sembl^d That ^'^riierica in Congress as- »^;i -•’ • ■ Oru;r to tPrinina.tP thp. war nnhjin. From the Raleigh Standard. MR. WALKERS REMARKS, the Senate of this State on tlie pi!v exisiin. u terminate the war unhap- i y„ CO \vii» I ^ tkotween the LniieJ Slalea and Mexi- j . i nmi ^ regard to the rights and national exist- i 14th instant, the bill from thf* Coinnion.S Cacrain-r. With a vtw I vesting the appointment »f Field Officers i In the rank aiid liie of tlie Regiment ^ Fcburary, .% 1847. tts to an^v ono but the uiiderpijiacd, unless each nott ha* ' tht' wrktei! eH4^^J^5cnlcnt of •J • .uar. ^2. 1,47. 1 • j iignia dliu fidilonQl 6XiSt* -e and irw3€i>endence of the two republics, and lo bring aboot an honorable peace, le feeident ot tlie United States be requested to withdraw all Iroo^,^ ami military forces of the Unit ed .biaies now west of the Rio Mexico, to tiie east side of that river. yolunteara nois,' in the seryice of the Uni- dej* , diechaiT^eti, taking due care, in the or- turn provision be made for the re- or vulu,„„.rs la.heir respective home.; ihe scrvirp ni'ir ”*‘'® “ua'ered iiUo bcrvice ol the irovernment CHARLOTTE, S. r.. rEI) fCorrt'ctC'l weekly.) D. Bacon, Butt;r, 15 a 6A a 7 a 10 a 16 S m with an amendment proriding that in ! ^randy^-Appie 30 a 35^ the present case the Governor shall ap- e„„«, Cuto, iO « n p^int, was under consideration, when | Rio, lo a n Mr. W alker of Mecklenburjr, delivered i ~ a speech which struck a panic into the | Corn ranks of the opposition, and gave him ^^^eeee, a 14 S « SA 35 a 40* 12A a 15 10 a 121 S4 u S4| 10 a 121 hS3^ a N-i| Iron, Lard, Molassee, *\ailg, Rice, Suijar Muse. 3 a 4 i S a 10 50 a 62A 7 a 25 & 5 a Jr 6 9 a 11 Havana, 9 a 10 Loaf, IG a IS Luiup, Ha 16 Crusljoil.l5 (I IS Du. refi. 20 a 00 Salt, iS'i\ a S3 A Teas, Sli a ^ U. Tallow, S a I’/ Whiskey. M. 45 a 50 N.C. 30 a 35 Notice. HA\ I\G ohiain^d leiters of ^dininisirafion \ip* on tho E.'tr/'ir ol Dr. Sr/muel H. Smiihj de- cetjsoil. I will proocotl lo^seJl hi the Irtie residence of saiil derensed, on, Tut*?day-ihe 16th February next all the pt*rish(d)!e property belonging to said eaiale, consistinii: eroaeWnehl or depredation, by Mexican cni/;t;ii6» ui ' \vi 1 Wo apprentices to the printing business are ! wunie-.l iuunediately at this Olfice. 1 Also, a Journeyman Printer, of^tfady habits, ean , find a i»itiMiion at this olFice, at good wages, if ap- 1 j|>Iicati(Mi i.s d'.ade ►•oon. 01^'Having Ittu conilned ^t the bedside of a , a\ck reia'ive duiiug the whole of Ibis wetk, the Kditor lias betii unable to write cd»loriz!?,Of (\)ake ijiofcthan selections for his p2per. KROMTHE ARMY. 'i'he orily item of news from the army \s, ihal (ien. 'Vaylor. at Ial* si dales, was concentrating all his troops at Victoria, where he expected lo halt and form hii plaos for a’-locAing Santa Ar»na at San Lou'iS l*ot(»si. (ten. Scoti was « t.peeled lo jsjin 'raj/lor ttl Vicloria about the 9ih ult , Santa Anna has been elicttd I'rcsident of M. lico, by the Congress now in session. The t*f/.ine bod^^ ha almoiil unanimoush/ rejected our proposiiion to in at lor p ace, and risolved lo pro gecutt ihe war to ihe lu^t fxfrrmi’y. SKNATORFS. I* KBBR Sovi.v. hnH hc!2n clectKl iij the U. S. SeiKite from i.ouiamiiiin, in (>l«ce t>f '4r. U.^rrnw, ileceased. lie i.s a f»en;ii-rat of tfuc .-^rhooi, and said to be » most cloqucul orator Hojj. R M. T }?c>fTr.8, and Jame« M. Masom, have been SfnatorK from V'irginia, tlie iirst in place of Mr. Ar'-hcr, fnl , tioge time t?a|»ir» s (it xt Mar^ h, mid the Inst in jilHco of Mr. I'cnnybacktr, dt’» ntii d. They are boih said i«» •.»