I. j. liOLTun,!1'1""'"- VOLUME I. CHARLOTTE, 3XT Ov SETESTIBIIS. 2.S, 1852 NUMBER S. It ti,,m.. rvF sanrafertss-t .il..-rib.-r. ..t TWO IhiI.I.aks in ..Hume, r . aI1,l MmtK,Ml 1 L I I . J ' ,B hu -raetiee to m-runt a nin- deva tatiug effect.; of tli no rtorin, which We rcirr.-t to tram tlic death, by drown- heard frotu-yyj lLtl- J 11 "" T ; J'' . 'i,,.-,-.,,., out BsettsssswRi fecSfrtttrt-ar'stes ajT4K? ;--fcifi,lsar; ...,,,,, t ,.to.r wsnrr WM..IW t the f kk unou the white rose-it is an emblem turc if thoi who were lei... ;,, 1 , l l 1 It ravages have boon it from Maine to Uaiubur?, a younjf liiMimaii, "-; . suffered prcatly. Alston, a ..mill town on of ti!ir . wood, timber, Ae, Wr-r"Nlf ofi,,m,c,,e and purity; and au, I in" U,n. trC,J,"S amW,h Alal.,,,,1 Never, in th L collection of the ; JJ, to 7 ho e I " the (SrJmllc Kail Koad, wa.. nearly d-.j.re left 1, in, it. the streets ami th f.ot of '16 line. . It... 1ln nurd !,) i;.r the first mimt. u-jcent, :. i .... . . ... ' .. . V . . .. store, when ic Ultimo , . : , tt...! Daut.hin.strcet pretty effectual ly liloctjol ....iut ......... t. ..i. .... . .. ... iu ui tucse excursions, an instim r - onie..t iniini.-tmit." lei aci. .est ruction ...,..i. ,-. tn .: nmi nut t the roacu oi ui!it. strov:a. ,'ir. iirou, inu in-umi . - . . , , . ... i the V' T. Al(-rtw-iii. rit in.'rl.il ninthly i.r ,,,,,11,1w vtrntu pw w,ure k acl ". T AH b-tter. rcttiv to the RiliUiriol ! rt- i, il n i ii at In' ilin rii i lii the l.dili.r. Ann nil let. I, rsfi Imsiiirpn lof Jolt Work, A iini'-l ! tiiri-r- t. J t'l t he rublllillrr. All ll tt.TIi llllml lif iur..(ljlt i.r ti. V ,H,t 'h tl t". 3j V'd) lut.nti can h- mmlf tnnthrr. $' I'.wtiiitl'Ts an- aiiilinrucd to .::l on iii iits. Jocfrn. The Suit of Russet Brown. er ni i.M.K. A lieiu!.'n oi.ee a lov t h.til Wiio br. . tfit.l tin- (iu. cjlis Hut ii!i!'!r win li.c lo. r 1'l.tll, Iaii4flt Ufii liA. I' gtllse : S.. nil lua wis. inu "i v.'on, She ieorii.iJ ln m j.i, yr.:.'. ; St... t'M:. lof l.e..i Urnl liioek. 'I hi s And Jaueti. d at nil In h ,el, ' N, !Kt," criril mI.i , the I J. wolil.i !. A jest for la. town ; t'!1 wcij no yi.utli wImi w.-urs l'..ii. lii A putt ot ra. I brown." Ilr oiferc.l her a yentle t.ir.!, V fiitnf .lmn if..- it w.im If ne (-i- forla no )n t n ot el.tv "r n, .S. ,.:.!. I, eel. I or Lio. . Sn looked Usn it ftith r-li eve 'ill it 11ukI. .1 w.tll koi.lt.l. .f iee ; W itii ii. ,.il iiftofl hi.e s. ..itlii U t:,. i;t, Alel torn, it the e-ie asuj. , " i, im," er ie.1 ui..1, t 1 1 Ii iiii in r i r i , " Ste h ton 1 ..uhi re t r v. n ; t r, lifce yi-umeif', ll eiliiy tt. ir A mit ui iusm t l.r.-w i.." .- .1 tieiit nhe met the ..ii!h, lie .rr A ei iii.li I ol 1 i-1 . i ..l ; T..I bir.i'. .w. et ...li! ! h rl to ,..11 Hut 1..11II1 mil !..!.. n r- 1st ' '1'!: ilisnl. n I ' n U h T t.l' St,-- bi.,ii..'.i Ii. r p. e.nli.l tioriti. An. I tle.uf lit. bul a '. b. t)n.u...l l ... i " 1'm.ii t'-wbs m i) eoii r s.aln." Tl,. n l.nii.n, 1 -t -th- li s'-n Ii irn ll- nary h-iw vol ir-v n ; T.-: ink t i. e i re i.i.ei- y .u rich I .urii A tu.t of rm I brow n. ijHisccllaiifous. jVol I If j'oi'oi It'ni- It' : 1 ' Th.' I.;it Tic I.jav-1 huv their tone l-.f.,!!, Alei rluHi-n lo ith. r -t lh. Niirth-lMlel'. hu atl An.l .IJH l.l I -L.lt all, 'f.n.u llst nil li .li li'l thin.- ev. n. II I', ilh ' .Mi:.. Ill ... Ibvv f ie think of death. Any subject laay be dis-u--t i.l the ni.t-t p'-i' id" cogitu- tiou- be riiti it.iiiied, yet l.-t one l..lk of dy - ing, and oh, how so m th- . .'h urn -ubj. . t i il"mi"ed bv the eid.lv alel ling !!. , and lo this! must we let all die ' li-, iu-t sii'ely as the -un .bine, m the firma-m- lit. Then We should b.ve to think, to neik of ib i ath, y.-a, even I" i-itthe abode f the dyher. thi i- ) learn th- ..ob-uin truth, llira are M'utit, and mu-t soon h ave the the aire 'd'ixi-t.1 , t 1 -r. ath the pure Ulluii'ph' re of I'arndi--, or wiiih- in . i ru ci.iting tortures, in that abode "win re th. w-rm di-th not, and the lire i- tct .picu h- K.-ad. r, did Villi ever -it h. -i lu 'he bed f ..i- dear friend, and witiic th- up- . , ., . . , . .... r-a.-n ot tne king ot terrors .