MOTERS’ & FARMERS^ JOFRXAIi. P.U.,^ "v ruo^A, j. „o^r„„....[„^uuyv^ «K.;K.,RNi»:n.; co^tv^ ^«u.ii:AR„LmA. ^ VOL. V. Tilt US DAY, MAY 0, 1835. THE NO. 240. iniiiorw’ A: Fariiierft^ Journal I, primed ttii«l publwhid every Thursd.y ii.orii in// sy^tom • liu uloiie ia foih I ' ‘ rf'spect glows in the bosoinb ; hf-ld up aruoripllif ciirrentexppiiscs.nnd pro It Two DoUar, unuu.u if pa.d advance; '« “»‘he exclusive of almost the whole of her entire po,,uIn.; grcssiU e.xfrJvaf.«nce of .he Govr n neK rifu/)u/wrf oHrf fi/tv tent* il not paid ill ad- • — • - ■ ■ • taiicc; Tkret " " auvkktisk ccnU iK-r i-iuaro firti looertioii week—or A liberal •dvoriiM by vent had unhHuul • I.S Sffi 11 upon -losf;|y nlliccl to this hearl, that nf the ! the vear r'irht, th»Tp was the F’.ia« k pi-tidilurp nitd of rcvdlution Sub«lJ)ncc curr’nce yoiierul puriKirl, and sir.H of inni’ers |l»- (Mm I cost riKiKf Iii mny than it cost n hile H wan dcstroviii'' an'i l ol the rod race; tlie cun-| into a rcginient of draco.,ns, 6‘J74,000. in ih.> i.'Tneral ohje.l ,.f the report, umi n. i.M.t.fii. an.i raying? and whicii 8\ Strm nf noncioniitv ro. i tiuif* itiouu .i. . . . . i nun’a vK‘w ot tins ^uhjccl, lo »ho\v tiif , ..jcurrvoul the j i-.i . uwni 01 it uluio^t exclu.-^ivrly for proloctive i»rmciule irj Iho Iiviiij/bodies nf k.,. •» .nJ) ...r „,e»M„h.r„ .s,.,c of ||..„ „„ ” ’’ 1 iio oininHiiiii Ol the l-liairiiian to nhow thi-. ||„.||- | n^i't Jjckvio’fi AdrniiH'tialjon. Ii .t.ix, in fft'tiy, n tnnif>ari!»Mn bei«»«» ti i|h* iuk jjsi ■* !?iti:iiHlnili*>i)" nnvl tlint of l*rex|dcnt Nii-ti I n\ «liK h l*'riiiiriai« d in ihf \e ir w h h i- ik' ii t■ r Ihf startin;; |»MHt of llic c.ii |>nn '^.rth.Mnis:„,t ,p.,und l.lo,,,„t,-wh,rhih.n th.* l*-np|.*. nnd the n medy in the-' s.ven nnlhoas of dollars at once^o l^'dei MOW . rj fr.T .o,.i Iron; .l„* .'>0.- h.o.U ..f t,,,- 1V,.„1,. tlrn,sclv. .. ; ducted from the prand agcrecaie of twentv- ,r 'n'''' -1 "ill* the lt«o n.ilhons and three quarters ; and he r 'iMn« iV**^ *lT 'r 't *|V \v V(’ '1* I''"'!' ‘'. I tt;'f4-.‘tiei:il . hject ol ' ji:id no doubt but that a roscarch into the I .,Mn« lr,.iM ih. { ,.t o ,h.. U o,, ot ,h.. ,he K.-port, ,n tho ,...d . au- , uhole h=t of ex., .ordinaries for the same *u--i--il'Ui—.r-ni Ihf* !-inl ot t!ic whin- 1... i.tnti..!. .1 o| nione\ ex- woulJ oroliice a oiillion more. - hi-irt. \* iiil-or n d, (ivilizi'd or savajr. Bii^*mciil;il.ons ha\e l>een "r« jl: hut so fjr r,.,'i r*'i " *i” ■ "’’Uf*''HI til h|,i, h cm rtjoire in the pros|*ont\ of the as tlu-y nru of qmstionable proprift\, they I''* ^ huiMiiii r.u'c, and |r'l praliiudi' an thankfiil. have had llicir rot.t in previous adininistra- a„d or,..,. : .V' ji.Ki'.r. . n| Mr. .>lonn>e, u hen From tliia view Mr. B. said the increase of ex^nditurc would appear not quite s9 frightful as this report would represent. For the first year of the term, the increase w as about a million and a half; for the next five years there was no increase of any nio« meni, and twice there was a dimioution 1 he years 1632 and 1833 had run up to large amounts, and that by the means which he had shown ; so that if the author of ihd report had taken for the basis of his com parison the seven joars of regular expendi> lure, he would have found an