SINGULAR OCCURRENCE. On ill^lanl, a lar^'e biiy^ appeared off itie bar ot Bcauforl. Noith (Jarolina, which stood off Some time A pilot vvt-nl oflT from the town, and was astonished lo find that she was manned by s:x negroes and only two white men, one of ihe oegroes calling hirristU Captain. The aegro Captain look three men in a boat and went up *he town. On landing they wfre qT>es- (ioned, and stuted that they Jeft the former Cap tain sick at Campeachy, and that the ctire of the Vessel was givPn lo this neg’ro, as he was the only navigaioT. Oi»e of ihe boat’s crew upon beinj ai- lorwarda inlerrogatfd, stuted that the Oapiain, is, that they nad b*^en out from Campeachy Ihiriy one days, and that the Captain became in- fine soon after they had sailed, and fell ov»‘rboard on the 23J September. He thm surrendered the charge of the brin to the negro, not being hin>self a navigator. ^ his. it is snpposed, is the true state Oi the case. "I'he pap#»rs are ail regular. 'I’he ne groes say that they prevaricated under the influence of fear, asth^^y knew that they were in a sl*ive itnte. The hrig is entered the Herriet of Marble- hi ad, from Campf^achy. loden with logwood, bound lo .Naw Vorlfj nnd consigned to Howland and As* nwall. I'hey were out of provisions, and came ir»*-; fiea«]f»)rl for a supply.— ICre. Neics. THE GOVERNOR’S ELECTION. Bcfow we give the official vote for Govprnor of State, at the late election ; alsdthe vote of 1844, showino- the difference bciwem the votes of 1844 and 1846. 1844 1846. CURRtilVT. COLL Min A, S. C., OCT. 8. (Corrected weekly from the Temperance Advocate.") .iUiiMti 4 ha Hot Friclay. Of totx^r 2:;, RAIL ROAD MEETING, i I'f' I" arnirrs ot Mtn'klerihurijf and adjoining C : rire earnef;||y invited and requepted lo al to I -= j;::l;!ic lntHMiIlL^//i ('hnrlofte, on TUESDAY ol ' )h(‘r Cc'urt, at II o’clock, to conpult upon the c r ':frui*ti. n o( a Rail Road Irom Charlotte lo C?im- !’•', r". (The niceiingvvili he addresfsed by Col. W J. Ah xaricier. James VV. Ofiborne,and other dis- IH gu fil;-il gentlemen. MANY CITIZENS. 1 he abse[»ce of ihf* Kditor for the past wee!;, wil iccoiint for the r.ppearanee of this wecli’s Jef- rtllsONIAN. explanationT at from ’.he d^'linquency of ihe young • makes up our pnckags for ihn »werc sent from the office on from this place last week. 00 late to supply the take care that no u« and our sub apprentice in the le in the Western ig la«t, without the con- •Gkorge is about IT years iive youth, a pood composi- f fail hand. He is of Binall ira v' ijown caet look when spoken infornitu hifl employer that he intend- pii, o” fi Eired to leave him, George^; would have b ; n (lipmijsped wiih such a reconimendaiion aa he tlepciveJ; butsiucehe has acleil otherwise, to sat jf;\ :! r law, a reapon.ihle reward will be paid tor 1.'.