". he Mmib 1JUPI11 IA , C. WiLLIAMSOH,Emxo.u i. J. liULi - CHARLOTTK, 3XT iF XJ3KTES 2? 1SSO, WTTBSSSHL .19. (Y i . i AJOtlTJ From Godr-j' Lady' Book. Life's Seasons. BY aiCllAtO COR. Thar it P'ing llm heart ''n lound m iiifan. J VAIiaii on in woihtf' braat lb baba Kini tmilra in dimpled (loe: Wlirn Ilk tha hud upon Hi item, lit life it but begun. And pearl l.r drop it tl. y, A li4ow tlo the un : 1 !ir ii Suromor of lh heart Ti found in arlr vouth Wain Jit i f"H "I jeyousa. Of moo' ' d truth : Whn clonal but wtdmil intervene To mark tli ky to briK' I, And nil ia but feirr t0 Ol IiUIllo delight ! Triria an Autumn ef til brl 1 ia found in rip-r g Wh.u aorrjm'a a familiar thing, .si.. naf n hfrilKje : Vi nan sbadoa Hunk and dark om e'r 1 ha baui of tli kv. Arid by llieir dito !.cuiilr, f'tt.ll ont danger aigh ' l h- a Wlnlar tl lh h't I '.a Inunii in t attar y.sira V. lira life w full of billaraan, Ui vai '!!' lul ta.-j . Vi hi-n atormy uiJa and chilling bUat H our k 'tli o Acre a liraiih, Ths'. would fa -k hhr in 'i'u anchoraf af I'n Ii ! Ilin'r IK Autumn ol tla heart Mi all cli'uJ our lire Willi J sum, Ait Wmfr'i Bold and chilling Bis! Hiskund u af tti lom : If wi tait act our aart ri(hl Oa tim' aiictlio iore. Our soola iujr know pant cl ran, A fuimiMr etarmcr ! (3ttiscrllancoits. Hrrallet lions ol n rltce Ollircr, Tn following naitbiiva rolair more In rued ca! ibao tu eriwiunl hidory ; but as the ilTiir rims ia e-sne sjegri-e ander my noure 1 1 public othcer, I hata ih.-uhi it night ni an alinoniher out if ulaea to the aliaht oallac 01 police experience. S r.i ga and ukl.u .1 aiv ist.ar.'il. ,1'oi.mI ruin will haid V b queationed by Itnee w h i hart kad opporlulnUe of oberili( itte Ian uiiiC as uatoii which lianol and d iniiiMte lha human bum in cerlam places of in -riul itierraiiua. Ou arriving ia London, ia 1S31, ! tus oI(;ibi; al a Mr. Renxnawa'e, ia M.U-.Lod Roil, nut Is from the lurnaxk gae. My iOijceineat to so au, waa partly the chi'iipuc- tad uvslnsM ut Itte acc inmodaltoo, partly itit ihe Isndioid maternal aoc'a, Mr. lit. wv.was alifjhtly kn .wn to me. II nty lien In 1 knew ty reputation only, he basing i'i Yorkshiia fn or eleven yeara lul.nr.anj tvra that knowledge slight and vague. I hid heard ihat a tragical event had cast a dees shadow over hit alter life; that he bad ho fur soma tnonlha Ihe inrnaia of a private iu sue aavluni; and 'hat some p-rVMia uc ted his araia kad never thoroughly recuv. trad it ougiually heallby adion. In tai opmew, Woih my wife and myarlf very aoon concur ted j ansi yet I am not sure that we Cwuid have given a aatialaciory reason fm ucb he icf. He was, it is true, usually kiini sod senile, avoa to the terge of aimplidiy, bat ki general mode of expre.amg pmelf ar.d er.nd'jcting business was qure cnliertnl iid sensible ; a though, in spile of hia t. ignrd cheerfulness of lone and manner, it at li'mea quile evident, Ihat whslever the nwntal hurt he had received, it had tell a rankling, pcrhapt remorselul, slir.g bchiud A i in. I, wall executed portrait lit hu aitlmg rern sugge.ted a conjectuie ol the nature ol in csijimiy wiucn naa ueiauen mm. n thai of fair, roidd'e eyed, very yourg Bom.,,, but ol a pensive, almost mournlul em ol feature, aa H ihe coming event, bnrf- lyrecurdelm ll? le'ter ! band cot ner tiflho painting, bail already, duung life and; r.lth, caat it projecting ahadow ovet ner. That brief record was ibis: " Laura Unr. greaves, born 1-01; drowned IHH." No i reel allusion li the picture ever passed hi hps, ia my hearing, although, from being -vi-.i . . .. . i. ,.. i auio ia cn it Uiitetner 01 I urastiire accne anu limes, wa .peedily became excellent friends. , o in, mere were nol wrn mg, irom lime 10 i lima, sigmficanl mdicalionf, though dillicuil ; to p'ace in rvhlence, thai the fire of insanity had no; been wholly quenched, but mil mouldered and glowed beneath the habii hsrd"ned crust which concealed il from lha v,, . , v . . - H vii - , curnitancea, nut very long after my arrival in . r ii tV r -.,. .ihi.i.! I..... - ...--.. v.,,.. . tij iiinif. ; air circumslnnci i ed from fundeu pro- Mr. Rei ahaan waa in fair circumlnnci i ... ... ni-onis, ttt.ii'"" h." j"iiy alone, waa nearly 300 year i but ts hab.'s were do thriliy, almost miaerly. l is personal appearance waa neat and gen- f "irniri cainn once a day lo arrange. chamtjef and perform other household work, nd he usually dined, ry aimp'y, al a cc fil e house or lavern. Ilia house, wnh the excep. lion uf a silling and bed room, was occupied ay Indgnra; amongst these was a pale, weak l hmkinij yi.imr man. of Ihe name of Jrwm. a. sutlermo trom pulmonary ennsump. i... j . ..it ...i- i i ., o,.r,,, uuueeu. , -a. -a.eic.s lotiy in renaming - : ' ,nCf. . P'd "I l"o mgni 'TILB " " ,.,. . ma wawo ... 6 "er LBCO urk bullion for epainetl.-., and on, a,"i a lie had a gueU connection wuii ersl neat ml eaUbliahmvnla, bia bualtieaa R 1 .1 , I. ,1..: . .. . n ....... I, -, , ,- .... a iiirisu.K , ... ......... , he usually employed aeveral aaai.laula oi hiv. ii . i .i. c . n . 01 both sexes. i occupied he first floor, .tii.l. i L ... . f.t nda workshop al Iho end of ihe pardon. H,. ' , , ii, i wife, a nralty eutured, we l-lormed, " " ' .. , BraCelul onni.t -un...,n ,.i nnl m.trA llian t,0 ""'-. - nr Ihree and twenty, wa, Ibey lold me, Ihe daiighlor of a achnolmaster, and certainly Jd been Ranlly and carefully nurtured. 1 h'y had oua rhild, a sprightly, curly-haired, bnghl.eyad boy, nearly four yeara old. The wdr, Ellen Itwm, waa reputed to be m firil- rata hand at aome of ilia lighter pari of her husband' business ; and her floile to lighten In toil, and compensate by increased exer tion fur Ins duily diminishing capacity for labor, were unwearying and incessant. Never huve I seen a more gentlo, thought ful tenderness, limn win displayed by thai I young wife towmd her sud'erinf and aome. ' time not quite evenlyt.