\.Ni> ri HLJSJIKJ) Ku;j{% sati uoa^, hv ctn > jy, mumim auom.na. I WII.I. TriCH VUU TO flfJlCiC Tin; BOWEI.S OK TIIK KAHTII AND BtllNli OUT KROM TIIK C*\ KKNK OK THE MOINTA MKTAIJI V,ll |f)f 11,|. OH T fTnr.V;TH Itl 01 (I HAM)S AM) yl'llJLCT M.l. NATURF. ' VOi^. V. sATUiiiDAV, 15, is:n. NO. 215. THK IfliiirrM^ A: 1'nriiK‘rtit^ Joiiriinl Ib (irinioU aod |ut»luhcd tvt ry s"url»)i iiioriiiii|{ »i’/'ifop»r nniuiii, I. |«iil 111 «lviiiicf ; NAl’Ol.hO.N AT KUhLIM. Titv UulUii* and hjly Vml* ii not |».iil iii aU- Trsn»lat»il lor llif l'lii|j«ii-l|iiiia (iuzi'ltr vaiici ; I'htrc O'Uunt ui ili* ciiti ui ilie war. NafH)l*on liaii bniu^lit I)* Krlurtllie prin ADVKU riSHMKM S will bf inwri. d ui hfly eip;i| artoru of tlie French'I'lieutre. I almu, j vii.»s DufliPfm-i!*, Miss Mars, ' ‘ li,a.u^rti«M..mi^-.ru.Ulorc4,l..u:..r.lu.K . j cliur.hu.s vcek—or yl lor llinr MOLk», lor out Miiiaie— i " A libtr.l di.ro.ii.l «ill be iimde to ll,u.e v lio ; III;; »iev»Ta! ImifeS^ a WCflt advtili i by III* Vf ir. i.r t>u »ll »«lvtTlirt mriitu I i,ui{U-l Mst^lliblv »!' Kinj'Crors ikmJ Killies ■ ■ | | . i i i r . i r .1 ' 4 i • l. 1 1 11 M co.na,a..i,iua lor f,ol.i...i.o,i. uie nun.lxr o. | ;.l ll.is ulace. A ^umll ll..-.il,f, K1 “«ior of I .e Adi.iirally, 01. H.ard 11. M. - - *• r I,.., i.„„ •• ■“ witii I-liiji l..\cclletji, at I r)rt">iriouIli, upon ijuns, ■ ■ ire (|uile Hatisi;ic- ;’s savin;: tlie jerk All fiiminunicntion* to ihi l.Uiior nitisl , pri>ui|iuiuiii uiiu i > wlidjp world was tlirr*—lio ol , of liie leroil p|’tUe >:uii. 'J'lie t Xj.erinifi;!s wlio liiid cuij->i;d (Ins a-wnilii:^: of ilie'jave iK't.fi uiade and ar(' confiumng wiili Progrtss of Trmjx'f'anre.—It i& a subject ofcongratulatumtliat the'l emperance cause IS timkin;; such proyresi both on the land yrare, tlian her s[ili'ndid ali«. Sonu; | Ih traorJinary iiiii>rvrimuit in Indian (ieiiiian piincoH were mouI**i1 ru'f ihcttt* Iwli Ruhirr,— 'I h* Mnculur projifrtios C'a- rpigiimg princess. 'I’la* (.'pnllfi^ii and la- oulchouc, or Iinlian Kublicr, which some |ili*;iso|' tlieir court otcupicd tli^atk part; Jew jears since wan imly for the insioniti-' and tlie ocean. More than a thousand ves- oftliebov. leant” piirposn of ruljhinj; out tho pencil scis are bow afloat m which ardent spirita At this mnniPnt 'ralleyrind rtle liis np-' nmrks ur>i't! pat'er, i-t now- bciiig introiuced, j is not used. Atid though they visit e'crv coinmaiiKaua lor f»uliiu«lioii, ujc nun.ixr 01 |A ^umll llii-iiHf, r' iM.rrii»ii. mu«t b^uoiuloii Uie iiuiiiiu of ilir Coll, i-..- had bis 1k>x, in order to uu.use tberwjves witn 1-hi}, l.xceileni, at I ortvnoul iiiiiiiu'.crij.t, or tlu> will b«- (AjiiiuiutJ uuiii . „ lht> imnisier, who was liiiriseif ioaiiortablv hrcpcliU!!;-,»S:c. (vvhicii are I torv, Iht-ir elastic ;ii;iiilies w • • All fIIHllHUIllC»tWn« to Ih. J.Uilor nill".lr»ll, , • '|-|.« « u r.o t.v ,.C Ti.o .eo,..l ..C tl.P mi... 'I'l Irti- ut il.»7 in«) >•«>• Ix “It' •* • I tc M !U v NOKTIH A IIOIJ.V A it II ( I i «*U |x.>l, 'I'd I>- lira »I. «t Kalrkgh, On so\i:mhi:ii. loaj, ox riii; ion 1 \ h Tcriuiiinli»ijf-l'm;urr STLVilNStlN \ I’OlMS, .Mana^-rr*. M 1(1 Mt.: 1 I'nz.