3fTortb Carolina 9'aUin. - j v CHARLOTTE iVEDXESDAY, February 4, 1S52. Lr WILLIAM THOMPSON, Rqtl if our it in Rait. more, tuthoriz-d lo Mam adverts ma iu i itafTfp' tans, ind lo grant receipts. TE W'.r.RR, Kih , nurippnl in PhiUfM 3. uhftr-tfi inoaiam ftdvert;.ecmen- nd pro ITV ft flAl,VFB i r authrxfj int in r m ilifr.j -fnptu tn iHct pi itv at bit uffifH inn rHKsiDKVT, HFLLAHO FJLISGRE, OF NEW-YOUK. For; r!( ll-PKlisliiKNT, vvilliA:.! A. tmAimii i F 0 U T 1 ! -C A I i 1 L I X A . Cbr'oUe end ils Frosppfts- in, r.t this I ix-nii' id..-.- ! i.Trii ofinter w ill endeavor to en s' ,r n -4.,, time with vt i i d ihormhts upon Cliar mture j to-pci 1. 1 U im; i t It itiU growinj re- ,1: 1 ,-t ti.loH f thi tiortiiin, (if Ve- (.'..: u.u i. Charlotte is de (K cupv a jxisHiiai in tlit world of iin iiicoii!?i(li'nil!e , T:. works of internal itn :.' r.:;: at this point arr and i -.-t ha-t'nifij ' I sir:.', i j :. As evidence of c : . 'a .; proj'r:iy of Charlotte, it r .:. ;. v merea-rn:; m tv.piuatinn, i mii-s '.. it - me new r- ,i. arm. iin reliant or liroffs- r tit swell nil er of ne : v niR norcii I heir ,1 i title port of hutnaa desti- 1 w I'nU- (.'',,;: :r-s.. sloihilil- j . ,,, -c i- fisi oirietienririf 1 n t: X.. "v, l iie;;V,i;2 waves coming 1 :v. ( ir Hid activ 1 r- giKiUs, and .:. tl.ey hare erer !.;-. T v - fir p! i .1 f also e. a.i' Our trades e a i ii--!:..- a int'y 1'U-iiiess, and appear anxious to 'i stiil more. I.;.-t but not h ast, we lu SUJ-pes- but Iliodestv ought to for- id us from s;,ying it, and dws almost ; ut the truth will out that we can do s much gfod job printing at our office, no! :..: as mrwlerate teruis as can be ai.vw'jere ele iu North Carolina. The Carncress Faoiiy. t.liariotte have been (1 i.v the performances of this Ai'j t ii..i,v ibr more than a week. y ':. .. hut t. '.. v. v eld new ir - ( o ii - i- l IT irvii '. iled house every their scones soas to tilt ir jea iiii iii- .' Iligiit. It IS -I 1th a r-'-Je i Table n oar back eeiufi , w iio are fond of ;lo iui) honors to f with iavor- 1. UJ ii v- IS 111 .ir a ihe shado te ti! ugiit an '.'' to mi i '-; ie a to .. I ( r if vou go b.-uu full of away w it!, - .' t it ti.-f:. w t , ;m d if you biie in - in this UOst re in hear Jireiijii t hosftin The t Ul e , a lii a .;!o l wi- i.t and " :i - vou w ill i - wt ii known llby i:.' r- ii ,! . 'V t'j,'..' he neee.,iii v 1,.,- . ' r. HjMMi ';. . 1'" i I ti.' d be i i.ii -. i i 1 Xcsfe.sance. A- it is July of the Pres ;o re ei t if JMissiblt , the eon- .m t of i .lid ai lii i' 1 ' 1 in :, ' t a. i ti j . -.'i- ion-, ie, we fe. 1 eaijod 'in- to In i w ant ' : part of those A I ibiTV it is to iorwanl i . r in ' .eai or Chail' sioii, or bt nvie n jMiilits. We ourselves hiive uf- it d s i io i-! from this Ji liiiijiie,( i not having our mati forward, d s ill. V sliolllil h.C. . Ih en, and there ems t,, i.. a ii. t.d t u.piaiiit against ail Road ngi nts or against those jm r Sj V Lu, Ujf Jiay, c aUeUUiC J lilt .(,- i sponsibility of forwarding goods. We wish that there was some summary me do appointed by law for obtaining dret-s in sueh eases. If our paper docs not come up to our promises as yet. we lu pe our patrons will exeu.se us, for we have made even' exertion to get our tvne borne, a great part of whieh has been in Charleston or Camden or be tween those cities for along time. The Branch Mint We clip the following from the Greens boro' I 'at riot. Weagrec with our broth er of the Patriot that " it appears an ill timed recommendation" to Congress by the Secretary of the Treasury todiseoii tinue the .Mint at this place, just now, when our people are exerting every mus cle and straining every nerve to bring about facilities for commercial intercom munication, by which the great resources ind dormant interests of .North Carolina will be told to the world. And not the least of these is her mining interest. If it apears that there has been a decline in the amount of money coined at this Branch within a few years, it is only a tenijmrary result, and quite easily ac counted lor. In the first place the dis covery of gold in California, and the ex citement consequent upon it, have had a deleterious fleet ujion every department ofbuMiiess in this country, but more par ticularly ujxin mining, as persons en caged in this pursuit would soonest and most naturally take the contagion of the excitement. The excitement too ujxm ihe subject mcnt of internal improvement has had its edi ct upon this brunch of our peoples industry, and has called many of them from the mines to take contracts in the Hail l'oads and 1'lank Roads now being built in the county. Theeflecttoo which these improvements have had in the price tor, (which is chiefly employed in mining operations) has caused a great number of' miners, who were making small prollits, to de sert their