llloril) (Taroliiia filling. - U ffT '?. - i o?A .u.otti. : WMi'M-SP.U. Mnv in. ivv. ii i.lA'i 'i ll't.Mi'M N I'm;.,':- in' n ' ! V, i vt;o. i . . ,, , ..- . ... .;, ! : ; -. ,: 1 . . I '.o,. .. :! ; r! t- :.T,ii IT" 1 V. 1! I r. I .... ,s . .: ai.fi. r r .! . , . , . ,. ,.. .'. v, , , :.. 1'a :.. ii. i r,i nipi;t. IH.LAfli) HU.?rTORL r-:; ' ' iri;i!:ii'.T, ti ti.r- I i A I I. L I (I I I V . r. c i ' I e A I'mittr Vrnntnl V. , :,i i : 1. 'i, ; -.). .-:y :r.: y . i ::,! ;' !- ( . Ai , ' . in.nie An ('ff.T- . :'. i' v '. a Wl.i " v,oi 1 e f tr- -nit f th. r - . t ' . i . ! .-:- 1: " .-. Si. i i;:! ('curl Char; :I : .:! C.:::.! ;i:i':i i : r ' i. t .1 ... .F Kali j:(.:ii!s . r ' i . : i i , i V v. ) . ii li " :.' Ii te--!" ill . i: ill'.;' r- i W ' I bj:, ; i r i;;si .Vi'-- . i i - ! I ik !;,;h! I Nail nsl Convention which assembles in the j C-ty nf H.ilt -in -to. "ii the Ifith of June next, , l wit : Junius Alexander, V. C. lliirringcr, , (', !. Ii. W. Alox.-nder, Maj.C.U. Mediums, an Crier, Samuel Low l ie, Saint. Perry - IV. Ardrvy, Jno. Campbell, Jr.. an J A.I iili.iiusoii. iTispttls of llii! raily. The i-aiiiii 1 rt f.ilcr of every party must ili.iii that there never va a time when the v.. i.. t- .-f the Whir l'artv. both in the tat.- of North Carolina, and in th I'l.ited i tati. wire mure Haltering than they now i . -:., :,r. In the State all of our sectional ' iilieiiitie have been happily adjured, and I we ti"W Kii Ti paving, Willi poo. i rnrr t ) march under ear gallant leader, John K :'.::!, of Caswell comity, to the field of battle ami of ii t ry. The ur.preeeiideuted uien.'mit v 1 lu.t prevailed in the Convention v.!.iih lem.inat .1 Mr. Kerr, ami the nm'ver- appid atiou wl'uh bnr.-t ;n the l'ro in every j.ortion of the State iii the anr.oiincetnri.t of his nomination, ink i r -ve not only that he is the first lee of tie- arty which nominated him. i !S:a m - will he ii' nr-t elmiee ol a i . . ... i .-. , f , . ... , r ,i . . I luaioritv ot the peoi-le of the Mate i n the f.r-t Thursday in August next, for i-e ol to.Henior. the action ol the t ":. i i . t i 'ii u "U amending our St..te Con- j -titiiij. n. h.-s u i veil g( in ral salisfai tie. n j e.t ti.e : in be ta feelillg ' It is in "tatc, if the tone of tin . evincing the true hleli eed r re vails up"U that j a t. h'zh heeroiiT to witlies? i roe ct etitliiisiasm wineli ai- :. !. s the r inks ..f the Whi-Partv :e Slate Up-. 11 t ji-su'ji et, and we shall tiotbimr t-1 fear in the result, if this t i i.tiii'ies n grow and strengthen until lav .f election. Let every n.an who .Iesir.s,J..cl,ui..:ug-r. oameu. aim 1111 riirhts ,..f the- pc-ple ussei ted, determine at j ul u'" rv battied, and the ! ' o-i e;r, an .:-f . s lil.tV. Let him L'ird on his r'-s.-'.-.e f.-r - ;'' that no ef--ii.il! r. lax until victory shall ! the si ai.dar 1 .-f hi- party. 'I i, ..,rl to the ::t: . .1 WbL' Party. i.- in reality very Y.v.l: to be r. coii- b.twcin the (ii rfi-re lit sv tb'tts of the rv. Th. re i- no man who is prominent the pH'ty a- a candidate for the Pre- v but i- undoubtedly sound upon the ... t i i i . ..iii li.l.-e. Ui--.- lion way snail we sipuaume v, s ali.ji.t f -ni.s, when we are in -taiiee 1 The measures : r.n.i.-'-are alr- aly a hnaiity ; a.- it' they were reuiiacted a es. ai.-l any UKiUwhois elected the I'nited States will be sworn, -ard l i all other laws, to car- , in L' ""l faith. We hae never ll -j I til :i 1 tl.- t w -h i - W! - Part-. 1 r- j 'ii v the candidate t ) w r.t : b tt' rs on this fl ,c p .'.tl-,:;. 'We have -d M f. Polk and ( lein. ral r urn 1 U rrns It writing i sii''j"ets. susi ejitilde i t t t -. 'an I th. ji.-:ri .te'i i.tti: ur s. and suited to the l'!i-.-, ever t" hazard candidate by reoui- of ii:!.. r i,t a'. -f him tl. t.--t- of pohtie.il faith. 1- . t no i:,.iii f. r the 't uiie'piivoeaily s'.-und e. K it if the Soiith'-rn Elinor" 'oiivi-mi .ii are itioii of our candidate .-i. all be. and : shall ;,. i-a-j.,' i.f hi- eh-r tiuii. d we -inei ri iy hope it, 11! receive the noiiiiua- bi e he is a betr.-r la V t ' in t: .if,. i u : n i i i I '111:..' t that I;. mi than i'To-ral Si jtt or t , M r. t; t , i;e :'i- itl ir 1. 1 ly a grute w ish t -ee proscript in t-inec o the mgra- . N'av. v.e wiil sanifici. ii tn-iii mat ct ,11 lie r him to! i. J be I iii"li Chi n I'.-lil-'- 1 iii i.t f r i ii .in. f r : :.- of i . i- fart lit r plain is t-j force our - -... wi.o h Mr. f.yi.u-ly I. the .1 they n, pur- li and n cure the V to :!.- i :i '.. . Pre i 1- i.tiai Ti t -". I if, as manv ;.i oi i- the pa.-am-emt jii rniin lit. why do they Mr Piiliiion- : jii, they ot the -h-!f, and t .1. , ' I " V If w h j -hail lie dodg'-d Iti-tn II ill lis o' , O'li. t the , ; il.ati .11 t , t -r t : lo X I lb li. d upon Shall Ui th w no sin I. .! ! v !A.i: I' I there i i, t' r that he I If he r, v' i. it-1. -. i r to ill- Mr li, it, a :i , his .ur-e It his 'I 'l th. .1': i ;.rr jy i P ...i I. i.j - :i a .1 -i. V,t !,e i- a vol"! f.r !. i u . t) r v -Mi it ! -i ,1 ! -. ; el 1 v la! 1" '1 t.io d i; -'""ilininmri ocratic Party Fpokch of in connexion with the Presidency who, like Mr. Filln.erc, oc- . ... .... . . upies and cultivates the ugh ground ot 1 - the Constitution in all its parts. It is per fectly. Useless to talk about making the Compromise a I'uion test, unless the I'nion men of all parties and all sections will give up their old party ties and sectional preju dices, and rally around it with all their strength, and all their patriotism. It is w orse than futile to suppose that the old par ties can each make the Compromise a test of j its own strength, and still think to compter . the enemies of the Con.