mSBM U Hi V i'. '!;! V"v' Oil . - ' v 'V.' . -. ;x. : y v- " ' V; . v.'.' - M . lt i Ml V . : : ; i : ' . t . . t 1 . I ' ' . ; -.. ably M the pr,vg itioti t . hold I KOWAN'P'S TOXIC MIXTIT.F., ic. in Chin'otto mi the approach- J Tlu' Publisher tf this paper has been ap iry pi' Mir independence, lo fur- i pointed Agent for llowund's Tonic Mixture, ( of this i.ri i-.t enter; rw ? I a valuable remedy fur Fever and Aiic, his ut i;i : ..v v t to work, mul take such 1 ry to meet our hia th ai; I -ti rn il'Mll ake a lire uiiiiiL' ili iu- t 1! i-iiii'f ri-c. W! '. V 1 i'i . lid We Mr . :!u ( 1 . !! Il .' . ! i Ilk r.c:!;IMTii!!. 1 r, :. ' 1 - I ' the ; 101 cci'iti :M;u- ;.n i Ta loisi ille l' . i , M in . i a' . s, . . li' e'l chit's- o ie . :.!.'. ': ! i ! i 11 i ami ths :i xv lr 1!.- : . lo ; 1.1 .'.k. 1 . M W'i .. .1 Ihut.. f l! H, V. ; V. :' I 1! .-1 eivtnry an i I . 1- :,; 71-, A,.; .at . : . A. 1- 11 n ' :'. i n led , - i. i,'ir. I y -li. t i::.r V .I, .'ft!: V ten: X : ii c '.ix r iu tiii 1 t M. i'i 1 1:1:1. :::! : ! 1., . tii:.:-, :i t li:. 1' i:i tui- ;e-"i it. I'ea 11 t! t; nt ' i ar 1 way He e. in Wl'S- 1.1. 11, l!is i. f . 1 1 ' . ;1" ,;r i ct : .nay :i,,t r -t the :v a it "Tt? e ! ra- 11 ' "Ve"li"iiC :.''C compound Svrnp of Fdacklierrv Hoot, for! Cram;', Colic, Cholera. Morbus, Piarrhiea nnil 1 .-: 'tilery, and his Purgative TcloL'inpli I'll!-:, which he has now 011 hand fur sale. Western Tiaiik Road. W.t e:.!l atientiuii to the iiilvevti-einent in thi- !'Her, heai'.eil a;; iil'ovc. (Communications. Kl'P. TDK N( I'lll 'AI'.nt.tNA Wlllii. I'KAXK KOAR An a lj 'Urneil mei t i 1 ir of tiie SiothhoK. r .4' tli'e ('liai h tte ami Tayh.rM iile l'lauk !'.... nl, w a- In 14 in the Court I louse in Elates., on Weihiesilay the I'eth of .May, l-.V.'. (in iii'iliou, t'ol. Milton t'am j'lie'.l was 1 a'.i.-l t i!,0 t'hair,. ami J. F. Alex.mdi r ai l- .inteil Seeretaiy. liy rer:ie.-t of t he Chairman, tin' ohji-et of ti.e n... etin ; w as ext'laiiie.l ),y Vi;lia!ii .luiiti-t 'ii, K-af, .f Cluirh.tte. .V e. i.uiiitt. e of three, to wit : .1. M. llo L'le, ,hi". A. Voun ami tl. F. 1 ;l.--n; F.. . re ;ij iointeil to exaniine I'l'o.xie.s :iii I a-eert.iin the amount of stoek n iire- si : 1 t 0:1 '' I ' - J he laws f it tee l'( tu'l'.eil a majority of toek 'ouiiiihtee tiipiititiil tii ilral't by tlu; i..n 1 niiieiit of the ( '.iiiipauv, rUi'lilllteii IllL' aim ami tii'oii motion, the were a'hO'te.l. The iir-t annual meetiiir fif the St-x-k-ie iii. is is to he hehl at JhsU'lson Col!e-e. 1:1 !'ri!a alter the ;iJ MoinJav in Mav, ( 'n m ti'.n, the l'reshleiit ami lirietors wv'i'1' authoriz''il toliave the liy-laws jirinted in leimjililet iortn, and to jir-ure as e "jiie- as tin y (let 111 noees-ary. maiiV 1 rtars of; !'! n,.T.i..t tla- Vrcfi'.-1 1 a.! 1 t .i t :i tu am: Tiiviernvilli. l'lauk Ko.nt t'uiii- jll... ..r i I ; f . ! ! V I'i.l.'Urt. i! t.i i'lll Hilda lie.!. tu! lit lis in ti.i ri'.-lit of vn y ler ll'i Uo-ii .nri I. nyl!i. nml t!i.,t ::t t ,1' SUM t ar, e : ii.i.ii.f. i.! MtlM-T'ati ai N' pn seati ii J.frm'- 1:; t i' ia.e I . e..t ..I. ,-t. 1; tin r. t 1. t US li J',. 1 I a nf Tv 1:' v 'I' ii. us ::il t' II rr.'i-i 'i:-U la t'l'' -'i -Ulit V of ekli Tl. h.fll : rsi'iaali' tiie la-irii of lltrei t.irs li'it lO-.t. !y la oht.ou tiir s TMetfi t' fit Kni'iiH 1. r to enter upuli t'a --urve v ii : Itiai t lut US S..OH as tile Tea lalii s - tie shall ll.ive Ivfl oirvi'Voi, the 1're. i Cintrnet tiir the frrudmir ef t'lr s'.na'. a lio. I ' : t -if! I' -hi v:.e, 'i i,..t la. I'n sea ul ale: !::. 1 lurs nrr l.lruvt.jl liml hen nsei J i. fl fur tiie r . f 1 1. 1 j an liimo:. 1 r f r I'n liaaO, tii y .:.'., r -, f r 1... !, !:.;;; i f eia.tra. t-, to fur I'l.l.K aio! ToniiiT t'-.r t s'liie ejninti.e a r Ukiaff a jmrfell of ti.e al:i' 111 IMe ,1 1.11 - : i.e r- ail. Tti.t in I-'-r.,tii.jf t!n ( 'n;ul,.tti' mui P'l.tiK tin " j ii Ii v fl' tin - '::1! ' ti ri:.ii' V.u- hrrtlt'ii ii.trlv in riiiitv to Itrt W!.li h fi!" r.wid es is ir-uiit iih tiit iiitt ri r-tii ol thv nun t i:y . .'!-. ris Tint -'ri. Xwitii C;:rjiia'i p"H. v. i :t it- ! t'.t i.t ry, -ki!I mi lt :i !.tni'Ci''irvt') tufU-rm t'w Kisif't-r- itM. i n t':;-c f h .r!''I li- and Ts v,irtv;ilf TS ir.k f 't-.Mi, .u.ti t'i;-f r r 'iniiu mi to tl. l'r fallen! and I. ' 1. V" sr.. A. J nsr, ph hi fvrrv r-. t - .t 'iLti VttT'i-.y f th ir cM.!i'V htr. I.' i :. T . - t , -rv'' , t.k Af ...f,., v ; , L: iv r"' - Tt yl r m ; ! I'l' nk vi .