: 7 ft ' . ; ! ; CHARLOTTE, 'K' 6:;' M6NItlM)EMBEf jigfev ?ho Southern gome; BY ciouthern southern ment of PUBLISHED WEEKLY D. HHILL, - CHARLOTTE, -N. C, i HavAtiul 4-1 i: .il stuwu wwie viuiuiauon oi the truth r.t oasiory, to tne preservation 1 nf naracierisucs, to the develop -i i , , . wv woucu reiauuus oi me ijaixr System ' and to the advancement of Southern in Agriculture, Mining, Manufacturing and the In addition to the contributions from the oldcorps of writers, of "Thb Land Wb i- e 8ervicea W1U o secured of cT s . u OI science, ana of Practical raiuiwns, aimers, aiacttimats, Ac, 7' - o TEB3S3 OF POUTHEKN HOMJB One copy, one year, in advance, Bi"5c copies, one year, ' : ; Ten copies, one year, : . ; : . ilremmance8 m every case must be by Check, P. 0. Order, or Registered Letter. -o- " . S&- To those wishing to subscritie to an Agricultural paper we would state tha we "Will furnish the Southern Home and Sural Carolinian at " " and Southern Cultivator " $2.60 11.25 20.00 LOO 4.00 . To AdvebTisers. The Southern Some, having now the largest circulation of any paper west of Raleigh, ; affords a fine adver tising medium. Terms moderate. Central Hotel CHARLOTTE, JN. C. II. (L ECCLES, PROPRIETOR. The patronage of the traveling public Is respectfully solicited. Jan27, '.73-ly x 72 SANDERS. Miiii kjxliajllj in. u., MUJNilAY,: DECEMBER 1,1873. W. C. BLACKWOOD Grocers Provision JD$aIfi, "A youDg ministerand unmarried at thatli I am delighted." ' i "Delighted And why?" ' ; ' , "Oh I for - several reasonsf - Single men are ai wars more fttrrreahlA hn married -J oflff that is one reasonand if you wish another. I can readily enough " giveit.; 1 loner, not life a AI!,,I-Lhil'(, make hi -B-crsriE-Rs. Oor. Trade and OoUege-sts. Charlotte, NVC. ON In all instant Vn " Ui olue?1 v.onon, uram or other j t. jk ivtuiaie fciuius are maae. A LARGE AND WELL SP.LKnmn , 'is'rnnv - v ! J SAND TO WITTCTT TKVT Z r':VJSRIES i . " . xiA4JviYiiuiv vir WHOLESALE BVYERS. de5twlthnter8 requir,DKadvance8of Rotation Supplies, for the year, will be liberally tStriCt Dersonal nttentlnn tl PrnHnoa t.Tk . b"vu l vfiucrB iur i-urcuase rroauce. in all instances nmmnt. onrf - :, ':Z TX w mhwu consigned to or stored with ir responsibility and Integrity, WE ARB AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED E3 to our order.. Ohto Tfor lSf. 3 S "s WPP. to any Port ted at short notice, thmnrii w' " wy-iMinuiTexecu. j. : - ; o " v a. vtn ut AUUWU church, and also one of his sabbath gcfi teachers. It seemed impossible to Jcri ana not love one so gentle in manner so Jovely in character. Mr. Eandall: 4 by her side very often, and gossipers s utrgau io cuupje loeir names,, a was i w uen iuips jane neara loose rum that she remembered with dismay; lormer avowed determination to nl Mr. ilandall's name pn her list of soitq one did not want to roarrv this minis anasome and attractive as he V she knew her cousin Ellen ? wo u an aamiraoie wire. , jr could have forgutten that i conversati wiin .bijen More ton before the comic Mr. Kandall to Aaheville. nerh&na would have gone on her way-and this young couple in peace ; but it to jsnen, sbe bad boasted of her inte ed conquestand it was not in 11 .banes nature to be self-denying in affair like this. . So the beautiful charmerKwent to w in earnest not wisely t surely ; yet v diligently.' Ellen Jiorctoo's pure, p face was forgotten, as Hr. Randall sat oiuo iuies rsDB ana reveiea in the mif of her voice and the sunshine of her q CC IP GrXHT. 