A. C WILLI AM30H,iE.B. 1. J. ilULIUn,' J'1 ''i.imii;:: ROLTON fc WILLIAMSON, PltOPRTETOKS. TERMS: The North Cirotua VVlug will be (Tor did i subscriber at TWO DOLI.AKS in eelvsneie, 1.1 TWO IXIIXAK8 AND FIFTY CKN'Istr i.ay mitnl he delayed for three nmnlba, and 111KKI .Mil, I, A It 3 at the end oi tbeyesr. Advertisements inse-ned all hit Duller pe r sqnari (16 lino' or lei', I tin sited lv ) for llc firel Hirer linn, end 25 ceins for eh cimtinuanro. Court uJ ciliscinsnte fclieriff Sale charged 85 iei cent higher and a deduction of 3''J pel cent, will oe made Ifoin the regular pricee, lor sdveriisera by the Tear, Advertise meitis iiserit'd monthly or quarterly $ I per .quire for each tune Semi-mouth If j eeute wr square for each lime. J7" All leilera relative to the Editorial Uenrl meet murt bo dircioled tn the Editor, And all let ters on bninae for Job Work, eta., must b direc ted to the PuNiUlm. AH lastsre must be postpaid or they "ill nul o atianoeo lo. m p.tmAiiii eta b tnsda to either. " " jj pout in tiler are authorised to set 'em Seutt't W'rfJy taprr. Angel WliisiKTS. ar w, c. i.oik.. Angftl vrhiapera! willtliny never C om to tell of gold, n re-line i Itlea of beaoiy. emiling avrr In Ilia mi alia aea "I drrama ! Landa ol fl men and f enie and apicee, Aod an aimiiphere of love. Vhrne the datk efrd ilia enlice ua In their fairy tiielda to m. . Aiel hupii. aoftlf bringing r low lieynnd he aur III kiea, Y,eHu nl ttta aea't eong ringing Tiiroiigh Ilia vl el I'aradiae : Vanena ol brght faDRlaina f Hl' lfif, Neetar, ning gt.l lno xnda. And the red wine nvera ruhuig liy I l.a pearl and amber Hindi. Laving aptriie aent oeto na. Hot hod ni etalee tobra nf ligHt, And nidi aerapa ton- to oo ua T Ihe rYgioni- of d'-'hghii Von-ea of egrqtnaiia w-tticM, I vrood eUap yoor vii'irlene forme, But vour wingaof aire nVtneea hu. aiuiie wf outeireactivd arma. Aacel hipra gentle airallrg VHir in hub f 6ett. anrrnonda, With thair Noly bctm of healing t -t braoaed aeirita aawada i Bieailnng a ijungiiiroi lory, ilf hfighl immortality. And a land f li.va and g'nry, tar beyood lifu'e U ouuM aea. Frtm tkt DtlUr Himifptr. Changes. av citoi.pex. lower are trlaahing Mrramleta guihing Krom Ihe aula of yonder hill , Nature's aapeet, truly charming, l.auf hing dka the limpid rill ; D!u. h. I la aosling, glittatinrj daw drops lo ttta enpa el dtete neir ; Bloom and beauty reign auprvmely Til the Spring tinea of the year. Flowers are dying bree tea eighing, ' I ia aa amen of derav ; Leaves era failing lowly branthing, A'l like oioet '" paa "way Chill winds Mowing vaedaee going, r'orast leaves era hrownrd and eere ) Kaliin.'a changing Ifilurn showing 't ea the Autumn of Ilia year. Jove aboond'eg hearta en'rmir.d.pg With .he bappv light of bnra ; Yy are basnnng hkn aiara gleaming, la the Hrinainent aUeve : Holy happy inepira.iona F.H the aol with ;iiura rif" ; Yomh and te-aiily round are rei.nng ' 1'rs the twet prllg tuna of tile. Heart of g!alneea turned to aadneca. Now from plnaenra forced t part; And lo morrow ad-la mors aorroar To the now deapairiog heart t a Sorrowa crowding carea rmhrooding, All sruiind witti eadnesa rifa j Fyes eaaee beaming dim with weeping efia .ne Autumn tun of life. jOAeetai, Pa , l-5i. iliscrIIantoii5e Doing a Tratt-llt-r A Hold HY II. KO1MO0T. 1 1 was one of the extensive hostel ries which are lo be "tied up to" in innl of the large town in lh inteiior of New Yolk, thai Ihe following scene actually occurred, sa can be proved by a cloud of witnesses who have heard ihe landlord tell the slory, Thn hutel referred In was. on the nccsaion rT which we are speaking, lather full, ami Ihe nephew of ihe landlord lay s ck in one of the rooms on Ihe ihir.l I mr. Hu was lo re- ceiva medicine during ihe nijihl from Ihe hands of a person who bad h'-en ptocuied to "watch," with him. . The l.indloid bad in- alrucled the oloie.aid watcher lo administer a p"l i on ,,f come little phync to the pa'ienl at twelve o'clock ; IheMose lo be icpeslcd at Censm hours nf the niehl. "lie is isihei leehy." said Ihe landlord. " d ynu had better keep mil of bis room Uipil vougn up In give him Ihe medic. i.e.'' "Oh, fur that mailer," replied ihe waioher, who was in, vice in Ihe vocation, " I peeler li sn here " and he eyed the su a which was in the apiirimeui in a sunpicuius inanner. "Well," an-d Ihe landlord. " j ou wun'l forget ihe number cf hu runiti?" No. i And tell him he mils! take bis medicine Wllhuut making such a Confounded fuss aa he n.nile wi h the last dose. I i ll bun that I aay he must lake it its good fur linii." "Yes, " C.-od nighl." " (iood night." Hnnifsce retired, ami (he watcher deposit, 'tl himself on the sufa, from which ho was riiuod by his own snoring al a quarter be. fore cine,. In dismay and confusion he seized Ihe poi inn and berried up einirs. Tho nrk man wa lodgetd in No IS.', but the nurse in hia banc mistook Nu. Ml fur it, . and entering the latter, lie ia a persnn Iy ing hi i tie bed, ''ice upward, with his riKHilh wide pen, respiring wi'h thni n c u I h r gurgle in Hid Hi real winch iudicutcs strong lung and it plethoric habit. "Ah!" riiHiiially end .itned the ninilo watcher. " ii ac makes a lus about Ink'ng his medicine, dnee he ? I'm Id 'Writ, though, il ii d m'l Inks oim duse cj nelly befuru he wakes up in f.ict." The idea of giving a put ion of bitter phv air n a somnolent panent was sullicicutly ridicu lulls but when we consider lhal the Watcher hud cnlered tint wrong mom, and about lo administer it In the wrung titnn, the ofTtir he cornea anil moie ludirrnua. unr irieim, inn wanner, acieu pcump' iy, and laving tilled the bowl oi largo tpnetn with the nauseating nvxture, he forced it down the throat of a alerping traveller, w,ho . J.i i. , , . .1 . 