THE MINERS' FAUMERS’ JOURNAl,. From tlie iUlilkx Advoc«te, Ocl. 2l>. BUYING A PRIZE. •thkee's mamv a 8Lif BETW EKN cuF AND ur.” 0«f SujHriiir Courl.— l'hc fall J« rm of (JlUm'a A fellow not much acquainled nith thu jour Su|)erj«ir C\«irt ol Law wns hfilH during ly grown (’outt (J r Seawi'll pipsidiiifi) U illium ] Kmigrtnils to Africa.—'1 lie ship iNinub, ul'about 1!1 \t*iirs uid and br^d-' (’npl. 11. I’afsoiisi, mailed I'roni Nwrtolk, «ii liiBl, was put uimn his Irml for j Sunday lH^t, I'tir LiUtib, in Aliu’a. fc'he tricks of Paine Forluoo, went into a lottery tjie Just week. Several cases of u cnpital i the inurdc >f his «igicr « child than ' had on Iwiard l-H t‘iiiijr(Uite‘, 110 i>l w htiu offico in Broadway a few days eince, amr naturu werr tried, which excited u gicul j hiiiiM lf. wislied lo purchaw the higliMt prize, which I (leal d'interest in our conuiiuiiily, '1 lie taking; pia lietwecii them aU-ut i-ot.kinn ' lliippuhaiuKirk, Vu. who b!»i upprcprialed Was exhibited Wfaro the door in ^lariii|'tig-I tirsit was that of (,\ipt. Arthur M'Dituii l, ^oIlle fiHid Ijco no une was ubciit the houtie i tunos li>r tlieir tians'i'oriutioii. _ _ , apt __ , ores, “ He wds asked tl he i uh«> was put on hi«i trial liir uiaosluu^hter, hut these would have a half a ticket or a whole ope. | in th« killinj ol (i. Ali^ton. 'J’he td a case “ A whole one to be sure,” said Hod;;o, cdse was conducted on behalf of the Slati; thnmt ... *• there's no use la pla^fuiug oiw’s self with by the Attorney General, and tho defence atcly dird stems that on some «iuabble i «» re lihrrHletl by the late Dr. Ilawts, ol o, the lad deliberaielj shaifien- j itli the iippiobHtion of the Parent (V tiiifu uiid cut the liule girl’s ■ loni’/.ntion S* ciely, thtte jo to lound a new ich u maiincr that she iiuiiiedi-1 colony at lta>ha I'o^e, about eij«hiy miles “ A geutleniQii iiiioraia ua thatei^^ht fam. ilies of his acquaiiitance, lu an aujoimug county arc uiukin|c acti>e pre|>araliuns lo ennifrate to the West.— l*wor Carolitia! dearly lo\«:d as you are by your sons, the klroii|; ties of ufleclion n uht y leld lo the ap. Hthy and iiiiMiiana|^eiii*nt which porttbd notiiiiig but povarly and ruin.” 'I'ha abo«e |mru^raph is taken from tLo Ni wb« rn S|Tiiator of the 17th ini>l. It Oq boiiiii chartred with the act, dislnut from .Monio>ia, on the cipasl ol that is a souice of deep regret, that at the luo. a half a prize ; give us the whole ®r none—^ maiia^'cd by Mr. Baiiyer, with whom was he acknr^-dged it, but at (irst jjaxe u dif-1 continent, whose imtions are sittin>{ in daik-j mrnt when ('arolina is putting forth htr Iwenfyr thousand dollars, say I.” I assiKiatcd .M*-. Whitaker. It was fully in- f. rent rain for doing it from what be af-1 ociv*. and in the r» gions of the shadow of i ptiwi-r to attain her rauk in the cnn. He paid the cash, Iwk his ticket, and vestigated by the counsel for the Stale, and ' terwariii .lii{;ned. On the trial ho up|icnr-' death. They are sent to givo them the , tcderacy, that any of her soiia should forKakt want away. During the interval between : ut the close of the examination of the State’s ■ ed iuil* u^oncernod at w hat was g*»ing on, light of ('hrittian e.xample, and