MIWEMS^ & FAMMEMS’ JOUMMAIi. nnMi:i> AMI im nMstiKj> kvi:kv sati ifovv, »v tuomis jT JI H n.l. rrAcii V(iiujr.. i-iKBt K mi- tiik. kar w am. bkiv, m t jrom thi, IV. - — IJ.N .1. »roynAHM>n'i.iiw hi i:\Ki Ki coi nty, noutjm auomna. « Tin; CAVMi^ ot TII.^MOI^TA^ METAI/t Wlllrn M^ll^r.lVB 1» f.LH IMM‘M VM> e. nJKrr AH. NATI RK TO OI R ■u«T: AND Vi.KASUUK—D«. JOHNSON. S\Tl II MAY, Al cJl ST 2, I H:iU NO. 200. ^ ^ i N^xtTihn'yafinr iinst tl.o consulate for lil«', and,, ma!(f forFio demr,n«tru»ions of tlieir rpsp«>ct MutelNsrenrf. MOUTIKU. |„1^“ M . [.ul>hcalf:..rs,d«.|for l.i.cf.arartcr, were d,.persrd by tho 1,1 j-LALArAYKri'K. (July 1 •^,) cowuiurnJer-, wltd tiuj^vll lo it-ncullurul puiMiita. On Iti Dw.enibtr followinfr. tho Cil.\>GE OF ailNISTRY—THE KLNG’a orn «l Cbavagimc, near Brioude, I tI at I'ans. jtl.o rcst.i-.ticti ol the I!ouibons, i» ISl 1, ” gne, Se|.t. litli, IT-Ofi; wa-. »«(iuca. * '*»ti'-nal avw-ii.bly wrre slill l.e imrcoivci tliat tlieir priiici|)lts *f gi>v- m collegc ofLiHJis tie (Jraiitl, in “ ' ami tlic ju.jiuiatign of Phms, eriicnenl wcru tiol such as Franco rcquiiccj, (.ii.iitiR'r fORMI.KI.Y AlAKUtlS J LAl Was Ixtrn >1 in Auver/jne Ird in til l-ar... Pluc^cl a‘ cmirt, a-an oU'.cer m om-1r “‘V*‘1. iu ^nd l,e .Im1 not tlicrtUo lea%e U rU.rc. «uar.U of honor. ar.«I at th.- nco.4' "Pr'-""-n, " blue and rH cockade ment, '1 l,o ‘.-Otii of Mkrcb, 1-10, again ua-* inarnrd to tlicgraud-dauijlil.-r uf Duke ‘ >o tlie in.|K;nai tlirono, ui.d inarnrj to tlicgriiud-dauylm wasuiidrr lli«»f ,-,.>,ihat tl.o youn;f Marqui* fiit' ffd U(>on a mryer wi liUin t(» lie cx|M;clfd of a south of %«■,! firtuo>>, oriti^li rank, ol po«i*rfiil contn*clioi>s ai tin* niwt brilliant ni.il lu'riiialiiij; court lu the woiid. Ik kfi I fsiK-c »«crt tiy for Aincricir, in 1777, and arri' d at Cluirlesl'in, {^)Utl» t'nroliitii, A- jiril In'in,' • '•♦ yoars old. 'I’hi) »utr (.fltii-.cou.itr> It i« '*‘•*1 known, wan at llitii (im‘. lu^t gloomy : o f«*fl»lo hrcnv, niih.ut clotlnni: or oriiis, nasv»itli difhcnlty kopt toC' thfT l)ofir« • *ictoriou» ciHriny; tti- (;fi\i*riiin»*iil »■' **tt»out rm ur« i'H or cred- tf, and 111* \nwrican uarnlfi in i’arn ucr« ocionilv oMi;:«d lu conl«*«* tbnl Ihf j ccmld ii I fiiniKh til'' \otiiii; nubli'uian miiIi n coii- V. \ wire. “ I l*cn," Mint ti>, “ 1 »* ill lit uul H VI '•'** I inywlf," and he did *o. 'J ho wii- mtion f.rfKluti d ui nun c*«utry, l>v hn> ar- r,«a', v*«.* v«*r\ *rrrj»t: H fncoura^«Hl th» al- n »t diNh»iarH*n»*d (H oplo to h>»p«* tor mr r r •' ! •>\iii|>alhy tVcni oua of tite most '-'wriiil n.iiioit* in I.uro^x-. lnimeUule!\ f-. (irnvat, l.aluyettu rt’ived un olFer f n ri.tuu.and in tlii^ «'n(iliri(‘i.ta) arin\, bul .. »il it, rair^l nnd rqvi:{‘|jcd a lx«l_\ ill ( 1 >i Ins own • ijirnv, ikmI then rni rti! 1 » fiirc i>* a \..iunt(>r, witlioui j4i\. I. hv- rl i»i lti* iHiitily of tb«* c«>mn!jiid« r •!', aint »Mi hiH fu!l affn ti'Ki and ron- ; •. H»* » If «|*p*iui »i .Mwjor ;;enrrnl :. J il\, atiJ, III S: (ilrit.!.er, w.i» hijui.«»»'1 l\ w in*’. Ill- viasi-niidi'N • d in 1‘ctiii- . «»: .h 4iid lolaad i!i IT;", an t ut- t : rthe liiariks o) the roufilt% toi i • 'MKiii.tt.l 4Tr\icr*, I flit arkrd al Kuxton, ! Ji iMii V, ri* '.', for I'raiK:!*, w liore it ircfc r, i,."it t.’iiit cki!J •.■‘■•i»t tlr- * luurr * . .;i\ r.-r n tun". '1 tio tr .,t\ conriu c I IVaiirr ar.d Aii:* rn;«, al*nii I ■ f.