1 .1 nj.ui,' u ... m .......... nevur taaied phyaic beloro in lna life. T he t.. .t U J k.i ik . iriiinniaiii tllUJTU BIIIJ III e aiioon aevere. Iy, hut the watcher plunged n atill deeper in hi throat, raying, a he did an, "Oh, but tnu ail'HT lake it the landlord you inu't I ' The naa y duae went down, but wben I'jI- nrk recovered hie breath and began to pmir forth bis nl jurgatinii in hia own peciniar rhetoric, the waichsr dicoveied Ibat hu bad cummilicd an egregious blunder, arid, ttizing hie bgh', fl-d Iroin Ihe room. Th aatm iahed dnd enraged traveller aprang from his be.ltland waa aonn beaid r.lil.lng about in Seaicb (if the landlord, avyarU'C vengeanco againal him end all Con- Iiecieil w Ih hia houae. Oil he came, leering through ibe paaaaea, bunging the doors, anil roaring like a grizzly bu'l. ' 0ni cut tih ! Ii'a kit I am, be dad, any hnw. Au ugh I I'm clmwked wnh pinii ! Divil bit iv a rAKKIM in the wiaibem icuuii'hrv will I buy im for I am a deed I nvitvl The piaon ia ating me up juat. O. t ! j il'a ancMigh lo make d g tin. Ira fatto r j in Ihe iir I Holy Sainl I' itr c k ! Lanfihiiu ' 'landl'ird! lai d In o o u r rd !' j I'at hud, by thia lime, tf ivm u i.i the if! mr. on which Ihe Ian. Horn's ajii!ii'ent j al.invwd, (Mid the Vli.rlby iiont. healine; th:a I billabullnn, I p lied hi Jour anil e-ki'ij lv wna tbe miller f I "Ah! tail (Sieinje nr1 4T?i.mo mil f r j abating oilil die corn t ILL t e ! Ail '. piMirl y h miie yeie k.tpcti, to id yep- rn.iri into ail rionetH lrafce.er ri";n o ji -i.n tne mil' c-lit ihvil in bia vi.iee ! I ! de l. 'ier. naa1 iii.in ! c'i ma nut b"re I ye like b nz '. " hat a lli 1114 inr, pit g mi! q itred Itunit'ite. ")! IS ninMi-r I i. ! .1 fi irun I j wnkeil frorn cn awa.e if e a.J a t,i iliriy , blagi-ard at. i d f.irii,iil n e, rmetsma lug LA j AHLK down my Irote fo.l ov ptr,p n' a z jbe, voniual take H, Iho Ianrlwit : j j And nnw, alul a Ihe maiter.'a. i' ii ! s.m' lhat e one el ere Iru ka on travellers : v.ome oul here and I'll bi-ata ye. Un Ihe fchiod ,,( Iho holy rnarihers. 1 II brsake ivery hone in yer body ! Ill lacbe ye lo pisin a naeint Ihraveller, that gum 10 buy land in ihe vria'hern country !' The Irishman here becims entang1")! in tho me-hei of a woivle n settee which innd in his wav. and, at ihe same lime, the land- j lotd s wife aeix-d her wraihy lord although j a " hoal ill liirnsetl, anu was cioi wi nng io risk h ni in a rough and tumble fi.iit in ibe d nk and having p'urkeil him back into the sleeping apartment, sin) lucked the duor and : bo'led it sreure'v. 'I'll- prospective purchaser nf " wmhern ' lands." having exlrtcalerl his legs and arms from lhn-e ol the aeltee, st.ll Ihirfted for the landlord's blond. " llring me TILI. the mnr'bcriil ou:i! vil lyan ; let n.e come at him I" Al this junrlurr, however, Mike.iSe host, lei, made h s appearance wnh a liii'"rn, which h ho d up In ihe physic sn -ar-i I n n of thn enraged traveller, wnh a pnUte ri qu-t thai he wnu:d " hould " hia longue. Itiit M.ke was at last cnrnpe'led 1. give bis fei low.ri i.nlrj man a good le-aiing, which bad the elf ct to reatnre bun to good huii.or, and when be found thai be was in.t pis .ned after all, ha retired once more In his bed lo dream of Ihe ' FA a. I'M wtuch be was gmng to bnv in the wisthern couiithty." lloalun Times. The I re ne hiimii w lio u'l drunk on board ul I lie- Mcuiulioa t. The following ludicrous lucnle.-il look . place a week or two since on hoard Ihe ilea mei Worcester, while on her passage from Norwich In New York There was a French gentleman and his lady on board, the for un- r of whomwssa jovial, im biblical sort of customer, who seem ed more fond of the bar forward than the inutq itlo bar of bis ls'e room, lieneai h which al an early hour his buioin dame bestowed hereifawav. The cleik of llie hoal and a party of his frieinla were a I io a vsrn aiiuniiiie knot near the bar, and ihe Frenchman s nod up among them. In queiill v did he call upon 1 1 . I . t ' III, the bar k en-r, for 1 ain'Z.er glass ot sal ' shin c.i klsil,' and abmH midnight he became emphalically light. He was advised to co In bed. Alier inking Hint zer glass of zit shin Co klail supeihe!' he) link the advice and tngU'tid all lo ll.ti saloon, whi te he had secured a tme room for himself and lady. j Ha had been g..n iibout half an hour, ' w hen a tremendous row and upmar was bentd in the saloon, amongst which could bo jhesnl lh ctv of j " " Murder I robbery ! Captain !" i AM bands rushed up, and there a scene ' pre. "iited il-elf. Our French lnei.dsioi.il 1 ' a In on in in i-is ' and t nlbng else, nnd, by the .: . , .1... :.. .1... i l B V , H go, ill pi. I I loll Ol I llrtl wns ill i'l"' n mill-. of J oaiinn 'he rhainberinaid ; who stood like an enrnueil I'v llioin ss, her black ey es 11 isli. i P g 'he whiles thereof, red ns a mail Comet shi.ulii'K, while wnh one bin d she held the lui k'ess l'lenchllian by ihe hair. t. ('.p'n oh Masss Cap'o! Itape! Rob bery ! Murder!" While ber stiiieghng vie Inn shnutcd iiiubIIv as loud : "let no me. viu bltiik lief! Stop pull bait lot mo go, hy lain !'' The atain room door (Nn. 2.) ' is open, and the clothes of Ihe middle berth being t....r .1 .. of i In. room, whilo the nth - er berths were ondisnn bed, gave amine nt.. of ihe trouble, for J.vaiu a, like the French man, bad on but one tarnirat. At thia moment oft came Oupiaiu Williams, ho, Iroin tlio pilot house forward, hud heard he turmoil, anil ns h lie tail, noble ..rm ap peared, b .1 h I l.o Frenchman atnl Joanna op"leil U)o llllll. " O'i, M.D Cu)'n, purlec hip I Dis ten iiirin monster hull cnuin hcie hi niy In and here she b' gun In mill ' ho oil in my rierlli and he huir iiib and, and," I he girl's uli ii'.w rumlured In r qniti; uiiinleiligilile. ' On, by lam let mr (in! hy tain it ia .1 .... I. K ( Ml von (jrnnu ineeaiiiKe, .niinmeiir le i...iUilne ! I Have iiiund zi wnnf; Nlate ri.ulli I " IihI fur you hug and kiee mo ao?" shouted Joanna " You lie ! v nu one tarn black I hief !" j ell en inn r eeiiclimaii. 