77 To which we call tbo attention of ihoe who consider and "Appreciate QUANTITY AND QUALITY OF WORK Sample Gin on hand far inspection Charlotte Hotel CHARLOTTE; N. C. VT. M. MATTHEWS & SON, Proprietors. Trust that the liberal Datronace of tha public will be continued. -P. SCARR, Druggist and Chemist, CHARLOTTE, N. C Has a well selected stock of PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICAL, Oils, Paints, Iiamps, &c. J. T. SUGGS, (Late of the Model County,) informs the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding coun try that he has on hand a large Stock of GROCERIES and LIQ UORS, to which he would call the attention of Wholesale and Retail buyers visiting the Charlotte market, as he. is determined not to be undersold. -Persons visiting the ''future London will find it to their interest to give him a call. July 7 6m - J. T. SUGGS. P. 'M;: SHEIiTON, U N DEBT Altisir And Dealer in Furniture, &c, Tba'de Stbeet, Opposite The Mabket, CHARLOTTE, N. C, A full supply of Coffins and Caskets con stantly on hand, ready for use. jan 6, '73-ly ' Jan 20, 73-: ly . For further information apply to or address us". SANDERS & BLACKWOOD. I Oharlotte, IV. J. THE BANE.' OP MECELENBUB9. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Authorized Capital $500,000. Jas. Tubnek Tate, President. Thos. W. Dewey, Cashier, F. H. D ewey, Asst. Cashier. AT THE BANKING HOUSE OF . TATE & WEY. This Bank Chartered UnderAct of the Ueneral Assembly and duly organized un d"g of the State of North Carolina, with ample means, is prepared to transact GENEBAL BANKING BUSINESS, and furnish accommodations to all its Cus tomers on Liberal Terms. bank will receive deposits subject to Check, and will. Allow Interest according to Agreement on all Deposits left on time, or issue Certificates of Deposit bearing inter est at the rate of Eight per cent per 'Annum on all sums lying undrawn over thirty days. Gold and Silver Coin, Bullion and Bank i .notes JJOugnt and Sold. - THOS. W. DEWEY, Oct. 27 t f. . Cashier, HAUmr IfAlTFlir nrilimnn iiium mi uuuus SOLD AT PANIC PRICES. Taking into consideration the existing state of affairs, such as low nrinc nf (-ntt scarcity of Money, and a general depression first cousins and in every branch of business; I have firmly k?' aDd resoiveu mac i wiu nenceforth offer mv . PANIC PRICES! There will be no deviation from thi rule. It will be strictly observed. The principal Stock of my Fall and Win ter Goods has been purchased by me in the Eastern Markets,. alter the commencement of the present Money Crisis and in conse quence, at low figures. I am therefore ena bled to sell my Goods at greatly reduced prices. The Goods have also been selected with unusual care and attention. i ne course pursued forstrict, fair and hon est dealing, during the number "of years I have resided in Charlotte, and the patronage and confidence heretofore so liberally ex tended to me by the people, give me the assurance NOW, that this announcement will find its way into every household with the desired effect v My Stock of Goods is department, and those wishing to purchase will be able to suit themselves in STYLES, QUALITIES" PfiJCES AT - other worlds to conquer, but for the' on- portunity of winning fresh hearttK-and now charmed I shall be to add that of this talented, immaculate young clergy man to my already extended list. I never had an admirer among the clergy, for the simple reason, I suppose,1 that all my ; acquaintances. bard been r married men, il wonder if wmmm nt t hi uaa are as tnelo dran)iticv as all the rest; or are they as prosy? in love makimr r in preaching ? I think I'll hd out Xrom this very Mr. Eandall.''. VAnd for what purpose, Cora V ' ''Simply, for tho entertainment nfthA thin?, of cnnnit I" 'Can you think it riht tn win h.w- zLin8 8noiIo or touched the lily wbiteDl only aa a source of entertain mnt?