^f|f>>l. »u« t*) h." (H'f»«>Ual CUT- li • . in iHir U» >r, and ho r*f I . » • \ii' Cl.« *ltl» lt.«* li.l. ih^CUi r : it 4 t nxiili Jotce w^uUi fumi be »ent lo t '■ cnirv. lii>iM^!ijl*ly-n n* arru.il, I**- . iiVetol tlip « rvic*-. ciu: r r i :mj t',«- ’!' l a H iliUltll V i4 uir'iil ' k.u ( d sti^l t, III I j.i« nvvn • liii f.rc'-ii »,i \ it ir.t.i, til I >. (I II. K-r, congrPM of the L’nitcd States mado liirn ii ; , , jirant of.«i200,(l(»0, and a towneliip of land,! rri i . i- July 10. “iu consideration of his important services | Packet ^h.p North America, C apt, and expfnditurcs di-ring the Anierican Uc. | volution.” The gnn;t uf raor.^y was iu tho i j”"'* " ihajKJ of Mock, bearing inleros^^t nt six par ' riui-r «J| I»Uhf I., I ,• , I , ' , . ' I — nim,n, uc.ii iiuciuM ui siA )>wi t'Vr'T AVn *.TirciiniHtan. ‘ r, ’ c«:kade the endcuvuim.z to conciliatc tho nation by the emit., end redoemuhie Dec. VA, l^i.31. In m.vt ‘^r d® i,4f.ivotte a”*'**. ‘Jeciaring at the , prr.ftr-ion hUral prii.ciplcs. Lalajcito Aug.i»t, 1-27, hr attri.ded th« ohsequics of _ ijlr k„ !l I,m i V'''*"' u'*‘T rilu.cd. tii.iu^h ur{,»d through tho media-MunucI, over vO.ose Uxlv h- prom.unced Lil I'A; ® -or.d. ()n the march of the populace to t.on of J..-, h, to h;ni, protested j an oulory. In Novem'oer,-l^^7, tho Cham- r! I*?. | S r ,ll n ^ ' r \ oixii)..... ((). toU r .) ai.d r.,) the rul.onal the aUc adiHtionnd of April ii*', dcciiued ! |,er of D.-nuties wa« dissolved. Lafayette f ‘ 1 , f '» ‘h® ar* »iiarJsc.«.i..ed to he h-l thithrr. L day- the pcornj-- oUi.ied him ly th*3 tniperor, U as again returned a member bv the Dew',2^ ’ ascertaipsd with cer- file r.- u-r-d to con,ply xvitb thcir demand, hut acc.-;,i. ,l H.b plunj of repr.-scnutive, lo ; olectioi.s. yiiorlly before the re'volution of 1. I V.Wr, I , • ' ■ 1 , — .-..urily before the revolution of until, li.,\in;{ r. c«.iv*-d colours in lh« alt«r- which tho v iies oi his follow c.tizfus CHllcd | l-;5(», he travelled to Lyons, &c., and was lux II,, le »'I .ll, and arr.ved Jit lOoclnrk, bun. He |jin» N.ijioluonat llieopctjiny j rnlhusiastically rccei\t'd—a siricking con- alt»T hav in^ Irt-fII (,n liof»);b.ick !rom U fore '»f the ciiai.i!j;r$: the cui|K’ror rccciicd davii'-f.t. ifo rcv|uo>ifd that the iriUrior hirawilh it mark* of kindness, to whicli p-(tii 11 the ni.f:lit be c oinuiittcd to howevrr, lt>; Oid Jiut res-|)ond; but, allliough ho would laku no part in thJ' projects of him ; hill (bit rcriueut was retu^ed, and tho outer only were fnlm>tpd to tlin na tional "tiardn. 'I !iij the nipht on which the n‘-;>.ssinf murdered two of the 'iu*en t ^naidt, and wore prore.-dinc to furth‘>r j« is i.i viol-iice, \» hen I.ufiyctte, at thf h'-aij ot tlif* national ir>op«, put an r.J to tlio d;r .rd' r, a:id sav^ d ihe li\ i of tiu; royal liiiiiily. I.i tl.i; iiiormu", be accom- i.a:ii«'d li.*!ui t.» Fur.«. U:i tho i.