increase of a* Ik>uI two niilliotm only, instead of a duplira* lion of eleven millions; a result which, while It would have presented eomething for re- formation, would have presented nothing for revolution, or even for turning r»ut the par- t_\ in power, and pulling in their opponenlPt who are the real authors of every thiiiT which r('«|uires reform. Having xhown the fallacy of the report in its exhibit of the extravagance of tho government, having shuwn its enormous error in stating that this great increase had taken place during a period of prolriund |x;ace, when in fact there was an Indian war on the I pper Missitisippi! and when not an event occurred to warrant unus^ual expendi ture, when in fact a^ven millions of the ex- pen^iUires were for ohjp«’ts, not only unus ual, but neverexisting b'tbre orsince ! Mr. B. would say a word, and but a word, up on it» correlative part, the increase of j»*t- sons paid h\ the Government or fed by it*? bounty. In l‘'2o, the whole numbt^r waq 55,777 ; in 1^33, 100,073. This said Mr. B. is almosi double; but how did it happen ; «hy Irom carrvmg the pt-nsioners up from ab.iut 17,000, to about 40.000! adding mul titudes ior lijternal improvement, and the I'ustom houses, in con-*equeiice of the two tariHs ot 1824 and 1S2S ; requiring many (>erj»ons to superintend the removal of In dians; many to survey and sell the newlv acquired lands; and a whole regiment of draycMMis tor the delence of the western items, and olhert*, the increased numbers will be 'f them necessarv and in- of the dragoons; some iiifKjraiy, as those tor re nd Internal lm|irove- though the expediency questionable, ;is those for carry- complex provisions of j; some atottzina, and al- the increase of pension ers, tho bjire statement of whose numbers announces a fraud of slu|)endou8 maguitiide, and implies a demorahz.ition of public luor- als, of frightful enornniv. 'I'he dis^Uiissions from office next engaged Mr. H’s attention. '1 he aflicted modera tion of laniiiiiige under which ihis topic was brought forward in the repor', and the vio lence wiiu wiiiciiit concluded, were par ticularly point! d out. Keinnrks ofa party character were disclaimed,and the disclaim er was instantly followed bv a series of the iilil i mos; violent and I'tl'ensive remarks ofa par- veius.f Here is the lailae\, here is ihe ly cbbracl‘‘r. The present administration delusion ; and hence the injustico 01 basing was charged vMth having reduced to a sys« some years ago, and now delivered it to those to whom a commission had awarded it. Then there were extraordinary Indian treaties that year for Ihe purchase of land, for which S(3.5,000 were paiii, and remov al ol Indians, and subsisting them after they got to their new homes, tho sum of 636^,- 000. Hilt the greatest extraordinary ()ay. ment of the whole year was that of revo- liilionary pensions, under the fatal act of H3 '. I’hat act originated in CongreM, J and carried its loose and w ild provisions to a great source of take efleet from the 4th of March, 1831. ...^1 . iJ: J I »iM *1 . . upon this duplication a cr\ of such enor mous extravagance as to ju-itil'y tfie revolu tetn thw practice of removing from office for opinion's sake. Tho assertion, though the author of this lie. non if we cannot get reformation. For ‘ veiled, and slightly made to wear the form i''lci..ii-(l c ir>v,iii«. C coMiof',! |i> national ohj-ct', lln> wh ■■'■lit rapidly de^;en« raled into, or | t.i ihi- Indnns as it ‘‘f!