- of her dainty hand. s ion I T J! J - i ... I I r. xmm a nmnH . M A M 4 -C ? I' - mun i Know tuat tbe ngbt or wrong r.i: M- inumpt of the thing was under discussion. .1 am i l,n J!hl0Jhhe.,?w. onsteady tonetf quuo sure tbat 1 laid aside Moral Phil. opby with ray .school days. Just now I li?e only in the present to me both an ticipation and retrospection are alike wea.isorae." ; . "Well, Cora. I suDnose thnt adrice I mitrbt yivo vonin thin riKi'.n would be disregarded : but if vou would only listen to me lor once and let this young minister alone." "To repeat; a former question of yours, my fair cousin and why V -uecause l leel assured that no good will come of vour attemnt to lrifle wif h him." N'importo ! I'll risk it for the sal oi the variety. Arthur JSandfi II to d Cora Fane f hut had not strireo io vain that facncefoi bis earthly happiness was In her fair ri bands. , Mr. Eandall was a boble. christi man, upon whose life and character shadow of falsehood had erer fall on1 Kat nN 1 J . r . . . trub and purity in tho woman, whom loved with a love such heart of man rarelv more than on id f n . I me-time. Uelore the might of this Id wmco sue Knew at last to be only 1 real, Cora Pane trembled and was sile ner customary graceful dismissal eloquent suitors failed her now h.1 last she could only falter in answer to! The two sneakers were vnnn ;,J0 ?ng impatience that demanded sati .. i "e iL" lacuon icen flr1 I . u.w.,ro jm. IUU DHUIU . mmmj home Cora Fane was the onlv daughter of wealthy, arisirocratic narents. and RIIpo Morctqn was an ornhan niece of Mm Fane. Cora Fane was dazzinglv beautiful with her wavinsr colden hair, shinino- blue eys and delicate complexion. mature seemed to bave intended that she should belong to the fairest and pur est class of womanhood the class from which all imaginative painters and poets are wont to select white browed madon nas whose , , ;, , THE , - SINGER, ' LATEST IMPROVED And BEST FAMILY SEWING luACHlNE: SIMPLE, -STRONG AND DURABLE. &aves Thread, Labor, Time and Money. It has been thoroughly tested in this State for nearly 20 years, and it stands pow UNBIVAIiLED. TTW IT, and "you will know how it Is . yourseif' $f&l on Monthly Payments. fialesiroQ next door to Dewey's Bank. H. C. TURPIN, Manager Si nger Ihtanurg Co., Charlotte. N. C. Good agents wanted. P. O. Box l. July 14-6m ' WATCH1 CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles Wlinlian.A & MILLiNERY SbODS,' FANCY, AND STAfiOS vttx uwwo, Notions, , Bab?,. GenU' Clothing and iFur nishing Goods, &c, &c.;r t .;; .. t i Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C, . . Merchants, I offer special inducements and assure mem, wjhh - w -J than they can buy in Northern and Eastern Markets ' yj- i . r Quick Sales and Small Profits; The Best Oobdsfor the M(y-, , Orders solicited and promptly filled novl7-tf. B. KOOPMAN. AT LOW PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, JOHN T. BUTLER'S, Opposite the Central Hotel, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Nov3,1873. Try on Street. Eyes are homes of silent prayer.?' And yet she was endowed with the pow er and fascination of the most earthly of bewitching syrens. - f 1 here were few men of an v distinction in Asheville, the town in which she resi ded, who had not at some time laid name and fortune at Miss Fane's feet nH fWcryb9eefij - f!nnld hnvn .awflrjL. RnmA nf these men went away de- X. R. MAO ILL. A. W. HEATH. C. SCOTT 1 MJGILL, 1IE1TI1 & . .Wholesale and Betail t. : Grocers & Commission Merchants BACON, FLO VR; SUGAR, COFFEE, , MOLASSES, SALT, fcc College Street, CHABLOTTEN. C. April 21, 1873, ' ly KUNtK, MlKESBERC & (0., Importers and Dealers in Wines, Teas I And a General A ssbrtment of I groceries, ; : - IS. E. Corner Broad and Church Streets, j OHARLEST.ON, S. C. t ; " July 14 ly ' ' I ' T" j PortoaitPaint ARTHUK L. BUTT, Artist ; Studio over Merchants' & Farmers' Bank, CHARLOTTE, N..C. J.'