wiLLiAMSOH, (edm-ou. il. u tnic fo toD, io ijotf. eow.'jj, n.)) .0 lion. Snii)." HOLTOW & WILLIAMSON, PHOrUlETOUS. TERMS: TV jrth CVolina Whig will bo tfTorc'ed tu i .. r ' TWO DOLLARS in advance, or fvo IH'I.I.AHS AND Klt'l'Y CKN I S if ,,.. .rt he delayed for three nnmlhs, and 1IIKKK L)ii,l, MIS a i Ihe end ol the year. ..... t't . : ..... .-.,.,. f. ....h i I ii. ttii.. or ihi. iiiis aiscu ti pr itir iiib nrsi iiisbt .camm.u and SlienB'a SUi rharecd i5 per run nip:n r ; and a deduction of 3.'l per cent, kill In uuJ. irom Ihe reeular uricet, fur idvcrner by :h. yetr. Adverii.rmer.ia inwrud moi.U.1, r s n-iiT i $1 p r .q iare fur each lima rsemi-iiiunlh- I 7.1 cent, pir .qaar. for each lime. ' JT All letter, rol.liv. lo ihe Editorial Ilen-rt-I men! n ut ba directed to the Kihlor. And all Kt. r mi b iine!i for Job Work, 4c, mu.l be direc - le I tn ttie P jb'inher. All lotlen must b. fifid ; nrinn i!t rerMaoaed . ir r.ta.anii . an iat m.de le thr. IT p,.siinjliT are authorm-d to act isfnti. I The Dead Mariner. BT CKOlGt D. FI ENTICE. SVti on e.e p on armv thy corp.ee The wind turn r Sabbath keep Trie wave it round thee in d thy braaat lle-ivee with Ihe he? in dep; OVr the mi d Kve l.er be-iuti flinge. And there tho v-bile gull litis her wit.g-. And the JI- cy n .uvea to lave, tier plumage in the hoiy wave. Slerp on no willow o'er thee bend, ith mrUncho air. No t iolrnt eprwf e, nor dewy rfcae H re aoul of lore laye bear : Bjt lhre the a' a tluwere, bright and Jfourg, ) verily e'er tnjr a umber d ing. And l.i4e a weepirg' mourner f-.r, T,. pile Hi l.ai.ge ita ireuea there. $)wo cn s'eep on the glittering depth Of ocean'e ror cava. Are i bf'bl urn thy rquiero, I t. a .nunc of ita waves: 1 ii p srpie gome forever Irtirn l.i t'adcicM beauty round thy urn, Ard arm and dep aa infant love. J Ut b.ue ie ro.le Ha wavea abuf e. SWp on viae? on ftarfu! wrallt Os m.ngiing cloud and dorp Mty !e i i wild and einrmy track Atovc th r place o? ! p. But now Ihe wave hai iuik to real, A now, '( w ill murmur o'er thy brca And Ice Big' t vciimi of l'.e aea Vecc ibco will make their home witu the, on t e corpte 11 fareway, Bj. iuva bw-i.e thee yet- f ar thee the heart wrung s gi te bretthed, And ioveiy eye are wet; And m, thy bcauieuu br.de. Her itiuughH are hovering by thy aide, A o:t ue tunii to r et with lean The tuen of departed yean. Miscellaneous. vimo of c ii aicm: A I. FROM SHARP' HAUaZlKE- We are ta Ihe habit of laogd ng incredu-l-.ui y at done of Visions of supernatural p f ar iiont, yet romn are i well authenncated, thai if we efuse to believe Ihem, we should in com slency, reject all historical evidence Tie fact I am a'vout lo relate is guaranteed j l-v declaration igaed by four creditable wit- n-s-es ; I will only add Ihat the prediction cctp itned in Ihi declaration wa well known ' nd generally spoken of, long before the oc- ciirrer.ee of the event) which have, apparent- ly, fuiuded il. 1 Chtrles XI, father of the celebrated ' Ctnrles XII., wa one of the moil despotic, arid, al the same time, wnet m march, who tver reined in Sweden. He curtailed Ihe 1 enormous pnu'ejea of the nobrlily, aeolianed the power of tne Senate, mide law on hi own authority ; in a word, he changed Ihe constitution of ihe country, hitherto an oil- girchy, and forced the State lo mvet him' wnh absolute power. Ha wa a man of en- ' I iihiened and s rong mind, firmly attached lo , tne Lutheran religion; In disposition w cold, unfeeling, and phlegmatic, utterly de. ; mute of imagination. Ha had jual loat hi ! qjeen, U nra Eieonora, and ho appeared to , lel her dea h more than couid have been ' expected from a man of hi character. He !,er..ni. n .... .. i..,....u .. .I .,i...t th.n i before, and In incessant application lo bust ne,s proved his anxiety lo banish painful re ft c'i ns. Toward the close of an au'umn eveninr?. 1 ha was silling in hi dressing gown and bp- speak j if of Iho other, leave us 111 peace." p-r, before a large fire, in hi pnvaln aparl-1 The phan'om ar.ewered slowly ed ol-mrv-inent. H i charnherlam, Count Brshe, and !y, " King Charles, this blood will not II . Ins physician. Btumgarlen. were wi'h him. in thy lime, bul five reign after." Here the I he evening wore swsv.and hi majely did , voice beca r e less dtsiinct, " , woe. woe it dismiss them a usual; with hi head ! to the blood of ' !" The forms of all Ihe down and hueye; scd ro the fire, he mam. aiaetnhly now became lea elear.aod seemed t uned a profound ilence, weary of hi guet, j but cf ired hade : oon they entirely dis- -id fearing, haif unconicioiisly , lo remain ' appeared ; the light were extinguished, anil 'one. The count and hi companion tried they heard a meludiou none, which one of vinous subject of conversation, but could Ihe wtlnesaea compared to Ihe murmuring of iti'ercii him in nothing. At length Brahe, j the wind among the trees, another lo the tio nppoaed that aorrow for the queen, wa ound a harp string ntve to breaking. A l ihe cau,e of hi depremn, said wnh a deep ' agreed aa ihe duration of ihe apuainion, 'g h , and pointing lo her portrait, which ! which they aaid la.ted ten minute. The hung in ihe room. I hanging. Ihe head, the wave, of iho blood, ' W hat a l.'.-one ihat is I How truly il all bad disappeared with the phantoms, hut K'ves the exnre.sii.il, al once o gentle and o d If'.ifi.d !"' " N-.ntense I" eaiil the king, angrily, the mind him of the scene of ihi night, il in P'.r"iii is fur too Bitter ng; Ihe queen wa. d-ed they had not been too well eugiavcti on di r,. ,jiy p1,,,,," j hia memory. 