lie CUCTitttJft "wiLlIAmSON,!1' .DITOR. A. t- VOIjI3"3VIE I. OHARIiOTTB, 3J C, OCTOBER 13, 1852. HOLTON b WILLIAMSON, PUOI'IMETOKS. TERMS: TV y,rtli-Caroliii4 Whig will be afforded to i ... ai TWO IH)1,I.AUS in advance, or 0 i"n XARS AM) HK1Y C ENTS if p.,. 1 ,1 ,,,ve.l f..r three month., mid THREE i iliS i.t'the end of the year. iu, r!isi nii-nUini" rtcdatOnelX.llarx'rqunrB 'Hi s or less, tin sued type) tor the nrsl niscr. .Menus mr ,.,.,,. ami 'j". r,; mm a u. ..... u. j r'""'-.-"' h, mu:.- Irani ml till- tegular prices, Ilir wvitusiti i.jt Aihertmements inserted monthly or ... .it- at SI it wiuare lor cain nine. " ,;,nl.,!y r nt per .quart tor cacn time. . IT All Uteri relative to th- Editorial Depart- ,,, must .be diriM'ted to the EdiUir. And all let- i,. .,,., tor JoD or, etc., ni URl W Ulltf I , i., tlw PuUi-W. AU Uttr-uull(Nt-pid i.r tln v willni't e attended to. raiments ean bo made to either. 1 .tNi inters are authorized to act ae agenta. (Original octrij. Foil THE NORTH CAROLINA WHUi n:;r of onr brother bachelor is brginiiiiitf to ;..k :! nut. He rather eom to be casting an t of sympathy and affection towards the fair S "f our land. Wc rather thought when wc s.u Ihin arcompanyine a fair maid to lo r father' cwcllinir that he would like to tune hi harp to the f .lowing line : fume mv true love and roam with me, miJM the fr iirant rlowrr. i re levers (lotil dcllL'ht to be 'l'i nd their leisure ttouri.. : -hi we not enjoy the day ,. . titer one's have done ; ,;; i ..r e not smile ujmhi our way Ai.d joy greet our return. W . U n t hyinenial' hour come on . M- s une future day ; or -iitU nur pleasure non be A:id we hue honrf ligU !. ii' '.e:. .it u!jr ttefiil hands would seek Ti !.! It t.-e silken thread, V ; . ri now sliiill bind our hearts complete T.A nuiiiU red with the dead. l'.:r I! K -r W : n if vou doubt my love. '!i'-er n"w the past ; a ot that beat within my bp-ant v tin e to tile lant. Ruckt Rivia Dian. (Oricimal (Talc. i ll UIK NoltTIl CAROLINA WHIrt. A SOOS-DAY STORY. BV IAN. (roNfl.L'DKP.) CHAI'TER VIII. f'-M and piercing dawned the morning A iri-ttna, while the blowing of horns, the !.- and howls of dogs, the whistling of ; rJ. and the discharge of guns filled the ii with a confused din, scarcely equalled lv li .b.-l of old. Presently the prancing - 1- were led out and many a gallant V.U shoiildenng his unerring rifle, moun-1 t'-.l Ins courM-r, waved his hat to the line of fur fa'-, and dahed off into the wild road, ng'r t a start the bounding deer, or bring I,, in to the rground with his steady gun, un- r a proiiii-..- tiowevcr to return, n lortnne : . r -i, towards noon, ana escort tne lauies t; prairie, to witness the exciting scenes . ::, . ha--. About two mile di.-tant, near flowers, emitting tln ir fragrance in the bal ! - r I.- r. th.-re was un open glade bounded J mv bracing air. (iilbert Avery and Mary -i I- by ri-ing ground and on the i ''o r by a thicket of underwood, through - ni .'!. th- herd would pa-s if they were 1 r.i.-.d 1 .wer down the river. Iiy the side i ?'. i-I'lii, tori was placed. A half hour 1 i . '.. J -I ,w ly along, and nothing was heard j ding of the wood-pecker against : i , i.o low tr- o, or the narking ol the s.jttir- r. tl,.- loi-y bough. ir -. !,t,ya cry of dogs was heard far c m th..- -troam. Nearer and nearer came j " Li-tcu how joyou-ly the bird are car- l,.t me b ap into'the Catawba the C.itaw-t:.- y-lhtig pack, and presently the antl-.-r- rolling their morning lay, and the fi-bes j,a ; Let me go! I'll jump into the wat.-r ! ' i ii- r-1 an... bounding, snuflingthe air. glance in the light iu yon wat-r '. ( is Mary! Mary':" Vou have killed me I I II." 2'in wa leveled, and the foremost fell a place for holy thought 1 Quite poetical, die for you, though you marry am, tie r! srrourid. Clinton drew his knife, and li you write poetry !"' ! ' No, lot the eagle clian gn hi pbiim-1 ' - n the beast was weltering in its blood. j "Seldom. I think I have i.o poetic fire Th go awav; you are not my sweet M.i 'in fl- w the d -g-and onward wr-tit the cry, in me." I ry Mary Mary ! Thus he "would ran- io, I soon another and another rifle reverbe- j 11 No poetic fire ! Why, that noble fore- j (,)T hour) till nature eihausted, sunk to h- r i;' 1 tlii-o igh the grove till all again was head of yours looks like the temple of the ! Acctlstonied quiet. Hi thought were waii--. i.t. 1 1, en blew the horn again, and the Muses, the home of everything great and j d.-ring in his native land. .V motle r' love ,' t-r rca . mbied, reeounled their for- good." ' Bi,d care wa wanting to him, though aim mg i.t f r the prey. I'art were des- t, II- I.a,- lor tue lauies, w nue - .- r l iiiowed alter the herd, to i ti.-in to the prairie. an hour all the ladies were stationed 1 'tl- eminence, at one comer of thu i . L:le the hunters stood at intervals' ei Two long and exciting hours roll '''. and the company were becoming '- . ii hen suddenly there burst into the I I. ' 11 b'-rd. Lot of deer, but buB.tloes. 