-. t it:. r iii iiois v i,r wij k t, tin- o!ti-n e.f" c t r- tit-1 w'.'tJi i.!f r ji ' i. j" Hi'..'--. ui.J ; ..iitiiu On'treil, . . t .. ; i. . ;)-, 'he pr t o, of 1-ltt-J Ci.I: I la 1 1 ill th. ti.-.- adj. CAM 1' ( I :i ii. ini'd ELL, M'. .;.. ' t - Ch'i F. A CnXVEXTItiX. a- 1. - for the t 'il ! - -e ,;j th l'hird t.'oii "t t Jltii 1, Carolina, as ' -niarle i t tiie - ::. i i- . l'r. ."!' :.!. "::: rv t Al: ' ! t I. ii .i M '. ;i , lio!.s Vi . it in. r !:lo- Wo.,! t.ti-ii J. i: 'f:.. c hired or-a:i alios pr,,e, u i-r, ii ; a I", i:. I. 1 1 . .i. M - I!, i I : i : . t. .Hit. I'. . !.('. :i ,' . J.C-c . l'r. .1 !. . l: I... i M. I. , Ti.. I. II . of fi. ilil- d a," I rt re- i .ii. (.-ii i' J. m. Wa.;-!: ' '!" -a, te - ,, in t: il.tti" T !,. 1 : J. i; t'o ,s for . i t,ti tin- : ti ioll .'!. I';! il, , It J. A. H of : :.! I' t; A an. I . f I i: th, t I. I-. I. 1 c.i- ' won I. is . as l'r., I.,' at f '. ti t it, . . od p ti o t ooh, ol ' or s: ,t. : i.i' t CO - ta fill tiie C!;air of tleo 'iee l'r, si.It i.i y i.f tiie 1'niti d Mil lea. liki-ui vi,i, Tlmt nol !lat imliiij; the ul i ve tames t'taistittift: cur lirst eh.ace ti r tl.i m" liiiili oliiees ; yi-l wf w ill riirei-li v ulippirl llie in mi nem of tiit' S'linj Niiininiil ( him alien ; prevail d they an- known tu he nnt!eiil;ti illy sniiiel 1 11 the jire..t I'lmipriimise .MenMirej Kniuil us l!:e.i. Jllstlllt lit Slei'sun s of tae Ui-l t 'i f-V 1 s ., Til: t we In lii ir it to I e tin i.'llty of CimiireeH la iidlu ro s' .oiMii.v to tiie lia-eijin Hau y of l!a- iniiiiort: I " vsiiiM. H".. I!i:sii.i-rii, That we iii f our uf nn i .l )e ilisti'ililltli li of the pnii e. lis ( f the B iles of tile I'llhlie laouis, iiieiu theMat'S uei'nriiit to I'V. diril n. pul.i lie u. liiMitvui, Tiiat v.'e i re j.l.-a si I vtitil the uelleii of the lati- 'lay t' nliuli, w i.iell r,s. Mii.hlnl iu H.ileih litiit in iiiauli il .Ii-i:n Kb.itK, Km.. of I'nsvei II enml v, .is tiie Wlua e ;iuini..te l'ur lMieraor, ntid tle.t v. i-pi-. aie our laaoty tu. r.fhT.i t.mi tit prnmote lti.s i ii i'tii.11, i.liti We lire lir.itllieil to h'aril that he inlelliis tlsitiiifi at nil tarty date this stetinii el etir St .t.'. '1 he following eenthinen v.ero ' (hen in iiUi'Mianto of the la -t it soltitiuli, aiaioiuji al j tlele-ates to the' X o li aial Coliv elitloii : '1'. S. Aho of Anson, l'r. Charles Chalnn rs uf Mo ire, (leu. John A. V.tanu' of Met kit ii- 11111.', anil If. W. I i ui.oi uf Liiieoln. d'tn. A. I'nekery of Kiel. in I, alternate. ('n motion f Mr. W, lia-a.i,v::n, 'I'liat tiie t'lianiiiii "p point at'oiii. 11.111. e .if t ir.'i' f i it ti mi tin- m 1. t.-,l ill ee:f s i-l tin ir apjii.intaa lit. Tin: Chair a; ;i ii !"il C. V. W'ooley, J. li. Sheltotl, ami lii in II a.:i ' saiil C niittee. 0111- u m .tiou of Mr. Walhip, the thanks of 'ention vfic resptetliillv tendered j the Convention vye re-peetl'ullv to the oSThots e the Convt'litioii for the (iromi't anil faithful discharge of their m veral tluties. Ami on hi- ni'i'.ioti it was resolvi: 1. t;:ai the iroee eeliliL's of this Ci'Iivelitiuu I i jmh lisheil iu the three napers of this !; J.i. !, ami tin: Fayi tti ille Oh-trver; aitif whieh the ('ouveiiti on adjourned, inr i'n: J. 11. Mi iX'l't iuM Fli V, 1'ieMt. C. V., J. 1. SllKI i'liN, Secretaries. l'Voin the liepuiiiie. MIL WFFS'l'KIt. The fi.l!iw iiiLr t.'h- LTiiiihic despatch was receives! hv the L'eti- tleineii to whom it is addrt-.-e l, in-w in this eitv. nml has indite! V been furnished to Us for p'llilieati ni : M MisFti i.l, Mav H, 1-"?. To Hon. Edward 'uri: 'l have h;x, u' Wonderful escape, 1 lit have r, tt ivt d i; : . , r eiaiieiit injury. My hal.d- ai.l arm- a;-., terribly sprained and 'l i'loi. IAM1'L W'F.liSTKU. s'TTiiiTtX i i;t)irri: in xniiTiii ;x M AFKl'TS. Vt ry few p. rs us 1 .x :. ', t! v. !. . ste I have ait i ii a lltilllei!iate!y ainouut o! vi , tal l and Irui's wha ii t daily shij p. d f- in ir-iiiia, to ii X tin i n ports wi'it w licit then is t' am eoiii- iiiiiiiieatioii. Tie' quantity d' ..lone shiip, d fro ii X-. ,-:..;'.; to i; during last si a-. it was 1i,oimi ),1 .: qllil 1, tit V of p tat 'C-. .'li l ies, ( lit TL, iVe., aiienuit' d, as Juiv f harri !