'--A . . T'. (. -..: .... A. C. wiLLiAMSOH, !Ed,to- I I'l.ISHEIt. ceearijOtte, isr. a.9 October 27, i852. lie ft1Tl fit ifir IIOLTON & WILLIAMSON, ROPKlETOItS. ' TERMS: Geu. Coffee's buttery and thousands of ; musket balls playing upou our ranks, we cured Dot fur tbero was a chance of escap ing unscathed. Most of us had walked unon butteries a hundred times, moro do- .rt!..t'--Jini Wilis will he afforded to ,-,.,.,. i,,,,ut nuailimr : hut to know I Of t hut every time that rifle was levelled to- TI1E CUJRHENCVCCUA. Tho Washington correspondent of the Baltimore, Sun, Ion, writes as follows : The rise in prices of everything, in this country, is owing, not so much to the influx Mil. G1DPLNG3 IN A FIX. It secins that the notorious Mr. Giddings ill stumping it through Ohio, was charged by some of hit constituent with having re ceived illegal mileage, and also with rcceiv- Trm TMIOSPECT. Tho New York liy-limth a journal devoted to the cause of Mr. Webster as an GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. iui:wii, .Mai: it has had in swelling tho paper currency. I ho uubldo will bear more exnosuie Vet. ... ... . ,r i.i ifj lKll.i.AtiK ill adv-nce, or .. .. .1, . I v I.. v"ll I-'ll-TV CUNTS il' n. v. (. ..A. .'. . , f,n-t,irre months, mid Tllkl-M wards us, and its bullet sprang from the bar-; i o r t !.'S :i! ''it- i Hit of the veur. rel. mio of us must a suri'lv tall ! to mm; I atK-iiise'. ted at One Hollar per qurc the e!ruiiiiiia suu tla-di as tint deadly iron ' Lut J ,,'u.t- Our pold and best Mcks i .wat"' !' W. P) ti.r il.e tint uiH-r. calue" ,,, aud see it rest, motionless as if, ul k,ml" ''?vf l'oeu .m'nt l,ff '' f..,;,.-'.i..N" ir caon coimiiunce. veun ..u. - , , , , ..-. , . ,,,. irugai atnltiiirity nations abroad, in nay- I'lit lor their products, and nothing but of .gold from California, as to the effect which '"I? ,,U I" r d ' ot' eiSu dollars, for about mree nftw uiai uu was uosem irom Con gress on un electioneering tour, lie admit ted the. truth of both charges, but pretended that it vv u the fault of Mr. WhittLscy, Comp troller of the Treasury, whom he vharged with having made the. allowance. 1 hat gentleman wuswrittui to on the subject; ami, in reply, snows mat lie liad iiotlimg to independent candidate for (ho Presidency, OMli, Kx(:elcncy Governor- lieid, to the "'t Tt cL'that and one occasionally quoted by the lltijn . ... r ,. ,. ,' principal ob.stac les that of late-in its issue of the I th instant, Ig'-lature of North Carohna, at the hus- 0 the system. 11, commences an article cntitlod, " The Elec tion '' with the following remarks : ' There it oo rienyinir tii..t (.rnernl Scott's pnDH'cts Hre growu blighter unit Uim im iidH ic rs rl't do vtith tin business. V says ! i -" ' ... , j.. . , . .,. ,' . poised upon a rock, and know when the haul , i: ls Jim. CUUU1. f l. - su , . i i .i , a . , 4. ll Mil' . . ... .: . 1 i . . ...ii iner Mlriicif ittiil flu. Ktiiirk Hew to lhi In . . v r , a iNi a oeum lion oi h f eeiu. in. t " i , . i i. i i i :' ' Zf ...';.i.Jt- .1 rnrir,. lor : ,1 vertis, r ,. I, u M i.-le.l imn. thai fl ll;esel, 'IT of dentil ballk liotes are lelt behind. ;',.. A iM-rhscuients inserted nmuthlv V drove uncrrii- lv to its ..oal ta know this.! A so" amount of tho surplus . V. i .1 in r ;rii .Ml iLir 1'ir I llnn Ni Ml!- . ... " . t i I'l t 1 1 1 1 it ti Ii ll 1 1 f V i-DiW 1 lanlilv Iku'li.vit u I VI 'i ' M antl till marcu oy, aa awiui. '-r ." . ' v "" i v. , , , A, . . ni. iM-r Houare ti.r eueli tunc. s . . . . . . ....... nr(,,in u m n. r..w ...a.l. t ....... .11 I J .. . I ii Ihia rtio..A, .itet.. T rpuhi . , i ,,oula Uotuiii lut thu tail ti-uro VV v -' "V :,"ff " , t.vu to th Iiion.il IVport . , , . . i . ..1,i . Jolt a liepcsasty for uuloekiUL' the public 1 have no power to add to or deduct irom to i;ro, phantom like, higher nml lngticr, as-, " .... r , , , sumin through the .-moke tho supernatural toiigns, may provide tome mode for put- P t"r as tc amount lecciicd by Inn, appraiat.ee ot some great spirit. Again did ' " ' circulation, h as , subject to my contrd or deci, n I never be reload aud di ehard his riflo with the : Matud. n Nl " 1 ul k l';'Ptr. "''' ".V, teinleicd .Mr (.Clings bis pay (ur mileage, snme unfailing aim ; and it was with huh- h:it ' ',ulJI"; purchaMi.,. the C.f. Mock. ' he never took it Irani u,y hands. 1 hat M-ribalde lleaMire that I beheld, as we near-! 'i he S. ctcUry of ha! no such iHtr was knmnto him cd the American lines, the sulphurous cloud i i'-a,ury has not the p.. to apply the U-n he male th statements you mention; ..,i,..r,.,1 ,.r,o.,l ii. .,..,1 shut ih-.t ,.,il ; money to eitiuui.sli the publiu d. bl. llu . auu it is dci idj tioiltfj iiy that ageiilleiiinn hunter from my :tze. can only buy docks at par. lorcseeing the U'.. 1 ... i',.. f l ni, ,1 i. i. il,.. : accumulation of revenue iu the .Sub-'l'ica-u- Kentucky rifleman contributed more to our defeat than anything elte ; fir while he re mained to our Melit,oiir attention drawn from our duties, and when at la-t we became eii-lii'oudcd in the . smoke, tin.' work vva-i'c. mi nion, commencing Octiber, 1S5 7 o llic JlumiuJc the (Uiinil Assrmhfi of the tne of Xuth-('tinilitla: Favored bv a bountiful Providence with more rmilidcil of Inn surer... The .pi.tlij tin t cace anJ l'elliv t,e ..resent Would W eill every win re urcr..uru,iuriii me unin,cr r.ioiu li., ' . -, ,. ,. i. ... - V. ...a ....I....:. .... 