* !V‘'ry in Charlotte. KROST. n Monday, 'I'uesday, an:l Wednesday mornings Iasi, w€ had in all this region of country very heavy while frosts. The health of the country was irij Tvirig, but we hope the appearance of old a-'k ” Will exterminate even all appearance of Ague and Fever. FROM TIIE ARMY. >’he ofriciai despatcht s from Gen. Taylor will be perusf’d with deep intererl. It will be seen, loo, that our (Government has very properly sent bin» inst.Uc i-'U-S to put an end to ihe armistice, las Washinston Union remarks : •‘Ma;: r James Graham left Washington ‘his Anson, Hoke. Graham. Shopard. Grahnm. 506 1073 332 957 Ashe, 499 561 525 707 IBpauforl, 489 887 421 835 B»*rtip, 409 507 350 498 Bladen, 490 271 391 302 Brunswick, 311 335 257 352 Buncombe, 40G 875 431 951 Burke, 309 1263 290 1232 Cdbnrrus, 477 751 391 687 Cald well, 260 544 222 651 Carnden, 94 513 84 514 Carteret^ 332 454 336 393 Cris .veil, 1088 277 996 260 Chatham, Catawba, 794 1153 524 1126 j 000 000 000 000 j Cherokee, 241 353 238 489 1 Chowan, 188 286 182 276 : Clf-velnnd. 720 336 241 423 i Columbus, 312 180 333 195 i Cra vpn. 622 681 591 601 1 Cumberland, 1070 603 701 722 ' ; Currituck, 485 137 528 173 1 Davidson, 658 911 610 1004 1 Davie, 354 508 319 500 ! Duplin, 866 246 917 277 j Edf»ecomb, 1410 118 1.394 127 j 1 F rank lin. 710 361 637 383 ; Galfs, 381 3.59 898 353 , Greene, 199 253 330 331 I Granvdlp, 985 976 899 1065 : Guilford, 463 1920 369 1867 ! tlalifax. 378 569 457 561 1 Haywood, 328 370 347 447 j Henderson, 206 565 193 563 j Hertford, 269 308 200 360 Hyde, 189 401 265 420 Iredell, 379 1527 288 1419 Johnston, 586 639 675 683 ; Jones, 153 195 109 218 Lenoir, 356 198 301 292 Lincoln, 1773 911 1560 847 Macon, 285 371 300 457 Martin. 523 316 489 355 ■Me Dowell, 000 000 000 000 M* cklenburg, 1242 808 1035 680 1 Moore, 513 584 352 5*^8 .Montgomery, 107 586 93 485 Nash. 796 70 827 95 New Hanover 1101 283 948 257 Northampton, 362 514 408 515 Onslow, 553 178 626 210 Orange. 1555 1756 1440 1711 Fasquf)tank, 177 593 224 506 Perquimans, 217 366 242 447 Person, 622 237 516 392 Pitt, 441 697 308 550 Randolph, 318 1082 213 1233 Richmond, 113 678 54 71.5 F^obeson, 599 559 527 575 Rockingham, 981 449 761 387 Rowan, 736 809 698 820 Rutherford, 135 1402 231 126*» Sampson, 727 461 692 504 Stanly, 81 541 28 562 Stoki s, 1165 1105 951 995 Surry. 102 3 103-2 1045 1103 Tyrrfll, 137 311 182 245 Union, 000 000 000 000 Wake, 1271 1073 1101 1060 Warren, 716 127 646 161 VVashmgion, 136 368 114 351 Wa vne. 846 217 884 317 Wilkes, 167 1333 128 1350 Y ancy, 615 310 522 440 39133 42586 39433 34156 40128 34155 3153 7859 Bagging, Bale Rope, Bacon, Bufler, Coflee, Cuba, Rio, Java, Cotton, Flour, Corn, Iron, Lard, Mol isses. 14 a 15 7 0-10 7' a 7it 12 a 14 8 a 10 8 rt 10 13^ a 14 S a 95 5 a 6^ 55 (I 60 5 a 10 10 a 12 35 a 45 Nails, 5^ a 20 Pork, 5 a 5.) Rice, 2 a 4^ Sugar, Mubco. 9 a 11 Havana, White, 14 a 16 “ Brown, 9 a h) Loaf, 14 a 10 Lump, 14 a ir. Crushed. 15 a Is Doubled Refin. a 00 Salt. 'i'allovv, 6 a 7 T«‘at^, ~5 a >>1^ The Subeerjber it rvow ready to enier the wifh hia neighborp in fair ccm\yef'tion m *-ie GOODSi, Hi® objt5et in adveriiRing jp not to of hi» Stock, Styles uud rricet*, boi t> ini''r- the commDniiy thal Le is now receiving and opening itid FALIi AND WINTER Sl'PPLIF Cotton.