im MINERS’ &, FAKMERS’ JOURKTAL. ^ Pt^LISHfc^ »V I HI>j»lA^^ J1I« Kl-E:s7»7lirri7;^l^ ftOlTl ll AHoGn A VOfc. IV. j.-r' ».i«i SATl RDAY, \IAH ST 30, 18:51. NO, 204. Serpentt in a Pile in South America.— lolho BsvtDna* of iKacubo, lu CJuiarin, 1 ftw the ui(wl w(»D(lerful, ibc uio«t terrible tpeciacle that cau bo ae«u; uiid although it bo uot uftconiiiion t« tbs lahabilntitN, no I CANN(rr TKLL A I.IK. In tho wur ol thu rrvolutioo, while Gen- «*ral Lafayette commniKied in the American army, a part of th« troops were ericnrnp«!d at u cerium pluce ofar the wator’a iravi'ller* hat ever mentium-d it. Wo w;ro ' t^ne Htiinmrr crening a aolditr, whs wa« an ten mt'U »o h«r*i*bttck; two of whom look I'•xcrlleiit nwiinmer as well as filer, took his (bo load, in order to Kjund the paMa^t's: vliile I prefvrrrd to akirt tho great tiircit. One of the bUck* who formed ibe vanj^uaid, fcluroed full gallop, and called to me. ‘ lirrti tir, come aud m« wrpsntM in a pile.’ Me pointcH out aoroethin^ elavalei in the inid- (ila of the KiTinna or swamp, ubich ap- pesrmi like a buudle of arm*. Oite of luy coiupatiy thrnnaid, 'this is certainly ou« **IV I ed on i and, finally, it is advised that pledg. j submitted to the judi/menl of the Hbq®vb*“ Or THR NLVV HANOVhK ADDRKSS, cs be taken oi the members nf the .Assera- Committae, now the facts are knowo to By the vinuro/tAe Internal lmp,m>fmtnt Central l\y,iomi\>porl ian,ro\ettnn)U Thi« is meaot [ them, to pronounce whether the dtnitrils Cummiiife. for a correct outline of the Address. It is : of the Address are aggravated by the cir- ^ From the AHdrnsu of the Corrospondiuf( w'Hietliing more, we dare to conj. cfure, than icunibfances under wkicb it was prepared. Committee of NVw Hanover, re publislied what was expected by a readtr who had no j The second charge against the Address, fife with him to the w.trr «n.J pnu-upd .‘A'* H-e of June, the public other knowledge of the Address than what ie, that it represenls North Carohaa to be lifioL'and swiiiiiiiin/at 'ihr.! without wir- was to b»; had from “the sum and substance,” in a deplorable condition, (it being still tha iiiutic rcachad (hu eur of I afuvitii.* ’ K~r I the Central Address has fallen as (riven by the Hanover Committee. It ctve of the Hanover Committee to rentier V nlv. n t "I Ufder the displeasure of the Hanover Com- will be perceived that the Address unhesi- suit of tb*nr«n «/h^ I**Committees are agreed ■ tatiii«!y advocatt.a Internal Improvement l^^^dVrs of the r»m , “*« . that a (lei.eral Sy.tem «f improved tran*-1 vUI. v, as auxiliary to AgnrvLre-uvd 'I k, ij port should be undertaken by the State, it' considers both fomiL'u commerce and man- 1 he «,ldior was a native of Conncrticut | haves.-omed that any d.flerences be-: ufactures as subordinate interests, and to D>«/l • rr.r..^ . r a^.si 111 ji .1 ■ »u II it * fT W.V 11 Tj I uii T «i ijfT mictjs uc« ! «‘ V V u f r 3 Buiiuruiuaii? inieresis, anu lO ■1- . !’ , y I tweon them as t» the cwmmencemeut and I proceed from the accumulation of farming ■ / - I. f . . . ■ I T *•« i location of Ihfl work, mi^iht have U-en dis-' capital. 'Ihe whole of cur araument is- ot the ...emblage. of ^rp.Mits which b.-ap mi;:ht oscape a Hcvero puni.hment by deny-1 , very little of forbear-' riuike Rail-roads and Canals, and that will ,h.n.M,|vr. or. cach other, a ler a violent u.