0 most auspicious periou tor directing o ... l.rU'd to the fctiitor. And etl t -un l'i,r Ji.h Work, c, icii't lie din c- .,ih. I'ii!, li-.li, r. All 1'lters most be poit-paid 'i-t mil I"' attended jo. 1'4 n'-:ils eiu Ik- made to either. ; I' a ,-'f.- arc outlmriici! to set Sjrent. ia imw ifiving w.y to cxeit. mri.t and eiithu.iu.iii. Uur cx(:h..iigi: p per. trum Kt itlucky, TetiiK iwrc', Olno, Indiaiiu, mid even Michigi it, rout .in glow, intr m-roiinU nfcntlnmi blic Hcott Me.-tinf;i, fcnd Whig, in Hoh Mtl cMifidcntly rt their paw. cr to Curry ail ni l lime St. ten trir tskott. Miclu. jr. ii, Ci n. t .,..' hi U.', il i U In led Ly theui, will uriTy po fur the In r. of all the war. we rvi r h d ! Th. r.; nr. i.ny i.uii.U-r of Kreew.ifi r. in )Iielii.,n who will vol.! the Vhir tick, t, and with Ihoir popul r enndid U; lur tioverm.r there p. clous penou tor directing our thouguts and energies to such objects of le dvance lie attention has not been suflltioully aroused to tlic importance of the (ubjoct. Hparsctiess of population, and the wuntot aaequato liieuns to employ suitable touchers, arc tho impede the progress fiucatiou arises, whether it is better to endure the system, with its present limited but gradually increasing benefits, or to improve it at once, by a resoit to an increase of taxation. I can iinagihu no object for which an increase of taxation would be more ju-tiliable a'nd coiuiiicmia Contributions ior public eiiucaliou Lie .Mslniio,. r.. iU.,,,1 tn u.l.o,,,,.,. l. ave lnjcii u (Hi v compareu 10 mo vapor areat interests of the State, and to perud from h? , ut f attrt, Lu;t,- ate the blessings of liberty. tJ be " '.-rt.iizing ahovters. - -. . Government was imtitutod for the sccuri- Our common frhool system, Lowevcr,iin- ty of the rights of pcr-otis and of property, perfect lis it is, is producing la-sting uud and for the pr un dion of the sub.-tantial binclicial .effects. It will improve as wu prosrcrityat.il hatpinessof the people. advance in experience and increase 111 popu- i. cr. ..t inuhatnlilv th.t Bt-te will ,r I nese onjei conn oueu .y eon.-inuilouiil 11- lauon. St. ti. I nut a'loiis, constitute I he gnat poiidcul (halt , It i. un lm to fl utour yc In I In- truth ; bik! to guide J.e-isl.itivc and Executive action. IIKN' UOI.T, cm All: 1" IN T VUl KL.Mt.MlILIi. ()i ri t V ' sn. ! A.i SU w -t il', Am 1.,..;,;.. h !hr .,.! . 'oi I . J I T , Tii i 11. n Ii !t, . bit u ll. , i;. i:. :t, ii;!, I iiee Imp under the pit. lie. rilli d . ni .b of'cr.miti' o er , (1 Ail .' ie Ullu t l!u 1I0..1 . m r. irl. It. n IMt, r- .!'itii; . . t : , w- r- : . : r'l.'.e J- i ll. r J ..ml f r'J ..liii f. . u t, re i.fth tli il - .It:- ii,i.: , . I-1. i: ;i. . I; , n 4 : il r, S'S SO sWPf t, to tl r gnoinii. !ii It:. f"M s tl nwtet, tin- rrue.i.J. I X lii' ai'in f tlif. ri. iiO... B 'II It. lt, .-! r - kied .nd ki tru.-, i - s i y t:.e ('1-ar r'lioi::. hrtMk, , r r: the r! 1 s a t' , v y . ' ;'- ir i-.p ... t'n' rr . I : Ii IJ, !tt .u'oorii ottlr hr, r.ll la new dr?; :rt i,. ivi,j were- li.H-hu.U;. Un, - II ii, i-ut )..u lul I. ! wiio W Tf . it' X, I i 11 li t tHjii, i . . . rt.-n, 1-nt ' n -nd 1. HUsccllimcous. t.tioiis an i lie I lent ot thru aiid one very U :crii.tivo of i: m.K K NEW tilll.HANS. A 1!; ;h- otTie, r, wl j was. in the batte ;s t.'rlcan-, tn . strangi iic.ss iv Wf.-Ui'ti hiiiiter, liiaiiv or whom loan h- J t tho defam e of New (Arleans as volnn ;n :!io armv under the renowned An- w u' three y "i v .! j- i -on. in. i:li, -d, sai l the officer, in a Folid -!; ., ,.f twelv-i thousand men, in direct ii- ,; ii the American defence. 1 l-!cig-1 ' -triff; and a. v e sdvar.ee 1, wt . . i tl.roiigli our glasses the po-itioti i'i'i 111' nt- ol ; ri ii oltiei-r ot the ia ,s s of our witu that !s w In n loarel pb te ; we were in utt-T confu-iou, an 1 una ble, in the extremity, to re-tore- order suffi cient to make any successful attack. .Sjlong as thou-aii -l and tli Misatids of ri fles remain in thu hands of the? p J ! , .o lonsg a- men come up from t!;iir -I..I il.o il, able, ere the dow" appears on the chin, to lilt the eet.tre of .1 Inaik.or sftiki- the b i r at ot.c hundred and l.;ty jar i- in the lno-t vit.il p.'ii.t, so long as t lie re ;s a gri at pro portion o! the K.-publie wh i live tree a - tin wil l Indian, knowing ti ) h d-r but of their "own ehoosin, knowing no law but that of liiibt. and the honor. Lie obsirTanee of frieie.'Iy intercourse, Americri i uticotej i, Ta ble ; and all the artnie- of ,!,. c-.mbiii-il world, thoii.h they inijbt drive tlo iii from th- sea in'! t and aero., tie A'.le.hany M-'iil.taii.', Vnjul-l t.ot I e al le to -ulidue tin: tree--o,ile'l huyter atnoic-t t'..- iiioui.taiu-, and gr. at j-iairie.. an., u.r. Lty ri. r of the Wet. ! WAR IN A UilV i( I'-S STOKE. i The follovin? c-tt!ial 9air is repotted inr.ue of the I'L'ilaue'j loa j- i;" r. a- l.a.in ciiic u.'T iu t'jut eity a fe .v .'.ays : ' The- iti'-id. lit of the d.iy ws an assault on a (li-tin.'iiislied dry-s-iod.- tuati in -coiid strut, by Mrs, I i,,r,.lhv ti. a lady who ' - lis t-oiit.tr v prod ue. in liili -tiN t mark. t. 'Mr-. I (wen, with a biskrl io.l ' f cl'l's on !.- r arm, wr-nt into Mr. s store t buy 't'.ree rpiart.-rs of a yard of J.Hik t-ar-ai.i t. 'The Moreke. rr. iiiMuinlersi iinjin' her. gave b r tiire nfds itnd a . n.irtr of -lik ' iiu-t'. id of tlip ijUuiitity re.iiii '(t. Mrs t wen laid flown a half eti.