C. "wiLLiAifflSOH, kd.to.i. O-Z-a-K-XjiOTSly EST O., r3T SO, 1802. MIJMBBB. 18. HOLTGU &. WILLIAMSON, I'lirn'itiETona. TOMS: TV North f'"!'n "''f ttc v ,r,h-r. at I v. ' ii .... .r n o in ijLi( "'i lol I AlWANl) llr'JY (.J-'.N I s il isv- , 'iHiM-t delayed for llirta months, nd HIKKIi ' pnl.l.AUS at iho tnd ol ilif year. . A.lfcttintinenia inserted 'l (n Dullar pt r square fp; hnr. or less, this sixtd type) f.r Ihe first inser- ,,,,n, and -.'' o'n'sf'" each cr.nlini.snce. Ceiirl ad. ,P Itn-mBi.ti and Mietut a rait-a i ni'r" I"" pini iiijjhir ; and deduction of 3.'IJ pi cent, will b, H ide troiii tl.o r. culr prieea. for advertrta by he vPtr. Adve'll" mrnia imirlid ninnil.l) or o nrii-rlr SI V rtpiate t'er each lime Semi month. y "i ecn! yt aquara for each time. 3 r Ail lellcra relaliva to the I'.ditorial I)eirt mt mill b dirncied to ihe Kdiior. And all let. V.':n:t?"t.n.Vi','Ir AH un.'r.'m'u.tbe twat-faid 1 -a lor jqu v.t, ,(iiii oiiio- j c. ihtf not be altanrli'd f. jr Pfmenia con la iritiio to e.Oier. iru ill ibe ' ' J rPealnial'-ra ire auihor-i d lo act a api nta. (Original 'jjJjQfirs. roa tii aoarM caoi.m wbiu. The Mountain Home. I i-h I hii 1 li lle home t i ( -ol 1 1 a'a mo on in ; llo awevtlv Ihera 1 luve tnrnam AnJ dunk from rrvaul ft.otiiani, 1 hi iu 'n ring he gli' I ! vuw Whence (frmal ftita k owing I V it it.am ia their nil"- "f blue, tfiN j f and Uallh bloinj. 'Ti eyn there I l.v to al'ay llFticaih wild. maiillniK bower; Tj etiJi anttl odourt a the v p;ay Ane n tlie ftjprai.l 11 'ei. V, Irulf lh'e. ',nili tl m'rela AeC tier iboea rvial mifii, Ki-'d. eAi'naid net 1 lovo ti no! iir Cro iB.'i rt-uh e.a, (;, ! had I Hilt lhi lie la , . I'd rin'er tor rrhc fl'iiffei. I r or. I of oral h dr!! in tlx eot Aa( ilia no mlMo laa-ei. Tbc-e roy tiu adorna tlie , tk, An. I biloy t Ilia ca'lo'i f: a m -i n 4111 In m ilien lai n neck A. ii.' j in wna rriciida loiji-liiai. T ll : iier hame woild I repau- Wii-a p i'TI picvt'li m aailiK:. f .fpiry giri bo n?-:!? Oii-ff , And ini tha ho'ir Willi j adnan. T' n let ua eek. wliaat'er t'm, 'l it fiuia and riri tbuciainti Jo - ?.icr ipji ta Itiic ilia Lome - T:i hun.t aim n; ihe n onn'aina. ittisctllancous. . ADVANTAGES ANI DISADVANTA- GES OF M'THORSHIP. iiv (iiinqui.iE. fl,;n .K I... .....nr. bun a.!i.e.I hv n,. nniiiriin In lrae! fur mv health. I look i-.e m m., ir cars Phil -delohia f..r Puts- bn-nh. and arrived ill ihn l.'ter Ci'y, in Out) I me, sod Willi, ut anything of consrqienco rcruring upon the ni).e. From liirnce I rnj-ijed pijgi) rn a first c'aas steamb.ist for Cincnnati ; and stepping aboard tho ves. el, tha l.i.t b'll was rung, and the boat pro ceeded on her way. Alter the hustle of departure was over, I had ucne lo look around iiji.n my follow p a sengers, when my f)e ba'tipenej to fall upon a mnld'e ascd centleman i f renr eciabla ap- T.h.ini h.hii.il . , nf moo. niiii.. an natenllv rer-irdin-r me sPentivclv . Feeling Ihe ksrdn-s nf my posi'ion, as he seem , fd a imal n.niirr in ..itself I took ml seal on thaotticr side of the boat, hoping by Ibis i sdvaniai-es ol au;hnihip but, l-r the pre-mov.-meni lo erap further ob.etv.li.in, ' -ein, w.;l let iheso sullke, w Hit .e pr..nne, when, nn look..,?. Inwards him affair.. I nor. ' however, io pirsne th em nl siot.e Imure l-e.ieil (ha. kn te.an.u- a o ntmr hie a ml!. O 1 coining up In m h b'.wetl pni.tpiy, and i (!, "Ilsve I Ihe pleasure i-l addin-am-f Mr, (.'oe. nl f Pn.ladelobia the author of a To'uine ol piieioa ! ' I pen mv answeting him in Ihe iflirnulna, l a look my band, and stiakmg it rotnn.i.) , uiirudueed tiimself tn ma as the Kesemiid t Hanr y S ., nl Cincinnati. " I am a eira- get tn you," he said, " but j yon ate nut an to me ; and, if you Will take a ' s- al be do me, (for I had risen and was now Handing ) I wi I inform voU hn I became a'q lam ed with your face, and have thus been enabb-d lo rei egm., you." " You must know, h" siul, when we were i scaled, ilul some few imiolhs iiK-e I was in your r 1 1 v , wnh my wife and child, on a isit lo sum- nf her ralaUves, when my little, d nigliier Mary was isk"ii siiddenly H of a mil.goaiil lever, and du d in a lew short day . 1 Shn sat a lovely and a sprightly child ol shun! five yeats of r ge. Yi.u, a a parent, 1 toy dear air, may knn'V bow touch we loved h r. It seemed as though our very heart w.,ii!,J break. Wbi'st wo were Still weeping above the rem nn of our little one, a kind friend came into the mom, and, placing your hnk in my hand, pointed tu a little p ieiii therein, enritl. d ' The Vacant Chair,' te milking to me, 'I thmk, my Hear W., y.m nay b enabled to iJnw sum" cimsnlaliuti Ir.iin ihesn lines.' At his t( q iet I rend H em iliuid io mv dear wife, on ror.-nrig tn the verse that ine, (hero' le repealed Ihe veise In li e sd deeply ha I It been nmven ou bla ftp niiiry.) ' Many pirenls. klo.l ami food. l.nat lo llo III ll.eir lll'la hroeil, Hls.a ihnr kt mgl.t and (Uy. 'I lion g i ln In. k lln-.r nil i -V ' eiltatl e. tiierel,,re, i.niriioir, w nera M ,ui, la. iimi.lV ant vacant cl.ait ?" ti . . . . ... .1 ' ,-"".. V" ii in K unit we. iinlceil. lir.il alii ion in us tor i ni l.litiri tun deaf cbildieii t home, while ........ . i, i- . . t. .. . . "1""'V ioiki pare... nnu io ... "u,i. ever A 1.1. their I. Ilie flock. I was so tiled withg,.,tu,leat Hi. i.flct.onlt urned my frit ml and prop,.., d that he should, tl en. mill ilmoi D'.