'i'i.e-1, vexed at hi unkind word., he rose When ihe king returned to hi apartment, nd walked up and down the room, to hide he wrote an account of what he had seen, an emotion at which ha b!ushed. After a land he end hie companion aigned it. In l-w rnnrnen s he etopped before tho window j spite of ail Ihe precaution taken to keep I-,. L .1 l. .....i.. I.U.-U the.a i-ii-oi,i.t.n..ri-a nrtvalo. Ihev were all and in The moon in her first q ia.ter. I . I palace where Ihe king 01 nwennn no te.ide wa noi cunpleied. and Charle ; who enmmeneed it, inhabited the old! p. sr.. , biui.ifi! on the Ri'holtn, lacing Lake 'l '!u. It is a larue building trt Ihe l .rin of a horse shoe, the kin private apartment sre tu one of '.ha axtrcittitie ; opposite waa lha great hall where iho Slate assembled in receive cnimnutiicaiiuns from ill- crown. The window of thai hull suddenly appealer illuminated. Tim k I g was startled, bin ai first supposed that a servant with a light wu. pas-i'g through; but then, that liall waa nev er opened except on State occasions, and Ihe light wat too brilliant Id be caused by a sin gle lamp. It l hen occurred Id Iiiiii thai n . cm fl igraiioii ; but t here wa i 1 . .. . . "'. " 6' not br..kon it had ''hTj h appfarance of an illuiiiina'lon. Uruhe'a nllr iitiun lu ing called lo H, he pr.i. puKrd seni'ing one of Ihe pagea lo asceilipn ,.e cause of ihe !iln. Lut Ihe lime stepped i . i , . , ,, B , , '" he W' M K lo "'e ''' le" 'h? T" b-V "i" cou"' ",ld d"c""'' l" I'lihleil turchea. IUurr.j irlrn lied the man hn had charge Ihe keja, - niJ oidrMnn In tbm kmg't cam, In 'P.'ti the doort of the great h .11. Grout waa his , j .,d. 1 lo , ' . ,. ... . .' , drc.aid luiiiarll q'lickiy , and Crtino lo ti e . kinj! ilh his hunch uf Uey. Ho npet.i'd : the fitsl door of a alleiy nhuh .rrved as an ! aiilo chamhci to the hail. The king enli r i ed, and whut vja his inhzeuient ut Audit g j the walla hung wiih black. " Wlmt is Ihe meaning of thia V akH he. The mm fplit-d, that ho did nut kimtv vthat to make ol it, aiid ng. " W hen ihe lery was last oprnrd, Iheie was reriaiu y no hnntna over the oak panel'mt;." Thp king walked on to lie door of thn hall. 'Go no fanner, for heaven's ink," i tt claimed lie man ; " urely lln-re is sorcery going on inside. At Itus hmir, since l'i qiieen's death, ihrv say ehn mkIIis up and down heie. Ms) (.iid prulicl u!'' "Stop, aire," cried Ihe cunt and Ilium gir'en together, "dan'l you hear i fi t iiuurt Who knows lo what dang ymi are etp .a inj yoursrll! Al all even's, aHuvr me to summon ihe guards." "I wi I go in," said the king, -firmly J "iiiien the door at once." " The man' hand trembled thai he cou'd nut turn the key, " A fi ie thing lo nee an old a.il.lirr fright ened," said Ihe king, shrugging his sha.uld ers J ' come, Ci un1, w ill you ojien ihe d oi?" 'Sue," replied lirahe, ' let jour m-)"siy ruminiiid me to march lo the in.iutli uf a Diiush or German carmon, and t will obey unhesita'ingly, but I cannot d fy lifll n-lf." " ell,' aaid the king, in a lone of ecu tempi, " I can do it myself." Me took Ihe key. opened the missive oak door, and entered the hall, ."muoum-trig ihe words, " With the help of 0 d." II .'.lireo a tniidiinta, whose curiosity overcame their I fears, or who, perhaps, aere ashamed to d. ' sett their sovereign, fdlnwed him. I he hall : was lighted by an iiinuinerablo number of I torches. A black hanging hsd replaced Ihe old tapestry Tne tenches rnun i ihe ha I were w cupied by n.ul Itude, all drrvrd m I Mack ; Ihnr faces were so d;i7z'nij!!y bright I thai tt.e four spectators of ltii scene were ! unable lo distinguish one emiini.l them. O I Ian elevated throne, fr.jm which the king w ' accusto'ried to addr s the asuembly , sit a I bloody corpHe,as if wounded m a.veral pari., J and covered with 'he ensigns of ri valiv ; un ! his right stood a child, a crown on his head, ! and a acrpti ,n his hand j al h leit an nid j man leant on the throne; ho wts dressed m j Ihe mantle fnrm"ilv worn by Ihe ed nini. ra j tors of Seden, before ii becaine a kn'g i nn under Guslavua V aa. Before the thr.ine -were sested several grave, nuter l ki g j persnnajes, til long blsrk n.h' s. l'..-seen ' the throne and Ihe benches r.f the as.emlily was block covered with bl -ck crape ; ai aie lay b'acda n. No one in the va-t as. eniblv pieired conscious of Ihe presence f Ch'arle and hi compstu ins. O i their entrance they heard no hmi? hut a confused murmur, 111 which lhy could dis'ing ii.h nn word. Then Ihe most venerable of t' e j,,,e( in the black robes, be who i emed lo be their president, ruse, and struck hi I. ami five limes on a folio volume which I V open before him. trnmedi tte'v there was a pro found silence, and n ine young men, rirh'y dreaaed, their hands lied behind Ihn.r hicks, en'ered the hall by a door rpprsi e to thai which Charle had o;n?ned. lie who .i k'il first, and who appeared th most important of the prisoner, stopped 111 the middle of the hall, before the bh.ck, which l e looked at wi'h nipreme enn'eiiipt. Al Ihe same linn the corpse on ihe throne trembled convulsive. Iy, at.d a en.i.s'.n 'ream fl .wed from his wound. The young nan knelt don. laid hi hed on the bh.ck, the ax glmered in tha air for a moment, descended on the Mm k, Ihe hed rollfd over the marble pavement, and reached the feet of the king, ami a'air.ed ht lipper wtlh blood. Until this moment lurnnis had Lent Charles .l i nt, but this horrible pclacle rnu.ed him, and advanc ng two or three aieps towards the throne, he , boldly addressed Ihe figure rn its le't in Ihe well known formulary, " It thou art of (od 1 Charlea alipfier an. I reiatneu !tain. sthich alone would have 1 a crimson ould have served to ie- kti.i.n, een during Ihe lifetime of Cnarles, 1 i...t. ihooirhi At In raise ihu 110 1 ' - doubU a to their authenticity - fn Irishman having been told that the nrlre r bread hid been lowered, exclaimed ! .. 