-titution. .suih 'a , policy if pursued would inevitably weaken the force of the Compromise and strengthen that of its enemies. Ihen if the t.onven tions of the two parties, which are toon to meet at I'altimore, shall openly repudiate the Compromise, let us run Mr. Fillmore or so:.: southern man on that issue alone, and if we cannot elect our man, we can but do worse. Beware of Counleifcits. We learn from the Charleston Vuurii r of the 17th inst., that an individual arrived in .i .1.. i t..l r w:l.. .. ... V ii i elk iiii Lite i.'lii. ii''iii t. liilii ii imi i. - c t ., ha nig in his possession a large roll of ' 1 " f eouiuerien. iiuia;3 uh iuc j..i-jv borough. N. C, a few of which of the deiio I iiiinatiou of five dollars, he had succeeded in circulating. The counterfeit 1 mo-t clum sily executed and bears little or no resem blance to the genuine issues. In the gen uine the writing is very distinct and in a buhl hand in the counterfeit the w.itini is bad and in a, running hand. In the genu ine the President. Mr. Leak, signs his name . in the counterfeit it is W.M. (Lomimuucations. TLANT1C, TKNNKSSF.F. AND OHIO ItAlL UOAI'. FnHT I'r.HANCF, April -0, ri. Mk. Hl'tloli: In my coinmunieatioii of J 1 st instant, I endeavored to give a sketch of the importance of this thoroughfare, as a connecting link between our southern At- I oa-i- t'iti..s aToL. the fireat West, with Tin all.,,;..,, t., 'the (ireut South-Western Line. - bitwoi'ii the Kastern cities and New ( r. i l....,. lt-iiiir ,rir..i-tie throlloli u oortion of our Central" Road, and fronflhe city of .-.rf..ll-f.r,.i..h n 1ar" Portion of ttie same i. : . . .., .i: .... , a,., 11 is nui mv puipose noit 10 uihiiv- ttie -'it , merits of this" areat south-western thorouch-,"" mo a '"'-"-) ho then "ld it tor fit fare. When North Carolina has tir-t se- ; "' " coat biitt..tisnd had me pro-ecut. d cured her own be.-t interests bv ext. iiding i "r violating tn law. c..u.-in- me to j ay h. r Central Road west from Salisbury or i -,avy dauia-es. tie k.-pt the thing er-t ri l .t... t., ii,.. T...,..s...... oiol Viroiiiia until the tune f, rtio-erutiiio him had i s- , Hail Road ; Ea.-t to IJeaul' i t, and prospec tively to Wiliuiiigtou by a more direct line from Salisbury or Charlotte ; thus, conueet ini; our State directly with all the Western j States; thru we may generously invito aj connection with every other State, without j danger of becoming a im re strip uj ltirt'1 i in ( Vi ii Itiirmr! our ilm i o iff nn . , " - . (V n.... io 1,1 (.-.ir tii . -. i ii v I rule niiti'ta r ma own Sla n .l.oiiid he fit.-t iii our heaits, eiiji-ivoiir highest regard. ' Hii'i snare our oreaie-t noeraiiiy. .onu Carolina interests then, will form the subject ef this letter, with such a!!u-i"ti to the in terests of other States, as is necessarily con nected with the subject. North Carolina has already given to Vir ginia a large part of the trade of the Ka t rn and middle counties, and also to Vir ginia and South Carolina, most of the trade ,.' our we-ti rn ( oiiiities, and she may well he ej,i eted iinir to do solnethiti.' for her self. No one can doubt lo r ability to do so. who has seen the comparatively rou ,-h and sterile region through whi'-h ienr'ia has (. .'.tended lo-r Central line of Rail Road, to the west ; or the barren and mountainou-p-irioiis traversed hy lines in the Xorthi rn State- ii, order to get a .-hare of Western trade and travel. ur southern Atlantic ports are nearer than ntiv other to this va.-t overflowiiig of I lit '," and there is im interve- i. t-. , . l ,,i MV wilderiie-s : thereof smiling fields and gently running -tn-atus, nn J,.,rdan to ero-s 1 And in its place we ha e a mountain to go through ; hall we not go through it? rejoicing that we liiav try our faith, prove, our er, tirade ; and crown our good old State with the glis tening laurels she is so ju-tly ju-tly entitle!! to r, f"r her moral and intellectual worth; but which -he inodeitiy declines to put on under the shi inkino seti-e of her phv-iea! ilehlhtv '. And what ha- male lor weak? With i njM-rior commercial advantage to ' Georgia and many other sections, which i haveso far out-tripped her, superior abo, in . .1 and production; what chilling bla-f, , what f'a'al blight has pa-sed over her ? Wei have known and (.-it the evil influence, of' ! Iii-inao..iriji-s and partizan Legi.-.lalion ; ami surely in view of the tjreat interest--, and j i pri in-.' w abti of our State v.e will s-lect l at the e iinliio ,,h i tlon. an intelligent and I l atri 'tie lo pre-entativf. i While j Virginia South Carolina on oik; side ar'' on the other, are endeavoring bv j a liberal and energetic poliev to p"ii( trate every u ku iii oi ii.eir own I'-rrnory, aiei as . far as I'O-sihle to monopolize unr trade ; i i and thus in -otne measure have attached to their ii.tere-ts certain si -etioiis of our State on 'itl.cr side; and while we have within oar borders stiil cthi r sectional intire-ts; altogether r'-ipiiring in the future b gi-latioti of our Stat-1, miieh int. llig'-nee, virtue and j atrioti-m. in r h r that the great interests of our State may be s., han, ionized and (i.i.tralized a- to promote the 1 e-t interests ' f the who!" At su h a en-is will any e iiji.ty si !id a narrow-minded, i:lfi h R-p-ro.