j giviD^ a man ins most lierir‘y meal as soon as Le quits mowing in a hot day * Let any ono ronpult his own feelififrs and he may riJ himscirof the (Iclcpion fhat oatinir afier violent excrcise injurns hitn tnore tiiaa at other times. It is Violent c.xc'irisc iinmediatt-iy aiier calinff. before the food hag had time to ciuin^e, that deranges the j whole sypieni and causep Jea(h. Il any traveller j objocts to »!ir cob't of let'ding on arain wliile on a jour ney, we arisu er th:i' you pay no more for halfabnsli- el ofoats tliaii for iiCiif a peck—for if you order half j a bushel, you Kuy n( wholesale, an.l your landlord will charge j ou notliing' for the liay. Suppose you pay double the who'esale price for oats, your horse crompanion of the lam.er. He plowe, he harrows, keeping is thon fiftv cents, it) any conntry town in Jie carts over the farm. He goes to market, to mill, . New England. And if 3 on call for half a peck of and to meeting; he aleo accontpanies his master to cats, with hay, you will find your Lill not far short election frolics, political gaijicrings, and winter sleigh j oftliat eum. rides, and his company is as much sought after, at •!) timc:?, as the orrrtcr’s or the fiddler’s. ^srtciiUuvai. J'rom ilic Massachusetts Plowman. 31 .-5.ua s:c me lit of llie ilorsc. Tiiis nob!c animal is an indispensable servant and I m. A. Respectfuli vices to tiie public T TiiC i.orse is r.iorc ofie.'j abused than any of our domcfitic brutes. Ho is too generous to spare his limbs or his wind v/hen we are in Jiaste, and Jiis getierous ambition too often causes his ruin. On (he Hirm, Iiowever. the horse is not so gener ally over-driven as on the highway, »vhen we attempt to outstrip the w’ind, and leave steam engines he- hitJ!. It is fast driving and subsequent neglect that bring on sprai:;cd j -ir.'.^. Iroken lunrj? and prrma- I'jrc old age. Horses that arc worked on a f;rm and well atten ded to will oficii be good in harness a\ 25 years of ngf',; Avliilc those tbat ’.ravel in stages arc not expec ted to last longer, on the average, than sis or seven years. They are then ( irneJ ofl’ to the farmer to Fcrve in be'-ter bnsiness, or are sold lo the tanner lor wJiat tl e skin is worth. We have thrown out a few hints, in a former num ber, on the snb;2ct of horio-brcaking. We hold that any iior.«e, with prori.'r breaking, may be made to ]iav.’ as sure as rwi ox. Tlic horse requires difTerent treaiinent, I e.:”Arso he knowc more. And this circam- fctance makes it absolutely neccssarj^ that his driver plnuld be wiser than the driver of an ox. We cannot vouch lor the saying of the Irisiiman, “ that a horse Knows as mwch as a man, according to his bigness.” {it.11 wc nonjocture that some horses have more un derstanding than some men haye. now TO noiiSEs ox a JornNEV. Much judgment is requisite to kcepo. Lor.c.e h\ rood ti!m on a long journcv. and when your jaunt is but I'D miles, it is worth your while to look well to your Mixing Soils —Soau nine or ten years ago in occasion to The earih the early part of my /arming. I had deepen a well some six or ( i^ht feet, thrown out was a tenai ious blue clay, just damp enough to cut into lumps, and adhesive enough to remain so. After finishing the well the man^who had charge of the farm was at a loss 10 know where lo deposit It, Having a bare sandy knoll in one o/ the fields, which w^as not inaptly termed ‘‘personal property.” from its being wafted about by every brM'Z^', ht re to day and there totnorrovv, il occtirred lo me that the clay would hold the sand and firm a soil. I acf-ordingly ordered it deposited there in heaps, the same as if manure. This was in the >ummer. In the fall the lumps were !?cattered over the tf’jiface and left to the action of the r«iin and frost. In the spring, it was found to have broke down, crumbled, and slacked like lime. These heaps were reduced and the claj' evenly spread over the surface 'I’h^ field received a coal of ma* m;re, was ploughed and sown w’iih oats and peas. I hat where the clay was applied produced the lar gost and most vigorous growth of any other part of the field. In the ftll it was sown with rye and seeded down with timothy and clover. The rye as well as the clover was much more vigorous and heavier on that than any other part of the field.