-b , and Mr. , of course, toon pay tin i.l tor three yaro- ami a 'Hurler. M rs. 1 , pro'e -f d she only railed tor on!v three rpiart. r "t a yard, Mr. boldly a-serteil tl.'it the ipi.it.titr di'inanded nls atid a ipiarter. Mrs. twi n now Pr -d up, and 1 t .Mr. know that sh ninny, entertained a supui iti that lie w a-a rogue, but ti tr xu-picioii 9m changed to a Certainty. Some other voids pr,s-ed between tSu-m : and as hsrd 4-or 1 . oit' ii .V id to soiin thin harder, Mr-, (twi n mad.r a putieli at Mr. . linn Mr mile mi t"r!y retreat to mi i-lewit.-.l p.-reh where bus so lonj and so lar-cly cnioyed th cotiG-lenci of a .oii-tltueney SD re.-peclable ry, the Secretary app'ied to lamrcss to. ; and intelligent .-hoald deliberately attempt wards the close of the late sc.-iou for an tJ deci in: then. Mr. (iiduings might as art euaUime Liui to anticipate the t inn tor i w' 11 biatuc l.n f.r bis absence from the public debt, by the purciiae of the I.'. , lloa-o and t iling pay therefor wln-n impor Moeks at the market price. The fiuaiitu .'"' noittei have been decided such as committee cnteilaiue j the proposition, but 'he bill at . late ics.ijn tn-lking appropri rHithiug wxs done iu the matter. As soon ati"iii lor oi.r harbor.-, a- t throw upon me lit t tlirrn h.i boil i ttri .t choirr in t. iTt of tlini', w ithtn the luat lew wcikf, no one Csi, dtnv." .vuiong me suijects wtiicli claim tin ci.'tt sidcrntioTi of the llenoral Assembly, is the o.u(ition of Coiistitutioniil Reform. At the ...d.lon t,t I -.r.!!.'.. I h. I'elw.r-tl A S...I..1 .1., I 1 nc .sorioin v otirier ovs: - . genu. man reeently arrived in tins city Irom one - , .11H.,1(, ,; (.)U.,ituli,Jlli f us , vsU.hj yet, there l,:i ot the upper counties of our State, says that ' (,V(.rv frfl.,unn ,,0 tli(. r;,,lt , v,,, I e, iv, d fr e on a late occa-ioti a pole was ra.-ed by the f,jr t!l(, (,, ,. ri -ht to vote t.l-o for! the act pass, I'uiiug the past y. ar, upwards of , , i - i . . i .111 one huiii'ieii aim t ciity-cigm iiiou-mi'i uoi lars were tli.tributd from the Literary I'und, tnuoug thu several Connies of the Slate, and an cijual UU. otil.t v. ill be" distribu ted during the present year. The principal of the fund is gradually but slowly incica i.a-sed. bv a coiistitulii.ual ij.aiL.iilv. a l i'lliiii'. and is bccoiliiliL' more productive. A . .: - , : . . . , . .. been notiiiii'-: nritiai:y rc-dieat-, bill it is Vdieved that iihou tlii stid'n i t at the la. t as Congress shall meet, they w ill Heel s-al i ly give their attention to the subject. '1 he public tuectiuj lately held in New Orlesii, un the subject of the oi.trau'" s on Aiiirni'iin cominerce at llavaca, is the be einiiiii of a Mron.; A nti-t 'ubuii ino.eti.eijt. '1 lie ball is now set in motion, and it i not likely to stop short of a euLiiou between the I nited Mates and Spjin.or a revolution in Cuba, aided by citizen of the I i.it.ul St ites, A tree, folium reiul intercourse i h Cuba Is lint to be checked ; and yet it cannot b he eoiittiiueil without daily eolli-l 'iis Willi the Spai.i-h authorities of Cuba. Commer cial n ti reoiirsi, with the I i.itrd State n iiiroiisi-tent with tin exi-tence ., Spani h power ill Cuba. Ilia two lliih; Cilitiot i ii r co t-aL-t. the c . I until V, that thould alone abide with him ; for reecivitig public inoiny f.r mile age and lor per diem couipi ii-uli ni to which In-w as ti't entitled by law . (hie might hope, ihnt bil.iiig s.iti tied hi cupidity by taking piildie money for a scries of ye ar- to which h'. I. 1 1 no legal or moral claim he would n tain his prop' ris.it jf to violate thv ninth coin- 111 iili liuetit. S oiie un ml ers of 'on -re- appear to thi i.k it li.l.t t , i heat the eoveriniieiit ; and r tln'V not only cbar.'e double and e on-triu tim lioleaje, t ut return (o tln ir lioiiM w efks or mi 'itii bclorc the a Ijouru lm lit ,.f Cott.ii --. taking pay up to the very la-t d-iv. 'I .i i- a cou.ti.ou pr.n tie.-, ami wear.' laltos.e a ,u i liici.t t ) put au en! I s n il .1 i -Ikik "t v. i;en.ocratS. .natron, it-top was nuugi'i...ell!i(. Th(J Ks(.,.utivu iv.clamati.vn breeze a flag bcar.nj this ,n-cr,ptio,, " U tn- tljU i.j,.,. ,va, puLli.hed a-rceably to U. ld N-ott, a robber and a coward I be r, ,-,.;,, f lh(. J ,i,S;itur,. I ear result was that - hun.lrrd ,,,! fniv pr, . li..t!v ,.,.,, ,.at Ba;a am-ndun nt 1 e "' w"o !iaJ heretofore acted W ith the Detn- ,..,;, i ,c -,,..,;,I:n,1.t ,,:,,;,, r,t ih ocratie party, di--gu-ted by such rowdyism pri..llt Oeneral A-emh y, and sui n.itted j ce niuu ses.-ioti, will in the cour-e n imie, greatly iiiciea-e the Literary l'und. The IVrsid. nt and Directors of the Lite rary I'uinl will in duo tiiue submit a report, showintj the condition of the hind, and pro of tho li'.ar 1 ni relation to other "" J .. .... i. . f. ...v , t1B vokri c tj0 at0 lur i-alll.. ,'illotl. c I I - . t t r. .1 I . .. .' l o: ii e a en . .it neauin ui 1, ai iiei oi uur eotin ' . . . . . - i ne cou.siiiuwoii, u ii now tianos, t-roi.i- - i i .h ions bits every man who does nut own tillv ncies ; mcnt.- by the Mat of land from Voting in the Senate. This ' a. a subject of g.reat importance, aud ciitt- bclieveil ili-frai.ehi-es iii the 1 tied the lav i trahle t .n.