ROW AND TONIC MIXTURE, io. The l'ublislior of thin pitper lius been ap pointed Agent for Dr. Kownud'g vuluabic Medicines. He lias now on band his Tonic Mixture, a vuluublo remedy for Fever and iioguc, bis compound Syrup of lilaikbcrry llolt, for Cramp, Colic, Cholera Morbus, lliurrliffi 8"d Dysentery, and his Purgative Tc'lenrapU 1'illH, which he now offers to the public lor sale. VOTHKR SCIKNTinO WONPF.R! IM p.Ml l ANTTODYSI'tll'TICP.-Dr.J.t. IIoukI.. m Pr PsdN. Thetrua Pigcslive Huid, or Ga ",'1 Juice prepared Horn MLNNKT.iiithe FOL'KTII srilMAl'll UK THE OX. after directions of Da ' 1 h HIG, Ihe great 11' J icj! ('hamuli, by j H HOUGHTON, M. 1)., Philaoelphis. This if wonderful remedy l..r INPIGFSTION'. ll11-" I'L1 t llfL'Uff IUIU lIVT I ) V SI t 'l ' n.i.ii r. n i.i i (.)NSP.'I ION and UK HI L1TY, curing after .,',...' own M. (hod, by Naluie's own Agei t. (be i X.STU II' H II ailipmu.., tu.i'.. .. .?jirii. i-. . hudcnee ul l La value, furnished by Ilia Agents See noti-'e among the medical advertise uiiii'a- 4 DiiiiiK-i cinl Record. CIIAKLOTTB, OCTOBLK 13, 1 1-53. 8J a a IK itf a 50 li a In 5 a 0 Ma 41 Naili, 43 Col'"'. Ai-fl-a. llu'trr, ii.-. i; Frcir, I'bl. .i p,uloea, 1'mk. I..rd, H.-Wi. Sifr, ('..if r. M .iii, Iron, Sail, ('urn, Meal, (lata, lleeawal. Feathers, liale Yarn, Sheetings, Tallow, Sola Leather, 4 a 5 00 a 00 37J a Sll 371 a 50 411 a 6u 7 a H IS a (HI 13 a lb 1 a It) 00 a IJ, !0 a 6i 00 (ill 30 On i 10 33 75 III 10 'J1 Ull a 31 H 15 CO tU A MAHKKT. I Col.UttBla, Ocloberl t. i O I'TUN'. Tha aalee of cnltiin in our market fur Ha wek. all new, were 760 balea, at pricea Niijnij; from 9 H tenia. ciiAiiLESTON mark kt. CHaal.KBTON Orlolier II. Co lon waa aallinf on the Dili at 9 to 10 caule. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN BEE HIVE. 1 t. . -. , .IV. 1, (ilt.i.MTi: k.mgi:. Wholesale and Itetail. 1 iHUr. S.l.cribera n.o.t ra.pertfully annminre m t ihe Public, ihal they era now receivm, d.ilv arhlliloli lo llieir former anica, a ry eawu.i.e ril .plrndid awortm'ol of fc WINTER ill!! I.IH!II. i r .. . i I . i I. ' . .. ii. ci) nj i c c c i o 1 1 i i) , Hardware, Mine, IIihiI, ,: alCaaa Having, Hoping, &e. If, .hori, Hj, we tbv tvety srticla uuHy kept i iii t ure W t only lo mf !. I1 tt i wll known, f l f. in 'iirt io ICIt'I.Nf b! ta M!l.l I.OVI 1)11 than my usher lablivlimrnt m tttt WtM'I.K MATK, niJ in raoitcet to Atftorl mrill, Uiie. eohattnilj larger St.-rk on bauti, ; ir:u tin; o'Utr h hi? in l f trl of t Ke ('(antrv A touur ciotk of ICndf ."Hurtr ( lolhliis, e or y My, that wt krej conftanttj upwartla of jiit 'hi.-jt.a hand png f rtl in the city of New Ytfk, ri(jt he rf U:t Tatlort t'r f 'ul'tiig, for tlie frrat S,a we are makmf in ihi. place. . wii aa p i. ( ainutn and I harleaton. furehaaara may there :f rr.t e.aurcd ihal ihey will be able to i.biaia ev. ') ariitle in that hna ai a l.OWIOIt '' "in ran be purchaed of ant bMlr ei.c in Una town, are dfrrfmned at any tuna Iv underaell the ( in. its r. iJ" ah kuid.o! Country I'rodnra h.,np' i C.MI or in l.aUiaiige lur t.joJa at 4 AMI I'HKIiH, imt CKKK k SOMMKR.-?. C.r..((, Oetebet IJ, I sill. 3Sif Kail Koad Karhacue. iuwin vTn t.(,i.s a HK dow rremng a larj; and earafuHjf aciec iA eto k of FALL& W I XT Kit 1 AAWTIt2 m tliey otT.r at very low ralaa. Call at No. 3' L i ..i. fli.w "Mrr l., 1852. 3S:f Fruit Trees. a? !,'a U'l aubaeriber will be in Chariplle, a? " Jl on tha HHh ! neat month, wiib 0- choice I- hi IT 1 KKKS and rare .1 PLANTS, for aala. THOMAS KKNTRKSS. f'tliirr 13, 1852. 3 Ladies ! call at iinvixniucaiixs1 .. 3, (aranile Itotr, I lake a look at their SPLRNDIL) STOCK of (a.hmarao, Merinoe, (tmgbame. ""w-a le .atin Plaid, " n il. Shines, Mu. tin da t.anea, Atpaceaa, Calicnee. Figured and Piaia HLKS, llonncia. Shoes, Lac... Lace Veils. h'libons, Kri iich Collars, I'nifcr.leevee, "h tl,., r,ffrt VPf, ;Wi I hi,r I J, M;y,' Frills, Ilo , Ac, 3Hif F asliions. '''H- Ladie, Monthly M.g.ime Tha World of la.lnon, a Journal nf Ihe Coiirla of London ' I P.n, Also, Ihe Gentleman's Monthly Mag, ' s of Kurop.,n Fashion., can be had, by apply. ( tu lb aotw . rtiMir, who ia a regular aullionied "' 'I Iip iirme for tl World ol Faahion, 'ntieinen'e Maganna I.i per year. I ' A. UL'I HI'NE. 38tf "'leirr 13 )i-52. Fanners ! jrive iitvixiiin;c;iNs "ill and examine their very LARGE STOCK of -V'sro Shoes, K e VSCy H Hlankets, Hats, "oinesties, Hardware, (Moci:ini:s, a (a ' liririii- lioiH Iron. A c . beforn .I-..1 . MnJ .... m. -z t: 6 '"V N l . .... ,. j ,...... .... ..... ' No 3 (.ramie Row. ""ol,.r 12, IB5-J, 38lf ff.3I.PriTcliarclVM.Th Mi K M) 9, army,;,., NFW Hl'II.I)NT I. 0. of 0. F. FBOIR Brethren of Mecklenburg Declaration JL L,oige will celelirule Ilia ystti inalant. it be. nig Ilia way eel apart lor Ilia JUUILr.tS oil Ilia completion of Ilia Charlotte and Kou'.li Carolina Kail Itoad, and they respectfully in mat all Brethren of Ilia Order In !uin them in procession and ottiar ceremonies. Uy order of tho l.m'go. A. HAUStR, Secretary. October 13, 1853. 