“'.:ib!i'h- iiiciit ol iiif J iC' bln club at I’ari-., he ort:hn- iifd, With IJ iili \ , tiien \I.i\i.r of i aris. tb* op;,.. iV.iii;i.ir.s-.' .Un.'Jl', I7:ti. .Napoleon, }ja»e his vote for all 1)0005%ry Mipplie®, on the jrround that Trance was in- va.leu, Btid iliQt It wai ine duly of all I'Veiich- incti todufend their counti v. Juno ^1, Nu- trast to iht; conduct of the iiiinifitcrs towards him, and an alarii in" ’■yinptoni to the dcs- fx.lic {^(/verriinRnt. lUjrinptbe revolution of.li;iy, I'MO, lie wniappointed ^neral-iii- cbiefofih't .Vitioinil (Juartis of I’aris, and, thoui^li net peisonally cnija^ed in the fight, hi^ activity and name were of th* pn atest i’he Earl of Carlisle to be Lord Privy Seal. Mr. EHice, Secretary of War, to hav« a scat in the C’abinpf. Mr. Spring Kic®, Colonial Socrctarr, with a seat in the Cabinet. Lord Auckland, First Lord of the Admi* ralty, with a seat in the Cabinet. Mr. I’rancis Barring, (son of Sir Thom as Barring,) to succeed Mr. Spring RicCi ^ icrvic*t. 'I’o Ain'ificans, Lafayette, the ^trcrciarv oi me i reasurv unrr^-oJ^'r'i " ‘f7'*'"’ '"'f I ‘■j=^P-1M^'Morc cVrerrairan'Vrish Cathohc, h> dacrmi,.Ld tot.,,..pn,r^j,n i„s b«t visit, alriM^st like «* Krenj succeeds M r. Earring as Junior Lord of ths sci\c tilt llouieof Ueprrsrutativr#, and t j*-' nist.mcal cliamct> r rcturnmw from beyond ypejisy^y ;•>;=» of the French h* , ^,^3, account* relative IS a man ol tlie -aA) da>s of tneir revolu- • ^o^j Brougham i n.an, n:oreo..-r, who has never ro-organ.zation, but d M ..r prinrii.lr jhs-jnoeviating that they are lo retain the places they •I I > IS acKnov !n!;r«d by all,even hj h^refofore held. At .11 events, we ,)n tjbli^h a dict.it(tribif>. 'I'wo «)f i.ij council lors ii.|ur:i]f i l,if:iyct!e tb«t, tii two houri ihi: irj.rfM liluino b(jy \» 'iiiJ c* ufc 1.) c\- -t. 1 iui.fd,alil\ on the »'ciiiii;> of l.h- 'i »!>ion ii'j a'-cc:i!ru tuo tnlAim , und uJ- tiiiii—:» r.iti'-i-.to, t..e (ii-t Mars, I liii.c, al'icr an ii.tenal I'f i;,uri\ r.ii'^^ a voice w iov h mu tiin old be ..i,,.-„t.d th- m-.t:on It the abolition ..f i.re ...d tl.o h-us.: f.;l...»i; '• When iui ,ti!o--r; « bo do n..t allow him the pr.«ses?ion perceive that thev hive resigned, ncr ol hr=t.rate t.lenl- \> ben the national appointed in their , . . , „ ?imfd.^rce«labiiHhrdthrm.ghcutI-rance,,^^^_ A large number of the most respect* Iriei 0 ol hbcrty n:i. klill rccogn,/. ', it is to 1 att.-r the termination cl the .luiFplc, be members of the House of Commons |K.-akot t. oti iiiKor ol the country, s.hicl., «as npp .inf d lb. ir comniander.ir,-chief, preferred a written request to Earl 0.1 o:::y c.a i M.-, then, ,« the uio- and h. ar-T,v,ty ,n this post was admirable.; requesting that he would not resign, Au;,^ l ,, he «as r.adc marshal of I rnnco. ■ highest confidence m . hs infiueuee w.th the povernment seems ,, ^y very many of thosa t > i2\e f'f i"'nie time fc'reat, b'jt 1 ^ jjjg nS tlier l.,3 pn.i.-ick> « ere I.kj decided y , ^ j^at Lord Durham wasiroinff re;,n' ..can, to pe.,..* .ho new auth.ntic . (a f. w days nifer the adoption ol the new char-1 contariicted. ter, Ke .leciur d himscli apain^t lir mditary Mul?rave, if appointed to the PosI ,eer...e, a: . r. n-al«!!y call-d h.nseif n ^ pupil ..t the Am. rir.rm s. iiool.) or wl.etl.er vVe learn that tho chan-e of administra. r rii ir.» . f.rf K..I.- ri '11.' '.'•/’•II p.I.(.»■«» ^t lij||iu..i>', Mi hi« ;!.f »i,vp.\ i!i.'»aiit ol till tft 'pi ■ h:' f»-»-■ o: k.i lull, lid: hi» l ftj lini i | r ,1 w;iu '••run w ni U*;vlto t ii I’.- h y c ’.lid f.-rf rHMfi** tiiiu , tin • •'i' * hxiiv' -wn tlM» Klfirmnv '■! tiir r'■' V I.wrn of hil dt'f>tiij«i t> li u f >.f \!;'*rii.ill Im.'eJx-nd.MK*. t •,,{ if at n.,4Mi Jit lM>tn«-, h" a:::iii. t’ ; to I r ’> o I' r tliii! f«jr|Mi4te. t i.fi. •. n:.i(h f ul aW'.ii V u hiiou .. • • • riN i.n |i>f ;iicr i.