Wlllly ' I 1 !! fli iii Hi i i 1 : 1 j t , J i ( ! i . 1 lovil) (Larolm;r(i(!l ,-esv- VJ s wEi.ns:AV, Jniv i 'ri 1 ." WII.I.IAM TIIOMISON I:.-.., i our a , eai.t mi It .lliiiKin , aiiliwi inl ! obtain advertise-1 in. Ms ami mh--7iptu,ri-. aid t,i l-r.i l t ren i,t. 1 T F. W. ( VRI!. Fi., i-' ill- "1 ill l'lnl. iii 1. 1 !:.! i, -ittthorm '1 I" obt.u.i aiivu t:n nui.t u.d r -i 'ir . u!'.-.r.riit.i'!it-. 1 V. li. Falun r, IWc, i our ai.tl'errii ni rt 1.. n ei iif advt rli.emci,.. and 111! erip,,,,ni .it Ills iu.r. s in t,jst,,N, .New 1 i-rk and I iul..4.i :'ii;ia. 1.1! J'ki-:.-;ti:t. ' & d. VLNF1ELU SCOTT, . i i- M;v-.tKi:sKV. ! K-ri!i:si!ii:NT, v;ibLiAi,i A. uiininiw, CI' ?.iif. Ti!- Allill.t.NA. li (.'iVKRM'll. JOUS KlOIUi, 0 r t V . W 1: I, L l n V T V , nr.- a iil'i'-riif il to a niicuiirr 'I'HO.MAS l.l.XAM.l:. L.-i ..i s a C'lu i.i. I,: fr-rn ... ..in ti th. nlliie ol'Slnriff of .IteeHellhurg I " We are ;. utttortui Vi I ISDN, Ls,.. as an in 1 to sua. u-.re I-.. I". PA. , p, n,i' ol lo ;;iil,,r ,1 um :ool t..i' I illoil '1' ( .tiii;,ll:s of .1' M 1 1 ,' it L II .t. l!-IU! I xti-.a T f:s ' I " : 1 v i 1 it-1- J l'.-t.'.':i 11 the ' 1 i.nitry s.-: l ive -,--t'i ..1 . j',-, 1 t . t: , ..' .-:. M :;k. s -4.TT A ( 1 I'TAN' E. tll3t II II'..''..- p.,,,.1 ,j !. Hll :! t til- p' l.V.TTKil I'l oi' ir i'i )' i' of our 1 r ':t 1 ei.t mi l fu . .-in 1 iv itli a .ri'ii; -. 'd th::t e.lil . "' ', I sh-iiibl in ; ; lii-r M-.:!t:-n. i!i--' ..-.' lo the- Saw or t-: nI. if it t 'i ' I i r; v il.t - tin- ei il 1. I'll. 1 ii 11; l n.ihta'. v e -.1:. 1. I. I :u ; j- . 1.1 ai,l .;' 1 L. ,11 1I1 -part :n I 'o:i-ut jib .1 ,f li jvi nnii, lit. 1-a l 1 1 il - j 1 Ik r , . av in-.' ui.ly in i-Kiiur-' tlic- ji'j.-aibie rc.-ort alwav- to be 1110-t cau- r -p.-a t - tie.- L--t 1 til J vet j r- r.Vi v t. Al!V IS rc trint -- Fin-iiv. lei . 1. an I ii';-!, r tin- utrii te-t i-eoi-iti.-. f 111 v 1 ( t i;-' W.'. , i ' ff i 1 r to tije ';',';', a- ( ' hi ''iff' ( 'w i. ,,71;, ami ..'-,,'( :u, 1 -lit;- a;i 1 1- 7 .'11- J ' 41) t. Ti in mi ; i 1 ,'i. t Willi a . ' tii- gr - ad v:ii.--, -.'id tjju t . cV-rish uu-i-- o. i' - ii -T ir i ii i in .i , aiil 1 rii--,jr,i.-i.- t li '..!! v torn 1 ii 1 j tit BVOi.l l.t in.' ii eve !ve our w ar, ,.r ' '. '.. t i .;!. I't ,,r ,is of a rv .u i. a!i l ,t tUit iiiij t or .Hiiii i : tl'- .t:- - ;i m 't r v ;u .- , : !' to '- -a t'lt ii?r"f.- If i vi m. i-".ar:i:i"i' , I l.e: tli -in ti,,- I : . i li-j v mi.ierj. i.-i;i public ! t el lliliil :: ti'Jsl 'iFi I- I Ai, 1 LATi'iiiiM. 1 ,. V. .... ... I . .- . -. . -. , ( . i ;., r-, ,., . ' r.l- .- t . . ; t : - . -. t '. - U. - ,-.n!i..n pi ii., ip-es t v whit ii tli-y : re ,. strolled ami ..ov, rneu. ,,u,j nrv.-, as ever, r, ivii.e upon t..e ; -' i i-ieiiCi. i' A iii rie ui I'e. pn , witii ;,n ul.i c -fi.'ii-ee i.i t:,ir c:;..-!lv it.r sillov, ri !.! iit. i-,J tin :r c ,iil.::n- ri ii,. lotion to thi I 'nn-lt-Ijluli :i, J th' f.'i.'.rti. proclaim if Jele.W'ii, ; m in p I.t!-.,! x. t:m"tt aj.it deLTiimi -1 . fr tlic i -i-iifeioiii lit aoJ iii-- t je nl'. of vvuieii ti;t ,r oj. : i" i ; ' i . a t rtv is 1. I 11 t Hi'. Ii ivi rnillllit ot V.n 1 .nl f f i ii. ii"-'. iich:Mit r. ae! it is r"vit're ir1--? of iKiwsra, i 5pr .lv itileit 1-t l ii!,,;,. aim sii;-., as in.v be neei iv l .r e irymz tie st iiiteei ;i iv, r , ilil-i in. t t i is il to to, i v- th- ( oils'... and ,r. o r ! i x ii-Uui-; r nee- ss-.ri-- i.t-.s ri ie hi srciuc ra! I ;.,vei u. mi . i.i .I a.: I- ,'Xrrii i.i-t ::i:is r.n.t. h lij-jl-t-re ".iTircs-!v r rvt ; t lIVl ard to til.- V i.oalil i.t tne lo le I .'Hioll.-l O ii,' vv.il- us, and 'wn '., " , -'!i 11. V ii A'. Tl.at. ! l" 1' !l Gli- , W li' u . t ui V to aii Or,,l t t:. t i -r I e.l.i I t: . i ,1 iit.1 in'. I . ' iv t, r I" ! 1 '" 1 1 V. le, ' i ,J, i.' ...I.i .!. . rt lor t'e i... I 1 r .: e,,n,i, d l.y Im !-l I', n-r ' r I v. i . 1 1:, .i t r ji ir us tt tttii ' ll'-i ' ' -I -.1- 'll I . 1 imp iri, ; 'in .f ,-tli' reeyli" im.iila pi e I . .1 jellf . ; e i - 'II' -i ... O I ; , ' ' i.et. ft. -I.ee , l .,fT..i: ri1 V- I I i.evrr, -' i-l mi T be liiai.e i - ' t H,. I.I i'( r.? nil: I r rtf ai d tl inter li i V, e i, U 11 Ui r- I.- 1 1. . .. . O Wt -authorizi d lotinnouiincJ.il. Mrl'tlW , filX, F.s-)., n a l'r a aval in the Senate of .he ucxttw-neral Assembly. j JulvSS, 15'J. I fj?1" AH communications and mlverti.e im iit must be liaiuloJ in y Monday nioru in , ill. order to bp promptly attended to. All Offer. Tin- ' North I nrolina Whi-j; ' w ill bo fur- ' ni-lied to MiWribers until t he result ot t no I August eh 1 tion i Inown at Fifty 1'etit., , and until the result of tin- 1'roidi'iitial i'U C- : (ion is known for ( hie llollar. j V . C he lite, winch hapa-d 111 review iKiore iiineiiuii- leV k. 101 C- I UyllKa cnd tlc worid, i tjedifed fiir their main. K, ruliiij.s& Co. have cstaMishrd theHi.lves ill t iinrnec and upinrt. I'Imxiw, we :iy to the the Store l. tely i-eeupied hy Ir. K. Sill, vvl.t re suilu rn men Ix 'tween iheiii. For every prnmi Ready Mule t'lvtliiug of all kinds ean he had. ,.nt r(0.soiler who supports tirn. Scott, we prom. . told t!u ir articles art !joc'iI ami cheap. All pui eli.'sr In i!o is to ix 11. ine for himself. Humored Difficiilly wilh Ensiaiid. We Icrrn that it is rumoi'td that a serious ililli. ruiiv is likrlv to take pk.ee lietwnn r.nul.nd and eissicnists and obolitioiiists every where will rrpu the l int' d St..tH. i-rowing .ut of the. si izure of dite (ii 11. Scott. Laboring, u tin y do, by differ. 1.11 Aim ric. n fisliing vc i and her suUiijueiit reesi tiiret y the American Vishirmau. C!i;n Io!tCiV iSoulli Carolina fiaiiroad. (In Thursday the SiJd inst. the ears rin up to . .. ,! . . l. :.. ' 1. Ii:.. tilt dep.it at vv in. r.. v one s, rsip, in iinn l. M t, S. ('., anil tli road is therefore couipliti d to uilhin aloiit IT miles of Charlotte. There was qii.t. a collection on the occa soon, and some ofour i Min us wi re present. The Kditor of the South 1' n lini - iv. who was present, gives the follow ing ; i count of his jaunt from I'eluuiliia nid the re joicing of the large company prei't. t IIAKI.OTTK KAILHOAD EXl I liSK N. tin ThursiSav nioniiiiK we found ourselves seat il 111 tlie c.ts of the I loirluttu Kailrojd, togi tln ,-r with a 1 1 ry Urge nuiiioer o e, izens, lor a trip to ,l,e 1'it.mha nver ai.-.Lort Mil!. , be,.,-; ninety. till. II I I 4 Ir.lll I O lllllll I. ailU lllllll IIIMIUI SIX- t, i u mill s of t h.irlottt . At every st .tion and de- pi t Mi ll'.; 1 lie line 01 ro u on " liuiiit 1 r were pro 1 ioiii; tin l.v llll.inri 1 s, i no n ru 1-, I' .e iti. I". t "vvlia river, the . v.n ,..