mmtb wnm i i. j. tiuuun)y,'iiiiiHn:i TT"t r 1 r CHARLOTTE, 3XT O. 3, 1332. JSTTJJSKJEZniBL lO. KCLTOW & WILLIAMSON, I'lUMMMETOHS. TT.IIMS: ... .. .i:. .....,. ..ill k . (V.. -.1. A in run nai.i.AKS ,n iinn. or ' I Vn IHH.I.AKS AND FIFTY I'KN I S pay. I itud-ed oil account of the con quence i in .. .,! he .l. lavf.t lur three tunnths, and '1 IIKKK . vented dim with. Bui why lie had treasured li. l.t. A US at the end uf the year. j up nn , an)J Well Itillllllieil copv of Psinc'i- y In -riist-iiu-nt instrietl at One Pullar ser square j i(e 0f jj, a9oni" mid t, Hoc ted skrpieciMn as ,. , less, tins sited type) f.. the first i.iscr , Q , vercl,v f ,ne wr. uf J.ioah and ihe ... aeij -J.i cent for each ciiiilinusiice. ( ourt aJ-. , ,, . -. ' , . I -:'. and t,!,cri:t. Sal,, cha.gfd ti pel ! hai8' ' Ii ,la"m '" " "Uld ' hih.T ; and a dvd.ictioi. uf3J iter cent. wi'l f hard accounting lor. utile it proceeded liom o i.i.ii. ir.nii the regular prn ' fur adverliMira by i the desire of a character lor singularity and ... ,, ir. dvertii weiiis inserted uioiiil.h j r rudilinn. When vainly once gcla the iitB"-,.,-tI. :?l per -qaare ..reach tone j (efV ,)f , ,.,, ,,..,, here no lulling ihc ly I",r each time. I absurdities It will lead hit) into. He. was U- vi letter, re aliveto Jh. ft , nd of ., diking of Volnev. and he.r g found n -lit mint be directed t the Mitor. Ann lt-. . ' l.r. ti 'or Jod Work, &!., idoi b d.rao-1 'h a cop ot lav lor a UieHJe in hand, , i to tin 1' ib nlmr. All leiicra iuu"l be peat-paid althnujjh lew of hla iiPighuor lind heaid ol or the "t be attended to. IT Pjyiiienia cin bo inaiie lu cil!:er. " i" I' j-ima-t. rs arc njihoriird lo act igini. podvn. I rom t'lio New (lr!fan Pieayuna. ;My Children. I hava two littln dirl.i With evea of dei-p.--i linn, There' j-Jit a year ttetirern t n, And '.h vounrar if nnw tun. I waicli their dpiniim; V t.h f.ied In , I, ke frignnl I.lfie bioajmJ V1 h.iic pn'.sia dti'v or e. Kf-ink anTa iie'a nmiher'i r aol ud, AnJ lat;e brother W.liy, S . -k.a !ik aljlua'.tr. I- my bu ia:e wjier !.!y. I ci I iham butli n7 mm a-b rr's, lot hke inuk.c tu iny air, Arc t : i . r iica. .-o !..T--ry anu claar. U it d w i to Hi fl .( r, i .i rainbow to lite ky. Am l.'if.a thi.Jfet. U3 my pi'liwav, V - h ! e;,Btr am! h-anlily. T n lili :iv heirl frith j;!.ii-iia, W !th tiianifuni'ss anil, 1 er c ana aay in v a.-i ea, A: d irave no gloumy dava. Tr.o-:gh n.ary other bli"n A r ) md my lufila'ej Uli. Vy l" ildren ai.d their fit. ar Ara rlua! a-iiai:g ihi-m '! Mr li;a aevina crowotj wiin ;ira W oea't-r 1 iook on ti.arn. Ara l:.ey l-.a bnj ileal jia, 1 .thin the T-in b ai g- on mr darimj; linnl b ta-.n?a iniiii a iofi". Ooi grinl t..'.r -.i-ner oruod ,M.a no', a fiintijur'a ibva, i',niy eij day !.z'naui '1'hroul iot their ear.T yo'l'h, iriein in Ilia pathway I 'I iiftuor anJ A '1 r i'.ii. Gail grant t-i me Il.i antiit. To f n.da iheir ?iouU ar-j; t, To tsuclj them fa sxampln. 'To wAik " as in bia atjiit." And when this hfo ia tt.Jad M..V a.'! waor:i ha ha g.vcs f'n 14 lorm a f.m. y, S itbin t courts of hcavan 3tlisccllanfous. I.V RFi.1 Est. The Blacksmith cf tho Mountain Pass, A Tit M' ROt r) HUTCH A', llie entrance cf ono of ihiae gorgea or Cos hi the great Ap-ilichMn chain of rnuun tj is in lhe;r pas-agi; serosa iho rior'h-rn I rt on oi'CJe-.rg'a, a n' had erected 1. 11 lor g-', in 1 he far ' v si. I: eri.ent of lhal c un try by tho Ameiican rar", inl drove a t.'iril ty Irnde in !hu way of firing ay-a and poii.l 1 plo s fur the sett !c s, rir.ri sltneifi horses fir wayl iring p'J.-ple in Iheir (ran-il throoh t.lal c untry lo ex imirii- gold mines and .and. As h" wa no nrdinari persunegc; 01 liu) alTurs r.f hi r.i'iy huoi iioo.l, and will make a eon-jneu' us figure in (hu nar' five, li.s p'-cu ini es wi.l riol b" imnti-re lorn" ol ling- II ivmg uct'-d'liir. .114(1 ine on a homely 11 at 10 ol ni own "i a) u,J ns nu g'i, fie hail acq 1 n d a rrio monev , hi d was nut ol debt, no 1 cons' q ji.n'.ty cr j it ed he "glor inu-i privi. h'e of being iii'i'peiider.t," in a degree lhal 11 u .known to many u-iiu occupy a yn a cr portion nf this world's alleiilioii Inun U roseif. Hu wa- a bur'v, well lor. kin; man of thirty- f.vo, jilsl young enough to 'eel thai ail hi f 1 uiti s, in'ji.tal and (ifry r ; u I , had reached smote him f r, by the opinim s of others, he r eroi c-l d -ui1' niiii-nt, and just old f.tre Mr. Fori'eron is senii ric-d a a devil. en .;ti t- havij am-iised sufiicient ( Xuorience nl mi ri ami things, 1 1 rri.ik'.' tho past servo as a li ig'ir-;osl lo ha foiure j urncy through li1-. M'i'n slrewd, hul, h Id anil lion (-' lo,,k, In. re was a g eefu' rxpreae ori in t 1" Corner" r.f in fjfi, thul dko of tun. I ' " luuhing tl'til in I is eye "wa- not a I.-.'.us, hoev-r. !!. ph", .cal con- for rrut. on wn thil which combined great 'reogih nnd ag lily; arid if he had beep latcd ". have h en a coiernpora ry of h;a great pro- 1 .( p, Vu', there cen be no doubt bul t ie Lerniiian hiacl;sm.'h would have allotted I 1 turn a front forgo in h s ea'ablishment, In e. -t a- a s. nl nf pit erri i ard, and to divert tho ; . . iC g ' from h-s own I ni.o g to the fair . rop ,rt nr.s of hta fireman. Nr,., although Ned 1'i.rgerr.n fur auch 1 iho riamo ho h d inlmriied Irom 101,0 : ar.r i -'nr. was a ffuod nalured mtin, r ti.e po-s-.ii. 11 iifgn at muscular Mnmcili 1! c.. ii-age, and Urn admiration whuli a i-e.