* ['(»ud find trui* Deiiiocart.s and able men. Kroin the ^'harkston Murcury. rR(-i*OSITIONS OF PEACE. 'I lie I mon i>f SatunUy night has a long article in rppr(»b*iUon of the Ht'3oliil:ons ofTered by Mr. CiLLKV, (if N»;w Hampshire, in fhe Senate, and by Mr. STF.riikNH of Gtorgia, in the House, on Fri- day: 'rh*se rt colvet «rere published yesterday in our . Wtihin^ion Corrrspondtnce. The V/iio?i tmyiT Two n‘ov« mriits were ma le jrsterdny itt Cdtt* from the iwi) t xtrrniities of the Union—ihe otje by Mr. C»lh v,ol Ntw H:»m| shire, iti ihe Sen rtte, and ihe other by Mr. Sl**phrii« of Georgia, in ihft Hi)U5i—pis inly adaj/ted, if nol designed, to diy.iTo^v ;h»* war. and discourage il? prosecution.— Mr. Cilh v nfc/l. d Ihe S-n.»te of the United Slates lo rr?olve thai our army should now be ordered by ihe Dr»sid*n\ to tUulk away from the enemy in h«ni»i!iot»ng a«d .«ham« fiil r( tr«ai! Mr. Stephens coiilt nu d hims» If W'iili jui^'inglhe house to repudiate all id* a of an ind« mniSi’attcn ter the • Xpt nses of Ihe '>var, and for our claims againsl Mexico, by ih' 'UM|nis iMin of ‘-any portion of her territory,” nnd to agiin prcfl’fr negotiation for the purpose of jriilmg the ‘ lighiful boundary of IVjtns and 8o obt.nining pence without such indemnity.” Th‘‘se propositions are extraordinary absurdities and it is tiard to ?ay which of them is the-great esl. MfXico demands tbal we sho.uld give up all the a Ivantai^t*? we have gained by a series of bril* liaHt viciofi'S—that we should r^-lreat out of her territory—'hal we should as ume the po>ition of the rf (jir counify suing for peace—and then she will condt^et nd lo treut about peace. She bids us ltf'ih«s* Siirttghtway a Senator ris» s in his seat and l»ropo?es that we do as Mexico orders. Ii is an instance of nolittn*ss more extreme than has ever been h« imJ uf, i’nce Johnson described a servile courtier in the words •‘Pid fiim go to hell, lo liell he ffoee.'^ Mr, SrKi’iiK.N.s would have us go on fighting, but to assure Mexico that they ha ve no occasion for uneaftiwss about it, as we promisr nol to retain any of the fruits of victory. In the meantime, by way of variety, we are to ofi'er what her public functio naries have just p;iblicly sworn nol lo accept,—an other timbrtfsy. Ev*'ry organ of the Mexican Gov^ eroment h>9 dtclured officially they will not r w • I itns dominate over any treul fer prncr, « h,le our porlion of their country r».. y =*rc picog ^ revenue! to the very diegs, lo raise means for the » ar-Mr. Stephens proposes we.should soUmnly renounce the only hope of inaemnity, by d*daring that we will appropriate no (SoIdiers, on the territory, property, or people of this Union, wvhile any question or conirov’ersy shall re- ' main unsetled between the governinenls of Mexico and the United Stales: Provided^ That this shall not be construed lo mean ihal the President is ad vised against retaining jK)ssession of ihe disputed f.ountry between the western limit of the State of Texas and the Rio Grande, until such time as a treaty settling a definitive boundary line between the United Btates and Mexico shall be concluded between the two governments, if the President, in his diiscretion. shall deem that such continued forci ble possession ofltiat disputed territory will tend to promote the making of such treaty. That the President be advised and requested to prosecute the existing war against the government of Mexico by effectually blockading, or seizing and retaining, with eveiy proper security, the harbors, ports of entry, and custom houses ofMexico, on the Gulf of Mexico and on the Pacific