MINERS’ & r AHMEMS’ JOURMAL. fRi Vli:il AXJ) IMHUSU Kl> V Kit Y S A I IJt U A ^ , lt\ liiOMiS J. IH»l/r)N....IIAUM)ITIi, MIX K».K>I»I H; ( €11”!% iV, ^OHTII-t AKOLINA. VOIm V. ^WiU.JTKACH VOUJO Pa:KCK T.IK X>£;;^W..ICH W..,., HTHKN.'tH r„ ... K HANUS a'.NU JaH^SO.N. — .N\ru!ti>Av, M>VKniu:H 1, ih:m. NO. 2i:i, |t» thr niiHU'liaiit'oua rradi-r, und a “iitaiidard"iin- IVtiiicrx’ A. rariiierH' Journal ^ d«r uliiihtlie |aIriot and poliliciuii may filly, pritiiud aud publi^liad every Saturday morning j "I « »«cufe df 1 iicf a^oiuxl ‘I'® « vil» ol' •I I'wu UoiUtm |wr annum, if |itid in advanct ; ^ ^ oiitKjIidiition, and a ■till iiiorr dun^eruuv puliticul Tieu t'ollatt and Fifty ('riilt 11 not ptiid vauc>^ I Tuite ijullai* at tliu ead of tliu ADVKK’n>KtlKNl.S will t>« loacrlcd ceuia ^rw|uar« (uut riceediii^ 'JU line*, fi/.l ....cruou, and -JJ cinti, ,ar c.ch .ueceedu.K ^ brief c xpo«. of the ot.jcct, the deHi.m, ^•"“-^orel .or.hr.K^ v.tek..(oro«t «,u.r».-|,,,,, A lll,. r.l «... ounl w.l U-...ade to Iho^ , ,l.ro« . l.nnM If u;x,n thr hbcra.'Uy of li.e public, .dverl. ebyth. y.-r ij Ou uU adv«rl.« n.«..U ,uch aid and •a».i.lam:« from U,o.# co.innun.ca.rd .or ^.itJualivn Ui. nu.nt,.r or ■ „ f .r.endly t» h.. u.l.r,.ri«, a« .hall »ii.«rliuu. UIU.I b» noird 011 the inarK>u of tJie | him lu kUbtaiii a I’apc-r «liiciiVball bv no 17. V\ereit wilhi.ut exntiiple, il would hnpudince.— A bold, iinpiident ll-liow i Grtat PriiUtng E)ltab^tshment.— \u\^Mk^ lie surprisiiig, that Lcf>islature», cori«istiii{r came to me .me day, ciiany years wince, and mg over a file ol‘ late London paiwrs, V'o (or tliM most part of liiriiiPr-, have done so t„ld me thiit he li»d b^en to HiUiket—had ! find an ioterestiti* dewriiutioo nf the exteri. I'i. 'I'he ubotniiiatle custom of Buntiriofr ine.” _ _ IJut ‘liat is ti« reason you »-d;>e, are printed. 'Ihere are employed, and lutur* purj,ohe of bit journ.l, the lOdiior wnedi, briiirs, A:c. to yrow ulmut lences, tsbould uhk to borrow money of me—ari eo- i5i» t\r*e thunders, 0 Btereotvpe fouuilerti 7 U«tll lltlAl'AP T. . ^ a al .. I .1 . I * . I *, 3 * “iTid" «?d ^ 1'“^ bu“'uorti.r»‘ (■'•“•'’‘J •‘lov.'tily uMjilibota. I u. corditi-ly j;ave himVhe mone\.' 1 «aw | (V,'m end’toend «ii'h a double row .ffraDics. * • ^ uhichitithi# pride and boaU lu t>o aa huniMt* i' . ... .... /I 1 r 1 ^ VI le, Bic^rvtMyuc iuuiiucr«i i Will tuiever alliiiil nurttcri^A lur tlioe pesih. tire stranger—tliou^h Ihe hU(i» is b*:t • in- , men damping ph(>« r, and 160 compositors, rbe few fariuerKvvho arecar^ful l-Mjohtruy flo.” ub.sund, sir, I will pav you.” I'l'he priiiiipal cumpoHini/ room, ^here the weeds in tlinr oun held*, are too ofteu in- » VVoll,”miid I, jf 8tni»;ly, “ 1 will trj voij.” ityjn. is « t, is ^7U feel long, and is filled feHted with those of hiH slov.'nly ui-i(;liboi«. I u. conlin-ly j;iive him the mone\. 1 »a w | from end to end «ith a double row «f franics. *.• Ail cn«n.un.ca,.on. to the IJdi.or nin.. ron.c bu. adv.i,.,.. i I'l.T" ,Ci“ ^tlnirwI/'drtrT J ‘ ‘".T I'' frero /,wf.ir».