JlCfltVfiiOUiail. U. i83i-5, io, iho MorciHnls’ Bunk of Ntnvbern. (Rppeals ihe Tth sec- lustl'uvtioil Ke«loluUous. , " "’'>•=» praiiibiis ih.- issue of nolus iiii- dollars, and,-lutiiorizes in the House of Comnious, January 23, 1813. Jones* I ‘ *=^^Lie notes o! tiu- dti.oniin2t:on oi tljA-e Resolutions oi Instrucrion to our '^ciiuinrs m Con- gross, w(T-.‘ u lopfcci as rollows--[‘h^y aiierward ‘ passeU ihc rSemite j: The qu -'=-; 1 r ca iin^ on tue | isenr'^ of ihf Resolution.^, Mr. U iynu-culUd U,. u,h-. J.n oi ihc (juesuoii ou i;.'- litht li-foliiiiun. The qu^-snoii u.t> liieri n ii on 'hi: branch .»! ihel^.-soiution, rvn ■! Ihe L^gisl i II, the SeaatOis . of the lief^i... to Cap(; p. a/- j.atseJ in 1S33 i. jitlmg he • f/ an in^ r the oi [UiiaiigtrS ihe time o' rai ni( ftuiL^s oi ihe Stoc’.n‘»luv?-3 ; liaiieaster Coiirnioiise, S, Carolina, ' r|piIF. subscriber takes this method of informing I ■M- his friends and the travelliu'r public, that he i ill s rcrr.fivetj froni his former stand near the centre i i Oi me Village, to that large, connuodious. and eie- Old Poiut-Coinfort RE-OPENED. m; ar- 1 16 t: ■'* I lls ; i ti.-; l i/"'-. ih-V /i'i' . ha\ c a ri^ui to msi. ncl \v in liLVer in in * opiiiiun 1.1 l!ie wisi'j. ,s oi e Oi I he (•c.\...irn j-hall . /v.'i J d( i ill 1,1 e aiiir- • s 4 1. in^‘c.iii j'-f), as follows; l;r- Jly - .{ li; ■ S; n:iliji?, t.) (ib' y l,.ij sen, or t;» rfMO;i s .ti, cci!.— ^V';ls dtcul 1 in in.-^'irniutiv-—Av The on- l; .n -a ;»i.‘ s-c-n 1 ,i s a d^d in liiu iiiii niutive—A', s t:.. lullon lU in » v\OiJ tiilir- jiTr the Siut«‘, or tn ni i-i-wtuJ require sn *h io'U i- :. mative—Ay - 01, . Tii.‘ (j V 'I, n : ) And ihui u L ifisti actions :■ t.ouve Roxborough every Saturday at 8 a rive at Pleasant Hill same day by 11am Leave Pleasant Hill Saturday at 12 m • arrive at Roxborough same day by 3 p m. ’ 2951 From Shelby to South Point. 31 tnilcs and back, once a week. Leave Shelby every Monday at G a m ; arrive at South Point same day b?/ 5 pm. THE SUBSClilBER ^ AVIXG leased the CHARLOTTE HOTEL, Boyd, and , , , , announces to j i that he has re- Leave Shelby every Monday at G a m j arrive ai . , - . . opened it as a HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT. I Ycrkvi'lc same (lay by 6 p tn nil nia or im'Imm.h nis ior pc/'j'U'^ or siibo.naiioii of, I'as liei'n ai consi.lcril'le pains and expense to ren-1 The House and enclosures luive been newly and i oriiM e v . y o ay at 6 am; arrive rn ly ijo c:ii-(J \viihn;,i S'.ltirtv^ forth a bill house a desirable retreat for the weary 1 thorouf^hly repaired expressly for the use of the ,V „ v. i subscriber Intending to devote hi^ whole time and * ^ P roni 6outh VV ushington by the hou.. in suoo Leave South Point Tuesday at 6 a m; arrive r t Shelby Fame day by 5 p m. 2952 From Shelby to Yorkville, S. C., 35 miles /• I of :,A)C cliiiLrs ; iliat it shall be sufij- ci' Hi I., 5,t fw:h itic Siih5fiiu>e of iheoiR'nco, before u U'A*. t/ibiitiui cuiniiiitii dj and ih rr.{ II To lay off anJ estahlish a ' • 'I' l. ['I’tiis nccessa;7/ nver- nevv connly, by Whlk: \ 'i . i A a■5 d’ 01- ! ^ Ic. The^ solved. : In IS Inc 11 lii;u |, a liip runn; u ;:,)in one r;ii l a li tif rnihs of Lincointon. J'o 1 ly (jIi and tslabli^h a county by tiir- naujL- of Lniun. [K:cclcd out of portions of Vb cK'- tiavellcr. l*ami!ies can be nrcommodated with elegant pnr- lors, toircther with all the conveniences to he tbund in the best regelated Hotels. Ilis TABLE will always be lurnished wilh the best the market olTords. His BAR w'iil ]»e conducted on Temperanre prin- coiintv is inude of i STABLES will be w’cl! furnished with t'^liun of Ijucoin conniy, wlii^h* lie*! north of i and attended by caretul Hostlers. He vants. an experienced Hostler and such acc ■ b ^luuiuj at a poir.t on the Cittauba r = rer * ^dedges lumself that no exertion will be wanting to uons 'athis Stables as will not be overlooked ng th-- Cl. r land Imp - r ^ and others. To the iravclhng pu .. I t 'i- 1 r r ■ I ° lornicr patrons he returns inc Siiiccrc tlianks tvnnid cn\’ nni^ «?