MINERS’ PAMMEMS’ JOURNAL.. IMILVI hl>^Ay(D Pl'BMyiKO ^iVKKY KATLIHJAV, HV 'I HO.IiAS fOI.TON...^11AHM>j’TI-:, MECKiJCNJUI/RO COl'NTV, NORill-CAUOMNA. VOL. IV. idSvi mTtai^'whk h will oivk BTr.BNGTit to Ufa iiASi^tNn .t-iur. t'.ux naturi^ TO OUB I’BE *!»D rl.EAKIIKK.—I)*. JOIlNaONi U_,-l lIIi IVAMK C-ilANGEU. PKOPOSALS I’oi PubJiihinf In thr Towa oi' MorpanUm, N. C. A WKEKf.Y NK\V«|*APER. TO BC I*t:»OTEl> TO rOLlTirS, .'HOKAIJTY, LlTRRATrBE, and tiKNKKAL 1.^ I vkim:« thk TiTi.Eor tiik :not;.\TAii^ ^yhi». SubK:ril«r li«« concludi d to ■lUr the ti- J. lie ui thi* ucwtpa(>tf j.rnjiOMd lo U |>iili. iMbid hj hi.(i in Mor;^iiU>n, and Ibinki it proper (0 iiientio" hit for *u cUritijr. A rnrrr»|H>n S VrUROAV, AUl-tlFST *-23, 18:M. ■iaita ~ ' NO. 20:f. will Wallowed 10 |Kr cent, upon their traniiac* K. Jl. MADKA. July 19,1834. CrUKI* I> JIVKKY 1XHTAN« K (Cr II i» retjUMtcd tbat LRttem from a diiUnrc BY TIIK KSi: Ol' TIIK tiKNl'lNB be dirrclcd to ^^iUbury, ulicn' ihf »nl)Kcribcr at ; (e tai . . ,, prcitrni riKuW. R. H. MADKA. i K>W«ll|l|* I Ollic 7b tr/iii/i alrrailjf more O SuhtrrifitioDK rtrtiml at Ihi* Vffife., r\ hook Out! I^HI' pt raon who l>orrourd from me, “ Tom , _ ^ , ^ Jin two vol*m>cii, will return off »purlouy imit.^tirjD# »nd counlentil*. jh •con II lo mu unnitdiutely, or let Hie know wUerc it as llit-publii. huvo di ttniiiMtil upon the value iml niuy be fouiwl, or p« rrhaiici' iliey may w a their cicelknce of a nicdiciiie; and, in order to secure nanicK ill tlie N(.w«piip^r. Alao, arveral oilier of tlioae who wixli to avail thcmselvea of the acknow- iny Book* are loaned out in the Kiinic maniter it Icii^ed t flicacy of Ki'» and’n Tonic Mixl'irc, ax a 1- . L 1 lilj«r‘iet was given U8 from the points [pLBusiiru Bv KEui 'ST) ^ monarchy th« foun- 8 of public fchtivilv imve been ob- “ Rn'ublic on the principle of •- prrsciHorc rcuhjnnd anxiov, /o| “'^‘‘..owlcdge, that they IN conacqiifore of the attempts which are al> ways iiiudn hy knaves a'iid iniiHMtors to nalni The principles on which a Repuhiican GcvPrnment is founded, have long been a mibject of coneideration and will still de demand attention. It has been raid such IMJ AueuH 2, t.s.H. M. IlL'M IJC. WA*\‘TKI>. lur deiiiaini*. tl.trrlorc, he lia-the pKanurcio can ciiixuii—'I his is an*occasion for all, the pnmiolion of our owq rB^»nJSiibi« riU;rtt i»lii;stopuiclMiscI,lh EI,Y announce to the iiihabiunix ol Meckln.biirjr coun wbatevor iiiav b/-tlicir sealiments and avo.! Prosperity regardless of the gocl of the All who have nu>li p.oiKtiv lo kcll would do well'''»» If'-n ap-Kjint. d sole Bcnt for il,.; above pUc fur llifc evtnt wo celebrate was beue- ] voriiment begin o det-ltne. ^If-inter^ itiMtci . liine, and they ejpraaaed Uicatfikcs aocoiifi 4«otly ami joiiernlly io tlie afliimalivo, that op 00 their wliciUtioo tb* Sob*«iU*r was in«hiird la uaoa the orifinal pio'^K-ctua rTcn k«lori In jud vi«i'«-«l ti»« P*«‘* 'nU'ided location, Not gmng much iniportaiice to u«Mr«, when hr coniii**ied bin pfiictpiti orlhodot, he aelect td “ The M.unUtn SprtHl," bccaiisr »l MNriiKd lo Mm U> N ap|»oj>/i4t» Ui lii. KcUon of i^Niiitry III »hich H wa» propo-Mi to lotale, a* well as to iJit vary humble abiliti.