-r on i. Ilmnksuiviiii. In and there. . fl -r up a thanksgiving lo in., t-'-.i . c i. .. .. . .i ... ll. si . k.i.ii.i . . , ...no., in ti i. . t, I auft ... i.. ,.. .1...1 .,a k.d ..... ..... i..,i.,i'u-iv Tlllili:snt tiiittr ks, i,f- mr wi rthy erea me, so many con. fort and t.ie.if!i upon earih. lie dirt so in a reeling and nl. mn.nl prayer at thn Thrnno tf Grace, and from that moment my i.en r t was n licvcd , nt nl least a pnt'iion tif im litltrress. .A lf ! jdays after, you were pi. mud cul to hid tin I the stic-el by my f, if id, as the Mi:her nl the ; j poem, end 1 itquesltd bun tn in'n I'tice nit : . i,.u. hill (nil. Ihe tspi.lilv will, winch ouNew O, leans. , . , . . i j " wa'ktng at tlpniie, and ihe ciuwderi alale nf ihe ihoinughfare, lltia waa tciiileied impossible." Here he prtposcd to present nie to hi wi'e, w ho sal a little distance from , ui l0 (,,,1U wondering at Iho eiirnestnnss h which her hiisbind was crtivcr.tng with l a set ming stranger. Nothing cnu'd exceed ' ihn kindness with which I wnslicuted by them both, nn the passage, and, ti lea. Ding ihat I win an in v m I id in ptitauit nf I '-tilth, , they piie nm a pressing invitation to spend : tome limo at their own h; me in Cincinnati. ' :h.ll t mv It.m thia liilln ircnleM uai n'il , oraTifv inir to ni frklMiC T If I had l.ever i r r ,. , i w mini another poem than the ma al'uded In abnve, I ahoulil he an p!y rrpnid for i'a corn, pniinn, in tl e fiict Ihnt it. at leat, hud been Ihn meana nf i lTirdin otiie lii'le ciiiiaolanun to i tie hearia nf an amiable, iiiieliigdit, and grief tint ken p iir. Tr.ia i (iie of the aiivm NTA;i. of heiiig an . aii'hor : wou'd thrtl iHere vvi te no revctao to Ihop ctiire; bul tru h conipela me lu lay ! there i ! A put i f nor emivertaiinn had been over- heard bv an e'der v larfv w ho sal near us at il.e lime, a reiu'ar Mrs. I'drlington, aa I af. pr w ard learned tu my sormw. ' This much ' nf It, il appeared, was ttideliib'y stomped up- on i;er n.emory. That I was the author of ! a ioi k o! poeii!, and thai my nsine wis Pi.e, ia verv riatur.it ini-inlc In Im sure, inasmuch a my name so cluseiy resembles that of M r. '.. i Nexl morning, she, with msr.y curtesie and eiinpera inirnduced hersell In me as M rs. M , end, at once, without further ceru mutiv eriletrd into a lorg cotier'iion ale-ul au'ln.ia. b... k, etc , and at last broke out uit'i tin s wntU : ; lint of all the pnerra I ever rea l, Mr. I P-ie, your ' Ifnvcn,' del gtn me ftl si ; there - ' ', ou ,i--..... me cnpiam, ia sne'l. a charinins a.r of mtsiiciMti about ii.irid houh ihe yomhknew il not, was ihe and" i ll"tp she was gmrg on still fust be r, when I iirrrrunicd hei In eipluin Ihat mv name '.d ihat cca d not ' ol eomp... tig that ; was nut Pi.e, bul Cue, a lay c sun lo tha boner womiettul poem. ' All! I understand," hc rcp'iec I..SI I alwya llio way with you poets. W l eiieier lou ate piaised nr any geai cumpiisilnin, V"u modest'v dirlnn the auttinrsbip 1 1 it. ' I'ut it won't do, Mr. P.Hi," she added. " B it 1 cueie, let me inlruouce ytu In my ftien . Mr. and Mr. I.., Kiev will be d-lighted, I know, to make the acqimintai ce ol so ui , I n.i-'.ii nerj a wri er. Mie fairly fried ine tnwetds her mmpan- graci fuvy written, and pervaded by a sin ion; alien, cimc'odinj it was twsl to mnks cete and pairintic spirit. We su; render to -a virtue M neee.tly 1 aill,--r.n njll In llrt prennied to tt-ern as Mr. P"C, the poet. i What else i- ilo I ' done, ci V dear tea der ! V aa ever man in such a predicament 1 Alter conversing a short tune with them, I arose, went op.ni d-ck, and rem urn d there for ilie loUiire oftlie niiuiiinE. In the aller- jiHK.ii, I had Ihe uns,.enkblt a .n.laciion of trrint Ihem Iske U.eir He,,t.,re fr, m the hi'St. I i,e of i iimeioin Ijintir 1 ri ihe r.ver, and I card the o I Uly i' q ii'ing of Ihe 'pie Mr. P,,e w as, as captain if he knew aha would I ke to Inu nun goon tjie . A need not inf-oni the reader, 1 s.ip;i is. thai I iik pteciou g ind care 10 k"cp m-t ol the wsv, and that 1 breathed liecr alter she was g o e. 1 have nn (h'ulit that Hi" li- d old s, nl firm y benete, in liin cluy, that sho etjnya Ihe aequsiuMi.ce ol Ihe suitable ail thi.f'tf "The Rsvrns," or tint, 1! lie lias mv ibis time been iiilniin- d nl his decease w'nrh is ii"l ii'i'i'f. 1 y -lie m iy now be la- mentini; over MV car! d-aih ' This is one of the. Ul-Ai.. VM ton of be 11 g a.i aiiilmr. I iinghl inn ti V m-.tfir.res ,ics mid d,s- in mv e.penence ol ine auviii.i.g ! per l'nl . should this lit skcif li i, mv traii'l prove cf interest to the reader. 1 1 El'CKY IN GI'.ITING A WII j One hlile act of j uliieii.-ss Will souiel iik s nave ih wn I-. Initunn and p elef ineni. I l.n fiilinwing the I'os'iuii O k. t( n. wincli wp copy It cm B lirancii, ll u.traiud this fact : A sailor, roughly giibed, w a siuntering 1 1. rutin li th' sttee s nl New I). leans, then in o railier daii p cundiu .u, li in nceil rain and Ihe rie of the li.ie. Turi.ng the cor ner of a much lit liiietre.i at.il iimruw alley, ha ohserved a voiiiig lady 'andi-g in per plexity ppaieuilv ni. aiirii i Hie depth of Ilie muddy wnter between In r and Iliu c.p ter betwe en per and thu t pi'O- .....i i. .,i .. . ..,.i..,.( , i..,i. ' ' nee. The sill. r P iused for he was a great ad- '. . . - . . .