'fhi l the fift InM I ever r('j L, f4 0f my best friend." iced al Iaj iiitf an Old 1) bt -A Trin' trj. A niiMcl iiiit. extiMiKiioly 'i gitsjed in cum un ite in one of our Al'milic cities, died in j U'sitiip February 1H, Is , at the tiiieofsiv- j 'tii.fivH. After Ins iJi'Hih, aiming h n p ipeis t package of very cuiiH'lerahltt s z wasj cund, caielully I nil up, and luUllud as lul In k a : "Notes, due-hills and ncrnun's, agsin.t sundry persons down along shine. !S .me o! ihece in.ty he g it by tu t or severe dunning. But th pei pie ure pout : moat of 'hem hme hn; li lieim.'ti s lutk. ly children u ill itn as li.. y llui.k be.i. ivihups ihev wul think with mo thai it is be.l lo burn this package Ah,. ill a month after he died ihe amis m l Ingeiin f, whi n the elder hnoher, Ihu ndinill- istratoi, prod red lliis prkai read "f, should uciscriluuiri. tvnd S-Ked hi Cmiise bt t..k efl in rei!ard tu It. Antllier brother, a few years young' r Ihim Ihe, eldest, a man of s'roi g impulsive tempi-mmon!, Ui.ablo at the iiii.iiici.i lo rxpiess his f ehngs hy wind., whilu he biuhed tt.e tears fi. .tit his eves with one hand, by a Ml tuiodu: iei k of Ihu ollit r lowaids iha tint placu unlnjuied his wi.h to ' h.velho Pk,g, put efl.inea. 1, was iii!est'il In another if the btollier mat it m.g.ii t.e won nrt u. iin.no a i... 01 .!-. .1 l. ' - - .l t . I .1 . . . . 1 . . 1 e . . ! 1 . . Hie or uiui s nail it's, anil 01 . no uaies a no a- iiinijiis, that they nii"ht hn enabled, as the , inte.ided discharge w.s'or all, lo inform such a nngl.t i-ff-r payment, that ihe.r d.-b a wete forgiven. Un Ihe lulliiwing day they sg n QSemtilcd, the list had been pr.-p.ieil, nod M Iho 1 olra, due hi U, and ace. 11. 11'., lit a itiiuntof which, inrliititog lolerest, amounted 10 ihirty th bsjiid (Jul'ai. were comn.i led tolh... n.mes. Il was lour months nfen ur father's deslh, coritiiii.ed our infotmant, in the nmnih of June, thai a. I wax aunoii in in. i-lde.l hro'h 1 r's count it g r. m, W ii'ii.g or a ponum IV to epe k wiih htm 1 here came in a hard fasnreii, InHa otd man, who lie kd as though tuna and ruui-li we.ih.r had been lo u.e rough windw.trd him of fr, ..veu y year.. II asked if my b'o her was not lha ex euo.r. My tiro' her replied Ihu h" was i! e adinuit traier. aa our lailier died nitelsie. " W el!, sif," s ml the strsi g-r " I've cone up fi.nn 1Kb C'pe lo p.y a debt I owed Hit. o d fertl 'em in." My hn iiher req tes ed him In t,.ka a seat, bi'in.' al the inoiiieii' ei g .gee! with. o'her p-r-s -in l the de-k. Th') old man ..it duwn, and pulling on his g'j.ses, itrew ou' a very ariciein It-alher i-i ki t b 'i k and bewail lo count over his nnmev. vl hen he bait htn-h rd. as Is nt w a In g I, is "urn, sh.w :y I w ;r . g l.n Ihuitihs, Willi li s n il i;fy, in.litaiie eyes iii no tr. li 1 r, he sig '.ed, and I knew Ihe money, es Ihe phrase ruin, earne hsrd, arid secret :y w ished t'.e .. ) man's name miyhl b? t. iind on 1 lie f 1 mvii In'. My bru her mi .1.11 at l-isuri; snd a.k'd hifit the ordinary q te.'iuri, h'S naitie. residence, ckc. Thfl original debt was f .ur I uudrnl dollars ; il had stood a long time, and writ the miriest amounted to b.-i ween seven en ' eigh' I tin dred lb. liars. My bro'her a enl to his d.-.k, ant! afier ex rnintnj the !. alien lively a sud i. 11 s:n;l nl oji his cnU"'eriaiice. aid ,i 01! toe iruttt at a c lanre. T he old man's name was iheie ' My brother quiet ly tin k a c i .ir lv h s sole, a.id a cmvei imn " ci r .1 bitwen ttn-nt whiCli I i.ricr sh ill I 0 g"t : " . ur tin e is nji'air I," rd he : " it 1. dated twelve years ti', pJ slile 11 two year.; Il ere ta no loess, and in inO-rest has .f t paid ; y iu or.- not Ii mm d to pay ilns n -te ; tve Can nev'-r recover the amount." ' Sir." snd the old mnn. ' I w.s't to pay ;!. Il is thn nr.'v b.-avv ilrlil I hive 111 the I, ....... 1.1'.. L.A I,.,. I...I ! have no child, no I 11. v ..I I wi man and I h pe we have made our peace. wi:lt God nd w.sh lo do S i Wtlh 1. art. I ! .1 like In f l II." And he lall h'S bank Holes bel.rn rnv blolb-r, r q u a in r tnirv to r unl ttinn over. "I cannot lake Ihis ntotny," said tr) brother. T he n il mm le e m. alarmed. "I have Clt si lip inrresl for Iwe've years mid n litini over," .aid he. ' I will piy y u ci topi i.nd imrrel ify.-u r qoireit. Toe i. h' nui.t lo have b " it p id long Bp., hul y nor faitn-r. si', waster) t dol.ent he knew I'd been unlucky, on I tol l mo not to worry about it. My brother then set ihe all' ma ler p iiuly before hi in, anil b.ktng ihu bank b lis returned them to the ool in in p ck.