* which lie filt would be eiifg^ in ihr o*nt>ucl of the eooorrn. 'Ihr ^ub- fcriM', bowfwr, ia aware that **ther. is aome. titiiic >» * u*"*^ •” * r*cenl viail to .Morgaiiton, • iKro be had the pleasure of an inlercii«n;re of newt and M'niimeuta wiib hia fiilurt pafroos, ha« luJiK i d biiii rhaafe the naiiir of h » papir to , a..r mnre a»*prt'piriale to the inlrllistueu nd po- [ „..nruv #■ Vi j . . t biical ind. p."«leBC irf turn, •4i,H.g whom .. will ■ 1 ' •isblialtud j M for a ^a^f, pivrp l>v lli« ui d« r»urnrd lo Hio rrfwdto I..C.I and siclional j "••• A. for I-o Hu-.rtred lU'ir,. due I .b. And of hi* inUn-ioo oflayinjr in stjrh furtli-r snp- e loo orte.n b«*en subservient to many vi res '*liich tend to degrade the dignity of man. Uut in proportion us Religion, Civili- •/.atii.n and Science exStnded their united " government cannot be of long duration, reion, the&e festivals, when obiiervrd, are 1 believe it «an only exist with any dc- con]ucltd with more moderation and ra-I S’*'®*’where its pubjocts have tioimlity. ■ nsinds enlii;htened by Religion and We are willing to persuade ourselves that I Science—where there is integrity—moral however much theeie may b« wanting wiih : rcctitude—and a sincere regard for the pub- I conlininj liic rale o. the n.ixt.r.. to a. able , dtnoa by letter waa h'ld willl intalligent and pub- *b'*e-~the borrowers nniiies arc in my uiemuran- lhornii(;h run; for 1‘trrr auJ Azur, or itiiiouii In- |ir.>ptfit>4i inJr»idua!a m lliuke County, on tlw I‘*''"1^*^*'“^'*"““’‘I*® bo madu pnb- teriiiittent Fiver, a/rainkt Huch impo».itions, the lul/ietl 01 lh« probability *f succ«i4 in th. undrr. “ ** *e'« i' Ar A'ciewre o/WooA KLKJ’. , proprietor has conrludid upon the iieccssity of ' " coniinins; liic rale ol the niixtiirt, to as frw cs- ^ ' ’T’. '■■■, ' T~, T”. ” I r. • 'j ' r u -n , tuUuhed a-, niK. in th.. dift' rciii wctions of the rojoice together witiiout giving up to I “«« govern the tninds of all, will a Repub- * • * I. al. a 1.. I li^nn I wnvc^rnmArvt • Ki«# — cfiuntrv, as ure jii*t eit!i(.'i> iit to supply the rr”!!- thosi; xicPG thut would degrade an Atneri- ; I'^^n Government prove permanent. ‘ ■ ■ • TI pio(H,tlv to kcll would do well'"»» "e''n ai>;K>im( 0 sole Bccni lor iiii; auovf puic. - . i j j i ■ to •'all on him, or .^Ir. John J'ifKK ht», A^rtit. !—htKart^r have on hand u &«iulunl . tictal to u!l. 15ul w hile we give ihis day lo I toon vndtte extent Will prove tb« He can U (iii.iid at .Mr. Slauirhtrr's in »upply of»«id mature. | checrfuinesi--, pleasure and the grateful re-i high road to monarchy and despotism. tWi.Niry.and .Mr. Jone# at Dr. U«.» d’s lioicl, in | KO'yANH. I collections of li.fmi. mcrcics that "ave us our i "« a”" ‘he ■"ciei't Republics as ^~ t^pnr or.