afV. t-asneawTwar; t.,,irftlM tlint we jirosout insulting '"" in'iliu North by reimiriiii the roitrr- i.-r s s-' - '- i i h to liiuiiittiin ui:l t" etii'nijo .id1 .11 ot mi'";-" I I. . .... 4lm ufiitlil.i lififiL- mill i .... inciiibcr cf IVnurcHs or inliti-til ! W .' .Uit liaH niniiift'ttcil mi intention to din- ' 'i Tlii'iw ftiittiini'iiti, fcllow-Whix, urn ;h and untriii!. if any M' uliall ",'rur in tho Whijj Irty, it will rebult from t? .i sttciii" "- "" 7" i i alone attriliutulile louiu micces wiin i li tliev hiivo heretofure fed thu flanuM tliltl' 1 . . . i.i . . r.t I' vri'ti'.llilt lunaii. .".. i mi", n ..'.-vi it.Mitu y . r,,,t mainly upon the creation of s.-c-Mai divi-ions. (Inr effort has been to in- i r..... n.xl .. I. il ll. : ; . . . . ' , ronscrvattvo nml patriotic posilion tho ...... Ilie line-"-''' j....... n'y pO.-ltlOIl Upuil 1. ....... fc.iw Piuiu.mau ii... t trl"t pan lilitllllfllll lilt: JHlllllojir in ,!,,.((. State or prew:rvQ the exintenei! uf ,1,1, tiovcrnniciit. f:if front opening agitation up .n tho .' ijiie-tions, our avowed object is, and t'i,' i ;i' . t of the proposition we avert iim-t j. t,i t. riuinato imitation by assuming as a -t ir!;ii-' j. iltit for tho canvass that the en , . nVrtv. north and south, f. itli fill! v abides I.)- Ill luW as 11 cai.-.i-i, uuu iiiaiiii.uu'. I .111 j -t .rolulse measures as a uuai heiueiiiuni. the rxcittu tt'ieslions ttiey emuracc. II, i-it mai mis po.-uiou can ai- -. i . . . . . ; . f Cr.l a ba.-M for renewed agitnlion, .(( ii . . ,.,,.,.. inj lit til, llil' tftlt I flt'rmml f The pi iueiple we as-ert may! . t u ..i...W..lil I V t.V till. litlll.lfllO.tS ! k : : uzl ,i! those 1 he f ii. itioin enacted thcui. When jiart m.f. have litigated questions arising in their f,rm.r dealing, and a d.-cree has been ron- .1... Irt... t.t,.t.. .f fi... ' (i. rU a-M'J llll' in e , Miit, wuuld it be considered in-ultin or ul.lair that. 1U oj.etiitig Ut'W books, one bhould ,i, in.iii'l of the other that the decree be ac , jt I as the ba-is on which they renew I n iiiits? Would the auswer be eohsider. 'l Mii-l ot iry " You have your decree eii - !',,- . it if you can ; but do not require an ' :.. ',,1. ,,lleilu,m.'llt of its justice, l y rollip. I , Li' me to a-seit thai I will abide by ill" t Kn l to nciehliors di-ai'reed ami referred i ir re-nective claims t ) arhlt I iit .rs, (I ist,r lorf. il diint v I y ael.ii"wei-iii.L award and renewing lui-ine-s njioii t li 'f: 'rheso hoiiulv .it.oti- l-l- therco . i,l to th tii'W we take f the . re-CUt , .tin of ail j.atri"ts in thii o ernmetit ii uriiiiual compact of the Constitution Ajsh.-.l the terms of this ( 'onfedi-racy, . i . uti'tiiiite the organic ) "f i''Vern- i,t. Aft. r a Mfi.-s uf ars m i dis ,'c.i arose, and the Misoiiri C"Ii priiJ-e i mdo to (iniet contrive r-y relating to ili'.ii (f-iieriiiiieiila! powi. Tn an' c in ti UC-tloU. W' t. .. . , r. ,t P. M.. ... . ....I I .. il... 1. .1 1 " 11 P j I ! II II I li 1 1 V 11 I I Ull'l I'j 111'" V ill11 ' , ' it ' mitt, d to hv the r - - jieti'-I-Unjr Mat.-s. Alt.-r an-itie-r s. r ' f vrars, new urijui -ition of t.riit-r i-r- n.a'b n.-w di-puti i ar-'-e t- iiel.iii.' ,. .-ii,.- p.iw. rs and the same ipioti.iiis. ti--vr (' unpr oiiii-e was made, win-rebv the I .' -. . of p..i-r W-l- Uebb-il ,y till- slave. i ir. :, an I the rcies "f en.j jr.- r -1 '., r.-i ti j. to th-: free l-y tie l-iiis-i m of I'alilornia into the t nioii ! slave trade was .iijipresscd m the hi' 1; ,. of ('..liiinbia. ; riiim nts 1. .-FrSt'd Ol.-r l!l" Who',- public ii '!,i.lil, alel ail et was joi-s.-il n i lilorec the d. liv- i v f fugitives from labor. This !tli -n, .-iit I . t . ma le, ha the S mth iiiiinnnr. d i.t the law ,-,i j r. sinj tin' si i- trade in thi I'; L-i -k i,poU the ri.,'.-i(e picture, b' !!v l i your i-n h-nrli, l.- 'W has tie- l iw '. ... the dclin ry of fiij.-itne slavO. been ex . it -I We ask. tiieri ly that th- U I.u. i.'V shaIl ti .t V") behind tlii- I I't -t ide ' ' it it shall liati'ii.-il.e it It Ly t l I - a firm and true po-itnm up -'tithe t.t.-.l i' . "f thi" B, ti,., in -nt, and shall hoid its i: :' i r boiiml, w ithoijt regard to j 1 no r : . '. -. t i maliit.itn Siid elif.irce this s, f . - , : in !"' 1 iiiith and hoi,e-ih. 'J"o t - en I we !i I dc"irc the d'-i larat ion t i this . '" t to com.! from the .li-tiii-'iii-h. -l j.eii !. e n who i.-i-o-iiibled ill the Capitol, utid. r i ." h -- that the eoniitry w ubi cnthil-i.i.s-In .liy r'-potid t i it. We havet eeii .iisap- i.i -ii in tin Teali.iti-jii if our wi-h, and, '(me of th (, we have h,i n ar r.imd by ii"iniiriii rit,ph' of the ;i' --, and our motives impm-ncd bv politi. i 'il Iciil.-rs athwart whose policy lies our n course and, as w. ulemtdv b lieve, the true direrti m f -r tin- public J. ...d. What ni I be the ( flc. t ,,f a r. l i-nl to . i. I -I .. tie position we have asuum d ! Wioit will I the r,-s,,!t of a failure ti re-p.-n-l ti the r Uirtj le we have asserted ; Neither tnor.' ' t le than the inglorious and d. -irv.- l ('f.-nt of the U hi2 candidate f.r the I'r "linn -y, he( ,iii-e the platform of the ! ' ''ill he t .o narrow f -r tl.'- patri-.ti-m ', tie peopii. 'hey will demand one a.s '.I a the int. ie-ls of the w h "le I 'nion. N.fiu 1 holh of (hf irrat r ilitienl raities j !i,l to shart; f.iture t.artv oniani.-iti-iii tit. on - iiUre. d nml fiir principle to which we t I the Whitt meeting at the t'.ipitol oil ' "J 'th iimtanl. there r. main- but on.; other -r:. The people wiil demand Hu h an imzatioii, at the expeiisc of exi-tiii;r par- -, an l it will triumph over Ictl, ; or, mi- t'V ti litieal. i ii b-rs. wlcise iier.- oi i nm- Il ls, Bil ls.' Ill rs 'll ll t iti-. ii ris. s aliovf Ih.