-mpoied partner, who, ' however, lul tne add, appealed lo rrciprucuti I truthfully liar ii flection ; all the mure no, per . Ii.ipv thai ha krii'w their time tngeihur upon jenrih ra alredy ahrunk to s brief span. i In my tipiniun, Kllcn Irwin Wn a hniiilaiune, i even an eleg itit young (rrn : tlii, huwever, ! ia in come d-gr;e mailer of lat. Uut no !orie could denv that the gentle kinrfneat, the : lii-iiitiiii coiiipnamou, llmt inadmled her fea J turea a ho icndcd il'ir f.ni-it.kii'8 invalid, renderr-H her at audi litne ulnluU'l.v Ix'uu i fu Aon iri o her, to ue an expreanion ol my wife 'a it h wh'un hIib woi a priino fnvor ile. 1 i eelf-deliHim (ur eaout the twin lioili lima one evening, where it waa 1 had formerly aeen her, with thai aad, rnnurnfiil Id. k of h"i ; fur acm her I wa uio I had, and not long mce cilher. Il win lale J I had juat relumed home ; my wile wai in Hie aick remii, anu 1 mo nmitu n wun iwu ur three orang s. Oh, now I remember," I suddenly exclaimed. jol abnve my breath; the picture) in Mr. Rensha-wc's room ! j What remarkable coincidence !' I A I iw, chuckunx laugh, close in my elbow, 'eau.ed me lo lurn q.nrkly towards Ihe doer, 'Ju.l within the Uneshold stood Mr. Ren- . i i i . j i 1,1. ihawe, looking like a wh-. stone image, "-7 sorry to nave mtruneu, Bui I am aura Rut , cunning of lunacy is net easily iratherihaoa hung man, bul for lha fierce ; V'U ill psimit me to have a peep at this j btfflyd. On returning borne the fuurih eien apsiklii'g of hi trai geiy gh-amnii; eve, and wondetful pnrtiail." j mg alter Ihe despatch of my Idler, 1 found I the mucking, triumphant curl of hit lips. I Renshawe sprang impulsively forward to ltlB h(luse B1- ,,med.aie neighborhu' d in !" You, too, l.ava al ll observed il, then !" j prevpt'l Ihe doclor reaching I'. He was too , ,ie w;,)e4 conlusn a. My own wife v.as in he muttei'fd, funily ecliomg ihe under tone ' in wmcii I spoke: I have known me trutn fur Biany weeks." The manner, the expres riou, tint lh" words, quia aiarlli d me. Ai Ihe s.me iii.m.m, a cry of women rang thrmiiflt Ih toom, and I imitti-di ilely s ijy-ii Mr. Renshawe h lh arm, and drew him f -reilily av,for (here that in hi court tensiu ti which ahou'd not meet the eyes of a dying man. "H'hst were you ayi't' ? What truth have ini know n for wei k-1 ' I a-k'-d, oa soon a hail rearhed his itui't; room. liwrire he cou'd answer, an .lh-r wailinj unl ascended lunn ihe sick rmnn. Light- "" 8 "!MM, R--hawe'. lu.irou. dila tea eye., and 'he ex-illu-g laoah ak'aio but loud, r, bmsi from his ln,. " II i ha ! ' he fiercely exelaimed. " I know ihat crv ! Ii is )ji,' ' Dealh'a! '1 hnce Ue.aed l),;ntti, whom I have si i !'tu igiefanlly cursed' Sui iBat," h- added rpiirkty, and peering aharply in m; lace, " w en, aa jnu know, people '()," and he ground Ii teeth with rag ' im ' said 1 was cn-z?d md '" " H hat ci ii you mean ty in 'U, rnv friend )" rep!- d in as unconcerned and quieting a lo.se as I Cou'd tinmealiaiHiy ns oine, " Come, ail down ; I a-kn g Ihe meaning o( yout range wor,! be i-w, jut uu" " Th"s meaning of mv won!. 1 You know aa we ( aa 1 lo. Lok liiere !'' " At the pa, tiling T U rli ?" " You hase een lha oitginal," ho went on ; with the same exci'ed lone ai d estiiies. " Itcrnsed me nke a lljsh nl lightning. S i 1, 1 il is atiangu she dor not know mo. It is ; lire h noes nol I Toll I am changed, no ' Jlluut Jdlv charged! " he added, dejectedly, I as he lot ked ill a miror. "Can vou mean thai I have teen Lsuta llarnreavu here I aiammercd, thorough- 1 ly bewildered. "She who was drowned ten it eleven j c i rs ao ! "Tu be nire to be sure! It vvas so be. heyed, I adiiiil, by ever) body by mv self, and Ihe belief drove me mad ! And el, I r:o icmemher. whefl at tunes 1 was calm w hi ti i rut (kite tace, oiiiu siaring o" dripping hair, ceased for whl e In pursue r i.-.J :..-.. ! hlynl me, Ihe le, sweet voice nni gen- , cmB ha(.; , knew she lived, ilnn-gb nil denied it. Hut hu k, it is her very )n) i" he aidled fn-rcely, hi. glaring eyes fl ft()m e ,0 )V fcc oiler - .. u ho,e imar,n 1" "Whose, imtge! M hy, Mrs. Irwin , to he sure. Tou yourself admitted il i-isl now. I wa an cnnioiiniii a mat tor aeveiai iriinuica por ueorge wtm many olher strange rw in tied room door. ' Ami it, as 1 sus I remained stupidly and silently staring at i ( hmg . he muttered talher than spoke oui"; pect, the child has been drowned by you, you the man. Al length I said: " ell, ihcre . ahj especially that it was o mg to her aon will have before long two murders on ; our I a 1 kere, though not ao g'eai as i im- . ,, ,( jfl f1(B ,., , ,. in f,jrl0U!'y It . elf." ., w'i i ,lk of ihnl lo-nmrrow. You are ill, over excited, ami must goto bed. I hear Ur. Garland' voice below i ho shall come lo you." i it V- nn I" 1 , ln,n-l aerenmetl. , .1 , . I u,,t I I rrti In lien von wish il ; but no doctors! Nol for theworld!" As he spoke, ho shrank cower. - bM, ut ,, the room ; hi waver- unquiet eye fixed upon mine as long as wo rPMinPd wilhm view of each o'her : and a nif,n, n,8rwarda 1 heard him dart into his ,,,,n,i.pi eii.s fiseil Li'ioii mine as lung as wo rpininPd wilhm view of each o'her : and a morl,pni afterwards 1 heard him aurt into nis ch-,!l0nr, and boll and double-lock the door. WH, p;am ,)B, ,..cy, bul partially sub. , ,,s, resumed its former mastery over nii,,,,,. It, it what p.n ex- . , . . i i . i. I-- -....i traonhiiarv delusion i i a nnu.i, anu examined Ihe piciu e wnh renewed curiosiiy. It certanilv bore a airi nj resemblanen lo Mil, Irwin ; Ihe hrnw, curling hair, the pen a ve fairness of complexion, were the s.me; but it ws scarce more girlish, mote youth ful, than Ihe young nia'mn was now, and ihe . l... k. i. nrii'inai. nan snn nvi-o, w. j lived, would have been by ; - n r , ,nc j , , , .hirlv year, of age. - .w".,,,,,. ud found, a I feared. tbal Geoinu Irwin wa. gone. My wifa cnme wee.llir , ,,f ,l,e ileath chnmlier. Rceompsiiid bv Dr. Guiisind. lo whom I J , , . , ,dk,.n ,c. ,l u.tpreai : and . ,i, ...,, - aimr wmn ..g ..Ws, - . . ,..