mm ,.C. WILLIAMSON, I eWto.. T. i. iIGLTOK')(Ii--BLi?-uEH. HOLTON t WILLIAMSON, I'nOl'KtETOHS. TERMS: North Cemlina Whig will be afforded lo .uWntwra el TWO DOLLARS in advance, or "ttO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CFN ISif psy iuit be dcleytd for llireti Biontlie, eud lilliFE piiLLARei at the end of llieyear. A ivi rlin mi lit" inserted al One Dollar prr square (IB lirie cr lees, thi ailed type) fur the iiral inter iimi. and 25 eeiita for each rontinusnc. Court ad. tttiimnieiil and bhenlT helve chsrged 25 per hjslicf : and a deduction of 3.14 imu rent, will te made from thai regular prate, fur advertiscre by j he ;iir. Advertlncmenia innruo inonini) or quarterly il per rqiiare fur earh time. Senii-niouta v 1i emit p' aquara for each lirue. S'AII Icllor relative to the Kdilorial Depart mm. I muni bv direoii d In i lie Kdiiur. And all Ut tirmm buitinwa '" lob Work, &.O., mul be dirae t( to li b l'ubiilier. All IrtUira null be nat.iaid or they "ill not bo attended to. fr I'lymenia can he made to either. j7-p.,iiiii"l. r aieaulhoriK-d to art aa a;cnta. 4 Where now is Henry Clay ? Tb quaal.oa raa not lonf ainc tauntingly ask nl Sf 1 lorofaco of a Whir;. Th latter time - care through tha Louiaville Jaurnil ; H liera ie h T Aak Ilia Koat Of f-e.'inen to our ttltva Und ! A m.llino voieea ill reaiiwid, While ea h one (iroadlf iU hie kand, Te hn warm heart and wiM la'. Far loin itiey lienor, auewer lira '. Wkare ie bo t In tb frrn North. la il.e vaal of tbe VVei, In the rwwt lo !.:'! t,f the "i.uih. That rally. of aimt ie knoieo and blaal tn Und watcliwrnd ot t'.e free The aallor ehoula it on the tea. Where is hot Fir byood ll.e reach Ol liia fierce of lore In Viin d ee mal c etrive to eruah Cnlloaaal (.mtue with tie b'owa The arrowa wtnfad with ef.rioa e.m, b-oik on the bofht abwld of tie fame ! VI,ro ia We ? tt"t,( n I) would U jraat, Ti" p.rif pip.!iic4 of to day, Are all f rg. mankind will wop Aruund ll.e heiiow4 grata ol I Lav ! V bre titan will tie tba oantea woo dare laun.a In in ? Kclis anawjra where f ar a. e. tie f to me, (., I I'm ad le nicht, A are.glit ol f sef on m trfal Ahd thy teaal vaieo aioa.4 eaa ehar.11, M i aa.rit to Ma aronutl re I. Tiir-reV e 10 trie aot g of bo Oa, Uil limaa. ti ey niaaa rn:h aialody, I' j maa.c fru.n thy, o.y love ! la aarcoter than all elae to ate, te toe leva, aod let thy voice Jte awee ly tn aome favorite strain, (ormeaic bee a boly power To eharwi my apirtt trorn its pain. Aod wlten Ilia atara be.n to gw, aoeart the cjoMrt faymo ol eve I it wloapere of aome far oil' land, Wbrre wo at Uat ahll c.-aa to ffr.eva, lrr4o'e eiMe fVes'rrc. ittisccKancouSa From th Stirling Jas.'aal. ISomaiacr el" Krai 1,1 fr. The following fact poaaea aome striking points of mtrreat. We may premise that the iory is strtckly true, tha i atnea only , fur obtious reasons, being suppifssed. It the year 127, yuuna woman, of ale C"nt nvror.lsee. rniraeed in the service of elergvmsn's family in the west cooairy, be. came ac.pumted with, and furmed an attach ment to, a young man in tho neighborhood. A child, the result of Ihi attsenmont, was U ti natrly, from the inability of ei'her of the pirente to support it, consigned In Ihe care f the grandmother on the father' aide. Tha mother had frroirent ommrlunittee of i eeuig and hearing of her boy whiU she re- ! wmed in that quarter of the couniry, hut j ortia lima afterwards she left the noiehhor. ! hood, and removed toadiatance. After- I rds lha lather left the a-ne diotricl also, j nd removed 10 I reland, taking the boy along ( with htm. Some tear oed wav. and. i bemg mutually ignorant ol each other' place nf reaidenco, the niothnr, after using mean to ditcuver whither her child had been re moved, gave up all hopa of obiaunng Ihe much-desired inlolligence. She conducted herself well in the gentleman' family in b'cli she sr ved, and, 111 few year after, :lr his hand. Ho glanced In keen, shrewd su ollar of marriage wa made lu her by a eye '"isurely around the room, which eon respectable tradesman, which, after candid- ' moment no one hut the clerk ly relating to him the circumstance of her I ,J "'vsell. pieviou, life, he waa, by reason of hi at- " 1'oiid of reading!" inquired the pettier lchmenl to her, induced lo repeat, and she nf ,h8 cleik, when he had (unshed hi cber gratefully accepted the olT. r. lu tho proee- J vatmn. fuiton of , business he soon after rem .ved ( " I"' 4?8 ,l,ne 10 ,cfl(J' 'el,I"-'d lho to (,4now, where he commenced business j clerk. teginecr. Tim lathsr of ihe boy, in ! " 1 ra,hor K"M Sl bo"k hfT 'r"u d "re ne ar. time, had also married, and by him lo reudr" continued tho pedler, per.ever- vnutii, when he grew up, was aent lo and j completed lit apprenticeship with an engt in Ireland. Hubseajuently the lad went "Oissg.iw in search of and obtained employ iwiit, by a singular coincidence, and w ithout k,wwled0n either td of Ihe rela'inn l"P, from the engineer who, a wa have '3'J, had married thu boy mother, and, "m lha fact of her not httving aern htm ' 1 " was an infant, ahe never suspected, "' indeed Could not nnasihlv ' ase recoeuix. mm, at ,er 0(l ng-lost boy 1 ( 'i arpeun that a brother of tho lad's fa '.'if happened