-. m- rye. i'Toine glassy, and lh- lips quiver in that hot -iid struLel- J If s u the following loo'lcli may perhaps interest you. ".spring, gentle spring, ha. clue again," Ml Fib n S to h-r tie r, who sal by the bed, and gaz-d upon her darling u ith that anxiety which a m "tin r',. bos-Mil lily ran feci. "till, ma, op-ll the window," (-.intituled l.lliti, ''and h-t me inhale the fragrance hoiii my flower-garden ; there are beautiful tl 'Wer. in it -..me planted by my own linn-Is, others by your hand., dear ina.' Mr-. S raised the nindow, ami loicti .iiiih .1. ni lh- i.ert'.inie from lnr iiltl- ear- J-ti liil.-d the apaHuieii! iu who h ehe rep- "'I' Kilei.S wa, in h. r clcv. n.h y-ar, tti'l lnr mother lo-.k-d forward with. blight- fid tmtieipat,,.,,-, to the day when the dear !,ilil would be a sola--to h.r; but h-w 'V.leri.,u are the ways f i'rov idei.ee 1 Up mi. tu . di,aiipo.uteil !, lovely childr. ii. one a sou, Hie other 0 daughter, 'had I u snat, bed from the d. ar parent who had evi r striven to make '", happy, by that grim mol.-ttr, death ; ml now she sat beside the c.mch of h. r th-,-. I'll i... I.... i:... .1 K- t.r. -.ions - . ...en, un- nisi nun, i" '. bound her to earth, 'lit- dis- a.e which preyed upon this sweet ch.ni had '.lusnl the ,l-t,ll, of her brother ami sister,' m.it .1... . - -. .mi.. .:..!;.... ;..(.. tl... ...is.. ..I I his iiatrmt iniliicciU ol. .Mom- ,1 .... .., II,, I i Inv .,,.1 i ar ing lias none. ' , l .'... . ii-va-hcr. Ac. I lti-la.... ' -in, iuu, va,i la.iiuiv sii.n... ,,,,, .j.. 4 ,- .'.... , , . . . t.e wit tiont toumt at lou - . .. t i .- . ,,-....... .. 1 ' I ..a,....,,;... bin. .oil of rov -ie-commission. .. WI,. - s ( eiicia "creed Men ut'.'- tu wnnoui .. un.i.iii, in 1 ... ., . iaiii g, r. F. led-I -t .' - "icatn. in.. - .- i ue erct it i. due t- our woitiiy .'iivr ih-ii y,. , . . Ah I... ...... I.,,,, i l,.v ui oiiiii- at pleasure, eoitlid.nt that ,., EcuttsriUc Jmirmil. i ,. . , " . ,, ... ... ,-.:. i; ,- Ki.i .... T-ir... r. Abl-t..!. Ander...ti. ; I !..y.i. . , "i "l'l "" I - - K ..' , i n i tor 111. lnttct.itigatiie cxciiions in i-i-.e: -';,. ,,. ,t , ,-,;,,, p l'faH,lwitl, at.guish.as she sat watching he w as always usclully employed. I e was the mcdv in their di.trc... He romptlv ; seti'r.. M. Ncsl itt. Mul:in:, McMahin. t.ai.u .- . .1 . IT . l,u,, """"K"11" "ir "mu' '--I'nv "V'.rr . " ,. v Mrs. l'artington says she did not marry engaged a Jctn-burg Hat, ami searciu-u , a.n. ....... , . ).,.,,. CMe-one 1 1. i I,.., lnl.. more denrlv ? Is! e.l eeiierallv of five cf fi ; and he often . i , just Pectuise he was the si.e, v 1) L' ' . w,,)T..r.i , I p, aline- Mill, luv ing-viile, CiolightlyV. An- be wa-ti-l there one who will watch in the Mill night, returned with prisoners before Moultrie was fi t vtlieciot mt wl,l come bo ; 0 ,., ''v,I'ul,a .No part of that citv ti -ck. ' Rogers'. Scott's Svyiti-cr's. Mu!lti.s, It is ru, - mi,ii,e storii.-k.ng is careering W....I...., appriseu .,, , ...- r , , ; ,(, y. out wan uncovered, and in some pit, tuc wa gioumam-.-a ...-, - ; - iimriirarefullv. or uuiooth the pillow, ami tin-uished for hi.ihumauetreatii.ent w h. n , t j J-H Btrctc u c out hi r w h te nrin att. n. iy prasped the favorite " How beautiful '. mid it odor ix ho airree- able," said the pale -;ii I ; but, ma, I am ve- ry weak, my limbs are chilled, and yet no pain racks my frail body. I know that soon my voice shall be hushed, and these lips that now are a'uio-t enlorle.-H, will be cold. yes. icy cold, to the touch. Jhit I will not talk of liyin, for it ili-tres-es you, dear , lua ; ami oh . I woull ratln-r see tlie sweet smibr upon your face, than witness the out-biir-tinu' of vour sorrow. Take this rose iinil I lace It near me, ttiat my I'ves mav ol-l ten rest upon it ; and win 11 these orbs shall ; have b.,.-t tin ir briehtness, and are put out j by death, thcti ht this siuiple flower be pla-j ceil in mv hands, that they who may fa.- upon my pal- fcatuies may say, She was . ure, she was iimoeciit, even pur.- as the . rose in h-r icy liiia-r.." ' j " My child," whispered the mother, " are you w illing to die W'.nild you not rath, r live t i romfiit me when the fro-ts of a'.-e shall have whitened my hair; Can you willingly leave caith and it idensuics, ,,ur oh n .pin t h .me, and the iix-thcr who has ever bned you . "Ii, llllcn, Kll.-ii," cried th- atbeti.'iiiite par. i.t, as tl.- sorrow of Inr heait l.iir-t f..rth, "what shall I do. My i hiid i en, l ar little ..i.e., wh-ie aie th-v ; ' .lie, gone, and y ou, tin- la-t ..f all, my on- ly h 'pc, arc to be t irn a!-o ti on me 1 oh, how shall I bear tl:i- - trow '' and th- di- trcs-cd mother hugged t lnr l.o-oni the dear one of h-r h.