mines for a time, or until thoe causes will cease to have their effect. But with all these drawbacks our Mint is now coining more than it did tor sev eral years after its establishment. Our . . .,, citizens wm jircscnt a strong petition to Congress to avert this cruel stroke. We hope thov will succeed. We are in fi- vor ofrctrenchiiK-nt and reform : but we thiiik it cruel in the General government to begin by wringing from the mouth of poor .North Car Ainu one of the verv few small e-rumhs nhi;.li have hapjK-ued to fall in her lap fi 'un the rich table of the Genet-id Governnieiit. North Carolina can boy fa.; ruuch loyalty and attach ment to the Union as any other State, and yet she is paid less for it, and com plains less text. To take away the a mount coined here from the circulating medium of Western North Carolina at this time, when our resources are great ly depressed, would seriously cripple our energies, and leave us almost with- out the means to accomplish our great j works of internal improvernent, The Charlotte Klnt. I nele Sam seems disjxise d to rerifv towards North Carolina the scriptural threat towards a worse character ; Ibr while to Virginia, (for instance,) w hich h-iiti much in the way of b deral emol ument and titlie-e, more is gircn ; but from .North Carolina, which hath not, is taken away ccen thai which she hath. The Secretary of the Treasury, iu his Uejiort to the present Congress, recom mends the discoritin1 nance of the Mint at 1 ) ,-, , ; vaanooe. , ne jionorame M-emary i liu: not lit- as V, I il illlol IliCO fir our :i M , - , i !!'"! v aim irosiH-. is ;,s i ; nearer : not prOsia'Cts as t iionie : tr ih it apjx-ars an ill-timed re commendation, while our people are tirird at work, bunding u railroad through the StaT.., aiid furnishing :i i tja bv steam to Charlotte hom the .North, a- well as from the South. Charlotte w ill soon be rendered eoincri eut of neei-ss Irom the I'liiimii ri ml world. I!o,-itles, the origi-M.-iI l':f t.'i.-iit fir establishiiig the Mint in western .ortn oaroimn i ..'coming j stronger ererv da v. J he mining inter est is daily iticreu.-ing, in exter.1 of op. -r.iiioii-, lmiMiruiiiee and a hie to t he om iinin.ty. 'This is the ease, We beliee, t .... .1 it ',; milling region ol The State. In our iivu cijiiiiiyoi fjuiHord, inining ri v r has ber-n Cirni'd on so exteri-i velv and profitably to the laboring ci:imum ty as at the pr. sent time. The Wmks at Hotlgin Hill and at the M, Culloeh Mai", ownt-d by a company residing i in thi-county, and chiellv saji. i- :''' I by o'ir i.i i tie townsman, James Sloufi, Ksii., jircsenl k( iits ot ' ;.-. ; j.i sbiii ana industry le.-o,ving trie e-ncoiirakotient of tiie country, aye. anil the coutiteriaiire r,f GoveniEijcnt ttxj, sj far as facilities far coinage are ex.!. t ;-!'.! ; for we understand tliat the Guil- foid gold is priiiciji.-illy sent to our own Mm!, to be. tn:, u d into " yellow i....... " " , T. , ., . e ir.tsi tijat I ne e arn w ul jiay no , . ... .1 J atteinion to the advice ot his .-secroiai v : , . , , . i , - iiui ici ijis si Ma;.,- siav wnn us and e.n- . JiC to set his iraiks ujam Ur gold. Jenny Lied and 01c Bull. It is .stated that Ole Bull is coming to as country to play a st ries of Concerts with Jenny I I, at her request. This 1 w i ,c a great treat to th" musical world : uuU vhL that wlil U; uiijiwwl, 1 Mr. Fox on General Washington. As there seems to be some members of our family, who appear to have for gotten, or now entirely disregard, the lessons of wisdom and prudence taught by our father Washington, we think that the following modest, yi t ju -t, eulogium on his character by Mr. Fox in the Bri tish 1'urliamcnt hi 1704, is peculiarly suited to the present juncture of idlairs. Mr. I'ax's Eu ogium n Grntral aihtt.gtoii, in Ike Brttish Parliament " llow infinitely superior must appear the spirit and principles of (Joneral Washington, in his late address to Con gress, compared with the Kiliey of med ern European courts ! Illustrious man ! deriving honor less from the splendor of his situation than from the dignity of his mind ; before whom all borrowed great ness sinks into insignificance, and all the princes and piotcntates of Europe (excepting the members of our own fam ily) become little and contemptible ! lie has had no occasion to have recourse to any tricks of policy or nils of alarm ; his authority has been suliiciently sup ported by the same means by which it was acquired, and Ins conduct has uni formly been characterised by w isdom, moderation, and firmness, lie, feeling gratitiuk" to France for I he assistance received from her in that great contest which secured the independence of A nicrici, did not choose togiveupthe sys tem of neutrality in favor of this country. Having once laid down that line of con duet, which both gratitude