^ cit il liberties, let u«i iiot pro\okc tlio cluirge I of the transitory nature of such i Till-: SI;|{SCI;IHF:R ‘ of incoll^i^teIl.;y and uuKliery, bj devolmi! i governments. But what was the state of All I,. it»‘rs »i!drc»icd to Lim, or Mr. Jones, will Uo puuitu^ily atli ndtd U/. . . ■ ^ c- ..irr. KOUKHT nriE. T Uils plaee this .lay lU Ncw-York, \u di.s>ipalion and as>|;(riilv, those nioiiicnts | morals with them? They lacked that mor- y.iif -* ^ and wi„ltts to a.Jvisc his r-uiiierou* countr) frionds!ii|... Banished : »1 principle which Christianity inculcate*. , iMcnds of hi^ pr>»ei.t h.ary block of corroding caret and tumults of - *"«fegnty and uprightness was wanting with aoons. : t at.d f-i-h tnmtfMl Freem.oot the woiin-j i virtm ol a Ifctrtc iroiu tia-CourtofhTui y.n tejtoo. bal oae opjnioo •»pr«r».rd. vix. a de. , .H * t), I wiil * »|»ose to public m1 . *t IneCvuri k-iomalJoo. fc»so;.f».fl thrir 1‘ulilical luatitulioits H-««»c in herli»tf, oti Kir t>.Vh da; of .\u;iisl life—lwniBliciJ be parly spirit uikI unfriend- i nations. But although the Re ly feeling—banished be every thing that ' of Grece and Rome were of short vrill tear usuu.Jcr the bonds of friendl) in- duration, yet in many respects, their day was bright and glonous. I'he sun of sci> shone around them with a peculiar —and although they have since ceas- —and although no sun of song has celebrate the memory of their f'T'CAR, 'picsiionand assigned to Ui our prtseiit dis-liberties, yet they have left «*npi"shsd lank m the couanuuwtallh ofl them many nicinentos of their great- Li(fuira, Kio kiiu C uliA Colk'c, v — i* ?_ t? r _ , uauoisS. ru«ry If*, a;* tiH' cuutiik'raMoii iur Miui« {>Im *« as « ul Uc worthy tUuir attoiilion to call aiiJ v;K>n-i tagirMiOti, and U> hand down Ut ih. ir 1 briiiir Mor lay of cmr nrii Suprrior I ourl, a »m»H, ^irrilt, unt-of»opl'.l by tv‘hne», ih. Libtily , but very ta!‘>ablc Trurt of Lnutf, ^Si attfs, l>in; in I’ro'id’Tc» S-t. j ) ir.hetiUd f»u» U»*ir fathers. A* 111* Hr»l ininiirv, opW) a prou»al ihu 1 „ ., , I rrnrrally ... U hat wiU bu tb: poJ.licari»Si air.» 1> in; ii. I roMd-rc^ S-1.1 . / of ihe pap.rT U.e S«bM:r.l«r sniJ c>»' i •’>' r !•.- Ur.d.of . r.n.-. .rd .rth^ , > rr», t>i1oii;'iii2 I* t!iPh*ir»o 1.I1 Sj.riin»ii. dti d • . a'>d *i'd !m tl.'' Unrlit of Mill lieir.i, r>n a cr.d.l ut liioiij.*, Ibe puC'liav.r ;.itil.2 boiid aiiti ap- ■itovid BUi.:itr. 1 I> l: TTNI.W . « r. 1 .icr*. ii';i «a>»cr « about tiir rcwrte; Porn »i.d fduc.il4 in Vif jiau, his ear.M ft a* »i . a* h;j m*tiir»-»t fctlir^* and mnfietioK* »r« t-e:.-llr in favor of' tliw ]niitral p«iiiv.lplt (•e- MJ tiy bi> disiiapiichcd Idkiw.riliv a> «hn U'-« prtaxM over Ih. issliBca ul luts^riat Ke ll t Via that lh« er’iirsud Virj-i' a sod K' t'n T !\*o!ulioti« and R«-p»»ts of IT.'P ai u 1 '^.wh’irii were dra«-n npb* ibo»" preat •»-.i‘« u -r. a: d pirfrioU .VadlMit aod outitain I tntf • iiKi>i(.u« af thr riftas wl UM :^Us aAJ u! U.S r- .«;.%• >rwe«a u. Ui* ..ei^l ai.d JH*;i (.•*» ttti'* • V H. i>i -V* lV»t tKe wr“«t way to ariid r»>p|. :ir* w «• Vt stt*eiac t# a litcal f*i>*lr»»'lK»r> «• liir ( .iul>iuti.M, aed by ai*»Umi>ig Woui llic n ec* vl ^ tri, •)m'Oh t It be by Um Oriicisi (i.v.. ri;inf r.l ..f by li.e .''latcs, ti.st la n« t c!rai,> it'.J (.1 ll former, or rjidcptly rc» ncl !.• l’»l«ii>r. T -tn>*ltiKli»»‘ pow^t, as a i» rail (i, > %•>•(■' t« U( di>at«d l/un eptn li'ree. )i> ra-iit i> ri.> ro^ritK.t jju arcaovixi.l Kia4uai a« I'- •• lu p»u.ti, »hlU Jt ll.' ssnic ■ *..' I are UuC riiiM:)| lh« *rtj !ou: it.oi.* jf o«j’ n. H I' • • l(»at ri(hinf can jir*tif» an mfracll • M !’.« ( onstil jii tfi. I'rir 'licbl b’«h wili •»i% fc.