'II- ; -round shook beneath their feet, and a no), a of thunder, trembled in the Iu da.-bed the hunters, and riHe i --. e, with deadly aim, brought down ;".-1 -r oi tne wnuerness. 1 -I with excit, -merit, Clinton rushed af- j throng, galloping close by the hta- of the girl, whose faces now whitened !' ar at the unusual turn of affairs. j a- lightning bounded .Mags pal- lit t ; sight of his mate, and away I the two, as if life and deatli de.- i '.n tin: issuf. oi tl, fit race. t linton lions. 1 here are some objects that 1 con I In, ft, ed on, ignorant of h r follow- aider of inlinitc worth, both present and ah r the prairie, leaning forward, till writ. If your theory were true, iu every : , il l come in gun shot of the beasts, particular, it Were better to have our love's ' inii- the race continued, till the objects always absent." fth" grove was gained. Here the I " Jiy no means. Their presence fills ns '- k-paratcd, and Clinton purued i with pleasure, but by their absence wo ex - nn the dio-eent, till it plunged into ' perience pain, and by this pain we cstimato t -am- Without hesitation he dashed j the amount of pleasure wa derived from 1 y in, h.-u suddenly a spU-h was heard ' them, and thus their value." II-looked Lack. O horror ! Tm Map. Under went both horse and rider, but the horse arose riderless. A thou sand tortures were pressed in that moment ! She rose. One plunge from his horse, and he grasped her by the hair. But the cur- reut tor0 tliem tj , , , e f H of her to land, apparent till with one liana be a tree and thus drew tly lifeless. He held j her in his amis, aud wiped the water from her face, and strove to recall her to fctthu-v (10n. The color again returned to lit-r Jips, Mio heaved a sign, the blood courseu again, . . , aIld kUo opened her " , , . ',- . .,, ,i,mi (.,;,,. 1 rjm mm iui ....... y murmured, " lilrss in if ttcar tuiiicicr. In a f.,,v to.nnti.Q lili.i roprt VITOII mill IMP CQn comn up.their horses were caught j , j c,. ,0 ,croM lbo f ' W will nowte. a tUe bunters to ioiicw the chaise, aud gather the prey, and follow Mr. Howard and Miss l'hillips to the home of De Lscy. your mind ; that I might still anticipate Tis the sunset hour. The chase is over. SOnie future success!" The company is gone. Bllen is busy at her! eVcr !" household duties, and Do l.aey is tryinj; to I " I have some news that miu'tit elianu"' bring his premises into order again, t'lin-j your mind. Know then, that Clinton lion ton and Mag arc seated on a sota. Let us ar,l, your lover, as I once believed, is now listen at a few words of their conversation : engaged, if not married, to a lady of Tex is. " Mr. Howard, I can never, no never, es- Jj l,as proved unfaithful, if my surmise pres the gratitude I feel, nor repay the were true, and you are free to engage to lnosrtianiuiity that risKeu jour me hi save mine." "I am already repaid ten thousand tunes. " How T" " Hv your "miles and unvarying kindness, yet I am selfish. I would ak another boon." She is silent but her eyes look meekly in to his. He continues, taking her hand, " i rant me this, and I shall ever be n ar, not to confer a favor, but to drink a full cup of bliss from thoo sunlit eyes." She is silent still, but a bri-litcr carna tion dves her cheek. ' O deny me not.thi gTcat-t of bies-ings, tins heaven ot raptures ."av, clearest on triemlliip. 1 anwered It as sueir an t you earth, will you not give it me ' ' I carried it to the pot office. Hut ir,thii " My hand I could ra.-ily give, but would int.-rvii-w has been to) long. L--t it t- rmi ! vou accept the hand without the heart?" uate." " I ak but for the hand, and believe I shall receive both or neither. Is it n t so , mv dearest Mag ?" " It is so!" " O what rapture! and you will be mine now and forever, to bless me while life sh.ill last?" And he drew hor to his l-o-om, nnre-it-ingly, and impressed upon lu r burning bps the first wild kiss of accepted l-e. CHAI'TKK IX. Four months have rolled silently away, , laden with joy. and sorrows. In this pe I riol , h-)W many ardent hope have been i blasted ? How many life-long anticipations have been Lurk-d to the ground? How I many voice", once musical with joy, have !been silenced forever 7 It is a fine morn- I in-r iu the month of Mav, tins month of flow ; ers, and singing birds, '.hcn Nr.lur music warbles in the breei'-, S SOlt wlon! fair, lovely, youthful spring arrayed in gau dy dress, steps forth to meet the rising .-'in, like a lover to the. try-ting dell, or shady grove. Before us rises a hill in the old North State, it top is crowned with lofty trees, c.vstiri? a dark shadow down it stern do. jclivity, while at its base- murmur a gentle ! rivulet of cold pure wat.