- tinier ot bcu:y, anil ceiiaunv uio inir i n i,,.i necried oul limn under the hlile chip hi' nod ihe auburn cur hanging glossy and ' .. , , .... I . uocotlioe.l over lor mo in ote-.s,io. o,,, ,,,, a cor nui or adminm. ..lance. Perp'ex.d, a cor nn or R,i,niiiin (.a I ino iiiuv pin lonn loo .i"io (..iliiitn saih. r, wnh rl.Hiaclerislic impu'sive- i.e... e xclaimed, ' tluil pit-ny f -oi, h dy, rlmuld not be an, led wilti the ll 1 ll nf th' lot'; ait lor a tiii iiienl nii'y, and ! will make you a plh." So spnpjing pit her in a carpenter's shop nritn.uile he bill! Hin d fur H pi l k board that atiii.il in Ihn door wiv, and ci innig back In ,1 nl,,,,. oirl. Mho wa iiist c noettish ,h . .ri-eni thn services ol that h n (I some" sailor, he bridged iho nartow black evidence of degeneracy and debasement ' dalk and dismal Future T True it is that Hit-am, and she tripped across Willi n toeiry i ,i,e derogaloiy lo piit.ciile, to uilellect alio ' Ihe etl'otis of abolitionism are no.v confined ' thank v on," and a roguish amile. makiiti; ' a murals ! j to laciliiaiing an eeie .r fugitive slaves; her eyes o dat?.:iog a they p.. old he. : i ihe achievement cf no mer.n mind ( hut what shall hinder It from making war Al.il our yonn.; sailor was perfectly 1 d,ire lo despise insigmli. Biice ;" and as we , unnti slavery wi'bin the States, w hen it BC ,.1,.. U h',,1 ello p. .nl. I make I nn catch l,..,k im,. ihn eiiuse which have ii.flueiiceii ' quires Ihe power ? Shall Conscience 1 Shall ... . . t . it ... .i.n. ''""""" r ' ....'.' imie wiicti tnroucn hip si rei is u. m-r r nu iwich performing the ceremony ol "walk . . . t t l I I. .n .. I, n. ine. inn plana, ami racn in..-. .i...-...B ... Wilh one of hpr pb qienl smilP. 1'resei.lly , ief saw Ihn ymmg Incly trip up the . mnr.9 steps of a pah.ee ..I a bouse, and dis , .,,. ,,hni its msewood entrance ; lr , - .. ,.h,o ns riiaewnod cintrsiice I fur ... i i , . . , i . ., i A i. I.;.... ik.. J.u,r anel ioii roinnie or n. - , ....... - i . . . i . i...i,.i i It ii,,i,.it miav.L.j in ,.,.l, ,lnii,i,,n ihnn.fiphiii Im nn n.ii, , n n n urtmi t,, .11:11 ...ii-.i ! rli.puspd of hi diawbri.tge, nnd wended his ! ,...k u.tl t, in tha ship. I l'ho next day ha was aslorished with in order of prtninition from I hp captain. I'unr J:i( k was speechless Willi B iiii-7.ru, i ni, i p had In. I (lieaim i) nl being exalted in iliu dignity of a si cmid mate's fficc en honi d of the nn splendid slop (hut mi led out of the purl il i k . r t i i i . On his return from ai a he purchased hook" and had become quile a student J but ho fx. pec.ed ) cara lo intervene before hi nmbitiou- hi pes w nuld be realized. Ilia superior effi cers accrued lo look upon him w ith consider able leniency, and gave h m irianv a fair op. porluniiy to gulher maritime knowledge; and in a year, ihe handsome, gent'emanly oung rniHo had acquired unusual favu in Ihe eyes nf the portly commander, Captain Hume, who had ft at taken ihe smart little black-eyed fellow wmIi bis neat terpuuhu and I'Jv boiiJI. aa hia cahin buy. One I itfht ihe yout c ninn wilh a'l the nlh rr efriceiK, w na iuviied to an enierlainmenl rt j at the rnpiain'i In ue. He went, and to hm ai-lniii-hiiieiit, rnijiiiiicd Iho identical alepn that two yearn U'lnre, Ihe bnghleal vi'ion he had ever n cn, punned over a vision he h- il t i v. r fnrgnttfii. Thump, thump, went ihe brave heart, aa hp wai uhereii into the greal pailor j and Ike a ahdte hanmer it bi-at again, when Captain Hume brnugh'. forward hia blue eyed (laugh er, and with a pleasant j smile, said " the young lady tree indebted to your ( olileocs lor a sjle ami (jry walk , hotrie." II eyes were all a b!az, and hi brow n cheiks fljihnd hotly, as the noble cnnlaui ai.untcrcd Bvray, leaving fair Grace Hume at his sole. And in all thai assembly ; there wna not so handsome a couple aa the ga'latit tailor and ih" "pretty Ihoh.' i It was only a ysar from that time that .the S'coiid mate trod the q. latter deck, ae- ennd only in command, and part owner with the rnpiain, nnl only in hi vessel, but in the ' affections of hia daughter, gentle (irace llutiie, who had always cherished tespecl, lo sav no hiog of l.,e, for the bright eyed ( isnitor. j '-"men, mil earnesi act or politeness i CJiifH id hi fust prr.nvi'iMti. fn that now ! ilie t hl man hail reared Irotn hiisioe.s, Henry M ells la Cant. Wells, and G in- Hume is, eco'dl"8 )' lit pitlance, " Mrs. Cap'am V '" lrtC,c"r hnnest sailor is one of ' uic iicoea. men in me urescent ci-y, ano ne I . . , 1 iiiwes pot baiis, the irreaier nart of In oros n.,.L ... I,,. i .,.,1 n,.,ionL. ,n - ,na.,.,n I ru,... , oM..,f . the atteel. political. -ie t.:. .i-g appeal to Southe-n Wimr come fiom a Hue lover of the South, i tt ll-B ...l iiltrn in (,.,r iMlrkfli Plilnmn.' Hichmoni tltpub'ican. A. A IT Fa A La " A won) ap; k' n ui seasu, hm been cornrnerided by ihe wisest of men anA ... ,.r the Whn.ni.-v lo .,!...,,"-,, Wh.P. ami .-leciilv ihr.s of the Poulh. to earoesi lea.'f , ..rl nn r ia,.i i e n ai-tnin trrt iipijrm M lu-n ihe name of " I nion " i p.edics'ed tn them, Ihev feel u is no ah'iaeii n, nn di.! or ,ioo of lutigaage, no lalse int.-r . e atnni nl Iru.h. Thev r.