lo keep a booking office foi parcel, &e., in the city, and to him, among w""r. the fiitbcr had aomi limes, in hi let '', allurlffl to the mother of hi boy, and ina natural curiosity lo know what had bo c"m" f her. The young man wa occas nti !y ill Iho habit of calling on hi falbei's brother, anil reading or talking over any mil '"it letters they might receive from hi fa ,h' "i Ireland. It chanced one day that a dtetserj, and even lady-!ike wemin, ea- errd the itffice lo book a pmcul ; 1 1 . o man fixed liia eyes upon her, and said ho had some distant recollection of having seen her before, and begged, with all civility, lo in quire whether, in her youth, she had been in employment a a servant at a mai.e in tin weal country which he named. The lady replied (hal the had ; and, ever anxious re garding her buy, and having no reason loi Concealment, eagerly inquired if he eou'd give her any tidings of her son.r.r if ho knew anything concerning hi in? Tl.e mini told her thai he was himself the brother of the bry'a fa i her ; thai, bavin,? seen her in former eari, he remembered and recognized her countenance, and if ahe would cull at hm of fice on the succeeding evening 7 o'clock, he wou d make arrangenieuia whereby her on ahculd be in attendance, and the might iia him. Tha inlereai and anxiety, it mny be imagined, of the woman were great. Hhe had not heard of her b' y, alter ninny vain endeavor, for the long pic ol twenty yeara not even by letter ; and here, by a eiiigj lr accident, when ahe Ititl expicled it, ahe waa on the (olhiwmg evening lo aee and con verae with him- She immeilniiely weni hoiii' ud told the circumaidtice to her huibmd, and deep waa the intereal he alao tnuk 111 tho matt-r which au muih concerned her; lor : he had been to him a good and fuilhlu1 wile, iaml if ali had erred ahe bad Wuhh.-d ItWHV 1 . . t 1 .. . . J . 1 , f I Willi .onj; lilliuw auo I e-.r.nii , an,, il,-, ui ill others, bad deely forgiven her. I lie in- terveiin.g lime, it may be tuppoaed, eeemed long and tedioua, and it waa with an anxtoua eye and a palpitating heart that she en end tho flice ol Ihe boi k keeper the auccc edinn evening, few niiontes l. fore ttie app nt d bour. Tiiij mail informed her that the lad had not vel arrived, b it would be there a. on. end, handing her seal, told her that he : would a half siiuller of the aide ttuiduw vl.e.i he came in, by wtm h signal ahe wnuld I know that il wi her ion who eolnred. l'eo. 'pie csn.e and went for a considerable tune, and the no.ihfi'a feeling and anxiety weie every ni. ment increasing, when one of her hual.aod'a wtukmen entered tlie . Hire. Sue I li.aiioctivrly lurried aw ay her head, for she likeil 001 ihal one in her ru-band' service 1 afiould bM-rve tcr at auch an anxioua lime, but at thai inaiani the half sbotlcr was haati. lv eh oed : for it waa indeed her son who had entered, she gazed at bun as he lood in hi prime, and her wonder wis great that ahe anou'd recounts in or.e of her hu'lian J'a work men her long-lost son ; but I lie preced. ilng ai 'e y and the were to murh, I and J .he looked alie her a me pale and lain! )ed away. Restoratives were iM.anediately 1 procured, and, on t er being completely re- 'covered, an eipUnst 00 bt li.r extra. udiiiarv icircuma encre w cooioiuiiii sii'd u the s j Ailbasugb he bad bid ircq.M-nl uWHa'aa to I apeak to h'S mistrra. Iht-re had nin been the i ieat upicin on either aide, of the close re- ltiimship. They went hone lo hue- I li.nd'a boose and ln place of bus.nea to 'gether. Her husband wasamnz d. as well lie' be, a' the torn matleis had tsken, (and indeed it waa a subject ol deep interc,! j to all of them, lie waa ple .sed lo find that hi w.fe' son waa doing so vve I ; for ol cour-e, a hi maater, lie knew him well ; nd shortly lteiards, hating o d .. Il lenre wuh hi friends on hi ho ha I, and kiiowing the lad's ability, he (.rocur.d lot bun a situa tion as engineer on one of the Lngliah rail, ways which he still bold. Only about ten months ago Il.e lad tnteiceiled and obtained for hi lather a iiilotr ilioa'e situs ion on the same lino of railway. Ihe eubJued and grateful thoughts of the mother may well be imagined. An absence of nearly twenty years Could not in any degree nhate the feel ings of maternal attachment ; and though she had olteu deploied the error of her ou h, it was with feelings of thankfulness and a gladdened heart she contemplated ihe extra ordinary chain of circumlancca which, un der Providence, had, restored to hi r, afler ,rh a protracted separation, tl.e child of )er atLdioos. Lair! Dodgr. The passage of Ihe Maine L q'lor Li has aff. riled excellent food lor tl.e wit to sharpen ihsir masticators on. I un follow ing 1 about a good a j ke as we have yet read. Nu doubt, however, but that we shall have occasion to laugh over many a similar incident before wo are many weeks older ! About a fortnight since, tall specimen of Yankee miiiumc ure arrived m the good city Portland, in Ihe State of M line. a. d estab- ''"bed hnnrelf and luggage at the Kim Hotel. Fbi luggage consisted ol a until valise and large ohiong box, ccniHiiitng. for the in- peciora nun rx-unineu oe cninnni, .lusm. !y of '-)'" bs, richly bound, which the proprie. ' lur il"d b"'ught for the purpose of retailing about the env . j After seeing his properly p'accd in iho ,onr" allotted to him, the pedler made In 'ppfnre at Ihe t.lTi.'e with a snm'l tolume lnBl.v What is it T " Well, it's a real good book, and just tight for tho limes, loo, 'cause it'll give R man spiritual consnlstinn ; and thev do snv thai what a man can't get very easy in .Maine just about now.'' " Thai very true; but ) our consolation unfortunately, my friend, does not happen to ne n 1 me so,,. - . ,. There was a cunning leer in tho poddler a eye he inquired- ! .. .. . a K.l nl . lo. r, l.l inrt . hat I aa Wl I .;. ...,,l' .!, Inrlr he. i O IHII I anil jjllt H, BI.IU.UWW.V.. ,-..