-r. dancing iu the Ii.r",t 0f niorniii-'. I.'v its side ri-es an aired beach, spreading its branches far and wide, forming an arbour impenetrable to the ray of the sun, and its muss covered roots af ford a couch, where the pampered gonrni might stretch hi u-e s limb-, and fool no care, or where Diana herself might repose after the fatigue of the chase. In truth it was a lovely place, bles-nd by Nature and adorned with pleasing soenerv. Fronting this hill ro-e the hou-e of Jr. Euvoli-r. with its yard ta-t. fully laid out in s,uiire, and rectangle-, filled with shrubbery and limilliers were -trolling along the walk of the garden, plucking occasionally some fair flower and forming into bo-Uet. They contiriu.-d their prouienade till they had gained the stream, and aged beech, w hen A very gallantly seated lo r on th-j mossy couch, then sat down by lo r sid " hat a beautiful spot, .Mi- .Mary I a- ture has decked it with romantic scenery." " It is unite beautiful. ' "Vou mistake me, I think; I will md Bay Halter. j " rernnt me to suggest that true wi-o-iiii and greatness is always modest and reti ring:'' After a pause, he continued, " My friend, Frank McLean inform me that our old friend, Clinton Howard is sue- I (ceiling handsomely in Texas." I " I am rejoiced to hear of his good for- tune. l!v the wav. Mr. Averv. I never re- 1 c. - ived an an-in r to that letter you carried for me to the I'o-t Ifliee."' j Her.! Avery's countenance turn-d red as ; he strove to speak, ll.-gaimng himself, be ! murmured, " He cannot find time, I snpposn, among his new friends, to remember his old ones, IjHtan,-e, you know, produces forgetfulness." I beg leave to dissent. Wis nver know the value of an obiect till it is withdrawn from us." " J here be? leave to make souio ejccep- You reason closi ly, and you will excuse nw if I make a practical application of jour ...... , TV.-., la . i ;.,, .. !. ...l.l ' Miguiuruv. iiciv la ail uuji 1 1 in nju ." :-i dearer to mo than all else beside, in wliov.' presence I ant blesso i, in whoso absence I am liserable. I desire this dear object al ways with me, to bless and smile upon me,' and in uko mo the happiest of mortals. You are that object. Will you not bS mine, now and forever !" "I am sorry to disappoint your expecta- .tions, but my heart bids me do it. I can- nuV Ije yours. " Oh.! bo not cruel I Crush not the h-art 1.1,. a, lives in vnur smile! Kmmi not the liein that is miserable without you. Po -. ; j --- . - , --- not curse mo by not loving tne. Sny not that you lovo another. But I will give you time, to reflects How long Khali it be ! "I ask no tityio. My decision is mnde. I do 4t Ijtia, "ni to-- pinery" wwhoiit lov, would be a rnrse to you and me." " May I not hope that time miolit ehanL'e wuom vou will. 1 his was said in a some what disdainful tone, and the cheeks of the gentle Mary were as pale as death. Ib r lips quivered, and she was near fainting un der the load, but true to her nature, sin strove to conceal her atlV tion, and soon the blood returned, and she replied with forced calmness, j " Sir, your uew ean work no elian.'e in j me; and you will suffer nie to rectify a j mi-lake of yours. Mr. Howard h is I. .-i n ai friend to our family for years. The b tt r ; that I received from him, according to hi tiroiui'p, was nothing more than a letter of She arose, and he accompanied lo r t i the house. As he rode away Mary r 1 1 r. - I to her boudoir, and there, f.r the first, ln-r tear began to flow. The pent up water of the s-)ul broke loose, as al ne she r. iiii in hered that her friend, the only bein.' slo loved with such ardent affection, loved lo r hot in return. She f it as-urej that h--o iec loved lnT, and that -In- loved him, v-l perhaps she hail alienated him 1 y h-r i o!-l-lies". Tin- thought was two much f -r Ii- r and she sank beneath it. She w u ill th--remainder of the day, but on the next sic arose, though in melancholy mo-el. A sha dow hung over her brow for iiioutii but it pave way at l-ngtli, and -he w is a'iiii th same kind-hearted, sensible, thoii.'li r-sirred bi-autv. She was court-id again, niel aeain, but with no better meci-vi, till sin was set down as a hearties beauty, creut- 1 l .1.. I... ; . I...,,. . I J IH-IiaiU UllO 11 tllll00 U.-OI lO.iO.. II' ail-. ( II AI'TI Jl X. Turn we emu wind now to tin- far wi Th- i- athing in f Sept. inb- r are melanetioiv music inrou.ii tne i ram m of f the tree. '1 In-V -cein like the -i-b the deported million of Karth' t one r tenantry, while a dim, dreamy, h..y .mio h.-re envelopes the earth, and there i j - i - 1 1 in that glimincrlng air. Di-ea-e ha- -pr. a 1 his toils throughout tli- land, and many youthful, biiovant heart now b.-at iiuuatu- rjljv under the influence ot tin- i- v. r and it pa!.-, shivering, wan f otiieomil'tnl, Clinton, wh -e coii-titiiti-m w a- n t . t in, and ti whom the heat, of the south wc-t Were not coinpen-ated by ti,.-s-a-breei.'.fcll beneath the mar. h of tin- !