-srd it a-tiie a.k winch Heaven lias bmll under lev-n to save lib eiiy and learning end tru h. They b' lieve il an i.lilignliiiii coi I'erred upon the rare ex":!ing a mighliet 11 flicnce i:p n human ptr.gre II an any empire or si ct or Mute ni k, snd Ihe commercial p rlmns ol 1 enn il.m hit ever hohe'il i he Invite ..I llenvcn: .1 Ivuiua ivhtlfn in i!iir ..uliioendent nress. ihe son of ihe mora! universe, which is to enl ohlrn ah nation, and thu future Canaan of mc Christians hope. C,.r,. o.ier,ilv. that snip, ,.f enct merits known a the ' ( ninprnmise, ihev coni.".er not only Hie gre.it hltss.ng of the 1 niuii, hut us very pre-etvaiion. West s. clotl t xispeiated with mutual injury ol siclinn, bi.iinng for each oiheis liiimiii.iiii.li and tuin, linprecn'iog curses linni Heaven, and l;m'uieiuiig to lenounce its hands. We s-iw the Conservative power in Con- grp" come ,kn the s-ili -ly la tn lo mariners, mid rn.,1 the ll ime whicis n ihrea'eiHPg i's coi ll .g ra' inn ; i bo coltwsal intellects nl ti e country hiving tho energies of their great spins upon Iho ultar tf patriotism, and matching up like men, incidence of liberty, the l on. n, hi d Iho Coimliluiii.n. And, nhuni all, we saw Mi, lard I" 1 toore and Ins Ailm.niiitalii.n coni ng wnh ' eli i l; lo mark our dwefing,' and not with wtiip.ui In force llieir puss.ige. tic came by the act I tovn.-ei.cp, tin g ng an intrepoi epi f 1 1 i ... . i- i. . ... .m . . .. i.. -...i ano an iiniaiieiiiiy uuei.ioii ... p. nivipm omi tiiti v . niiii i lie tier uci auanuitn sis acuiui .'i i ii'ii srifi.li and nnlmcal niraluiu. He ...... , , came, seeing notiiin nui ins ci uuiry, ai u h.i.i.n ii... ('.,..!, iui,,,o heem.aw ii i whi.llv mil nn.. Inn Ins ci un 1 r v . a i il . - - j ' hers-and gave Ihe finishing stroke, the le ga'izmg act, which muoe ine oinpronose M.iii. h,u and which Kv Ins a.ilemn oalli ....... , d i llicn ho swore in eiecule, ami lias laitti- . . .,, .., . .i'..r.eH. .-. - . . : He now, In bo de-erled by the Soiilh ! lie, win. has denii'iisl rated ihat iiipii Inini.g d.l- , l-re State-into suppH cf S ave institutions, ferent perception of ihe same li u h, mav , Thus, e.s the st learn of Nm iberu .nwer uc stand and maintain I lie Imi.d if bmtieili, mil ! cumulate, it is pmsotiel at the fountain. He, wh. has proven Ihat pal rinlisni doe ex- whilst Ihe Souih, eceii.tg no accession of pel ihat narrow exclusive!! ss .f s. etmn or foreign population, ar.d P.aking htie or no b ea ny which aln units by (let graphiral ill . ifTut lo relie.o berfelf from c. inmerc al vision; to be overlooked, oiaretinded, by , m anuf.cturing dependence upon the North, hi, v Si.iii hem v hii! w ho call iinnsi I: a man, - : is a nrnhleni w Inch, when snlv. d. will furnish e t: . . . . . - j'i ' "YYr. Y'."1.!...!. ..,.,..... ,n,,., 7 v..' Uhen. - iiccis, w e lea tu ai n-asi im set it .uvi uiinn ! w hal is iitiimpotiaut. - ; van ,.-:... ... , . , ta- - .... . tnl.l .,n M . - ,ie and Ihat I dua lo Ins si.ppoiters lUe Noi.h. lo play the salelh-e lo , Hal smb. . pnnl, Ihat specious demagogue, Hint t I polnical Irukster if Ihe North. iHiam II. ii 1 nitt.tie.il trickster i f Ihe North. " I Horn II. j . . , , , , , . . i, . I I u I... ttu ,!..et ,p. rt i,i In , I In- ren i ,i,u ni nun .... , i rnl, ihat no Whig can be elected who i for Ihe l ompremise acta, (Jen. Scoll, therefore, h'i ie'cclerj fi forth Prpsidcriiial nomination, is freed from i lip unpardonable a:n, and Will suit the cuai' of hia Abolnion friends. Now or never, wo niuat be ur.i'ed. Can you fornike ihe men who have atnod with you in an hour when peril and duuster and Ktorm were impending over u ! inn wrru iinpenuiii un : Let ua be wine in the benmnieg. Let u, r rasl iii our lot for the man who hon been tried, fuctuiing interest, to make herself a'rong. j the revival of that Mtiipenduuf nlerpn'se aog and ha9 not been found wanting. Let us hv pitient imloairv, in pifoarition for a day j gealed ai early na 11)0, bv the dis'inguishi'd cling in Iho ahip with Fillmore aa our pilot, .tiitl pledge our minds and hearia lo perpe- tnaie for ihe next four year8 Ihe glory and bucceas of Ins Adtnifiiatraiinn. ! A SOUTHERN WHIG, j The Danger to the I'nion. Scarcely a political t".al kcui in this i country in which the wnole fiimnmonl i not made to shake with ihe clangor of ilavery. . The iolerela cf the while race, eircepl a . far as they are connected wild that topic, ' aeein lo dwindle into comparative insignifi cance. The seventeen tmllions of whiles do not occupy one seventeenth of the public at. teniion whHi iho three million of bla(k comtnand. 'I iie npgro element in American PmIhic is a nioiMrom in an uiherwieo mooih aea, but u draw with reei'tle at. ,rl)Cnon eve. fl .ating ohjecl to iti-elf, from he sir awn wuch drill wi'h the tide, to the noble ship which battles proudly anh the tempest. It a the nnn dai k cioud tipon an otherwise cleat sky ; but already it casts gloomy shadows across the hole hor ion, and threatens, e-e long, lo obscure the star of our coostellalm beneath its eimblre pall, and defend in iith.n.i.g and hurncatie upon the fabric of out lire institution. Would we ealimtte the real danner which menaces the country from this subject, wo stood by the pc-np'e of Ihe South would cn-mu-t look, not lo iho arena nf political a'nle, sure ita tatly cnmpleiion ; lo Charleston and in which politicians wo struggling lor power the oiher cities of Nocth and South Cnroli nnj spoils, but lo tha penp n themselves. ' lina il is of incalculable importance, aa the Vfi mu-t fix our gaif, not upon the C.irisii- tutiori and the La, but upon Pub'ic 0,ii- nmr,t which, in (in can: try, in ihe law of the land, no ma ler what is written upon the statute bonk. The ' higher law" which' shi.liiinrnsi seek lo stlnhmh over ihe Con. ituiiou is no- Cons-net cr; it i not the Bi- ble; it is nniG.id-l.ul it is Public Oi-minn. This is ih only Deity Horn thev acknow- if rlge. They wor-hip it i;h slavish ho-' ,,.. nH 'H tti!in..'