TIIK .MINERS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. for. The lUnoTer Coniii)ilo« ar^uo, con-! mtanily, ■> il a parallel had !](>««) ruii by tite { Central Address b tween the Cooiiiiercc oi l Norfolk, V«. and that wf'North C'aruitna or ilutiii^lor. Now there is no shadow of | Ibisi ID tho Report. Norfolk is only once JKiots at the A, KIOTS L\ I’HlLVDiiLrmA. IBM ■ I imii _ ""..Ijgii ..'"JL' ■;» .I”" ■ - I . i—— ;.iter». A small court np,K«itj, occu|.itd al. ; 'I'ho attack was coiuiiienc. tl with di.-1 iBVt ifiH lMl UU»ur,> Inijether by hliicks, appcHrH to have Ihjcii procclul f-hcRit", hiuI by brfuking the win. - - =3=—;-~gr-r-r-—* an esiiecial ol)j»-cl of attnrk. I pwards (t Jowa »ilh stones ; lut up to IJ nclock, the [rrc/iH the A. Y. C'l mmfrcial 1 f A .tj : «i\ houses tvirehfreassiulrd ami tlfnU«ilh work did not ap[w«r to prnce^-d with ii.urh OF JLl.Y 1‘ACKKT On 'riii.^1 V u violeiitlj as others, lu tfcimll street tfnir M^or, utid il is pmbnhle the rioters dtsi«>t- 1 he packet ship lliberuia, L’ubiaiu U' 1 — -I - - —V I n«ri oi'ihi. I lu’n i'"# I .i*' >r fi\« fiHiii* tenciiients iurterfd soMn ly. ni, nltbmigh there did not a|>|»cur to be any : s^n, hua arrived Irom Livurpoy hI.,,'’ named, and then as an example, h» hh..w 1 "1?!, „ ®1 to k«arn thatve. dairage nlmve desi-ribcd »ns »oen iH-atc (.llkirs prt-MMit. Uhe Mdfd on the 1st of July • ,nu bv uh. ! Quartir /»a.vf o«r oV/tirJr.'^Our nntici.'convejance thv F.ditor» of ihe 1 tions wero iiicom ct. 7 lio ( on^eiit is Advpriiwr Imve rer» ived Iheir uku 7^^"* A brief buumnry , and we ha«e « rcN*ne lor to-iaorrow i «.vpr •! u.. I . Ti '^1*' e>vapod; tli*' Uililinjf wastarriM! nowin thi« rit\, that tin-main tuilding tl I tNliI.AND. I . . ***** " . *" '* **' ’'’orch- Kiii>i>i« riiiiKfl III! U.11I1 liiiivHii noil iln> (’I'lUTirt wii« ulx'ut ^0 le» t Iron! I>\ H.i' The rlection to I'arliament fron I id eafH i .ally, had terii.iDated u. U.. ' Buhjsct of aov attack, open or co\rrt. . . , , . It .raa not' the foreign trade of Norfolk ' «'• which was in our mind s eve when our for- "erej-.ntd •igB commerce and i>ur mnrin« was ratcvl , ^ r^’mmnin* on the lot u ■t nothing. We placed North Carolina in '“'Pt plnn of o- the first class of States, m territory, and , ‘ pr-H’.H'ded to a nof.run.^ first ID the wcond rank of Stales, iu'bi.i.u. iT‘* ‘ «1»» re ihe lation: and we knew but too well, without i ''“'S'*! ol iKm- hor«>s iscarrie.1 reference to statistical table?, that she was 'Htl^rktd and sf««>d. woefully kehiBd in point of forei*;n Com- J »"» ‘roni the stntenieni of inerca. W« regret that blijjed to say so, but in into the stie.ets, ri|n>td up with kiiiveii, iind ihe I’l'nvrnl wiis ubout *'(> le» t Ironi h_\ H.» the conleiits M-atlcred [ar and wide. 