to introduce j tier and' seek a distant hind. I5ut this loci. Ihe purchase and the drawing, his head ran witnesses, the Attorney lit'neral declaitd and altloMie Jury uaivithd hiiu on ac-: among tbi in the arlsof civilized life. This , dent ought to remind usof an iinpoitant lt§. continyally on the twenty thousand dollars, hiiiiself constrained to admit that it wa.s a count «f /* fnnnry of inttllict, main colony is to be established on strictly ( hr ' '' ' .. . .i . ■ . - . . Ho could uot sleep o nights, or il ht slept,, case of excusable homicide, and that the ; ihi'Ught tlilt this s(mthy of manner was the ti«n and len.perance principles. '1 hese ti It was »nly to dream of money—of gold aud ! deceased came to his death b) an evident ' rllict o| vtious examples, with which he emigrants to this ntw colony are nea 'hns ' tirsi irl) >n. It is the re>utt (if that polity which I Virginia and Noith ('arolinu hu\e too I long pursued ; and to the Itiinelul charic. ter ol which boih are 8«ak«'ning. Could •ilver by the bush(‘l, or bank bills by the a ^nticessity on the part of the defcadeut lo j wa pri\’n\to ha>e l>een familiar Irom Ins all ni«'mbers of the iiaptibt Church, and ere and to talk in his sleep of the wealth : save his own life. In the invostigation of carlieM chilhj«Kl. liis whole n(«so« iatioii8; ha*e in ihcir nun.ber three pirachers ol he was ab»)Ut to possess. His reveries—his the case it was shown that the delendiiul have bn»n f the most depraved chaiacter ■ their cwn color. '1 wenly of them can read Way-dreams as well as bis siHeping ones—^ was a gentleman ol a uuld and peaceable lyd it >rrittd a mutter nl surprise lo c\erv and write; and a goodl> |Hiilion ol th m were ol riches. He speculated on the plea-| chaiacter and of excellent conduci in soci- binlv, ilwl licli a st.ite of morals, as this have valuable trades, and not one is sti(>er- sure he would enjoy on the tif,'ure he would , ety, and had bten li.r many years an ac- trial cx^iid, should evist in a civilizt-d , annuated. .\ll of thi m seem lobe uli«j\e cut in the world. He laid various plans ol , qu.iiutaiK-e and fnend of the d«* eased, and country, flie sriisalion protlui ed in Court the ordinary class *ur \ gor and ini lligence. employing and enjoying his wealth. He ihat this Irioixlship had constHntly been re- on the niLluction of ap|wrently so iiufit | There aie also on board the ship .Nu us Would purchaso houses, horses, carriages ; 'ciprocalcd. The dispute was commenced a victim jfjriniinal justice, was great. The ' fourteen very v^liiahlc slaves, liberated b_v he would live in fine style; he wuuld have j und prosecuted by the deceased under the Prisoner \|is pr*«seculed by the Silicitor •‘.he truly lienevolenl Mr*. .Xun R. Pa;;e, ui j iiu«t Irom ur land 7 Hut Ihe jwist ii be. deliMided b\ .Messrs. llujden I'lederick county, \ irginia, si»i*'r of Bish-j \ond our potter ; and il becomra us lo U lid J. .M. Morehead whom the j op Mrade. 