*. 1 . .i'.. now p.i- ■ ' A Ilk Icti.'i’f, .Nw\. '.'1. 1T"'1. Ill niiii'b, « tie n^ti.il iiiirk^ 1.1 ,i))pi->tiA'! >1. I •> li: Mr** the \ineiican 'linuu r^ to c.n With bin III their ii.’potiatm.H. lo ) c, a li;illi.'itit r* ..ul.itc.ii had prA-»'d»'d I, and Ik' will* tli-' Lit^jic^i ' • >' f pi'il'.c atin^tralii n. >li.l h'-.i • J'.-. i, iv. rii'n.'iit toe ti*^ »kit\ i. , »\ilh a |» .'». rl.il f ice in Atnriit.i. ' r!'i| 1*1 ..Utminif•'rn»T-. t.. i. » ttffiv il ut C.f' I. r ,11 •;i ‘.I iiM'i) r.-1 !\ t > I-- . ■. \ ’... ri( !». hai! ii t p'isri’ 1.1-! r*.; ii \ l*'!trr tfoui i.iiii r.jiiiii J- t o lii'i int •!! *.f that ev ni ’ • ^ 1 11" iiii(^.rt.»iii*c I f hi« M r ■1 I t 'CO iiiny be w n, h\ Co: »'i.t.‘i;? ■ •> it» III» ( urn >|M.iuli-i.c»* «1 i;.e A- Ik': 21’\ ihili.'ti. I r».''.Mi, I'.'U.) Hi' f m i ( r. i'iiij; li.vitatioii'*, hi «c'«T, to t I i.io . iiiinu). H.-liiii;;Uii in j ir- ■ «r, iir^ji i| It t.lr.n"lT i.ivi, |i r the toif>‘ I ‘ >' tie lariil. tl in tho I nil. d .*“*iitn«. • I. l.'l. Viler :t)L’n i'o\» d«\t. V t NiTTion, h; Ai'iiii Unlfiinorr, ' ' -^li.iii:!, N«‘»* \ ork, r.''si..o, vvc., an.I u III n> rei'blAI li « itii I Ml ;;f it* i»t lll!e^ t n»'bi!i!y. triiin w birli p‘rii)d he iK'Ur.4 d l.i«^.N»n, atKl litfvcr sw.i e resiifntd It. 'I lie coirsti'iiu n f l fi rcpr^scntntive iiK.nan-by, »u;r!i was the olject of bis vn-ilir.1. \»a» n-,w pr.ijv > d, and July l^t, I wiiH iipp'jiiitcd lor It'* nccoplsi^rr h\ il..' kiii:^ atiii i.'i* iKiii'in, H'ld in tii.- i.mne m l.ikMi.Lt. i» i,.iiiuital trutid*, L.ifuv^tie s.vt.re li.il hly lo ihc C'Hi‘.iilu;mn. 1 * f iiMii;^ th'- hn^rri i, >-.AtT i.i Cl.!'-'.il'!: ol i rai.c*. iw ^•‘r.e'aIia»iiM>of litc r U'.;,h1 ;,iiarc.if '.I .* . fa, a :-r liaAi: ^' r/.if./. .1 tl.*> n.i- Ik ii iI ir.i'Hi , %.~d 1;*«•:.;; i me kin;: If'in VI '1. r.i . f. ,-;;jfit;d uli cumo..'>iio. aiiu re- lired tu 1.11 . 'ihiof. 'i'l '■ fif'-t# >,iliii r^n^niM^t I'rHrn e ' n!**.’ n I .il'ed 1,101 trofn hi« i. il. 11, ippoiiit.il on** ol" tiio tlifi n f>."I >r-p *iK r I'• 111 ihe 1 ”111. iiij .f t •• If il h M'mir*. he •ft..Ml' ird >fi ,K»| T» ; ()•;* i?et| th'* e, ||i\ at ('’nil\ l!!r, .Mai;L.f-||_’', |l,j. r..r . =1. tt r ■; hi‘ ' .If. iT'-f I*!!' I- -i in i' fT'i.'t. '? 1>'. t!e* r 'i r, ir l’ii«-!:i of hl« i;r ij'i.'. ij. ii'-' . I'd l*ie i^rrt' > J i, in nir l-ti r .>f r>. in »: . ;i fj;'i»*.rr*! t! i.t t:i'* e"ei(ii*'" re\.>lutiin, n'uifr ii.«- n.«'k ot r*"ri;!ar h.r r-m v.i'ff rr ‘I: r ti. I hr ir -(f. to A Ilfl*. |!-. !,.« j'ti.iis .f..' f.t't ■ . r>^^. Il*.lt!v ' r' .nm-_- t''* 'ti:'* i.: er’y '; ' t;!mi«;n> .lui.e I t^" I. ir .,f tf!” N' *. -;!!, ;. r d'K t, ui-i d ;..ar.d t!.!. ‘ . -iii'v i:!h .f*! i.f i:, ' A10- . :nt » '1 I;ii! ;dre.i i\ •»*r- •lirt»mt I I eS:' « t- 'I. ,■ I ih' L • I II.'pi ’ r .t 'liliMinn, •*?!,! I, linN et'.i I i n . . h s ‘V'..n X t. ^ 2 fl' *■ ili' hi- •I ’ 'I r. ii‘ ; S;ri.f ■*. V, .1 . nl .i li h.* .r' ■ « (i-M'i'i' H. J I’ll- !.'|, A 8t t .f* r .i.,.S U' A . .ii f f f.. :i%«i*i Ik f..| . ."'.I! II.- t I r,« ; M • d t- r 1.1 ' • 'h r,' c^-:;'' I.M !.. ( M:L:--rr . f( iiirt.'ki t . r I '» rjM> >, hfs v.a . :ii:ii .\ll^'- t’-ll I'-' ■If. r-'r n- -ft It!: 1 1" (. ’ .1, t -il'r ■; re,! t. •, — at 'P:' I I !• li' It 1, t •••■■ t!, '.Mt I I e- I 1.1 ( ii . \».!' i|i '1 0.: iinli ;i i f t '.’ . \A Si '■ t I'Ti 11.' h *■ trf >• s u th* prill, .j w I' 1 !'-’l r.tij I'i. r I u ri if !..’ «err a W llh I M'* A .. |. I : •A. nl.l I \ ,1 I 1 tl;( ir.sn jf^Tfii'l - '.ed III. ir I’ r if"i nlh- "iil l l,:;\ .• I T, .1 !: -.10 f. i\ cti. ;'I|.'.:; hi; ■ J "f t!ie 'Jit ti'.it a pi!'-'- L '.wilMtia! I i'n n^tin-f , mm! I . b',_. t! a!. , ' t t!:'' col t' st ■l:i'i), tl.i' fri)iiti' i> ■1; I f t;.'.' eri- A\ i;li v\ horn t II treav. :i j :ai:i.'t the na- ■mt. ', lie I r.,1 ali.-rna- voii o:i.y Cull i m.-, -.nen, i« me ui«- ann a-..vi,y m ims posi was ac:nirau;e.; requesting that he would not resign, luetit lAjr cs tu la.ly ari'iind t.iu old Iri-coi- Au;:. 11, he was r;:ade n;ar«hal d i rnnco. ..iL'j litauJ.ir'l, t!.'.- hiaijo.ifd ul *'.i, ol liber ty, of I jii il.ty, of I 'iblic orti. r, \!:n.!i 'vc l.:'.\ei: ,v. to dcfe.id a;;aiti.-il l.iici^ii v lolcJCi.' ..n'l •i'i,f|Hii.,ii.'’ ii.) t.ien II iviu i!i.,t ii.t- iioiiM, O'I .a.'*: il-i* II' in permanent t.".|.ji., ii*.l all n:’ei;,'*!s to d;'!*.iivu it injiu tri.isui. ; llmt v> il'H. W I tJi joiJ Itiakr! :iU' Il all Ulleil'pt. 'hi.'>‘.-l be .-.'i.i.-dtled « Iraiti.r tu lu«,* c>/iiii tr\ ,0... . 1 . liiti c\c.uin» Nupolnij s«iit Li.- '■ie!i lo liitt h ■u-'-. to iiihk« 000 inure tli.ir! ,u I;.. ;.A. r. Luce :i. la a sirun of luip.is- U ci. il.« rea.^>n, he sei t m hiii r-.ignntion j ChuV7h7arrd“’resi*c'tiny si.r,]do;u-M-,c.>u.redthe .»ou«: ir m, in {* cemb-r, l-W, is accepted, There i« n«t the «li® htest ■ I e; h'l.'ior 01 tile I ifiicli i.jliu;}, ;.y ii.ci...-';;!).•) t.j tho 1 n.peror. At li.i r^e rtun «, l.a; iy.*il'; r> «• in his (>l ic.', ai.d ho- in s'r.j hiii.M I’lrtc'.ly tu liie oi.iti r, e\- . ijomii J Oifs ;;cci:-;o tiie litjicli ..nti'in of I’.C' ifi^ni \ i.> ilu en.|H fi.i ‘— 1 ill' 111'* SHI|.'- (.1 r_'\ !'t I .C WU'tl'b •1 llu‘iu. o\tr o l f.i ic. iif l.atll •, tins n i- t.A,n l.a^ IviiI.i.AAjd hull ii vul -ilh ; ai.'j fur tli;:i t .at ve f:0'4 i;!o‘.;;;i ti.t: lii w t,l lb;r.i uilllior.'- cl if f‘l ■:iiUieli.'' | 'I ;.i.« r'.;'()^al l.c I -^I'h nn elf'f t on ti;e r-»- ii.l'.;.. t.. I 1 .1. :i lesjdied his seat v>ith- not fiais-I’i'f hi« ■iisconr*^-. A d-.potati. i. . ( liie 1; of:b* •» from .’ach I 'f.j -* was the., i-j^i ,;-* ! t 1 .'.'.'•rat!; .'u c.unfriitt i v.ifh !l • (’c . .'il ot' .Miiii.'ter''. t't' tlrti d'pu'a- t.i'P, (■ i.r ral I.!.f.i\eito \v2s .T mrinl or,aii (:'■ I ;'v: i l!;:;t a ei.ir iiiitt;'C ^h(*tl!l^ l«: s-nt to t!; r>n; -r. r t.>'!• nnn.l I ! •* «'i e|!.'r r i'i'.-d to p;jt tl,.' iiio- il'n : i':'. ' ' l.iiijernr nt i!i I'ls al'-.iica-1 li' n tiie ii.*.\t fn rni:;::, (June'J'J ; A pr-.- > .•'•!'il "• A'•riiiT’'‘!it \Aps t'orinfd, ai f.a- ' ■■'I! ' .:S . ,t t.) i' i.inu I u m;-i'f;i'*i'Il /f -'ditrs 11 li.e aiiiiiiwhich u.i^ lelijjo/. t>i I.IS fi tnin. i.i'r..i:ii.i i’..ris in jii's*-c"; 11 ■fth'' f i' -n'v nn-l *\ few o-.’ *. nf'.'r, '.!nl_\ i • il..-i!.' r-'o! Ilie repn'•■nlali\o ch.in.iiCT «a" ' loH;', at) I ly l’n;*';'i.Ti troops. ' ■t e r.in-.'i;rlfd a niirr.lvr rffhr n* :'5- I.c«asc^.'..:oredh.. tl,..-lally in^r point of consequence of a the republican party, or wi.attver may have ^ d„^„ence of opinion respecting the revenue I of the Irish Church, and res[)ccling that , , question alone. There is not the sliehtest and count i. t,au i.ppo,nt..d fj.t-t oi tae na- w hatever of II.: ,d ;;u-;.ds ot l*.i:is. Laiayetto dec.arcd Cabinet. :io,a 111.