-.t lot awdJv r, aiid th4t tut a n>irl. • ' •f'l'itiioo t«» lU ofiftiial rtr*»tU- a.*>d »i ^ ^ 1. Iiabiliaixi U> rucrmftrnxn'.*. (hi lhi> / t . as oD nan> oUttia. th ulM'trili.^i* ui ll.r f' • I and (rood Wsshifijtun arc judirioti* smt •>. Ul..ri. •• l*(«t«'deii»»," sAid be, m his I'ar^wiii A -it'•«. “ar# dinfiroas thinfs; f»« rr^i v ri J-*- L't'O I'ifTt K ( oMr.n Ii*4:j;in(f, 50owii> lUlc ICo'x-, llVfl i-seks l.ivfrjiool Sd’t, 7 I !wrr«-l» NS. 1,and 3 Mackerel, 1 lierrrs It ice, .Htf.ifks Sloiic l.ime, |l>». IJacon, 'n>o»tly t-iiles.) Tix.t rioa ttirii a «.i ntral a-.«oc.ixvnt or ! This day aw aliens in our minds rocollec ; tiniifi winch aic ilIn'llrious mid memorable. ness, llomer yet lives in Epic song—- Virgil in his soft flowing melodies, and Horace, the bentirnental, the bold, the satiri> j i'oall vdioni t uitimi |*'»l|.l» oil. u MS, si.d i»-.i'ivil, 111. ii't liMit, iii!'f hi sll p- IK ti« » I'" at.' I"'! ! tv» 0(1 : .!■ Jti'i. kin*', d* 'd. ! > ti*I. • .i»il.l, dr-l. of I -T*:uel |.in|;hitiii, n'hir by i.i fUnk ar- et»ir I, lh»l I ::i - b*»-u ccuslilu'■ d litc .\g«'r,t '■ r an'J aii'lxx »»r. to w ((I- !!;■ of tin bi- »i I' I. 1 d . r*..i , J .. !'.>t I bdv iiiiivnJn. I p.r-s ii.iliu I ' »!• li ro ftirll.rr im’ il;.'eiirr, lijt tl' ;>r»t *l s-ntiriliii* tnl iw, Mihml ri.fH-fl ' lo pcrpuitt, whub 11.'’fllcVrMl- I :'ll b" UiiO lo ob'’V. i‘- I II' ' >ir>*N, .t"»U. j Jr,, -I'H, l-'-l. 'Cl. yiMn nr \mrrn t TJiou.sA, j Ml k» * \ni i;«. 11.1 VI V. • ( uutt a rj IJojttn N ,V(jy 7c/m, Jin t. A riU A. r J hr tVnnian 1-Jt. / Dtirioal Allacliment. S ! l,«Md Oil * I'lit of land, ihr prf rwriy of dfftn. •«iii. It (in' oTi ih» «»t*-r«oi 1:/ \lilr i rrek. ad- loiniiig lb'- lanila of V'l litiaai Ka|.«, .Miehai l l‘«ilk,, .s«ii,tH-l «• (.. t aird 'jlif ra. .\l»u,o>i k'U No. il'li . -i.d I'O III lii li.ian ol I harlullr, lormciiv ovvi ed ► t *1 libnits (•’■'tuard now tl.i- jroj-trty o*' •»id IVnii'sn. Al"!. o» i.nrliij. AIm^ on wd I :« if Ikr I it irytiSfxirti. ll Jr'rc- [ IVnnun'* li.lt f I ii. a ‘.rai! ol l.iiid, • •in erly own- I ,. >1 It tK-anicftd«d,^u( nut >u!i red lo be Iran j rd Nii.^p^i W oif, on Ihc v*ati-r» of 1.' >lilc f’i !«r.n white ll hsslwy r«i«t»iir«.” I I rei t^tiUiiunj «U>ui i »(> a i> and ku"« n mid '1' >ur>»tiiber itjw •iluca»e»l, with painful au*- ■ di'(iiiZ'ii-lM d •• t *. i'l'.inun li-Id .Mium;: I r,i l. tv. l!i. aV'M- •» pieriin(a, whih h.w Urv ^ ^IMII 1! I'I» by « >.uil, tbal piil lir»ln*i br ma iSai'iUrtn'€\ ( ntrLrrtf^ A'r. A'r. Hif U«al i« r ikiatilly riiiiuiM;. nv! he tolieila frt iphi I10..1 mth ,A.-»or» »s art i.i.'i>OM.ij lo pti- roM/i him. irr.lion for fchlj York or I ij il lr-1o;l. Ill l.\» Utrlv l.jd •rf-eld a f'ctton Slicd, “JlKI t lony. iLe iivp of wlnci! he e.ll'i r% to !.tich jht- ■ .r.i ii;4; at ary Him tit «ira lo slow If. ir l ot- !».i. No ch.irft *m!! V- ii.a'0. 'J we I'i.id i> iki n r oll from an) (hat llx rc i> no a.in;cr ol l *>11..11 U.11 ■; ci>n»'i'i.id II) i;.M offn br.-^il.iiijr out n .n.v j'Sll '*1 th.' 'I'oviii He of], is l| r ii-o ol i.,xM..n. I..t a 1 I.I 1; U AliO.N \ AHD. ll b« ir.^ ;iHl ll. 1-r l"'K iiun>lM.r ui ag- wii, tiijii il’-elv f'-I!'. At r! .-i l r. I.\fOTL-. C\tu.