-ait and s...,e.l bitterly, " I-ar ma," said Klleii, a- she -ndeavor- id t i w ine ana v hi r inoth-r. t-nr -. "lean- ' ""ii i' ... . " ....ii ..as ......I.. . bis icy ting, r- i.poi Faith s pi, a-ure.- are w orth nothing t i me. and v, t I would fiin Ir.e to make y -l h;.py. t . wat. h ov-r your lu il-i ie in th- time ui sh-kiic., atnl . ci ive your dying blessing; ,i.t this can- Hot b-; ere nightfall my spirit shall have taken it-d. jiartute, shall' be at rest forever." Th- nfteiuoon was cb.-ing. Th- orb of 1,-n had neai v lim-he. n r mr-. air vet Mil. ii .it.. i. I. ll. i ... -U.. . .in .-.ii in ar the l.-d w.it-hitig aiixi ni-!y lh- changes a thev pa-., d -iv, r tie- countenance of ln r o- , . d on-. At length F'l'-n m d In r cy -, ' and w h.le t!, .-- lu-tr-ei-orh. w re l..v I up- , ..n h r iie.ll.. r'.s fan-, -he vv hi-p.-red, f. 1 1 ly : . " M i, I am ah.io-i there ; the nay i- pb a-j .ant and in.t k t i me Civ. lii- vour hand, mi; oh, I shall ....in be at Ii Hue S. e, ma, see vomb r," continued th- sinking child as si,., pointed toward, heaven, " tin-rare beautiful being, b. i komng me to cine to tin in , and th. y are singing swc. t mii-ie ; do Vol not hear tie in i I 'h, happy -pints, I sh-il! -.on he w it'll you' Fan-will, ma, ne iu u -1 now part, but ti -t f .rev-r.'' Il-r 1 . i.-i f. il up. ,, tl,,- l d, and th- mo ther -aw tio.t the r e .rd was ah.iut to be I .ei .1, that her dear i hild wa- t be taken fr .in In r. Klh-n whi-p-r 1 again ; " Ma, that white ro-e. r. III. tuber to place il in mv hand w h. u I am dead ; w.-i p let, I am going home to si e pa. and sl-t. r and .b ar little W alter, to, N.-w. ma, ki-s mc. You l.ave often ki cd me w hi n I sat ii u y.e-ir knee, talking to you in prattling, child- like iiiuoeciicy , and now hi-- in- .iga,u--it will I the parting ki-- until w- im . t aliove. I Hi, I am about t-' fall a-b i p in tie al ius i.fd.-alli. all I iivval, that worl vv in re the miii never s. t-." H. r voice faltered, ami the mother L. t.t li.P I...-..I elo-elv lO III- lil.S ..f ll.T lliilll. ...ml tl..-.. word, eeh-.ed ill ht r ear. .it ,,., ,-(-. ,-i-o--i ri." v.i.. ..: 1 ;., ,1... l.i. I., ,...,, ,1, i. ' I....I .,'. if-;..!, i I,.-!,- ma.,-,o- of .dory. ' ' ' '" II.. i hu h-,,1 '.li.-., .1 behind It'.. . tile I, ,-rcle im-pii. re . cd the c. t" ..1... 1 .1 s of ln r 'ib parted Film, I III. O I .11.11, .11111.11. llio.ll- an 1 w h,l- t he big tear, cursed o -r l.cr i i -ii.i.i .. l .. I. ll .... .'!l.. net h-, s .onc'i :u , .,............ mv la-t, mv onh hop. ......... .. ...,.l .,1 my bo.oui. until I unit thee iu H,,t h-iio.v wh-re thou shall be juirtcd from me no lu re lo ader, it wa- ln r l.i-t tie Srrui'iint Jasper. A 1 "Al -'I III I. HI Vi 'II TI'iN. At -the comm. iiecm. nt .-f the Kevdutioti- arv war, igeaiii ..asp. r ....... .. .. .... - ... ..... . . i ....i .. .... . c.,,l oiitli ar.uitia regime u ..i "'"'. cmliiamb-d by Colonel Moultrie. Iledi-- tmgui-hed him-clf in a j.articiilar manner at the at. a, k winch wa. made ufot. fort Moultrie. .... N.l .vaus -land he h June, I..", lu the vvaim.-t p.ii t ol th. eot-t, the 11. - stall wa-severed ,y a can- mm ball, and the Hag h 11 o the bottom of the ditch on th, t-uh .. the work . I 1... lit was coiisnicrci ny ut- in.....' ......... of Charleston as putting an cm. i.. .tic c- ,,,,t, by striking the Aniericau colors to the em iny. The incut that Ja-per made the i . . .i discvery that the tlag l.a.l li.llc.,.,. jump. f,-m of the embrasures, and mounted ll,.. ... .h.r. which lie tied to a sponge stall, ..... i i - . - , . ud replanted then, on the parapet, where ! supported then until another Hag stall wa procured. I he subsequent aetiviiy ami ,,,t, j fir- he. :;, r;: ji",,:.,rtiT.; ..oi,i..t-1 tor rn.i i..i..n.i ny u-'. :: ti;;,..... u.ts.j,., "Vh;i.. lw. ; .1 n , i heart v, as awoKeneu fy the di.-trecs of a Mrs. Jones, whose husband, an American by birth, had taken the king's protection, and been confined in irons for dcsertiii'.' the royal cause after he had taken the oath of allegiance. IJ.r well-founded belief was that nothing short of the life of her husband could atone for the offence with which hu was charged. Anticipating the awful scene ot a beloved husbaml expiring ujiroi a ;ih- I'ppi r Ihi igo bad been carried away, and et. '1 his i-the second in twelve y( ar-, and commenced on Thur-day, ami t In' w ind 1 e t ak' i, t . : . . :.i t :. bet, had .