39 Public Sale. TY."?ILL bo aold by tha subscriber, aa adminia. y I Irator nn the ealala of Marcus M Campbell, dic'd., ai Ilia lata residence, six miles eaal of Char. Iiiiia, on Ilia 3d of November next, Ilia following properly, via: lIorM-M, Cattle mid Ho?, Itnggu and Harness, One Small Watfoii, Corn, Wheat & Cotton, Household and HHehen i l ici n iti:, and o'her aMiclea not necessary lo mention. Terma made known on I lie day of sale. JUAB A. CAYIPUF.LL. Adm'r. October 9, IP.VJ. I.N3 I'irst tlrrivat by Hail itoad. II. U. & I., (a. U IIMATIS II I ( KIVKL) loday by tha fi rat tram of eara, a larjre aii ply of I'AI.I. &. WINTI3K which will be aold at a email advance. Our motto quirk aaleaand amall profile " Call aud aae be fore you purchaaa elaewht-re. 3 r a II lei llriiwlfj Brirk lloiiac. October 5. Id.VJ. 37if flulhins! lolliiiis! t lolliin?! f L'.-T recmaed at I I 1.1,1 yu Ac CO.'S lii'H ii 4 lolliinu klerr. the l.rgi-.l and U-.l a. lei.irdatock ul ('()'' Ca iiui brought lo Chartot'a all ol wihlIi i. our owu manufacture and will ha aold SO per ci-nt. cheaper than ean be purchaaed in North t arolina. Aa we have neither time nor room at prtavnt lo enumerate the ditT.-rent atylraof l.ooili we keep, we would j l.t a.v we have every thing in tha way of Gentle, incii'e furmetiing Uoada at p'lrea that defy couipe. tiiion. f-l'LU.NU.s II). October 5. lfcj'2 Jill' mI. v Itivcr Acaili in v. I If K nelt era. ion will couimenee on the first Monday of of emhr oeiu Aa quite a large claaa ha. left for f'oil-gp, room ,a made for a nuin ((r of Mw j.,,,,),., Ani(,ie p,lon ie for bo,ld m , Ut (amilua, at convenient diaiancea j,r, u,ult 0 S. C. I.IMMI.KY, Frmcptl. October 6. H5i 133 2 r The Salisbury Watchman and I,;ncolnt in Re putihran are rtquested lo copy the abovo Uiree tim-a ! and foi ward accounts to this ofTi e Hats and Caps. I . I .til ,.. aesvtrfw 1 tiS A CO'. I" ca , " ra Hate and I ap., fall Style leSs"""' f-.r lo'J at tl.e luwe.t kind ol prices. 'OK-CASH. FI LLINGS k. CO. Ocfber 5, ISi'J. 37tf A M'MvMHI O I TO TAK Tl 5 'N mi WaaW it. JL fca'i aatia '4. U,,K uba-rihf offera for aale hit ,A aplend d Cotmn rann, lying on Steel f reek. In Meek lentnj rj county. 9 links from ( harette, containing il9 acn e, 60 aerea f whi'h is first r.t9 Ilottom lnd The moat liberal lrme will be iven lo Ihe purthaer, and any informatian ha may draira will be ei.en him by appiymg to the eubecri ber on the premiaia. A. L. WATTS. S(fl Creek. Octtb'r 6 1S52 t3J l of l.ttlrr FM A I MSG in the Pt tifli.. at ( harlotte N C, for the Quarter eudmg September, 3 J, R A I. Alexander, r.dwm ILuckey, William W J j Miee Catharine Cyiua E ;I,owna, J b - MraMarglM. .VI Mi.. It r, I Bi'snll. F H 4 Ifrniey, Thoma. L II gh.iu. W in lllai k J hn Iltuce, Jo.i'fi!i G lleniey, N F .V Co Pry. on, J iliu. HiMth, lirown Iljlick. Noah Homey K' L 3 J W 2 J me C Rl. d. Mrs N.ncy Hrady, Altirrl, Jt-s lirown. J C M He, keruian, II Bro li, John baaer, J..e 8 ' Cannon, Pnlaor Cooper, Mi.. Harriet E Alexander Cran.haw, Jamea L I hau b. ra. D.tid C.rler. Thomaa I.rk, W o K I ampin II, Mm I. F. Cap! I J tiui-a 2 Cannon. J F f olliue, W m C U Davie, Mr ( 'I boitiaa ( " Mi.s Siish M (; i: Ihnkina, Robert I Devioson H F John and Win Delancey, Juliua P Davie, ,M im Jane : Kn.xling, Protr. Ed aide, John A r Flufierpoxe, Juliua F fawlki'., F A Fleoiiikeii, MiaaMtrtha ivliller. Dr J.mee M I vlt-Gi-e, Mi. Charlotte C I dcAilntcr, Mr. John ' .IcHnde I) U 2 I daaee I. F II I dill. r. A t 3 I John IVy iay, Mrs Hjrriet j John W 2 dcN.ely, J boiiiaa I VLrK'TtiZio, foiiriii T . Mcl.uie, Nancy A j Cyrus S. ' Joai ph F iMM reiglit. W in 11 Mrtjav, Jalm a Mfooie, Mia ara'i Me.NwIy M a. Harriet Mut.g, J F G 3 . Nail. P 3 Normenl, R M O Orr, Mra Sarah Jana ! li nee. Joel I" I " AW ! ' Holier! S Perry. John S :faiaon, Alia 'Philips. West Parka, W ', II II Il'ehworth, N 1'i. knl, ie V J t'orier. .Vonlon I'.tteiaou, W illiam C ti lery llenucraon It line, Jamea F " Ara N ancy Rush, Jar.'i 2 Km. I, .1ra Isabella G C tlatev. James t Nue, Jfr. .Uary Nitchie, John Kanklli, J S ttobison. Jamea ll Soa.erman, V .-until. N C 4. pircy, I hoinas l.ituart. Ell jMo. kl.iii. W .If plafford. Franklin Ishail'tir, Uenjaiiiin F Mil. I'r E Mephena, J F Mocklnii, Uatilda Stewart, Ra. lie I E T Todd, John Torraiise, O W f'oiiaon, Ji-aan B t'orreiice, Aft.a Delia V Vmbs, A (i w Wilaon.C J I Jine F Wallace 1jllhcw While, K A iW'alion, Win B ("apt jWoll.J L 2 v hneaidea, Jamea ! Weaut, llnvid W ,IItaini.on, i; W ;W illnms. .Wis Polly W ,ngu, A W iVVaiiace, V ilson ivx halden, W.lham j W atts, Afi.a A K .Wallace, Williamson Williams, Elixabeth I r Y Young, It A A 'R VMAM. r V Garnnie, Mia P V I. a, Inn, Mr Henry Graham, A H Gray, William li Gleu, David Grier, K A Gilland, William Guyer, J S 11 Hornets Nest Hipp. Mrs Mary Henderson, Mrs C A ' Jjinss ,M Mis M I) lloditt Mra .arah K lloohluud, John San Handtierry, Mies la E Howard, Henry M Huoaer, Alra Sopronia Howell, Malinda lleiiiiigan, Jainra lltitiier, Mtaa Martha Hodge, John P 1 1 crl II, V llliss Holt hison, ViolM K JjllU'S i Isehour, Martiu Irwin batln J Johnson, Jesse B Jenkins, John K Katlicart, Robert -l 2mA T runks,Yalics, Carpet Has. USTarrivi-dut n i.l.lKtiS f aVO.'S lolliinu Mart', Tfceil I I I I il I i !. fi- l. t.i.... I Carpel ua, ever brou.'lil lo Charlotte .'all of which wilt be aold at Ilia luwtal kind of pricea by IX'LLINGS & CO. October 5, 1822. 