and jxiliey j m tint ed out as most proper t : ; be pu rsued , not all the insults or provocation of the French minister Genet, could at all put him out of his way, or bend him from his purpose. Entrusted with the care of the welfare of a great people, he did not allow the misconduct of another, with respect to himself, tbr one moment to interrupt the duty which he owed to them, or withdraw his attention from their interests. Ik had ho fear of the Jacobins; he felt no alarm from their principles, and considered no precau tion as necessary, in order to stop their progress. The people orer whom he preside:, he knew to be acquainted with their rights and their duties. lie trust ed to their own good s nse to defeat the efleet of" those arts w hich might be em ployed to nitiaiiie or mislead their minds; and was sensible that a Lrorernment could lie in no ilanoer. w hile it retained the attachment and confidence of its sui- jects attaehment, in this instance, not I cut. Jfe says tiie ik xt crop win ne- ; blindly adopted, e-onfnle-nee not impliei- I cessariiy be a iieht one, as the nnnier- ty gireii, but arising from the conrictioii I f ictorit s, railroads, pl;ink okhIs, ; of its excellence, aud the experience of'l bcatltiiiil countiy tnan-ums and piililse blessings. I cannot ind. ed help admir- improvements undertakt n, vuli o ; n:g the wisdom and the fiirtune of this ! u large pution of labor from tiie euituie great man! not that bv tiie phrase;- ! of cotton to thl ot brcad-tutt-. lb tunc I mean in the smallest degree to ! luniks the pro(fu-noi, ot cotton cannot derogate from his merit. lint, not with- j1' l'u:e Mid! tl;f iMiiiitm -r it. standing his extraordinary talents and t These is no other eounirv v in ie it c;m exrdted integrity, il must he considered as sii)2nl;,riv ti.rtimate, th;il he should hare expcrii. need a lot w hich so Si Idol n falls to the portion of humanity, and hare passed through such a ninety of scenes, without stain and without reproach. It must indeed create astonishment, that placed in circumstances so critical, and filling for a series of time, a station so conspicuous, his character siiou'.d nerer once hare been called in que stion ; that he should in no one instance hare been accused cither of improper insolence', or of mean submission, in his transactions w ith loreign nations. It has been re- s,.r, t.,j j;,r " lim to run the race of glorv, j without cxjierieueing the smallest "inter- j rupuon io ine iinuianeyot lus career. The breath of censure has not dared to impeach the purity of his conduct, nor the eye of enry to raise its malignant glance to the deration of his rirtues. Such has been the transcendant merit and the unparalleled fide of this illus trious man ! But if the maxims now held fi.rtli were adopted, ho who now ; nuiks as the assert' -r of Ins country's freeilom, arid the guardian of its inter ests 'no! fioriiir. wotilfl tie. d.-erned t.. l,:,,-e,li,r,..,..ld i .,,..l,.,, r. t ' -mot U UllM I M Li rl V l it U'alt.L lvll I ,rV) ;iri(, (j h i.ire f iitiiiled upon himself ' . I ett t moeiiiuc reiiroaen I low rial he act ..I.,. . a." i i.. r ., r , i t i nun liisuiicti ijy .jeiiei.; urn oe- con sider it as necessary to arenge himself for the miseorjiluct, eir madness of an iiidiridiial, by incolring a w hole conti nent in the horrors of war No; he contented himself with procuring satis faction for the insult, by causing Genet to be recalled : and thus at once con sulted his own dignity and the interests ot his country. ifmiiV Auk rie;nis ! w ,;,. t))C whirlwind thes orer oneouar- tt r of the globe, antl spreads erery w here dcsohiti ai ; you remain protected from its bant iui effects, bv your own t irtue- aitd the wisdom fit 'your gon rnment. : '''O d from Kuroiie by an immen.-c i .e-eaii , Vou feel ntit the ( fleets of those i bees and passions w hieli concert j 'i I' d seats of cii'ilizaijoii into I (ll.j:.!, the f scenes it Horror am 1 bloodshed. on j profit by the folly arid madness of the j ed his presenl bnguago with that use-d contending nations, and afford in your j by him a year sgo, and opjiosed thoeir liiore ot iiige nial chuif- an asylum J.O those: ' e ulation of the address, in ci ii'ijii. nee I'.''- .tig- ;md .iti. s which they wan- j of the change it exhibits. We note the lain v eontemn, or w iekeillv exclude from ! fact, not wnhthe view; of ovuliiior i,or ,jj(.r jjfJ sum ! Cultirating the arts of ' peace under the inlluence of frr edeitn, ; vou adranee by rapid strides to opu-; lenee antf distinction ; and if by any ac-j eidentyou should be comiiclled to take i pan hi tne preent unhappy contest, i; you should find it necessary to arengt n.s-at. or c p. I injury ; the world will ),,. ,P ,. ,i , bt ar e itness to the f.iuit v of vour sen- .;,,.,,, ,,, ,lt!. ,, , I ,' ' r " iiiii' iitsand tin: moderatioiiof vour news ,i ' -s of your arms wil no doubt, be proioriioued to the justice of your cause." Congress- Our country is at present .so tranquil, prosjierous and happy that Congress ai- I ar.s to be lying on its oars, a u-r.itiiin- aouic WW tmereut y u, arioe uud L get a necessity fbr further legislation. It miv be however that the members 1 time, were pushing rapidly ahead, and j The nt Hm.c,,,! co,,e.d m ..