— In fact, the person who occupied the farm after I left it, infortiu’d mt that he lost his crop of grass | on that pan in consequt nee of its lodging, ^i’hus the personal uas made rtal or fast properly, and remain^ si"! to the pirs-nt day. Hiivuig (xporienc'^d snc’h beneficial efTfCts from mixing clay with sand, 1 was afteru'ards induced lo try whut efiect sand would have on rather reten- II V I c.'iil Stiff clav Main Stiieet, Charlotte, N. C. HE undersigned inlorms xii.-? friends and the travel!iu2T public generally, that he has again taken the above well known PUBLIC HOUSE ;■ And that he intends to keep it, up in style for cooi- lort and convenience surpassed by no house in the Southern country. He has been long in the busi ness, and pledges every possible exertion to afford entire satii^faction to all his guests. His charges sliali be moderate, to suit the times. He solicits ti thare of the public patronage. M* W. ALEXANDER. Charlotte, N. C., Jan. 1, 1845. 191—tf. I Gurjpiug p- ^ Stomach, Vomiting, or Spitting up of Food after , . . I Sour Stomach, Sick and i>Jervoii9 Headache-’ ESPECTFULLY ttmders his professional per-| Waterbraeh. Pain or Sickness of tha vices to the public. He hopes from the expe rience he has had, with strict attention to his iirofes Eating, and also where it passes through the body able lo give general satisi’action uj^changcd, want of' Appetite, Restlessness andln- plcaac to favour him with their jg sleep, Wind in the Stoi siorml duties, to be to those who may picaac to favour mm wiin incir ^Vind m the Stomach and Bowda patronage. He may at all times be found at the lor Hysterics, Cramp, Nervous Tremors and Twitch- mrr residence of K. H. Johnsuon, 3 niiles f.f'oni ings. Sea sickness, Fainiiiigs, Melancholy and Low (i/s lord, on the warn rrad leading from said ford Spirits, Fretting and Crying of Infant* and for all BOWEL AFFECTIONS and NEVJ^ to Charlotte. Mecklenburg Co., Jan. 1845. h|9 THE Subscriber has taken possession of the M ANION HOUSE in the village of Char lotte, N, C,, and intends to accommodate all who may call on him as well as he possibly can It ia so cmmon in similar advertismenta to profess to do many ihings-particularJy about the tabic &, bar, that I shall merely say, that every exertion shall be used to promote the conifori and convenience ot boarders and travellers during their stay. A real improvement in many respects is contemplated. WM. S. NORMENT. Charlotte, Jan. 2, 1S45. 91.f Notice. All those indebted to the estate o l.)r. Stephen Fox deceased, are requested to come forward immediately and make settlement with the adrhinis- trators or their notes or account vrill be found inUhe hands of an officer. Prompt attention to this will save cost. May 27, 1844. C. T. ALEXANDER, > r- » JOSEPH W. ROSS, I G2- GHARI.OTTE & LINCOLNTON The garden at Three Hills Farm is a life I festmg oil ^ rf^nacious subsoil, rather tnclincd to moisturp The second ? caused a rl horse. The first step is to fit the horse for journey. li'he lias.bctjn kept out at pasture, he shou'd be ta-j ^ purchased and took possession of it, I l;e:i i:p oni put to hay and grain for a number of tlays before t^tartiug. Hay and grain must be liis t’lod while l.c labors hard ; but when you first com- j''.en;e giving grain you must limit the quantity.