'I’hu m ilepih, and ll-ur siorii'!! hi;:h, with »inj;a laud . iiaij, unu n^riiiiiialed in la»or bolJ^triuiI^, chHlr^, and tables «fre hacked extendinj; Uu k aUxit tili\ ltd from each the re(«»rui party. 1 l'«,|,Herv8ti\f,.rLM to chip**. 'I lio inlmbitants whu were not e.\treii.i'\. Ai* nj; the rear ol tho nmui hardly make even the obow of resuindj. lortunnte t'luiUgh to Hy ut the liist apprtmch l)nilh«jf was a pin/.w, iind at one end, the 'I ha rarliiin.cnt 1* H4ii eKpf^|{.,j j„ cf (he rioi«r«, were treitied wiili bruial cru- kiti lH ii e«iah!i>hini lit, vVc. Alto^v'thcr it the pit-iM'iil year, until the wcond »t*li of elty ; and we Iparuttl that un old iii«.rih»»i»e iwade a hne appeBriice. Autiwt. iiPi;ro wu» l\iii;» dead fr»ni tho t tii-rts ol —— Mina.— .\ •J’hudid dinner was ni» the treuiiiieni he receivrd, in Ihe wrecks of r»t .«To\, Aii^Uft 1.').—The innocent cause en on ihv *'*lh o4* Jiin«, m by lin in 01 lomj^n V oni-; , liis hi'Us^c. t Mhers v» ho Were cnrrifd to the of all ibu toniult at the rrwirlinc t’oii\eni P»»IH“'al admirers bikI hti»»u* at we Sh..,ld I* C; ! ;“ •=‘=«Hd cam.ot surMve. Murder at M-unt Henedict is Mik. i:i.*abetr. liar- KaHa«i« «nd patri. m- II sobur >*aJiiCss her ' I",' . ‘ , i'll*" ! "*,i« then to be added tu the account wf tiio ri- riw-n, a native of l‘hilad*;l|>hia. l‘revn.u*.to approaching feHioration t„ j,,, foreijn Cominerre, as conipured with that * ' ■ , !• ots at I’hiladelphia. U-,i\inj» the lO'titution si e had been uuwcll, fcir FraiK'iH Hurdeii piptij^ 'ri - - iHfitt It IS that our or five hoiK red ^ . .... . " . . , . , j tie ori a. of mary of the other Stales (either in ref erence to Pu^HiIxt •oel as Icxw than Ivi-^e of lantjuaffe misunilerstiKxl or piitri'vti^rn. the Commerce of the Vnited Sl;,tes, " blaek li Ihe 22d of Apnl 1-31. it appears that a- ^ir"J .t., mmig the States that ti>u h the Atlantic or ’ any of the great Bs\s that make from it, North Candina is placed onl} before ihc lit tle States of New liatopAhiiti, New Jersex, •nd Delaware. And m.ne of tliosi! four Slates—to avail ourseNes of the force of an expressive sporting phrase—are mthin t!ie distance.—Kven toe l)icrict of Columbia, with Us tcin niiJes sijuare, although it w i\i(» behind our import*, more than tionbles our exports.i oi'a hou.e occiipud t y a black lauiiK, lMir>t iii[i4ates to lly lor llieir lacj. In a similar s'vle they parnd-d through varinus -.Ireet*;, iU'dford, Mnrj , iii:d t iheis, in uiiieh tiH.' biack'i are tfn*t!v con«n.-;;a- fed, coMiiiiJtina violence., of e»er\ kind. Ptic jH.jire L ivini;, ah'iut ni.ie o’clock be- i; 1 1 »vhi h.id iH’t l»een B»ttkenei li> hi.H Irijiht- calcu aled to rauM* lb© past or pM 1 C"ii:e,unici»*uiU stroi ct. rcoiihdenre, Iii;ide _ 1 . 1 . . i I •.n .... .1 . j comiujunms, was li-oi d in hi» leu a- tilfiient olher I bun the lact ».f her an aitenipt to rout the ri*ters and capture 1 _ a 7 . 