1 no msa jou, ynu '"T . n J.... eold.i I aland .hi. nr, way One a.. - ii ' " " 1 I ' " , .r.. w,.. a,,., HiutiKHl if , , . . . , , " " " w ,.oinilll 11, , I ll i , , TW tHU flic VUIVI IWIi fie remainder nf In a'.mt. " I II lain vim to Call a aneclaMe colored vrnmaii, iiiiiar ! N'jjiir, eh I ' oi.d a blow fnlliied which aenl Inni plumb up Hjrini the deaerled berth in the wrong eiaie lonm. i Here he grabbed a blnnkei ; and w rapping up in ji, nice mine appeared define ihit cup. linn whu aa now ailempling lo appeaie Jo- anna. " I!v turn, ante Montner Capaine I -ay ill have ze atifat!ioni ea aare you lam jniggare girl avn tear my nhirl black my e s, and me very much morl' i fv ." ; And now at thia cnnral nnnneni w hen it r q'lin d Ihe w mle i,f ui to keep the French man and J.ai n-i apnri.nul of flile n om Nu. 3. Ihe vt-rs next one, pupped a inghl cupped , bead, Ihe khiu bi-l i ging to Madame P. bh paused a miniieni thut her hits. ' bund and J.miiiia had not llie.r a kn if ci- lumea i n, ami ti.e 'gr. en eed riiom-ler' rusli e'l I i (nre her. ftne titirani oul, l-'riieltino ir .i' Ii i n 'li ruin a were rather ihnrt bIihui ilea'..:. and while alie made a dash at le i i' k i -a liuhand cried : ' Z i i Z" al.v Vmj del n"t cem. lo bed lit ili.i,! Jvi ! v ' 'j iki iii, y on i ai aiin, i.j-i, tt in Ol,!' li! in; y ',u !i,7.ic ej tu bed hi v-me ! ' "Oi in n i'-i.i I ! me b'en in wring !.' i ' m "' r" ie I the (r,i r ei!ow. I-. . ue -- r,l UT I l.j ' e t u al I ie I." ll -.-If I i iie iirv-, Hue her f-lHl I berr-i( llll n'M .1 'I i ' i.i ini;. im-;,- i.i., I I f ' I . , t r-'i now I v r!. i IP J ."'..i anil I ne Of.frf III p.--r Fi ll t a I 41 (.- rnnre nl, O -1 X-r oinri i.r no re In lichtlrlll lei d '.o g t ii.a. i tl 'i s iii Ii lor v our l-i ' l ni v i ' I Coi.ie w 17 n e ! ' tS'ii iii srie-j trap, r'l'-in ! fitm ""tki-i. (, m ide er,,- read tn ' ci. i.i lue p air fellow, who at ri-t ws stowed en iv 1. 1 a viee.pt Toofu. We have not l-piiie-i! wn. ;i.er ihe divorce as ev i r un mil, or li"ilir M n. 1. onite up with biaiaiiv. I "ev i'h tripped i:l dll-ti-iai ot til. Jo- ferrnl car rmgea when ihe anna has been a ehnile pao-r ever sp i:e. ai d declares that her Mare rnnm ri.e.r ahail neei again remain uiibx ked, v. :ien she is wiihm. f orcip Article. From tti London 'l impp. LOKI) JOHN III S;-F.LL. It rasC'ircelv pi ssib'e to oierraie the His atri'Os, arid v,e (ear periiiaoeiut. cii.-eqii"nees of L-i'd John Uusetl's la'e proeeedii g to bisi.Uii repiiPitinti, lo the pa u wnh winch be is conio cteil, arid to the Pjinre presjiecta of the Lib ral caue Ihriiughn.it ihe cout.irv . Bv one and the earne act he has ooi.t ived to repudiate wnhlacimus ellronleiy a measure not iiiuiu c.l j- cnonabic than thut which be h .d hnnc I just ibciaied nece-sarv for Ihe deli i.ee of Ihe cminliv ; to ahenate one por t. n of his supporters, lo burn. hate anolher, and to rxaspiiate them nil; lo pace the Ministry at Ihe bend ol a lliut.ipli.il.! innj ir t'V on ihu first tiniior atn illusion, th. unli it bad just laken i-flice oilh an acknow ledged mummy , ihe House of Cotnmmi ; lode , tath from bis own following nnd In transfer I men Hum ins u ,, , i" "o.iinn-im-r together Ihu sroegesl anil nmst in inai i i ins npp. nenis me very m-n nose stippo.t it Was most essential lor h inse lf to lhat nf his nppohenls the very mm whose support II was most essen ial lor h rti-el lo win nr to ieg-ini ; and to shake) the faith of all parties nl kn til Ihe rhiirac'cr and judg ment nl sin b s It ader. In a word. L nil John Russel, by h s smg'e speech in oppu-iiion lo the second rendu g ol the .Mi ilia lull, ha given ihe set crest blow to bis re put a Hon and iniluenco which they ever received, nnd has losi the g sine ho still pei luiacimislv a tl" eled in play. When he threw down his cards at 1 the commeiic mi ni ol ihe scs-iou, it w ns ea- av m perceive lhat wi h temper, fores'ght and resohiiion n e k 1 1 1 ti I n'merwotill s'tb have wi n ihe nib o r. If- chose, howe-vrr. In i.-o i.i.i id i lint- , and lo corn nun Ins campaign in euue si nni. Fiom thai inomenl be tias aecu- initiated evety lau't on l is unhappy p itv Inslead ol . v 1 1 1 l . 1 1 ' . i ' U Id n' l.stincf his p- w er on u basis ul luie-e liln ia' it be coin led lite K -tlica t., -;tn' Csl friends and the cotinttv I game change. lustend i I ' course nf t vents shoiiht near reiiioii, nnd inviie bis u fl i,i) const. t tn - tve, alarmed Ins Hu .V thre .m of ,,r . ai'i,.' n-t' 1 the I p i I I i h s dp n -i.ee, l.e lliiust hiii'self (ui waul in every peiiy riipu e. j ii Inns of fVC'V rival chief, nnd hos.ile to nuv scheme in which 'he liisi pari nnghl not be reseived f. . t hnnst If. Ot the I"p-i oipoMu inly which prt'st'tiled ilsell foe a tlincl'v ailverse moveii.enl, nisp ad of nii'guaiiimi u-ly . l.P nssstllg I lie O'-vt-i nuir-ia tl, p,i t'i tu n pt, tit te duly, nnd endeanirini; if lie cr uhl In improte ' Milnni Hdl Hi conimil'ee, he lesisls ihe . aecoiul le .ding, and only leauis hy the intij r ny of ime biindttd and (iy votes against I.i in lhat the party ho s'lll professed to 'earl Mil nol peifiiiiii actions so base ninl