-... , Ihe mav ne, innwnci mat mo mum ei ' f , , wl I1( ..'ir the middle! C..urt II n Thursday, die !iu h ..r ! w -g np I-nee , f ih, I'm think they hav3 heretofore per ,n.,cd U '"T" r ' 8 t f tTVP works of supetcrogULHi m legation, ! r , nut gt, , . .h. l t Z" !&,m if ' from heir foruief labors. would ue upon him the space at the , T, s,,,,,.,,. ,.,ii,.ii ih. i.!,n i,r die " GEN. CASS1AND KOSSl'TII. In an editorial'artiele on the reception 1 ,-T- t. ... .1.: j. n.. .,..; Ol iOSS(UlJ ilL It .ISIliltioii, uiv tvuuu Vrnn I'i nss f ! n C: s's ori'M II ha s the ' 'vv tiillowino- remai'ki : I .,, , , T. , , "It will be seen that Kossuth aud Gen. Cass met immediately alter the former had arrived at his quarters. All are permitted t'j surmisr the character and interest of the meeting of these dis tinguished men. j Over a year ago Gen. Cass received d letter from Kossuth; and tilt-re our people ill-natured enough to pronounce ii tdeerjuion, a hoax, and to say that the -jxcat Hungarian never wrote it. The Whig press made many a paragraph ovft it ; but Kossuth wrote the letter ; and! those who know his character know full well how he has prized the character and the principles of Gen. Cass. Those who have sjKiken within the last xic nth cannot he tar a- part in feclin Gen. Cass ?ass hrnpens to have sjxiken thrice'; 'thin the last month. twice or and it is conceived mat csseiuiai crepancies exist in tiie views expressed on these different encasions. At one time, in th-' Senate, hedechued, insuli stanee, tint none but a mad-man would think of committing this country to an armed interveii'ion ; at another time, addressiig a miscellaneous audit nee, he eoijmitted himself to intervention, and reserved to himself the right of de termiiing whether it should he armed or no'. It the Free Press speak by the book, the public have no alternative but to conclude that Gen. Cass ahides by the all but war-like committaloi his last adcress, and that he has then tine nia teridly changed his views since he spike in lie Senate Chamber. Has the higher bid of Mr. Donu'l.is hac any connexion Viiib the eh.iiige Kepuhlic. CROP AND JSLTTLY OF COTTON. There was in the last number of 1 e Fiow's Revie w, a very aide article on this subject, whieh we sec re-pllbllshed ) ui me uaii' sum .u i tcr thinks the once t uiy. I lie wn of cotton ill be much higher this year man l is at tues- j success fully cultivated, i P'diy siq.. r- . v anu and it is la icuiii. In n'L'ard i ts manuf i. tie, this writer s,.ys that ; ! the planter c.iiiK.t make it as eh,',.p as el. d some e ears since, when lands; i Merc woith.ue or two dollars jht anii Slaves tiree or lour hundred. .Now the same lards are worth five ami ten it .t ti. dollars an aire, and slaves will sell tl.r . . . . . .... i seven hunelrtl and a tliousaud dollars, But the majufaeturer can a fit in 1 to pay much highe: jirices now for cotton than he did ten 'ears ago. This he is ena bled to do, in consequence ef the iir.- provements in niaeliiiiery Iiot being required to leep land sueii ht aw stocks of cottin, being releused from the payment of duties on bread-stuffs Sa-. and there betig a readier demand for the manufactured article. The writer savs that the stock of cot ton fin handiu Europe i lighter than it has been lor iii.'iry years, and thinks there may be r. panic In Si ire long. He urg'S strongly ihr propriety of holding ba k die cottoa eroti lor ti. tti r once: and refers to predictions heretofore made by him, which hive been published. S. Tatriot. GOVERNOR WOOL AND THE COMPROMISE. The Goveriifi'' of Ohio, in his inaug ural address, dee-lares in favor of main taining the Compromise undisturbed, not because he i .pproves of' it, but in or der that the slavery agitation may be forever closed. At the same time, he opposes anv e xtension of the area of slavery, and regards ho Colonization Society as " the most effi-etiveorgaiii.ed agency to eradicate and finally w ipe a wiiv the institut on." The ground tid.en by Governor H" l in refer, nee to die maintenance of the Fugitive slave law of the Democrat.;.; ins ne . n-i d iiiaiiv idi-rs of )hio, w ho aver that bis election Was attributable mainly to his recorded ho-t.ihty to lhal measure. In tl.e Stale Senate, on the 10th, Several of his supjaii (. rs eonlra-t- this addition to the familv rniarrels of the Df'moeracv,butto prtive that the ground taken by Whig journals at the time