- oi SI .0(10 is ^T.OOM 1 l’ii/-e i-f I,'HID 14 4,000 1 I'll/.' of a.d'wt li y.o'tu 1 I'riZi Ot IS Vi.t'O-) 111 1*1 lii sol 1,000 IS m.'iuu lOl'i.*. . of r.iio IS .j.'Min io I’n/.'»if y 'u IS ' I'i.z: • of vioii IS .'*11 rii/»'»oi loll i!t o.ooti lUOl*i'/s..f '»•' IS O.ooij M > l ii^ » of liO IS 4 .o.>J 0..11 r.iit > -A' IS 4.OU0 3-t) I’ l^ s'»f I*' ** 6,t'0'i i'riz s >»f !'• IS O't.i'iMl •i.iUM) l‘u/-•« of b l> liO.tHHt »*,i»tH» Tnz.-»I'f 4 lit VI.Ooli , M) frii iidH 011(1 u.\sell, to prH tiro tlii ni, w( 10 oblin'.'d to cirryon h loim rorn-s in;; to (be Miiti iii.ir. 'I til' ii(>h ibeiii,ult»'r yr'-Ht ex*rti..n •n tbeif p.trt. we uliiaiiteii tM-i\‘‘ ‘ " “ llux lukets li.r t-acli reprewntatioii were di-tnUil* d anioii" tlif (or»'imi aiid native la- i - . . ; . . . 1 •).» \ rii. H. I*.,I It ws. d.lVi. ult'to obtain tb*m. ‘‘ T' * "g p. u...Jer l.n;: jiuhh and poii.id^) till;;. ! curronadt'!*, lor stnj.|H‘rs lor cuoli'y, wlorli I'ltMilIy, a;:ain nnd more the rol- will pre\ei.l the dr:i"m>r the ani bor or the f ur UI I iiaiiuj.i*-'" ui-i.'M"- bng of tiie (liuii s was heard, ij‘‘ves Inr- hrt*aking ol the «-abii* aiiU bawsPr rfi|H“S. Il '• of ibu t^»*and l>ukii of VV n- re5tl' s8 uri>‘^ily lovvaltllie [ilace will |>o inv.iluable. l'.r the nnei.lion we *’ ' * ' -Ht ex*rtion At la^t n; p^ared tie F.mpe- are iiidi.b:cd to Mr. >ifver, whose \ariou«% vi-ta fur the ’f tb>! I’reiu h, tKat umn llii-ui-l iiici.m- ^cR‘Utlfic iu-(|uiieuieiit>i are wi l! ki.own and (ra-e.'v .V (K.Iuhis. in whi. b "I a’ln.a and of ever> tli.ii- tha ahuo^t in- > appr.'ciatcd. 'i be nnp.-M-ition of (’aoutrb- \|ad..uMiKllo Uaucourtt^ei*. lo [•. ffo.ni. I' prooii.-ed. Dr.-^.-d a. „,,c now amounis to H.„ne hundred t..ns an- (tor party *..nt in r.Hrna^es fro... W e.- ^ 'J>uul in the Mn.ple m..* r, be . .hi- ,„,:U!y ; and .0 ^reat .s .he oe.nand lor bat ,imi to i:.fuit. W.. l.H our t, Lets at the I'"' “ ,no «b^-r« w- Mon,.,Hl, a..d M t oot lor a : ‘ bad i«pt «o Inn- t. ,, are pl:int;nu ibr.r e-tate. wjb tbu tree ’ , «ii '»ui»ir:_’, ai:d t>/ik b.'place lu U Hriii cbaii, (Ilavra ;itianeiiMs.) whub is a ►pei les ol proi.v nH.lr. I he OV. j ^ 1:,„tUu..,a. Il> ; if., in ord.;i that Ib.-y loav be prepared to , ed niuch impressed with the importan. e ot ^ ' Miott,*»? ui |H rix'ii, e.it.'rn?lf!d irisiisiy " lib I ii.eet iLe inrieaseti driimnd. '1 he ir**': the sul.jiJCt, and promised to give 11 theireai> ibe n'.blv Ix acn^'..f Ale«.ii»if> 'I be f.ur 1,-isi^ carefully rultivated, of course will ly attention. .Mr. Delavan par-wd tbroujih Kin;;s tin ir place* ii|Kjn(b'ir cbatf', niucli ui'prove the iualiiy ot the ( anutch- great bus Leen the increase of saftty to property and life, that the Insurrnce Com- panie:> in New York have unauiinously a* creed to return five per cent, on the prt- niiuni of every vessel which has been uav- igated without the use of ardent spirit. A coniiiiiltec was Bp(K)iuted at the last meet ing of the Ibinrd of the Pennsylvania 'I'erii* peiaiice S ciety, to call the attention of our ln^uraiic( Ofl'ices to the subj.-ct; and at their request u incetin;; of the principal oflicers was held in the Board of I rade’s Ilo«Mn, ia the Kxchan«re, I’biladelphia, on 'I'l.uisday last, at which it «as expected Mr. Delevari of Albany, would have been present to pre sent Some important statements. As be did tiot aiive in season in tho citj’, the subject was opened by Mr. Marsh, tho a^eiit of the society. 