- tnbi.fe, ti.ut he had aclcd thus, in , ^ resigned their places r,-iK eodhcd,StH.st which the Sf.n»Iev, Sir .lames Crnham, the Duke of Richmond, and Karl ofliipon. 'J'he ratification of the treaty between England, Fraiire, Spain, sad Portugal, hare been receiTcd in London. FUaNCE. \Vc perceire nothing of importancQ in re lation to the artairs of tais kingdom, if wo except the dissfilution oft be Chamber of Dep- utie*. Ourlatcel Pari* dates are of the ^iSth of May. The Constitutionnel calls tlie attention of the Government and the public, to the erec- ’ito ui i-ciiio fe.ipii*. t »a the sjiiio occa- >1 n. he r.i^o expre.-sca i)ii t^isapprob;ition I.;' the isrt of elaciiun. bhoHln b'.forc his reti:.'t;.iti. r, lit* e.\erti d hiumsli lU'ist [»rai.se- w.ii!iin t ) miiiit.iuiOlder during the trial i.f the ex 11,misters. '1 ije I'clos lately made h.ni first j;i'iiad.i r of :l.c'i*..lii.h national i'uarJs. NN eare uiinble to state what are L ifjyotte’.' Aiews ict^peoting the b»‘:>t go- vernn.riit t'l'r I’rafice in its presci.t con dition, tiii.i!i;h iiiijoubteijly 111 the abat.'act, ho puleis a ri’| ubhc. lion of a statue in honor of Gen. Lafayette, .\orcI 77r^.ff.-lh i hnnmg recently ,Ue p|ac« de ilolel de'ViUo =1A. :idc.'icnt:.,ii. ^ st rri.on .□ P-^ton, in be- gu.uble spet. halt o* Uu? ecu jrahl r >iiiU :**rs. Iti the con- TIV>\ trihoti 'n wa.^ l..ui.d a bank chcck iu The Russian Governirent has published t!r toll ivMi ^ words;—*• l',;y to Couiit I’u- an extremely severe ukase against all Rus- Ii.mIvI : c .miiiaiiditni i;t ihe brittle ot Bran- sj^n subjects residing out of the Enapira dy\si:?e, !ii»i hietl.ieii, 01 U’arcr, ere bun- aa ithout permission. dr. .1 d.'Ikirs. ’ 'I'iie drawer is Cot. Heury 'J'he following are the principal enact- I’liriAclt, w ho was ase;!:ant in Pulaski s mrnts of this specimen of arihtocratical le- lro..,',a. d .'haic.i the ci'idi.iem e of hi.sgreat gi.slaiion: Icthoh -ii' of I iiijrimais, ih ' rtrsi- ■.'o !!:• \ d;eiv rp a pr^•te^t ,Tj.-iif«j 'I' 1: tiX'*. ! I 11 i a;i!',;r>i !ia n:i \ i'trian ■ a'r .|, he w n . ii''liA oreil t.jtj" I’lU'-'-inn-i, wtiiiiii he I'.!''' !';?:ti!i transfiTn'd l> An-!- t ria. I |e w ’ r.Tr nt .1 with ”re;it ic.".’, to i.-m nii'i d»*!i::hl. Pi*fA iiitu to hi' >'-t ii'r. w :;('r' h'Aian «udj''(l.d t.i cvrrv I I.I'll e, ( «.it'_rr's .i|.|«.inl«d n prnhlion and ui!» r.ii;:, and 1 ut o!!'I’roin all ci'niiiiunicatii.ii «llh lii'i frn nils, whower'' U' t I'Ai n nhlc to dts/'oAf-r tlie plai e of hi> i'oi!!!n''t!i‘'rt iirl.l late in An iiii'-itc- cf-.-liil ntleni|.| A'.rts iiiitdi* to (lelivi r him lV''m prison b\ l*r. I? "Ilenmn, a tHTmnii, and ^Ir. Ilo'^i'r,' iiou ( ul. lln;;f'r,ofCh«rl •*- !. i>. S. ('.) Ill' wil'> and d:-.iir;!.trr', h">vv- comin.indcr, liu is new mJ uais of age. A halibut «as!d't week sol.l in our mar- k..t. liaMni; the under side ii.arkcd apppar- eiiiiy uiih iiiii.e slurp iiisirument. a;ui since heali'd i.\er, leaMu:^ a rid^e ’Mtli tiic iiii- ti:i!s I*. T. I'.);!,” piumly div.in^uiiih- .iblc. Ti,t I'l.'li wti^ln.d iibi.i.t .'iD pounds, and wa.-j, A\e IjA hi'e. t.iken 111 Lostou har- b r.—Di fihc’.i I',:t lot. uL {.';3;;:m\v l ui:dkks. iii:vi>gi’AP.'rrns. i ('■ •ii iid, A. '..>(..!/ l.xA, 1'3I. A >'E!”ini ('llIllllll^SI' 111 U «lld ni'M-l'oillllll.'SKIH it J5. O.’