagi II U. WIIXIAMS,/’‘ V Sursifot ftM0l tPiutiht'H i Sitp f'urnUtiit, (nU4 Fmi 4 f'ttrtUtt Tf '• Hr has also pfocurtd the i*ty cvhwomlI u*e;u' al..' .* ol • flidiriMr dhirk are lu:niahr^ l« s*>« the diMw* ef 1! 4 (aitia'.r AUo, a gnml 'spr’y ano eirellrcl .jealilj of >1 i:kVs Farci snd »'a»»ik Suep, l>*r>illard'« l^il .'‘null. >rB*iliDg I’k*!* li.arkior. h-i, l.wc.frr Malrb«», laipruvtd F fc.'.rb I ccui Hruihra, Thrrii;»n»ilra, ■■'..ler Spritae'es, Ae Ae ,A«ar* of the pern eieas ellteU of i *u!lrr»vi U iue«, r.e hat prerured a )iia.ilf wl.irti oi.^ • tl.i *raX *lMnacl> and >«w laaca ef aicai.o* 1 niong « bi h ar* IxiH.den r*.-l»^»l»r .Madt.ra. in Mile- «l fl 37^ l'i»«l and urr>r4 du. b» ni.a/lo» bo«t>. lo Il ai:d al *i eeeta I’or« p« f bolile n* at ^71 eft* I’sfvcriir* pci bcU> or ^-iarl al 7j cents — »!**■ — PI Ki: '»vm r. .“v.iHcill l’o«d»ra, Jojube 1‘41'e, ||.«r| ‘ f X. r^’. ». Aro»il*l»e »iKh al .M '' Hi' .-, ( lcnr«. African I aiiuo* V' per, V tiard. ( lonan on Itiid*. Sr S A M af w hit h m ill tr m'H al tSf '■■I '' pri.rt Iff ra>b. A »ht-rl errdil »iii V ».o« oolt to re|^u!ar acd poi.rloal d« *irr* »■ h It* aruel* o4 I.I.S'l I U »II. .1! H kepi cwnatanlly on hard, at d allho.igb it ^i» .I’l If ri»i n 10 put*, will be furDi*h»S low, kj‘ 1 A few p(iu>' a who hate hevugbl t rr^f ' pai men!— «urh are rc,TMs|. s le call sad faah or nolr nfhtnd M4ril4 l-V. V%l,l IIIIJ: I. %.>!» lor »'ald Ihini'ruiil. V tirfiie r‘ a I*. rre» rf..hi f^e (Viiirl nf I'r'j l». I »lll ■ J|«..e lo pu*.'ic aa>, al o' Il'Miae in hariot'e, on ihe i'.lh da» o« •'"» ‘j ticir; Monday f»f «ur nr il Superior ( eult, a ►" but t'-ry valua*.!e Trart of jMiiff, rnnlaiD.i,; 2S • arr»«, Ijii'f l'r*'ndr'‘» I'eniret, ad^.iiiini; ihe land* ■ ' ' • I'l'r rrt. U longing lo Ijir heira of l.!i Mpnt.j'. ar.d »old fer the bine fit of i.aiH hen*. .>n • ‘0®l of I.’ niofitln. iht puiha»*'r gi»mg bond ai 1 »? prefcd 4f4urity. |» R M .M M’.r s s. .;»ne 30/A. IHII I’M '■'(inll \% lioiii 1lii»» Ilia) |\^ * M l,l> »)ncr oiorii, ar-.d * lime, iiifr’tn all p« r*oi)* »b« arr ind'Mrd I IlieJatr Jn»v(. M.nikin.. de d Han !. ».oul((. d-' or l.rniurl Itinghain, iilhtr bv >ol* *r H'"« * j mini. iKat I h*»e te«n con'lil'iled Ibr I !f.r and *ulhori>.»d U. »*tv!. the l«i»is»»“ of II.' ' forr n*m d |v'>ont, •nd that I ^ j pre»» in«lriii liMi* lo i ilrnd n» furlh** luduxr { 'ml |.i prr.»e. d a'fordlDf lr> law, wilhuul to peruMi*. »bi.4 inulruelii./• I t' 'l ****'” i„Wrr r 1 HOMI'.'O.V. -V'"' Jum I'.TI. Iij if ^ i xitkf:. fBlHf PmMic 1* hereby nolH>i? not to tr3«i ' I I »he mu>i;and l or,prMrn.‘ tohr o.»’l I rd hy 'I'homas A Meta, as the ii.,.|. r.i;:-.'- " J 'an K)>lity right in Ihe aame, mhirh he 1* j ,i..n..dU,a.Mrt. VW17. l“Mf ‘• ■'f IMI.\ > " •• «■ \ J»ck /'« l *" Jm me •io-cdl''*-!"’"'*"' »,ii ml!..' Ii.». r Hid vl lb ce,i ly. will.lai.d at mv h'.-i-r"'' ... ..K„l ol liarlol-e, f-o.n thl. ‘ I die 01 ^>p1. inhrr. an.) I- h I /l p,„:r of Ao«r />otU,. H- to »>• P“ ' theiithdayof Uocemlwr mJit Ji/nr‘lW, l-'tl _ 1 lVurrfi.'»'«r /«*'* iid c-'

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