iinpoli lie al bis bidding. I be minority consisted of Ihe whole hinly of U idu al members voted on principle itoj.insl ihe Mdiini liill j under anv form, nnd who would htiye voted t agninsl Lord John's own bill, just ns Ihey i yoird iig-iml .Mr. Walpole's; and In these ; mus be ml. led a port. mi o( the rank and file ( the rank and file nf the bile Ministry, nhedienl Inr Hu) Inst Iirnn I" Lord John's commands, thin: ;h deep, Iy irrilaltd al ihe degradation it lln'ted on them bv inconsistency nnil by defeat. On I , the o'hr:' aide, however, men nf the fii.tj weifihl and itiiporiance in Hik Liberal cautc noppi d short in thia career. L .rd I'Jmer iinii ai d lilt perxonal irlii'ieuls IhiiiiiI Ihern lelvea entirely delached Irurii their fnriner CininexniiH and more neatly alln-d In the pirseiil (jiiverntiieiit. Lmd Siie Inline and , ir Chailea I.enion, lnunn kuli Inr Hit ir near cnimpx inn with Ibe Murquin nf Luis dnwiie, vuted with the Government anil . . II .... NjjHinnt 1 III J.iim Ko-ell, Il r. Si'jmoui I i . J t. I r. ' .11 r. isui.hiin UHfinr. in confler oi Ihe n-gHni return.. rru u y, ana muriy oiiiem aep.ra.eu ...en,,. ,.,r. inju meir .. aner; aim Mifi utiiniHT a inn niin'-jny linrt lv excpeurcl ' , ',ia'"' ,h0 Cbeaham n mealing It . due l the ,,nt ?jlj t ..prienced 1 1 If 1 1 ,f T 9 II I I ' 1 T" II,. r.l!V IU II ir UUI , ' CHriVILllOn e )l I. H V OUT H II I ' IM1 I' thnt m l one .. iliem .njiroved Iho cnurso Lord J. hn I' .in-eil timuunt fi lo luke on I Ins ncraMoii. 'I'hat couiMi w ia nul the remit of r eiiberaUiiu t--iieeri hint and the permrtN with whom be was wnul loact; and, if it was In lie ' 1 1 dm ' rf to the clandt aline n H i. ence aucli f a rloidis'ic cabal, the authors nf ivue ore filly punished by ti c lna nf - .1 i .i - l . . hia influence and Ihe ii niry lu hia reputution. , J J ' i would be iJ.llJ'U I '.i meet with a Iriend or adheienl nf mi I n r H nernrneni gified wnh niihnnry pi'iieia'inn, who did nut (nreai-n Hi-1 Mich a rouce w.,s f, aught ib irr.pa. e I ..t.i -i....r ... ,i ...i i .l i. Ihe amiiijni uf the iniij nily far m . r j as-e I all calculation, it proved bey nnd diapnte lb 'thn party i b us b'uid 'ban the a aicoina i hey bad the misfortune to trust. For ounelves, aiiliering tn:he npinin, we have long ago exi ie.ii.ei!, we conless that even the litgnitude of ibis b'under dues not r j lake u bv Mirpriae, Yet ihe quality upon 'which Lord Join M'emed principally In ret lli ciaiuia io ne riii.siui'icij a gri'iu riunehinail I was bus pr-.found kino ledje nl I'arlia.nciitary 'neuca and Ins run ' of I'a r 'laiio ritai v iirnmBlO bb'l.tv in the beat battiea. Whatever Ins Ini fnr- 7 merits in liave been in thia respect, io se nis cow in haH fniight his V uifrlno, ami mat tint on i!ic winmrig aide. Men ar- i v :,t the. ,. r,lclUaiuna bv alow degrees i .- ' , . , . and by -Mf ieM p, U ami ll t be Hue that lie r ii eij ar d.nai ers the Libel parly has of lain llei!er"i 0" ( In t lis prmripnls are sllli so morn in Ih" ascendant that even their ad- ... . , , t-,. , ii , i ..l .I.i Ii.. .. Ininiiiiinl urn mnilili .Inn Io ttie p Chief, 11 and incflicienry nf Hs tnnv ral' lv leave It to the ennrse 1.. ,l. i. r M.ii. n ihe tine value of ill evi'iil I.oeii Julio K'is.r i ' i 'iiersh.i. ii eer a n A neither a i-e nnr b We iriiujahl pt hp peilic. io r.iiiiinm In intrust the interests of the I.iherii c ..u-e in this C'-uniry lo the identi cal chief who hod burnetii them while in tiasei tn tin ir present ?ondi ion, and who 1. i.i in verh.eti u.duci-d lie slightel sacrifice of in own cnipcquence or opinions to the public vvedaie. Nevet'heleas that expert niee.i has been corifidirg'v msde, and it has I' d lo the anticipated re sult. I be party was first weakened while in i lice by an invinci bin rerugnar.ee lo lop nil md renew whatever was feeh'e eir worn oul. It was then rhrown ut i f I'ln.-e bv a freak, caused probably by a sens.- o innhiiiiy In me.'' the cnni qiiei ces nf loriner raah engagenenif. It has now lit en divided and we riu.-st say m part dis graced, bv an act so nn-ni-islent and unpn tiloln; lhat ne can ft rj scarce any parallel for it in our I'.iiliaiiieiii-iry annals. Ili-a-en i ii f from theke known I" is, are wo not j is tilled in a-sein g thai !t,e nuihor ol such mislnkes arid failures not the .Minister who will rier res'ore ti n r. to a ureal paitv or roiifi ience in Ihe cnnnl'V H l.nge ? As long as lhat influence is snll'-'reil i.ioiu' , to preiloiiiinaie over the ii'iici.i's of He Ih I a'' heienis, we are cnnfidiii that ll w.il to combine several of the nio-t poweiful and valualile elements of the party, and will re pel men who cease lo o'i v where they have ceased lo trus.. The Cioluioii of the lale Mini-try bad this advan aoe, that it t.vcpt away ihe eiicuml r ince s otnler which lhat Cabinet was sinking, and gave tho lu'.nie chief of a Libeial Uuvvi r rnt'iit u broader field and less e onlracieil powers of negotia tion. Such a negotiation, undertaken it Ii no H-ifi-h i nils, but in a liberal spi. H, and for ei.laisM'd uhiecls. mioht have succeeded in : , Ailimiiislruln.n V. ..land has beheld for years. Bel a vote ike that ol Min.diy night is all but fatal to such hopes. c sel dom, indeed, remember n IsIms ti.nva to which more lasting and depluiablj conse quences may be duect y anribu'td. The illy advanineri- we can ext'act horn tl is ihe n ps lhat ll may open the eves nl Lmd John i J ' ' Uusseli a ' pporti rs to iheir real position, and that even his tenacity of power will not be euRc red lo peipetuale the ilisliess and per plexity in which he has placed (hem. NOT A IUI ONI. Tie Xv'asiongti.ii ("ouimoii.ie o hi' In t v nji jo'se, nt the expei se . : cue n ' 'i y tippoiiiKol Assnrin'e Judge ed C . : ' li mr lei Sessions, w htrh I n ks only one u g t mi m I iiulii lo be first late. j A capital j ke is ml. I of a well known Pitts burg tiuci.'iicci , recently npp tnli d Associate .linio,. i I one of Ihe ceurlsol A h gheny coun ty. The uniy luiiin'th sou. cum g lo this ' w ise : Dtll llio ihe lie live y ol an uicol.cloii ably I'.ng, prosy sp- ecli Io the jun , Ins I Ion- or, who lor si V"i ul nubis piev mus, hail been i broken nf Ins ro-t, b Ii luto a c nil". I ,hle tl. Inch for siui.it lite be w as per nil ed I'.iijoy, till Ihe iiilori.ey, Conun eimn upon : Hie tn'ue of cerl ntt nritci s iiivolvi'd in li e ' Coiiiioversy, ho! ncca-ion In use li e term ;"sixt two ainl a h JI, 1 w In li at Ins Honor In Coining paili Hy nr. tlsi'i), nnd lam-y u g ' b'ntse I in his tiueiion rni iu, h nniier in band. sang oil! in thai -liiitorit.n voice lor wi id. he w us re inai kalee " s-xty I w o an' 'nlf, an 'a f, an' 'all, an' 'nlf, a'l done jo m 'men. an' 'a'l, an' 'alt, tut' all", an' 'all', w hy, gent'u en, wil' you let pripi'tly he sicnlictil in lhat way, an' 'all', an' 'nlf, an' 'all, an' "a'l" nu' n third i t, an A i this ddocdV i 'nlf, w bv giiil'men. is it ,. . stage t. the " svi.t: '' h I lim. r Was sui j iesiore.1 tn ei. ne rnnsc, tisiu ss, In t i I romrolUble nierrin.ent ol the no one tm i has never since piiung.'d in the bun i ha never since eiitnf..r m the h isi n s nl I nticllolieer nig i li the bi itch. j . OS" Be Just and t -tir not. al. aujol kn n;.r of i ii k iii; no C K A I K; ( ON VKM l(N. A Ii I' giiiplno diapatrh iiiimr lusi nniumiii' ed the iiuiMiialiiiiix, fur P.ii.iiint anil Vici i'rerideiii muili by tliu I . rn wc i 1 ic Culiven Hull lit I j . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i u . Little oi g neral miercn was dnne by tin cniiveiii.iin a I lor the imininattins, avo III aili'piiiin nf lli " I'.' il lui ni." whicli weenp) j !i()aj Coilvenh(m Ml le t,pM ln clCii.nii ; j a ( f (lW.(Jr(J hlll Ml t(lHl Ct((( , lellio1 eH(.h g(He ,,, ,.(he() , t irt hm iitdii lit; r'i'tiii'ii nvt bi r. iihh viiifM iiii el,cllPlll co u Af.r ,lie adoption ..f ih. p.f.., tn,l8,)w aln.ve Ural ,r, . i . . C . i. . . I " . k' - . l. . i l vtiiil'l' 111 nullum IU olll;eis otu-, IIM J 1 ui ol thanka Cuii VL'iitiun adjnurned, unu die. pi, a 'i mm;. f?etthftl, Th.lt Hie Aiuern:.in )emoniapy j lire II eir ir.i.-t in thi int-'l'iiy-nce. t(.e piili ii mm. m.d Ihe ili. r.itun v' ifif jin.iii:a of tho Aniericaii poep e. Hetittlved. That we regard thia ua n iliKlintjiive feaiure ul our nnllilr;il creed, viliich we nr- promt lo mailllltm hemre Ihe w nrhj, ua the pri nt lrixr.il eie 1,1 r' "''"1, eprmgieg irnm u, d upiieiu i'v in1 ii'Miiiinr w i;i , a we cuilirasi ll w III ,,' : , ' , , ,! , , . . , tlet i rud and pr.irtiiio ol k-ilemliMit, under wlint- rVer name or form, wlueh eeka to pal.y the ill of the inesiiiuent, aid whieh coneeive nu nnpoa lure inn moisiroua t-r tiie ni:nar cnilulily. ' , "J"- '"-- :"; noii.ii.g thee viewn, ,... I I..., ,,..,. ... ..urlt. nl I n, '.....n ,)...,..,. i H.. if r j - - - 1 ileo jra"us as rntili'd ill a general iv.nvei.tiun ol Ihe Muiea, tunuii" t getf i r in a fpnit ol' cnnruril ot devot on lo the ruclrinia anil iiolh ol a free reprn ai-nt-dtivc fuverniiieiit. and nppi'iilintr io tti.-ir leiiov ciPZ-'im lor ine rectitude ol their inleiitioriH. reiii-vv and te annert leiure Iho Ann r.-oan peuplt', the de elaral.onn of pntir,'ea avo-nd hy them w: en on former O' raninit. in genenil uonvi ntion. Iliey prti. seiiiid their ear didd'ea tur the popular t u ITra rrt 8 : 1. That the f'dLTfil ttvernilient in one nl lllnltid pnwera, reriv- d t-o e y lr"in ihe cunst I it inn. ut d Uie eraiitii ol i oi-r ii;im e tl.i rein, inhl to l.e ptr.ctiv I fv a:l Mil-iii p-iniiii-ieH hihI a. gi nt uS ihe gn rt'im nl ; ami ih it it is im-xii- il '-ut and daneroun to excrcitic duubliul coiimuliuiiai o'tL, the ron.lilnii.m d..e. not confer u-,nn lh p..,.r!1 pv.-rnrnent the leiwer lo oinnie.,..,; and carry on a guiicra! fcjs'tm ol internal improve, 3- Thn'tho eoralit ,:i..,i does not confer nuliiorj. '!' upon the federal govi-nment, i:irei:t;y to equina ,He d,.,, 0f,r,c ,..r,a Slat, a. eon.raeted lr lu -al internal improvements, or other Male purpose-; nor would s n.h aatairnpi.on he j isl arid expedn-ni. J '' a"d ",,unl1 ''',:"--v f"rl"'1 " d8" ral eoveriiuii iil to luster one hrani-h ul n-ijiiirv lo - ,1 ,1 . ......... I ,0 i.iu nllior ur In i' iliiki Pa inln. rUi.e noriion'to ihe u.i'irv nl a oth-r of our o ni-non reontry ; that every e;l z n. am1 iv-'ry sre lor. of Ihe coumry boa a nehl lo i.Vnia. d and inviHt u,.oi. an tipl-ililv ol r,;'liii loul p.ivilefc'es, :.!:! p. iuii p'oti. an ample proiei tion ol p.-rs.-tis and pr. a-- r'y tium deniituc violtnto or luriijn ripilfin 5. Ttist it ia the duty nf evry hnvncti of t'-e governinenl to f nlnrce anil pr:-i t -i-e t ho n,t,i' r c d. e on en j in ce.ii'.ui liny our pul lie -it! urs. arid in a n . more ri vi'liU'- ong .t to he Prist d In. ill is re iliri-d to riefra v I tic necessary ev pi-ns.-s nf I he e(vvrnntr.it and .or lint giadiul hut cerium extineliuti of tho pa .iii- lii-i.l. ti. That Congri-rs tins no p ar to rhirter a na tional hank ; 'hat we I eile.-a such an itistioipon one of deaiilv iiosllllty lo the Lest intere-ts of the conn trv. dahMi-ioua to i ur reput li'-im n Biiltilions, and the iiie-lliea of the pr;op!e, and caii a'atr d lo place liie i-.usiiiess oT the coun'ry within the control of a concentrated money power, and lib ve tiro Ish-s and the villi ot the p, pl' ; and that the rer-niia of ih-inneratt ; legislation, in l' is and all other financial tnea-ures upon w i.i -h issinra hare been made b"twi en the two political ptr. t en of the country. Iii-vc uYnim-fitntel to pr.u- cal and candid men ot all pafilr-a, iheir t-ouiidneriS, aatrtyand utility in ail btin.