\ THE MINERS' AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. «)wn in»n. Tlie P«*rtugu«»e war is there fore ■( an end, and th« Spanisb war aUo, forou|^h( we can 9€.« to th« contrary> TIAMSIUTCD ro« THK JM'kNAL Or diMMWC*. Madrip, May '25.—Agreeably to t!ie JKiots in tides have been publi*lied in the Enmnci- [tator, signed by K> right, Jr., in which lntiiimtiur.8 were thrown out, coirerlly i«'i* tmf to u forcible rfBistBiioe to the lnw»| ADCUTIOX IUOTS> New Yokk, Jri.Y 10. It ij with pnin that we record the occur plan d' operations agreed oo between the | rence of three more riots last night in this i (p^s of runaway slaves I>uk« of Terreira and D. Jum Ramon Ro- [city. It was rumored ye.'^terday thnt^ un- '„biy, by th**e iiiflninrnatory dll, Castie-o-Branco was occujnrd by the “ ‘ ‘ “ Sfianisb troops oo the 15tb inslanl, and Thoimr by the Portuguese. The Miguel j/ood order tiot his face ngainbt these pro- ceedings. Kspccittlly, lot no one repair t^o uny sceue of riot merely aa a sj>ectat(^. the) do not choose Ifl J'owmuMiratiimH. roa Tilt JOU»NAL. their approach, retired to a league and a half, pursued by the cavalry, tu Seiscira, a point from which they could proceed either to Santarem or Abrantes. This «as the roas(^»n why the Duke »f 1'erceira proposed lo (leneral Rodil to march upon Abrantes with the Spanish forces, and acconlingly they left Castle-o-Braucoand arrived at !^r- ceda on the 20th. From this point and on the same day _ '•« fV/W CUizen, of Mtcklenbvre : which oiilhorire the recapture by their mas- i thoy had btUer remain at Wt» have truly tallen on evil times • il,. . !•:Hcouraged prob. 1 presenca only increases the conlidence mal-legi.lation of our national a^^ i''* [natorv numbers, the . the rioters, and weakens t )# |)o*er o created a monied monoituly, which ib ** other ,\U»lition meeting was to bo held in . street were plaJnrded on Tucs-' otVicen., at the same time that they vulMng the empire from one extre„..i.!^T (he even.ng at the fhathain strut Clin(>el, infamous handbillt!. , iheiualves to nccidenta periK.nal and legal. d«fmnca i,. .i. Although none ,h«.pprove more decided-1 .Military .on o, we presume, wi 1 U a- ^ • .« bo we have done, the cour« of lH.wer of the jovernment: J'‘ ® vading and pernicious inHuence, it b«n, > duced a political coocusaion which has brok'. •rid such had beco the cxcitt.incut occa- ites, wbo'abnndoned the (latter) city at *'oned by the rccont coursc of tlio raim-j|y tios, that fik'rious apprt'hensiKiis were enter- , and his professors, in relaticn toi and AssiMaiits were on the «|H.t during the • * ■ ■ fcniiue of them have been st-^sre tnmed left p«.Tsonal violonco n.iglit eiiMie. ,|,g of abohtion, v« t we nmdeniu I iiigbt. Nor was that apprehension cmiseiess. We|,„„,, „„qun|,twd|y the attack made last hurt, i have long been of iIh) opinion, and frequent-'m .ht upon his premises. We profess to■ that t I'appan, a ail u. n I IllPIiK , and It IS tH) much to expect of theui i ,««ciati.