«rih.y .nayn«tb. aiicndcito. I 'J b^ *• Nortu Curolm. Stnndard” will b.'printed . ^ authorise thoM. who deMr.-y weed* when ut lei.j-th he made his a(.|K;aram-e, the printinjj a.achines, of which there uio -*• on an in.(,ariul alie.t, at Ua.t .qual in »iza and ! T ‘f* “‘'J'C'!!)!, rtlih u;i brbiieii a tace as Ijefore—told the ,eii;ht that can each throw of!' from 7U0 to • * . ...I. 1 1. • 1'f.cocahy 'l“‘rfinl*\7Vnd''uvinK for many I '""T m.n.. d.aldy ll.ercatl^r IbrwLrdrd to b.o tor hidiM'lt and suiipofl tor bi» laniily. j Al.d bfiiuviii^’ liiatLir talabiuiiiiivnt of a I’aptr ^tne .Scat oi iu»«riiincnt, Mbu b >a«il du jurtii;« lO^tht: vi-iiarab i and |i«lriolic «. tii> f .\l«f latratt' ul .\(.'Kirri/i ruAi.. i»K>i i;x'iK .ris. • erlainty tell when it m ab'ut to leave mu. —but I v*iil in (>luiu i:n»h.sh tell you thut I reotyfie, of which 7o are Bibles. I’he firbt inquired he, utiuct- cost of these plates would amount to 400,- about 3000 tons, aud ght ur ten if melted and sold for old metal wuuld bs two l ist acceleriiies death. ^ months t>iure, and promised to {lay mo, and worth 70,000/. 'I'he average quantity of ^ .wO. All old hi'ld was taken up |jy Col.! broke jotir word.” lie denied the fact, | paptT printed amounts weekly to the astoL. ( hiphain, for i .xperiinent, and sowed ••etie- point blank, and said be had never befure i ishiii;/ quantity of about WOOO reams. year. t.-.-JucUd a l'r.« in aui-iiHf pait ol lut- *' "■:*> ‘o u.icrn.in. ft ,K-rihhes in consequence of to. violent el- v^ill not.” » V\ l.y f” inquired he,ut]bct. cost of these plates woi biatc, tiHi )>riiK'ipal objrrt Ul ttie uiidri>it>ncd, lu . »i - «• * lor!», produced by planicr. Its tale ih hitni- ing iurpriyc. *• liesides,” suv^ 1, “ )ou bor- 000/.; the weijiht is al BO--, locaiinj lii.uxh in K*lti/i, i. ..uj.i-ijlou.t ‘ ^ ' , i !ar to that of nn individual; who by living rowod the i>anie tjin from wie eight «r ten if melted and sold for the ('•.1..I1. andL.me mi-a.un. ol bia Ad.Hii.i.u*. F,um thr of tkt Uant^-d Farmer and , rally with plailcr-but stripos were kit un- been in in\ store. AJy eleik, who was at ■ W heu the uaiK;r-makersand other trades u...,and ibroujh .1.^ Judge, RukaU ! H.„, 4uta,,a. ] pl;.>tereJ lo, comparison. 'Jhe crops espe- the end of'the More, and heard thewhole'men are taken into account, the men to l!.Viuclc.!i.^!'i. di^.aXr^^^^ *• weedy fallow ^ ciully ol Indian cfjrn, plar-iered, xidrfed discussion, hr.d lived with me when the h.an which this establishment gives einploymeiil rcui eri»i» i»i fciliir*, and raiUd loi bj tim t* •»•*'» u plou-’hiin', or OB a wet one to niore than his nth bottom land* ; but w hen was nmde. He caine forward Ves, sir,” must amouDt to eevcral thousandn. wiitiiiitki ui ibe of til* t'Uir, Uj» undrr. »uve tiiiie. j uot piasten.d it was almost worthless. , says lie, “ you did borrow that money, and | Boston Paper, *it: lid bii adviniiut^iu ini'afc lu tiir eiiirr|,ii.r, ^ 