3IU.-CLAY. Tlie VasliinL'tou corrt-Hjionili'iit of tlio N. Ksprt'M under (Into of April 'iH, tlm r, f, rsto tlio character anil condition of Mr. i'l..v : 1 h't.1,1 not think tho worlJ has prodm-cd lilt one Wnsliiiutmi. Hi! was tlio great rl r '.tii'iiu of the wholu civilised world, ami , ii h was the judgment of l''diTivk tho 1 r .,..,( ill' Niipolcon uliu of the most ri" vn- j.,1 iiicu of the hut century, a Mr. Clay it ,, mi', u ns j.rt'-eiuiiiciitly tho mau of ,!. jirt'iit century. It U to-day, the il ,n 'ht of Mr- Clay, uiid one to which he ".' r . r. ... ... .,. I J .i. i,i,,nh. '1 Lave neither tiowi-r lior S nlinr, iiifl.ieiitial nor patrimony, inheritance I ii r titlei! and yet im man has Hiieh friends ' ,t. lave,' nre words often upon his lips. ' Tli. ru is coimUtit proof of tlii i'ri:rjilel.i in I tin' utU'iilion of the troops of friends anxious I (, rv him. la'ile 'iindnees, drlieately ., pour ill upon him, winclmics hy j .ju, ni li' S, iinruins and anxieties to nerve i 1 lin b.jiiittinif.s in the presence of lluse, I ' ' . ... .. e . . ! f ' . 1 . ...I ,,iiil Mien are uii.'ii i.'iiiai.' uh'iius, vtiiu- ' viiip-tthies nre pained to wm; .Mr. Clay snf f'r a- he does from the want of ijuict nh cp, lii.l from that death-like nd toituiiu;; ( , uli, from w hich for months he has Mifler ,.1 so iiiu li, and for which ho reeevives no r !i. f. The cnitrut of a year to lnu was most I linl'iil, and Mr. Clay looks phjieally, only liki' the wreck of the man lie was. There is hardly f-trentli enough in bin lauds to r iiv.'V htoi to his mouth, uiid he is helcd I I an ! from his Li d like a fi chle child. ( ri-i very late and as lg; told me, has jut kriottu for a lot.;.' tuuu what it wan to ' i hjoy an hour of .Wot, refreshing.', natural I i p. Hut like an old tWit oak, beautiful j, mii in its di-.ay, Mr. Clay htill survives 1 , . I , - Iii 1 - i t .-. the marks of past stri njr.lli, and ij ii ' iit power. The lustre of his eves i. j iiiiliiuiiied. lie rieerl and knows hi,. nciida. 1 liC'Ta'T" ol Lis liands is as Ii r- , 'it, i anient and kindly iniprcsivj as ever ;is. His Voice eoutiuui'S v be all swect - :ih'l melody, except when its t ilics are i .' d by that bodily weakness which make liaful for him to .pi al', and it is al " very painful for him to -p. ak l oi. .t tin1 reat-t blessing which 'iol vouch to a dyin.' man is Lis. He has that : t- nf milnl which the worl I call millu r . nor take ttway, and an intrlb it.as nn- idud ll ill the t!av of its JilCateat bril lacv. Mo.-t of his thouuhu are (b:i.ted t that ihuiu:e of i-xisU'iice from which none f ns are cxpinpt, ami that change may ! i.,e iii an hour or a d.iy, or it may be : ! I till the Hriiijf or the suininer ,,i r- fade and die. In the mean time, l;ty is Jraiiiuii!v pri p.ired fir the 1 1, iif'iT hrneVer he t 'lees mi ) he re I sr!;- of l.ii de:ith in a eoiiCdiu", (.'hri-tiau i.'t, that though 'it luay be pu-uiiipti .11 j I iin 1 1 y !, he 1juL forward to lhe rid Lejioud I 'in (:ravi iih failU in t,d, ;nl tru-l in bet'.T life. He i a no nit er 1 ivimiiiui ii ni . of the Kpi-cop;il Church, !! .mi 'ii the ft w book-- in Li r)ia lhe :l tj jJ Qccupka the n. jit t'OUi-icU-JU M ITI.NtJ sla i; :a.-i; TI1K IT i;i- I ' Till; KH.I.KI-. I J A:. :i r tl;.. ease, that will pr.vc a mo t i- nt.il bitter coiiU ution and trouhlr J '".'U J' lios) h uma aiet Marvl ui"!, - I rr. I Apnl '.'."ill. at Columbia. I't-infylvB- I . li uppe.rs tl, it jfTieers Iti l.'ely ari l of Hahiui ire n.-coiiii, aiii.-d bv an r fr uu ll.irri'bure;. pr nceiled to Co .' u to nrri-t an alien. ,1 fugitive slave 1. 1 Smith, who had bu n Ji . iin ther, u-ar as a free man. Having ei-d lb. y err .ii.tiit starlii.2 with hitij.f r., : : i-lmrf. when a crowd "f biacls ",ir .1. ! d them, nlid lhe fiiyitiye lenewd bi.i rt to escape. In order to il. timid :i U s tho crowd by whieh they r - njrrittiidiMl, lhe efTiei lr. sv tin a 1 ' when fhe furtive f I'idil y's fin- it.t 1 his mouth an.' lit it wvcrcly. Suf- i'.' from the piu, aid ill the exeilemeiit 41 He- llnilni lit, the pi-t'd ill Kitle, Iv's other l 'rl w either areidi :.' ull y or int. nti itml- I lired, and the ball cnt'-iin tin body f 1 fugitive, he f, l, and ,-bortly nil-r i x- f 1. Ilid't ly !M cei ded in makilii; his 4 -ipe.aml, travelling nil ni-ht. .,- d the aa . 1:. 1 1 . .. . m nn", ami reach, a 1 n : t , 1 1 . . r , t'.i- neirii- He hj'1, of t our.-be d mauleil bv ' , it ri.or . of I'eHi.svh ania. but it i Jii'tful whither l.overi.or l,w" will five ip fir trial, in v.-iw of r,,-, 1,1 , , t.t' 1 rl 4 VALLISTKIIS MACIC JluTTLK A men SCKN'K. fi w r rnitigs ,., while thin ni'ioiii ' ' -I M.yird as p, rf , i.nii l,i, jrcat 1 f ..t, and nearly the entire audience '.in common parlance, "taken a drink. " l.',it,.i ft"n of Tempi ranee nt h iieth 1 -ut, "Mr. Miu'i i-iii, that bottle ,.f r- i ' ,,u,. 0f -,.,u' tM,-ft l,u j .4 uil uli one on have given nut all kinds ,d li ami cordials, to th ,-e who like them here are a few who ' don't drink;' - e y,,,ir Mau- Mm.k !" A hmd laii 1i d this rf,iie-(., M.ii allister quietly 'I. ''I' il named on the pioL,-,iiiiiiie . -ui I the individual, "but if you can Jt .r- i 'l H -, , J -I. bit ! .. i one thin, why im t another ?" Hell." Miiid the wir.ird. " eive u.e a A cl ass -was procured, and lo ! the bottle flowed It strenui of Milk, and sr, t ! " Thi." uiid the niz.