— ^\ licn be I'*ys become n.«ed to eating grain, you can make that bis jirincipnl fbod on a journey ; and this you wi’.Iilnd cheaper than any other food. Wc have known farmers, of very good sense in o’ucr matter:;, act most absurdly in the management *r a horfc. They will g'vaDobbin ” a mees of grain juKt oefjre stalling ia the morning—though he lias not been used to eating it before—juat as if l.a'fa peck of oats or corn, crammed down hastily, would aid hini in fiis journey. Dobbin w’ould per ■ -c-a nanr-!^ IxCiLUi llui.J.aiL_irllhmiUl XUOUIU; ehouIJ never have Ins stomach stuf?ed lul] of it inst before starting. - .^'ur ijir'st hoai ly ^:n:cs.9 you hava o^tUTs tliat can be dep feed them two or three hours before morn; cjsespartof your grain may be giver: j » j i after yoj stop, and tlie remainder cv 0 h.' 'r- :> 1..'.-• ! ly t >oJ should all be given at night, hitlers that can be depci ded c'n lo coat of sand from six to eight inches in depth to be put on one of the squares, w’hich was ^jddtd in with the manure, and i had the sitiifio- tion to witm-ss the most gratifying and happy results 'he crop on that square was far superior to any other in the garden Since then 1 have caused ov er five hundred one horse cart loads of sand to be put in the garden, and the efTrri is still visible allho’ ihf sat)d ti^s dii.ipfMar»Hl —Extracts from Mr. C. '' Bcmcnt s Addres'i before the llou^atauic Socicfi/. rn such J Death of Cattle from dry Fodder.—James Grant, E;>q of Davenport, Iowa, informs us that on turning his cattle mto the fields, after the corn was _athf red last fall, several of them died from consti f i\iion 'i'he death of the animals was so sudden, fl.SfWi.g'fMrfi) tBilk at npli us Hver m (he morning, died in chc Alier having lost several 0/ the herd a.rong uh.ch was a valuQblo Durham bul),“ r G sa...d .he rern,ir.de- !.y administer,ng heaJy do’. * Eps,™ sails -,4M. Cultira/ar ^ v/^rkfd a aflernoon. Stage Line DR. D. J A Y N S FA MIL Y MEDICINES. >HESE medicines are recommended and expen sively used by the most intelligent persons in tb»* United Slates, by numerous Professors and Pre sidentd of Colleires, Physicians ol the Army and .^’avj', and of Hospiials and Almshouses, and by more than five liundred Clergymen of various de- nominutious. They are exi»ressly prepared for family use, and have acquired An unprecedented popularity through out the United States ; and ae they are so admirably cab;utaied to pre.'^erve healtu and cure diseasE; no ami'Iy should ever be witfiout them. The proprie- or ol these valuable preparations received his edu- tation at one of the best Medical Colleges in the United States, and aad twenty years experience in an extensive and diversified practice, by wfiich he has had ample opportunites of acquiring a practical knowledge of diseases, and ot the remedies best cal culated to remove them. Names and prices of Dr D. Jayne s Family Medi cijies. viz: J^yn'§ Exp»ctorant, p»^r bottb “ Hair Tonic “ $1 00 “ Tonic Vermifuge “ 1 00 “ Carminative Balsam, large, 0 50 ‘‘ “ “ small, 0 25 “ Sanative Pills, per box, 0 25 “ American Hair Dye, 0 50 All the above mentioned Medicines are prepared ONLY by Dr. D. Jayne, Inventor and Sole Proprie tor, No. 20 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa., who has hesitation in recommending them- to the community as preparations worthy of their edtire coofidence, and is fully persuaded from past experi ence, that they will be found emmently successfbl in removeing those diseases lor which they are seve- ally reccornmeded. VOUS DISEASES This is one of the most cfKcient, pleasant, and safe composition ever offered to the public for the cure of aarious derangements of the stomach andBowELs fhd the only article worthy of the least confidence or curing COLERA INFANTUM or SUMMER COMPLAINT; and in all the above diseases it re^ ally acts hko a charm. All-persons are requested to try it, for without ex ception it is the most valuable family medicines ev er yet discovered. Hundreds, nay, thousands of certificates have been received from Physicians, Clergymen, and families of the first respectability, bearing the strongest teatimony iil its favour, too numerous to publish. 