'i. ('hatig* your Crops and destroy werHs | ~1. .Notlnn^ injup^s noricultiiie more i was pr«st nt at the tune.” lie was not i rotelIi|rencer, avating Ihe Canal in this called the Deep Cut, k»-^»ouiic»n 111 ;.rint i,»ic-a» .N fiblaio.iua—uiiicti farm*, fcr marl, rlav, Ijeat, earths, or sub-, ed, tor his nrdent devnimu to a^rrii ullure.! exorable. ' (iie lool and trunk of a tree, which scenia hu» OH ibic-# M-»rf.i by lari^e and in mnces, for expt riment ou y(xir fi«lds. lie I'lie encouraj^t (w;nt nf agricultur..! im- 1 have heard, lut oner, of more Ure-'‘o have been blown down, were found by uin[>ii«iil iiuj'inlir'*, »i|>porlt'd 4nd fuauiord A.N- ■ ' • L/iiK>V J\i h.'Mt.N liir lilt I'ri'Diilvniy, bLiicMii,; tii'i kHn^nnx non lo bi a Nilt rirpo»ilury ai>d lalUi ic)>rcx ittalivr o; Itmi |.'incii>iM—anu Hmimc II i> rvtib'ii'iiily U'lirrrd, arc *1111 d voted tu b.« c«UM-—aftouid .'larc no |>a|ipr at il* t apilal t>itMUgu colaniuj ihr uio^ouro ul iii> AO •Jiumiraliou laii ix lairly vindUMtid, and Uk Voirr o III* iriKiiilt ,r«»ly li«ard. Il i> i)k ih >iii, i es.->ltl S. to Mi«e u plouj’hiiij', oroo a wet one to niurn than his rich bottom lands ; but when was made, flu came forward : save tniie. not piastend it was almost worlliloss. , says he, “you did borrow that *it: lid bii adviniiut^iu ini'afc lu tiir euirf|,ii.r, ^ ('hatig* your Crops and destroy werds | ~1. .Notlniij; mjup^s noricultiiie more i was pr«st nl at the tune.” lie was not i r? I "himsiral i.ovulliei ; i.nd ex. e;,t hi-- . thus to L« lolled, but said : “iJo, sir, lend ' From the National *1 ul.i'l .ljiaiv ifl tiK (Jltucal hi-li) of Ibr i turuin^ them int.. manure. 1 *>ole.| adherance to old aixi i«id habits. n.e this m.all tuni, ai d 1 will p..y \ou Ix th ' Fos'ril.— ln »xcavatin Ilu • >iuic wi.icb I. >• tiu|>i.iuiaiU . 5*- KxpUre your own an 1 your nei^'bor’s ' V'ti. J. iM*ral Wa-hmglon wfc.dislm^ui.sh- tof-ether.” 1 need not that I v\us lu- i . llirou^fh whut is ca ri. J.ir.ib r.urje Ol" PhiL'Jelphia, a Or , iiiMO (,y biith, wua thefiist m Att)’‘i'tui whoj M>|>IimI i;v(>».i;ii to tj^riciilliirul purpom-i. I liiH wa» sevi-ral jejr* b-f*ifl tlie com- m uremeni oi the ruvulutiunary w^r. H. 'I'herr IX n«t jjrt-ater mistake than N^'ell r.)ited c>iinp>i4 • imI >hiil in- liH a. al'>.ia •nd awr ol Uis. Hi K d. l« a'.lofd ill > fa. llHy. i)i» 0arlie«l (k>I ticj w.-re in uni ► . lUi 111—t Ol UiF l»e ucraiy ai liw nalioa; v.li'cti • t|it;tieiirr, and hi* |;r«»iuj yui>, li« ^oi.*{ i id t‘> » r.iigiii. n, un.il liir nlUwd p.im'i .f nil m«tur*i aj(« arc but liit' rrdia^t ^ ««rl]t r'tiivKtio ^ nl«. at tb« li a" ^ J. ck»on lOf I t f rcMtiiicy. Ui« ui>4i>»Ci»^ 4l ri>d h« t^llwr /a ^(rr al »al«4>ury ; I «l raw P'* d hi. .■.•-n*.. UUe*f.g 1*181 »• pnaM>»^ «i! tbrnwn up slntrt straw, Ijii nu.a ■"* P and hrnvv h-a.U. **. r>iui.tr» •• e>ni>h*li-a.ly rootliluUd biiM lU , » i i i o,. , • i i Iwn. 4f..K. roulU nol br-IhrMlMU a ...o.t «orlh, " ' r.,. r-, hUlr.o oi IJi« iH:i>orra f al lu« I ut->u With C MiTiii' d *nd uritbaViu coulidiuoe in iii> |>it'ii>l.