.' - i'Tid .Mii'iLiuiis ; i;uriu'd lo ihi* ti.''‘l i.il iniliti.i, ai.d the inviolabiiit\- i f It.hhth'i.i I't' Voi n.'r. rs of .N.ir*:-(.'..rolii.n v ill • ■ iti to I'lli'i'i, I I s;»iin>^ «.| III.I* mi ii.i.« r lr..;n ' I >' itr, ■' |., Im!%o Ii .1\!' iif hllll >M ii'’hlll( ■'I'' ■ I II I*. und p*»*nir l.ii.i, Ih.tt t. e i ■ ' ’ •: ^;at•' i.-^r.r.l Inin «vi(|» j-arti. 'ihir nf- 'I' O, aii'l will not i-eiiiM* III 1. cl 111 ii;t’jrp''t ■* Hii.i’r.ir n.iu (-[.iii'crn bin l«ji.or und ■ii\\iii-r hi* nMiiiii, lii^ Ava>( en- > »' 'l 111 i*'n'( 1 vmiring to initii’alD tliu . rii- ' 'I 11 li.i' I'roteh'antM in I i.iiiee, nnd to ' ' ■ t''■ !i‘'i.li!i.>n i f «lavi ry. In the i.v- ' ■’ . ef r i tnl.,i-», 17^7, h* prnpi.s'il the ‘■i pf-Mon i.f Itltii .f ilr t'lifhrt, and of the ► .It* pri'.ins: tho einancipatinti of the l‘ro- ' I'li.ii, nnd the r.»iivocution ol the n'pre- * it it'Aos f f the i.ation. N\ hi'ii H»ke.j by •■"'lilt I) \rtni«, Hinre ('harlr'i the \.. il e\er, siirrrpded III obt.nning uiimiS'*ioii to t.>rget their (Iss.^' iHioii'^, in which th«'veter- hiiii, and remained wilh him i.r-iilv two A regular passport enablM a Noble to re side five years out of the Empire; and a non-Nolle three years. If any one exceed this time, without ex press peraiission, his pro[)erly is to be placed in the hands of trustees, and, after a suita ble deduction has been made tor the man- tainanoe of Mich of his family as may haro remained in Russia, the remuinder of the in- como IS to l»c applied tu Stale purposes.— It', on his return, bo can prove that unfore* seen and inesitable dilliculties prevented his return, the property wiH lie restored to him ; but should he nut be able to do so, hi9 property is to remain in the hands of trus tees till his death, and then to be handed o- th> rh.irtrr. In .Inne, 1 1. he landed at ' at 1 oclirun^ t»:d Mu>t«rt.-.vn,l. ver to his Icgitmiate heirs. N. \ ork, on a m»iI to tl.o I . St.ites, npoii i co,n,t;, somh-c..:o. )rr s Rnss.an e.nalo mariymg a foreigner,^ . .• .1 t, ■ J , 1 I out'anil a b*h iinii', on t iiurxdiv a;..l triua>, g^d quitting Russia With her husbatid, it the in^ nation ol the . resident, and vsa. n*- , , .mi.u.i ... xi. H-..t ctMveii in r vrr\ pnrt ft t;io CMHilrv u jlh tlip ’ lo I:u\, lor Ol l>rillir:;: lu the .MiHuui, * , i i i - t • ‘s^vrd.n..traKli;v.,ru>.s. To%,.r'..!i'stllo-- S3'"«’>aud one.temhot thoproduccol tho cl.vk.'A. M. iTi i'iscly. I irr ami 'i!i* arms art sale is lo belong to the Government. liolli iici i'. n, 1; ro'iiKi'of hiank rartriiiir.?^. 'Mi.'if uri al ) I'v a Ui i;ii;u utal (. oijil A'arlial luldiiUli' • m:i I'i.nc 11:1 S*;tirJay, iIh* '.Ulioi'.Vu- jrciit; aiiH ].rr.''0'is I>llslnc^^ tu irai.sa I in ihiil iMi.rl :i't' ri ijiiirid to «tl*iii!. Uv order of I.'.t^i r..M w. t'l 1. t'oindt. •loil.N r I till r.K./!..■ 7. Lti’m b. r ' . I • ■. ' , W • f't' :i'' 't' vinli iicn, •’.nd r,'i;. t!\' so, ariitoil. (, I ..V rrtiri J err.) tn.>re t.i I t. 11 r in^", wre h" i iiiain' .l 1,11 1 “-I w Iimi lie w;. (1:j I n rneii.i'T ef ll;e i lia.i.lii r of ■ leputi. s', lb ic ho c-.tilii;'.!',d tofoj r>oit ins (•i.i;ti!iit;. •..'iI pnnrij.li'i by rppn^tng the laws of f\. I'vtii'r:, the ettabli'hmenl of tl.e crns..i>hi;i .if tin; press, tho su'-pBii'ien of ;> rson.il li’';':ty, iV.'