'I'be jjfiitlemen seem- I ••opie III the Htrf“i ^o(in Num. 0(1 riiiii.Iina our iii k'-l-' M r, al'er otir r* turn, wi* wt re siiipiin-d >'i iii.d'Hy •h,n;:’'in tt**''! ^^ms,^^1t''M.ruckltrh^ '‘•>1 ' uc. Tbeumnncr in «l:ich the putuit jfiioe. A waller baJ prohMbly probicu by .'n I'riday, to meet the Insuiaiice Conipa- liicii in Baltimore on Saturcav. This sub- 1I I’rize*, nmfMiiiliTii; to 31 o I >T7TrF77uTT. 1 > t. Ti.i* xi.e ill. I*; O'* I 11;; t»i .'^»ti **o,og> In nu.*j«oi o.Mi » lj> ' K III' II* » . • Oir *1«) Oiaii It.j, Il t> ',i#V I ...mitx !• H .11 lit put It.10 -.1*^ • Ij. vl, ♦«!; 11. lil" j>r«4» • •!»• *>. tl>» J! o. HO luUi 41. olil*r: n.fj wn: tx oul ».Ufl.«Ulj, Ui *i * ll«iinl«^r .tiu H»*« • |»U . UO'-i *** *•’*' i"**-* • ‘ u.-^ ii lli« run.*., 'io, auo »l. «. -»■ I fd rtf in Hi. I.... f. : II.- 0 -.. 'I I kL-it t. i.iiiiij.u.; »iii I* - -aux i-.1 Oi. f • .!■««(! i.u i.l^ 1 U/.-'i ••■I'• T r.l U> >1 I tf i. A >1 l;it • ' I ' '• '' ‘ flooi'H".; V nil Ok- «si... I>„ iU llwlti.* II' il i.Uii.lKr «!•».. ft ; I. Kif wl,. I I. ri..ii,.»'i. H. .., u.lleiii j; lii il» '4tcij. -•■ti.. - f*«l«l t..*" lir*l, ...I. I** fciili!!*.. ( »ii‘l II. I u *rlt *'iO I ,. -» II- !i,u.i IImI in.I.I I.I. * On ii«kliiu 1.1 I,- ...... tiK •’ 11. • out. I K.: 0‘ "• '• 01.11..U-i. 1 0 I. li.« lif.l 41.0 MHAiC, will U Clllll.luW 5 . lAwmi:- Jr; 11.. t» tlic 111 »l '.umW r drawn '''o;ii • >i .will; Il ic. iimulliK ».1'. I'» ■ ' •>. t.. I'l. .."vJiirx.l" I. ‘ iio li^'o. I*. • ' Ann I» t«: I ■ K.'X.'S >iMiiit» ; r .« I. 1 11 > » h'• I. liH u Dll •’'•W l"-» • t I. I . i.i«ini; w il>- h no • •» “• •* • “I'll* '• >*' AnilH, I" iH-ill. iMtu iiti...l>. I di»>. .1 iro... II.. Ill n III. (.1100 n^^.l» in I .ii..i>int; ».ili lilt ti.;ur*- o win ue ii.uiuu 10 , I Ihfiii, (!•» tli'- thfjlre tickets ha.J ^iviu ri.»«. to r» ti-i'l r.ib e ir:il!ic ; i>tnui)' f» airi- unC in tlie u'v , witb. ot u i] 1 uhI.iik » ^.ut! ir'fUK-ntl) lor tliini a I'-u 1 li'or a Au’ if «*t oi.U hnd sonic (.fTiCfrs w.Iii liH, m(hI wiih .1 m^li, lh«- ) 'Uii^*>t I’l the I i/fiil-.tnv , for a h-.liiu r »,i.i I rpi.il to H til ki t ■■•nt iilea. Aiiioiij^ llfftitt, we *pii' kl\ ' .ml it w.is iiii.|. r iliTir pr.ili-cti.iii ti.at wr ippr'i:ich«-.l II.'* tbe.itie, llinil^ll toe crowO . «liirh Iw'*’! iti av» nuei. At tiii* t *p oi th* 1 •' Mrs w* re r*-'f,»d l_\ « s- idi* 1 ol ilie ,u.if.lwii*i a fri^iiit«l piiy.‘-io;;ii'iiiv, wiio «ii»lf|biil«*i oor «i.lli|i:iO_\ 111 s»V.-lai iK/Xes ' * liu'h, as j» t, wf rf- iie.iil) eiiiji y . ' I ua* l.-rliitiile •■ii.'tijb to b»-p n ed with iw.i f IIIV fro n.l-. Ill t..f Ir.'iit III 11 l>..x m ar *if»i Ir-^ui M lit‘Df'1* w L* c* U.U > C *]!■• ii,( iK lill thai 1 i in ii’’ P*'- " *' 'INllll-it'1 ..iirM-Ite^ I'll oiii I 'llune; '•'il our j i\ w.i- ii' t 1-1 Ion.; |iji..Uo'). I lie -.\is ni irus v.«»P' cr.nulid to . \.*•*» -, 11*1' d'^'.i^ **t *»iir 0^11 Miui.'iil\ — ^^^^ll critNl :iir^(.'