- l.tati-.e ? Truly this (jiiiti'iii should e n. home to ( vi ry man who ha- a heart for his native State, or a child to inherit I, '-r boo' r or di-hoicr. We have reason to be proud of our poo j b ii, other Slate-, and the daughter State Ti i.i.'---ee, ( fo."emo-t in g. in ro-ily and lib erahty to It us, and ii,-k-in interest V ii! Load i nt. rprise..) .-t: ... to . to be re-unit:d and made one ith ii-; shall we reject her' Or 1 1 her in Coiiv ehtloii as she pro- -hall we loci t h'T in (' Jiiventi'iii an she pro- "-.,. s on thefii-t Monday in July? (Say in tie- town ot Morgaiit'ili.) and th' h sncrilice every petty int. rest for the pro-pi rity nnd I i : of our Mate. Cie'i r the ''baiter f.r tin Vluutir, 'I i a i.i? a Hint (tin' I: nil-It', nl j' -tic in-lit.-, a- to i-.mc I i In r r-.' K h the ,,i.iii. ot Poo', and has tippo'iet'd a I '"iiiiiiitt'-e cf la r distinguished ei!.:z lis f., j ri pare an A'!dr"-s to the l iliz.'iis of North -lid South , ii,n oh that hubji.-ct. She urges the nJojitimi (if that route on 'rouna that froni Uuiriouo or .-.anM.up , it wil pass through tin; whole, instead ot a . . , r- . pint ot hast Tennessee; will bo quite as near to Knoxville, and mm h nearer to up- per Kast Teimessoe and Kastern Kentucky : that it will be nearer, (perhaps miieh near- er) to Lexingtiiu, Ky and the North-Wes- tern States. It will a No open a liireet com munication with the Salt, piaster and Iron rogien ; a matter of ital importance to the farming interests of our State. In addition to these important facts, the link necessary to be built will bo some lil'ly mill's lioi-tir tli-iii liv fine other route t'l'om ,'orth or South Carolina; (being only about H" miles.) The Uluo Ilid.'O it is believed will be more easily passed ; while instead of the almost interminable clills mi l narrows w hieli are presented lor many miles al mg i.m.t-j r d, i;.ii 'i'...!,,.,..,. .ii1 ."i...n,.i. .p..uno ..I nic ni.i. l'road Jtivers, there is only a distance of about "JO miles all tel l on the Watauga liv er, that is notskirnd by bottom lands ; and even along these "JO miles, the apparent dif ficulties are less than on the other routes, the Watauga river being straighier in it -gi neral course, smaller, and easily bridged, if necessary, and waters withal a much liner seeti ui of coutitry. Th.ve are some cf the reasons why North Carolina as a State, cannot in duty to her self, adopt a route farther S nith than the "Watauga," or if the Abbeville route be Hdo.ntvd,iuyi&!" Cairulinia of the ultimate coirVecViou ff J ronoshnii,,' J Tennessee, w ill cot-sect to any locution south I 0l'ery were appointed Secretaries. lh of Mor-'aiiton. ' uni' distinct proposition was submitted Aside from Xnfr iidnrsts and St.ih-! " consiilcratioii of the meeting, alter ihi 'r the citizen-i of liurko nnd Caldwell i will feel very little interest in a choice be twienthe Watauji and A n uie route- ; and we think that S. Carolina alter ol t iin in.'.' from us one cf our mountain pa--c-, will not complain f us I'.t c-uilining our fu ture legis'.ati hi to audi localitii a- may suit the iliiere-ts of luth States. Thu-, if the State should adori either th;' Watanja or slieille route, Sjiith Carolina miht e.m- nect with us at Njwtoii, the ' ! , .-ford jr (on lirnlr . or at or pear .uorgaiitoii ; the A.dieville rout near the tow u of Ma rion in 'lie t ounty. t, .icl'owi u. i,y way o' Spa. anhurg aij llutlierford. this w,,u!d be ipiite a direet pute for South Car Una, and the cost of jjltiug throii.di the lilue liide on either rite, iniht he .-hari 1 ly buth States as cad State would be de. ptv lUtereste' wm. v. l.r.MMi: I Mh. KlUTnIt: L-oticed an aiucdote ''s-'1 '!' a Soul Carolina pap, r, relative to the minus fijn-M. i lor tielii' li.-l.iii.: I " t Ji i ti ttio i.ij'i .North M il". j 'nl in -u', Carolina, they t.av ! original WV of 1 flll C'Klt l,utlwi. iriguial way ol t fuiir " cif hutimif, and I prosecuting misti-feting wagoners. A man aui trom me a '.It ot wht-kcv and !! n( . pired, and then t.J what he had sold it for, i. 0. " tl'!' t II 'i,.f," w lijeli evi leutiv sh A - that it wnsl preconcerted aSlair. IkKKIAII Mll.I.SAI'I'S. Mil. K KP.i Al't 'HPTANCK. The last Mill J t.'hr jiii'-le eoi.tains t;,;. ! . ,. lollowing corr-i i I rv. -iii"i:ee i ItAr.fct N. ('., Attil 'J7 .. . I i R.W.Iyt'l X. (.'., I Il.VI.li't i.-., .t ni -g, . i IK AH Sir : C'k'iave h. appointed a niiunttee to lii-ol you ot your iiiiai.irii mis li'.tnlnali n by 11 W hig State ( 'onveiiti, n of N rth Ciirolimis a candidate f r Gov ernor of the StaU We take great en-tire in saying that it is the wish of yo political and pi r-mal friends that you suld acei pt the nomina tion, and we truiyon will n -t di-aj p-jiut their expectation: We are, sir, yr friends and obedient, 1 servants, 1 J. lIAt'GiiTfiX. Cli'ii. rn' k. j, hi i.l, II.. MILI.Ki;. NJI L. T. GRLKX, J.MiWKN, K. H A I.K. .1. HAMSAV, R.. I. XSSI I" Kit. K. VKI.LDWI.MV. .Jons Kf.hr, fc. ! I WH I.. M.'V Ith. 1 -'-'. G KNTT.r.MKN : air f avor, iiiforniing me of my houiinatioy the recent Whig Con vention as a can ate f ir the I Ifiiee of lio-vi-rrii.r of Nortlnrolina, was not received until the inat, owing to my ab-i neo ; from home. I rr, ail myself tt4" tarliest oi portunily of .iii-vveriliig it. I am deeply .