1 . i • 1 1 ■ 1.0 rtr. . ..I- .1 . I. I ».i*ep. Ihe riotcri in cc*pitt of bis pile n« rtb'Ve slated, and that hi* »i*ter llic ritijj.eaders, ttheu the tunmlt bccaiw , . , VI- I . J I , , ;Ciiv and 1-1 uat\ I iliceii, we »e need not remind the reader Jhat our ,Jasper,,u^|v )',urt M'l uw fiJ e , exports and impt>rts, dinct from Ihc Stau, M'l.jn,-, .MLmjt rli' ld H-*'rn'cnho'lor^'and »*'ere «aj> a corp**'', • Inch » j-. uk.ucc her lo rtluni'iwh tijt Orilrr. ci J n-.t Ix-ar an\ proportion to the pnxiuce .. «iVair I ~ P . . t ‘»”>ers rtceivcd much injurv. Hcrren, one ol fjur A^'riouilure. r^i.t it ison theamnuni „ ■ , , , ^ w-*' -t' da.-iierrni'U woiinded, cl rjr acfval fi.riign C mnurcr, aud our .« m' 1 l ' . lh.it fii lue».’a\ Mii'h* It was ?uciK)*.-d he ■ ptituie for It, tl^at we are at issue with „ 1 „ , ' .1 , u. n.jt ,„rMvc until morning'. A nuin- ol kiMXial ron«t'ihJe* »ere sworn in bv fk. ri r. ^..1' .. X , ". u!l not survive uutil inornin-'. A nuin tne 11 mover C»aiinitte!. Now, of >/ur want , of one or two sal't-sea ports, can we coni- I .k 1 1 1 > 1 pre VV,!,nio^t.>n, m our opm.on, our U s, T'T ^.rt, w.th B..ton, New VoS^k. or Philadel- T OK phia ; or. hannc tnal, should wo l« «> sat- l^eu .If iher!;‘r l^li(*d with Its excelleoce, a-i to make it sin- iVrisi t ' ^..4:^..-.L c... _ . I ^ Hay ih** in*»b to an«i ji.wcrijian wii irw larriiT ni» fiiJC. 'a** a'»rerTHiiit:0, Ifjat With or tv«o rept„n,..the pr.sorreri »er.- fr-m a di^tar »-«l .'!•! »h« b»l b€«n uojattly p.-«cbr*l of i priHrfi. anrt were i;e»er rMi.w »i iiuininance. nne name niiQ inendship and lil>er«l printijilm Not a house, the dwcllinj; of colorcd has a brother in iliis rilv, .^lr. ’I'honuM lit tai-eit the IWiiisli natn n aiiu tlie lulsibi l>eople, was sfHirrd. 'I he f>oor black*, al- II:irri«>n. an iiiieliipent ;trd induntrn usc p- tants lU the Peninsuln. .'laii) Sfwnisbaid trigtitfd at the approachir.j; •.loriii, had tleil perpiale ei.*;raver, in iIm* «Miipl.>y of the B«-«- I’ortujjcite (;riilleii.en werr prem ut, tixi all th ir houses, and even the Cil\,and Kwik ton Hewuk roin(anv, from wheni these w re animated with the stiuie trninmiir repose h\ tb.-UMin«!8 in the I;- ,d» aud woods tin is are ehcilei'. snd l e noures us It at (ieoeral .>lina, a|i)M-a?rd m p*.d heulili. ia the iiCi;;liUirht>od of the ciiv. } ihere wan nv thing nb» ut the On.veut, or the The C«Hint dr 8ur«iitet», (J •> ph K». '1 he nil.bentered otic hi us* where a man, irentmeiit ol* bis wisler ui ihe lecut «!egree (tarte.) was invileti a» a jiut si, biii lnr.|^ •ent ex- unable to attend, excused biuMll bj ib« her ieavinjt fi>Uow inx n>le : was 7-, ,s«F l’,mtut$ Ck4iirm«m «| tit [hntut iii m.ire appall.n^. •• l),.w„ w.ih the IV '-‘i" 1“-'^ ' '* '• '•"* > lice!” was the -eneral rr\ ai.d i.iuia of the "* •* r"* ' ''rained.