-. beside- ,',l'l)l 1 a-k t ahout one-half of vihi.-h p is-i 1'Iiii i il, Iphia. 'I h ' tin .ui.t v. the latter city dittt t by tiie stealiiers was al-0 coti-idi r:il f t.-.i I thr,. .ii h i at.. i ti t to r line of M'.-t ..I the irly vi-tri t -it'll - on iu our X. Yijjk mai t.1 t toiiie t i (.'li'.aiii.ealie. A Us from 1!' -t .;i an 1 ll: , 1. .' . .., St i i.i. Laij.k 1 , r e .1 all MliXti O. . li, '.i:i. a . , , 1.3 . j -Tin .1 ti - I W, ' "!1 the 7 th vii. .si.- t-. n t. 'n :!:e (ith install', in thu .nun a M x- lean n.a u-.jl- ar I n ami t .' ; r , , t nt:. ; - ra 'iuz with tr-' I oiind '.,r ti,.- I zo '' - riv. r aij'l t;.e 1 of Ti a . it at- .ili- t"l"C. ahai' : th" s : , Th , an:, p, Thu M-xieau -t an, -hip Stal a wa- taking in ; ,- , .le de:tii.atii)ii. "Teat hone uf ..; ;,t- t thu-i.-'-r d in i pee i-iad, as W'e . a. :. ;V .:u a pa -i tiii- anival. vva ttiJ J.. ii,o. i v Con rr.-ss. the ril.t ' We are lhty del, .ami o'J,lllltl,ii(i(l r f way acr.-.s the Isthmus. u!-o iiifoi no d bva ra-.-eii-or win) e U.Vei'-. d 'in th.: s.ii'j. i t with the American C"i:-ul :it 't ra Cruz, ou the ni'.i i,in.' uf the 7th i:, -t.. that the n... -'of the ! ... r . i r ' ! t!ie M,.xieau pi-op..- ar,, ,,..p,,-. ,1 . , i,c t'.atioii of tti" ft h:i:n.t.i'i i: treaty in i in. lii-iie the t :v .s v.' a a vry tail at '( xico. .V, i. J'i ( 'ruz ami 1.11 A'. pr i:, li.. U a- t. of ( id ' Ti a v-'o . mi;h;oi!. i i:i ol ilillL' to .'I te 'il'e-- of the -'on, on fiie i.i l nn of -ol: axi i n:: ii --rap! l li -ii i II- ret rt - f t! ':-t !' :. , l a at , a - -; to ti.e ' it. li iv : t t t -tv t. 'Ws. I., , Ainoi ' F Of V, ire ii o rib i oluti - i.itt- :-:i t! 'th a r 11 .- lie . i'i di-r - 1 of, Tl, f ti.e pr. o'it'll", ilihlial ' ; t;. i-. i- laid on l! .'Hid ties : i li ol ti.e tahl :t of the ot" ,in In; w as CXFoinTXATj; Ai'l'AIi; liMTViEKX TWO ELL.VTH li--. lion. at ."' i .n l.ato hr I - I'.j el I'..; I' . I!: 11.' I and that o .'-,- I1.,: 0'' -.'"'--t'.lei II the Mr. H il.'O ,'IU, U. illlt.'ll-o oi af tie:, -, Hp tail Mr II 1. Ha i ti Wit'l in tin r u -c in.. i ii, ii.:, i ; ii, , i, and thought, a daie la .'an, f, e n, ,i;ir from i I iu li-- I ' 1 I V tiie supi soil. . t ( xeriieiaSlli o lii.t 4 t l.: ha , . I hup-, truck ii O lid as he has on ii;i: aeln 'I ( iiieiiiall I i:i I he .1 el, tliat Jhli.eali had run. '. t, V P .1 "i .Is C7 I siny of J'" A t C. a ii h ttt-r fa;, - : A t on. -.i ( ihio to i.i a I -,i Ii a line f, carry in iils a:, J pa-t- ( ' nil int-iit, to (,'ai; I'oi ilia M.. fUiclloy's dan for ph roi'ti; has l.c.-n ri-port- ;.d ii.- es vi'ii fa or. SITI.o I a:ei Oi a mad ed m :l ,n ; al to liHXF.K.U. ASSKMIIIA" ( )F THE FlU liYTbMUAX Clll'llCII IN TI1K V. HTATKrf Ob' AMKl'.lCA. This iinptntaut eeclesiastieal t ody met, ytsttrilay, at the (tlebo street PresbUeriati Church, in th'n city, at 11 o'clock, A. M., it heiiij; the (ir.-.t time, we believe, that Charles ton has In i-ii Meh eted for that lutriose. I (iwaids of tll clinical and lay deltv'atc, J from annus j'arts td the t .Mates, were in attendance, ami additional ones are ! cxm'Ho.1, as the assembly will continue in M ssion some ten or twelve tuns, 'flic iiiect- ins: was opened with a let vent, nml :tiiro I n into jn'nyt r, by the Hev. lietij. II. liiee, j 1. P., ot Ohio. An able, clotiit'iit anil j impressive discourse, ciUally cmbellishid I by the eraccs uf ciimio.iti )i and delivery, j was then pronounced by the l!ev. F.tlw. 1'. Ihinii'hrcy, 1. !., of Louisville, Kentucky, the moderator ot the last tteneral Assem bly, who literally t nehained the attention of a (leli.'hted and instructed audit. .ry. His tiXt was from Mat. 7 . 17 " Kv n so. t verv L'ooil tree Inn a t It u'th nil fruit, but a corrupt trt briiiL'i th forth ct i I fruit ami his tin me was " Ira li', tenan 'I'heiiloL'V ill iN devehiiiiH't'ts." After the close of the religious services the Moderator to ,k the chair, and con.-ti-Inte l the sessions cf the As-i inhly w ith . raver. The I'.ev.' .I.,lin l.ehuiii, 1). 