-. ...nil.. nl tli. t tin- ei untrv adaernt, m-tii 111 ""outh mi 1.rfl1 l . riiliiia. had deti riiuuid tiict the ad vent ot the iron horse in th. t region should be iiii.rkcd hv a holiday. The fatwb-i, s.t the ii.t it,,.,., o 'h tin hrn zr, i lie.ut :l ill y-rds wide, and t.ii- ti tu t un i thrown over on solid p:er ot In wn in ..1, n re. i hi the previous in-;ht tin-l i ilit v of ., .. I......II,.- !,,,, n 1i.-l,t li.in h'.i k a,'.l forth sivirJ times, with mi entirely sa. t.sf.et..rr result to Ihe builder and the officer, of tin eciiiji.nv. When tnc iie-vy Irani 01 1 nnrs c V ii.oriiiug er.tcrrd llisill I !n I ridge, it w is cup- il that its in win ss wt.uld I njiji in i.t in the en- .kina ..mi I .!,( in-; of tin- lii.ibirs undi r soi in r. 111, ii . a w, i'lit as v. ,if- tin 11 uj pi.n it, bet contra, rv t 1 - -V, - ' t U,,i, m' ,rn Iv a s lllid was lu-nrd.i.lid i'.l ir 111 i n:, runt from the l-rier amid thegl.d lu.v.s ( I rial,- a co,e.nire ot spert .tors and 1 . t -.r. rs. Thel'.t..wls i ru'i;.' l.-r-n.- ot'too hand. m;i-Ht we have rur ,r,-n. .None if tin tllnlirrs iniiie. l,- Lre.it stri-nh, ond yet the system of ri.i rks i.iio braces is so aihinr.il'lv contrived, that r V om- rnllsl or s..llIli o Ilia l uie siroi lure is 01 ri .! Sr.l.llllV. It n lli'Cls III III cr.uit upon me contractor Mr. IIiiiiiih aH, oMieorgia. Ihe tram tie n pr.n eeilnj to Fort Mills, Uiug three .r t.ir inili s ix voliil the riv.-r, anil the head of the roid. A- Is-tiire aiiiiounecd, a pic-nii- had been pnp. r e.i l'.H- tile eomiillv, aiui we areeerlalll th.it if lie: lilt i ii liiiinlrid or two thousand pimons i i I not h ' e the Lri.ui,d s to-tied with tiie Y( ii.ni i".-i foe lh, ir eri tnre wioits, we did nvstr. At thre n'elork wc commenced the return trip. . . ., .. :.l...i .. ....i.i. ... ... ,.u tc A. I,. ti... " Tiimi-.'. 'very iinporlr-nt event to the country - . .. ' . , travined fcy tnet (u-rlotte r...-J, maw.- are ,,, nd -a-, lil t I.. 'irtion f tii, henelii.i-: I remiis n.u t iii'irc t ) I he ava.,t.-.ge of ,iinbi.i if 'hi r ... ... 1... ..a.... iciii i. ui i.-it i..ii,i Uli ;T(l..IilS and in. n ol inii-niess win inn i.y noiu ....!.- .,.,(, i, -,rv .nerov 'I'he r!timt Hi ord narv tnirov. 1 lit counlr bn:ii us (jt iiip the naeft tor offricul- t-r.l .urosrs we h ive et-n in the StUt arti. ft.lrlv t"f era in erui, while tvrry deserititioti n ;;... V y t , 0 , ,llf , ( ; t, (,t ff. i is iru.tml ot i-rjiiiiJt to lite iiluittt r lur Uu- nr. ill m-111. The wi,. hitf nt'r-tiln-.d is n .w ia the iu p r! ct f'Fih r ; si.d wln'ii ' h nm to i nar:HU', which it will hy the mifhlle of IMohf-r, will be curpiHtd hv nunc havir; a in.iUr weight 'if iron to the milt . In conneetion we niUfft he permitted t) -i-k ot' the aduurabl- arr tnyeuienl of the rn ui. Th- ni'jtjfslrv raid zeal of the l'Tvhlent, "hit f Kn l:i; r, Mij rititt iH-t iitH. and er-ndu t.rw, are un-r-ii.;; r i : j ir . I.. eh one dois liis duty with ill i'Ti v, --ii-i m ( !. to v mit r the pisseii. r? erutifi-rt-l l r i.e fi.j' in p-i-siii? nver the rocti. 'J'iii w;.k v rv Mn .liy iiiami. t.d yoterdjy. Notwith--!..iuiiiii tnc crowded fl;.te of tJic enrs and the frt qtieiit tiipi;ifi .rttwithft:in(iin!' the eont nit eii. ni of tuji!t-ni;ers friflii mr to car and the liusiil.f r ero dijii: tne road and depo ts on the line n t a n:t''!e ee.-iocnt occurred durintf the day it p. tu ;tt th- kiliiiiff of a cow by tlie finadown Iron. Iatlfd -.efiiitnts are nf rare oec-urnnet on V.t "hiiriottc ll Liirfail, and pi st wjt rt Ji il ull e- u. At ut- .- m !ne proniptnets of tin ojhf ts 4-rd rml tl.rni. (ich- Pierce's Speech. U (i-rf our read r?, the BtK-t h ma tie hy t " n. I i' ree 6t It'H-lon, w il mpliire, in .1 uu rv iiKt,oii the hiihjt et of the Fugitive SUve j v 'I .i t tiii.' fp f eh Hi made hy Hi n. Pi ree. . t'.ir-iitmded uriii i;iii u iy It appeiff in tlie p ip' r- -.fitt 'ittii Slate, ;md n puhliflit d h-ny Ix -I-r'- sr- v min-tiMi, imd win n there wu no pos .'., niiti v ontit p:rt of any one to ii,irepr- tjt i.t.ji. 'J h p-;h r i'r-iii whi h it i tken bearn tlnU: J --.oir ry --tii, J .VJ, liitd it well known tln.t up to tfi; t film-, lien. H-erfe il.td not been upoiu n of, ' f Ni v.- ilHiiipr-iurc, n a p.)! le eijiit1idite f'r t'i lr --jiii i" v. 'Vhi'l line- s;Hteh wtjh km vin u, !.!- :r. !!; :n S :v llnnp-iiire, en n not l douht. , ; LitL,, t j H e ii in r ouof etien Willi hii r ,ti.,l r tht h Iter of Mr. Seott a tit; re used to hi in i the ul. t U lort.- lite iiH etin- f tite l"oiin jl.. It pi i. e n i,i u stliiUg p;iit of View the n.o- r "i.i li h d tu iii. Klertion ciiiutiliitr li 1, oti rwiM tnexplieibU, and r.er iUi,t .uv t;,r ttic.rdint .iipport luch he no re. ... from U.'j IVwmiiI. r. We i-oian,i nil l!n i to ,ii c.iiiiii! South, rn im n, end we -..lithe -I.eii in all Miieerit), ts a cr.111i1d.1te rnU-rt in m,e;i fajntlliient. laj b truslxd with thcineeil- li'! tii ' I tin I uitive Sl.ve law ' fan it Ih- ti' t- .J of one ho ' lout Ins the Fugitive Sl.i-.e- law" -.- it I, v m " it m a-i-.iu.-t hiiliianily, and against . .. 1. ic'ui," lliLt he will f.ithfuliy carry it in. ti l ;'' 1 ' '.. t i V. lU U;Jlet. U i i t . tiOll , 11! P- .. . . . ,. .1 I,...,, f o;, l.e vi,. ,Im..',I.I trim,.,.!. . ier te' lUteMc-J.-'-th. " ,. in .n tin--iiurif I. Hl "en'.rtHii i.t. that ht will n t,. it F.r. iid wide hi. ih -ruiiiri.tioiiH of the f.i" live si.v. -law iii linn, of hilU rn.-M win h no law in ti rin. of lil 1 1 rli'Tfi vviiii h no ll.-Ii Mi u..J.t- ai,d i f.urteoiin a. Sir. Hale or Mr. Ci:'-e, woiihl an, r.it, hs i',n Mn,r,il , t I lira, I lin iiujfjr.rt oj free ni.aler. and a tKilition i?(p -lid i;. r -u,'!;.' Il'.lit!- I', eti.il. 'J'ljUi i.r. I' ,j;.tij-r lia rn - nt e..i,u r.-ori of Mr.llji!!. v. I.o,-, i, Vji'-i ril. -I r,j,ei;ui frmii the ILltmiere i un . isti'.ii, km ; li.ii.d lor uy tie U i.tii'li of a e uo iillr ho : vu.fialhizr. With l.im mid I.i l.'i' r-.i, i:. hatred i'.f the fu-;itie i.f.vc law. and lliu. ; -al i,.wi,y'ii is that .n Uuri li, ' that olli'r ' ' I:. 1 li In,. H VI ill, S- ...tii. Ill pi il,, ijafi r ,', HiiOUid five li l.ta aili.. .ien to the ll' 11,111:. ! i, 11 of ll, le.- j MiH vtfv -fil!i a.1 leueli l,ta el. 'ti-.ii !. I I'i. .I,.' le r . V. - hate n ... i.tlr ' .i -li ' M li rer ! et'ljen, lolt'l! p.fdid Sp-rllip-t inili , e. ,11 ."UW Mi r.,.MI.i. !- pui. !., Si, II. ill1, i men that he in not to be trusted on the quetiona which nffeet the Sriulh. We tro willing that ev ery eaiulid man may try lien. Scott hy thct letter, and we i.tlirm without lieRituthn, that there is no prominent Kilitieinn from the non-i-kvelioldilij; Sl.ites, w ho him not avowed his nlwtract oppositii ii toslavirv in U rim sin n(,er tin 11 lun.Sci It, while the h Iter itself contains the strr ii(;eit nl like "li en nheliliouista and ngiUtors everywhere, tnd the stmnpest avowal in favor of our constitutional .