'I'l.e) are s* til lu the old , >iiriing, hsi another genrrntion shall ;>ais the Court assigmd us hi>; colony m order to join a nuinb« r who aie I irom our ronfiues, and the people unnerved whom deserve gisal credit for settled ibrre, and who h.ul b*'fii prevu'uolv ! and dn(»inled, relap»« into that |ei|iar{;y, abiliiy with v»hich they dis hU'raltd and sent i ut b\ the Mcude ramilv. | from whi h, aOer a Utiig Alutnlw'f, Ihey hAV« lhaiikli duty. The who! we recall, hy the magic wand of Iheenclun- !er, the gallant sons and lovely dnu|^hlrri of Virginia and ('arolina, who hava goM from IIS to boild up the young empire*cf I he West—Could they appear before us with their Urtig tram of deM« ndauts, how forcib'y wnuld vt«> l>« >lruk with that miM-rabl« |Nilicy, which has banl^hed M>cb a goiWly , ■ I iiiii uimi-r INC I risonei eervauts to atteod hm; and above all, he ; influence of lutoxication; and the fatal ter- (lonerulu., would eat as much gingerbread and lick as ^ „,inatioii of it, thou-h uimVoidaLle by the Kerr Nislj much 'lasses as ha had u mtnd to. He would also get him a handsome wife. 'I'he haugh ty I'abitha 'I'allbt.y, who had so long Iwl as novel ni.'d p«TpleMng, and llhough intimutely vfr-ed in delendani, was more to he re^^reiied bt?- homnnil» canso of the good undt islanding that had Couusol'v . . V iilwjus prevailed between the parlies, and the zeal a fled kis gallant endeavors, would no more , o^oause the deceas. d was a niun of g.MnJ charged th lurn 1^ her nose at .Mr. Hodge—the rich , nehavinr when sober and in the full pos- exhibiimu Nr. Hodge Peter Hodge, EMjhire. He ; session of liis reason.— The jury relired at' ihe Judjje wiwld bring the proud hussy to terms, if he ter the close of ihe testimony, and in lesw criminal'J^i^prudence set ined at liisl a^ di^ lit he would cat a liv^ raccoon, that s all. 11|,;,„ a minute returned a verdict of „,iich at t.lil as sn\ one. Towards the The drawing to.,k place and H.^Jge, at-| ,«/-nnd in is bel.evU the *.„d ..f IhLas.- however he * emed I. ter a sleepless night, caled at the lottery s^.ise of all who attend, d the trial, most un- come to a cLlusion that thi- .stroke of Ju> othce lor his prize. Walking in with the , |,es.iating!y concurred. lice was oi td at lo, iiiM^i.ilicani a crea gait and dignity ot a man, w lio com>s to re-• ^ lure and thj he ou-ht not to sutler a con n . ‘ «•“" '-' col-r named victi. n to tjke place. t)i. it.o who!. \i "un er, an mi . He whs indu Ird for the murdtr of Jumtj dart s;i\ thii WaS will enough ; the Prison ^‘“‘^H*.-C.«-.awh, Th-pn-.ner was er «,rc« ainwer the purpose for " ’ ^ ^ ■ jdcfbiided by Messrs. U hitaker and ^‘pruill. “hich Coljett t>.>asted in the House ol 'I'hese are all auiplv provided lor, having at length awakened.—,\vr_fiJk Ihacon. lar”« ston s of ctuthing, provisn ns, and —— tools, and every thing nectnsaiy to render The following ha* lieen cnnimunirated lo them coniioriabie. u« by the medital gi'ntlenian who atteuded There is also on )>oard of the saira ship | the wnunih d itmn :— two while gi'i.llemen and one lurly, who ^o I \ fiiriking in»iaiic« of (what we »eldom ■ ut as insliuctois. I poll the whole, there '«^)a dis{iosiinin in that noble aiiiioal il)« lia.s no expedilifii gone lo that ci'untry U l- ! lii.rM* lo attack man, orciifreu in ihi* cily ter Kpiip(H;d, and w hit h has lairer prosjiec'.