--trover, to linger 1 mg between the dead and living. Fir-t came a long, creeping s tui tion, a feeling ot cold stupor, a-el Ui-u a burning, raging fever, M,re;.irg.-d with blood,' till the brain n is and In- ravi 1 with 'lil'Hllil. The hi .bloving, c:irre.--iiig M ig his betrothed, w i bv d- i. -ti to sooth him, adiniiii-l- ring the pr-'-eni- 1 , anodynes, smoothing hi pillow, and fm ,ning away the parching h-at. She wis then an angel of mercy, and in the int. r- . vals of pain, hi heart flow-d nut to lo r in ; love that cannot be uttered. Anon the I--l v.-r would arise, nnd dclirum give ulleraiieo to hi madden-d thought. " Hi wn,.ro are you! Come ! why d i m .thi r . V'U let ' I ... v,,o ' 'n.r ' th. re ' ( i! the.- friends his every want supplied. V. t a tender mother h place cannot be sup by the sick lieci oi tlie cnil.i, llioiign inai child be a vagabond, a yiaiid.-r. r for year, Again bis former thoughts were renewed by memory, and lived over again the scene of his trouble. For uianv days he lingered thus, till nature, almo-t exhau-ted lievcr- tin less, regained h-r power. The di-ei.s had been eradicated, the fever was g'-m ..,.1 I,,. Inv there a rialo emaciated bein with less strength than an infant. With a cen-titution naturally strong, he recruited ninidly, and ns day after day rolled away, loving, lovely M i r, now now pal- with 1 watehin.r anxictv. and still another car-, ili- veloped in d.-liruui,sat by hi side and read to him, from fomo well-loved volumn, or, hand in hand, gazed into each oth.-r eye, or whilod the hours away in sweet convei a- tion. lint the rose, was fading from her ' check, and the joyous laugh had subsided . ;,ito the mc ancho v sun e. Her Men. lat lv as IiL'l.t as the wild roe of the prairie, wa slow and studied. A Clinton recovered she declined, and a few day after In- ar .-e from his sick bed, she was laid there. hlight fever again recalled the tint of Ihe rose on her transparent cheeks, but when it sub.ndcd, the blue veins, like the ministers of disease again flowed languidly on her cheek. It wa on the evening of a S ibbulh lay, when all was hu.-hed aud nuict, that j Clinton was seated by h r, and re. quested himdo draw near, for she wi.hed to nsk him a question. Hu drew near, and she murmured in soft accents, " J)o yim lovr me?" Clinton was surprised, but. re- plii-il " 1,'ertunily I do, better than ought else on earth. Dut , why, dearest, do you ask that ipiestiou?" "Nothing but a dream," . murmured she, "a dream. La-t night in a dr. -am, 1 saw a bright, sunny haired girl, far, far away, and she laughed and danced as you drew near, and you clasped her in ( yjur arms, and she liusiiud and held you j by the hand. She was so beautiful, and j I thought you luvou her, aud haled me, and I cried till I awokt ;1 ut it was nothing but a dream, mid you lve Inc." "And is that bit that made you doubt mv love?" , "When vou v V .;i '.-Iii-iuni, you used 1 " In re is Avery now 7 That was a ta call for. Mary .1 urcsl '.! : ,-, n-d tell me : '.iiastimHy tri, k of his. to endeavor to injure to l.e stone, I Has not Mary," but that 'by a pretended lefter'lo linn' V was delirium, an-1 juu love im ' ..,-.' I ' lie i-iu Mis-i--ippi, a very vagabond, a Do you not 7" " -tred nuisance, lint that is' not the only " Yes, dearest Mag, but you will n-.t ' injury he did to M.irv. He succeeded In t- blame me for ha ing -niee I .ved aie-iher, t '. t l.e flr-t ti me." ' a beautiful Mary in the U,l North Stale.! '-(low?" That Ma I l-ived.-ii, but she is I "W-!!. si..: .-nlni-t-d a b tt. r to bini t married now, I suppoe, and' I io-.c t,.,iie be put in the I' Mii, .-. The letter wa- but you. " X'.ne but nie ! Ii ! how hrppv ! And I never l-ned any oth.-r but you ; but v-n have seen so many .n tty piri's in your un Stat-, and I lli-iu.-ht 1 would l- " w it !i ) -u next summer, and s.-e tin in all, but we will not go. Next 1 hur-day we via- to be mar- I ried, but we will not ; will t.-vi-r be nur- ricd cxc. pt in h.-.u t. I will d and b.ii.- yiii, alii .... iiUi . i .,vir inyuau-, ii. li the i su-iw iiti'I the rain will i.ol rc-t ti -n the little mound of earth rai-.d , r mc ISiityou will m-v.-r f-rir-1 me. l!.,t l..u..-t.t let f'-.r m. ; 1 -hall I- L--,t... , ii,.,t 1 . tt, r world, w- will die i, n..,r.-. I kn-.w tint my Ked.-.-m.-r liv.-th. I ban- alt- n. tcl t i ... rie hi ii -r. , an 1 h- will i. ,! de. it lue at la-t. .i. I i will .-.met i me th. re, aft.-r life is pa-.:. F.-it ..i niu-t find s-.iii. t.odv . 1 i; t -. I -1 v c ,ii a- I have .I-m-. That lair-hair.-d ein 1 saw n mv dieain will .vi- y.... I l.i.-oi si..- w.,1, aii-1 I w-.all .U' I.- r"to .. i! I e ail 1 i-r. but I, t While she Wal -. Clin? -ii s it in -Ui ii.l. streamed IV m hi, ( , t!i.- .. ! . l al i ...r ..,.,!, I-..I ' ... f l.i 1,1. .. ;.. ,r ... s. s and wit',' uu-ir-hlv li ' l H .- -ubl i. .t -i-. ak I nt ir- ...;d l.' r hand, a,. I imprinted a ki-s ut I., r mirl-i- l.-r-h.-:-!. A We. r Mi.