« ih- d ed. ( ,. h moment s reflection, and (tmhJ humor, w.ihout lo«s of tem-1 unprove your lands ; nod Con.m^rce and T.Bipes.; I hav. heard ot the^ b,„ have | h-wever, he .aid toh.m.^^l,, M have alwajs j p,, either .ide. h has good. Manufact,ires will follow-nnd pyramidal ina» Liccame ; ■{italed; horribl* hi«»in{^ iMuiug from it, j “ "I ® morrow cvenint; then at such an IbouMnds ofserpwnu r»ll«d hpirally on euth , l'0'»r, I wuh you to re}«*ir to my tent.” n!aim.-s« and even coar'^enrBa of «r>eerh t . ’i " r TV ' ' ”7 sliol forth ^ul ol the circit their hide-i He canic: at the appointed time. The ^ bo«i*ver a very natural leaning to have, m t»,cir anger, u|x.n themselves 1 a„cc of Apricullure, and «e to reprehend the Central CotntiiitK* with a ' j.ictice to Ixlievo they huva do them the none, 'I'hey the Address odious.) W e do indeed cun- fesR our astonibhmenl at the recklessness of this charge. Is the Address cold on tho subject of what is laudable iit the State ? la It niggard of praise to whatever la good or greater lovely amongst us? Does il not commend, in terms of the most hearty ad> luiratioo, the extent of our noblo doiuuiD, our benignant cliniatc, nur wise constitution, our just laws, our love uf freedem, our nu> merous, intelligent, moral, and induatrioua people, and our military and RevolutiuBary glory, and our national rank ? These, our physical, moral, legal aod political, blcseinga are described iu the Address with a fervoc of feoliQg and language (may we be pardon ed for sayiug) not altogether unworthy of Tlie North CamliDiaa wbotn the theme. which, wo presun»e to sjiy, might have been . Commerci, and arc very much inclitifd to oot satisfy is somewhat insatiate s..urcos fur it; and, not find-1 ‘'f praise, and he who shall say more, will Addicts favorable to tliif>,' reason to believe that “ he is not 000 of d and indulged notion, i " honi the love of • ' f , , J »■ 1 ■ 1 I . . i. • ' .. _ - , HI-,» 113 total condemnatidu. I o et- 4p;>«»anid Kj U* mor** dm|ir»*d to defend ''• his, wlio died IU hi-r 1 L'-inn-iUoe. We think it would U* ir.ore. Ilct t! j-s thry have n--t ihought it adviseble it«irihun to atlsck us, I r«Mo rnjnd il, to j •''« ccHJntrv.Hince tiien, until now, be 10 r-l^ulpatc the Centr.d mnululK’to ^rat.plc with tl^e arauuient ot ,,e* Its order of batlK which laced iik* j'wd «‘b an iMlividuaUho could ; f/gm diarfes cast tM'oa ' the Address for iinprovm^ our inTand trai.s- .....nv .« every side, i lh«niK^«ht to hod ' Hav H. • l-r the pur|K4i.; ol i.,diil;:u.g in j ,i,e.r mohrtt. UV fear cot lo I.avo their'mut as asfclhlafit to Pgncullure, but have .bM could be Ibe design of ihM nuiiierou-. 1 niHanrholy pl-a.ure o( hearing H w.ce ,„,pj,„tv to thn public vr\iUox.t d.faicc. ! hunUd vn suudry small matttrfl wilbout ,«roW.g..;andlc.nclod«dtbatth,.^ .nore, I Uw-, viid h.s ‘ s. iit for > ou. , of some service to and with,,, .ho Addrc.s, even down to figu- f,e..^*er,.eot, drj^.Ul.oireeol«.^| I h« ge h..,..Uiu-, Usng agre,.ably enter ,, .„,,en,ent t« at-, rative expr.-SMons, (expressions sometime, »», which might be i.,e «re.l«.rpeol. «, -m. will, the conversation and music o. | ^ Address of the detached from the rom'cxf) and have sought, r,e cayn,-.n ao-l that thry reunite th^m ,Bue*t. di.m.H^-d him h.s .bunk, ■ ^ Comnott..