-iirhl;: I Jen. Sect! in a Southern man hy birth. Horn anil raised in Virginia, his first impressions ere derived from oer iinititutiiui., mill ln earliest nM-nriatioti wen- with S-utlu-rn Slavr-lioliiim. f,0 principles of Hie Whip jurty on ilntrd in the resululionn nf tlie Riltiuirre C'tmventi'm, nrc ! ailnpleil by him, and the whole of a clorimu )iih- jc , p,,int out two ciU-'llv prominent who sup. j (M.rt (ii n. Pierce ; and, lor every sentiment at which the most ultr.t purist will criticise as mi friendly to slavery, wc pledge oursi Ives to find two from Inn odvemary, more denunciatory and more inimical to our rihts. Wo believe that the sc. ut ehaniii Is end ditVerent influences to prodiu o- the sa-uc ends, wc lulieve that they will not ,n- i hero,, whoso life ! list under ttic. bsnners of tlic old I 1 ...I 1.. fl... .In.n ..f I. id l ntilpr rod ! whose heart is now devoted to the preservation of ; our I'nion. IlulTilo and Nashville met togethi r I for the n, iiiiinat.on of lien. Pierce, and the follow- era of Van lluren and the disciples ot Ulielt will ivervwhere elaiuor for his diction. Tlic Western Democrat. Our neighbor of the Ilrmocrat ' h.-sdevnted long article to expose what he calls" Whig Tac. ties." It is a most voluminous production, and our neighbor, amiable as he generally is, must ; have been sorely dislres.d, by the time he had 1 bitten throiioh so much sophistry, misunderstand-1 mi,r,.pre-t.tion, of the brethren whom I j- a.j,,,, . OVMSISI-O "HI. , .... with the Whig party in their efforts to elect lien Seott, dn not In long to that party, but belong to . . . .- adu-rsari. s. 1 h. re can. then-tore, be nothing nnpros.-r and unw..rantallc in saying so mtitii 10 the world. Once for all, we say, that we do not expect any abolitionist or secessionist to support lien. Seolt. We expect them here and everywhere to 00 what tin y can to defeat him, and wc arc wil ling to go before the people of North Carolina with lw avowal that the secessionists areorpo.cd tons. nrul wc confidently cxpict to defeat Pierce on this gronnd, if no other. Wc have lived I"iig enough to see all sorts of excuses given for the inconsist encies nf human conduct. Toombs and Stephena have not protessed to art with tlir nig party, since the election of (Jen. Taylor. Tiny .issiimed lllaIlil.j A It-x anil.-r appointed .Secretary. Af all possible i-oMtions on the SUvery qui stior:, and (,r tje 0l,j,.,.t f tne meeting wa.i explained the I'umprnuiisc, and now claim to l- oiitsuic of j,v tne t'l,uiriii an , a committee wa. aiiiioiu- partiisexc. pt suehssai. d votrdtothiTiiseIvcs. The si c.ssiollists here and elsewhere, were the imuitisi loes 01 lot- rwiitrinns-, uiiu .,iu, u, , d.-noimrrd the fufitivc sl ue law as unconstitu. hey affect a special zeal for its ob. ...m.l. Now they affect a sM-cial zeal lor its ob. Now th ... ,, ... . rvance, anu woiim impnss an men nun me or. lief th.-.t they have the guardianship of slavery in tin i r c.-iK-ciil ke- ping, that nobody undi rstands its position hut thennelvcs ; and, that the mcas- urn which they traduced and condemned, are not j --- -i . i j, f thi ir orivuial authors and Mippurters. I Ml men know hrm- ip.i li ill 1 v l.co. Scott IVI-rt. st Ume Kh,n U' W'blrr and fit! I C. - (.... K.. j .."..- .,, u..K these i-entlemen. Xow as to tlie array of Whig i d( .M.rt,.rB whic, , been paraded so ostentatious- r i . . . , . i ij i our liroiiicr I'.oilor, we ucsirc 10 snow wnai . ' videncc he has that SenaUr Ikll, and Mfer. Outlaw and Caldwell will nut support (ion. Scott. ; , , . -, . M rs. (it ntrv, T.xinbs and Stevens have given , j iw H rc the worid t'le ruw im of their oppfmition. Ln$ tr those reiGons they mut tttnd or full. Turn to theStjtep."IYniicflwr, now rallying with the -enthusiasm of 1 -5 ID, for the greaUitt nolti.e'of im n r.ww i..ii in fl,,. -iff..- ! fi . (.entry' ..oeh. reject hii position for his own njke. We rt-pr t that in order to secure the nomination of Mr. Fillmore, and to gratify, it i. probable, some pernmal opposition to a diittiiiguiitli. e.l s..t,.nl.r i.f Iii. nu n M..tt lir Im. tulirn M itfitti Ilv W.W. Allen. The Young men of Mecklin t.on lie cannot i.ianitain, and which lie ia t-xi 1,ur111y tlwy evcr te en(ioWrd with that noble proud to abandon, ilia true-hearted constituent, npirit thai guided our ance.tor in the Declaration will, however, .uonlv the deficienev. and no m.-in well informed on political matters, doubts that the tjallaut Stnte of Tennessee will go for (Jen cott. The Kditor ways tli&t tiie fugitive hIuvc la A" was ' one nf tlie series of the meoi-ures of the adjunt. ment,' " after it bec-ime a law, the party arqui- 1 - , ,, ...... . .1 . ... r . enced m it. 1 hat, though ome ol it. feature. were highly obnoxious to the fvJUth." We un- ler-tand the P.ragraph from whieh the .,.r.e.s well umicrtitood li he the polit.eal sentiments of tuiit Fit r. We utterly deny thut the fugitive ,a ,"WM uy Kutun wiuema-Minoxioiw totlie S.ut!i. In the coor.e of the crlielc which rc now rnii w, .Mr. .M.inon, iroiiiiin iit Senator from th.- s.utli i. tnd t be it. author, i.d e ... we,! Know th.t it-- -.l.le.t .dvoct... , the M-n.tr wn. .Mr. liuiio r of Xortli I'.iroliim. TheKiiiU.r oo-s not oi i-v uwl l.e wss a ut 1. e-vu to the see- ond eonxentioii st N jsiiville, whieh wan called W wtakeu and tut-uouueo thi: ad'UHliuent oft) lie .luve- 'J ijoe.uon, aua wa lue rallying cry of kcii. . j ., .. .. moiil.t. ev. ryv.lH-re. I flic did not attend it 1. well known that it w u U eauiM; tlic public m.ntirneiit nf ' North (Uroliuit raliried the djdttnnt to di. '"' ' l'''-- h"! " opprntiiU. At that time, with other, of hi. party, tl.r lidi. tor etide&iored to rally a parly on the abntraet do:trinr of w-rr.fcion a they ealkd it, and on thi. groiii.d t!.e eoritr t w-a. eondueu-ii under tlw-ir eho. m 11 learjrr .i-oin.t tin- " redoiil.tahle llm-ltrry," and if rier n,eii rerriied rin . iin.louiitable defeat it w.-i. inlh'it ala.rtue Ltti iept, to foift 111 'ijruie lllelP "rf.llll.-f i iiiniii nt. in a W'hij. Jiintriet i The Kdili.r .ay. lin re r,re two ida.lor.ri. in . ir. nil. tion. Tiiip v.r utterly deny. We defy tin Kditor U, find two platform, iu rirrulntriui r.. a. S .11 ., Ml.' ... . i"iio uy ine i. iimi, re . onvenuon. neknow , d"pw t iv, mill tidv ie hii.'t to do ho. He will find eete I, i ii. pi IliUlh.. ' 5:-J:ly,' iclikh l-ipritiL-.., t il.,. A. -!