-ird 1 f I r the Wi'.v. and nmr sir. I iiil rive i. '. Iimxr,,,,, ,l,nik." ,S tumbler Was 4 led th., ieiitlemnii, and M aeslli-ter im w 1 "' !y lilled it with So -I.i, it ni.peared. i"k .pa. k," mid be, "while it fuams ; '"ryii it is frooil fur yen'." The , iu. '" inan drank it piiekly off, and then 'osjit Sii, aputter, While his fain IX- d erent ilivii t. At leii-th, alt.r "i-', and con;;;iii!( aVihilc, he eM laimed ''" a pai,,,, owi;i( ,)(, ,1,., j W:1B " II. ut? Why, it wss e-iiiil, I'm aid Macallis'ter: " (;,l .' Y ,u ' '.i vi It ut jou've (riven lue, ymrsclf. ' i. snru it is jiiiisriit f" "(Ih, no!" l!m toivnril 1 I.i . 1. 1.. il... 1 mm if fu.... w ; . m... . h .4 .., -,.. i i-.i,i.s, I lie f'-ii.js ,11 H(l I. r tl, .. f ..ii.. i.l-.. i ,: .." ,.ii-,in y iin e.M'iii iiiiiniii, mi, v !' lliiaiflued, than desi rihed. ll'MOrilill;,, l,y , ,,), ,.),,. ni i.ni,i,);, ,J J -'c of .Mm. DaiiinI Hart, W l.ioiiht c m raj;,. ,,f ,s.(:n. (I ., ,fl,,t.,it Kill 'I tu pil'lij. Inmsi., rt. TVHllts, P't'iil woman troiiL'ht 8-iMI. 'hm It i!ul Xriis. jjf ' '( it Hat,-.! Ilint ahln.agl. tin- (Vjk C'''1;''1' 's ' ri'ii.ovoil from its prcoi'ht I J" '"Ji"'oii, private f.M't iilaton nre r.'tt r m M.ri.l.M. u i i. . . . j i ,i, nn, i i'-i'rm ii in u urip' . i ii,,., M f,m, coiivcriii'iit J la. c, in ar ' 'u t of fl,,' THE ADMINISTRATION' AND GEN'K UAL SOOTT. In his lato epecch in the Senate, Mr. Maiigum said : " I admit that Gen. Scott 1ms been some what crippled and damaged ut the South nnd I nay it with all due re.-peet :hy tins devi lopmeiit of u premutiire, and, as 1 havu thought, Honiewhat ahr-md umbition of tho. present ' powers that be.' They luivfi en-. davorcd to ally him with l'ree-Soil and Abolition inllueiiees : and the u.icmn iu Hlinets of fear have brought the ever watch ful Democracy into harmoiiious'co-opi ratioii with the 1 powers that be ' on this point." Is there any earthly grounds for Hindi (barges as these against the administration? Is there any reason in theni ? If Millard I'illinore is to be given up by the South for standing up for its eaut-'e, w ill the South dis miss him with Hueli a brand us this? Will it ai euse him of j'liiiuil it, ninl ulisitnl tm- ( mil! wis eiuure lo say mat llierc IS i , - ii- i . ,1 . I not one man, with lirams ana a heart, in every hundred thousand of the Southern population, whose koiiI doi-s not revolt at tin; bare thought of such n char;'e. Suppose a man has rescued your house from lliiiiit s and priTcrved your family and foods from dc.-truetioii ,1 1 you could make him no other r turn at len"t thank him- for his kindness. You w ould be grateful to h'uii all your lite, i ou wouui not dismiss nun, ui...r, j T...V. .............. ......... . wv ., vvnu me rxciaiiiiui'tii- i ou are a bciumi . . 11 " ' " ' and tho sooner you take yourself out et inv J sieht the better. ' Srl ,. ., . , , . , , lhe "powers th.lt be have developed ., ' 1, ,1 1 , , . no o premature or " al.soril ntul.itioii. Millard r,llm.,re has riodlv ndh.Te.l t., t he e ,,i .-I ,t; .1 , , , , c 1;" ., r,.,;, : ... , , ,1,, ii... lmiili.s if hi'' 1,1 hi Vn M..-U ' tn-, .nut, liil lit s-, it Ii l to ins uivn in li- liati , w.mM relieve lorn-. It at ,.i,ee ,. tl, ; ri-riioii.-ihiliti' f a thank!e-s olliee. lint,' if be hail umbitfili, it would not he v'siifl. , lie has pro 1 himself c,,able of conduvt-' the n.ua lit with i-u Ci si, in the in-t truiii; iieriod of its liitory. 11 llot w lei ! has curried a hhiii throned, a d hi r -'ii ell. 'I anncl, is not too assuming sh mid In: cnU int i his w in IBM n ut once more to lake the wheel hands. Ambition is only absurd a-mres to a sphere ot m-tim t r v liieii u i .,. ,--. .r is neither fitted bv abilities in.r i Xp liehce. j The "powers that be" have "'', as ii lmr'ed bv Mr. Maneiim, " i-i.denvored ti ! ally (Jen. Scott with l-'rcc-Soil and Abolition iiifluciieei." The damapu Scott has siilTered from thii which ( " r:l1 t-ral j supi red ftlli- I aiieu has ari-cn fi'i ii. the fart tl Whilst he , a . . t, I ,s warmly suor ed by all die '', '! ! rnals ol the North, headed by V, in. 1 1. I - l-nirna ewiir-I, ! p i-item he Joes not write an mow of niM.iii the' ('niiitiriiiiii-f. Fur oiir- ulii", Ve ilo le.t dollbt Ills l-at ri"tlslll or ' i , vr-r'h. H'lt the only injury he has suffered , in the Knit!) has resulted from his own si I lei.ee. and not fi vin aTiv art of the ''pow rs ' that be.'' i.i;rn;i; i um nuMK. Mr. Weed, in his la-t K It, r f.oin lbme, nillioiuice- that he had ju-t bet n presented ty the lV'l"-. We nu de : "III the nflerlii. .11 ,.f Siitiil.'iv 1 f.re- Ml.ted ,v Mr. C to hi- II- on,,--. We lit 1 app.iii.tmeiit at l o'eluek. Mr". Mnldblon, ol 'South Criiiina, Mr". Kutlier f'r,l,of NVvr .)er-cy, and li.-i:. Stu:irt, 'f H.ihiaiore, vicre pr sei.ted at the same time. Mr. Middlutuli in the uauf.'I.UT f a Human odieer. who died recent! v, nr.d who was fc n I 'll-.' time ti ivcrn r , f the Cast!., of St. 1 Ai.p 1 j. She had a p, titi',11 t- pi, :: t, :i-k-in,' f "T the cuiitiiiUiitioti "f a n ii. i.il. to In r u.itl.cr. I hi j lei ( a emu r:-;it i in whieh .li-pli.ved the I 'ope ill fill hi' beiiev-ili 'iee of iieart. I was "ratified with lhe , tu- ' nity thus nift-rid I, see hit line, afn.