- coram interested. a Cue. I ah. II anil ton this book, then." aid the pedler, dec dedly. 1 aa Vl'lo.a i aia,oa l,t,h,i lot, I n.n tho name I of it yet I" I before plural nouns no one can say ahouses, ' It' Pilgrim' Progres." j a horses, a " Oh, bother I I've read il al least a dr-zen) Hold, there," snid the parish rlerk ' I tiniest" j must contradict you in that. Don't I at 1 ' Hut Ihi is an entirely new edition." ' (Church, every Sunday any a-nunt and the ' 'Uil il'a all Ihe iBia" j prayei-bot k know better than you." " Beautifully engraved." " Oil ! nonsense 1 don't want it." And bo saying he commenced writing a gain, visibly annoyed. " fc'uy, yeuu, better look at the picter," continued the, thrusting the book un der hi lime. Thia movement hail nu aHtoutidii g i fTect upon tliu cleik. He jumped ( If his chuir and lii ui to ei iiiniii: li.u volume engeily ; but much to my surprise, without opening il.- Then .... ...i..lo .i,.fi,..l ;,!. ne H-kcil 1 lie 1 .e eked the ,,ce and , inch. -aed il. " .y, yeou" aatd the peoler, after the harguin bud beenconrl.ided mom g toward the door" Say, enii, if any body eUe lioiil.l ee thai hook and want lo get another jtml like it, ai nd them op to 73 m.d I'll ac- Uommo.lule em luai atiout hm . llipg plea." And eichnnpifg a verv rjnppr and myste. riuu- I k ob the clerk, the . e.ller vunnh. d. " M hat on ear lb n.aiieyoii buy thai bx.l ?'' I aake. I the e erk, a- he I. id g'.ne. ' See here a moment." I u 'miiced and looked over his hnu!der. Turning op one end of the bo. k, he removed una 1 1 lnie,and discovered a at. -ppie, w ln.h ho uo-rreiaeU and 'hen band.d mo the b ok ; bull i appln-.l nierhautcally to my mouth. I " h it it, 11 1" ki'd he, laughing, i 11 ItramR' l,v I " i.i.iui,id:I I i.mim 1 .. 1 ... 1 .1 . . . . .... 1.1 iu IDhD UfUdHI, OIlU IIICO IIIHKII.g liaChS . lor the door. " Hollo ! vt here are you going 7" ' " Up tmra ; 11 l.av j.j-t atiuek me that the j IMgnm'n I'logrea wni bo an excelleiit addi j Hon lo mv library." The day the pedlar' stock was ex ! huual.'d. ! ', ' COOL IMTLDCNCn. Yesterday afiern.,01. a lather genteel look ine yomg man walked into 1 he bar of tl.e uodriitt HoUie, am! c.lled f-.r wht-key I. "1 dy. Ill- am aeive.l, ninl afier l.e I ad ditiok the toil.iy, he obta ne l a eiar, nod at h v Ihe lire and b-i-mely pud 'd 11 aas. II" thn ra'led for armiher toddy, and having plarea) H lieneath vel, he calm v button ed hi c .a', pulled on hia gluves, and turning lo the baikeepei, Said : " I -m ready, " j 1 ou are bar keeper, five cents." leany, arc you rrphed the H tl!, sir, your bill is twenty " I was aware of th-it fact." replied the ' patron, Inhtir g his arnn nod turning his lace tow art the ! n.r, ' ar .1 now I'm read) ." ; " Ready l'-r what ? ' ' " I o he kicked t. H i n't a darntnl rent 1 couMn't do wilb"ut I qoor hen served I k a gent mti'i a-h irio-d of my pmerty i l-k- i.t,r, kick mo (ui '' , I lie l ir k.-e(ier finding I r. etiBp w is 10 earne-t, ohugHtl him 1 It s. veral application 1 ol ha lee t tor, justly ixiu.ini-rf.-i.-d. Too; idler bore it in g part, urid afier i.e hail been kicked Into the street, uioed, inti'le a polite ba lo the bar keeper, and hen up pareni.'y in a merry m...d, started down, alreel. Cincinnati paper. Hiiug bill a ! inter, .tnj how.-' Such was Ihe sneering rem .ik person renin g 1. 1.1 a ihou-aml miles I'rovn the door ol our sanctum, 111 reterro g to the pr. .lesson! we lollow in tiroiu. " Nobody but a p inter, " in soo h. It fiikf the blood run ramtuiit tpi Ihrocgli our veins r . 1 . .-I. lo hear sticii expre.. ise 1 11 r set I on icpubii iron, in" ..p 01 in-tso l ursen on icpuo ican mil. "Nobody but a I'KIM i:R, am how !' Who Was Beijiiio Ftatiklin? "S'ub-.dt but a or. nter! ' Who was V illiaiu Caxt tl. one of the fa'heia of 'tire 7 odv but a printer !" Who was Samuel nod- ' worth, ihe poet ? "Nobody but a primer !' Wbo waa G..V, Armstrong of .Mussacllu. ! sen 7 Nobody but tin 1 George P. Morns, James ll.i per, Horace Gteeiv, Robert Sears and enalois Cameron, I.)iv, Nilea, and J tin. s Buchanan, the distinguished i?ei a'.ir of Pen- t-y ivntoa, who is no the of a great purlnui ol the people ol ; the I'lii-.n as iheir caiioniate for the next 1 Pi caid.-ncv. Who are thev ? "Nobodt, 1 but printers, anyhow. One thing is en dint : ev-rv bo.1v that chuotes csnnot be a ' pnoiei. B.