.- iiT.r ihsir ennairv . . - fell-"- ,,. i,i .. ,A woc'irl we estimate I lie canser 10 IliB ' ,. . , . -r., , u.;;,i Ut.ion from the auhj-ct of Slavery, we mu-i mereiore iooa to ine ruunc itptnion u: , u-. i.i, vi. ion iivi.vi "u ' latrinirsntanrl wholrsomc, nnles su-Mair-id b ihn P.,ta I .mt ihn u .Man I r Um r n ! ....kit m,..i ; .. . .in.J i. . .. c. , .v. .v, v , v i u i.,. .1 .ui t-r. iriB- i,,,o. . n..n.i ,,il ,r u.... .i n,,.-,, uu, ,,,, jj, ,,,, uiai.ri uuw Bciric, I ... 1 ...1 1. ... ,. are viomieu won iir-.pu:,i!t in ail communiuea whe.e H,.ll,n ,. ... ..1 k.. n, r I r, " biii'u rcu in tiio iiiiiuiiii, ui the people. So with slsvery enactments. J ! " L-t me write the songs r,T a peop'e I care not win. mane mmi n'f- , - ! something like it, might appropriately be ut - heredj-v Ihe enemies of slavcrv, 1 he news- p-ipers, novels and light literature of the nrth uh eh .or ate in linlimi and rt miliar 1. ., -, !,. o.oninBpnrl eve, v dv thooohls and leehno of Ihe neonle. ene the reaflaw in retard to slavery. We refer, not to po- Illlcnl inornals. but to the neutral and SO ' called li.eiarv nress. which is ercouraired tiy all parties. And il is a emficaol fact ihat few literary journals in New Eng'and, save in the latae cities; lis in Wetern New Ynik, in Onio, or IVnnsi Ivsnia, do not deal in bitter llings at Slavery, and do noi contain, in their choicest li'erary gntlands, ihe niosi dean'ly a.ps of hatred atid slander. Ci-nnecncut, New Jersey, and Eis ern New and in Ineir actual conduct' a slroPtf t attenal character. Rut hevntid l'-t.e limits, and amcng ,he manufactunnB p. nidation or New KooiHrnl. and the n cr.ei.li, r -si. of the. W Pft. theie is an opposition lo s'averv BS SMled and immovab e as their own rock and hil s. Ambitious politicians fan tins opposition, lor their own stlll-h purposes, i.'o an active a. id aogrpssnve principle ; clerii il lanatics stimu late it with the fires of false relioinn ; erting nrid Iiv poctiiu-a I pbilanthionists keep alive theflime with uiis'umbern g zeal. Cfiurrh Bfler church, uriab'o lo re-i-l the prevailing f,e, , , pait Ihe rntds thai unite tt to the Si inb. A I w, anil but a lew, remain u;i- compromising, uov leldiug, uptight hut in- iher like s pin and courageous marlyrs snr rounded bv I lie fl lines, than successful war. rioisupon ihe field of batt c. I Jp ihe moan lime, a torrent ,if immigra tM.n. broad, deep, nnd swi li i g, pon s tn liotn the nUI wor d, ll comes Iti in contit ries in which slaveiy is unknnwn; it ll .ws to the fiee Sisies, not the slave Sia'cs of the I'n-cin. I he mass of emigrants setlle upon our a i i 'i. i t i .t... , icrn lanes. I Hey aie suriouiitie.i ny inu Alio nion mains wlurn net fades tlie wnu e .-mosi.here. Thev he .e ami read the n.is- , . , ,..,..,-,.,. i ,,,,,-..., I, u. I, , I, i 1,1 ,.- i. ,n r. - representations w ith which their public jour- :.u.i..t.. .k i .... .1. ...i ..r tm-orv .. -u't "' They aie made to be believe ihat nil slave- holders are ti rant, ihal slaves are (he vie- f I ;.., n,,,t I"!'". 'TI"' " ,,,,,, Bm) ,m, ,,. misters, not satoln-d i.. ... .i ' i.i..-t - - . w i-h In hector ami bu Iv Ihe people nf the suit rs a stfady di in mm um ol power nn.l in fljencp. Do nn not these facts forebode . I '....-i ,i ,,t 7 IV hit do not i- - j'er ine masses nl ine iHnrinern peopi. 1 eiiiim nn Hep ihn n tlne.lCA ol the h ind. (tea ( - - ;.'.."'. " J ' al , int-nrauie madness in .1 uo, monism, .... y as fully believe tl.ey are . o.pg l.od se, ,. f in nrekinC up savery py i.irce u.i o, , w n.iips.ne, as iney m no wm n in. y , wholesale, as they Ttc . , .1 . C... I.. . UA I, ...... ri-f a ' he fu ii il i ve ' ve la w . and hurrv along re fu -, , i i tree a mi tie under ti round railroad. JU oto'edlfice, Reason,-ave. even interest, will prove but hempen corda around .he limb, of a Sam - .yot.te'.uo, aha ii willing himself to pfnah.ao that , r- he can oferwl.elm hi mcmics in the amc Termcaen and Vi.ginia R....I could not ex - der the rccen.lv adopted policy of I hi 8wrt rum 'ceed 180 mile.. "I he (iuvando.te mad pro- ! f.irni.hing SS.OOO per nn.e for.ron and ,,u r ..u. .. . .l. o . .l:. r. j i ..., I,-... nf ihn flhin I inenla. would nnlv ri-quire abnul iS.UU.uun lyiJtflll n'll IHO OOUIfl HI lOOli HUH lUiOH- Imly in the face j lo provide for it; to e, k rt-afcty, not io the pol.ncinna of eiihe. CU for nartv, hut in herself? ).iti! the not to bui- ; i ,.u ... j. ! u'lini hit wen'Lii, i" ueveiopo ncr rcpii'iic-, lo Im.ld up her own cmmercial and innnu. i of irouhle 7 Rich. Republican, From the Jtmesboro' (tail Uond Journal. , Aitui:si Of tha f'ommitlee appointeii at Ilia Slorkliolilera' ineelin at Ihia pliico on the Till n't., on iliu nil prtunce nf a connection hy Kit wiy between C haiiu:tr, N. C, and the 'J'ennetvee Valh-y. At a meeting of the a'ockholders i f the endeavored In direct the commerce nf the F.iiil Tennt'e-ipe arid Virginia lUil road Com- Ohio valley to their favourite cittea, Hilli pany hrmb'ed at Jonesbnrouijh, on the 7th . more, I'lidadelphia and New Yotk ; the for in.