-iu' 1 com. telialice lighted up, and t 1 hear him "peakimz the lati'in:'" f kindness ami af fection whi'h have charaet' riii d his ttl,,1.. life. , " Mr. Cass i..ld in- thatMr.. 11. ed.ol It.d- tiiiiiirt weeks , h .!!I a'o, in' h" rim t in pre-eiit tc or t'ir J tlin l'.'pe that she ti 3 .-1.U1 !. ileal lv filii-1. a warm i : . t in In r ii iti i t it , Hie! a i.nl of 1,1-n-adi ,,in a pi, toi 'J hil l i ijlle-t w a: ilit- ed, a vahia,.! j -uouti .;o. s 10 llilil Ulnre. "There wns an tUijd -a -ant nentirrr front - f St. IMerV Vvstinlay. Pup,' wa- about to pronounce tin- In li'in, a 1'ri m li ( .hei r ordered Mr. .In New V-rk, t , take off bii bat. Mr. refused, and the officer kn k.-d it . t.ee in nil the ( nedie I, s, of .L.II, -a .!!, f .r wliicli m Mruck tl.r t.fla-, r v, ith ruin., 'l'lu' 'iflifiT .truek bat k villi hi- hjril. rut I in; Mr, J. lilitly in tin' hutifl, w!m rr ttirnril ainilnr ! !w with hi-. -;nu. 1) thi time' h tilu li iu vhnrv by in- rain.-'I t . .risi.ii. Iiji t' Mr. Cus, uur M ini -n went t i lint l.titlioiitii'.- ruuiliuii H us tiiK.ru r, w I. 1 iniii."ili.it, lv : , 1.1. '1 nl'tnr t tvo or , thr- ttrs iv jir inuri"! ri'lrasr. I SlIAMKII I. V.'VsTK I'F 11 1.1 le M. NI.V. lii fi'l'i' am! al 111 in tl.n i:l. , tini, s:u s tlio I I.i H 1 1111 ,r i- I 'lij.j it, in. Mil.ji , t is nn rt in tin' iiniiitlis nf nrat irs n 11 1 cliM-tieiiiTii rs, tlian tin Mi In tint i 111 e.f "u ,-, t, f'ul 1 . 1 in! it m i s j cf ihi' 1 ti 1 1 i - m 'in ," liy tliis I'titty ami by ! I ll.ut puity ; Lui in, .s,i..m r ai'..- tin's., v. ry j j Mii.tn j.'( Iitl,'t.iru stiii-jlv I, ill. t' il ami sr.-.tcl I ill tlm Ii al Ih nf lnL'isli.tinii, tlian all t lui r j I il, ili.','S of I'i forill ill tills illl.iilt:,lit UiattlT, j i nre most iiiiiii'ciiiintiililv Laiiish, .1 I'l 'iu tlu ir; r, , oil, , lions. Our alii nti -it lias In , ii 1, il i to tliis sii,j, , t nt th,- iiii-si'iit finin rnailiiij an it rt i le in tlm l.i-t Iilimln-r of tins North j Aiiiiriiitn, liitl. a- i its that tin' c"-t of I lie ' ' ir,'s('lt Se- .ion of ( 'otl'l'l'ssl ttj' t ) tills till,!', : I ("T tin' jay of liiniiiin r-i ami tin.' orilitiaiy ' ( iht llsi'.s iliri,ll,'llt tothntwo I lollsis, js fully i liulf n million of ilolliin lias lu'in litiTiill v sinian . This, Inri1 Mini h rml iii niiprolila- ' I'!'.' .lis, s.-ii.t uiihoiit i'vt'11 tlm M'ltil'laiii'o of coii-iili'ra:i,'ii of tho nii at National intnr- ! csts.. - i ii to this .lay, th,' I'li -iili'iit's .ilns.s.in,. ii,, th,. 1,,'j.orts if!r ii"t Icon r,' frrrntl t'j the aj'l'roiiriiilo roiiitnil!, , TfcXA Nt:v-i. The ( i.ih'i'st.'ii N'owi s.iju ('arvnjal aivl many uf hii folli.wcr.s nn' nr.w in ('ni jilt.-i Cl.ri-ti, mi l intrinl mioii to mala' another rli'h.oiistiatioii on tlm Mixicm fimi li. r. Th.' Hi,, llr.ivo fays tint rainiim ln-.-s arc .l. va-latiiif; thu llio (iramli) cotmtrv, I'V frightful iinii 'liTs ami cmixtiiiit rul.bi'ric. l!"th thu Mnxii an and American ..ii!.'i t iti are, in many iiistanece, wh1111J01.ini; tin ir houses unil . kinix .safety hy- living indi .Mexieri. A Mr. l'att"H, oiii! of a jfiliiril e.s( ort iiifr the Sherill of Star futility,' Lav in; fnlli'ii l eliiml the i:iity mIuii neiir thu liio (irnmle, was nttaeki 1 hy four Mviivuim and kille.l. Three of the intaileicrs o caj'eil ; ti e i ll i-r at r. -1. QUKKR HEADING. D-sny ! Do you believe in the Knotehcs- j ter Koekers? Do you lovo figs' peat? Do you lovo tains' lungs! Do you live near the tiliotteeary's pop! Did you ever ride in a waggage baggon ! Ye-e-s ! Was you ever shocked by tv bal vanio pattery ;. (lid you hear Wanicl Dc h hter's late Hpecch in youreity; did you ever eo a rteampoat bile her buster; did you ever drink a seottle of boeh ale and oh speak ! do you always vote the tig whieket ? It is stated that I'itz Henry Warren, As sistant Postmaster General has resiirued. F.A I) Kit ! rAUSK:! Have you pain in Ih'j right iiJe, nd (orencm upon touch, jurt under the tlinrt r ilia ? Have you i n iit.it it y lo lio upon tha lofl iiloor if Lt !' ablu la do so, I live you not a ilr.ii'rriiiff Hfiiiiiilinn nrorluncd. which nrioutl V to - - tt r-.. , , a1r..ciB your breatliinir. causins a irouhlcmme dry your brefitfiing, cmisinif a, troublecoine dry cojgh ? I ytur tunjiuo coated ? Ilavo yuti an arid Htomuch, deficiency of erjnratiunt aiwJ bonio. iriit b a Rympatlmtic puin in the eliuulder (cither right or lull) with dioiliun to fileep mid fiiierut d( rrhion ofapirtls ? These nre ayrnptoini of Vv. tr Coinjilu nl and if nut attended lo, and promptly checked, will eventually lermiiiata in conficiiied Consumption! the mott baneful of all diHoasf. Are you IrouMcd wilh naugrn, let vf Appetite, dtigutt fur juodi icur, ltt,t a jrpittvrj nVl,ruu, , juinrt, yragtt in the atomach, uniting or jlul. t.rtwn I i, m r.ti f ikm Stlntnnt-k mrur ruirl.ilittiiM. . . conncclod with cold feel, pain or y,k. 1 , , ., , , , ,, . i li'r I throw'h the lull, Hamming 0 the krad, lui. I , , , , , . , . v 1 dm flushet of hrat, tc , with an aculu Aturalaic 1 ' . , , c .,, pain al.out the hi, very often untlaken lur I. le u. 1' ' ' I "",i,,n T "av yoo any j-elluwnr.a 0f lhe km and :? IIivo ia a fiutttiing ut the hrari; a