+ iha j h Iiburg and Anson. 1^. patrons he returns inc sinccrc tliank; ! lor their liberal patronagt*, WM. M. BARTOX. I /wancnsterville^ S. C., Jan. 13, 18i3. 9G...8vv ,a county’ by the name of .Mc- and Huther- . Vcl 111i 11 i,strator's Sale Cherokee , • „ 1 I ‘i ■5. I ■ tpal on j 2JJ .but obtnineil of adjiiinisfration on the estate of i:L-azer Alexander, dccvca.sed, at January Term, 13- of JMeckknburir rounty court, I will sell on "J'lntrsdai/the luij ro^^iJt:nce of 8ai;i EV'Congress is based , _ rating as a boiuity toj^c posujg onjusi. un‘;f|ual, asd opprcs&iv^ )ou olh; r b;aiu;l«‘s of indu^tr//. a^>*par- ose pi culifirtr) thuSouthLrn States. And ting the elicctt; of this lasv, it is unwise d iiigniui;.^ to pid-'iic lib: riy, and a perver sa! Ir= f: V- Hisutution of G^.'Vfinnitnt, which ed - :d ud pted for the pr(>tection and sccu- :!lj J which w ill bt: b'.^t sustained by the r *^‘1 t f its liJus, jind thu just dj.^pciiation elitc^ to : v'f'ry Ainencnn Ciliztii. •lju. ition on th • roui th R 'S«»lution was deci le ali*’i ni ttiv^-—Ayes 5J, No s 45. it reads ^ws: PtsoU'cd, That this law is not only pro in itc :*iiaructrr and un* fj’jal io its oprration, it vi-!alt ^ tiie C. tnpiiiinise ot 1833, unjust- iving th:: ;uih of tnc b*'n'fiis of *na. Act, |fy af Uv* p*‘i: )d wht n tiKv vveif to accrur id inirn:.\liat-ly ;;iu r we tiad j;ali' n‘!y nnd illy endurid all its buid^ns; and laui-i r.. iHif* ol i l-'n:)r, Jus'ice, and good Faith, tiie ire ' I -S .Mh Carolina, do protest against an I insiit, tliat it shall be modified so asto in th»‘ -is oi Uevt nne duties, nil* 'Mill'd t :r V : :);i of (lie '|ues»ion on solniiun , ;ui.i inu qut'^tion on the firsc lol! 'VS'. Itesolrcd, V l tii-, jgisii-ure d i. ppr :vc of tlie Bankiupi Law, p:.s.std ^' . ’ : ■ and desire ns immt'diaie J . J the liflira-dve—Ayes 86, :} 4 't-tioii on tho bt.-cuna Ofani'h, as T > iL i: la'- us the obligation of con- ^'Aesiiwys c >naci -nce and credit, rnccuragcs ii)d iccki'S.'j ipcfuljtion, and becnnsc wo be- kere is iy a diviti-.ui ofsi ntnnent aiiT0ii;j rte of r ■ til Caiolina, in th/ j v uppusiiion lia^acur-.- wu : decided m the nf-uqmtiYe — Is - - i v. •«»x:h RiS/elui: e—Ay es . Tn.ti th^ A Jacs ^teir uni .1 -n ‘ill rcmqjwSu) !iny nr is* Slate.may rec under the pro-yisions o sod Statutes, concerniog"® aji; ians, &c. IG. To amend the lOOtb chapter o.f t Statutes, entitled an act concerning Sherifls, 'ILiires that when the day for electing s happen during a county court, the sheriff ei shall enter into bond and lake the oaths require^ on the first or second day after the election: the county of Bladi-n excepted*. 17. Concerning tiic Swamp lands. [Provides t^iat unless those who iia?;».‘ oblaint'‘d grants of any; j bxyamp lands from th- Stale, and who haue not re- guiarly listed tho same tor taxation, come farward ■and pay the taxf;S du*^ thf./eon, with jnte?'est. withio, ’weliNi nu;.*)t:)5. llu’y or thfir represenlaliues^ f jrfeii ihfir righ? to the sam'^', and it shall i (o revert to the S’ale, lor the benefit of the.^Lijl' Fund; and that in ail controi;£?sies respect;^ title to said iandt, it shall be deemed to-r * htiwj’ar?