-,.. 1.... I.' ! ' " ' . i '""V " . " , " ui.im..h, luim winch are pii.-WMi Upon tunt. l IKlirt I' "i vry tatllr ! State fii,l ml vo- it.- f. d.v.; f , ir jwe confess wc are astonished at the manner in t'h fxap ear is at hand is your tune to do your , . f . . . Vtutl.lvo W1V, This in forms limi w.. pr-cisl v what wa. medeil. . 9 fl' , S 1 'tl U WM,,t f ,tL 'ra whi.li tlut wise, constitutional and benifice.it law .f' . . . . ' V 3oH. I n S0o account l.vmK Uen n nd.rt d of th.,e I'M p.utmn, .rvhy 6v, lls r ,n, PI, .... v J. P. Alexander. May the widowers tnd Law tlie approval Ot hi jUtl-Iilflit. deed, of bravery, wc nn-ht r-main in iffiior.ii.ee h-lM'Tll iH-r-ft r-Hllit n.i Iniieh iH three U l"Atn "fhy a Ni,,tueni ElM;,r- UUt f,a' H.chelorr lead U.e way for the youuff men of the , We hardly think our Southern friend a of them, if lienl IW had not imparled the He-tern hil n.en h thi fulr ' (Vrtui.h I turc of ma law ih hijrhly obnoxious to the South ? day, ' will find anything it) f tii. l'lfcltt f'H Iwui o- needt d information. Th.-n-ci-rtamU are two f.rt i t . , M ,. , 1 ' , t 1Q land who but the seees Monies tvr attempted to v " -Allen. oulh ond Beauty, protec . . ' - In iH-n.-raP. hislorr that h.ve r..t o(tf-n " 1 . " , "4 ' .Btl;o(;it,,fi U. V! i i i t,",i l" t,lt" f'- forever. 'iuiuns ou mc hunj li oi M.tt ry , to )Uuiy . ... tn,L,in of nth. r a, ,,,,t or hu a-ldrc in JaiiMarv, K , L- w,ake tne obligation of t.int Uw ' and sucl. sr v vni. I Ales-nAr. Vmtf mm .nd old the Contract wlilrll thev draw between him V ll,C Rft irpt4...s, ol . .tin r mnut or . . ....... ... notkow-oclrrae-erizetbi.,-.,, It : V' " , "'" B"u " Til ' l 'W Ie..loer;,tic r j but oini.l. d to ....- ,IY .be b., n T .' ,. ' """r "" ' ' r.,- -...alii. i itself, , nil, rly will.,-,., found.. " , n U?Wl " ";4 the j fri(!n)-, i the tow,, of New lfci-t ,w ' eorr. .p..d. -,t. who wa. pre..-,,, , ,.. ,', r, ",1,' r ''f r. .re iitat,.,,,. ..on, that we cannot co,c,-c what u,d ban! J 1 1! 'r''"'!'! ''u Tlb '" I "K"' The lirt report we',,,,,',, fro,,, ' ibelar,,. that Mr. ti "' V " n,ov,dr biothe, Kelt. U, ..:, ,, iiito h,. eol-! m. , S V" Inn.lr,,, lu .njul, jIlr, ..,' tif.lw Mr" n-,TT '! rT ' ' "".vc"l''"'; Ili .Mexieau war. Such char'-e are rtdi-1 :i,,i , r, ...... 1 V . u 1 - . . '""' Mr. Uy 4 lyiiiv.an- ii littlu ttiiiemliiieiit- r tlm t'lin'tilulinn t '-' u,,. Two pi, . lor,,,, by .he liallimor, ,,ve. ! tl), ,, l)f mmu.u j j - om ord, .Ne, Ila,p--I e, the r,.H. - e had brr a. .,,,-,rr , every , , (; ,, , v,ltJ mn tion ? It i.ii.lv U. exhibit tin. .tab in. nt louroie! - .hint;,,,, . .. ' " , nil Ine of l.en. I'ler.-c. It- coireetliei.1. " the part he had taki n in Ihe ( 'oinpr.mi.r men. :. . . ' , , ,-, . ... .LMirdiiv. um- in rrCa,d lo no har.licr,,. I A . i f , (liCV ,,avp - ,..., ,. .. , ! m-ver heen ite.tioned. The -,,-ond report 1 '""'"-i he Z"' !""' U" 'T ,r,.T llT X 'V ' r, J . ,, I. ouglltlieyliaieni-nally -failed : : letter frnn, oi... ,.f l.ia n.i; . .! ".l'' nmeb de. in the approval, " Will dwn, he Ini'ted WUh ntiiemllii. lit. to "-" I he ,.,.. rharilable ,',. . ; , ytoUhj, frorn a ,t f wofJ fjf , "'"i" ' , ' ' '' "f '', writ- , good and faithful .ervant." a., i.,.tr,,le.,t fl 1 1,0 (Wtillltio.. i U i''-' ran put on it, i. .hat our brother Kditor I..,. area j life, that liem-ral Fcott irt or ever I, a been ' ,., Vl'l L I l , ?, " 1 . V6-" "!? ' cillR loo lil.ieh huwe, in the ImilJ- of the .1,.- ph. form ..:.pu.U by Sa,th.rn Wl.ip..publil.. ; ti.ietur.-d in the fcli?htet deorec , itl. aboli- ! I , ft 'V '""-'. (N- II.) M-wo- j the I nion, and .nuounei,,,, the act that in , " , ? ' ,,,.,,- ed,P,re,h,.ni,e,i,f,U,ove,.tio,,,a,,d,,,:,t!tio,,il,theyHi(i obediAice to Z 'old L't, i K 'eSXtVr I p.ill.h. d r.. . p- ,t f the procdinir. of tl,.-B,l.:adadee ",! you tell a lin utiek to it,") eli,,,, . , . , 1 ,at the lie.,, ral . ,,..k p the f0,Pr.,..e ,,,i a. 'point out Ihe amendiueiit. to the Con titnte .,.'reO..,ve,..;. Now if the Fditerof the, to the char.,, with the tena.-ity of a drown- VU d.-nre he h .liX?!?!, , r I Tu ".',7 '.7. ' i'" """'ih '''? h'r 1 '' yon (U-mio made, and let the... im-.' f" " ' r. - ..i,u-, rr .... .... nit. rfllt-,(-a. I ,,BtinguUlir the ll.iltimic Nwlution, was an dcil after the meeting d tho eoii-'ention. ive have no face for the Niih that we do not hnve for the South, and our jindidatc, in his letter of aeccptinco, true to his glrioua life, declnrea that he " can know no Soutl no rtli," i" tne 111s. charge of his duties. jut it is B"iil that (Jen. Seolt has not cmlerscd tic platform. The Edi. tor of the lVmocrat h.iHtunuscd himself in a for nier number, with ohjerkons to the Whig Tint, form, and sagely oserihi it to (iov. Johnson of Pennsylvania. In thisliew of the suhjeet, an ainbiguoiia aeccptancc othc plalforin would, wc should supjiose, constitiiL- no great objection with our friend. Hut the triih is, the Platform in all it material nnrts. in iervthini;, with the ex ception mentioned, ia ii-Vi; I...... !.riii noil I i?OUiii"" wH"M was published as audi fore the meeting of the Convention. It is nlso like, in language clear and uueiiiivocal, lieu. Scott 1 placed himself on the Platform, and pledges a Ifc of brilliant public ocr i ices for its observance. Finally," (aays he 111 for my strict adherence ,js Utter of acceptance,)1 to the principles of the V hi partv, o expressed ' 1 . . . 1 in the resolutions uf the Icoiiveiition, and herein ........i .1.. .i:LnA....in.... nil imlitic.il nuila SO"eiso u, 00 uinawiuiHlli, " "is . .ion injurious to the intie.U of society and dan- j 'en offer no other pledge t . .., r r gerous lo the I'uion. t c or guarantee than the Hiovv J .1 , ' r ,,..rsal rJ th.-re.ore, of perso, I ( ihtkn. Scott, as a man, and public life." Whale honor ma) distinguish whatever of glory ho -ay have acquired lor m. qouuffy, in the largcstW J varied and most j . i u.....m-iI nilit.irv lill. M-hvllu-s ill tliid of anv ! otm.r country, is pledgoj to ftitliful obncrvancc i f,-,c doctrine declared in the Whig PIlforui A1..1 cMi.iini Hir Whiir imM filii.ilalr the country ' ' that they have candidate l. Ik. - 1... nu mi sine itkui ' soiiie n puta- tion to pledge oil this issu A l aididute whose n.tiuc now world-wide, for oil that is great nrf nol.lr in the character' of man. Wt t ike leave ' 1 .. 1 ... .1 i. ""' Dro""T ,M,m " ,"t" I""""" mg 10 n cur w ........ oUr .i,s..n, - (Loimmmications. Foil T1IF. NOHTIK ARUI.INA WllIO. A UKMKDY FOtt CUHPULKNCY. t :-7mmA ! Doctor, I auffcr mic'tit- ilv tin. hot weather am Mo fat wi.ti I l-. ..