37if Wanted ! A YOUNG MAN acquainted with the f!ctil ! BL Dry Goods liuainisa. run find eini!orinont ul DftUCKF.K Ai. SOMMLKS. Charlotte Oclobrt 6, 37lf Wait for the Waggon!! V1 G would jtiat aoy tn thnKO tlmt have been WW Wailing fur the Waggon " Hint it haa ar. rived with a large lot of Hair 011s,Lubln's Extracts, Ox-marrow, Tail anU Pocket KNIVES, Tooth Pu:ka. Cluth, Hair. Tooth and Nail IEKI II ;S, watch a u Ait vs. ty., c all of which will bo aold at the lowest kind of pri cea I UK CASH, by ITLUNCJ A;. CO. 37if Oefci 5, 1853. Cheaper than Ever. lie W.TlOOICH RETUKNS his incere tlianlta to the piih'ic for the liberal pilrurtugq heretofore ex l ended to him, and respectfully solicits a cint inuanee of thn aamtt. He may be fuiind at hi OLD & TA A7A ready and wvillmg to wait 'on all who m ny fuvor him wtih a call, lie has or. haitd a Urg atuck ol Unfit y CLOTH, Tailow, 1Y., which he will aelf, Whotenale or Retail, at reduced pricea. Perpon. from a diaiance would do wi-ll to give him a call before buying elaewht?re, a. he ia determined lo eoll aa '!'U aa lilt! ll'a cal. HJ-JOIt V4ICIa mid. aa Roofing, Guttering. Stove Pipe, fee dune in the nc-itcat ly!e and at I'. a ehuriu.l nntice. tTA!l kind, of I'llODll i; taken in ex. change fur Guoda or V are. R V. Mooili;. October 5, 1632. 37if il. UIJIIILJIi . And Dealers in Gentlemen's Furnishing 1 I HT.l) call the aid iiimii uf their frii-ndi and W W the publ.c g'.reral!y, to thtir fjj cud.d S..,l , r.ti.Mj .Lwt wi.vti;ic PfVried with at fee! rere, t Tah-tf, f'trt;scK ar.d t'.t osuiiy, by A Hetti tin", in No V jrk.c iiiis niu o! j Itlafk, Brun, !ah, ( hvr. Cud. I . tlrfn, Mu. berry j and lllur ('.( T1IS. Ilnglifth, French and Amen. -an UUck and t'.iu v I casiu:kks, ' Si in, Vcl vl, Plush, Ha rest dun. t a-h meres and (' e j i.adian VI.STIN'", ! at! of u lur.; a ill be iuuh 11 1 to Order, hv j ihe best of Wurkimn, to suit I u-to'iieri m d at tin htntest noiicr, bciiig well pri-ftttied with the hi-sl siid must faihioiialjl irimmtrtgrf. Our 1 un i hivg Urpartmen! mil be fund superior to any in the Stats, bcip j pfl Lirt'ied viiih Ovf-r Sucks and ; Surti nti of' every (jradc. Black and ir si cy ( "Ssi niptc Krorkttes. TalmierB Cloaks, (omctht(iif nc,. j VeitP, Pant a, !.( f jir.e nf every C'J r na m.-. a alendid stock o! l l.O I II I.NCi f. r fuitht trmn f' ur Mo aitieen vrare old, (ii-nt'emenV'Shirts, and C,A. la', (warranted to fit,) also Si,k and Merma f.'ueir Shiru and l:avers. soinrlhmg RTtfat Steels nm! I revets, of a M grades and rlor, ( ifntlemet. H n- k and Fancy Kid, Silk, Kir kkin. ("astinere and ft r hn ii ovew, Suipend rs, V tiking Canes. Or f hMti? f ', P( rt Mimce, Money M t's, iSegur t-e-t uut li jien. Hair, Cloth, Toi h. H it, and .Neii llru-hc, Segar Tapers, (ientJnirn's Travi-lhn Com p4tiifins. TraFiiiin? H ibes, Ac, Ac, ail of which wilt he j atdd iJfWUH than Che mo he purrhas-jd in Y'rih 'or Snith Carolina, 'or ' A.Sfl or uii ah j. t tune lo ; CASH CLSlOMIJtS ! 1 '"Call at nu f Men S: and, one d tor, east of Sore U V A litf on e More September S'J, si. 3fl;f .je- Harthvare. K hve on hand and wdl rece vs soon, a fresh supply of HAUDWAKi: of all qualifier and vantitiea Our Stnck haa lne'i one of the largest in the wer-'eru part of the Strile, and the addition of this Fall's Purcnaac, unl umk.' il as complete and full as anv in the country Our pnere shall he a. LOW aa the J.OHtlST It you want anything mado of Iron or M.Hc, call and a, e us Our Slock con. sts in pari of Naila, Anvils, Itellowa, Vnrea, II .miner a. Screw. Piute-. Iron and Steele, Knives aud Fo ks. Pocket K'uvc. and Scie aora. Carver., Hound and .-nnaro Spring Unite. Sjh and Screw Pulliee, S enlyard. and c iii--. Spirit l.e nela, planea. ar.orlcd,, with aud wiihuut 111 te, (trace and Hills 'l ii. Mill, t roe., ul. Ha d, Tenan, Fra-rie and Kpyhule as Hand, ( hopiing and Hroad Axes. Aug. ra and Gunli is. I'ljaii and llrick Trowels. W lnm wash Brushes, Meal, I Cockle and Sand Scivvs. Knoll. Mock. Till. I he.l. Trunk and Pud Locks ( w and Sheep Delia, t ur. lain Hands. Pins niul Fixtures. I urry-t'oinf.s and Horee-Carda, llingia ell kmd, l awing Knives, Wood and Clamp S rews. Firmer I'lnpaells and Gougea, pool Scrapeia, Lock, 1'iawing. Ilii asl and Log I'ha'na, Well Pulliee slme Knives, t h a.-cll Handlea, Powder Flaska I'urciiasion I'apa Spring and .