-xi-ited inexpressible emotions of that the Lower Jhidu'e u. in a tirecariou th third within the me rv ofour olde-t it.- continue.! to bb.w witli Inerea-ed viob-nee b-ut . xerti-m aad u-i irrief and distraction. .JasmT secretly coiisulte'l with his com- panion, Sergeant Newton, whose feedings for the distressed female and her child were tipially excited with bis own, upon the Iiraetieahilitv of nleasiuL' Jones from his impending fate. Tliou-h they were una- Id.- to liUL'tr-st a plan of operation, they were determined to watch fir the most favoral.de (.pportunity, and make the effort. Th- do- pa it ure of Jones and several others (all in iron.) to Savannah, for trial, under a guard consisting Mrgeat t, a corporal, and ci.djt m,.. was ordered ution the ciicceedina ii.oriiing. M'ithin two miles from S ivannnli, about thirty yards from the main road, is a spring of line water, surrounded by a deep and thick underwood, where traveller, oit-n bait to refresh th-in-' l -s wit Ii acted drauudit IVom the clear fountain. Ja-p.-r and lii. companion considered this the nio-t favora- ble to their cnterpri--. They accrdinudy passed the guard, and concealed theiii.-he. near the spring. When the eliemv eaine up, tin v halted, and only two of (he guard re- in a i tied with the i.ri.oners. w bile the oth. rs i. ....... ...... t". .... ..... t i.. .... ... a k.i j. ? manner, and went to the spritig. J:e r and .N-wtmi ..ei.-d two nni-k-t", and di-a- ld-d the two sentinels. I'h- IMl Oi ail 1 1 ami- piac. d the eneiny m t in ir j.ow- i r, and compelled tli.-ui to surrender. The iron, wi r- taken off, and arms )mt in the hands of those who had I u prisoners and l'c ''ole :arty arrived at I'ei ry-burgh tie; vv moiuiiig, .iu jo.. . n.o .i...ei imp. 'l b-re ar- few in-tanc. s upon record where personal . x-rtions, -v n f-r si lfpre- s.rviition Irom certain pro-t .ro-pect '"1 ileatll. wouid huv,- indue... I r-"tt to an act so ,i pel ate of . -X' eutioii. I'."W m ucii more 1 au- dalne wa. this, where tlie s.nng to action wa- rou-e.i ny tne lanieniaii.iiis m a n u.ai. uiikiiow 11 to the adventur. rs 1 Subs.ipient to the gallant defence at ul- ; vjtb thee 1 xception.., and 1 livan's l-lanil, t'ol. Moulti i. V : giment was 1 ,,, .r r,f w al L. , , ' pre-eiited with a stand of Colors by Mr-. (.,.l!:,r. ofour merchants w lliiiotte, which she had richly cmbroider-d Water. The damage tog" with h. r own bauds, and as a reward f-r 1 ..idcralde we believe lias li".t i -J...pcr's particular m. rit. Cov. l'.utl-dg- - a, ,i,(.rt. u .,.,,;,. ,,-.ticc t-pr.-. i.t-d him with a very Iruidsome mi oti . I ; ,i j of MiU-tv. What d Hiring the a.-.-au'.t ag..ii.-t Savannah, tw .. (1 . ,a. l,,,;:,;;,,. .J v mlM lt; .; ..the, r.. had been killed, and one w ounded . I r,.,liani , 1. f, ,.n.' The u; ; iu endeavoring; l plant these colors open j cit v, and along the line of t :'. ' theem iny's parapet ui.on Springhill redout t. j ;,,,;,!, Js very much t ni .lust l eloie the retr. at vv as or ien u. .la-. per endeavor, d to replace them upon the j Hell., and while lie was m the act received i a mortal wound and fell into the ditch. When an treat wa. erne red, lie r-eoile. t-.l the h uioralle conditions upon which the do- n-.r pt,-ent. d the c- t irs to hi. regime ut, and amoii'.' the la-t act. of hi- Ide su.-e. . d- cd in biingiiigthi in elf. Major 11 Try call- ,-d to .-ec him s-ion aft-r tb. n tr. ai, t j whom, it i- said, In made the f u'-'Wing com- mumcation I d mv furlough. 'I hut sword was presented to me by Cv. Untied for my -crvi.-e- iu the defence ..f F-rt iou.tri. Civc it to mv father, and tell him 1 hav worn it in h r.--If th- old man should Weelu tell h. m hi- s.-n died in the hope of a belt, r life. Tell Mrs. lilliotte 1 ., .1 I t .1. .1 ....1 s,it,i,.,rl:ll ' I ll- CO .os M li 1 1-11 sue oe-.i.e... 11 . to our regiment. Miould you ever see .lone-.. 1,1s wim anu s-u, e, ....... .......... .. . .,,. Imt the remeinlieraneo ol the luit.le - lie I. mi' it lor I ueiii iii.rn.iii .. .... 1. 1-.. .. hi., heart when death wa- alout to stop us mo ...... f ......... " ii, ii.. ....... lie evfired shortly alter clo-mg this, -en- tcnec. A VltllV I'ltliTTV Smltv Sl-i'll.l.lu I he I.ocofoco paper, are piihli-hing, with huge delight, a story of a man iu Virginia, win says he heard J '. n 1'. Hal- make a specc-i ill 'New llainpshne, two years ag". in which he said " he would head un army to march , s , down .