-in,,, u-av if itilllttit nil It A," .liet on vour ,? ami so to Mucin) ! The Pierce ruau sloped ' X. Y. A. TOO. THE NORTH-CAROLINA WHI'i. rol HTII OF JULY. At a celebration of the 1th Julv Is on Saturday the !ld, at Nathaniel Ab-xan- tT:!!!!; ,1,1,1.., .... v.. ... ,.,... . i,., .,w ....ii...! ,i, ..,;, .,,,1 V, to Jri,'t ro''tilar toasts for the occasion. At the hour of 1 oclot-k the whole asvein- oiy sill uow u auu puriooli Ui a stlllipiioius dinner prepared for the occasion, after which Mr. Wallace was called upon to read the .Mr. allaee Was cailCU upon to read lite .-ii unioning PiKGI'LAR TOASTS : lt. The I'ar.siotCNT of the I'uited Statu. id. Our Armv and Navv. 3d. The Tiiiteis SrATfn long may thry recollect their former iltinnce to each other. Wl, May our I'elcbration bv tWe youth of our ifj, . .-.... . .-. .J. ..f. ler ineir rignis ia oe iranipieu on. Kli', Jio7" f-;L.x, -proud of her patriotic mrrta ifv rt 1 1 nir.i Im hi C -uv -fulfil Vir inti-rnnl uti. r.-.:.. : "7. ". " 1 irm eio.-nis. r-oc is i.o iiiogi-r mr isibiitiih, oi 111 I'nited Statin. . ' , ,. . , 1 turr generaiinn ever noiii ii saerca. Th. i.,. p,r i,w.,. ,i I- nslri..li . II... .....Il.er. nf l?"l iHU. The honest Veoanst of our ( 'ountrv tliey arc always ready to defend the rights of the people. lt)'h. The Socth and tlie Noam may wc he as closely allied as we were in the days of Wash, injfton. 11th. AomctLTrac-may the farmers always consider trie mwrcsisoi ineir country l.'th. The SioEsnof tlie lrc:. asation of In- ttr.,f.sur.stmAj they always Ur rt meinbered by the youths of Mecklenburg. l.ith. obtii I xtLousx the hrst to declare her iiid. n. ndt nee, may she U the liit to surrender. VOLUNTEER TOASTS. ut Inii'-pi'ndc nec itepi niience. Ilv J. T. Alernd.r. The Tnion m.y Cod htringthen the cord th-t bind. u. together. 1 ,1 , . . l- , 1 . Hv J. A. I ainpl-ll. love to two, r riend.hip to few,' and liood Will In all. Ht i. I.. Allen. The Ijdicn ond Gentlemen of .Mi-cklenlmrg may ini-v ever live lo celebrate tlie V ol our InUepeiiouiice. .1 1 11 w .1 r Ilv Henry I amplwil. Mty the young men of -ortri I arolin tvtr lane a.lnngten lor llieir , P. Alexander. Yn I.lie. d Maid- ' . , , , . " . . lljeiw lora hurry nnd jjet married, tliat the Widow, rr" "'' Ke U!t f"r thfti r., r,a,b, ,mor nU lUpp.nr.',. v ;u,.t. Kur Kind Hcmt may he be blr.s. uy itonte-w mnore anvtntr .nnnemar y ot our Ind.-ptudanf . KvaUor.t. liar Hot mliv In. tr.nirritv be ,,)g- Wlmmbrre(t bv the ,uulI1 (u'ur utlsur. IkhI. lly Win. W. Allen. The e-niuing election Scotlfnd -i;aham for rremd nt snd Vies I'resi. ,,. .au. l,xudm,n ,IlH liu'ek for the lomnion. i ... , , t. .... ana 1.... laiiuir mr nnrrin. Hy J. I.. Allen. (eo.uc WmnscToi How daily wu he employed to -fain the liberty wc now rnvr,.-.. ... . .. ..... i.y "in. . . men. .'lay our . .ovcrnrneni rvrr .fund firmly unon the foundation thi.t tieorire n ai-liingtou ha. laid down lor u. ton 1 HE NOKTII CAROLINA WHIfl. Mr. jlih,r : It in amu-nin-; to ituen the .1 : I . i'i-. . . ..if i .i . nun-, noun . huh, to wnirli l ie- lor-o loeo ' . . i . .. IC.., ... ji-wi... .,, e..-..--. a;iiii-.t (ietitral .Scott ami the W li ijf party. See. for iii-tatii-e, a iiar'1-.'raiih in tin- lat ' h"'ri "'V' fr tl.C Wt-llillBt)n I'll ion, lieadeii " 1 he cost ol lu-r rule." The asM-rti'iiii there made, have btitn met anil it-prove. 1 imuitliM am; and the editor of they can oi t uMhinj; el.-.e to hold to. N'.r. I inu-t think. Mr. Ki'itor, that the 1 .i .i . - . .. . . .. : " l"'. .nm lie r,i,i un mi- (i in ,la ilia. , I u.. 1,., I ..I. ..II 1 ....... ,.l... .. i.. . .- r -.!.- . ' .1.. not vctnuitCBO ' ! . I freemen of the South ore gullablo lis to boliovo that a man who I urovcil his lovo of country as (lencral Sc poved his lovo of country as general ?co has, -who wan boro ana r.hu " holding; State, is or ran bo more ot an nuo littoni-st than (..on. 1'ioreo, n Now I'-nglauil Yankoo, from the very hot bod of abulitioii iMii,uion tho more anncrtioii of his jiolitical cuouiios, whoso avowed iuvjioi-u i.s to raise themselves by hi fall. General Scott is an abolitionist i-ay they, bocauso forsooth, H 11. .cuttrd tavors his fleet ion an unan swerable argument doubtless, liiit pray, Mosors. Dcniooratic EditorH, if one nbolition friend makes lien. Scott un abolitionist, where is your Northern man with Southern principles, (Ion. l'ieroe T Arc not tho Van Jhtrens, old Mattie, the first of the genus of Northern men with Southern principles, and Prince Johu, (venerable father and hopeful son) his warmest admirers, and most devo ted friends! Arc not Hantoul one of the blackest hearted fieesoilcrs in the I'uion, llallot the ubolition chairman of the Dcnio- emtio General committee, who called the i 1.: IV : l aillnn nu.t a Jaiiuuoie eiiiuciiuiu vou.i.n."", - iost ot others ot tho game stamii, worKiug I 1 . with mouth and pen to eeurc his election Why do not the le...oeratic Editors publish all this to the people of the South ! And hy anion-; the list of ratifieatiou meetings, m , ,,; f V .,,.l11.tu M,2. u abolition convention in UHU1ILIUII VUllivlUii'il i - .. v.v .. v. - - ..... , oniiml,ion of tie ? neral Pierce T h and they dare not deny i t lt,.i no tlio. oil,, r siile. tliev tell ItlO lieo- . -,,, .. -bolition friend, and therefore an abolitionist; but they do. . . . u .1 ii.... 1.. .ii,;.,la f 1 1,, uludiiio. HOI llll lllllll niai i.w. . . ., 1 . 1 ..I 1 ..ij a, 1 , v.u'i 1 nm looirr nnii soul mr u North are heart ami soul for ijun.c Scwitrd has publicly declared that do wants 110 office, that ho Will take intie (,.., S,.,-,t if is elected and that ho will I, .1.. 1.: .,t..,:.,;,.-.,. lioilllllg .0 "...i nave nu; o. . .1 .. ..... - I 11 ll'UllP Slioi lliia uiM- u .w know him better than we do; they know 'what his boaaed Southern prineiplea really I are, and they have a shrewd -juess how 1 they will be paid fur their support 111 the I event of his election. Thev av tM-ott did not come out in fa- vor ol the coi..prom.se previous to ins no i.i- " y member of Congrens at the . . . 1. tune Xlie coiiiitmini.u un.a mic i'.'", know, that licneral Scott was in.-triiu.enta, in their nassaL'e. Jsut where is the word or act which shows lletieral Pierce's sentiment-) before his noiiiiuatioD ? " But," nay the gelitleuien, " fien. Seolt is a military chieftain, and therefore should not be elected president." "hi shade of Jackson! Verily thy ehilduru have forsa- tr.io ho 1111th ill nliieh thou li-lll-St tllOIU. morc LI1 thott be honored for th?1 deeds "fpl'TV- This cry mi,l,t do sotm-times, , , . d notsouml well alter the iionuna- tion of Pierce, a small potatoc of a tjencral indeed, but the best NnKTIIKHN one tbeY had Who was eligible to th- office of l're.sldcUt. , ..... " .11. . l It the hifT convention had not linminatcil tieiieral Scott we would have heard a dif- fercut tune, it would have been chouts and ,... 