-ir ruiintrv, tin- Villi I..-. . jl, illVi.tvi'.l ill H fallVI'ss .-.i!i.ilt'fl .t I t r iinliilnt. jiftritsii.-. will i;iii.l.-r ' ii-.h!.' ir. j'l.Iir.-s, mi.) will si'.'k ' il i r. i l.-riii.-iit .y ariiusinly (.i .-ti.iiial jijw mi Iin. 1 In- m-xt ('.nijir.'.--s, in t Tt :t. cum?, wiil I- conipoM"! .if 'iiicn of nil jiarlics j ! -.1 y. t i r. iii-w tin' .liiilalioii ..f ijii.-sti.iii wlii. h t!if .'SIt ('.in. n-.s -1 ,1 wiil, si. iiiui h ilifli- 1 mtv. 'Jin. n -lilt uf bui-L n itrivli; liiiiiniii I r -l-lit canil'it l-mnjiiiss. ',. Juvn li. Iii-v. il ll: t int. Hi)-, nt, Lv ti Iv nr- t: ti ;i 'd jialri.ilic (-IT,rt, oiil.l tin "ai aii'i tin' -a(,-is(niiii'. Ui' mail.1 all I' in -t ( l-i p iiiit tho way. Wv l.avv 'vv i xjilaiui , iiur niut i vf in. I .mr f'(iiI in t , n 1 1 w i 1 i i'iiliil. titlv niLiiiit tin in fur vuiir J'l'k'iiiinl. I In' I'Ti'iit i.f tlic Conjrri'ft.sioii.'it m.'. linn "f -"Hi Apiil arc ..f si.'iiifii'anl iitip irt. It " s nut l.i ,-, .in,. . nii.lrrsiirii.'il t . sHpiif.-t yi.r i .nr..- in vii'w uf lln-iii, lur ..hi.', t I" ll i-"IHii-ii'il l.y iiivHin l-i tin -in our '' "'!i.t- I'l.ii-i.l.'rriti.iii, sa(i-li.-i, hi wt ,,r '. tli.-y viill iiwuk.'h V'.ui' s.-ri'iii-s r.--'ll ' tl "il, ntiil fiiiili- v.iii In sin ll tirliun as II i I..' ili-iiiaiiili-.l l.y tin' thilii's to tin- jirc 'il nil. I th.' Ii... .if tin' filliltv. W. i:ko( kk. .Mi-sissiiip;. .I A('KS( MdliTON, l .IO MOOI.K, l. itii-iutni. IIIMI'!! Y. MACSII M.I.. Ky, M I'. OKNTItV. T.-iiim-s.o,.. r. II. WILLIAMS, Tri.n.-.s,.,.. l'.. e. eAi'.i-.i.l,, i ioiiiia. I A 1 1 Ctl Tl.WV, No Ca. .1 AIMSTIlii; l.AMi:V,l.ii, I as. I', si noTin.i;, u. ! , n- w "lIHMir flllly ill (111- yl -it'-llH'Ilt uf fiu-K il as tin- (.'i iicnil jiopiti his of tins ,il-T- L CLINUMAX, .N. Crv'Un. Inkat.liht.e JIkmkhy run. the ISite op a Mad J)ii. Tliu fillowin fiiotx. which oo- Jcurruil in the county of J'owliatau. in Au- lift III!) V 1... 11' d on us veritiihlo I InVtury, and t;xt n 1j I ifli Jevolld (lilestion or i ilonht tin! sovereign i-ilicury nf mercury in olir-trui'ting nnd enulii.-iitiiiir tin! uwful con- r,.-.,llli. n t.i uivr, .....ll itlllilltll.s llllt cvt:ti VHtll hydidpholiiji. The writer of this wu.-i iier- Konnllv liresenl iihont the tiuifi r-pi'ttilii'i, and caw a MTValit hoy of hirt fntlier'rt wized by! :i mud tlojr, which hit liim in a dozen . laces, i inllictiiiL' KhaMly wounds. An cmim-ut t,li v-1 fi'iii.i beii.r ,,.t for, had tb wounds wa.,h-! i . ., ' , , , .. ei wuh east il; conp una a jilater ot Inercu-; rial ointment aiilied to each wound. Calo-1 mi l pills were a!iiiiiiitercd in-the iiileriin, caUMiur salivation. 1 tio joy n.coveiiMl, and .. .. . i:..: . t ..a.-, iiimi il jr.ii.i u", ih:(vi il.iifll; Iiiiimle - ted the h i ' ile.-t svihiiloms ol ivuro-! phobi.i. A hoie and t.vo cows known to have tu en liitleit l v tint hhiih: iloi; the, en- Mini;; nay went man aim una. fj sati-lied is the writer that ealomel is a IV, 11 pp. i-llie III Mo ll a ease, (hat lie woiiM lie imoer no appi . heii.-ioii ol'the ib h t. rious effects if bilteii hv a do; known to be mad. 'l'liu above N written by a jfetitleinan of uniiie.tiutiable veraeity. J''. ."'"'. ' . 'ihe author mu-t have a strange idea of ' infallible reiiMMiiex,'' 'li. only instance) a siti'.de euro in a lib; time. Onki.F the Vo.mi:n. The Khode. Island Temperanee Advocate tells thu following 8 !? . I '-111 Joster I man who hai there w as nn intemperate iif imised bis wife that he would vote f.r tiie .Maine candidates ' for ihe Senate and lluus.-. On the mo;n- J ini: of thu i li eliuii day, h ' the tavern, and treated by was cntiei-d to is anti-law as- i hoci.ites till he was drunk. Ili' wife heard I of it, si ar h"d liim oet, ai 1 fnt him home. Here the frnvc bint a" Ti;t tic- ami eot him , ..ber, and then borrowed u l'"r c and w ar on and drove him to the poll-, lie voted for the Main'1 J.nw eicididati's, and his sin- e ,.te i i. , i :.(. I tin.' i ;, etioii "i ;i rum pr, ;.- -i -ei.liitive. result of it is that w. el oil.', tttl'l f" siblv two Maine Law men '- from that tow n." A l'.vitmi:n I'l'.Kiiv AT KA. The brL' at Ilia h-t lb tllliiir, W Ili. i ariiveii ii(,iril re! oi , that m tl V.-i.-e soiiie. V here beyond the (luif aboard tiio vc.- 1. an I li d. r of one of tiie in n. a bit of t.-it.e, bi at in ll Htri am a bird flew l i- ! I..I1 the shout It had on it, nei-k e til.ll:e, .' ot tliii m Mat Ll.i'iie f .r I ri' M.irie, saiiinj from I I .nre, ai-il a re-pest (hat i M i- miht I r en i li in one ,f the nev, r-tint all w.-rd I! oil board. 'I he I ir I fh w off a- sonii the iin-ssai'i- was taken Iioih its neck. ' ' . . . . , . . t il. t -.rilii il ill 1 I .1 V II1 IM fli tl'tlTl! r.ti d 1 i .n I c i i -f M. -a.'r- I. jll-t til') IS lie-J illi li- av niter tie I oi e till:- Nt.v i. a .ill W a s , i an obi olll-l a 'i: a.-. 1 til. it. alel ATtsI IKIi. Lately. ianiiiiin,' a de-k, hi. oiit-buiidiiiL f- r a I i .'! ba . V. hu h he t!i hi t.-.!.i:i it .tip, tin- I to hi-- I'le.-it -uri-ri- 1 a o. I.te h lia I -tood 11 (line, he u.d. t a -t. : "(t'-iii came . out rolled hit: Ir.-d fold i n Alter eoiintitu them, he sai-l lo' w a- ry --'rr v that !i had ti t l-'iiud them tH'-iit v y.-.irs s i n.i-r, :hat he ii, i.i. I bnve had tin: mtire-t of th.-ln ai-o i i . 1 1 i l.ij (hut b1"I. A la,-: . mile whi.-l i i it -I e "li 1 t 1!ah ioiiiiii--i .i( ii'ia C 1--. III'- -f ,. u; ,.w I r! the any east it I. :ns tl.,- 1. It:,, i 1 111'llll llile I-ab tie In t. .re in, 'i.i,' in that m iik' t. it I Lv anv uti" hon-e, in a -!i -h- il iv. '1 h,-v cmprt-e 1 . 1 I" bt.rr.-N ot p rk. i ,i li ,0 pounds bulk in. at, and ate, it lat re.'s i I lard. The arcate V ai n of (hi-,- ar. t:. l.