1., of i'hilad. lphia. stated Ch i!;,' and the Uev, le.. T. ."lef.iil. 1. D.. reliiiantlit t lelii, '. '.itu.v ,,' , 1 .. i ts. -lt r trilllsactloll ' of some matter of form the Assembly an-; j.v.n iTed to meet a-iiin at 4 o'clock V. M., I ' . .i o i i. ' i ii i i I at theSieoinl rreslivteriau I liiireh, where . . i ' its it.eetin-s will he continued from day to , ,1: v. until It closes. At 1 oYh.i k 1'. M. lied, at the Seeoli'l tliC Ft-. Asseln' lv re-coll- . tel ian ('hurt h, and after t Icctinu' the D. 1., of Fi ffalo, Xe Ih v. .John C. Lord, the I'u V. J.dinM. I. . uric, of Columhus,, 7' in j ii, :' ('iii!., adjourned to meet aa'u at the -aii.e p'.ate at il o'e! ck, thi.i moi i.iiiL.'. The no t t'.i,.s are i pen an 1 the public are iin it.-d to attct.d. 'e cannot forbear citin-: from Ir. Iluui phr.''s admirable mtiiioii (which np-pcarcd ::t fill length ill the .'. ' C A' T, of yes terday,) the following beautil'iil and I'liato t" the sttthllulit I ! uuehots in Smith Carolina : ' appro of the " Xt arly turs aoi, X a ul . i.l . one himiire 1 and si.ty-"eveu the revocation of the edict of e from the Kitiilom of France more than lile him I,, ts. 'I he th'd to of Europe, to EtiLda lied tli.tii-aud HiiL'Ue- 1 the l'r' 'te-tant Mates 1, to the t'alie of iootl li. pe, and to toe shores ot the i tstern I' u.tim lit, Invited by the eeliial t -liii.nto of i the .ijiitU tc the inl'aiit coiotiy of Carolina, 1 lar -r- tiUit.l.ii rs of ti.e-c csi'eii p, onl" of Cod ! i it;- f , ilitl n- I. I'll the bo at the t..,., a.,,1 others ... ti,- i.anks f ti,, - Coper l.iver. 1 lie latter eoiii,:it;v hunt their house of woishiji in a iittio villa tii-tant, tailed ( hail, -t ill. Lord's day, tin y were hor:u of the lavtr, by the L't utle t, r-, or the n: iti"ii of the ten "f tiie ti le. in their forest re, a tew miles 1 hitle r, on the ' oil tile 1 " "III How of it- -. or the chliini homes, and ill , for joy tt.eir ai 1,' miih tuarv, tl a - t iio voice- of their 1 eat!"ns. mid the : t:p ul the tran- r it 1 f tie li.'- fl air, 'to ii'l : .! 1 t'.'iiti. w , ia j : i r .f-i.t ! ' an. ;, lit ( 'a Xt; ar us i !i t.,i v ha I 'lillK. This the sjf.. f f!..- i- ri fr . 1. r li... r Set till 'I I.'. , r. Yoiei' r i-- !: hi- ill W III i I s and d .;n. -tie 1 o-T II HI' Vefrc. rep., a t - f.r us Around II- lies I T' I'tioll to met t t t . shall rise 1 saints I t Vulid llu: i!t 1,11, i :. it ,.i them. " !;:i' it li,,d 1 r :r du-t. n w ,ii;inj t: : th" n-s t, as th i. ur : ; tin ir li.. : -d IV III the -Jt the "lltoe, in titis pr -i ii' . , :re their 1 I - 'i n. T in- ! 1 c..J v. i.ieh ui-.i-t 1 tin 1 .can. tif'.l v al!' v ,d ,;in ;u. aud T"lir-, :;. h stuint d the c at, r- of ova rv ri'. or, and tin- aei.. nt- of i very t ity, Ii in tin- El:o!i-h chimin 1 ti ti,e Mciiltt iralleall. J.oW rpns in alio Veins ol tl,.i.-e with wl iod this morniii:.'. With "111 We '. hat liiiaiiimit v tllese i L" I' 111 ,11 ie re t" tii it anee pp -iiiiii- to i it faith, a -trail- li"t ore. tin V . ti.iit :u faith, ir. ii it identical 11 e'l in it- i . 1 1 r . ai ae ; f.r lure ! r u.'i.t hither, 1 1 v i : i and fruit eri -mi-iii. Lit i ' do r' v. it'i IH v-i; this d ai v, r-l mir . tral e t tin -tatli, i j th l'r.-'. r own " 10- and la r an: th. ie lie V. -.' '.'v. I aini'' -i V', oar ti e r . of I lathe. d the olive tree. a i, t I 'V nam ami tht-v l'''"-'- 'li'..' tel. t, ol, 1. 1 ir- M iy t ':.;. i:ii o. 1 ut a pi i- e -Oil It'l tlitV aud n h, and f.,r the who i.; and in i ilal h ii. nothiio.r ,aal I-, the e.tti ii-V' la dl :. I,- -pil it .a -,- or cm! sp" in i :t au'Oi ti- t:,o..,o ni"ii i I' tin- ry "f its ,-t' r.ial .111 r..t cMt.T!i. h" -ul.p.iie .) at t, Xki Mi.ioh CuTI Till. i, IN I.MV ts II, ii -ll' - Whl-ll V as a i'd lit the at,. s Alabama. Tin-'I h'-iti.' simply ii i on!" a th ad i tt ' ( nrh ,1 ,; .. T o'" "f this act, al tin ia haot to hr, -ioo of fl,.. ; I'Utio char-; I. a iat in- "I at J'-i ii s it as it will I ' Sr; -. 1. ;- afar tae pa , I'V ' oii,mi-,-i-.i ' -1 1 ! o u , an I i r. at from and 1 catton sold ! an or buy- i r-' . liii f 'illy p. ta: t :;, ii n ,t !,. hi 1 hi,. C"ll -I livered nn i until the same i f .,- tiie eott. hi, law itrar v not uith-taii- '' ll J Hi thr i- fiitlrtt.f. That ). r i'll.'ili tl in the hilsiiie-s iii, i iih- r on I.i- or tie ir own ol'e 1-, u!i , t all buy or en o't n li nn a planter or cm lat, and .