—Owing to the elections, which were on Monday and Tuesday la?l. Inrnjers hnv'e re- njaiufed ai home to vote, ami have brought little Cotton to market during the early part ofthe wet-k. No change has lakeii place in prices since our Iasi quotationB; and the opinion tiill continues, that | CuR.N, sells from wagons at 56 cents. This price, ! however, cannot be sustained. Large crops have bt ert rhade, and as soon as the article can be brought lo market, prices will tall. Flour, has got up to S5, ami will probably re main at this for some tin»e. CAMDEN. S. C.. OCT. 14. (Corrected weekly from the Journal.) Bacon, (scarce) 8 a 12^ Bagijing, 12^ a 16 Beef, j)er pound, 3^ a 5 i Cheese, pound, a Buler do 12^ a 25 ! Colfee, 8 a 14 Brandy, peach, 75 a SO • Coilon Yarn, 87^ do apple, 50 a 55 | Powder, keg, §6 a 7 wliicli comprise every descriptirm of Merchandize sold in villajje Stores. To the Ladies.—and Gentlemen reijarding the Styles and Fashions la iheir W'arbrohe.-.—ho wtuh. say, he is de?irous to have their opitiion of his tHste in seleciion before I»»! ventures an extrava^^anl l 4«. gtj upon the f.uiry purchase, and hopep they will giye Ins Suck an c»^minatinji. Frorr) the farmers and public generally, v/isliing to supply themselvfs lor the Winter season, he would urge an early’ call and ex I'nioaiioii ofhia slock; in wliicfi will be found u. varied a.'S’riiumt of Heavy Goods for Winter W ear, ez: «j» riE' ss stf 9 «z: ss :s ^ BOOTS AND F^ine Hats, Caps and Bonnets, A\ ASSORTMENT OF BROGANS AND MUD EOo'lT., Cotton Kagging, Hoping’, &c., &c., Prices lo correspond with the reduction in the Northern market October 23 84 A. V01\\0. 5t Cotton, Corn, Flour, Feathers, Lard, pound, Linset-d Oil, Oats, bushel, Peas, Potatoes, swt. do irish. Pork, pound, Rye, Tallow, Tobacco, Whiskey, 7 a 7^1 Iron, pound, 5 a 6:^ SO Si I Lead, pound, 7 a 9 S6 a 0 50 j Lamp Oil, SI a 1 25 30 a 37^; Lime, barrel, §2 a 2 50 10 a 12 Molasses, 37^ a 45 75 a 80 Mackarei. bbl. a 40 a 45 Nails, cm, lb. 5 a 6 65 a SO j Rope, 6J^ a 12 371 a 50 I Rice, bushel, S3 a 4 a I Su^ar, pound, Sail 5 a 6 1 Salt, sack, SI 50 a 1 75 SI 50 a 1 75 Shot, pound, 8 a 10 7 a 8 Steel, pound, 16 a 23 8 a 40 Tea, 75 a -SI 50 50 a 55 I Twine, 20 a 25 Cotton.—Some two or three hundred bales have been sold during the past week, at prices ran ging from 8 10 9 l -6c. The principal sales have been at —Journal. FAYETTEVILLE. N. C., OCT. 13. (Corrected weekly from the Observer,) Brandy, p*^ach, Ditto, apple. Bacon, Coffee, Cotton, Corn, Candles, F. F. Flour, Feathers, 1 00 Iron, ^‘h ^ i 45 a 55 Molasses, 24 a. 20 7^ a 8 Oats, 40 a 40 8 a 10 Nails, cut, 52 1 Q Sugar, brown, 8 a 15 75 a SO Salt, bush. 45 a 52 13 a 15 Do. sack, Sl| a 8 4^ a 4| Wheat, 90a 95 26 a 28 WhiifkeVi 40 a 45 Remarks.—Cotton sold last week at 9 a 9 55. W’e have not heard of any sales this week. Little coming to market. Flour 5^ a 5|, CHARLESTON, S. C., 0C7\ 8, (Corrected weekly from the Mercury.) J1 *a3iaA:vxEnv tS Jiqo;oo saao.Ls aovqiiA ki j.cia>i ATivnsa sciooo 'nv oxv puu dudiiQ ‘.