-- w as n, f I'.ir lr-iu fur I, m I it, .,H. n Kaih;ij r,ri; III ) ui 1 .on 1 pain tn ml 'irt iifn utidrr t te np'Mi Hie Jef; !!! ' vour I. L-rt ti' Have yti m-nt, or if t Mil id! t g mvat.ori .ftj-!ii.d tf-a'.iii'y tu I t.o to. I avc you hn li riyust;? ( 'tjn'.Mi-M.fiic dty ai, .1, nttti (Hiie ij'.icr vit her JiT tilt lit' Csi3'ti ? . i.t fit I' i-cy i.f prtp',t, r 1 (if t C JiaT' in t ,P -ft't di-j. in 1 n lu at.d I'hpral .)!!. u! I, T. d prompt'? It ot spsHl ' I , lit in ! '1 IijI i f U d nil tvcn'imly Irfm.nilP mi onftnmd 1'onturnfttvn, th's ni-ml haneful ul a I! d a-it h A?e to t U'-ti di d Mb w.ju'ri, fa i f Ajp'ttte, dtfutt Jut food htftrt I'tm ft drpmmt IhlV. ute ef fuintB ur irf?i-.M tn th- S;,tmifh, mi .n or flut, Irtit'C " th? ptl ff th' Sftfttiftrh, t"tir t U' tut.unt, r dj-f , cot, tier d idt r.W 'Vfl "Tik or tfril nr a fAreupA thr Umh $trttntn;ti of ihe A- tud, tlm ftatha vf (r, i'lt an ai'iilf Acur-t ' , (! . n aiiut ihu hip V' rv ufifii tiiiBuk'Mi lur K la il m.ji mm ? liav? von i v vllo r.p- ol ihe nktn rtttd r v 1 ll iff ti- a f(it' ttg gt the hftt t; a tense ul chuking trhrK liir. It irn ; rnh If. I, f.rXtng ahout .... , . tnf ..., irrrr. Dill. (I'.ll fi liu in "ir irmi, .jii.iin. in - nnii Kf ml mul greu! vrvrrt 1 ftf ffttVt 1m ywor puUp quii k and atrttng. and uur iviimteii. ai.t a pi I and d at rt-mnH 1 he iro iti.fl of th uiunt prmninent nyinploota nf fnd gpilinn and Vy. p'ptn If yo'i huvi- any, or must ot tlto lort'ttrg inptoms, ynu fcbcu d at onre M k li Allde.sys are dMigrou. but n odi of e!, th;.t hirh endan. i;rra htitnan hfo. 'lie old ad'j '"n oiinrj of pre veution i war h a pound of t;ure'1 is iiiot true in tla Bj'pSt(.'4iiuii here. Ahuud at oi in apply a rr im dy o ll.o di 1 ho V i.d Cherry I rce Hirk poPsfa a ri fiifi, jitrnLnr and yr tic in. thiriirtt upon th l.ivrr aid other important itrm uf Llir IkmIv, ri'i-i-ff inj their iintura! ar'.htii and ihuro. hy i Mtnbli!jft'g I tint jo-il rini tl ihf mm in all tho tunc, tiinin of I In vt'oiti, wlur It rottsitiiUta pi-r!rt heaitu, 'I In- br-i, in' ft ivr'.nn and nrpeat-h Inrm fur the at'inin!iiratiin of I hi ritnr.iy n, .IM, tOM. I'lUMi Mhl Ulr KliY TOM SU AL l 1 IC N T, '.;!' i l.t'..n trt cot mi x ion w it h his Vej-ftrd lo Anti '.nliiini li : N tttll !y and ftl'.c lonhy pn ?eiil and t tin-ai. c isp .d' I ) -.pi-punt, In. di-iraiiim, I Utuleni-v, I.tvrr i onipiuint, Jiundirp, .Skivo'ii:!-''-, lt. lnltiy, l iver anil Apne liiU rniill-Li.t ler, At . teMaud W lii alsn ho futtnd iit;!i!y tH'iiptiria1 in .Ttohi a, I tm-pii'iil Coiinump. t mil, ((itit, l;ii'Miin-tti-iu, A rtii'it norl.u' i, C ii tonic ) etilfr v, I rttir i, Ac I'r. pared and aold. inle!y by the ul:riher in t Itailutle, N I . 1'in t'!4 per bottlt. KIWAKI IK1,,Jb.( Diu'jxtt. A NOT UK I! SlIKNTHIf WoNliKR! I M I't Ul T A Is T TO 1).SI1.1TK'.-Ir. J.S. I.iuKli tm.'a I'KI'SI N. Tlm Hue Iligt slive. I'luld, or (ins. Irie Jon par. d loin ll I N N I. i'.ur I lie ! I HUTU SluM Ai II ol- I UK OX, I, I . ii. .ii ul lia t .n I I I Hit", Ibp gr. tl r.'-nii li.i;..:..! t lioiltisl, by J ,S III .t'l.ll U., M. ll.,' 1'lul.i'i. Iphni. l'l. l- is liulya woi.d.rlt.l Milled,, lor I N ..'' t. I'.S Jt 1,N, . . , ... -1, . . . I irvhh-e I ll'l Ill-null tlV'l ro.sSl II'A I IO nnd Ul Ul I II Y, euilnj , Hlin.ll ...imis u. ...aen w nil mm. r ar, ., , ... k - ..... a.... ....twill l. ...veil (or tha il.liv.rv of and hone, and (i S1 liir Ji ll I. i'aniiil lui, , ..iitlaHilii Seu ii- j litl : l.vidi-iire ol Us Hi oe, till III-lit ll hy III.' Ajt.-t.ll. j .. . 1 . r ti...,.l ..iirtt,l g - a ' is. h'tt HU'i.t .,"' ...... iiitnti. liYivIEHEAL. I" 1 Miirried. in thi town. at ft n' on Tunsday ninriri.iir ihe I Hi h iimt . K. N. IIU rrtlHD.V. M It. '" ' N,A,lV -V, daughter ol David lurk., ..q u II ol I lni plain. In 1 1 in roiuit v, on llio lllh instnt, nf Kryair... In. Mr. MAHIU.S L. CA M PBtl.L, in Ihe 2aih yr of ti in age. Neir rl.arloiie, in Met Mnnhurg ennniy. on the ii'U instant. DAVID IIU.- niinl 12 yuan. '''"". W.icl.nmn picas,, eopy. .'"" - IHJh NANCY '""i I r. It. cmmnrl ol J oiitu l rlor, l.n , aged upward ( , yrulll , CoillltKTCial II t't'O J'll. - c'lAUi.nri i:. may lit. icaa. " li '1 Nails (II) Is'i Ml 1.1 I run, Sail, Corn, l ii I , I 'ls. l!-.;swm, lf"ilh.'ffc, II.'.- Y-ri,, -I.e. in c.., 'I all' w, Suit Leather, 44 sj - I 0 : do ., do ll'iM. r, iter. K:n.:r. h!,l. lit-!. 1', I'.irk, l.ard, B icon, Sit'ir, ( . Ilrf, M.ilarac. f.'.J ti (JO a III! 7i(l U'i I I a II 7 a S 10 a II 41 a L :ij s. n CHAKI.IX.ON M A 11 K KT CiiALaTiiN, Mnv IS, iHSa. Cotton. Th tri.t.icli..iia in Cotton ycal.'filav rncl fit a'l.nit I3ull htiit-a, at cxlrrruoi tiuu Imin 7i (o rfiila Aiii'.i'i; ihe i.lea re ai-v.'ral loia, winch wcrn told aluir the advicua liy Ilia atramer Here iiiaih. pui.tir, at an a.lvan.'fi, but Ilia truniuc te.-ia tuo h.i.ltbd to ektatiliak a markul ( hat. Courier. COM' Ml: I v M RKi:r. ( ..i.i MB A. Mr 1 7. I -52. Fa''' of ll.e ATI k rntJinp the 17lIi iriatjnt. Tun cof.'ijiriM'a W.4"3 hdlea, at lo 9g. . - Slatv of Jm lli-i ftrolimt, IIU KI.I..MII Hi; oI,M V. Superior Court (if La, May Tcrtn, 1 "j'i. o lilll.RKII Ii V t.Of'li T, l a' a 1 8-H-eia I Te n of thi' C'.iirt k held oa tiie 4:h .Monday m j une. A I) l-.'i. I Tel: J IS KKIIR, c u c. S.ntora and itneaes in clvi. caes p eafce lake! .New A r rival. C . , , . ( ffU M CK 8 .W JclVC k r t f dif ni d, a rid w and beaiilioil uip y ol liu ii. "l la-l.i' i;a-'e sii Ir. w hn h will b - sold very l lot I ,1V nt no, i, l.rij'ior. nanire 'I IK'S 'I l"l'i M-y IS. Is.v?. I ! LP.. J. F. (jiiliner, Itrimist ami .Siiolht rtiri, r:: ,,,Vii g and oj-nin a irtsh and .,1 Drugs, riedicinea, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Putty, Thompsrmian riedicinea, Patent Tledicines. Perfumery, Ex tracts and Colognes, tnplfi r : f 1 1 a U'g " ip,dy of PjiNl liru-hi'n, Tof!h Jt li-iiin. :. li rj a.nrtiiif nl of At i' Su-p- rt. 1 - ii rid T. Siir tt ai It.' rniiif n't, A - Ar c , ? i a U-j;c 7tr..fy g u:h-.r iiti'.U uiji-y B-p1 m Mich h!n)-rs Iljnjf tit'rn e-rgaptd 1:1 I i-'lif for n Iut: t!tir, ai l! e Ric u : is'ai.d, it wtu d -p ni 11 m-I c Bl and nun rts-i'y t civ, p il.Lriiy tn he tart tl at I a-n b'. 