-l Inn it, telling turn that, although i ur father had left no formal w ill, he bad lerommendeil lo his chi'dreit lo destroy certain notes, due lulls, and other evidence, of debt, arid te'ease m se who might ba legally bound lo piy litem. For a m rrieiii me woilhy old man appear ed In be iup,lied. After he had collected himself sod w.ped a lew tears from In eye., ha t.nol ; " From the lime I beard of jour f.lhrr'. dcaih.I have raked and .craped, and pinch" d and .pared, to gel Ih'v money together for Ihe payment of this debt. Ate ul ten days ago I hid mule) vo the .urn wiihot twenty dollars. My wife knew how much ihe pay men! .If this deb' lav on my sp ills, and tad vised ine to sell a fn, and make up the d f ferer.ee, and get the heavy burthen ill' my mind. I did so, and now what will mv old wnmtin say 7 I must gn bunk In Ihe cape l nd tell her this gm d n--w. Khe'll pr -bil.lv repeal ihe very words .he used when On1 1 ui he hand on my shnuldeis a we purled ' I have never seen ihe nghteitis lorsuktn or hi aeed V-ggirg their Inead. 1. . 1 ... . l,.,n heartv .hake of thn c. .. ...a .1.1. I father's IIBOU, mi'. '""" "I metnnrv, he e-, on hi way r.J ... mg. , , -' , . 1 . 1 . , 1,7. ,,n A ier a sery sli 'il siletii e, lok ng hi" pen 1, , . ' , Cil arid infixing a nasi : " Tnere," .mil my brother, " your pari of 1 I' . i.... . the amount Woiilil peso iniien. ""i'" plan lo convey lo me your ahare ol the plea- t ..... it..,ii..l lion, this ntieralion. and the I money is al your ervic.e." Such 1 the simple lain which I have l 'd as it wbs told lo me. To add iho evident moral would bo all insult lo Ihe reader. ll.-sto.N Bui;. A Miiil.a officer being loin lately by a phrenologist thai ho had Iho organ of locah- I...... ...... ,0.1 ti. r... lint vert hkelt . ty.r.y ,,,B.. - - I wa fifteen yean 1 ituli ..m i in inn nn m.litia, political Fiom ihe Ktchmtwd ft fub!uun DKMOLUATIC HARMON Y-TUE DE MOfRATIC IlEVIEW. W o gave aomo extracts liom ihe coin m- nta ol the January number of this nrvn organ of .he !),.mcral,r pmly upon the sub ! I It rt I H "nil l.ull'i ill. lii'nluii li.ir.Ld ' . - r- I ........o id tin fm-il leiiiiniis iainnrral i.f the Bine-' I 'H'livmn tr itineracy, those comment ex cueii ci.i,.i,teiHUi M-n.slion e D.-mocra- 'C camp, an. were arplied by tin. Inettds . f ; the various Ih micru.tC patna.ih. tr.il.eirl re-pective fa vor ilea. In !ac, Dollgl.. the! 'nnois ui.iiii, anil u.e emnouiint lit ol Ihe h ?, .VlVi''''''0 p,mc' l . ewerrrir-wlA,,-i1J m.ft mr- wttBftr '."i uowela ol (tie I''Vtew extiibiteti lite ahghte-t kind y teaiinng. The adumers of - ., Buchsi .ni, liuiler. and other "aiicien a" up HI aims. Cmie. i lently we hhve lo. k- ' dwnh mleresl lo sen how ihe February number ol iha Urs.ew would meet Ihe storio " had rui.i d, whether it would manfully turn it, head lo the w ,,! and de out I he (jale, or wnetlii r it wi ud show t'a atom to Ihe lent- ..l-.l n ml ...I d t mi .. r l.n . a .... .id I.. j 1 1 1 a ., 1 , - ...... - . .... ... f ,nr if ' enl !.. in tit m i uf ll.al l.n t.tii.. I. I'm iJ ! ui nmny ll'lillll IJBI'n jmu t. . - - .. " luli " pluck as an rgif is of 11 -eat. Ilhas "" apolog-e. , no,... i ks no quarter " upon .1.0 o-il .ogiea agstn wiin lurtv h-nst piwer; , . ... , 1 , , , 'u.ns of. r. im.e at .i.f. ...o i.iii i.Ht.-i.i, n.i'i giea (eo. tin n r " pariu u ar J -sse. e wtns-1 pie-enilv pmdoi e exiracs Irom it re. mark upon General ll-jtier, and intend to ptesersethem till i,;te. ttie l. i.uie Pent... l" " I ..ov. n'l a. Simula thai jjenlieinsn b the dein. trutic pom nee, ao event not at ' m protiah.e, we sha.i then have hit picture 'ea! drawn In inr hands by the hiic'.est I'' m"f '.itic au'luiriiy, a:d it will nut d-i f. I'- mcrt lo (iispuie iho accutacy of the iiH'"ss. K-teirmy to the ttferer.ee drawn by the 'ri. 'i . i Gen. (' i',t the phrasa of mere he.i-en h'.rs' eitifiioM'd in the January t'litit- h-r, was des gn.d to l.e applied to Gen. ('ass the H' View raw (list his Ittends have I-ken up tnat pnrase ns "specisiiy spp-icab-ia lo huo ' ma' k '..'.a apecia' V " and hi ve hi en iu..k-rij ItieinseUes rtJ co otis by valiant da on nsTa'nms and dt nni.ci i'uims Iherrui-oit, wlien in f trt they themselves I? r the great. e. inult Ihat cmjl I be uive-i lo an ennnrnt siatesiniti by apptyini! il (1 him." It pro ceed to dec'ufo that tu n. B ill r n" 111 I id ' the mere leal, u tmrse, and rtottne" else. It tums feiri-lv spoil the I'.-nn-) Ivsniart n ft in it call. " Ml B ii iiarnn'. organ," ' h s pi'rsi.iial org'in.' aid lis .rro'Uh puce.' It says: 'the nn u'b irce if Mr. litrhstniti resirnti'es a itrt'ioo. tStpf r't en i.rfh.ird, who, in li I I is to pi cl-.i'ts Ihe 111 ire eas-'y, kee S perpe'u.l! ) sSiiu.r at llm t V. ui:r iherrul, unit the real n ( jes are al It.- otl.er end. Bo' t: ; e what he Review say of t.eo. Butler. It s; : " lod. 'i!, Iron. G.n. Boiler's alitiosl total !ife'e.i:. s in (hiIj'iC affairs, it t. denied at ihe ial I'lesnh ri'ial elec'inn, evep in h" own neighleirhood, mat he on. a I)ettir,crat al a I ; a to' cluan n jus lilird at 01. ce by Ins r .i iiess and exr'ust viatn, sod ins habit i f vot.i g f--r M hnjs. No longer linn Ihe Is'e election fni Sis'" of li. ers 111 Kenioi kv, l.n voted for the dig ai.sini the 1 )i'ino.' 1 at., Ihere Im g third I) iit i.er at.c at.ii Iwo ln cat..' jutes 1:1 iho h'-M." Ve ant r ihe re 111 in der if e Review ' eummenl on (Icn. Il.i'ir. I: denies, ns will be seen, not only (i.n. But er's t'en.ix- ''ry, bill li.i civil aid n.iotary ability and sats he is "nnne up 01 lecote negaiivcs. But to the eytrac . : " The chafge n(;ai.is! In d m"crary was C"lildered siilTico-titly well f.