_v tl.!' '.'Iilier or l obiia (Il ci.iirt pli'iyd alibis art.isuste Uau- h,^t,c r(i)c i.s n-.aiiurictured, is 1>\ ciitlm-'jfct is exciting increased attention, not on- h'T U-huty and tair t, we had lije Indian rubU r into l.-n;; strands, anti 11;, in this country, but in Europe, Baring, ^\cs anH atleniK'ii oniv for the}.;'l.*;;ore iis. |,bcin;r them stiand nnd sti ;nd with the llroihers A: Co., of London, wrote to their liowev. r the ;;r, , .r'urn.e-i I tbu d or ol xnrn ; ilie^ are tbu^ twisieJ to^'eiher |agent in Amsterdam, to know why he liail (urU.xdid alTiu.-) coulti to',mpl-te our wii;.isbed h\ the npplic.ition of heat: j not obldiiied freiybt. llis reply was the.t -l-!eeiivr aiiou, an.i toiiitioit us l»c- !t,e (’aoM. bou,-collap^'s, and In ll;at n.cai.s , there were American vessels, commanded t .»f«'n tbu acl? as to the eli.ji|ite to b" ob , it,c rojie is rcKdnu-il 1 ia^liC. | by Temperance Captains, takmj^ trei->ht, (K-d Hi tlio I'rearuceof thetnafitbr ol the ■ wi.fld. , and wl.il>‘ they renmin, none otier to other Stn^,l,ir iniccnry of Annait Coin.— | ships.—should Insurance Oll’ices generally ■* A«’iy with 11, .• r-era ebisr-il^e I'nipe-' 1 hi Monday laM a b y »f tii.> name of 11,-a.i. ' disc'io.mate between trmperance ships and r-.r i.o> ni.t like thi'i.i; cnn'nieol It.i-m jumpid ii.to a iic.'ly niude grnvc in 1 others, il ould be a souice ot preat pecuui- ' 'r'\T .'.‘o I'llV'i.r. lHi..lm-ov.rlb.lad..>.iitli. I.xt.ei..ndu-. riuHnvwrb rhurchv aid, du.m.-r the ub-, ary pMii, and should ..vuicr« ol vessel# ein. i,-rt..!i. liJt wr ' i“id d.m’tiel i.;::.le ti,e sv-a.e of I.tia's t'i.v f;iave di ;”.r, pl.,\ m.ne to oavi:.ate them v.lii. use spiri- i' „ t, . ,. ,-rf.wLi '"-''kso: til- j;m:-ror dot s lol l;ke loi.^- abilst there, !>r..ke otl the-H.riier uf .01 oh; tU Kii b(]u.)rs, they w.i.ild save annually aa ’’ ■III. i..'e!,«; .r-.ed aooir.tr. c.tliii which p.Mrudcd t'.oin the u.j .cent , imim-n>e amount ol property, and muit.. ' - • ..rcmd, a small enmson velvet baji drop, cud.s of valuable ll^es. I'liuUons Advertiser Sit uj» (K-i'kso; til'- J)in;-eror do s|iol l;ke loi.^' i.oe!,'; cr-.ed ai)oir.(.r. 'I ti'T»* w«i fimch iinrati'TfI* feii at ihi but Uf I'ullow.'d '.htt e\,m.p|es.> the kili^ nnd rune* !. U ;i re us, hiiii Ls»re paii iiilv NF.W FASHION CARPE1S. \ lady writinj; Irom I’aris to the ladies’ J.iu'iial, published in LonJ ou, ;ives this ia formation: 1 must not rotTiude my l^'tter with.^ut *, ,| i (ji Ni-iu-dl\ iak’an hour or twi,. ot .'leep, 1.1 uppeHis I..0 bill-l'-’f“‘^l> ‘■’**dl^^[i| rover \( Ur room, and yen ' }:cii » iirii.e, oid.'r to p- ruill.i.s ei.er;;i‘', end he rr;)wtied with a>i oihmi rm.vn ol line.'lit iir- .q„;,re to eaeli of you. friends to fi ».1. *• ^u.i.4iir w i.i a ■ ^ wi ul.1 iiirt a. ■> v»ake ht the liair lie had de- (i-Ii, with two Ici er ti ' ti'ii • \i,u, accunliii;; to her taste. Due uh.t. I !.(• uoiji'ii i.|M II I.e. "'I' I «ilh tlie insiTiptu'ii *• 1'■‘V’. • m:\. AMi. another a bird, a third a cat, f » ... ..... .. .1. I.>r I V ♦ \l(llk - ^ ’ ' ' I .. ptrk.ijf of 10 I.. kf'« I n!.;i.4*'|i;; ;i,>tir « hnin 1 t ? Irt 11 .1 |.;(S 1^. ii I0 111 ^ru, M I.,.