THE MINERS’ AND FARMKRS’ JOURNAL. FOKTKV. FrMs tk« Moh*r’t Ma^azin*. A MOTHER’S TEAR. Ekrth hat n« ci«>qwnr« ta itrong, Deep, Mul affecting, y«l so clear— T)ut fu Oe«p«r than th« Ibon^-* A* • kind tiiolhar'f BtUiOi; taar. OA wh»>n • wajw«rd, itubborn child, !*»• acorard reproaf, drtpiMd eonual— A l«*r h«i Diad« ro« Uiur and mild. And bonxd vilh f ri«f mv iBinoat muL OA I kr«k« h*t c*»‘>e lawa. And turaed rr)!«rdleia from he» fr«irn>— A Utr would ■d\-»c«le bti cau««. And br«ak my will aad ukU rat dow«. Say, r*«d^ ! Want tho« em aMamrd Wk*n lh*u huit madt a motker we«p ? On angaiak’a pill«« bow turaed. And acugbt !■ Tain for toothing Proud one! who** heart ii caj«d in steel, llaat nerer own'd an earlhlj fear—> Tell me if Ihna dUTtt neTcr fWI When thou baat caused a aoLher’f Coar. If thoa artjsM of atjrian train— hie thee to ano(her tphere! No heart *li«nld dwell in earth'* domain linpervieui te a ujother't tea*. Nrw York. C. W r. elff i^t.VJLOI s. A PERILOUS INCIDENT. We c*p) thf tbitowmg perilous, but rath er ludicroua incideot, tr«in C'sptaio Mar- rvai'e last aid most interriimg work, Jd- c>^*bFailbful. Tb«i>ren«ija L«ndon U are- houM, cm the wharf, wlit-rv goodi were in Ibe act of brirg Ixntird from a Thames hchter: aad the principle cbaraclcra are 0!d Tom, couraand«r efiba k«t, stauding OD two wooden pint, and Touog Teui, bis ftwo, a lad aoore tit'tren )ears ufage> Oae morcms OIJ Tom cam* Huder Ihe cmne to discharge his lightar, and wrishme Ic Me me, when tUe had been over- haulad tu heave up tfae cakka with vhurb tha livhier was ladea, in«leaij of bc«c>king M a cask, held oo by his hand*, crvinj out, 'hoist awajr,' intending to be bH«ed bicuaalf up to the fluor of tbe ware- b use wbera I was preaiciog. New there wiM ncthiog unusual lo this wbim of Old Tom'*, bul still he ran a verj narrow cbasce, in ci.aaequence of an eiira w him of young Toro’s, who, as s««i aa his father was rj^pended id tht air, rangbt bold of hvs two wa«d> a stnmpa, lo be houted up alsn, an i h* caught hold of tbem, atanding do liftije, tbey both swung clear of the Imhter, w hich could net approach to wiibin five fe* t cf the boilding. Tbe crane mas on the third sU'f/ of tQt warehouse, aod rery hijh up- • Tom, Tora, you raiipa!. what the dsvil are v'-'u abtul’ &aid the old man, when he le>l the vtigbl bia s«d's bod) hanging lu k'.an. ‘ (ioina up a!oeg with yau, father— bope w« •ihall go to heavea the same way.' ‘ Vlor« liktl) to go to tbe devil t>geth«r, vou iiltle looli I nerer can b-ar your w«>.t;Lt. Hoist away there quick" fl'ariog tha toice, I looked out of the c~-^ r, and [iercei\ing their Mtuatien, ordered t> e xen to h*j|»t awav as fast as tliey cauld, U.i'.re Old Ttonr* atretjgth should b« ei- LiiuMefl; but It wa« a enrwpound (Tiovaaient cr»t»p, aid we cou d not Lout *ery fast, al- lli-'i,;b we Could hoist very grt^jt weights. At isst, as lhe\ were wound up higher aod L gh r, old T'^-n s strength was (.'oing fa«t. '(> Toro, Tom, what must b** dooa ' I ''aril—I e«n’t hold oo but a little longer, ar»«j we tiball both bt dashed to pieces. AJy p-.' r b V ” ‘ ell then, I’ll ffo father; it was ail my fol!>,»»t.i Ml L>e tbe ^ufiierer.’ ‘ I^t £o ’ rried oid I cm; 'no, no, Tooi —doti l let go, my boy—don't let go •’ • 'S ell. uth«r, bow uucb longer can you U’^or.^ ‘ A liitlH—very little Ucgdr,’ replied the c.j man »trug;;liD;;. ‘ eil, h Id fast now,’ cnej young 'I'om, •who raisirg his hend ultuve his arms, with a _'re-i? ef*rti0n, sl. fit-d one of hn LamlH to K •! faib*r * thi^L, iberi the f»ther, riisinj hirnif' ir »i be|( re ; he then cauifbl at tbe a. at of Lis father’* trow^iers wMn his teeth , p.'l T' 1,1 gr'jarif-d, fjr his s'nj had taken hold of rri'.re tbari tli« gariaenls, be th«rj »i. '!ed in? barid^i to round Ins fatLsr’s l>ojy — fr'.rn h- gHtri d ihn collar of hiH la ther’« —frout th./- collar he climbed tf* hi* father i‘ihoutdeia, froai whtnc t'he n i7>‘i hold of iSe fi,;i abij\e, and reli»:»ed bi» ta • r f(f tils ' So*, fdth'T are ywj all ri;/!!!’’ pantiDg Urn h« clung to rfie fi.i abr»ve him. ' I can J hold f.{j iirn s* cnijdt mof'', Toni — no lor,gf;r—my tluif h iti K'.ing now.’ • IIkU£ Of) Ijv your evelids. ladier, if yvii Ic/’. e , r|p,( 'I’ooi, in an npony. ll Man iiidecJ nn arfu| moveuient ; the\ wert DOW at 1* :-. .*ixtv ffi-t aUive tlif r, eil 10 th»i air; tlie u>fti w iirl' ij r /uriH the wbe j, ao,] f hud at jn«t t.,c j l*-iKjre of bauliin; Hiem J^^ih in on the li f,t ■.( ili«- ware hf»ui«f, il.». o|| h .li'tejj b« could Dot :ipebk for uioie tiKtn a uuiiule. A Kl'^!E 1>K Gl'EKRK. Strategic as well as forcc is amoog all natiens consiilere^ justifiable in war, but w hether the coadiict which is rmbruoed io the anecdote which we ara about to relate, shixjld be cooaidered strirtly in accorduucc with the EBoral principles which ought to regulate the actions of oiea, we leave to casu ists to decidtt. During th« early part of the last war with (ireat Britaiu, a small brig,mouiitiug aliout ten sixes, with a crew of forty or filiy mett, sml»Hl from New Kngland as a I-ettrr of- Marque ; with permissieo to cruue as a pri vateer lor a certain length of tune, and cap ture prizes fnim the enptay. W bilo cruis ing in the iatitutle of tbe boueward-bouud etil lodiumen, tbe brig oiio morning tVll in with a large ship, to which she gave ctiaw?, bul the CaptaiB, aa “ old sea dog,” on re- connoitenng her through his sp\-glas8, wa^ !>ati6fied that »he mounted too many gun^ tocontend with, with any pro«pectofsuciu«i>, and Itauled ofi', much to the diSMtisl'actioo of the crcw, who attributed bis conduct tu i waul of spi'it and courage. In fact, they I were not baokwarl in exhibiting tbeir feel- > ingt^ and the word coiranl was more tliau oncc baudied about the ship lu the hcaiijg of the ('aptain. A rew dajs afterwards the hrig fell in with another vessel. Hvery atikh tif cauvaub was spread, and just at ninht, the chast- . was made out to he a largv Wcfcl ludiatnau, (apparently well armed and manned and, ; looking like an “ ucly customer.” “ Now” said the Yankee Captain to hti crew, “ I ; wish you to liNten, men, to what 1 am go- 10^ to sflV. I heard some of \ ou muttering I scjmethiiij', n -t lonjf since, alxiut fimird.f, —and tu oblige you, I w ill give j ou an 0(>^>or- tunity ol testiug tbe ci»urage »iff \ ery n»au on