* . a day or two •ince. The Mitl^rer, aithi U|;b i>: sULCtss than the present. Slfam Jiixit Ai’ciilf nt and of I.trfs. re|^'nlt*Hly warned r>f the dHiigt-rou* char acter of ihe animal, to k hohl ol lit- trioi* for the pur|H.*e id n.ounlin*; bini, whii ll.a Cliani;e !” j cciDiiuru o_> .»n:»rs. •> ininKrr uno r'pruiii. u>-a?t m ■■■ me .i —re[M>rl reached the mail Umi alili-! horse su;urnl\ »iz d wiiii his u« uih Ilia “ \v that rize ” *1 he lesiiinony in sulistnnce, wait th it the Commous ilal he us;d tUe poor childreti mun, just a« she l»-rt the rail road at N w ' wii'tl of bis right arm, aid alter hsving lit. “ iiiit* sir vou'v'e drawn a bin k ” I prisoner and the deceased, not leiig bc.'ore “I l'.-nglanillo wii, of scaring Crovv.i lrou Orleaue, on Saturday cvt i.iiii^ last, th I the i erally drugged him son>e disiuiice, ilirew .> I the homicide, had a quarrel and that a few cornfte4; much less do we think hi» si'-nm boats .'Vhs*oul'rlU‘tte, anti ihf ^ i-IIom ! him do*>n and ttan>i>led i^n bun, until kta I I. . voo h“. M I ‘ duvs thereafter, and belore the bou.icidc w.,uld l,ve anv one mto vir- iTdli^h tLii r r to;k place, the prisoner had U-en heard to 'ue.—Su/i.Jr.r.v Ifatr^man. LtZ u «h- drawing-I did III touch a , „„ke\hrea.s ai.nst the life of U iggins, aprizeo you fvent of another dispute occurtmg Tailor^ Hill.— extiact the lol- between them; that soon alter this the de- l«"mg frooi the Weekly .Museum of .\o- I’olher day of iwenly thousand dollars ; and si trial's what I'lo come al'ter uow—sv none of your fooling.*’ “ IJut I tell you, sir, that your ticket has drawn a blank.” “ Well I don’t care if it's drawn a blan ket ; that’s nocoiisarnof mine. All I want is the twenty thousand dollars, that I bought end paid for, not a wetk ago.” “ I5ut consider, dear sir” " Consider ! 1 tell yi.u 1 wont consider— I'm none of your considering chaps—1 al ways go straight ahead—uo quit» and quirks lor me—none of your raniio«zling.” “ I tell y«Hi, sir, you’re mistaken.” “ .Mistaken I S I am deucedly mistaken —I thought you was an honest man. But you see there is do use id Irifimg with me— I'lD a man after my own heart, i purchas ed Ihe highest priz**, and I'll have it by the ceawd, wiih three other men, went to ihe '‘•«>ber ‘Jd, HDa—a pap r fwrii.erly pub prisoner's house in liie niglit wiih a view hshed in ^oik—the j ke is too of cliastisin:; him. and reipiircd him lo o- ^ li»>cribed lor the bcnetit ol [>*■1- pen the do»ir, he refused to do so, upon Id'ocgers in jur *i.i\. which Ihe door after several alteiiipis, wa>t -'** "‘‘forHi.aie lailor, who hod cornnnt pushed ofjen, and the deceased enlereu and s* me lat biisitiess in the hands ol an Sluoc, cnine in collisiou on the .MiHxissippi. jUst above that city , and ihui the foruief iii. stanlly sunk with everv soul un board. It IS s;(id there n, rn piih.Ncn^ars on Isxird, all of whom it is feared have [•« ri'hed. No other jjarliculars have l*fn retfived, arnl WRN beaten cfT ly lb* bl ws and •verli>na of the bv slander*. '1 he urm wassooretd- fullv lucrmied and frariured, to mik* iiMi>ediu'e amputation nerrxMiry. A» MMiii as ihe operalioo was (»mpletH. the pniit ni, who IS a p««>r I ut j lly sen U we still ho| e the destriiclDn of human hie , ih« Kini ruld Ule, m*I those m uml him la 1^ not •>« tfrrjt ns at pre*enl vtins proba ble.