^ from the odium which through the«t, to bring on the wh-.le .Ne, slier «.e» ,1.. enemy, in or- • -t- -*n-> rom .1. pur-. - «n ex- ,„..e ,,,,or to heap on Addre%. This species of sharp .hooting ;in •.'ion ol Lis wti»;m.tioo in the p-itwrnt- , .... ,i_ _ .. .i, dcr u> attack or rctiat him iD a ma^i. [Hi.mlfolt. htcrfgtmg IncidtHl.—Yeo'enlay alter- Tfloo. ju«l a« Ihe steniu b>«i I>’ V\ iit Cliu tr« ««. DU the puinl ol IcMV.tig tbe whnri, Mne peri'>n tiasded an infant to a gentle SMI 00 iMiird, who euppuMOg Ihe mother I' serx ir. vrry rvadiiy «rrept*l thecharg* is 4 loiirti e the b-at hus A y. 'IV: gentieinan tj ally wsitMi for the inwiher liixn tils litilc liurthen, b*|;an to feel mhuc »'srm M th** delay. He run from aiem to jtern, lo every peraua hia uiiU>okeJ for ie^m y, but rouH hod no eiie ditpoeed to II. A« a la,« retiirt h« ap|>hed to lh*» C'Ap»aiD (or relwl. C)rjrr» mere in ildiilh giteu In put llie vrs^l «b"Ut, .lud iii a f' * ijwiii'^nlt uSe Mas 00 her return to t'i- riiv. In {'®a«iin;j the strain boat New L-fidofi, !!)«•» »»rr haileii friMn ihsi v-«im1, S'! I d if lher« w»» • siritnge infant n Vjrd. >n replvinji m ihe alTirmative, t'.ey «^re lofurimd that a Indj was in jroal di«1reaa for Ihe Imw of her rhild, • hich, Iu Ihe mfinile relief»f ii« i.mporarv f';-.r»^i*n, wg« kkih r»Nili>r^f! lo lh» arii:* ul lit deligbtrd tnjlher.—1'. Coitritr. t hrarr iromnn.— rxtraci from an ad t'tks rfeli»er*’d at .Nenport, .N. H. IVb. ■-*), I'.Tl, bv ibe Ki v. Orren Tracv. An ainubl'' Indv, the wife of a rap , ... As we do n..I accept the ►ummary— is common enou,.'h la a very respectable *' 1 ,.ii „ 1 •* II. “the 5um Olid Mil^.lanci-,’’made out from profe.s^ion, in winch in our day, we have ** ® •» ru 6 > ].a|M'r bv tue Hanov»-r ('''minitteo, as had some siiiull share. I he artifire is not j haiii; the true one, wo will endeavor to ni I'ood rej'Uie there, and for the Io\e we 1 I HO anhlvM. t/ it .or the r.-ader. It h-ar the profession, we hope that it will «rlility over our teriitory, and es- \m11. \*e Ibcer otirseho-, l>e utli;l in the s.>on be theiicc expelled. How that will be, (> our rivers, the general character follow.—A. 1. Mirn.r. country is postponed to the love of truth.’ In the same tone, Ihe Hanover Commit tee prefer, as a charge against tbe Central Address, that in it the natural advantage* of North Carolina are disparaged ; aod, har- ing forgottcD to make proof of the charge when it was made, they very necessarily, as we think, add a schedule of testimony at the end of their publication. A reference to the refutation of Ihe preceding char};e, will shew that this same schedule is a littia one-sided. Nor is the tcstmiooy t« the pur pose for which it is adduced. It is indeed feaid, in the Address, tut id guarded and conriiiatorv terms, that with tracts of sur« Sully the l‘aiuftr.— The fillow mg rha icterin'ir niw-d l»* «tis rt lalel t « ii> ti •iher da\ a occurrirjij re^-* iiiK a! thti N ir lt;rit’^r foii'.nierHtii'm of ihi* s.u!ij?cl. 'i he we know riof, but we are greatly mis'takeii \ddr«“-s iifi*-r • nhert intr*'iirlt..n, ron^rnj,/.'*! if it bo succe^b^ull> applied to a priiiled con- I , V V A |»*rlv ot g.