{|i|unb .loi.iodns jo AHVXOIwLViLS ilMY «rat j?aii -mr ms ssr. :bet- ac \.I35f00.53 ‘O.IBAip.lGJf .JHL, :sh; ‘S3I.I030.IJ9 ’‘'SiQ 3Aoq -s^uin i|B IB qiiA\ laiu jou sn uioj; Xnq 01 siuatuaonput uiaqj jajo (jbd q\\ >]U|in 3-w 5® ‘spooQ Sut)u»A\ suosjdd uiojj ||iiD li jjSB ’Ajiunoo JO uonDt»s S|m ui uiaqi ||as uoo GSiioq Auc't’ -%\o» SB ^Si»iv9i> ivnpiind oj 7ul]} no jlo ‘hsvj icj p|os aq A'laAiijsod |[|a\ puu ‘spooQ Aua SB dejqo SB iqonoq JO >100XS dV3H0 G.NZV A\3M V ‘HXHOM 31LL IVOHjI OiMIAl333H 3HV 3A\ inAKKIFI>, In this County, on the 20th instant, by Rev. Lew is Scarbrough, Capt. Robert Nelson Kerr, to iVIiss Jane Eliza MooRy. In this County, on the 13ih instant, John McKee, infant sonofJ.’O. and Jane R. Flanagan, aged 2 monihs and 14 days. Bagging, 12 a 14A Pork, 14^ a 15 Bale Rope, 4 a H Rice, 2| 4^ Bacon, G| Q ri Sugar, Lous. 6 a 7 Butler, Coilee, Rio, 16 a 21 Havana, white 10 a 105 •• brown, 7^ a 7f a 8 Java, 12 a 13 Muscovado, 6^ a. 8 Cuba, Lump, 9^ a 10 Flour, 5| a 5^ Loaf, 11 a 12 Corn, OS a 70 Crusiied. 12 a 12:^ Iron, S4 a Doub. refined, 12 a 12| Lard, n a 8 Salt, .^106 a 1 10 Molasses, 21 a 32 Tea, 18 a 50 N a 11 s t 41 Colton, 6^ a 8 Hanger’s Notice. Alexander p. graham has rniert‘d on my books a DARK BROWN HORSE, about five or six years old, fifteen and a quarter hands high, a few white spots m his (ace, no brands, shod allround. Appraised at SIO. J. W. MURDOCK, Rantzer for Iredell County. Oct 23 84 3t or: iS) CZi Wo ftrc remestecl by a number of the Officers of the Ninth Division of North Carolina Mil.’ia, to announce Col. GEO- W. BRO VV'N, of Rockford, Surry County, as a can. didate for 3/a/or in place of Gen. Dalton resigned. Oct 16 83 tf lieniovaL JUST ARIS A SPLENDID STOC NEW GO FOR THE FALL AND WINTER I Storms' A^iie & Fever or Toiii«; AO CURE, NO PAY! Pills! OEIN A. YOUNG, of Charloiie, N. C. IS tX A?eiU lor ihe sale of STORMS’ AGUE and The I FEVER or TONIC PILLS, which are purely j vi*«retable, and warranieti to cure the Chills in every ' mslance, if used according to the pritiled direction - . , accon>pany ing each box; if not the Agent is in- nj, in the southern train, with despatches lor , gtructed to return the mont*y to the })urchaser. Taylor. Itis believed that he carries out m- STORMS &• CO. P/tiladtlphia. U6 f- r terminatmg the temporary cessation 1 23 84 5t i we learn B. P. BOY19, COiMiMISSION MERCHAxXT. CA?II>IL>, SO. CA. Oct 9 82 :m Dentistry. .0^l ltlf'8. . ^ -'ince the above was in typ^ from ?j .'p cial corrcsp mdent of the New Oi leans i 'ayune, thal tlie number of Mexicans ascertained t b-^n killrd at the baitlcs of Monterey, was I irTFHN HUNDRED. Our lo5S was five l u id - d THE ELECTIONS, i t'=1 second trial in M.line was more favorable to the D‘’ir>’Crats than w’as ihe firsf Bui even yet, the fi; ‘'*e to e ^’Ct, leaves (he political character of the I ' 1 ure al' in Jo-ibi, ■I M- ,yl. nd, the Whigs have carried the Legis- ‘ . e ■ III ii)cr«^ase