-o an t and a . he. i !,,; . ,1,. . in rung is a.raiu dawioiig i p-oi t;.. iaii l. Ciiutoli Wa- mi itching a 1. w I., .. ,i: l.i. 1:1 t . - . p. w ..- a a w ait- r ar i n: mi id -.-e Mi - Mar -ar- t he ha-t - ',',.r .1 I.' l-r In. n. Hot w di w la-t .. . n- .!' th- I o, r-, thi- la t I u . u . II Th- . hit. h I- Il i- i.-i -.-:g t . il-- i :i I- t:--.!.. in to llo- w-.r-J; j. - I I. a- I., r -pint di-iiiiit.-d ii mii ii t ii-ii. -at : i-.ogs il- w V to in- . t in tie- -. in ra! a I I v .,f t!..- . l.-ir.-h f tie- f.r-t I. -i n high. A III- '. K r". -I ie' (;,!,!, I J e .i, '.-I, a f it ii. r ' n-.-.t.y i 1 u, I ! . ; i. ai ! a I .1 - I s l.e a I t sll-l .i shock t - ,e li I . 1 'I II n - t la---, tirn.f i- U ,'i 3 ' lip ill it. . I . 1 , w- Will le -t In a li. t i-r :,y- ir 1 i -,r He -.. ,a.'". 'he -I..-P-. Lfl the We. (lng V..II-,-.. ,., -III.- at h.-r lo ad, I- .!,.- iiy ei. ;-- -, r I, r grjie. and tl..- vi -I-t Irink- in th ' ne ri,.!, I ii a o in t ... .,- r dew II iv tin tli r.-mark il, t tl- I - a i'.:' ,! die I. t-t. Thi ii -r'.-i n n . I r a p .i -i-.1 i-e ; an 1 t he i . r . -ii a i- sa ( i g to- i'ti-t.tuti... ,-n I- ti,- ! I i in a -'...! t-r .--irn-nt t - -ii- ti, .1, ... i . -it, : .1 pi- I'- III .-. Mlg.-ii- iu-t t . tli-' ' 1". ,, . CM M'T'IK M " II-11 1 . (;. nt i, -.1, it ; 1 : to tin- h .11 1 in t ii.. ,!,..t 1 1 !'. It - -in- ii -t be no li- lo . A !' 1 i:t. r - ! an - ai.-l r. i r. i.e. t-el. le-, eleiy lo It, . 1. Ii t!, Ill . t ..!. 1- rat-- at tie- -i r'.t .. 1 1, in- in,, i , w h- v. . ; f.r a i .-I 1 .'.- I ..i,... iii,. I i,,t-' !:- j In-.11 1, an 1 ti." i . ii t Inaiii , in . hi io o.: li a 11 .IV. . ! tli .i--.: II'. ,1.1 til- li- ..It, t I l.l.ii.t, !, t II . V, 1 It's loll t 1 ,11 .;i I . ,v i- i 1 - t ! i truly I'.'.ed. A - .rrow -iii lit. t lie, ,,, hi line nai low b it d. eji i p., r. hung n r the .ui.t"i.-.i.. of Clint ,ti. He in ,,, . no , l.-itii. illy li no place ti pine, being in - .it i 1- in ti.- ,.' . n . i , , lllld-t of to .Ullg lie. I"..,-. lb' . I. . 1. I t , ,, , i i. i .' the tr.i-t. . s hi r -. .t. u, a. I "I .1 ii i ., , ' ' i th- A-ad- in v . an I ten .as H iii- ir.i with lu ll IV-, hlte.ii--, h" e ,., 1 ., M.I hi.- thing- in ... L r, and looe. log hi. In I- ... I,,. I. ... ., .... ,! ab.n.t tin- Ei -t ..f (M-.b.-r, Cat I,.- wan-l. red out to the'.e gr.r,. yard, and ll, i - 1.!:- a ,.f I,"" r.r utter, d in the burning .1 --l.i,,,... I, ...... I .!.,.,,,., ,ol,. I,. ., i.e. .....' ..r I, ,1 ; ,".i i -ii " i i- i , . , tr-tli.-d. I he eii..w ea,., "I Autumn were beginning I i i.ili .iitcl him, .lull, - i' i i r i i . i i t I lliatie of hi. fiiliell , .p.-, but he ll'i. 1-1 ,1 , , mo , i .- i i -il the 111 Hot. I he II' ll eai ill h I I -HU K I - 1 " 11 .1 I ... I . i . I , . II , i i . ... , i ; i lure Hand, iin.' in to-- it. and -o- wl.o i . ,i -i i .. i- ,.-pt t.icr- wa, in hi. liiind. to--. 1 1 1. - - 1 1 - "I hi thoiighi A I. ar fell on th" -ra.e, and a, li-- lion nooed, "ll Ua-le r 1 i-t I--ij-.ict and I rhall fullill il," ii- i.ii.ed slow ly away. With the dawn of day, he bad I'arew 11 to hi yiil lge til, II I-, III ',., lie, I th - -11,'- aild W.'t- lolled , villi!'.' il'Aav. The bl ol prairie lay before bun, an I b i d, oi' deer cro- -cd the roa I, an 1 llo- nil I bufib. I I upon the ih-e .Mug p., t il". S '.atli ' loll and the valley Y,..k 1 1.-pi n . . .1 tl,- p.'.-iri-, .'in I streams lan more swii'ly. l'r.--. i.lly w..- I--h-l-l th ,. ami... ,t ploiihg tii- lb d Ilii. -r till tin- Filth, r f, th-- ' Mi - h - ty Mi--l- -ip,i r ,11s on in m . c Is I..-!. .re our i-y.-s. 1,-t lis loii-.v 1 1 : 1 1 1 up that I., atitilu! str.-. mi , along tue winding of tl Ohio, to I'itt-.loii g, t i e to I' and into .New .1. r -y . CIIAI'TF.Il ML . hat a I. . autiim evening, i rani;, yo., will ban'! If iut I hhou! I marry should wbli such an evening." "Hvaellyso; it.i, ndtoicaily nor I-. bit-. The snows nr.- all gone and tin- sum- ' r heal t are gone spring balmy spring." j "I suppo-e Dr. ll.iiilli.r, will i-iie y-m ta magnificent euteitainim id. Will there I- i muni- );.i. ms in. i- . i " A goodly number, T. suppose; proba- Uy ;i hundred." " That is a goodly number. iy the way, the Doctor has but one daughter and he is vastly rnli. llo might as well give you a large wedding; us not," " True enough, but it is rather a useless expenditure. I shall be happy enough with - out the large company ; and I could wish Mr. Frank McLean, that is to be, would be so too, and it is for us the party is made." " Hut I'liiuk, how doe she look 7 1 have not seen her since, villain Avery was tried for forging that letter. Vou know she was the principal witness." " Yes Avery he was justly expelled. Oh, she look " beautiful, you know, or I would not have fallen in love with her." it Mr. Howard. I le open- d the btter, read it ami de-troy, d it, and informed lue that he did not intend sui-weriug him, that be w.-t . ii".-i.-.