-t., the uiideraigtied were nppoinled toad- j mer l.y the Bjltimore and Ohin ll.il Road, diem the cit zio of North and South Caro j icrminiiing at Wheeling, Va.; the second by lina, N'p(erri Virginia and Kast Tennceaec , her Central Roada extending weal In Pitts generaHy. nr d the sicekhnlrieri of the Suuh , burgh, and the latter by the Krie Road in (..'arolirni Kail-mad, Ihe Central Kail Road ' connection with the Li!;ee; and although of Nor h Carolina, and the E .at Tennea&ee . thcue improvctnt tra were commenced w th and Virgiiiiii Rail-mad companies, especially, - vifw to the accomplishment of ihe same nn Ihe importance of a ronneclinn hy rail- object invnlvio an average cost of 10 tu 24 way between Chailotte, N. C, and ihe E-iel miliions of dollars, yet all are now deriving Tennessee Valley, near the j iticnoti of Ihe immense advantage from this heavy outlay East Tennessee and Virginia roads. of money, notwithstanding some of these The WaT.it2. in cnnn'clion with the Ca- ' "' in bo onfiniahed enndnion. lowba Valley, ia heheved to furnish a very 'el gibV mum for' said raihroad communca- : Hon, the advanlecs r.f w hich if fully under- , immen.e trade of Wesrern Vir-i:iiri, upucr East Tennessee and Eastern Kentucky would flow directly ihiongh tins channel to their ma.kels. It would give to ihe citrus of wesern North Carolina and the border conn. lie of Sooth Cambria H.rerl eoinnumira. tion by rail way Wv.h the extensive bds of,"r,l,;" r.onl1 e:u'e "dvanlages for Gvtisum jind veins of fall water, tHM are found in sucb abundance in we3tr.r!l VirioI ; ' tapping il wou'd the K-1t Tennessee audi Vitaima rniiH h- e fc-Jl IIIG LIUIIll UII.UIOm.lHOI, l.;n, ,u v.. j i- . ...j r ii.lii -.icr, i nrancn roan is io ne eiitnucu to the manufactures of salt and to Ihe cent, e tlicti f:et a Rranrh rrmd s to he extended ... ' . ,he -H ol ine plaftcr tpmon. So abundant is l. f .... . .1 euppiy 01 sail waier ai ineso esiaunMimeni.", that .alt mav he manufaclmed lo meet aov i j . -. - -i- i- - . r. nn . ut-min u i d emi oi irotn ni tu -icnuia jit-r ir..i-. c. .l- i inline i Bnu anoru a iiri.ni to inrj iirouncer. w. . r. n. .' ... 1'lasier, so essential lo the Southern rianter .1 . r 1,., . !....! f in mo ictiumiiuii in on wuin uut ttiuiu, ii"ni Ins great abundat.ee and the facility with e J h;eh it can be nbtoined. mny lie hod at 1 2 !to $3 per Ton at liie mines, ani m.-v.. k. j1" - "'! - Ciiluo-bia amj ! w ilmmglon at an average cost of 810 per ; on ano .0 iniernieo,aie pmiussi .c-- r i. . . j- . . . .1-.-,. ro , " ui-rncr, KUinc ncui.01 .- siring i'o "void the disea-.es incident 10 ine cnma,e during the summer months, by visiting the '.v oengntiu, watering P-ee, ,0 ' , . ... . v Virginia ; this Ine would sflhrd a speedy and cheap transit for his family and servant's, or ,f it was preferred M arjnurn awh lo in the mountains of Est Tennessee on the passage, , c'' where all the variet.es of mineral wa ers abound, a few weeks miht be very pleas- an i p " in. ' . The Vadcv of E,i Tcnncs'ce produces a large surp'us of corn, w hca', oats, and liny , which in the S. uth cf en find a ready maike', its high locality nnd being er.circ'ed with a bell i f mountains, tender it less sulj ct to j drou'h Ihnn porMopa cl .North and SjuUi ! l.'arol.nn, and w hen indicted with short gra.n i crop, mere ,s no quarter irotn ie-nce tney ! could more readily obtain supplies ihnn I rom ' icri ..e vanrv , n ""'i-' .mm...",.. ! op-ned. The climmc and productions ot the I soil are adinuablv adanted lo the arewth nl csil:p, Horses, sheep and hog; these cannot be successfully raised )n the S..u h, theiefore the Southern ptar.tc must rely upnn his more northern pe ghh ir fur these useful ani- ii. nls, winch are lo supply his Inb'e and rii'ii- va.e his co ton and rice: ihese last cannot be successful y crown in Eii Tennessee but add much In Hie comli rt arm happiness of hr people; this natural dependence, produ- cii g an interchange of eomnioji'.its, wnu'd tend to iho riiltivulioii of tho most friendly n liitiims. Open up this channel ol liurtelor .' Eist Tennessee, and wi h the other nvj-iues (f egress and ii-crrss that are in progress of ccns'iiu: ton, sl e n destined ot no dis ant day In lo come a great mar.iiuiclui ing riis- trict ; he.r many t reams pnurini; from the heights of the 'Alleghany en ihe E-ii and the CiimberBiid and I! ne ridge on ihe North and S .ii h, in iht tr rnwnrd cnuiso toward ' ihe " Father of waters," furnish innumertt 1,1.. e -i J.l nm sues nir lo.iciiinrrv , nnu , m'u,"i".' i healthiness uf th. clim ite, the chea-incss nnd In tins the t ... , , ,. tTlnindance nl labor ar.d prnvismhs, and Ihe ' " - i- talis! to invest nionev It? the erection t I man ..e l-i '""'""" rS.u,,-o.r,. , . e, .... ... the 1 ne m ri h 1 evnnd its ii.pcecli.-ii with . ,. .t..i... li e r.asl pnne.ee ami v ngipni nun .. . ... . . ....... .....i... COIIK Hip a'CO in I tie C I! 1 IO. O'l-tir po. n 11.: I oc " AiUnt.i, Tennessee and Ohio Rail Road Cotiijvitiv," which contemplates a cuiirec'ion of i n r Eist Tennessee I mprr.venients wi'h the Cetitrnii Rail Road at Charlotte, North Carolina and the Roads of South Carolina, vvnnld penpiratp the extensive coal fit Ids ot I'.islein Kentucky, winch if brought in prox a "l!y the many roaring watcita .s and no unlaii s ol I run me tiiiit sticiiiHl in . ntl ll I . I . . . I 1.- . ., 'I- ll ....n. i. ti 1 1 1 1 1 1 , n ii i.ii i.im i i iiiir.