*d«.',irho.i ooiilrnancf^, for the eti^n- I'coplf, ni'd 'iihver-ivo of tl ilim- ol inoiM^y, find iIm- aripiisitioii >l |Mip- irily. IS.'i.ire the » nd tilMr. Adams’four "■>. the ilovrnward emr'? of the Nv-ii-tn '■’‘'•**'l>*‘l'e(l thi; tnilh ol'lhe double prc- I' lion nliirh Nlr. .fi IliTNon had in lOc shiitl- bf'l'>r>- lii!« death; it had o|^ik i a gr'* '»«">l liriiicinlfH, and w'ith'*t'h''*'de‘.i'-'r.I' U- 'Ti" '*7 * '' J-’'"'''> adiiiinistraiion ol I’lesident .lat kson ; those sevc n or ei:>ht millions of exiraordi-1 i> formal disclaimer of party- _ _ |,^,andwith ,».hiir d pai.v. thn. r.dh d nai.onal n ami what shomd never Ik-torgoif..,,, it «nanes ought be add-d to the ordi-1 tisan remarks. In defendin.? IheTH (.IIIK, now W ,|;_'.H, n iosc« p,„u \ .!•« 1 ni- iiii" rvircise 1 the vito power by I’n .-idei.i „ary expeiiditnns of ihe Governmenl. iniieh i t rat ion from such flagrant charges, Mr. B. n |>i,t to I If . .n;k>nn, which checked these cxfravagant |rss to Ih> charged to its extrav.iiianoe ond "''ti'd first discriiiiii'ate between terms ^ nil 1. iijiIy * ' ex|K'ni!iturrs of qm siionahle objccN, for 1 imhrnting a progressive expendituie which ^ "bich had been much confounded and a- I "1 ' r ‘ “ .r'”' '‘I’l’ ‘ '*' ' '■‘‘‘’''"'‘d unmeasured deiiuncialioni 1 on^hl to arouse alarm ihe count rv Mr. \ bused, and then show that the removals mado I* ,11 o I) ii.ition.i a tirs. f was l ie I his saiiie 1 residt nt is now filnnied jiist as |{. w(,uld adveit to the amount of the ex- by President Juckson, like those made by ^iM o 'y^" i> I or .un I tioii'poio\, the mueh lor not sloppit^, as h« was blamed (,p„diliKes for the whole eight years com-^ I’residHni JrfFrson, were the legitimate re- liiinlt^r 'ii TMi t.K'tK'iiMiiu ixiim- lur ktnr>niiifr wilri ) i _i i .1 " ■ 1 1 -..i. _ * *1* _ . __ _ fap[K)uiliH6nt5 I-,, , ’ I of ilio r»'d'; he .'■pi'ke (ho l.'i.'i^iiiage of truth, lh:it was in tho lieport, and in agreeing th:it 111,1 thf> t:e:i*iir(of i*crii and '!■ xico jiistico, wixlom, to l.oth ; ami the long de- there was ni't only room, but necessity for : ^ ’ 'I l-ll • It prixhiced a m'lainblr d and ofi» urf'd l^i.itf o| Mis-.|>>i|ipi, ri lronchinent, it would lie unjust to tlie (leo. j v inwhii'h thcnM iiiie--t go! i,io>it ' li.ids h. r>-i If, us if by m i;:ic, in tlie |M>?-ses- p!e, who have no means of detecting the de. >1'.'*'' *"”^‘1 •bo systi'in al that Mion of all ln‘r ri:;hls, and all her sod, ad- hi-ivc and fallacious statements which go t ,r.. of vancing wiih rapid slnd.s to wealth and loitli with the higii sanelion of the Senate's | I ’expnn- appiobalioii, to li>t ihis Kcporl go forth a- -rr^p 'be consiis of mom: them to siartle. alarm, disquiet, and a- iiotl"*' |':ilron,i_M-, whirh l-JO. to pi. s-nt SIX or I'luht members on maze them with the idea that the ex()»'nses ol ’"’I'*'’’'*' ^lr"m|lhe floor ol the II.iiim'ol llcpresentalnf's, thi' (ioverninent had doubled in nine years, or even ret.lining this briineh . w here until lately, she but on‘ inein- from l"-.5 to I'-RM. Never was u w ilder