-crew Dividers, W alllo.lrona llench t.u .g. Flat Bastard Files. M II and Hind Saw do, nh Springs, Hraas and Steel.. Dog Collars, Kaiicctla, B.a.e and Iron Sinill. is, 1' ei ii.. Guns, G n fim, Hrulle Bills. Darners M.iuiiin.b. ainiletlick" lied and Table Captors, Plane B.tia. Rings and Honk., Saw Sella, Ring .Nnaps. I ntlee Al ill. Butcher Knives, lied .Screws and W ri'n;hes, llaspa and Staples. Iron and .S'leel .Squares, .N'novel and Tonga, A'mootiting Irons, ,(nd I rona. Graaa A'neda, .S'iring liate II Door and Window do, Aliiep .Sneara, and Paper, Matca, Cocoa Dippers, Mpuia, Looking GUpms, Gin &'iw A'trelo, &c, A.r. UK EM JOHNSTON. Charlotte, September 2'J. Ifi2. 3Gif Democrat copy. gNotiee. PPLICA TION will bo made lo tl e I.cgra!., mailt of lha Charier ol I'avu son I .'vllrg September ill, l.j'J. J' Not ice I) TTllING a letup rury atiaence from this place. Victor C llitringer, Lq will act as my a irent ill all bupineae transactions. Persons having busineee with him, will find htm in Charlotte, er st lha several Courts on my circuit All persons who hired Negroes of me last year, ara requested lo return I lie in lo Mr. B at Con.-uid, on lha 3lt of December next, when they will be again fined out by hnn. KtFl'S B A reard 1 C cr.r.w.Aer 9. IH.VJ 11', III WAR&LAW & WALKER, Factors & Com mission Merchants, NORTH ATLANTIC W1IAUF, CIlAKLi:STON,S. ( . W. A. WARDLAW. U. WALKER Our Coriiinipsinn for soiling f'ollon will he fifty cenla per hiiln, Kamily auppliea will be purchuaid for our friouda Special ullonlion iven to the ae Irriiun of nrtiploa ordered. Oc,f.6er li, 1B52. 37tf A. G. STEELE, it iici.oi 1 1;, .x. c, JMrr in Staple and I'm' ; J )nj Courts, Ilnrduare Cutlery, Cutis, Lou, Hnl aw yiiits, Crockery, Class-Ware, 1 )ijr. Stuffs, Window Class, I'utty, Aii a yi'IWm I--I(I STOCK of A M now npentnir the Inrget and most complete VI O( K UV JiOH I have ever ofTur- ed lo my Irinuua arid eiisinmera. and am du riiuntd to ."II u .sH M XaVW aa ai y hatabli.haiant hi tho ealern purt of the rtaic. . C. STF.KLE. 3Gif Srplmtbtr '2D. le.VX IJeef! Hecf !! .15ecf!!! f JORUVN CCL'.NCII L, of Wa idiigii (."our'.iy, hi iDuuccs le the cit.z-n of Char! .He and vi. CiiiiU, Unt he, wl'l furnish Ihcm wiiii lifnt idle iMobtrain Uel rvory luorning dor tr the seas-on, or Iht; year round il the p'-ople vi-h it at the U'oal ratec, thf UL'h hot egent 'A tl ia rn P. M Ciel hind. He v i 1 hnng hi hetvt-it it wn enry I wo week, f le hnpH-v Mmt the ciiiTeos ,f Charlotte will tx'tiid lo in in a lib' r;t' fi'KC pntronsice. JUiiOAN tClACli.L, Senteoiher tfll. 1-.V.J. 3t-!i". Kin; SlfiQtTRK at fadler'a lioiel or of V. C. Dar. A ringi-r. Fiq. t hurlulle, A. C , September 9, , alual)!e TOU . IMCOl'METV : 'W ' ,,,! "" -"''h "f (,ct"her r.iiii, at ILL l.e it Hi" t ourl.lli.usi; iii Cha.-li.tie, that valuable "(iiare )! land, eight Wa, known aa trie t 'harlottr I'cimilr .teademtj riopi:i:n , !vi g in the Southern md of Town, dircct'v fn M nn h'icet. Tin re i). uo ir i.erty in the T n more denrahji for private jenlenf:es thnu this 'liic iJ.ultiiiig .MrttinaiM upi.n ;he prt'ptr ) wii be rtiorvid. A credit be g.atu, Jly order of the r;-KD or Th rTKUs. J J J h mueral fo;jy. 31nle Academy. f W V II I S I n mm ion will he opined on Monday, the ( aa. i i n or i if-ioDcr l.i xi, uuiler I fie tnarge of .Mr. John C. I't:r, a f tiitiernaii who i. hig'.lv re. rimiim iifii d an i C;ii'a! I e : (n-r. Tl.e oidn.a. ry raits ol tui'.i iii will he rfipiir'il. JOSKI'H II. " IL SoN, John a. Yul Mi, li. i ' ATI s. ii. n w ii.i.iams, John in win, W. K. MY I. US, J.. W. oMIiiKNE. I Tnittcrt. S'plrm'.,, 2D, le'il. 3 111 iini.-r:i! rof y Administrator's Sale. ,ih diy of October our t ountv t uurt, :i it. b'ii-g Tucs- t mr! ll, use l b.dJer, the in Chirioitc, 1 will a, il to ll.e I tol.o n g b lofipinj,' to the ewt ito of K'irh; n: I hii-ie in ii'J years of a(,'' 1 1 r a''i-ut 5 vesr attd her youne iij;e. They iH sold (ii a cr Uiu purchaser ntikin a note pnv irn, d c'd , it eldest di'igh ;i .-ill 3 years of ur x months, in Hjnk. A (.!( Ml W, A.inr, ( harluttr. Septrmher ILHUIIMi: iriMAhIl'UO()L. M11K I.xc relse of l!:' ;ifwve Inst if u l It. in will b n-!-urn a on .Monday, tin ! 'h t tirh. r in i; un er the si-, ml ' ii"t o imji of M ss V.l zs I'liAkn itit- pir itular om'Tinteiid( nee of ihe uhirih, r. M i-s I".- q-iaiiheatn'ti are Urn . ", k:iow n and too hiL'hly aeieeiit'td to need comtiiti i. I ii-i ( ii,- uHi f tf i ioMrutneniul ,Mu- he siven, ;i hereto'ore, bv Mrs. I'k.mi k an.i I'ai iiiiriv-R. It i- ftt-Mttiftj to lurni-h lite V LuMes that nttend thit, li.surntion wnli the iiir.iir ul a t ho'oii; h, l.h. r and u & th'ai t -ducat ion in cntitf toiii Willi ci; of ci. te n i u good inariiif r uroi t Tt-nb I pie' v. The n. hers, therefore, or the lo v. I. I . I'e Niek a may be ii"edid or de- r d, wiil imput ii.trui.lioti oo i fie Cijsyic I.anL'u.'' the h Ster bf ae.etn s ot .M jitheniiti u-s and Vma! Mus-c. Tr l!S The elements of art Lnifhch Ktln. i i n, The oriiinsri coiir-e ol Ku;1 lu-t: UtMion, Tin --inie with Chcmi try, I iilos. h , Uncto. ne, A e . A. c . Lutin am! Ureek or Frenrh Lang Uig''. o( Paint ini; in (hi fir Water C of, I'.ir i -i-i r lift "I, un St ten ifn; '.esl Musle, ( liiiim ntiil Needle Work, liiMruim nUl Music (;t.r U'C of in--lrumcnt $i fxtrj.) For Iufllihtt'g r?hnol room, r., 1st Session. $10 $1 It ar.l.tver v auvantagroii , per n onth. a' f . $ti tr t7. HMH, A. PEMCK. Srptembtr 2, '3. '.J (JC IN otiee. WILL sell, on TiiCMhiy nest, .it the Court (loo , ihe 26.h of O.