>ni*.idi itrjriti i! puf,.'.- .-.Il i»» ilhlii^liii a -1 iifari'iti; rriin^* th«l tb. uiHi'i rM^t.l i« uu.. alF" del an «, .>»laiult of d*ii)liii^ lii.i,»rii 4nc.. ti. Iht •ain. nn~r, but in a u.or. «itrndru r. A I'fiilly kll> til'd lu I r .Nslioiiai ( H.atiliii.'iu, and l- tlic I* n fi *' • 'UU-a, a* t> li>lirUii.|( an im, rr~rm.it lo aur ^lUvtl, 1*1., «ii r* ^ "I . iigbi*. H|,«i trr inav h^vc « UuOt lu v lu «lol«tl |i» ( rMtlaluar e. Ihl 0;il , or CUdaliJJrl li . |nr,-' , III liip ulh. r, *li.>il t~ c^ita tar iiiu»t un- ti'a. rtoi cjudi iniul: iQ *t llir i.tjiltir * bauu A«I! uliiii >tir ;>ct.t«»:a o. «,^ o il jliU lli ; liorrtj i>; I:.'- !il, «• nj;* ^iia'j.iti'u J\ lit* ^(»l I hariT o: our K ,';i!*, •tmi nuiaui bji III* If'.r'iiMiiiji 01 aiiiii-lioii, «r u-•molliiri d 0^ 1:1- ii.ru, ii i.i* of annii rar,, ih«- l.uuor j. o.iu*. fri in piaster oil wheat and natural pr iss. licis of l ur rarele*# iadifIeroai;e ondcul[>u. ceivc ttio approlntion ot ail re;*l frieniid to iM>rson—whose brni had been blown (.If by when eut up, to iiiBke two cords of wooci. Mw matteiiliuii lo their in’.t.Tust uiid uc-1| the buiaiin;; of a cann.m on some j.ublie oc-■ The tree is either a pine «r sycamore, but but thu suu shines—I must goto hu-'cajion—for some money, to aid him 111 his , "Jo saturated as to make it difficult to deter- , helj,lt .'» c'>in!ili»’n. He pul liis himd in his tniue which. !» was found in a stratum cf |pvx.k*"t, and ^uve hiui u half dollar. 'I'he marsh mud, a few feet in depth, and the man rlu'cheil 1!, and witiioul reiidennj; u w hole superior stratum is clay. The ground \ Al.l I.ANP. I A p»mleman, we iiiMK-riiii.d, r'cenl y retired. Nwt long alter, 's con.^iderably less elevated than that oa I wild a iruct ot land in ,l_,de oountv, Iv m^ >n j,,. „j[,mvcd his way tlirough the crowd, and ’ Cap-tol Hill, hut uiueh above the level tli'ided into ihice l,jta, tou jhiiijj the donor’s aim,..bswived Vout ’ *!•« jiluiu, coiumenciug a few hundred .Ktio: a. i Vri.i»n;. Ui.ac a^ni.. j a. follows ; O.i- lot .-I |.) acres. «t dot- ^ ,,r..iher has ^iven me a dvlUir." 'l'h- hint yards to the west of the ground, where thiii leal (.aiKOnalrUvo* lu iavuf ol An-!' * ^ " , lir, iw^r umi •> V7(,t) • (.n»-i.f 1‘J.l ir ie« il , . 1 I r 1 1 i i . . Of I t f’cawJiiicv. Ui« u«an«eurti omu^y crop* und Ion;; . • ,r 1 i«.o acii., ai ;vas a br.rtid one; and our generous coh- w astound, and which was once, nodoubt, I siuil dun^ Uollurs per acre 9*j(KiO; "* tributor, not wishMi^to be outdone by his a part of the b d (,f the Potomac end \nacos- jj well tilled acr»*\ut 3l^ doll'irs |K-r acre .. ),iiHl; ,piai,ve, diew from l.i* p.x-ket two twenty- I !•“ rivers. The wood was uot petrifiid. Dor ! iiwkiMs, l.'r aa j ac.*'., the himdv.me sum ij^e cent | i. ces, to itdeem hia credit w ilh were ihere any other vegetable remains to the acre,' d.ii..ir-. I he laud w:i«. iait,.