tente ofthokmg trhem yne f ; cob vtb f.tUng about - J .,. ' "J" " ' imagimngt rei and great utpntnnn .! ? la your nulso quick aim lUong, anu jour cuuinen- P-le od d .tre.aod ? The .,. .on., of the wioal prominent rymptom. of Ind.gcalion and Dj. prp.ia II you have any, or mosi ol lit. ion-going eyniptornf, you ihculd al once aot k relief. All dulaya r.ro danftroui. bul nioat of ell, that which rridan. (;trs hnrnan 1 1 le. Tl.e old ad.igo 'an ounce of pre. venlion i worth a pound of euro" ia mot true in ila .pphcitmn hrrc. Wo ahould at once apply a rem, dy lo II, o di ease. I ho Wild Cherry Trte I! k io.iic ('!. ;.eior and rp-rjic in. tiuci.ca upon ll.o Liver and other impoilant orgiiiii of the hody, restoring their natural actum and there. ! hy ralahlohinff that iusl equilibrium in all ti e f otic. i;,..fil,.,i ..!,-l. tfaiimMt'iiH l,..lil. .... , .. , r- ,i . j i u mil, rntisi irriain anu agrceaum niiii iui uie SfllKll.iBirAl'UII Ol litis ILIIIGU IB, oil,u .1 s II. I'ol'M) WILD CHLKIIY TUMC M. AL. ., , adiniuisirat.on of Ihi. remedy i, SILL'S ( OM, 1 I li AN T, whic'i laki connexion Hith tin 11 certi. lv ini fttTec 'i-, taMe Aiit. tjilioui P At . I tujry prrvrni anu eurcoi. i-j,ri .-i .'.pp.ia, in- i ... . I.. i . f I , :.. I . dlj.'alicn, FUlultney, Livrr ('oii.phiut, J&unditu, Nervouin's, Genera! Uebiiity, Ftver and Ague lnteriiiitUiit I'i.ver, Stc. 4c, and will a!ao be found I l.tjliljr hemficial .n i'erofula, litfiipirnt CotiBunin. lion, (iout, Itfieumatiinn, Aiiictinorhaii, Chronic fly, ntery, Uiarrlnra, Ac. Pfj drwd and o!d. o!c'y hy the iubscribcr ill Charlotte, N C. Price c. titH Hr bottle. LUWAKU MLL, Ja., D,u;giH. ANoTHKR PClKNTIt lf WCNPLR : IM. I'UK I ANT TOUYSI'LI'Tli S.-Dr.-J.H. tlougli. t-in'r, l'i.I's N, Ttie trur leg.'livL' Flonl, ir (ij. lrn Jut, r,tirennd limn li l..v .N in ,ur lhe M'l K'l'f I S I'll MAI II UK T'llK tX. aftn direttlona of Ba rm I I MiM;, (he prral I'liVfi'dngieal (. hernial, by J. S. II Jl l.ll Tu, M. U.,'philaaelphia. Tin. ,5 tru'y a wonurrful rcu.rdy lr I N UI(. I'-s'l lUS, li ILI'I .JAC.NUH K.LH Lli COM PLAINT I ii.NS'l IPA'I lu.N and I'l.lll M TV, cuiihk a!t,r N i 11 rf'i o 11 M- 1'ioJ. Ly Nature's um n A jje. t, llio (,AS'I lil(' Jl It K. i'auipiilfia, to.itai.itn S, ieri rii.' Lvnii iiie u( tt vaiur, lurnishtd by li.e AientV Ifrai..". s,c i.uu.e auioi g the u.ttlioa! advtrUfu nieuiF. 111 MlLnMlL. Marr.od, near Charioli. al S o'clock, on Toes day niornin;. 111. I'tib inmi.l, at I he rcuilcnrii of Mr I ... I, ye. lo Alviandcr. by th. Ref Mr. Lall'urtv, "f Siiil.t Crri k congrr it 'on, I.r. Til ' I VI A S j.. JIINS(., to Mm DOuCAS A. Ll'tKF.V, oil of Mti U'criburj county. ib had (its rxtroma fultcty of bcinj pr'-s.:;,t, and ttncnuig this, one of tl.e ni(.st a iiiui, vcl oae f.f tha .ii, ni p'l-asinj aconr-s on c,irth ; and fr 111. eonfo.aluin of our young fr.cni-'f, we will add: Tho'tgli fniilf apnrn ILmn'. gfltitlc pjm-cri,. Wo, who in.priiv,, lui golden hours, P.y rwei'l riperiencff kno 1'nitl nrirr-a, .ijhtly u.nlrftood, (.iva to tha Inrienr and the (ri. id, 'A I'.radia. blo ." I'.J.tor of A' C. lV4i;. M.,rrin!. m Charleston, on thp ITth rn-t . hy Iha 11. v. P. (J'Nea1, F II. M AX IV I-I.L. Ff., of M.ck- Ifiibur county. N I" , i . IIONOKI A. dmh li of the l.ile J jrmiii th U'Br an, of Ciiarle-lo-i. i.irrud, on th 11th imttn!, l v ih litv U I' ichiiin, J t 1 1 N N.ni( Kq , i f Ininn conn lv. N (' , to Mifg M AUY A , dai g itur o( Co,. T W, lln-y, ot L411 aitir D.sinct, ..C In Una paev. on ll.n lMh in.lnnt, WILLI AM, infant a,,n f t'. Ilavid.un, Kf , aged ahuut I i i.ioittlia. ('. OYE UMAX. C0ACHMAKER MMH', ek'l-ill'1 0.i' -mm . V1 1 1 1 ? CSlCril 1 lailk KOaI. ! f ETIIH itulf fibom of (bo Western Pianli Itnnd j JL t otupanv art' hrrrby n tifud to pav lhe thud J intiilnii iit of Five IVtHar, prr b:trr, ol tbotr t-lork, , to tbp 'J'f t aurr r, 1m f bt loro the fi-at of Jtilv, iNi'J, I Thr subsiinbf rs in Ab cklpnlair j r-tiurity, will make i p i y Iimm il t 1 II II. William, Km , atl lur'nttc: nH 1 I lit: pnlir-i'nttTM hi Lincim and U,iMtim coun'ic 10 . : A. Mt lire, K , ai l.inrulnton. j T'nrjii! Hfi re in afrrar fm tin It aul 0d inta!. nirr.fs. arc nartituimly nqu-uttJ lo Huko pajiiitnl lininiiiiat ly. j I. K TllUAirX( VteiUmL i.-.j --- t iiahi.o ti r. J he ti-rnis t.t payment wid sd.nv ftinplc iimh: Vf k w f it ! I 1 1 ' litflMll Ecnre the t'urth;i-rr r.nd Mid b' p.irurnljrlv " ?f tltl II L IfllllV JUlll in on the day ol a r, or hy tr j nry of tuhcr ut ihr KAl'KD prfiHnla will ht: reTiv d for hud.iin unHr,i j nrj. ps7 inr hoi: wntKiil a lirMigr fur fsi.i i firiipnnv, ai'ruf-H liif Cbtunhn Kipr, nejr fltzztll's lVrry, un til the litdsv of Jt.lv, h'J. A plan of th Hridjje and Spec ifi. atiori'' ran he had mi ai-i In nt:i n to the I'jiim er ni Mil' lloiui, m ar H -??.tll n Kerry, r to V. rMlcmltrMui, K"i nl l.in ndis'on. Piitpojij-N may he loH with the I-.uginecr on lhe lload, or the Prt tdi nt, ai I, met Intun. No priipul will ht eiMo-niered niihaa the ren'rac li.r aret! tu lake luo lillhw of hiit hid in utm-k. I'a t BfitkH mu n lit a I t ri.nl r.ol. . r . .1 , , a.aail liiwd I't.iiiilli.Cnlawl,. Kivrr lo I.incoluim., by ap. i iliai tu Hie Kttvinrcr nr il, l"r...i,l...ii i ..nl Cuitijiany. Contra, Utrm lo tuktf tw.ftf.l: in ttm k 1.. K. TIIU MPSON. I'rrnd,',!. Mai, '-'ti, 18.VJ . '.'I I Straviul Off -,..,,! , , i- - , I lltOM lhe aiilwriWr, luring nmr Int. 