/ Board, until the contrary isijh pr'^vWions of the 43d sec. of tho 34th,4] Stat. for the protection of public I snl! ed to the lands held hy said Board^ limitation to efiect the title of aa 18. T-o amend the 10th met of iht; R^'?7ised Statutes, t I\hruary next, at the luij ro^^:Jeace of 8ai;i Alexander, I on a credit of ten inonihs, th-j foiiowinir properly beluiigiug to the estate of said deceased, to wit: ^ or fire hundred bushels of COjRX; ten or |f/re thousand pounds of ,^tcd COTTON; luror fire Ihonsa/id pounds pinned COT TON ; Fodder, Hay., Oats. ^c.; also^ one sett liladcsmilh Tools; tico Jioad IVA GONS and one sett HARNESiS; Farming Tools ; Household and Kitchen Lurnilure sair.ed, lumber, one Hot sc. _Qlher articles not here named. be rented at the same innc. 01? rsC’rs ot roads. 5 19th To aia^nd •Sfalutis entuletf^ ?'ects thut W] ca ptaitj’t the «ii UlaiiTis auaiust the above estate, must to law, or they will be barred by the )ted to tile tame, must mriUc early pny- ive cost. T. X. ALEXANDER, Admr. 97...ts ^so, he^mc place as above stated, by 3I*.-ckienbnr;f I will ^.-ll, as Nr']GHOi''..S, bt lunniii" to llieos- iander. on arri-dit of tm months. T. iV. ALl-:XAXi.)ER, ^'omtar. listrator's Sale or on tlm estate of James Walker, will expose to public Sale, at the late id deceased, o/z Tuesdivtj ihc 2\st Feb- following property, to wit: J "a Iua hlc jScgrocs ; omen, hoys and girls, oM vnry likely:) STDOK OF HORSES, OATTLE, ^ Hog'S and ^heep; Iloiiscliolcl and KUcit?n Fimiitiirc; Ptirmui" Tooh ryf vai'ioii? />i»ds -■1 Quantity of CORN ami FODDER; One HOAD WACrON and gears; ... Ahoid\.2'^'d powuh COTTONiu seed, 13^. v. ho desire to take } * , . , rr. ^^to do‘^o without be I vanous other articles not herem named.—Terms attention to iiis House, the undersigned will spare no pains to render comfortable all who may give him a call. It will be his constant endicav’or to keep a Table supplied wilh the best that can be aftbrded by a bountiful country; a Bar of choice Liquors ; neat Rooms and clean Beds ; polite and attentive Ser- ’lomoda- erlooked by tra- public he would say. call and test the accomodations at the Charlotte H>teb His charares shall be n.'oderate. to se of Isham Armstrong, to Wilmington, 33 miles and back once a week. Leave *S*ou!h Washinirton every Tiinrsday at 7 a m ; arrive Wilminirton s/7ine day by 6 p m. Leave Wilmington evory Friday at 7 a m; arrive at ^South Washinirton .-^anio day by 6 pm. 2951 From Turkey Creek by Spring Creek, FineV’ Creek and Crabtree, to Waynesville, 25 miles and back once a week. Leave Turkey Creek every Friday at 11 a m ; ar rive at Waynesville same day by 7 p m. Leave Waynesville every Saturday at 6 a m; ar- .u:t !l«>. embarrassed „a,e „! the uraes. 1 ,K ClK.r- , by 1 p m. loito Hotel .5 on maiii.s tree., just one sijuare feou..'> , j, -Wili^esboro' by Deep Gap. to Coun- 01 Courthouse. ^ gi„„, 3.-; „„d back, once a week. ^ Families accommodated v/iih private dining ! /^eave' Wilkesboro’ every Friday at Gam; ar- Rooms when desired. rive at Cou!i.'’*^^^ Store same day by G p m. /.eavc CounH,:.‘'« every Saturday at G • 1 ' Ivt* n I-* rrt ALEXANDER ROBERTSON. Charlotte, N. C., Oct. 25, 1812. 63...r at G a m arrive at Wilkesboro’ ‘^aine day by G p m. Notice. F ORWARX all persons from trading for a Note given to Moses A. Parks, Guardian for Susan j Stitt, of S4G 50 cents due t!ie last of December | next, as the Negroe 1 hired proven unsound and ol j little use, and t don't iutead to pay the said note un- ! tii compelled by law. THOMAS M'CALL. Mecklenburg Co., O.-.t. 15, 1812. 82...if xote:?. 1. Seven minutes np^'nllo 'eJ for opening nnd closing t1^e mails at all oliices, wh( re no particular time is spf cilicd. '2. P>*st Oflice blanks, and mail bags, are to be DR. KVflL.