—Her taUin^j the re,! was a v.Wun- •* A fHrs..iail « i.lin.eni -f „d citv and r. uatx .ilkei» were severel'v some u >•"'>«* "av iJ-wn ^veral hiork.-»ere in isry nrl, aud .he ha, n.. di-|-*itiei,. ,i>d 00 ofsjnpaihv f»r t ;e.«.,.l M.w,, 1, h niuinlv l>ealen and drendiully l.o erali(1. roitsidetalM n.slma-.^ur'-ihef hroiM-r, would the Couiil Ui Snvilleistouiute hin>>r »ii|) iIm-mi who li*ve to reiiiier hou.ape 10 nrry thrown out of the rotiin; aud anoiiier, n , JiH.rnal. thinj- which is tru* and iwl. f/eiKkiil m hn dead inliint. was tckcn i-ut of the K'd aud' iiohle ihaiacti r. cast on the flK.r. the RH>ih-r b» iu2 at trie i45'er, who »« the iiu’-'ceot ami *' 1’"IiIm% have no part in the same time har:sirou»l) tiemed. 'I he s.j- Ihki I, a 11., ( , nal words ol ihe in. b were p.., „ ^ ur,j j.„|-a iH.».ce_a, ii.ui.Ml.iok, ••"ur%iller. ba-the hc«. r to n.ake N, I f.«. ‘•lunch, and “ III" gun. ’ K-bbr-« wcrt , 1^,1^ aitacfied to ihr c» Uurt). ft ac tpiaint* d wuh the in hu.v. during the d.iturbanre, in piil-^mt: „rre. n >-:irs. ar.U we l-li. ve «> whicbwill prevrrt h m (ih, (.Mir, t le Houses that were attai kcd. secnn«f or third in ^uibont) to Ihe I.jUV ?^r»ilh r»j lr in b> tii^’ prrs* i.t at Ihe i;iw>rr f 1 „ . I . . .. Awwss.— 1 ra.-if rif,t. «u .Srtinrdax rtl, and to rei.ew to hib. liw r yn h,tfU,.! IV L e»nr. ....wi ho* frwnd^hip.- t urthtr purtxrhtars.— *i«fl. ti of the ^O' .. 1 .... j • n ’ 1 t fv 1 ,.r I *• •«'T I»I. M ■\itua*. /.W r.,„/ Ihe aocr.!ote bf the •• M.-rdiu, Juue ruth atain*! a ccr * .... „ , I rw late (■• lerrx.r Prnn, who d»etl « ••bort tune sinrp, ■! hi« t. ai, Slkr fmik, IUm ks, al so cdvam« H age, had »>n frtni|. tnry pension 00 the 'idai*>1 V\;od iT .l.iHMi; |,rr annum, crani»d on a I'ailunMn. I try r'n»|«-nwiii«K) to ihi- IVnn lati'ih.io KM^eiitnify ihem P>r ihe !..*• »»f letni. r.’l rifbli* in IVriiis_\ lt->ni«, roi.tf‘]oenl «siil« our first port. Sot we are inclined to place It,v * n !crs hdvs b-en aj.j.tefivnd* d uii>i coioinit 7'.hr — Th. •erond. It is not as yet known, ncruratclv, kImi'ntwi. never »dst a wor»e !i«,kini!-et of Iri-hman, » lio, ui hi* wr at least at a dMance, wiiat its cap.ibthtie« \ ^ “ judi- ,t,j»cts, thev app^uii-d to bo r.f tlie ni'«t Trtin lnt>k, wa-. )et>rn.u.. .• d to ii.iure It all 10 *' n..;-, ... l..t mja-. do,.,,... tle«uv.r„mci.,;resoUvduf.n...r.u.nj.,rv. L,Uo, va, a^rtwd. that With ..T«. or two e,. 11. ,a, bv the pulire ,0 n,Ih. g..!,, l,.ll,.or.o„;.n. ' -tunt ,^{1 j.'o awtiv, liut J wB. at lenjjih lak ^ :W«»pp-r,d ,uM»ofM>mc#rihsniotltrpo't. ^ ‘ ei > m hdo r-.-ttmitte-J n»'tt decltr. d, innt at this p. ri..d ef rxc,|,^i,iiVnf iitii..'ret ih. .mi o.., .rt I. lie ,e in ijJ i avi.r. t ajout II o- lie Wfulo snUir t»o mof-s to c«;ii-ct, anri .»(;% liie v.iu.'i, (he tmok. •d bv the puhre to d, .,.i It.,- g..],! uil, .or ,o.i;.r>. e. l,v nil,an.OC to ..i.