-tobcr e in Charlotte, a Valuable Plantation, helonptnt to the h irs itf 't wider loi t r, di e'd ( .S miles west nf Charlotte, vtx.v en the'-r nf Sogtir I'm k, coiitainii III uns. tn said land is a good Dwell tig Hmift ,n. d I Out I J . 1 11 s n y also a valiiiihl Nock Quarry. Terms made known on the d.y of sale. J. M.C. l.l'NTF.rt. 4enf. .S plimh r C'.l, i-W. ;t5ts Notice. J I PI ICA l lON will he made lo nci t scion vT, of the Legitil iture of Ninth Carolina to in- enrpurato Meek eiihurg Sons ol Teniperanci. September 17, IS.i-J I'ivi.-i No. 1. of a I3S $m $m is33. m Xotice. t m 1 II K North ( arnhna li'ekunlih'r. in the Char lolle and Seulh Car uhli.1 hall llnul I ninna ny, w ho are in arrears, are hereby nut .tied, that un. lee- the instalments un their mo. k .iro p.iul by Wed. nrsd.iy, lha lftrh diy of Oriole r next, their atoi k will ho suld at the I outt lloui-e III the Town ol C harlolle on that day. FD. G. PALMFR, V,e,iueit. N r,, H IP'.S 3.1,,' sit A War with EiiclandJAXOTilERCUBANEXPEDlTIO.V. CHARLES T. EBERHARD & CO, 55 tVK( TKI'LLY infotmthecit zeneofChar. laV lotto end vicinity, that ll.iy still carrv on the KOOT AM) 8IIOI: JSk B4ka -B "faV iS at ihuir old stund, two doors below David Park's Store, and nearly opposite Kerr's Hotel, where they are prepared lo execute all work in their line, in the neutetit Tiid most lusiitonaltle inannner. They will warrant their work to be made of the best ma-tt-nala and to Hear as well ns any in this section. If good ruatertiile. g od workmen and a atrict at. tenlioii lo ull Oidura will er aureencouragetuent they are determined to mer.t il. Ah one of the firm will go North, once or twice a year, purposely to porchuse Letithrr, we always intend lo huvu the bfpt Unit cut) be bought at the North, we will he able to sell tetter and cheaper Woik tl nn niiv othor .Miop in this section of coun. try. 11 CGIVK 'I II KM A THI I.. A supply of all k.nds of RtAUY-MAUE WuHK alwiivHoit hand. Srpt 8. lcO 33lf ( IIAKI.i;V. O A: I LOKIDA rpilE splendid New Steam Packet FLORIDA, M. Charles Willy, Ma.ur. ia now running regular. ly hetwi'en Cliarli atnn and Jacksonville, Picolala I ; aj p,uika, on tha St Juhn'e Ifivur. Ilor lime of : .lon.irinri, In,. I n fixed fur 'I I'KSDA Y nf mrv j wi ek, at 3 o'clock, P. M. Panengera by Ihe Cars on that day will alwave ee in time. I hie Bout haa Ibeen built expressly tor this Line, ith special refe rence to the comfort and safety of Pasaengera. and coimiinnded by anu of the must exjerienced of iirtviHutors. rersona desiruua of laking this route, ere infoniird ll.nt the pavsige through to Ptlalka irf in about 2j hours. Fare to J.i knonville, PttoUta and Piiitks, . 19 . JO A ny further information will be cheor fully givon hy the ui.di-r.S'g.H'd. Uirtha aecu'ed by addrcseing the aec t. J. W. C A I.DW FM.. Agent. Charlnton, September, lb.V-2 3itlJan otiee. A I.L persona in arrears with ma far Taxea, are eyani rpquealed to make immeJi< psytnanU Tub lumis are much nesded T. N. ALEXANDF.R. Sh September 3, 3iiOo The Great Question si:ttIjM;i, A N D thiil is how K I I' LUNG V CO, who I m have lat v taken the store recently occupied hy lr rnl, are enabled to sell clothing at such very low ra'en. aud in the most lu-hionable alylcs. hv, Ire in the ttiitpit; (nil that we buv the cdi m'li.u'nctuic them ourseive- ketpu.g OIIO Illlfl tr'4l In DCs cuneUiitiy cmpbu'd, and from thf ifiiMtne quantity we ell, art; enhbitd lo sell the ai at the lowcnt kind of prices O ir stork, in put consisting of French and English l)rub L)' Kte, Hoinh; z Iif, Al;aca I'ar-huiarette, I Ca-rtititere, and SuniuKT Tweda, 8jck, Frock and' href COATs, Pant", stl sl ha from 7. cent lo rive l'il.iif Vests tl to S3, Linen Cta'a $1 toll 7 . 1 ne abt ve goods are our own manufacture, and warranted. We htvc eUo a great variety of Shirts. Iiuwers. Cuilirw, Crtivath, 1 ies, (tlove, lloditry, Hat--, Coiubf, li-uslie. Silk and (ause under shirt, ; I'm lire lias, A c, lo all of w Inch we would mvitc your altciilK n before purchasing chr-wherc. IT 'LUNGS A CO. Clm'lotte.July 11, l;o2. f .M A UT I X & B It Y A X, j AND j fi KX Kit A L C03I3IISSIOV i .Yo.'d Itofre V Co' II 'harf, ! siiJiiiia2S!ro s. . Till Uarr, 4 GENERAL ASSORTMENT of Tin ware .'ai always on hand and for sals aa lotv as tfie loiYcpt eilicr w holesjie and retail by SAJI'I,. 1. W RISTON. Aug- 23, 1Sj2. 31 If. 11(117 HOTEL. III E lariie and commodious house in Lincolntan, fdv.irdbly known in former timea aa Moti'i Hoti;I, hus P-eently been refuted and put in com. t'Ttahlo order by ihe subscriber tor the accommoda tion of tho t it v v v. Mai c. pr n l ic, and su h of his numerous friend as may favor him with a rail. He pledges a!! Ut.U the utmost dili feoee in his hus.ueA. and a'teiHion to his custom ers, can effect lo el-cit a tileral degree of patron. a-u al ti.e hunts ut tf c pneJir. iiiva him but a tri al and i e will pruve a!! he here asserts. T. K. SHCFORD. J.tncolnlon, August, bm2. 