1.1 n,l in sr,;., ,,f (h.. ...ili. larv aeliieveniet y-s v&n mt '"V i "h' " I - tits of the hero of the three ... r ..... .,,,,.,; ,,, , t, nlnins , ' ---.'--' " - ' r f Mot eo. and eave the bov a Cent to buy a of .Mexico, ami gave the boy a cent to buy a -tick ot eaudy. (i.NF. OF TIIK PF.OPLF. . ; G EN Kit A L PIKIK'K 'N TIIK FL'til- TIVK SI.AYK LAW, Our friends 111 tne ..-wn "tates are called upon to repudiate (ieneral Si TT, on the ground that he has omitted to write a li tter lirlure his nomination. cipres.-iiig hi ..: '. ..... r : -....... t. :.. V II- oil l lie oil, in ion i- nil .1 -,.. 1 it atlntitU'il tliat the nohitioH of tin V 1 1 1 National L otiveiitiou are Mit'ielelitlv char , ,. . ,. ,. , J( and CXt-llclt on thin Hublect and that ttt-n. SrfiTT 11 iwl .t.-.l tho Tt;i il II t i OI.4 nilh ho ' nnn.iiii...ii ml thut ft-4 tnn nf trntli ami l, u:i! ,, t, ., ,i .i,, u i.-.i. ; honor hi; will act up to tin; jhMl which im involved ill thi? acceptatue. I5ut, though ho adopt.- them, he " doc not pive the in th japprovttl of Inn judirtiu nt. It claimed that General tM r;W K ntamU more fa vorahle iu thin rc-jicet thau his illiiHtriouH rnmpt-ti. tor; bihI tliin too, tlioujih (ieneriil PltRi r. himn-lf oinittt-J to answer the iiiti-rrn-.'iiti-ric.-i of Mr. K. ii. S oTT, or to write tlie let ter wliich that peiitleuian called fur l!nrr. the tioittnution. lint though 0 ,arul PlKIU F. Wrote no let- ter in regard to the coni,ruiiiini uicamire-i, " tne i-uiti.e r-iavc un iinieii, nc tia ex.ire,-e-d hiiiielf fullv ou the Hiihiia-t in a . i . t .1 . . . -fi 1 . i-peci'Ii, anu that reeentlv. 1 lie i-tn'i-t'li to '. . . ' , , . , .' Wuieu wc refer ll an lircn HiiMaiitially n-- ported hy more than one new.iaH-r, and we have tilt; means tlieretfire ot arriving Uih- i:.....i.. ... .1 .. ...: 1 :..i. n .. iinriM ab ine pe-iiviuit iil. n ill. ii i ir.i. I ir.M.. r. " . i- ,,,.,, ,, "" " 1 ... .- . . , li.;,l . .. U i:, ..... ..... ...j;,. e....,- and the II IU vondldiite. tieii. 8.t.TT ir4 a Soutlnrti man. a native of Virginia : hin ear- , '' 'ociiil..li!. wen; among muv.-h mm iluve : liMt-r8 ; In oarly riiiuinri Werr- foniieil in llic liiium ol KHHireu ami Ineli'lH nho ! were born tnnler tin; itifliie-iiees of .outlifrn .. . .. ... " WW OB Ull' -.utgei-t lioe- e9arily, as a Nuithem mail. lien. 1 IKRf K on the contrary, as born in tli rxtrcinc 'orth. in a i-iate whera witle-Hpread until J""" ,f ,"War1 "i' l.M .e.ll.l.eil Tentii iiiiiiioiip ri rnii iimt ii ni... nui iiie.iiri.a. j ; " irom ait muse: cireuinnianee nliieh mitigate tliom; aiilipntl i.iEr.1. tlieri-IVtro. to liret.-ml th liieli mitigate thoHH antipathies. It in ab- mn! tlieri-lorr- to i,retei,,l thut ( len Si-i.xt i-ii : . .. ' l .. . ... .1 ... r i i 1 ail wroiijr on the ii utter of ulaverv, ami . . . n i r , that In n. J ii-ree ih all rijrht ; ami that the , "ontli niu.t tnK tin latter lieeaune the ru- LMtivts !lave I. aw lian tlie " atiiirovRt of hi. . . ... ' 1 in,l,M,,,..,l C... si...... I.... ii .. .' , . -i , iv ue.fyt i nc .till-; re-o.liiuoii.., ami lip- icalc-il to fot ty y-ar of public- Hi-rvii-c a .1. .1 I . i . c i- u a I'leilji' ami fruaraiiti-ff lor In "strut ai.iikUKM K " Ui t H ill. lint we will not detain our reader lonw. er from a perusal of the M-ntiiitent. whieh Uen. I'ieree i. in tlio habit of exprei;n- a moiiic bis friend and neighbor in Srw lluinpuliiri- on thi mihjret. We linvo two report of what he naid on tlie :d of Janua - eotemporai ii f of the t iiinn to thi mutter. An thev Sro nil i e i ...l!,... I..., 1.: ... i ' tion hv rriireM-titii'irr him . (b.r, ,ll '"' ': M'tif.ilr ditF. r-..l from the law of nii.l, uu, r -.'nr'yrpriMmiiir,hiti.ath'.ro.i.'hly--)ui,dlr,(i-hv eh od livd ne.rlv ve,.r.." .1 f oil the coutproiniMl quehtiou the tupttvo 1.... 1 4....l.,,l..i1 j 11 mutter not only Ot I1U8 1 nave ian iii""-i , . . .,' , ... 1 ... 1...1 ..( l..i;,, wn slioulil llko to e , -" they ; ' . , wi1;,!il f,Hov : wi'' i,''t im " " ' Front thi Imlipnidciit Hrmix-mt, publish- ; rdat lmvrr, .vtc jj.u,. At the meeting nppcintcd lit New I., .ten 1. traoi, Friday ..- f Jail MW"U?' lin Pierce, to addresa the citm n ol that " " , 1 i Hie dilliculties 1 1 Iween ImiiuJI uihI a. . II . . I. . . .1 I.. .........Iu ..I' llilil si'f'tlOO. he Ol'CU- portion 01 1110 11 ion, ... - - - iiied tliellonroi oisiiiu- f. acter lie ( .villained the cm iiinstanrc o! his Bruit. ig ; and de, hired that, "wilh the exception ot a ,i,,Kle occasion, he had led his command 111 th" blare of every battle." After this he commenced speaking upon ti c r 11 Eitive Slave Law. He .aid that it .lillcrcd in no important particular from the law of 1 iJ-L A ..1... Li... i',. nr. si 1,1 said, that os the invi . .. . .-I.:. :.. .1..11.. ..!,... li 1 militarv clii.r- tation had lai n iivcn. he would like to make un of the I innnirv ; "111! VOU TCUUru mo " Fugitive Slave Law conaisteut with common law f " , , i i . I tieiieral Pierce immediately n -plied : It j ju st vnaitu Tin: ui kstion, J s.vv mi, I no sot. I IIAVK MKM AUKKUIr I UKKU THIS FctilTIVK M.AVK Law. I A.swt:(KU mi, I Loatumi it. I have a MOST BKVOl.TIMI I KKI.IVU AT T1IK li I VINli IT OP A B1.AVK I TIIK LAW l Olr.wM. TO III...... Here Mr. Foss iiiouind, If it w.i not opmse in rn.lii as u-ell as humanity l.en. I line rt- . plied : " Ves it is opKised to mokal riglit." I'lw. nlwivo is I 10 BUObiaiieu 01 in 11. i m i. - mark, upon the Fugitive Slave laiw. Tho quota- lion mark, include the very language usea i.y im ieiierol. a. taken down at tnc lime It a. u... r ed. I ...,, Manchrsli r, (X. II.) l)t mo:rat . L,.,, u H .) '. - m,-v iv (Jisw nis-m. - 1 New Hostoi. January 3, l-l. m. I'imtiii 1 S01110 weeks oiro t.i nrral fierce . r.i.....i i 1 Alu.l .....f unn lii l'1'PT..III III llll- inrimo ... - " in New HosU.11 that he vi i.bont address the I.. ..I 1 1,. I 1.. mi 111 nri ert l.'t lie linroi ri ,i,uw;lf riuht in Uie case of I.i titia lilmsili-ll. This. how. vi r, wis considered to lie a mere pre ht. wne tnc real otinctol ms mission -- of ,. r,.w,,.lB, or i , way g.-t up . " nuii.il. , .g .... .r. AtWOOIl, Willi II initio B'l on in - 0. the actual voice of New lttmn. A -k l-rc- vie.u. to the ,,. 1,,-g, haiidhiU. .'., J ,.,.,. on the wrst-a,,. mmm.;g timl i;, ii. Franklin Pierei would ai!rrs ihe eitizens of New Huston 011 Friday, the ih-y of January. It wa inamf. .tly the ii,tn. ii n. I..... .