-ible of tuf honor ("in ferred upon me, my political frit nd- who ci-iliiposed the C'cnti-jii, and lo-rejit tin nomination tin y.ve tetj'b -red with an anx ious de-ire and determination to do ali I can to restore -rt fj Car dina to her for mer eminent ponii as a W big Mate, and advance lo r intet and vindicate the prin ciples ot ttie vt 1 party. With high -iderat;on. gentlemen, J have the honor be, your iiiend and obe di"iit servatit, JOHN" KURIL .John II. Hi. toll. "I'd others of the Committee. 1 -z Pul.'h IVs.,- -A coalition is faidfo be now on foot ttfeet a ro-toraiiori of tlie folk dyna-tv, wh shall le t only bring in the old m.-uihr r' the cabin, t of Mr P .lk. tmt al! the old ters under tle-m. Me--r-. Buchanan. Man 'ale John -on, Paigroff. John V. M ison liffor I, and To'te.-y are-,-tated to be in liiioveinetit. : f' g' T " it.!. Ihlt.I.Al-The Phlllblphi.'l Ld- f Th ir-d'-i;ys : o.lit gold ijr r.ii '' J are rapidly noil- tiplyiug, and tlititioii iiiiiot In; t "ll ii repeat, d to rut the loosolit l .r tie In. : 't he pi1' ! , by w fine and ingenious ma- i hinery, i- -pit two, about one-half of, the ( '.iu ab-triiC, and tin-pliileb-r.-d rib s stuck tog. liier iu, tic f lei; of th'' piece not th'- ha-t .-ed or injured. Alitlb: care will n.a'Ideteet the fraud, 'th. , milling around edge will la- found hr , k.-n, and very icrally a p. w t.-r i-olot ed . eemi nt may bo rved pi itruding from it. : 'I'he coin, too, iin in the middle." i Qi Kt.it Iai3- A u-t: nouii'-e the facit a me lau papers an n hant of i'-nna pit'iv ,ited the Ii ' ,,f that capital details ot Ill-trial a - r.. - llloll I' i s- pcriu.i nl - madt hiiii to iiiaiiiilaetore p der's ti,,i ad inb.leh tis.-in .-. 'J he ti.r' a i- wound of mi id, and two dox.-n -pid. r pro lui o in ,ix tiles a In auliful nud .!. ii e.iti t-.r al, tivioii-aiid ii .-t In h ngth--'J he ct.i'l maiilured fr .ni it are -p ihei, of a? la i o i tu r re, csc-r of fat nc tn -e of TO THE Willis (K TI1K t .'1T1.0 STATUS. The mnlon-i'notl. members of the Thirty- second Congress of the United States, ad- jr,.S!, ym ulllt.r ftn iuiperious sense of duty, KvcnU liave occurred at this L'anitol within t10 .,st twenty days which are worthy of j vour Sl.rit,s ,,J iunnediate consideration. They are likely to all'cct the future unity of the Whig party, ,n they have already dis turbed the harmony of it-i members. We desire to state them accurately, that yoti may estimate their tendency nud force cor reitly. -V plain narrative of facts, in pro per connexion, will accomplish this puvpi . l .. -n .... , . , ,i . , , ; ..no in si I .e in me sa.ou nine ... unuii a , .. e :..,. I I condui t j j tu l.nrlv p,irt of t,is ,, t a ,,.,.,. j ;, u(' Senul irs, it was determined to invito a eonsii t.it on h. tu eeii the U ,i,,s o the Senate and House of Representatives. Who j initiated this movemeiit.er for what pur- n,n Ij Imo.ivii (V..!.. thfNVl.iu in.f o.ilieo i ren lie anil i louse oi iieiireseiuaii es. o no initiated this movement lor what pur- ;. , .i;.... i,;.,V ii; i, ,.i ;,. Wa,......,,, ,.f of tl.N city on the 7th day of April W by dire Hon of Hon. Wiliie P. Mangum, o"f ', ih (',, ,:;.. . .No.tli taionua : "Tiik Winn Mumpers ofConorhsm arr ri qucwtcd to iiii i-t 1.1 tile Sen.tte i'hainber on l'rnlay evening iit'vt, the lilh inwt int, at fcvcii o'clock, to coiiMilcr of in itti rs of iniorlanee to the Whiff party. Wednesday, April 7, lf.VJ." At the time and place suggested by the notice some sixty-eLdit members of the two ll,.iw 1. ' l- M .,m,, uiu. ef,ll. - 'the cluiir, and M;essrs. Chandler and t'' tati -inent from the Chair, a motion was i ma le to a ijoiun to a subsequent day, that a nn.re liiinier.nis attendance of the Whig I nieinbers of Congress might be obtained. , ll' inaiku were made by several ceiitleineli inuieative of a de-ire to limit the attention "f the I m Ct tin-- to the siugh liihailig tlie t'ilii" and plaei I ,a tli-l.ir. (Clul (IlllT- for V i 11 .Mlllollat ( 'HI , l.tun to the Presidency And it was nr. lift o log cai-dulates lor Hid the ice I rc-Klclicy. I 1 that the uio.-t iiiip.ii t.ilit ! ri -u'.ts might How from the determination o iin- time and place PT tlie I onvention, as each point w as calculated to affect the nomi nation. It was thin siiae.-ted (by Mr. Marshall, of Kentucky') that it was deemed material tin meeting should pass upon nn ulher prop.i-iti.u before proceeding to de termine time and place fir the National I ' m ciiti m a : j ill-. n which attecled . i .i .- i . i . i uie j. (1.-1111-io exeieise me rignioi iiiiermin- , HIT toe tiliie ami place tor tiopllllir tin on- i v iitioii. tie observed that, at the cum- 1 Un iieeliient of this -.-- -.i.