-lav cry ; ami ,,.,,,, i.,.rll Kraiikliti Fierce reply, that .i,,,i,i i,, 1 ,,.,.,,, v to march on .o..' ,,.! ,..,, marcli over l.i. ,W,M ,, . for he would head an rv , , ,M, ,,." N'ow this w as a pr.-tt y stor v. Hut in la-t- jg.,,,,,.,,,,, , r,,;,,,, t. f,d a letter from Hale, a(.(.,.ri- ,hat..,.c. U not .v.'.i'.V ..' , the lrill)!c , tt. . . , ; . I .foeo pa- all ,w.v will stick to it, of curse. y.,,,.,.,,. ot.,-n;r. oh, mother, mother, cm- .pttcl; ; An -..li:,... Arrabella has (.en. I'leiced. - it- I ..W,at my child:' '' A.igcll.na has seen a and (icn. F.crecd " W hat does the child mean 1 I ell me tins minute w mil im viilmN imi llip inn,,,. li.fttMip. , I-Vwi thr Aufiuslt. CuintihitioiialUt. Tl kmav MivUM.nu, Augu-t 3(1. ! ' Tub Freshet. M'e have to record the most disa-trou- frocln-t that lias ever Nited ' our city. In jur paper of Sunday iuori.iiijf,' we aiinoiuiee'i that when it went to i I the flood vas within tl.roc feet six inch.-1 of the .Teat freshet of May, 1 10 ; that th- I fit nation. The water cot tinned to rise all mi'lit ai.d until about lo.ieloci Sundav morning, at which time it reached iu high-' e,-t point, remaining so for tt o or three hour.-, 1 after which it e.-miiitiiti.'! falling. It has1 continued "radualiv falliiu.' isn to the time our paper wa nt to pre-s 1 i.-: evening. ; The extreme height to which it attained varied in different sc. tin.- ..f the city , w hen compared with th- frc-h. t.,f l-ii." hat we can asccitaiu it v.ai ..,.; three im hes lower on th-j e'li.i.on, an! i.i-.'h-r on portions of liroad and t in -en-. -trei-t-. In l"--o. a conn let- canal vi-i:iade throu-h Kollock-stre.-t, while duriig this freshet the water mh iin; to have mad- a breach thr.itiuh the head ..f Kollo-k-str.-:. turned down ,J.,nes-Mrc-t, to umiiiiiiu'.!ii.d through 'urn- ming to the .,.l rout- of lie- Ii. :iv, r i!.;).. We are inform-d that n:- ten .-r el-v.-n small houses were sc. i tl eititiu' tiiroii-jdi t'umii.inu'-street. -tie ofwi.i.-h mov iie- in th- centre -f l! .ad faein-g ummiiiu' trc t. T1,,, I ,,,.r liii r. v, t'l .,., .i. snM.i.o mil when t-. , 1. .i "i .... ... .i .i . ,eir t-abes. aii'l tn"-t..r wii" a .oiai. ty of dnlt Wood, came I- wi with rci-th-. .',,.,..,,,., ,,,-1 il... Ih ,i ....... 1 1... i ;. ,,, ,! . ..oh. aid carried aw ; ale.iii two hutelred U et ,,f tliat j ov, i lu! -truct re. ;ii.,t,.r t-nired t e i i tiro i t v wiih the cxce tiou f a few favored i-put.-, ami ll(.ary a;i ,,e e.llar.-. with wat- r. -j-p,. cellars under l'oullain's store, and tho-e ull. .,r ,,lu stoves from ' , -"' ' , -a ; :i,-o tin ,., t, stores from the a'.'.-y ve-t .f ". y A. ;, ,n-, dowu to Hu-.-, i ,V W'hit. h-"id'. corner, iiiclu-ive, ail of vi '. . th- - io north -id.- , f ll .!--: t. 'i h- , i J , , . I " i 1 i, ;;.-.! St .1- - II it. 1 r ii . . aid ' ' ::!'" ,t ,. ,,... I t. 1 c rin r. w ,. ! l.v.v ,,,i ..;-,... u I " i , lo;t lor I n ir c leiuui.ie itii-g ' under -p-uinl with the c li.v. t"' 'h- ca-t. -i t- e . IUC 1 .1 lill.-d v ith ti: .ugh cm- ii ' ry . r. at. i-. m..ve th, to ii. age will be t ..nidations, r pait of the a a-t- way of :.d ui.-ligur tn un ndo-iis ( (p -pj current swept v. and awe in turitii power i:t tli..t ttirei ti-.n, taking the line of the old li- je r H.iiii. bear- mg upon it h.m.es, I ndg, !'. i i , j t,r,,I1(rtv of various ki ami firm - the l'l at 1 .dv ., j, -able Latrier bet v ic .h.t.iries and tl. tu, ,..,v Pr,,,., ta ar'v a! : ,,,., j,.,-., ,.f tj,., , pury-t n et and North of ti' jnfaPjtnts vvere driven bv t ',r' . -t i.f Mar- I'.,.! .ri, s, the --.:.:-i. :' -1. -1 tho-e in lar dwelling- VV. Ti eompi i d t- m ' k refuge in the n-c: 1 The attempt Would bo vie' the awful sublimity of the -c bv tho.-c raging waters d-;i i t .1 - !';' -- he pi t -v hted :ng Saturday ,v. -r to ro und j eul'..'.'v ,1 with it. ' ni.ht a u ! the w hole -f Slit cm-1 .in- tithe of the i xcith ii. t re-t:;ig liicivient. eoiiir Tl... ... ... .1. ', i . i e u.- i. su'-ii.., in... . at Ue- ts full, I eautv shone in placid ami c .luring the tv.o ;,ights, th i-contra-t -I niai'v clloiis at. 1 tin .....t .1 ; t .-.1 ., . v,it .-. iv v.. .... ........ ..... ....... - Wltl, uc:i .le.-irue.ivc iury m mw , ...... ..i the came time e ift I ;l ut in g her M'-t wei- - n.ti : t tit i n - tier m--t ci- - c ine light t ' at I Hi th- re -cue ! lite ami i.ron. itv. This h.avii'lv effulgence was donldv '-..'isoiialde. a. tin -as w o h- vv ,-re siibinci I. ami the city ha 1 n t th- hi i;e- ,it -li-i,t and iiia-le.piat.' as it w.