coast ot that country ; and lo hold the same until such time as a treaty ol peace may be mride and ratified between the governments ol Mexico and the United States, establishing u permanent boundary line between the territories of the two countries, liquidating and adjusting, and paying or securing to be paid, all just indemnities lor spoliations committed by Mex ico or her citizens upon the persons or property of the citizens ot the United Stales, and settlings all other questions or causes ot controversy between the two governments. That duties shall be levied upon goods, wares, and merchandise imported into Mexico, at the ports ol entry and custom houses that may be held in po ssession by the authorities of the United Sialet, at the same rate and collected in like manner as such duties are levied and collected foi the lime being at the custom houses of the United Slates; and the proceeds of duties, so collected in Mexico, shall con stitute and be made a fu.nd, to be held as security against Mexico until she shall agree to and con clude a treaty as aforesaid. That no lurlher increase of the present regular army of the United Stales shall be made by enlist ment or otherwise ; but, as fast as the terms of enlisl- ‘'When I entered the Senate this morning, Mr. Walker of Mecklenburg, was speaking on the Regiment bill and Braniy, p*ach, l>itlo, apple. Bacon, Co flee, Cotton. replying to the taunts from Mr. Gilmer Com, and the Raleigh Register in regard to ^;^"J*es, F. F. Flour, Feathers, »it i-f r r 1 1 00 45 a 55 "7 ^ a S Sin S'i i) « 50 a 55 13 a 15 4r a 5^ 26 a2S T \ V' Iron, 4^ a ^ Molassee. 24 a 20 Oat.=j, 30 a 35 IVails, cut, 52 Sugar, brown, 8 a 15 Sail, bush. 45 a 52 Do. sa£k, SI5 ^ S Wheat, 90 a 95 Whiskey, 40 a 45 Ho HQ.HSES, GATTI.E, E5E- ^ Mule, Corn, Waroiis Ji!u! ^ears COLUMBIA, S. C.,JAN.^l. (Corrected weekly from the Temperance Advocate.) 14 a 15 7 a 10 7 a7i 12 'a H S a 10 S a 10 13i a 14 H a 9^ 4^ a 5 55 a 60 5 a 10 10 a 12 35 a 45 5i a 20 b a 2 a 4^ c. Mecklenburg County. His blood was up, and 1 know not when I have listen-1 RE.MA.nKs.—Cotton, Peach and Apple Brandy, ed to a more withering or effective 'Whiskey, and Oats,have advanced, and Salt fallen, sbeech. It did equal credit to tlie liead ' “bove changed accordingly.- and heart of the honorable Senator, and certain federal gentlemen seemed not only surpprised and confounded, bullBaggm^, hung their heads in shame under the se- gacon^°^^’ vere fire which he poured into their Butter, ranks I Cuba Rio, “ In a strain of burnirg eloquence, Java, which thrilled the heart of every hear- er, Mr. Walker pointed Senators with Com,’ proud exultation to the Cainty of Meek- lenbnrg, so unjustly sliimd and abused Moiassee, by the whigS, which had Just raised a Cotton.—The confidence of holdera line Company for the jXexicau \^\ar ; '^hai strengthened by the late favorable accounis , , 1^.1 ^ i. ii • Irom Europe (0 the 13ih Dec. last, and he douted not that lOW, as tlieir The steamer of the 4lh inst. is now'past.due, and forefathers did in ’7G, xhef would cover may be looked for daily. Her accounts are looked themselves and their Coluty with im-p“ perishable glory. Nearly all the Com- quite moderate, and prices well sustained—say 9^ panies he said, were iron l>emocratic 1^0 5 a few occasional choice lots at 11 cents. Nails, Pork, Rice, Sugar, Musco. 9 all Havana, White, 14 a 16 “ Brown, 9 a 10 Loal, 14 a 16 Lump, 14 a 16 Crushed, 15 a 18 Doubled Refm. 15^ a 00 Salt, a 3 Tallow, 0 a 7 Teas, 75 a SU is some- Hoitseh^ki kitclicii A quantity of seed Cotton, Farming Tools, And many other articles too numerous to mentien. Terms made known on the day of sale. ALSO, At the above lime and place, will be hired tha J\regToes Belonging to the estate, until the 25th of next De cember. \Y. CRIBBLE, Admr. Jan. 27,1817. N. B.