mtm A.' C. WILLIAMSON, (Editor. T. J. ilGLIun, ( pi- VOIjTJMES X. 3XT C, 371E3BXXJA.3.3T 25, 1852. C"J BOLTON b WILLIAMSON, Proprietors. TERMS: Trfe North Carnlu Whig- will ba sffurdrd to m'.xnlxr' al TWO DOLLARS in advance, or TWO DOLLARS AM) FIFTY ('EN I S if i.y. mrnl ha delayed for ihree months, and 1IIREE 1)01. 1. I(S at (he end of the year. Advertiaemrn'a inserted at One Duller p- r square (lti line nr lti, hi etxed type) f.r (lie Bret infer lion, and 25 etn a fur e.-h'a. t'uiirl ad. vcrtisninanle ai d SherdC Bale rtta.gcd Si par higher ; and a deduction ofS"! irei cent, will be mad.- from ihe reular pricee, fur adveriiscre hy lha ye-P. "Adverti-i men. a iracrted nn-ntl'ly or quarterly SI per o, lare fnr each Mm Sainiiiioiith ly 75 cenia (Mr -quar for each liute. JT AH huter releliva in tha K lilorial Danrt inent urn-l ba dirtn-led In rlie Editor. And all let it r t.n bu-i n- fot J cfe Wm a, iko., inul b dirre ief n. tt,r P ih lnhar. "AH leiicr mul be pnat-paid er they "ill nui ba mended I". jr Payrnen' can ha made to either. 37" P"iinul rn tie luidnni ii to act an igents. 4 ma tii Knam tiimm wiurj. To Mm S. or ViriLifurio ( ct s.r. N. C. Sweat ,n-oden, I aigl. when memory ralla btek J iti nf me p-al w',, h have fl-t'.ert easy i J; it gr.f la my -oul a e-.f-ipe lack. While pluaure'e with me aa fait If decay. Fnr 'nv euro's in abeenr never ean dia Wli-n Mi l.jr a hear! which er ta true; And of en hen nii.atrie I weep m il la g'l. And my thoughts turn back ml hopele.s to you. Than think of th tun, the d elenre aa greet. That severe in pi am ity lover ftou. thee; Then the pial I'd fo'eat and via'd to my fate. If but one your Iota eiuild a . il upon ma. Of life'e eup ha 1 drnk iia ehanjaa In a'ura F'eea here I haa aeen fVr Howara drrlina, Bu fer yal flout ihed a bnd lo compare. With a beauiy aa miUhlree a thine Th rrf lock af a; to the grave haaten an The erra Je'vea of f nnng tipa it er in dvalh; B-it never my poila;iail thy ttrtuce l fone Tiil the luia ol tl y lovar lueaa kiealh t. W. CtUitl Ac.J.mi. Cktrltittm. S C F.k IS.2. Xoblnnrn. X C. D. I T C A I T, The noMrvt mn ! hno on vtrlh, A' man wiom Kindt r brown vilh totl ; No krkd by ft ane"trl prf, !! itf H mamd ""J ! tb il. And m n iKeratif pfwdr fm 1 ii4fl (o king r tnor ntmt. tbm worki.'. irn : nhiii'ir thiMf lk, To ".a'rf ih t--pB or br hud Tii mi tip'Mi 'hfif heme i brows T(t rof 1 iifip and sah ! ttf (od ! Ami f" ji r r ths.r dftvpi of ttat 1 hsn d inoi.!a ir coroutt CJikJ blest th itoM ofktnf m-n, V to rrtr l eittrt ef th pltn W ho tii minti thd omld Uia t'upt. And iiriv Ui i ommtf c on tha mtui ; flod hlftt f'tm ! fur ihstf tirthjr i and Hart wroiiffu glofjf of all lindt 311iscfllanfous. tram ikt A" O. ri't. Captain Tobin and the Countersign. Ail "Ur ci'izena, and all who read Ilia Del I iiur:n; the M. icn k'm ihn gl ant, thei gilud. Ihe liuni'iiiiil" Cap'. Tlin, hn letter In line j iurml, l llir pariixj relerrrd ., y iiucd him a natinnal rrpula mn. Vh ware rlioit, jjrajii ic, witty and achulr IiIim. I'liur (.lo'Hin h.ia ainre paid 1 hi d-bl nf na ture hi ihe Kutr ka iiaie ; and. ex atili'ring thr ffliV and geurruue tram nl hia chare. Irr, Naturr, in tha april nf aheii' jimict", almuld mil hate cllrd nit him fur the tlfbl nl an i r -mn i m r- d lie. But h la ji ne. t d pr to tl;e pnnr fell iw'a manca ! (leiirye lod iii)ii)i id alnrira u( himat ll, end man), WD br'irte, l o h a Irlt unt tlil. W e hoard Jnc y f-l (tiny frum a coiniavla aoldirr nf hia una hn J Ink tuvuuac and Iiij lilnnk el ; niii wlin cnuid a m i et 1 1 1 s Ihe anit.i iilv nl hn lriind-lii) and vij-iy (he riqinailo ili lijilit which lua lina anrial qua'ttiea raer ttepl in pUy, VVrt want bul this Capiani'a iniiiiila b! liuinnr In Irll it m a way in aniuan nnr rr-adrra. IJjl we will lell it aa boil aa r :an. li the nintith r.f Junp, 110. ahnrlly aflir iht haltli a of P.iln Mia a d Knenra lie la Paliim, lha WHalmigliiri Ki'itnent, in ahich I he ('apani rniniiixiiilnd a Coiiipmi) , was rn Ci'iipcil, wuh nih"r rejiiiiienia, at a pmnl IwciiH inilpa Ihiii' M.iiimi'iriiB, nn thr bank ol the Km (Jmiiili', h I i under the runiiintnd of f iun. S nnh. Tim ra tnna wi-re nnl Ihe lel,nnr wrtn t liny erpd ihe nmal regular, ly-'lml whal wae rrgmd' d n a prruhur lie. privaiinit by Ihe ('.iplnin nnd a inn nf hia Ciiinpanttine in armi limn Nw Orlonna, a, thai Inr a full wrrk Ihry were Malhi'Wile by cninnilainn. 1'hrrn had nut, during Ihul lime, befii a drnp of I quur in lha camp ni l even of red-eya nnr bald face Oua evening, afier p und-, a"d bi'fnra tha pickeia wera pnaied, lha puffi of leainboHt er heard in the diaiancr. Aantm Mpecled ebnul the' permil front New Oileane, and aa il ail knnwn that a fnw barrel of Omrd weream'inij hpr "". great am the rejiiic. ing nf IJeurge, and bn immediate circle, at har appr acn. Sim anchnied abnul mile from lha cmp, and ihn paity aet nut lo board Iit, Oeoifte leading Ihe ndvanca. They wuie nut wetl nn beard, whim they were tealed mund a iq'iar table in ihn a.. rial hall, t h a liheral aunply of ai'gara and brandy and avatar be. lorn ihem, in which they indulged in the full freedom of ihe meet room. Theee were lui uric In which, fur untie lime they had bean atranvnra, and Ihey were in no hurry to part company with them. Thia being the cae, it w.a (u'ly eleven o'clock before they Hart ad fnr eamp, every man haeing an abundance of brandy alnwed away in hia "man cheat," and armed with two lull buttle, one under fash arm. The seoliniii bid been long putt JoefTir. ed, and fining their lonely roiiirl, b it neither Oeurgs nnr any one of hia parly knew any