.:;PHILLIPS, Merchant Tailor CLOTHIER,1 IS NOW RECEIVING HIS WINTER STOCK OF Cloths, Cassimeres, .Beady-made Clothing Hats, Gaps, &c. .. JAMES HftRTY , AVHOIESAI.B AND: BETAII M' DEALER' IN" , .Oliiiia, Crockery AND Glassware, T ,r,tfiiw in fro-ma the Dublie-.that be vi .ootvaH a vpr lurce stock oi" China, )lam, wnue auu g'v-"uu .. iVhlte. Granite and Glass-ware,' of all kindSj ! together-with a large variety r. ouse- Keeping amews, u?la""en,r: ST" ' rrQ JUIM, up- --. " t BellsSteak Jfoumiers, Jigg eaierer '" The greatest variety of Baskete, which will be sold low for casn. taut:a-au.. ; KEMOVAL. ii t I have removed my Jewelry Store', on Try on Street, next toTiddy Book Store, where 1 am receiving a large stock of gooda -consisting of fine Gold and Silver Watches and chains, Ladies' fine sets, latest styles, ear bobs, breastpins, fine plain rings, seal rings, and other fine gold rings, gold, silver and .foi .Ywtj(lps. to suit all persons, clocks In ! 'j . ereat variety, and all such goods as are usu F ALL AND lly kept ilv a first class jewelry storey which I will sell as low as me same can ve. uougui any where else. , , ' . . . T . .ah wxrir in th line done with neatness 1.a ioaniitih nnd warranted 12 months. All gO goods sold warranted as represented. Oj r.Tryon Street, next Tiddy's Book Store. - :;--n' .-ill. t .hail hp nleased to show specimens of my Work at my Studio, to any who appreciate works of art. J I paint from life or from photograph. Persons wishing .Portraita of their demrted friends can obtain them if they have a photograph or daguerreotype; I can accomodate persons at a distance if they will send a photograph with directions. ' PwfeCt -tUfaction given. March 3, 1873. ' ly -;l"t : U, Stenhouse, .Macaalay & Co. wnOLBSALB AND BETAlt' Including '.every article of Men's Wear, and as cheap as the same class .of Goods 5 can be bought elsewhere. . nn nd examine W' Goods and prices. Store under Central Hotel. CHARLOTTE, N. C -V ; Sept. 29. -y . , : Furnituredllooms ! No. 4 TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE, N: ; C ! STATE OF NORTH CAKOLINA, . , -. , . , MECKtiKNBURO Countt. :' In Suverior Court. TT f!. Rivera. Admr. of Jos, MCuay, jrru, finamsi, . . Mnraret Dixon. Harriet MCiuay, ceusy I 0 . w i HMlIAlln.iT anrff-' ' YVnite, iaary auu xu.whmj . Sail v Oirle. Defendants. ; Special Proceedings for Sale of Land for It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court ii.- tttL Hfndant Rail v Ode is a non-reBi- dent of the State it is, on motion, Ordered by the Court that publication be, made for six successive weefcs in me oouinern jji l Jutt Published in the city of Char- before the Clerk of the Sup eriorCourt .of said county, at the Court House in Charlotte, within twenty days from sau pubhcatioir; then and there to defend said suit, or juag mentwill be taken according to the prayer of the petition herewith filed. --- h ' f wjJtLo A. Osborne. Clerk of ouraid Coiirt, atojfflce in Charlotte, this the 22d iday of October. A. D., 1873. eI a, osborne, c.: ;c; oct27 6w ' - : : nnUlntr thesvren who had thus beguiled them,.while others went away as deeply in love aa ever, - one suuor ' omy uu been retained, and ibis- suitor was Kobert Elmer the young heir, of Glenwoodj a handsome country seat near Asheville not that Miss Fane really loved him, but simply because he was good looking and the wealthiest of all the eligible men of Asheville. One thing only in' entering upon this engagement did:eh$ stipulate fpr. and ih woo . nrnmipo from Young Elmer not io reveal i it, to his'3 most, intimate friends until pho should be ready to mar ry him, which she was determined should be at nosearly day, v . V V i , Ando Mr. .Elmer, wbp was , deep in the toiU -if the beautiful, coquette,; sub mitted to her decree, and jealously knew his imperious affiance. still the Joad etar of all Asheville. ; ; -T , : . j v : Miss Fans cousin Ellen Moreton was fir and weet to look upon,, with brown hair and soft dart eyes; but sbe; could not be called a beauty; and would-never be .bee since she, was too pure, rennea Land ; morally 1 lonely to eitner ; caw or strive for that nniversa? aamirairop u,M is the eustomary tonic ol bellehood.i,: Ellen. Moreton , had , not- ;peen,; wwnou wooers-jetc her' youug heart waa un tooched by any . of those pretty 1. love dreams which so early come.to most mai- Shf was very j fond 01 ber;iDeanuiui cousin and watched her brilljant career wth a splicitude unfelt by any one, save herself, and prayed that some good angel might avert that? v severe ,reinouuu which 80 piten laus inwinBJixo vuv who so .fearfully abusea Creators best and highest gifts, to man. - ;,The Episcopal church at .Asnevuie uu for some months been without a rector, and it wai only: a lew. days , oeiore. ine opening of pur story, that .tbo, vesiry 1 z - 1 i . . n-m tf annenl Ano.n . front naa reoeivioMi .yvwr ; T a young (Clergyman,, residing in a distant part of the State, who bad been called to tbiA, tiOSt. rt'n,",n -..-!,. "5 -t'M il jV; And this was-the young minister a Mr. Arthur Randall, , whom, Miss Fane had not only determined, but boasted that she would; win as a, suitor if only: to Jod .out haw, aminister . -could .make love - ... .' . :r. Mr. -Randall came to Asheville. and as Cora Fane sat In her father's luxuriously an J there : "I am sorry, so sorry for vour diss Y int rr vnf kf T -J 1 . r.um.CUi,, jur., iianaau. out 1 cannd marry you. . "And why ?"he asked. -again she was silent and a burnio oiusn crossed her face as sbe answere tiecausel am engaged to. Mr. Robe ,uit uu uuHiues n would not suit m to marry a. minister." ; t He rose and stood before her, sarin in a low, suppressed tone : "Not suityol to marry a minister Engaged to Mr. Robert Elmer I Yet day after day, week after week aye, months after month you have used every charm and exerted eve ry fascination of which it was possible for a woman to be possessed, to -win my love. And for what? Ah, I understand it all now! I have loved you so well that at times I have been almost in Pane enough to forget the warning of that Heavenly, voice which commar alUime, 'Little children, keep yourselves ffiT tbo life of man, in teaching me 10 Know Waitiea A soddenlv a nhrns' Branson the doorway, when tell across the . threshold and the next moment a tall savage, whose reeling step and bloodshot eyes told that he wasTntdx icated, appeared, and ; staggeringito . the log steps threw himself upon them. . His first demand was' for fire Water,', which as or course refused, on th ZuauL there was ;none in th knn - Tk- dianbecame cross and ugly, and declared with terrible oaths that if tu '!l not produced he would murder the whole was a orave rtptpr Waitinsr until the . warrBfaTIaTre-ir democstxatioc, which be soon' did'. by ai tempting to draw hiS iltOmahwk; Bran- eon sprang at him, knocked.; nm )down that woman can be as false as fair. Cora Fane did not speak, ' did not once raise her Queenly head and M'r. Randall turning slowly away left the room, and then the house. His step was firm ; but his face was as white1 as the face of tho f After a few moments' of furious . ravines dead.' ;J and futiie eflfcrts to free himself, the sav- T wo evenings later, Mr. Fane said as age rolled over and : sank into a drunken he came in and seated himself at the tea- Bjeep. - did hot awake nntil the hext table around whieh his family were al- norningbut before h'e did 80 the5 Pettier ready gathered : "Can : you all either be- had Quietly removed his bonds and Wftrfr- lieve, or understand it ? Mr. Randall has d tntt weapons; which he laid by the resigned the'oharge of St.Paurs church Bleeper'B side; The savage On: awakn- and wi'Ueave Asheville to-morrow. inv rose alowlv. to his feet, felt his wrists. v M. -m - , Chest.: but leaving Kf. Br . e uuuovereii: mo :"'F6r; one sVcond.'kH. ilWi&ttfJAkru the rifii wavered TWrf t ?l"JZ ?? Came With parents ufoo which so mocli aopended t. Suddenly, 8barnlDnm ;U 'au.i; IT whiKampkedr ion became" clearer. thvi 4?! 