—All persons^indebted^to ihe above estate must pay4up forthwith;—and such as have claims againsl tt, n\ust present them according to law’, or W.JG., Admr. Flour—dull at 4^ to 5. Cohn is in demand ai advancing prices, say 55 to 60 cents per btOshel. Salt is abundant at 75 per sack. SuG.\H3 of fine quality arc scarce here, in conse quence of their scarcity in Charleston, and other Counties, and should, in common Just ice, be commanded by lemocratic Of ficers of their own choosing; but now what was about to be done ? Men ...uu. u. Ui.ierwi^t:; out, as .nsi us u.c u. cuu«.-, clpnminppd thp kVir and wlio I niarketi,and prices high. inenl ol soldiers now in service may expire, the ar- WllO Had tienouncea the ar, and IIO chanre in other articles.-7Yn/;)erance Advo my shall be reduced until it la brought to the num- 1 were Unvvilling tO gO exept as Com- j rate.. manders, were determiied to deprive the rank and hie of the right to elect, and to give the power tc the Governor, and tlie result would betbat Whig Of ticers would be forced u\on the Reg iment on partisan grounds. He de manded to know how miny Volunteer within the bonndary of any now existing State ol Corhpanies had been furn^ied by Whig { - , rbiHLiiion. /IT,., ,Counties'? Where waMhe boasted S fecllC. .'Iwa be it further rcsolced. That no aphcation of 1 . , 1 * 1 n chivalry of Guilford, anl Iredell, and Wilkes ? They could gve large maj orities for the Federal prty, but when fighting for the country v^s to be done they were among the nissing. They iheir collection witl be resisted. Jan. 27, 1847. v> subscriber has just received an extcrisive H. of fresh GARDEN SEEDS, which, ‘he will sell low, and xcarrant to be of last year's growth. —ALSO— A great variety of FLOWER SEEDS and fancy FLOWER POTS, for the Ladies, Coil' in and svpply yourselves. WILLIAM IIlNTER. January 27, 1847 96^ • her that was in service on the Isl day ol January, ' 1847. A7id be it further resolved, That it is against the policy and interest of this government lo wage a war lor the conqnest of territory, and there should not be acquired, by any treaty to be negotiated and concluded between the goverments of the United States and Mexico, any territory whatever addition al to the territory now lyiug legally and properly withm the present limits ot the United States, or POLITICAL MEETING. We are requested to sr/y that a political Meeting held at Holland’a Old Fields, in Lincoln County, on the 3d Monday in February next, at which the people of the County of .Lincoln and surrounding country are respectfully invited to attend. MANY CITIZENS OF LINCOLN. January 27, 1847. New Tailoring i^^stRiblisliuient. T any money, appropriated or to be appropriated by actofthis Congress, for carrying on the existing war v/ith Mexico, or fbr increasing, strengthening, or in any way supplying the military or naval de fences or forces of'this government, shall be made, nor is any expenditure thereof authorized, except such application and expenditure be strictly ini ^ n • 1' 1 1 • t /• 1 accordance witli the declaration and provisions of; Were lollowing the bad e!J\mple of tlieir these resolutions. leaders. Instead of sustaping witli pat- ~~ ^ riotic pride the honor of heir country, From the »Vashin2ton union. , .in 1 1 • THE TWO PARTIES) IN THE UNITED STATES, they had wickedly denouced Us Pres- Whilelhe Mexican parly