-d lo ^.jiicilor. uiscover^jd but the roots of similar trees. A»-i;;hiii;; 111 It/s. tu ihr tiii-ue!, nud am mo-’j Thetnain.ee worthv, without a si:;n of vm..i that if It l.a.l 1--. n thr.-hcd C'atilude, Hjt.m mmyiai with the crowd; .1 r iiiirv^t tiie pr.Klm». wou!dh.vo ei- *•',"* If'd, of lijtuil U 1 lility , i,„i .„p,, |,t|^ at his b«!iiefielor's elbow , -4 lexson for liotja.—Ala. i e.>-*'*d /io i>«c.brl- t.i iLtt acre. It was i*"'' “'J'w ith a suspicious l.xikinx c.jiii between hi> eounty was pl.iccU as an apt. lad frnm Buck^ -spieioiis looking c.Jiii between his eouiny was pl.iecu as an apprentice in one thrrshcd lu M wcii, and tl.u duatiiiciioo "as . ''T' '• T thumb ami (in-er, which he prrsrut. d , say- l"f >he newspaper olJices m this city a few “ UtiC ol the quarteis } uu ^’ave me vears since, whose short career furnishes a was an eigiitfeii p.nn\ piece, ('nii’t you slriking evidence of the niwrable conse- b) rnH. 'I houjli NVilIiain Vv'e'.t wn in advanc ed dije, h.« indiistrv wai still inen-a>ing. I'lr ho held It n pjiiil of duly in e\ery tiian wh'i ncriipii‘!i Und, to . njiavuras far a> .Mpahle lo k ep It ill an improving »tal.' (or the benetil .if h.iii»»lf, 1i;h coiiik tiious, ilie I nhlir and [xiftf riiv. H. 1 have in v. r derived c*. .".I «f ll;r M«u ll*l *'ihr ( t. iia'iluliuii aim Hi. (. umu ihiari h. fed« adopted * lb« luuixi 10. “ i'vi M lli.Mi-h a inuny iiaiu l..ou thkit ! of Its halulity to overil iw fir w.nt ofcrirtal wfiiilo not couimniid 10 dollar> per acre.— lleie sre facts whicii show tlie jjieal vnlu^• 01 the swamp and inaishr lands 111 the low er f.tuiiiie*, and aeuioii»tiat..s thw impor- t.iiiee uiid piai ticiibility «f huv.n;; them Iriiirie.J. '1 he value .>t' the land above al- hid^d lo was aitually eulianced, by Ihi^ , . C, iiieaus, to the amount of IJOI! tu .'jL'O pt r tent. 'I'iie st.ae owns immense Isxiies of "*fJ some .me had stoli-n Iroui hiiii a box of butter. 'J'he l>r. mounied hi» | Jive mt ihe balaiict I ”—Ki.n lui buthir. I I'hf Ccijuror.— l>r. Moses, the ws;; who {K'Uiisiied lu our to*n previous to ti.« revolution, w :s a reputed coiijuror. Oiic day a market man camc to hin, coinpiniii this land ; and it is i»eli»'ved li.at there is ii* queiice ot boys mdiil^iti^ in irregular prac- i tices. Ills evil habits tiad their ori^io in nu inveteiate f.>ndness for running out al nights, w hich oi Course, made him aequaint- .•d with vici.ius bo\sof his a>;e, such asare w itness, d every ni;.ht, louny;ing nbout ti u comers of our streets, often sweariny; and .iriiikin^'. He fell j>iadually but irreclnim- ahlv into th.‘ir habits, and soon l>ecame a ’ 1 ; 1 1-1 1 ai.n iiiiw Ill'll iiiiui.r, a.10 soon oe-tuiiie u enierpnz--m which.she could eu^H^*-, which w 1^, uikJ opening a larye iolio volume, his ^ . 1 _ .1. 1 _ . I I I _ n Hhint l»mf: iii if«v unH \hm\ turn. . ^ ^ h.. p.,..r.,.i,i:. b*-r. nuou.ly Miid.i aUd, 01.1 ' i-r.r., h, r ’l'ii .n h.^te, for hu.lard to thy fold; "‘>uld So rea.iily and ceitaiiil) iniith her a '‘mc lu iii\siilitalioii and thoH lurn-I ^ went ofT to sea, and in one ..f .' ,a8 lhe rvclaiininii itii part of her "’"‘^*^'11’'' '"“";^’.'