-.slul.eiereiae r.f his power never failed . e , roand, had somewhat spoi ed hum l.'.-u' mniiiitg In 11 jire any mortal, he ! fi.aiMgi-d, iievo'thi.-ie, lu try Ice pro- -1 00 ui- div of hi neighbors; and Irom " "j'C' st winch always crori' d hn h m itt l .rts in thai way, had uni-oti ciuusly a rj nr 1 to" char.-ic.lftr of a in LI.. ' itn very lew early a lvari'iies of elenien ry . i' a ion, ho had, never' he'i-a. nl dif period, eoileci d a maa of hetcrnga. ' is 1' f-.rrna ion. whicn he was very fund '. ;. svim; em all occasions. He s i'jft ii.f political antiquaiy, and could n il li e 'pin hole of Mr. Jefferson or Mr. Madison, on any 'subject, and wa referred to on nil dispone 'point i f hi- theory and history of ihe guv I eminent. 'I'11 arose among the catnlidaloa lot legislature and country pulinciana. I hi lie I he author (T tho " Kuins," or knew what Dicsoia miBlit. Thie pcculianlv, njpther ih the pcrii n-citv of lie incx-ionartea, Worcester ami Ij u i It r , which carried them to the pcinlcnii ory. miy account fur fie great avrmou of Mr. Ldwaid Forperon lo iha prrachnr ol - the dnpr'l Hia dislike for them aa an fi ce-ive, that be Cnulil acarcely rp-k of the "hy )ipcrmcal BCoundrela," aa tie called them, uithiitit fit ni); Hiio a pasriun, and using inUo Coioua lonuiii', , liul a r.ccUTfd which gae his Zi-al a iJistinct and acciaiian dirrc i"0. A Melhidt preachi'r ovi r in Ti'i!icsm:l', ho waa fond of apicn g bia niscuuiae wi ll anrc diilen, once made Hie Ll.n k-nn'h :r. princi. pal character to a long cnnini. iiia pecu iliritica were diluted on, and hla hrremea dra I with, in becoming anerdy. All thia c une to the eara of Fwgcron, with audi ad Hitions ai:d em In -llial inenls aa a ilory u uu n'i'y t ecivcd in pan g a fluid peiaoo. I; would bo ua usririi lu ol erupt In lie-.-or he a inoi.nluin nh rm a to piciure t i.e wraiu i I liiu moui.tinneer. I5ut il we can no! purlriv the atorin, thf cjiix qurrcci m iy lie eauly told. The b!i kjin th more in hit ruth 'hut liu nuid wrip tv- ry Me hudul (re .ci cr thai ps.-aed the rjp, in icvmye fur ih- in-ult. F rgi-ri O wna a man of ln woid, aa the " I rii -t J fi;aiurrh f mnv f J 'hn Wedj'i Ci-c p'l-a c ui'd li'n'ify." Ilia chra"ler nuti urnt a rr'id'l, and the ;oi'd old timirona of (he m r ri-uri'i ii;l! Cuuuli'a t o ritch ai'ie f lite n. tiiji.i. .p., l remblc tin; 1111.11i1i.11i1 paa niaiitic. a p'acd aa ' aei k for a picuire, ! nl hi name. In s url, which Was'v 11a rn 1 Isoti-e p.- punier wi-u'd and was j-jt the place lo remind a M-u h h een fruiii li nclaeic atu-li-a, i fil; p ace where Ly Molds and his three h'ji.i'ieii 2uartal. lei , in anenip' t g tu r!e lend d'.iTie .ijjiii-l Ihe army I-X ilea; hi rf. iirt i f Ihe c ai (h ur f l-eiling cl (T. and 'ti- ! inty i f ua verd-.i-e, wa aancia!ed 11 ,!e ril':S.fni'n -l-l .rreir.( w nh the HKC All (.ATE ihv h a'1 lo dealriicll n. Ami Ned ,iri;ernn, the) har d'-me h'a1 knnii was inv e - ted with t he at r ihuu-a f tna Sjian ic in j -' . bv many a ri' uHi.n girl, who wr u'J 1! ..iiVlea have fa'len in h ve at fim a 'ht w.ih him, under any mher nim. 1 I he preacher wh'iie cncuit lav on eiHer i.le i.f the m 'Untain, at the time Ned's dire fjl 1 diet wa pmmu'gatcd to 'ht world, was a m'-ek and Inw'y man, who sp.iroa'hed riear'v in hia natural di-p'-aitnm tu willing ob'di'.f-ce to Ihe manda e relative to turning 'the cheek lo ihe arniter. The pxir s ill ped manv aleep e riihi in view of iho fate that awaited him in Ihe m'-tintnin pan. In his dreams he w rgenjii with a bug" aledge hammer ready lo rlaah oul hi brains, ar d wou'd start with surh Violence s lo a. wnke himself. He n q nred if there was no r ther place al which he mountain could be passim ooly lo h-arfi hi doom more certain Iv. Rfir a a timid man, hut wiihal devool y impre-pil Willi a sene r.f duty, hn resolved . lo rtiachariio l is du'v faithiu'lv. ho the ccnae. q.)euecs what 'hev n.iijhl. Like a lamb go ini lo the aluu'hu-r, did he wend hia wav toward the gap; ns h- came in from of the simp. Ihe blark-mi'h was at'ikmi; hi laal hh-w on a shovel and n gmg, lo the tune ol " t.'n-ar Ihe krehen," " O d (.eorjia ia s ns'.la Stala, Her Jia are (fioii, aod bar peopls graat." On cali:hing a glimine of Iho peraun, who had flittered himself lhal h wa ab'-tii In pass Willi impunity, Ned par g oul -'Slop there, you eternal shad belly, and pay ihe penally lor my njui.d" The holy man pro 1 sted hum rence of hav ing ever iiiieniiunali) injured bun, by word or deed. The man's subdued I k and earnest voire had half diasuarled Ned I nun his a'ern pur- pose, when Ihe giggin g nf his striker, and tru; ( htering o! two or U ree idler -, nerved him In do whal ho fell was mean. Let any one pa-j-e a moment, arid 11 H cl if he has never been, urired (ti tu hcis his c nacience Tho preacher received several boxes on the ear, and heard many deniinct itiuris agaiusi his seel before he was permitted In depart; and when lhat permission was r'-reiied, ho was not alow 111 availing hnnaelf of . he prin- , lege. I Al the next onr.ual conference, vi hen cir-1 cuifs were assigned lu 'he diHi-rent preaeheis, 1 Dm mm made hi apnea fanr e punctually, bul by a' tn pror es of casuislrv, r. iinnceii him-, self lhal In duly did not call fur a revelation of his Buffeting. If I.e was too sen-mvo of r the b ackstnith'a charaner lo expose 11 to rude remark, nr if he had a preference lhal aome worthier b other should occupy the1 ht-uilhy alalinn among ihe mountains, I ditTi , ru!l In conjecture. I'ul f rgernn's n puta- tmn had txiended beyond the circuit, and wand ne amp e anil severe ju-neo 10 ny tun j (.'