1 ,1 " k ii ktt g $1 ,1 a nij b!f w -it u'tia' ht n if a d fclr r Jt "-v Ir.rtidt Mr-fix. II, (n Ac K 1 I'.mtt -on havifti- la'ely rmnrtn-n- d N.r!h ( irti n h.g, u ihe Lce lUe old taitnlikf I laritc J tirna;," ;hat id ds ciicrtd 11 d hiudc a a d u ii'inv hearte, on ev-ry wer'k K .r -4 titcd i'-t', I thiHhl I winild be doing our en . rfti'- trd j" f-iveni't li te-id jjrfat 11 j e were I 1 nt u a-.t.! the.;) ali I t in. Id 111 . It ir ntduuu, la tun ii, and t-ipr:iiie ii'idrt k ng, i .. th-ii-e fu liav- t-o Iiti-r.ill patrotl.xil tne for the Ih( iiniii'itr ul ytar rouirn mv praii ful ar L"!ni nt a, t ii! Fiji jl- it tii l' uur nqntmurd kind ti a id r ij!-' m, I t 'it k 1 ur ft Jf nt that il mil be to ; t'ir aul.' aid inti-ti t . i am el ill oci upv nig n v d t ni.d Hi Clr "Mr, 1 u M4111 firte', near Mjj. J. H K.ff'i M"'el, ttii i.ia.-ly upputitc R- ii I'ra- U y m w u'-iiiiig. V-v 11 17.f tti f ITI Ut P Trt tII"fT PD A-o-nUTV V al U U a JJ U IJ A J Tw AI A A W A 1 l 1b For Sale. ii-.i II ft Y v i r u of s mii''rt1 ner u'i d 11 Bitdlit J d'Ul IE Hi, f.r ,-(- ;mi p tt i i eriiii isje irt- d, tt 1 -fit at Piih-io A oi" i- n. ill i Ti.. n ot t hn r ii' l r loo T - 'di , 'he 'JT h d v uf J iv nu', (biiig On- wnk It (i on ill y 'on-l ) t(t it very .;h!ati'p pn p r y. p- n.-'a li k r n ai II S HOTEL. cnnf-s-im-,' ' f thttp lot and a thrtit C5, 73 71 ai d pa't ol M'O Ivine tn the "nhii h-pa-t ide el Try oii t ir Man fein-e ; ml about Iro'ti liie I 'ta ion o the kti Rr-ad lepot and thp central p4r. tijli of the 'I o. Tl-if pft-pr v, i heTond d-u!'t,in ihe mat f iV- r ahln lur-4 1 it v f r I o lure iv i inattf nt niijtf nvptnetil, ar.d atTi'it Vfrv d-itah;c opooruiii'lip ior n ve.' i tMit, tith r hv i !tpt"a i!s or pcrnon vns- 'Un 111 b i-ii ? m Thr ti f ni o! pa v iiii i l Wt ; ti l u -inp'e tndo1 gpnep h the nnr liiiT and wii! b p.iri cui4ri v g'V. en on 1 1 e dtv ot aa e, or by ei n m v of either ol the r.ienrd. I'.lSrOSHin of nor. inn nf ilic lui'.linra ami Iota itl lif j;ivtn in il-lnlie-, ami of the ulht-r. on the Ul uf Januaiy nrxt. PI'N J MN MOKRHW, AHW Al.tMK, .Kl I I UN M.iHKIS. mm i:..!,i;is(.i:u. Aniirnry tn ac .ir I). M H"r trgrr. M.-y I.'.. Ivvj. 7l. I-it'lttllOl. nlll; tinderai-rneii have their New Tannery in v4t), 1 .tm ointon, .n lo.i prahon, and rxjept ifom thi dat kind tl cniiiilrv. In krt-p nn a id a (rnl supily of every I. IMTII l:rt umi-.IIv tanned in ihia and Lavmr. aa thnr Foreman, an ex;eri. 1 Tn it net Low 1!, .M huetln, thry h nhit: to fini-h ilanicMt. and Uehing (or Machine . rv m a- food a ulaie, ai can hi! dne in the I'mied ! Sia'fH. Our wi'l be with the e! in our ' rotintry. j C. r Ml NPKR'iN A SON. .ir,rt!t,lon. X C, Miy 2t Is52 17-1. S'l'liAVI'l) WRilM lite siib-r--it'pr, dvinp ne.-ir M V fh h's Mills, ui Ciiharriia .-on il ly, oil Hi.' 1 1 h .o.t II A Y OK.s-;, with dirk Irtf.. very hH.tvy l.-vl a r i.i i li'xsi, imttiral r.. k.-r. will, n g""'1 ilea. ..I .pc .1 .ii d 7 ve trg o .1. As br w ratsi d in t In- west lip mav laki- tti.l fiir.-rt i.ui. I Hili l.ticrally n-vvatd any oin- In. u til uke linn up and ivt m inti.ritia. nun. Ii.l irit-alt'tn run Im- giv.-n tnlipf lo lr. b'. M. Ii is. or Mr. T. J ll.iltun in I lurii'l'f . tl'l .S J.I. II. MI R. Wilr V .Wi'l. Cut art u co'ui'y, Vy ili. s.V... JiiI It.'t-i'ivi'd. II.Ks' Hut) IS and f-IIOtS, and (ot sjle l.y 8 HUM & JOHNSTON, M.i r:. ltitf No. 1 Ilane. WAoliie. KTol.l-'.N from rn, four mib a North of Mount Miuirne, N.t'., on ll.n lujilil ul tit. tj.illi ultl mo, a vi'iin HOiK, tour yrais old, atl.tik dap-nl,-.l e.,iv. sl'ifittiv litpsiiot, Willi i.taiii ruhlied otl. with I'l-aiiiti; anil stow lo uio.. A Iw.'.HV hvu tlo'.Un lor eiidcnco lo convict i ....... jamls a. biuni.y. Uit HaW in April ' Hjt-L'ST lieooived ami bsinir eshijiilod at the I'm. ili uoriinii of Kbiflii. ( . Jteihuno 4,(o. Km., talilialinirni) lot ot mo rirn,.. m ..... fffant ( lolla, fanaiiMercf, Vc.l.ngt. ( rivaU. ( .!o-i.hd arioso of ,nilci.,..-. half ..Ik ll.nn.) I'orkol llamlkcrtliirra. o.. 4fl . nil uf wl.icli w.ll ho diaprmd nfupon ti e nil acron nirnlalnit' Inrnn j (Jive '.a a rail jontlemaii and will tic tuio luiull. j M,.y ii 16 II White Lead. LBS., Pure, F.tlrn, and 5''"" M... 1 vv lute l.eail just coniiiu! lo lund, hUKSII (roin tho inunufjiinitrs, and will bo told a (.urg-iir., At fcilX'-s Drug, Cl.cniral and I'air.l Sloro, t luiiotte. May 13. 16 3t Snuff, Tobacco & Segars. LOUlilLLAIiD'ji Ucnuine M.iccohoy. Scotch Snuir, b'einiramia licgalii, iNi-piuno Kwalia, inov.ictort, and .N clonal istgin, , AlH fHEWINf; TdlMCCO of h at -pnhty, for iiilu At SlhL'S Drug Chrmiciil .Sioir, May 12 IG3t harititle A C. aw 4tt I'ULNUS WIIITt 1.KAL) in 9fw9W nil I'e.u, at V 50 per hundred. For aale by FX & tALUVV KI.L. i Mny 13. ll If 500 May 12 (JAfl.O.Nd LINStKLl UII,, for lull) by ; lUtf FOX 4. CALDWtLl,. I Yeast Powders. f URGE l,ot, ai.porjr, St, j H' saivcd X aa. and n.r aie vy I re M I "Jc a box. FOX i. CAl.DW IT.L, 10 If i- l i. rocMjsi iit.AKii's rim: Proof Paint, by Vi I (IX Jt CALKWI.I.t,. 