-. sit p..intedv r fiisrd. sni . u.ns I1...1 n.e al a t..;;her'Utal tl.an in- cclonie. frc.n i.-n pri. ner. I ne .MaN-r tno-.c » ,(u.-. hi. in - ih • 1 ati. e-l a»«Mit t: t > »t«« WiUj n hKh w» tii«\ he roniparH. Tl«; bj cihrr .'Uien ;wr«ni ttrr niortiiftng diHcrerice* chirk quiefiie-., w^s r**«tor*d. ^ta^es:^ Mir lUi^U «od ' alwl o c.uf-e tfi thv Importt. Krporln. V •wVork. S-'i.tl-.SU 2.'>.-.,1IT M /.633.ll-.> lyMii.Kna, 9J>-ii/.U5 r. noiMT.n.a, 4.11T '.».>} y. jth C^roaiis, l.il',T'’i M »rTl»n»^, S.tC.njT i,.r/i,:rr, Mlii CarbUna.. 433.n3j T'rrt.'ory. P'ffHilation. \ r«’'«!.n, 4'f. >0i, »f;uire m •e». 73-.470 ‘Jii,.;:’*' > ■» Y.»r», 4'.>uO • u»; iMi.cn S jic.»;c7 y] .'d, ll.l.-.O 44-,.‘0:j .^1 •‘c-.i;. ivect, e,7.Xl *du.ni4 w •» *-i.iiai.c»‘l 10 "in, aiid fi»*f 4iMi itrilis^ 1^''*^ C'.itiscf tu pro|Krliwii. ;lc» \nTve w 1 K "nat'-n.pt I* coll..I * ,1, .(M k. l.vcrv ea* e m It* I** Uures r ? ill' I1..I.- v.,on. c-.I.oj ihe li J l... O-l'ars. ;S,ires J. thnt It, aspect was terrihr, |„r time, and thr.atene.1 r. suits fu>!y „ k,-«.p p,.,re. and to .,„uo .:oa.m.Ueu ext^sive a, those woich t-x-k l»'H> uni,I if.e ««, pn.rurcd. ^eived s^-r,.>u, injuro^, wb.ch have not r.ncoun^ c.f rv.r, f„.„ ■ weu u' ard ol. , . r v. . ■ , . , . 'p.irttol the f iiv, av« iiibied in il,e ra-tijh- ij j«e if rnalioo, w hirf, i.. r \ . ,I l.v l» *h the |«w and i^,e I. ,n I. k ng . n- b*.rho«/i III iiie t‘'rm»T riot«,—«evi r.il .■..|,|. paM' s ol it.^ vi.liintiers are uinler am s — t.ut up to the h'.ur of cic'inr the pa- i;;l f \M» m f Sl«t,fiur ir h'"f. I»l Ni 1ST, June '21.—(h,e 4 tlie i,.i.M viti. Cuinarv l .di. o ti^l.t. that rvrr u,«?rt '•i th,» ui.happv couiitrV, to. U |l.-ife on lu»- ,lav sf ra. rs •! Italivheap. ihffi"^ ii.»h « I’rcii, I ral«‘, l^iwet n tw*. rljii*. il.« 1‘opt.hir /’> 'Wi'n pure aroent • '^■leerj# »n.l the I„.w |or», **ho li''**- Sj.,r,i-» nrv taken i.itu sl rinai h, ll>ev at fnid aU vr Iwilf a centurv, si>d ‘iit| ■ !/ * It i> otiMoi;* tli»t (.ouKiani i» the lor I].-. pfixJjri ol Uie Jinn. I From the Prr>nfylrmrv3it 1 "•/•f 1.'. PJIIlJAWKLrill.v kl; 1 >-.>U .>\t> M(;flT 'I lie r,ots r»^r.>fnineurtd on U , dne^^J.iv ni«fit with re-i'tihled activity and fiirv. In c«.«-. qii.T.re d‘ the di-iurUinr en „f the !.ref»>din;,> ever,in;;, the ( m fohre, unirr (he M ,vor, were niarchH )ii»: afu-r dark to .11.d jsiin in il..it origan; and ?»-ai*ee o| r«, h other • heiK-v rr « pf»-r'i' 'V i.'tt, iiiikiioii atioii u| lilt (i li .til Ci>ai» (•i' oh‘r» from ceneral,.^n l»* cei>«Tjit.o. li • l«r we had heard I r.o further xte.i*» s. UlOl AT ( JIAI.M.'J4»U\, M >.,) rioprmrn! of a At/i.— \ ;>r>-nl eti';i the .ouiheni hrtii,d«ries (,l the city, and thw n»*iit nt pr.jviil ex.ili m ( har'e-ii.nn, in f'tiice ol ihe ,i,%lri( Is aer.* al>> I nHMfnihied. c»>nsenui-i!, e .f the n,v»'.''n' . '' Ui.d sn-fp, uii.i oiu n ..tiJ-,. n d-a'.i,. ‘I l, i8(J^ irt'fo li)C D^i*iiK’r\ »r I I • I i* 1 111* •!