-clel till m ot the try, with the names of Scott and Graham inscribed thereon. The gi nth tncii from wiiotn we learn this is a resident of this city and though a Wbi;1 hai rot, we believe, or hal not when he left the city on bis tour, given Lis adhnion to the Whig National nominees.' el l- ciinin,iit"il to tlur maiiu'.'iTiient. tern of Internal Improve rs, ever been regarded AX INCIDENT. At a 1'rniorralie inectir. at CLieaco, the i-'pi-aker as usual indulged ill libiisliiJ (ien. Scott. I'reseiiliy a ukir took the Maud, and itif .ruied those wh v had preceded hllli. that if they had notliing better to say iii re i pro i ; oi, it is I Senate about one half of ihc fr-'i w hit of the State, and embrace in its pre jtion a large cl is-, who in point ot i.ieril, ni- itcl!igence and pati ioli-in, are not interior to ! any portion of our - oil i it. hi. The propo sition is not to t.iko from the landholder their just rights but to elevate an ( her mer i itorious class of our people to e.,iial privile ges at the I alh l box. It i a marked (ea- ire ;ti the pro ,.f this gr.-at portion ,.f the IV. ..holders, with t.i.' 1..H.K in the 1, i fir ar le i c K NTr.r.rn i:i:-' im'tkctkh. I Sc.riie inonlha ao a letter w a r crie.l j by an eu rra . tug hou-e ill Philadelphia, po t It.stked at 'In -lei h. Id ('null II i-e, -I. u :ed Iv K. W. Smith, n .lue.-tini; t hive 1 ill- tiijaved Uur a thiee il dUr bid ol U'a !.-! ,r , w h ir b w as i i..d .. I. r '1 h. ( ttraver- iiuiiiediatel the b tt'-r t . the !.mk w ho in tri t, d the i u .riiv. r- c eonijdy villi the r . l"-t. A uiar r rt. - i. I. i.i i u-u.-d hi two ti th" p;.iti - iii . he t. rtiel 1 and the . n.-raver-. In one of the lett. r- of the f.irin-r, in-trui ii in-tt.-re m i.t to f-.rward several p.n-kagi '.f on- to t.'he-t, rf. I 1 ('n.-i II ei-e, one ru-bor, an! o;.- I. -. c "'hel p .-t In a i - Vert, t1 i-, an 1 by the in -tine, of the J'ank, a few bill. i r- f ivv.tr- -t. rli Id Court II ) i-e, t , th- ad W . Sin it h. Thi pucka.'-, it v,.ij , w:i- eiiiled f.-r ate! tiken Ir mi y William It t.riSl;:!:, t ir I i nary net. I In Til -lav of la-'. k, Kev. II. W t-in to y o.i n Smft, w Inch : . r. I : I may ben th- WIT' t "f i'. men, w ho, up iinpi.ieable I! 111- t-oveltv Ijt " LI CK. lJ.ich.-r. ii llieii, U h.uld b n one of his lec tin' following hu rt ad and n m-iii- a fltivwhere imi-art I bills, to II "d , " III tl.'IIS Of t .led to CI ill-es. of I a.--ertaim the . :Te - "f the i; -' I" wh.re wh-ll In' nlhr r, W up I hi Ilatiim ml, t'a-hier of the 11 i ir '::! Hou-e with the li Iter in t ! t ?ath. wilh tin: au. j his l--k i t.Xed, an I tin re. itxe an a'.. :-t.l th.V, T. Inlo he thus offers bii.-,..ef as a , baron ,n l- turrrte.! ea-t.e. h- La-J-j ! uanc: -a- v. tho demands of bis country, 1 to his furioti a-ailant Mr. ---.in hi, m. to hu successful or otherwi-e, imaginary -ee.,nt v. I-rooi i.: - i .e improve. ...I i . I ' iiienis r.f iiioil.iii Italian: make the du-t i ti I fence of ra-tcllitt-d holds a very t.ieriiieious .trviies siht, that lon-r run?? of j undortakiti-f ; h "-" '"""- ,1,n' ,h" t -,',-. :4 ',.' mat -rial f ,r breast- ! ' ienee of prmectile Il ls b-en a ided t- milt-1 ii the crowd of human beings be- tary la-tic, and that cant, ,n ball- and -h-ll-l V h'-adschly vi-ible above t ti- line i do tremendous t x Cut ; oi at a g: eat o;-t:iuce. I We ,.ubl lii-iinetl v their ; Ho was soon reminded ot tins l:n t or . ; !- - l-,v i.e over the bale.-, at-! the tiling ike it, when Mr-. Ow. n ;- ! '.-ir C-.ffec directly ii Iron' with h ro ll' of the b : le-,..lli ,:.I.o, t ti.Wi.r.l. II- 11 - iheViAlld altllOil.lh I , to devour u... and the po.-itiou of (ien. ' ton at the pr nt (lie, bring very -, .- .. I . t.,rt" ..r ,1 I.;... I!... and .-o-tiy ill nroroittoii, lr-. tvv.'ii consi u 'r... I,-1 our attention mo-t, was tlK' ered that oft-nsiv e war cannot be rarried ,,! t ,'l , ,r, ,fs,,din,f on (l,e frro-i on without t.-etiniary smrihee, and stibuiit- ,! , I i, i;,,;..ti.u'.. ih.ii uTil, l,m h : tin ' to th- m-w-ith-.f of the ru-e, she ' .'.'-.i.'-, an a . t ! A aro iiid tin: la-r, almo-t con ri iiLI-t, bll-ill, re-t- d ty Ev have : t"d. t, rfit b biiity i-bohie-t "raced k , wis Which V rritloilliecd to (,- ith s hand w riting Some how, on that firilf.th got vviinl ofC'-d. Ilaininoii ! s s an I R-d, and has ti- t y.-t Lei n ar S i!,-ei n i.t! v K. V. Smith and I!- r ns who w.-r- cotieertied with Crill'.'h, '-ii A- 1, a'i I have not y t br.-ti :ni. - t i- t,ot known that any of the roan ills are in ( ircuiation, but tin: prof a s that they are. Thus, Oil- of the itt-inpts at ur l'i-t:n t, t,as ullaiiy whirh ev. r dit to i n lilt fed in the -hi t ot eg are ex one. Ih thought on In r arm. 'Oi-ive Minmuiii- rce .id- bud, tinfl.th wns elected Ordinary of this I'i-trut about two yer ago, and i- mi o i d to be worth -.-v , ral thousand dollars ov . r and above, his del t.. lie ha re-pectal h; family ciiti-etions and involves jn his di--grai-c an iuterc-tiiig family. Lin run- (,'! i'tfr. , a o aiid tft-f lurk. Then are K.-ing Providence to b.ie an :.- a".iii t them, b in -1 a ii in a v. retched old n.'e the mi-- t ir live., Lm k toret cr ran in and f-.r ,-tiicis. t)u. , with a -ion, I i t la !u k iii tin' riv.r, i lh d away hi- tin.e a f; -bin. I.oiild have I ren in 1 i off,.'. An itli n (.ixid trad. , perpetually burnt a. by i.i.- lo t t. loper, which pro- nil'l iM'Ts t :i leave bun. An-.tk- with a lucrative l.-u-iii, b-t bis luck inazi,'iL" di'.i.'i in'!