-ornled to de in.i.i' a p' 1 1. .11 dent-il And (jcii. Bi li r win1 to 1 he polls, 10 I H, and vo'ed f'.r his own democracy ! Tins waa nti'y exeictstpg the right w tiich every rn zo hii, t. vote b-r w bom he p i s.es ; ami t.eo. ISo'ler, iCtn n 011 ih- prorip'a of ' every mail Inr housed, selec rd tins new wnv of paying old deb s lo Ihe deinorr.l'ir parly. But it is a fair 111 stance of tie iilieulnia hii ira ,1 weak man msy he rnai'e In 1 x'.ilot bi t ne li e w nld, when itnpri'pf rly drugged u;'"ii the ' 1 ,r . where the part lo be performed is not in a ri.medv, but in thn grand drams ol national po'itir.. Think i f Thomas J- Il rsoi. or , Andrew J icksoti marching In the puis an I gravely soling Inr then, solve to establish heir "demorrar y I ' " Under the same sU'e of igrmrni ee os to h i iimvi of today, thn ni'inhei l the Fi n kfnrl Cniiveution f. mid themselves m Jnilliry last. A s-ins of r-nltilmtis was then drawn lip by the m ne active and d.-.-i-.hd me. libera, d'cl.irmg iho seiilirtient of the convention, esp. cia iy as to Southern 111 terrs'si I he convent ton refusing In ar.l lit lv y.ir of t!en. Rnilrr, until his eniiiiien'a , wpre expiely declared. The lesnlutioos wrte l, nan o Geo. B tier, who wasoii ihe ! ground, having c.m.i.tei.l Iy gmiu 111 person to I xtpei inirnd Ins own nominal ion his first int'innhl " net, stnr e yn'iti for hini.r I. 1 1 ! was tlrrlsied to the rnnventioit that (ienr'ial ; Boiler fnllv aitsiained all the resolutions ; and , . ., ,1 II was .ilpposeil al inn nine, inai tins wih.io give Ins Mends something to stand nn, in Hie national convent tun, beside mere S alo pi idi. ' By Ihn seeminc fairness on his pari, lh , 1 ' qtne.ed liendliig Gen. nrihenauon opposiiii.il lo Gen. Butler wa ' "'- wss then given rrcomm. Boiler In Ihe 1.1-ie ratio.. . . I .... 1 . ...... V. a ..u l...iu I """ t ' ever, with 1 tin Iris't de.rrtei : Jmitce, yrr . honor, is Iho htsl Ihing I dfi-ire I ! I " The New York Evening 1'o.t, Ihe Bnl I I.. .....n In ll,n Mi.llh rtlUHllO II lllllt lllilll III, . - , , its however, that I. en. I'.oiler is iiinneeni 01 " ihn re.olu'ii'os ndopterl bv that body ;" thai it is net considered ptudenl at present 10 publish ' all ns information on ihe subject, hut Ihat ' li' convention wero greater loo's than he was.' " This leaking not of em.fi lenlisl news, just ft' Ihn disiru.l which pervaded Ken. lucky at the period of iho l ioiikfi.rt Con vention. "Thn demnarat nf Gen. Butler' own , .,.,,. ,.,,.(,., , hi. .I.nu.e ."ii'i'i 1 ..n't" . .... 10. coiiniy 1101 Olivine coniioeoi t in in-0.1110. ; .,1.1.0. - -- - ..cy.enpre.aly in-lrvtcicd liter dule-.tc lo'able, p.-mpt, and efRctive aid in thepass-ge I the Stale Convention, (as did a large mnjoriiy of the ci. unties of the Slate,) lo send the de legale to Ihe II iltimore Convention untram inftied and tirnnst runted in regard to Ihe 'ie Isiileiicy. The most the Kiute Convention I did or had authority to do, was to pass a com o iineiiiiiry resnlu iou ; and evil ibis could not be dona lill Hflcr it was distinctly under ; Nl nod tllJI (ipn. Ituller nnnri.voil llm ia.,.l... i ii, ,,B had been , ,epd for the convert- I 'I'. . I' . I , . . . IIIIII. 1 Ik t IVHIHOI'kV lit. Hill M l OtM ltd II i ..w.r r,..,vn,,ii,. il......r. . .. ... , i . ...... ,....-,., t ' uiii'niiiiiiriru iind tininstrticled j in arcoidsnre it h the al I n),.sl unanim. us winhes of Ihe peonle. ix ; e.,r, !:1 ,hur rntinlv n.eelings. ! V0 freely accord resectable, q..iecent 1 ri(a(B , , Ia,r. I'm WB declare i im wilhl.Ut known or fived liiililirnl lirmn ! l,!p- U him made up i.f fe. bV - - ! fl ,,-.- tl.,,issvN - any nreut political ineasute, ...... .onabd a great liionghl, or taken Ihe helm In the hour r.f political emergency, hen the Texis quesiiori was agitating the rrnnils of all men, and the people earnest- ly lookino In ihe leitdmo minds of ihe conn i,y 10 giw; Ihem . tne light, lo sin w them if , ,,n, impu'.r. were . ghl impul.e,, (,rn. liu ler wa fititihaticallv wiihont dcci- .... - , L 1 . . . mo,,, ii- nan .... argume...., no op., . C ........... .1 I .... i. I . ..... I. .... w nuni un w n n .1 to r. any wmi-i hki riteuious cris.s. The Imur wou'il sir.ko while ho ... Irving to hml out wh.l other ,en lh..i.,ht. I ex, c.i.e, or WiHii'(j'(, sacked, b' loie (.en. liai rr cu d pet any ... . , - ' Kj-a in ins tieflfi, or a worn out nl 11. IVrsonal bravery, it is well observed, n , s nil.cative of itinial courage) in poh'l- i cal tnergencie. U e deny Gen. Uutler Iha ..g.cv i.eee...ry l.-r a leader in peace, or. .war ,e h 1 0 active set t ite, on 1 he the' re w here ,,n hisotilyrrputaiion, he has never, stniwo cspscily beyond ihat of a brave Sub- ale in. Een w hen the brithtt't opportuni- ly a sflor Jed lulu a a general officer in ife Mexican car-paign, the high military lutecaal w Inch watche over I he nwc d brave i,diers who n list art tn.plicilly by the tbou.-ht of annt her was found mournfully want. fig vVe.ca'l fit iho act which indt- ca es ;tt any perind of his care-r the ji-n os, and ability, thu inilependerice of a leader.'' ilail iloaus. (.. Tt.r s.ii. a-'Sti rr , i"i 11.1. i.is . I urk holder llrrliiiif. PufMitnil 10 picvmiis notice a larep end resp-T'sldn tt'i'i, her nf 'he e tizn o' Wash II g o I, and oth. r e ntities of Ea-t To'ili.- .-e, met al the Court Huns" 111 J-meslMiro' on WewVsday thn T h of Apti', I I it this .uii.i,g of I .rdiii.. a ineeurg of the .loekhoi l.-n i.f th- E. Ten. ,v Vs. R. I', is !, in vote on thi-ir arceptance, or rejection, ol Ihe aril tf ihe lain Legislature, tfl'iid ng aid lo the snd road ; and. a'so, fir the pur pe of j the feiiiv.iie incident to t,a o-raston. . giving a rubnc I inner In cur S'nsl ir, J.a. W . Ii-adenrk, E-q , and .-ir le'iresi-'a'ies, Mj ir B. Campbell, arid I'lil. G. VV. Iriloi.l, and oih.