^^ RESTORER OF THE BLOOD, FOR CHRONIC AND OTHER DISEASES^ cnnrey('ii without further charge on mail lines admit ting of such conreyance. 3. In all cases, there is to be a forfeiture of the I pay of the trip, whnn the trip is not run ; a forfeit- I ure of at l^ast one fourth part of it. when the run* I fiing or arri?‘al i-= so far behind time as to lose th.c I conn, ciion with the a depeading mail ; and a for- if iture of a due propotion of it, when a grade ot. i SfM vice is rondered inferior to ihnt in the contracf i Those forfeitures miv be increased into penalties of I higher amount, accordmg to the nature or frerjucrt* j cy of the failure a»id the importance of the mail. 4. Fines will be impos' d, unh'ss the delinquency O’ to \'^1JETHER produced b} bile, phlegm, from ▼ t internal morbid matters, arising from badly I {-,« „Yn1nin, rl In r "r -\~' cuiod oM disorders, from ilic use of inorcury, calo- i , nicl, barlt, &c.; or (in (enialns) from the cilantro oi ^ 'T (Mii-cr nt a post oflice, the mail, file, as specified in the Pamphlet. ° ..f ... ,, ... in all Of b of Law in | Supreme Couit, , fing stcurit^. [AI-I stntinced to dt'aiii, / Anti-Sijphyhtic Syrup.—This Medicine is Venereal Di.sordcrs a certain remedy. Abyssinia Ali.t'ture, (in liqu id anti in paste,) cele brated for its speedy and perfect removal of Gcuior- rlKPa and_Gleet; also of the fearful re.suIts conse quent on its improper treatment. A benefit will be V ic: ible in 12 hour?. Oold-Aline Ijalsarn, for Bilious and JMervoas Af- ctions. Colds, *i,c. Aromatic Extract, A liniment for Indigestion, Coldness in the Stomach, Numbness or eakness in the Limbs, Rheumatism, &c. Depurative Powder, for Bilious AlTections, Fc-yer, Headaclie, Disease of the Eyes. &c., is to be taken in the Restorer. Japan Ointment, for Piles, which is to be applied besides ^'e Restorer. Bengal Ointment, for Tetter, Ringworm, Salt Rheum, Scaldhead, Eruptions of the Skin, and Foul Ulcers; is to be applied besides the Restorer j Universal or Strengthening Plaster, for Diseases t of lliC Chest, Dyspepsia, Infiammatory Rheurna- Bilious w'hich ind dis- ith Resoliiiioi) was de- Noes -11.—11 m the trmativc—^v's (5;.! Ive'!. 'ricii th. l^xfcijiivt: Vrto. liin- iii-' w;s I 'ln of our l^uh'-'ts, i^ a eon- 'ccs?;uy power, of which the Pic-vi- ii! vi'r 1 ' (lepiivi l [ueiiti'in on ili; t i^hifi R '>o!u'i(ai was decidrJ 10 ^ntliim aire—,\ v. s ."O, Noe^: 15. It ! ea ls follcms '. 'let' /, i fi iL (;U, ,S> na'urs in C.'i'iigirss bo, and thi y art' hficby iti'ii'ici. J. r.u 1 ini jc -jM'e- sentativfS ; > n* fit> c n . v • ill ct in7%’stmenl of a portion of the P*und, to piesi rre the fuiihand credit of the Slate from b- ing tarni>h( d by her ('ndorsement of ihti bonds of the Wiiaiinaion and Raleigh Rail Roid Cojnpany, urvder an act passed in the year lb 10-11. [Prorides that 050,000 of the Literary ol sale made known at the sale. JOHN WALKER. Adm. Jan. 21, 184-3. ' 97...ts Those indebted to the estate of the late James Walker are requested to make early settlement; and those holding claims age.inst the same are notified to present them according to law lor payment, or FiinJ iball be inri'stod in ,b.; rcieinplion of that !'1',''^'^^ pies Set lo.''th in t Ai|^l fhv' was decided lo la- >f the I/i-.v ' p; -s A or’'a • j'.inoi- '■ 1 »■ ^v'ln iv > >>is. u ■>;. i!^' nitj!^; and l:.>t R. s)lutiori ai.i'ni—Ayci Noea 11. anior.nt of bon iji issued l^y sa’d R:iil Road Compa ny. endorsed by the Public I'reasurer, under the net (if lb40—11, p'lVable 1st January, 15-13. a.nd now un Irr p.olcst for nun j aymcnl 'J’his to be done on condition th'U the said company shall gi?;e their consent to a thritongh inresti^raiion of their affairs by such agent as th“ Suite in-r/ apnoiiit. [^>(j paFC 3r7 J Jan. 21, 1813. JOHN \VALKER, Admr. c' [lliiMis al the ses.'