-iess pursuits. 7 That the er p .ration oi the tnoin of the Gov. ernmcrit from h ink in ft instiiiilioiis is mihncn iitilo for i he sat' I v ol li.e luruis of tho g ilvritmont and t!;c ri2t Is of the people. rs 'I hat the hin-ra tirincildcs einliodicd t.y J--f- fttson in ttie rt'i'laraiion ol I nilepeniienre, ami eanctii'tuil in tho constitution, winch nukes onrs t,,c land utllhertv. anil the a.v lam n the opp-e.,.,i q- r vrv na' ton, lntvr vtr uim-ii n rd n-i I ir 1 1 1 c i cs , n o lieinocrat.': faiili ; nnd every alls,,. pi ,o a tin. en the prescnl pjiv.bg" et ttt-comu : I'll z I i am; ow ners of s..il amoi.e us. o-- a lo r. .r. s ,t-, d tiitiv ih'- stone spirit eh rhswepl liiu alien and so li.tmn laas from our sta'ute hoi.li. I. That C'o'ieresr, has no powor under the cotisti. tiition to interfere Willi er co.-lrol lint cour'-stic in tittlu'.mr.e f Hie several M itt-.s. ana that sm h Matt-s aic the s de and p toper t'tc a ot ev.-i yi lu:, app r lainirpti. their o n ari'urs t o' prnlula'cii hv Put curistnuiion ; lhat till trtl'ort. ot the aholitiooists or oinrs mad--to iiiiiact' t ot j;ress tu intern. ro w 1 1 Ii q io' iiinii ol' slavery, or to I., ki- in. ipn'ti. cli ps in re. I limit thi relo, are c.d. ulali d lo h ad lo tm- most a lurtlil! f2 ami d inofloiis eotisrq.ii'tn.us, and th it a'l fii. h efforts have an incvitiilde lend, n.-y to il.tiiini.s'i the hapum'fs ot the people, and eed-iiiger "nr st p InbtV it 1 1 it laTinani'iu y ot Ih.- I i.tmi, iniiliiulit nol lo be eounteiiaiiL'ed liy any frit ud of uur j u. . I i c;d iitsiitai inns lWo.h',7, 'I hat the fno-rroing prnpos (ion Cftt'r5 and wits it.tendi-el to emtiraee tno whole s-iht..i-l of a avery neitallull ll) t one, ri 8s-, anrl, Iherelore, I1 a dritt'i'-ratn- ptirty of the L ...oil, ntai.uin uteri tins r.attooal p'atlortn, -tiltahuhr by and a.iiit-reto a faithful cxec.V'- oi .he a -ls ku-ivvn as the compro- nue measure., seui.-u ... la.v "!;' ...1 it f r,.,. a iii.it tf or p "tttvi k Iri'tti s'iri i.'P or labor included, '.v I.n: . a.ti. i g ties.;; d to e.urv out an evp-esa prov.sion o It o eoesttiiiti n HI", tr.hdl'y thereto, be r p'-.ibd or so ch to (icstFor or .mpa r its i lin-'ent iVmirri, '1 hat III 1 h'li.oer nic party v a'1 iipinp's ol ri tii wii.!: in t o-p -s. or ill r," ti ti aniPilion of the s! ,y-e-y Cj'n-...n. in r s't .pi' or r.i'.il tl..' a'lr-o ft n tiln ri r iv ...a. esnirrd I hat Un' pi pa c. -hi i Hi ' p.s. dn , a r ii- a te. , ai i .'(. king P I'V ti . ' I If, ,11 t I ' ,t ill" I vv f t Ih ll:,. Mates, in, ml In in ..i h ft .1 l . p re irii. that nil I Im I'r ll he is ei. "I. tl I up 1 1 s i L, I pes nr tnti ri st. lo stop lis e nn, 01 se. or rs, ,..,!,: i .1 Mm un til of Ih" f . pi- -i.th no th- p is--' . lln' , I'l'im s oil, pri s. pie fj.t ti- . . f a hi t to p. "I p p o vv 'it, li h s tv, ii t e X-in ri. i I" ' t : I- t- k in P lii,t and ! . 'inn lioted Malt S ,i fl.tl iiiein .1 mi ,..-. red I h .1 ,.. uiii.at en ot i il Itoni it i'Oll0pll!ip p v. i n-iiis. ' h P e IP P fill y all. ne by nl.il Op'u. o li pno. lli Ihe hi linn KV ami Vul'i 'a res" ami III the rt p al "I VI r VI .i.bsoii I la eis ti'itre n 17 I'd ; Ili.lt It ..!'s as , urisl t.ut u.i; one ot p.e ll'Ji'i 1," polite at i re. d ami is resale.: I 'o c.i tltt'ir o'.? oos mealui'i; aid irli(...l A'rs.r.iid. 1 hat Inn- ar w un V! lh i.rin, lid. s ot i air nit : .1 it. and the nl, m- . I 1.!'-. o . e V. g ,'. ill isi- pr n ij o" ML' i i'l I Ol I' try ti i ii v r. in r . -ti. n;'.p ii'l itlrtso! till nut t, p i: i. in vv ;ih ii ' il AII III HIM ! i w is a lost a d ne.e-.arv war -n e n everv Atiieru an eit..en a ouil have on It..' nil" "I his eoilolry. and neil oiivsiialiv. liv wold or ileeil, have T IIUT lilv r 'VtMl ttilj vili.l to.nlop lo ti e i lieuie. ie. voir fa. lhat tie repneo at lbs res' or it am o'" fni'tiii v re 1 1. 1 ie' s -va e our roster re(,iii.b ot VI , y no, and e - i ii est 1 1 ,r - " I r I er till the tiles, u ge at:d protparilv w (,,,' a we. t jot under Ki''a hi tea it insll laPo a ; ai. i er . .'. the A riean people. II I no I it i o s,i,l a t i - it war. w ll nil h 1 ve so main f. i-l'v o t' ta i '' t'-i i V and cotidu.-t ot Ihe I'e.tui. era' ic pane, a- .' t.,ap d lo Pie liutid Mates " in tlcinaiiy lei the pisl and security lor tho future." politic R'suh'd, Ti at in v.cw nf Hie eoi.il I inn of pop. ii l.j r ihHiiuliii in titu wt.rl'!, a I h ai ri t tvrt 1 J.i iy is r tp'MiiUo u; (m ilia I o no!rr:t w pary, ot I us couolrv. as U.i j-uity ol il.p Ih, in uoh'iM un J iim in t din thi r . t: i t ul I'V-'ry M.i;n, iiml intn iy if.e L-'fiiU hi Ui" M.il-.B. tin! to s t- i in ui.il h: v tin e :nii'n ii conii!Mli .ii.i! I bfiiy. t et.niii.un'i; to r h-ht aM tiii'Dt.; o!l'H iu d r. : UfiVi !' i- I'-'H lof i lit- liPiit 'n ut toe fi'W at i'A'iif! til li-o ihity, iiinl hv a vigilant m.d riif(Mant .nlmrpiir" l Um hh pr mcijtjLH iiih! on oi pro ii 1 1' r oi '..iii coiu-t lUiinin, u hi h hro -;d iTK.n'i ami 1 rnnj n to vm ur in inn upi.u d tiu Cnion, ns it hl,.iil h--, i.i iha lull xp4iiiiiii uf' iho iwrn a m.d t.ij..i:i' it a ul lln Uieut iind proftfcBivu icniilo. AN ADDIlKiSIS To Ihe TEOrLE of -Noith Carolina, ON Till: SI HIM T I F CPUST'l'ITIDKAL r.crcF.n. . - .