. w h-. had heard ol his fame. Il anon be ; c ine the stil-j-ci r.f animates conveisilion, and ihero waa nn litl'e wim-irg, each one (earing it wou'd he hta cruel' fate to be seni j ",,i' to sppi-aaei iho wrath ol Una nuinan I miriolaur against he Mihodial Church. j Af'B- a tune 11 waa agreed lhat iho Rev. Mr. Suhb'eworlli was the dm mer) individual, arid when tho unnuneialinn came, many an ey n of inmglod pny and curioaily was turned .on hi ruddy, (jood rnlured face, lo ace bow ' iho dispensation was borne, hut not a miiac'e I wa moved. W ithaqwc! vrru'e, he express i rd a perfect williiicnrse to go where he was ' sent. flu was ' clay i'l the hand of a pot lur," he said. !f he-piroed birrwelf on a alolirl indiffi rence to li e blackmiiih'a puni nieling, or if he relied on h i ample dinien i i h to proiocl him-elf he never disclosed , hul he npp- art d aa aell eafiffli d and comeni aa ever. Ilia predereaor looked ( r all I he world like a mouae junl neaped from I h Inni'i ofaome terrible grimalkin. Mr. Subhle wurlh airariged hit few aublu- nary uffiira, and bidding hia fnenda adieu, niounn d hia old roan, and departed for hn now home of triala Willi a long of hope ua hia l'(i- Let ua hne ihe heal for him. I he Re. M r. Bubble worth waa very n uch ideaned nh hia new nation. Having heen r iihIi'i rid l torn a level n ne wooda country, near the cm fniea of Florida, Ihe novrliy of mountain acerirry and a pure bracing aimoa- phere seemed lo inapire him with new hie. The lime arriving for hie departure to Irre iranamonlaue portion of hn pasloial care, he was warned of the dangers he was about to encounter, but they were heard with the lame placid smile. The wor hy ladies pic lured lo him chimeras dire," snflr lent t j have abated the zeal nl any other individual, Hul that gentleman quieted I heir fear a h ap- pea ing lo ihe power thai " temper the w ird lo ihe shorn Inn.b," with a rouniennnre a lamb like aa cou-d be imagined. And he do parted aingir.g. j 'I'hey waicbed him until his pirlly pe:on and horse gre dim ill Ihe diMance, and then turned away, aighmg that the good man should fid into ihe handa of that inonater, Ihe blarkamiih. Forucron had heard of his new victim, and rej need lhat hia a i and appearance lun i-h til I aeiler auhjeCI lor hia vengeance than Ihe attenuated Irame of the late paiami. O, whai a nice h-anng he would have I lie hall heard, too, that aome Meihodial preach era were rallier spiriled, and hoped thai Una one miyht prove ao, thai he nngbl provoka him lo liht. Kn' wing that Ihe preacher ii.U'l paaa on Saturday 111 the alieinoon, he gave his sinker a holid iy, and reclining on h hunch, regaled himo-ll nn iho beauties of Tom Paine, awaiting Iho arrival of Ihe pieacher. It was not over an hcur before he heard Ihe words " llsar happy a.-a Ibsy who Ihur f av.our hsy, " And bars laid up ihtir Irraauras abow,' sur.g 111 a clear, lull voice ; ami soon Ihe vo cslial lurmi.g Ihe angle ol a, mde lei aurelv up, wirhe cheerful smile on his face. "ll .w are you, old a'-abudcs? (Jul . 1 j your horse nnd join ill my ilevoliona," aaid the h ickni.ith. " I I. aw many mi'r !o ri.le i p! ed lite prracner, ".mil hit:i'l inn, my linud; I'll caii aa I u-lorn." " li.ur name 1 Suhb'ewuri li, ami y kj sro Ihe hi pocnte (he Mclbud.als have sent hen-, ell ? " " My name is 5ubb'ew irlh," ho rrphail (lief k V " Lhd'i't y u kn.iw my name a Nad For- L' Ihe bldckaiuilh, w 11 r whip every M- hi.i!il a 01-ler ilil g .es through ihe gap' w 1 asked vtiih an audacious leer. ' A nd h.w dire y hu rone he re ' " The preaehar rvp'ird Ihil he had tieard Forgeri ii a name, hul pi'-sumi d thai he dm Pol m.i'ea- well behaved truelers. 'You prrsurned so. Y'S, yu are Ihe most presumptuous people, yos Meihiefisis, . l . . , L 1 ... 1 . 1 c mar ever iroi snoe learner, any iii vr. av en, ' 3 ' w hal II y ots do, if I dun I w hie i-u this tune. you he f he -did diacple, you?' Mr. S-.ihh rwurlh prufessed his willing rsa t 1 d any ihirg rrai.mab e to vo d such p narice. " vVe'l, (here's lluee ihinr. you h-ife 10 do, or I'll maul vm loin a j -l'y . The fi -t H, ymi aie 10 quu preaching ; iha st cnnd 1. V u must wear thia laal wili and Icslarnenl .. Tom fame rent lo your hesri ; tead it even r!sv, and believe every word yiu rend; and Ihe ihnd is, you are In curs iho Meihodis's in rvery crowd ynu a-e l i gel mio." The preacher looked on during iheve novel propoanicris, without a iine of hi fnc being moved, am) al ihe. end r-f, 'icd lhal tho terms ' 1 spirit hsd enlired him in'o 'he no untaina, were unreasonable, and he ou d riol aubrmt and af'er giving 1 a g'mi! ae into the future, to thern. h idmis'cd lo a c r ag w bine he ha I lalli n " W ell, yen have gol a whaling to luhniil and bruised Inalace." O hers gave ihe prince In, Ihen. I'll larrup you like bliz-a! l'ii;of darknea the rredii of the change hut leaf you mm doll rags corrier wayi! (!! none uspecieq ihe Meihodisl p e ,clu r, and down, you long faced hypocrite." . i the taller gentleman had tin vanny to gra- The preacher remonstrated, and Fnrgsroti lifv, Ihe aecn-i remained with Ned. walked up to Ihe horae and threatened In 'ear j This 1 Inn my ,(; of mind cimirmed until hirn off if he did not diamounl ; whereupon 1 Fnrgeron visred i camp meeting. The Kev. the worthy man made a vir uo of neceaaity, . Ir. 8jhh'eworth preached a senium thai and diarrmuiiled. seemed lo ruler h i s ni', and relievo ll of a "I have tul one n quest lo 11 ake my ; burden, and I he sunir of friend ; lhat ia, lhal you won't heal rue with , f happv ars they whs their lavi(iiir obey," true overcoat on. I was a present Irom 'he ladies of my last circuit, and j do 101 lo Mv 1. lorn. l w,,n ln euan-emy, you ora .m, lBeH imn ... " ' len loced imp ynu 'J'he Metho'iiirt prpaeher louly drew of ! his overcoat, a. continued his; tirade of .burof him.elf and h,a s.