and Mexican press in ideilt aiul Condemned tie War, and this country are boldly dtnouncing their own gov- thrown every obstacle in he way of its ernmeni, and advocating the rights of a foreigri successful prosecution,thqeby indirect- and hoitile nation, thereby giving them “aid and 1.1. * 1 • ' • comfort,” It IS Ihe duty of those who are resolved eUCOUragmg* iT/eXlCO. to stand by iheir country rend fight, if necfssary, for | said Mr. Walker, to capthe clima.v of in iis safety and honor, to A.vep clearly before the pub solence and. audacity, these very jUriotic gentlemen, who conalitutt a majority of bot. branches of this Legislature, and though they, tgether with their lie mind the truths fur which we contend. The democratic parly is, and has always been, the party of piogress and patiiotism. In ihe war of 1812, a democratic administration and a demo, cralic Congress declared and carried it on lo a glorious termination. Federalism denounced it; entertii legislative protests; circulated minority ap peals; applauded and relied upon our enemy’s Governor ; have condemned the Mir in the most un- qnalijied manner, and though Comjtanies had been furnished by the Coimties thif represented, yet now they come fbricard. and demaid that Democrat ic soldiers shall be commanded ly IVhig Officers! If any fighting is lo be done, why tie Democrats may do it, but the Whig leaders will bt CommuJiders and ; *hc territory. And Congress is to deal «,lh grt'»t m ihis way! U wouid aeem as if common scn*e InJ W‘* are in a lair way to be as bad off as Mexico Senate has been bothering iiself for n week with a rabble of amcodments to the Army Piill—the end of which seemed lively to be, a grave dtcisioo by ihal body that voliinttcrs are better for . (orcign war than rcguUrs. lo invigo- nie the credit of (he Governmcni are lefnsed, and thus It ivill ’’6 compeiled lo pay for deprecirtiion, and ,0 gel Us .n. ans wiih diHicul'y, even at Ihat - ■Ihe mo«t ripensive and least. nicient iinJ of troops preferred.—atid as if this niuliiplirntion of dtf- tcukies on every side was not enongh ,t ts pro f».d th«t «-e should be consl«ntl.y sr.,ding some- ,0 M. lico >« new courage and assuring then, that we are Sick of fight,n« ZJ, th-em for God's saie to grant us peace.- 'Ih. whole world w,ll 50onl.sp;.e us, and then »e co,..e to our sens. s and d. ou,.selves 'I : ( How HI g 'tc ihe rcsolui)-ns Ocrd l y Mr. ,nagna„Mn,.y and just.ce, whtle v.ltfying the honor | Zi of IIS own government. It we?it fuj (her. It voted j called by the ')hries the Ilorneis Sest, which in against supplies of money and men to carry on the ! revolutionary times fiad stung the /futish and Tories war; refused lo njoice in our triumphs ; organized | to death. This same Hornet's Nest :t ill e.visted, and the Hartford convention, to dictate a disgTaceful .if trij^ed with, would sting ihe Mexicans, and all peace, or to sever the Union; permitted the enemy i and supjjorters toieaihj nowand to remain undisturbed in the possession of a pait our territory ; refused its militia lo ihe public service 1 “ ^‘pon the whole, old Meclilenburi has just reason and even maintained almost an avowed neutrality I Sf^ll^^^^l*^ of h'.r distinguished Such «o3 federal,sm in the last war with England, j Mate not ml,j won Umrcis ti7L, , • . .. ,1 . 