-auis are ncces-ary. Fx. paper. IT UNI-.D ROUND. A joong pf g of a doctor met at h convivial parly, several larks wbo were bei.i , on placing 111 bis hat a verv heavy buck, or t in p'nin I inguaje, to make hirn c'ofiooslv rfrMI 1 whcli thev accoriip.islit.el about ten o'clock at toglit. Ihe poor doctor inited on goo g, find lhp ,,ailv atci !(li,1Cl ,,m (l) the slain. ,., H, (u,n ,,, ,, , j,ich lb. at j, did with his faco to the amma ,al. " Hallo," said the doctor, after feeling I ihe reins, " I am inside out on my horse, , fa(.e behind. I don't know which om-tli 1 wrong nnv how. ' " So y 011 aie," exe'aimed one of I he wags, "just get efl', doctor, and we will put vim on right." "Get olT!'' hiccupped the doctor, " no y ou ! don't, just turn the horse around, and it will all come right y. tl must nil be diunk." Why is a woman loiiguo o planet t i Becau-e niching siioit of the power llint ' created it is able 10 slop it 111 its couis'. P. S. The rascal who perpei 1 tiled the a- ' Love, left for California, on Saturday Inst. ! A bunt hind of broomstick weie picked op 1 111 tho It iv, which had been hurled after bun ' by enraged matron, but fell short ol ihe in i k. I I I A, , , . 1 , ..'ivi'ns man wn awakened nt night and total . .. '. . . Oh how g ieved ' . . . thai In wife was dead. ' """ , went to sleep again. . j f ... .11 V.- I .ara l,A I i aan nam. rf.k who rninOVPH a ......, , I,.- . I I.i-e lhaa avtalae ' I'lllllllll.lU.I l Il Ul,ll Hin o 'of her native long,,... heard htm with much ' enrnrtso da tine that use nf the articles a. 60 ! and the. a Yn.i a-nnooi nlaf a ilm ainnnlar arl'eln. I pimcai From the KitWond VVlilff. 9ST The text from the Alabama paper, and the commentary by. 'he New Or euns Journal, hereunto annexed, bolh contain Mime! harp paragraphing. The .8 are characters in Old Virginia, by whum these atric will t;i; oeemeo perannl. 1 hey hear a ' U'"'"1 8I" ei:a ,0n t,C,' however, ih ine nii'a fD"f . Mil in 1 riP peiiiin. jjllt one, the lloii. Mr. Ooggi we think it wan 1 c denominated them " Co!iovs" from u lam ied or real resemhlntice to the "cow. hoys" of Iho Revolution, who were in the L.-U.. ..C II... 1 t .. I .1 . . ... "- " m - j - v y - nun n nig; accoru ina as 0110 W"ri.iti ..i'!.er wnuin give the greater price. Ihe Ninon 1 Pure of our day, pursuing a similar truflic, ' . . ., r , . ' (jives point to the nicknames and teenm to' , . ' , 1,0 , j - ' : - s" t' e number ot Ihu patriotic party does not ece d a (i-w huhdieil, ii mi nihers liave 'iiceeeiled in appropriating a ery large pin. , portion of the ofiii f a in Ii- gift of H e !). ! riiocrucy. In C ngres-t, ti the h go-'ntme, , in the Judiciary, HI lite Jal.ui. t ol Joseph, I III a word, bi-rever a lat 1 flico is lo he ol). laineu, we hori tncsi; rj sinlerest. rl gentry i n'l( Hiding Wh.n the Whigs' were 111 the! ascendant, they wereno -y Wbiya; but tlin , 1 tables turning, thev went iver lo l..e I). moc- racy 111 a uou., ix'C-u-,' itiey oti-. ne a; great deuitli of ta'ent n t'nit pa-tv, and llhioiigh PITV n.erely, d to take , tin.- olii,:c. A loii aa ti.e Deniocruta , i snail be willing to t.i'.nlo them on thea'j , I terms, they wi.l continuclhe very btst 1 mocral a-going. From tha New tileaua licq. C'orPKR.'jEADri. At. Unharna Democratic journal deaigrnitea the tuitlieru Rinlits mett ol that .Slato as " Cnpe rhea Is." andsavs they l.ave ever been leaned wuh Ihe disor- S.iiHh Car a that thev hate II. .j memory and tihinenl J .Chsin, and 1l1.1l llley were all or igim.llv nriluli -rs. W cop; a paragraph or two In ri the arlicl lv w-.i of a aiitopie ot Its .i'Ciiiar tone and temper: " The Copperhead, iiatly, hales Ihe ni r- .ti,i,ft.'r,l Aii.imu I .L j.i I i,p i.l.l no i.ilu - ' fa .11011 Hitvt aui iea in.ii n,,i uuuu (t.c i.kuu to the original " sarpint,'' and tho breed had nearly become "xtiitil The " J'loelai.ia. 1 1011 " is 1 lie spec, lie lu tho toe of the Cop perhra'l. " Trie Copperhead Ins always been ma king a noise about tl.e n.liis of tl.e Sou:!. as oiler, in the wrong !.oe as in the ugh!, tin Ihe North has Ie ,-n 11 d, and of en con. loin ried the j jpi lem 'ii'r)itices of lh pet j Ie of the iv.ui.i taith the id c, H.udy gascutidde ol the Copperhead. " I no t.-ii.iei tieans were rltnost ail ortet ' Cat N uHifier. and ii the reArgan.z.M-ti of parlies in 1-37, suriie crati- Bttd" went went hto th,; I), tn . into tie N htg nutv : bill whenever they got a c ' -ii y Into each other's Ie, on. e or twice rolled the H ti re thev woik.'d ' Ttiey have 0 Win. If. Kir." du-l. They have a maw sont'in. t.l.'.sd Willi Jack- soni'in. "The Cnpperhends.W h go1 n D 'mncra'ic, col together in 1 S.'iO, and ' i'l every thing ' as they thought their o;vn way. Kverv man that said he lovel I' e Too ti vet, was 1 denoonced bv them ata Fed. r.iiist and Sub. ' Hi's. ionist. It w . a coitute 1 thing with them to call the Utiim u! toe States the i ' Glory xss I'oion." 1 1 There is unfortnnattly a great desl of sober truth in Ihesc s.noist.c ; jirigrnphs.- -In all we have ever seetijr I t .iil ot political irucKltng, trimming and inn. -ervii g, there ts nothing that qu.lo rqia.s he ineanness and servility of your g. online Southern Rights man. While Ihi into e-lmg party hatching trt'rsun, and a'tajiio ,: g to sow the s.