of Governor Wood'n e lection was fiilly Warranted bv his own avowals. With his colisistt ncy we have not to do. It is enough for us that, ha ving gained the honors of high office, be in disjHised to respect its resjailisibilisies, il i -ju I live of the predilections of friends and allies. Republic. A PREDICAMENT A.ND AN ESC ARE. All who have been over the: Connec ticut riser railroad remember the high, narrow, uncovered bridge over the I leer field liver, just this side of Greenfield. It was the theatre of" what ran heading di.rK.nbce as the afb rwon irnin crime l j down on Saturday. The cnrs.behindl side of the track was too narrow, and slopeil too precipitately to make it a sale ! resul t the jump to the ice below even t L . . It . . 1 . 111 1 l.i' . rain i aicu wouki nave Miruaii iioin the shrill alarm of the thundering engine i warnei d our hero that he must think and n,.t i,.l, . il,,,,.,, t.-.i.rl..iiL-.. e,v-r. i .i . i i i i uudn die track he d.nc into it be- i ween uieiH.is.i.uu nuggmg ins ua. iosv retreat, the tram swept over him and left him unharmed. But what must have been his emotions between the dis- covi-rv of his danger and its passage1 ! .1 M i i i How tlioui-ili Illllst have OUH kelied and the blood chilled ! .Not all in his situa- ii i I....1 ,i. noil woiiiii iiiic iiiio on oo st m t- oi ... , . 1 , . him. Springfield Mass., Republican. , ., , 1 I " ' A. Grahnm. iiml HQ .g nnri inn qumt.i al al EXTREME COLD. jtHchmenl pxprf-s-ed lor ih- Wi ij; raui-e, and The verv low l( mm ratine endured'" leader. t;.il. Gmiber'a rem.,i k- in be. 'V the Grinuell Expedition, while w ith- iu the polar circle, is thus described by 11 r- ci i Dr. Kane in one ot Ins JNni. isoman lec - ,,.,.,.. At the appalling temperature of -40 (leo. am I ijd ileg. or 70 di g. to SO (leg, o' itb-;"" vvm'','s ""' 1 seiisiliie in us meets as neat mileeil,,; between the jmsitive I fleets eif the very higii and the ln jiuta-r of the very low scale, u was m.possiDie to disiiuguisii sensation. Vpon going out into the o- pell iiir Hie taee In came (lierusti-d with an icy liud, and the hps were glued to- get her by the cementing aid of the beard and moustache. The trigger of a gun liiistcreil the linger, and a laek-kmfe in the pantaloons jun ket caused Vou to jump as w ith a sudden scald. Din ing the long darkness, when tin v attempted to beguile the W inter hours with theat ricals, an unfortunate Thespian dropped the pantomimic llat-irou as thouuh re ceiving a slid b ii burn. In let !, m xt day a row ot blisters had given e vidi n e oS the truth that, in temperature as in e Verv thing else, cxiiemes meet. TH BP.m.sll PlKsSaMII TIF b. I'MIEO MA I fcsi NAVY. The British "Inited Service Jour nal'' thus stie.iks o our N,i v : i " From iisinfiiiev to its present st.-de, most In Ul lv base the otliei is i.lld men iu the n.iv.d jif ion ot . N 1 1 ; - ; c , l,el,l up the honor of their i . Tin te is scarcely oin- action hi which the slight est .Ii iill.it ir ,i can be east oil any nnli Mi! i .;. 1 hey h n r.i-,..,d. .1 tin ir i t.i in. i i (! .. j hi ii it woii.d have bi ' ti the i.i i!a i. lil.p! -i j. ee. to ha Ve t'.-d th It:. Th. v I foil TI it W itll t, h .M . ih- I t d til llil it V.il ! in i. ...:.. easf I.. (I Id III: uc( . ., on r a spun d the c Mu liaiioti v. i, i h 1 n. .!..! of the o ie.. ! .in i . 4 : I. I t 1 ' le iy Hi ll t III 11 l V tlii-h. d w ith aliiiiet i adds a e;re;it hmt' l lo I lilted M ." ii Met t.,' N n ot tot MR V I; liS l;t( S Vli:l a l) INTF-ll YFVMON miwp,M ,, ult,-, . I' C nitiiv t. i i I" al' , II M . 1 1' ti IIISI WB Uii len we a-y that hia lucid, puirii.ti, and OMif Amrican pefcri o a me Uret k duet. , , . , t iiot enni inif ire luiown g prir cipli-a ill I pu icy. In. tn which Mr. Urbaier eti rihaii. CalU aaya he hua nul dep-rled and Caiinrii dfpan : Firal, lh a--eried ngbl tif f. reible B ertemioii in ihe fT-na of oih. r naimna n in violation of publie law ; l'-jt. howeter, there i an eic pOon lt thi in ihe eaie i f iein(j, and in aiinia eiirnie rain, when uth intr e enra may be jim fn d ui.nn prui. Clplea f liecea-m nl ef flelenre , wnhlhe-e pepiinita, the due rine aaaerled bv tha H l Ai'ia ee," ll.reaiened by (Ti-aia in Ihe citae nl Grepce, god carrn-d n.lo ptacl ee tn Ih caae i f Uniaititv, it a'tio rrenl and ia in direct niiB'ifti iuu In Ihf nnncin hi . a akii:lt . 