>r S • Jvh. ‘?r,, 1 ;!1, fliGl- >0\V IS ’['UK Ti.MK!!! 1 ha\e ji. l rescind a 5‘Ufpl) of Ttimip anil tl.i- t-eaM-n i» no« arrived for^owiiif. Among which aia tin lL.ilott ir;f; Iluta It.'iga or \ eihi'V Uiis>ian l.;itc I'ini Dtilcii superior kind) ^ eliow .Malta, and LjTM! NoiiUk I’lcld !i I" Oillrr a«:iy the ('en»liliiltoo, uoti!, in - iirr at b %»t. n H »'^'t«ly i kc th. a-inx- iti I'-uM t) ll caai. fnwi It.*. K».. Is ni l(.>- I en «ihi- I lorinrd it. 'l;>" pruclwr ol l«rp!y i.- ^ pi.wcr iuk.>l I* , «r o'lr iiwbli Wm of i-iV ■I I- • 'll will n U la.;:.ally sod jvrha)* irre. , '* fhat'p'’* At p'T«- i>l,.ib' dii.frr fr un this »«urr- in murii Itiri 4l I ij. ll .in tl bv* I ttr • n at any tor r-r ^ri4l. lcraii«r tliuk. in p«'*-iT, who re»of! t " f>:'ri iKr! a:i, c i •l.'udinn. iii .iirtuiMlciT « !»! v--vr^« 1, Ml mi h Ip lurilt. Ib«l llirir 1 n' t 1-f mrtionki-d by s pn.tn iM I’.-opI' » ; H.a. in»t'id "I rep'rii'; lh»- coriliflenri if III';r r r«rit«; iiU by »ri j)iiilini« » lo llitir l;'4ft>, « rm {ur^ llul o| 1 ti r> ll.iiiir but Ibi "lal ' • » a af tin ir iiiihi'.k..*id aii.t-.in.n or Uieii 111 I ifo lij« Ivpti fiid lo indi«-s('- whal will lif >'■' f ni|4« \ion of •' 'I he .^luu^itaiu 'V luj;'' 111 iv- ^ in (;«I.. I aI |«m.;ii,«. A» 1.1 >*ali' i.i ■ rns it w ill «i(V»ta'f a >.^-nlv ’‘’’'iilMin of ihr >m«lii ..t'oii, u lih r»! n-t'-in f* ' ■ '^ al linpter«n;rti;, n'i «nlichlrnn! riMir-i r A ■ aliiira, m it, M.r» llinp flao t alcul. lrd 'p aii ill. p(. aiHnl) and honor ol 111*- FhIiIi r'» a- t« k* in llw 'lini’ri' .V ^krll'er^•' Jon . i.)l, that III.'''* llir nawl I', iirui app ar at ti.e .rvl I o*,'t ol i I ,« ai.d l^iuitcr ^x-iUHis U> I«j hi-iil tor K.iil t wunU al iJii I 'ouri.H m'pc mChsr. Ipl'i ,00 ll'i- i.i»1 Muiidi>y in An u.-t n* ii. ai'il 1:. n aft'i ih'n |i'i d or op.iv). jiiO|;ni»'nl tiv d Innll. Kill Ij. ti'iii! red n».*in'l l..in. Hraly tJi: , I irk li* •n«j . ii.i_;,at ortic*', the till .Mon-, —— - •1.) lit -U»y, A I* 1 l- n. OA ri '^, c-c.c. riK-i ad» >11 r-'iKi ,, . r .. I . 1. cal, has transmitted lo posterity a lastinff it rcMMM (he spirit of the last B're. Iti . 1. 1. / r> ^ ... ' J I . . monument of his literary greatness. Hut bnn;;s Imloie *ur iitinds that Huoust A^sem- 1 1 1 .l . . -.l -u • ,, ^ , ,,, , , I, .they lacked that integrity with their citi- bly ot I'atfints, rniluntLropists and Heroes 1 . u 1 ^ • n i- f J. 1 .1- . 1 J 1 1 reus which would have ^ucccsstully direct* w ho reoardlf.?a ot dilncnlly nnc danjier de- .1,1. » j ■-n , I u . .1 I . 1 i;. . *■ A Ifdiheir talents and powers, and they tell. cUriii ihat the L lilted Matea «t America 1 , , n . t. •• 1 ic . u 1 , , Like a gallant ship witnout sufficient bal- should 1)6 “lrc‘i>, soverciL'n, and indei.en- , . ° ^ .u u . . . , , , I ' Mast, or bkillul manners, they became a lien I; it transportp u.s to the time when our j «• . . j ... ' II . 1 . siMjrt to the windsof party spirit,—andwant« I'uthers were opprcsseii and in want; but , ' 1 . 1 j lu ‘ . .1 .u _ . . J 1 . 1 I ina a principle to bind them together they «-rvit.ide de rrmioed to | J of WoMrcbJ AMI a.'rarrcd on ,1- fv,,inr le*! uri.Vr l.i. di- tiie.r r.