-if'!! c-; t - 3 of the 1' yea r .i‘. i xji‘«ri[alure, ^o ex! iC con "Uei.ds of' fe of the . rV' the A( /■a ! 1 C? s id atloi n-, y. bills of tale two venrs f;oin th^’ pas gj'inis. y.n,'rs, p *\ve gill. lA":\v . - ^'it pi- ridi {)iat ihi; act sball not j ; .‘..V 6Xtend to moil'^a^t'i an I lo e 'iti'l vaiiCis in iru^si; j and shtill not i ^o c niiru^ d as to givr any pi isoti j pow'er to ic'C'mJ o. ha;':' r('gi>;t.-rt'vl .jiratits froiii the j / State for swamp l..n.L> c*.n/-t y d i,» the Piesid.m M and Directors ol ih Liierd! v I'und I v 1836-’7. ^ n' t Jl r 1M ! • 1 r- f T ^ ; Thk Li.viriiD Statth Revem’u. — Comph‘te tti'jis o{ :h»' Yi rt'nue for the fourth ({'jarter of the liav ikjI yt t been rec('ii'-;'d by the department ^ a.shington. enti:ren'ii l-^ the S' cn tai ?/ st ites cann t the?( ;-iehe giv* .i I'rotu the tlate- iner.fs that ha?;e bt'ui received 'i.’-.i .O.r. ii anj.'cars th;it ■ it‘ ca?! receipts at liie Sf vi /’al ports returned. iMnoutii to 1.0,12.935 97. I'he cash di:ti( .>were >ir=c!s ci c!i. n reluip? txi.^t in Ihe sli- N.J.t;-y, coron.r^ is a good ticket, and earnest of success !*>. au'l if. all*'r any tltciion Held by I n(’ in/■' Stigation into th* ^lutin?/ and Ex('cntion on til.' brii: Somers is conclud'd, and the oninion of 2. Cancel ;■ when I'acaii': may hold ehc a shcritl. 5?uc'i s .•-■lili ^h ill die, his succt'ssor. if aiiv appointed in tim-. sh tll tnak(' the rttuins; ;:n,i ll no sheriff, t/n n tne c>i.,Dri ^h.^!l p'’i i a an daiy, 3. Appoi.iiing eJi.ks ;ni 1 nii^it!;; comnrssionv-is to take ciepoiitii iis. [I';,-, them aii ih.' p«)n-- crs of other e ann---i ne.s lo take depuM!|..ns tv) be read in any coin t ..-f tqin v; nnd ntaUs tlum to such fet s as the u;t lu the d. -ie'sitioiis ai't* returnable may all.iu-. 4. Concernaiiz t!u b-.-n 1 of 'lie p iMic Tr. asur= r iPrescribes ti f rm of the Tit t>un r’s i >i]d 5. Directing the refer, noo ..f -ui s oa the ot sheriffs and other ofiict rs. [I’ -orides th:.t wli* n any suit shall b> brought upon any bond - fa sheni]' or other public ofiic: / , the conn m iy, on nution of either party at an^/ time the pen It ncy of ^id suit, refer th«‘ >dau’ for the amount to bf takt>n in the same mamiv'- an I und. r tin* same ruks and regulations, as ar^ n >w profad-d lor the n ft renct of suits on boiris of e.xtcui.^-c, administrators and guardians. 6. Extending the time for perfecting titles to lands heretofore entc/.d. [Aii p.-rsons uli' 1;,;- t^acant land ^.nc^' the first J inuary. I- oj. neallow ed until the 1st January, lf'45. t i p* rn ntKs. 7. To atri('.'j | ■ i net of t!ie j^rt^sc'ni s« ssitin extt-n- dinff Ihe time fo: p rfecting titles to land fi. retofore entered. (Prot-ides that all those who hare paid the purchase mon^'y e-n entries of j)ublic lands, shall be allowed until tlie 1st January. 1S45. to pe;-/,ct their titles thereto by grant ; and all entre s made since 1st January, 1839, may be paid for any time previous to 1st January. Id45, prori.iel that the pf09>8ions of ibis act shall not e.\tend to the twamp isndsi S3.1 IG.oK) 73. Krom bonds 81.430 565 24. The i /• tu rns of the land rtt-enue amount to8’254.- ! 13 97. 'i'he t stirrnted amount of what has not j i5 5$l 10,426 3.^.^ 'loial 8364.940 35. j *V. Y. Evening Post. j i N,) u.inations—Jimea Whitcninb h i? \ ot j been rscmtl,'/ nonnnatt tl bv the Democratic con?.*en- • act cl j tion of Indiana ns the candidate of the Detnocrac?/ ' *M-‘?istrac?