- . s j A Meeting composed principally of es. Item membeis of the L'-gtsUuire, williout j liistiiicii'.in of puny, wns held in the Capitn!, ,oii the evening nf ihe l-l Jinuary tn-l itil, In ciiostdiir what im n-tires were rieresr-iry to be nilop'ed tosectne lo'litl: I'M 1 I.i: ol '.V rill ' ri I na the r r hi lo aim ml I o-i r S ule (.'i-u--lilijt on, s i as luily to ai.swer to" on ,t ends lor w inch ii as otigitul y ep.ib.p i t I ; and In ni i ml a in the cquairts I ng'ils, wb'Cii '- at the fouiidaliuii tl all lice and p -j.u'-.r - verntneiils. It is a retnar kihio fi-attj-B i'l Ihe btsp'ry i.f our Stule, liint the tree irnpla of li.e Stale never have had a vpict! in the lorn a lion of that tiisti umeiii, bv which alone, their lives, their loiliii.es, anil their j r 1 1 5 iib. eriy is protected. 'I he first ( uiil .-ut i-ii ns formed at llahfav, 1 ii 1 ceinber. 1 770. initneiiiately lifter we bad I Ii ru n i fi' the li.'iti-b yuke, when ruir htues'ors wen; not lu'ly alive to .lie interests of the p. ople but still retained a reverence for Ilulish ii-rtgi-., where property was a vv.iys more icsperied, and had more pol,!,('i:l netglil l It an the riclits ol ilia people. T'lie hi in. ".ilcs ,) (hat Convention, in tnns, ij te; ca of thut naiutal deltrrci.ee to their ancn n! cus Inn.s, were eli cu d uiily by ircuholil, rs nnd householders j Bi.il that (,'onvcni inn nindethe Coiisltttilioii so lormcd, li e organic, law of the State. 'I he pet pit' w ho firnit d neither of thce c'asses, and who Cntwitued a much. larger mass of th- popu attori of the Stale, ha-l tin v uca in I ho eiec: ton cl deb'g-ites; and the Consittuiion was not snbrniPed lo them for I heir a: pn-val or r j-ctt :t. At the linio ilits Ci'iis'ituipn in fottih'ii, all Ihe cutin'ies in the t-ta'c, exrepl eigl.l, lav e a-t i f R ill ioli, w Inch li is o o regarded as lite ii iv iiii:, o ime brlvnei. lie '. islt-rn and Western portions of the Si ate. I Us p; o visi ti, each Countv , w tttc. ut repaid lops wea'th or pnpuoitmo. was eclilled to v-i,d one Sena'or iiini two tt.-n ber- I t'-e I! '.-c of Cotninoiit ; and the town of W r,ur.!ig.,i., New le-ni and II i :f ,.X id all ch were m- 'e 1, in 17??, Fayetevtl e, in ihe Kiel, and lid's boro' and Sa i rs im r y in the -,v.'s., cue b. one member in the. House nf Cutittn ns. I nder Ibis Coiisiitiitinn we lived, suff ring einr-. vances, the memory of which hns nut u-l , l,fi us cor.-Ianrly tsirui'iing to oriieriil it, until 13'"), w In n the L' n;'a'u:P, in the I'letpiud'! of ils mercy, granted to the people en I lie nam ti.e (iriiiro m , aneiuer tbev shou'd aiiicti'l lln Ciin-lilu'ton pi -.runn f,. oo'ti's. The del-t; itc tn 'bat Conven tion were yen lircd In he swcrit liol I.i tr m sceiul the linn's prescribed to lin'iti In I.ots. Inure, itself but th servant of the people. The resu't of their lab .is was the Consti tution under whicn we no' l.ve. I!.' t. the nuill r ol men i hers in 'lie .-.. nate is i:...t at fit'V ; hi.i! in Ihe tl 'tl-.e of C-o u nu Ul- at ntte huiuiied and twenty, l'.ach c t.'titv isenti (, ,, (llember at , , , . , re,n:it::.!er ate elected by the ( b-3t, at. t the nitr u's III 1 0 P. -ri that is. .rlion tn Iiieir iioothi p i; n in a ! win es ore adtlt d three t.tit c f fiv.- slaves t.n. I I be sum to! a I cct's it -.I'.es t'.ie federal p.. t,' it, r . I i the S.i'.iie : the c. -unties elect Senators in pr .porii.oi ;u ti e tuxes p nd into the public treasury, vv itttc-tit regard In li e sn .ti ces whence those taxes or eii;;,'.i.'il vv he!' er from the permanent w e.iltli of the ci.tin' rv, or from those tasir" i i p-.-cii to te restrain the vires of the can muii tv. The clause prohibiting nny or.f! from v p ling for Si-nalitr unless he w as the c-vv ner Pi fee of fifty acres oi land, c ti; a i tti d tti the l.'ottsi litllltnl o! 1770, was stil ret it' fd. Tn tins clause in our Cotistituitoti, pub .: :-1 1 " r ' thin has been duecled for li'.e I 'st two year. ; and itsuniprcpil.nc.il iind a 1 1st,. era ; ic c.vtr acter severely deiu-unccd as a remnant ol'lbe. feud l Itm-'S, when Ihe pe .pie vc-j rrt-'ie serfs or servants of the landlords. It) Cutis' ep.l'i.Ce of this til-1. Utl'i ptiiticulur lealure of our Con-f.it nti t.'iun lias In en d reeled to ps O.ir people, ill 1 -on, w li.'ti ca1 decpie un ii 'he i.u)..tdtn'.i 's . them, on'v ! ail 1) neciih' In tin and new : ninl Ihcv I .atital'v I-, .1 ' 1 1 ii rd fin t ; i .0, ! b iC pfi.v IM try ,'d liji KI t ibltlil led i '. i tie i ', , I el'errcd the ,, it, a we ' '" tit P Ill one mas. pdi'.p i t lie' a ' vy I the S- ate. I welt' rcg el: oil Ion. eider, tn It'.l !..- bv i r - t ne ' '.! .V - :p,v-,vs , bi'iti'-ti !' t ri i-.il no cl nl. ' s h ; . ; '.! ! io Ill iv '-r e i tied ! ".ri l i 1 i. , k l ' . : . i 1 1 1 'i I. -her y , a-i.l s. i' P ut it roi l utn it t ..ll icpiigii .t.t 'n lei"ili.,'-a it'll .Iv . 1 t this t-i'iiso'ii v -. a' c t.cur. I ml pr tier ib.it I .' 1'hi ti t: a i.o a; si. ..I d ii . ' 1 ... s ' v. no g v or l! .itrtct V ill war wi'l. till s v Cot.' . 1 in ! lie 1 ' cl i r ai '!' ' I I c... ' tb P .1 I ltl"l! .lie Ire" :l - i e' e Iroin litis y i u. J f iv g ' ' liciuse i I h.s I t,I h. ,: g j v i'1'p '-' ii 1" li' s p' .' i hil' il o-li' l.-ii p ne r r I. lit of ;, in, -e t ,1-on p. " i e - 1 1 ( 0 U I M l1 .ll Ul ho dor. F. ; i. ru e t v ' t'-e I. ... l a I- ac t in ns it Se ite reiwc en's p t mi n- liuinev Its oiiiotistiess docs a'.i fa nn' i.x r with t'.i the-o lax-'s rpe n pi'ol'b'. A'l Itite i I 'J 1 and !") are . II I slivcs, nt. tin I gi's of r. mid rp) t S,i lhat itnee li ibs en Ihe I ,-.', tax; bet ,v ceil the like tm' ax t I ,d legpu's a. e IllllUils, tt ,i s abuv Ihe S !'