-hail ( ,il ,,- r. fico sain at the tin,,. ,'i" t:cil t i, ' w ay with, ' r di p-,-e of ruiv ' d and 1,-t paid 1 Mr, -hail he of fraud and eiuhez.h un i.t 'J f I. Hon iin-'-i i to pay and -h eott .1, tie. ill. ,r tiie p'Teha I :oiiIt, atcl sl.a'i I i' ti .ii, iu ' I. il le to he iii pi i oii -d on eoli th.: pt'iiet.-ntiai-y n .t h o than a- than five y-ars. at the di-crc- jurv haviiio tin: e.a , ." o't," i.or inor ti'.ll ' f:e j Alii "d Id, I-;,:;. Tv, t :. i th brother- name. Sonni. who -p.j p. d Indian (fit. n II -t- I, Xe-.v Oilcan-, r way lion, California, and while a l th. ir trunk robbed of f-'.i. l ::, j,, a e ia , .,',,,., d a judo,,,, t fr ,(,.,( el' i lad 1 1. ha: e ioiilit a id. d tl, 1 ''. ' ,', iraie' iih-t llu' proprietor. The e ant it iiiii-l.i.pcn a,.; liable f.,r the .en lioiii trail'., ra an. trav Hers! tie ir in, is. FIVE I.F A F II AT. We have Hst, iu the mii. of I,;, I m ii an t -1 1 -o a i . t S'liiinier -" -i"i, f Mr. .,j. i eoui.ty, mad,. ,,f t ho pint- I' af, by Mr. K..,eit St 'fe have tio ,! ,'lht art of tlut county, profitable, bu-'iiie-jt 111!, ! t (I ,. .. I rt u . f", tin In .liufaetui of ih, FRANCE. We take the following extract from thu last letter of the London t'orresjiotidetit of the National Intellii'cucer : Intert'sliiii' nitt'Ui.'ciicc luia reriniiy coini' in lijrl.t. t-.u.-liiiiK Hio itispomtion and inteiitioiii. ot the principnl foiitim ntiil powtm witli regard tu the re-t slal la luiii lit ot llir I'.iupirc in I runec. Tin. .Iiiiiriiiil iIib Delitit. ulioiit it wtt k ninee. ereatetl o ;re:il sensation in p'olitiei.l circle by iin ni nut in tlmt the 1'riiiie Minister of Austria, the Triiiec ehwnrzeiilierir, very rt t't ally, witn will to this political hfmh iimkvt ill (atu Noi thel'U industry. Jil't her ? lliti at. t rance, antl lull ill tai l mail.' it the mutter of spc j niHliul'actlirtu mid Coliiin-r. , ttimiiiiiiiii'iitiiiu witn the tu ! in ts ot liiissia I 1 , . . , .,, ,,.! Priissii,. Th. rr. ct.t. s.of ll... inl' i ' Cotton I'liuit,' Will set as a Count, r. lias hei n since confirm, tl. The follow lint orticle, irril il tit to tin) riillclllcoim l.otioim ot t, ,. transluti it troni one of Ille iniiiislt mil journuls of politicians W ho would persuade the iiili rrniite, win etw ymi u on. on... n. .mi; jrencc lout liuir me rtilsirnin .tiinisier n note, me reception nml iinsw t r fjiv. n to it hy the I'russinu it ixl K usfi.m I'uliiiK Is, mid tliravit ws of thi (iov. i riiiinait with ri'irartl tu the foreign P't t of the gri'iiLi thtil of the lliouiellt the le-eslittillhlllent ot' the Kinpirc in l-'raiit'e. The r. rtiele l.loiv ue. .(itir. s ti.hlitiotiitl interest and iinportanee from the pri.per iianic ttver whieh it is piiMished. I eon Vol.,) is tint' of the Ih st known nililit'.il jourinlists of l-'ranee, notorious loin; suit e us the writer of a si uii.i'llieial llouapurtist corresM.iiii. ui-e, ilitetidtd t'or i irciilatioii iii Ihu th pitrtini iits ; tun! lie oeeii. iies:it the pres. ut inoiii.'iit on iuiportant olUeiii! piisito.ti in the .Mini-try of the Interior at fans. In the l'.finiun of his artt. Ic, M. I.. Vitltt!'stakit ot' the approaeiii.'i.f I'iitipirc in this country "as a t'ttl lire which fiery Isaly is looking for, and wlitelt the iincei!biii iuanu.iireii of the .ultra arti.'e woulil iriuKr in ct ssary, even it' the lnifie of eiciits were nut irr. sistihlv leuihi.t; tu il." lie then adds: " It will not answer to sanction, . n n in tiiplo. eaiitic eiri'les, the til, titillated utetis otlNl l antl la; i, r to allow that (ioviTninents iitkist. lit lii, ir in in r In ! rnational n latiins, u,ii ati and prni.iplia wl,"'h h "tvrr "I'laiaca in Frant o any ant a torri-d ftriniitM't-tiee." ,, ' ,, . ., , , , , ., . it results Iroin this ilocuim nt, wlueh tt is use. ., , , .,,,. . i,.,.th. nui ih ton i...-t. ! nut .1. ny to France tiie richt to .-let t llie I'rinet. l'r. sidi nt t iiiM'ri.r, rod thus re. st.ililish lite liu. m riit Monarchy. Hut if we may h.