/ of the State, and Jes.;e I). h'igJiL for tile otfijf* oi Li; ulenant Crorernor. It i Globe. i A. BETHCNE Begs leave to inform his friends and the pubtic, that hecontinnes tocany onhel TAH.OUING BUSINESS, in the Southeast wdng of Spring’s brick house, where he will be ready to accommo date those v.dio may favor him wdrh their patronage. Being regular in the receipt of the New' York and Philadelphia Fashions, his style shall notlbe South. Viii*er Fashions fur 1842-'3 IS 12. tisu':, Piilsy, Paralysis, &C., whic/i is in most all these CASCS to be used i.'‘“'=:idcs the Restorer. Dr. Kuhl's Accoustic Oil, for Deafness and all other Auricular Complaints, wliicli is to be u.sed to gether v/ith the Restorer. Dr. Kuh'lfiPamphlet, ‘•Treatment.'- d*c., entered according to Act of Congress, contains lull direc tions lor the use of all the above mentioned IMedi- cines, and accompanies every remedy. Persons wd.^hing to procure any of Dr. Kuhl’s Medicines, wall please direct their orders, with the amount, (post-paid,) to DR. KUHL'S OFFICE, Raleigh, N. C., or Richnioml, Va., or to any of the Ibllowing Agents. NORTH CAROLIN V: B. Oates, Drugfxist, J. F. & C. Phifer, J. & R. Slonn, Hargrave, Gaither & Co. Jenkins & Bile.s, J. ]\T. A. Drake, C. C. Hender son, James J. Ilorne, any part of itj for sulTering it to be wet. injured, lost, or di-slroyed; for con?-eying it in a place or manner that exposes it to depredation, loss, or inju ry; not arriving at t!ie time set. And for seitinir up or running an express to transmit commercial intelligence in advance of tlip mail, a penaltj/ will be exacted eqtial to a quarter’s pay. 5. Ihe Posln)ost( r General ma?/ annul the con tract for repeated failures; for 7-ioIating the Post OiBce laws ; for disobeying the instructions of the Di^pnriment ; for r fusing to discharge a carrier when requirt tl by the Department; for assigning the contract without the consent of the Postmaster Genf^ral. or for setting up or running an express as aforesaid. 6. The Postmaster General may niter the contracf, and alter schedule, he allowing a pro rata in crease of compensation, witliin tlie^ restrictions im posed by l iw% for the additional service required, or for the increased speed, if the employment of addi tional slock or carriers is rendered necessar?/. but the contractor may, in such case, relinquish the contracf, on timely/ notice, if he prefers it to tho change He ma^/ also discontinue or curtail the serrice, he allowing one month’s extra pay on the amount dispensed with. /. Fho paytpents will be m:ide thou^zh drafts on post ofilces or otherwise, after the expiration of each quarter, say in Fcbrurary. May, August, and Xo- reniber. 8. 7’he distances are giren according fo tfie bes; information ; but no increased pa// will be allowtd, should the// pro re to be greater than is adrcrlistd, if the places are correctly named. 9. The Postmaster General is prohibitfd l.y law from knowingly making a contract for the transpor tation of the m ill wilh an?/ person who shall hsre ntercd into any combination, or proposed to enter Charlotte, Concord, Grecnsborough, into any combination, to prevent the makinfr of any Lexington, ° Salisbury, A.sliborough, Lincohiton", Pittsborouiih. nfcrior to any at Pall and irst received. Charlotte. Sept. COKX FOR SALi:. ^ti|'scriber ha.*^ 1.000 or 1,200 bushels of Corn -fl- for sale, on favor:\blc terms lor cash. X H. EIJAOTT. .'an. 21, 1843. 96...4w SOUTH CAROLINA: Steele, Gunning vJt Co., York, C. IT. McLure, Brawley & Co., (-fiester. C. II. The continuation of the list of Agents see Dr K.’s Pamphlet. Carlotte, June 14. 1812. c/id for a mail contract by any other person or per* ! sons, or w’ho shall ha?re made any agreement, or ; shall have gircn or pei formed, or promised to giro or perform, an?