b*ard. \ ou s>ee that ship ahead. SI.e l^ pmrced tor twenly-lour guU'., and probablv icarries *iitecn at least, of heavy meiai. I That ship shall be my prize before tw. j hours. So look out for squdlln. If «oine *t you dvo’t lo*ie the nuitljc-r of vr>ur me-is I in luniii: NA>ii; iiia>«;ei>. rK»l*«»SAIJS TO IMKT. J.m. HA1>F‘1.1)T For PuUi.hing in the To»»n ol Moriranlon, N.C. A8 Mta^blished an LYE INHRWARY and A WEKKI.N NK\N>rArER. • -IROUAL WARD at hia rekuitnci T„ I.r DEVOII O I'D 1 •! all per«,n. wU n„, ..1 ■ «Ti iri.' •*“ to hia care. UelitviuK ih»i .n rOMTHS .1U>KALII\, 1,1 Tl.K A FI Ul., K.ubliahn.eni ol thi» kind ha* kiii» „*c, " A>1> t.KM KAI. !>'• called lor, Irom Ihe uature ol t>ureitaH>|*nnoDi INDK* THi; Tiri.r. or j «he •ubM^^u^ nl atUntion requimtk in or4tr to rtn' I llli .TlfPt paii|ri ol HllrttriUf llUAikliily; r th« ot iiii^rUiig lh«i CI REI) IN nVKHV INSTAM K RY THE I SE OF THE tJENI INK ‘‘ K»waiul*M Tonic iTIixliiro," To irhirh aiready more than ten ifnHiMind jHTsuns are rmdy and atuioua to Ustxjy- IN coneci^iience of the altfin|>ti which are al w«j!t iiiadi' hr kniweh unl iiiipoalora to paint ctV ipunou* irnitalioDk and couiilerfrila, an tixB • i the I rii-elU lln'»« V Icdged tlioreiigh tcrinillciit proprietor rOIlhlil I tatiliiib«l agt.nlit, in lh« difi I cuuntry, an art nitl nutiiciciit , lar demands. 1 ln.riror. , he ha» liie nleasiirr lo ,„ui- the orn;iiial pro»i«elua even bel'ure he ^u^llc« il lo tay, thal Oie^iU aUcail^Vi'li , »ni>oiu)irtolheinhuhitaiit«ot .Meckliiihurrcoiwi- ,,mi.-»IUu |.Up« m l.ia int. udrd location. j,rictilioBer u net only n«;».i.*r>, but of miau!^ Iv nr.d thi ctlicr part* of the country adjar. nt g,„„g „iuth iinp. to now.*, whtu Uble beiietit tv, tl»e a. r.|arrt. hn ea*« an ( therito, lh*l .Mutsr*. Ir'Mii A Klni«, of( harlotlt, ■ retJ hin fnincipUt orlh«tlu.\, h« a«l#4.l- %• itr tin«t rrnult ot it* oncriiiftn lu, Uin •pjK>iut.d sole ageut for ti.e atovr place „ 'flie .Mountai* Sprout." becau« il .otii.eU i,t,tu,i nt. lu.lj tip, riei,.. pro^™ m him to be appropriate to the »ection ol uunlr> | lamentable tact that .ulltr ler the * ml lAni'M fcu «P IV r. V »ru nttuieM i« on ini^ioruiicf or tij . rent •i-ctions cl Ihe |j,ut|y mH jtnua'ly *he athriiiaUve, that up luiiuieiil of thia kind lo ihe aubjeitii of ^UIrrr> t to nupply the ret'U iii^ir «,;^iituti.i!i Uie .“uhaeriL.ef »a» and the advantages which >u«ti a.ay dirivc li.m . —who will hcrealter ha%e un Laad a cunitarit supply of»aid luivlure. ! ^l,ich it nai i.rop. «ed to It/eate, a well m to I '^^icind) JOHN R. Row ' ,f„. v.ry hun,hie bi!iti«» which he fill would be I .tu»n»Mi/*. 1M4.—01 If l‘iupiuti>r. i inihe condutlofllK loocero. The t^ub- i sLBM im$Ki{ ■ • *o>"' ot that attention which tluii iiiuilion acnjatidi, bul which la Senird Ihein. by ti« ui*.d*anl*(;eous rircuniwtanrea unSer wbith a louctry rrauiliom r lalwra ai d which vunavoidably, b«»mn ui»»gr..«. I , - - , . %j ••»»»•• •* ** V—, u^»c\«-r ■ ihiMu in • n®ror ;* tn»J • , hli) prrvtnl him tr^ci Ttu kio §n Ii:AVl->i ih.