7^e above Medicine is sold by B. OATES. June, 1844. 62- JUST RECEIVED At the Charlotte Drug Store, a large and fresh supply of involuable Eamily Medicines, among^ which are VEdEmiL£ Plf‘.LS The thousands among us who use this medicine need not be told how high id the position which it sustains, nor of its paramount advantage over ali other preparation of a a similar character: But for the benefit of those who have not given it a trial, or who may be skeptical of its virtues, we insert the following certificate from Mr. Isaac M. Thomas, a highly' respectable merchant of Talladega Sprims, Alabama: TIIE undersigned intbrms the travelling public. flKit ^'■vo-hofpe Stages rcirular.v betw'een Charlotte and Lincointon. i\. L'., twife- ' week—leaving the former place on Tuesday Friday morning of each week. His trams ire • . . and his Stages comfortabi?, and every ext rif •. w i be made to accommodate passengers and nial; their trave’ comfortable and s atisfuctory in every respect. Private conveyance will also be furnished to tra vellers from Lincoluton to tnj^ desired point, on ve- rv moderate terms. AppI^' to ISAAC ERWL\. Deo.30, 1S43. 41 .p BOOK-B!\DEK. Returns his sincere thinks to a generous pub lic for the liberal patroiage heretofore extend ed 10 him, and begs leave t» say that he continues to carry on the BOOK-BWDI\G business in all its branches. He will be hankful for work in his ' e. and nromises to execat* all ordera nromntlv an es- ■ ki. h fore you rcr.ew yo’.ir journey. We arc awnrc ilm some overwise teamsters wil! tu-gue. that i! y.ja give your horse his grain at nifrh* JitJ V. 1.1 eat no hny oi consequence, and that vou will t ^row a;vay the money you pay for hay iceding.- i ..ey !l;erefore endeavor to stuff in as much hay as pos.?ioie at first nnd give the more palatable food fo- a dessert or st.iiler. This is most unwise on two accounts-ycur horse needs his most hearty food r .ov. a.ter his days v.'crk is over—and very hearty i!r.i when fed just before his work com- iooii l.rrt'’ ^ in once s. If the gnini5g:ven at night, your horse soon cnou-h to cloy him sufficiently to induce sleep and r?st j Lot if he must Iiave poor picking for some h'mrs after being put up, his time of sleep and rest is dehiycd. I‘ -ay require the whole night, on fodder t;;at l.c must j;iok over, to satisfy the craving of his appctil''. li yovi arc u?ed to travelling, you kno:R: you can-, not always be sure of the best of hay for your horse- i :n Now York the Dntcli tavern keeper advises you ] !o Ined witli his latest cut hay. He argues that more hcnt is found in this than in what is cut while in full blossom. Well, give a knowing liorse poch hay nnd he will stare you in tlie face and whin- now /jr grain. U e I'.ave travelled much, and cn long journe3’s V. e have learned fiorn long expenencj that grain must be our chie! reliance for liorse food—that the horse wants something substantial soon after being put up—tliat his grain then benefiishim much more tiian at any o‘her(iine, bocaustj he is then most in want of it. and because it then };as time enough to digest and go into tlie system. The best mode is to rely c hinny on grain. One peck of good corn is equal to Uro pecks ofoats, but as your bay may not bn good, preler turning down halfa bushel ol oats before your horse, soon after putting him up at night. He must have