-u!; hav. p'.,,, ,,f g-us p;p t. I, is jnifo-silde to . -;i i, it in ibu'ar-an 1 ,.,.,,1-, the aiiioiint d' dc-t i a, (iuu t pr p.i'.y ;1, ,0 ;ln;, , :iv:,t,.. The loss to the citv. in the items ,.f th- .-,, ,, ,i. i;:.,., :,i over the Canal ..,'..,,..,. , ...,... ,1 the ,i. , f r ...... -. . ... . '..l.i.. i ... ',, ,'f t,ehvdr-u.t i will have tube n.'k" .,,.,,,.,.;,. I.unh.'d- "f thou-aiids-1- which the ne'e-arv relief to the h -,,-ele- ,!,..,;,,,. .,,! ,'lu. -.torv prcau; i-u- ' . h nin , ;, ,ak(. .,, ,,,1,'r j,,,-,,!, nt.il ,A,)I1M.. not easil v enum. rated, must I e a 1- The lo-s and dctei i .ration f I riv ate ,; i i, ,;,.,. .. ,,... fences and .'aniens at: I the de-trm ti-n .mil ilama:'!' of --ood- ami n.-rciianiii , wt'.l . :.. .. .1......1.1. . 1 . I,,,, .,..,, ,o,-,:iu-t be v cry g.va. " - iv , ,.ui'i;,. .,,) .' ! ' " i.i'. I i i e ti'-reg' lie. v it v . "...-I.,, , ... ., . .. til'lV'lte t'l'l'CV oil' Itl'l' 1 Wl. are h iff v t . '-' v t the. e ha- b. , n , - ' v m.,,iv ,. .,. , - , ,,,, .,,.. , .,.,,. '. ' I . . t i , . ant one, but of cattle, wide and i-t-x-k. i . '. , : ' . i ....,.,.,;,. highly "ct.-emcd in thU jjiimm.it v, are1 km.wn to have l.eeii siifierers to u calauiitous cstent, and have the .M-iupathi-a of their manv frieieis. " We I'aiinot (.'.helm!' this i.otieu w ithout eomiiicntiiiu' -li ties impre,.iv. K-on tauu'ht the eit v of Auu'U-ta bv this calamitous fresh, habitants, which huv.; brouht terribb; dc st ruction to i.i-oticrt v. and iiiteino-ed.be- .-ibs, serious hindrances to the regular cur- rent nf business. " The reeurrcn.-c "f this,, di-asters iim-t ot-mt.. to th.. .l.-i.r. iati-m of t.r..t.ert v. and mo-t disitdvantau'-oulv in many indirect ways to the city, it- !,u"-iin-s amfit-pro-j..- rity. Is i here no mode of obwatiug these di-'a-t-r-! We r. ply i mphaticaliy , yes, and w- point to th-Vvuepie . f ...ther cities iu lev. . iic th-ir ri . . r -. ! '.r the n-med v. J We invito th- i.tt-i.tion of Kngine.-r to ' thi- .-ubicct. M.d 1.. i.e tl.ev will Liiii-hc.-.- timat. . f-r th- pu: lie t c, of tin- .-o.-t .-f an ad. .plate lw. . u !..' the bank of th- t Ivor, 1; e.i. tl...- l.i.'.i g: u. 1 al ..ve Hank's Cully, to Hit IJ im.di.ry--trei t. and from the latt-r p-iat ab.i. I.t 1'. .undary-stt. t I t . S-oith-15 .'.ll.dary, alel th i.ee to the high I mud on I'elaigleV plaiit at i on. The e-.-t, j we have heard it . -tii.iat- d, w-.uld i--t ex- ce.-d .ne hutidr-d and !i!ty thousand dollars, ' Th- beiu lit to be d. riv.-d, and th- s-n.-e i.f i-'euritv it v ail 1 iti-l ire, vo..l 1 be v-rtli . ih,. oittlav. . ! The interior of C,--..rgia has It up. p. urs. stillri r d .- vi r !v. Ham! urg was :tl- c-ntirelv imn i:: of ,!;,. St .es it was? Vet deep. Great damage h.i. ' Cell done in eth- r s. c- ti..!i. of til oi :i,i. ami the (Tiattah It. e ri v. r ha. hecii sev i u f t higher than it wa LOT hu.vii. " t.l'.KA'I i ;!.;. A-.- I t -!u;r.v. AMI l'FSTHL't'TIN K Jl.'n'l'. 'fl.i- p. rti n oft;. - Stat, 1 v a ll 1 of rain, .-m liii iris ;, r ell V l-.I ! .,.. ,1 the Wat.-rci-'U s. - f.irheyoii! all red-unit, -ml sweeping iu tin ir rai id to si-ei.t. I.earh all the In ig ,...,.,,! ,,,,H, f . ,, ,,,, 011," r. at III ier. 1.. an 1 lm.v in ' fr..iu lh. ; uci i,t 1...; -1. ... t-o-. s 1,;,.!, 1 ' hu , , ., .. , .1 . ..I t,..!! s .1 I ', VV ::,-! o-o- I I -T ! O l,.,d 1 . , M i no 1 d hit- 1. M-.i.-h r.iiu Pad. f.liciif.r -ev , ral d a - pre i-m-. w hi. h p., 1 the Uiw r- and I ;. .!. I., y.,..- ti,t.:r ,: ;.,i 1 ii.-;-. lh.t.o;. l'r: !.iv the .'. it e -.-:. . i ! r-.l, li. ' in e:iV'io-T. a!:-! e--.!I ! ran. in g l u cal'iie-t, al ' 1 1- p -cr torrents durih d .vv n in h ay and sw. . ping ; th-' t.igi.t. b-i- i-i iii,,:lv, a- if oat , f y, :i t ii . th lull : but w. j ..,, barii-.l ti dr-ail tlnir ici-urreiiee ; f.r, w it', ri i-ruit' -1 volume and i-i'it, the ram 1 ..,..! vind iu.-rea d With each r-t W j thr.ii.. I.t we had s-. n mm-li water 1 . i'-r . : hav ing been s-ed oti all toe m ati- in the 1 world but in looking .-it . -u t'..- iailii g, "' ' ru-hing and roaring wai.-r- a . . e u-, h.--i, s. and :;... I u , I . .an t thti.h. ' if thin.:- continue 1 at thi- rate- very ' -tig. vie -h ,..d s - ... he winding - :r way baci. to tl..- 1 riin i -i a. ..iit.tr! ii! andcro io d ami 1 wh 1 tb i !- !' mill- h i- -'ri.':.- f. .-f t nlbl in- i 't.t . .us ,,f ri.ll- fel.e s and she ll- of I ! hit..: put!.