.: t tesv-n'ed in the IL u-e i l C ' the regines, be: xx ct-n ihe a; i nated, me tepres. tiivid tn p t' ni I rp-hls. reinrs, bn'inru table , Uov. iifg . Ie", rircus iit'ers, paying canls, let.it rrs of ' spiiilu in !p,ur,rs, Ln ker, ineich m's, wa 'i: ir' s. si i it ci'.i i luges ore all taxed. They have tlnir S.-ipinn. in rbn S ate Leg sininrr. lint your wives and your daughters; your old men w:.o have se-ivcd l heir cu try; your oiing tnenwboHre nsrno up In he lis hope ami us siav ; and ye.ur poor men utmii w horn iiiisfoi :nnn hae laid lis heavy hand; have no nnu t lie i r tu plead lie ir c-iipe tu I piottrl their n-jbts. Is this liber iy I s this I'ri edoin ? i? tins llc uh ienn equ i'iiv .' Your io I o; Iligbts savs "Thai a. I pnlt- total p ivver is vested in and derived ir on iho nti.I'I.i: o.M.v." Is pnive r in the Si itn i f Noitb (Carolina dciived lioin ''THIi I'ltnt'i.i: iiMV !" Let it ni t be saidihil 1st linn ! --I, .1 re-rreserrPillun no ipind in hand, 'i l.nt s ' - av i 1 prii cifne has nu app'ic.iipit. here. It is true lhat our ai;ce.-turs fi.-ugbl in the Hevoliiloiri 11)101, the principle that I Ley were not to b taxi d liv n buily in winch they weir; i.oi rep. le-enled. l!ot w im represented ? certainly tb'tiro ple thn .n vijiopaid ihe laes not the i,i. i s ihein-eives. Our ancestors iieve-r clrnmeii itiat liter properly should be rt-pte- fitted. T.i.' V Ciiiiiii' C, ui.ri jusi'y thut 'I lliV sin ii'.il Le r c pi e-entcd. In iho ;-eiia'i3 I'll i I'ltli'IY is p j.rersi tiled, ut;d not Till: I'lto- l'l.t:; unil ihe s iiii'.r pinicipie w hicli p' ornp i il our ari.-r..tois In th ,t c r,iu,us C"n!et. and fusta t.etl I he ill in tl, which terminated pi ihu Helm v .. ini.iit of our Ltberites, sh. tild pruinpl us Pi war tiiniit tini mret cutotis uulpte- puhl.ca i it n.fhPit nl Jeu iril ert-Uicrary hv winch i be pcipit- ate taxed by a bed;, pi who :i I hey aie n.,t ri prescriteii. Apply the p'nci,.tf, at-J see i' ttj .tn:o. Fi r: it. ti in at y t.t c.-opdv. r vvn as inarr'i propel tv Slid puv i s much p'lb'ie laX its Iii- hurioii'i tiriru ui another c.ours'v. 'i'rrey tin our, Ir e; -ariio feu's i f prot-r-y. l).clii-l lie lite hundred isirpi rlly p p'rested in the pre -it v i,: rnti o! Ips lill-i ir iie as ether it" I tl- I in. I.Ki) one his pi.'itinps mi :e :! by lalji' ri'l Ins ha'.t.'s, by t'te sweat ol' his v. I: is all iij has, by mea.-rr of whie't oiir.'atu nt.d pr tivt ie lur ios fa ri.t : '. . I: bro'.t tl) III is ill ttiei- Sr-lit hut I L-t cttce ol his cMhii en l-,r edi:"a i.r,'. A ini y et, by ti I" ? ' i-' 1 1 1 . re-!. I war bre the to tli-JI ak on i 1 V I S ? "t i.i to I : t? I- lilts I, ! CIVil C'l'litli' .1 tl ni ist, veil,.-.? It Ct r.tl if I I forth t i Iij..! Ti,.' five i.uv nf v ' u r fr i.n' expo-e.l for I'd ? U ho t. I i hi lb r. i f iniir et , ..;ih to lieht the Kitlica'e Its Ii ' OaMtig I'lhtr w e r n iri ;i v " : ' v man. '.mi i little nii-.s tin." t ci- ; -(hi ;r e o " i V , en t . at t-'-u I the b In rn s". it 1 I H dolt i. u It, t.' I -i r i -. I r"t - i i -' r. iC lllli' t v ,' I I. ' ft- W OIK, pi I ' the I. US I i ' It ) . '.inilcr the iruti le e! .d p-i ier p, .r u--.-. -Ihe .,-e ieru e cf bv ii g ib I.V..0 tr-in " lt..j p"Op ' Old I .' I it !t-r li.c i p-'r i'i'ti i ih s p-inc i m'.. , there ares.. n.e sturtbeg 'aris. A"-rnrd;tg lo 1 1 e ct",, -us i .f 1 "."ii, and the npp ,f,. rtit ent of Sena'-i's mniH tn if-r I tp, prov nutts i f Ihr- ConsliilUloii bv liie Lngl-l ilure ni sr-veutceit yv.-s-etn S"t. tilers re-iteseni a rut j'.tiiy 1. 1 t -e while ti, habit. -.ins il N u ll Cdii l.tia. At th" app irtioritnen' ivlucri nil !.j ut tile- in 1 "')'.', a s'lll grcaicr discrepi ev wi'l he tnurnl tu exi-l. The imp . v, no-r Is winch htive lit'rerr':re 1 t eti m i te, ami ar . still in prngresn in N nth (.'an htia, leint to u urfat mcrrasr. ul' the vi ur! rd" nropi r'v ai. I i-I I in! ... i pr 's cf ta y ,!n..o tti 1", .stfi n ( "a r - ,iitp Ire W lb 1 s Cli lite r c -i r haii.V tl iilr .Hri, to v. nni much, h is a, nil oje-rlv ol ever. e Slaie h eatlv u -Ctlp'l.ii prop, rii ,i, ei : " ..I" r tin i P.e t c ri e.s ' nntoiint r I lax. ;. 'liie U pel.;. pt" I'e il Itltprnif in .Voj-tt iiver and (i'pUil Ki ml ; the 1 'iai"r IIP I,-, ; , I ,) 1 a r i : v t hr.v e to- st atpo'int i I mr. r; in the '. el.Jiii Ruin, -id; a I tf.o tehili'ifv. And tne initiiuii-o money, Iherefjrc exneitddi l.etc- tob'ie in Nor il Can.i.ua, wi'.l have t: e tiiric'.ly, under tt.e picsei ! C. tstiiii. !':.it tit-x: lv.-i,!v yens, tn Cause lis v.f-t, wl.ere v . have a M.vJiiiiiY fife xy tl te "I'ple of Ihe Si ... in b'tve S 'i tite o- Iy Tiin',11 l.v t; i.M Iii. Ks ; wh i' v ii 1 1 v nl i.-ie white pc. pie wil. I ill l l V st- V I N MrVMIKKs ! U e dn ti' l ..r .st.e to be untp.r.lotnl tih d 1., ' li Ihel .te tu.) ha J np. er- p'-.s eg ni t .io h ast a proper sysiem ol !, nil 1 ii.pp.-V!. ti.i-n s, nnr as making any r, tn pin nits gan... vv hi! ii is lie t e t , .fori! b en ii' i.i by t nr I .eg - n ii r p . N r cm we 'u 1..' re girji'.l as nil, tug gllil'nl Jg Phst ti.-r ,. l-,i pti tccti 'il i f propr-.-ly . et should 1. iiie.: ! j see tlio day Cdno in Norl'i Ciro ..til wpj.i a f, siioii i.i . g r j r a usiii ..up t b pr.' I nii.l ; when cur pt-.-plv! wi i b ss eli-.-rvai.t ol i.tiv ; iejs p'girc' I let ' (f '" ill ' s r '.t. i h t ie) lli-ory d Free ll np ni is !'n' p.-opcr t r, p ctn-ii of is c in i- i. ci j .y i..i-iit i-,' i.h', l.l.i iiv ,P,.i I V , I t ll I ig ' :.'. i. I't I I C p T.x s i.r ' d I. rs. a .'' d p. i' -p.t :.; U. t- - l.li' Cl It i : . . r i -1 j v posse.., p. XV I .1". t C'.PZ ils I : f - a li- u.a - ' -..re wives nnd rh' uren have tin relit eai

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