somethin.T to fill his stomach, and a^ tb.e bay may be v.’orthless ycur cats v.iil aoMver Ibr hoy nnd grain too. Your horse will now soon eat as much as he wants-he will son lie down to rest and to sleep; and before morning bis gruio w'ill all be converted into cbyle and will be nourishing bis blood. TliC next mornin jb: liEPO^TORYr ^ tAKRlAtiiES, Manuiacture, i„ good order tbr ralt ■ ^ as new; wMich I will sell low ihante ;h‘!" J'^rchaser. or will ex Change th. m for such as may he out of repair. The subscriber will also repair for tbo p«Kii„ tor cheapness and (inraKjii*, snail not bp surpassed by any .1, the Si,11^ 1 ,,l.o purchase my tiim- mings ,n r.har!,.st„n. and therefore will be Jble to suit custonu rs with any kind th My shop is Kitiiatcd 3 mi! ^‘y should want. ^ ,o 1 " mi!es west of Providence ( hurch 13 ni,|ps Charlotte. All those wishing 11 I ny , r to get repairing done, will do well to give me a cotl p , I’TIANKLIN EMMONS. Providence. January, 1845 95-ly good mg \our b.crsc will be ready to slr\rt before you wake op. Instead of w'aiting for liim to cat a new mees of grain, and then to let it oigest, J c>u find l im plump and good naturcd, and of.Aing ll/r nothing but your companv. nu xvell known that iiorscs are ofit-n ruined by t’r.ting grain at improper times. Farmers have fan cied thni eating it wlii^e theanin.^d is hot with exer t.»e is the pruu ipa! cau^o of injury from grain ; but 1! is not so. We have known many liorses to die tuddcn'y on eating grain, but never on account of eating it soun (>iopi.ing. It is rapid driving— ^ ;i)lcn* exer;-.£0 soon alter eating the most hearty kind o! Jond, that i.? destructive to travelling horses. There is no more danger in eiving a horse the most .-sr!;.-1-.1 ; , ,n!n.r,w !;c than h STATE OF NOKTH CAROLLM, U N I O N C O U N T Y IX equity. Febr^iary Term, IS 15. Geo. J. Long and others, "j r.?. 1 . . Ev'an A. Crowell and ^ for sale of Land. Catharine his wife. J f to Jlie satisfaction ofthe court, that the 5,'.,/ case are not inhabitants of this S.ate : It is tuerefore ordered that publication should be make for six weei^s m tlie - Mf^.k,.*nbur- Jeffer Ionian,” notify.ng .aid defendants that thef appear u .0 be held lor.aid S «3, at Monroe, on the lltb of August next, to an- par^tL^^^^" Pt;tilion, or it will be set for hearing ex Feb 15 I''t" c. M. E. 1 eb. (0, I’OSliiVELY 'iheTast menfe"^%^h forward and make settle ments. Ihose who do not avail themselves of the opportunity alforded between this and the 1st of January, 1815. irrespective ot persons will find their debts in the hands ol an officer for immediate collec- J. M. HAPPOLDT. such articles of domestic pndnce“ a^ ar'e getleraHy hinding, at the market price r December 9. 1343. ]\EW CiiOODft JC^T REaUVED. rj.ENTl7E>IE.\ AND LADIES' Lerer Watches, and Silver do., Gold ga-ds and fob chains and linger rings, gold and bilver pencils, table and tea lSw ?o; Knives- AS r AMONG THE THOUSAND MEDICINES advertised as ‘-certain cures f'or pulmonary com plaints” JAYXE’S EXPEt'TOiiANT siands aloue I«s p.-\th to public confidence has been riaved not with pufTs. butCUREL^; and the vcucbers tbr Its efficacy include an array of names which for character and respectability, cannot be surpassed in this country. DR. JAYNE, being himself a Phv- pician, does not profees to perrorni ph^’sical impossi bilities ; but he does assert, and he is borne out bv well authenticated facts, that in all DISF A OF THE LUNGS AND CHEST, w lih .to ' P^PFrTnRlx-T n interference: his KXI ECTOR AN I will cstore ihe patient to health on, lily looss 111,- r I fi’om the menibrane J which hnes the frechen, and at evcrv Charlotte, April 19 1844. T. TROTTER. Charlotte Drug Store. fUTRECEIVED, the be s t aesorle d w ", fiPHy »'■ nuUGS. MEt)l(;i\E.S Sfl ‘"LS. nVK STUKK.S . ' ‘‘^UnGEONS INSTllU FUPMTnHr IJOTTI.ES, SHOP cines* ^Cnn^t of Patent Mrd.