* f 1 t ■ Il iia.* ^in an% Onrt ,;nM!a!>4il 11 oVN^-k, 1»mI plare. 'J lif* r,'rr.M*.Ma,K*..„ a- f.r a. ^ ii-urrhrcJ m..i, I r,U^ Ufr-- kM-li-IU- mUifufiHiIi* tu t fh»'urM) liv* r, ti*rh »ci I mI.is l(«*k up • *’n Vr V, of rmicr.— A jjentJeman • »« n-.ter-. however, did n.jt »liow them- aiice of a > of K ’*'B«*ii ha.i rciateii to us ihe Iblk.win* ; - iv Cr.it.lvmi: cir uniM^rjces, whi. h do credit ■**''n ihe jieare ofil, . rn, won. out bv the ii.ij, we can knm, are I'oll.jws, savs U»- IJji to tiie erili;|i,t.nod citiZ'-n-. of that (,«ui,lv. "f ihe afF'^v on l ueMlav and i, t acitti ipa- B’.d w'.iild, if the eximple were foMimi d. ^ I'f'iT a «ecorul ri't, ha'i t mnflv reiin-d. S' II e:!fri a ref rm in Ihe h:ibiff of the j I he »,r,sei »-,h m .S. v*.„fh ^lre*.t U - quention ircrtii,pleif. I,..r edu. iii ,o, and h« >•1*'^^'' an esjK'.-ial mflu. nre on w»‘'*fi‘SoipfH-n and Ti'z v .i.-r s>re»I 'I’w • rai, e sr> [.|e;.w d w ith Ihe pi,.re Hud iti m t rfc ele’tions, which are now t',o uflen an.l lhr»’e storieJ bnrii hou-«- on toe we-t «nfp, inst' s, that (the was indiK't'i li> s' rhide her thi-. fKirt.ond 4>,iiieii(bi 4 fr«b),'ie,ic*. 'I |,fv ■|ft in tl f »,inie i,iiif>iif-r a* |k>,wos. I'x aid. • r e |i al Hj'irv tl, v pf-“lu'e, ihe\ t irti t«rmali.^ hav 10;; Is-eo jjiv* n to the fi>i‘'rv ifi*- 1)11'"* 11 ii.r •tiiii,j( Ji whi( h run lo lh- n>'*;:..irale«,ihev applied it. the I r.iiti, Miid, I) t iU*',, III lur|;p rpi.ii.ltl. s cuuw* inwii>it>il,iv, i.l,i()or. irrej^olar ci>n v ji ive ii'tioij, fi't’ti uli V of hrr,«iiit{, •, pr.v- the da) pi vxsi. i Nltnufav • s »'r» I’J > ni'Tt of the iiSMh KeumH-iit »iih ihr.-ei tli- H. r» cf the iiitefMle.i f^jht tiavii f r la crruldtion for day' prev n u-. 'f' n.niwhn^' at 'I rah-e l««r a force «ii!V> "’fii lo k> ep (hi* p a •' ai tf.e rar ». ,\i r-rlni:«. Iiyfi JiMirn.Tl: I he v iKig !n(!y wn^ «rn' to lb" place in tv. de-'i’iy aflertejJ by t.he use of ardent fcpiriii. in e!»^ tKM.eerinjr, \ Conipaiiy mu't'-r is u-ually held at the of Ur infortnnnt, and, ;is is cu*.loin-,r\, r •- k'-pt f.»r retail ,,n »u. h or c.j.i-n,. ■e,)picd bv blicks, were hr»t a-naihd. "'‘If from the wrirl.!, and '.ike the lrla, i(\ei!, 1 i»»- windows Hi.d d«K.rs were d.ished to M'lersoai' lms «;ei,t ir, ffje niint,**r\ »h pieces, the furnuiir,/ di>fno(i«hed, mi*' the Ix came i|i«w-s'i'«fied, anil n.nde her eir.,j„. irdidhiii,r.*s from itieir U-ds nnd Iroin itie institiili..n, hut wav afterwards dieadfuily boteri. In jhe iik m n:; one of f»^rni.ided to rflnrn, Ix irig l-dd that if «ii,e A -hort ii:„e «ince, desirous .H'a b-.hahmt’ '1'^'" W'*** earned to tho hf»piK,l. 'Ihe would (ontinu' but lhr,c w.-.k-. h.ii;."r, .,|ie t.,i« ct«t-,m. he applied lo the Cap;;,in, to m‘'h then moved on to L^.ker sir.