7:!" iiHJ4 ho a- iff rJiiJ r.u'iu erLsar,msi v;:m,'u ho- i ;r f'Tell ns whjOf yon tare that wo, may know' what name to, mincle in orir.nrav- i wth a blow of b'ia fist ,ano! then. quietly l ersi" exclaimed loth-er.vkahe itran disarittd and bound him where he lay. ger prepared to depart; ! tii'IfUiSyi i,.j Jn.y.pameiis:Dani Qonp.ijjueisaid-r- 3 Eilla. lam ami Blessed fee God hat .therelis.at least one ''Mr. Randall going away from . Ashe- as though the thongs had left a feeling thing thoroughly .suporhnman. .supexpata- ville !" exclaimed both Mrs. Pane and there, took up bis-weapons-and, without ralTn this world ;,pmething which stands speaking a word, left, and disappeared in; -eat frOm'arid abovej Hhe'Iaws 'tit nature1,' taken I" ' the timber near by , ? -;Af- r r.s.v. i-j ' I .wmetbwg viaUeandi'iaudUbtUiliAk-tf8 "I only wish I Was: answered Mr. I 'What.do you think of that?" asked his withHim whose faee we see pot.vandwhoso Fane "for I regret his departure so much, wife; turning-td hVr ' husband wlth; a voice ve near notL ' KiVhat a bjank wQuld He was beginning to do a great-Tieal of .frightened look.' ;&.ftXi,'-"i' thef-e be fieie' if "'only this One frdgiiient'of good hero, and we never hadsucb a pop- "Pshaft I t Don't Jtronble .your ! head the cUvJneVnow venerablb both wlth wisdom ular minister belore. And the strangest about the drunken brnter. answered the ana ageywere to aisapprromtneimwst part of it all is that he gives no explana- settler, lightly; but as be turned, away, fpf us or, what is thieame thmgi tbe.dis- and stepped into the yard he mutterea: covery to po maae inai mis ancient voiumo - 1 "Like it ? i Well not m uch. : Th'e fellow ia no ihP Tn&feartbljf thmg?whic1im'e'have must be watched I was' ih hopeSthat , deemed hftttlW Wghe eetimtrrA he would hot have: remembered, but that mFe! a:gmnV lump where my fiat landed waat, enough, nita thonghWpehaps, accordinge to an- if , notmng eie, w iccan .ine .circum-; i .7 " , . ' , 7, , v -7 tion of his departure. Ton don't seem much surprised at ;Wy news, Cora -at least I don't hear you say any thing -perhaps you can explain the affair for' I be lieve1 you were alone with him' most of the last evening which he spent here." -Cora's face flushed deeply; but she answered very quietly: "No Sir; :I can tell you .nothing be did not mention going away from here at all to me, 0.0 ...... . ... ''T'VlAV-A .th..liuf , wa.1w.sn1 klltl m. .Iiwltf Stance i - ' m- ' qj "0 ! ji- WfW, uu nouwwuo The summer passe and they saw their1 ..day know, this, vhin ;at wjiich is.hTjmap drunken guest, no morci .He failed to :Su7"t:Ff? !W,,nTS??. make his aDDearance. But as the leaves peaxi, ana ieave raat wmca is ft. u?nft nnlv when. Mr. Randall was ao- I Koon 4n'fi!V iKa 'oifft1 nnA Jv WhSlA rdivin to-itand tml! and ta shine -out alonB .nilv ann And St. Paol'a was &rain with- .f...tn rmm'nii nn iL K;ifi nX m ite.ttnntpxlen. rra&deQr,r.r1.t J.f.jt ? 1 ::. u r i?..-. kAMt I - . J-i.:-! lJ:.-. -.JLiuil iHaratius Bbi out a minister that Uora J5ane beeran to realize the. extent of the evil which her folly and vanity had created.- Ayith.wbat painful solicitude did sbe watch the paling cheeks of her cousin and understand the cause of that paleness as no one else could understand the root of that malady, which seemed so rapidly to wear away the strength . and Hie 01 tne gentle young girl. - A-h What would she not bave given to undo the evil of those last few months 1 ; But it was too late : now. If Mr, Ran dall.had ever felt aught save a friendly interest in Ellen Moreton, Cora felt that her influence bad prevented this - feeling from deepening into anything like love. In her grief and, pity she coma not Deneve that had she known that Ellen had learn- passing through a dense, pieee of timber noi iar ironi iu uouee, cuugiib uigui ul a figure larking in the bushes, but quickly disappeared when he advanced to' where it was. The figure was'tbat of an -Indian warrior; and Branson -would bave sworn that it