1 ' , , ' r ur mat In innt ate fuunded. What f,i! a? Are ice It inttrftrt in Ihe Urn It came i r nil I'lntr -.Wi ii'iin rain? f Are we lo en. J ' " t'lhtr l-.wt.umn rattt ? Are we lo iitnyot iimi um: fiu Itanium : n-a- tit, vsar 'tr. A orl w bat I- bit nine to 1 'No;cH TAIM.r ,1. T. Can any Ihir-jf b mure ex p it 1 ? Couid ay answer he bien gupn f( tiiita empnaii any ai ariat ce wilh the eoniaela . f M, Kn-nth, woo aa lhal going in ar in a European cni-e w, y ,j be ' mi t-real mi-cbief nfo-r b1," mid who ailmita e-nt if hia cine i.e! u lollowed. and R i-aia to.ijtd diaieiifird our pn.iea., we ghautd aa iii-ra' y t.ltl jo d l.i gi, la war t r erf b eorrtdt'd te f re mm food." And i M. Koa -ti h n lieiler expunt'iil of A i.oii ju pidtcy, mute !iutiifhy uioirilntii of American i . erea , itoni Iltrio l H'rli nr, and lb" ,n ny wie and fn iiui.e nu n whn hate eaer ai g h l Ihe a. no' enl a phi. 1 j i li Hinl gHi d ie- Mr. Wttbaier guard al- c nil ymtti on 1 1. p it " The piai ottl cy of h a i mi i r y i, n ih fi l pUce, a ' 'nl policy.' " Tn Itll' einl wltte1! ii y c nl I with " (ir own a. Inert pc fie lie , .mr opt inin ana a. ri'ni. nia iitKv bf tio.iijjr.i (a nm," jVc. Abtiorri,,, thi n. On. 'Income of f,.iciliip ml"! ven'ion 10 die rfTitra . f nOif r natiif a, and ilecOoe g ihco-ftiiF aov ui h f rrihle iniertenioin bv oil own (n .'rnr-tPiil, ahi remmiia fur ua lu if.. ? Wm n usi proi aim nr dcieai iiom nl il ; we milal "a'Cuie uur n n bappe eas hf Ihe p e. e yaioiii ul our own pie ripb ; liinai- prinei p fa we mil. i hnvp lh m man. 10 I tur . -,nd Ihe .piol lu dtft'tH ibf epp ato- aenti men! e rnuai " rt.ny an a condemn ;'' by our " : lelhgince and Vigor" we mii-i k'-tp ihve ind aiiatnin die h. pe. a' the frieoria t.f human liberty ; we nm I i.t V"r give our ci n.rnl " thai rt putilic.Bii principle al all b- ' brmiahi in n diaiepule and dog ce ;" we mil"! " lf rn liked knew I' ti we are o. I nred of . yr own loaiiiiinoi a, and pro eat," &r, J,il ihert may we do n . more f M.I we g i oi war ? N ijce tmrity nol." May rre inlrrf. rt lo i Kin. .p' an cmi-ef "No ; ceilamly mil " Aie we in endanger our picilir reli,,.n. ? N..; certainly n.l." Hu taid Mr. V eb-ter in H'3 S.. .ay. he now f- 0 I,,, s,k E i.aiub'a tce, he declared d,t he could , "reirac! a . , e .enn . eiil which he ben .ii ...d. Th n Mr. Webaier and M K a-mh ore al direct i.a.e on ih, a ,, ,,r Aiiiencan lulerferene in Eump-nn afTaira, N. i'. torn. A'lm-i titer- " HIG MEIiUNG IN BUNCOMBE lillil.ll'll IH meeiltijj.Hm) mi.nd fm Cow nnum nf d rfH, I.i prfparo r"lt!tui f"r ihf impiiiib. The fh..o nrni .p.M. Ifil Ci M.mff, C f. S. V. D.nHsnn, unit J. M E H,i y. In ihe h ' " f - tommm, Cu J... Booet " """"g "W" I '" l""P'"wd iiij.eiN I Th rnniniiUi' anpfarer) and rrpmlod j (h j v B,HVM. ,, w ,',. Umn ,ht, PM ep lon ,,B 5ih wh.ch ws pri,,,,i ai, (,l,,l,hllei Bn.',..rri-ptpd. AfV r which ihr rm-i tinj; wim biIiOom d bs N. Uiimlfin, M. Bmin, Cni. J lm 5 n n r, Cut. I!. S. Gnt lipr and J. M. E'lin-y in rcf-renc In Mm I .tmvf nii.m. Miil llflmiil, bd-pi'ii.l. ni Cn-didm. Be ..dciii, V pm. iiiis iiit-H-urt g, pic Mr. E win oiipiikifff g, pic Mr. E win inibiP2 . d.nip nf dip.p ihn gi, mill die .ihpr adi.cii ling id. m. Jnm and 1 l"qiicni tnluit w re ptirf m IJ..ri. MilUrd Fil iimre. and Hon. W. lialfol oi l B irke U'tcg prmcip'e.. and u'iiBi 'u:m,x "' "k' n "f 7 r" ' l"4r 'Vi were forcible, true and ( fr ci if. i ' M(. Erwin a onp setl !' dct (i I R nlu lion, a Na'Kinal CodVenttun p nt ! -up port any one in arinacce Heel o d iii,,iM i Whiifi but consul red Stale or Coin tiu m ni , reform aim. pan A rrotmn heinir nm e In adont the rr..lu linn at a whol-, wa earned wi h but lu in three diisennng vmcea RtSSOLUTlONS. IVA-erat, arii u W in riie"ling he been Rnd are now h. ing held dinu.h.ui the S'ate.f. r Ine puipneiif a blle org tn ziOi n ( the W tn pari) , and Inr ihe purpoar of a p. poinunsj d.-Iegaiet io altend a Whig Siaia "''vnon a an cany any in i-o, io isorn- Iimle candidaie fur tmn rniir tr i ikeriutt Ruolfrd ty ike Whigmf Bunrvmht, la-. Thai Ihey biP,hl ai pr,.f th obj-C-.a f..rib. firal al ti ie n.bi.ro", nnrt ltnl...ed up by oilier porlmn. of our ala.. v j; I he rr,,ew,B and .1 ei.gtr.en ng die ld b-nH. of Imernet . f cnnauiong fur ihe ci nidi n-alp. is, and pre r. g 'or th carttpaiyn for 1 b'l'i." 2 ktfuited, IrtBt in gito nlTl if ul 'line f.ir a full null fan can. I ihe whole Sme bf lh nominee of aid (Viiiten mr,, and to p. ml M ( f i ii )irgt eg a rhinr lo a I ipod md coi'V' me n b lure nur ?p. mjj Cmirta eorwtn-ore. w r eumiiieitd O ai I1 be hfld al (i e. tiium', on or b for a iha I bird M iidii in Fli.oitiy ii it, 3 li'tiilcri! , Thi the s;-1 etal gmirf of the I ) i N ,n ih fMiOe." ii inie e' and ei wrl re ir in ih h'i ol" th (Hjnf () ' I'm run hf m roi and iha' il.. y a ai d "ind o. m Me ai h ihei ireibrii .afUyh eyi OB ?-(n.e in ti eiv n rprt. Ihut ni. em i-.-at ri iui .1 In pMiitint her e a s, w fifr, 4 iVtipfrf, Thai leir Uia lmp M.y d. if . I in On Si tie. Hi rn.i at all di-h- ai 'n n and Ihd in tha caring r niiaif.i we in ti d In rfi..i,hii- our m-i go a nd ! er be I nd S tr :a li i tro p eon bet. ire Ih nr (I, a Ih I and law anid i g. a roil- r vat e. eot ti-if in . Tmoti biite, and a Ihor- , (Sn jt- ii'.; t h:w Sia. 5 Hrn-lreJ. thai or rrgatd ihe prird ' aim-.. ritiiPin of our ii ac (,,. iuu I o b L. e i.,,iiv timet meni tn "'a' P"' cnlir, aa ea'.cuU'rd in ilr. i the M-..ple by otf tiiiai Oip aha.i , a hi f II iihh da iha tubaian lal r- li req.tired. litra'ern, ri.r.nrr, lit i e reg: an ua p i- nt itt ua , ( . 