^il.ts and to defend tiK-n. al^^. : p " tism. lun for i>hi|.i;-t r.t ou owijcr*'accuui.i lu i'ii.n - l^oug had tbeir lilial uutv exposlUiatcd With { _ , n • •• parental u-jii.tice—Ion- did they deprecale i turn to our own Republic the rupture of thoee ties they had been : • "P'r't tliiit has hilLertocharacter- prcud of pre.serving, but huinLle intreaty J'Zi'd us that was unknown in those ancient was ^iKjrw-d, n-gre«von was followed b'v ! ones as a peof.Ie. 'J'hat constitution, by thef.d—our hiiihersremoi,*tiatedbutwas'"'''cb »e profess lo be regulated, is ac- not heard. 1 her chunked remonstrance knov»ledgcd lobe as wholesome as to ita into murmur and n.uimur lulo resistance— ; principles as could Itc expected in a produc thiN transit rred iheir pn»-vanves from the ,‘jon of corrupt hiiman nature—many of its throne of earth to tho tlirone i>{’ hi a\en, and Iraniers felt the duty of religious adoratioa pr.Kt. ded b> an :i;.|H,.al lo the G.J 01 bullies to the God of NKture and felt also that n« uiid the eword ol’ uj*r. '1 liis was a time |but tbat vvhich is iofintte was wor- timl “ iriMi iiHMrs sculs.*’ 'I'l.ey at *>»y c^ua^t their lnw« of worship. Hencd 'issue wiih tlie iM.»lre»s of tiie ^a, who had ; ***® ble».sings of toJeratioo. 1 ho 'wealth end means of uaifare on hanci—| I'orrors of intolerance had been graven oo , wiiiis tki V were not furniskcd wi»li eijual h»arts ol many with an iron pen. They I means of d. ll-nce. N\ ithout money—u .(!i- A***! from its arrogance and sought re- cut credit—comparutivol) without arms iief in the wilds of America. >> hat could land anmuinition—Mirn.uiided with enetiivs c.xpect from such men and such princi- ! without, and niol'.'sted with eneniys within f*'® establishment of Literature— . —tlie con\uU.re shock approaching—how diftiision ol knowledge. To give a lull ldi«-.mrnoinp the asp«>ct-Lul they had lM:en ' account of their influence on this continent taii 'ht lo know that the race is not alwa\s "ouldat present be impracticable. But a r IP- r I toll.c Mult nor the IraitletotlK-stronc, but short period has elapsed since it was a for- hrc^h A«.i.yn.s 7 riJi vrrait., (r/uoy ) fan|,iu|, i|,cdili-ont and [lersovering. j ‘'roni the Atlantic to the Pacific. It rti//ta un ions of tho jmtnts^ of their cause thev equally tho alH>de of the Javage and rr>t me .Ml.'FAKlJ, losiiiici wiUi a f.w , ' the pleasure ground of the wild beast, lha ruuiid! of Ti*njmx unil t>iytnulx, s oml rare uriicu in lla* mark, t—remarka bly ioft for llir ('ifl.. M. m .NTKR. 7, 1?'^. jrnllcd forth all their powers. Ii!di\idualI'li^asure ground • , ;stnf*r tledbofoie tlic common interest. The St. Lawrence, Hudson and Mi^issippi rol- ' .Mert luibi,forgcitul of his gain,chan2cd the . migl'ty ''aters to the Ocean but c.'un'ing iRUse f«r the camp, and the man I »l'ey carried not with them riche* for tha ! v\ ho was loaded with years I ccatne unmind- i Merchant, no occomniodatiou for civil- ‘ful of hi.-j impotei.cy,—laid aside Lis statl' ized man. But what is her present asjiect ? and seiz. d the d ai.'iv niU'ket—and the | Saviige beast and savage man, affii^hted at lerous bCHrteii peasant gr&vv impatient civili7..'ition .