1- f u n . forhnneelfbutforhisownandalloherDenLTcratic What IS II now ur,der .Is alias of “whiggery? ’ •■’countuJnlhe State." Except for its fiar of public vengeance, it would i (with some splendid and honorable exception^) re enact the same scenes. Already on the floor of the MassaciiustIts hgislature, we htar Mr. Keyes; of Dt^dham saying ; "He icould cut off his right hand bej'ore ha xcou ld holtl it -uj* in favor of ei7iy p-nop osi~ lioii to aj/ortl ani/ aid ichalever to this iiifamotis 'vaipoip, said: “He would tell AVING obtained letters of Administration on the Eclateof William Jamison, dfcensed, I will proceed to sell at public vendue on Thursday, the 18th of February next,- at the late residence ol said deceased. Eleven Negroes Men, Woman and Children, among which are ah excellent Blacksmith and a Shoemaker, a compleet set of Blacksmith Tools. A good road Waggon, and Gears; a (iuantity of Wheat, Corn and Oats Hay and Fodder; ALSO : ^ Household & kitchen Furniture; A variety of other articles not mentioned, due attendar\ce and a reasonable credit will be given. THOMAS T. JOHNSTON, Admr. January 25, 1847. HE subscriber takes this method lo informs the public, that he has located himseif in (he town of Charlotte, in the stand lately occupied by A.Bethun*; & Co., where the various -hranchea in Jiis line of busineee will be promptly executed in the manner. if skill, punctuality and close attention to busines® can insure an extensive patronage, he flatter* himself he will merit the public favor of the sur rounding community. The LATEST FASHIONS will be continually and periodically received from New York and Phil adelphia, consisting of every mode that can please the fancii'ul taste ot the young or contribute to ease and comfort of the aged. Orders of all kinds from a distance will be strict ly attended to. Country produce taken in exchange for w ork done. R. M. ROBINSON. Charlotte, Oct 23, 184#. 83 ly I. O. O. F. HE I. O. O. F. hold tfieir stssions in Ifu Masonic Lodge Room every Tuesday Evcti' i7ig. JOHN A. \OLN(.r, Sec. January 27, \Si7. 2w T Extract from a letter dated Lincolnton, Jan. 13, 1847. “ I have P. S. All those indebted to the Estate are re quested to make immediate payment. Those hav- in(^ claims againsl said Estate, must present them properly Authenticated within the time proscribed by law or this notice will be ple^in bar of there recovery. ^ JOHNSTON, Adm’r. Jan. 23, 1847. 97 just seon a sol I id Jump of 338 dwts. nvft—tlicre is iiu Oruss on it. It was found at tlie de- gold weighing SuPEKioK Courts.—The Judge.s of the Superior Courts will ride the ensu- Spring Circuits in the insr O the drivers in ihis infernal Mexican war, that they posit mine of Johnson and Can.slor on were 10 expect rio aid frorn Ma^^ i yesterday, three and half miles from In these declarations we behold a repetition of i " the scniimenis proclaimed in the same place and by j tlllS pljice.” the same party dunngm^^ of -old is wortll three Exammc ibe -Olive Branch, of M. Carty. and ' i i ,, i » you Will find the record. j hundred dollars.—/^a/. Stamlard But, in the Stale of North Carolina, we find in the message of its federal governor to its fedcr« Icgislfliurc, denunciations of ihe war; and, in the legislature itself, a resolution thal the Stale of N. Carolina woiid support tfie government m the war with Mexico was, in the popular branch, I order’ dow7L by a mdjority of four votes, in addition lo 1 that, 11 has, ir'a preamble to a resolution for raising ■ money, denounced our own government and iafitn sides with the tnvny. And thus, ^iih several honorable exceptions is whigery ihroijhout the United S'attfi, so far as * politicians arcconcerned. We appeal from them ’ to il»e peopUl Wc call upon the masses who ; compose the p'pulation, and govern the moremenls j of this might}fi^tion, lo mark those who are gnil j tv of such ‘‘r^ral treason;” to