- hill -. ,;v :.f ;: ft at 1- -. rh t: 'll v. -'.Id 1 ill vaito S,.Vice it t-i -ay . ! c-t at. ! ii'-'-t iu. hi- h:,she, 'v.. " - , ! tl" gr-.. t 'l wh . r ' thi- - , tl -li of the .-CI I i-it. '. I. aw -.ill's r i.-h. r th in ev-r 1, iu a- t n ! t ; and vi- ,:.-.w;i 1 pr. siiiue thi- w :i- 1 1:- -a - t and Creeks n-tT'iiiy. 'i i W itll the lliv el -iil-, it may be -f pro-,, r: v , an 1 1 ,- gr. at. r than Any all -iu t !' tv !'-t, vv oild 1 e ..',.: 1 i.i .-ivi'i :. 1 -- i olli'lh ,11 . te lolt.h 1 ; lii.. ut g. ml. -.I--, at a luhu:: -c- n at once, that t. produce, mil t la .ui any former ' . . .......... he V aiuc o. but. we f. c ",ih try . l! it, t- t ... h. I'v , .i u.. : . , n--m i. trie t a thou-an 1 .hilars - it;, n h -wever, isf.m; higher -urn. j lti attemi 'tug t g t ut f damag, - t . n ,v.c, vc v. ui ea-icr t i . ir would I e t . -av t, ,x-.j" taut v.:.;, h i.a.c v. ti I sw.-i t aw a v. e wi.l . -!... tlchvv t e w id l :vv ut ' ' far as w- lui'.e hear 1 ('-,.. lee. c hear 1 : Mr. . F ,1 , i , tl mring miT d-tr y-l at,! . red bu-hcl- -1 wh at !-t ; F I In- -f Mr. .1. Mhl - ' " ' 1 ah - c.OMi, at. i 11 1 n-h. ;- v i-.-t, N, -hot's v t- : g:u. thi.i- t-u.-.r.w 1 -t. an d n'-.t ! !,.. M i; -" '-- !".S,i,h with l'l t. M . ' - -Mr Win h-UI-" siui!!i's r i 1. I Pr. I aula biide I.-:,'.. 1 M.;-: r-.v, '-.. M t 1 y g, r l iv . 1- i- iic-ir. 1 ; tie v r.t r e -ur . - The I. .lb -win r at, 'the r:r: ...ill.au-g- u : C"b ILH ..,:-!. . ... tii-b vcv. 1 :. ' i . -. ii, - ; I l.i Tu-. V.u'.i.rrv. ! V- r: C .'t K v,,,, Wa 11.1 -g mi!1-. 1 1 1 t a r - c , , .Cl'.KAT A l.K AT MOJ'.lld'. l.OSStlF ' J.l 1'K. I MM MN.-'K 1 KS IIU t,"!'!' " ' F l'i!'J!'i:i!T V.---KS 11 M ATKH J. ISH ?l .- I "',,,t't. We ha-t-n to lay b.-f.ro our r.-.vh rs t!ie 'follow inu' account '( n "reat .-'.orm at M bile, bv 'which manv liv. - w. I" ! -t, and an imiio-ii-e amount of j.r.-pcrtv on bind and sea destr.-ved. It api.ear- that the .-t-.rm until noon on that dav, whin it l.-'ai. to -id, -id,. Tl,,. waters had env. id the wh do of the loner) art of the city as far a, . l-auphin-tn .-t, and v.tv h.-avv l'.v- were su-t'iii..-.l 1 y th- m.-r. bants on Fr-nt. C.m- m.-ree. W:.u-r fiid oth-r .-tr- t-. isi tliat - e. tioii. 'These are, however, v. ry im i f. .t e-ti- mat.-s and tlnv relate inly to tie f.r-t day's destruction. "The ravages en 'Jhar-dsy nibt i.nd 1'iiday morninu' were even mor- ext-nsive and di'.iistr.-u-and whin nil the aee,.ii!,t-- are collected, we fear that many huiidruK nf th .ii.and. dollars would vc rv in.-ide.i'iat.dv ib-seribe the wicde K.--. It i- a v-i h-:i-. y 1 ',..w to M.d ih , but th. y are a:i i !..-:! i.:. I il.t' ij ri-:t..' p. J :::. will bear up i rav-ly umier i ahiii.ity. The i'.-1 1-. v, ii,' tnrtln r aotii.t I: :n c. ive i-.-ois o! the Advelti-. r of liidiy liiorniie.' : Tin i:.-i..iv. in i.'c, 1 u, A. M. Wh. n we concluded p. ntdng our a-count, ou y t-rdav. r.f the u'reat .-t-inii, we were under the impr-s -i oi t hat t h- w or-1 w as v-r. and 'that t!,- iiiiin ' 'lav would w.t!;. the a 1 :tt. im i.t !' the wati r-. and i ivv a rt torn owevcr, w !:,!. vi'.h to ..nliii.iry iiii.-t:,- --. in t n: ., !-. ,! ...,1 w-re gri at; v mi-': do n. I I;- viii - of a 1....1 . ; l ar Ui. 1 . i.de.l at . ! v n i - 1 1 ; 1 1 o , s,,.,n alter bl-w with rer - w - t.ee. but - t. little seriotls a I r. h - l - si - of -i further rise of water was ii, amfeste !. Merchant, ou W'ati r-stvect which a- ;.t, the fiood had not n a. bedvisit, d their ,-eu3 ..ui il.U timo and retunii d with At I '. '. .. k i . -. . "i '. - witli t-r; ii-!- lory. Ii:...!.' ri-o t-o.i ui- l y tn,- r - :-. ;.n.:..g iu; r ilito the v .;r . -, I I' .1 t.;::g t I;'' v. r ii..: .. I th.ir 1 - M ; h .,1- v. 1 fe .- I x- lilir-.-ui ( aid tli- ii- . i ' iaiii..i.-s w l-o.-ed t 1 the pitiless 1 citing- 0! the d. J to this cam.: the unvv ic ranee that, with th" ri-ing tide, the flood I " " 1 ' - ' " ' - - i i. -i t.i-o m . --01 . -.,i :: arm n ' 11,'iifv V g o l . . ii t I ec.il.le .-i t that .it. r l.tl- l-i-li v.h ' e .--o'.v'. v, .-;!; 1; ,t p.-: II. th- w-re ciairlv ruitc -d. At su .1 :-. . and lat. r thi- m ii-pcct of the city wa. . l,.,-u;y indeed. 11 .... ..1 hiniug .-uhii.c.-goil i atcr-t i t, 1 r. ed it- way into the si .n -, iilticis an . Ill"- t iV. I raln is. Ihiiil in ( -m'i am; ' . ernm. t.t -t rei t-. n ar! v in- to ' ir -cv . -; ii.t. et i ui- w it li ll-.y al. Ti.- Lw-r 1 rt: -a "!' to- mail., t h 'U-e wa- l.i! i to the di j lii of -e . : al f 1 1. - vv -hiiig- af 1 awning Irani", v i -ca'i r, I iieii-. riti.ii.at.'