's S'nrr. I n A.isnn eounty, m. tlm 1st inm,. a HKICHT It. I V Ml' f.l'., inn. Iiuilt, blind of an ryu, and lias m.irkn of lurnt'aa on li.a ai.'H.ld.rp. Any k-.oi. ta. K .liif tip the aa.d n.i.le at.d l.ringi.if la I a aa lo mo, or .i-.idii.ji nm word, ai.all be reasonably rewarded. .My . ol vtlW. aduicaa la Wli.tc'ii Store, N. C. MM. I ARIil.lK K. May I.i, I?. '2. i ij Commercial Kfror.1. t:IAUI.TTK, MAY I'J, 1-:.!. t'ottwn, Apploti, Itiiitcr, lllTt', flour, hbl. Irinh l'ulaluca, I'oik, l.ard, liacoll, C..lt;e, tij a 8 Nulla, 5 a (I dU u IK) Iron, 4 i i I2j a 15 Sail, 2 54 it! Corn, nu a l i'ij a f. M.nl, ("I a $1 01) a 00 OaU, 0U ("I 7 a 0 Htceswai, 211 i 10 lij a I t I'cill.crs, 1'.) a 3 I 12 a 14 H tic Yum, 7.'. u K0 7 a H Micelijigv, a. ID III a II Talli w, h u .!) ill a Sole Lcai:c, lj a Id ItKM AKK3 I.nrd.t'orn, Meil, ISu'.ter and I'luiir in good ddiuiiud at quoiationr. CUAKLKSTON MAItk'KT ("HARLfiiTo.s, May 22, ls."9. COTTON Tluro wn a veiy ((ood dtiiiaud tor I thin nrticte yilp ritay, thti tranfiiclions liaviii; ruuch- ! fd lull v l'J3l) haku, at very full and nclvim-im' pn : cc, aungoi); Iroiu 7 lo lUjj ctnla. C.uo. dinner. COI.UMDIA MAUKKT. Columbia, Mav 21, I.IS. nroriucrd rcnuA.-d j.rtivi(tf . .1 .. . 1 ; . 1. ... 1 ......... ,.,( 1 n . . ...1., 1. iuimyinilllBMIilllUlt(IUUUIIt.BUMi(MTiut)III.'l"IIUI to Uirse Pixii-nth lo three iiirnlha o' a cent, and 22'.) , "tl "t I'ruin 7 la 1 ceiiti Kcporled jLtthe thus. ourier. VAIJJiY ACADIIUV, t'a ll well County. V-::-A' J-'aa. Ifcllf, will 0 . H Selmn nn the C! i i,f Julif. n A- t A . . . .... l.i. w. lhe iiuneiijtfj nciL'niicrinwNi JnJ't of IIh-6uhcrccri. IJumd n:j0 , . - - . . . ii " i;i romiMi ui iwo.l.JF w i;c n s. uilion in advance, I'lanaic, ftsiO " Knglish, $10 tu U a) TiJ lll3 fttjhi'iiltcd CC ftlllCa It'll WC(iecm ll Uli III CCSa. '! 10 "uu """ S. V. PATTERSON, ) K. W. JH.N KS, I J S. V. II AKI'KIt, J- Truitun. W. II HULA, 1 S. P. UCLA, J CF.R I1MC AT I'.S. Mr. rnABO W. I accktik .1S Ibr trirral Undent at the I)jii liivur la-iiiulo. IIih d n 1,1 ... .ucb a. u, tecuri uiuv.-r-al .sioem. II. .Urued hia attti ifa, CU-sical ui d M.thcne.:i,l, nn K'eai oiiigince ana , aim 4m.nu ery t,,;!' Vwi .. I i. . I .. ; .. . . , ready cun.1(j,.r,h!t expu'iinM, and vc regard 'him an pnaeam in an emue nl Ce2rei:, Uiu-e ch--iiilii's ot eh.iracler whiua umlurn.ly make a fcuocc-Mui itachcr, A C. I,'M)s.V. ' J: (juLLU. Din Itirer Inttithtr. i:eyr,Mr, April 0, l-.',2. Mr. Kuw.iru W. I' AUcr-rTE e"n.uf.nord his CUfiii. r! fi.n.p ... on m Ihi ii r , i, : , . 1 1 i.,n 1 1 ,,,.,.! i btll ,niiJ,,ry ,n(J ,ig, uin: For !.,r.-e i.4t past he eomlueud ll.e finrlili I)-partnn ut ut my sel.onl with Iii, 'litv and aiihiv. I r-'a.d li young man of high lulejonv ar,J prone-e W'J. DIMJII M, Oils, Omrj, ,V C. May 12. 3 t'Yhn Linrolnton fiepub irii'i ii rrq'icted (,1, 0 py the above htx n ks, aiid furw.ird ariLouut tu (jra hair, Al!e"'jiiice ctuntv. f,r ee :l, ment. Slate of orlIi-( aroliad, MfctKLKMIl'tlli ( l NTY. Superior Court of La, May Term, OliUFIiLD BV COL'liT, I, at . S.. i.,; Ten. uf !hi t'url be held on the 4th Mnduv in Juno, A U If 53. Tel : J il KKRR, c m b :. Suitors .nd witnesses in civ,i uascs please take jVcw Arrival. v f US r open, d, a iitff and bm:.ilul Mipy ol l!n; iJ intie-t tah inm hie m 1c , hi. h wii! b: fculu vcry low tor CASH, at INo, 5, Granite liiiifT. r.iun i -i:oT"i i:n. May H, I8J2. UU 1 J. F. (jtiliner, Itrttggist and Ipolli(cary, s n'i recuvi.ij and opening a :ri?i. ;j.:d br'e u rod of 1 Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Putty, Thompsonian Pledicincs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Ex tracts and Colognes. I'.gcthcr with a large cupply of Paint li-ii-lic., Tmi'.li It ulll;-, ii-xo a Urge atsfortment of A i irtr: an. 1 rus.i,, Surgi';ii Jiistrmnf .-. .V' Run 11 iaige vanity ol otlicr arlioks u-. ; a in Ft!.. Il l.tiU'O. ' J Il.iVii g btfin enj,itt,'td in bijinrn .r e.i 2 a tun, vi ti.e tmine old anti, it wtu!u :u u-i ! at.d unite f 1 y-ry 1 1 five p ibhcily lu ' ! ; t : ' ut 1 , Hiu sill! ' ktrtcn galon and bleti'il w f m-iiu! i.; a't!i r-ii oirrneih b-jt mv fumd- .Mi- I'au n W il'mmson having Ulrly coinnirnc d 'J'.e N ir'ii Caro ina VVhig,' th the jdafe of lU: W fanniiaf ('I-aroUj Journal,' that 111 days g jtw !'' cltv.cft d nd made glad so many Ik. jflf, on t - v k t' presenifd H-e!f, I timughi 1 would lx -. , g uur tn 1 rrvtu: ami jh rn vtTii' It icin! grent t, , iiu'U we-t 1 i.oi to a-..-tt them jU 1 ru!d in lui: u uuujr-. U bd'i n.a and n pcni!i!e iiiidtTtttKiu. T lin.e u !iu bav su lib-riiy i,u' 1 -l f 1 1 l lur lhe but nuiiilurut tars 1 rc:ur i.r -.tUiiii mj ki.; Icdtfitu ni. i -t Pulicitirii? urr c- htu-ni d t 1 id- 1 I ti aid cubltun. ktling coniKbiil tliui il wil; iir tu )usir Hiiv.b!..c and .ntcrisl. I am m. . uriTi;,.!!' mv n!d s'mid in Charlotte, en Mmii-sU! . ', rn ur M j. J. fl Ki-rf's 11"', and Iitally cjjtinjsiU il. II. tl.-w. h'v 's n, w l-tnliiu.. M w !, I'li j. 1 7 f VALUA3LE T 0 WW PROPERTY .'iii For Sale, i, BY virtur of a mnrtfat ofcutt d t!,e ir ii r-n-jicil I'V Jof.iia 1 I!-)'1, fir ivrl,i: .1 pi-jv. cbfri in spcviilrd. we 1 I !! at I'n A i-.