-nof Iho . it ' Le,; ,', tore, u;.'j it.,'''.J in I'.o pS-S'ig1! o1 said ac . The n;' ehHfs rnnv enil in -lift Circuit court room nf the ( url II in". and 1 the pea ;,lo had eithd, ami wrs culled m or l.-r, mi motion of (.'ol. A. W, Taylol of Carter, Thomas A. R. Ni-Unti, of J'.rii-.b.iro', was caiied to the c!..i r. and ,loo. II. Mt-Lin.aiui A. ii. Graham, Bpomiiird Secrets i' s. Mr. P. an, on behalf if tie commit Ire of A rnttigeiTi. tits, unpointed at a prt vnu.s inec-t tog, repotted ti nt i he I'uh'.ic l'.titier tv prepared to ihe county emir! room, and that the Representatives 10 the l.'i'e l.egisturn, tlio P. 1 si. lent a :i 1 1 i n-,-1 r- r a i f the Board, the Chief Engi.ie.ir, and Ins assistant., the Pli s .le I and Si'l return s of iho llli elltlg, sod .'rangers, wi'h as tnariy of the s'otk. ho!, leu, as cjold he accori'lm.daleil wiih f... ot, were cordially invited in be present. ( ),i rn it i' n of M j. McG .ughey of (J ee; e. il was resulted Ihat ihe atock'iol.ler altou'd vole bv h . ' ' . eeeonling lo the number id !l eir resoectivo shares, on their acceptance, or nori eejeplnnre, of lh act of the late Legislature 111 fav.-r of our lln l Road. The crowd then dispersed for tho purpose of parieUing of the Public Ihnnor Four large tab es were iti,c.,veic,l, set out ill trie , count) roitrt mom, and arranged by Ihe m'.i- i hie, and fair hands of the ladies, and losded wi'h all manner ol provision, rich, rare -mil ; tempting, and to which the largo ciowd as sembled around, did ample justice. 1 The meeting then returned In the circuit j court rn 111, and continued the r proceedings. .( 'arolina terminating Bt Charlotte, .N.I., And first, the b .Holing for the accepiai.ci . or from wh rh littler p ace a line of Rail Ron. I nun. acceptance, nf 'hu laws refer. ed to to : will be very snon opened w ith Cha rles'on v 11 wit, Ihu " Bridge Bill," entitled " An net lo Columbia, tf. C, the distance rc iinr-cg to aut house the Governor of the Sla o lo issue bo made lo complela th" connexion, bring ihe bond of Ihe Stale of Tcnnesseo, to Ihe ,,n!y ahut 1 111 miles, lull of which w .uhS East Tennessee ai d V irginia Rail Road ,P y. ithiti t'.o linn's of Norih Carolina anl Coinii.iuy, to aid tu the building of bridges, ' , ,0 remainder in Tennessee, mid when com passed, 1 ".Is!," and the Gene-1 pln'ed would place us within 3" J milfs ol the tal Interna! I inprmeitii i.t Bid," rniit'ed Cny of Ch.iilelrn from the point of ii.ter- I "An act, to eslibi-h a ay stem nf Internal aeeiu.n of our E. T. iV V. It. II. , tor tbt litiiirovemen's in Ibis Sla'e. p t-m d 11 Feb. , construction of whic h a very liberal charier 1 l."i" " ororeeded. Mini". I h W. ('..tier, of 1 ar'er. still I'r. .1. .'I1111111. riti'i i'- 'uu.i, "i . 11, 1 ., flSHIIlg.OII, li.-.l'g s pj"..." 0 - Secretain.'S of liu Hireling, C.ntks uf the election. At ihe r loan of the elerlion it wa an noiinrcil thai Iho vo'e in l..vor of Iho aaid . ,,,.., there being 37. votes ' " " ' 1 j m favor ol occepting, nod 110110 lor lejecting Slid arl. I lr. Cinininiilnim, thn President of the i Board of Ihrocmrs, reported that they had I I I iI.h C.tli.u 1,1,1 rpinliiliiitl ! , llOinilllliiusiy in... 11 io ..' . - : " The fro nils of Iho East Teimesseii and V,. ...... a t'.l It 10 iho laic Tennessee - tv f .1.01. h.inre. ilr-cive the lit (lu.ihlied thanks of I' o cin.mis id East 'Fein esseo and the .(ickhuhler, mid directors of said road, for their noble and united elf. its on behalf of tins grand cn'erprie," and presented the si, oni lor the acnon of this meeting, w hich, ou molion, was unanimously apopted. On motion of Mr. Bl ur, it was resolved, that ihe 1h.11 k of Ibis meeting ara due, and sre hereby tendered, in nor immediate repre sentative in the Inle legislature, lor Ibeir of the sell of that body in fuVor of our j woiksof internal improvement On motion of S. J. W. Lucky, it was re aolved that ihe thunk ef the citizen ol Washington County are due, and hereby cordially tendered. In ihose members of Ihe Legislature oit of Washington County, who anted in the ten ollhtit body in favor of out ur..La..f l.ilur..i.l I .r.nt Aflcr the eJo,lin.,f the laal' motion, the . . ......... ... I'r.l.ll -. In F.,ini.til II II ll..l.l..l I. n ...... r n c..'. in- ' . Vu.. iiir.iiiiii ,n inn iiumo lllilll JflKIPUl . IU I r meeting, w hn, in a brief, but pertinent and fonh'e addres.. tehcaraed the history of the c's spoken of, refer-ed lo Ihe a'moat united stand Ihe delegation fiom East Tennessee look in behalf of tl,.M ,,..,.,,.. siul the in! Iiin-nifffstfif .1 Wklmilla ) 1 1. t r k.l.ml ir.rt i S. J. Lu.ky then l&iML&ff ktlltWU- t'" - "'" dmsm!tuW WfopTOB , I " Urtolvfd, Tlist tins thanks of the .loi khchleM of Iho K. T. Ar. Xa. M Hud. are hurt-by cordially li ndiirid lo the IsViiatur, and lieprt sei;tjj?B of a.l'ir-!:,on t'. unity, for their atiie, iir..'ferii and ttTn'-ieiit eH'jrt., Ill hehulf of llos noUle enter 1 Dr.i. and otlnr iiniiruviniieiiti hi the Mulo " I j j)f Cunr inthairi presut td iho following y'J ul'1B!llm,; J " . , u t r n . .. .. .1 .. L u . .. : eo iiv inn iionru 01 I'lrrinuii, hiio wniio 00 ,,, w, ,(1.,pted hy tins meeting, to w.l : i ' Gi.n. A. E. J.-sirsom: The able ener t?etic, and unlirinif .Atflilol the luntrii ol ! ,,.., , E. .,v,. & V. R. Had , lha ,, L.iaiure. Faith - 1, ,, ' . , , , . lully ha he lu'hlied hi is iinpnrtnnt rtussion, land met Iho Inchest expectation of the It'iaid. In him belongs Ihe ciedil of c-ngi boro' Lill miles, which is about correct.) listing the J.300, (IUO lirulgo Bill, and of povv. A. E- Jatkson, ol Jmieslioro ; John Me .r.i.. . ...,l,. K.il 11. I. ..