^ed, and sought repose beyond ler oppression, and niMiiindful of his pro- the .Mis.issippi. That place where the sav- V. '«IU D'lioratir and I ort ign and its cidiiinm > .(Ill urnsiin i.li’il v il.'i «»irorl'« from **' !■ I .1 I ..tl raliirc Ilf tli a.;r, »i>d -••n b • if'.it* f. I! ■ I'm t*s ai.d III. \\m'« iin.ijMisliv.* »' » I s!l' rd lo It* p.ilroii* Itml •• \’«rielv" « hu h !• “Ittavi^ri Spiirni li:r." .Ni.lhinf w .11 t» n 1'' 1 will, h I* ealrulsl. ll lo impri.irlli. iiiidi-r ‘>*in.U ; ur Ibr lull, vkhi'.r iviry lliiiij; ol sn •' «.»tli- Uiidi'iH y slull bi e vi liidi d I'loiu lU lol Umii.s, * TI RMS, Ac. I- Tltf firnlN'o. Ill "The Mi.uiilsin \Vhif"» iII i>asid n> k.Mii a> lli- rxjiii-iU' iiiiiiiIm r ul kiib »•'>.«-r» ran l*i vi!.l.iii,«.l to wsrraiil ilir iiiakiii(, ol ’wrr»»7irT sirrfn>;rtiiciil* lor ihdl piiri«-i . Hi.d I.AS r TIC K. T.I t!i'. ii.i:. Mill lo ini- by ..iiounl, will generous pli »» call on or l.y the/ /iv nf (Vfd'.fi uiidci rf. and M iile ih. m hy I a.Oi or Nou. 'n.i-i jj,,|c dr;,„u furrow and* his age paid his adoration to the sun—we sea domestic joy s, which he dispised to have ^ the enlightened Christian assembled, wwr. I molested by .i monarch's call—he b at his shipping him who made the sun and “ set ploiiohsluire into a sword and doclared his him in his tent.” And the place w here the ■ wrongs must be repaired. And at the head I Indian amused bimselt with his foolish song. !nf tliTgo was set a man on whose mind the' we see the college where are assembled f leiiU'iils of greutnctfs iiad been liestowed—a the noble mil ded youths of our country, I man raised from auiong themselvc.s who with much exertion, ascending the hill of combined with distini’nishid talent a char- scieiico—proposing to exalt their country ncter bIkivc suspicion,-whom if I were by their talents and virtues, to what la ■ 9 bv .N. ll hworth lor c.Tliiin i.iiriK SI'S lliereiii . . . i i ij> ’ . i i .,;ii„.i kr^A rlmnnr „„„(,o,,i-d. I «ill ,llon the l«M day of July ill- to uUcmpt to eulogisc »>efore y. u I should great and dignihed. And where d^ary iir»» c.rtin of Kipiiiy. to bf h«ld n for Mecklen. fta.Mi. oa i!i«'prenii«K, ihe llousnand lot. of the merit vi'iir censuie. I'ulogy has in staken , solitude and “ awlul snence reiyned, c^- biirsr eo'ifMr. si ihi oiirt-llou«. in fhnrloiie. on k.iiii N. IVbwoiIh,Imiindcd by the Aeailcniy lot.i province and her powers when slie ;cnsionallv interiiipted by the hiss ot tha Il.i lii«i Mvml. I in .Vugu.t 11.At. Ih. n and ili.rc on one .ide and oo the oiln r by I’airifk Parker’s theme the cxcelh ticies of seri»eut—now we fr >e the commercial city i'washii.'gion. IIis deeds and his viitiies —tho busilo of business—the langungo j aro his high oukigium—his di'cJs most fa- and institutions ot civilized life. In shi»rt, ! miliar to ycur memories—his virtues most we see a nation tbat has arisen into resj'ec- ! dear to jour utlections. lability, luimired at home and respected a- sr \ TK or (HU n r.i itoLL\A, MI ■ ki r.Mirii*. H'l '1V. /V /1,1 /•/ \. }Uf ’Itiv; 1-Jl. l(.'h«'rt aim wi'* andolliers » f Pililion fir J ;!,I| R,.».II V n snd .ilh»r.. ^ ‘-‘I'-’ i r »p|- imp 'o ifir s.ili. nin.’ii of ihi I'onrt, that J.Jin liiiiiiniH.n. one ef ihf drfn.d.nils III lb.' i'a»r, r.'iilis M itliniil the limits ol this Mall, ll I* tkinf-'if aJmd, Ihi.l (ml liealion I,.