* pUcr this d*y tor Nrw YorV, l».e plta^urt of »n inltrclitnt* •f Uurfiy c*ilr4 tor, r«a b« c»piricd ofiU Uon.' aa i and »uh*> te aJvue hi» uumerou. couult) v,ont md iKnlimenta »iih In. Kiture (-atroi.., haa »h«ie il i* U.t>me» ot a ttacU IricuCi of hii preKiit heavy »tock of ' ,„a,K.d hint to change ll*« name of l.i> p«tT lu ^aily alt. J rom iht coo. ri g\ j one more apprppriat. tn the intelliKcncc ai.d po list t loeat.d Nirtual Drpariniii.t M f ^ JW 4 ' [I'l. al iml.p.rdin.« ol lln-e aruvi. ^ wl.oia 1 *iU j d.-*irabl», IV U.n«J' U mOuuo toof. ■ ’ ' ‘ fer hi* »ervicfa l« lie public ai d ••iicii* »wh ta. MS aa ntay irtjuire thiee ut liailt tnalftiiol. vcr praclwaWf to bt brvu|ia li, hw t*ubli»».n^tti where every allmtton wtii be rcndcrrd thai »il| >u any Mike lend to Ihe cooi'orl or bemfiioi aa whi.harrot!«r.d»t /.or/v’l.y.t// , ot ull'Than Ib.^-n.e'^ivTci^u^ on a'coiimioiattnf t.rin*. . „cht- ef t.'.e a. tl.« oi. y MUi,'uardoi ^ ^ I Ho,.h»*o. St. Cr.i.SI-iaR. I l.ilriy-tl f .ut-., ribrr 1 rard. aiuoTf ti e inte. j advanUj>.-e of luforn .^-b ITd.^N (lrl,..u.A VV lu,: , M V.ei.t aidh.i;h loind d ^rrrln.nol lU o.oun- , i,ui« ol .lua.., .1 Mt. I5«t ba^»o! I.fuira. Kieai.oi. utwiwlce, Uio r.rion, liji one e; .niun f «(r. ...d, «• di io.l.jr»of Kuutb I atuJina ant] al lte lir >*!tlliitllt-tj And of hi« intention of laying in »uch further *iip „ij re(;»i H to Ineal and »e« iKrfial ,jiie.tton», p'.if* II «i;i be weribj iJiHr atlcnU-o lo call a;.d c pcop.e ol UiM, rn .NoflJi t aiohna. like all >-\i>(aine. outer C')ii;:i.unittr«. ara men or lc«t Jivid4d, bul. Ila now on har^'l aod in :^ri-,“lnwn lo K. r. Vti^ o lo National I'ultli*»—t).e danrer lo !i>rvvarJd ur.hout H lay. tl *' li^lowirf •rliel»'« ^ oii'i’t'itioii front Ih' rn roechmrrtli ut p» w . r, ant) liie niri»-il> ot unim(>«i(>d lhK> pieces I olluri liai girf, .‘>0 coils Kale |{opr, IfMI ikacki I.i«rr(MA,l Salt, barrela .No. 1, J and .1 M*,'k.rl, 4 tierfe% Rice, .tOraaka Mone I.itoe, Sfl.llOO Itw. Bacon. ii,ir«t!v iirfr* Tfx.i-iic« wirii » or^r.aM »-»«« or , i> tii>iiiJtKD. to luttiaorl U 1 ir IVlil.. al lolilultona *iC»*r.-t a,;t;".«mn. ..... - |*,,»,«, aad Ihe rebeial i' urrorr. ,t.d by . . lenre. ir. l.iterly b„h„io .tUnUanl o« h,a ovcfat.«.,, be U,„ ,l,uht(«y irl.,.it.u iroir thr.r uieril a hU ral palroi.age. 1 l.e ct.yc>«l and a«4ii*taace of a proi««-.til I'enlirc an, of hi(h ai d r««pcclabte i .,,, « ill fct oblaiRid la ra>«ii w hii b u.ay U>«c wiUiout any aduitional charge. l)r. II iu«y trt Imii.a «k bl> 3 n.ik* b« e» t harlotie, i t, ih» I'ri-wt t i,«4, *». tr Le n a* b« r«i.. jll.d Wbil« (.« te dettla aiueh el hM lin e to Sur^-iri. iii pifrr bra. 'hci el bia pre;e>elcit tba.l r«riif a..a i;.. It blM O . I’ll,- Mttk.tttl mrr t'l\ .N f We, 14. I'.v4 k. 3„ N B i *t4* or i« t> .MuOt »ii«, «>r ^o»^: (titiMi aad i:.. ral ch^rMtrr, ant l» ronril, at.n ni eiyoy Ihe a«:4Bta(et ot diaM,'.mki, Wi'h ■ J«r4l'n o«i U,e dfid tuk^. t and po*l B.oUni eian.ii.a.>a and a »c xrtcird l.ikrary. a , fc - A.. ol I'mB.ylvania, lojettMr fcilh Uie np.,Ku,oV and Ui hanfl d—n W their a.d ihe £....ral I mistaken. But imud je qo’Uckiu^ wut. CTi Cow \Rns, ha 1 Se \;,'ior,al It' hl of fir'';*! Ilri(a,n g. rr»'iitite.J, III Mir'd of tie I>r*-»«‘iil Vir, |f) i.'