l majority from last year. I ;l ' r. lin.i. Democracy has all to itsell. T' -u-r n rmbers of I'ongress are all elected. Me. ro. R 1’. Ruett, Armistead Bi rt. Josefu A. ODWAiii:, A. 1>. and R. F. Slmfson, ^ f. p ird without opposition ; and Capl. Jas. ^ Parents and Onarciiaiis. A B ^ in York Dii^lriot, beat his two oppo- _ School for the Education of Ciirls will be did the Hon. I. E. Holmes, in opened at the residence of the subscriber, on ;a^ies' n District. We do not know that p^Xovember, under the charge of .\Iiss Jane (o the Legislature, if A. Chamberlain. Miss C. having Ibrmeriy taught i>r. K. u. a:\ orews, AVING returned 10 Charlotte, is ready to wail upon his friends. He may be fbunii at his residence on Main-street, a lew doors North of Muj. Kerr’s Holei. Oci 16 ^ >f H Female Education. DCi 16 V tLe there i«, a tiiitle \\ h'g mere a ^uitie c E-o from i in ih;s County, it is only necess.-^ry lo say, that ivf .‘VC i t uur liiend Huhard A. c • ^ ? . q^jj^iihoaiions as an Instructress are ol the first order. I T/’f location is five miles north of Cnarlotte, distin- n.. s.^ional election in Georgia has re- i Ibr good health, and in a neighberhood re- fe . ^ TN fc- ... jY,r Its reliizious and moral cultivation, and 1 ^ i;i cr is an 1 tl' ,‘'T\ niocTt 1^, thoUf^h ihu p' jiular v-.=te shews a consider able D- mo-’raiie iiivai since the last election. Geor- ^ia u i i t'mocraiic. The el-rtions are over in Pennsylvania and Ohio, but no r»'lurns have as yet come to hand. n3*We uiiiiri'Maiidl^oi. B.minger has signin'(l his intention to run for CungrtES ngam in this nioderate, and will be made known in the next Uicl. 'I'h*‘ Democracy will attend lo h:s case in tim«. Trie Colonel is a pretty clever Dow for a Whig, bul we »hall spars no hoootablc meani lo j g' Vg^g;- *'' i *S if effe^i hif dcfcit next heehoi-’e of lour Whigs and four Demo-■ jiiarkablfc c? 1 i ‘ Ai’ir^rr vVhitrE „r,IV o06 3u«} 3 lia 11 III 11 cs iTOui Sugar Creek Cliurch. ioombs, Siepl;ens, Jones and King, ^ j ^ .. al tins school. Girls shall have an r?o J Cobb, Lumpkin, and Haralson, JJe- opporlunity of acquirinir a thorough euucation. Ar- This is a loss of cue member to the De-, pi„.^pj,,enls having Deen made to board any number of pupils. Ihe school will be stncily parental-tlie pupilr" being always uniier ihe eye ol the Instructress, 'I’iie Ibllovving geiitlemen have kindly consented to act as Trustees ofthe School : Rev. R. H. Lafferty, 1 J. P- Henderson, E>q.» T. L. HiTcnisoN, Esq., 1 Jas. A. Houston, Esq., Ira Parks. Esq. | Da. Jas. C^ilmer. The terms of Tuition, as well as ol Boarding, wil Important Sale. S Executor of th^ last Will and Testament of the la:e Charles E Moss. I will sell at public auction at the late residence of said deceased, three miles south of Charlotte, on Tuesday, the 18ih d.iy of November next, the following propeity ol said Estate, lo wil: Plantation On wfiich the deceased lived, containing about 428 Acres, and on the tract is a very rich Gold Jftine Just opened, and from which