- at every thing but ht in. Another, who t a lily loiluwed trad.-, as -t-adih 1 .ll .vte.l In- l-itlle. other, who was Loin t aud roii.-tai.t nt w-rk, i rie.I by p.-rprtul iiii-judgiiieiit ; l.n hed li-.-r. il in. Iluinlredi o tin ir k by ci. dor-iii.' ; bv sanruine r-eii!a- ; by tni'ting Iraiidulei.t men; and by uie-t eaiiin. A tj i it ti nrver has jod lin k who hat a bad wile, I never knew au curly-ri. in, bard-working, prudent man, enn I'll i f hi- r irniii-, and strictly bnnet, who complained -j Lad luck. A good char ail. r, goel h .hit, a d iron industry are ili prio-i.al le to the :au!t of all the ill-lurk that too), evrv ilri ained of. Hut when I see a t itter lenirii'-u, .ro ping out of a grocery late in thr altern'ion, with Lis hands -tuck in his p ick-t", th- ritn of hi bat turnil np, and tin rt"n knoeki d in, I know be has bud Iu. k lot lite wor-t of si! lurk i t-v bo a -lug-ard, a knave, or a tipier." ahucd." It there were more un h Pemooratic -Hak-r-, the party would be less disgraced. Ill cv I V if Ihpi-'l iV'e mode if U.e I'i- at.d t.-.w t : ' -ii .--, find to i-!y ttj 'ti tild li'.t only i n u-e t j I.iiitili e. 'I he tl' a! It. 'I'll I , , e I-1 l.llle II III essiui.y invo.vi: a iarje (it- shoiilu be uieb'itakeii Willi gard to tieu. S. ott, they sLoold remain si- liietidahle di-ir.trre- t.-rtrieM. rcnrded this a ttn- cl.ttt.. 1 1 i v lent " lor (aid be) I know to the cnlra- 11 I "-"""- of prinrinle, and of ri.l.t. and -do n-t f 1 cilh ry. 1 know bim H hi a kind, humane, among them w.re fennl u, eurlie. t gruerous and noble mail, lie saved my cat. t an 1 mo-t Z' ii! m., soj-p oti rs. life in Mexico. When lying mk in th A l.ire niauu ny ..t t:.. J i i bo-pital, (.ni. Seott came to vi-it it, and porttmof the Stat", nr.- in favor filming us aufferitii.', on the bare fl.K.r. he at Sulira.'e. and pr-ti r th- Lccism once di-iui.'.! the Surgeon, reduced the - lb cling it '1 he gr. ati r pui t Steward t the rank, and ordered the l s -r use net tv-ij w an. on care to be taken of us all. ( lentlriueii, already been iueurr. d ; though a I'i ruoc rat, 1 will not see lien. Mtott, d" i the lrsi-latiye mod to- ( otvei;to n.r.ile, w delay but ati inri." I ( ' iini iii. on i: .. : - impr" tituti .mil lii.-i'f'i:! v i iii.n in-n 'lii.-ii.l A--iOil'lv. J he want ot ci.eap rip- ttatispii tatn.li i.t deiply f . H by the a.'i;c.il- turai, eoinmcrciai, i.ianui j.t;ii lug an I liTti ii:g iiitere-ts of the whole State. To ovi-T-eouie thi- iiieot.vt t. iet.ee c'lbl Hot fail to in cie.i-" th- levviiid of every iudu-tiial ).ur siiit. an! add to the Wealth and pio pei.ty uf the peo,h r! tiij Stale. li.;iis;'tiii thai tie: no. ml vi s of the tielnial A--vii.biy, 1 1, :it a r initti I'.oin li,.j v.iiious Counties, vvi.l be aeun-ifiilv prepfred to ive .rlue ronsidei al-ioii te iv j ii "t th- S1.it.-, J I i.; to decide 1 1 1 . . u c-iiiiar In. .lis ed tin l. oi: y v .! 1. ..Its v locli ti, u.aii'l the pat tat-. V. otl.s ot i::!'.-rnal imp! I., pro ,1 r r. ell lion dl-h flirt'. MoItEMEAP. Vie sec that this gentleman is censured ly the political pre-, for making a pt-rrh at Stalest ille, and otherwise cipressing his s iiliineiit in regar'l to the Presidential nomination. The objection is grounded mi his li d, ling the po-itu.ii of 1'rrsidellt of the North Carolina IlailK.iad. U e cairn -t con ceit.' why bis holding that office should af fect Lis rights as a citizen, any more than his rc-iding in the county of (iuilford. It is simply ridiculous to supp.v-o that a Pre sident or any other oflucr of a Hail Iload, should Hot express his M'litiuieliLs in the way that suit his own views as a freeman. Pri-ons iu these po-ition.s have nothing t do v. ith the I .elicral I iov cr niiiriit in their of- hrl 11 re-p'its as any other citiuii whatever, (iov. Moiehead docs iiol talk according to our notions but he has a right to talk, for all that. W. Cum m c nut. li.i::e o! U-j ivci.iiM m i -inutarc, nil I - lie r-LI'llil ti liit , . an 1 to t he ::dt ijuai y of e Mil l .- at. I I, i i-j ii-e --arv to coin th'U. 'I he 1 !n i,.l vvltick iii.iiii ir'i,. a wo ot a.uni;.l ll ) : ',', inn i.t, i;.l.t, a- u .i i.i ral ruli , t , (.rovld- f..r rai- O ; I 'I'' iii' i! I - I. i r-'iil v l-r it - C'li; j., t o H I.- th I pi'.l iii . ,o,j in a, 1 t'. ( v!,!e -Ii ..( lb" trea-otty vu.l ju-rilv the State tit ll.is l':iv or i.f a Coiivi i.to'ii ; ami, if tin f.i- ..f ti ic i.l :::l ar..ing in oth. r an 1 In. vv ...I jeU t th, lucst on i,a,;(. tj ilccHoid ujioii ca.liii' 1 i" l i i j " v -. m, at.-, il ;w, to ttit.it -j.u ut, a Convent inn, its defeat may be recard.-d as , i a .pi. -ih-n which J submitted to the pr- . certain. The Legislative luu ! is not only , detiee and ivi-ih.m .. the (Jeiiei al As.Tint.dy. expressly j-rovided for in oar Mat-(.'on-titu. : A wi-eaicl prul.it M-.tciii ail should bji-, tioii, but i aIo reeoi'iiijted iu the Coti-ti-1 prove a il-l xtraviant scLcnie ail should Stat-, as oi i of th,. ! il uh-Act at tho lr.-t sesf i iii of the Ccitttral A-s- i .ito the I'a'cijh and ( las- tni . toe I ul tutioti of ths I'nit moles for ratilvinz aiueiidtuei.ts, by the I It State.., to the 1'eiler.il 'on.-titutioii. jscrib Thin mode afford lime, for i .x iniiii.itioti , I'1" ,' and rcfi-ctioii in relation to t!... nun ndmei.t .sen, a t - rei:ii-ite .niioiint having been d, acrditii; to the terms of the IV to III! , prop,. pa- ed, iitrl lilial two suece--iv ton Ilailt'oad ( ' not be a pte Urn it ? ni ii :t k c L-'i-I it'ires, i, I toh, r la-t, the C, , tin- State oi liver. 