-,.,, , """" - , "' " ' of iho minds of monomaniacs, agreed to see i " . . . l Mr. Renshawe al ten the next mm lung- 1 ,.'' ,.n u.. i,d waa nol riquncd upon only till eleven, and i wa" " ' , ; ' ... . ,.. if it wire in the physician opinion desirable, i l O w 1 I J I I waa to wine al onco to the patient a uncie, Mr. Oxlev. Mr. Rmiahawe was, I heard, tuning be fom aeven o'clock, and Ihe charwoman in formed me, ho had lkeii Ins breakfast aa usual, and appcarad to b cherlul, attnoat high pirita. The physician waa punctual j I inppod at the Hilling-room duor, and wan demrod lo come in. Mr. Renshawe waa cled at table with so mo papers before him. evidently determined loapprar cool and iudifTf rent, lie could not, however, represa a start of eurpuse, almost of terror, ai I he sight of (he physician, and a pnleneaa, follow ed by heclic lljeh, paaacd quickly over hi countenance, i observed, loo, llmt the por trait was turned toward the wall. By aslimig rlfirt, Mr. Ki nshawe regained hia aimulaied compnaure, and in reply to Dr. Garland' professional it quiry, at lo the alale of hia health, said, Willi a forced Inugh : " My friend Walers has, I suppose, been a musing you with I lie abrurd alory that made hitn Hate ao lot night. It was etceeditiulv droll. I must gay, allhouiili manv neraou. otherwise acute enough, cannot, except upi "n refl.'clion, comprehend a jeat. There was John Kembie, the tiagedian, for instance, who ' Never mind John Kembie, n;y dear a r," in'errupled Dr. Gsrlutid. " I)u, pray, toll us the story over agnin. I love an amusing jest." Mr. Rtinha've hesitated lor an instant, arid hen said with le.crte, almost dignity of muiiucr ; j uo 11..1 mow, air ui lace, oy j the way, was determinedly averted from Ihe ;cool, searching gaza of tho physician" I jdo not know, air, ihat I am obliged to find j you amusement ; and as your presence here ! a not invited, I shall "je obliged by your i leaving Ihe room as quickly as msy be." " Cenaitil certainly, sir. 1 am exceed - - . f j . i . ii , ! , i 'H'e; a..o ur. uaranu, luruing anarpiy lounu with ihe painting in hi hand, li orally liana lixen nun in alernattoii. an attitude of surprise and con- L.ke the ancient manner, heilfH,. . fjVoriIe Wli, every body, had in ur ti it.... .-j ....(.,..., .,,... ,"D was n-n n enduring one. "Truly," re- li. aik-cl l'r. iraiiann, as tie lou.ia ine inc.. menc influence he had exeried beginning tr. fall, " m t so very bad a chance resemhlat.ee; rapeetally about Ihe eyre and nmnlh "Tim ia very cxraorditia'y conduct," broke in Mr. Ren-hwe; " and I must again req:iel tint you will both leave the room." li was u-iles lo persist, and we a most immediately went away. " Your impression, Mr. Ha'eis," an id Ihe phy.ician as he was leaving the ,iouso, " n, I d ire ay, the true one; cut le it on his guan; now, and it will i,. .,.,ji i u,,. r... . r..i. i i. i . r,.A urlin., ili.tut . i.t . n.. .a . .. O . . . he hallucination appears to be quite a hm m. less one." Thia waa not I thought,-quile ao aure, bul of course I arqiiie seed, as in Hu'y bound ; and tna'lera went on preHv much as usu.l for -.-,-., . aa. u. tin w ,j iiiuiti it hi, u iii ii.il nvcisiL.n lowarns invself nersonallv, and at last aerve,) m" with a wiiien notice lo qui al Ihe endof lha Itrm previously .tmu ated for. There ai sli I om. time to Ihat ; an I in the meanwhile, I paused a sliict watrh o be eel as lar aa was nrac! cable, witho ut exciting observation, up- on our landlord's words and acts. Eilen Irwin' fi'ai tumult of grief subsided, ihe next and pressing q-iestinn related lo her own atid miant son's subsistence. An c'der ly man of lha name nfTomiins was engaged n foreman ; end it was boned ihe business mi"ht be still cairied on with sufficient pro- fit. Mr. Renshawe' manner, ihontli al times indicative of considerable nervous ir. ritabililv, was kind ami resaeclful lo Ihe young widow; and I began in hope thai the ide'usioo he had for a while labored under ! ntd linaUV Passed away. j The hope was a fallacious one. We w er0 ; mtmg al lea on a Sunday evening, w hen M r. hwin. nale and Iremblinif with frielit and 'nervous agnation, came nasniy in wuii ner j iuie boy tn her hand. I correctly divined . ... ... i w,at occnrrei). In reply lo my hurried ; qinntioiiieo, ihe astounded young matron told ,e n substance, Ihat within Ihe last two or i three dav s Mr. Renshawe' straneo behavior ; and disjointed la k had bmh bewildered and , ,,.,-,,, h,r v ,v lll,II1,lrd ,hst 9,,e ! Kllen Irwin, was really Laura somebody else i that she had kept company with him, Mr. , Kenshawe, in Yorkshire, befoie she knew , reminding her continually ol Ins lather, thai I i.- 1-..I n,.i Lnn. l . ishawe two ve or liurleen year aco. "In I shutt," added ihe young wnmm, wnh tear i and blushes. ' he is utterly crazed; for he isked ma just now to marry Ium which I sould nol do for lha Indies and is gone i away in a passion lo find a paper ihat will 1 .,..