7 P'"r tn-t w .n.-... -ije ,.......,., atolwiil iittl ihfri. art. .ilia I I . . r t ' ,,lur i,l I not ihere'are a ipp ' f ni- t no V anv rata t t a am d at ( k . ! t , , , .. , , , lnrmer, loatead al ihe lain-r ne tie oi ana i d mt-nt. 6. Rtsahfl. Thy I M rd Fi ihi'Ugh a nor I ern m-n by bit'h ai d ed. ca i bmg brigbl'y nin-i-i., and enter n lhal iin.i. we hate a hrtn able diioiifi-d anil f dh jr-'i'mua career of naioinai prnureaa In who It fill E"culi t (Ti er, deaertm the emiR bee arnpla reamircea. Boar lit prngrr aa of de donre, reapncl and approba loo of etery true aebipnieni, moal nmurally eitliil" her, ('ir, repiibliciii and na'not of Ihe land, ; hi r ) I feel dalighi in already retogmg iig 7 . HetuH'd. Thai it i arh f etingt.f n. marked Indieaiinaa of a apiril of oilualiml niinwtid p.ine and gtniituif, lhal we are ha aetimy and enlerenae. tkrli, eombioad namt' of one nf .N uih ('ainl na'a run-' ptlri wtth aelf reliance end peraeterance, canm t ope, I tleiii.d an i d am go aheil a 11a, II m, f of I" ' (T Ct f tr her thai aocial regeneration llli.-m . Giahtin u ge led in yionia which il baa already ae.intpliahed for iy Slali-a hei le our own, for the a'C-nid . flice many naimna la Ihe h '" f maiikiud," in Ihe jti'l of the Aiioau-,,11 pm, p e, anil ah ted he ri-cnt Oiia n. niimtiinn. if pie.lun our , . , , , . -f.iv--B ii, ;if. .,rn iuroieai, cie-r;!ji ami ilndmded rnlppint bi'tii'tln blni a. bitnenl, fti hfti and cnDilit-.' In ad irn liiat hiih ia , , , , ti, ,n aa auk m.fi it. ,,nr ta. t .1 .. 1 1, s I , t.. ,1 .i.il b.-l v. d C'.iii.ln ." 8, llrtulttd, lhal we r-0ird Ihe kcnea t.f acta known aa the nHii,'tocni inea.tire, a timi' g in Iheir nmeuil depen-'ence and t un ! nemon, a m i'lll nf en t pr. llii.e Ihe nn al cincili tlory, and ihe b'-al fir the mil e rmiii. i iry tlini cniild be obiatned ii. m cm fl cio.f actuarial inlereata aed opiinuna ; a fiH there, i fore lltey ougtil 111 Ii" ltdlieted C- ,n li earned : Inio hitdtful et"Ciiiio.t aa a fi tal -eiileni.aa, et pilncipa and atiha'aiice, of Ote dnto'l. ti and et.-iiieir aui j -cia which Ihey embrace. j 9. Rmulrnl, Thai ten delej-al-a be ap. pnltttpd lo al end lh SMula d nventiun f' mi . Una cii.iniy, and lhal rpciitntiieml the di I e. e.unii a in Iha District in apnmm dele.; gftfea, in order In pf irinte Ihe obj"Clt Cm I inpliled in tb' ae rea ilu'inoa. The follnwititf ge-,terrien ei app "inled under die alette, reaohi : itiii j N . . Wood. fi t, (i. W Chandler, J. W. U .itu fit. J. ,). I'.'li.ey, S. B'arll.o ck, J. IEoelt, 11 Inn, St. .linn, E-q a. and Col, Ja. Law. ry an d S. V . Ditiilt 10 'etfirc'. Thai Ihe prnceediiiaa uf this met o lie piihliahed in the ,la' r vi e M.-a aenj-er and Nea, and lb t Ihe V loir oapera nf Ine Sia e he r' q i".ii'd lu Cupy the -nine. JUIIN RKYNOMM, Chairman. J. M Eo.tKV S cieiary. THE DEEP It I VE II LO; K3. Wa learn that leo r tfia nf lumber and Ira- b-r pa... d lately i, U(.hibe b.ck. above raieit! v, le,d w. r. t ried over ihe .hoa'a by Ihe waier which II .wee through the hike eai.ai, .f a tr fling -well 11, the ruer. I he.e rait, wer- hrou-rhi menu market and tha di. I,..,ed of at S'J ,n.l till pe, M. Hh,il die aid of Ibe lock a, we are llilorn.ed, Ihe.e tal . a c nu n mil piiaa.iily, lor ane lime 111 erne, have reached Ih.a pl.c-. H e are l.teaaed al Ihia mftirrri lion, b thai 11 may ne correct, arm out in a au pici ua com 1 itii r cemeiii may be eoniinuerj nn airrnlat i '"""y ",,u" y"- " h """. " " . " ""r ",'"U", C"n ""'l'1""1 "h! '.," a.oi.a m ine year, in; Iimbei, """'et' "1 noierwiae, ine Weep - ' 'n'l',"''in',"l "HI he a tource of bene j er impru.r-inern win ne a murce ol bene i which throwing ut 11. wtber advaniarea. j "nt be ai.ry aallmaled Himinirloii ' 'aM I OUR FOREIGN RELATION'S." Spcciol Corrwunnrfpni-eof the North Ammran. j W asiIiinotos, Juii. 19, J 8rJ, ' Ailvirrf hiiKH hern irci-ivi-d hire frm i Hii h 2.1 H l. M J, wrei,c h id bee-o fuf-Mie-d b. I. ri Orn.tl mnh . . , nT ' " " ' '-'-r h. Xjiirti s iiiiitrrpii'fi lit oai" i" iiiv r firiidl u iiff'iir. in which he (LnrdG.) ii.I'hiiih ,iin thai, m fur a a juilfjmvril eou d ! Inrim J iifmn die siiipinei.l lin n b fure linn, the , t um if iivt'il ; but ha jirefprrrtl lom unul nil ilie f.iru were iheiiircllv in In, licsfiiMiiti Iii'Iipic giving an unrj i.