^/'''.-) '*.'*'* huu to Ulow v\ esl-lndia Islands fell a victim to his (hil d il^nl ..iMirir a nl ai^ pi"'iij«l oliiui.ii.r lu • util, iK«l uiutl ini)iorUnl prn.i i;-ii u. J;. • i lAli. • t ...V rniiiii.l. Ki.rfil ba lalltd lui «u.i kJ>U' -If-J li.o roluiiin* ul Itii* ^ lull and lair «ir*ru««iun ui tl>o>« iui|ivrl->i.l a«4i If-ai(iti,- |»ililiiil | ,|.ir« 01 llir lU^—ih» I iiiifU iV'uf.* fi., i, lutrmal /myi>*tvmr»li, aiii] tn« nr il i’f. ‘I .»i/r V—M ill b«- idiiiilt. d III I lie •• ManatiC." Mut I, liom (iriiiro Ir, aol only la Mr t , .>*. .'•4iik, li.il lo *11 oiti 'f N iIi.iimI iiiuii. I »d ui.iiiu|»>' In-’. »« * ol! a* lo « » .1»|| :.i! «> «| ui «l liil 1 i„i, l.n IUm.ics Ihe immofliate return 'I'rectly lo li v *sel «t one Hill arjr.'h bi^ iiKuilIj ; and it a awartliy Uiui'uc treasury, I mull rii.-ali. ill* biiuiid puliilo liiiii;;, 'teirilorv. 'i’jy' * ; •“ > fr.,m the sale of the piibhc land, that of pri- *’« « hai ve^ and we nt into the h..ld, and ' \nd ...Uii uu ai.ulii r iron, iliy .loL... 1 individuals would bo so m.| iovod as IH-mted out lo the man his idcntica! box ot 11. It s I. u.d U m«.ie di-.srnce|„l and butter. The man Ibarmj. »o have any thin- ^ ^ follies • biiiis r,n. imuvil in ihoa.* w ho k *ep su[. rniimrrarv, of rmi'rution which i-« now so rar. to do w ith butter v» hicli ri* .w'lrv'.i had, as , , ^ •, ^ , ’ 1 .1... Ti ine iitn. 01 « mi^nuion wnien IS now so rap- ^ ^ ^ ‘ dered more striking from the circunistanco , (owu inteiii[»erate induljr'“nces. S.* far his ' rase may be nnly that of many others who have been equally impiddoni, and paid ai w,.iii.I.,s and a.:i,ve.i do,.. They ...jure ,,,^4 he supposed, lound fbr him, g.ivo it to the i f *»-ietv by exfKiM..,. Ihe (K-r.-i.s . . tUe.r i 1 *r. as his tee. ll'he Dr. had that .nomin« bV o^e wll" :.,M.»1.„ II., I.o. “* di-.so and .ie.ith, aiiH| been al work .m the whari. nrid seen u mati . i_-. .• _ r-.v.i.Kni-- U ,,l i.uvrrnni. ni. I!.. I .1 '!'"T |>roj>. riy i„ j.hmdcr and destructnm, 1 D,grorcr,j of an auU,n,e / ni—A short ‘I**! ‘•>^"e the bov in the v. ssel.j , b. oueatl e H.ir .1, i.„ W,„ . a,.iu.i iii.-.r ill .dxo,o ^ w h.'ii auch b.M ome mad ..r b.-aM, of prey.' ^.Midrneis were dij,'- "‘•‘f’ >'* '* i;;liU,rin- town having; thousand . !'r*‘ao'.rir.iV.''i!.’.‘.iu"on^ ‘7.r ol ' Mako a slron- f..;n I commune of Ah:/n«n du Vent, •'>*>» “n “^"‘1^. '« '‘^uld , ' ii.u 111, ur>i, IVzenas. 111 the south of I'ruiicr, they 'P'Kurt to look ii.to the lK..,k ul f:;!.- un- | li{,'ence to his friends here, of his having ;ed property to the amount of dollars. [Phil. r. Gazcflc. A dreadful catastrophe occurred off tl:e •r.. 1. I.-WHK I 4. Ihr ,, r,,. luH) ot lb.. I n.o^"i> "■"I” '' ••'‘•**p« an o,H-mntf Ul the ^m.lre j ^ fun. ral urn 111 in rUct p'reaur- onl II. It , ur».l h» a ;'iiJuiHi« dui.Jon ul |H)«. , •'"■‘'“lil' wl'" " di'U CMU enter but can- ■ ’ - -1 . I ; « i« u>ifii ll.ir III iii-r.l 4iil lula I..I.. I nnii iiu, liol a!;.