( C ,..ine : II. II. Iloljhatd. of , , .... . . ,,, . , r, 1P1,. ,1 11. 1. Iliii.l. 4 nr. ii lul rnnn.Hiiv rnrn. ' , ' ., . health, im - j. , '...1,1.. . to pit I reu to our cai. se, lie f jii-riii y it.iinru. James W . Deaden, k, K,q., our Henalor, was then introdoccd lo tne ruoc'itig, and ad- rlresHed it al lep'lh, selling forih tne action i f tho late leoisla'ure upon the su! ject of Cimirniin .School, the humeaiead, sod elec- live judiciary, and Internal ImprovemenU. r. , , t . , , O i hi l er topic hn rehearsed tho lon , , ' , , . . ,, , ,,, "'rugg e of Ihe friend, of Ihe llridge Int. fori' passive, end exhibited the j iy and nralulaiion which rent'ted on its Intel ac Coniplntlimrnt to the friend of internal im provement and closed w:ih an eh q lent ap peal lo those present to Come furwsid and S'j.iiiin the enterprise. Mnjir meeting. B- Campbell r,ei! n l.'refaerf lh and went mire into detail of Ihe leading movement in the lam legu'a'ure le th for sn i against our road. In cotieiu-iiun ; hose present the duty which was incumbent upon them thit since the Legts'auire had prmiijed for Two Thirds rf the espense ol S uild ng our Road, that t'oey ab.ii.l.l r .n e for w ar.i and promptly furntah the tneans to mee' ihe Lsiinre. Col. Te i'.rd llien a ldreshej the aasenhbly in a handsome marine.! repirtitr." his thanks to hi Coiisiiitinnta Inr h selection Kill n cus-ng himsrif Irorn 1 er.ng a iepgthy ad ; i Defies w Inch lift 1 drts on account of tho preceded him, arid Ihe l.iieiinss i.f ll hour. 'Ihe f;; lowing p'eari.l.lH nr,d ri'snltiiinr.s, diawnup by Gen. A. E Jjik.oti, were pre venied to the meeting for cunsiuera limi find real by N. T. JacL.on, E-q , at.-l which, r.n s .'mrt discussion, in v h ch the Ch-j.', r.d Mesrs. Ilubba'd, and Ti'gLmaii joined, were unainmubkiy adopicd, tu w, : Wl.e'eas, the ci'iz-ns nf South Carn'ina tire ijow looking with tniji h aoiiety and in i. rC"i In the ope. ng up of a nore direct Corn-n-Miic.atin bv railway wiih the volley of East Tennessee thin tsufTeredby Ihe ronds rd Georgia, terminating at Clulttirnioga on the I I 1 r.in e r.n r, which has b- rn Im v evinced bv Ihe re.ololuiri ttial have bctrt adopted al public r.lrettngs held in tee city of Chattes ton and other poriinna nf S luth Carolina, mid j i'. 1 11 a S ock'.i.ldrr tin ottr.g r.f the H..jth . ('nr. lina Kail Rood Company, in winch Ihev I icoltcd to ei'lernl their intercourse with the J sooth went by every pracitcab'e ci,nnnc! of Ciimii tjnical.on, and have ordeie.l tha! one or more rout" for urh cominar.ication be 1 urveyed at the expense of their C- mpnny, i with the view lo ascerlain the pracligab.lity 1 and Cost of each, ,n 1 Ihtil the stiton be re I purled to a meeting of ihe toc'!i;'der of' the s.nd S lUth Carolina Rail Road c imparl) ; anil whereas it is confident y beiie.'rd linit the WatBtigs :i!ley. Ten., in connexion Willi ruUwlj, ; ,.,- ,tl N. Carol, nn, . li, re the ; mo p,hio, ,,,.,,e fr ,10 crinnl Xl,, ,, ,.,(. t, ,0.lrf.,j 'by ,ho ctti7.ns of South Carolina, . .,,.,,, direct, and iiic.irr.no. n le" expenditure of money lhan any other, cnneciing a. it does ihe E 1 enii' s-e. on I works of S- U' Il Virginia Rail Road, with ths ; r'roiiirr bv the I - a est Genera Assembly ; n 1 enncssi e tin oriHiriiin; ; a company to t.n i ,,11. -i . 111 . 1 1 "O 'i 'I inn 1,....,.., . w....- - , - - -- ! Ruad Company : TKti'finf. h il Rtmlrrft, Tl.al a eemrtntiee ol I .,,, Bl.p mili-il hv llm rreai.'.ent et 'tin ' m.i.ui.ir lo prepr n . hires. 10 Ihe Umi'i- .i ' I of tit. oa.l. I'.ruh... liad Head Company, copies r vhirh shall he Uiinsinllti'il to tin. II, rectors ot r1,n,,-v, i u,,, coipurata aut' utifrs of n h iili'sftor. ami ( 'i.'ntt in, si'lting forth tho euim t,. routn Im ruin. ad rsinision. hywhii.-h ihev v ol l .Menu' '.he tru not onlv ot lh. Vd.lev I ciiin-s-er, but also of VVfslertt Virginia and ll-iti rn ki'nloi'kv. a w.-ll as what would en ore to them trout a tiinte rslarn conneiton and tl, nit i oHnaiHin and aid in enritrieg an examina tion ut tin. rente hy a competent en;:int-er. II. 'I I. .it f.tt!, a ill ths aitiln-s. he Inr w anli d 10 ihe (.meriiiir ot oflh I arouna, and ihe d lectors at I'.o ( entrsl Katlroad cninpnny ol 0 . I '., and .oliril their co npi ration, and with Ihe cili xei.s ol Snuili ( arninia nod Hast Tcnnrw.ee in calling stlontn.n lo iinpurlance of tins Koilroad connexion, and s-k Ihat toe survey of a line lor a rinl.a.'i. Inn.. Mihstiorv. N I . to K nox ville. 1 n nesare. ordered l.v their la.t lg..l alnrH, (lo llelr.y llm exp.nso. of whirl, llm s.ii.i of PJ UUU was p. nrmteil out ol lh I r.is.nrv tn ine .-its..) i. ' .... v. .... t' .1 .. nails so a. to runner! will. Ihe K. '1. A; ts. li. It. si or near Joneshuro', snd lbs money appropriated I 1 , " 1 t t ..prmled ... .d ..nvry, wh,.-., ., I arce.p'.r all Iho l.r-zinUture of South ruro'ina hod in vii w in direct iiik the survey lo Kmixville. and is lis. Iii-ved to tin as near, and' on inue i lb most pracli. cslilo line and al a'liinl Imlf lite cust. rVesorrd, 'i'htit wa roeouiiiiend Itio holding of a , ronvention al Ihe town of Lsnoir, nr Moimitnn, N O., with the view lo eltrit Ihe ii.ll jmn" sad s. sisliinne of the citiri-iis of .Viuth i arolina, Nnrlti t srolins, Kant I enncufuB snd Western Viriiiiia in prnctir'iir iiiusns neceRtiiiry to the completion of tins ruud. - n snort as li e rouia can be su'Vi-yed and ilia cost nf con.inietion estniiatcd, end suggest Ue 1st Munduy ol July as most tuitablu for huiduifj Iho sa'iie : note Diatsnres F.iimatrd from several points in Fast Tenneioies to which it is prnpoed to ellend Itoids hy Iha lioids iyf eoutli Csroltna lo (.