a large quantity of ore, o) the richest character, has been taken, and is now cofivenient for inspection. It is confidently believ ed, by good judges that this is one of the most ex tensive and valuable mines in this country. On the p'^emises. also, is a good dwelling and all necessary outhouses, and the tract comprises a large quaniity ol capital meadow, in a high state of improvement, and a large quantity of first rate timber land. ALSO; 6 valuahle JYegroes, 3Icn^ Women, and Boys. One Thousand Bushels of Corn; A quaniity of Wheat, Rye and Oats. A large quantity of superior Hay and Fodder and other Roughness, A Buggy and Harness ; one Road Wag gon and Gears ; Horses and Mules ; Cows and Hogs; Farming Utensils, Household and Kitchen Furniture. Terms of fale made known on the tlay. Sale to continue from day to dav until all is sohl. W. W. ELMS, ExV. Oct. 13, 1846. A. BETIIUlVi: &, CO., WOULD inform their friends and the public generally that they have removed heir tailorlxg establishment lo the Room formerly occupied by Graham Jami son, two doors West of Elms’ corner. Ocl 9 82 tf! Captains commanding Companies of iht OSih Regiment of N. C. MiHtia. YOU are hereby commanded to appear in the Town of Charlotie. on THURSDAY, the 22d of October next, with your Subaltern Olfirei?., Non-Commissioned Ofilcers and Musicians, armed and equipped as ihe law tlirecls, with eitie arms, at the hour of 9 o’clock, A. M.. lor drill ; and also, on FRIDAY, the 23d, with your respective Compa nies, al the hour of 9 o’clock, A. M., armed and equipped as the law directs, lor leview. By order of T. P. G. Farris, Col. Comdt. WM. H. WADDELL, AJjt.. Ocl 2 SO trn Tlie Concord Cotton Facioi>. WE now have on hand a large slock of BALE ROPE, YARN and DOMESTICS. ALSO Over 1500 pieces of heavy 44 inch COTTOI¥ BAGGIIVO. A very puperior article, which we will scii lower than any thing of ihe kind lhat can be brought from i!»e Northern markets. WILL. P. MOORE. Concord. N. C., } Clk. C. M. C. July 31, 1846. ^ 72 tf 5 AVID PARKS ■j S now receiving his aupply of Fall and *- Goods, comprising a very general and complete assortment of the prettiest, best and rhe;ipesi C - ;ver brought to this mark^M. In his slock v. i'.i b'* ic ; . a superb selection of all descrip'.ions of Goods lo** Gentlemen’s and Ladies’ wear, of ihe latest style.? and patterns; CLOTHS AXD CASSIMERKS; FAIVCY OF ALL Ki:sDS; i/JT,9, BONNETS AND SJW IS; IIABlDWAIIi:, • ^i> XEGUO BLAxMvFTS & Sli(iji:S, A GOOD AND CHEAP ARTICLE. And, indeed, every ^r irie usually ca!lel "o. i’ market, all of which he js ucte.miMed lo sell low as they can be purchased in Charlotte or any of ihe stirrr)unding towns. Cash purchasers i.'ild lio well to give him a call r.s he cm, unci will i‘, r the cash, give them rare bargains. He also has a large slock of BAGGi "'-O RO PING, which will be sohl on veri lo»v terms. Call, see, judge, and buy, it' you my ,:i. -la and prices. DAVID PAuKS. Oct 13 63 3ii.^ Taliiable AHU RICH CDLQ P roll SALE of eihbdrkiiiir in »he ERSONS d»'.