in. rn nf the pia wmd nr counteract! than hey did nf Ihe aauecrtt. Here waa dilem ma, either Imru nl wh ch we hv nu mean a agreeable) a ihuan hnrue whicn Ihpy had been irtibiblrig ; n e am In ba abut if I hey forced I heif way nn tha -ntninl ; Ihe mrwi w- In btv' u-C in Ihe chappnlal all night, and bn caahierrd (' aha nce Ijuin their pimi in lha inurmng. Afier a C' unc.l nf war, n wit ngre d thl un of ihern ah uld apiiroHCli the aeii'tuel nn l rnnlra vnr In prnpnia'e htm in ihtr fnmr witn a view In etfecling then enlranre. George uiiih-itin k the forlorn hoi, and a f.ol.irn tin it neenied In be. Ariii-d with iwu hoi i lea ol h ndy, he ad vnnt ed, though h a a'ep wna i f ' h r a firm !' wa hi rourai ilirect h the tneunw t l d.'wn. VS'li-n In- gut wi hoi hail ing diaiiiiiee o . he gu i'd, b cieil nu'. " V no gne there J" G"orge replied, " A friend," and learning by Ihe nrci'nl of the etilluel lunt he waa a country mnii of h e own. he added, Who the d I el would it be; would anv on hut hi b u m fio n l draw hia bull'e ( hiHiol) from the Imaiiin nf hl Jarkel, and 'real you In it, a I fl" r lo do now, jut 10 keip ou from gelt ng the R n U'ncnl fi ver, and In keep out ! he c I'l during the mgiii ?" " Advai ce," nnd lha aen inel, " and give the r"UitlliPr-itfii " " Give hii 1 id Genrg". ' The cnimlheraigii," annl the aenUnel. " Wbv, look here," anid G-nrje, "wn hou' in ending anv nanoiMl r fi 'iMton, fur per ceive on are a cunt r man of iniue, y u mut b- unt y.t. How long are; )uu in Ihe ae vice." S itiiuel A rnonili " IJeorge o (,, j-Quf fum n ghl on IH'll ." S. ilinel " I la, AVIct.'' Gem te ' Then, hu in ihe name, of General J irk-"'ii bti,iel(, can I jjive tug Ihe C'-uuiei aign, wtieu ton have alieariy got tt in m he . ffli er of the n ght." r'tnhin I "He gor, Ciitmn, I never tho'l n! lhal, bul whnt did he tell il lo m" for V Gourde " Uhy, that you might k-en it etrei, of cour e -hut iiver mind, 'ake a 1 1 I a l h i -, (preeu:iii t tin the brnud) b -t tie ; there, Ih.l'aa that when you pi! it. never inn-ea fire, jnd it ulieu lakea down i e man, tun." The a none! look a long pu t and a'rnng pu I, and repealed the eiperimeni. He then laid, " Ca, .lam, dear, I've jMI been llnnkin' for I are you re a gm h-niao, and an Irtah gotrinin, at that I've juei been thinkui' how we I th il 'u I it'll with -nine hot walher and white eujjir, oh, it would be iligani, ni'e e'y ." Genige ' V' U re a man nf ile, old fel la, and (aa.sje provided ino d"(i'i (all vary a ioli ) ton ire bound In rue )i( the inuv, hut, !el ua lake aii'ilh r drink ; ton 'ake one to keep ou awak ". and 1 11 lake onn In make ma al ep for )ou aee what oppuol virtue 11 poaae." Sentinel " Oppna.!" varluea ; o be aura it doea. There waa I'arrcl Fuheriy.who never to k an irri gl or, thai he wou'dn't gn in for e'earto the fair fightin' every man he mt, friend or foe, airanger ur hlnod rela tion; a d there ait Pdra ui Pnweil, (if he ain't pri.ti-.l'.n I'd) God reel hi a.iw I.) who neier I." k hia limit lumhler, lhat he didn't begin lo make epeeel Fa about lha b-an-I tee nf univereal pace ; and then the ou'd fe. h.w wnuld gi rntind ktoainif and hugging ev ery one that cum in hu way and )nu may bit aure he ntver oveilooked ihe purlv gir'a though I alwav obaarvrd that theoull fel low'a pace priurip e never indured kunto km me grai dinulh' r, t ho, bet ween me and you, waa river a prent beut, arid waa lr nhly mai k'd wnh the nill pox, lo hoot. He gnr, her fee wa an r ugh Hia' vou'il inig me it tiiul hae ii;rriaie.i to M. Aiiam tna idea ol pavin' wnh br- ken al'inre." G-orre " Take onoilii-r pull at ihe In. I tie, eilil b") ." The emiiiel ilnl. ' f!jl w.ur rttoi her," rnnliou' il (reoige, " She aa hand oin, a ehe ,t ?" Sentinel A P'"'y a col'een ever dinred on thn gn en bu' .tie, trnj afe, in. hi ril d her b'-auly frum the plemnl line," Genrj; " Then it la char, fiurn your good look, lhat you are tour mother' iuii, end not ynur n rnli'lunil her 'a. Sentinel Ol comae I'm not, fot a O il Behan, Ihe ch"i Imaater, ued lu any ol the qUiUm" 'f the circle, that' mnthe matical in-poa-ohi il) ; I couldn't be my t, randinuther'a on, tinleea I waa mn own fthr. I'll lake me pop mnreal Ihe br andv , j il luahuavyuu lhat fere' no a 1 1 b"lween u". (ienrge " Of coiiiee I may pina now ?" SentitKl "I'd like hicctiii Id like, ou'd lelo.w, In catch any one 'In pin' you ; and renumber if any one a-ka ) nu, lhat 1 didn't tell uu what the pa-a wind waa. Geoijie "Oi, eerlatn'y; and my coin rartea behind Hiere they ia-a Ion?" Seu inel " Iery tuoiher'a uu nf Ihem." George called In hia comrade, who were in tj tl eiencp, in come up an'l pane in, Buy ing lhat he bad made n all ugh'. They paa ed in, and jua a George waa following, he Sentinel ciedoui; " II uld on the-e, Cap lain; you have nut y it given )e fn't wind. All the ulk we have had waa about the cuun. ihe aign." "On, thai' fuel," aid George ; we have already relded the cmirrereigu i now, then, here, (drawing out the aecuud eulile,) here la the paa word." ' Be gor, Caplain, its grind," inid Ihe Sen tinel ; pa on, but it nu aliuuld ae me about parade lime tu.innrrnw, walkin' lit), ateady from a weaknea in the Inn ha, nr a I ghtne in the h'-ed, nr aou'eihing of tknl nrt, you don't report me at baadquarlera, thai' all. Geoige and hi comradet re enleted their quartara in aifety, a muck overjoyed aa if hey had performed a coup aj'etal a Ihe Trench aav. TO TDK rolNT. A brave veteran nllnci r, rtoonnoitaring a battery whit h it waa necenary lo storm, la conically aniwered the engineer, who were endeavoring lo ditauade hi in