1 without the - mot m of a majority of the voters ot tun State- at the ballot box. " A tree. ..pell and mm 'tr'n t-d ' 'on v e uf ion ro;i 1,1 bate n i such . ' '. Metiee a Well fo'triib d up- i r :., I "i " " 1 I"'" 1 ' ri si' ll I. s, jiliii ait as 1 1 ev it. lull, uu t - . .1 1 t 1 ... Iireheii-i ni l int, in the ititnos of ni'inv nr- oeiit (ri. n lsof i i,ii-titiilioii:il reform, against the Convention mo le of cfT ciing it. A t.'on vi'litioti is inii.r-ietie ibh' and iiu t,cilietit. and I regard the I. :itiv- as the safe and ANSWER TO beoan broad -brimmed felt , to bom bar 1 the tower or loity tort in which v .1 .. t . V r ha t riitreiiv ii"l 111 iii -rli. i in- nrn he fear " P" 11 j 1 1 1 i .i r t i tl.oo in the tofeti. 'ih e il l.d - A :t V ed vv i : the right anii I gra-pinj tho ri ot wa i st.i'nhn i:i a i. I rafi-ful utti natural iinTi-.lw-l- ho j y r-i.-t'-d on the i a curved line up- wiis cxt-.nded, tim fcur, near the mnzcl, the V FOOL ACCi iI!IIN; IMS FULLV.' I )m iiitr tin iiiirtith il ,i.v., I -i Id, tin vlTHT W;is lr:i v flinu in fine i,f tin tigd:t tniitis (Votn Alii.Ttiv tnl licT. 'I'll- v. 1 1 1- Itijj vi'l V e dit, lilt" p issetigi'rs g lut i li il nt i lu.i ly ;is Ki-,-ihIi' iiiiiiiiiil tin sli.vi'. An, "t:g llio ri ii ml ! lints lirniiolit -itinii v. cic ii chT jy iiiiiti ;i uu in ulln i-t; ninl ;is llic l.ntci vv.i., v.-iy KT The foil arc..i,p iiiv in t el a mis-le aimed at Mr. s was avoided by -. ii ! -lod I, nt it took effeet on the fare of th- rloek"v.hieh waspla-ed j-.st behind j "'" ' J" "'"P ' th- desL nt,.l a lra"tneiit ot the shat!. n il cut of! a small !i f thestoreke.-p.-r s j h''i " '"-, t"' -""n cno tg"ii nut niitii- iving enouh of tin organ, ho'ver, j tn lulu u runt rovi t -y t.iuctiiii'f ltit n-l-i- f'or anv ue or ornament, t lm next two or i ttvi; un rits ul llicir ri'sriio iivi- sv- utii. i n-H-d tn ar the too of Ins right taree i;,enirge wer- in.'.ny i. ........... . i uc -.u'iii " ,ini- -, on. ucn bis hand be raised the rim Mrs. Owen s skill in gunnery. One of the I , .,,,,,;, ,, f j.iiut., to tlw jrnat slitlV- hcts hit Mr. in in.! middle ot tic. f;, tirrsint. until Ihnl' iif'tct I Its Ull- IIO' . ... - .1 .... ...1 .. .1 1.1 1.1 -,.-. mix. n,n ni :i ir n it i'i ' c iii 1111,1.11. , , ii.-. . ,i,. ,i r.. i ii(n 1 1 ii cl'Tgvm.iti satin ve.-r, ano i-ii an oi an, - .. no. . , , - 1 .. . iilo... ! mi: r .iiis i,. n.." .-.tiiiiv. u u .no ii -'I'- in,,,.... -.. . of a gold guard chain. 'I ho clerks perceiv in . in what extremity their eliil'loyer was ,iii hi ev. and neemed "aziu f nth intently upon our advancing for-h"ad, and bur-tiiur tlten poured ti, Jhe CHI.I...1I of Iii:!.. Cofiee had savo-y roMrnt downwards over his t ;,oti ii-, an 1 tore throuh oir ranki ii! ii -U'llit'ir ; but we continu-d that appeared to he it liurie. ;nn nii'lit it i ' I I t hoiih oli I'li il li.nl II fl'H" 'sll ll tl( ill si I licit isjii-c i.illy lit tint lie ' Wit.-i a.- iii'.vj "ei iiig and cool, us if noth d our progress. ol i aniion se.-ined to have no In iniswi r to un itii,iii y id tlir ii vcr- fnl oi'iitliTii.in, lis lo wli;it wi.tihl lie ni is one of the document I,., i. . :,.,.:, i M,.. iili,' h wa cr owned uut la-t wick ; m I, Ale -indcr 11. II .-t iart, Secretary of the 1 liter tor, do her. by certify , t hat in the dis vbargs. ,,it tho duty devolved by tin provis ion f All Act id C.itir. npproved May Weld, l-.)i', entitled " An Act j.rovidini for the taking of th- eu nth and Mitbcrpiriit Ci iisii-rs of tin I nited Stat., ii ni I o hx the ininibi r of I lie Members r,f the lion". of llcpresoi.tativ c, and prov ide for their future appoitioiii.tciit among the several S'at"," and in pur-uaiu'i: of ih- provi-ions of anoth er Art of ( '.inrrs-, approved .'K'tll duly, 1-os! ciitit'i'"' " An Act Mipdeni'-l.tary lo 'An Act providing for the liking of tin , scv i' nt Ii and nil efin:iit n il oi-es r,' the I id ted Slat , an I lo lm the number of Men,, hers of tin House of l!eprcsi.titivi!, and ,to proviile for their future apportionment : anions the several States,' approved twenty thirl of May, light 'tli hundred and fifty, I havi: at. port "M"d the Hi preiitslnes THE LATEST ALLY. We coiiratiilato the Penioeray on the iulity of tho la-t aeeeion to their list of campaigner. 'I hey have from the start had tin; full benefit of the service of tho Northern Abolitionists and Free-oilers. It now app.-ars that they are availing them selves in the South of the as-istaiiee of a m gro preacher of a very equivocal char-ract'-r, as a witness against the manners (ien. Scott. For au exact description of the method iu which this reverend negro doe his du ty to tho I'ciuoeratie patty, we refer loan article from ihe Na hvillu (Tenu.) Jluiiiicr, in-cited iu another column. only practicable mode, at thi lime, of amend i ing the Constitution. i A change of the Fai of llepresentati m would be fraught with mi-chief. Even the agitation f the subject is ci'VuIatrd to de stroy that harmony anion: the various por tions of the State, which i so ceittial to pro-p. rity and happiness. Let us unite in directing em'- attention to the sul j, i ts thai may produce more beneficial re-ult-i. It is a circumstance crntif ving, and nt the aine time highly complimentary to the Stuie, that huwcwr umcli the people may desire eoii-titutional reform, they promptly reject any other than a cmi-titutioiial mole to at- p.'tiiy, in the month of Oc iiimissintirrs on the part of d ovyr the Koai and fix ture- to the new Company. Since that time, the lload Ik,, cea-i d to h- undi r the coil-tr-d an! ntaii.ii incr.t of the St:. te. Since the transfer (o the new Company, the read has been undergoing an cntir-iy new nupur structure, which i- nearly eouipkle. 