-t n. in 1 be Town of Charlotte Jon 'I'ji'friav. tho 'J7 i. ii.iv of July neAl, OhiUift lhe wtrkt't Ibufinailv C'uiirt.". tharvryvaIualdepr..rHrry,p..mrailvknuna, BOWS HOTEL cor.-ti titi of thtff lots anJ a f-'.ir-, San. 7.'. 7 I and pari of t"ti, lying in I lit- Nui'Ii-lH uh im J r v -on ( ir .Maiii-Klirei) and ahuut n iii-tant Iruin m.v l"(it?inn oft hi; Rait Ivad LV,'t und lhe tciKnt! y-'T-ln"s ..(" (fit? Tinvn, Tiii-i prujN r'y, i- hrvond dutl-t, in the nrnM ) r u'dp ln'.ility ! r future p'rinatii ist i.n;ircvcinri!f. (.O'-rd very dcifahlr opnrinn ' t.ir invi!'t nl. tithrr hy t apiia.ists nr ptTMiiH i n 'in in h t-i u f l osst-siun n r imr'ion ol Mm iMii.innpn ami I hi' u nr 11 in ( I tiiliiT, innl ji tin' vIIhts t-ii tin of J-inuarv lie xt. m:jmin Mti:i;nv, AIAI Al l MH:i!, ZKl I I ON , i;l,lS, I ia us i!i;i;i.;i:::, j A'lmniy iu .( far D. .1 ll.ut i",r. ! I.l. t..-v iv. ' Leather. R ''E l"'er"cnr I hae tin ir N.'w Tannrrv it. 1 '".O'llriinn, m lull nporat 1011. a:nl (-xin-et Ii.mii tl.ia dali In lo'i'n nn hand a pupuly of t v, ry hind ol I IIIiR tl.-. ! I v l.n ilid o. tins cniintrv. and fantif , aa lln ir Knrriinn, an inj'i r. i-liri d 'rainier t:in. I.nwiM, Mio-iii IniM'tl.tliry will . lie al'li, t fi.il-!) Il,irnis ami 15,'lnnu' tor Mi-j-l, i n- : rv in as pood a statr, it can In' dan,' m the dot, J ; Mate ( ur pr.iia il Ie h n t liic t lita hsi in nui i (,ounlr 1 ' r. r hi.mii:i:mi.n a son. ! Isnrnlntum. X f', j7''y i, SS2 l?-l. 3 nt Ittu'ci vt'il. I Us1 1IHOIS aid SllUFS, audi for sal,, by ) HKKM A .liMINSTOV, on Mav 10. Whito Lead. .flV-9 N. 1 Wlmo le.ul just j C'ltiiifi;' in har.il, l-KfMMl Horn uv in;inut.fciurrrsi uiid will be Mi t a li.ir;'mn, I'uifii Htun, CI iiiiultc. May 12. 15 3l nufF, TcLacco ; Ccgars. f OlflMI LAIMJ'S (iiMtiiii.e M.i.uul.oy. h'crni mrii is l- t i t, Cji'UtKl lit'JJ-ildl. Jjif.VtH'iUH, Iillil N ufiunai f:cf';ir. AllA , , r A I natMi'l lo Ifiur (,inii' n a! :.n rarlv i! - v. I .it. fUKWINfJ TOIMCCM nf Usl q.aliiV, U? Mre tt , r utlS im,-t,u d l(1 (! , )r;, kt, ,w .,i;.u-m!.- At MMS nmc $ i Str. r, n, . U CHAM liKl.. f CST ..s- iv.mI anil h.'irjf i-.J.il.it,-.! -tl ih" l in siJ fHtntirn of ri!-hinn, t. I-' hunt- Co V.- t,tb!hiiM-ni) a ini of tho ri'-h' i-i. mo I ' ' m u tSfjjnnt (-jntt ( itfsini' rt'S, Vtsiinu. ( rv-t'H, (a .1 .... I f . .1 I L . i (' . 1 1. I i Kjn.i.u ar- ie m .uiin i.e... , . . , i . ' ,, 1 , , j j . -. M.iv 2 l!i iT ' -.,.' ' ' - ' A Ncv Firm. y c? t, ' 711 UK iiiidfT'-ln' d, won' ! inf nn ll.c , . ... , 1 , .11,. 1 the hf 'Jf-'j fit lh'-' tfiht null ut Y, r. hi ri h JIuIuk w huru lin-y inlt.nH carry;nj nn tl.o Saddle and Iforncss EMS Nr x lK. I ill . . c: ' ' ,, , r .. Spanish) Saaftcc, Sarnm&rsc'l Si Latics Ci . 'lyt.'rtrUJ in every virie'y. in so i'h v.ir.'..u.- ',r n- ii. Tuey wi.l nut spare any P.n to j.lea.e a rfni'rn.i. tmliliC ! ur.,,1,1 .m,.-r n'v inill.. ll ,.,! ivrrv I oo'-noi .,Ji .i.i-,.,- ,,..,.r: ,,..".'. ' I tt r A li ki..!s of tl KI'A I K I X ; .loi.e i:l. i.-un-f 'a,l I'd, ! l.-A'liiiiii.ufCOUM'liV I'K.'l.rci: Ink. n . lor '0!k. .V J f'l I'M Mi:i!. j A. W. U I Mii.1. VliarUn: M.:y I'.' J.-r-'i l7' Notice. A I.I ri rs..r, liiivirjf clnin s "r; iin-t liif Ti-'To a of Marc... (i J'.l.n? 'on, I .e.i'rl nr.-nui i',"l In prtaont lii.nr rlnirns lur i..y.ent 10 ll.c nrni -r-iU'n ,i iiccorilini; to law, or ll.,y will cebiirrtd ly 'i.u s-taoitii. Altiinao iniUUi .1 In l:.e mmo mii't come for Wiir-i am! ni'ike sell., irn l.t r.r ti.fir u.jio ili'.s v. .. lie placid in llni I Is ut nn , til - i.r LKl .ZIKL J.lll.N.-sTON'. Admr. May 1 2. i; 15 C E-2 "12 (32 ' . "2i O - t r Ii. A I..S WII.I'AV.S ha.rf.m.v.dl,. II. II iJVi.Ui.w.)', ' f.ASMii: fiKfiriv norsi:. wlirc (!.(' wii; be p a! uli UiL'ir Kricinl.-. und t i.'"i.:ors. CELLING OFF AT :i -diiiii m In oar rj'J SiiLi, ul (I ,cd.- vtc hevc rc i ct ived .. ir . G-OODiS, , iiihr.. r j 1 vi r v vi' i, tv, v ! 1 1 - b iiie m. sa'II.h 1 li' at CUSP. A - Bi; .-t. r. - ..!t. ...I jiri vn-i;s Imiiir n iiii.i i! in!, 1 nil nv, n lif'il c, ri inid ' X I'llini'. illl ' IVi' H lli , EiV.i; :i tint .m uiil-di (. .. us I 1 1 A I I. liiin lin y uu nt. ; lift .'.as,.j ot any olhtr ''Ut.-c 111 '.i,u p'. ee. II ii sv L. .s. WILLIAM.-. onri! 0 1, l-;j. I.-. u VI!) PAI1KS Jf AS J.t fi - . li'ir !, fn, i'tiv,'! af his vi!'.!;movv!i si.-ii i ! iii 'TJ $-zrh F'H H M rJ 1 C,,n-i-!ii L' r f vi-rv .. ssil.li i-.-rii'v In, h ;s rmn. nnniy ht-njhl t.i ih s ii.t:)i:r, it il I l; II.!', C j H)iiiei sTovi:,s I V Which H).l( Mf'fT. liny FP.VC thl." V ili'ilJir;; a W-r .lit lirr Ui'iMi, IT v- i: f i i lt iii t:;iiai t II -H't;i . r, i iiiit r bv the w h"t'-.i!t. t r rt t;iii, t. f n t..r must mo- MitTiHclaiM. l'.va.c c!i .ti.d ix-.t,- ur i.-.r. ;m;:v-. Ik V.HW. A; n 'I'aKr E'a: lii;i!;:i' A'.ii c r t " 1 1 AT 1 I' o'' ,1 ' i A T ,, ;' c:.r, : in . (., ' iiln! 1 r, I ir n n, s n - i n ' i ! - i;u r,i f: ! ir I - .i. . ' li iii1. t A ' I 1 1 , Uril't It.. I!' I I t : ' I . - ! ' ' ill e l n i ; lilili .1 in ill line, II V si;, n.-,! . i i ' " i s ' ' I - ' J ' ' I ' " . I ,uiw en 'I n;i ii 1 1 1 ii - - i, i , .n..' s'.i.i.iiiij an. rmiiiis nr no I,, el. :,, ,, :i :..i , - i ,. in , i. r,i' i'V I l,-ll "T .Nell', le I" l l tl tm- .1. i .1 e C. iilt, Ulli ii'l J. li: e ,'i.t- ii a t i ,.i 1 1 t.. I'.i... II , .r iiioin's j.i.l . n-lil-i! I.i I n ,,' S..J- , r. 