—MuLilr Mti;. Adr. uil. as he did so Ihe prisoner struck him with I an axe burying the blade up lo the helve in his b«>wels. The prt.simer insiuntly fled and the deceased vitj so«i died of his wound Viler a lucid charge from th« Jury retired and in aUiut ten minutes, brought in a verdict of maruhttiehft-r. ’i’he third case, was an indictment a- ^ainsl PoUtj Carltr alias Polly //arrt.vm, I t'ree woiiian of color, for tiie Murdtr of yanry t'ombs, likewise a fiee woman of \V»rr«ni and sistrwrtiot:* to mr foirmur* 1 Tht of (ttvrf^e Wufhinf^ton.— otIorrM-y wt-^ practised in Ins | refes>(ion, The story which ha» b ii travelling tnroiigh had a hill coirBininu such a variety cf char ■jes that he liionuiii hiui'rf.-ll fleeced tiiuil iinmercil'ully. The only xiitisfurin-n »!ncii 111 liiiij u «*o the Ihw- yer to have a si;it of clothes uisde |ir iiiiii, (i:r which he lu his turn gave in somt-lhing like the fulloving bill: lo^urin^ and taking ord*ri for a HUIt ol tltill.l » 0 color. It ap(oared in evidenee, that at the Lolv p.ker. I'vo got a cart here at the came in rifM.'r. Here you wrhippor-snapper, bring lu ‘"•“ r'- that are large trunk, will you : "‘ii ® conversation calculated to exaspt-. - - rate her against the formar and itninedialo- ran to her and struck her on the face, le deceased, who was a tall and athletic lat are large iruuK, win you ' : « “ But I re|>eal, sir, that you have no mo- ey to receive ; I am §>rry to say it.” “ Sj am I W«o*ly s*»rr\ vou should say it. W«o*ly s*»rr\ you should say But tell fne, .Mister, will you count out that arc money, or not *• I cajinot.” U.i you see this sledge hammer?'’— rai*mg his brawny tist. 1 see It. woman, and very tar gone in pregriancv, threw the prisjoner dnwn with ease aud while the parties were in this situation, a white man named Hall came up and kicked tliD dt,-cea>«.*d violently lo the side j'ist alv(ve Ihe hips. 'I'he parties were ‘ Do vou calculate to pay it in gold, or =>r«d sk,h after the prisoner er, or bank hills'” .made ancther utlempt to r»>vive the light. roiii|f llir*t li«i*’! tn Urapcts 0 f eri to the Ha.lltii rirai^r 4 t ( illtlliir out ll.( 1 Iblll U Ii Mitciuli ibr itakiii){ 1 !li 'I'ry ini'iLf Hilt (> IJ Ailtralipii* aiid ainri'd '^PDts 1 Ii h.iiltritiji It in inr dajr buja 0 10 IVtirij- It in my leujfjr 0 l.t V. ri!inp tu tut bullou mtrrhant 0 0 Filing liin ctoiaratK.ii, 10 >l.i .ls 0 1*> hr»!» (o the buit'.n rnrirhai t 0 0" Rcuiovini; (Hit Iroui luy l.cii>e tn Rroorf. way 1 a 0 Retnnvinc i*, by cerliorari, frum llroad- way lo ysiir ouiitry liou»e Wriiini; out a rccfi^jt nitti a alainp the nows ;-i(cr, that ii woman had lutelv :(pphed to b*- adiiiitled into a |MXir ln'Ui.* m l.iittUnd. w|i.>. It wtis nsi'-itaiiM'd, was « tiiece oi (icn. asliinglon, turns out as we evji^cted it woultl—entirely ful^e. ,\ wri ter in the \\ iiichester \ t.;:mun thus settlrs it;—Iin. i“-hingtMi r>ev* r had tut om I*' tmn nurt—tnv aunt, the late \|rs. Charks . Carter—who i.e\er was in F.ngland, c« r ^ taii.l),aiid I be'ifvc nevrrfUt of her native tj Stale, (\ irginia)und whudiod lu my house U four years since. I 'futi 'n of the Lunf^M of a nrvly hitrn 3 n .tr of laugh er, by brtakiog out tu tbut« ' lines of Horace — **(^uam •iKi *»n ratio cii Lrni, nu lo»« btjiraril, lila roiarotu* «ital"— “ Hut who Ihe »il,” be added, “could hr • cr'ii*niii«’ »ith «oeh • • •orleoi’ as nioe IS at pif s* i.t.”