from the ai teinpt " Gentlemen, you may aav and think hat you pleaae ; all I knnw ia, lhat the A mrrican flag niual be hniated on the rampart lu-morrow morning, for I bava lha order in injr packet." CflitgrfsstoitaL EX I K AC I S FROM THE SPEECH OF MR. CLEMENS, " DP ALaNAMA, In (Ae V. S. Senate Dee 10. en ihe RooJvitin of teeme (e Konufr. Mr. Preaiile.nt, I r- gret very aincerely that ihia re-oluiioii wh intinduced It ta p in ful to iln any thine aeeiniriulv diacoorleotia, nnd, a I niual fippove the adoption of I hia j and all aimi'ar reaoluiinne, I ahould greatly , have (ireferreil lhat Ihe apecttl chatiiptuna of Louia Ko-auih had been content lo lenve him in Ihe hand of the peopl, without attempt ing to commit the Governmeni to any..of bii fcltemea fnr revf'ldiioniziug Europe. j I have Italcmed, Mr. Preairienl, wfh greBt j aitenl on in all ih.t hat been taid in trim de- , bate, and, if I have been convinced nl nu'htng i elec, ! hiii a leat aatiafjed lhat the rt-aolu ion ; on .our lable furniahria h mot rxcellenl mb I j-ct for apepcb in king. I' puteeeaee ihe peculiar advantaie, that the leiw we know about tl Ihe belter we ran lu'k upon tl. We may then give fiee. reins In Ih-- Dnngin iiion, and Imicy Crtii ni.iU ail ia needed lo gie beauty ir a en ence nr symmetry In he whole diacolir-e. A g'em m-n bent bul not broken bv mi'loiiutu1 ; an exi e pleailing 'he Crtuae nl hi tneeduig foiiulr ; a iMhoI p I'llle, at i Uggl'I'g lOf fre.-H"Ul Hg-inet over'. L wneluiirg oihf4, uvei i.ia p'ed, rru-hi-rl lor a' time, l ul only wuriru lor h -hv nf joipe, a Word nf atuipaihv. to rise a niti tiiou iheir npprea-iors ; all II pe nr. Ihi'iu.-a iiioo wh eti -even a dull m-in ni ght grow eh.qur'i.l. Tup iiiiefortune , that o much i f It l. FAINCV ; ao htile leF'CT. I under.aiand ihe liienua K'la-illh tu base his cluliliS lu a pu lie rect'ii- , Hun b'Congreai partly uiun Ihe assumed litcl he a n repuliltctu in prii.cip'i-, a rl hia been ih" gieal iliei.enii -Mlor ol roiiil-l run a-uiirneii'a throughout Eun-pe; and I h.tve henl, I inul coob e cn om- K gi' l, tlml he wna rXpei-ird in LlBKHALIZKS'lil none Hie already lihernl lib a- pievmli'g upon lit a Couliiiriit. In other wonls, Hih' be ih to give leaaona lo I lie deceniien'a of the p Hiotw ol '70, and learh 'hia liemthied la,, it ihe ru. diuienla of civil liherit. Sir, I Hunk il well enough to enquire, helme we enter h a chool, when he bee -line a iep -tiltcati ? If I hnve read the hielory nf lhat a'rugg e nnh', it w aa not lint I de'eat and n iloi tune had over Ink' n hun. lithe z-rntti id bin power, in th- pride nf hi lug i plicn as Dict-tnr nf Hungary, he saw nu benuty in tnnveiail e quality, and knell at nu altar ere-ted In free dom. TheC'inieat in winch he wai engHgeii was not a conlea belweeu di apoiiam ami re pub icauivn. It waa a war of rs'-ea. Koa auth nnd lua aeiriate were the nnpreaom, i not Ihe nfrp-ee-il. S.t fa.- from retktiing a--gatiiat the Emperor of Auirta, they pell, tinned him. In the hurnblet ITine, not lur liberty, not f..r the eeeurity ol their own rights but for aid In eon he ihem ' k ep ; another people in uhj"i lion I have that pr im, ui b d ie me. A aliuri extrac from il will enable Ihe Senate lo deli nnne bnw lar Ihe Magyais at lhat day dctcivid the cliar sclei of repub icana : From a rmori.l pmtnttd (A Arrhlulc hy Km luth and Iht Ilungirian Slir.utry. July 4, ItHj. 'If hu hiulinra the Arehduke John will te'i'ow a rareiul atienti in ujwn all wc have jut said, he ranm.t bul be runvinecd of Ihe true character nf the . rebellion of thoc Stiitea, which make great preien tiena of fidelity lo the JSovereign, whll-l VHilatinjy ihe royal en-horny; he imn-'t but pe-reive llut even their orT.:rol joininf Au'ri ia mi r I. a Itip-i-ed .r. le it, in ord r lo (ivo at trie criata uf the alrujr- ' gleau'ha suiieriortiy to the S!tavh eh-, en', in Auatria thai, afier Ihue compht Iv para yi ng Ihe t.erman element, and um-er,innin the Aifirian : ibrnnt-, the a-iipire hali he epni up into loo, pend en' f-elavi-h ktiicd'.m. and t'te v-ry esieittnee of the Aii-1'ian linner at lloe -hail lie i ho- S i,i,-d' A'.H ve hyttty nnd aitnthmrnl It the Kma i$ a deep'y ronte in the het t 'Ae lluiig irttin nil (ion tiHt the llty un rebtln -e ujeii riwi e t at in openly eih'hitinj; their Iri entld- they VI. t n,t nrrl ny tynpnlhy 'l'tt-j hiive iln-'e nrt-. ome I'lia-ra in me -p.iilul i -li, a Ihe pe,ido-hefa- of the rm at ui h .r,i , an i .'i: ) mt ihe II m f man ninon, who have i in ana- k- d toe roy-il pnw tr, lor whmii a h-a, lnd uendeiire and a convtnu-lir-nal a,!iiio.i-irn.-n i n-it a recent i;t , lit, bu- an aneient r(flil, aaitc im.e.l by uiroiinerahle tuyal otj,- aainat the lluiiarmn nation, e Inoh, nl tllM pr.-.i-nl inoiuenl, wlifii a'"i'-t every tttru'M in P'Vihj il Mu-nra- t- l-iiti nnr, remal rt tkitonly the jifmeMt. but the onlyji. m pep of Austrian th one- I'lo- .1 ,1 , I , i . n e I ev. ,. I u tl re. quett the kind atftttance 0 Al highn'ee the rch unite John e l li re-pe' l ta the liiynan relielhon" 9 t m m " The rii'i y i' teb ir'ua' y lt,.t nl the vipprt or 'lie offcnde'i rn, k II ue ! And when wt-req-i. e eii hi- M. j.