if of"'t ’**'''Pr'‘d him- Imt, iind now has but Uvo. M.iro ! T!i ’ |iro|K)siti(in presented to the intelligence of IS te* y. «iHng'"r to i-nidiialion pMociple, bylrealy, is adopted ji rational |M-ople; not that tho quantity ol f"Hb to I lor the sale of the newly acqiiiri d lands, de- monev paid out in the last oflhwse two years, . ^ le Mrrn r of the Iweeutive veto to i sreiiding do«ii ihrouch successive gradua- and that exclusive of the public debt m both ill cases excluded. The successive annual ■xpei (Inures then stand thus: nl current of local and neighlMtrluxHl ' hons fioiii^I V.^^, to six nnd u qiiarler eenln instances, was no( in realitv double that of uiiprnvonient. He endeavored to |X'raere! So ihnt this yiale has leqnired the former, but the fallacy and delusion lay Icrnul ^ ori>'f1 I ”'"1 confine It to by treaty, under the aus(>ices of 1‘residi ut in this: that tliosegreat additional payments great national .lack-oii, ihe josiice and the Ixutn which were not for the ex(>enses of the tJoverii- :nt nnd :npl, unusual, , and ano- but once, For I . SII.-JOIVI.VI . . IsJT. . . IKJM. . j;t.-j.'i6,(iii IW, . . '0 fs.UI, . . i.i.o-Ja,:!;).'! Ih-SI, . . 1 . . llv'>lti..'t'S 1S33, - * f‘r»’ i»«’sums arc hrre siihmilfed in the puh- lislicd siH'rch tor ihr urrnral i-lalriiu-nts made in llic nxH'i'h w tu n di livorrri. .Mr. ft. liao fitard the report read liiil once i i liif I'oiiimillef, and bad not (ibtninril, wiii’ii In. the precis, ditail of sunin iil'ovc i'niiinoraU'i. lie obtaimd them a'ter- «aiils, Hiid prudured,, and ruinineiitrd uf>on liiein in lln S'lialo ; and llicretore lei Is j-iiitifiable the safety and success of a denuK ratic administration, but due as an act of justice to the great democratic party of tho Union. I'erois, he said, were confoundiHl. When a roan had been 5, 10, i*t>, 40, years in office, and failed to l>e re-appointed at the end of his 2d, 3J, 4th or 5lli term of f'our years, it was called « dismission, nnd the cry of f>er- secution was sot up. This, Mr. H. siiid, might be correct phraseology with those who thought offices ouyht to be for life, and eventually her* Hilary, but it was a phraseol* ogy repudiated in ihe demo-ralic .schiwl, where the doctrine of right to office was repudiated, and the rit>hi of lotation was inculcated. Wuh respect to the fact of Ihe dismissions, they nsulled in general in ,-nbKiiiiitiuK pretiw' sums tor Ihe ceneral kuic- i ap(»ointment'5. 'I’he elder .Mr. Adam* inrnN w hieh he could ciily luakc ul diis part of the s|H)keu speech. + \» will mijjlit the five ndllinni in the Frcnch S|ioliution flill, which has passed Ihe .'v-iiate and now hes in tlic ffniisc of KepreFentalives, he m t down, if it patspM that bodv, also nnioiisj the eov- tree from blinnc ; bu fur as dirainutiou ' uud right in itself, that the tlirv>b of gruti- of them iinpobsible, and others improbablo ' I?[rd™flrwaprt.‘*liw*u'' th* agBre[4l'»f’tbeV^ri ^»’»*ti«i!. ap|H)inted none but federalists, and Mr. Jef ferson had to turn a portion of them out ia order to get in a fmrlior.ol the republicans; and .Mr. .f. rt'erson had told him (Mr. B.) that he had never carried ch'inges far e- to furnish ooiitraiilv, and excite disrooluDt spaintr

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