-i.ii. m. i,.sn.,^r • ^hert intr.M'.,cli..n, ronfrn./.,, if it bo succe^slud> appl I V UM hii.ond, ’l»e oalurHl. social, nnd pnl.tirnl edvanmges, lro^ersy. ' f ' well known to iKe public a* a pamler ol ('ar.-hna. w,ih her waul of |k>I,i- ! The first atlcrrrt at IJL LiVZ .«r-..mrr...w,rJ.,.„sa.non,M,l.emo.m.!>‘--‘»'>^^'*'>':'*'f Add,ess 1. . , wuu „ : «ow u u„ .u. *vo»„„.-. V ,.rks .,f art. w.iho.ii I or-, up as a p.p».r of lolty prHensions, as ush- free, wi.hcul H nirrc-n..e lua-. er.-d to toe public nll.r ureat deliberation, country? Ar« of our soil is churlish and ungrateful, ma king scanty returns for tbe lal^r expended on It. Is there a mortal man hardy enough lo deny tbe exact and literal truth of the de*»»:ription, or thin-skinned enough to be of fended with It ? How IS it on the Koanoke, exciting pr^judics made by holding it lain** to while nwa\ the liiw while at the prir«^v, raiiiu >iidde(il\ ■nd uiit'T[H>cledl\ upon a liflktabiu ,11 the iiiid-.! Ilf till* woods. maiiufin turt and that our and with a professed purpose of giving cor l h* re wh« M j;.-.>d d-nl of ii.i»-r*-t »ome- of agnnj'liiT ,s unhkiSiI. ll dis-1 rert infurmntion. Now we have no desire How ub'HJt iho Btngu iirii} ol its siluatmn ovrn. lh*> ol ihe-e evils, in//i i n/.ro- jo dijiarm any i riticism, either on the mat- ; nod lU loi.e|iiie»k-; a'lnl .«ill) d.'i.Tu.m»-.i ih.' cf our labvr. Au in.piiry is ler or style of the Address. If thes9 arf m XI d.ty, to rori.e a^iJ t.ik : u ».knch o| th« causes o| the unworthy of Ihe subj.'cl and the fK:casion— i. -bm, andosiur a. he coold l-i Mi;ht »l pr'-f.t.--f our labor, nod defH-.eoov of ,f a is an icr.orant or weak prtormance- observalion end report prove that ihoMi, It, inii.atfs, arul ih.r *uir. undu- ‘'"i”’-''''^ » . »* . . .^.nerv. ; tdily (»•/ tit nitly) ot our lands—ths low f^r any of those fault.'that it was written iii ! i:..fiv' Ihe next norrmr. he aecord.ngK ‘ '‘"'P*'"' haMP,—However wr:tu n. the public dusin- fixed hHi.».Mi ui a l.ivornble MtunHon, with , and laM and Imst, the „ol. and have no iigl.l to L- troubled with, h.s p.nol nr.d pip«r, aud went lo woik. =^'^t ‘’''ts; and ik-- a meau and dull perfonuaoce afie I'ear, in tbe lowt-r country! not the fertile acres uo their banks counter- haUoced by the square miles of piuewooda that he in tbe intervals between them? We do Uot so well know the localities of the middle aud mountain couolies, but dt>e« \S e surren- i:..l bn wa^ nnrrowlv w,i, bed ibrnigh th. as.M^nm.nt «»f the Jer the Address without apology, to the rh.nkv nl thecomem of ih ■ cabui, bv thi 'alu»*oj r^-«a}>orts id nmsluns(>anngapi!imdvpr»ieiilor r*dil:tulls. run mulhiis iherfsbuul. I correct a common, and we b>it we protest against its condemnation lor ider t!inn Ihe other*, vrn-* dungeroiis error, by which our faults that have uo foundalion in yi/r;. li nuiiiU rt «s liltl \t longih one, b'id lured, bv n.atn nrruml0cutuin«, to get n,. , , , . , , . to whnro S,!!, WQ. at w..rk. and to 'i’-' ''''• “"‘I P«[‘» ; il.« pri.p».r d>'"rce in the » a!e ot our distid- ;^r»;it deliberation, or ihiti il claiiiiS to leach \»utacf'4. 