^8 and'C . • . .night upon his premises. profess to that they will be kept on laligue du y o e lyexprosatd it, that tho Alwlitiomsts urei|,,:p ^ governmei.t of laws and tb«- this sort, muht aHer niytit. : niatarials. “ An enemy has done ihi.-”ih the u-orrt cnt>nut the blacks of this city ,y„ui,iy of private bubitalio;. and repose are ers, who have lieen lostruinental in pr^tic-; rnemy which labored to dofeai l have. They are holding out t.. tlu in Iho Tiolated. We ho^M^ the aulhors, ing the present state.4 thiugs, give a pledge Con\en!ion that framed ih prospect of amalgamation, feeding tlicir (,,• injuries to his dxvelling will k-dn-. to .lesist tbe same enemy ib,| barter of the fust eneiiiy tbai,le>a,. ed tbe author of the reign of terror; i|,« same enemy that has agitated tbe cwnlv immediatel> preceding e»ery Hreiident.al Klection mice we had a (Jovemmeot. lu votaries have btren aoiuetHnpt called Fed eralists, Homeliroei ^^-u»tilutn.r.alist»,s«uje. times National Kepubiicaat, soiwtitr.M pride with impracticable hopes, exclaiming i.n.ught lo condign punikhment. satisfied that immediate security of their procured the charter of the and denouncing the prejodicie? ngamst col- I provocation can be fcuHkieiit, where , ,M?r»oiiH ami pr..|*riy may b.; relied on, an.1 ^ this Geoeral communicates tbe results of. to believe that ihcy are . j|,p 1^‘aceMbly aud luipariially ad-1 the city refctored to its BD actioQ which look place at St>iseira on|u'j^**ly “*>‘1 cruelly treated by tbe w hiles, j ,nmistered, to justify a resort to personal ty. S>uch a pledge w« ' the 16th, and the news of the retirement of by denial of iqual poU/ical and social pnv- than a n gin>ent of *.! Don .Migiiel from tho strong position which f‘'mentmg their pasMoiw.deiioimcm touted trampiili ould be muru ctlixtive I .Idlers. 1 ■. I II he held at Santarem, in the follow mg ex-|air'\ho will not j..in them in their al.M.id i„ conlemplation. We earnestly hope! tJjmronN’b OHicial tJazetis c.Mitam. up- eofTerccira, crusade as kidnappers, villian.^, man slcal- ,|,g,w,tbout W bi!.pers are afloat thnt further violence ... ... . /■ Jelfersoman Kepublicaus, aixl Uiitlv I» AiABAWA.ot Mardsville, the ^.t of .hemaclvc '• W ^ III all these protfaa sstump. been to deceive. The proper tract of a letter from the Duke of Terccira, crusade as kidnappt'rs, villian.^, man slcal- that it is without the shadow of foundation. | wardi* of ihn-a columiui ot [.and Ollice dated at Goiegaaa oo (be ISth: thieves, and piratM, mviling tbem to [.ot every lover of tbe cit)’s peace put bis Notices of fcJuli!. of Public Laitdt, to be held “It appears that tbe action at Seise ira sit with tbe whites irHliwciiiiiuiately. : face against everv moM-munt calculated lo a» follows : was decisive : for Dou .Mi(nel durst not re-1 " call know, that in a large ciiv like this, ,, 'j^y personal violence, the right* 1 lu Ai*r mam m his weakened position at SanUrem, ‘I**™ is ever a body of men ril»e and leady pr„per,y others, l«9i«ies the obnoi- the Land t)tli« »- for the t V.su district, on ^^ but fled towards Yelves.” for scenes of not. J bey mither know uor ,o,„ .nd.vidualH, mav l«* ile»tro\ed. iShciild the fir*t and third .Monda\s m November In the letter enclosing this extract, Gen. causes or cor.sequerires ..... .