- » ■ l:.’l*l . I«l» ' M. I « I....lilll4tfvu» Ul |TU r (' Hi •. A r«. I. i;-i. I'm i ir 'I'niicl^ wiil c«h.I Auil iiiuil ui«w lull 1 TIiMf t 111' J-rrfrr J for lh» 1*1 >:• 1 ' -n i, , 4.1, III t.i • U 4 t, U ■ lli- \ t iil^' Ir lili.u'i .. I..1 VV'.oi. I .> I», (111. • It," I ;• t.ililf! ll«ll III I It.. Il>k«l« 1.11. V ei..V» "'•I f 17, lliat lir.liK I*'" allio'llil H'Sl ll‘» • I . i«l urais 01 11. I.-.‘ il- >j) i li' ie i» n»'tii rii'iii^'i I'lr MS ; with tin fie '* m1* *1 iwi. l.iiin-1 Is twe. ii U-, who lor- •il;i:i’'Iv , pfovcu 111 Ik* of nil ui ipiiiK.t.iiiCi . Ml tlie b.>\i s. a>* Mi ll as mir o«n, !)■- -Hino f.ilb r Hiid lii'itr—Wi- wi re U.ead- lu'lv wjiK"/.• >1 — wi« were wan el) able 'o im vo. Slid the be.it wj.« oj.j.n .m. I.'it tbi- imp'TtiMi e (.f the ;;riind ^lH•^l!lc!e, .4 hi II wu' fi riiiin;; b- f«'r«* ii', .s: iij'ied o'.r ill.'iilioii oinp|i:'.elv tl Hi we lorj^nl the inc'.ii\i'nieiicr4 . I tMir p.is.li..n. I itii t bitelv III Iri'iit of the ^tnco were pl.H **d Iw.i iiriii ch.iir« for liie two I.iiipe- ; ror>, N-ip’l'oii iiinl .\lex.il.der, on Iki1i hoi ii.iif miiili- 4; ..f k»hich were raii;;ed ci.miiinn cb.urs tii.l Iiikj uran lun ||j,, Kili;^** HIk' reii[iiin(; I'ri'iccs. I he •.p.iff t>. hind lh‘!*v »eits Is j;aii to fill up. W f .iaw ciitrr tb'- stalevmfn an.l gfuerals ■ f n.-aily ail the r.nroisii |>«.wris, men wIi. M* iiilMi'•• wi“te ibeli ci'lebr ile.l, atliJ ii.ne Ihtoiii'* III H iuej'«iire hi'tviical. U- II. i.rnis (;hli*T.ii(i will. t;‘ld, alnl an .lir ot M\;witv .Hid .l>i''ifaiiee, 1 n.ibled n>. to dis- lii ji.i-.!* the I'r.'oi-liii.en fn.in ttie (iermans, wore mote iniMl''st. I'hrre w.is llci- i.il>rarr ail X. liial til.; I.) ll« J\ 1 I Vale ;ur a i’a. «l Tm U Tk k. ,'heir, .S. ull, t anla.iicoiirl, S.nar_\ . l. iiiiii --, it«, (>0 l)iircH-, and many othfrs, enu.illv celebrated J f I'rii il .1. ilo. ... Ii ."lU ^^,ri'iiiivs i.!‘the iiiafier f.i*em It to 1m‘ li t I 1 II IJtllltUT lI'V - it i.» |ied from the c.itli.i, which neon exjiiiina- lii.n, was fniind locon'a 11 1"4 pieces ofan- froiii the i'i.-iii II what we Mere unable to ( i('i,t m!'.' r coin. '] he In.y iiiii.ifdiatt:!) change. (;ecam;»-d wiHi b;s pnz.', and it is supp’»seu 1 liiiticdi.Tlelv afii r the opffun^of ibe tra- v\fiit ( Ii to I.^T'-doii lodispose ol it. hIUioii^Ii "edv, wtiirli li>> bad jH*r‘rr,»s »'■*. 11 a !,ji’.- !u >.i\s he j; .ve most ot the tnoiK v awa\ •iruii uim s, \apo.«'(jn hani," pldcru him- in his coi:i| ,ni"tis. S. veral ..I the pieces « !f at (M~» ,,, i,i3 -r.M '-SuV, •* a- . -n uv tiu? hmiI (.n un li'iaii wbi.iii vve i‘- (|, Hujf; voii of the lovely carpets we make. >Ir»p. He c.iild, it IS wei; !>!j .wn, .It uii> ceived t!ir« n.f rn.ation, were r-i the rei;:ri! j he.Te'a!r mlv ',n> f*an in two of biiiir of tin- (ln\ ..r M^i.t, ->‘' p wl."ii be of IMvvatd 1. cr 11-; one ol them, v\hu h j am to con.nience one for Hwhed. I],e wi'tu—H-, b?--'!!. that m th(' ihe vitr.e j:eiitUin.iu basin l.is po^>»’ssi..n, | 'I'be plan is this: v ou m. !st r.i (jerw^e battle e\en, be woulo is .I’.s.ijt tl.e ^lze 1 I a s.\] ence. (.)!i the ob-i | jjj, Hiuares ot c*irse canvass ad ' .. .Il « . tiv roitiit un/t I'/tlJ P|\6 01 fill Up for Due dm s a another Ttie d.iy cf this p presenta'.i(»n r.t F.:f'irt, hvk." 0;; lii^ re\i rM> a cr ssci iii ^,,wcrs, a fifih choscs a Cashmere or a Of li.ii! L'-e.) rn;;u-t d for liuii) huurs lo- j.i,s d of a .