- Sloi!' Merchants, Pysicians. and other dealer;, are respectfully mvited to call and examine t'o^nnirfe Prepared to ofi'er inducenienis usiial time * prompt dealers on ihe Orders from a distance attention. o^her medicine wil! remove mucus or pu? ♦V'" throat so thoroughly as Ibis. It eirectually lor thc membra * «• . -II I • ' * V coujjh the Ta ttM I l>rin» lip portions oC (!,o ,„V,i- u-r. IN ALL (’OMPL.AINTS OF T!IE V M OKGA^S^. ven where „a,ire e to !>e making no effort to thrnw JAYNE'S EXPECTOUA.NT impart, ^rr.he machinery ol resp.ralion, and enables them to dis encumber themselves ol the ohstruciions which had impeded iheir Irec operation. It hae restored hun dreds to perlect health, after their physirians had given them up as incurable, with CONSUMPTION Coughs, Cold-, Asthma, Influenza. Broncliiti*! Hon’ j:r"r PuljMONT/i’f- all 'Vi "rj lion, if properly ad'n'n.Wred. ’"''■P"* Post Oflices throughout the State. VEftLTABLC^ffevtB =AND . ■ ANC'AN^:ftVRR Prove all thing and hold fii^t to that which is good.’ distressing complaint CHILLS AND LLA SRS, or FEVER and AGUE. speedily and permanently cured bv Dn HULL’S celebrated ANTI-FEVER PILLS. Thev never fail to cure the chills and fever the first dav when used according to direction, and do not sickeVl the stomach or operate upon the bowels. Thons- May, 3, 1S44 will rcceive pron;p B. OATES Druggif-t 5 • woubi r^'N(»' ,1 fT^ r serviros in the pr^c lice of Medicine to the cifjzcTis of (' otte and vicinity. His offia- is fi.e formerly occupied by the Clerk of i,,, County court—one door north of the Charlotte Dro^^ store. Cases committed to his punctual and faithfiil attention. Charlotte, January, 1845. m; th( care will receive* 9.^-ly IMssolution. 3 The following certificate was given by three highly respectable Planters, near Life Post O/Hce, 1 abedega Co, Ala., one of whom had used twelve boxes ofthe Pills in hii ow*n family. Thi^ is to certify that we have u?ed Dr. Hull's ever and Ague PilLs in our t’aniilies in several cu bes ol tever, and Chills and'F'ever; and their ad ministration has been aitended with complete ?uc- cess In no ease have they iuiled to have the do- sired e iect when used according to directions. Wc think they are a good Pill, and would cheerfully ni- commend them to all persons subject to Fever an5 Chills and bever. Given under our hands, Feb. 9, 1813, JAMES BAGLY, May 3, «• JAMES MONTGOMERY. June 29, “ HARRIS TAYLOR For .ale by B. Oats, Charlotte, j' * w M & Co. ConcorJ. j J. \\. Murphy, 6c J, H. Enness, Salisburv ■ re.-im « r? l^ses of Pjlls, with full d:- I re. .10ns lor usmg them. Price per box. ^'enerally on er;qutry in the Cities and \ illages in the State. tion. p.e claims nt HAPPOLDT & WALLACE are kl! l"'''sn"s who are indebted oy l\ote or book account, would do w'ell to settle within time prescribed above—as they too will be Ueali with as the L”w directs. J^M. HAPPOLDT, Dec. 5, 1S44. Surviving Co partner. 00 r. January 9,1845. present them fbrthwith. J. M. HAPPOLDT, M. B. TAYLOR. 9aL-:F. FROM tlie subscriber on the 12th uiet., a chesnut sorref HORS^^ , ^bont 15 hands high, 6 years old aSriMSd lo r;.hTte’ l“nyfnrm'if horse, left the 7efft/or will be thankfully received! nan Office, March U, 1815. ALEXANDER. D R. I * T. CALDW ELL having removed to Charlotte, respectfully offers his services in the Fo evfpnr?lo disposed to extend to him their patronage. At present he fiirmerly owned- and occupied by commit laithTuH attention " Charlotte June 5. 181L ' Strayed, i^ROM the subscriber, on the 24th ot February last, a sorrel mare, about 15 ^nanas high, with a blaze face her left i^alf ^vky to the knee. I x\*ill aive a^liW^T will take upsJid mare and defiver hi'’.''''