-t, whcr- would he diMfni,-«.ed wuh honor. **11111- take the wi)..e (jf the CoiojKiny up«.>r, lh»- lhre«* frirnc hrHi«.s were hIokm^i i„r„ t„ end of ihat time, a h;w rLvH since, her S'th.eri. n f CO a vory Lrgn rnsj-f.fy de- loW ;-iect*. nnd compktelv ridoh d with vt„np. friends calh d for h-r, hut •he'w;,s not t.i U in tsv .r.rfrfW-^hin;'. At the c,.^xt iruMer, j'f he |,tt!e pro;.erty of ilw iiihabilants, h*ed- f' UiKl, und much alarm is excited in cotj^e. .'.n i:»d,v,dua! frotn anolh« r part uf the roun- -'eads, ^4. was strewt-d al»«.,U the •■treeisin frasmenu. lti«iM)l known wheih- er the fK cu|rai.l« wereu,ueh hurt. In Haktr l«Iow .S. ventn street, sover,il frame IhjiUI- i0i;s .‘liir'd tn*’ saiiie fate; anl in ?“oTtai|i tv, a»f*-n«3ed with a k*;i of luandy, which «•!' i»,l-.r n;,i,i ..(T. re^ to purehas*^, for tl:e ptir;K»se d" *-,i,plyr p on tin* i;r-»iifjd. Th- owner, h'.wfv.-r. prrf.-mnjr to k'*ep ji f., 'pience. retail, declined mHiri;; to hiin. thit thfsjg i h- r The revuli fs'low Uaker street, two i.lher hi .‘^inre ih» al>ovo was in tjpe, we h»\e stFen It.n follow lo-^: 'J he Ih.Htirfi I r!.n«cript of.Saturday Hlate-. Ilinl IJi«li.p IVimitk has uuthori/ed ihe If,, r, , . ,. , f»r ihe in- \ I rer.ehfr>r..n one, t^-r,. r of luo ( hurch would have U-en de. ’ra.Jiri,- i:i the omf.« I, w-., ml.-rrxiplH hs n,oli«h..d. .-■ I i,ent wooid lK^.»;.;.j;„t, 'j .'tMp|K-n str**et l^ejow .Sevfnth, two I.-.. .V. W,,., riOieuh d h,m h\ i„n»a!,n-hi- ar^'e three «.i..rv hfi k h.nise-i nrc r.-du. ed ie. -rl. .to.:.of.oiul Hj- >,Kin..i: ,;rV,h. Af- to m.-,e w re-ks'. The d-»r* and win-Urv ter ,-,i,. niiy h,t. nine lo him lor «.„,e ,|,u„er, are h,.nj.in;: m frH;:n,e„m, ,„d the » M.f^h.nan ro^.l!y replied, ‘‘.M,no nne h.siM.^ are lh..r..u:.hly ^juiim}. A frame .( V id do veil to Klop r.ow ; f„r || h-uv adjacent mlP-red os Udly. 'I he p;i,|. ; h«fle»lown, d aihllc.s wiiii u vi w of ii .-l mao. no U ucr u-e„fii« jTW- i ij:-,, a small frr.ot jfar.h n, and the fr«j. attracting; persons from this . iiv and v.cn,. ) Han. I^.ne . t „n t ,,!• i:vn vr»ido, he vijd ncv 1'^ e kiiif-i bv :jra(iy Pijilutijus.’’ '.toiy iH declartsl to he uiitru;. I'r'nti Ihr fVr^o.n Ihitv \fl'frt.f rr. I’o" ! ! I n r. Ihr,! rt ( '.’i'jrlf>.f(,trii.—'lhr- n’nrm of fire It harl ».;uwn, last iii;;hi ah^ut 11 o'clod.. was from liie hiirnin;; ofsi veral lar Isirn !•. j-t,an.,oo:._^ in.taucfs ol tl-c lor-, oflhc r-f..!.vn;. i -n | .i.ii.e , i,.,r,n ' ear lu |j »; ,t.> ^ pi'icrr.l^ fir'iHlh., tul ik oUrn oi.diM over- the rare pr.rtUid, oil the U,llk« o the river ash.'!', lie rrady lo ii.lerii rr ••f’ the lii'l ‘V pt.urtn ,.f the e»|MTled ru^. 'I fie iui> isf • !iori« apjeaied » n ib« t'rm.nd in >;reat uuiiiber-*, Uil (en, iu, d qiii. l ii't '^'e rar'« were *.ver. at thn-e i.' l« k. I ' ®' *P' [Kxnled IhiIiIp br^on m • ariK>t >i, ilw rivrr .1'. imI witli .III k> ai.d sii Ilf'S. A fenth iisu w ho w itn« ‘«ed tne conle.t d^rrd'e.