> . . r.u Rodil states, that m coDnequeBca of that cn- “f® ‘'f ro”' '* «'l t^'«y gagement, ho had determined to turn back anialgamatioo with tbe black from Sarceda with the divisions of infantr\, ready to rcst'ui me ct- pnr|,est aud uiost ethcient n»e;i.iires to ut M. Stephens, on ir»e nr*t .iiotxjoy m i>«- „ Idolatrously as dw tbe HiihIoo and cross the Tagus at Malpica and llerr'o-1 proposal. It is to this class of men p,„ ^ |,„nd, the lirst bud ' ceir.ber iifxt; ut FK'mopoli*, on the third Jugaernuut. Tudar the aaae f Da, where CoUnel Tena bad been far two ' we have been informed, j,ngsofdisirder.—( omwtn ia/ Adnrliitr. .Monday ii. IV. i n.Ur xt; at 'Fu-calo.-., Constitulionali.is, they ejideav.njred to «ib' davs, getting the boats of that viciQitv in ‘hat the riots ot la^t e\cning, and on the „n the tir»t .Moiday in iKcembrr next; at cmistitutii*• WKjer tbe narns of re4dinoffl. and “if,” says Geoeral preceding d.iys are mainly to ascribtd. /Vom/Ae \nr York r,inmrctal .If/rer-, HuuIsmU.-, on tbe wc«.d Moiidav m l»e. Kepublicaiu they •ppo^c,] s^rv “they are in order on my arrival, the van- 1 hey accord in si otiment nnd lceli.-;g, it i.s , tutr^July 11. eenibernexi ; Ht t ababu, on ibe br»t .Mon- |{ppublican uiea«ure of the goterniiiem Ruardwillbe in Spam to-morrow, and the '*;:h liie great m:is:i ot t lie w bite com-| /)ii/iyr6urwf*.—1 he exntemeni dav m IWember next. Tlieir livtHjrile engme, the Back, hu. oro- 1st division oo the foll.»w mg day.” | monity, but the mor« r-pectable and ‘^r; I bv the Ab-.Iitiomsts h.is burM ...to In ,M. at ( hecchuma, tbe «>at and i. now producing, a m.»t unL The foliowmg despatch was issued in « derly {«rtion of cur c.ti*. us disclaim, in all „ flame ; and thev are n-nv m danger of t« '>f the Und Ollare lor the .Noribwwtyi. ,ute of frehng lo the wh.Je commun.iv supplement to tbe Oowra Mi.ceri-y, recmirse to violence and b. beve , ^ bvYire, ,f the,r own k.ndling. d...r.ct, on the fir^t .M.^iday h, l^eembcr pervadingev.rv kcIkd of ifc. of Lisbon : that tl,e.e fan.tiics n.ay sod w lU U> put down proton.... tbev m,;M .taruJ mdebt- Vlumbu., Ibe m..i of ib. Land Illustrious and Exceller.t sir : I have the ' "* «> ‘he a»s, and ihe o»cr- „ I i)ir,ce fur the .Nortb east.m di.trict, .k. the ^ ^ b.*nor to advise TourExcelleoeyi^ the re- of public opmian. We c.^.iuct br>t .Mowlay m I^-cember uext; at the Banks .f n^esMty do the «u.#, n.uo^i te- ccipt of vour despatch to-dsv, accompanied I happy to learn tiiat nothing m tuese ^.h*,r»cters thev bave as.-iiled by everv Mn*e pla« e, m rof.tiuuatioci, on tU tbird plentv, a Kpint of «*-iiJ«iion itj ^ . ”. .. ti'« rxk MAi'Pi I k I ll«* *ruAfl l. * \ ■*« mIm aitfk ■ * ■ . _ ^ ccII Lisbon, as weU as a ^'J^^^tity ot prwlama-1sought to degraiJe hy reilucmc ii to in* .'HMJut uu .u» - p*, ,ely mg on I'auk acct*o.modaii*», nil »;i lioDS - - - - - —• 1= 1,. — ....