'Ibis iiiiroveiuei:t has already enhanced facilities to the Slate. Tile .-lock has b-cli sub-. I ii'- I to form the eolini ctino link be tween tills l; ,ad and the iimingt on and liiilei.'h an 1 Seaboard and Koaiioku Kail t n !-, and this iinp.-itant work is in coui.ni of eon-ti in t i, 'ii. At the la-t session a He'ulution was pas sed fltithoriin the President and Commis sioners of the lialcih and tla-toii liaiiroad to anticiiuit.: the rrci ipt- of the road by the purchase of two h .ii, ii. d and titty tons of iron, f,r the purpose of repairiii the road, and authorizing tin iu to dede the receipts ot the ii.a 1 tor thu iron thus piiivha-ed. It was provided that the State .should, in no mauiicr, or iu any event, be held HaV,- for the pureh:i-e money; and, when the new shoiiid be accepted, the iron should be sold u the fiC ata idi ' , . . ;, ,, placed, ha-tily endeaVored to erect on the i ,,', c,.l. .INT U.Nh, .1.- u.liC-t ;,,. h, -evrr .l State, as proto l,, for by ,e Jrin'd fix". ;,,d no ionic-" counte a breiU-work or parapet, eompo.ed r,.,,!..,), -..;. is likrt a V . Uaid acts , he manm-r Hirer ,.. .y ,l,e 2.,h Nt 't I move, . , w of bolts of OMiabnrgs, Ku.-ia duck, and I ,,' , tl,,t j, . (, f UUV A. tin ' " Ti ed V-.d of May, overth crown witb Lis Id, brown shirting, to cover the b-ief,. for- I mmi,.r W:M ;il , to r ,v, r(,.,: ! . st ,.,, cf the art approv - ,'! th- rifle to hi, shoulder and trcs. Hut Mr. Owen not t, f;f Iti -I, wnti,:,,, . lnu! -d il,. ,. r , " Audi do lUlby r.ify, that the number t o.,r groop. Our e.-.es weror.v- by any such engine . rm She mo, nt.. I on fh). ,,, ,,(' ).,- ,.,, lu ,..', ,, r ,,.,.,.,,.,, M 1(. Sum .'re.it :, i .:n At whom 1 I', it the di-f nice ws ' ; io d .-it each other and smiled. ' i'i' title fla-.h, and l-;y right band noon, a noble lookiie.' a fellow as ever 'In: head of bis regiment, fell from - -. Th- hunter paused a f-vv too- ,1 he leveled a chair, ana thence atiaiue . '" 11lir,, ',., v uill. passim, i.l.il ll..- ot t; counter, ami naving ,.,- -..... -. - ;,, . ,, , :, ork-, she poured in her lire ")- " "' .-.o.,.. j ;in I iiilili' s.-iiio tlic i ivi oyni'in i.i ii vuicc tli- em in y s w with such orerwliclming effect that the be sieged party capitulated, begtring a cessation of ho-tiiities, and pronii-ed to " make all ri 'lit." 'I bis surrender, however, was only has se ll, 'i g'U v.i' limit, nioviii' 1 .n no in Irom lint a stral li ni ni war lor.-n r.then reloaded aud auiued Lis for- en tiy dp itched onn of the young uicn for ' i -e. TLrowing the bat rim over a n iiiforci uieiit, whieh riiiiti from the police . and again boldiuz it up with thu office, and Mrs. Ow. n, yielding to superior , I, 1." lix-d his pi-reing gaZed upon number, was made pii.-oiu r. hunting out anolber vi'Tiin. Oiku ... - . - i" hat rim was thrown back and tin: i-.d loth" shoulder. Thi time wi -iiii'e, but c.i t short glaiu es at each ' ' ' i; which of u, luu-d die; and i u th- jflc jj i-slii-I . another oue of ..At.. .1.. . ... 'to ... ': . "I iotii- farm llil'l WassofllP-' . . ..- ' t awful i,,thn.ni.ret.i n t, t,r.Oi,!,t -trnit off, too-for be d r ' evr ry th,nS " lioy , w hat is your father doing to-day V '" Well, I Hjiom lie's failin. I h-rn li'nu tell mother yesterday, to po round to the shops i iiud fi t trusted all she oould ftad do it I of Ui pri'seiitali ir apportioned to the St ate of Noith Carolina, under the lat seventh niuinei ation of the inhabitants of the I. nited States, is Eight. ( ) 'Jri-"'' - 1 ,TI'I"NV wiimtriF, I Lava ifW'tyi'. berruntij subscribed my name, v 5irV ""J ""- J ,Im' "'al of ,l,u ,lu partiiiriit of the Interior to be af- mail lii's ii I'Hlf iimi the nunc ijnit pull i Bxcd, at the City tit Wa-liiiigtou this seooud In Ii if , tin luiiit r hr'll Kijiiatr! 'fin' cl- day uf Au ust iu the y :ar of our I.ord ouo li cl iiy in Hit W'iis i. di et' iv i tin: ' li t g'y- : iuouar i cigni nuiinreii aim niiy-iwo iiiimi vv;i liuinlili'd, iitvl iijiiiliigii'il lur his thiiiiolilli ssficss ,'iiul billy, P.nt MJirrli tin' iithfi.-t it cris pri'li'i-tly stunning: ho tain tt. I lie election of Judaea and .Jii-ticcs n . lor the In In lit ol tin M ite. In persuaneo the Peace, by the people, for terms less than , of this resolution, the President of the roau 1 for life, are quest ions of eou-tituti uial re-' purcha-el t no hum! red ami till y ton., of iron A Ship ami Chew lr.M m.t LDIiv I.Miit-, fnil which I recoiinm-ii 1 to the favorable from Mr. Anderson, of Kicluuoiid, audit MVS On Saturday, Sept. 2.i, intelligence eoiisideration ..f the Ceinral Assembly. 