‘■in;;''' hne, tolei li lv bp ad. and „r l*er;ian p.ittern; anolher person :;i :hor i:i e.xcfcis i.^; Um Iroui* in tlio coun- i-ontiM.cd ;o tin' ouli r nm, three r.. lU ts in si.me other. hetber animals, birds, trv. I each quartf*r, cir. u'l .‘criled w itli the {lace ti .wers. the ttrcund of each squaie ia It w:-.s a ';ini:’ilar j)crl*cle to ii'*, to see co.naj-e, “,i ivirvs LO\no>.” One o! accordiii;; to the tancv of the worker; tbu' m a s’AC. t sleep, the S-rribie min. tl'.e pfces is the coin.ijje ot In land, tbe ,,,1 \*.u have a Kqunrewith bl.ick, another w bo'e \a>t plan', hi.d caii’si d the liMpnmost kinij's head in a tiiat yle, w ith the snme jth w hite, blue, red, ^reen violet, tJcc. «^:e ; i.r c.riu A (if h ill t!ie eartii. \\ e coi.'Kt hi.: ms». tipli>>n roiniJ the oIiKt ei!«e, and the j Imve the yreatot vh.i( t\ pos- con'emplale wttii f-ar, hl^ ^ a.itifiil u.tique place ofcui!:ai;e - i iv 11.v.-i>i i i iM-. ’ ^sible in colors and [ii.ttcins. ben dll pr'ihii', 111 wlneh ibe sonibie uuilorui ol .kl- |ftler.s 011 all mo savun. I here w.isatn.ih- they an- s»‘w» d toj>etlier in a man- txatid'r »cr\k'l oniv ns a I'uil. i-r piece wilbont the lejiible iiiscriplinii, ,jpj. thesiitcl.es are in\i!>ible, and I 1 «(■(.tv SIX vt-ais have elop‘!f‘d siiice that -.u;.|H.M>d to be eiiher (.f William I. "f 11 • , can as.-ure vou that von have the i.;ost*bi. periml, M an »!y tn* thud ol i.’.e lile (if Miaii.''1 he I'a. e vuis in prolil", and a wand >i' ;^,,pand mo^t beautiful carpet [ossible.’’ \ et how man) chan;;*"* base been pro- sc» | Ire in froi.t. '1 here u. 's no! nppi ar to j diic»>d in that ^;>;lce of time! W here ure huve lw>en ni.y of a later period tl'.an l.d- ^ Covifort for dm Dri'iWrs.— K medi- the Kin;j«, the mi;:ht\ and ti.e ;;rrnl, whi ward II., >o lliat there is ev(“iy n u>on to j.;,] j,,.ml,.„,[,n m London n et an 1.hi woman, were nibled in that Uallf Where he ^up|H*se lh*-y n.ust have Leeu buried abiut 1 ^ |,,(,nvhether he liked, CJ in. Rum, who a*'emii!ed iheni ? lie n'poses Imever that time. tor Urandy be.st ? He replied that be was upon th»* riH’k, uround which rear the j not in the habit of taking either. "What!” waves of the ocenn. 'lie short and s;ilen- I'l.Tr.r f^c’fobor 0:^. .said tl.* astonished (jueri.«t—“ W hat, not did life of .\h'xar.der IS pa-t. Ibe Ivipl^s ^ HrtjUh of o;.r t.wit. — "e leliained , (; j„ i 1 |,ke gin heM («f any ibmo ; for of Saxoiiv, I'lHvarni, uud W .rtember;; he m from noticing the nimois m cim iilaln n le- j been in the hospitals m.d I know all their tombs of nni hie. The i «/t rio/Mv.ii:.' ipecting the hi ulth i-.l «.'ir town, until we , (im onl) eats oH the >kin of tho J* roni('aloui' has .«-uivivcd them nil. I'li! could priM-ure «:i (.li.iial report tr.iiii the ijvpr : lum tills it t'uil like a e(ioii;.e ; but braii- his renown has v luished, wiih his l.intastic Huntd of ib-alth. 'I’be lioaid met on _\es- roNultv, hko a dteHtn of the uioimng. terdav, niel fnfii their n'port, which we lhal tho I’iivMiiaiis (Iv etil.' boles luto H that 1 could put my linger iu.’’ i E.rtroordinary yuti.ral Curiosity.