^.. .. . . 1 Rrajanza. In repi), I tiave to sav to vour " f'V — ever, m Ihe beiict liiat t/mj irm w />n un y - ' — — t.owtraci« ii« aUi*n.mal imiK-k., ttis Kxeeliency,lliat to avoid the further effusion ««‘^rce fmblic stuumeiii, aiwi ,hat however mucU t'.iev n.ay h.^^t secod M,.,i,iav m .November i^xi. of Portu^ut'se blood, the proptksitions, a «Jr p\ “tfri.y. fortcitfd any claim to per^sooal «y mj-nil.v, *n li,r.i>oi->, al PaN titiur, tbe fourth copy of w bK'b your Kxcelleni'y transmitted '1 up eurtiiin of tbe tir^t yrono was draw n ibe ftupreiiiacvot the laws will be inMiiUiiH-d. M*>nda\ in .Ni'Vfdilxr next, to me, are acceded to. As it is permitted at *he L'bathaiu iti;et C'Lipel. .\bout L'u^k '| be rutnors lo winch we altud.d jt'Crr If* Mi-v.oi hi, at Jaekpon, on the fir»l to D 41 .Miguel to euibark at any port, aad the street wa.s ibrunged ^viih people, co.lect- dnv, and which we then ho|>eii w»‘re uuii unii- lu iHKi-utlier im xt, at M. Ixhji* in atiT vc4!?cl of the fc-ur allied natifHis, ed, some tolook on, and olliers to pirticipate ed, gut herd'd f.irr^ a* tin.e MOvuiMid, bimI tie .Mwodav in D-»eBjk»*.T m.’XI , wLich be may select, be cbo(j6eathe port of'm the scenes that might lake place, llul «|. p^rreived wiib r* grit that Ibe whirl- at tavaUf, c>n ibo tbiid .Mocdit) in l>«ceuj- Sioes, or some other pcTt lu Algarves, and '’e learn that an agent ol lha proprietor ot wind which the funatics had rjiaed, it would, ber next. au EngUsh vesael; and 1 wish to know the buiiding, learning the uses li;kt h^id bedilTiciill to aliay. Fortucutely, however, la .'!n iin. v, at ,'lineral Puiot, oo tbe whether her Serene iligbnes* the lofacta !*een made of it by .Mr. Grem, tbe U•^8ce, although il could not be wholly nbayed, ii* *ec--fMi .MiinUy in Novnnber next, at l>e I^Hina Isabel .Maria, who is in tbe twwn of bad endeavored, in the c.»urie ol the day, to reprt-».*rd b\ the interpui.rion oi Irti?, i>n the third .Mi*tvi»y lo tV iober Dvas. des,re»*tn accomfony him. It is proi ure an ii.juiKtion to }.revu.t the dose- the civil and iui!n&r> aulborilMi*, niid lii»‘ oe»l; at P.ronsoii, cu Ibe thud .Mo««da) lu pre;>er now that we proceed regularly, for criii^n. Not bemj aUe to pncure it in e:rorts cf ibc more jeattable order ol our lX tob*T m\t. v.hich purpose I await the orders of year suffn ient time, it was dtemrd prudent to citizens. I'* A«fc»'.*vi, at a»hiogt«.n, « ti^ F.xcellcDcy. lam ready to bo present at clf«e the ; and iLe kejs deposited About duvk as we learn, a great nwm- hrst .Momiay in l>vcrmu«r n« »t. at la>- ai!V place you may appoint, if you tbmk it *Hh t.'ie JIaytr. bla^'e niade their appearaiHre in the vicmilv ette»dl, mi ibe fir»t ,\|Joday in l>*-pn,t>«r will further tl.at end. many years E S4ate lUnks Ireniblingly futkw suit, Ibe cwunlry is draiocdot ilscurrcnc). pr»p>nr falls III value , imw t'l.r de«-d» of iruM, m. rl- £»gr* ant secret c>Kive)ances—rum 4:id Haiikruptcy arfc i'mpl‘te. I.awvenp,( )erk. aitd