-s! , in irder tu enlirti" u ill-- u ha.'pt and lipri ivi il ppopte. b, hn. o n h, d rtrr , tn; lo let ih- iM-r,ie kio'-v ilia' lua Mtji-l. d approva of the teb'lilun aiol ia deleriioiii-il in inaii'i'- )'' a I lhpirt,t,tf, -o emn y "tliriied ititwlubdity of the tunga in Crorrn i d .he a'ehoi n t l "o I - a. Ilia l.alle-e.'l Iln- ri b. la rleoeived Dtp neriplr hi de C'afllij; thai line hi- nul hei n d"C v-il,iTi;.irilv on the pirt of hie M j it,bui that it uirri iv an uitMriilo g en-r ed hv ihe H,inga-,en Mim-liy through -oti)iuUiur.n Ti e I lv-ian ft'lu!., kgatnal whom Kua snlh so In, luly peiilnuied the Hid oi" the King, had deanundeil, and were sliueling to nhlain, some small portion nl" Ihe natural right nf man, and the war which finally end ! ed in the ml j'ij limit of Hu gurv waa b'-gun hy Ihn Mngtaia lu k' ep Ihe S,:lv -iitaii race in subjection a people every nv Iheir e- , qunla, and whn, if we are to judgn frum tha tlitf-renl charncier of thn petit iih preaente.l by them, aeem tu me lu have been far better entitled to the eymptiirtie ol a f ee people than Knaaulh and his associate. 1 I have read the petition nf the Mngtar;' let m now call Ihe atteotiun of thteimte to that of their aniHguniaia : " Fmperor, if you reject our prsvern, we nhall kunw how to vindicate our liberty nothoiil you ; and we prater lo die heroically, hki- a Sclavonian people,' rather than to bear any longer aurh a y ike ae ia mi. poaed up"n ua by an Asiatic horde, fiain whom we i have t'oilimg guod o receive or to learn, r.uiperor, ! know that we pieter, it' we timet chon-e between j Ihem, ihe knout nl' the Kueiianatn the ineuleni a ol ' tha Maryara. We will nut, en any lerma, belong) I Ihe Maryara. Remember, lhat if I roat'a form but a thirty. filth part of your empire, Ihr Croatians conetitute a third ot'your whole infantry. Sir, Ihe nien who uttered such aeivtments deserved lo be free. They are words tit lo be spoken by firemen, and I muat be ex cused if I cannot feel any extraordinary en ihtiaiaaaa in the cause of a man who sought lo hold them in bondage. The question with me is, not whether he preachre freadnm and equality New, when he is a wanderer and an exile, but rattier wbat wti bit praciica wbeo pnwer was in his hande, and when lo have surrendered that power would base been in deed a merit worthy of a world's admiration. The teak nf tracing the hiatory of that period sfTirdi ma no pleasure but when I am called upnn, as a rppreaentn'iva of a sovereign S n'i, in aid in conferring on nny individual an ex tranrriinary honor, it J my duly In ascertain bnw far thai honor is deserved. Wlra!, then, whs hi cnurae during the whole progress nf the memnmble struggle In which he wa en- gaged 7 Did he ever ef env lime give uller- ance lo any ip ubhCaD sc-nlimenl T On the contrary, was mt hi whole cniirse lhat of a dele mmed and haughty o;presanr ? When the demands nf the Sclsvoii.ana were rejected by Ihe H ue nf aH fhey proposed rJt.tnn lliat f,e should guaran-y .hem rqnal right, and equal pnvt.e.ea, h.a reply waa a, nnugniy anu ioipr-rinua aa any ever unpreo ; , ', . , J . by the mnBt nbaolute dpot lu ihe humble.t The ri are thfcv nrinfifi-ep which mii!l profa H-itii to any conciliation, and in rpird in which WI IIAI.I. rO.Sf EUC KOTH KG, OS ASX CONDI riON wha rb VKft, fur u wotjid emi iunt lo cuiuuiiiiing uui citJi wiili tir own timid' : " Int. The unity ot the Ku'e. ' 2.J. The itHeyriiv uf iht t rrh'jry of the Stale is il li i xi-'i() fur ' pntiirh, "3. The SvmvMurr or the Mactai ti.TMsrt Mill I U "Hi: 'IPMI liU ve!' IMI til IHIIPII IllHtl, ihet.tu. da. ....... our.; , ...... and ,,.5ttr.ted hy Ihe ua nl Hie M-irv ,r aa lUt dit li.nialii Ian, ii.idi ." - - - a Thi- wsa nn the 10 h uf June, le-19 only two miiiilha bi'lore the ain-y ol Hungary w-i Moiiihilalod Georgey a prisoner nnd Ku'li a fucnive in ln dnrnin nn- of the Turk. Even Ml lhat 'ate tnnmeiil XHK eU- I'llKMACV (JfTIIP. MAGYAB KLKMEM' was Mil ti--ut. rt ii ne un indinje-n-rtli e of anv cm filial ion ; audit Ihi- becuneN apparent that Ihe ri(;hi t.i enslave ulhers ratln-r 'hnn Ihr r I ! 1. 1 lo he Iree li-ein-elvp R un-llluted lite iiirtio iifj-rt of Itie war. Tne -upreuia cv ol ihe Maiar element was the leading; flea, and much nl the evituia'lit and eothu e.i-iii w lurli Hie ntiv. ni o' Ko--u h h .a exci- led in hs repub'icn land unglil well have ) been re.e veil lor wo ihier olj c a. lexp'Cl' lo be t-.ld I' at, whatrvrr n ay have been bis f irmer seiiiiineiita, he ta now n 'i pub ii'aii in feeliag nnd piinripe. luiler-d. the Senator' from Ma-aachueeiia has already liif.irined us lhat he has dared to uller aucu sen'tmenla withm Ihe shadow ol Ihe throne o I' tgland. ', I have i.nt an read his speech I have eh cm- read a great dea in prme ofihe Drill s'l'uiinii, iinlhti.g agiins: the herediiarv King amt the hereditary nubility which disgraces it. Briinh freedom is tint freedom, aa we ! understand it, and praea nf the British con I iiiunon d, t not furnish the highest evidence j nf a clear concept mo of the principles nf civil 1 liberty. Al a I even s tl we cuncerie a I that , is claimed for bun now, we must attll bear in j ..nnd tnat he it e rtci I convert. As'iknew, he said, Ihe many del. els nf the nid long as theic waa a hspe of Ins m mitaining an iron rule over a people far more turner- nils than hu nwn, republicuiiiam tipvet ruler- j ed his though is. Trt-re is not a olrary pa. per einnoa'inr; frniti hin nr hi assoriaes during thu Continuance f Ihe war w Inch does nut establish clear'' ami conrlusivelv 1 that no one of them ever ireami-d nf the for-i mation of a republic. The lannuage of r....nt V.I.. I... . . ...'