-n of t'.moress. cer. ; sc's-ioii of Coiioress, cer- i tain i nlleincii had retired from a tueetinz ol YV hit: ll, presenta'.i , ( s because that meet- in,' rclu-ed to lav on the table a resolution ay on tlio table a resolution I tin r-iiig the position ol tlie present Ad- , iiniii-tratioii known as ' upon the series i, t measures i the Compr iiui-e measures'' ; " -VII- ..,,,; , the .h'Ssioh, j.ubiicly av.uih'd the said r-so- lien .nu,i' ,.i tl,,. ....,.. r.,,.-.,,.j I....I , ' mil' n ai an untrue expression ot Uts -en- tiim ot in rcard to those i;u a.-urc; and i. .ai ii.e-e i.er-oin were present now to as- : -i t in btoriiiiuiiig the time and place fr ; U log National Coiiveiitioii. Con-idcr- the p,,-iti ,n of tin.' Aiiti.ii. i-tratloti on i .a-s ,,( ij,, -ti .ti--, the Cjiiditioii of po al -rt . -. and the fa t that, by some, r - -i'l-; n ref- rn-d to was dei-meil eur- iim il a- a principle, it was thought by many to I " the pr..pi r course t-i re-tat.'', in the me, t::ig ' f the Wog n.i tii'i-ers of the t .v ll .'l-e', fhe p i-itloii which the hlgs ill ' -tigress hold on the Compromise uica-iiri s, hi for.- proo. i ditig to th I 'l" prcparat TV ( 'ollV ent! n 'f ttie Whig party, -lie that, he I re the time and t'j'ti riinarled place for h I iin t'i.- .ati oi-.l t 'invention w. re il, termite d. 1, i ll.tioi, t, ,!,e priiieipf" j r.iel.i n.. si .ii i! i n i;. us ,,f h- p. d ail pr"-ent p design,-! to ubmit a o ting eml" - 1 v i rig- the 1 y the Whig i'- pgr'--. -n. i r la t , and In parte ipale in the pro- feelings w.iUld agr. e to the same. Thi- view was met by tl;.- argument, from one ij-iart. r, that the Whig men, hers of Congress were only amino ia d 1 1 fix the time and place for tl- X..ti all 'otiv -ntioii ; and therefore any renluli. ui t t.-t political "jiini'in was beyond their province to eon- -i h r in the ineetiiTg. In ai. tie r ipiarter it v, as argued that tin- at!. n,pt to harmonize uie opinion- oi vvnigs on uie (..omproiui-e rn, a-iir. s, or their t-ifect. or upon the .pies. , lion.- springing fn m the in-iitulioti of -lave- ry, was lUcles- ; that the projier cour.se wa, "to gr.-e to disagree " wh. re radical differ- ''""'' '-'"e known to exi-t, arid that true , 1 1'i'lii-y r.-ipiired ail to ab-tain fr un effort to ' engraft Iiew principles upon th- long-e-tah-i listed creed of the party, h aving every ace : tiori to think and to act at will where a i C'lninoii platform was inaccessible. ' the d. hate was participated in by sever ; nl g' iit'.-ii.i n, and we only s . k to state the point t of il. The Chairman remarked lha', ' before submitting the .j i -il oi of adjourn 1 inent, he I, It hound to -ay that, should the r. - :.!! oi indie.-iti d by the member from j Kentucky he offered at the next meeting, ' tin: Chair would ri fu-e to entertain it, and I -ho'il'l decide it to be out of order. .This stati lie 'lit the Chairman made in advance, that gentleiin u dissatilied with the view eu P i taiii'-d by the Chair might proceed to ne j le t -uiie one ebe to preside, i The .'iliuuin ialioii of a foregone do ter m i n I I tioii hy the Chairman to limit the subjects j to whi'li attention might be directed in a met ting convened under a general notice to i "in-iiit on mailers of importance to the j Whig party, and this refusal, in advance, to i (on-iilef a political--f-F ipo-ittoii which is. in the opinion of many, vii.il to the I'nion, and : (s-ential t. tin- .Mitcgritv of the Whig parly, ' . ..i.i . .. . . . . e . i : al (.lice iiive-ieu ine unure ii'iiouoi mis ('"rgres-i'inal i".n-ii!'atioi with an interest and importance t ta.-h.-d to it. Tl it load not theretofore at- us-uii.pt ioti of the Chair : wa- n:"t by Iti-tant remoti-traj.ee. I lie right , pf' poiiUeranee ot that clement o! the re to . resent the n sol ition was j.n s-ed now ' presentation w hieh either opposed the ad as a point of principle, and notice was givt n ju-tinent, or di-avows the linality " of tin that at the iic-.t meeting It would lie insist id upon, tin thi- i - - lie the meeting was j adjoin in d t the -got I, day of April. ' ' At tin: iipjioit.fed hour, on the evening of tic gotl, oi April, the I bin. W. P. Mangiiui talied tlie ni'-i ting to order. So soon as tic journal wa- road, Hon. Ldward Stank, . of .North Calolina, ollerod the following resol iitioii : k " I.', nl , 1 ,. T.,:,t ll !., r, , I I,, I, ..1.1 I I... Ui,,., S,ii,i,i p., ,11, , ,1,0c i.i t ai iitv of ll ,i,. i in oo. in tie M.ie of VI irvl un), on H cili.iml.i v, ! Hi. 1 oi1. il i V" O'.oi i ti .. t ins I I'n el. ol ol I ' ol .In I. Or Pom 111. ,i,r,H.. of noil Viei I I ini. 'l si ,i. ,." It- ... I. ..II ,f g. . i.. : . i .i .'i. oi, oi i iiiNi n -. , i iii iiietiia ici pr. -i id d tlie r. -oiiition of which notice had i h'-i-n given at the foi in. r lu.'i ting, and asked 1 that i'l might be adopted as s'lb-titute f,r ! the propo-liionol the gentle,,,:,,, f, .North! (' ir'lina. It i- in th' - wo-ds i 1. IT li illlg I n-o t r i.f , -. T i , - t-.r l -.'l , ' i Im- W i i tl .' vv iiieit ot I oli-f, ml toe Pic .s-'ieit. ,'illil I lotl,.' of R. p. -- ml.i. d m s'.ti'. ' ntior) -,.li i:,e explicit mulerstamlin-r llt they 'rrgnr.l the nerie ul'urts known cb the niljustiueiit ine..ioin j. :. :.. .1...:. ...(.... I .l..,u ,t.liin.-n mid rnll. us LMiiiing, ... n.i.ir .i.u.