-nr.n..h nl Mfiiilsoirs iiri'sinii'i -. .oi. in -,Ilaklllg l!l Ulsev, ry. .... n iwunc, smout , Um ,r h.d Ujird lo do, jtnni .iibihhi m.rigu.ng -'; ;'': IV.'fore 11,1011 rstird.i.v lb dipuly sheriffs .-ind o.rtv fuel, rs ill I'lio rul, Isg-Ol to nrriv, town, and the bar-room of the t-m rn wo, throiif. ed with tlios,- who were evidently pr. paring th 111. selves for ad. inon.tr. 1 1011. I.illle ulteiit , In - evir, was pud to the meeting hy tin Irn ndsol .Mr. Atw,Kd, Olid hut roinparatively (' W of tlicill W re presi lll. Of 111. hole limills r - nibh d l the I,. ., Ii.i.r. li ss than nlie third wen citiiii,. of V.n- II.,. loll. In 1'iet. iilunv of our Hpl that more than thr.i-.l'-uril. of tho.. pu i.t win '"l., ,d. r hy .'apt ,in B. i-,.,,,. i. ,,kim, t!. eh.ir. .juI Hut i n. Pa'rre was unwell, B. F. Aver wouldw nj-y . portion of tl- lira-, aud uuroouc. U him to Ihr audience. Mr Av. r ""Xnll lf l!i an hour. He had cvuk ntly prepand l.unx n n-r he ,.,., mo.eri d tin part Ik- w... art. hig u a very important one. A In orgumeiils, and Ui a considerable c-xh-nt his language, arc u Ik- li.lllld IU the Patiot and other llllllk. r popr rs , .., ... :, .,i,.., ut ri oral them. In u. ., .,;,,, have it un- , " , .1.. .1... H....L.. ...... ,.. .j ,..ooo.i mT.lfioa mjiun ou,," e . Mr lor the corporation art. l the !! Jt-iwaiur, and the nnhiuiual liability law i and tor nior r3iiiie be forgot to mention tint the purly had iiimoritv in the legislature, nd ho gae lin- h- hihlv Uw n antiquity far beyond in, lu.l on- ,J,rt"iirtc cil h irmar.r.y "Mn. 1 plnnrnting hi "young friiiid," aim iiiimii """i .Iwrr was no oilu r plce whirr l eouid hive ,1' T" trraluetmn to all ln s-iriin in tins region. .Ha. dm; in very feeling t..n ti the iii,,.,ft,ot fart thathewa.t-orB.it ll.ll.W county p.... ' U ntj among llw frimdi of hi. fah-r ni that n Iti hm-ti nffLi town, built the firnl lai k of ri,u. , . Cih.r' house il.al ws ever bud. - . . .... in the town of HiM.horo' culled bv mine Rnnl mill idu ll .ll'si lit h Is I r lal a I q II il II ta nri a mquimi il there wu anj rrtuiUiwnrjr mi. dter preieiit. SmiP ttW in t(le ai,H ,nce. aiilflr.( that Mr. Ahnt r llotjir, a n -rolution.iry xddier, f-mdin ii.'t ' 16 hwiiiIh r of the 1 gmUtore from New IKslunW wa. .till livini., but not prcerit ; aim econd voice antiotineed tlit he w.a tliMimgli At wood man. lirv I. And none the worn? fur timl." Sou f. " So I think." Tlic (en. then pro-eeileH to ipeilk of hi. ftt-er and mr.liier a. riding htir.rhiek on-r rmiih roa.!. , lid of tin fr'-ot iiiipro".-iiiriilB 111., t hae ltr.ii ni.itir w ithin a fi w vearp. lie referred t" tiie i 'oe.litn. lion of the rmmtrr, and in a pious train t tlnuht znizvd the h.h. r U,snd that pwi-r it-oe fjiii')i-il, that the flev. Mr. Kos, finiirriy a rhr man of his l.uwn, could hut asst nt t it a sutlit n Iv M taiutteai" to sutiufy the immt nltra aUdilio inst. (en, P. nw proerrdt i( to ffKk un qihiIIk r topic whii li he was V'-ry spt t' dw l upn on all tx eiRtoim, n-M reti rseptiltw his tfort t tiie h;ir vu : his own valor in the Mritn . ;tr. Mtt.t ,.r n.... -i, i,,.i ,..ir. .1 r....n n.i i .1 1 ..r. .1 " " ' - - . ...... (K-iter than he had. Tin rr had lrn n-an f..lih i ri hi iitiiiu m ti i.rit.-r . anu ttiHHiiie . B.iaer ,n regard lu hi. hraverv. and '..lr-. ,,m. V'. JT 'Ti .y ,, ,,,, a niiij.il- ,11,111.111, ur , e ,,,,,.,, Ml le n , I , " He fought snd f. II But llV.'ll tO ti ll-" Th, ,,.ik.r w ,.u P tlie l.;rrt f .bv. ,y. llr .iil it w.i. the greuti .t trnul,le .,1 tl,r ei,iiiitrv, " gru. u uj . .......j".... . ,,,i nun .,' . , """' - witlmul fi i Imir In lenrt reiull Jt in liolnliiei il. Sl.n. ry in ,.,,tr.irv to ,,. , .. moral blot uimn tlie eh.ir.irirr of the n, li.. i ilv a liut it e ui't br helK .1. Ih n ferrnl lo tlie fn-,d peril in w men ine i iiion nan m-i n iiiaet ii. riiiii', hiiii i in..... ..e it. i-.. ..i IH III V U . ve.l ill.lll.ii.il : i..l John I" .1, had so fir join- ..a ... ,,. .. ... ,. i. i .1. ' " "'- " " '"' in. ji w.in "licit and other m er.ioiiiiit.. Fer hiuiw If, he " 111 Kr''al di.lre lim hi, heard lint Hm I oin- prniiitw- niea.ure. hud lai ed. He win ot ,i r. . i .i , , . i . j dllll, ml told the people lie wanted In dm lithe l iinm m.to l .li.,olv, ilin.l ,i,.,lve ,i r.ii, illl.rtompri.iiii..- nn -nir did not a n- it .' 1 ll! '"" i"' mlrmluei d Mr. Wnmirr - Ia II... .1. ...... ..r 1,,. ...... I... I.. ' to the attention of In. .udi.-nrr. eh..rL'ed with i-,ii.if for Mr. W. b.t. r. The fart Wa h. had lwav. I-.-,,, ,m-d to tln.t man. and hi" falbrr al one tune liar to ham lot hi. nllii e nf "lientl by him. In e,, in,, any witn other, h re. r iril 311 iriviti.lir.i. to dim- with .Mr. vNeb.ter nt Franklin. Hi. f.ih. r often um d lo . -nl. rt uu Whij;. at dinner. Mui h had In en written ii. to what lie .aid on that ocra-onli. "I will I'll what I did ay," ..ul I., in rail', j "1 .aid to Mr. Wi baler, we never have .jrrrd before, snd we mnr nmy Ofrani. Wc fljtri c iiKn the 'oiuprouiir .gin-. tion, and let u. make the iuoi,t of it.M if. d.-el irrd that ' th. '''"' ,K '""-. " tlt ihe pri m nt Fujolm si ; law, H"i,l which w lliueh Hour I. Iiinde. in - .....ti, , jfum in . .....a.. l,.n! Mr. Fosi. baid, without iiit. rru-.ting tho ,(, wiHi,t( t0 make an em-uiiy: "It m ,;,.! .1, Hi rent, v.hv wa it iiictiiBary to in ""; ,a- iifitriri Hint l..w . ' iaut P. rep, ., ... .. oh. hi I not be,. " . . i " Zr V. . ., fill ill'. ' B,,,M " " , ,Mv ,1. i st. i .1 ul". U" rH' B" on 1 ll I fit i 1111 11 n. t pa,,,,. w.iOr the h.wcfi.3, , lbW fcunded Hi on) degree up 11 eoinn,.!. law ? , - . - . ... , Pierce." I ciu'loiuto u ih.uisitiuu up. . . U"..'V .. fel I r,.rr.r.l 1 ne oHi ii ii t - the lealureaof the I u'itiM Muxeli-w aB cu.ntt. eat wilh ri'inim 11 l- !" ,. , . ,. lienor..! Pietee. W 1", d I must onswi r, No, 1 do I.l.t. I huiv Lei 11 kiil if 1 liked this Fii-i. live Slave law.' I ai.weriri 1.11.' I have a wiin le. voltilig feeling at the giving "H"'" l"Vc i the Fugi. tnc Slave law isopKiseil to huuii- inly, Here me one iilclliri il, " I. it "t opposed to linlit Vis, it is niiooscd ti moral nglifc Hut our lathe ""!'' ''' compaci. bin. Wtl I1'U1 iioiii iv. ".ij thniL'i.f the hiiiii; nily 'lit, m.tiung ol tnc rigut "'t'i. ii. P. then g.vo a vivid ill scriplion of the sei-nes'tha't would ori ur if the- law sii disregard, id. Firt, a pnrtv of twenty ufintd niou would cross tlic IVnnsvlvaiiii line to recover liiBiUvu slaves i twintv would inn tt'ieiii to ilcli-ud tin lni. s Tin n 'fnc hundred would conic, to b met ,v Ull I I, I.I.I liUlllb.rll anil ( -re tnroo iiioiiius . . i.i . r.f ut itiiii w hi hi be in the ... . ;,, ,.,,i, h.. as likrlv lo niuiii , 1.1 III i ami iim --- j . I llu ir kmim r lit I'llil.llll llllll I, OS tile -Nollll Wuulll . . ... i, ih'lhi- Cieiural --miim. iiml n-ion hl r V ,,:, Atwood. He ut Ued t'nth.