.y ah-nt. ti- .hi..- aid tin M-ritig of -ew ral buih ting- v. a- t u a up ah i cp. it 1 in rod- ill variotl- Juiiei -, anu.iioi the streit- mostly ih y. t-l to r..-i-h it i r- i". -r v f ' yard. ! -' ructi d b t h - l'l ,1 . Vv lie: ! . :.U! lliii ..,.1, t v. a - a !;h i i:.ch"iy -f, it 1, th'- c-t: ' ut,-; ir. ; y , ar- , i.i II lii i.t. lti S .'i.e iii-t I rai cu. w . re .-;...: : I'll and. in .-th. r-. tn - vv .-rc ' r , :- i.iid i i.iiiu ly -U .-1 r--y -ti-i i t ;-. at pres.-nt. i.: l ..- l y t: ' : iit n tii the liiiiiil r ...f taildi trc. -. :.tid h-le vi ry i;:.c the path "la hurricau- through the b ! -t I In ( i -, , ri.tn, i,t-,-trect the tlamage siilh,- re-i.et i- al-' wry givat, and, ii. 1. 1, s i; i- through-:: the entire itv- Iti-yit t . , , :-i'v 'to -filiate the 1 '-- ' l' pr 'p i':' 1 it it i-.' i: . d V iv gr- r.t. -u-! 1. :. and micM. ' t, . va- th" it u.ri - of the Si ' 1. that little time eg- left aft. r the d..ngt r ! . came iinmit.-i.t. t pr.-sei v . a,.v li.olllel.t. l ew of the liicl-cluil.ts . h.-avic-t b;;-::ic-- -trc t- iiav. !-:.!' -Hough t ' have s, cured tl-ir K b--! .i-m i- si ill ri ..in' wtii gt. at :rv Th, .. are hitting cloth, a'l'i pi; - il. wat- ,1 ..it. here ami tm re. r. ui ,'lllhs, w adilig t ' their a: :u -.!.. I" - a r at v. ; k in th lh, ' ti 1 t t;".i g C" i" I'-: -tt. Tu i i v i. i ' i . h. M a p.ic -.' u-t t r - .:,' . 1 he ti- ,.- -t : : i !.. -t, ta-i, p il i. '! the! ut the : o -: -d t! ' '.''" that .'M i ii .'..'- '! -t oi.uiut. St!- i i . t -' cti'iiii-:,! i- goiie entirely, 'hi- " r- ,v t -c building b r I1 rrah.-e A at the cm, r Mi. hiiv! and Water-struts, lnr t'ccu lovvn, and a poiti. n . ! the i..-li'",i.- i ;c i. also report, t nave uiiieii. of s, vera I build i ugs on l'r..i.t- ha-.,, bm-t, all I f-iis art entertained at s-.ti.e of tae buildings theUs... Ives may. t . . . . -i . i . . v . . nun -rctl that the r ' i euioaniv u'llv wa.-hc l. Th- vara came tbcre H lit'.io i'l".i-i -" d-po it, and v,.', nop j,rc;autioi,;u-v iti-a- ai by tb ji'omrhly l':tu- in-r the ovi.ri! .-t.-ett.. I:i ad lit, m t the heavy j ,:'.'i:n , ! citizen, "let n- i.ot. 1 reieb r o.ir.-. !vc- an u-.l and death. In thi- r -p-ctf i'!y i-n .lu th r th.-e w !. . have, w:i:.!,i be. n so i.i'h-U . .v !. , si: taii:i'd by on; i:;y i!.:idverti-:n;e, ' .. J ' t ) ti;.-i. i. e 1 ;: u we would t i, t ea i'ion !!)' :, I .i-t day or l t.r. at cai'e sli ii:!d ,.-..al i lb Is id' vio . -.! t i the e!- etnents. l'r-';; . '..-.iii o - if .iothm-i at id. t"iiiietaiin' 111 'j'.im: i.;::il:ni,r aru tuc la .-t relii.lde s;,! , guard, !': h ansiely is mai.i J'-ii.t t'l.-ir. Those best itiixi.. d sifiali-u .k !' to' .eueii'd;!"; i o i .i;. ti ll with . ':! v.-i'.h f 1 iin-.- ! ii.t. iii.-::e- from that iju-.rt- r. 'i !i- Juni .r l.-t an hour ago for the 1' ,i.t. m. 1 v- i:.-y 1 pe t- hear ""in th. r- '...t.- tl'.- c-.eiii - ..r iu lh- mori.in ;. It i- - I d ii , the -; .no was j.-s- v i- oh-i.t tin r- than it w... h ; ; ii it was not, w-e conh.-.-s tn. re i- t i ty. ,:i 1 .r a:ix- '1 Ic-ma tic r 1. 't 1 day., Ii ' " ' !- ' n'u'-cg-.t """' ' ! mat w.- fc"ine l.av 1 .out . !, re i...r a;- ,. - .-t n: ith or s-uth, have m i rm d tor the last two i i s:;ch a ' would ii;...".'. t i pri pi rty from the t i- ii,.p...-il i- t early, t h -V ith ;:.ti:i 'i i . 1 .v.vst t sti- 1. r 1 I .hoi'.oUO. anl 1 it a hi h a '.olio. Olio, iic l;.o.l t , thiol;, i.i.ari v e, i; t... ;' 1 t t -lili.ate Ihu u.-.l . N t a n. .-r. l.ai.t i; , : W, :,. i- i ., . t, hi . has Ih - t.ie trut it 1 '- - ' I-...: ei: - I. d I' :.t ti 1 1 M -: o i I int. liiih,.: . l'adc. Ilutxil ..i ar- .upp .set t ! I' ler-. "..ine -t t; ; - ii el; , hal ! -it, and the i: - u-e or ;;- - -ii, ...d. I id .: ut. , r -d ia cve ut oh fr mi :! v.l.j I -t' v llti- vvharves r .i.img ih 'I In- 1' - ,t ', i ;' , , i gi ..; ii p 'li, "I- i V 1" - wi d rV ,;" tie r;ty I he ti-.-, ( l:i 1.11," t Sh, M 1 liMN. SlliKI. I : X i .-( 'i"r. is a I' - til.lt hi.i i r i'hh - - tit hi- brave -t r w ritt ;: ( a :.: ; - lie.c is i. 1 elii- At. .;- i- tl ui.:: I -.-1 e-te -tu, lU.UI ii: - " it z 1 t i ' 1 vuhi I, I. I:. Ill 1 a rc I h 1 V. in l.anu, in .1 . - y tin -t.di'tl kil.-i, a " alel uti.er of tlie to- , '.,". A i. t -itul t . bail 1 v . lay -i u(ii -r a will S. p; :l tu tuc n - -: j..-, t - lpi.. -,r, u. v - ! V 1 u1 : r,. ith 1.;:.- 1 i t h' t i -' t,- f