oth'-r subordiuales taiu-a >u lbes(«>ti, and iiiao) who were ImIi-1) in at?1i>''nl nr- cumslaiicee are b fi w iKkxiI a boii** I*, 'h i J bis head ar>d cur« tbe da\ ll.al l/*iniilt.B prr>j«>;tf>d tbe fMper («m. '1 b« witlucbce of ibis mhjIIi'** cor]N)ralio« is bke "iLe )• §- lilel.CO that walk«tb ib daiknew,” liU it ttx- e* «U gulden lang* ; iben il tecoOHS ‘".hr dfttroyrr ibal wnttalh al mori It has fK> •vmf'alby fjr ih» Hrplun'# tn an ot the widow’n le^r*. Il nc»i-r #a>s :i- u;.4. Gud pru*ervo you About 9 o’clock, however, the crowd found „{-.,Mr. I^w.. Ta(.|rt»o’« l.cut*, lo It.-s. «' I.itlle Koik, ou tbe tbird .Mooday cili/eus can \ Ju \.leVr MBder date of May 26th, annou.Mres tbat, ,hat l.laod. lie then ino»cd,„. great number., and began'|-.llmg 'be the town of has ackuowk*lged the , reiolutum to adiouni until the n*vt meet- »,nd,Hs with st./m^. with e\erv vaiia»u.n a.;lhor:fy of the Queen, Donna .Mana II., ^ f.e Ant.-Slav,;ry s.^-.etv. 'I be res- „f voice ai.d divM.Hv of o«.i^- ibat bad l^tn ami that Gurumena, Camporoayor and (). Stimrlfiinfr urtr hruirr thr Sun.— .In .fl- tint tSe Pretewkr, in c rjsequence of I. Iia- ing claimed the protection of tlie .Secre tary (if tbe Knglieb I.*“^tton, who was ai his bend q:nrter«, proeced-d wiib bis fam beuefit tiigbt It wan, had U-rrj accu-^-d >( ii,«y re|>aired in Mjuuds IrMu v«i;ous direr- nalli fai|.er;—*■ It is abi-ut Im leet long, uiing lanjuajje disresfx’cllvd to the .\meri- tioiii. 'I'iie Doctor anlicipaiing an attack, fd'* i'^'irg c«.»ered with silk, m ortler to tun^. lianijbili* to tint fd’fl bad l eri bad .vnl a letter lo the n^.mini! to the Ma) - f*’od« r it vt-rv light. Ibe ei'gmr, of (wu , . - , I- I 1 P'’S*ed up through the ri’y c''ir’ng tbe day . or, requentu g the pr*leclion uf the ei\il au- hor*» pt-wrr, is plun-d in ihe ri.iddle, ami i.v to ill w ere msi ructions r-ti a - inirnen.'^. mass njrri.iin-rd the 11.* utf, iboritv, and afier parking up and reiiHivmg luru« l*nr M.rinal thalt» projecting over ll»«’ re.ij,y srriv^ Irom I. e^ ritis i jovornmcnt, *rxjti etl*cted an cntrsnce. 1 bey tiifn his lurniiure, Iiad, with bis fsmilv, bit the «//r’l, itilo r.jb tkhicbare fixed IfH-k entire ^x>s4('-«toii of Ihe Iioum': and, c.t\ in the afieri»t.c.ri. Ai nooii as the m»b l'”-*'’ spiral xdken wings, wbuli ure iitade tu notwitb't^nding th*.* ii[H,l.>gif.t« and etilrea- arrived, thev CMiiiinencrd tbe wi.rk »>f dc- revolve wtih a sntfw n-iit v«-liilv to causc ut. lit igi accr, , J^QtjiicialitH's against the Presitictil ol)' r cKttice. Vre you willing te ce.ninl^;lc t' his difTwullics, by N otmg tor ao opp^iti''a not, stand firm. A sav ballot box to Ul!. Ibilj you hire ik-I )*l meiw of Poiu^e. *>r Wntrh iSe r oDing tubtie s*iphi»iry M Jvwr luced Slid •• •I’l >'■* pro*# to lit* w^oriu, tbat we art worthy H our sires. A fONSTin TIONAU'I "f * ’ luMMv’M' *yru- apphcable to s«ch a roajuncture vjs.d THE PKl.Sf KOF A.VCUi.VA. ^ AP'fLIiC OF I^»V f AKUjS and DON Mr. . —(>u J^aturday. Ju!> I^'!’ 