'i i.,- He, : 'i ill. Il li-.l , Ini M ! I M.. in. n. V.". n. I'. ii,', r, JAM r : 1 . M,v i. i ur.iitv, K TOl.l'.N !": nn' I, nr ,",. s null ,,: JJ.vj: I N M.'.ir.ii-. X .,..! , n. 'lit ol Iin' '.'.'III uiu 1 1 .t S Oieil mi' t'. iii- ," s i if" . V ...V r rs f a vim...- II' iNM'. it i,..-s,,:,i. i, oii ,ij;,. ili tl L'.'V. si'e'itll ilj'-e.-it. Villi lillin li.ii , J lii, sli.lV.'l Willi ee.'Mle; IO ii s " V I,' II., ii'. Ai'llllli n ill out 1 s , t.i!,, n i'Ii l.im. l":Vo ,i, i,.,is Will be L'lV.'l. f"sT t' li'lo.l, nt "I. I Inns,', .l,i t vvi-ni v tivc ,iu.!..rs for !, iii. . ii! K. iitc :., ','i- n t , ,',, ,t till' l.licl. J.I W:.v ;. UK I U .V. .i.-,.;t. i",".'J i i.f '' - .1. W. Hean & Co.y I. i i , " - . I.ciioh; ttiiu'ini! ro , .V. f., A ; K pr'pa'i d tn t'''t nn-.l-l-ji ai'1 r.n:'tiH i'U & r.tl dp lit li, ac ii a ft- tu u'ui 1 1 'In- 'nit j !;tl Hit f( iiiii v ; ii p .Uf t M- I rt I l.t. jMilthr t rv um. J , ,lioi in I hr coi nT ti.i . !.t- 1 i ; i-.s , ii.i... . a. : - ;.'... i i for ,;,r ,!i,ctl u, l-ulwi I'. O, N. V. M.y 1J. . If, Nelliiiir Oil" ! jfB'Ii; n,!,.crilM r ii.liri.i.ii 'i SoiJc.c hi i po-k in ' J2L t it if 1 1 M t ' iv t ni ru .i'iy it ijit fl )r;ff;s f f 'a - Ii, hiH rr.t irt; K , .;ii -f ai d II' ..vv . "-i!-. f'.li-'lMi; ii) piiri ut nc.lt'. ' t U -. .Mft!.ii-f!i. I 1' U. j "'i'f. I!.'L'E!!f:'. .! I fp ! , II nh -W tf SmI.Jii- I :nti , W iiif-, N t'1' io'i t - iii.i Ii I-, IJi.-v n i ii'.ii I;, i -irlii (t 1 1' ml' --(til It. k-, I i' Mt C , II t . IfdM-i I'.'.mfi ;(! h.ik. Traru ( l..-.in. .Vc, Ac ) ' ie ah- vt (i'l'nis . be fJi.j" t'i d ut iilt;ryl't i n't h l'.;r ( 'h-'u. i:a union i-'riiTid mm. h- f C,.u(,trv Mrr,:hant a..d Mr.,. 'HS v:.s !;f li i.tur.O!-.! liiiil'' liif s:H:Ii;h o. ir? i.uVI-!l!IUi:i. lit IN Vil-i-U I ( . ti.'J J tj , 1 n A i ! 'Jt m h ' ! ! S uf ....hui imcitt i ;ti.t! i.j'jv of tiuii'f.-, in t'ii'ir v i r t.ijs I.l.i. ui 1 1,.: I", in-i il lull ami e.i!. rl ; tl, of any tMV in ihv I iiiun, ;itnl :U pnets inMy io.v. I .'-V AM U;l.!), l:liUTIIl;i: & CO, I.n..,rt.- ai r , O.il.iC.ellifi .y, ,,,!,.! 11. ;.i r In V. Al '. 1. I.S u ! i ! J-;. 1 : l.K V . Nil. t l.l!llrl...r.; MO I. .-( lO.'tTI. .v ( 1 1 , lnu .r. r . .,: r c . VU -I-i,!,:,. (:,. y. .1 . , y. !'.:!,, . l,:..i 1 1 inlv n r,'. iiiiii Hmih, p ; tii. urti ui tvi.i y iin hc r i jit ii ii, Nn. Its! litliui,, (Mrici. rj u t -1: k (,i 1 1 u v i: win s k i . v , ,,r fu., n ,v t , in ii !.'.; . and i!i !: i h'l'. If. In tii.i! In fi.1. .-n I r , ' n, J Il.dl i,e iiiKij ni i-,,, i 4:11 I he ; no,. , i .is. i. 1 nr .-j.u ii. J.'.'iHi J ..I li A, I )..) ant; Ml . j , unl .-t. ; ; . A MI i;,', Klkii .V FoN, '. :,!,.,; s.'v i S,:-i:li,-. i 17,' !'..! in'..-,; 1 I: li !, fi.itl.t: a1 ! U,'t l.:Mi(h I in, nd i v.-'V v t ii ly nl S, v r Wan , nn J mi;,.,: I '!:t J ! W air, VV ,i ami ,. v. i lr I fU M.I.I.S 1 I.A.K II, lia'i-r in V:,,...s, J,.r'. ! r .itniiii'.i ,S: v. r itini l'i.i!i n v ..-t-, ..!i.:i I I mill ln:.l, naif, i.i i ri .il: ilimr. fri.t. ' flit M'i:f; w.u.i. ii' i '.-: . J.i Mt-.v i;i,n. .. .-.nv ,.:, .,.. :.. :. c..nr. i":'"' ; - i'"- I..,!., st ,ii-l, ui'l 'nr 1.,.-. it . , , ,,, .! i ,i. , t 'v,,.. c ..... o,,,,,, ..... . ol; . Nu. t's. i mli' ; l :n t. , 5rv-!i:.-...:;i.!.i Lo'i-HMifi'io'.': m .. ,!i v'ii ,e i. u:,,; r. -ii-II ';'-'"' 1' - - "", " ' - ' " -"' ' '' - ,; 1- ' " ' r' V1' ' " - -M. A. V. I-OVi. N 2, N. I.:!.- Mv :.. i v :i,.!:i- ,0 ,1 r. i. ii ,: ii:, r in Am:.,,:,', I '.,i .- t.. ' ai.:i Is .Mil i.otii'U.' .'! v; ' T7 II ..W- 'I ! I K l.'ii I', Iii 1 '.1. Ci-.-:e ; . 'I' il . li. I, i : -. i 1 !' i.'-'.n.::: sl.i: ...i.:! C. i,o . i, t:r nn i in il ':..' l u.r-i I .:. .!. r::,' l.itiln r T.- leil.; UllJ I'.' ... . '! re .. I I--1 urn: l i:'!)'-'l l,.i.-. 'T - I I I. Ii . I ill ''t M! AMI SIl'lUT.!! I! I'll L 'i I ). .1' . !'. 'i ..:: 1'ati '. : .' J : , .1 '.' : ; ...h. i 'l.." I j-e i-' ;n d 11 ,r .,n'., ,. , . ,1,0 ha ; 1 "... ): ,!. ..i. r (' .J, is ni ,i 1', i re !::,.: '11 ' Pr .c l-.-n l:'. I'.. I, '.Ml vl.l.ll, Xo. '-1 n .in I ii. vi rt sin .-I. - o:..iiT II ih'.VM i S"N, ! : n a::'i s t i 'a-.li.u is, io.d C :it: .- i . V. :n, in- , li ..- J . v. c:. ti,( n r ami l'i it' ,i Vwit, 1..3 I! ..'.in, n: n I, " j'i'JM-.- t-ie M O.liiil. K J lO.'.Diil li, r-'li.HT Mlilririilill, X,. . '.'et II .no oro stri ct. Mir II u innit,'.- t ',,. iin; l-:.i.j.i.-ii:::t i, i, i.,;.-:y i npejitu ti.- ..i !-, 1...1. ; ; .sr- l ', M A I. 1 i .X . M lin'u t'i'lT iin: i.i 10 r in i'aiii.l I'.aLti.rm S'. Ai.l a. 1'. t, nt I; ,, ii l- -, i.i .: s'jjl.s 1 tvtrv i.o r:;,'ki;, I ;,.,i:s l;,iui, f I. .,.,!,.: ! :,i!,i I' ..:' :,'.-..-. ( Mil l.K M '.XT!' I S it ? i.'i. v--V o-d '., 1 . -5 ' ; u -V - i' - Inj'n- St !,,. .lsiv ,V 1 A : K ,j .S i t :l .y;j-;.. ' o-ii: , ,-. ri p ni X irtii ui.d .h lij.ii' iii F 'X'H'N Villi I'.. Iiu' M v i.le ' "r. : -.'..: 2 r, .1, ;. ,i i'-vi- :, ,. 1: I.-.t h'r,.', .ro C l;-;.- r 1 :X. : . f. .i'J.- 1 ni I.J , li.-i-'j'i : :.n.i rn' .li .1 i'r 11 i I ui- 1 r . . I i ... 1 e;., I 1 'i.r .-I, if . ' ' ill" 1 r. e ini i 11,. i v. 1 -1 s en i '. y, 1., , 1 1." , 1, 1 ; . in r " i t;, e' . ! c'. ' '. tn C ei , i r t i-ii-i ssui.-. 