-1 l,u, 1 et.n iViul nlhitr I. tin, n ..,. thing. There was ttuuihiug so ludicrous in . lnlfi u,wever yexalions end it.su'ting under j t1P Ciicuintance9 Ihe recenl death i l tha ' husband, and the young widow a unprulecte ! ,ite that neither el u" could forbear liiugli ; ,,, Bt tha conclusion of Mrs. Irwin's stun I ,,and. and the vounff widow a unnriilecled i fttme that ueilher cl 'j could forbear laugh, ; , Bt tha conclusion ot Mrs. Irwin's story, , lruck ie, too, Ihat Uenshawe had con ! ceivcd a real and ardent passion lor (he very ' comely and interesting person before us ; hri nriimpteil, no clou ht, by her accidental hkene-s lo the portrait ; and that some men. ; her fref-zird execrations on the murderer of ml flaw or other caused him lo con'ouml her her child, in deprive him utterly of all to with the Laura who h id in early life excited maiiung sense and strength. He sinhlenlv Ihe sam" emntioti in his mind. reeled, threw his aims wildly into (he air. Laughable as the matter was in raa sense, ihoie was and Ihe lair wntow had noticed il as well as myself a serinus, menacing I .,; i ihw mai.'a pi-w n,,i in i.e. t,.i1,.,t -i-- - .- - - - wnh ; and at her earnest request, we accom pained her lo her own apartment, to w Inch Renshawe bad ihrea.emd soon lo return. I W e hud nol been a minute in iho room, when i Irs hurried step waa heard approaching, and Mrs. Waters and I stepped hastily inlo an adioii ine closet, where we could hear and ! nanlv sea all lha! missed. Rnnsliawe'a ; -,. tl. , .. I , speecn iremnicu w n n lerveney anu anger a ho broke al once inlo Ihe subject with which his dis.iidered brain was ree.mg. 'You will not dare to say, will ynu, Ihat you do not remember this aong Hint ihete ' .. . .. . . nencil mans tn tne martrm were noi mane r - ... by vou thirteen yeara tgt, 7 ,: menacingly (ejaculated. "I know nothing about true aong, Mr. I Renshawe," rejoined ihe young woman, with more apinl than aha Vght bavt exhibited but for my near presence. It i really had threwn tliR child's hat into ilia mer, such iionsenae. Thirteen years ago, I wasju'.d h:a mottto iii llim iicling appeared K. oul about nine yean of ." j have let-n a d.-uldu cu e. In lc e iir.,t place, " You aersiai, then, unfeeling woman, in j hecuuso he ihi)i);:lil t he boy's liker,es t lu hie cruel decep ioli! Alter all, loo, thai 1 !fiitb-r waa the cl.i-.f nli-tiiilu lo Mis. Iiwi:i' have sufliired ; Iho duyg of gloom, llio nighta j lolernlinii of his ruMms-p ; m.d ns.xi, lo f horror, since thai fearful moment when I j brihe her in'o cnmpini'icw hy a prnmne lo beheld you dragged, a hlc-lesa curpan, fimn ( rcstote her nm. lini he cf,n!ii not li dm in. (he water, and ihey told me you were dead !" j ed accnuniad'e fir h.i hciinns. " I tl.i: !;," " Di ed ! Gracious goodni-si, Mr. Ren-j ho murmured brckculy , " ih it ihe de!ti-i--n hae, don't go ou in thie ahocking way ! Ijw os portly sell cheriahr d, or of the Evil waa never drugged out of a pond, nor sup- I One. Ii htrvrd the Mn-iifn long before, posed In be dead uever I Yu quite fright- ! bul it was not III! the Ihe hush.iml w as dy en one." i i"g. ,'"it 'Ihe idea tVtslr-rmrl ilsell ' upon my "Then jlu and I, your is er, and that - aching btain, tod tjrrw there. Il.jl iho thrice-ai cursed Bedford, did t.ol, on the 7ih , world is p-tstti? ; f.rf ve tuo Ellen Lau of August, 1821, i lor a sail m the piece of i ra " lie wus demi ! water at IoHtield, and the k tf waa not, in I the deadly, sudden. lm.U .rlv , het ween him and me, accidentoiiy up-et T l!;i! 1 know buwi' is: it is ihis bral, and the uitiii ' ones he reciiila, that ' Mr Irwin creamed, and Islcaped eliarri- ly into Ihe room. The grasp of ihe latmlic j was on ihe child's Ihioal. I looked it soma j what roughly, throwing him off with a furce 'that hrouL'hl him lo the uround. H,. rote 1 ,.-. Iv . o!ard at me with t,nnr.MH (,... ' b ' n ; ,y( IKj ,Pn Jjfted out of the loom. The ' Bs long s sho I vi U ueiu.i r; ie-1. i i.e U k u 1 '(!- had become aerioua, and the same hi ! mcnt win perf. c l coherent ; and, ahh ii2b j ;K)leJ 8 letter lo Yorkshire, informing Mr. iUieu duiuv the height of l.ii iiioiiomar.n, ( Oxley of what had occurred, and ugg"blin" coniincd not a word n-fpecting the t '(.uiiij ; ltie propriety o( his iii.aed.'al:lv Cotuiin tuof the youlh'ul sil'm and the Li-ura wUu j London. Measures were also luketi loAi-! ful had first ui.i.ei;id the Icstaloi's curing Mrs. Irwin and her sun from (i.o!us- J " -- 1 ulioll ! , : hysterics ; Mrs. Iiuin, I bus lo!d hy haif , iri,)7Hi lot L'ue al one- in dying ; and the f,,-hifi.l p..., ,-.f all ... thi li.ile f:...e'of th - p'oteKiii.g. t l" n n r ome unaccounlalile rnsnntr ,,,. f ... .d been drown, d. lallen into l'.e This, at h a-i, n I l .e ! Ha ltm wth cnnnclmti, although Ihe riv er lisd been dragged lo no purpose the poor child's b'ack Leaser hat and fea her hav.r- been discovered flaated to Ihe bar k, a con uderable wfty down the sircem. 'i i,e b ilv , it was th' ught, had been C irned out into l hu Thames hy ihe lorce of ihe curieni. A teprbie suspicion g'onced ecross my mind. " Where is Mr. Renshawe? ' I a'ke.l. Nobody knew. He had not been seen wecr. live o clock annul ihe lime, I seon arer taineii, mat inc enna waa nnssea. itiaoms K..,,. .iro n. Li Ma r,( ii,n fft 1 1 fi I 9 r 1 1 a itrtfl.ini thnl r-miflml il an.l I 1 ,n r. sought a conference wnh D-ttr Garland, who was with Mrs. Irwin. The di-lrncled mother had, I found, been profusely, bled and copped, ni d il was hoped that brain fever, which hid been apprehended, would not en- mki. I he !ivieian s suiicitiii's pointed the ....... , ..... .... - - r n p.,,,,if, ImglnmseH lo my adVtC, ami 1 was llt lo art according lo my own disrri'tmn. I wns! new lo such mBlters at iba: liin unfortu- nateiy so, u proven, or, tne atiair nitgnt nave na ie'8 p-'inful issue. lomtina and I lemait-ed up waning for lha return of Mr. Renshawe ; and as the lung, slow hours limped past, tiie