2dtf Valuable Plantation flII E ftibi-rribt-r, wishmi; to remove fo the South-wii-t, ttT rs for sale his Plan'stmn, on Mallard t'reek. rfiotaiiitnij ii97 rre. he preriiises is ET.fWi em d Iwe!!mg House. eacel- ! .i, , rly lent ISarn and clher tipres CicS9ka nry lnt nutihes. Ahou! l.iO aerea is cleared, "j of i "mi n in in D t'tiiitim jmiiu, utitui nn i uimii, mil ui W heat. The,, i. ,,, .... - .1... IV,, a M.ll n snnie other Machinery, If this land is rot sulil pnvalilv before tin 23ih ol" Seutrnihrr neil. I w ill exjHiiie ii to puhhc eaie, nn Tueadu,, the 2lith of October next, (it being Tucsrlay of Hie County Court ) at ihe Curt. Il.iu-e in Charlotte, to the high, eal bidder. Terma made knuw n on the .lav of sale. GF.OKGF. A. HOe I'ON. August 5, lr.jj. astf t harlottr and Sioul li-t arolina k n .o i. T nn i: PASSlNtiLU THAIN in now running v.iS.iidavn ctee;tcii'! frnin Columbia to d.ii Fort M.ll, MXtttn mile- (rum Clurlulte. it. i,i. iiown. arn a-iiso. rntumhia, Ltave. 7 l. a. nl. Arrive, 2 ?tt p in. Ru'gi'wav. " S .'.it " " I'-'.ill W mi,. b,eo', !.-i'l " 1 2.(1(1 m., " liiJi) " " H'a, k oek, " 1 I.;i5 "II i'i Clic-tervillO, " I I US " - 10 05 I.. i.', " 1-' i'0 m. ;i it) F.liem rer, " 1 '-' 4.'i p. m, " 9 0(1 " I on M.llf, Arrive I 10 " Leave 6 3 j ' The Fli I' ll .11 P Tli.MNS run daily, leaving Co. Itimtiia at 7 i. in, ilt livers Freight ai Fo' I .Mill De pot, on the La-t MCeufthe t'aiawba. and by the l.t til Oi'tubcr ai l have reached us ttrininti. and be delivering and rctetviiig Fitihis, at l'har,otle, Nor ll. Carulma. A line ol'STAGF.S -tins from the head of ihe road tn Chii I"t!e and hack in confer! ion. Fr.un Char lulle ih. rc la a line ot Stages to Siiltr-hury and lal. i tgri. Froin Clienlcrviiie a line uf st 'g.s ruua in I'.iiiiii i'! n.n w i;h the t jrseti Miuidays. Vv e.iiies.litys, and I t idays In I'uioiivnle, Gicnn Springs, and Spar- tatlMirg. W M. M. STOCKTON, Chief Fngmcer, Angus! S, l-j.'. at?-ilO I.iucv 1 loth I. R;K. l.T on hand and for sat low, hv - M f I $1,000 Bounty. ar ( BEAT ATTRACTION at D. L. REA'S JHT GROCERY, conai.ting in part af Liquors and Wines, aa choice and pure aa were ever oRered at the Bur. fine cut CMEWIJU TOI14CCO, (put up in l.nfoil) a great variety of varyiar; in price from $30 to 1190 per Ibounant! lie especially invitee the attention of gentlemen tn ln aloi-k of Segare, feeling fully aaeutrd lliul in it will be found IhericAti article in Ihe Town. Jual imported, eapocially for Ilia aruuaement of the l.nv era of Kun, ' Tho Devil among the Tailora !" call down Gentlemen and take a peep at the " Uld Co lonel " The Cluua Tiger and African Hur.a urr alao on exhibition ! Charlolto, Aug 2i, 1952. 31 tf Valuable Land gas ga FV'OTICE ia hereby (jiven, that purananl. to an order and docree of tho ( our of llipnly fur Rurke county, mado in the cane, w-tT1, R- A. Ilenaon and othera, ei- J' Jl parte, I i!l aell at pufclie auc-Lf-illion to the hifhcat bidder in ti.e I Town of Yoriranton, Burke County, on Monday, 1 ih. ISilnl.i nf November next, (heme Mond.v of ; Burke Superior Court.) all the landa winch Free land Hunaon. deceaaed, died, aincd and poaaeaaid of consisting of nine. Tracts, on Cpper Creek eleven j niilea North west of Morganton, in aatd County. Among said lands is a very valuable plantation, coqiainini! 300 auras, upon wUieb Freland Hcneon , resided al the tuna of bis death, including a large body of valuable bottom land baa upon it a large and commodious dwulliog bouae, together with ull ne -esaary out bouses. All Ihe other trac e are ad. joining. A credit of Tw elve months, the purchaser giv. ing bood and approved eocnrily. Further term, made kcown ou the day of aale. Given under my bund, al otrice in Moranton. FDWAHI) JON LS LRWIN.C. M.F.. Sepetmber 23, 1Sj2. Is A CARD. ESSRS (;. F K F.N N Ell Y, of Cheater, and j J.T JAMES M. HL'KST. formerly one ol" the proprietors of the Planter's Hate!, Charleston, have leaaud Ihe American Hotel, King Street, and would 1 reapectfully solicit from their frienda and tho trav. ' nllmr public, a portion of their patronage. We pledge ourselves that tha guests nf tha Hot! will receive accommodations uuaurpasaed bv any in the city. KENNEDY &. HIRST. 21 b. I DIRECT lal.M TO THE OUTIICIl.X ciTirs. Fare (Jreatly Reduced- Thrtvgh frtm Greeneborough. A'. C.t ta Richmond ar Feterebmg, TA'.V DOLLARS. FBHIS line, of Four. Horse L P os t C o a c b aa, from (jreenaborough, N. ('., via Danville, Ya , to Richmond and Petersburg, ia now in full operation, running io connection wilh Ihe Kiclimund and Danville Kail Road, and South aide Kail Road from Petersburg Leave Greensboro' every Tueada, , Thuiaday and Saturday, at S) A. .M, Arrive in Richmond or Pa. terabur? second dav IheroaAer. in time for the eve ' mpg (era North. 