1, -ir . l i , j c 1 ? ' :.'.v. s.m (.-, -1 i;..r...i e. .1 ft' iv.v.L i.un'i v. .. r yXUll llii:in:lir' I,! I'l.Li i'AN'.IV.s li ., ,e,i - .-:-i i'i':-,-ii I '.. i'r li',' .:' !,..'. 1-. 1 .1- !-.. il J'riin.s U.-lJiil i ile.-r.-, ,V . '1 ik B--.il- n r. ii.ei ,11 ,u.i. l: r i. ;l :i.,i.iu:.:l .IKLla .h ! ;-y, I .. ..: ttfjl r.SS.11, r-l.-r oi,.' ..t i;. i.l I t.'l -s 1 , .is ai''Vs lljli iei, i.iitl i.l, a 0. : 1. 5 :Mt. II A !i M A N, t I-iitt , i o ..- - I: ;-. (' .1 ;;-i .- ti .! P.f. .. t .... : I I MiK .S LA .'..', Ii'::-':I.M mi 1' i:r i', JL J il i- I ass i:c l 11, !.,... , li is .... 1 l.M. .'. n: ic ; v. N -. :.'.'. v , -.. .. , 'U :,: , lijiiiniic : '. ,.. v.- --' - p 1 t f 1 1 a-,Jr;l..tl.t c. liioi. ' s,i ,i, ! :., 1 .' , 1 ii' J .''.l.s'.-ti.ain n;s I'u.l.s; I'al'ir, 1.1 u.. Ii o.h Ii el, . ri.i-.s 11,-ir.U. 1;T5 ii.N'JAMI.N I. 1 I I.. S . 17 . I'ratt s'l - . iib,,r,,' i-i's iii,- .c . i-. n ii ii-: ii, r im: I .'" is a- i:n:- i A .i, s i u.-e i: ' ui.,,,:..!! Ij v. ...... , ii.u.c t-i'i.-: y ii. h..: Yl.-Ct I. MAS, n... it : and 1, , l'i t , , t . I" ' - li-ni l-- '- A - ' a; s nn i, ill .. M-iT .-'r,it, .oiJ C'.:..i'.--, i'. Ti ? u.Tr.iou. i'i.y. m i. c n.r'.r. t is Si ii, stiii. ': ti. in-.-.,. -.i i t t'j 11. i. t.i-ji- .'.ui.- u' ,l niiSiiJ, n.'ii ll. i- i ..vi r nl ml,:. '-i- l',ji,,.-, I,..t .1 ;:, 'i IV iil'li vo i'.sl .!.. K Ji I T..I ti ,:. ii.iil 'ir .ii. num. N I : ' '1'. V, Ai 'I I I.f i. I ( ni.;, ) .11 Wi.- l s al.a 1. .-. N .,. I- ; ',,,i. L i WiMi.t lv ( . - .. Os'.', s. , -No f :. , .,1 ': l a .. ' M IIAKlils. (,,ni, H il iii.ii .':-:. ii M.iof, t 1 1 I. I s L t ..,'i - r. . !. I l.s i'i ' i . , j . I'.-.l mil k.l S (uris. .s.. .ul'il I . -, c. i iiii iio . Co j, a , j jll.-Uit 1, 3 -1.1, In, l.lli- - v? s; ! , . i , rt, .i i i. I'f it : . ' ' . ,, A- V A K II ur t r (' W -. L t A' -j- a... - -: .. f u - ;. ii i ui : 1. ? : - i i . J !. ' ii - V- . a ... :. -a Nj a. M il ' I '. I 1 '. i , ,,; " l.ir I. i.i-i, y s .. , u 1'.. ; I -hi: I m i- i : - "' ' ; i , .. : i; v, ., : 1 . 1. i . '.I o .! i H i N 1 1 s, Nl v l.'.l.1. N ,- i . I ' ' ,eli I ' ' . vi I i, . I .1 . .1 ' . i i N, ; v i. i. El o i. : ! i ii'. i-- i. f)i , II. ..4it, ... i , .ii. i Li.,!:. , i . ,' . IliliM a . T i V 1.'.-. v o v j" ' 1 L ' 1 ' 1 V ' '' ' ' : V I 'j'l.ll . Kill. ' ..-M . -o-,v I- , - : r:n: i .t -i..i,ii, - r,-:-i 1 ai i, i i ,n ,.,,. , Vk'k:! i.i,. I.. $ I . !' '', 1 '' :' ; j '7 , i , s l-'it t I. .li.t:-1 n t'" , .( . t ,1 ; , til ' ! , i, i 'i- c! ,- .1 : J I' t ; , . ; , I . . I I V r ': - i I ! 1 i A', . to.. i ,i, i; ' 1 e , V I 1 1 ;. ,...'i. i i - ni i.l et .A . liJ -." - 1. a. -',..'., et I., ,,'. i e, i I',,,'. ;IN:-T . BETIOE k I'll.. . 13 1: t: 3, B. 1 t O I! .v, ?3.UK ,1,-t r. ,- ,.,. i!.r , . ;. , si I.I. ti iS. A: "i VI 'I hli (il H il IS. ., ', t -d v A. I.i. tliline III ;) T. , , t' , , , y ,r,, ,v ,., f (5.2 iT B 13 t ' .. .,: .- , . t. ii o t 'i' .ilnr'.s I... f i i... .!. v' 'I'.. ti..s miv. r- r ... i, , ': ;! , f -i;- , ,v ,.; :'il"l.-! t'l. V ..I.! lie I;, !!. , ,. h", nl: !, nlly Ii in Mi t' ;,l l.yi u , : , , .,, :;-., ;,i rr:,..- rs I : ... I .'..i.i'i.t , ., 1 u i .!.-. If I'.,,.-., v.-l.iii- V ( I l ' I l! I Ml V. .)! , .,. th, ... 11, ,,;,. , , , , .....j I.'"' i: ' I y y i m j. i :i t. i, ;i . i . .- j.i i in.; , . .. i ;,, , ; ..!" !( ', V- ,-y 1 ! i -n! f. ,. !, v. ill Le II.SM to ' I'. I . :-!!: i. ; V . , T . i . , !., ! . - . i 1 , ' r 1 . ; :.! 1 i. . I ui: ii ! h Wi! i t. il..ri ,, i i rii -1.1,1.11 ', ' i. I ' i i r , . X i i. l ;... , i.l, r . .- ,,,! f. , ,. ' .. ' ! . . : i !-. V. i-.-r CL oioi cb lljatcgrapljic r "i ' I " '. rV . ni, r- !,: : d.ii Min. . v . iB- !"! i: t . j t i i ... i i.M.KIi f. i . i i n v. it . ! : 1 - wi til I: , I,, , . .: i v . ; i ; i i i rt : , 1 1 . ..I i .. I .- il.-!. : . i . ' ! .1. 11 . I,. ' - V ',, ,,!: V h in ;lii- M; 1, , Lill !.. I . (' .- Hi ' I , , r:l , I.. ,v 1 . tl ii. I e- i to I I t ' or l.r.s -." I. in -i i.i: ..'..: r i Uvmly Made Clcihhu ' 1' -. N i A ! " ' - :,:. i ! : .' 1. u,.ir;. , ! .'..1.: , : : ' " '. T ". "' ; : f: . . . . I ' ! I 1 : 1 j e ; .'' ;tt r . j i 1 t.i. I j ' 1 ' ii. ii. i, i,' :.. - . vl :5 -1 . 1 V 1A n f,''Piir N i 1 v his Ol:! ! ::;,!. '3 duors ' M'liriiiz..' V01 ).( i Chai-loUe, N. C, Sv 1 I s 1 m in: .y t ii n !, .- ' ' ' I i , h ': i:s, Ti.i NUs,' iii. i 1 a.: t 1 'i.i .' tiii'i.f etc; saIU'I 1: 1: m;. v i' i c.--. in M is. .-. . Ail n:" lot 1 i ,1: ,,:,: -,t ti.e '. v. - -' e., 4 Ii ! -;! Ir li in" lit ;i . !. -'!. )s..-. .li'.if, -1 T:jJ ( to'ii'Ic'.li' :sii;l aon!!i-t aroli:.i:i ll Mi -i: If?. .. .', I"' -. : i, .'1 I-,' I-, e- i .." .'I',- !':..-!! 7-r I'. ;. -1. : ino'. . ..'V .".. ' l "! tin- !': t ni Apt '. Ini' i.,e IT lo, il.iii, ni' lie 14:. I a let Ij'- ''. i i'-'N, ' ' . :'.. . . ;i. ( ',. ! . .'.--'. '.'I ! -i'i v f C)v?J)( ;(i'C ''''iiij!) 'ij.'j;;i! iiKl. '.V I' I ! " I . eS ?v-i:vi ii'Vilows . l I I i I V - ! f-l'S ! I a . T'"i''' V , 1 C: ,1 ', : ... . t . . r n .' i ri .,1. v, nis i J, ii' n, j I . ; , e ! - .v. .,11 , ,' : ' 1: iv it 'A ol'fv Ns;:j i liy-;. 1 1 ; . . ;i v. , . , 1;. .. ik. 1 ..in. . , . : . ;. ' . V . ' : - ' 1 it tr f l:l Nu 1 . 'ii.: !:.!.:;. .

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