-cl , and i . r nis ngni nana inun 1110 sieeve, 1 Ci(UllJ cuMmu, nn K, but give vent to h,s arid Ihrew his garmenl b. hind him, he dead ! f,.e,,R, , cnVul..vo peals nf langhler, a Mr. horgeror. a l.emendou bow he.wiH'no i,,,,,,,,, .,,-. c heartfelt joy cuorsed hi eye, .nd laid that person full lengih on ,. ,.r w,y (wr) (i cl,.,.k., ground with the Tr.srA.Mr.--ir of Thomas j .. Ye. mv br-i Ur t-.t.- he sn.l, " ii's a I a rdlfiP IM Htflrt him. I hi Rtv. lr. hutihiit 1 worih, Hh Ihe tact of a eonniMfur in nuch ma. .era, oui not sail lor ma adversary use, uu. muuiiiei, mm wiin q.,l( Klies. ol a cat, and bestowed his blows wnh a b iunteoua I hand on the stomach arid face nf the hi an k j smith, continu'ng his aong where he had ; left cir on hi arrival ai the smithy j Tnngiio cannot sxprsas 1 'The sweet eonilarla and pears I Of a aoul ia its sari. eat Jove' j until Mr. Fu'geron, from having experienced ' "first love," or some other sensation equally j new to htm, responded hasli'v, " .sough ! 'nough I 'nough! Take him oi l" liul un fortunately there waa no one by to perform ihal kind i ffice, except ihe old roan, and ho munched bunch of glass, and hn k'd on as quietly as if his rna-lur was iiai'i'V at a camp- ' ineelmg. "Now," mid Mr. Subhtewoilh, " llinre are Ihne lliinga locinusi promise Ml, he-lore I ef sou Up." " Wild are they V asked Ned, ragrrly. " The fust is, that you will never molesl a Meihodial again." Hare Ned's pride rose, and he heaitated ; and ihe reverend gentleman wtib hia usual benign amile ou bia face, renewed his blows, and sung " I rod en lbs sky, frsely justified I, Arid the moon il sis under my fast.'' Thia nrienlal langimge ovfrcanie the black eniilti? Such bold figure t$ aoniellnnglac, CHurn-d bun lu cry oui, " W 41. ', do II I'll do H !" V ' You are getting on cr well," eaid Mr. Suhbli worth ; " think I cm make a decent man of "ti yel, and peihapaa Cliiixiiaii." Ned eroaooJ. "Theaecond thing ! rrqureof you ia lo go lo Punipkinvine Creek meeting houie and hear m preach to innr)"." Ned altempied to similiter tome excuse, "I I that ia W hen Ihe rlinne resumel hia devoiional . h nm, anil kip1 limn iih lla rnuaic, air iking hi in over tie lacit with the 6aby pirt ol hia hand j''' , aul niounlrd bi-har chanol f Sre, Kerdial anvy r.lijah hia aaai - Ned's promiae of puncluahlv caused the para.m'a exerciae lo come, nnd the. wonla re- dolent of gorgeoua inmgerv (ied away in echoes from Ihe adjacent craja. " Now the third and last demand I mhko of vou ia peremptory. " Ned waa all alltnlioii lo know w hut am lo come nexl. " ' Vr u are to promiae lo seek raligion day and nihi, nnd never real iimil you obtain it at 'ha handa ol H merciful Kidet mcr." 1 ''he ( .Men man hn k-d al the dec inii.g tun and then al the pardon, and knew mi what lo any , w hen Ihe latter miii v id uu I In gin lo raiae hi voice m a aong once uiiire.aiiil Ned knew what waa coming lit!. ' I II do my beat," he u d in an l.uiiib't d vnice. "Well, ihnt thai' a nm," Mr. fbb!e worih aaul. " Now get op and go down lo the apring and wuah ymir lare ami duat nur rluihea, and tear up Mr. P rue". 1 r t a t t.r. and 'urn r.ur i;mii t on l.'gh. Ne'!un e with lei I m 2 be had n ver'n ! perienced before, and ent n ehey Ihe lava torv ii jiiiiclion of Ire pre?, her, wlrn that 'gentleman muniird hia horae, tmkNedly Ihn hand, ami aairi " Keep 1 our prior t-s and I'l' keep your counsel. (Jood evenit-.g. Mr. - r jrrun I II lo- k for y ou to cimr row ;' and oti' ho f do wiih lie sarna irnrier ui bible c ii', .r g;n so lend a lo 'are ihe ei.g n frr m their eyrie 111 The oiei hai g 1 g roi k. " W 11 I," thi light Ned, " una n a n c hu sini a ! vl hat would (-( pio aay if they kr;e Klward Fnrgeron Was whiperl bi-'ure hi own di or 111 ihe tnp, and ly a Vi nio ni-T rn 1 a l 11 r. at . ton ' " li jt hia own iiiu"M g wcra more in sorrow ib in in anjier. Tte di-tig'ircd ci unlenance of F.ngeron 1 f ci urae ihe sol j. cl i f Humeri us q ie tj. iha' riv'hl aui .i.g hi fnin!a. lo which lie rep 11 , 1 w .Hi a !eil Inuk ihey we. I under- s nrif, and 1 he ague ri w-trk that he la Ucr wiih J( aiiiuit. O cmirsa iney unci ,1 1 dfiieo t, ia. mil. tuais. 1 nr ger (.it lo, ked in ihe gla, and pe(hn Ci u.(-nei 1 lur charging I oes ul lis "hi n ' ry e I ruin a re- csnl sei.fil.-," lo Ihe ruii.bow sliipwrerk scene blending every cmr ii.ii Or p rhaps, he had never lead that or.e. a'nrv. ai.'l 01 ly inoite'eij In eroli vvr.ippej by 8 Mi llllllM'U, " . ill I Of ruHlial preacht-r ! ' His ilirama that n ht ai re i f a ci.nfuaed Slid diangieesali- nature; and waking in ll.e cnor (1 ,r. i , he had an recol 1 c lion o' 1 . . 