. I . .1 ...1.. ' vou-i. l u,-ri is uni eaocii iu leave a uuuoi . upon this pot r. t : j 'The most current mirrpr.ntioa of the Hm- ; 'V.ra wasaoout ttiree leet in ciau eiei, near- , uove-rnment. it is tu ha eppreni'iiiteij that gtriar.s b I,'.,) arc r-fui'.'iconf, and that liiey ' mg the name of J 33.5 1 '2 pelilinnert, nf (he excitement picvuihure Biltong trausat att hsve proclaimed the Republic n Mirh ol ihe Hunga. j which 57 007 were those of legal vote s, be- 1 tic ptdi'irians vvnh refeirnco to q n-j tons nan couiiiiee are in uicir p wrr, which now cum- j very neMrlv a majority of al! the legal o which unhappily have far lea- claim on Iheir pne abnol all the Hungeria. lernturv. Tim n-1 , , . ", s ' , . ... . . ,, .. . . . r . sertion i. ol.en ....warily re ectmd bv irt.nds of the !- le" ol ,he "h"'e tommnnweahh, although a- altei-Hon thai. bom. fi le schemes fo. the ma- Hunranans, ho, coniderui that the (Jmen uf bout one th rd of the towna in the Slate hud lenal advancement ol Iheir country, will pre Knglsnd nun, Him amicable r-latmna with the Re- not Ihen sent in iheir returns. vent any rieci-ite s eps being taken in Cun- puhlic of the United tstatrs. vi li the Republic of ; After a shorl bu stirring add-e from P o 1 gre-a 'n g ve effect to the general sentiments France, and the Republic of S.,i2-rUnd, ! fes90, Stnwc of Me., in which ' of Ihe American Public : favor nf M r. W hit. But ihe re,l nf the inane ,., lhat the II ., , riau- abv aor li', am 'hit ill" HipuhUe Ar sor li' aa, 'hit the HipuhUe Aj not been proclaimed anyir Vre in Hung ry " There is in .re much imre, to the same efT-ci hut it is not needful i.r me tn refer to I. Aa an individual 1 nm l!m.. to rnnrede lo K .ssuih whatever of mint he can justly cla tn; bin I not willing tu s.iv, by my vote or otherwise, lhat I r eg aid him as a purer patriot than W aslnugton, t greater slates man than Ji fT.irsoii, or a rni-e skiiful general than J ickson. There ar) living men n i wiiiiin ilia limits of this c I y whom I look upon as al ngpib r his upsriir. I am not one of thus" lo whose t-isim, it is -aid " 'lis taure lends enchainment." I respect rather that greatness w Inch is near nu-; wh ch I do tint have in lake up II ihe uncertain tpports .-f others. If ihe nearness uf ill oijecl sh-'iihl ii finnm.-s ; if dar k spots or we.k p, uiiis should he r-vea'etl by it I Can s ill revere wh it t- good and appreciate what is j.' irrea'. w i 1 ti- mt nokiiui or a nerleciioii wh id. I- d I l man I cm kneel amoi j the tank w.-eiis al hei tetse o a toftt ui..ii-i t .in and wor-hip the gra d-ur nl the At mighty" work, wnhoin renienib-ring Ihe peny or ttie'htt ss ihtngs arotiatl me. VI r. t?'einens p'tireeds hi nonce Hie mis take thai K'ssinh is the "invited goes' of lha nation," and ihe far- that the resolution nl list Congress nult off-red a public veasel lo convey hun and his a-s irialpa to this coun try in case Ihey wished in emigrate. After rrading an ex net from Kossuth's great New Yoik speech, M r. Clemens re mai ked : This langu ige leaves nn mom fnr coi'j-C j III - object I- to secure I lie a lined as e "I England and the United St .les. And now lei us inquire "r purpose thai ! assisianre in s..u,;hl ! rtathing hut Ihe supie-1 macy nf Hie Magtar race. The exiles who hHn OHO of the best ci'izis a .d mhahi have come among u hae ptohably imbibed, : Hllls ,f i,e Commouweaiih, anin'ig whom and bava certainly priclaiined, ippub lean mi,re than OT.lHIO are known lo be lejal v i seiiiniieiils J bill who believes lhat such sen , ,,4 ,, ,s bieved, B'-o, that many limenis have f uud a homo in ihe li .sum nf m,lffl )he 9l..ners ate ol th.s na ure, ihoiigii the II ilt'ganan people? It has been their ' i w 1 11 1? to various Circumstance that lact is boast lor agps lhat they constnu'.ed the firm i e-l p-op of ihe Ausiran thronp. Il is a ; well knnwn histnrtcal lact that Ihey have j clung lo their ins'ituimn with a tenacity ; even beyond lhat with shicb Ihe Mahomtne- din cling to the Knran. It i iho-e who have remained at hum, eonatituting the vast majority of the population, who must gave character to the inatilutlona a auecful re. volt may enable them to establish ; and who dnubl they will return to the cnnstiiutioii and form nl government for which they have manifested an decided a preference? Oar : ad, ihrn, tl given al all, will not be given lo I a republic but to a monarchy. I I Faar Gud and keep b.ja coramiadmaott. temperance. MASSACHUSETTS FOLLOWING THE EXAMPLE OF M UNE. ff Ihe Teinperaticn cause is d-.r iiihiiI n tbi "Oil Dominion," it ia not sa in other Sih e- Mas-achu-etu ia likely In carry ilnuugh he" Maine Liw" with a per'eel rush, am I Ne Yoi k and ""Jew Jersey will he cluse af ; If her. I he folio mg, recent 'y had in Boston, wi l give sntne idea uf the , iy Ihey do things down E it : From the Cataract. THS VOICE OF 133.512 PE I ITloNERS FOR 1 JE .tl A1N E LA W IN M ASSACllt'SK'lTs. he Mlls,HChusH1. Teinp,c, ..Central Kx,culive tllHlt!.. fof ,h8 purpt) s Ureil, t rp r, , , , , Maes lemoerducn Cniivention was held m Xffmil" ',Vl,,,te in Cl)Sl(li mi We-lnHV. Jan. "2191, l!j5!. In piBsenl to the L-gia'a ure Ihe " Memmntli Petiiiou"nf 13.'J bl i citizens of MaaanchMsellH, for the aholitioti of" drink inu house- nnd lipp'i'gsh p" within their borders. The C iiveni on vaa called to or der at ten o'clock A. M. by II- v. Mr. Oih. man, the ('haiimuu n) eaid " Board." nnd W loam B. Spooncr of B ii'tin hHVinir been , wiiimii'iu, ii wnaiognu tzed hv the elect..,., of the f..ll .wm kfBeer iipoinien teii porary ctiairiiiau, it waa organ . ri . rjrstoesT HON. AAHFI, HUM INCTON, of Sa'om. vice raesincsTs. I).