1 Leave Richmond or Pelaishtirr every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, al 7 A. M arrive in Gr.ene bora' second day IbereaAer, in time far the Sal.aeury Stage. Tina tine a'aa connscta at Danville, with the Sia gee ta Lynchburg. J HOLDFRBY A CO. J P. ri.AGG it Ci i. i July S3 1852. 37if. ! LAlRFIa HIM. a7m.TBariCavaT jhs irn-v, ! ffHK euhscribers take ihis method of informing - their friends and ihe publ.c jjeneral'j, thit thry now eiTor for sale, a 'arge iopp'y of Kxcrllrnl Sale Lmthrr at their Tanner? six miles fmm Ltncolnton. Hav ing furnished their Ysrd with the la'est and m t improved kind of machinery, the subscribers are tn shied to oticr to their customers an article equal 10 the best Northern oak tanned leather ; and as lew as it can be purchased any where. Orders fur the above will ba attended te if dirac I led to Jarob Ram sour Al Son, Lineoinlon. , j The subscribers hare also at their Tannerv in Kin ! co'nton. a targe supply of FxcH lem I pfXT , ! and llarnra lonlhr, for sa!e Inw. 400 Cordt Of Bar k wanted at tha Laurel Iliii Tannery. tT A Urs quanlily of HOME MADE SHOES, I (the best of Mrogans.) for ssle.on favorable tnrins. j J.ACC'ti n A MSOl'K & SUN. Aujrusl 5, 1352. 2$-3m . DEAFMCM AM) FAR DISEASES RADI CALLY VI IIFD. B"feR LE BRUNNnfiera to iI-om auffering from MP Deafness, his infallible Aural remedies, which have been suceesslul :n nearly a thousand rases ot confirmed dfaffif. These remedies comprise dif - feieiit courses for di'stse of the internal, midd)e,and external Ear, end hsve ben pronounetd by thrae ! eelehra'ed aurtsts Dra. Kramer, of Berlin: Itard ; t.V Ih'ieau, of Fans ; Curtis, Piicher A. Yearsley, of i London as bemf the most wonderful and fffeetual ! eer applied for diseases of the interna! and middle i rar ; their ffT.-cls are spparent on Ihe fi th or sixth day. Dr. La B. waisats a ct at in every case vt here the esr is perfect in formation. He has etgh ' tren cert. finales of cares from thoae who had been ! deaf aso MSi, and wh'ee hearing is now complete. lv restored, end art enabled lo learn the language ! The namee of aver iwentv-seven hundred persons, , who hnva been cured ky Dr. Le B.,may be seen by application. Patients, ay sending a fiaenpiion of ,he r can have remedies sent to any art Terms $ conaultetion tern : $)0 fee to be paid hen l , , . , uir iifatnnpi m rmioriu i us q- ioiii arutrnrn", ui when a watch will as heard to bal al the distance r . , . . - . . of batOnm either ear. N. B. Dr. Le Br rami's Trestis on the Far and its Difeases, and Treatment of the Deaf end Pumh translated from tha French pnr $. Address Dr. Le Brun, Union Square, New York Ctiv. f July ?, 52. Oi-?m B. SIIAW. .fr his tld Stand, 2 doom I'.axt of Springs' Corner, Charlotte, N. C, Keeps constantly on hand, SAPPLF.S, HARNESS, TRl'N K'.' BUIPLKS. COLLARS, CAR PI. T. BARS SAPPLF. HAG.-. W II IPS, IT Y.N FTS. ic. All of winch wi.l be sold at the lewest prtees, M hnli-aalc and Itotnil. Mrcb 24, l?;r2. 9if ! TX HAT can ho vy 4 fa-hion, thai HAT can ho more annovmc to a man ot shape ies,, i ll-fit me; Coat, Vest, or Shirt, pullmr b ri , bacjin? there, titiinj; now tu . To avoid this nuisance with abnoUitc eertriintv, and to etiMtre the Inau iuenj of sty is a tit beutitv, in s, Vest!, Shirts, or Pants, it it only for i;enth ineu to eaU at 11. B. A L. S. WILLIAMS, At Brdwlry'a New Building. April 5. DJtf 11UR u c by LL B. Williams, Agent fur lha Bank of Camden, 8. T. H P W M I f AM. 4t ent. rlt -w , re.. i tyl tVl Carolina Female College. r"IHIS Intlitution ia initiated on the Main road lead. mjr from W adtslmro' lo Sjli'bu'y, about if n miir.$ from the former, and I. in a ver fl .-.rhhiii condition, eviy facility hi-,i g i tl'irdud for at nuirin a eound and fhurnugh tducdi ii-n. It has the Fatruru'ic of the South Carolina CufVf -ence of tha M. K. Church. South,. but cuitiial:y ( tl':ra its privileges end bnrfiu lo oil, wit.'iuut rcpo. t to iccts or parliea. The duties of Clirlaiianil v aro inculcated wMIm uI reference In particular ('rred ; ami bK:.-anig- urj; cd upon the acceptm ';c of ll. RATES or Tl'JTIO HOR .-TKSfUiM lf lIVK M'l.NTlia, IN MiVA.M'K. Tuition in Prrpaiatory Dcpartiutiil f'nm $! to For Hoard and Tuition, in all tho timrrchfs of education, except the extroa below including fuel, light". Vc pur acasum. extras. f uaic on Piano, do on Pianu with Guitar, do oo Guitar atom-, Drawing aud Painting in Wall r Colors, " ' in I). I Colura, The Fran' Ii Language, Lmbioidery, THF l-OI.LOWINQ Pt.RSt.Na C DM POM K THK FACl'I.IV Kcv. TRACY I! W ALSH Preaidcnt. Muital and Moral Si.-'cih-h. WILLIAM K I LA K K, A. M. Malhcmalica and datura: Science. WILLIAM Si'lli:i.i:i!. Instrumental and Vi al .Vluiitc. SI 1 SS M A li Y R. WAS l( K.V, rench and A si iflaei. MISS A.MAN lA M. I'OLK. i)rawinjj and Paiiitil:. miss maktiia a. smi nr. Prt-paretuiy Ih.partnifnt. PAUIIAM SMITH ANI LADY, Steward anri Siewardei-a. j N. B. Prsfesanr Smith having rejif i ed kia Chai of Ancient and Mndi rn I.ang'ia"e, on arciniut of ' ill.he.Lh, the duties el' that t. 