1 . , 1 . s-mei'i iff iinpiessaiii nnvii 1; ui currt-t:. n e ' e In si he could nut 1 e member ihe c . u- f hl ft-elii'gs, but the bruises on his face ui d body soon oiled them In mind, aa wi II as i.n pro n ise. In- in. ui ti u hn lioi so in snince, 1. j wei.i to rei e. m it. From lhal time his who'e rorii) irl mini feat, d a change r.f ft-i linjj. Tne g' as ps r the i.e i'hb. t hood otist rved it, snd whispered I' al ' d w,i s.lent uml sen- lis, ami bad g i.e tn Mi l l iMi even Sumi.iy since the ai i lii' M Tin y wondered ai I. is b'liinr-g the Inn ks l.r ! used so tn'irli. rirargo one urc em u a- 'ed a lo thi riieiarr.nrpho.o of ihe j iu,v dare devil blacksmith 111I0 a gloomy and laci- ! lurn m m. Some supposed, very a 1 ge y , th l 1 1 rirv pal 1 11 roiii! 11 when no n il iiko a new man. rnrgeron Ma Irnrn lhat time a t - '.h.miing Method,,!." At invo least, a ,,, ,,,e ,ul,.rn,.tl, j, shorl Iniie iu baeoiieol . he i-.ive in hi etneri. ' i rnce. and rrVra i-d tnemtsterv nf hi cnt ie. to. n aiirl mil vet .to 11 In I he nstoniahert nei - b b(ir, Tt , . f w ,.,.., ln ,, Z .j r. !...,,' t. i.. ' . J. Zl in.,, t s-l" 'u17 "i-i Hint. 111.11 , krnl ihn arr rtt tint li 1 1 fict ; I dut rnnul ihc urnc tutu hit untjo icv tuff mini ihTM it nt) fii til.'." The b'arl-.srmlh ol Ihe mmjn'ain pa. he ,.. , tlH, ,.. .. . u h .di.l orearher. 'a"in'y ( sripaiuoa. . , , , , Miss U jrdnll t o.itl has been rlocleil " a , ., , . l ellnvi of the job gical n.iciety in Lun 1 I I Kcinov al. fllllt'. 1 !ht lii vi tig pill (. ham hasnd JL llie lit! ut l.e Thi nnd S!ir,-t Iron iIa' D H Q. E3 Mw , has removed il I., the house ..f It II llrawh v. near lv 'M'losin. J. It herr'a iln'el, shin i.e In. pea 10 see (II of bis old eo.lomera snd friends, as h- is !.lelm,,iedl(. sell I'l II II r' lower OH I AMI I ban ll baa ever lici n sird III t h.i 1 1'il'e, eill er bv the i VV hi.lesslo or lletail. lis. Wl.hliiu lo porchae . i sould do wi )l lu civil him s call helur i.tvit c I li.entst Ives elst-wlii-rc. ! ili'Ali kinil nl KU'N I'll Y ritoiiITi; taken j j in e.vchsi (.. lor work ..r ware. j i J J'lll WIIUK. auch aa Itnoliil", Calll- Ii rinn.siot l'i s, -.. .loot. ,i ii.e short. , est not H i . 9 rOKDKRS from a dutanre punctually otlrrid ed to. BA.M I..T. WfJIST'i LN. Jsaty I, leJJ. frf Wu 1'i'kiifi llntary tf Alabama. I HON. WM. U. KING, OF ALABAMA. William Rufua Km? ia a native of North , ( arolina. Ii waa horn on lh 1 1 r April, 176. Ilia father William King waa a planter, in independent circumstances, whoae ance-iora ennia from the north of Irehiud and were among the earlv aeltlera on Jamca river 111 Hie colony 01 Virginia, no waa r tt highly esteemed for hi mBny virtuei, and waa elected a member of the State conven- lieu which adopted lle federal cnnaUlnlinn. ' l" nioiher of M r. King waa descended fiom ft r U U..... r.u..n a llugiieiioi inmiiy, wmcn nnn oeeu nriven from t rance by the levocation ol the lcl of Nuntz. (l it , . I - . . : ll.:.J .1 "iiiiani uuius jing receivru ma cuukw lion ai the Uuivcraity oj North Carolina, to which he wus sent at the early age ol twelve years. On leaving thai matilulion, where hi 11 1 teri 1 ion to hia atudira, and uniformly correct and gentlemanly depoi'meiil, had rotmnanded the reiprcl and regard of hi fellow a am! the appro! auon of the professors, he ehtf u d Ihe law olVl-C nl S ilhurn Dolly, a didtii'cuiaed la w yt-r, rraidir-i 111 Ihe low 11 nl I avtlteviHe, uitli Carolina, and 111 ttie autumn i.f 1 .(!.") olnained licenao lo prnrlio- ! (J civ.rwht in Iriern wih rum, and til no ei.a 111 Ihe eupenor c urls of ihe ie. In li(jc(i n atcure Iheir poaacaaim upon reason he was elected a member of tb legislature 1 er Die. id Ihe r-iuiu In 111 the 0 only ol ?airpoii in 1 wii.cti he wn horn, lie Hia again dec id Ihe year do iUiiij ; hul, 111 the meclirg ol- ine icpiaiaiore, n waa enneeo imn n"i oj thai body, and retigmd hiaaeal. Col. King columned in tho prudice of In pri fi anon iinMl he wmr lecied a un mher nl O r rieas Imrn llie WiliiiingKin diairic", winch i ok 1 a , ... 1 , 1.1, place m Auuuai, l-IO, when ha was but lit - I tie mine than twenty h or years of oe , hul. at Ins pr deceaxoia Icrin did not evpire be. Via 1 1 1. 1 1 r 1 . , J e llie -I 1) ol March, 1 1 1 , Col. King did . . f .. i- taka ai .it in l it-Coi grt sa of the I 111 I re not led S aiea until lha auiumii (f lhal yenr, he . t ... ,'. iho 1 welllh Congress. 11. ley I iie fi al aereif -u i f , . , 1 , c lory 1 I ll.e cnilry. Ihe v- ( ri-iin ills of l i . 1 ,., ,1.. 1, Kog'aiid anJ Franco had for vears rival ed each oilier 111 acl d-l'Ui:live of ihe neutral ' rijibla, n r i ruinous lo ihe t 'e of fr L ulled Sisf s. F.very iT.rl had heen mad but 111 vain lo procure an abandonment i f o d( r in council on ihe one bund, and do . creea 011 I he other, which had nearly cut up ihe c. iiiinerco of the Country by the roots, : Hid a larne rn-'j iiity of liie people felt I. at to iuhti it longer lo such grots 1 olaiii-ns cl lOir rights a a i.r utial lu 111 n w 1 u'd be tie grarli g, and thryra'id umm iha govern mini lo prmect tin o ngh s, even al ll.e ha zird 1 I a war. in tt. s sM e of things Col. Kn g look hia Mat in the II ue of Hi pieaer.. ' atitea, and unhevitaln gly rarged hiin.elf on 1 110 .loo 01 too until niiu lilt 1 iitni. pijiius 111 , . . , 1 1 1 j . 1 . 