- f'jvjui t;i j The crew looked rather black at thi» : pithy hamogue, but dared not to remon- atrale. They were caught m their own toils, aad rstolvod lu fight it out like men. I Nieht came on, but they siiill kept m sight 'of the F.n;;lishmhCi. It was about half eight in the evtmug, whtn they ranged up j witaia hail, on the wether quarter ,4‘ tl>eir 'mere bulky antngitnist. whohade\tr\ man at quarters, evidently prej^red for a bru^h. I and with his hi^h bulwark-*, and numeraj> I deck Innthems, pre»ented rniher a lormid- atjie appearance. The ('aptain of the brig i sf'ized his spiking trumpet, and in a jjeremp- tory manner haiied tbe strangvr. i i “ Ship ahoy ' ’ I •• Hallo *• Heave to—and I’ll scr.d my boat oo hoaid.*: I “ What hrig IS that I prav I “ 7hf I nittd Stalls ling Ancis'” I " .\)e, aye, sir John Hull iliMight it w^xiid be madness tocontead w;th she I . S. Bn. Arju.s. *hich I was w«ll kn«»wD lo be a crack .Sl,».p «f \\ ar ^of twenty g'jna, bimI acc rdinglv backed hi» j main top-sail, without farther p-irley. Th- I \ snkees were thunderatrurk at their (’ap. eaiu's impruderice. Kut the quarter boat waa lowircd aod officered and oiauned un- i»ci!iately in true man of war atyle. I 'I'be A mencan *trK er aacended the garg- I way of the Lngliah ship with a '• swab” on . his shoulder. U hat ship is this -^aid he, in an authoritative toue, as soon as he reach ed the de k. “ I he English ahip ('aemavon f'astle, Uir, (rorn Harbadw^, b»Kjnri tn f'.rihtol, ” re turned the Knglisbman, snhmis^ivelT. I‘* 'I hen, mr, you will pleaae to •^tep into the h»at, with jour p^i[>er«, and return with mu : on t'onrd the Argua." “ ,\Ir. t'lrnpi^.n,” naid he to the f’aptaio’s clerk, wko filled the P'.it of a middy on this t>ccasion, “ I leave I you with the man in cbar|/« of li,*; ship ' u j Will proceed to put tne pri»jiters in ready lo be iransferrwl to the Argu».’’ hen the ttriiish Captain armed alr>ng- oide the Argus, be was astonubed at h«r dirninulHe gize—when he goi on U.ard, he •■aw fit orire thnl he had been duped ; but il wan then too l^ita to remerjy the evil.” “.Sir,” said he to the \ i*nlee Captain, morf in anger than m hurruw, “ y ou told me ihis vessel iho Lnitcd fctates brig .\r- I “ Aad I told you the truth, air. (lername IS the Akoi>,—and the Uloni^tto tht i . rntid .Stalt*. ' ! Tiie l)#ys io (his village were amused in the early part of tbia week, by an nrrivnl I ertraordinary, being a sinali wagon capiitte of containing on*» per9«fi with his baggage, idrjiwn by tour dogs. The pisu4tigcr in the , wagon Mas a po^>r young man, ricprived ,1 j the use of nit litnbe by dinea*^, who has trav. ieli**d, as we learn, in Ins n*>sl conveyanc."! I upward, of sixty miles, fioiii N'lrknmixon township, near the I >• law are, in Ducks count). Mis kt'eds were well broken and regularly harnessed, rind wrre guidr;d by r«ios, to which they w;emed v*-ry ol>**di*?nl. The lead>*rs were ywng l;ij|| do«rt. which I htive Ixren in training about a V‘.ar--hut |ih,i wiieel bors»-# vnro a pair of eu[rb wiiite and livtr colored ai-tters, exhiftiling I all tho docility for w Inch thrse line anumls ure reinarkHble. Hie cuachmnn informed tliat h' travMf'l :il tt rnfo of I'vcttv-flvci wiilvb -idjj'.