'I'he Addie»is then inculcates, as having authority. W hatever art it* de- gr. Hi -k-., •• Lo ' Man ma, fhi- 'ere nun ' ’he lu.vereign remedy for all our c\ ils, morit.s, there is, «e cun safely say, notlimg the descn'ption is applicable te them ? Is it any disgrace, that eur lands, in their vir. gin statu, do not yield their increase except upon the sweat of our brows? Why, tr that L« a reproach, we share it with all countries. It is a part nf the original curso on the disobedience of our first parents. W'e cannot forbear to say, iu reproof of this termagant anxiety for Ihe honor of our soil. w,nt of fK.rts has been ra-i-d as our princi- „ not ju«t that il should be charged on the ^ihTHanov^^^ CcummUee,’ That ^ Addiisb, that It IS a paper wr.lten a.ter general fertility la very vrr hi.-, shoulder* ; and afl« r ga/.mg a uio- , V’*- «.-.:.d. .^sat deliL>eration, or lh.>t il clai.i-s lo leach i.K-nl «iih iitl.-r suppriM . l«w,ud out with '"’‘•ulfHtes, as havmg authority. W hatever art it* de- tain. arcmpenird her hu.bnrKi.. verallim.-. d-oe g..t u, all down here in hi. b'M.k. nnd '''« of which it «.,ummg or arrt-ULt lu it. At.d it was ibo Ail«ni,e. l>,ioneoflheiK. vor. hu'e I’JI in hie «hirl tail." N..w ,h,'*m,I ushered m w iih “ pomp and cir- r-:., Ihe cpfin b-c.nme ill. pr-'e, two thi.m.-H keen unturul ,- nep. , 7^ Vr^>Vr,\ employn.oi.t: ai d point, cum.tance.” The Ilauover t ommittee are Ai the MitM- cr..„. the ^-^1 was «»ertu n m the . hiUi, nnd grenl merit ,n th.- ‘"‘'ancement ol our Agriculture us . „liogclher misn.loruied as to the lacta uri- V i m a R.I., *h»eh blew for eever«l dav |m.iuI. r. Tho sketch mu.t iini.ed hax.- ' n.anulHCture^anU t- lo.eigo ,]er which it was written, and we are w.l ; ».tS lre„K.ndM,.violerK:.. Tor a ahile iho b,-e,i .tnkmi;. lo bate ca-ight iho attmiK.n l>ug to beh. ve have inadvertently lahen in- Uw -,,| . n.!..rHihecr-.t,.f hard»h.n. of ih^ ^ hild in h mo,««,.i. Mr. .'^ullv, we « lucrative c noting trade, h depiecates all error as lo them. A closer attention ‘ •Til pnvatiom wuhoitl cnmplnining. At rxlirvo 'ni{1li. Iiiiwf>««r, thev b^rninc dieciMjraged, h«i>e h I- a native of Virginia, and w.- preirnlure attempts to make us foreign the Kcs. .lulion of the Conveution, on the le Hanover C ominitt^e, would have | general lertility i» very much against the evidence of their senses— for if we forget not, the curse is graven at their very doors, in characters so deep and indeliable, that they will not be eOaced by the industry of centuries. We pass over the item in ibe schedule as to tbe productien of Cottoo, with the in- I quiry whether it is disputed that it is our principle staple, and wheiber it would bo . “ ; scandalous to atTirm that Cotton is not pro- pro- Sute as on the Red River, the .Mississippi, the Bend of tbs will gne MS, in a porlablo furin, "'"ders and mntuifaclurtrs. It places th«( part of the Hanover Com »»1 MumnI to ol)CV orders. "Ihe alarmed 1 n’lnv of our naiiv# which are not I pfelerciice of Agriculture lo foreign C orn- showed that two duties were imposed j'lYnocs.t.^e, aid m the Stale of A’abama and twe ii.-nvxliately'inadothe cnplam’s wifdsurpa^ Lv aaj ,r, tho world. t uerce and Mai.ufactur. s on our peculiar the Coinmillee: - to disseminate inlormn j Georgia aud South Carolina ’ » T'o-nted w„h the nffiir.: and heu-ed ^ ' rnrrnnllr, Ya. Chron. I "F"» *"“> V®“ ‘ *" ’■>.1 th-c.pta.nI,light if p,«, 1 for he. the » iilors wil! lireak Pnraini: Ojjiri IS,,r.