—Aof. Jntd. A Tall I i$itrr.— We were visited ve*. *erdsy by a genilrmnn from Norib «ii»- liiia, who rneasures m hei;;hl no h-s* iliao *tx /tel fight inthft. Ho natuiallv • .'»ci. let! «. iittt asionishiii^ot among our clerkj, • •i.a (,| «hr>m •laiids ralh r alu ve «ii l«el, hul who, along »idr e| the .iranger, M-eme4 Irtjt a half grown Ix.y. (hjr visih r sluied that he has l«HJr brnthem, w !>•*«■ ni;cregate heighi 1*. .T.* li-el u>che« Hi lulher iih ss- 0 /nfinl.— At a recent silting of the In-m Ii | urr» H I. »t | itK-h. .North ( sn litia n.ny •• .\ciidemy of siUMices, Mr. Juha ront.jnelle j well U>Htt of the iMllnewt n| her simi*. e*|ie. ^ slated a curious fact in coidirniation of the [ cisllv us this »|>erimeD t f her gmuih i» n-1 y us*-fu!nei>s of the practice of lulLitmg tlie | the hi|{he«| ibst mav be irutimed, u» lungs of newly liorn children ap|>arei,iiy ilriend hating aasured u» that me if hit hleless. .\ninlanlborninasluteofMsphvxia, I nei^hliorf iiien*ure« utiir «rrm ftri. 1 ru> was brought .s.iid the s[» aker, for disvciiou, i •> be must belobg lo a race c f tianls. to .>lr. Portal—it had already lum soinc J’htl. Inltl. bilv, “ Here is some very strange mistake, sir; ' and if vou will allow m. to explam, 1 can /'•' * contradictions amon^ the w,:ne„,s. convince v*n ” >Mie, and the greater number, alfirii.ed U Ij tunc in the room, ainl the suri/run wan 0 about lo commence the anaton.j ; but liefore " proceeding ti oi-erate, ihe ihon^ht (K-rur red to him lo blow into its mouth.— I hi«i 3 he accordingly did, and at the end of Iwo P.y this bill he contrived lo have a witii three mii.ui) ■«, warinlii ri turned, ihe rir- «aii)» i*o rig'bt tiiim uisrs ‘ Very” well—Ixjt if you don’t convince person of the dec»*a8td was not cient set oil against the atloiney, and acted culalion wjs evciled, the h«.irtUMl, andj;i,vo, , vou'see this ere death-uiuul,” a' ainel^ '' “' lied, and others that she received a on principles of equal f.urnes*.' the b«ly wus aent buck to toe parents—a | ;,„d i. ^ ItlfiU.- fei^rim l ti>lnric>A (tx. Ctilltjs ' * rn^ evating his fi.-ji. 'I'he lottery man entered into an explana tion of the freaks ff Dame fortune, aiid at Jf-’igth succeeded in convincing hiscusiDin- er, that his expected prize was actually a hUnk. StifI Ihe disappoiutnient was »o great that h(t could not b-ar it with u calm luioO, and lif exclai.ned — “ Weil, if this do«‘s’nl beat all my great grandmother’s rel-ilions, then there’s no snakes—to [tay th« sum of for the high tsi prize, and not gel a c» nl at last!” “ .Such a thing w til h.ippen e^jmetirnes.” “ Its j.ifircd hard thougu, I’ll be hanged if It aint. .At least, .Mutter you ought to circumfund the money.” “ I c«nl afiljrd that.” “ U’ell just py the cartmnn then.” “ I am sorry to say I can't do it; but if you'll fjurchasc another ticket, 1 think I can promise y .u U tter luck next time—the iiijrheci prize is 6s;i-),U00 !” “ Ihiity thou^nd dog’s tails' don’t 1(11 me none of your pdaver—Ive b'fn rheaied oijc't and ttial’s enough for me—I II never gel catchcd a second tiiii«'. Mere, you cart- riian, \ou in ly load up this ere trunk again. hlciw of some violence alxiut the small p.irl lof her back, from ihe prisoner. 