1 .May 12 A eiv Finn. "Vu.M'i! , nflK nndersignd. would ir form their fre-mis I and (lie pnbiic etinpratlv. tbit Ibr-y have t iki-n (he hnn at thu cant end of Mr. heri'a ll-.ttl, w here Ihey inlrnd carrying on the ISaddle and Harness j , Esanish, Shaftoe, Summersett Ladies ' in ovary varialy Tbay ill not agia'e any paioa I) pleaie a r;cneroua - ptit.itC. I hf y would rrp-ctfi.ilv inv.'e ill and evi-ry body to ineui a rait and rianin far theiyciVt-a. iJAii kindaof K LP A I KJ 'j djna nrutneti Bd dtfpaich S'rwl kinda of COt'NTRV TRODLC irtaken tut oik. W J PI.VMMKR. A H . U t;. i htrlottt. May Vi b'f Notice. tl.L reranna harirp rlain a a;atn--t the F'btalo uf Urcua O JcifM.sioii, Oec d are nutiiitd lo pi- 6tiit 'It'-ir plmins lar pjynirttt to the iimk-r.ij.K-d nc:nfcii j tu law, or tljty wili le debarred by i;ie Malute A,! liio-te indei-tcd to tVo soiT-jfln.usl como for ward and make t-eHntcnl r , accounu will be placed in Uf I; stuU pf an ti(T" i.lit '.n i. JOHNSTON, Adm'r. May 12. 16 3 r eiitkral iZr ion. OFFI("KR.i commanding astached to the Ul liegi n-nt of North i "ar-jlina Vulun tpra. aro hert-'i? ordart d to parade ineif rffpectite ("oinpani-a at U o'ciot k A. M , on t lth ifi.tani. in Concord fur Irill and Rrnaw onr;--d and cpnp ped accurditig to law Willi J'J rount.. of blank car tndjca by Order of R. Qi;rnv,Col J. F. UlW lS.AJjt May 4 Hj. Ili ST!tAYi:i) ffJiriOM tho auhenher. at Fort M S, C , on ' ,; 3.i o- April laat. on bn J-t rre! Mare and a - oil. The mare haa aotue Hin'e tee I, a star nt the lorehead and is marked on t e bn k by the e-ttidla -the coll is a dark aurret, aeu niarked lome. .le the mare. Any in format -oh h i!1 bo tttaiikftiily rfce.Tfed end Ihe p raor )' vtnl'y reward cd uf iheir trouhte. (nfurniation be Kivn to lr I'trwrll, ai Fo:t Milla. S V. or Mr. VVilhan.a, at Charlotte. WILLIAM ML KUOCII. .May I'J. 16 3tr Dr. Allen's Vegetable Compound, roa the cirk or 0)prpin, LIvrr Complaint 01 voiim OibiUIy, ISt 1 1 10114 A f f-t l ioiih, Ar. T'iia n.rilipine it offwrpd to the pu'-lis undtr the ai-suriitu'c lliat there ta no article in rJiitpucH hav. log aiiotejjer elanna to their con ad ration. Ht'inij roit.po i.d d bv a refft.lar tl !i A VI V'lK ofJlT b i HitS CLI .KtiK. Philadelphia, anda prarli. a.nj; Physician of TUKN'IY YI.MH IAM 1 in riitUdplphia, tits biiig eipf-ntenee cot., ti lord him in the optnnm that a co-i-punded nivd ic ne rripiifed to prevent and rt nirny t!f di. No tation pr- doicd Ly reaidiiifr in lu- intastn-ttu; cli mate nnd to counteract the pros! rat iittlucocea of the many ner-mua disurdura n itli which the hu man fantity are a til n ted. VH, Al.LKN ta a well know., phvsh ian, and h.i(i uvpd IIip above medicine in inn practice tor TWfr.lVK YF.AKS wilti the moat nslomaliing, kuvtt j; to led Ms qnalitua in i hove Tiua AM) t aks. , No mpdieiim ever rt reived more tUtti-ring re eomttteiidut on from phvicsa' a of ennneitt stand. ng than hia hpn hes-lOAtd on thin. I Ih'l'ciA.N US AKK OW t-V' TF.R 1 N i i ?fom "l0,l rei-t cmii.i. SIA. when a amfile bail of ' l)U ''J1 .P' t-o I aiiu. i I u aou u nav . - vt- ; fci o( "niovmg a!l thoso distres.-ing Uniiuf 1 ttendant on that m.-il ddil laltrg disease. cole i roprietora, ii. V . ALLKN, M. 0 , riiila , and J. A. A. W I, l l.KVKhAMh '2U? K ng t I harlcaton. . C. For aa!e in t h ar.ulir, I In i I aiiwhi.. VV l IsTON. 11.11 Mis AT TIIK Old Stand of Trotter & Wriston, oppo site the Jail. II1K Subscribers have aMsociate.l tlieniselvea ler llio pufj.ose ol iiiaiiulii'tiirini; tOAl Ht'S. KOCKAH AY lH'Ctii KS. a.,.l fuel everv lhmi in the I'o ic.i line whit.-:! is used in this t-titiulrv. 1 tiev lei'! r. ntnleitl Dial ihey t in j;ive anti -t'li't ion lo nil who in.ty lavor titem li.eir palmiiHg" llepa riii ol all kind, be dure w it . lie.ititess and ilt.sp itc.i. nnd on the most reason able ter.lia. All we ask is lor tne public toive us a trial. W Hl I O.N IIOI..IKS N H. e.tuniry l'roilin t', .ui-li ua llscon, I. are, Hour uiid I tirn, will bo lakou in en-liange lor wt.i k. I hailutte, N. C , M .r. h fl, ISoJ. 7.3.11 In r.-l irirg from Hie t'oaeli Himi rss 1 chreriul y n. oiiimeii.l mv successor, llO'ine beini' a man wurthv ol tl. patronnj;e ol the pnl.ti , .,o . ....... k " ... ..--,... ... . Ion l.r ll.e nasi two vo nmntlis ; I know hull lo l.e ft lirst rate w, rkinaii. I can a ways be touml at t l.e ultl s I .. i . I wl ere shall be iesed to see all my triones ai.u toiiner pa-io. n. JO.-iil'A TROtfLK. I'or Sale. -h to- rv wbK PIVE SMIVfil TX U. H P ,?iy t W nrt;iH Fon.u : ' , ,. ' . 1 I' " i liciilra rlitecl lu l ulntn.ra t". U, N. C I 1" 3; Selling OH ! siitiKTt.H'r iiiM'iiuififf to f lotus Imntn&n in. M.. CjiI.iJfMi I'tViTH ! grt a1 ly f ( (Jurprf i rire f jf a-h, hit cniirc s'o( k nl iirorrri' ard Mtavy (tod, cnns.fe'iiip tn pnrl ot SujarF, i tV-r, .MfitRs e-. 11- ur, Suit, H.tra'nL'. f f.! lfisn. Ilw;(nv.U are. S-tdHic, j lirtii-ff, lii'ai J-"' ( tiiit r-K ain! li niikclf, Ihtu n j and VtU'ivhvd Honit ttpun. il i ( k, Tirku 1 1 f ( a:-s; KiiiV t and Kotk-. 'i'care h:iin. .".a ,v Tne a1 ve Gond hiI b dip i d oi nt very ju rh a &r I a-l). A I Mftond lo leave n at an enrh d ty, I ur bire ft'l pt rfOiis indciMtd lo n to u ake i:tm.fdi;ite ' mi nt. iJ. C'ilAV HKUS. i i'autdeti. H. (',, A j-ril 30. til j I S.V2, DALTIMOKE Sl'KI(i TRADE! Th nltcntiori of (Tt.untry Miifrh-inln and itran- Irrs v Niii'ijf (J.i.uinurti dunhj; Ihu k.itiis m llio ronvenliuna, is inviinl ir tlm fhlloninfr hous a, whist) (lBtlf nt dinl i('ia!j'y ol (iuOrJH, in KtHir v i r.ctls IlitfH w i t Im f.jtmii :m Im'i um.I sclei't as limi-ij o! any Cilv tit tJie Liiigii, and al pnem erj laiiv !ow. rl .M II.I.H. ITIOTIIHIi A CO. I npnrleri. an.! vuf Vl.inii'i.' luri'ia, nhnlesalc dedlcrs in WATCH. I.S and JKWKUiY, iSu. Ualtimoi aittul. fJOItTI.AN .V ( O , Imp. rter- of 1'. ,teij li-i.-.d--, v. fa'riilv and F n ' v S lakie iillcry. Japi 11 irdare, and lIuiiKcktcf in artie'e of every de er riptioa, .S.