1 lhal body who had deteroilned to repel ag . , . .' er e on Come Irorj n ia ter II might and ,, . , r 7k. . to iniiina n ll.e r gnis and Imner of ihe eenn. try. The withdrawal of th l!"r'm ami Mi Un decree hv Franca, while Kngland ic - fused lu abandon her orders in council, pul an end lu all h-ars'ioii a lo which of .1... i . 1 .1... 1... .1 .1 . . p. hi r ahou'd be mrl in ih-ad y strife. In June, ll'.'.ltar wnadiclared agannl Kng land, Mr. Kir.c; idviiculu g and Vulmg li.: the declaration. II Cuiitinurd to lepreaent his district in Cnr gress dur ng the cnnlinuance r.i ... .i.iii - .. . I I lie w b r . 1 n 10 me w 11 11 ail ins now er CTB- 1- 1 1 . .... ....... .1... A . 1., .1.. ! - ... ' ' fill 1 nn er-l It, mi a. ruin it t , a sneer 11 u I'vemrr ei.T to nrna. cuto it l.i A erminniion ; and not until iha rights of the rnur.iry were vindicated or.d seeured, and peace restored to the lai d did he feel si ll berty 10 relinquish lm highly rcp uisib'e portion in whth Ins colli. tug constituents; hal p'aeeil him. In the spring ol IMO Col. Kirij resir,erj his seal in the House ol Rep. ! resenlalive. ni.H acer.iiipamed W'm. Pinck. try nl .Alirvianrl, a secretary r. legaimn, lirsi 10 Nanlcs. nnd Ihen In St. Peieitburir. to which court Mr- Pinrkt ry had been ap pointed rninisler pi.-nipiiK iitiari. Cut. King remained abroad nut mi lo Iw 1 tears, havimt 1nlh.1l lime viaiied the greater porlion ol, making himself acquainted with the imlilulions of lh various jtut ornments, and Ihe rondiiion ol iheir neonle. On hn remrn 10 iho Finied S ntea ho ds'orrn.ned to move tu Ihn J'errilory of Alabama, which deter- mmaiion he carried into 1 met in Ihe winter ISIS M'J. and fiyerl hi residence in the coiiiiu of Ilallaa, where ho still readies. A few mmiihs after Col. Kifg arrived in the TerntorN Congress having authori.ed the prt.plo lo form a r-niin tit 100 and establish a Stain government ho was elcc'cd a mem ber of fhr convenlion. Col. Kite ass in active, la crited end . fl ienlial merr,ber of 1.1.., 1....1.. ins nlaeed on ihn rnmmillen n pmnled to draft a cunaiiiuiinn, and was also ' ' , - ..1. r .j a. . i . . t . .. u. 0 . 1 aererieri nv ine rp in-rii commniee. inetetner ..1 .ji....i . 1 . ...1 won jiui'ie i h ior, now oi mi.' niaie ni .tin '. " j t.;... 11 ..t...L ... I sissijiii, boo juu-e ni-riry 1 1 uenroe a on m I ... ... i . : " "w . ' tcc",a,,ure ; 9,tl' ,h" P'" . T-.-n. , ...a.,! ltn I nil I HIV Ihl'V nsrltiraii'ri in a " ' f ; - -r r a. - -1 manner salia'aciory in ihe ci rnmiHee. The ! ho was elected by the legia'atute lot a lull eorisiiiotiun thus prepared w a s'ibrnilird toiierm of six years. In 1 ."itl, on the death ihe convention, and adopted with but slight alleratmns. On iho adjournment of the convention Col. K nf reiurr cil to h a former residence in Nm ill Carolina, whne iril nf his pro per t y sull was, and, having m tde hia a 1 range. merits fur its removal, set mil on his reiurn ' lur A'ahama, t)n reaching Millriloevie, in I the ajialo u OeorEia, ho received a letter i , . . ,, . . 7 , . , , . Irum l.nv. If bb ol Abihima, inliirmirig him , . 1 1 lhal bo bad been elected a serin 'nr in Ihe i Congress of ihn United flail's, mid thai ihe j eertilicalu ol Ins eieclirin nail nfen transmil led lo ihe CI'V nf Washington. This was I ihe first inlimalion Inch Col. King had lhal j hi immn even h.vd her n preaenled lo Iho Le-j '''"" p- n ; a,i iur,,- ly aa H would nflecl hia private mien s a in the then condition nl hia Hllnrs he did liul "e.nair in ari-rpl ltn- honor so unexpectedly conferred upon bun. mid, leaiig his pnople pil'SUH llierr WBi lo Alabama, he ll.'tnci.'tl H nlH rC';he,l llie c,y of Washing . . . c ' . "'" " ,lw u 1 r""K -"' grea. iiia en league ine li n. Joiin vi . i Wa k'-r luid arrived before htm. Alabama wa admitted aa Stale, and her aeniitiira nfler taking the oa'h lo suppnrl ihe cniistltillion of the United .Stall's, were re. ,in,e, m draw for their term of aor'vico, when Maior vt a!ki'r drew six veBra and Col. King four. Al tho lime lhat Alabama heram" a Slate nf the Union tho indebted, m ss cf her citir.ns fur hinds sold Hv iho U. Slatea under what waa known as the credit ""- nearly twel.o nnHiona ..f dol lura. It was perfectly apparent thut thia cinrinoua sum could not be paid, nnd that an attempt to enforce the payment could only les.ilf in ruin to her people. CoriKreaa bo- it . r" I cainn aaliafied thai tho mode heretofore adop- ted for the diiiioaal of the public domain wan wrong, and a law waa passed reducing the mi . - ' . .1 1 . . . mmum price Irom two 10 one uoiiar ane iwen- ' iy fie cenla the acre, wilh caah pay menls. This change was u armlv udvueated by our aeuatora Walker and King At ilm next seaamn a law waa pnsar d an l . ..... ,h,imm ihe p irchaners of public lands, un- ,jt.r ihe credit ay stem, to relinquish to Ihe go Ivernment a portion of their curchnae, and lo irtr,fer the amount paid on the part reliu. qtiiahei?, so aa to nike'eie pay ment on the part retained. At a lubaequeni spsaiori Bnotiier jaw wai paed, aulhonzmg ihe oii ginal purchasers of the lands so relinqmahud to enter them al a fixed rale, murh below ihe pneu at which ihey had heen originally told. To thi! ixeiliona of Senators King and Walker, A'.ibama i mainly in.leb'cd lur the iia-voi'i' ol I hee Itu i, which heed her ci 1 '..,.,, ,e. ,1,1,. l.,.i. ihre.iiei.ed Pol. Kii.d waa elected a senator in 1S23. in in 193-1, and in I'-IO. Hit firm but , ,f . ... concha. ory cour.e inured for him (he re- apcrt anil confidence of the Senate, and he wb repeaiedly chosen to prvaidn over that horiv as President pro lein., the i'iimis ol l...i i. j....i.....j ... . - 1 . . sntiaaciurv llial at the rloae of each iort . , , . , . . ' . il.. . 