- Tor a number of er twos-.iirccset naiioi,..I wealth, liobvi- swiis as well acquainted nilh the lorce ol ^ M (tie spirit r.-..n nnd il Ihov ,0 n\\ -all pa«t. 11. xcy hot w.alher, we l..,e ntes the oljoctions to the improvement ot la.ngiiage os the Hanover Cornn.ittee, that >• I- and not , s-.ul on bo,,„ „,ed. pmvi.jed our t>,M>crnphir«l squadron with "'ir inland tr«ns,H.rl bv the Mate, h shows the latter .lutv does not nrn.mnh, iiidude h. v. riRe prrp ired Hfc r tins nnnncr : the prsclicahilily of Internal Improvement ihe former. W hether there be any thing "o' the mal« . „ ,1,., k. the lady « i,/d I * t»im(.ond’s pifc|i>la, and pla( ed h r«»df be fr*- lh*» d'Mir nf the tpirii rt>om. S'len tin *i*’T^rat»' esn»e rit«hmg d' « -i tn;. thi r; l‘it |yfnr. ihey roarh' d the h Itmn cif th*- iheir nilention wr>i* arnmd by the ‘ ’tit (/| thm feuiale, nnd lhe\ came mi'ldi'n- I0 I •iiind, I'ointing her pi-t 'U at the |»t Proc ure n kl.>nr p.tcher, holding at I'V an estimate of the savmi: to l.e clli eted „rw in the Address, is not to the point. I. NsI a .'T^llon. Wd. P.air into tlie U.ilom «>n 'he rrcight of proiure. by the examples J, does not profess to imparl mformalion, ihere.i:i.eMlsworthofmoU,'e.. :M. IK... , of Mii^zland and New U.rk, but chu iK Irom nnd therefore is not subject to condemna-^ ..unn ai.n -a,. .u...c„. ,.., cent's w.rlh of ground ;:in- «be great increase ot travelling 1.1 the Mate non, il a great deuUt instruction l>e •'“«! depression of our industry, tho want Lr. lib. l',i.i.pmiotheiara-mmhw,v during the pres,century ; und it shows. f„„„d in it. ihe I-;eparat.on of it was • That is. to sum t',.! as It will hold, from the north .ide of from il.e cv|,erience ol Kail-wavs, that ibe Unown toall ol the tommiltee present and l ^ Hanover W e come lo the charge against the AJ- dresa, so much labored by the Hanover Committee, mamely, that it descriU's us ua haviug uo marine, and os having our for eign commerce and our coasting trade car ried on in a great niuasure by vessels owned 111 other States: And elsew here as “with u total absence of commerce," and for Bs.sign- ' mg as the fourth and least ellicient cuij.k !.| well in the neighhorhoixl law uf their prefilMS, that the traiisportu- ,e the niblisher; it is therefore'safe, uud it j Comuimercat des,'rl*%"e ac^ tion of pa-iongers is |mid f>r at a higher piay uot be foreign to the subject, to say I (^^ntral Addre ss, in substance, but with out the leas', desire to make it a reproach. considered that we are without toreiga coD^uicrco, without a mercantile manue, and It implies, very strongly, that we bava no good ports. lUforo wo proceed to the j iusiification of tho view thus taken ol our fi'reign coiainercc.sbipping, and ports, w« must notice a ni!S';tke ef the Hanover Com- ' i niiiieo, tiiat we kuow uol liow to a«.>.vuat Mat nr hk«^ I ae I ji r . . . . I I I . I J tur ini.i pan 01 our crop fsmcn wav ,»herehef. ll without hurl. H- slrel. hed his ^ ndopled, to ullr.u loval jmloiusim, nnd several persons ol ability, | „.,ui ihioi.uh the ports ol \ .rjein..i and S^.uth ... I • . .*1 . »l’l _ -.,1 _ .^..1 1 .......... I'a.Ia.) u»w1 , * . ... \ . - . L tt_. _ 'udictor) I nge

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