1 wilfinna d a uieeling lO ll»e ( »iirt Ibu-o , al this place wi.icb was well calruIaN')! !■’ raise ibo |>alriulic lerlmgs of enTT li»er rrUlL ot f AK1>(JS „r„ction, b>'br.ik,ng in the b.wcr w.i.b.w, iho v.svd ,u ri e. Owr li.e wb.,|. is fu^ ofj/ber -T^rrwe have ^n a m.e u.iz, Ji.xn 1.—fin'/ Cxrtrnmtnt of >?ucce.dfd iii p.itlmg an ^nd to Met;.mora, *,t« the.r blind-. a.".d ll.« dour. 'I ho l.it « nH-ve^ble sdkei. cotrr, d.-sigrMd to a^ist rf^,„^racy, the buii.We »u>\ .»u- /'ronnrt- of Cadiz.-Captain of conclusion to ter !.::.l U-n Urrirad-K'd. and th-y bnr! m .....nl. rari.ng lha gruv,t«i,ng l..rce, at „,|ed he chair, lejr.- Port has just favored me wilb tlie fol- entrance, »..-t-.re the «ho ^..m. Im.e u-i.dii.g to bs..m m ils pro- ^ respeclabl. mew.rg c. tht llie Port has just favored me wilb'tlie fol- entrance, l.«-t'.re Ihe «i.o im.e ui.flii.g to bs..m m iis pro- ^ respeclabl. loRin'T inleiiigence- ihc ir,t.-rftrr;-;c oflh'-munir,f«l aulliorities. wlicc ollirers and wntcbmen, aided b> tw; jm'-*,. n f-r-ard. i be wb.Je U^it, iiKrlu.1-, ,hc,r fellow . itizrn» w bile cDgsged m ■•A'lluiO ba. a,n,cd fmm i,. a.,.- -.. ;.l 1. .-.^,1. d.«..d,a.;J ..f 1,ita .«c w .1.. »;.«U ™ .,J i... ...i .. .I'".' r .jU Ur.,t^ !.«. br.ng.nj tl,. kite, f.,f ■''-1 •'!'l “•!- »t Uy b,,l Ih. .1.., I. I... •b- rf lU llfparfni.'iit. 'O’A«a) 10 .VtcUr U, !■ lo iI.b .»>t a, lUini.«.li .tf-el, WM Ty »li r.lTirml r.l.rm, niiiHoto ihr jnvrni. M t,,t r,„ of morf ii.lrtr-l I' :i’/i «t:ites that tbe Infautr'a D-n ( arlo«, ■‘I'Pf* ^ , nd Do Micuel, bad falkn into I lie bandi* ‘ a ' t > i i ■ » i tbr-*p.t'.*J'In.T'P* E»ora, bavm.^ l;e.n ‘•■■rV'r'*'" “*" r-ITl-.mm ,!,.„l|,.rs m tho kingdom . lhal lectmg t. cHb.r lons-ri lUirnjht. li.r. • , , j I .1 *1 .1 . coati.m: .irarv. ‘ .'A gr« ;il number tiicn pro- n* I'diix r iood w;is turn don n and (onvi.-rted • Miv'red m> by Ibeir own men. Alw», that r »i i -i ^ , , r I r I I. J I ceoded to Ibf; houm* cf .>:r. I.ewis I jpr.ai, ii.to r ul;s, aiK ran"es of carts dr-wn lj fvjr wa^g n loads uf silvrrr hud bc-en cap „ , . t . .11 11, . lured in Hoe elreet, bri^k'-ofK-n tlie iI'Kjr srria'dicJ gather .Trr«r*s th*-'■tr«*-ls, m many I'l^rr t; Josr. iKiMIXGO DF V iDART. the windows, a:.d threw the fi.rnilurc into impede Ihe b(>rsein-n, ^Iioubl tbe lalt*r a»- 1^ fucli man. wnnian and child in the nalKin. ,h*y etiUrl.im f C dix, June 1, l-.'ll.” ibe 6tr»*'-*t. . »ail ibein. I’orinidablc, as however, be report slates lb.it unliis immedinle i.ur preiwDl ( onTMcnU. n of tU, Si^u„.h Cortft.-On now yiiade tier nj.poar- 'he,e indi'-ali-ms wnc, Ihe ntti.f k on Dr.' neps l« t,k.-n to slay the evil, the naliou ,h„„-h Ibo frtctious Senate and il.eir h1- i- IM -'Otb of Mav, a decree was issued for aVj, charged tbe rrowd, ai.d l..r t '>-X hou*e was not ri'iicwed ; IhiI m Ibe u.u-t U-dcslro; cd. (cndi^vcurto pit the ^-nrrabla 'liic convm-ation'of tbe (general ( ones of 'J b-mob retreat- -e'-nnliii.e a fK^rliou o. tbe rmlers Murnud , vw 11M. sc»T» n'> B p''M f II, luanr 40 I iir gf)>rrTi* ikuckj ' ' fi.lwJwithper^.i.s with pnviug •tones, which tnfni ol .