-lirve the ver. sioii wliifti is tietiiri' ns, there will lr one condition, iiz: that this ehutie in the form of ion rnmciit take plate l,v a loli- t f tin eituotrv , nod hv a new I')' ''i le. liny .: I IV "''111.1 lllal llllitl Isillls ,11 would thus hrrimir Knosror of thr lie. X .is. I piihlie. Th. y rentier tiwn this oeeasittn a just uml sol, tu ii liiunai,o: tor all the rcat, potid, srfcial, antl l icortxls a. ts w lut-lt the rriitt'c haa aecotn. pli-lu il t,.r the re st ihlisiini, ot ot'orilt r in r'ranca, and t,iw.;ril p.t ifyii. patlit 'n hn Ii Mere danger. oils, not only ti r its own trantjiiil'ty, but f.-r that of tin- w-urltl. ' Nei. rill. I, as, it w, old app r from lite second fil of Ihis note that lite cotirta of I'ln-sin ami Kn.ssoi pr,.n st llu hi rctitUr v l-iinpire ; and, nr'uini; front the I'll tin t lw1.1, which Iii. y say c-xclntl, tl .Najmleen It... inpirte fiirrv.r from the ijotcritniciit ot FraiM-c, tin y ir t; ml tiiat the rt j sUlilishiiit iit of the Na. poll oil Dynasty ami of the her. tot .ry rights of liu laiiin-. iinl ii. -t mi in llu ir G.toit, It is tt rt . stij,, rt'uetis to .hsi us the uttt . Iioa r laliie lo thr nitibntil vote, rinitrsal snf. lra:.e v. ill no more licit .tc h.-n Us .s-i,l t ask.-d i t,,f, hshui.-nt of the lings rial l.,,iern. linM, t! an it In sit.iti d on the llilll and 'Jnili of l .-litis, r to cite to the in i,h, w of the iimis.r.,r ! ,.!! ...t ,...!...... :.. t. . !,... t... I inn; nt raise trai.c fr.mi it.' st ile of dt ulonble mm the w.ik o! fort -inn itit asmo, ami ol tiir r v. 1 'it.t: aaryaiiita-ejoitsof l--. lint f'riiit. ill i ,, , u, w'Mll h ; , ,. i' r t. ,.i,:luiu ,,f a di naslv. anv mi re 1,'un he h i.tihl M.l'tiol, ie. aosl her tn all, It hue imp,,., ,1 its,ii lur lite (.on inoit lit if an. . . r. Ko.,,T j, tree, and f.,, own mi.tre... .he i si. -iif in her iid, nr. , .ml, it nod be, will know !, t make it respected, ver mar I sail l.y old -f..aiiiiM d siiiesmcii, Hh,,ae i.l.aa'ar.' oi,:l, tl I,, a , aud who.inrv .j hare not Ill.'Uie Olic si.,, in advance with tiu,,K.. itl'r.t. oi.,,Nt,-.l hy Uh ,l, ever re - trt tied iner it. fill', and now strain n ttured lo I" II no i:irr. Tlx y will do t U in II. Hm and Si. ler-turtr t tes-e Kealh..;; II'. tw (Mlinflll and It.--., ti lying p-livi nira ; or th t will end hv tu.y jussitiits and liisltirhit't; inUrtsU ttiM.-h '. lar-iiielii.til F.nrt.iN hate Istd t.l' calm am! J v re, I U-.-it willing In li.tvc, wilhntit ' ).r,,n st, this it. .le, attn'uit, d lo f'rnssia and Itii,. ' sta, and ln h, ui runre.jiicrrfe f that fact, has ; i.r.alii, ,-d stutie s-iialtnii lit In,- d I pk-itta I le and s. j lit i j i,rlil, hut it (us iu,l ..ititily etu n rise tin re to any n il ol d desirous iIimUi, I,,,', ; he. I call-. , suite 111. se powers, adililttllla and ree.,,.. 1 io.i..,fr, nlroni in. uni.utul postiion u ln. h it Ion- liken, thai Irani. i!,. rij(lit to i!t an lo p. r..r, oil Hi, r.t ot th. ir el i. rt aliens are. OH' HI li out., ami ,r-.eti, ai'v wili.oul result. Il was :ie tl u I. linivi r, not l.'ialh.w tl , tl,. tri, it a to p,,,, willi.,,,1 r, , (I,,,,, t , , n ,h,. , if patriotism, nt Irnlli, am! .. ti.ry let-line nf na. tieti...,? r. sl-i f.r, tit. li, as i ,,ie i re. tne re. . -I il..i-lniiriit ,,l ll- hnipir, , ,1 il 'lot t.,r l stain ,,, ('rani, .an l- trn, I pro " first, a is I'fai...-, and . ti-vsl,, ri- br will W ii'I ! ri(teil; and Ih. n li o ien powers, ru n w ho. making r. s- ri s. ,iit no s.i.i,ili( resttit., thr O.pirc villiiot.t tl.rl'a nlly, st.i(.-llii t t. i.l, in s. i tini or.:, r I.. Krat.. .- to an i otltiriej., I.,.,..-.., a.,.'- ie mi, win inns is ro i.i an r.tire CI'iAXI. L I m ; !; tip OMi FELLOWS, 'ct..' it, . i :o: uraii'i t.oii'e ol t ie 1m , r.ri.. , ,,i Order int t in "I'' at. r I. at : I. anv pre ,f Odd Fellows u( I thi town on Wedmsdav a-t. tiumticr i f dele .'Me- f:o ttetidam irdi dt's, was in than on le.US 'ii ra ion. ! , are ph "i-cd to b arn from v arioits -s that the j r '.-r.'ss ,,f the Order, in I tate, iliirinf the pa,-t teat, has led ! ii ri this ice II at i.t Ait f th mart' 1 by Ui.lii uliii s or tlismrrtc. ,-tii.j: up the .-t ti, i annual K.-turiis tiordiiiatt: le,.I - uf the Si-.i,. tl.. ie appear to he llilio euntributin mciu I -CM within the jurivlictiuu of th-. (fraud l.od ie. Huriiii.' the period between the 1st l.'ai.uary and dl-t ). cemht r, 1 ."il , th. re , have been :I7? I niti.itiuiis, . !, j,., twui', i M.T Admitted by card, I j7 Withdrawn by ar I, 7 Ib iu.