-. John C. Vt fnii ni la'on. Hon. Georee Hoorl nf L tui,- -II ,n. Lo ui Child nf L'lweli, Hon Peti-r C. Bir.mul Wmci-s It. H'n. Z'-nas I) Ba-sei of B triiktable, i Hon. J. Clink of Ki jl.urv, Hon. N. B.i It .rrtt ri of Fall River. Hoii. G. B. -V .iein nf Diixbtirt , Rev. Dr. O-gond of Spr og j field. D . Btr eit of Northamp'-n. II--n. (icorge N. Br igga of Piii-fi-ld, D ni'l Frosl. I E q , nf Orange, l n- Dnnel Fisher ffj L, igertown, - tccaCTirs Rev. T W . II .lima o ol New hu v pot t, B. W , Wiliiaiiu of Taunton, E. W, Jack aim ol Chelsea. A very app" a d iinpresive prater having been orle'ed lit ib t teoerahl ptoneei f temperance, 'be R- v Dr Lkiun Bteei-h er, Mr. Huni ngtoii. the President, on inking the Chair, addressed the Convent on at eome length, ebqinilt vindicating the prinripl-, ana provision ni the vintner L,.w, mini commend ng the perdy enactment ol a Sim i'r slatnle in MassachuseHs, as a n easu e ahsulutely necessary for the suppression of the rum traffic, and fur the protection nf Ihe coin rnunily aga nst its countless and enstly hs eairlts. lie bud been lor mailt years Uislr ct Ailorney of a portion of the S ate, and well and the great and urpertl need nf the proposed new la. (Great cheering.) The "Mamiimth Pe ilnni," escnrtrd by twelve of the cry police, who, a leet.iia'era and metnhprs of I he Temp!.' ol Hmnr , vnliti- leered their services mi ihr occasion, Ihen broug'il into ihe Temple, nnd placed up- f,ri Ihe rostrum with the greeting of three spontaneous and hearty cheers of tho whole a coum I.' Il K.aa r,.tA tin ,,, a-.a ai .... o,w,?. a.. pended on a wooden ftarc, as lo rotate free-1 hfi c""r ulatf d ,h" Cot.veii.ii.n on H e broad diameler nl the " filam.not1. It. .11 helore him and assured Ihe pe..p e lhat the " Maine Law" continued In wink beauiifu If and per- tci 1,1 Maine, and would not, ami cuid not be repealed, the prore.sioii was f.n med under the Hi reel mil ol tol. u. t uwiten, as Lyhiet sin s. itisasriuot in prolialtie tnat inefle Marshal, and at nimut II o'c uck began lo lay w htrh has taken p'ace at VV a-hing'oii. in m ve on its ' winding way" tu ihe S ale deci'ting upon M r. Wtntnev's plan, may have II uise ihr i. lluh the slreeis. The piopessio'i, in p s-ing 'hrough B ,w doin. M'. Vernon, ('haili'S, Htoi Bac.un stieets having completely surrounded the Slate House arrived in frnot nl the sa ne nhoiil hall psl 13, when the Petition, accoinpain-d by ihp Committee, and greeted lit the cheers of the th u-auds, who thronged ihe balconies, port-lies, and spacious yard of the S'lilr House, was borne ihiuiigh the druse niuHtluiir, in'n the Representatives' Hall, and placed III Ihn ripe ' aica in fiolll uf t ie Speaker's D- k. " .Minister" as it was, ihis huge " R .ll" was r 3 "H'i"'r an nor a p. ite.i, uo .... u..- eien,ne guest .o'he H-u-e. It Ctirte- us,y :su-ii-uu..iiiuui es,niinu'.'iii..."u''(j'"i i rd leave for the imm mute preePiiniti .ii ol" ! the petition, which was very hanrt-nitiely j done hv M r. Horace E. Smith, a me in he. if j H'e II .use from Chelsea, n the following ad- ! dress, viz i Mr. Speaker : Leave has been n-keil and granted I" uitroducB a peituun, may 1 n I itav ihe pennon, of a large portion nf the I inhabitants of the Stale and its seems proper , j lo make at Ipast a brief statement "fine char- acter nf the pe'ltioni-rs, mid the nature in I heir prayer. It will be seen al a glance, that I the ne'inon is one of no iinhntrv inagnitinle. fcrheve that in puillt of i.itmhers. It ha nr . f, .Pn ,.q ,11,.,) , Hits c.-uiitry, and I c u fi ;,),, v (irm that, in point nf cbarac er and rFM,.,.V to bt 1 1 1 y . il has nevei been sun.assetl .. ,I1V .,, I, euro s Hnn.ines id in nt slated. Standu g ai Ihe head nf all these nan)Pa is ihe honored one of Geo. N. Briggs, tn(j following his are those representing all ; cMtPgl profesiiona. all trade in the Com mcnwealth. W oman also ta represented, and : rightly too, for he has peculiar claims to the ! Bymnatriy and pmieclinn of the Legislature, 1 as beinir Ihe subirt of law in whose en.ct 1 men! aho ha no voice but more a h pe I puliar subject of Ihe dire evil which lha traf-! c jn intoxicating drink hs brought upon ; (,a cummumly. It i right, tha re lure, lhat ! fot oice ehuulii k heard. 1 The pelinoner aak for no elaas legislation.' no art of incorporation, un protection for com-1 mere, agriculture or manufacture, hut for j etoteciioo to msn, to tl'gioti, t our hall of learning, our temples of legislation, our courts of jiialn-e, and above all, lo our domestic allais. They be it ve tht tke trhffic in ar- dent apirits has per pled our houses of Cnrrec- tion, a ir jails, out lunalic e lums. nnr grBte vanls. with u-ieoun ed numbi-ra of prema- tire Vic lima. They further he'ieve lhat Ih. Legialaiure las the power lo remedy the -m. and havimi Ihul noer. it ouehl to exer - nee II. 1 be biitiu li ) k l no ae h-h on.-, ni l ihis peitiinnuf theus is ihe result nl tin pulsation al tie great tie a r t of the Common, wealth. Ami, in, I ttuat I may be permuted tu express Ihe hope thai their pre er will find a reeponae here. I present, Mr. S.eekr. he , eiiinm of George N. Irtggs,and lo3 512 others, for a law pruh-hiimg the H-fti. u iiitux 'r.allli liquor. And a'-.i thei sev erol nllier t aiiiiuns nf the itiHiC and female t achers of the Wealevan A':ade- ' in Wjl hraham ; nf the lenchers and pupi s nf Am Ac-de.ny ; of tho ( fTicer. and .tudent nf Auiherat Cul'pge ; nf ihe (own uflicers of i North Hndgewaler, mid the nfl'icere of ill j Normal School there ; nf 3D pn-j i ers nl ihe ! Norfolk C um t J n ; nf 2-1 pn-onera in the ; lloue nf Correction al 1), hIimiii !i Inr Ihr ! eame n jecl. Anil I moe iheir reference lo ! a J 'tin Spec 'ft I C 11 III tier. 