—■/'• - iianftrttrr, 1 rorhi #7/. 4’r. alV. Hi* Boat 14 '>n>Uiitiy rubmnr. rau ht •oiicil- Irrifiil froti. (uch peiiona aa ar* diapuMO to pat ronue hirn. ( \SH adriB'-ed on nil I'otlon lc’'t ol,!i r L • r!i If, t.. a for itiipn ant on o*>' account to « \ Oft or I hjrle.lou. Ha li«a Ulei) had er*-rted a CotlAn fxt loLf. the uw of at:i) t. tx c?1‘ r« lu >U' h ;« r •«ua *• o.av al any time doire tu »to» irx ir 1 >A tou. No charje ai^i luaiie. ’I ijr SJin! u Ki rirn.M> ''rom any buildtnj* tbit t)i r« is no U»i.j»r v>eiM be b\ ol ( oUon criifuinrd in case nf ti'r brraain' ll.i • o«.»iii'iti«r, and b \» the fir-l;: ,uuv. iipm a pr- ,**1 ef ihia • ird, f*nefi.l\ hat wil' tbe pUilicat • I'afacKr 01 'he (*p*r ii>t .'ut*..nbat »iiJ give 4B k;.a»tr n .'hpiit t^ir ra*t flcrtl it.d tdu>al,c: in \ifj.i..a l.ia ear!:t»l aa wcit >• U.a n Ittilol 'rrli: ft tuti COCiivIm, t are teti.:id:y in favor of lh.« ; .1 prii..ip... * Te n a* bi i^i.VjIl’.’d ci.eriahrd b» bi» ai»itr ,;ui»h' f, ..o» ciiiji ■ h» ha>« pt^a.Oid our U.« dtiUi^ea ol Hjia^rtat Ke puulir. H'- he!.'vet thit (he '■»«bf»fed Virginia aod K'ulacity K.•o.ulic'.a and i\ ;«rit ef IT'*' and K *'J, »fall I. »«rr tiriK n ,i; k» ij ,«e j^rral •ta'» • f n ai.4 {t'rmia an. J. Strum, coi.Uia a trii. , I|HX|I: b ef l.'ir ri^t» ol lb# Sutea ar>. lA ti t r, litive powcii ot U« ixLcra. abd SUU l.ov ri- rnei.l Hr thinkii t'.i' « >-jr 1 « av to ai-'id en!I'.«iona a Itstrci r«t»in>elion of aUfaiLirt frocu the ei ir.2,>r 111.Via. '■al in any part »f ll,r Town He otf»r» th» 'i>a . ercia* cf ai.v >>wrr. u b» lh» Ceneral of tiM •.ten»i-.c M M a I KKE U ^l.u^ V vKI», »n%« r 1 r by 11 e ^t.»lc i« o I rUariy It beinj 3*>0 II, by lu". A lirga nojbber ot jj ' an» will tlutl of rr^rn M l.I M I > r I.A( OSTF- ju»« ref turd iron the .N«rt>f:» W W d.n :t, «• »rt fo Cifriir.yr J4./V 00. 1-.i J i‘lif,r Mjw is rin: ti.mi:':! 1 have juat re Mved a •’if'ply of Turnip Sful^ U.a »e««oL now «rnvvii Vjt Ao5o:i;j A.^irh the Kuta liaga or \ clluvv UuHiian I.ate Mat l^itch a supcnwr kind) bellow Malta, and Large Norfclk hieM Fr,,h Rairinj, t'rtth ('urrintt, (chiSf, I’rurut and K r,i rate Ml VfARH, to;»tk«r with a few I'juoda of (,‘>dJiAh, I on/^urt at.d Sotini!f, a new and r,rr article in lli.i—rrmarka biy .ew fer Iti. 1 tati. WM HL.NTKR AucufI ~I. I -!l(. - lo t'r I’.'ii €r. t>r r'.'.tfrnlli ra*ettril to , ir.r .Itrr. Il^ ;. ->.tructive p«.rr, a. il .a tall lew ter ca»ii or .UfI credit a .a«u...nt rd.,. nnrr J„aded lh.n*in lorrr.h„e,u„ » If*#/ g il« rnrrot,'.u.rrt« are M> •irni a'« fradiii aa te i " •rt»T§f,Kt I ivilr'.ili.r «.r CO a; ;>rt‘''r.»ori, ■ bil al ll.e •lo'.a The f»lkwiB| IM «>i.. p«M a an.aii pa:l ef '..1 '.iii.e U'« ara ubCeru4i(..n{ ihe rry loobCaliea* a'ork. vii ; Jt o ir n.tem. Blark and Brrwn ( IXJTIl He II. .il rethin:* rtn M.fy an n'-aei r-n |(i_ea I a»i»rre of l.*te I . r.Ul.itw >•.• «i.ctil t)rr» b ^ n», m all ai d »«iiil.tK« t!.' » ly tor ar.ct? * r. •m. I.^ijl e» a tliird. j ilt. , v » . «r l ra^ t aiiixi, Ur auii'n^ei 1'.tiU-'e ry r»itr;r1ioo loee« I'.t crijinal •tr»n;Ui, and w« 4,, I.\si >oTici:, I I, I'loK- indibKtl lo i.M- hy anou;.t. »i!l plr4*e rail 01 or by the I'irtt uyo/ r- .’t. ind « u,« U). n bv a.k or N.,|». 