>nii J 111 ilii fir -liiiiiv ill it » III. I. i> 1-irit.ily Ocl- Ia 10 III r, mid lo lue Ullrr u li«l ,t ri. *ily rt a. ni-il |i> lurm. ri-i;«ril» llii; all dlii>uibiut; •(••■•"'nil o M ‘.0 fhiiU hr nur hrjt l‘irtdrnl f Iik i^.Uir will. Ill dll. 11.11', |H> ri^aily In luM ritu oti Ilia l4IM r llir liuiiir ul !||||. Ml.n fti*l| Im- i.. Iim li d lij iHc Ik-in'MiMcy of llm .‘'IdUf, aa lla litjiuliii. i.io I'lathdale. .\.lljoii;^li, at ilii' jMrliriilnr j'lnci.ir.', a .non tiwii ■ rdinary 4lti ii'loii lo I.cn.-I4l rulilit* la . all »d liif h» (Ill'll.r *> i.'.iiiit nt, Ml II i» Ihv dea^ii ii| IIm (/•iiliir III di\oli'a bi )mrliuu ol hi* (lapiT lo faini ami no more 1 .rvl aHail* ol l .c Suii, and llir IM ( uliar mil r.xla j ... . „ u i i . j .1 01 hi r , 1.0. U..I »t Ihe S.al »f (.ov. rn " aah.-s, prohibited With I'icnl, )u u ill beeiMbi. il to coiiiiiiuiiK lie lo lli. Ol" loieyoiiif; exceptuin. P-UI.;.* .nil> m ,1 ,i:ri(t iiiliir.iinliun i.i llie pn. I ■”>. '•'•11 eX|.eiid.'d with propriety, to I a. No huhfa I.I U u^.-d hr my l.nant, ..th^rtwo have h..rn.. Several artists —g“'ltv, \ ..ur will appear alsjut kani> or sliicki ; if this lie donu ten- .iiit lo answer the eonscHpiriices, I-I. Th«' tenant allowed to luko away as iiiuch hav and straw as ho hrin^r: ,,n the 'Ihe carrying away of the town have exaiuiued the urn, which 11”' ">**" " “‘'‘J holding it th. d.ivvn, with twenty-nine men b**low, tvery one of vvh.iin were drowned. Perhaps li more eMraor.hnary accident never occur- rf'i.i;:«oi ihr I^|;islai(iih aliile in cr«..ic. anil rnward and a.d t'eiiius and iiiilustrv in iier- 1^3 ,ui prom.ii ..luc- of ad -ru „i i.ii.cr m rv.mt. -um;. as;ricuhuralex,K^rimenlsand r'osearch- O I.I.- I .i.|.l, . Ur will ii,|,„„lv ,1.1 I . L I. •s, vtill ndd au ea;jle lo iht public ati ek. i-al* what I n r Ilia) r.nUril'uIr lo u\i io|» Ihe iii li n *«iarur--, Imlolil Ihr U:i III 1 iTr;;ir», und rli valr Itii . liaruc t'f ol .Ni.« III \«M| iNv, a-i uril u. i.ic.,ni«|fo «I1 III ii inriv II nil 1.1 . nliL lili n lli.' I'l uplr in ri jjard l thr iiilrtiinl i»i».iiila«c« » i n hIih Ii iIk > |ia\, l-*i n III.il li) imlur.-, II' »iliktii«« lu iimki il . p.l(n’ a d'»-i.ni pt>-r III lul l*—an h«brrtul «, U>. The Chinese and JajMins have ns iiiuch knowl.*dp.‘ of practic.il n:^ririilliire .!■ any jie.iple m the wnri.l. 'I'heir im- nien^H p.ipiilaii.in corni« ls ihem lo coiicen- trnln their etiorU to this (loinl, so as to some plate and several medals of the buiuo period. Will Man.—A wild man has lately been found m the mid»t of the woods and pfar tlic uiorning dew. uionotiuiK uf Hartr.wuld, in Hohemia, who Portsnouth Jour. moved. [ I'he l».H.-tor had written the ii.au’.s 1’^^'Z". 'n’U. twelve to name with ruicu juice ..n the scrip.J | ^ As the h^^hl ol si-ieiice is dissominafd ii. and drove her lo the bollom iii Ihe world-lh« mist of superstiti.ni disap- i •*'' ■ i hree hands on the deck ot the cutler leaped overboard ;ind were saved. An . v- , . „ I . . . I , I press was sent oil’ to the Admiral in tho Ills pre.Miined must huve been ihcro troin —a»--- i, . . . II . 