-ix it, u.,1 niiimi- aoo i be e. ctioti cf Forjps. Fnroaie ard R.i ltng nulls for 1'ie nianut .r'uin of I n n and steel, Btul ilh the many f icill'ies h thmlpil hy the cpeoin . of ihrso channels cf toterroin- m indention might compe e surcfsslullv wnh .liemi.miinctr,.of the No,, hp,,, S-ate. if . ... .. , I. I too i lions. j v ' ,y. .,.,,: north the head wa. . e m ,,,.,..., ,he Cmr,; wen d only rertmra a private . ,t. ,1 1 V p f . loC Ta, I , Cl lilv v-.'iiit, ii.iina o ci di. eel line, of easy gfadi! for tail road at point on Ihe Gi.vapd.i.lo mad nearly opposite I Ihe mouth or Ihe Columbus and Chilicothe C.r.al, wh.eh fiomihe lU.er.ert.oQ cl '.he j,:lhu a viiijj n,u , - ... Cnvingior, would upon the completion of j the propoaed improvement, open a coni.n -, uoua lm of railway between Hie city nl Un- ! ,:. ...i r-i,.,. ... m t- ih neare.i i.ii,nn nun n,u ,-5.,"n, v. v., and most practicable route, and would be bul : . .1 and lamenlcd Il.iyne of Soiilh Carolina The C. and C. Canafextetidirig to ihe centre of Ohio, from whence Kail roada and canals diverge in every direction, drawing in the produce of the highly ru'livBted regiona o1 the norlh-weM in pour Ihiongh this and cither avenuea to the Ohio River, would be taken up by the Atlantic, Tenneeaee and Ohio Rail Road and transported to the markets of the riutith. The Stipes of Man land, Penn9 Ivania and New York have each at very great exp-ne, ",e "n0 conneenng me w.no, .m int Southern sea board by the b.indy and ,au-a va,'lc lH',n- n0Hrc.r l,'an e,,ner ! ,,nc more northern line to iho Atlantic; and less liable lo interruption from snows and ice, ; would at all seasons offer a speedy and cpr- tain transit for Ihe products of the Ohio 'Valley and lake cr.unies ; and when it is conideri d the distance to be constructed would not exceed 3.20 miles and probably cosl nm n,0'e "in" "vLe m"''na uonara, sin l"e people of the Sm'h nol bestir themseves 10 ,aiS0 ,ne mun necessary to the building W'"IC' -fw 10,K nns "r1"3 iwenty-mur million. II" ho-veve it shou'd be deemed inexpe- client at Ihe nresent. to ex ternl this road I mmh lnim.il il inieraer'nm of the Eal - - --o - lha p,,'h would up. n the completion ol the 1 enncsaee anu irginia n.oao, inn .-.-f. - 'n J. .... L-,K'Ar latter in connection with Ihe Knnxville and Dinnl'e Road now projected have a dirpc.1 I)inl,llp KOfld nflU' rTnlOCle - . j ""' continuous comuiuoiraiion bv rail way with T nnisville. Kv.. which will comnarc ' - - . - verv fnvnraS'v with anv route that has been - - - .- b.n r.r I. i,o li ikn ilieinm frnm ...v.... i Anderson C. II.. to hnox vt'le hv the Rihon fc - P computed by Engineer B-own ai 1 r (-L..I... nii'es be correct, the distance frnm Charles would be shorter by miles than the line wepropoe, hut should the Iliwassce be pre ferred and the connection be niBde with the Georgia and Tenncsee Road at Calhoun the distance to Knnxville would be further by 20 miles, being .iiv! frnm Charleston and cosrqoet y 'hat n itch lur.her Ky. I he mute by Chattanoog ' o Loutsv lle, either by '-" Run Gap 1-at., mo, hat n tich further to Lemsville, attanoona and Nash- the Georgia more circuitous : bv the former from Charleston It is about 7-1 miles, whilst by KnoXville via. !dnville it vtou'd not exceed an average of TOO miles ; . ... i .t: ,L. . . .n. i u ... VV 1 1 mi n it ti-in 1 """,S ," 6 and the cities ol the r.. tern pnntnii 01 , South Carolina entirely out of view aa.lhey ; would nut likely reg-ml with much favor a ceriricctmn with the Tennessee ui'.?y ' y the wesiern rouie. There Is nnotiier and stronger reason wl y ; inepeop.eoi inwrniu.s .,,..u.o ...... ... . line we propose in preference to the K;.ban " ....... .... v , T" , aration. It mi.t be borne m mmd that t ie Anderson branch of the Pouih Carolina uoau from which it is proposed to extend the con- ntxicn by the Rabun Gap, passes by the way of Abbevtl'o which is only 60 mile from Augusta, the terminus of the Geogia Rail Road, nnd within 40 miles of tho town of Washington, Ga., lo which a branch of the Georgia roid has been extended. Is U not to be supposed that the State of Georgia in her cigantic. strides alter commerce would reech not forth her iron arms and seve a portion of the trade pouring through this channel and bear ti by the M ainsboroiigii anu Augusta Bianch mad and Central road to her favorite cly, Savannah, winch it is tier avowed policy r.f building o,v as the rival of Charleston. It is tru South Carolina Ciuld preverl the connexion being made w i:h het improvetnent, w islim hi.r lerritory, but in extending ihe road from Anderson C. H. il passes through a portion cf Georgia and the r-ght of way has been granted and south Carolina cculd not well telu-e to extend the same privi'ege In Georg a. Bul suppose it was i!emeil ; the latter could extend the Washington branch of the Georgia Railroad and connect with tha Rabun Gsp road wi lnn r k .. . Hi.Unershelween six ,,- ...... - tv Bids.vcnly miles hy either ol which i i. u ii laaiiM lis uisin.-nca.-i .oc .-a. an. ton - . . i ... Sisaiinak than nonii oil. oii-.K ,1-i.v, Chaileston by 'he Newberry and -Columbia lire. S. emg itmt Georgia will al least di- vole the irade w-th the mails of North and S.uth f'arohnr, if tho cominuiPCBtion with the Tenia" see vadeV be made by the R ibun Gap, whilst hy the more Eastern rnu'e the former will be deprived of any participa'ion except thfough (.haileslon or vi nming on, the pieierFiice stiouni certainty- uo guru ... 1 ,L, t ,t..t.i, lii.u aknppmliu Khun It 14 ,iiu s. io,, i.-i...- . . - - known ll.i connectirfj link wtuld be shorter and cnu'd lie made at a much less cost The is 'ar.ee from Charlotte, N. C, to thP near est point on the Eist Tei nepe and irgin. ia Road, cou'd not he more than 110 mile. 100 of wtveh would he in N. Carolina and It) w ithin the limits of Tennessee, and would not in the writ le excepd a cost nl If.lHl U00 SnnnosinB .he cost nf 100 miles in Norlh . tn.