'was applied to repniing the Koad. A part was received at Lloyd , of the trial dc- There is no nlijeet of more general im- of the iron has bien taken by ilm Couipanx , struetion of the ship MaiT, of yueetistown, poimnrc than Coiniuoii Sehools, uor is there i and a pint of it, J jnv.su me still remains on Pearson Master, Ly lighluiiig, ou the itd of ny ruestioii more worthy of the favorable th road. '1 he new Cuinj uiiy has made no Augu-t last, when off the island of Malta, considcra!' in of the (ieiicral A-einl.ly and ' lirojio-itioit to pun di:ic (he iron. I iile-s the The ship, being on her Jiassae from Ihrail the people of the State. ' ; le'Lisluture shall etherwi-e direct, the iron to I 'iiecii-town, was oveltakeu by a violent jt j, r,r,ir,.,jn,J J,y sIn, that tho present j !'; vdd for the beticlit id the State. Ihuuder storm. At Imlf-pa-l ten P. M. the ' ,,! f diyiding the' School Kiiml, is uniu-t, It is believed that, alter the settlement of vevscl w as struck by lightning, which passed i ., ,jt it nrlt t ,0 divided accruing i the accounts and the i.avmcnt of liab.iiiics down her miiin ina-l, and slrkmg lier hull, , ;,,, .! ,,f ;.,,.T j.i.pulali.ui. 'I he 1 f, the cNj.enses of the Komi, there will be separated it into two jueee. lore and alt. ! j, resent b.i-is of distribution basinet the np- : little, if 'anv thin, applicable to the .ny 1 he ship instantly went down with the ; of liM(V ,1KUl.sivc Legislatures, and meiil of lhe"lcbt coiiliacled f r this iron. erew, tourleen in number, and two passcii-1 j (lo ll)t m, nv rc;tf(,xl , r,.,.,,,,,,.,,,! , j,- lho jP(,isl,itiire require the .riH-eetls f gcrs. Ci.pt. Pearson, on rising, caught a ' i this rc-peet. No mode can be ! the sale of the iron to I.e placed iu the floating spar from ihe wreck, on which he ,lrvis(1(i ,(,. ,,,.rHto with equal benefit 'Treasury, it would prey til Mr. Anderson .ontiiiued to buoy himself up, and for ev- ,,e cglllit;,,., j ,,,, n',-eiv in any portion of Lis debt. rtiVrn hours allerward he hejd himself )t j, J.n.id,,,! f hcther the njq.oiiilin.'lit , Should the proceeds be applied to thi did, t shave water, when ho was happily descried (lf a ,,,,,,..,1 M1Irinte.lut may ,,t (end t 1 they would not one bull' of it. Ira-, by a MiilteTeo.itiug vessel, and landed at' j )V t. , hU, and' to advance ' i-;d that the lientuiil Aasrmbly autlwr- iv. leeiiMown, no a.iu, inn wno.e oi tuecrcw eaHll, of eduratiou. Such au oiheer ie the to oeee.ls f the sale of the inm to and passenger having peri-lied. na uli, ii ly st.ii ilifig ,'inil hmnoniiis limn it i'nj) is-iuiii il linn's iitnl llic rii'luii-.-s id' its lirniigo, i xi 1 litiit il, '.Irrnli, ii-iir tril ifr nut h i llir. Imnle antir ; hil hi' iit could no doubt do much ti produce unil'or- j be ,ipdicd towards the juiyim-nt of tlm debt niity iu th system, and to diffuse a proper j contracted for its purchase ; and it, is sub spirit on the subject throughout the State. milted, whether an apjiroju iutiou aha!! be It is believed that thu j. resent sv stem ha . made to pay the balance, greatly iliininishcd the munber of priv ate The Keport of the President iu rohtion schools. Iu many instances, it would scum i , . ,, -ir,,:,.. ,i, i;,,,) ,,-hilr. under thi in due 1 1 tut be corns THE GLOME WE MVE ON. , It is known as a fact in godogy that be ,lo the depth of thirty feet the earth be eom.is erailuallv warmer as we de.ceutl. Un an average-'the increa.e ii at the rate of that a reliance iip-ui the common school pre- . c0ntl0i ol til0 s;t.lt,. , ouc degree of Fahrenheit for every fifty feet. I Vf"u " district Irom prdu-tni'? a private muicstcd to ,j,0 General Assembly. .In d the mines ot Cornwall, ,cuooi; ann n is mini io.. mu a m enroUin,, th,, ALEXANDER II- II. SlU UtT 4t ll... I.oltfti.i of thu mines of f!nn,,ll . school ; an1 It IS oltcu lounu mat a CM net ' ,,!!, ,!, r.ll .t ih l.i, S&rtn I depth of one thou'and two hundred feet, the 1 Imperfect school, and that only , ir;C,-.p.-,r,.,, the Releih and Hast on Kail i tUurmoincter Hands al etglity-eiatit, equal i "r a T r I'm.-u ...", - j!a!!,j ut,m,,:iv, it w believed that aatise of heat. At tins rate rock " iiooia mum.., t. i,i nuni to high summer he the .eeti.jntt as it passed wero emitted, which " ready to falf up k O'.tli", '' "pfi',i ti. li.id en ntiswrrr.i iii'.nrili.ir to m- tho bouschol.l on which Chri-tian love foreT flillr, 'I'mili.iiiiili'd Villi In own tiriii-i , bluiit.s H1l religion walks a eoun- mi'iit iy .'in illiuiatt Jris.lt woiiidn. l(Jlor and a fii-u-1. No cloud cau darken j it, for iu twin ktiirs re centered in the souk Good eotnpatiy aud good couvcrsjliotj r -Nt stoiuj c'.u makft iltrmble, for it hat til efy sine'- virtue- 'hsa--L?y au.bot. There is totliing on tarth so beautiful a and metal would be melted twenty mile ' character as to make it tbe interest or all p(jers fa,tber lecUlation ou the subi-ot below th mirface and dowu in the bowels clasiea to patronize them , tor they arc to- nec0ssary. One of tho omitted factions au- of tho earth, and leveral hundred miles the tended alike tor the poor aDitne rtoh. Uliorized the appoiutiutiu of four dirccwr beat would h ten thousand time hotter The xecation of ila System ia more de- -,,, r,avt of State. Tho Board of Intar- than aielted troa- Wba is thera that oau fbctiv than tn system it-self. On cause i!Uj imprCvemeits ay proii.tod tbo uiua- i wopdr at rtkvualtes whin all thifiei rcstl 'J wlr whooU ara not ia a ffiore flourish-1 bcr r,ro -;d3d fo: in the oi " apa i molwB j of 8r ? ig "wHrMi. "Href fr-m tt fvT rub- j thc, fu, ., nr ?.u bllf Oiil.ilwdscOt.il.. list: (hi r?ck. a'? it :j

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