1 I . .1 . i 7 I. . .-'I- I .» x-i- a Ihiwns, who came lo Ihiver post, and t.« k hismlancv. He appears to Iw al>out tin riv Ailulteration of 1 cn hi/thf (hinr.ir.—A ,r , . ■ 1 . r . 1 . • I- I • 1 1 , the coiniiiHiuler ol ihe fiioate int.. cu»t.M(\, years ol aue, iml he cannot articulate a r rench commercial paper sj.vs it has (h-ph . , . n I 1 11 1 11 1 L 1 I I i ll'.,.. I where tie must remain till a court marlml sin^i* woril. lie l>eUow«, or rather how s, recent v discoven'd that the C hinese have i •• IS heid. vtosi of the men III ih‘cutter were •|.*!.H-p in their births, hav inj; jnsi come rtf m>iht duly. Three I'olke^tono men wer.» lirowii.'d .ni tho pre. eediiij; evening, coiu- mg fr'iiii the Down Uojjatla, mukiu^ a lois of tliirtv -two lives. • I ho most olf the smallehl portion of j his voico l>emg hke tlial of a do;;.— Ho .idopled a systeni of riii\uii iron filinjis, or t«r o'iil^nonv and' aoi .rii'il'dBt o'i*ih!*^"ii','ut',^^^^^ ^ in-Jllecl the duiim ol horses rims on nil fours. Mild the moment he per- some earthly sub-.tanoes impreijimte.l wi h —H .!. |I-I lor ol Ii iu.l, Iiiij-.aiiire. hmi nmi. —i'.i,cl *"** these contain the seeds of; ceivrs a human b*ing, clambers to the top ir.vn, with the lea intJiided for exportation, a«. iii.ni I, |.i(iiii|,i|v III M urn ilip rrii|i|i'III iiiv liihi weeds; liiil prfivide every where roser-j nf a Ireo like un ape, and jumps from which renders llial article much heavi»‘r. ^pr.ia.‘ |.HI,| ,V»V II nc . VMII. v»!iuh Ihuir rifhia voirs for human alviiie and unimiis ejiv-1 branch lo branch with surpriMiij; Hfjility. A cm ions plan has b«‘en adople.l m I’lan.-e, tto I »■ r.n a mil) In ii.rraUu.J | timis. Ni;,'ht soil i* so str.uijj lhat n lifth ; \N heii he s.'es a bin! or other game, he to deioct this adulteration : a pi vv.'rl'ul load- irniiliiMi-n'iii' I r'laint)'* and Mnuldl''ir'''nr/*'''”1^ ' *'* ” ^^**^''’“*1** qjiiiility lor a comp.ist; | |iiirNues It, almost always witli success. He stone is iiitro.liiced int.i a case «>t’ su(H'cled ilviir him Miih |(„ „ omirih.'i'im,ui i','',' ]'!,[ **“ K' '••“’H- j l»»s been broujihl I.i Prague, but all attempts te.T, n’ld when the article has b«“en adulter- '(•lurii:.! unri'ul i.i the Ai;rii iiliarulipi, jirniiiaLI.- In ' "ii\.'d With ten of the .'artil, and one i to lame him have in'eti Iruilless; inil.'ed, he iiletl m this w a \, the loadstone Un’oiiie-^ ! ladies drosses of the present tasliioi', savs III.’ hriviiiiii. Hill, riaimtiif III ihf—I III. l.rr H.iri ' '• hiiif, Of Itu id uslios 310 tutiiciuul loT I «p|M‘ars uieapaMo of a.'.|uirmg Uio li^bits uf immediutch cncrujlcd with iiietuliu pAtii- ihev are like the Dutch man’s rojK*, “ tjo ii-iwa.iusiiutina iDiii'. luua ul'.cii .ut, a.iiu.iiitf au ucic. ‘ civiliW life —/’j-t.s/’o/xr. clc3. ' ' vb-.i’rt at I'v'h euds. A New York pa|>or, in .'spenkin': of the