-j. Ib.'i IJ.i in ii c street. j HE li Y K WIMSKFY.or fine ft ivor, in jli. bbls. and denuj h.m. from (hri e to lit'u en y.-b r.. ! uhJ that dntilltd in IK'7 cnnol bu . .piailpi! v. rv i hmn. ror.hi.l.-riti j; .piulev. I ur aa;eby JAMES J LA IV A", l.'t:i anil ill .. 1 1 o a . d si. AMI LL KIRK A. SOX,Jdnd Silver Smiih.. 1 7 J ta.ninore strtr.t, rnanu ai-lurn ami km n on I and i ii -y vanity ol Si.k r Ware, and impu.'t t'.ulvd W ure, ati-'i.-s ain! J -nelry. r4ii,.li.i.s, i.i. a nr.. in nn.,-!,.-. ewcl. . -" " .'-I'v.r ano i la.eo irc., "alia I' aim iiuicrials, mi lialtininri; atrcil. J BAP Kit WAIIKH! ISF. JAM ESS. SUS. ull ot I'.,per, Ao. .") S. Cham strec !l .'The hihi st ca'h pi h;u paid for iiuijs. S'JI.I.IVM II. liliUWN it I;i;i). Imp'.n. r- W V i.f ui.d w iitiie-ale d'uitrs in Drugs, Mid.- c nes, Paii.ti, Oi a, W mduw Oiass, A.c, No. 4 S. LiLi- ! erty struct. E ASH ION A III. I)( LOTH I NO KMPORlfM whole-a'c and r' iil II li il.TON, N., i!!)H, ii.iitimur1 clrftt. .V't.Va ai.d Uovs' t i.-iiisii every varje-y. 'w:'.,h. N 3, N. lailicrtv s'ret'. ! d al'-r in AimsiV, t a 1 Si S' ,M A I Kit Ml S. lit- ur.d T- t, T K t- L'lid L'A'.l'I.Mt DO! V r,. ' L'hd La MOli.Ws TM.NK K.MP'!Mi;M, Ca Jat I f a . ' ri rr i.f l'ditiinoru a nri ( V vet 1 rroit t Dip. ( ,!.n-tat'i!y on Jiund lie ntf U"'in mc n. hi 1 Kc 0 ty, of I t a h r 'I'r vi-ding ar.d Packh g Truuku. V'4.iea and Carpt; His. lii AND SIIOWTR iiATM , i)i V I'. 'I he Pa Tii. nt NiAG-kRA Jet tu.w i: it , BAltl. I'aiCl.t l'i-nj;lil iil.d ii Jt.l Jlll'.i KkH5iGLRaT0i rnM.bined. Hater CwUtn ai-d 1'ilicrs. t ire ii.d , Tiiifi PrKjf J.-cn Sa c. B. LAKii Li-K, .No. Mi .South t'. btriet -rjOUKiiT nilOWM & SON, Iinorter?, J$ iacEijrc!y, and dtialer. in W nit hvt. fi'it Ji-i. ry, s:ivtr and 1'iuttd W'i c, US Uill.mure & t r t c , Opp:SltU I'.L' .M '.-rtl!Jl. 3 .I-OSOUt'B, Fhirt MM-FAcrturn No. I'J4 I' ) !f iii-i-re trtt I, (.vt r ii rt ms n'o (!o triti g i;-.tb:i"hmtM!, ra'ly tposi:c tin; Mit-cutn. f f KSSK V,.MUKN. J -fli. AC'-'t'ct and dtuitr in Jf- I'aititt i'.aih-nn 5ffAl.ts I'uU'in balances aid seal s 1 f tvery dts r.pUui:, Ciurloa st. bciien I,onibiid ano I'ratt street?. a'd up to ; nt-Q Mnun.t'n', 'I'ouibc, and Liiiye eti nt'-. .Vif-s-jK Si i airu, tarn Marble of Us cor i.e. of .Nurvli and .MLiiUii.cul sis. Oa'IO. . FUIt E, Ha'. Manufnciiirer--and i alikmdaut Hat, no. rJiia.t.inore s rue?, rppji e the Clipper vttice. j Mt)S LOVLJOYt wholesale and retail dealer 2Wl in lloir-cry, t-'-ovc?-, I nder fbit and l-raw. er?, and small warts generitliv, no. K'3 BaUimore ttreei. l et w ct n Cal ert iud toutti6.ri.els, 5 d-Airii ! above bjn Iron liui.ding-. j aproVVllL V IfKOi ilFRS, M.inu.acturcrs and ' J4 lu.pi'lers o! I'AM.a HanuI-NuS. HiioieKatc nnd itiHii No.'uT lia'tiniore .t u. ytte utlc ntiun to heir elegant sfeik of Fa;:tr Hang n-:', 1 jrdcrs. Fire, bodd Priir, Curlviin I a per.-, A:. Tne atiorc merit inciuiicsi vwti hi their line, arid from the hijjhei-t to the lo't,t pr e. As they are the ia.-gei tnanufaeiurcr!- in I co-intry, they are cna bkd tjfdl'.r fruptr.-r ii,ut.e:!it nts to prchis rs. -a 4 CASH will pu.c-iaj-e oitc oi QfAii-s Crrr Ofe: Call at N;i. 'Jf 4 Pratt street, two uuj;s ituov.- llauo-t-r, and -save a duiljr. ClEm;K IIARMAN, No.l'.'l Pr-U tl., near M IU..W. - -cpa en hand a large fupply ot t'nU lrei-- PoilJ, CnLs tiailer, Paiei-l and 6 - Cat: I'xl TJ Tiea.t'ioth Navy T.c., Vc. ' a I as iibevp. Bjg Xi;U V HANK-, Iir.p-.tiT9 ar.d Vt !e-s in Fn.e China. O.a-M nr. U-ieenswre. Untaiiiiia V arc, i astorf, Alc, No. la'J lliltin.uie tftetl e;i. posiie ifte Muelllll. A ll MSTKuNti Sl 13EUUY, Nj. i Mu-cum .A- 1! ji:d;..p.) Uiltsmnrc strte', lnvo on t-a'.v a ei nt rjl a-MjtUiieiit o Svhuui. dl, i"htok'-n:at and Mi-cthaneotiH lo-ks ; Pjfr, '.ationcry and ill II auk Ii 'iiks. riirrs meat r.iU'. JBI;.J MIN I;l-I M-, N 1" I'mlt ttreet, W ilme du.irs ub.'ve I'liur.'es, inaiiu'tclurfr v( i im l.ufiTs a s D Snot s .A lar-e sloi k ol fine goods bUauiid to tin. wholesale trade constantly en hand. VM.-t't-IM AS, n-akcr and lu.p-iitt-r ofUc!. . K-fli anJ I'lsTia. Alwaison liaiu n Uif;e ao.Kiunt ol the abuvi- ju-jU., .Nu. 51 S. t'al n-rt sircet, and t iieapsidc. AITIMOKK KKMAI.K ( i H.I.r.tU'.. T.ns :iien In lliu Let; islaturt ol Ili.-tltlltH'll, in ,M mi. Willi III ui-r ul c.iil. r rn f Drtn is, has a I.t- ii tun $.HU , inly ol tne vu r rute-sor-. IliaiUatiU lui- ;-i r annum M l'.K 'Uhs, I'le-ldeiil. T. WAl.TCliS A. CO.. importers and d'a.-i-s Hi ists and Liulu..sf No. Gs Kx. lunge 1'ia. e. r 11 MVKiiSJt IU'.O , imptrtars o! Having., vi isi s, l in, lioiM. sVc, sVi-, No 7 a Kx. rl t.iii''-' IVaee. TM. llAKIi I'"". K rt.- ar.d ristol Malti r, ? T No, I' i - u I ii i '.reel. lin.t.ini:y lund I!,r,l ami 1 In. k.i-g (.uns. sis ItU'el Thiols, .!:-ciikii-' .',' . l'' l , ;rtmnl' K.iuiiinnit. I'.'pauin,' done. ,f V. .MIliliLrn-'N'S l'l'lo.i-re, V,g-, and 4r Si, i If MauulMtiicy, No 10s Trail .Utd, mar S ...Ui. A. MAUI I Rt., ininnr it ol" Vine. Ilran. dies, i.iiis, (.' ears, iVc, N j Oil l.ight strcc' . font l.y tin r. hams aie n.wid In .ail. ,I j U c uo n.'l IicmUU uy thai J I ll.tltnai.'a ( l.iiluiig Kstau.isl.i.if-i't is one ol Ihe best houses in lijluiiiure ; I l- fi-o.-s are wll inane and tns pneta rate. We. wculd aau-e i-iir Iniid w l.. u v-is. nin ie ei'l lu rive liifii a ea.i. ai .so iuj i.a.u n i ru !'n t' fisT i;:ci.! r.ix n sUh-I.s lI rr.-- 1 ' i:u km .M..v'l,,i-3. ill ot the liarids.imesl d I ' m -e l.ts tn Ihu up. A. Jul IN fin VS. No- I , l-'raiiUe ow. C1AI.I. iMi s;,K one t.f the hanilsouiest sloels 7 t,t s-,-iii; ai d ?s :mi t:u-r l,-ess t-ioou-. Also I om:, that inut be s. Id at some pn e. Ittil.M A JOHNSTON, Slav l. '.''