-u. neiion.a dvstein ot'coiiinrninise Hie mtikt cemilii- torv and tlio Iw.t for the' entire ecuntry tli:.t coul.l be nlitaincil from conflirtiiijt neetien.il inti r.ti. and opinion ; anil tliht, llierel'nre, tlicy ouu'lil be imiicml to anil rame.l info miiuiui . ,,, as a liniil etl!i inenl, in priiiriple anil nibst one, ..rtln'.UnrnuHumlexrihnK.uhieetHwIneutlH v i.iil.r.iV mill do unit.- on thin inais a w, II us upon the loiig-cxtalili.ilied priiH'iplen of the U'iiitf parly, do hereby recommend the day of ami Ihe eilv of im the time und lil iet' lor , . ,. . - ,. , . . ,i liolilint; I lie .Niitimml W Uig ( oiiveiilion tor llie choice of Whiir candidate for the rrci.lem y and Vice rri fidcncy respcitively." Mr. Stank object. d to the introduction ' ol l lie suiisiuute rieeause u w as oui in oruer. , ,. , ... . . , ... .......... ... ue i nairmau siisiaiiieu uie uo ieeii"n. i 1 '1Ii,rslall appealed trom the decision ot the j Uia.r. Mr. Man y moved that the appeal ! do lie on the table. An informal debate 1 1,11 " I .11 , 11 1 decision the Chair that all discussion was out of or I V u.",;fi, J!'"1"" CO"'rJ l J'11' T'""" . ot order. J lie vote was then taken Lv avis H"1' noes on the (luestion, "Shall the an I P1'"1 from ,lu' "- ' tho Chair lie on '"' tM-" i -IM in the all'..- miitiu aves l(i, iioes'.'l. l ie following . ... , , " will exhibit the names of the gentlemen who voted, and their respecthe localities : Arns M.iinp, Coodi now, Wa.hbiirn ; N. Itamp. nhire, ; Vermont, llchurd, .Menchaiii ; Mir. jciiiim iu, join, i 4 w, tM-i.iit..r.) rown-r, .. rich, Scinith r : ( 'oiineelicni, T. t-mith, Sinator.'i ,., ,,. , , , , , .u . ... .. ( hapioiiu ; Hnoile l.-u onl, ( arke, tS. m.tor.) (. hinir ; New- v ork. I ikh. 'Scnutor.i llim .ic. Ilrii'i-.. lliinc.ill, Ilorsford, S ieki It, SrhiK,lcrll,VValbriili;e, peace of toeiely " We (lid ardently desin: WrlU; New J. ry, Milb r, (S riator ;) I'lMiimyli. the Wlii"S ill Colli; resu to adopt tlie prpo-i-nrh Allien. C-h...r,T. .M. Howe, J. V. ll.jwe, j - conclusion of their own, and t , KuluiH, .Vloore; Delawsre, t-pruanrc, (S-fltor ;) I , ,. , . . i i i ihm. Wade, (Senator,) ll.rr.re, I.. D. f..ii,pll!, I publish it to the country as one of the bonds Hunter, II. Stanton, Taylor; Indiana, I'arkcr, j of their political ns-ociatioli. H reipiir- I llrcntoii ; Illinois, Vaten; .Michigan, l'i iir.iinaii ; I no sacrifice of Jil ineiple, no recantation of tY'""" ''' r.""J' ,;''-,v. W.nl ; j .,utllU, ,10 rcnmeiatioii of error ; only a -b- Mnonri, I'nrler ; I nei.i.ec,( ulluni : NerlhCiro. I ' . . . . -.i . .,' . hii.i, Morohead, Si ody Tetal, 411. 1 terminal Mil con i -tent w ith the nohie t Noes Murln!i'!!, Appl. t, n ; Ni w York, ' pulses of patriotism to abide for the lu! ar, ItriMiku, llawn. Haven. Scni rim rhorn. Martin : bv h -etihim lit di-iencd to restore ncaei I , IViiyUaiiiii.f..irr, tSeuntor ;) irLinu, . ,r..ll: ...."iifi;,."iiriniii(.iiiie: I colli .. ,. -.. .. . ..' . i "',-'""," oiain , ,-iirui .ironna, v iioiiinan, li,,,',..,. ii.,.. l,,,,,. i .i i ... .... . Itoeki-rv. ( lullau-: lititHi.ii.ii J f.u.r.. I i... I -lurid i. Morion, (Senator,) t 'alu-ll ; MiuiMippi lln.ke , ;. naior ) ToUl. -Jl. When this result was announced several ' of the mi irsi-'iied formally withdrew from ' the ineetino. Mr. Cebli v, of Tennes-ee, then submitted the following, to he added "" uiii'niimrHt to the resolution offered lis .'ir. i-taniy : "Kisnvrti, Thut tin- Vh;t men, b. r nf ( (,-,. Ci-ias, in tlnn rrrom,Tll.rili,llk, A liIiH. aljlj filaee !.-r trie .NutOjji.il W.'iitf ( onvi ntion to .i.-eoible, ari nel to be iindir-ti.od t. jdiileini- lloimlni to sllpin.rt the I'.-nni of A.. lit t 'otiv. l.liotl. I vci t ,,, t uitiotl th.it tile per'!! Ihen and Ihen luioiiiuted o. , .iml,,!.,!, . ti.r I'n m.l, i.l ml i. ,fl 1,1 ''" pulim ly n d un. ipinm illy P1' '1 P1''1-" '' "!!"' i rie. of m. jmit. . known as toe n.iiiproiaist' inca-aircM an ruial i tt. nti at of the n.-tio.f p.'ii. .mo. I,.,,,. l.tl. tl..... .. i nd to mainUin thai aittltnit nt iniiiilkU ." tlhicction Was made to tlie inlrnilnriiou of this auiendoii tit, l-r aiif it irns nut or-h r. The Chair sii-taini'il the obj. i ti.,n An anneal wn, laV, n from th.. .)...;.;, , f .1 . i'l..'. Is. t , , .. met ii air; ami, alter some debate, t tie meet- in-r sustuiried the ruling of the Chair. 1 hereupon, the remaimler of ii ml, r.i ..... ed formally withdrew from the imetiiiL-. it is i.theia v .iiiioiiii.e... ih-.i .(.., withdrawal, the resolution of Mr. Stanly , pas-cd ; and then the meeting adjourned. 't he foregoing statement exhibit" the char acter ami order of the proceeding, w hii h compelled the uii'lcr-igii' d to leave the meeting of the giith i:.-,t'.-t. Py i reference to the 1,-t of pt r- ins win partieipatej in these r roeeedings it y,t .,, perceived there was a great (li-iarity in the ri pr"- nt.ili in Irom the fn-e .--laies anJ tl,c slavi-holdini. States. We are authorized to state that Several eoiith-m, n from the slave, holding States, belonging to the Whig party, doe lined to participate at all in a meetinr; ',,f wtin ll the result was palpulde, under the intimations of purpose advanced by the chairman at the fir-t tin t -ting. I he meeting w as con, p.. s. il of forty-nix gentlemen from the fn , Slates, and twenty . ore from the .-lan-liol liug ,tit,- The v,'te is divided, foilv-sii to twenty-one kvi-n trom each cl.