remember and re | ward the cor^*Lict of those who thuse assail iheir aovernmi iit cause, and adhere to /A«ir enemies, : while iheir S(»* brothers are toiling, and bleed ; inf^ and pen'^ng m dt ft nee of the country, againsl a murderous‘•d ruthless enemy. Notice. I WILL sell, on Saturday, the 20\h of February, at the late residence of T. L. Hutchison, dec’d. 3 Wag^ons, 1 Carriag-e One Sulky, Hoti.seliolcl kitclieii FURNITURE, Wheat, and many other articles. NOTICE. All parsons indebted to the estate of the late George Means, deceased, must como forward nd settle without delay, if they wish lo save cost. SAML. LAWiNG, Late GuErdian. January 1, 1847. 3w 8EE! THOSE persons who arc indebted to the subscriber, if they would save cost, must come in and settle forthwith. About this there is no mistake. W. W. ELMS. Nov 20 88 if IVotice. 1. Eden ton, 2. Newberii, 3. Raleigh, 4. Hillsborough, “ Wilmington, Salisbury, “ 31organton, “ Ralc'i ir/t r>. 6. following Judge Caldwell, Pear.son, Daily, “ Manlv", ‘v Battle, “ Settle, “ Dick. Sfamlard. ALSO . Will be hired nntil ihe 1st of January, ISIS, sev eral valuable Negroes. H. B. WILLAMS, Adm’r. Feb, 2, IS47, • 07 f^. P. S. All pnr.'onisiiidebted fo the estate, willplehse call and pay; aiul all per^'on having claims against ihe estate will prcHfiii them as the law direcrs, or ihi« notice will L»e plead in bar ol their recovery. H. B. W. Admr. THE^undersigned having obtained an order of Court in the County o/' Meckienbur^, January Term 1847. VV'iiJ expose to Sail at (lie lute rent- tience of Win. Claery, deceased, on Monday, the 2'Zd of February., next Kleven L.ikely TSegroea belong ing lo BAid fcsiaie. Among which are three very likely youn^ men, (firee likely woman, and five Children 'i. credit of nine .Months will be given, purchasers by giving note with approved seuuretv. JOHN a. LE^IMOND, ^ , Wm. T. CEMMOND, \ ^dm rs, January, 2G, 1816. 9t; 3t. COM3I1TTED ^IlO the Jail ol Lancaster, S. C. on the 17th Jan. X a Negro man najne«l / nos, who gays fie be longs to Jaine.-i M. JJI.ick, ';vjiig above Charloite, N. C. Saiu Aegro appeu''i» ro be about 19 year*t of age, siiiui buiJ.', Jarit ’omjiLecteJ and lifjis in his f.peech. JAS. ADAMS, Jailor. J.ij], JS. 1S17. 5 3t. .IIARRIED, In Montgomery, Alabam on the 17ih, instant, C. P. McKee, Esq.. formerly of Cabarrus, C'o., N. C. to Miss Martha A.nn, daughter of the late Dr. R. Burt. \ person wb listine to a very dull address, re- ma ki'i ilia'i ‘ "tnt off wtll,” c-pedally Ific uu- Wanted Iininediately. TWO Shoemakers of steady habits—one a good workman on Ladies’ SJioes. and the other a good Boo’rtiaker. None bal ^od workmen ot steady habits need apply. Call at Davidson Col lege, N. C., on. THOMAS O. GODSEY. Feb. 4. 4817. 97 3t. Money T In Gaafon County, formerly Lidcoln on Jhe 12th of Janu ary last t>y the Rev. James D. Il-il!, Mr. Ja.mits W, R Eir, to I Mifcs .Ma»v D. dauulittr c*t Julwi KatcUor'J all '.'t Ciuitou. j Coniinon Schools. HE Board of Superintendents of Common Schools tor the Gounty of Mecklenburg, will meet at the Court House in Charlotte, on Tuesday, of the ensuing Superior Court, at 11 o'clock A. M. A lull attendance is desired. JOHN A. YOUNG. Chairman. Feb. lSl7 .^7 tj' IS much needed at ti e Drug Store:— all'concerned will ])lease take notiie.— Settlements be made. B. OATES. Charlotte, Jan. 4, 1817. Dentistry. I>r. E. II. Having retumeti to Charlotte, is ready to wait upon his lr;end.-»; Htt n.ay be lbun«i »f hi.-i re.=~ ence on Main-itrecf, a lew doors North of Maj. Klkr'.- Hotel. Oct iL SJ it

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