-' J--) I, .-anile Hoa. .1 i st nn n i n. tiie u.t nt o! II t'ditme, t-l w ini-t eonr.iit tt- u-sorl. tern Nuiih Vat'. In. a ; etna r an ever. fillKM A .'OIIN'SIOV, Mjv 1, 'H. (ii Nj. I, v.raiiite How 1ST III CKlVKP ail kinda ul ival, round, ano Itiare iron. i ISRK.M A JOHNSTON, t, i auite , No I. May I. ;l." 'pilK I'mest and most V JL nnres, liilli.ii:s ami . -hi. ii.ible Fancy C;isvi- Ih-es rver brought lo l.-labh-l Illent ot A. ilora on Trade S;rect. ihts i ln-e. be t ui d at in jttl,('.n- A. I n . Meiehant 1'. .Muy .'. IJ utice. ! A PPIIt'AI ION will be u.adeat the net r,,un i i w tv e, il' tor tiie establi-hniT of' a new I- lee lion I'r. in I, at I lie house ot fuller Green L. IJjv.t ut Ailhui 1.1;..:. I as -n f a a.... ' '2f II.V I.. S WILLIAMS hmicmovcd lo II. II liiuw'cj'.s IA!:(,i: IIItK K liOIM.. w litre iliry w ill Le p ad tn upc all llicir Friciidi and t'ui on ers. SELLIMx off OST! AT In addiiibn to our old Su nk ai Gut-ds, we luve re crived nar rmhrrtrlfifj tverv varic'.y, k'h'ilIi we art aiso juiling ' ii' ut COiS V. A w e are tit tprrmprd li ft'l ' pcvioe to nr rirnnval mtoour o n In.u.r, call and . x : in me. and we will contrin ur will sell 0,j,.ds l.uWLI! ihon t'tcv can bi- i.iucl.Licd nt ..u - , - . oilier "cusc in iiii piacd. IJ. Ii & I.. S. WILLIAM?. pri.21, I '50. I.) it mini ?m ffffA"? Jriit rcntivrd at his we!!.knnwn utmtd in M m i iiaritilie. a large 2nd t-pli nrlid ur-rl mml of Con,i-(irg' of 1 very fn '-ili!e arh(y lm Ii is enm t-n'.iflit tt '(i.h rtMtn'ry, hi aides a ntimtcr ot' C()()KI.; STOVKN I y wiiicli ptiai!ineis rimy save tiiir ly dollars a ) ear in nri-.wied. 11 vol ti li to punctual ( u.Uumers, l iihi rby the w h-.'e-aii' or retail, up'-n iiic most mo-J- ra'c ttrnis. I'icafe cail ar.d tiamine for your, selves. V. I'AHKS. April -if. II If 3 Cents Reward. II?- ANAWaY Irtim ll e f ub-rrib'.", between the nrd r f Arril las-l, a bound b- v to lip D irfehvitif iJj-u.cs!-, by the name of KOllKliT Vc'jAIIKY. lie in ab ut 17 yrar old. oiid has ben t- tbrej o'litr pcrton. beMiie1 myseli ho in llttrtiure too lazv lo wiirk nnd wi-l he ot no t:vii.e to anv jtie. All pert-on are fjrarnt'd harboung or ert-piri i. p said hoy n" tiis lavv wiil be 1 nfo-ced ( giOsl any one ho in ly do s . K.WWVAY between (tie fi'tt Jun and th. ti'st of', IsSI. a buiinri l,..y hv ll.e name ol J UIN KKK. Ho is ab'jut 14 cars ulJ 'he !h( liun-he v. as lieu, a) ol l.e ni! gon i to Sou1 li Cam. l.nt m a-.-jr-ii of Ins fill.a SMl'KL TAYIUR. may 4. lfjl. TnLe Particular Aolitc THIIAT i hbve fod "(it my esiBbl.s'in'.ent in ihe M- Tow n of Charlotte, to Air. J!dard Lone-wan; and I r-jfurn my a. net-re thank fur Ihe liberal en courugemtnt J reeiived while in bj-inftv ; mid atu ir: hopes n-v suet Pi-or w Hf give per e'al -! '!fa(;i mn. I i;j?w cail npyn n!! ihcse huvii -t aiidtni- ac corinti en my Utok lo call and ci"ie lh-ni tither hy ( a r-h or Note, belwi cn thii and J jly Cuurt, and ali deiirip ent n ay upn,! tu (hid their names pub hshtd in tne Newcpaier. The Books arc wi the hands Win. Uunler, yilt lor tet'l-mcut. JAMES I.ONKRGAN. May 1. 1 oJ. 15 tf "BTST Hi: I-:IVEI, a handson e s'eck of Keady made Clothing, roni if-Unir tn part of Cloth, I...b k''Fte, Lmtn, .:roa;n Cinth, A' !k, er.d otfer kinds nf Coat, Sdi-k and Sactecj. Al-o, nearl all kmdsof Vests and Pan?, t hitli rimln from ttJ tof m;i:m v Johnston, Mav I, MAi t-irnnuc How No. 1. Yvtiee. to notify o!l persons from trndin eeoiv:i.ij a mile given V4 h .farr;h, le.l, cue 1st da id" Jdtniarv, 1S.VJ, to WHey Gather uf Ca dwrl eounly. N. L'., amount Two Hundrod and 1'itty Iu!'.i s, as the prnpe-'y l',-r wiii.-li .aid not e '.. ylv-eri hss failed, and I will not pay Ihe same unless compelled bv liw. uurii27 ll ii A. M. (ULLnsriF.. Joe Stile vv fur lititt. IIIK ll..u-e ano Lnt in I'liar lotp e!ii situ. Jt at. ted uti Tiad..' Btrte', ailiuiu ino Mr ilargmaii's store ami ban r.-c e :il I v l.i-cn oi-cupied as a slure and l'ol ili--e liy A'cj. t.rah.ini, I-; n. f n Iriini aim y to Mr . Turkman, who 19 autliur :d to siiuw auu rciii liie preimses. SAIiAU K DAVInStl.N. apnl-J:, 1-;.J. H-4 J. W. llcan & Co., Hiuli's vx i;(H!v.s.s nieici lA noir, 4 r!l!C(U ro , f, A II E prepared to expeute Jyha with romp'!) m and d:-p.;'.L-li, aed ncrr-rding Id Hit? iau sr. and itiinruved pilten.s Let she puldie trv us. J;"M.up m the irnt-r uti ihe tiJ4r, tieivreeu ii rper s. .Mi lu .'i r-,-r t f v f. f. VAlIDis at t'usl and earruft - J J - hesl sit !c, i-,ali.if8 and reu lor. Tall H')vti or iherr will be. none le't. ii r. i. s wn.i.uMs. O, js.'nlff . yihrttarij II, Is.'d. Mtt' clojj )iu) iC)jiitr!iif. , v I'R. VV. BKCKVVIT1I hm rem vai his SHOT to t the luiuse la'e v tierupied n J titP f iMit'ls l-!1 I'rltHIIU ot' here !.e w 11 be pleased V 1 . Jo5s I-, set' prvp ai:V ore win" iiidy $2 hav wof k tn liu in his hne Ai'w.York "i!;lil 1 heti.' fOI! a e be 11. II. WM-ij...., Aceni t'.,r the Bank ut C amden, S. C. 11 P. N 11. LI A MS. 4;ui. f,,1 :e, M,rd .1 l- Kf.-jTv i...i i ...... .n -iiu i i iuih: .vTi:i) i.'I'ii;iiati:lv. K wi'l pav I-I and pr.u nip smtib'e r'o-li. W tti tor ol simit Ni gro Men, lu tv.ira no the 1'i ar.oite and Soulli Caruhii Ka.l, tor ilie en-.-uiiig yeiir. Ad.ires- Cuarl.itte, N. I'. r J JNO. A YOl'Mi, Chitlci-.l-, Min 17, Isci i i BETIl'E k ill ! .ui:t:t bi.s.vt T.Bii.oiis, i Rf AT", jusl M-' iveil tinir t-tr.rk of H'L INO ! IS SLMMKIt (ini HIS. s. I. ctcil iv A. I:e. i tlinne in persr.ii. coi.i i.i t. if e. rv ..r:.ty .1 1 f tiai lKIsni) ."! I" 1 f. unit . :i a M r ; . 