-d to lo r. mi l would be shortly i-ru ri--! I n rot.- t!ii- new to Ciint-m auij Ihn- a'i. lit. d h.-att that truly loved." " 'Ti- a gn at pity, bi.t I could !.lmt Hoi. e at it, if there n. r.- any pos.-il ility of ii.y -u. ee. -din . ; ha 1 h i-.e no le p- s." 'Tl,i vi r-..t;-.n ...-etirr.-d. b. tween to 1 y.-un-.f tu.-n a- one of lln-m w as p, , p-u -'. i, i'--r l.i- ap r..:,. matria-e. that evening with Mi- Fannie' I'r.n.k Mcle an wa-the ii.t.-nd.-d I rio.-,'r..,.ni, a medium -i."l g. i.!'. man w itli 1 I iek bair, and black '.-.-. '" II- wa a man . f cdu. ati-.n. bi.t Ii.-iJ ch-.-. r, ., j r ,!' --i-m, intending to bend his ci.,' .-i-- -i.-rieaharal pur-nit. Ill cm- p-ni-!:i Dr. Sith.-ib.ud w.-i a v.-ung t hiv-i- . nn - f a - - 1 -tan-lii.g in s-.'-i. tv . a prac ti:i .n, r. and w.-ll I . loved n a'c i.tb n,-... Al ---it t-.i- v- ,.r- pr.--. 1 a- t thi- ti the I ,: : of 1 ,-i.i.- U, II, had ili. -I. and I r. li . ill! r- I, a 1 t u h-r to bis le, in- as a tcn-r-u j .n t.. In- dau d.t. r. We ,11 i :e v r th - w- ! lie. hv di-ei it iii - it as ... t-l.iv fb.-aulv. wit. and pleii-ure. ... . - . . . .- . ' . . in who !i ail vi,r- In- , v cut, rtaineil. and '' di--.ti-f;-. with 'th- part tl..-v had l-'"' in th- dr.m.-i . !':!-- night. TI. h . ''!'-'' I"-"' ? ,!" r '' -r ' ' hr-t u t .M.iry i.-n r--. i , 1. t 1 , ,,- wa- li,- a i i- h.. ly b. in - Wiih a -h il- ti..,,, .1,t i-., ,, r I r.-w i.iiliii. , i iv rr. adv to a --it th-.--- in di-tr- . tv ..r "tr-.ubje .f aiiy kind, 'hi the f ..-. .ib -., Hi- ! ri X i'l pai tv -ilt-nded l,ui. I:, on !- r tl CiTe fit til- J V . . .. l'r- -) ', t.-ri in eb rgvman f tab and pi -is r- d. A th. appr--aeh.-d ai.d b-l. n to th- woodland, .-!i..i.t-la- .-hor. !i tbey f-.n, 1 th- .-.mgr. grate. n al- irbi I -iti-ph -ny in the b'-i .h ! lL t a .- I r e!v a 'o! 1. I, rn.'l t'.- -. ri-ee- r in- le.nh. Ii. I. , !, I. it it Il ls i. t til.' , ..v. , - 1 io, v i Is -f tli- v. i;. r all.- l'..-t.rb"t' a ro li ! i,; t -1 n. ii-:-- .1 .-.-., I 1 1,.- t .r -tru-g- ,, ' i : i r - , i. -a i in.n i -i-' e ,,,- ,v,r lb. mi,,.!, of the party ; but " 1 "" ' " ' ' I ' '.' ' f '''' r"!- .1- t.iril.d tl t p.ll- ! r- 1 '" W1 1 ' 1 I '1 I i!- ' . , aled fr-ln ft ' 'ii,-! '! T ! ' !' llMrinl HIIH . i , I , ; I 1 , ' 1 1 - . ' 1 1 I Hi- ' I,' H i.. - , i I, 1 e i . , t .;l . ;i. .,! ,.t ... ' id l,g th- Oil' - 1 , ' a; , !l!' tl,. I I d .1- t'! "I -Iv to til- face tl..- hand; ... noni-t-r. hi .7- r-t ,.,,,,-,,.,.',. I ti'-.i-ir.h. Why do-s th- I " . tr. iiibb- in In bands, Jt 1 , 1 hi. 'I r a-, li- r- it-l - ou r tin- i,.ii-ie:u f t1:- - o r, d p . t ' Hi, wni '!. tin- file., of' on- I .-r a -'llo- ana-liev i al. I,.-., wh. ii h-r not (!, f tin' ' 1 alt, i Inllil-l. f ' It w i ;),.- II, v. C. Il-.iv- - ard. I it- ( I'rii'-' ' i. New .1. r-oy. an-l 1 "Ii v, a- Mu-. IL nil! -r. E-.t" hi, - -III WO- 1 I 1 .lllue. I. he op-n-d th- a. r.'d i -rime, a-i'l r- -I !(, wiu o li:-- I : y t ' i ilic. .":i),-, . j in i,t in:-. riu iti-ui -'it;--M. ,th a f-ii ii ,: ! - "f i tin ti on, he f... u- that tin- Mc-. ng. r i- ii.i-t.iben in the I h.. I I ii, t. . lo. su'.j- et. and a -train of . l-oleliee, r , r. Il 'I il-d, flow.-d from ,. j . . I,- In ! I I'.rth to i li-ar ts, tl,, ir an I il t-p .not i!:ty, t,f d.-e..-itfulnc, ofth' huiiiiiii heart, and tii- b-ve and mer- ,Voi;,,. I'.it ul,v leeount the cl-o'l.iiee . , . i .i .i i i I l.'i , t , rat rv V le 'I t'l- lb-Ilie . -HI lane, i i ' ' t - i .i .1 th- I iie-u-' -.,b,,i.i-. and the scriptural n . . l ... ... ill a-! r it i ih a n-1 , ou-i.Ti- n-, tli -very.-- ,. .11 il ... r ii I, i ean l e le-- than ml lui.e, wh. n t . i.-hilii; up -U theme i...... i t I.,- I I. '. ,1 or ehant d to ti,- bain of the -Sweet Singer i . i' i.i . ii . d t ni-s proi.ui..'.-. iiir.-d the r--. ling ,.f th 1 "S.-yii. Thiimb-r-," and " le-i-", a- . . .i .-loll. f . 1 i . i -1 1 v wat is .. the awt-il " I -1- "I i. . I., to.-'- . s ,. i i . , , Ail , 1 ' - w -T- 11 v d noon him ili w rat I . - ,1. .i.ll :,f i,t; n. till ti,- t in -n a '..ael-id. d iii ti. .i .ii and le- de-. . nb d lion the -a. r.-d d.-i,, to- iv l.i ::i so in iiiend-hi p the liaii l- ., c i . VI ,. r I many youthful i-..m;ou..!i,. A.l M-r- e 'l r til t , -,k ,f but one word to tin- long ab-. nt I ut io- .v r-t iirind waiidei-. r 1 1 s-1 in- tli it lo- h id r. turn-' 1 un-xpio , , I , . he pr-i ini-.-i irng, li i v ii", a - - , ll- ..M wi-', ..I" Iii, b.u-d !;, ,, l.-dU o.-l I i- o lli,' I 1 -p. nt tin. - n . ar. at I'linc t-n Th. -logical : S. loin ill . and y.-ar hi the w.-tein part j of I', nn ill ini i, :i- a supply. lin ing a I ' great put ..." hi ti,..-. i was unkn.wn in; what p. it ..) th- world lie w.,. l e .-an- : not ile-eii!,, th- m.-.-ti :g ..I" a with ' long ah-ent son, nor the oi cp w o i ings id a . f;,th. rs heart, as he w leomed him to hi i, t :i I lir.-sid CIIAI'I'lli: Mil lin ing th- ii'-xt wei k, M. r. II-ward, lie cording eic; igeiii' nt, called at th- li'-a-c .f I ir. Feivilli. i. I low- n itui al th- seeiierv. the p-o-.