r.iln si lence, only binken bv th dull mo irnn and occasionally spasmodic ecrean s ol" poor Mrs. Irwin, 1 grew very much excited. The p-n-longed absence of Mr. Renshatve currimied n,y imprcssiona of hia guilt, and I deter mined lo tax him with it, and take him into custody iho insrant he appeared. It was two in the morning b- foie h : did so ; and ten miouics, l" nervous fumbling, for fu with h'a latch key , beloie he cuuld open the door, quile prepared me for tl.e spuctrelike apecl he presented on entering. He hud mel somebody, it afterwards appiaitd, w ho had assured him thai the nioiher of lha .1.......! !,. .1 : , I - -1 . . J . - .1 .. . . u'v" t-'inu -na ii.ibiu uj-ij. Ho never drank, 1 knew, but he staggered n i"'" cateu ; anu aller he ha wiiu on- hculty reached Ihe head of the stain, in re- P ' '" ,l,v queatii.ii aa lu where he had b. en, tie couhi oniv stutter, Willi win e iietn. blinc lips: ' It it cannot be be true thai Lnu that Mrs. Irvuo ts--dytng . " tiuie true. Mr. Renshawe, " I very im prudently r.phed, and in much loo loud a lone, lor we were but a few paces from Mrs. head. i I t.l. V...H.1: :.- r wretched man a ihroai. and hu shtikmir li i'- er vniuly elrove lo looen his neck lie. Al the same moment, I heard a noise, ns of etruguling, in the bed room, and the nurso's voice in eager remonstrance. 1 inslunlly made a movement towards Mr. Uenshawo, ..,.,1, . u ,n ... ... V..d ....,1., I'.... - i.-i.... f-...t. I-..H. i. i i ... ilii.a f, li.yotutiytoiistlieeu, iiiiuttjf II him out of lha way at omclt'v as possible, for I guessed what wa aboul to happen when he, mi. takinr, mv intention, starlej buck, turned half rnmul. and I, inn, I l.iuiseil confronted by Mrs. Irwin, her pal. features and while night dress dabbud with Ii o il, in ' consequence of a p,t,a dis urbauce ol the bandage, in struggling with the mi-.e-a ' lemfv ing ghastly ,ght, even lo me ; to him, utter v overwhe nnep. and scarcely neetlinj and before I could stretch forth my hand save bun, fell heavily backwariLs l.om tlie edgo of llio sleep stairs, w here hu was stand ing, lo the bottom. Tom'tns and I h ..tone a lo his assistance, lilted him up, and as we did so, a jel of blood gushed from his iiiou'.h ; he had likewise received a terrible won tl near the rijht temple, from whic the lik life stream issued copiously. We got him lo bed. Dr Garland and ! nei.-hhorinc aurceon weia soon with ui, and nrmnol rei.ieil.e. ere annlie.t. It w.isn ..' . . . .... , i iruiuess lanor. ir iy nan acarcciy oawn ! before he heard fiom lb" physician's lips thn,t life ilhiu him was swiftly ebb ng to its 1 close. Ho waa perfectly conscious nnd col lecled. Happily there was no stain of nun I . .. r '. " . . . . ... ner on hia soul: na nan merely enticed me ' child away, and placed him, under an ing nirt.i. n, ,,,, . , I, mt .pnn.uil.ni'A at Camden Town and by thia time both he and hi. Mmh.r war. .i.ndinr. .w.-.trork and weeping, by Henry Renshawe' death I lie it quest on I lie rause of dtnth returned, ' nf rrmrn, llitil il ' i,rf!il,.l:,l In,! 1 1 lon frgrel'ed .hat I had (iu btstn U:ts pro. ciiitlate, liiouch tiuihiips all wus for ihe beai for li e su!l;rc-rs na v.t-ll t:s oilier- Mr ('py had died some five etks piev on.v. j '"Uiid fioni U'thime's wil, win re , it was recited us a n u-e n that, hawi no relanvn alive h-r whom he r red. hi- pro. i feny waa liMi'ii-lhe.i to t,u s ll.-i.t'iun, , cliureed with li'tniiir lo EJ.o Irv. m. . " . ' . ... political. itllmoui: vr.r.MXG IN X. YD!'.! j The New York p iprrs C'ltiiin . !' 1." Ir fir I' e 1 ol Mr. I ii'inurc us si'lency, In III in ,."s . 1 1; on the I r t ' l over ! y I' Xv. i hui.'iiea w horn w tr leeo ,il in. -at il fljl Yo.U. I fi"!ll IS Si' I h llieet ii.. Wil pt.s Lord, I'-q., fl--i-l' .! I j I'ri -tdeti!-, in 'he !i-l i f noil ' of he le:;(!i o Wotkit'g Whi'.'srl' New I,"tti'r- Wi-m rff-Hi f.'htv ton, r-f Jle'e'-v are ; ! (Jenrgta ; ' or. it " r-. II J-llr.e, T. .!..! I..- I, no ; and II n. S. l.ir',i til thirty first di-liict i f ere-s ; a'l uppf oi n j ol er- ol M:--', N ir r e.ef.t -1; I : -I. R Can. live of York in Cm .j Fillmore as - - i - . sulrticy in is-'. i;l tn 1 ,,,n ,!'-"' '' -i.tnaii, ot m- . " ' S,'n ' w; 'p ,1!""r-' " ' ,hp tueet.i'g by. ' ucclama! mi:. r.ej wvie at lo;'.us: ' . A l.'I 'UF..'? -. FiLM;vv CtTils : hen on tha lC'.h til i Ju'v loO ail in ' I'ilabi ' l'-i.Hi'i nftvelj lllC fll r mi l-i: li hy u e p e the ikiuki d3 c na'ioii waa c. ins.ee l i n''i of the. ahi'ry, Irui h, and t:,t!t.-.- niai - hi HJt'Ct Sor. Cu'lt .i ! . I J : Chief M e'i-lljt'l, he :t !::ore:.-2 iiilegriiy, st i.f'hi," di -t i irnevpt'et-;! loin.'! lotji. "I w ,:h ilifii- iii'it s i f ler. Tin whole l a'r-'nns ai d if nil fXtrarra, I.iiiiI was it r-ri::g op:: lary tie nt will) .... ll- ! as bclwecti opnt'-i. g of the great poll it ai li.le'ine coellicts a; all-ahs'ii baa' (rip-'ioi'i . u. a. so end: ui v i-i-,ns reft rriCj Th- e -sevt'riil le, tu tl.e s nut ut leader oi our party, who rmy wnh pf- priety he cal e, its falher, had Onuncnted a mojo of seti!;1 metit, and a:Jed hy Webster and other lead II1J spin's r.t tho 'Whir putty, havinn; the licartv C')-operatin of Cass, at.d other di ting'itshed liieinhers i f the Opiuiil! "i. l!ir-y Barred .