— As 'I'homas U ii.ter. of Smlbv, near Kiibsr . if. ■ . I lu ■; l.-(KIM "I l-> I I 111 ir.ll. ;ki«I —•— _'ive b' liiw , it appears 7'Af 7/,a>i/fs.—Wc are apprehensive i'lxve reported ;;-j caM S cf l b m-ra i.s bav- , J .. f, ,* ’■'■'''•‘•''‘1 ”» *•' '‘*ub- I bey*' (h;,, sui»i& tl^tce has been done t« the w iti.iii the last ^evr„ di.vs, ..f ,,tr.f,n . .0, .1 r. i:,„Uie With hi«. cal.o Ni.d dtsi.ilv d regard to their votes at the j 1 toin.mated f.'.li), (.four ('f ibe-e „„ ,),e «.th iu.>.t, buildmt; a pl,v«|..-iioin\, and the venerable Ueiland. i„,p pU,.tion in New .lersev. It is certain- iim udjoinin;' conntie-..) in stable tor M r. Collinson, he had t>ccasion Til.- l.ran.1 D.ike ol W e.mar bad br.n-hl m.pubtie to tire upon a „f the.-e . a- ,., the .Acit- ,|,g then) III his suite, to Lili.rl. Ibe Duke Ilf oiir friends, without the clearest has b*-eu trac'd to impiudem e in ,p,. ^e discovered a small cnvHv , in which ri; .Iha. andiiian) (Jermnnpnn es, reifin- ,1,^ i|„ywere deserting. And ^ iirj'orit v (^f the |hmm.1!s uttaek.d s. ,1.^ theoiM lves, or allied to rei-nm^ b.ai- „• ,i,.„ pvnlence v.ere (\er so c!. ar, it would ,;..eU‘of Ovste.-n, whieb, from ; , ... rolh-i ted in a gn.iip an-iind tbe^e two i„. i„.tter as well as more hUfral ,i„, .f the weather, duiiiiii the in.-! „f the Uev. J..!m ( ollm..*on, who wo \et-laii-* ol t lerinan ht( rattin*. pohev , to endeavor to draw ihem back b\ jt is niesu.iieii l,as become iir.-> Mid. . |,,j, I’h'* rdllirijj Ix'f.i *1 drill.IS was heard kindiie>s to Ibe riglil >.1110, rather than hv [’(irce of the east s repoi!'d as hL.^■;n>:'it- Kibblesworth. its tho county of Aitl|. lit. It i.* the I'mpemr, was the erv seven!) to dri\e them Inni it entindv. V\ e f.,tallv, were }:enll lo* n lehidinj: "f t he w hole co.n|>nn\. IMiM’kiieads, w hat tii« H.-MiraiK e ot one 1 the princi['ul ,,, jheci'uotrv, who, wl.ie in t.iwn, had lie )oii iib..ul ! 1 rie.l out mi^rilv to the au,oii>i the (lenonnnaiion re.ern'd to, ,,(■ Ov^t.-rs, and ve have heaid ol ,I.iimnier« their commHiidinj; oiVieer! it i^ th.it be h id tx ver heani any of his iViemis others w ho w.'re made su kalnio-l .111) .-1 Kuiii. A tierman ivm>,> entered a.iviH-ate the course «Inch is said t.. have iift. r hMVUiL' partaken of the ih.- h.ill ; thn'e m..n> iirnd.' tb- ir appearaii. e ...n. rHlI) adoj.ted, and that he nev ^ ^,^,,.,1;.. 'i his f;„t has h>id tho e'J' ct | .rvcll.His i.erieetion. makine them .horlly after. 'I'bns e.il. .ed witl.o.il any ^r heard an) ib.n;: ol snch a course until ..f si,j,press.n.; tl-e alarm wbieb the appt'ar- ,,, m.swev I noise or eclat, the Kmo>* ol Kixmiv, lla- he wiw the re.na.k> ol the papers alter the 1 „(• j,„ ,.p„|,.n,K-is natnriilly cah ulated i.iijiinal lin.lws. An Uarni, and \\ irlemher^. I h Ivmuof " e^t- t.|eelion. Hesa)s he voted himsfll wiUi re n every reason * ' pliiiba, (Jerome llonaparle) who arrived the \\ bu«, and thinks a j;rent ;n»j.»iily ol i,v strictly nvoiditi" all I'oikI ' l.sler, ecUpsed then all h> the iiehness of |h, Usites voted m the s;iinc way. A , »»|,,ch has a ten.lenc) to (>l^^en^.•r the s!o:u his einbroiilerv an.l j weh. 