., nnd by ail'.ocating the cause of j lil'hc iii'itriu'ln n, the orgai;/. ttioii of a t;a';"' w.irnic't e\pr"j';nns of delight, tind etliusi asm. He was p.-fH'!.i:med, by the popu'ar voice, “ liie giie I oi' the I'.arion,” and hi*: pii'scnre c\er\ where t!.c signal !’>r festi- v.iN an.! lej 'K i>!g. He piisf^ed throu^Ii •-? \ -late-; I.f Ihe l iiii n in a rort of triuinplial procrssii.n, in which all pai ties joined to STII.L i.A’irr A ears till his reh* i*‘>*. N' a-hiiiL’t' t> hml writ ten dirertlv lo th.' F,n f>»'ror of Austria, on hi U*hiilf, Aiitb.iat cH;-ei ; but niter the iru'inonible cainpirpn ..I Ibinnpnrt*' in Itnh-, the French poverniiieiit rcipiired that the prifoncrs at Oiinnt/. hIi.hiIiI bo relea'Til, whirh was done .\n". 17!i7, alt-’r a ne. nis of t!ie ^.ir, ri'i'.ewi'l thrir yeuth, mull ^ .^IjI J/I. li \ .^ 51 lbs* t'le voun • were carried lia k to the di'ing*. ^ I'Ctdf. nnd'sulK'rin;;'. of their fat'.iers. HuAing; P P V v:'fn''.'ia Kcrro t.-....i i^c Omrton'qn Jb# 11, 1 « ill c\;'osi’. lo j.uWiC sale, al tbf ( ourl- ll.iusf 111 I iiarl..i:.', .Ill the i!olh day of Autiist. r.'Iebniled, at n;in!;er Hill, the anniversary I RO.M rORTFGAL AND SPAIN’. Nfav Ycuk, Ji ly 1">. S"rrrrt,/T nj' ^fi.Tl-rlitr l-'eim—FaU of Santa- nm—Ci'iture of Dun Migt.fl and Dun Curlvt. I5y the ship Moro I'astle, Capt. FloweA', Ave have rrceived a Supplement to the Ha vana Dinrio of the -'ith instant, containing Mndrid dates to .May »*'sth. Lislion to tha ‘,'7tb, and (.'adiz to the 'Jd of June. The 1 • Ill... w, ... ........ in c liarl.-i:.', .Ill tac »olli dav ot \uti:st. . f the lirst conllict of the revolution, nnd at Moniluy ot'our iK .i:jjih.ri.r four;, u »nia;;, r.ews is highly important. Vorktowii, :h.•^t of its closing ic''ne, in which i but \iry vdluiilln he himsi'lfbnd borno so conspicuous a part, and taken leave ofthe fciir e\.presidi rtf« of Tnrrr of pontninir.ir 1}S; lores, i\in" ui I’rpviccnc* !^ t- 1: iloes net appear that Dvin Miguel had ! actually loft Poitupil at t!io date of these account*, I'ut l:e had atipi.’iitiJ to depart. jIjp ^!;^^c«.getleral—“ ^ es,” ' fiK-mtion that U^t.d three months, lie-; the F. S., ho n'coived the fare well of the t^•ll'H'l.1/H'l1|^^^l.l? ilio iam!* oit) IVrc.-and iu fact had abaiid.med his Army, Saa- ions I’resident 111 tho name of tho nntion, aiirl i ns. bel-'n ;;ti!r to tlif lieiis of I'.li ^!^lr!n .dn'd tnreni, and the anIioIo Kingdom, to the Pe- n fri|Tite rnm-Hl,; th.'t aptif oi'r»iri hriis. on a credit droite,-. In the mean time b»»th he and ho »randvwino,l“'' »‘on»!'s ‘be-j.uf h«5cr gun-s Un.d .nd ap- rarles had fMI-n into the hands ofthe " ^ Spnni.*h trtKii'*;. if w.' may crcdit the intelli* ; ''ii.'.i- ^nn del'.'.crod up by their^. Ins repK, "atjd ai.mrtbiiig iK'tter.” ' lusiiig t.t tako an;, part in the r volutions i-' iiiir I I.Tip.l i, inemKer of the st.itrs.gene- ..f the I "th I'Vn. tidor, nr of the 1 -th Pru- | s.itlerl trom tho capital tin'll lo'.k the naiiiii I.f nnti.'tml asK'iii- maire, he retnrneil to his e^tat* at La in c'tnpliment to him tho (Fi'.-ij I,,, ,,n,j„.M'd a declaration of. (J ran,r. an.l, declining tho dignity of senii F^.pt. 7, I nnd arrived at Havre, w here I ''J'lr.sad tbc dicrec providing for the rc- lor, olK red Li.u by Bonaparte, he t^ ixc his the citucns liaMUg pi*iceally nss' mb!:d »• ' pro\ci! sceuntj. N - n*'", 1^31, in'N

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