--uhsi'iti'r-lly upon the plan r-f H 'erv Clov. Hjrtng thit life time ol G "n. Tav 'or, a l the antagonisms; of the y-iri- "is parlir-a cnrilial'v united in npposnion In the nmh' ol I.: , -, it 'I'l,.. ft.,... unpisun. ir Kims o n iiinnny as - k v. ...i premise, of ls0." Ii waa well known that ihe ice t'lesn.'ent gave 10 mat t-omprcniise hi cotdinl as-ent and consi..ti-nl support. Succeeding to the I'rosulonev nt that cn'tcil nerioil w tiro collision or t ween nn- tort.e tf a foreign Stale tl lha nrinv ol mo I m ted States was impending, invidnt g in conscquencci", a wn solemnly believed l-y gnt'd men every where, the ixistence n the I'niori, Millard I'llliliore, enssmg thus In duties the most lesponihle, vvho-e wiig.it he fell lo be almost crushing, ca.ttng round him able and upright statesmen concurring in his views, m ltiifcsiin:; hu own riesiri" to Pnve trKe noe-t. ,n ...i,., iiiirnediateiV. v el ueciariii Qelme li.ii! und man lout he ' u '1 maintain the Constitution nod execire ihe laws, hy the use of every umih cn ti !d Pi him bv vir'ue of his high i lliee under ihe.e circumstances the Comproini o pissed, tind, ins'antlv upnioved. bee tint, the l.r.v i f tl.e (ho land. Thu fli'-ct produced vv is, ss an- 'ii-iniiiii. hle-sei . it riinviit trma I tie --, - - arena of p rtism and political stnle me picsinin ol slavery, a iiot-t-'i if?nr( ,.soti tint even Iho txt rt'tlie,! a oli: lomM, not v el 'ho tno-t u lra seces-nui's1 en ii riuih-' "from- liberties. mam lo the fte .l harier of It restored lh. leniesenlatncs of the people lo more h'i mil e pniMiils, linoi'in g Im ir immediate utlei.i.ion to the vital lott re-'s ol the people hefoia iiel.ele.i. Mil'aul t-MI-moro la -atrial in his viwu tut a-.: mi 1 in ihe he.iris of ihe in. :ses oi lo- i- uniiv iiieii Ins r w nil. I'.very eve in ihe I'-ii.-i was turned to hi Hi ll o possessed li e col li h lice and the reg irii of his le.iotf eil 'ns g'-oe a! v. l'uhlu' sen- to innent em ll to tl'f s-lj-p II of hl-i AilllH'-IS isiinlion. not 'on v in a the it,-ine-l ie uliius i f th - coinriy ali'.-C'ieg us iitia-trv, ii eoiioneiee at ho me and with 'he t tiler u o !,', Hie iniitroieiiii ill ol fil' ihe ihllii-inn of know U ; iiiol quiet vi hit h he nrd he restored m every see s r .1 h.lihnis, II . I the ; . th'sirt i! s1 t.iil.f il''le I'.lllltl 4 he tTes'TVi ,1 he cansi'il her be re-pivteil in ami w Hi ' e Inns hut in all its lor. nol re, a 'he dignity of his cam cm., ins nn d their rr.hts lo he : everv nil u ter ol the eh I a-.iel...... ll.e interests of rnr pen. ii i. - pie, ho was . q nitiv j hi hi mam..n..,i. . i.i relative iluio-s towai.is o'her t... n. .w. 1 11 ai. tlie reiauons oi pno- - - secumt tlie esievin i.i g o i m, o i u, .,i'ii. ! nisi nml uerieht e- urse. . -j i - without guile, si no, or reproach, inai nns ndvnnceil him continual. v, grade bv gfade. l" ihe highest ti.oit known to ihe Republic, He haa dignified and eievaicd Ihe l I.i e. hy bed.1 proving conclusively ihm it was best adnata- is'ered by its occupant hrn t rulh, virtue, : re sen' ed ns rrdeavnin L' to h' ,;n 'he i;'!v 'i '.innr, arii ability, vita his a'le:.i un's; end luge of tho f iitn't In ! prtve l..c:n ou has ex in hili d, in his o-.v :i pen -n ami con of a fortius U ihctr j.i-t ' -itie;-1 ei i-l duel, ihe Ptnmpis of lh" enr'v l'reii!e-its ! nltt-mplmg to aHi..n li e i c n-l- I rv in the hat in ih' blond sense in wh.ch the lather- : Leai'lalure, thai v.s n I? ll.e '., ai d if lli.-i I'nioii in a ' nminfe-t the g'.oiiou? ; i-xoeiid t'.o n- f r 'er oviti I -i !.' tn'Mi-n j; of .nor mime onJ tilh th it l,cas, X ,'!.i: o : ': '!: r f.nni t: tr'e. e vv I uilhoiigo i,ii,ie!ie. tin .-:rl', , tliej I'lesoleril meet cur I r !l 'e.i r.f the l.i'. in .' -i vi n. of the I'lHtel Elites, cli(.-hareing oil the Inn in Hm tr-j-i .-; let v i-i':h . i,,d u'-, t dunej i,f,d obligations i.f his lrul as a patuot lieiwcea brCi.tcn M "hu tan e M.. , : I and a .sUtcsniHii, i,n I tint an nurli5.in. u liota in eresn . h- u'-l l.e n.'.i.tn' A. i U HsoLliTlON. w,;l ,:;''"r '"h lli,f" r '''li' 77,nyliif, Ae-torei, That us .Vii.mbd I'll.!, whole :-'a'e. e y, l I a: k i.olli.i y v rif-.i misk. rominerHjo. n (or l-rv, tol:,i,if! up r. j : i ! I i n u jo coi.cetie. II-ivo weevir ,'n'i I to tirty riinnnotl a iin-ijiunii -il Iroi!-', i ,1'if: i! n. (J ,J , j i , r rj ? In !r;-f!i ? I,i. t i li r Vi e, ,; himM-lt prni-l.cl y m.d lle.ioiii'-ly l.y l:,s im n m- ..x.inil,.V.i - ,;, ,, Un,i!:-. i",(l H v. ill I- (I-.if-trv, uii! rouoneiicm lien the prii-U"' ot a . , . . pro ..,i, m w- iel. he v., l,..ur.d llr !.. v..l-, ' '' '""' v caii.il l,y the e aii.of!; hoiii l.y hvi d -o rip 'the iij.pri.priaiti-lia ior impron men'a in 1 1." re-cut ti '-m in l-iiih l.rniiuiii s of the I.' l;is! iti.r-j, ; f,u ,t, N,' ,,, a do br M 'J;d i jif i o ulI of and U -ere exhil.itii jrlh.' inloritj; and jh.luy which ,ia r, qs.Jry w,ti,out tllfir accli.n. And li.v inet"ifhBra.-U!ii? ""t j o. li . sarce ; . , t. , . . , , penpl -leeitd te the nuional eoijncila, where Ha has cominueii by thurui ipuiili.i a-rri.i-.l ; and ia the t-vi r.iei oiorii'-le t ml - .s(; cn'li 'oi'Cr-.--, u.i.! by t! e f.-n. ral vice of the reprt-s -i.iativ-i-a ca,r n,::. ;' ; - ' .:.'-:'; ol V. u -. -..Vi,-!. tiler--, by lit-r- lUitt-t ific! e-vc!' -!l our-! ' Ine ill si- aiiiio.is'Mi-. o ., r.eor.1. hv l.is f.n,;;e,. '; -cr. l.i ti ai-.l cl.ty, ,,:.:? ci.;r.'r..iti ' l.j f -. oi (lini to!! i :,e h ri.-'-iii ! ll.e (!. n : 1 1 .l-'i- n i: 'I try uiai Ll. clI ie irjltTe-N el Hie c.'iui'ry aid. n. t'i- e.iifi of w r ' k, l-.l.'J llie I fw anil ptr.'e luiili ii 1 . ' -, . ,, u-ir.s o tmtioii.ii ijrejtiif .'h at. :l propi-M'v ; Ihtnor, I.y a n.aj-ri'y if ue-nly JU.I.MI, el, e i.l I on:; 'rel...r ol his o.-.ri Vti-.o, le d:v!.i:e: l. i dat.ia rn'ii i-in h it nikt ! di-t:i:eii"i.. a isi Lre'il.t oner r.n' of coaiiiMMO, a lo win fiutn :i .:: o.-1-i ui-: lahti. d la-..'.. he u..ar:t,::.....-y I f..r the Vee I'KM.Ii I,, v. 'iiui i:.,-r-d as a p.-.c- m Ui r I , t v. r i, tl.e . or.'e.'.i:;:! t'RMit.n'd . 1 in; uv.a i-otv, tie I. r ef Ins eleiriurUT .inJ I'u un.iiip.j ai ,e l Oraiiiii It'- onciici ui.l. ii-ol, :ls. I : , I , uullln y Mil 1 , . , , , tit; Willi i.t ni.l a. I av!ur, l.u &I .H'.l lie-' UCCt-i u: - li e call 01 It H. lU:-KifU. '1 1, a! wl.rn c::!!'l hy rr-'V'T.'