-hud . K,lilir., ami bi. frieu.In ld oil, ii bl iii.td him .it t'ontiird tsLi-aiisc lie timk o lilli.. ,..l,r, l ill thrill. lie lilllilli d, lloll VI t, to M,lt(. Uu.t he wrote t the It. v. I). F. rael.uji!nu on ls.inieut maib-r i' nin-r .....i w ,lw ' of .piK-nring hef.-re thu h Kishilivi; ee 1 lliittoe.-- the cnt of the I'oivmird and rdiu t X 111. nwd corpor.. linns, and ewrfc went ,'fin! iiif iionse at the l..t sissmii m lib ,ll of the .Northern H ill. r.d Company . nil th I he in Pr, ivlii-j lar;e firs from corpora t'iot en oei.tumt ol the p.l.liei liM llnener which he ha an lik-r ol the l inir .l ttv. Ifri.ey. He sjiil thut lit wa. tr,g f.,eni!sl(il fer Mr. Atwissd which iln w lnui into the crt' ir of l.,.t winter. He had been ce.tir in gi-tung l , . Aiwimd i.isniil. d St,.ti Tra Mirer, it) MgatMl bU Is. nils and prmliri ll otliUS Ui lin thi; IMIi.e. II, wrl.l at some length ll.lo nil i Xpl1 lltli B of his rr. I , to, iii Mr. A tv, nod, ill wliiibhn rcpn w nl ,1 himself to have bel y tin ni.t harm let and ehi. Ii.,i. tike maii iii the w.iihl -ml Mr. Al.i ui.y. thing Lul an bom si in n. " Wlnu Mr. Alwu-m " s-i.l be, - t.lUs utK.nl mj' b. ing mg-gi-i m p l. Ins, and i. inn, hi. ihIii li.c i io,ui , n'lm n- ".no. and jlnnioi' lo II. in, hi ' vswu.t he know t he ft 1m-." Ho itilio I d to Mr! At wtxml'n lltij; r li lid .-ours.. ..ml did r. li lint k U , v. ry Uillc innrist in the nailer of Mr. Aiinl boiii m I ir , . - - l V'- sti'id: h.iiiig, Horn iiiisiiii. ii. i, , r, iv .-iln d I'erkni. i ,! i i jo .ifterhim. II. jol tii.l hi , ..ti a put i tiJ Mr Atweort p-.il oft ,e si i.ii.i . M In I I"' aioi.fl Mr. Al.'il lo Kit, jll.-! A h .t his jun.-ijii til i,J i',lea ilia,' up,, ro v.-il ..f. hi toe eoiiii. ile 1H'.' I h t I i. , nm lit. , I i. ns I n r ( I I.i. . ! i.' i.iv i i., i He then went a, In la lit.t o'l.ul.il, Ilili i.i II, tuili.r ol th, M,inhi,t li im i r,,t. Mr. Am il, imil bi i,p)i-,iii nt in gor.ir I. who h. In. in I , i -cited - It ol' nitl.ii, w-sif.tithii In hnoiit i- loll-'b frnistih r.tion ts the Ir.iehc tUfl f -1ori of i in, t:i a i-. --I, n: n,.ii tiii.lly ri,... J lli, a p llit l.s a - p.',i lo I ilT je ' i'!" to Hill-In lltl f fleltS t 1.M.II, 1 !.. nil i tin;'. 111. l-gt nrril lllolln h.lllsm m .d. , and a t "cc i.uioia r f f rns e.iit.i vu fl Hi oilier tl.WliH, lite flf f lle.i to Ut irliiptts it lif in't i t -iii.i d -I I r lin ir :eh r i, toe t i.iiiH.n IU g.-uc). I iiil v ll.o , or lour Mlniius cre ui.iii- l. gi t up i.pplau.r .,r U:e . srr, ilid I. eh .tlen pi ti.ird ot reaching any thing like i ,itiiii.wjnii, I' hardl y n.-i ll be il,,, U that Um. milie tliolis "ti lll.de chiefly h)' person-l from Miilii hiiite. l.h. ia, and the p-irty h-tU rs froai enc or two ntUr towns. Vet it ' mini rvidmt that lh sir-s ir I , lr, J i..,rd tor tins, and viut 'lin iii.li !: a nv4 roMtititi of imikiu-; griuiaets, s,intiug mill his rii,sir, shakuii hit, ri.tjt, 6iUirei.iiig fl...iiiti,g eoiiiplimi nl. t iiioiviiln.l pf-sci.t, tog' !h. r ,in ,sr j.ioni sprlisn! dtilj pious lie ling. .Hd lo i fr ni-irt rt lii, n; i,u ibr n .LmI'ti ii pn n (.( lo rtHfOTod. While till' mass of Ihr auill!:'-!- WI HlC no. main up .o IIm mark . It i oomttion ra. r . In tm th.t s lit.inti t lus-li-l.e.u-ll ill ri.iielil tl'tUl tl.C -lollgtiU'lJ ttCCS . f tllOM hoh'4 lbori d iHi-..et! v u. t il up It wa . i..'i.,li' me rr I'.tl.ln.ln t,v ilirlluna ir nail Un Iriei,!.. nl Mr. Alwuii, tn.t n rff'.r. .lild lie m , tie Ot nil f.. flit i.o i v j.i s ..i 1ft , hisiiiirttlie I., Ihe pro'ite ol tlw M lf. 1 hi re- I "t r urn prMlfra .M put hwU ui m rme l tin U .:n r Htioki f. 111 ttum IriNtl, li U pf 1 fl I l(1n t IhJ HH t lit.f 11 ttr (o u rt ii mti.rNt thf trf .md jianiif ! tit I' m dtf PI'!ft -n tlit Q. esHfB. kn' tlat U , i'i .ill trttw f. t-r:t th,littr4 irr-ort ,nt that tin5 'n-v f Sr (t-mt. n .liquid s" f''h ftt'ttt (hi MiMiit- Mtkuii ir. U ud stuj u iiiui-l , K 4 le t nr tti t .t.-r l hjie 4 1 i;ij hi t-irt y, -ai.! iu ( jimttini l Mr. Afwi-ri.1 , -ni i?t, m . if w ( Ml tot I .' t-, I i si tin d r ti m l iu, i ird an i pft-iMiMti) if an HUtm. bt ttt uLirn nfi'w .Htii hr.ni mm tl.ey Wt.nJd Ii dl3' hatre iM4i-tet t.i-t thi- tuSiltlf r " L ttuf4 irmu foirK. The U4t- got t. int. ti. th re h.f' it. .Sul-a ilii.t. idling t lluuit r in n. p.pr rtmn t tit .i.tr irr , N llrv,n ; jtlpf U' f s-hr V-t Atfh Ifi ug Hi hit Mp -rt ut John Atw-M d, m-f! nf). rlv pf-- i to the dir. t iti-n iitsi! iMlfi'o. ii f.( U,(- ( wii, urtl K -g'fir t . A.N U. I AI!HM.U liLUHH,T Iin, I. VII S HKID ir. ... . .. .... .hi. siitw r : s i.eiurnor lletil unaiti i ailing nj.,,11 the trntr-ri nf W,...irn ,rtli ('nrolina f ir aid to r--e, i-t n. it may n-'t In' aini, t,i enll to ruiiid hi. im.iii.mH .. (film- i f the iiiii -tii.iii mi dear to W'eUrn I 'uniliiii:i:n. I i:.l the,. I... ,.. I i i - . - , ... - ; ? a..-,or.li ; to lIie lllllll lHr Ol ! Hi? llltf) (llll'lri'll llltllf vor thf di-ti 'ihiitiou aeertlinj? in the imiu- , her of wiiitc ehildren it the State! 1 1 lie r. 'eete-J tl.nt Tr.,iieii..ee, Alal.tm,., Mi- f.i.pippi, (ami belli-ve nil tlio other f,jiilh- cm Mate-) ili-tribute llu ir . houl fmul ne-f-ordili-f to the ttllliil.er of thine to Le lie in-lit-ti-d by it. An- ibi-y Abolition .States .' 'I lie ejciilli-niuti rnmiut .i fotit.-tid ! what then h:i it to do with ALolitiniim T Jnt iiothin at ull. Aefiitn, Imvernor in id Ii opnewed t i r .1 1 cuaii.i! ot tlie I i nf I'rpnietitatiiin. adli-' rin- tii il teiiaeiini-lv to hi favorite theorv of iieirro reprevnt Atinti. wbereby one in'1' in the i n-t ba. tlm weight of five in tin Ret in the "t-ale of repretn-iitittiuu. I tliil fair' (iiv. lb id nayi it is. I'ihIi r tl presieiit tiiiiiiitnia fyctein, an Kn.ti-rii n pro i reiirr-eiited in th,. I 'oiiiiiiuiih by (." of hi. o ypote, ntirl in the fii-nali- hy ir tlje of the im.liey i. worth, wlii ij a J",,r white ninn i only repi eM-t;ted in tlie ''' ninii. This i rutikini' neirriM. in Nertb Carolina hi-Iti r in the id-iile of le-ii-lali" than fiimr w bile lm-n ; vi t linv. l!eid, a I1' morrat, elaiiiiiiijf and piipi-H!.iiig all thn i! taehliieiit, nil the rjinpathy, ull the l-m for the dear iient.1i., nay it i tiiiuil j" ke thu atiu-ti tni titu -o denirei i lll-lll leu. vnll l uil Hiiiii. out. trie lew i'1- , iilioi,- Vuu niiiy have W llie (WtinU ...j .i." r.. ... .;,. j ........ r ...... 1 ! f 1 - IT 'i Co I t:, .id dirfi-t the lrgi Intnrii from