'limit Tail'.r'a L-t-ihlis! im nt. ; T-. tiiis snperuir ai l.'ten uf STAsit JNAhf Ii OOtlOS they would ciill the : tniiti..n ol tiie puh I lie, oonn.ii oily bi-l.i vii.g ile.i t iji-n i.ti'i r in- ; (tun nts to pun inmcra tli-.t ' H i I I e ie. t with . . l-i w li.Te. tier th in. :l wi-.lii-'L' '. V ii r t ii le (.t ' Cl.t I'l'H I Vi s vi liu ii,.i !. a t. . u i i toi.c -M.'i 1 li'.ulili' hv eivil.1! Ih'-irSti.i k an i' tn n, r a thry j iiK.v nil .ii iilwnya lindir.jf : if.'Ci)'.'!), Ei).q)lb 'lir.lCi'iCi'iii g a " & IB oa ..f the v-ry 1. 1. st kl; I. h. vhi. h ill be muiii up to ' onh r. hv sup' rer wnrk.-.irli, in the ft f..aln re, or to ?'i;t en"!'.!! i-r i ith tiiiniiio es in r rr' f ; ufi J ''.ill at liw ir new- anil spb-iehd is tahlisl.ii f ii'. i one :'ht e-ist fO" ir:. (t V Ailisnu's, on Trati' -nt. j Clurl'.tte, April' I I. l-.J. I-tf , i i (Loiorco iiijoioarapoit f9 UK SuUc-iIh rp Ji: v.- f tied a miitr .- f rr. n jL li.r a first rl.i hs 1 c v.v. n t . as Hai.i ffi. hraeim rc t ptioii and i-itTin n ru n ; l.;..'i' t -i-li t ; opt.ratntfr and c-ht imt'ui apai timiitn ; nil rr p'.tt": with tiie fierr,-. try inrmtort ; nml nn it if the firnt .-ttii ( iiiv O.ilh ty in W it rn rtii ( 'ur- . itii.i, we hu sp.iri l p :;;i f t .v;" i ' t tnaks It, ill all resin.i;t.s efj'Ml, Lt leutt, to -h" hi ht Ml the M.iiv. We iu'W, rt"sp f t :'u!! v nn ui-fe to tl r c :f .zc na of lliirintte iilid ' K'll'.t our r dl lit tn ( t v,' .Ml.MAII RKH atid i'"HTKA.IS Hi th' t, fit t -t V t and .it ffi U'-( u pri- - . ;i at:-. n tii t -o wt il kfKM n in tr.!- f.? , 1 . . ... I'iriii niireu pn.iix i. lice, tutt U'-uio trii-v t-uro that (fiir h:ei!.t:i s n, y.hi Kivy.'.T, s.i;ri'r liiHtflinu l t-, ( It- ihlfiiK, SI, ! , A e., a J. i,;- prf: tin , nnd iii I tii impri.v t iiN to th- pr : ' n" r.; tr, enal.lf us tn u;. r.i i:ti I.sU in ct, in lAtcutirri and finish, (it it!t t'.ly np ru r Ut liiiy n w t..Uii in thi.- s t t i ' n , ai.d ( 'jU.J tj t he ht st br Uht frm tlf iti-'H. Our t-lylii of tu. hiring t mi i. ix thC Stati:, aini cur n;i th'id ot' f ;i I m j up pn tur . FT.-. TIRKI.V iilld PI'RM.WfAri.V vrittf thtlll iVt-tit du.-t, v W t h "M v mh:i : t'Ai. in.d , and pt u. liar oi:!y to it!r' h i . I'-ir hr::u (in. i.t f vr-y f r;:-'t f . M- r--ri-.., I' :pj. r AIui in . c hi-l. 'I'-.rt. i: v i: ami 1 ' i . , S. i ., t!0 !i he ni i n s (.( d lui. M -A t . ;tn v fr : mm - iHi;tirtly nerv ht re. V e (ire Hi, .". s the h; ri,rr ir pi r ( ur- f Uu v in ti:. t iti. s U-t :t Mi!.-Mnt. d ! r t!;i. sm-jlh r (,r.i, t'i llitrotitiir th II. h P . iilid weult. t ii-e thi in fit very tiit.ct r--t t if nn-. rt n -ir u.- I.,-piny thi ir w iii-le f v urt- r : i - - , ' : . i.t . , 1 1 - uht c1k'o nut- fif" tlu l,f ri: t t-it j h.t- s. Old or imprtict Likem h-;i t :ot il ' r p-r;.tiif'. t;iktn over corrcrtly and put in the- N-ninr e. . ;, hnlf p'-tre, and pit t urir- taken in tioi u wtliLs ' h-:i r uvti thcr. J'.ii!;tlli', r.t;;.'l'i '.i'j, h. m tf,rrectly t-( pled t aiiv J.ii: ln-:i (Tr MjUf-tid t- i X l;iuit' win tlirr ti.ey wi.-h t- it tr tc t. Tn - ti. a i. and TH'iKni on i s.-si iii'i itv. iiixi I. pret:ui t.i-r-i . 1 lus- rt- J ai.d ;ih mL- ..-.Is furiii-it. d. w M in. A i vt ;n i t i? (I- T;.tL Ili'W, 'I'r- tt. r ; i !r ! rVV"-' i:a" ll""1-' alnmyins.' to n man nf V r.isiui.ii, ti.jn a -hcu. lit-K, ni-liltiiif; ( ii.l, V.-st, or Shirt, pull,!., li, r, , liagiriiiif tin n . filtitirx m.vvli- r-. To iiM.'iii t.iis iniisint-c with al- lull ei rt in. ly. ami t i ei.siire ti..- In iiu ideal . t' s'-v le sml beauty, in I. .i-.l-. V. sts. Shirts, r I'. iits, H u only liet'essarv lor n nlh in. n to e-.!i at 11. H A. I.. S. ll.l.IAMS, ! .' ,a aL. II- v-l's II. 1. 1. pril 1 -... ' 1-ti Heady 31 a tic Clothinp;. "AT, r..NT..nO.-s aI,rl Y I 'i f .mr own iiiimufiicturt'. An a-sort- iii i.t k. j.t - n h- i,d. .v.' m: in i nf a c i . M,-rc:i.i!il 'I tih r -. Shirts, Drawers, Shirt Collars, Black & Fancy Silk, Kid and Liner Gloves. Black and Fancy Cravats, T.nM tli-' lni' st to tin- i w.-r era.!. ?. iVr al M.' l y A. lil.'UH M. A. ( i., .M, reti.'iit Taii'.re. Chr.rluttr. April 1 1, 1".V. I'J'f Dissolution. fg'-lIK ti nn lii-rotnl' 'i cxi-tinc imHer tin--"- iK.nii' "f I'riili; .V .Morri.-'n in tin.' Livi-ry St.ibb- ill t'll.-f rli-ttt , w as diss'-lvi-.i by mutual con. sent, on the Mh of .March last. e. J, n:i in:, i;. Miiicnisov The pu','.i. is tii:'.,riiii 'i !',.,t 'li-- l-usii,. ss will !e eontiiuii d by t'.;,. str -i r.1 r and :.I1 p. ..-:. rn. be ae''oiiimi,.iat,jd as h-r, tot", . R. MuRKIsnv. Cliarli.tte, April 1 1. l-OO. tl 1 Xcyv Public House. rHAlli; Oharlutto ;it!'l ,.u!i C;ii"liii;i Hail Koail i-s tv eonipk'trtt to Klicuczt-r I p't. when- the;. r and t'r i-Jit tr.ui.s .ir-rr.-- tiniy. Tne Mtl.'-criln. r "h:s np nrd -i 1' Ih.ii!e near tt the M. p- t. vher he is prep-ired t- iU rt.mi tUr Tr;it llm. I' ! r' e iw Y r. in.nieiit IJ iard-r?.. 'J' ntis nn.drr.ite. Tin i hcr lutte St-i";e Ai-euty i ut 1 n-u-- it::d :'.n. rt s in tii tl- rvnt n;u't in;' v he JmICi M.( l.'M:i.. I'!'ell. IX 14 pn!, , nt s, ; t rt' , S. ' '., April U, l-.V:. tl I REMOVAL to CiTiJl flfi fi AT IT CHARLOTIIv.C t f v f K nio'.td inln Hi. ir New Mere, ene Utor talniA I a-l ot J-p-att ,V .Vinson's, oi. .M ill slrect. t liar! ilte. Kebru iry 'Jo, 1 Sm'J. 5':' ii. sum. .It his 4!ii Slant!, '2 floors I'tist uf Springs' t'urmr, Charlotte, N. (, Kee.-s t'oii-!.:t-,!'v uit !i,:i I, SA1-I1.KS, iiiini:ss. llil Kv BUItH.i t ll.l,Vi; I Vl.'l l l !A(I-1 SAULl,K II (., V lilt's, I I Y-N K i s, ie. All of vv hieh wt:l t sold at l.ia low -l ;ii;.-.. JV lil ali- anil lli-luil. .V.H.- '-t, LpVJ. .i &m SS SCT lPJ3t I hiirloltt- .miiI t.iitilii-1 :trihii:i kiii -im m. 1 UK rot.i will '' e n'-rJ l-tii. Kh-m ut Pi-i.ot. sl units .in, vc tuiii:-.,.. on ui V April, lor ,Ue tra:-. lu. tender-. Y. V S I'Ol'h I ON. ( x., 4 Tmi

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