.-in-.-: tn enter u; on the tint s of l'rt m I i.l, v i: tee I i:au r- fy up on the Aim h'y; ana itilli a.i ui-Uaer v.r trt,-' in ihe pilii-j'o. o! i.e ol' 1 1 ri.en, :'.v- ,;;:, lis i''le.v.e:l 7. -i. to i'.llrl l-:,n: no:--;'--- u: w.i d in lha- oc!ar;"' of in htj-i voctt !.. ar.d imre ci ii.r, tan- of d:tt. r air! p.-r I to l j 11. p il.li -, rli t.M vi Phonl a p.trn'l.'!, 'with i-jn-.l :-,.. ty a,.. .iw..,,' r,.iri: - a-e l-i u e !.:.:; no. oil. too: uitti Inn triiij Ha ln'.re:.t at !t i e ; uphelJine. pr.erviiif. d aefei.du.g the t oiisii'ii. tnai st.d loo ta . ; t'lru'.iie; evu.-y w l.t re tlita. of pr.'.f'iun t.v r lie: r : ' !s ol our ctan.'rv a' it e't 'in a road : w in.mi ' Ir. Ill u.i men a:.J llu : ,iM .t, li.c i.k'.-.! ol 1. a .:.: lj .ai. I in lie ft: ti olil t- a-I,- r'l.j;. :. ! ' o t ri 1 1 , . " 1 1 t : . I i i -.' i o: o', u-.. 1 i.t- i l I.t: o . ". .-ai : ;i! c i" l .i A : ii..:. .-ira' : j: s: I'V n.l- Willi V :1.i::1mj.V, J. ll'.rr .:. j. a: , .litu.-j. I ,.'.-! iii !.., o II . ''.oil l JI , V 'C .- -.- iii- ,.t I'.l: 1. -s ,:i. I:: l .l tll ofll.ep o j tti lil.sci'l. V .... I.. : .:.-' o . : i -MoR!- , v.e i-rte,;.! i:,!ij tjo-ir t--j i : i . I : .' i : ; : , -"s , Wiii" cin.f.d.i'e Ii r It 's l'."-s n. y o: i' b I t in : ii i"-- it r ll.'! l .""i- ' n. y or i-d i i i Sl:;,t", pi-t,:; !'- ty oi:r t r. 1 nil i v, ty tt it- rt t fir - - - " Q';::..-l I.;,',; f::r lie ti v t. o t-. , ij,i tu -'-.--:u I..Slti,:.p ai.t.i,.:,,:,. ' ll, th,.!. 'I .-.-.! Iii a (..mmsiltf i. it ut ctti In a c-.n-taei'i.ty i, iv,.1 i-; n f.r.-f :' a an-I ' a'r.el r.o'.v t!:;;',v o vol e in Ih-j !or 1 l.ni 'ttet r if 1 1 V . 1.. t :r t r:"tr is o.ir I; ; ti-rali'.'tl.t..i u,:ep teelol.: un.i. ; lo -k Oji so a t ..'.tl,': ,.t ; . to- W, w l,'l f't l: let it intl I. -t ;t o-i I l u ;.- 1 ' ... - . ; :.: -I, r. -n h .:: t! !,..,!,,..... I:, io fi.. in? ot o.-. j.oy. A.:-:, .ai- t.'.or ti.L.f :ii..,:; ti i.-.r l.:--'l.', 1 t.ii a i i ... :i.l t!:f.r uitercrs, the n ti-'ii pi.-i.s to I. ..a in- rs -.ut' h: d I t : Pi,!: at. tor. W ,-. t, a ii . -'a.., of M ;i is; it F: : l.-i ,: l,. ii.-iy w- I! s e ir : i -.1 t ) H.oiy I liiV, Hiio liois ::,ti s .11 the. ,: u il i in- I fiirtv feini lliir. S' rv.ii ;.ptir,i. al, hi ..low .'.! upon one hIii',, i;..?.iv, Ins !.c n tr,,.(l.and loand Irue, fail'.f.il, l.,M.t.'.l..cil: .1 I.t. ..-is" ir.saiii, 'll, '1 ,u I". 1 in'"!' to"'! '1:- i i-'t o:" tii is t i' v. v: !:o;i in- r l !. :. I i 1 a :l --.ir :' -'-lis Fii'cii.:.! V rriiiiir-. .1 li.-- I ti'i.proiin e. ai.-i in. v..- d : tl'o.rn:- .-. i'.vf I e. tjti; il. p i:-:if, tu roj:v w r r !!hi cr :l v.-ti-.-i t-j li.a great .Nat. n,l V.'t.ig I'sriy t.l pn-icip'-, au.1 d - ulare i ur irilcr.tion l.i aiin... 1 y, and iL.tniiain, lo tl.e hc-t of ciir a1 ilitv, I: I'm, .11. tim ffct.stitu'HUi. and ll,. law3-ea.h ai.d rv.;y .,:t of I... mi and ttfc 1; r. proel.tiin ll, it, lh;o::.' i w, a! oi wo. wo ill continue in tt.is faith nlwiys-wrii-h sWd know no boh. I'm ar.y seetuii ol oar bioad a.m luppy oiiid. Spetelo s weie d:-;.veic.l u ih.! - cc isi.ii i v t . ii. H iii.p' r. v Miu-h :ii, t, e !i .-u. Men .'nil I'. lit : I r v, "at, .1 the I '...n. ,!a::: s !!; ., k.. Ti e C. hint, u Ltnluaw. Ill u!,:.l, the mtftiiig vy..s held, being packed to its utmost capacity, some thou.nnds cl' persons or.Mii'Z".l ii.is il'!, and cui.ed tl'.o H it:. J. Pii'llips n.u-i'.it to Ihe Chair, and were ad- dressed bv the veterac J.-stph Iloxie, Ei., and i-lsiq icnl'y ly Mcssis. Ricoks and G.-iiiry. At '!. n i; tl c if II is - v Civ t'i. clncr- ir,.i w.aji t:.!in:.i,!(iic. Several ol t.,a m-i.-i proa.iiieiit C'av men weto pre.en', ai.d i encJ i.l tiie (letnor.stiatioti for Mr. 1 1 Imore. J F.,i,'i I;,, 'i.o.'tt'r:i 'r .'eri---i . Tin: T!.o.-ri:cT. It .;ivs us p'ea:ino to preset:! cur r 'ers - ev c,,u.j ca, bean pnrr .dg. w ,: h a p. -.vler-Wllli l'e f.;.iir.g C.'t.l'T'ei. ..tO'li li"- 'il i ! .,, I ;I,V .tore er-Mi'ii s. 'iit f. : r- ,,-r. . the -t ci-li. :J an I ll ;!,::.:...! W 1'S in We-U n . s . i r t n "'. ""'J ex-.T'-ss our own well s1 t I' d cmiv e the writer Id's tt'it ovetsiated tho liber. I and lritlo-rn.il l.c:i;; which aninuttCs ll..' p one of thai p .rt of lh" Slate. The appr.v.il ..! llu: proceed r;.' of :!.-. lale U"h;. Cotivetil.oii i. tin I vtr i : -w il ll ihe Will;., we no an.) T ist ill..! W ; o... aeir, nil indlo 111 1 ...' is. of giatil'io' ili .ti. .'.ml in ih It rim., item .iii;,!:i:. ,', ,,er, f thev mil'; rita'wieg the sli d up y a;u! In'iv I.i do their ih.n in reilt't m I the. j,. ,hey'll !- slidiiij down! Ai.i.ii was a the. State I : can In- dene, and il w ill be done. p. , ,.;r1,i,,L lt ,i l,,i :',,; un - ! i , h - .1," i: r Ti the -rt cf t'.r OWnrr : - i :.-l' r wei.c ,'' to v: i! i';i-:i lu i ! U. :' As a h on I a N I'd Cam! iiii ii'. I can-. do ine; nr.p.r j.y's ..y tn t'i .' .' A-'m .' .- tint ;:li!.o!d M.o t-xpi.'ssi, ii t my gr..t li.-a t'-e old I k's i win t i ! 1 A i -.rn vv I so lum, al tli" re-ttlt t l li e Lib as of fie i b vv Kve wat s't to !"J . :' y k: : i' a I 1 C i v.:.!i iii. I::, v I. I-l ill R ih'ig'.t. Tna li.il fill V f m't w.-t!. Tilt ". it:"s t't: rest Inn i.s ,:.!. o'e.l lis f;.it body i cr-cut a i'aii: t y "' - ''. i '. '. ' ' ' lh: j liti'i iiii cl Ni'i o il ai"i St..t. p iic-y on in id'- f .;i wo .kv' t ".! ' l! ' ' "" c' am. which 1..1I .-..: evcrv Wirj in ih S'ate c i-i b.-rtna-ds, y. ur cs or wfe w ,..:,; s: ,:; I, hit ere ii - a wmcii, to u.v own per. aid set Ctir own ;: is til. el .! ! ! n . sou ai kn- vvji i'a,., iii;HV cem.tcra'.s wil, h.- smart wom'-n -l tit.i n :.,: ;i f. nod m Ati-usi i. m. 