-i ds of disu lion, utoier ho itn-i '10 is g ose 01 Sinies R ghls, no langtxg- as ton strong to express its sense of Ihi v lioness, corrup tton snd of the 1 v , n.,Uiic,.! nniiics and'c ally the D-mtuoi ic. Pages of n.Hirig-ga'e epitliels migu b-' cuUcd from t he Co'uitms of the Mtsstssj , and Georgia atnl St it hem Right orgas, ,.uriiig the vio lent canvas" of last fall, wic i ti e L'r-i-vi Bttd Secession issto s were dist'ic iv present.' d l.i the peep L.. Iit,t no gonn;r oni the masses repintiato tin; infamous doun cs of this fao 'ioii nt sooner w-as i' beat) n. the gtourul, md pmtriite nod grovrltir t the du-t, than os p inlenco atnl Us pro rot's vanished like a dream. Il ceased ai ;m -g ai i to. k lo rt li'gttig. Il became en mured of !).- urn. mnv , -od mite in love is 1 1 tl t'.e I nn.n than the Unionists thetuseliis. It claimed re ai'mi-ion into the f-'hl ; renti dialed its heresies ; dicoerer that the Do m. .crane. National Convetnitx was the only political piradtse open to ir, and ts now as lu r tons iiiol It 1 veni n n nihil e 1 of Cas, 111011 ind other Comprniiosi I) 'inncrat-, as if il Had never viilili-d t!.m. ai d never spurned Iho mruie winch thev were m slriitnental 111 pdicing nu the itntule ! 1 k. 1 In cur own )r?ia'e, lo be mre, the field for the display i f ibis icvol n g lei etversitt nu was narrow enough. SmilUm rights prr p i- g... riists were lather 1. re. The l.w tli.t did extt were hugelv pitt ioic ami tembly ' itidign .nt at the Comproini t ; ktit ahis ! no ,., , 0 political contest loom in the disiance than these devoted and di-tiil.-n stci (ricnrN of tho South scattered their fca'tv to the Jour winds of Heaven, ptvo Mr. S al e the? cold shoulder, fell ovrr head and ears in icvn wuh Gen. I low us, and discovered l!i..t the exr natcd 1'omproieiso was ns harmless as a " slicking dove." In short, "Southern It ..... . I . I . . . . I II .... 1. 1 I . L ... I "" " fr;fr-hrn 11 Hpprnnrhr d, them Rights embraced Union Demi u 0. I II ..tuoos ... w ,., i. v. .. s . , tomahawk. We our Aiulum,. ft .end is guilty ! .nil. if .1. . t . 11 1, ,. - tmu ""i"i IIOCUOIW get trv " ( 1, 1 Iter llfllds.- 1 he SfP o ,. P I"'1"'" u"lh ma.ignant nnd veno- "'"I"' l,l,e 18 nioital, and II w. th row- c'"' '". a"J heel that crm-hes It. bi, ist its fangs into", he liul the teat noNA rini: Southern Rights m m is nnotlier s. ft cl rep , Iile altogether. He hisses loud enough, but . ,,.. .... lur,,. U i.,,1, lot alinai f uln'mnl is worsted, be fawns on his enemy , nnd is al 1 ways willing la serve, if he cannot conquer. Il He la nu exceedingly dicilo animal, when m i thoroughly reduced to submission, and may ; he inline highly serviceable in izin wur ' lure. However huugVy and bold bo may i have been, a good thrashing lakes all the pride i out of bun. and Even make him forget his I v"r' " Southern Rtghu " no longer ' t'x"" '" L..,.,a,ppi and Georgia U.innc - "aB u.B""Jl:u u-v ""u'"l" P' J"- i"Oi. aie,i III S u'.h Carolina a lur( p cuiar aprcin of the cieature seems to should not then bavo the country oveirun ! Luther, ot the observatory of Uiik, near Due ! il.-urish, and it may survive until the nomi. with loafers and demagogue, nor would in. i ,ui,j,,rr, hud recently found yet another, with . nation of the Locofoco National Co. venlioii. iluatrious men be leinpieil ti abandon their g,jlt sCKn8ln , ,fi,hi.ul I- hours, and a If it d.esn'i iti.i ,,lf i.f:erwnrd4 aliall - j begin tu believe mat It is composer! ol 11. a- tenuis that have not the sjme afliuity for, thai Us botnunyui elaewbero bus exhibited. L"ETTERrFKC(! K'VL. IWLLCAP.D tF ALABAMA. t. T- 11 ..1 . .:i-p.?. I, niii h,: ll.ivo-a, 01 the W hi" , , , ... , B. meeting rceiii-y I e n 10 I u-kegi-e, exr.n i.-i d Ill' Hi'rtS.d (1, 0 pnliry 'I b. im!io a lepri! (.etilatinn tn the M hij National (.'ou enl ion, whose voire niav heloMid in the noini'iHUoii of r nndirhi'es f..r the r.enlency and Vice. I'n.?'(!inj of the L'nil.'il Slate-', I wind to aaie very oritliy tno c -nHiueralloiia liteli goverred me in n coiiiiiituding the appoint menl of dt !i'2ate9. . e. It M quite certain that tlse g"ntlemeii elm srn hv the H big or the Don., cratic Con ' volition will ho i.l-jled to the impirlanl place lo which liiey art! n.,.- mated. Il it? verv important, therefore, thai a'l the con servative ir-flue-pce in the cu'-ntry shall he brought ! bt ir upon the two Convent, on.. The .ery s n itnent which n k' s us hi la'e to enter the respective Convent n ps, sin tilrl tniiH I us lo provirie a repies. riialiii.i. I H . appiei.ctid that we slnll encouiiter there ' a let hog ho-l(le lo .Southern interest" ; it is 111 portatit, then-lore, to nice:, check and overcome that fee in r. in remain mil of rhe. Nuttrinl f ,,,.eM.C . ,.l r,,,,.. ... .1 don tho fiohl to the enemies cf the Corrpm- , nifie measures, md we sit .ll then, as H hig, be ferced 10 the tillemmtve if cutting . ur votes for geo'lemen chosen either hv a De mocratic Cot v.n'ioit, or bv a Vh!" Con-, - O J ve itnui, in whuso deliberations we took no , ''ar! i The want of a rep'Pen!ation of the : ; Southern Whigs in tho Ni'iona! Gonveiili ... oil 1 ensures the nomination by that body, 80 far ; as we cn jtirtgo of such re-ui s, unfnen.lly lo our sentiments and cur inlerr. s's. I' mnv be that we cannot give the voteof