1... fl.ti.l.fl vwiihnnl a nnateo in.i voice, tendering bun the ihanka of the body for ihe ability and i.npar.ial.iy with which 1 .1 1 he had disc harped hove duties. In ihe spi ng , . . ' of 1 "41 Col. King waa ( Sored the riiuation 1 of 11. in later to I ranee, which he riecln ed, as 1 , , , , he had, on prey irua dccaviona, refused in ac - cent other diplomatic situations which had! . 1 . , , , 1 bet n lendercd to him, preferring, as l e de clarcd, to he a semior fn m Aluhama to any 1 (lire whir h could he conf-rred on hi in by j the general government. At this tunc llie ; proposition lur tho Bnnevatiori uf Tex is was j pending, and there was but too much rei. s.oi lo llieve that ihe llritiah governnieut was! u'gmg lhal i f France lo unite with her in a 1 outfit against surh aline 1 al nm. It was, therefor?, of the highest importance lo pre ver.l, if p-."ile, tuch joint protesi o, rh u'd I ill" msdif, trust have incviiobiy resul'cd . in pro.l-cir.g ti ' j s t : 1 1 : : c 3 nh tne nr b.lH of j thise p'twrrs ; for no or.e frit mr.m'nt he 1 heved that Hie gur-rnnient of the Fniicd 1 S a'ra wi.u'd he deterred from carry ing oui mtaauie which she considered eaaential lo1 , , . r I her inleresta from eny arprehenrt'in of con , , 11 , . ' atniiencea which mi"hl lesuli from anv com . 1 , r t- ibina'iiinof the p iwers oT 1 1 j '" King waa a decided advocate of ;"' ihe snnexaion of Texas ; and w hen urged by ihe President and many of his friends iu Congress 10 acrepl the ar:,on he consented. ti fii ' r lliPsM a 1 1 r ) rue ' h trr 1 Ut I'll r nn h fur up .teat in Ihe Senate. Cilone! Kf g, ee!i"j ; ; the 1 it-pur lance of action, did 11 ol even ' return 10 his homo to arrange his pi irate nl fairs, bul repaired al (net) lo Ne York, r.r.ii look paaaae fur Havre. Arrivm? in Pons, 1 , . . , f . r.'-. ... : he obtained an aodieorn of the Iin2. rre , . .. I , I . aeoi eo oui t. r cueoi la ia. mu 111 "o.c eni.-i.-u 1 upon the object ol h i mission. Alter in qucni Cunferenres wilh lire K ng nf iho French, ho had kindly contented lhal he ti cu-a iho suljeet wi'h linn. wi'Iimii gcug Ihn. ugh Ine usual roii'r" ol C"inmiir.ic.i:ii.g thrt ugh Ihe Furcgti Oilier, Col. v.c ceeded in contiiicirg hi Mnjitiy Ihe contemplated protest wlu'o il woiil.l not ar- 'i'i'r, iniiii-.nin.ii, ..miu n'.'-ie . ler nn Ihe minds of tho Air.enean reoplo a feeling of hos'.iiiiy toward Fi anre, w htch ' ' uid 1 I""" !e must injur lousy to Ihe inter- ' "f ''nth Counlrie now united hv the clo. . ",'t bunds nf f riendship ; and h;s Maj'sty' ' u'nmalclv declared Ilia! "he would d.i no ', 't""l! hosti'o tu Ihe L' fined Slate, r r whe". e""1'1 HIV9 lo her juil came of 1 flei re." The ' d"cd ohjecl wa occcmplished. Fnghir.r! ! 001 CnndTmn lo act nlner, and all ; ' protest was abanduned. C. I. King j ! femained in France until the Biiinmti ol , I ' 0' dispensing a liberal hospila'ity 10 hi ' ' countrymen and others, and rrceiv mg from ; 'lio.e connected wiin tne gnvernrnent, ami a large circ e of the most distinguished mill v 1 il u 1 1d 111 Pans, tho kindest auenlii n. He 1 returned in the Inilcd Sioles 111 N . ember, 1-1". having requested an. I obtain ll.e prr- I mission nl Iho I resident lo resign his llice. In t "44 the? Hun. Arthur P. llagliv wa . 1 . 1 . . i. anno men minister nieninoien arv 10 ittiss n. 1 - 1 l . ... ' . c . 1 . i a mi irsiitneu ni seal in ine 01 nam 111 ine I t- ... . . . , t riren ? 'ate. t.oioiic! iing was aipoiiiierj . .. "' ,M0 Senior 01 .Manama ,0 nn tne va. cancy ,hu. created; .nd in 1 -54'J iho .cm fm shih hn sn unnninl.i hitvinn Itninti if (ien. Taylor, Iho President id the Cniied t-ha'es, Mr. Fillmore, ihn Vice Pirsnlcnl, succeeded to lhal high i-lnce, nnd Col. K ng, waa chosen hy Ihe tionnimnus vote of 'he So riale President of lhat body, which placed him in the second high" at (dliro in the go serriiiienl. Colonel Kin ha ever heen bj republican of the J. fi'ursiinian school. Hej has, during his wholo polmcul life, i npuird , . , , ,.' 1 I Ihe cxerriso ol implied pi-wnrs on Ine pari , , , , . , ,, 1 of I I.e general government, uiuess pa'pnlvy I and plainly necessary lo carry nun 1 Hi el nn expressly grai.led power firmly impressed ! wnh llie belief, bs ho has nltr 11 declared, thil j ihe setnriiy and harmony, if md the very f existence of Ihe federal government waa 111 i volved in adhering to a strut cons'.rucuon cl j ihe cnnsiiliitinn. In all Iho relation of life Colonel Kin has maintained a bii dies rrpu ulioii. Ill Irnnk and Confiding (lispnsilion, hi uniform, Cnurlesv and kindness, have endeand him lo' numerous fi lends, and cr rnminded for bun;'""- 1 " "" ''' sdditi.o.a w i.l I e I- ir .1 . . i" , I , i i to lime, .is tl e vi .-oils el Ihern'inlrv lo .vii Ihe reaped and canlidcrice of all who have . vn, i, " i ; ( Iho ptriisuro r his acquaintance. Culiinol King is abeul six feel high, re niaikably erect in figuir, and is well propor honed. Itrnve and chivalrous in In charac ter, his whole bearing impresses even stran gers wnh Iho conviction ihnt they are in iho i presence of a finished gentleman. His fne!,lv,"! ''"""""'"I"""1 i"pie-.