- d a" ‘”’® •1 Ihe m..«t .‘.iVMj.e and ,i.» ie,h-» m i ih» hn evi-r wilt,cKM-d .>r c.uid in.apU'*’ l;.ken place m a ('hri*lian ••>*jnlfV. 11'** w.hlii IS r.-uld .In ti'ilhiriv’ to «li'n. the ii’T. rent of fuiv nnd hh «» ih.,1 rnij'd on •*ide. .\| le.i»t r.ti, ih 'iivind iii n ga{»ed. |..r m a.lditi.'i, to the fe,deiit par* tie«, num*w rt came fr.'iii nul'’s nrouiid If’ t-,ke [i.irt i;j the i irlifjict M;;ail.st na n whim lh V Ind I ever »e» n ls frc ; all |wr ihr j lfi* sjre of s fl;,;hl ' 'I'Im- r,',.lnns It sjf'eart rerened »id frrrn the in'siiitniiK ol II.jIIvl"n4l"id, ■»'! >■••(1 u.,n«> c.ime 1(1 j->in t!i in frnu, tl-e ceuii- Iv ol LifiM rick ' I aptain Ilaw.on. ol l.iij ni«n,ore, nnd other n.a^i-lr it' • preM'iit «i' the ir«w p«. r!iiiH..d 111.' Ui t Alt I- I-** hut no l^!v w.'ii'd Ii'i.-n lo i(. I he "'i) w i'n..-n weie ,m i iipn d ^uppl> m;.' their If on Ixiih .i.le*. with M(..iit», wl.ii h Ihev rnr* ried in Ih' ir npnti".! J i"' hafll*' .prend I.. -.i. h i-n .Ment, that neither ihn si.iilii'i® n.'r pohi-e oil'd |'o>-.d>lv iiii'>l"'* » II- i lt|rilK to par.lte the (xrtie-.. Hv UlO m>iai'lra! s i i.!>r.. II • V endeavolvd I" n.Hke iml.vii'wiil pii-..i.er-, aiul H nppeaM flat ahi.i.t L'U strv led;.'.d in I.i“lo«' Miidwfll, hut wr,-.- IH.I |M iinilled I- flic* I. io.|.'.'rl. tl..' ttoik .;f.h >tru. lien WHS {joi;.j on Id.; onoiii;li • t'w 'iiwi‘-r vt usgMcn, 'd, till I'K. hi! [/.'’Hiiuti Mttinnl Sur^-unl Jt i,r.\ M-n .’H-n nf ('• ' t'rri— Kler(|f,ns f. r 11,'n,ber« ..| tl,.'t,«\i I tnj;re^., will ),«> held loiNvr-ar it. ihe fi.noMiiiit .Sh.i. \||..»,hi. ri.in \,it'i.*l, two K.-pr, hl.iiivf.,, lihnoi., ,n \u;^ilnt, lhr>-e iJ.’pr, -.^ nl iMv, « ; • I.'i.r;;;u, in IMoU r. inirt- Ilepr,i.ni ve. ; Uhtn in hiol>er iiineir. „ R. pr. -»-i.lalivrs . lVrm«\ I- vania. Ill t i, ii,H, r. twe'if. .eight It. pre,.. t,. ’ itu»»; \t.t* Wrk. u, NuVfi, tsr. |..tfv II'; r. v( Iain, H , N • « .|cf-»-v, m N.,v.*m her, fcix l’epr>'M niutiv'4. ). iii>iaiia, ii,i>-e am .idv » ln.sti. 'i'he olhei .''tatsa ilcct ii, I—A, \ . Hr. Star. A la»iy who w-.s a noiahle honskee|ier here niany \e,,r» hn.fc, |.,,iu| ||,«. ,i, her well Moie.l larder, .iinoi,ihin|; alii.r^i •hilly. .She ,h,| f,„| |,|p t ,1,^ m. Mif« of niilhfi'H'M.n—hut »iiil th.-.--;. went—and w.„i_Sh.; acreted her-s-irm the r.H„i, :.nd w Jlehed. A c.inpnuy 1| rnf- eriine. \ Inrj^r f„|| |,|rr. '| rit, the priiieipiil thnf, nra«i'ei an e:;^,. with all |..ur of his s, nn i rolU-d ov, r .,n hi^ l«irk. I w-., oili, r^, hix a -om;,i„ hid hohi of his tail With tiif ir I.', III. iif 'J ii)v»'., il t|ie;r l"ad in'inlollv to s ..ly rat h..', ■ h;,id h\, where It i« (air f-, u,t,-r th il all hand-, Km,-,|. ' d on ihc “epotit fil' V n !,r',." [ t‘rt.inuiilh ,/rtt,rnnl. I ur;n^ 1 I rk. the lu I t,|