Alati;:rr,n to the htg candidate in the elecii..r.', but we shall be jtit as poAerl'tilly fell itiiheir selection bv tl.e Convention, bs wo shou'd be f we could ensure them a majority in this S.a tt l ha lr,Lih ,o ll.A n nlAa ...l,-. v. . .. .,,, ,,,a.r a.itric.K. t. ,,. I) ,, ....... we can serve tlie country, by helping to give it a found Hdmmt.itrHiioii, is the htg Con. veutitm. The.e we can be k-lt and heard. '""va . we anouia tKe 1.0 ' ' uch men as Mr. W. bsier and Mr. Fill. nin.e. n'titi t 111 lortti tlietr slrength in t. l,ail ' 'he Compromise measure in the great atruggie confronting ns thev did the angry U'C -torttiern power, and tlirownig back the. tide at its fl .od these gent enien are to be nbndoned bv us at the very mo. merit w hen ihey stand most in i.eed ef cur aid. I Manv who desire Mr. Fillmore election lo the Presidency are reluctant in enter the W lug C tiverMton ; nndjel it is quite cj-r-tain that uii;ess Mr. I'lllnmre sha 1 receive the iioininatinii of that body he. cannot be sclei'ieri. x e can contribute to his success in the Conven'ion, that is clear; we may not be ob'e to do so elsewhere. But, gentle- men, there are a few higher considerations than all ihi. We profess to he Union men and yet we refuse to act with a National parly, v e propose that some few Southern tiles s! meet in (.-invention and norni tiatc candidates acceptable to 115. Nothing ill more surely bung about an overthrow of tho Republic, thin It is acting hv si ctio.ns upon great National questions ; the North is to meet and deliberate, hnd Iho South is to do likewise; they cannot coun-el to. g. liier. U ho docs not ro lu what tins will gr .w? Tho gieal' leeling cf country a leeling which reaches a Southerner when survey ii g, wiih proud satisfaction, Ihe ad vancing prosperity of t tie Northern State ; and w inch litis 'ha ho-oin of a Northern man with a ( is ol patriotic a'dor, when he 'urr a his glance upon the p'uins of the S. nth, siriMchirg Irom Virgir-M In the GuT o( M. Xico, w ill iieg -neiaie into a narrow reg oil for a seclinn. Whether we I e t. the N .rl'l or if me iutti, ft l us be A.MIR1C43. The ra-plv to theP piisi'tnns is, that if vo enicr the W' ('onvent ton we shall he round by action. Lt us insist upon tho tiomintilion of sotintl men men who will slntitl by ihe Ct mprotm-o measures ; It-t us at loutioe that we si nil j -in 0111 sttpptut to none other tb io lhee, and if U" ate not met 01 thtssciiil, it will be prnpet fur them t 1 lock elsewhere for cones I ; hut 1 e tne Iv hope that we siiii I not liuii it n-ees-atv '" witl.dtaw from a l d v g tlit' U t.igs of the I tilled Sinn's. II. v, . inf.L! UD. f rrni tiifl Ktoainorid Whig. Mr. Fed. 1 wo.,.! has introduced into lite Soea't a loll to icl'orm toe r.impfi.s.i.u.ii el IncmI.eis of Coi'.giis. Instead ol S- a day tin, I f.S ler fti ti iiini') lit. It's, l.e pr. poses a s.oaiy if S-'Jotttl a and twenty coins tl 11 th'. icckoi -ed as tin' crow- llos Irom Ihe p 1, e of resilience lothe c.ipt'.ol. One ii ill (r -.If. lo he nil al the hcgiiii:i, g t; .sum, m il the otnei at us tiose. n i i posi d that the desire to clutch the last !l wiM lend to make short sessions. In c.i -1 s . f .ihsotict cc pi 11) VUsC of sickliC.- SIO l d.iv to In' tit'duclv led. Tlie scheme is n gootl one, and cur only ..Meet, on to ,t ,s that Ihe salary is too high. The more cheao'v lha nul.'if is s rvc as eetieral rule, the belter tl is served Whei the nujiorB of 1'ie.iliifo is the ri.tiin intluce ment, only hooourahie mrn willse k i'. Il this hud been the case, what n very d.fl'-'reiil appearance would the ha Is ol l.oogiess, un.l ol must ot lr-e State L gisla ure, present at iliisiiuiel It is scttcely within toe rango cf the cah'U .-. t 1. n, -, 1. - u l:,f 1,tl ..e.ii- - I i , i , ; ,.,.- ,r...ei lo ..kcpuoltc.niev. aeurcesof pullt.ndob. j"c!s of cupidity. It in b id economy ; it las a mural tendency, and in fraught won most m.arhievou riled upon I he Irgslaltnti ol tlio cuun'.rv. No man ought to bo enlrunted with an eli'me, t.ho I. dm not o competency, and who is no' Hbnve being hi iia-d lo betray . the peop!. Il honour wi re the nolo reward -" I1""'"- I"' u" "-''i"" hy the best and purest men in the land. V'e : regular vocation la enter uiii.n lha lliort.t ; I'ai n 01 potiuca. ; Wo are awnre that th-fe doctrines are heller suited 1,1 the days of Plato's Republic , than to the present li.ncs. I'ut they ate not the less true for all that. 'Iho rayo lor of fii-.e which was the curse that.Jacksctmm , bfougbi upon this country, most bo a!wiet, ' beltiie tho evils of the ago aod gen. ration can he err. ( ted. People u.uit rely up. fi their own ini!iitiy, nnd n! upon ll.e Go vernment ; t'l y mint bo con!' ril with the !. oils of tii"ir on 11 labor, arid nut atnve 10 Inn by the labor of oilier?, before there can he individual or public pros, ci liy. It is rein it d, that tne leaJieg of .Mr. I hdi-r uou a lull pioiluceu a genera Ulille. l out iiinv be reg-i.ded as s-i 11 lu anl of its tale. The present race of (aooc t:u 11 a r 0 j too carnal-minded and self st tkit In be ca j pable of utlopling any measure wficli re tr. ne' .