was the -Indian ' warrior whom be had knocked ; down and bound the previous Spring. The news, was not in any way comforting, and hence he. did not tell his wife of his discovery. , : :i. J It voafd only alarm ber; he . .thought, V M4ratius Bpnar, p. D, 3rro itfw tiit .rdfi va Cifjji .if B k TM mm H m m 9 m A aa aaaam V Wasningtdii f Mstbn1 one otf onrbest . painters -and fpoetsp4ell8L iia ii what Wajjr : he was led 1 from the" enjoyment of; jesla at sacred subject,, jinto an abiding just in tbem. ' Having married f the sister of Dr. ChanMngi he made' his 'Becon'd "visit td:Ed- rope and settled, i in Iiondon aS' aji-' artist. He, met .with Jjittle.'.succesB; nayitraaatia , ne .VnOUgni, I 1-oa tnr 'lUa maanaJ .nmr-nrincr tha noAoa. and without, perbapny e-ooUresult-T- ifr Raectfnpiie dy almost ne, simp y ;ioiu acr mu .uipmea ithalicfe efaniU6iittMn his'co Dear iracKs near oy ana inai sue ana lie td the child must stay within or close ImnaA'flnrtno' Ki a hainfn " ' KAVd'Hlt tA "ftoiOTirla" ' Pntni -'RJ'ari 1W VW-AA J - WW A UW, A AAA ion heard' his dos ' in the ' timber rfonh . t -dj-h 1 . .. . c. . . : , I m. ea to care bo muu ivr or tno riven ana. jcnowtntfnnev never tt Dra.K vv-- h,a i Ha- that ohe wonld ever have como be- si,Aa Jwt,i...1,. --Kf k .t r7m,!r',ff' w - -. I uuvuvy. anuvwi KWV wuvv vhuem w v 1 flfWir. rlR IITiPTIhA 11 Ijl A firTAnfTAF VhA DTI ..... ... r k 5 nn a h " r in r nd watched: bis hand- JAH througn tne opring 1 iw&r face: met the !clear gaze months filled grew thin ditiotihis b&art all atooce Was filled !with the, hope . that upa ?wonJ hep himL if be 6nlyJiaskeoVccordipgly Ke, locked Th8 door, withdrew cottie 6lf .is roonV, an4 threw himself tipcliia kneeain prayer. gteam Saw Mill ! nr parnGftt dark etes wa. -a ... y . - . i i . wam am vit n a i annAarinPA hyii.ii il i: i .z - - . i ' . .: l. ... : ' . ' - i t. : ? : the rich tonef his deep, musical, voice as he read T the tnorhing service ana ae- eeuwu,i cpw wa aira f!ifri ,bi(I,(ah, to: pieaseasiuittf'tatftra ivercd his inaugural sermon,. aheieu - . ; - - ' - v gui, iu uVuC- K ATAi indeed Well worth winning . As a law, a wave, aeiouu. .. ,yt-u orum s career, ne-iouna na iiibimw itnf in aAv far different irom inav i r rrr.r-rr-rr. -- ' i v u w, yy v -1 -Auston never regarded this as a mere nap . . " . ra . ;. j . - a -J a K k.'i. I .- j i u . in)i nf tKo I moat tn a nlln'ir 'fttit'nf reftfih 'of cat rti" I :i'3 I . i. fAi-i -i. tJ-!t;ii.J which She baa mars-ea - ouv, auu ,wuiw i rnAou wutu iuo : naiimg . i -- -r - "-r-jiTT: T. r i wuaueuco , tue-ieeung wiucu c mii. sha sat there in the undimmed beauty of dying Autumn swept through the almost wolf, he; started for. home to get his horse 1 iq. prayeroand. theTlnnr-ediata ieJie' lit thafiSerene pabbatn .morning, aao cii iieauese houuibuub,- i -r "" T, V c - 7 " .y? uPv t1 Hue aureci jntextr01";;1 yh u i f itug. usw vb,. uy (oijiivovueu uv i uQqmtiis behalL J ixed devotional naui is .f -r ATTENTION BUILDERS- on .. . . ..-rr f u Tiifh ards. at . Kamsey 's urossine, . lletaliC Burial C-SeS. vaSJWW, OF... LVlVw7ntiml Raflroid. above Cher- COMMISSION .MERCHANTS, . a Corner Trade an&tCoUege Streets . CH ARL OT,T,B' xv. Consignments Solicited. - Orders fcr tton, Corn, Flour, Ac filled with are and dispatch . March 3,1873- ly.;;., yiiq - wiiivwiu ALEXANDER &BLAND; DEHTlbTb, 'v Office in Brown's Building, op 'posite the Charlotte Hotel. f , UU1W UVIUI j v. w and Mattresses, and a lull assortment - of PurnituM always- on fcano May 26. 1873j 2 r. - lOMtmstioniMerchahts u Dealers inXPrbvislons,: Grain and Country - ; Produce Generally, O "No. 11 S. FifteeM street, r . r fHCHMOND, VA. orders 'for ; to ft ryville, is " noW-ready to receive o Qm DOLLAR J PER HUNDRED: I T onrtnrriin tr : to order. iW X. .Finger, first-class sawyer in cnaree-. cuuiu jry i orders. Freight PC? car loau 1U -Sj' - - J. B. RICHARDS.