'I bi motion wa uoanimnuaiy ad-.p'ed, anil he ' J'linl Sjiecml Cmiiriii'ler, whirh has ; . M,,Ce ,M!P." "I'l'""'"- 10 Compliance with II, Conaia' of H E. 3m th of Chr'sen, J.J Buker nf Beverly, Rodney Hunt of O-ange, R i-h mond W.ilk-r f T-iinion, .1 V . Ward nl A I iog'oo, J ,cob Sleeper riffT-r n, II. W. Mlli-Cnf K.lMllslull, frum ihe H-'US". anil Elmer Bng'-am nf West burn', and Z. D B sset ot BariiaiHlile, f in I lit Senate. WHITNEY'S RAIL ROAD. MR. III I NEY S SAIROAD PROJECT W'e fi ,d in 'he London Mornn g Chronicle of I) . i-enil er 20 h li e -iil j -ined i ditoi ia! a' -liele on the eul j' ct i, Mr. V hilnei ' Visit to E, gland lu the pioserution nf his great chetiie o .al mad to the Pacific : Th- rapid progress Inch the Un led Slates are making lot i-eiis 'he en. pb-tinn of a fa-l and ml i ic.ite net win k ol rail a t Cummun ca Hon, mil nn'v Intwen ihe populous town -lid rii-lrirla in their lerrt nrt , hut thrnugh re. mns n mo'e from civil .2 Hioii and d fiicult ). if nrcess, is nite nf the moat striking feature in me s ciiii mm tni!uirial t isiiny nl Ihe ! I nni' ileia ion. r t ex .inple, tec-ni intent j gence from New V-o k announce ihe open- n-g nf the Hudson River Rnlrnol, m e huu- ! I died and f.n ly.'lure miles ml-tglh; and nol nh-t i riding all we have heard mIiouI lhrmlnll 0j- , jit, ( ' mere tramway ot A me - ice, the h com. plete, j uirney uvpr th t' line waa p. r oimed in th e- bouts and a half, nr R'lheiervite apecn.ble speed i f raltier more than forty miles an hour. I of ui! the schemes of ihtsd scription w hich h it e ever been brnught ' before he A meric tn people., M r. A -a Whit net 's plan lor a rulwat from Like Micl i ' gan tu the Pacific is ui q-iemii,ib't the m.-tat imporiarii ; mil il u pr,,ti ble I nal ilur I gihe s'-ss on . f Cm w Inch ha ju-t rommritc- rd it will be fi .nl.'v deti i miin d w het her or r,,t I It a n,i.l.l l It - 1 1 I. a ..-.,....1 n.... I...,1 a i j.,oj-,p,,o,,u y rr,, all, , ii iiucr upon the nccrp' inee nf the I'nited Slate net ews. The rocloiti'iutade t.i b-; ex- chan.erl wnh tl. Kossuth the ie agitation nf 'he si a vert q i- si ion, nnd ihr ab.oi bing topic nf the next Presidei, il elecln n, wi i, in al! likelihood, rend- r ihe labors of the Federal Legi-bilure excee.log'v ba rten i I u-elui re rendei. : it imprnc icible for the I' Salts anv Inn-er In a tl'ord the fun ities w hich at one time exi-lt'il within then territory lor the construction ol ibe Pacific linr. 11 ippi It, however, it may not be iiminsHihlp. to car- ry out Ihe woik nn ihe Briu-li side of the border; and a lew we, ka nay deir rinine wheih- r nr not tins enterprise, tvhch they.- nf paily p.i i'ics h -a indi It.i-lely and uuwtse'y positioned at W a-hu-gion, iia, be iran-leneil In Pnlisli ground, For our own part, we have fell so strongly the rie-irab'eness of en rrt ing nut, i" p..ssiliie, u.. n r...-..- .., u. ... a... ...... hav repea'rrilt , curing l Ihe last lew iimnl'ia, ...--u". ..o.. .ui.on.i.. t.- .-w.,.- ne, ted with Mr. W hitnet 's pn j-c under the noli e n our reail. rs. a nee we ia-i silver! ed to the subject, that gentleman ha had the good fortune In have hi- plans discussed, in b-sowii prese. cr, by di-n. guished turn and learned associations, to whose opinions, in all matins connected with science, the E ig'iah ppople are accustomed In pn much de er- ence. N' .r is their it fluenre r . fi,,, ,) to this country merely; ',,r ant j-jilgn.ei.t which may beamingly prunouncetI by the nuthoii tics to whom we shall presently have In refer cenuol fail of le-mg resp-cted lu ev-rv i art of the .-iv.ltz.-J werl-J. Cornrng to Engl mri as the . of a s heme impi r'eciit leistm.d nu' o heme wh ch was vert ft he t States, Mr. Whi'ne had ihe g unit sense to see t hat hi best rh 11 ce oi cess lav in the Hdop- Hon frum ihe vert fi st, of a perf-rtlt frank and etrmg'ii I rwa d line 1 I coo. loci, and in a tot .1 avoulcnce i f a-l ihose airs of as-ump turn and nit ery which ton often accompany ami mtr ihe proimil.Bt on of new pnj c'.s. H waa evidently ar lhat, il lie was in produce any deep and lasting impresainn m this country, it rruld only be bv submit. in g his p ans to lha most ti.isparii g sou 1 y, anil bv being ready a: all limes l.t c.nil- er and answer objections. He pursued this course, and the reu 1 did not d, (appoint him. At fi-si ho found hut lillin symc. Hit , and he met w ilh for mid., hie opposition. His data were dispute I, and his practical conelutiuns w-re held tube exceedingly qupsiinnab'e Still be persevered and airtmg in the inieg - rity uf his purpose, and in the bona fi le 11. ture of Ins proceedings, he w bs more success ful in converting opponents, ansfv ing otj c tnt, and winning the cordial i.-nce and support of impartial persons, than perhap any other Amcntaa who ha a ew v.nud us fnr the purpose of promoting I enterprise. This result t- H.e i i.nnoia. hie tu him b cauae he acineved U wnhoi.tre. ; stnni'g lo any i f the Ui-Ual arfs "I a popular I in sionar) J arid we me nni Mite i'o.i the 1 u fluenre w Inch hi- t i-n I a prmlueed. in g"- I ing ua In-tler and juater viewa ( American rharacier, will not he ' m t-l iniDortanl nl th;- iniliiei-l le-t moii" tne ti . w inch ifl arise from Ihe diaciis-t 'ti ' I In- p" J -r.l. of the fi al srieii'ific b n'ies beloie which Mr. Whimey laid Ins v,ewseihej R .yal Ge. graphic I S-ctett ; and alih. ug it wsa geiiPiallt knowlrdgrd whn heard him nn thai teres on that lua srheni-" was ingenious, then- s n . lark of ohjctlntis of ihe muat fundamental chaiacier. . was. we fcrlieve, at the n-g iepmj m 'hat Captain Fit roy and Mr. Robert S.a. Iihensoii bo'h expie'aed Hiem-elve-, in lenn note or leas derided, mlver-e to ihe pivjecl. O her (public bodies and m ei i g- were ad. dreaaed wnh very much thn eame