-liBrlusloii : rinliiiooi;a Via Atlanta to Pl.arlenton 444 IM 618 SS. 4-2 Hi i'it 3'J2 b a Mi 4-".' atid dj Itsli'in (Jip d'j Knnxville " Atlanta ' (Jo .. V.-V. o"rm. r J- -II K snd rhailutto N, J do Vis Atlanta to t har'e.non ' Ital.ui. iap lo d l " I l.iir ul'u a c. do At aula no 11 H .tjini t'ftp d'j " t'ntrlotta do jiinnsed Hip A l int c, Tenn Jotienboro' ijo Ab.nirden . tt It Onto li.iad wmtld ciinnecl with h. I ennesM) and Vs. Kail Eoad J une ten nr twelve mil'' eimt of J .ne-buro , and this calcjlution is mn'le under thai a.ipp'isitinn In c. mpuiing the distance lo Charie.tnn It ' wa assumed that the dt.lil.ee from Char. : lof.e. N. C, to Ch,e,tott, S. C, isi.12 nu t-., which it is 'jelieved is mo large, mm the rli.innce from the farmer p. ace lo Junta- t, fr,.r ' . Samuel Kbea. of Sullivan : and (. ISiiiz ,f it ran oer. were a ppoiiiteu by Ilia ' chair l. prepare the abovo mentioned Ad- ' J.,... . i ul,h a, i,,llcn 'I'lnirohB 4. K. .. i n , ...v , . . - - ', Nelson, e:.J J-u. W. Derdertck, were on ir o- ti.m subseqtienily added. ! The follow ing rest-'uiion i .T-red by A. G. Graham, w as uti-itiimously enrrn d : RttoirtJ. 'I at ti e Hunks of lb s mretii f ars 'du .-l r I re. ;y ectdistiy tr. dered. lo tbt l-dies ol Ji-t i .'! i' ii mo '. iriinlv f'.r I ti. 1 1 1 1 ! e n t hnun- ,J , , , ,, , t . .1 , , ttlul. ami i-.sisl.il limner which was prepar. d 101. ,,. ,, ,,, aj ,A w,, i, .i,K (4, i( on n,.i d-y ; ini t'i iinnii'i; Ioi k unmi il.nr ettsirts f. f..s n t se s ut.. u . f ll.t.r I., an r; .o.j w.li t-r loa tj;;fi I.I-.1 i i p fcuun ot cur It. I liuvl. The ni.e'itia ihen adtoMri'iet! until ? o'clock in ihe eveinng. l r the pj po-e id hearit g an ad'!ret on the r-ulj-ct of ' Ral iuuda" llulll M j ir McGdiigt ) , of Greene. ? oVock, P. M. Ap'l 7.1M2. The tnetfii g cobveot'd, pi.tsoatil 1 1 ad tojr.iinent, a considerable number of ihe fair' ladies of our Ii wo tilsn being present a III-teiesu-d t-pectaicir of ihe proceeding of the evrmng. M.ijor MiGnighy i'eti fork the s'and, atid i!i hvrrrd, an able and th qoent arJilien 111 favor of P.. in ads, (irrtcimg the atleniio.t i.f b s Ho'ii'i'tiCi; mine particularly to tho'l-k-cts ..f s-'clt ,;r:pr.iv tvienia 111 niyancing the 'ine-fil uod 1 ii cm liit ion ol the country. At the iMtif tpeiiti 1 f h s address, wh-ch was I it ccivej wnh manifest I keiiS of approbauoti 'during its progress, and after passu g a reso , loiiuii, d.rec n g that Ihe proceedings of th ' mcetin.'. lot fg.-:o,brd to Ilia J spei of Jont . ! boro I if pnli'ieri". in, and that other paper 'in the Hi.ite fjyorahle lo our enterprise, be IriO'irs'-d to ropy 'ho same, the meeting ad. I I .un.rd otilil & i-'clo. k tomorrow mornn ij j 'or the put pose of revtaititl. and approving e JitiiCritt 1 g " " meeiifg. !) o'clock, A. M. 9 Ap'l. 15-J. Mceiii copven.d puisumit o aejouin- M loregomg proceenn.gs wero rcaii, revsen. eno pptiivr.i i in.n op.o -on-Hon f Dr. Cui-.mi g'l '. 'he liiceling ad loiirii.'J a. no tin. T. A. Tv. NELSON, Pres'i. Jno. B MlLi. , A. G. Gii.tuaM. S Sec v s. A l.nvvji'i's Itnlii iniii roe. The Boston Post bus an antuli le of Mr. Bu'chard, the revival preacher, while he wa at lairkiiorl, N", Y. It we Mr. B custom ro g 1 about the si lages to enlist thn wcbI I h and 11 fueuiial t,i attend Ins preaching, ,11 11.. r to (cive some ft uf lo Ins mretiuj;!. In li e tiurs'! ; ins perariihul itiotis one ilay, he iVI it' wil l - Bob S .' an attorney of s itno reputation and very fatimu for Ins wit so. I r. adiness at repartee. Good rnornine, M'. S,' said the Evan-ge!-t, ' undeie'aiiding Ihat ) nil are ore uf ihe ieac'l' g men of this li yvi, and a lawyer i f high s in Iti'g, I have called upon you in h,i,i s . ei gage you on the Lord' fid..' Thei k iiiu,1 lepln-d B dl With an air rf rrrat . o , ami wnh ihe most profe-on a! ur pos.d.'e, 1 I should be most hsppv to be eitipio). 'it nu that side of the, cae, Il I cnu d dn ao cci Jislently wi'h my engagements ; but you m ist go to some other e. iinel, aa I beta a stii.'id.ng retainer ft. on Hie opposite pans. The itinerant was am iz.'d, piqued and non plussed, and deputed without attempting 10 .oppress hi laughter. Dissolution. rfJIHK lir.1. of W'riston A Uiglar i tins clav d.s U. solved bv mutual enn-ent. All persons in tf-btrd to Hie tirin sre tiipieslid to call anilseitlo l,i!.o n this nd April (uurt.nr tin v :iy export lo pa, ....I. s iho bi.sinc.s of ths li'tu niu.l be I V !, I --.-!. g-lAc U(Miiovnl. f axil Ksubsi-til.-r having purchamd M tX Si- the who's of the ) j"! siiid S!ircl Iron hn rnnii'vi .1 it t" the house of I!. II Brswlrv, near ,'y iippn.i'e J. ! Keir's llo'cl, when No hope tu i-i-fl ai! ot' his old ronton. era and tru nils, ri h" is deie-Miiind to sell Tin lVitrt' lower l'iH AH 1)1011 11 ha. ever lic it .old In Cl.arlnt'r. either bv Iho . Vv lu.lessie or hetaii. 1 ii-se s ( iu "' , would do well to givo linn a call bylore.suppiy n g tl eninrlvcs elsewhere. x kinds of CUl'NTKY rilODlCH lakiti (n rxi,lg10 ,ur ot arc. , toofiilS. - UJ. J . l, , f.. oone al the tliorl- j rl II., SIlOl t. I I IM n, ... irnltDBKS from , diatsnce punctually sttend- ed lo. SAM I. T WRIST. .N. 1 r .1 i,n , E Ui.