-3 !WWTi VWf ; Ynluable Residence for Sale. y-Phr Bale. : the residence of-lir. James Pi Irwinv -The house contains ten rooms, ex- "- ' ". .. .. . . 1 Rnsinessis solicited i au corresuuuueu -;r- - frvfiluM,tsi&d oAllara prompuywenueu y v d Id- and wUl be shoWn to any one wismngio . - . . . i .i ma TwhVY. - n a XunUancw iu tue uavo v v.v gaze and listened to musical voice and Summer ner and paler un til her is the Marouia bf Stafford. his; niie and: battened tdJ where tbey l nounced himself i ,who inquiced if Ms painting 4 the-' angel TTvIaI a- oril A 4. T .hA wa klmost unearthly lokinz in KTJr. ttZZT: w I .v y M.-i i uiv, uio iwuieman pain mm iuur nnnareu wan spiritual, appearance, .until u down the river.!, ,.? ,r ' f Unl1Tla'fKi,, TlVnt ti. wIf tempted to relinauishieach.'vain thought hillsides and along the laded dellsr th of this M idler selfish conquest n; ;; ,:: , frail broken Kfr Wasndeand:.; u t- Anv; and around us wai made in cAthyiUe cemetery 1 becahiA nr2V1imtnawC:iMit4ln ichlracter A h I IVka .a air above and around ns grate was made mcAwyuie cemewry WJi 01 UWWWmw Ti r-r.-.--5-r- .' .. . . .i rm L....i.i h.i inn anrn nrnnnnncBU 1 nrurui ms uuuuiux. auu vuuBcuusutiv , r ' ' r- : n.nUnnA Airor fall ot hoverine. .wnis- 1 jluo uUku.-- -6- r-. .77 7 1 7 - t--.-t t 1 1 &Mai.' - v, r ,.- .- . 1 : .1. I hor rllKAAAA ttOnSnmDllOu AOU :bu tin perxpgguaraian -ZTLZZl -n,M neVeV. knew of the f secret. poison ua awayjirom -very , wrvuK .v-mh "rvT-w f; heart of the rose- which we mediutei i! - -"7"-- W ;dAred at .TMtri;iv hoime a, weu .known ana, ever 1 ui.u, i"- : rw , he could hot see the: clearin-, or rhat I migni pe iranspinug iuero, .nniii ne naa n&ased throuch the wood! i . mi t . - it .ii -.1: "1 Ck)Hv-ESATioJ.--rrGQodJ land,! tme t loly words dropped ! conversation may,be, ht tle thought bL -but' Ihey! aye like1 seeds pf Ulen rw fa "JATL."-ir ' . . - L j unns it was waV wnen wumn asnor ir-7---rnri thu ftvJ me. ha heard a wiMH : o rv . piercing sbriekjjbut ibejcould:only, guess I that sometbiugiterriDie imust' pe,, taking I - , 1 I . 1 t . m 1 . 11 welcome guest, i, na mo . Vf ' - .autl loaves. 1 Uttering a Jondjihonthat his Of jJl lhV young ladies ,of JUhetille. i"uluf"' T rB. and ad- ana wui d snowu w ujr 1 ki ien Morewniseemewiw ? menis in nauu t' -. t?..ii t RKa , waa a member of bis Bbaaow, wnicn seen only at churcbr or at JJr.Fane'8 WMJ th2 tbia inir after Ellen Moret6n8 presence; might foonere kppwnni. and po one S deatTsfc Suft bell- 'tangt a ;tteny Sn.aprmng farard Jik W990de4.bivk, MQ ItfUUU: Ja4' tJWIWAiyiwaa tw-a.w- - y , I ' a a A s Rectoiyaaourae Tery iooely.br ft -ai.n, vaI hrt. harminff wife I gilhe DndeCTOom5 iaco -u-i- J . kriirhten thft iODfF ttU I WIW"t;u rouu. r .V 7. .IV. J I W w"""1 - - . , .11 k. i.M...MmMv Mthcnd in toe line tniervenineumyeraBiJi.uuu.criiru.waui kAN w f-.-A n-.f m a &?ad ratA in ib m w6,,',T",,''97T r." 7. I j u ' j " CIj a- v .W5. chureh to witness ine nupuaia oi iupr j w,wvvv- a. v - a - mi atc an. i aa - n niiH vwa r m a i.iih ; aa ib ica uuijliu k aa t v aa v a - va r w ' m-.v -w, nil U...l. .(iimart ; thi i tftTOnU m UIBC TVVUK. WIWW5-- 1 it-"-"-'. . .. v .1 was a member oi ou i sawu- wiuvw JI-I u -A LI. u.-- :o J I I I f4Aba. AtAaf a, mVaB? T"-" -ww - after.: frmgwith 9om;texx.; i do. taaine: I ,i.ijj? f 'w.oi-a i; ,nmA Of .bushes and !?XrzU .r itinTwn T.T -A At. t (. f-J '! r his trembling. ..emaciated, band '.upon: the Truth iaiJift-WyrealrJasting -foundation forifriendshipt iojUIul truth.thera is. to real like some 1 comprenepaeam;one swm. gaanwi ati vuai i a priic;pie,-oi.aeeay;an4.uis5imu;s.noa. : ; r 4V " . U SJ ri . . - t- i- . . .. - . ( i. i c. r t ' 9ii f JOJ Hi W ,'' f -t!Tt.i.Vt .(,lI-i,J.t. r-it'-'-p- t - i .''Wi-'rf , 1 to 6 p. mi - r."" j-r.-)Sil i:cU -vj . -,.r.-4 fitf .. .ji.y i ii,: a::S y . . J . i V 1

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