'I he de- Strrp for Srtd Wheat.— judicious I ceased imin'-diately complained of much practicul farmer has rr con>mrndud to us ,pain in her side, and continued to linger in the pubhcalion of the following procex«, nj ! tjiuch distress for 6 nr 7 days when she w,IS aHIirding ihe Ix st pri parution fors« ed wheut. day, froi7i the coa*t of .\lri a, has on delivered of a still born child, and dmd. In order to destroy sintit m the s*;od lo b..ard the great male lion, ' P.i..huw .^!cm• Id the opinion of physicians who heard sown, tak»* sit or s^'ven gallons of vater for oun,) and two licautiful je| black .Arabian moKt of the testimony, the death was caus- four and a half bushels of s. td, and from, steed horses, (.\berhainan and Sidi Hamel,) ed by the violence 10 the aflrav, and the pris- two pounds six ounces to two (»ound ten cou^ideroJ of the purest blood nnd swiftejt oner wa« found of If.*/ii/g^r,r, ounces of quicklime, according as its «pi;»h- hreeH m fJarbary. Thesn animals wert^ 1 and irnprisi.ned one month, and to pay the ly is more or less caustic, or lo the gn ater pre-^^-nted by his iHajr»tv, th.. Kui|.eror of c(«!ii of Ihe indictiiient Hall Lad flei or less degree of smut n the gram. Boil Mohkxo. to'the I ’. S. Covernmcnt.ihrough “ p'l't of the water and slake the lime with our consul, Mr. Leih, und hy him ship|ied it, aft'T which add the remainder. 'I h** on b«ird the \V. T. nn thr :i|iih .liily. She bent of the whole of the liquid «>iij*h» lo l>e has also an iKmrd rams Irotn Telluh, north such we can with difliculty Ix’ar the toot ul ihn Allas uioiml.uns, their wool verv hand in il. Then geuily pour the hine- hne, suid to l>e from ih* ungniHl stm k wnh walf;r on the grain, nli?»^ m thu tub An «lf»*nipt was n ade m IJu'Sis, hy Nicholas, M hen he first ,is r»d-*l the ihr i.e lo inindiice a Platina currencv. 'Ibis inelal is h-iind m the t’ral Mountains, the iniring district of which is lu the Kii«.ina ovnrrifneni. I his com is »erv haiM!»"n e, in value beiwe»-n Silver andliold; ren iiihh « .Strrl, hoi is nitlier dsrk- *us ef,i,|,|r 4,f a bt suhliil ; It Arrtral of thr l.,on, .Vc —'/'he hng j cannoi l,« adulteratwl—i, heavier than *d- W ill,am I ell urnvrd at New Vork on Fri- ver .r gold, and p.r*rwa ona adv,.nis(:« ov.-r iheQi—It cannot Ik* ceunterf. ited. It IS (u«ihle only m an extraordiiiarv degree of heal and crucibles for cheu.iralpurjH^ are manufacl.ured of this meUl. from justice. On 'f’hursday evening fjrmvrl Turiur was arraigned on an indutment for the murdtr i>f J. H. Harwell, Clerk and Mas ter of our Court ol Kquit). The prisoner leaded not ffvilty lo the charge anrl luvini' , stir- Spanish merinos, and a superior brcod of 'h-r requested to rhange his qun .fllredan allidavit for the continuance of ring it without ceasing. 'I'ho lirpior should sheep.