'Sa u d I", 'nn 're he the o'd : '. : . . m, l .t 'ii b" l; I liie e,i: I. s. hi' led I v the. Wia ; Ci'ti. I r s ,-. . :: i".; . ,oe C i:Vi titi.'i.. I.. wdl be 'op,..:'. I j.-.idv ,..! i .l.'-.'s j bv evict If.e W i.tj.ui.J .. , ! .:,. e- ,'. ,11 N I ' .i I :r. :.a. Tin" q-i-'s' ten v it li ii g . : d t ' a tin :i. line,, Is Ihe C .'esiii.ii on is ti'iit ed urn u the lii.e ai d tiiiv R- n-.'., i.- ei ot no I. I: trust ! borne in iiim.l. ! , t!-:.t t' C. i.vi niien w.is i ami. r n ihe ul-i i I'.-mpo-i tl ol d. 'i o itt s pr.ivip ally ir. :n ti e i- iji; li . liwn 1 i Cistern p.-r'i ,n i t th ' S' i'e. Tne re o:o through 'he -ti. i - o:. do'ee i;e irom iti," e'itit'nit" t'.i ; aid l:i"ie i! it 1 i ,i o this iidiit' Ct'iiliiet oi mi r l.i.t. rii W lu b e f.ink ol en i ho u a ll ;hn ii wi I in I l.,i! to bitnl us t.i iheni w iili t , ::i ! Ti.- -- ' s'l I slrorgi r lies. We let k up. n it as n ci- ur cura ; I- v I : 'i rect i tf. r men iht ir pait to meet us in the as pos, h ; p. t rti'v spirit in whnh Const i li: lens can he 1 ,n ; m ke n so. . -'i : formed or ailiei.dt d II) the a. lilt if Com i.r.-ie.i.-e. I Upon thia Cirvridion question, ud;eus ti .-d g-aci'm, it s "' t I (flirts have been mid." if misrepresent Ihe ivtti lor'y ye its ': j state of feelinj ia ike West. We are ren. them ia t m a I '- vej I i.J'.-w,"" - "J" ' -h-,rg,-,i wt!u nn-ttlily to Ihe J'.ut f I tr iu-1 rT-'t? : u to rlfny t- it c:i!nin.-i 'li a-:'J re- erii'iriatmil tt:iV pra'iice, i-i pri c.-as ol tine, a( u ,,.,.1, r , -,-. f.v , , , . : :U,:I ' '' 1 '': ! " I." ''"' '' 1 hy meet n g H' ti '-' '' -v, fcirJ a-j'j:u:;r, 'l,i- i,h the h'tar u p.r r ie: i - n, nil otir r- i.et s I In no fi e o! a I 'i'' I t! ! i " t ! t' (. ol -t ; ; u' e n hy . . .... , , - i , I - , , I he i,eii-,atnr;-. I-, i I a i . I: li e ,ii l e i , j' 1 - - , r ... hy the h-sst l! an mii-iUu i.t e- to l':n .... i !iecaii-o a caruii'ij'e. lor Cr- i-rrn r, ativi c- i, i i. .!. A in' i o on !.' s are rtM.i ,a c; s... l... bare i.l j oi'y il vote : aruNvii- m t:,f st a l-irse m -j t vi.'ers, artir-'n.im- tit-r i-l be l-'it'i-u in ;: a il,. I,'-j ! r:: ' . : l-'i t .'' K st t. ' i : .. , u s jro-'ral". (,'imst i t lit lot:-, a:.j . , , ' , , . ,. ,i ; , ... lorn-a a tri nn 1- .a t 01,01 ii.ei, ine ir; ; -r.lv , . ... J 'K,! W '' ljl ; -"lt" 1 '"' ' -alt ty ol U.'jf,. 1 1,.. j-: - tu fJf n ( l,,.ifi. :, '.!.;; '.no i.i; . -i. 'trim i t - -: .''. I I,.' t't .'.ti! it i ' r ' : 1 1 -;,' l'- 111 .e. ' ,!,.e 1 1 1 in I- i r i x, i ! i i let il.e i i. : il.fnt u'lU f' i .' ii- J, l-ae it mt.. :.i- aw n ca'e. " '1 U" i ; are fiipa'. ,,vcr...,..r.'," is 1 he ri : r 1 t . I II. V. : f(. lh(, j, , Jl( t i , , lru., , . I , . "u 1"4' "'!'"'li '' ' v ' " i1" 'i.i'V, nn ! ' ' tii.u il rit.,.-V.i ,:,;.'. L . lure, 111 Aa'i-t o: T". I-l-'! I .t S v VA:. .''acil it !li tHstii'ii liiiii':i.(!iis. oi : '. i i l. I. - .. F..U:: r L J..un:!ll rerUlti .3 ll t.'IV h- , 'tl Ci.V. . '. , ( i '-'--"'""b ' : i I a rt , i !, i. e. r-t .. - ri.pi'l I ,. , , , , , , 1 . ' 1 " ' 1 V ' 1 " Ull ! 1 -T " !i t1'.''! VI: V '. tl': 31 .. " ..l,d r ,; r iii: ::'..s i ; i;.--n ,: s . o.- .- :i ti . : . , v n I - " ' 1 ' i I1' i! C-i. t'.i t: - v i t'.i.t; ' 1 l .e I', -' i " t! i ; i ' , ! 1 w . - i ,. I iii' rev t ion ii'. . i' i' 1" i r- .1 :l ft -i ti.. m : 1 iM v -.v-ri- I i, .: .1 n : u i e A !v l al ! it' , . . p.., m .m,i.:,:n.; : ( , . , i' n-t I to i ' i .- t at preii'io - t . . 1 . , ! i,t-w li.- a:e ;,:1 iii 1 tji , t,.j,Cj l ' - ' 1 V V 13 S-O.id- 1m, ft e 1 . f i; I S H n. ,re ',-.n .isiil I'liii- V- U c ..'.! I. I r !. t ,r .i:m r -I' . ,:i ,:i ' I l.f v h . w : 1 '. Th . r I : t i i .', . : .! .:. , . , , b:-tPI' du r ! tirieers r e's . over .n n i i v i ; h ," 1 1:;.'. . . , t i'liCV am all t-.-i :t ! to ;l:;i t'- - .-'i'.i-- ' inut vvt.ir li ,-' Ci-.- li, a;,.. .,..l e.i'.'ars ou t.i I'.tor l.e oi .1 . t :, , . , , ' J. !..,r-. . . -,, ,f,,, ., ,,, - l picachers, telling us " iniiirn, do thi or liibt ; or elst- L"'t In hm-J a d iiu cr to n,' i. ' --I' ::n i i' -- : 1 vi ' S n.ii ! w .j. Pi: ' -'- - ' ' .'' . ' ' I ? l o -' "Hi't . i ' n m.-.r'n iiai r t:i- n.' 1,'wr.g.tu at 'hi, i.Jo l.e r .. .- i.l ui.i o ,:' bv an-. '..' r gwratiot) we sliuu'l hivoT.ni'.r-jj I it miMure of c. n.'i a;; : me-.'. v .' T:. ; Woiniti loo ir,: t o Leli.-r .1 isji-l vv.-n li:"J ' brought up, g J !,r i-on:.- u;i s:r Up Lu !" Le !ult la a ,;l ! 1 lT ! A ! 1 "'.is a b-.-y, it wao'i so i'v- pin'i ng w h. a I stood in the c r tic r ! 1 hoy wo ;.i:t i.'. i il. ii5 C3 ll' c ! " '"''X ' :''": ! '-' 111 t.urrry-inr.id to ran alter them ; ll' i: nr.iher'a wasti't ns' amed to lend if.eir ou u--uie: ) ifv cuu-i s. w a p .1 I' t .:.'.. - T . I l 11 .'I 'd r t t ri. the cradle beside. The gn's ium' g. I I -.- s tie i'.trij in ll.. s. tifi.i s, ;h:-v o n :i p :i i:i. i weiive W :iti! .i!l:t lirieti, !i:-m' l i'si l, ir.l i. I h'u . and wear it. too, alter it was il no ! and I.t tier 'tl.i d, than tin' w, tul-.cir s:.k giwna. their l'li-tir!; ! r f. ; Ks ; laai : l ih '-.ii ; v pale-laced ih:n-s. "v. n .:j,'i -j " ' p, ,. .,.,. -ru.vUi:K! Put I hem a: il t 1 ; ... ,. H ,,;. 1) 'vi.'a 'orei-: : i ; ai: I tl ch "i , ,,. to! as ihe tr.i' or tivi::t ! U at Is ,- ; ', ,, , i, v. 1 II !. w ,, lV ,s . ;, J ..,,', .).-, , ,.,. tl.lu wo'Ul, they are g '.; It ii-it t r- - V e I'l-h.-ei t - !: ' a ti.,i:i : t i;i d -'..t, ho tiio.i t . ,1 1,,'i pu i :d . pi. -oii - t' 1 in .. b..t it aci'l so n tv ; h ' : t . ti e it ao.! s'enl ; n,tr w iia' h " i ?) . i tl. t v. i '!i'l ! i"t I v . t l ' .1 I , . , - iii. ir cicl.tois; ;; , lo S. o:..t i y iioh .lv !..' w ne e ;

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