reuli. Mr. hrney then marie his nppe ir mre tie fnre the Brtli-h A-ioci.ition. nl i's, lale Ips wich meeting, and hie erheme iheie under went a searching discuseuui, ihe nnie of ivhich was moei saiislaclniy- p believe that it ha.l ilieefi- rl ol pi oductr g a coinp'eie j change m tl sent mniti ol Lapta n rntroy nd Mi. 3 nnd .hat bolt, ho-c em- merit hu lim mips are now coin in-ed of the practicability nl the in eiptne. We under--land also that Sir Roll, ru k MiirchiS'-n, ihe Preaiilenl of Ihe Rr.yai Gengraplncal S icikI) , having surmounted soma earli mi-giving- as m Ihe snundnees nl the pr. j- ft. rendered most material B-itnnce lo Mr. lnto'-y in his laler proceeding - in this count 1 1 - A i d w hilst, on Ihe one hand, 'he siippori ol t' e iiio?t ;i tlt'g'i shed ecn nl lie nu ll ri'iea ha- Ihu- been accorded to his scheme, il has be.-r. (lu it h;,. preciniedht capitltis nn tne oilier. Oir-i (" the r. qui-'le meatis in temi , , ol c,,tiie, f r crt e-ioii(iiu grants of pat ' o-ipai ion in ' he ti rob I- nl the ent- inrise ha t e bten made jliiittl several q iirteis; I-r, in Hi- present inienf the o. -gmi t nun. wi:h 'he American j Congn ss, thet h ve nee s-an y h'-eu itecim. ( erf. Such offors are, however, of gre.ii mi. I put lance, us indicating ilia i.i.itn im ni ih. sa I w ho, leaving to other he j biltopb y and ihe I theory nf the il' lie r I n k ng murem tbrm-e:vp mainly wiih is prsclical ti.e. Has a coinmer- ctal eprculation. We have in- re than once a nideil to tne ,,pP(lm, , h ch n i I not nn-woii ,h v a. ; t(p tl) r a z " o"i ii r. ' W ni-i.i t ' ; n heme w iihin ihe L"i il er! - c;m., niience of Ihr pre .-rt up lion nf -.! "i I ... ija .U- .-. I -lie M chigrin, and on H-e b-'t i f c mil V whn-n in th't rgi,,n, iu rl loriu i to- eastern t- ; or, t,t u- word, i's e.i -f ih' se ;n rl- Ill th i ,or(, nppropr ta'i -j'ie orcunation I- pn er e wnh greal rnptriilt, ar d Mr W In net believe, prppand 'o fl ol tha', tiv '''-'a. pa the hill of atiihoi z -tn-n. th - (. ,.i lias in t tf rt depnv d ua 1 1 if . he u grahting Ih" rrq-i's for cat rt inn out 1 ne e i s ok. .1 Irii ftowever, '.tiere eioi rem I' hell of country nu ihe I! i i-'. ei ie ' i ' ' fr.iniier. Ii is cer'a n t H'e in-e c --o. " tnaile Ihrongti that tprritort ; ni.'t '',. -i iheCausefo M1.rlrBn fCh fnrli we havp a-t ei ie.!. I-,. 1 tne should fail the a -c " n liiiis . ff-r. d will, we trust. In culy i'"n 1 ed. Theie is nn q."i i-.n o' nun nai r-v v in this matter. Pli-VI'b-il I'lat ih" line ; made, it is of ilt e conn qo.-i c' lo-tlu-i o I"! coitsi rucled wiht . Ihe A trier ii'ati or iln- l.'! tiah bord'-r, or by Ame-tcanor 5 n-'i-.i. lleis. Whal we want is the rail-tat and -ha hrarly co opera'ion of b.-:h nniiors in mik ing It. This is emphattcatlv "he o: i'-tj winks which are for ihe who'" wm'd nh.1 i r a.! lime which Pie too g-gantic in tite r ii lojeiice. to become !l.p mete ttoiei!y n- miy single nation n -I even of empties -nrh i I hose f tch i bey the laws if i i-e Ferera ; io. pubhc nr bear allegiance m the H ti h C" v i. Mr. Whitney las recently returned '" A -me lea, leavinj the great i-roj.-c to which h II is devoted htmse fina posiinm, so far aa regards tins country, wi-ich mus he h;g .v sati-factort to the friend- of p-,.gies- en-t o--provettteiit nn both sides nf i he tiititic. He came nmnngsi us a mo-l n s'ranger, a .' w as pet haps not f niireiy de v out of t - .use jud ces and apprehensi -rs which ate p tv-. lent in Aineiican s-cieit wuh rcl'-iet r-3 E .g't.h 1 1 e.t men! i.f Iran-ai lam ic sctuiiics enterprises. He s ,on c-a-ed to lie a s ranger, and he hn carried n-ck nh hint the itiost aliui'U'in' lestim uiy 'hat neither the ereniion nor ihe s piort of E igitsiimen withheld from men who. 1'ke him. pieeent tbeniselve as Ihe honest, stru- ,r a rd. ' nnj ,,,,,, ;!,,,., renresen htives of pn-j-ct ll.-t ar(1 su,icienlit S exami iail"n. II- ltd t.) susi.i ii a iliorough - can repor, lavoi a bi t ol i tie , country. e c'l tell ins con nrt men (i.g ,f e nat e had a somew it .1 I u ger in- ,,0B experience loan the r own R-pu lie, f how no signs of semlitt ; and, in parttc.iUr, lha, we 8re u, f (r as p,',,i,-e (,,,, p. n,u fictent in libit H eptueciate ..nd l.w. ,cr grrBl an dirirg eiil:rpn. wh.chis ,,,,,. ,( ,v -ujieifi"i! nh.ervers t.v h-J- ng most . xc'ustvely I., inr I'niiert S-at., and tu be the dislioct te teatine . I the Amt i- c, charac'er. I! it be can te i l en inoia ,k, ,i,,, il -,,... -,,. tl .. .,.i ..r. ,ec, ,rulh , ,, H,. re is in tt is country no ,,.., ,,f n, ,,it,v i..waid i em : mi Be refer, in proof i f tins, to ihe lecen- lloD which we Ii ive git en to his pri j'C, and to the cordial inieresi which we have maiit- 'pst.d 10 the succces . ( an a k'ti hy which their we fate and out own wcu d ba 4 hktf piotno i d. "GREAT ri.ATF, ON Tt-'O VI F 1; Y Ho -per, I, I Ihe Cba.l'b'"s T ib.nn-, he foil wirg Moiiiegoniei v nciJ-, 1 li ra ive nf Ihe potency i l ch m p. 11 e : ; "A f. lend ol our from an m p- c was al a night 'n.iie given In ifo- t ,;.. the S uiberu 1! He. Altei te-i..i,'' pretty much over, he lo.o-il hi 1 .1 -it 01 hurricane itei k in a sia e o! h-aiiiule. 1! ' concluded he'd go un to ln loi'gi' g-, 10 ' ; the most iudeppii-lent u,a- n-t in ig - ,1, 1 wa'ked straight across ihe u.u"..'il..-si .10. 1 i wheel-house, and immediately for- -d h.ios. 'uckity iinnuM) nn a pr.e of sa'i sack- mi wiiarl. Ha uiimviiiniw e-xc a-.-..... u w 1 I'i introduce a bol tu m-irrow i- o, . t i ' d d learners banister i.'r :.. 1 a-va' Great pUce, Mot-'jomet t : "

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