— (,'azeltt. leave the town, which ho accoid the cause, and that bf;ing refused hy the fif"* I'*’ Ihrwi or four fingers breadth o-1 Court, It wasi removed lo thu county of “heat feBve the gram to soak' Tho ••.V(;;/j,/i/r” is n sort of «ro| 'V arren. unmixed goKl vv. ufher. The Indians hsd Ihfcir beli. f or tradition, thnt the tireat ^{•irit s’nt them a forinijiht ol his own pe. s asoti of the year, W e lesrn by the .\utiust8 (Maine) papers that the .\tiii-Siavr Ciaiveniien, which wss held there Inst week, was addregsr-d hv the itinerant foreign mis»ii>iiury, 'rhi>iii|Hun, who lately arrived in this ciajiitrv, in Ian* ;jiiage so indecent and vilufierative .if » iir instilutioim, iliHl a met img of the ciliz* ns was convoked, and this iiu|>erlinenl in'ru- rters sii'l dingl) did. Adniirnl Sir I«m h t uilin has con«iitus(l the Mavor und Aldermun of B.*ton hm iriiMeen, f.r the distribution of the annual interest of k/. Merlmg, amonf live boy^ und girls who mi'V be reconiiwen. ded hy the Irustep* „f Hki (’oflin S ho*d at Nantucket m«sl deM-rvitiu. This sum he has invesl* d in (•erjieluay lu the British funds for this ohj 11. ‘-M h'Mir-, turning it five or six times, when den age iI.hI the ,h,*.|h write ,.| and men ! 'I'his case ill the nature of ihinj/s has 't Is; sown. |,„,k for it every autuo.n, as ihouU it w*re |U;en the tiieme of a very geuerni dis us. (-ram limed hy immersion docs not in-! as inseparable from the se»s,h as |V„iiUand *.|on in this county. We cannot hope to conimoilo llio sower, like that which is rheumatisms. It is otherwiso called the -till the ire of {iihl'c sentiment on this tru- limcd m the ordinary way. 'I'he lime nd- “ Smoky I' lrlnn-ht.” The Sum 1} melancholy atfiir. in the vicmly of the h-res like u varni h lo liie surface of Ihe rner Blf:.rd.s h forfhight of nne*ci.ptiin’i,ble J 'il never liust these lottery seller! anv more, i ; but • the prisoner hath put grinn ; its germinalion is quicker, and as it ' ‘ . » ' • il 1 do, dar.jF my gizz.ird, that’s all. ’ 11,,.^ j himself on tiod and his Country, f.,r his carries w ith it moisture eriouifb to deveh>(M- giving the brok'-r a hxik of irreconcileable ; and his cause to be judged where nei- 'he firnhryo, the w'heat will util snfliT for ha’red, be leli the ofliee. He however prel "• ‘ho parties *ere known, wo shall want of rain; insects will not attack it. as ciiliur snminer, at this fy soon accommodated his mind again lo his I '^"'‘“'■'■^“•“ble a;.italion of they canuoi b«'nr the alkaline taste of the j and ns the most delicious air comes from humble pro*{jerts—deciiired that housex, ■'he subject and iiuietly await that public htno.—Acic A’/i/Zow//’trrmer, Iho s.aith-west, m this quarter it thil h >rs«*.s, und that s«irl of ihin;is, were only a r-'‘’*'ce 'hat the laws of the country so anx- , tl,ey plated the rc.jideucM.l tlioir dinnities plu*;jet..a man—ar:daslo'I «hiihaTallt>i.y, todibtributetoevery cilt/yri. I,jdy Gardner, nn Knglish lady, while' l.v.W, rnul,/(he MurJmr ,f "1, pr.r'i.irl'.lr w extern eoiiiiirv. Mahttmti Jnm.— \ paper published nl Decatur, Alabama, states that great qusn* litiea n| Iron on; hud been found to exist lU that and many of the odj lininu toontics. es- |>^cmlly m Morgan and W slkcr, 'I’he oro IS ol retiiuikulile puriiy, inni capitalists have, It 1*1 tMid, every inuucenieni tu invest mon«

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