'I'hw, ailio;; to Co ao will tind ihcirt id ll.r h»nil» of an I »t.ll coctinijr tu keep a p»ne ral a.,«)rtn,tnt of r7^T^'T\ Sailillrw A -'t.i o I will atj ,ot» lor ^^ll J \ Ml-'j T ASBI liY X//y;>'l, IP.H. , WA.N I’KI). f|iHi; su( Ua')il .tt'd to r > ff>arhrr^rt» I )i. Ih.* ti.s rr!. ai r B II c*i r-i. ih. a»in,.|.i|,..»-. »f the jrrai akiJ " a-Ki' j'on art •ji:n ii,:n and •« il»ry. I’lr'rc'i.t., ■ ••■d ii», in ti.» I imt., •• are •'a' .’-to;, !l ,1 , iXrr"yri/^ ll.lU I *■' f '»..•? 'i/I-JS 'r trprfkr-: ttii 1| ll tr I.*-. :»l ll ■» l.ut riwl rrrt tu be traia Uf;n »li;.' It ba» loy ci '• I'Kr >v.*>*4Ti;«T ha* Witi-' tr.!. viih ar i ir"», ti.e a .u>e ef, «: >, bue Ir'o iiiibf It IriUcr a»*y li.- . i..M«v4ii.n, •iMil. ib •ji',. rat leaat. It i«»-ar f.v l.^r t)v* id tlrumrtl that 1 an.r !ron i:. t.aa • ef U.r I o.t v'btiun wLi ri (orirr# it I l,r pracli', of .o p!t inp pciwar n. nt >a*r, or oor l/rf,n v* i.ut rrnii rot w ill n'.n k. ra>;.caii^ and peit)a}«irrs *^ ) . • » m "-d. At If •. ll', the d»n;rr from tf • »o*irr« i* niurh m"’ t(.;> itriiii.;; litan it -lat >■^rf d ». ■, tiirf !• rt-«i, Mraii*r U.o.e iti pr »rr. • t>. i (• rlfnl an'l e.,i «tr>i 1|. u.',' i!r j p.«a^,a, or hi>« «t. "n rniH h pr.p-.airily, t. •' itn ir ,c« ate uier..'«i(id a g- nrroji I'li.plr, Mill a: o, in»Irad *t r'^.a)ir^ i: » r»-. .,n,r« i t ■’•ir ' «n«;,',.'nu bt •• ru,^i''.iiii f.drlii, lo Uir r l'o«’«, !vr~. i;.|| 0! . wry but l..» jral ii, »• uD of i(,. ir i,n;.*.;oHr. d atbbiii' n or Ibeir in ori.'llilt I MA;jh hai b'rn . ! i--*. ,1, » *, ^ ti.i lom^iri.on of • Thr .M«uiiiaii, ^ ' u. re jfa'd to r'lit ral • A« l. >'ati c III • ri • .1 » itiun of lljr ( .oit tu! no a «prr(.|r Hi ut lnpro^-r„.r.t, . iilif M,,r« ol from t»o lo thirty ,HI,old. ai.d .Xjnculture, ar.d r., ry Uir." i.* r ijtu'-i, d to ad wi.l pay thr n.oat ;iUraJ pr ■ ■ • • in 4«h .\II M hii hivt •i;rh pri pr rt, Ui ifII wonlil ilo wcl! lo rail on him, or ,NJr J»hn J..t.e» hi., \j>. 1,1. Hr ran be found .1 .Mr. Maiighfr'i!, n, 'almbury, and .Mr. Jonca at ')r lU.jJ'i, Hol/1, in ( har!o't-. Ail h itert ad>t'(-4>r(| to hint, or Mr Jonca, will Be puiictuijy attcuijij to. r!jiif:nr nr ik •/“'!/^;i. 1-31. '« • ihr ptt»(^riij aad h .bijr ut tha l.-Jilor a a. do'/.r .Slate. A pro,»rlion :f I'.r ,,ap«r « ;1| be H. w,t ,i li Ktiigiuiii, ,\t ,ral, I.itrrar., kh.) ,;1„, a t>jr t., t ^t- tbrr with If.., , J of |I„ la». both iKiinr.tic at.d « orrign : jpd iti. mlumn. •hall alK.v»„e .irnaiMrn'nl wilh r«ir«r'« frorii Ih. I .^hl I ili.ralNtr „r th^ ij.,, ,_rturl, of th« i'.^t’. an) the W ,1. p,,., , „ “ ""I *'• patronn thit “ \ ancly ’ vihi. h |..:.ii„i.o„.ihi;.„,,,..,,,,,...rn Ti:'I,':;,, I Ol I.J .,nrr more, and (HM,i.;r|, i)„. |n„ .ntnuinij or tl... ; .^r*, wbilr r.y, ry thir,|. gi ,n or /.-IIMICI l!ir.gUi,i. ,i*h-.r by Not,, or fUjok mc- TFRM /^Oo/iT Out! ri'tirr, p.„ ■ (..«gU in who Ixirrowcd Irorn aif, “ Tam h in iw i Mjl imi»it! rriiin, ll 'a liir immi li;t rn.- k.jiw whrr. .f may b. found, or ;-/chnti-« (hey may w « ih-lr n«ii.';i in tin- N»w,|,4|,r. vMi'al ot!:,,i. rriy liijokt (.r.