-tat. d .'i Suspended ."i7 Ex". polled, li Ileecascd. The r. have !. ecu ret l ived for Initiations. 1,'Joii "in ; for Hue-, sii,l7. IdJ. Amotint j received for W idow- or Orphan's Fund, j ''' '''- Amom t receive! f,,r Edue.i- I''""11. f '''he whole amount of I.e. Velille, Si ,'.'l filL Allioiint upon which ! p'-r to titiif is to be paid, I '.',0(1.-1 yif; I mid the niuoiint tine the (j rami Lod jrc there i on, frl . J-'U :J. I There have been expended for the fh !i, f of lirothers, SI, l(i:t :i; f,,r bryi:,- the tlian, i(ii .1.1$; forth,. Education of Or phans. fl;ii; nn.I for the li. Ii, f ..f i-lw ,l Families, PM.-.7 7.".. Total amount ,,i for K' lief, 8.',ali7 fs. The followi,,.; Officer.) have been elected for the ensuino y.tar, am! iu-talled I', (i, Varr.n V,,is,,u , of (., y. ttei ill, , (;. ter. " la W.J, in, s, of I'lymoiilh, l. (J. " A. Paul l!i iin,n, uf Wiimmr'toii, Crand Ser. " .. M ,,i,r,lM ' "f ;. Treasurer. ' ft t r 'I hurst. ,n. .a i;r,-ru!u.r..i i: vta..t.... Iter I,. M.i l, , f I,',, limnnd Co., (Jrniol r'sntl.tive tiictJrand l.,,,,,. f ,(,,. If. r. Ma olm f.. I)oii:,,iss, of (i, luiioud Co., (,,,ii,.l I 1. .... I ho Craiid Ma-ter made the f.,II,,uit, ,.' poll, tin. .its: I', (j., K. W. Kin-, of Kinstoii, iraud (iuardian. " ..mi. A. W, irinaii of Salisbury, (irond Conductor -W. Jl ri!,l. U'Al.l, STItEKT. The New Yolk Journal of Coiiiim it e says (he money (.' ,.t waa aitive in a variety of wvs i,,l il... u.n stre. - t brokers had not be, i, so nr. .fit s,t!l i mployed for many years. The investments and sp. eiihitiouH on stocks, hondu and real estate, on the part of private capitalists, na tive jiimJ foreign, R.a t a very larpe amount. 1 1.- Mipply of capital Wa, very abundant, and ut easy rate of inUirent. A very Ntrinpe nt hill ainiiiHt free neprocn has been n ported in the Virginia Ifceislature. THE TlU'K'i'OLICY. "X,' of the Jhiltiinoro. Sun nays: " new inpcr culled thu ' Cotton Plant,' niatle it.s niii:oriiicu hero in Washini.t,,,, a I , . t a;......i i,..., I.. i'.. . ..... ' ' III 'tl'lltl lij biuuv, fii iitii in. iu, I . . . . . 1'U'lllluru iiuti mi i'i'T'" ""'".,.' The paper promises to do a great deal uf ' boou I'V sjircll il Hiy llilorinatioii, and Jiroini t. . A " i ,.r s!, . iii the development of Southern rpsourcen. Jf the South feel really jealous or alarm,.,! Lat the tiryirress of thu North, let ht r imi. , , :.t r ., i.tioiw and li'liOI'U at i. olll- niittecH of colivciitloliH me li tuetlit .s f,,r , v. hiitistcd fields nml purfci", ami that forlui,, , lire to be made by agitating political tpn .. tions, l,t the Smith, pcm-rally, iiiiit:l tho ( .xampb' of Maryland ( !cori;i:i, and wii), the jiosises.-ion of it al. power, political iidhj. enct: will follow as a matter of course." That is (suys an t-xcliutiA paper) thetra,. doctrine. Our only wonder is that it ha let lotij; sioro bet n Jeted uion by the South So long as the South voluntarily cohtinu. , her t oiiniieia ial and lnaiiiifacturing ih j,. tc deticu upon the North, no lotioer her tieht will be cjpnseil to nori .ssioii, and she will he herself responsible for the ultimate over throw of lur iu. dilutions. The Yankee Could dispense with the luxury of tea f.-r the sake of independence. Cannot t!.. South relinquish the use of Northern pr , dwtiffirm vfii if they nre better a yrr-cf than her own industry, till by the em ou. mui' iheiit of her own industry .-he piodi.ii. articles citially ns pond, and w hat is Li lt- r, secures ht r independence T CI UE FOU IEA FX ESS. Mr. S. V. .Kwit;, wtitiiio tu the IS, t i, Cultivator, says: At ab nit three year, i atre, a dailj.'hter i f the Hon. Panit I lia! : win, of Moiilpcli.r, Ijccuiiic Very deaf ;.i both ears. In conversation it was quite .!:. ficult to make her hear, and sho coi.tinui 1 in this wretched ct:tc until about t iehli . a years of ape, when an Indian It,-., t ,r ( haneed to see In-r, who tol l the mother Mrs. IS,, that the oil uf oiii"ii and to! ai , Would cure her if prepared at filhuvH : L, vide an onion, and from the centre tale -.t a piece the size of a colnui'iit waluuf . t..l this cavity with afresh quid of lobaci ,., and bind the onion fit tin r ill its uti.,1 shape : roast il, then trim off the of r part until you eoluv to that portion liel,t! v colored or penetrated by the tobacco; uri-ii Up the balance of the tobat e.j ; put it iu! . a final. 