-p.-el . iy iu . ,..v( n t1(, o lK, j,,.,,,. i,;,,, ! miliar fi i-nds. as th. ir young; leave filaueed ; ,!, Mm.i:,bi :ltl,1 wined in the brce.e. -i'l,,, , .,,! Eiidy Imd gone f.,r a few ( i,,,,,,. ,., v;.;t ,.,e,b,.ring family in s-ick- i ,.,4 ,ut y. v . i,ei-e and she welcunit'd j lim B;,, n f-, .(-.! i a 1 i I v that to h-r was more . , ;,.n,1,o v open and uuvissorved. Tha "two were f.itU-il m the r-.rh.r. ana Limt-vo, J as we shall persist in culling him, win re- counting bis wanderings. During a hliort silence he look up a book of poetry from the table, and commenced tuniing tne leaves, remai King as ne uiu so, " Miss Mary, I pcrccivo from your book (hat you are still nn admirer of poetry, ' and (turning a few more leaves) of flow, ' ers also, if I mav judge from this faded one, 1 pressed in your favorite book. i I Mary's cheeks are suffused with crimson as she replied : I love both very much, but that flower is a relic of the past. Vou have doubtless seen it hi fore. It cannot possibly bo five years old, and Jet I could not have seen it otherwise. Is this the noted dahlia, puyk.;d the morning of my departure for the West. It is I lie same, lou see 1 am a laitlilul depository of presents; I had thought that I flower AvtrO) nd, ud uten myself fory.ttci by you. Vou dome iiiin-tiee, though, perhaps, tlin.ugli ignorance .f facts. I perceive the -accusation is wro,,, ),t how through ign..- ' liorance 7 Vou received no ali.-wer to ) our kind letter, though I wrote .me. It was de- stn.ycd b.-iore rea.-him: the p-..-t oll'.ee, by means wiuc-'i you will paruon lue tor let revealing. j Then you are at ill and ever were my f'ienJ. How happy 1 am to b arn that I have not forfeited your friendship and -s. teem! ! Advancing footsteps were now heard, and Ihivillk-rs and lady entered, rejoiced to meet their old friend. The hour.sY that 'lay pa. .-d away, and the nut n!-i ere, "iiil-.ii ft that lo.-d,p.t. And iu th- '-. art ..f - lilt hi the obi lire of 1-oc was r. kindling to burn with y t a bri-.:ht-r flam.-, D" ''-re t w o Week had gone by Clint--n was the ace. pt.-d ..v,-r ..f Mary. Her reserve 11 w;" t-ni-, and le r face beamed an. !ie b.v.: as she ga.ed up n him, and -In ll-ten.' d with t-ar- a be r. -counted the pain h- ' -It at h.-r coldn.-s, at ln-r cngng. -m.-i.t to Av.-ry, and as in liiclting toin -, he toM -f hi' -tl,-r,ie and h.-r tin tin., ly fate, the b.-autilul girl exclam c I : by clul she n- t hie to Id.- y.n," while Clinton alne -; h-dced with cm-t.on, r.-pli.-d, as lie dr.-w n.-r to I. s si.le, " J hat -umiy-littire-l j-in, ... .!... .1 - ill 1 .:u .1. .. .1. " ' the dream, will l ue mc till .1. nth. two month th.-re wiaiiothir mar- . . .. i . . -o : - . . i .! i . nag- -an;, nii-i. i.un.i.-r ai.-i nie long n.i-ie,-r. . nt.-d M..ry, proved th.:i day ti.-.t b a I t, 1 .y giving it with h.-r hand, " "lA ' 'T 1 " . I . ...v...... - ..! ...... ...1 .... .... ...... .- . .. . i. . ... '- :-' ' anu 1 i-io r.-.hi- p.i-t-.r v. I, . united th. in in I. I v ii.ii naj. , w. i ;h. 1 il ii ii u it', y.-ar-. .'.-I-, i - li t -..-iate with him the II. v. Clinton lb. ward. That In- ha now g-nc to Li- r. w ard in b- a- . .. i . -. ..ii. i . I'll. Willie iiie l-oing lilll.l-lr nun in- i'.i- ti:-il bii I.- oft -r. raml-b' tlir..-ugh the ..rd.-ti. , i' i i ; , . Til n ; f ' i. W,i!i ,!, . p r-gr. t ii. -lie .- tie i! il b, r I"' "'C It'll. I- II; 111,111 ' h"tnp- 'II. li- II , ,. . , ,i . r ,i. i ;-.;,;. 'f ,M:l.,.,ei-. tt. lb- di-l t.t hi. - , m-n ' l , , . ,4 I.. : 1 . ,. .. r. , re-idciicc in ( harb-t-.n, . u lnlav nil, r- ,,.,. a ,,r, !... lie 'J 11 III '1 1) ,.f -tri, t int-grii v. nn-w , r i ing fidelity, and, iih iiua-suining m-iiiners, In- brought to tin- e . f . . ii- I t- r I .- J ill-charge .fins public duties n fund ,t . , . . , , , . . . I t ract;, i kn-.w e'dge w Inch ma le him a i n t nolo! and valua! le b-gi-lat .r. II- v ,. ..-',,! ,,. . , . , . ... . ,,,,,, ) v w ,.;,:, ',. .,.. , s rh (1( n.i.i.-,!,,. ,. .,lhB . , . , , ... I I' i : a irr.oi III tlie .1J I - -ae hu - ft t - . "l..res i legation within a lew Weiks. CitrNTI'.P.I'FITS We pnblis!.,. on Thur-dav a j ir.igrni li i- fi OiS t'ie A-l eviile M--.engi r. I.l-I.ti Oliilg f- th ( i-l, in - in that part of the State -,f il l- r-,i. e miit.-rf. it n-f- mi ti, l!,t.k -f l:,:,k. It is eiidentlv the Ikit.k of W: who.,- note are count. -rfi lied, and I i,"t tin- liaiik of Fay, ttei ill- on whi.h we . l..-!ivVo th.-re i no c-nn.tei f, it in ei-t. iee. i ... . , , , (.en. .En k-m on,-,, -a, I i a can- id.ite . tor ..l i.c ' I hey w i chai gc on w n h -t'-a - . , , mg, but li-lcr liiilld th I All, r the eh .. . - , , ii 'ii l ie .saine man waneu u '-n on iii.'r- , , i . oi v a-'aui. Well," said be, "did they li d charge : i'""1 Ye, li.'iicral, and they prnicd il. too; but the democracy of mv di-triet don't belie e in Whig evidence, it ml I w a I lee to. . . ,, " ' m "j"1' '' 1 ' . , . , "e hu this ill the li iliinngtoll .l- ii' ... i- i u;i . n t It coiiipliniciilary to th - partie . 