-9 their own emoluments, however , hem it might he to the general titilei -. I Tl ey sought liio 1 ('1 e lor ti e sake of the pn fi-s Pot to en:. mice ti,o wt llare or the gh.iy of the t'oiiotrj. Is would bcut.rea-on-tile and U'l.leincicrai IC 'o ark iliein to f. r- go ti.tit for winch thev had toiled. A uity ol" lie tn in ver miilu' 4t adiy in : their ins. M ry of the'ii mc loafeis it' ; home living Itotn iia: d to rn uth sp(): it g ! upon 'mlusiricua people- rind like Pat.ntge, are indebted lor noiuia.ilv e.iid llietr .'enta lo tin. far.l a I . a. t ll.ew ra ..v..r l...rl .scats, to the ,111.0 ncois in new; their en (lit jrs prnctring; ti cir election ill th Vutu te.-pe of l;i.ik:n' 'heir m inev out of the public Ireusurv. I' would be idle to expect that such characters Would a?ice lo any tcliemo wioch wi.uoi abbreviate their own existence, or tTce the. dt-grate tin y ate bunomg ujioti Ihe country. OLD IU LI. ION. Tht lenarkihU) chara ter is like a (i-.ii out ot watet, u i'e-3 In' is fitever tn a low. !!! rn-iy siny his tbousitni tin I tens of I 'too. naliUD, but he is endowed with the rare Int ottv o heiOiitthlu at il l lime lo ceale Itisli ene- mien 0. he rienio!;hed. I he last intelligence wo h .ve from li m is ia i. ph liom the which it appears . ' that lie is ab-iiii o execute tummaty joattce ution J, (ige Ho g i ; X HAT 11 AS JUM.B Hot'Olt Do.M! ! The f0;owlB ,acotilc , ilstie t.ppt rs to v f-ter terdav's I nton. It is evidtnt.y fiom a man wlio has oeen bit'hng no his wrath lit keep wtiim Wo be to ti.e Juttg ? is p'ainlv wiiti.n. Many peop e do not know who Jiit'.ip !Ioii"h is. and it rnav. thereto e. be oerliienl lo mi . Hot he was w :o,llv n fci.rr tiiat, 111 th.11 cha, actcr, he rino'u a stan.l ;ig itost Col. 11. tit.011, when rnn anei oilier nar ittun him 1I..11 ns a meiiioer ol Ihe legislature, t iti'.ii to Be. it. -n, hts l-eait fat to aef.-iit i. s 1 Hi 11 p n that l.e retired som1 wn 1 tn that rood Ct that since then lec'ed iii o po led 111 Ihe iing election li.s-.'.e" ' Ins op position to Benton heen sotio h. t ii-.loriuus, ente. A! many vein tnougti witnout loivtiig tntieu 11 .1 , Ine last Senatorial e. ecu, .11 eri' rts to e'eti Biinlun, lliiugli put up by Iho B.'tiioniles ns a sort of t 1 iri.l, nr In coeii the And Lientoi.itos, and I hey niiiutil themselves bv voting for htm two or linen limes, hut W:t cut am intention of electing him. Now, 1 lie Col .nel has taken hi 11 oil hts kio'its, ai d is g ii g to give htm ucl a I BBfiiMi ss I e In I hi I is Ii e. To J:i,!g,, a Ihe Suth-test ( neu t : i il! : I shall to Hie peop e bt Jack sou, (Jane G t irdeiiti county, on S.rutilay, Ihe 15 h instant, mi l shi'l mention your name 1 11 a way whorli w:tl cm ; - ri both th" puhhc at.d sours. If, and give j on ihis 11 ttco ol my iiili-ntiv.n, tli it you n ay attetid if you I lease, ami hear what :n said, ami a;:ser, if Vi'U liitok proper, when I am Hot-e. Yours, TIIOS H. BLNTON. Si. Ljuis, .May 9, 1S."-J. Til K CRYSTAL PALCF Parliatoent b .virr' v -.ted Hint tins on hi e.? ,. c traii'ii-u irom if, cc; i'a K , tin' L.01; don Times points to its probable dcslitin'.o n : ' It has bei 11 pr.posed lo traos't r 'he hu.'d ing M Wiml I oion Park, whicH, till l.ttc'y, was litilo known to te mij in y of Lou doner-, except by the largo piece nf gn'eti thai ttoa-d lor it in the maps cf London ami the m-tgtihoi liooi) ; but v. tch, has at l ist, fallen into the hut t's rf spi'fiii?!"i. Tl.e site, the soil, il.e lu:f. the w o- N, nod the hike, si I hear Co. pans .ri wiln looso to which 1 l.e buil-lllig owes !.,) mil -il i f Us pre still tit ratttoOS. Tie1 Sooh Wcsn'in Rail way Conn an are re..! to ; - down n new hue 01 ftii.s 'om th" U a'crl.i.-a s'tiiton ri hi up lo a tn' propose .1 site, a.ui lo ctury tno v si lor a p. un;. tin r ao.i p nnv b.n k ; ill it is, rcicivtig two p i lit . every shilling ticket is-11. .1 :i' W.;:oi I.- 1 r'.'.ti 11 ai.ii d at Oie l.xl.ibt:. n. 1 J :r-e., ', would Ie le-s teioous, lie- cosily. it-en nnd less hah1!! to in n .;. re than it ciove.1 01 most visitor I .tl trtir ; and, wnli ttie carittige there anil lurk mc tiil.'d :n tie: in g cit irged , r ii-.n,i-si..!i, tin' vv .on. r ol toe eg,, vv. old he ttl.e nit.iii lu - t-'t't o. too to our doors. Tiic to are so many things l.i favor nf this proposal that we Could a-niost liud it in our heart to g e n . Hv.!- l'mk mc.. mote lo toe a cius v u Use ol dt.w vers, and Ian log-. !.! I .i, icy , f tlie U'f.i.t tol h- ,; - !- d io ti eojoV rueiil of our In au'iiti! p , t atnl cj to s'mvv j a I aioi , i.iti.ii g ilders. Let ttieni Coiitii. il.cir , it si nl I in- a t.e i J usv i I p polar encrii.ielitiu'iits. Il is p -ihlo .lie people n.ay nent'iiortti nl iheir own. To th ' eisci saci o'f lo a paiU ,11 if tlie (a If Hi I'xiiihitit.ii, ninl th" discovery of iho Crystal, may lu-yv perhaps he added the tin c. very of a'svt.-m for ti.e convoy ."tc-J of a hunurcil inmisant, ti.o ,. ii the couniry , th moinmg, and back g nu ai night. It is only a question of material and arrangement, and, if the demand is made, It will be met before long. ! ! DISCOVEI.Y OF YET ANOTHER PJ.ANLT. : I, was recently announced that 1M. Gaspa. , r)f at v, ,,!,, had discovered a new Aster- oid, the lilth liral aeun by litm. By the last ateanier, information waa receiv.