-iron?' Mining business, i uve now the most i ivoi u,*puriunity lo obtain barga:j ofl're- in this country. The valuable Mining Lanuo licrtt^jl..c ill controversy between Davidson and Erwin an ' Taluahle tands lor Sale. i Elu.s Imvc been setiled by c.M»pron.,s-, i .r. . , now otlereu lot sale on Ihe most arciMiifnou AS Ageni for Mr. Anderson, I ain desirous ol i^rms. The lands are all in the neigl selling a i RAC I Ot LAND, lynig in Prov- , diarlotle, and are as Ibllows : idence Setilemeni, adjommg N. M. butt, Clarke Wedlingion and othtrs, co/itaining about 200 Acren. This Land is very valuable, and will be sold on ac- commodaiinj; terms. -ALSO I will sell a Traci of my own Land, lying on the Waters ot Big Sugar Creek, three miles south ol Charlotte, coniainmg 100 ACRES. On the premis es is a good Dwelling House, and all necessary Out Houses, and a large quantity of superior Mea dow Land, in a high state of itnprovemenl. The Terms for this Tract will be made very ac commodating. '^ppiy for information to ISAAC S. ALEXANDER. Augl4 7t tf — y ISAAC S. ALEXANDER. Claremont, Mecklenburg Co., } Oetobcr 9. 1S46. i N. B. Persons indebted to the above estate of C. E. Mo.^s, will find the Books in the fiands of Mr. Samull BtLK, at tfie counliog-room of David son Spr.itt, wlitre ihey are requested to call and settle forthwith ; and ihose having claims against the estate, are required to present them as llie law directe, to the UQdir6i‘;ned. W. W. ELMS, Executor. October 13 83 ts liOOlt To your own interest! All kinds of Ornamental, Sign, House, Carri age, and Flag PAINTING will be executed by the undersigned, when called on, promptly anJ 111 a very superior manner. Specimens ol his work may be seen in Charlotte. All orders ibr Painting, or Varnisning furniture, directed lo tiiis place, w’lll meet prompt aiteniion. A portion oi the public patronage w re*-pecituiiy solicited. Painttf aud Oils furnished by the , if required. JOSEPH C. TEMPI ES Charlotte, June 5, 1846. 4-lG The OiiiiiL 31iiic Tract, ALEXANDKii >um: TXiACr. And other Tracts, all knov,;. to be the ric!'#*st in this ’Cgion of country, ac' iney have all het*n work ed, more or les«. Undoubted inles can be iraJe, on the payment of a cerl iiri portion of’hr jajfcliaso money. Pariiculars can be ascf‘ria»4.*:u oi» applicii- tion lo G. W. Caldwell^ in Charloite. Ocl 16 63 ^toch. tf THOS. THOTTBH Has Just received a .^ipleiicnd hIocL' OK NKW JEWELLERY EMBRACING Ladies’ and GeniN'- metis’ Gold and Silver L F V F !l WATCHES; gold Guards and Ffb Chains an i Keys; Breast Pins; Fin ger Rin£?e; gold ami si!v«*r Pt ncils ; n-enuine silver table arid tea Spoons—Citrnian silv'i r do.; fine pocket and pen Knives; Butter and Frui, do.; and various other articles in iny line, w * icli u .11 be ttold extremely low I or cash. Call and f‘*e. |33=* All kinds of Repairing in ihe ^^iver^.i..iC done neatly, expeditioualy. ami on mr.deraie »-rrr.=», THOMAS TKOTT.^R. Oetober, 84.. lS4i, «

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