-. t u u i i . i , I the tune picsi-rih-d by 'aw. er ti,,p not. c v coll. qinal power, and the varied and extern j , , u, ,tlr , live inlormalion which ho posaesses, renderi II In; p. ".-, him a uioit intcies'inj con-paiiion, jiv is, iptj. j., l NY good, active and mtll el man, with a mall e,.il.l of l.. HI0, e..n r.i-.ra larie nrotita bv tntisiginff m Ihe nil ot tiio IuIUiwum; '' ' h B ........... . I'fPl 4.iiiaiii a a.a a jfcv.-. ('UAuaKis' IstoinniMN run thk I'ii im k : or I'ojm lar Knevcloiiadw of IVulul Kuottiei'". I i.,. imti,i ,,. . .. ri,i.,inr.r 1 TUN j,,,,.,. i PrTraanN's IliKTnar or rur. Aukhcas lir.vui.i 1 ma. I :HU Iuirs oclavn p'lge-a Willi -.-iiU una r.nfravmpa, 1 Pr.Tr.aao. s HiHrnar oif iiik I'mti n Stvtes Navv. UH(I In'te ocl.vo p3(;e, and IS 1 tine KiiL'mving. FaoaT's HesiiBiiiui.K Kvr sia in iiik Mia-ma tr Amkbh a. 'I wo liirj."! utliivo viillrnei, contain. inn I li'll) pnps and (Ut) l-.nrnving. 'I'i.a bct-t llialory of America iiililiahi'd. FansT'a I'ictohial Lu b e 1 ahiinoton. A ilen. did boo, containing ti'JU c-tuvo "t;ea ftr,J 10 elegant t.itrvwH The cli'pcai't of Wash- melon ever rnil.lohed. I Mnom i Ih'Toir nr thk I.b:a Wats. Kino eel. ori d and P iiin I'lnti a. 'IiieThce Kti'Lfl.iroi. f'ontaininu ibe Inannr l A (id reaper a lid I he f Hal A nun I A'Jtjrt m-b ai;il vl en. aiyea nl all Iho Ihei ..loti'a of the Cnlteii M;ilf.. II e I i'l uli 1 11 1 una I' tho nini.1 impo-'ml Males 111 I he I 1, ion, e , A e f h.!n liih';d v, ji h I'url f .i i of a.l Ihe Trend-. rite, ei.erjvid i.m i (!. and a new of ilie ( vpit .1 ul 11. e I iir.ej M..I1 5. y i f-i!', U'C Fi-' Ih "a ci V in 1 Vi.'n. A s'ri i! I ..cii'v I 1:1. lion, !a' 'J n'irir'o w ilh K: r.i v.i.i; titiiaiifoi'y bouad in nnirni-rii, ifilt. . lis ' ssi.m's lluroav or tiii: Th-i.s 9-j0 U-'-o nctavo pagra, nn illuuai:o' a. ; J11M nn a N niiKs. 1 itia huiiion, rtnn hn pi; v. .tune, U,lI1M., Kpr,.M.,lr, tN ,K NX(111 Ll ,,LU. T t 1 r e. a r ' a Mtun.a 1 r NAti ur. . ttmn'i llian.iit m-iui- Woain. A Valuable (.en. j et-il llia'ory. '-c o -lavo v..!uu,e. oh hand. amiiB r nsravii l' Iris or Uai t am Ci i rsi;Tri t'iii.crr. t ; 1 ,, A . . . , . . " n ' " " 1 ' '" ' " " 'oo.atL" i-i u k n . .. .1. 1 j 1 1 r w i'.ii a (.'i-c r o . '! ' he , !. ! 3 i II t '' ItLnui '.'" n irtit J. c r n , , . ,- 1 ; pe rnaj ir, .. r-i.e ,-Ae e..r it. il h r l-t 1 A i uant H,ai- 1 1 r lurihar parm ultra. ?'nneaa ;iota-e 1 i.d ) , , . , I J . d. J U. I 1 1 H ) N i-tnii-iim .Vo ;iH Cl.rut Slrrei. 'Ai.'u J,'..L;,l. IfiSSOffffWH. rrplH. er S Iiik 1. h. ire tx .1.' . c.. d-.v 1? y inn' a il ' ' : - Iirni .ua rf'.f f,i I ha ,N Q'rf ti.'i fi .. hands of I'r f J I . cuie II. a asms. .1 I 1 X . March 17, !-.' J."1- O r-ifiaV. i f VaaV - rVi I 'if Lf VS.f i it i 11:1 d t LLi:..-& J 3IEDK IMCS, &c. CliarloUi Di'uir rS'tore. Es.;t?,.i-M.i,'u.i. FO A ( A Ti li Vi Cl Zs ti, 11, 11 i)i v o I'o A. Cir, (; r .1 1 1 T r f :.i--.v 1 i (. ' : . --lu-d a if fur a le 11 of V 1 no . -. 1 r. l i ill I' 11.1 II I'-I ! thi", IM-. .Si! ;, 1.1 . i n - 00 '. ."!''..'. ,'. -,r 1 . : 1. ion- it oi!- n astortirii nl Si in s. Ti y Ac , tver 1 I . I'll i r Mi nn - rei .n to .s it. i -her ; la i-.i s i. .0 .-n 1 htm I aal.l I 1 T la i era. 11.01 ever fir. ?' a to i-Clr: u .-e efi r- ..' I , it in.')'., t a ei t- - Cl ' IV-so, tnreii ll.. Mm. re "I li' 1 1 ; t pareil. A .i ool'-ra lie 11 llie r en., I ; v i-nd- Hio iiirin 1 STf'l. K rriNSIs'l'-. I TAI; ' i f I II K H'l.l.l.iW I.VC; A eel ie, N 1 1 1 1 1-, t itr ,e. Mar a fie. Mi 'if. Tnrt.ine sV Dxsin: .Ar. ics ; 1 imle and Tul icn. t". I fi't.tle ol AiM'nn, I .n', bitmri its. I 'nni. v .in's ti'i . do , An., linn y.iiii'V-i.,: .',1 i-ji.i A,.-. A - : i da , A t-e'a'a Co , ( .h i!, n m p .. ,,t ,,r v . , nllllioltlaiia, Aitohol, IU rhs.l .ri.. ( a" s., 4. tine A !oi-a, aimni.nia'.i-ii ( u; ;.ir, J 1 , 01 .-a llermuiia Arrow root. Asant.-cti'i.i. r o-n'i.. Slid prime. Hal. Crpih.. hir. IVni C 'I din, l!nr. "in, in. lij.rmiih, . ( Ma-s, T, 11 r j i 11 .1 r Titeli ; .' " ' e c e ? Il'ar-k limp and Cam. m z . - r 3 . t. . 11 . . . ' SS,-; 3 -. - j.nnr,i...s;i-i(j8. - jx - . trr. roi! .'. vir t - . 1 ul pilar. e ; 1 " 2 - 13 r- . r .' ; . : - -t ;;;;;; . ir ? 2 -i -; cti-i..- c 2 2 . 5 i c f- i 5 .... o 3 - 3 1 n' n 1 ; -v A iij;i,.hi: 1, H ? r O 11 (n 1 v ('"..srili I .'nsl I ailht. t'li.-n, T... i o A I't.-n ? i e. . n. c r r - ii lihw.. II c n ' ' t'-n.i, f liu. ,l ja rnvian b .1 ,V ( f ;ran ..le Bursa : ( , ei nl loir idi a, i :i n ,i ir nl I'aalor. wi-rl. g.-tiitil, ain;,. lo. ,, (Ida ; l .Tlnn. I iirpi-nline una I i variety j tdack oxide, el.'mni.'. hi i liie. hiniodnie, red n.vnle, In. In t y (it Afi-ri-ury, atul lodo hltlriro Mercury and Tut osnini, lu l.i". - - r r : giniini ram eri la. e n, cl or.oiuiiui, i" inrit a ,V Tluslal. nl I. nni-, t nh .r.-l. .roi A. t ir'.i I ,. iirrhti. I'e.a'cs. T;i!..-rH. n:. I'luniiure, i.n CVc , A. I'hailotie nn preaei r'ra III our Inn- lo he fo -t m u!i. f. r" -S l llirea ue.l enr (ln-Med llni' jir, spet-l of he ivy fains, e not ai d c itriilry hania every i I (frit. I'M, nru, f m on hick , i, I l :i.r .11 I : '. clnnper than ev I'm stork n iliTi'd 1 . S III Ihr a Motive A IN(. '... ih- i! i!.. I' Will Mill) 'fV-1 -T'TII O! . ('ce'd , nH m r-tniit tiiiJ" oi ti lo liu- ed to mine, rnrward (til nmUn n ,

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