/ consideration to do, or not to do, ar.ything whatever to induce any other person not lo bid for a mail contracf. j 10. A bid receirod after time, to w'it: the 13th j April next al 3 p rn, or witiiout the guarantee re- , quiied b?/ la'iV'j or tnat.combines sereral routes in I one sum of compensation, cannot be considered in _ j competition with a regtilar proposal, not adjudged -BT|| ^ ? ' to be extraragant, ° rOJJOSfSlS I 11. A bidder may propose difTerent days and 7^0R carrying the mails of the United States from i departure ani arnral, proj.'ided no mom S{ raved. til J Co'iil has been forward V'viii be made pubhc. p-robably in a fi \v da?/s PI VC*Ik ville Observer. T^’^ROM the subscriber, on the 20th instant, a bay A marc M U L E , thi ce years old, with roached mane. A liberal reward will be given to any per- otvninn nf ' niule, and give infbrma. up.iiio.i Ol ^ Editor of the Jeffersonian, or to Mai. Beni d to \\ ashmgton, where ! Morrow. JOHN' W. POTTS Nov. 2Ith, 1812. 88. ..F Removal. 3v>j'( CALDWELL has removed his ofTice to — !-*-^the Charlotte Hotel, kept by Alexander Robert- X. A. i>r;*wor | (in the front room under the ]>iazza,) where he may be found at all times by his friends^ unless absent 01...F in specified, viz: IN NORTH CAROLINA. O KSPECTFULLY inft'rm. l.i^: fricndq nnd tho ‘Vu“ yyiUlic. that he will io a fVw • prolesMonal business ,, , , , days oj^en a shop I in L.airlotte. two doors south ot the Mansion House where he will be prepared at all times to execute \uth protn]*titude and iit :.tnes till orders in the Clock niul \^’atch Repairino: ..usmess. He will devote his Wiiole lime to the duties o! his shop, and hopes to ■ Charlotte, on the 4th Monday in April nex receive a liberal share of the public patronare. ! himself FRANK. _He is about 20 yetirs An apprentice fo the above busine taken, if aged from 12 to 16. None but one of a Xeffro. IN pursuance of an order of the County Court, made at January Teriji, 1S43, I will soil for cash, at the Courthouse next, a runaway ^ I , , - is about 20 yetir's \vifl ! • pff^\^.*out!y built, dark complected, five feet six or ^ven mchcs high, smootfie round face and thick lips, with a scar can come well recommended lu ed arrl?/ Jan. 17, 1843. ^ ‘ vho 95... F on the lorcfinger ot the left hand. He says He was raised in Chat ham county, N. C., and was sold to a speculator named Hopkms. T. N. ALEXANDER, ShfT. 1 »..r And Jailor ol 3Iecklcnburg countv. Charlotte, N.C., Jan 23, 1? 13. 97...ts Pocket-Book Lo>t The suWriher lost a small leather Pocket Book id i about D or 6 miles South of Conconh on the ReillOVaL J^ia.n Charlotte road on the 19th instant. The Pock et-liook eontained one dollar in paper monev and ^ small amount of silver change; a Note oh’d- Kistler. lated 2il day oi Januarj’, 1S43, l^or nine'd'ot ’ ^is customers and the public generally, lars and filleen cent.-*, and various ..thU n^r..L “ r ,•*. , removed his STORE to the house ROBERT R, TAYLOR IS his customers and thepublii ,ui(i ceni^, amj various other Daners rf i~t V"‘" his STORE to the house httle value to any one but the subscriber. Anv ner ‘ t a ^^®«e of the “ Mecklenburtr son finding sai.l Pockei-Boo.k. and leavina it wi'th H ^ next door south of the Mansion House. B. \» ihiains in Charlotte, may have the monev it ^ ^ general assortment of GOODS contained as a reward for their trouble. I , quality, which he will be glad to sell the 1st of July, 1813, to the 30th of June, 1847. ' as.ved, and u ts ojt?!ous that uo mail in North (.