-ihli-il an. i.i-r. Mr. L rtti'cu rr-jiliPd l i htw, urii(lrr rnurB dc fin In fpi,(ip, and, in return, nu, laii-rd fiom L"id liruiml! inniiiHe rnce llnil, il the rcpnrl l me liriinh 1 t. i. i t .1 1 cprs had been dirarieil in iiii;ti:r,,u o C""P "d will ihn aiaiemcni, fde by rmniilainnnia, Iha act uu d La I""11 d prnmpily dme-vuwrd. A Ci -y nf ihul repijrl wait rrcrd li-ro r-ie rda, and. it rmTrineii aubM..niialv iheBP nlii tfdfionit, die oQjir may now be ij. ir irdt ri M'lttrd. Sir Ifi'nrv Bu tt er ato-n'y pn a-i d l,y ti e Bnii-li Mniiliy lo piinn in 'io- .ii . Ire, woli a tii'S to ll,i- firal neti'rriixnl i I our 'i(il(n' net l( ih lilfli iile . Ii ia mi. rifinimd diii he wutnn io (utimii a . for Jhe ln-u id lileim'iil. In b - fur nli j I t rp "or coiii..i('r(ini. Tina p'tm it noi toitf:ieio(y, iin Sir. Wi b-'ler pieler I i (1,-nl lemoiiully mi die aubject. Mr. W. will bi quiie wil'i- g In ireai anh Ml. Criilnpinn, if ihn )at(i-r nil-uld be prnpeily eniunwe-ed. FATHER MATHER'S RETURN TO IUELANI. Father M- lliew, on bi rdurn lo Irelimd f,,m the Uniii-d Stiiaa, at recei-t by tot coumr nien widi eterv drnionirii. n ot re gnnl nog' ptf, m. Tl.e Coiiimon Coui cil i.f L'mk pitmnied him with an addrrtt l ten- grniulniiun. In w hich ha reap .tided lit a Vr d"nv.rh d el. q.,.-.,ce. M iha h"-h h " ferred lo Ihe ro. P1 "f lb" L'n.ied 8ie, ml iha maauer u whlrh h received by tht-m s 'No li g je. genllemen Inch y ny eni! fram. ran aulTirienily pretihe maur ol "tit cnnmioii nbliatiun In Hi in h'e ht-ait ed and tet.proii cioxna t f Americ-, (bef bear.) hute bid ocular dernoniraini ol I loir b auntui loptlhy , when, in die di ol ii.l ul lion, y.m Mitt eied in your hara.o Si .r pnngb d D nut r proudly flualin oer iha Ing i ' J nneni urn," the di.lubi I 'i" .if wh iae nr Ciut fre ghl great m li.'ii'a p - ruaiieou (Tring on i h a ' I r I innnnily ) t trl mou nerab lite within il precim n of mr lnnine-trirke country , hT lraf ! Ilo otands ol inilra in Iha grei Vei, fe,uhiic, end nntr ha I Hp ri-ncH til only in Ibe ("apilot, biMlbrnug 'be irfi renil ol Aroenca, agtiS but it aprei a.-d k tidne-a fri'm Ua hib Piiinied cito , (hear, har.) My liai ia lan ic lour n f aught woh a itiautxa' fund rennniceorrt, neaei In ka forgnlira, (hear, htar,J i.d I (eiti-i!y ho that Ihe aimng fe. lin ol tmp!hy ad fru-ndah p hch how rtit beiwaen iha pti.a f Ireland and A in- erica inny ciilitiua at pormaneoi and Juu ble mm iha many t,iiifa iljey ca4 m cam nt'.", (toad and loag en;nu d app ana-.) J mir allu.oaii In ne, drt r etaairia-eri c-un irv men, whom I hrnj die haepnir.a lo roe. 'b jfteal FT pull ic, and .u nt4te hip pmxaa n rnrnina ainrnty my dieipifa, ha t urbed a chmi whica t.kraiaa hmogli ne riinw, i mnn painae? irt a w the aad cnt.trttl which our dear V I I . e J eoimiry p.eaen a in n aay pariicu'ara wt h f-iorrd laid wh eh I hale rcenil iaf , I el irr ntt rp,na fr apathy at dipair, -I 'i Jnit - H H it not iha p'aee Is iaea igtis !h e-tiai- ia n-.w psi g ihronh a a'ar Iran-limy a. deal, from which I Iruai ahe wi.i renewed applmje.) fitm di(,t.niir, A FEDESTAL r. n i: c t r. o is ii o o 0 F llt'iiry Clay. tta I, tummtrttt g mt tha thr hti vr apt Stir!S:lH t f ft, 'I Bur MMforiM! g l.tie, I h g in (ay, ThrfT Rate e.iti.etf ilnr, ilr-il ttn dialnr, C,,t,ietidii.f rtnsr, I I : r ii.' lai-r, Ir'. ,r. itHiai in fiiit. Hi fin. g fur ritii, I ttt-iatii tn ar.i.,n, II. .(iictlif far lii n. Th" '. o-bl. Harry ol Ibe Waal, Rhrinfii in esrii I'BtotHie bna-i. J0 ,, W, j hail amj on n il ai ( ct. hetiuicay invurril lIH, a,i,d with laiite ion daiifrri Inner, ihe only hnpa ol all In fit in, ..:. iitj cl (if I nvetaiiiotl gall, eiiiiinrirly a a i n 'iti.d .a li piriy .lurut t iiiimva I. oiitit. v. ahle e , (,,t '0 f,fm ,Nnw tarhnig i.i: !. iim araiajle wruoIv J " I n w our hd rat .e i nui,l iv I ike ant. ha d iat cun i litT itnti ti.tr.na -rnn g J Snaiiiiiii i ihe ariiy It tod via i a l, j t my. Jetti llori-af. I laroa, T.tdd c.ninlv, K. hkh:I. Ihe II n. U.S. I'noie a n intiliilrn'e ( veie or i f 1 ,.i.. ,,,, t,P ;m, naiHii On takiof Ihe nn th ol t fl'i h delivered a loaijjiiriil it al 1 1 1 e . a , devoied ma. lily In r view of ihe alaVB rouirnveraiea in Cungrea O.e Compromise Vleaturea, and Ihe pitiuici raavaaa id laat itir in M laaiaaitim .11 ih couiae of which be c.ti.era.uialea -be cnuolr n,B ihe Comproirnae Mea.ure. have " beei. ,b'e It. command ihe h-arly approval of rune ,,.. iwenhe ha n our whole panp'e. and ir almo.i .very Siale nf Iha Coo,, ihe .nei.u. ihia Buble aclieme ofpacificaii..-, a,l rep- tiI1,B (,,,,, M(u,y rebuked bv enliuhieue m.i.i .i 11 M.-.,. k, .. ,.t.l a aii,Ml. Voice 1. now heard in on,,,,. nun , . aeriea of io. iuri which lt nioli'l ag,t were ipoken ol by ibouaainla mly in ll InmuujiB uf bdier duiiupcialiuo and cauil ndicu 1 ftl r. Sine h, taid a liltle fellow Ihe nlhr evening lo hia vialei'a beau, " I wi.h ye tvtiuidu 1 piai.a nur Ann Mar a a eyea an more. Yng'ta matin her an proud note tha .he tvnn'i tpe.li cou,,ii Lima, f btlp me thtf th lent fcn." tvouldu'l piai.a nur Ann Mirn'i eyea an

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