'I hc F.niper- very n’spec'abh! man, also connccte.l with or Alexan.ler, niajestie in his appeataiiee, (li iK.mmalion, has hatu'.sJ us u eoininn : ent.«red afleiwiirds. The -real U.x oppos- nK-atn'ii, the slutemi'nts of which he says .tetliM st,iue, dit/zled the e)esfrom the |,o knows to be true, nnd one passage ol e. lat w hich il sim-ad over the hall. The „ l„ch is ns follows That Friends wen 1 \'| (l-.l" r» fnmi a 01* I'Oi i.r ;i. , IV ill-I-OI'VI J nil" I, I 11. u ,.n;> I.,! ( i ' - . If ...• I H . I- 111 |l>. > 111 1 I i.f. tl. .Mil T. . n ll.n 1. ...I lit.....j.| 4tU l,ll.>ll, II kU In U I". l» llll-.'lt tl i. ( lull lull.', \. I ,11.0 ..I. »' "1.1...t i|. 111. -•Ir.i'ii,;^ will Ik .urwaiii'U li.iiiitdiuU i) iiUri- ^> t.l. IV ' ./. Tl, t,f» « t.//.I>M i'J ij .^irMs|, *'lo U il. ,j, U1 III' yi al.'i )H ' , III i.iliiiU'r., .it I. r 1)1 I II I. oi W II 1.1 \ -I II -ft.( K, 'I'r.7. I' .V H . //..|,.^ H -'-l, Nnr. 1. ..«(.irf.r. A' ( rg'Mli; 1!.V Ht'IN M M.IN.M" B If n il III. .Si I|I».| III III. I.ll .ill 1 i.iiU'iiK >. III. M.iiii • It.'. !, Ill ( S tl , « ;■ .1 11.- Ii'ou iiiil r. M •( t III. V iiiiiirii’. I 1.. iili/ II' 111'111. \iiln;.' (iml tin ).|'‘ih. 1.1 ;;i.ii' I il. Itiiii li. « ill |i.n Iy rv iitii-iiiii.ii *1. 0.1.1 |...|iiU Ii. I iiii.v Ih'. .iln.^l. il I') lim > air. 11.4 r:i|. s Ilf I'll".HI. arc a« liili.iwii, |u)ubi« 01 «iham., > 1/: Nil I. .S|i(lli i;- n H Itri'ihii!?. p.'r f|U-.'lrr, $.'1 •Nil. ',’. Kiaili.i^., \\ i.l.i.i; Hii.I \nliiii.rlie 6 I^u. ;i. !1. Il .1 Diiiiii Ir. I o'M^rii|i|i V, I of '1 |i', 111"! III. r u .ill 111. I'luhMis 1“ N. II N1) p.i.i.l w ill Im-r..V. .1 i.r a |ieri‘i(f 11'4 tlinii tlirrt'iiioi.ilii, .or will lln r,. Ik' 1..11 iImIhc t ... in ll.r l.ii U r Ii «, l.lll. K 1.1 ( III »l|.Klli-‘4. I 1.1' pii|.il I'll! Ill ...I liii.iu: aOcr om- wtrU, (II.Ir H II « I.. It). I 1,1' |i'j(.| liir. -Ml/., 1 .1. Ii'lv It Duihain.— Ihruick Aiir. The M.:rch of Impi-crrwrnt.—A .Mr. I! iwland, of est I5rin ktield, .Mass. ap« pears to have I roii^'ht the w.x'den letj hnsi- acb, the disi;a.c wiii «juickl) disiippear. e. lat w liieli u spn-ii(J over me n«i.. 1 n- « men is ns lo.iows ; 1 n.n .y^j (;oor>:e, ' lik at bpitlieaiJ i (i.ieen of WoMphalin, covered over with |,„stilo to T. Freliii{;bnyseu in couseqiirnce bf^cxxr^l years iitv’er w.V. r. diamonds. «at in tho cnT—near her was „r i„« hav.no b^.n emplnyiHl as c.m.sel 111.' chirmiiii. Stepham.i, : rand I bi.hess ihfui, 11 w holy without fiHindaliup. "»Coo 1 ^ - of lladcn, tiioro con>jiicuons even by her :V. \ , Jv. iial I'/' t >«i''i”ict ()/./ U — \ boitlc (*f Madeira w ns puked up leceti’ly fn in the wrick (f the ; Ii >vj1 Ceor>:e, -Vik at Spit head in IT"''. It W '.S •i w ith •::ca sbclN 'II ns the itl.rtiuiatp Vermonter lost, it seems, hi'th Itirs-, hs a lo:: rolling; on to btiii, but, by I i,‘ii.« of Mr. Ill whind's carjiei.lry. hu n'l-.v iH>rfi>ints ii.-arly all kinds r.l woik, with ihe siunc facility ns I'cfiire.” It all !.(■! tnio th:'.t is said ( f this jji^tleman a “ worlof thi" nruler>itaedirip,” i bandy- Icgm'd il il()w iiU;;hl l>o tnnpted tf' throw by ^ls olii stiniips, end purcl.«M' a jKiir ot .Mr. Il.'wlan.'i's *• itrprovrnvi u. ' V. V. '■ii r.

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