1 , , , I, 'K. II oi - l ii 11. .1 ..Ch son, i lie- i.ili . ii ill and the i i-iii... r.i.'V . I he candidat" i a - . . , . , .... a in f. don. .lack-on kii. iv it, but t-.'.l I, tin . . .... ,. , , ' neii-r l.i mill I ll,.,l The tt hi i;,r- 'I . ' he wa a thi- I, but the Eoeo t lected linn . . , , . "' . I ' .' . '"' "',"-' ' ' oi it ) He suppose mat i ne ,i on ma i pm- li he, thi- as a b --m to it, fii. iel-. No i matter what the Whig "', L" f--r your ' ' , - i.t , .' ! '''en, cv- li thou.-h tiiey be thieves. aboiiHoii- ; ,'',' "r h:" ""l' SI 'SI'F.C I'KD I ' Hi1 1 I'll'. V. ., v;iu:l m .b.onial says that d.n. i( .)( ..,,,,,,,(' l,ttr,i'i r ,-ru.tiii' ' ,, ' ,,,;,.., ,i ..;., .i.., ; i . i ; said, " You ,trr l i.v,o tr ! NOT TO KM LIST I-'ni;illdM'.l!S. ,.- ;.i!i.,.','.'i s. I'o.', ,,. I:s t.iu::ht us ll.'il I'llllLliiMlKS CANMll" 111', 1 Ut SI llli." j N-w we have no doubt tin-it. ll.i i a, f-rgcrv ( not of the Journal, we .-upp i but i copi.-.l li'om son ther pap- r.) It is li . I j at all probable that Sell. Sc-dl wrole any - thing of the hind, or that he wrot- at all t-, laeriiitiiigolliccr. We preume it is not hi-! AltliKT A Ci M'Uf'Kri' The 1 n bii,iuess to wriletosmh "lliccis, but thai j li.-e of I'lnla-lclphia up a conn they receive instructions from nniie nther t.-rf. iter's .1. n, in, d captuied a large amount oHie-er. epu.-iou p-"p "" :illlt l!lL' rIat,'? Will the Journal favor u wi'.h the date pre -s-s. Ale, It i,i .king iitore. Among the of the letter, and tell us w here it ma v be notes found were . is on th' D ink of Cap found .' We wish to sc- I t ourselves. ' Fe-r, with a ste.l on wbi.-li th- y w.-c mad-. 11 VA VIM A CAS TI HICl TICKET. , Ft iR PRESIDENT, ("J f, f'.f, A fi WI.NFJKLD SCOTT,- or .r.iv jkbkkv. TOR VH'B PR ESI PENT WILLIAM A. GRAHAM, Of NOHTII f'AIIOI.I.NV, ft jiiililiniit 11 h g llhiliinil 'leh:t KoH THK Sl'iTE AT f.Afle.K, nr:i!V w., of wake. i-t. lhsirn t, ci:o. w. is x-i t:k. isirn t, ci:o. w. iix'I t:k. d... 'NATMAMHI. lloTUEXr do. RAI.I'II ;ol(Ri:iJ,, yd. ii. .hi. .fih. do. JM. w. c.WH.ltuN, r. . IIEMtV lii N ASll. i',"); f ;(uv(itV '".?""' s.ti.1 do, K. II. SAT'J'ERIIWAITUr " , n,. ,o. I) VV1 1) A. U-VRN ES. ' 'i-irk l 'i" ' ' A .1 A UJIKt IKhtl. foR PR ESI KENT, ( i K.NKRA I, WI.NFJKI.U ,C )TT, nw M.-.S JKH-.f.v, FiK U V. PR EVIDENT, WILLIAM A. ClfAIIAM,. OK .NOHlll L.lHOI.IVi. I'if'l.hlllllll Jl lug TJl I'.'llld Tllktt. Ton th? S;ni: it T.iiigp. IMiNi: V ',-. .MM.I.El:, Ml-' WAKE. 1 ' Lmtr.. t. i;E' i. W. It XTER. .io. S VI II MI (. Hn l)E, H. d.. ; I I II r r tin. ii-. ju. w. r wti.h'iis, r.i-.. do. III.M.'V K. AMI, ;t-i. do. M. . lillNSii'.l. ;th. .!. y ixMim. -in. do f. I! VI IlilillPA All E, Mii. .1... H AMU A. b AI;.M.S. ... ,., ... ....... ..r.7 ''' l''-' " tn ' '!! l'h'i;-lii:T. t . L.M. I.A I. WIMII.I.l) M.t I I 1, ,1 M. if h -1 1 . l . i: u k pi:iiii:nt. WILLIAM A. (il.'AHAM. or mo: i: i a . t. at is tl r.'!i,til 'I'll1,,.!. i - -. iin s-t n r ii f i r .. e. II I. I. W. Mil. I. l.i!. Ill V. AKl'.. t-t. IIi-t.o . ( ! . i . i:X1IR. '. I IIAMI.I. i;u HEN, i: M i ll ...u.iii I I . .IS... V. . i MENUS', IIESi; K. MI, M. w. I: i i il, .1 M l U M J W , i . ii. si v i i ei.'th w n n, I- ID A. IIAI'M.S. l . .'." 7 .'. 1 A ' TICKET, ll'!! I lil l lEST. CLMIL'AL WIM ILLD M'OTT, HI M IV J I K I V. lei; vp e pi: e.-"I i'ENT, WILLIAM A. tili'AliA.M, i "t, i li i s i:,i,.iA. .' ; ',';, E;..l.,1 Ti, !',,.( no S " ri. it b.isi.e. nr.siis w. mii 1.1 1:, or '. ami. 1 -'. l sire I. . I " . w . : wi II". S I'll AS I !.!. la i HEN, a ..... I..U I il i:ii: .1 ! I . I- .. i . .1 ' W. I 1 il.'US, . , . iiiism k. s -n, i ',. m. v.". i; v ssii'.i. ,!,,. .IN" . W I V-d.i ll . M-. ..... l . i: s in K i iiw Al i i; "ii-. i ll . I'AI.'NIiS. .'. 1,1. H .IA h UK, IK. hi: I. im: 1 1; lis i pin j', (U'.NLh'AL V. 'IMMI'.LD SfOTT, or i w ji c-i v. I . it ice I i;i:siiirsT, WILLIAM A. ( J It A 1 1 M. fF MU! Ill t yH'U I-,,,, nn: S , i7i' i r I i to.-, in.Ni;v w. mii i.i i:. nr w ake. 1-1. Ihstriet. t.r.n. v r i i i:. : ,1 " S M il NII.I, IU i PES', :i i i: M.i ii (.i 'biii.i.i , li, " .IN.). W. ' Ml. IU i, ;.r, iie.suy i; n v'di, i I i - M. . I! W-nM. ;i , .IN. i. v. I n-i..ii , si , - r. n s ri'Mi niw iti:, M i li IP A. CAUSES. ,, ',' ' ( .' TICKET. I ni! i'K l.-I IUIN i'l', (il'.M'.i; AL YYIM'II'.LI) SCOTT, o, M.ll JLll-lil. 1 id! VICE I i:!iS!I-i'NT. WILLIAM A. CItAlIAM, o, . Oi I It c 1 1, oi l, V. , o;,v,o.. h',-t ;, ,7,o v Vr I ,.ti 1 III So.l l I i - , lite,,:, in:si: v. mii.i.i.i:, v wake. l-t. l'i l i, I, dl'.l. U . I! j. S y I li ASl iii, lioYDEN, :t i - i; M.i'ii ... i;i: i.e. It't " .INti. W.I Mil l.'i'N, . i-i " EESIiV b. S VMI, I i " M. W . II v -sol. il l .ISO. IN SI t-W . !, r. ii. s i inn iiwaite, oil, ID A. PAKSI S.