‘arolina, will he received at the Contract iconntciion or other public accotnmodation is preju- Olfice of the Post Ollice Depa.rfment, in the City of j ^ur a specified tfuinber of days ^Vashinglon, until 3 o’clock, P. M., of t.'ie 13th day | f>r more runnnig tiaie lo the trip at certain s-^asons of April, 1813, (to be decided by the 15ih day of (jf pculiarv ba 1 roa I3. Cat b •>'/ond tficse changes May) on t!ic rouls and i;i t!,e iiianacr and here- u proi.osal Yor .sei (suo difilr^nt 'f.oin ihe adrerllse- meat will prr t-ent it.-? being considered in competi tion with a regul ir hi 1, not sel aside for exlrava* 2044 b rom Aqualla, (ori Shoal crbek, in Haj’wood ’ g ince; and wh-;re a b. 1 coiitains att v of the above county,) by Wrn F. McKee’s (in Macon county,) fo ; alterations, their d isa J rant igf s will b-j estimated in ame^vlllc, oO nihcs and back, once a w'eek. comparing it wilh oiiior proposils. Jamesvnif ^“nlrb^V ’ *' ' l i nl.’O shoulJ b. but one route bi 1 f.r in a Leave Jamesville every Monday at G a m : arrive i , at Aqualla next day by 12 m. ’ 13. 1 he route, the serrice, the ^/-^arly p:iy. the 2045 From Gravelly Hill or Elizabethtown to ilie I bidder’s name and residence, ani the name of each house oi Robert Melvin, on Turnbull Creek, in Bia- t/f the firm, where a compan3^ offers, den count//, 20 miles and back, once a week. ^ Jiouid be ditiincli^ stated. rivoTt\‘l.*'Melvin^s’M^^^^^^ “■ f-Ilowinir is ihc form of ihc guaranly Leave K. Melvin’s every Tuesday al 5am- arrive ! " should be filled, the first blank wiih the name at Gravelly Hill same day b?/ 12 m. ' | guarantor, the second wilh that gf th^ bidder' 2916 From Hillsboro’by Rock Creek and Long’s | ^rid the thiid and fouith wilb the besu'l/.nn-anJ mills, to Ashborough, 60 miles and back, once a Uerrninating poin’,5 of the route : r-.j ..nir 'Tave nmshoro’cver. Thursday at 0am, arrive ' ■«. Sua^an.o;, who. at Ashboro’ next day by 6 p m. i witten certificato of a postmaster, Leave Ashboro’ every .S’aturday at G a ir. • arrive i ° equally satisfactory teslimonkJ, fo be a man at Hillsboro’ next day by 6 p m. * I Pf property, and able to make good his guaranty. 2947 I^rom Jefferson lo Marion, Virginia, 40 miles * guaranty, so certified, should accomp:iny each and back, once a week. * j bid. Leave Jelierson every Wednesday at G a m j arrive i "i'he undersigned rruaranties that if I ^ the mail from to be at j1«brsoit:,re r/"byV'r.n*!'''' by the Postmaster General -— shall 2948 From Lexington by Thompson's ^tore Guil obligation prior to the 1st day of July ford county, to the house ol »Smith and Barrinf^er up i and sufficient sureties, to perform on the Yadkin river, 15 miles and ^ ^be serrice proposed. on week. once a Jan 31. l«^n. . *4- , t;iau lu Ktjii on WM. WI/^LIAMSON. ! customers punctual 97...2W : .Tan. 17^1843. ^ Leave Lexington every 5?aturday at G a m ; arrive at >Smiih’and Barringers same day by 11 a m. Leave Smith and Barringer’s Saturday 1pm- ar- 'rive at Lexington same day by 6 p m. ’ 2949 Ptom Lewisburgto Cooley’s Store, 15 miles and back, once a week. Leave Lewisburg every Friday at G a m • at Cooley’s Store same day by 11 a m. ’ Leave Cooley’s Store every Friday at 1 p nve at Lewisburg same day by 6 p m. 2950 From Ro.xborough to Pleasant’Hill, 10 miles and hack, once a ■»veek. m: arrive pm; ar- Dated 15. The bid should be sent under seal, addressed to the First Assistant Postmaster General, w’iih Mail Proposals in the State of ,” written on the face of the letter; and should be despatched iu time to be receired by or before the 13th Aprd at 3 o’clock, p m. 16. The contracts are to be executed before the 1st July next. Post Office Jan. 7, 1S43. C. A. WICK/vIFFE. Jan. II. 1842,