-i-i of State Voti g with the op p. is. n si ( lion. 1 he entire meeting was a meager maiori ty of the r . r r. s. t.tatioti e!.is.,.J a W in j in the Congress of the I iiit. ,1 Static, 't'h.- quota from the slave hohlina Slates remain- ing in the .-iiei-ting aft.-r our withdrawal was ju-t nne-fourlh of the Whig representation Ir un th- Hlav. l.oldiiig States. 'I he tl.-ter- initiation of the time am) place f.,r the Whig National Coiiv, i,t,,,n iy therefore justly he eon-id, red as made by the Co,grcsMi',b..l R.-prcscntative from the free Stat. . Of the members of C..ii''r.-s from the free ; ing, States present a,,,! acting in this meet- a large majority were committed, by legislative action, against measures at their Pas-a e. tue i .promise or have refused toexpresit an intention p, maintain and ex"- cute those w e re In n t s Until since their tiis-age. Anion ' who took part in these proceeding some of the inn-t conspicuous opp, f the adjustment and most active a 'i tat .rs .,(' the Norih. t If th- thirty. one L, p. re eiitatives frun the free States who vote. I affirmatively on th" proposition that the ap peal do lie on the t ilde, only thru- hB,l re- f,,f,!. ,l il.,,;. : r e .t... . .. r -" " ni ui'u "i me .i-tai?c (.1 i iioiiniiccn Kl uie .Mlllollal I iinvi'Iitloli, un llillver's resolution at this m.'-uiinii, exprenn- le those iiomineeB fhall lie put. lit k and mg as th,: si ii-e of tin: country that the I uneipiiv ..cully pledged to regard the -.eri''' compromise measures should be maintained , of m, asures known as the l'niiiiromi-c luu as a final settlement of the (pte-tioin they surcs as a final s. ttl. inent ,,f the dangi-rot!-( inbraeed, ami should be fairly and honest- j questions they embraced, and to maintain ly xeeuted. Nineteen had Voted agaiu-t , them inviolate.'' What inference ciu ! that resolution. Nine were tibttcnt. Thuse, i drawn from t,. refusul to grant this excinp uiiited to the vnte of the S -nators, would j tion but that the di -termination cxi-lcl t i have been sufTicieiit to overpower the whole ' eommit all who partieipaled in the m, t tin ; repn sentation present from the sl.,veho! . to the support of the nominee,, of the Na ing State-, h,,, that retires, ntatioii been tional Cotivention. whi ther l,n l.-.ll le- united. We will not dwi li upon the con-id- erations these facts Hugge-t, or express the -...II.....: .1 .: 1. . I ...'. ii i i ion- which utey naturally awaKeti. It i- nppari-nt, however, that the time and place have been determine. I, not only by a minority of the Whig representation, but by settlement 'the undersigned now invite a review of tii'ir own course us connected with tin Congrc.-i..nal con-ultation. We shall pass j to an incotisi P m y , and justly awaken mi over without comment the evident prude- j piei-.n of our sincerity. Ib giirdimg the vp t-riiiinatiou of the Chairman to guide the ; oil (.entry's amend nn-nt as tin- emphatic d. mei ting to a fixed result, hy coiifining it p, ; chiratiou'l,y the mectitig citli-r that the per the consideration of such subjects as suited -uis present remained iilieommitteil n' I his own inclination-i and purpo-es. We pre- their own support of the Adjustment im sume this will be manifest to every one. i nir. --. or that . th.-v r( fu-ed to e-tabli,h :, Iroin the iletermmation lie aiiiiouiiee.ini R,. vanee t . rule Mr. Marshall's resolution out f order, even rn an . -iina! substantive ,,., ,... ',' ... ii i . , . . ,- , i'i ". "-i.eoi. ii,ii parliamentary law or ,if . j.. " ' - ine i. ii a i rm a n oi a ini'i-i- mg limit the luisie,M thcri'of to a single (picslion, when no limitation U expressed in "' ";'"'''"" ';' it assembled ? loe- h,; f-tthat the ,,,. '"'r l' "'.""t W"r" l" "I""1 " 1 liress their selitlliif'lit-i l.4 to the tiro. in, -It- i f maintaining ig ti ml enforcing the compromise moi'iiiui vie leavo you I'l Jllilge, W hat reason can he rendered for the ile : leavo you to judge, can he rendered for th ei'i-vn bM the tCSOluti-JU Wt- Of OT'tvr? I Tt differed from Mr. Stanly "g in one partly, lir ,y. In addition to tliu detenninatii, I m . . . I I i- . i I I- .. ' ' oI (mi mnu aim luace mr iioiumg the .., '., , ,. . I '""'' '".v entloll, M..I si all 8 lesolut,,,,, ..., ge-ted the toligres.-ional cailelH resolutj.,1 Utlolv In I f lleci inber, 1 s'r)l , as a condition precrMlcut , Wtc,u ol I ho lug inemliel s of C, , . . ,.... ,,,1,:.' , i, .. I I K"'" " tho "I'l" "'K tanvass. It dij I not altempt. to presenlje a plattoriu for tin. Xational Oonvelllion, or to dictate to th dele ates from the primary ii'Seinblie.s (Jr . r , ., ,,,,,.. ,, ,1, , .,, . i the lu'otile. Lt avoweu me tu ter niuatioii l,M- 1.1 . . "i.ihoi, of Hi tl li'llil" to remain uncommitted, ni-l to abstain altogether from taking st( n iiiitiit.- tory to a National Whig Convention, tmhy mu " j ....... ;n . ....I I ..(....( u 1 1. St-il, v- nm. ul .... 1 .... ,. ion no ,llu cumulative therein, by the iiupoiitiou of a comlitioii ulleeting only the actors in (I,;, Coneressional nueting, nud, impliedly, re- of i lievin them from a committal to sustain t. - I iiomim es ot a l.oiiveiitioii which might l a ..... i-.- c ri"?T i" . . .. 'IT uaies. u uiu n"i oiLiai.; -j, n. ..n-un - the procMammo ol the National tonvci,ti in but merely asserted an alhrinative . ment of the " tini.hly of the Cmpro, a ba.