-i.i-t,,,,, Te at Bine Ri.Iifp. t 11 000 tier ...de. under Ihe liberal poiicy ....... c -.nn mm ' P..,,.., ik. a cost of the 40 miles in Tennessee at SI 11.000 . iuuh , - - r rr tnde, (which from ihe km wn e.igibil.iy . of the I.... is cons de.ed amp.e.l the cos, -oul.l rust vcty lnUe oer tW.W-O antl un- - - ,( tf be made up byj.tiv.le en.erpr.ao, in all only about ,UJU0, which it divided among me teverai otate. .u"n . bear ?erv liuhllv upon ANY one. Inviewnt - . . ihe advantage, acctumg to Ct.a.leaton, v,o I I 1 1 . I mmnin,, frnm thrt onerillur fl Inmlna and Wilminalon from tha opening of thischannel of communication with the Nor'h and S. uth west, they could very well allUrd lo raise the amount, if Iho investment', so far a dividpnda are concerned, should prove profitless. Vet no one familiar wnh the ope. rations of Railronda in the United Slatea, would have any doubts aa lo the profits aris ing fttiin such so Investment. Aalhe peop'e of upper East Tennessee have contributed su " liberally of Iheit very litnited means tnihe sora1 ruc'ion of the Eat Tennessee and Virginia Rail Road, (which they are now pushing nn loan na-lv comple tion.) it cannot be expected thai they can do their part of this work without kelp ; Ihere fore we invoke the aid uf our Southern breth ren in the accomplishment of an enterprise from which they a well as our fin people must derive mcslcu'ablo advantages. To Charleston and Columbia, ever liberal to their contributions to similar enterpri-es, we confidently rely our appeal will not be in vain. The cit'Zti of H ilmington, Raleigh and the counties of North Carolina east of iho Blue Ridge must from their pnH ion, feel an identity nf interest with our peop'e, and from the spirit nf emerpnze that has recent, ly birred up olu R p Van H inkle " to ac, live etll.rl, we doubt not fiER run-Li will do ' hi r part in this great work. A it is important that this line shou'd be carefully examined by a competent Eng neer and Ihe cost accurately esl'inaied before any definite action c-n be taken, we would res pcctfully k of the stockholders of the Ceo irnl Railroad Company of North Cart lina and those of the Cnorlotle Branch of the S. Carolina Railroad to co-operate wiihusin instituting an early survey of this route that the convention which is pioposed lo be held nnrlu in the mnr.lh of J ni V for devisinc way and meafls to open this line o, iniercoinmuni. cation sltall nave an ine tac.s oen. e ...r. Learning Ihat the CharJotie Ixanch road in lo be opened on the o.h July, ana mat me friends cf that enterpnz- design having a 1 ,,. , lU,,Vrtrta imeettiis at I hatlntle lo celt or aie me occa- , . r , , , r J ,,, , able f.r ho ding the cot,enlton pmpi a m , - , - i . A..nu. in.ni-.l I iil n ai-ll M HP nl( St lull I ihe resolutions under which we are acting. What say von citizens of North and South -. " t- i- j .'..i Ton Carolina, " eslern irg ma and Last I 1 nesee " Shall we have we nave a convenient . . 1 Charlo'ie, , C on Ihe anniversary of m- , , i - v .1. i isriran Inilenpnrirnco and L nion wtHCII ai ' , , ' , , .1 thooch not f mini in its results, to the day It - , . intended 10 commemorate, ei may be pro 1 J.,..... nl l,L....,a and I,ul1bla nnl tl Hi docile of blessings and benefits Ihat will be iFiU lii.tUi"ir.S. rU'i'Jsi,"',s D-!ni--1? together lof feelin? and interest and dtsipating thc.au sectional jealousies !ha i have lasen and arts likely io jenpard z- the' permanency if our government it' not arres'ed. For Ihe information e.l those who mz? not be familiar wi'h the distances by the ditkr. ent routes bv w hich it is propocd to connect I 'he Sou.h wi'h the valley of East Tennessee, we aubj .in a Table of distances which, al- tnr.ui.ti thev mav Pol lie accurate is ency radicular yet will be louno suosiannai.v i-r- rect ; all of which is very respectfully sul. milled. A. E. JACKSON. H. 11 HIBIURD, O. BOAZ. J S. W. PEADEIUCK, I HOS. A. R. NELSON. April 2;h, 1: E" I a. : t ? z s r, o 1 2 a ' 15 - - r a. i S -s; T? - mi - C o ? X ! 3 J 5 - ; H S . . jl e O 9. . W S I. fl - 1 . a i li i- i aW X s 3 3 e a i 3 i r- : c ' 3 s I .t .r io 2. w o j : 3 I nts tauie snows inni ine u s-ance trom '1. . . ...Ll t .1 . .1 I .. f r'h..i,t V c U' Chaileston via Charlotte, .C, W atauga and Sandy valleys to the Otuo river is 66! miles by same line to Cincinnati 562 miles while by Allarita and NmhviHe tn Louis vil'e, Ky., (the nearest point) it is 'IS, and by Ribun liap direct to Knnxville, and Dan. villa to Louisville about fi?l. and by same I ne diverging al Frankfurt, Ky., lo Cmcio tntt is about T"4. the tlistsnc-es in right hand margin may not he accurate, having been de rived trom nnii and veiba! infoemaiton. . -t-jqI ni-.ieover ah 114 1 " that thete aro only 3,0 miles of Railroad in bu I I to form a connection between the improvements of Sou h Carolina and those of the S a e ol Oate. now in operation. 9SfA wit and a philosopher were orce at sea, and a hih swell rising, the philosopher seemed under great apprehension lest ha to shnuld go to the twHom. W hy .'. Served the . it, that will ami your gentu lo a little. A, lor mv pari, you know that I am only for sklti.mn g iho sue. - Ucet l thn g. ; hca. hich cauws a girl the m.l pleasure iw barstlf prau-ei) ur Qpolheral run due vi