1 liree urii of tins oil, Mr.-. I- I ""t-'TIUvrt me, fbe lroM-l into the car :tl ter In r daliolitcr had retired I i bed wl.i, 'a ! immediately jravc htr colisidcratlg j.-in. i '' - ' , i "'r u.iwevt r. Iter licarmj liccauii- sr. . x- ' trt Hit !y ilelieatf and .sensitive, that si n j suffi rt tl by the muiid aud U'Im- ill coifcll. ... I col(,m - This; -he coot! overcome, I i - , . it ! T m"Te tlian tUrve J'1'" I' hfn.'. I ! been entirely restored, to the pre at j". ' of her tiarctifs ard fricntls ! Ifavinjr i.i , n acnaintcd with the familv far i.i.inv v. ,r. ! , ' uiimrmotiii aim jrraun in-, I '"at I cannot in jtiatiee to the allln ti tl, n 1 fiaiu from making thht Mlnplo nd cffci tu i! ! r,.,,tT f.jr dl-afll-sl ktlOWfl. J . IX A niHMCAMK.vr. li.e of the int oiivcinenc- muss in ou cily, ami r.sidni; i,-r river another, was expt-rit tied by the citizens of I',ro"klui. X'e York, (.n Tu day. The pilot on thu fcrrv beats ruio,. fr. ..., !. . . 1. v " l. I ii'( airu i '" higher V . 'I lie s. en. - swk if tin: river were jtatd t) In vet y aiiiiisii. ; some had n.,1 iottht ir market mi; ier.i-s tiie rinr, .me w.-re aitjiou to iii. et thi ir wives, many bad appointment-, and only a few minute... to fulfil them, whi. h of course were broken, ami mmo ..r. tires. id f.r the Lind Conecrt, but ,..i;!d 1; pet within a mile of th Concert r'xuii Hiiro was In ut h shearing, a preat (Kail of, mixed up whh th auiuseiuciil, hut thu pil 'ts kept t'ooL ami pained ih. ir d. iiiaiids, at b a-t tnmt. uf them did. Iu "iliic of the eoinp.mies, the officer, gate It i p. rs, and, turned pit. Us, 'and sina-hiiii' w. k some uf ih.-m i.,,l.. f ,i 1 he is i,t yet entirely Settled, and A j a IlrfH.klvnitf who Martoiitiii flie niontin.' f.r Nov Yolk docs lei ku.,w wh.iliir I., ' will dine with hi., fi llltltV i'i tl ie ait' I BtwIi. MI!S. WELLY. 'I ho Loui-ville louriial, in the cntir.. of an elo,ptetit ii ttii i. of the death of this lady, says : " Mr W'olhy was a woman of true L" niin. Indeed we never kii. w i,e to whom nature had ben more partial in (!. irift of .-..injr. t a very early period of her lift a period when the mind is pa n... rally very urt sl. produced popn, that have every where been received with deliiM, and which will rievcr fade frotu iiir country" literature, it i now about fiftc, n V. nrs since the pul. lie first became acquaint -ed with her miine and her productions (,r ' the coluiiiiia of this paper, l'.tcm Pillowed poem in bright iieees,j,ini , a. h one tcc:,iiri with fresh vild thouohts expre-ei in veis of the iiifi-t ih liei'iiH harimuiy. These p,,. cms 1'iiiiu ft iin the heart of tin- pitted pirl and wrre all very beautiful and so perfect, indeed, that th. y have scarcely berU cqnalled l,y (he pro.flH'tioIti of any other American poetess. A Simo k Act,, hit m.t i;a. ti.v in- Tt'.M.fli. A lloitian Catholic Fiit-t .,,,. time since, iu Ccrmany, e,n cut. ri tlm t,,,l pil, took a valiiutinto'it. He told hi. hear ers Ihs.t the --hell wasta-telea,- ami valtiehss Li.i was Call ii,' church. The skin wis naii-t oils, dj-aprc. able, and worthless that was the Lutheran chui.-h. lie then sai l that he would show (hn,, lU JJ.;V .'post., lie church. He cr.ickc.I t,e iu,t, H,l found it rotten. ('un iiintii .YU;,yf, (. COTTON IX CI'BA. prent futility f the- aoil of Cuhn, ndapliilion f.r the growth of the The and its n cotton plant, may be cath. rt .1 f...... (I... f.,!- -' r. - lowin- it. in, widt h appear. al in the column, of the (,'iitilu ilr Jliil.ittitt of llu. f.'illi in-laiit : " A MiiN'KTf.ll liu!.!, r C..TTi-t. Vie have now hi,,-- nil mlr ,.,;., U,t, , hupe boll of cotton, mcasnrilij' six ini hi s in lunptli, and cihi inches in ilium, ter. It is n samplt: frmu the cuffec c.-t,ito i ed , Cniri iit and situated in San Antonio dc lm l!alio. The texture is of the nml softest ilinra.f r aud admirally suited t l manufiif ture." Cir Mr. Clay', physician and friend, !. .fiiekh'.ti, has returned to Fhiladclphia, iu dulpili no hope of ,is retovi l v ; LlU ro n.uit'1 ( h . eaHi desth in, t i'"l' ..

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