-is of union anion.' the prc-e I i to ie... .l. ! rely as-erteil an iimrinalive emlor,'; roiiiiw " a ent Whi, . members of Congress. Was that improper ! I Can the Whig member:', of this I oiigre-s, j w h'j claim to he national iu their feeling-, unite upon a candidate on any other basis ; llluoht National W luni any where, North or : ,'.i , " . . . r i South, to ujree, for a moment to fore;o a r ' , i r011'1 " " '" Uie pre-erviitioii af tie. ' .".l:.,.,, ,,..t ,.,,nlrv' ..,.,1 .,, -.irrv int., , ., . H.. .. , , . filtloli Initii-tlv I he e.illirai Is of the Ct.li ( . ' . i lull, in. H n fr.nik v .tal.i Ihiil. it m i ! k ,i,i ...!..' t I.. .1. . .... ; : leiitn raie purpose i announce ( ine rnr- - no sehemi! fur un election associated wish 1 o'ji'i an ui aai I ill it- ill w I iiiiiiote 11 i' a ' i ' or allied to nn ii v.hosn n alicv it m to i . ; nun the filial i ttli luetit ol thosii d .uw-eroa- ti-id exciting ipiestion which are cud ra-- I by whtt is termed " the Adiu tun nt "' H nil i the candor of freemen we pre lited, III til propositi. .i Hiil'iiiiiti tl to the uiu tuitf. tie p -Hi ui to whii h we shall adhere. We re its vindication upon the f:o t that it wan tf siimed from a solemn mm of duty to our n lve-. and to our country ; nnd we ri-iv t- i a jiL't ilic at ion . our conrr in tin1- pr' e! ingn upon the honest itiipul-ii of the i- ! and th- patriotism of ail whilivc the Cm-: and i-h t pi pi tuale its liU iti To assert the conver-e of our pr.'i -jotioi " to iinri.p la iliee-n i'" mu .riot,, rut. nected ith the iii-tit,ltio of lv -ry in it i ' r.-c.jnised by the coiistitution, on the u.a live Ijv.. oo.l il, f....iu ,.f il. ,,,, 'ui proini-( is to "pen williul) the source the mo-t noxioti. )Sitati.n nJ to no of the means ,.f -,.,;!;., . ... i! means of a-aiiing ai.ew tlie tiurmon mayhap tie- rxisU'tit'c, of the Chioti.- an ; I .e.. tl,,. , I, ......; ..f.i pasl ineuliost. n i moral 7 Minll the pro,gr.-s and p, ai of th- future be murrt-d t y (he rint we.l..t forts of a fanaticism winch halts at ft.. 1 nr ro r er, eti d by mort.it p -wer. and cxutting ty proeUima m obedienct; only tu a p, r higher than human law ? Miall the t that link the vari m- parts of a md le com, try t .gither Meld to the force of a (It mr,- fogiiu winch wears the utmk of lii erty ..i. ly t i per..-traie crimp, or hat it mv. w:t'i comparative impiti.it v. excite p.i-si"ti, t i r- w ar t iiltirnat. !v a tli -ire f..r -i It f ramii. liii-til Will iie Whig pai ly," ""' ' ' ' J ig ir- ih,Lih j. -Lr .u I hone t ciivie. j lions of public duly in -ili-nen that our can didale f .r the proiid. -t h -oior of earth Ki t , have his iiuon inti rprcled tarioii-h 1' -nit the changing pr judn i s or n snm ,,f particular latitudes ' JVIi"v. ho.-, such a p in y will not, bhoiild n ,t mi : H i unw -i lli v of a crt-at Party whoe -iti- j Unioni. ar i no-rv alive an t , aim u- tie- pro-pt-niy and Lappim -s of the pi op!-It- tecilenty m to reduce the V tug parly t u niele heterogl tieoll Comp',,.:,d n( ilia'"!- dai.t seiii-.ti.'il fattiot,-, the tmUol box t i i rt eej tad. f ,r vote ol t lite d by fraud up n one t,r other of the set tioii, of tin: t'nite l Maps, and the Presidential idtctioti to a I trial of chiest,. ry and (li .-itimiatioii - ! p-ditit al liioiint.-haiihs. We do n-t k t. ' make all injurious a-criptioti of motive t 1 any man or'n-v... iatio,, of no n : but we r puiii ate and n fu-e, for our part, now an 1 I In n atp r. t i b ud our ut i.ort in 'nv e tie!;. j date who.,- prim ipb s are m t plainly defirt ' d, i . J,lX ,,, s:n cru-adu a .'ain.t m e i- -i. - - ?- ---ii , lar rights, tne liotie-ty of pulitu s, or the palpable interest of tin. country, for tie ' purpo-e of achiciin:' a t. inporarv t.olifieil ' triumidi. it. to return. hat was the in rediM I in On, try s amendment thut induced tl iiairmati to rule it out of order ? The i-n: i aim of the -iin, ii'ltii.-iit wrn t i exclude i elusion. Il was framed di-titictl) i! I a - lew to absolve the Wldg members pr, nt from an implied plcdifc to supp irl ti. ' e .i v .- , . . j pledged to mpport the Cnniproniisi- or n .t 'Some of tlie undcr-i nei are b'.uud by on i , , , . . . . J si,(.,lIt pupjir. i , that we will .sup iratioii, made tu I it no man for rifTo',i unless he is known, trover-y, to 1 i - , . .. i teriuiii' d to maintain, "ui. port and xecute the laws know n as tie' ompr "iiii-e mea-ures l ugitive Slave law and all. We shall n li-io.i-ly redeem our Word. We felt, lifter Ihe defeat of Geptrv's amendment, that sib-nee lf IieipMe-ri lie I under tin. i iinim.1 ,r j I.l.. t such te-l, ( f th" iiiialllicali..n of the iioiiilii" oi ine . ational I 'invention, no cour-e re mained, coii-i-tiiit with our c'linvlefion duty and seti-i .,f sidf-rcpect, but to w th draw formally from the meiliiig, and tor tain the pu-ilioii vve designed to retain. It has , eel, charged that il is our delihi r e . , t.',' ... ate p,.rp..Hc to ili-trnct the c,es Wl, -s ;I , ere,,,,, a S.lliMU in th "f the Whig party. It has be. I, c of ll . !,.!' that our ol j. ' I i to open afresh lb. tioii upon the hlavcrv 'pio'lion-i, nnd t cr ate sectional strife in order to previ i.l ciiricentnitioii of Whig Mrcugtli nt the at prfjichi'i-' PreiiJeclul .5!-""..o.i. It h'

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