-d that Mr. !' . .1 c i a .t. ....... ik IIOII.I U''U lli'.i.i..i 01 autiut ti. v , nri..i 1 is the aever.ti eoth p'auei, n -w known to ex- s btfnvee Mara and Jupiter, all of wiiicti ; werB unlj,,,,, fifty-two years ago. I tf7 MEDICINES, &c. CharIott( Drug Ntorc. r a x. x v a t, ?s v i: Sj l, 'ii( ti'Miis tn 'ex t Oi r. g"R f J I "X &. P. f. CAI.IUVFLf.. !i,iv. jaJ. 'v. , ler n. 1 a eopartneratit!) in tbo al.uve iin.s c-orttr Sum, A C t'V be aelti ers. I'.a a toe largest and most jeneral r,t l.l Lbi. .INKS, l.(lTS, Oil.S, llvK- I fh ' MKi:r, MtwciNfs, See., ie., r 111 this market; all of whteli will u.t rr lur r ial., nr on in.iu to unnctual ileal I., eii' rrd They liopo hy iliort i(lurutilenl tf. Pill rticiaril and pretits l u- 1 i-uch vein ! y o, rrtini.ts n to aeeure '.licir patronerro. I'.-rsuns front 1 oivn and C'euittrv inui ruil aa. Mred that no alb'lition lo oaref lillfns 11. puuui? uo ..Itij-ro.-.s to e: 1 r ' v siei! I ne w.oil .or .M 1 j -. 1 ,r., r ti'iues neatly and carel'iilly pra pir.ti. A . olii.n Jiuiti toy cuannv pJnctu.illy dt- leird- ! M C.ia.-li.fe now presents too bfJt markot, frrorti. e.ii ii, unr i.oe ij i.jiiiui tn OiQ loturior, liavtit" li rc-ii lit I rni,i!.i:.d l-'rnj Morn., and wil'i tl.e prospi ti 0!' I.uavy f iles, we now ofterto Physician uou cuutitiy to, ie, ,,1,,;, evury arur lu 111 oar lino, cheaper crer ..liored in ti.e back country. Uur WeK 11, urn. is Ircsii and warranted genu, ine. 'I o it purl, a.alihoria will l.o in.idu iroin lima to tune, ;i,ir,. mtl.s ol U,o , tutiiilrv may dotnand. j ly t"? t II' )X -1 P -i V S ' , I N r.l I.N T, large "' it X s .'lieu .l-... ,a.l ..o. CC..U. . g 11 Coi!rtt. aler, in q mrt i:.t f suepy niii'. Fjipins' anrt ''"' Hoirtriul's Tvvir tTIfrifiT, Ju-t at e t,ir .a i- luX i 1 AL1)W ELL. '!i- Ca ii 1 1 0. : -1 j.i ii at: or ii i3.r. tor s-i'e ai t. 7.1 per bnlllj Ft X & fALDWrXi.. 100 1 ' 1 . i'l. l.y rtn"N'ns 111 1 r: ff n in pure, at s per hundred. ;I.I.0NS LI.NsEKD OIL, for v ai Yc-ast Fo wdor3. i I. tit;p; l...t super.or arl.clo. just rccoived and l-.r !. t-y I' nee. 1 -. J a box. FOX U C LDWELL. 1,001) IsjL'.M.S ULAKK'S FIRE Proof Paint, Ity MaylS. l i FOX & ('ALU WI LL. Dr. Allen's Vogdtatla Compound, fOR THE CtHE OF Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, Nervous EH l'iUty, Ciili' ns A f la lions, aYr. Tl. s tin.; euie is ..fieri d to the public under the ns-i ra ti ee I'm 'e is no aiit-!e in existence has. leg siren" -r ci. inns lo their Cons d-ratiori. Crioj i roup.) ion ti iiy a l.-oi'ir i . . A 1 1 1' K I' 10 of J: t'. I I KM IN I I 1 1,1 f .. h , I' l' iile ehttl. and a prurli. s ng of I H F.NTY Yf.Ati.s S I A.NU I N e. in i'tii!j.i,'ipiii.i ins long experience has ecu. ti toed loin in llic optnioii that u coinpuunded meal ic ni- wns reij'-iir d to pr. vsnt and remedy the dutllli. t,;!.u:t j-r uii..ot:y rt-aai.n in low tinusnitit oh iH.fes. tu; to t-iHini oict the presttal 111 iiinuortcea ui iota iti.oiy nc-v-itis dtsoroers wilh vvotcu the Ina n. .io tirioi v ar.' itiiheted. 1K. A 1. LION is a well known physirian. and loos us. i ! t- v ai-iive i:n dic.iie in io piactice for Ttt hi V t; Y Ktll Willi ti.e lliosl asljl.islotig etioct, ioivtt tti.-lL'.i us finalities in whove 1 , I. 1 licit A.N U I'ASKS. No nitu.eit.o bvlt received mors tlallcring re rouiait ruidt on trcru i.hvsioia. s of eiuiueoL atiitidtng t.o . !i i- r .-1-; , i .-sloiv.oi uil ties I ;' I - . N i)S A It K NOW l'i'FF.F!INf. kl V. ''wf.en a single' hoi, le of V U ALLK.Vo V ht; I'Al.l.F lU.MI'tilND wou, d have the ef. le t of removing a.l loose liislrraniig- teehngs a.tttiio.ii.l on liiiin al d-jiil.tut.i'-g dneaao. ..!e I'ri.piulors, ii. vV. L.LI:N. M l . Plnla.. and j A. Si. W. I. LhVKLA.N I). ','07 K r.g st. t imrlesion, S. C. I)-. CI. a.elf nil'" Oak Tuath-Wsli i Or. Cleave, I.,, .j 1 ,io' o Hair lle-tnrativc ; l.-. I'leavcLuu' e . l.e-. : la'.jft ot J itiijita Alitor ; 15 iir..'lia .11,1 ore tor li .! V'omtiaii,ls. a soveielgn remedy !'ur Uvsciita-ty, Ihurrhva, an.! Cuia.r l.ilaailuin. Fur ,i'c iii I harlottat. hv Fey A. ti.. II. II HOI MgS. CUI tr.r.d cf Trotter & Vrislca, opp? siie the Jail. fra'sllK Su'.-o I .ITS !.. I. . o , r tor tl. ha v.. associnted tlieuist:li?''e -,se ot l..ani.i..l-itiru,g t il t, II L-, I ci every iii. i llos cot.e try. eitoL-COOtl , Kin Iv Vv aYsc r.l lit. I , o. at.d m .. ia l: e I oac . line wluc i ia us. ti nv 't li.-v lei ool.ftaieril llial lltey can tfive i u 1 1 w tto may favor litem W illi l: aur II a ro, ol 4.1 ko iia w .il oo Uoua , ana'i on i'ii- in;.-t reasou .r ii.e pa-.'ic to give us i- S 111- I tN I r.-.--.--. -eel lli'i.M f l ic rv iu v., on n IIjcui, l.a'il, Cll IU a lv'oiittt lur Wlii 0 l liari ore, N. f , M ro , o s 7 3in lit reiiro g from l..e foach 1'uso " 1 eliaseriM..y ro.-on.n..-..d ,. v M.c-..,r, :r II tl llolote.u. iH-im- .. man yvurll.V ol the palroi.orre ot the piiill.-. l.o l.ava, Z b.. II .n l..e ..., IV ol 'I roller aV, Wr- ton nr li... ...i tut w M...rii,.s ; 1 know htm ta baa a to-t r vv. r'oe ti I . in a ways be loouU al Ua u!,j"li-, vv . I - ' I Ke pleased lu S O ail 111) friends and t oimr pi ror. JU-UUlA TKOTTKB.

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