- II a.i. m ».i U in ihi- Miners’\ I'air.icm’ Ji.urnal, Ibsl laid l*«findnnl may ap:*r«r at enr failii C to do ao will liud liM'irs ui the hands of ;.n oflirir. I hlill ronlii.ii" to keep a pi'ne- fLN . r:«l a»«nr!m«'i.l of wliun 1 will sui low lor I \'ll. JA.Mi;.'! T. NbUrUV. Jui’y'-N. l-sll. t'(i'_ J I... pfi.jH. Ii.,n itf |1 I ps|K r will be di i..i i ; |,|,*,1 „r domiir.olhi ruise th l.ill «il- lots, al-'o, at ll'.e H.inii' lime a coinini*rabJeiiuanUly ' I; M..»l, I Mvi »iv. stid Mlicf miMl ihki ii pro touli s»i and imlL'iiunl e nil red acl of iierfcoiial proj^rly—Tirnislah. '-1.. iq-. ibi-r wiih ihi. N.-*.o| ilic I ^V. .MiiKKlSON, 7’ru.!trf. ctirdiiiplT Trnp I '«py. I’rin sdi. *1, II, IM)l'M,Ar,r. N.r. t ol ST \7/; at' tnirn rMioLL\.1, >ir.' Kt.iMii i;tJ «iii > n. Ci3Uft of I'hat and l^unilrr ^«lonl, May Tirm, IKM. Jonslhan Norkstt » ' Ori{;inaI .Mtachment. S.iiindiT» l*rf«lrv ^ I.I «itd III Ihe htiidf of \\ illiam I'linney, and him siinini iini d as (.ariufhre. OfMIF.UKIibi (ourl.thal piiblirilio.i bf mndo mt wi-eks in the Minrr.’ \ Karmrrs’ Joiir- I^osfpoarmfuL TM^lIK obi\e Kalo la (lostpoiiid until llio 4th JS. .Monday in AueurI. i , .i,„ „u.,o,.rAc ' broad—commanding the commerce cf t!io ! U e should encroach upon tlie pleasnrf's ■ , i «.r., «, IO to it U I,.,o l.r.o«n .» .very « -o«t i Jthe .l,ir,c„lti.-. «,iil JanfO,,.hid. tl,.«-' :'»S, "»'■'>= "> ''"J o„IureJ-ll.. ...ournlfl lak- «ouli M ...er,c» .by biijh m> ....mn » tl .1 in thy bosom the persecuted of every creed fmda tbciiiiH, rti.'iied would a|(M-i>l lo Ihf Irii iiita i.f Ihr I nal, lhal unli«« the said 1‘renlt-y ap)iear al the pf"i».*rd uuikriaiiiiig, tu intr.l li.m iia:ii.-* al nn ! m \t I'ourl of I’lfiis and (i'lurlfr Nk-inns lo be \V. .M(*!JKIS(IN Trj^ttr. ro:i damp upon your jo\s — .\nd the indi;;tia- JijIi, is:it actions. niiin.d to *sM rt. hr'il lor s.tid eouBly at Iho I .'iiit-llonse in t bar- , ,4;.n7 1^1^-^t. Sjif ,>'-ni.N wt>oDin IT. Soif ^ ll will !«• iniiilr'd onei-a wsi-k, np"" Ion ih* U»l MondHy in AnpiiM ne.vt, and then i ^ i tvpo sn.l on r.KHl ,-s|h r. i an.l thnr pl...d or answer, judgment pro rt^nl^o A M. tho*o who have not taken out I.ieens.* ' " ..I .1-.,.Clerk of you all. Nor shall we dwell U[xm tlu ir «hich Koverned the minds ol Americans it» success—thvi mention of the fact is sal-, 1"0. I'vv the blessings ot proMiience we licienl and il is inconsistent with dignity s.-e cur Republic nourishing, altnoughpar- 41.1, those who have not taken out I.ieen!i«s, • m,,] prudence to talk foreverof our victories,. ty spirit and interna! broils have olien an- Will pl.-.i.e call and do it betvMcn thia and I tnumph inces-santly over a comiuered I lioyed u-., yet there has been wisilom, umtr, li'iiiiui..! r.‘ 1' ' ‘ ! «id omi. al olVice, tac 4ili 'Jonday m iVay, A. , M.uday ot thene^H O'lrr I euemv. Our fathers fought f»r iheir in- and prudence sullicicnt to steer toe heltn o' .1. i;*»,M.i.iU:. pirsun. «h-i will lakr the tro i. i W. I' it- ‘ l-Jl*. * * ' ’auil obtuuicd It. TUc cuurtcr govcrutnciit s:ife!y ovci ibcif wdvcs, and at- to act 4a iu j»roi.urii.g fcub»ci:Lci»t| iVc. I'ntc aJv. -i ^ ^ .