^ me any informatio.rsoTln " , h- ‘°,T’ ^ lodged at Co„an-s_Ford. Mecklenbu;g Coumyl'N" C., will be attended to. March I. 1S15. H. BLAKELY. CO NO APOLOGY KOH WKiS, Stfon to'huSreie'ol ol evLv?reaenn^h?°'^*''*’'* should remove the doubts gular etHcacy of JA^NE-^HaTr Siuftbur^ Bennington Co., Vt„ Au^. 4, 1840 ^o - F>-ra'd ‘obii7;d bari in early life',* 7 confe'4°T' dence in the attemnf hr,xr- I l>ut littb* confi- being near 46 vea^s ot' head°destiiu1e" but belore I ha j usedllfe’ se" ond‘'boui7 Aizzy ha.r became perceptible wtHci. ’ T- ^ grow and now hevinj? used the third «ne\ead'o7\T;i^:'”^a^^en,:f^;rd'’4etl“1 “ .rernely gratified with. «he prosuocr in t V vations made, many of mv irfo • ^rom obser- |ances, who have he^Jetofore re^ded'^rh lion as deceptive, and only a ca^cb prepara- -ow well satisfied thaf it is “ f[c’. Talleoega SrniXGs, Ala. Aug. 37, lSi2. This is to certil'y, that I have been afflicted with Sick-headache, Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint and Costiveness, for the last 8 or 9 years, during which time I had taken, as w’ell as I recollect^ about 60 boxes of Beckwith’s Pills, 12 boxes of Peters’ Pills and a number of boxes of Champion’s and Brand- reth’s Pills, all ol xvhich alTordcd me but little or nor i releif. At last was recommended Dr. Spencers* T V egetable Pills, and well I did; for I never had but one attack of the Sick-Headache after I commenced taking the Pills, (now about six months,) and I can didly confess that I have derived more real benefit from the use of Spencer’s Pills, than from all the other medicines and pills that I Iiave ev’^er taken, and I would earneatly recommeud them TO ALL, as being in my opinion, the best medicine in use for all lingering complaints. The Pills have done me so much good, that I would not feel to be willing without them for five dollars a box; and I cannot but feel very grateful lo Dr. Spencer for having prepared such a valuable mcdicine, and the distri^ bution of it is conferring a very great favor on the public, as it is a tlifng ot the utmost importance that every family should li.ive a supply of Dr. Spencer's truly valuable piiis consfantlj’’ on hand. ‘ ISAAC M. THOMAS. Price 25 cents per Box with (tircciions. For sale by B. Oates, CharlottCr by J. & R. Winccoff, &. Co., Concord, byj. Hoke, Lincointon, by Dr. C. Robe, Greenville. J. W. Murphy, & J. H. Enntss, Salisburry, And may be found generally in all the Cities', Vil- lages, (Jouctry Stores, and at*tiie principal conntrv HB Ti . ^ n* ^ A i _T. ^ . . . * • BA n-*n - ' Janu qucstec owe fully ni. li.ES istonierj: |e entire Id is rea are TroN P-tor of the Baptist ury V"! OAKmLNATIVE BALs^lii J AVNE Cough Siozeiiges I^R. HULL’S COUGH LOZENGES are most tb7 rellif cJnSf, n" “'i‘" P'’ep»ralions for cough, Catarrah,f,ghtnel^oVfhecr«^^^^^^^^ and similar pulmonary affections. ’ One box of these Lozenges will oHen do mnr» feThzed a than can be Tver deenll- =““Sh, l>ow- fluencea and all ^ fesist their tranquilizing in- o her o™n, .fr lungs, throat, and poiver ofZnti ""efly beyond the Lozlnges ■ 5 to these iaValuaWf. ALSO DR. HULL’S ^^oriii liozenges ever di.covere. Only Read what they l.avc do“c'- Dn_. quantify I lie; I ha^ Id the ba ev"r used in mJf®'^"..'*‘="',Sned to cure that 1 have as soon as poes^ble""'^’ ** ‘“'•"•ard me a supply Yours, with respcct, LEONARD DERNIDANT. incing [L-CS to Cl past fa> ftsfactior ts to pie, gener ’^larlott; ^pril 11 ’AKE renerall C. your W(^In ® quantity of used a ?"^5»“Sh Lozenge, for sate; I hive ance ; 1 have had a famUy ibout !?i Bounce vour I.n,o„/.„- ‘ years and I pro- perally o uearly cash, or J'Se thetj [fie subs( I cheapne shop in Cl custom! , shop is pcb and t.) b I've me r '‘ovidenc cour Case ^ual an{j

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