'hair are divided among the remaining Prnfeaai-r. July 21, 185. 2-3m M3W FIIOI, IIK would repetUfuiiy nnnounre lo the ptshli( T T thnl we have thif day funned a coudrtntrah ' under tho name and style of for the purpose of i nnl'.ioturmg V' mi l-.imi likMiatrJ I - C-.r- of every di-s.-ription. W'e prixiiipe faithful work, in a -!r;Td nm.e m t' e Sonlh .hail aiirpns.-, iih. STALL Wui;K WAR iTANTKD. I f'KKPAlRl.N i; dune t the shortest notice, and en the rnoel modnrafe ti nn Iln p on 'Iryon and Cliurh Streets, nssrly ojipe.ite lo Kerr's llutal. ( . iiVKKMAN. t WILSON. CArr,'r. .fir'v f. ij'J. .Vf Wlitileta.ilc ( lolliinv; IIoiiac. II O V K I X S A: T A I UC11 I L I. -J'tl), liallOiMiri' MiitI, con.ian'.v nn . inn a 'ii.. sesorrn ent o fj Y .mai v. ( i irniiM;, of aii .niai- whitli ihe, ii vile tne nf dcaiere. in ly. by Tim pi:rMii;T or Tin: riTi:o STATE. In pursuance oflaw. I, M 1 1. 1. A H H FII.LMORF, Prea.deol ef :he I' n it i S I a t cf of A menra. do h r bv declare end make knov n, th'tl n p'l'die ii. vri I bo he'd at Ihe Land Oflr-n at n'I ILl.U A I E fl m the Territory of MI.N.NIUTA. commencing ott .Mondsy, the fFPt day uf Novern! r nest, for the d . posal of the Public Land situate t tn the fulievnpg named Townt-titps and fractional Townships, v i: sr(A the bate tine, and vest uf M" fourth priic-pal meridian FrartiontI Town.-'ups thirty.n'Teri and thirty, eifht, on the n, hi baiik of M. Croix rsver, end tow 'aehips tnr. y-nme, forty,, and furty two, of range twenty. Townships th .rfy-etgjt, t'l.r't nine, and forty, of ranpe twenty one- An is and in s.vt j ins. th l"en and twenty four, in townvliip twentv and townslup llttrty eight, thirty nine, and iur'y, o:' r u. r. i; j twenty t'Ao. Townships forty, lofty-one, and forty two, ol" llange Iwentv thtf-3. HenneMn Island, or !ol 5. section twenty. three, in township Iwentv nine, and an Island in seetiau juur, of township thirty, ot rai ffo twenty. low. ' uwrndups th.ity seven and thutv eig .l, uf.angs twentr n?e. Townships thirty eeven, thirly eight, thirty nine, snd forty, of tat . iwenly six. Townships tit.nj ciiit ai.d lli.rly nine, of ranga twenty. seven. Township thirty nrne, of rane twenty eight. Lands appropriated by w for t) c oe of" scto;o!, mi'ttsry, and olier purposes, will be excluded from the sale. '1 ho offt;rin;j of the a!ove mentioned lands will be commenuad on the thy a. -pointed, and w ill pro. ceed in t,? order tn whttii they ar aeivi-riisod, wai alt convenient despatch, until the w ho e t-liall havo been effr'red. and tne sslo thtit cios-'d ; but the sale shall not ti krai open lorp-r than two vveeks, and no private entry or tucitions for land bounties rv relo lere granted hy any law of Congress for iniittiif services rendered to th Vn .ted Mates of any of tno lauds wt't he admitted, until atler the t-xotrauun of the twi weeks. (f,v n under my hind, a! tf e city of Wu.-h n ten, this twenty. moth Uny of July. Anno Domini one tnousand eight hundred and hitv.iwo, .MILLARD FILLMORE. By tha President : JOHN tt ILSON, Acting CemmtssiontT of the Cene.ul land Vficc. NOTICE TO PRE EMPIIOV CLUMAM'S. AND TO LESSEES, OCCC PANTS. AND ! PEUAM ITLES OF .MINERAL LAM'S I Every person entit'ed tu the riht of pre emption to any ol' the iands w ;thi' the low nsli ips and ir.tvttonl low n ships at'UTe enu.iitraled, is it innreJ 10 r-'4 ;. x tho same to t lie sas;s"aiHiun ut ihe Kejfifer miU lo eeiver at SiilUvnttr, and maki? pavinent if.erefor ms soon a practicahle jier teeing tins and be fore tho day appointed lor tut j uu.if t.e, u-t litrw ia such cLaiiii Hili he forte. ted Aud every person hav.ny t' e riijltl under the art .entitled " An aet to ereiie a n hdtitt! njf Land Di. irtel in the Tern:ory of .V i r ii. and tor oinur purpose!," iipsrovi d . ' iri h, 117, a. lessees. oe tupjnlSt ct permittees filler to the txtt nt ot iLfur , 'e-tses r,r pntiHS any ol he hinds n hut the to .v n. shis and JraciiOiia! turtiiSMps ahove enutnefi'.td, ar.d wiio art) eiUil td uniler l,e act entitled " An act 'o rttiuce mo imnimum pneu of tuo nnuerai lands in t!ie Ltiko Superior I''nct in, and tiie t h pptw a D ml net in W'tst-tj-nsm'aproveJ ilnh Srptfiiilter. laO, "tsenUr ll bnd testrtd by their teases, occupancy and permits reueetive l at the ininnitUHi pro e of 61 perut-- ; ur w' cyvernijf more thsu one lull section, eittiiled ' va i e utiender t-f sueti le-i-.e t p- rmit hi l . proper Land t tViee, to pnrchuse, il I u n i I . t iu do so, one tub M'clton," at Uie riK' o. J J t per m r. u mpiirrd lu estaohsh t:n- ,i:n llit Kijj Mur ana Kt n iu-r ai pivment therefit un?i.'i j? r this ttuttce, arid !feii;ru ti e c ( o m 1 1 1 e u c e t i i ( t uf t-'i-pi ' e braeinjE tt:e tral si'nui.ti.!' be forfeited. J 1 Acting Cvmmai.&ie r e; tc at-'i lull Ol rid iittka i.tey t O 9 i i ' i; t 'if la liUiB m;i .rw in- h i'hltUl W l 'UN s iLiN. c.i '.-!; Luna tifui. N R V V:V for i " - - - - .TTt in? r rTJr. i -fl 1I II 15