^-e.i. t;, by. ..mmi«Moners npK.mt- rriMiblican, ihon l« «-e the Irf' - »ce( d- ib y bUioto logi'i;,i.r. saymg. m a deep un- ed f..r il.c poi}>*.«-. it was b-oi.d that ihere of ihis great and bnppv cnnlrv col- '.rmu'j 1. r lof.c. ‘all logciber.’ A f. r.ce in lb. u. n-ITl'.noo,!„t,l|, rs in the kingdom . that lectiO" t. ■ - rl umv. rted th.- .ird. i.t •t int n.ufle by them, amounted ' hy proving to the w*r»d the li»*-ly mi-r' dr-wn I j !„ i:,,omi.li(»(i„f gali‘ina,ronMiir.ed by al>oul J ,h^y have in Iheir e«untr>‘s l.iw* ""'I lypUceslo >f j,r. pl^, #-junl tj li.Wn galb^i.-. ,u|,„„h and tho high fcen.se of gnitiluii" ■ ' .... .. for Ihe palrn.l rhirl Andn'W reiufDt chief Magi'trsle. A. Jfp .in, ai Madrid, or. lbs I'ltb of July ; awl provi.Vd themsr|vei w,th bnrkbati.nnd lo lh« l.aigbt Mreel Cburcli, and rtcom- »m. tb.T, rt.reMing Ibe election of lJ.;putie.. diwharged a voi;,-y at the wutcbo.Mi, w bo rnen. ,.d hostilities. A few more panes ol rtn tbe -JUih of Jun-, w,tb the nn>d«' M pro- were lb:i«driv.u fruiu ibe gnsind, Tbe mob gU«^ wer.: broken, but no further c^^. nlial r»dur»-, Tiiu la-»t decree e-.mpriw-s l«^d dam.-.ge wb» done, allhougb it was not until ‘.x ■ef tiwr.-'*, and would fdl three coljmns of ii'td beodmg luken from the b»Hise. Attbi- « very late hour that the tumult bad en I'la J >urnal of ('om.io. n;e. *•=» “'afu' •'f ordered U> Ih> |lire!y ceascd. raan down, as a tyrant and iiNiir(»er m'an>_ A man irho run mnkt himfrJf' lalirr at are these charges made ngai.i'l ibe iriuu *- 111//.— At a lute .Al>-elmg of Ihe Aca!>'inv the people* choirr. \\ b'> hits R"*'” of Mmlieiiie m P.iris, .M. .Nalpoau exhibited many signal pr*of* "f bi-* ‘ a man who ibc very singular pow. and ils liberty : Tho (;ener.»l r i'.* r '* “ ^ er of linking himself two inches taller or ly in pofts*-ssi>n ol lii* many j shorter at will, >Stunding erect bv ran r. ! made by the Senat* o( Ibe I i>il*i • Houiidid will, b bri.'ight the « ngim s lo lb« 0 y PofTt* mrr.— OncvcUu-k.—Were longale the apii.e, and eonlract il again hi gainst this worthy paUiol -- - 1 I- J -V.. . U..U-U ...1 ..I.} naTi-| rarrisge pass over nis ;»^iy urion n cnild, not niquire v'rv n> .u.c - • . On g.Mog to bi» shop il'« m il morning be tran»pired, tbat .sir city is in a combustible im rra^cd, it is said lo the numUr of .'1)0 al-! to the injury receiv.-.l at i»hicli time the ' tbe nm isily to brnik iip ibii.itnal^'in'i" , _ ly e ; a - i.iimg little urcb.n, m a Uskel, stair. In addition to tbj fuel appli»-d by r-ady , and tbe fj«dicc have jusl despalrhe.l pj„^r of executing Ibis cur.ous mina-uvre who hiivo Ibrmed a cofiblK.n no doubi l r • a with ilie f .' .wing pithy labtl; “ Hurt be ibe sb'diliomr.u I.. iO( rense tbe e.xr-Hfincnt 10(» ollicers lijr Ibe preservation of the, hi;> be atlributerl. I (be purpfj^e of broakmg iJowii the I.' * 1 Vi 7r«nMriy^. in the way bU'Ji'. rvlu/eJ lo, a *ori-j-ol ur ftfstcv. A^mo, wc t .y, kt every l/. .r cf h'd-r'fc >^tt fl,p,ln'r. 'canpnrtv. at:d dcslroynig liic dcui cru';