- /.,nn»J ui.l ir, t/i- ..i,„. marmwr a. iiUo*r—'nt l*rro*.-ra nariioa nro in t„y wruionr. duui iio..;i_»)„„e iiKiiica » rI>o l>rniarlt t.oli ‘■c. " *• II til fkdlrd in iKf Sitf',1 r (,1 liiHtk KI If ".'iiiL.MUi, at Tw'''Tb .r'' '’"I" at I w . liollnr, p, r ji, a, ^ II,I (ir»t iiiinil rr. !'>• «n-.blr f» r»^n> ivhn v i!; la^c will hi Ulo..i:J I'jj. rcrni t,,„n Im ,r Ira,,.,. J ■' 11 t« r#*f, UI ptf tV->* f >X- .lir. rild to Hal, l, iry, ul,. |. ' c ,1 lit runli i I Sul/trrijilinni tfrnr f'lu'tKnj all lindf for . ,ilr u» r/c i' . Ill I >rd a tiij n. e n’.it.t R*«1, While an4 l>rtet. (.ar.Bele I t'aMiaba, el ail •.•la, h,i.l>aiiBee N' a 1 *rlc.Da t ord. Broa n l.itMi •, I nrn D • hia t a»air rft. (.f».-ri, anu I.h.«b .« a ( aa*i.i ere. It:ue J ana I'll'tSurc t ofO, (oe pai,l%:ccnt. R'ark La»iir; A b>aat>i>al artir.’e ol >rn fli I'licta >'» Kacii>b awit Aniartcan ,M I'aiiiUd ^ribch and t ag.itb .^li»*t>ae “oiuc li.tlia M .»lii.»,ry handMxre *• •(♦T I'lain Bli a lialiaa ^l;a hitr and Itia'a .NaUtae, AatUn ^ «ir»>t| 4 rcMiT'd .S i.aa b.ita l.i.i* and t.c d ll« ai:i B.ark l;.*iiati t ra%*u, a ^arietv of U'^tens .'•111'»I. n.a-*! bj l.tiae l*a\i« >SiU iiar.dtrreinvf*, a ariat) o' K l l.«dir> an,; l.mllci.'cn'i !.. r liUtr* aad VS, ^ilL al i! I >.41011 H»>a l.ri.l ■ ni(b' rar.dein halt Ik-.! \ vantlT ol hai d«*m» * .tr jham«, fUir A ' { i riaiu aae r,,:'iird A««i»« .'lu« .i.« J..f,.i.l aiiri .Muil .Moaho. Ii«h«j. |.a»r liiaU i ir.i M, «o l.awrn a».} I aii bii' - I II «rt t c; ar« l.rrrn Mcfii n« . I>.u« ■’ •* M \nl.. H kA VV hitr Ui.'-!‘tt ' «• * l"a n ar.; fij»ir»u H«K)ii rt| H'.l I i airif, Api"»i i li« 1 »«, I I lo *i I Itonioii, t, brown A ijuanlily ol t>l>-4>hrd H,-r»eit^*a ICu/i «lfi(.ed Jean*, H'u"’ Itoo r,iir tl.iir l>ornr«tlC,IOI COirjin^ UOlbrti.M. £•*'*1 1 uraty Red. ,1 f.'oe/ .4«*®rfmrnl tf d. i I’llm h»f Hau, .Sirjw and I u*can l.*.».N.''*'T^ S’lai* Itln ■>, I rjttntn Hil« 'v .Vome t.ral rat*: wlnln ar.d hiifk / rnanurarturea > i|.ri»* « I r n« Al»o, !!..>• t ;..'h atiu II .ir ’\rs. A t'.n.*v of r adtrV' he I l!«b'B»«'' >"bl.''rn‘n'> Itiola ,V .N ime*, ni«*l 1 Kini.*r» Ready iiiadi' luli.iuc. I"r •Hin"'i'r wrar (’Ai{i»i:.NTi:irs rooi-S f, Ml *N-.r » f'rorht rif, Ohtsu *V 1/tm iistrnrv v.ho-il r«,- r, I A, A .'••It, hy li.^ •«> k ,ir l.ii»hrl« .V j»«r and « nflr,, in^a ot •'t-i!! quaiititiCi Mo,a.« hilr Hivan.i an.l li.f-I.Cir M.Kiiri, I ll >r'.ipri:::!)e, ^ I V l-'S 7'!ii)r»iTl’ A .V-, .»i M.i \ iV'ar.h, ll\IC ,'(>.\l* l.i-irt IncJii. I Mai.'rti r, » irr^iil,!'- I I. . i,t r;nri-i.-r% K11 I I: 11 V'^. 'o -.old '■-ir I ,,|| on the rccaiptol ( ou,,n \ nm. .,f ■.(' \o« i;'i,>'ili/ ami low U - .nil* |» r ...I . '.1 i.t V - .h 'ot i» l.,..-l»,lo-a't and l -tr ..ur ■ l>"" H H WII.I.I wi-^ .vi.iMfir/ f >\!l 1 II A "Mil f on- Ix i'k .K-. iiiiti't hav>' I'm' . jr. nil aiich arcouul* 1, .., .1 l. v J"h or Ih r ol (H T^Din lim* 111 1.mill* All that laiii Ill'll in'i d i‘“* *’■ fri m n r) ' •'.b^i r lM-r lil l II M \I»KA. .\ i»Tf.,l rnane Inn':, n .ciiij;-’- I.'. Ill n ari at;«ii>in In !i ik r' — A m., a n paid III. II lii-i;: lifcg*' JM bl i;fOi(it, I'll ili‘) ■ Hill..I J." t ll

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