f , i , A. C. WiLliAMSGH (eiiitok. - f 1 HOLTOW & WILLIAKSOW, rilOPIMETOKS. TERMS: The Nitrth.Cin.linn Wliiir will be tlTordcd to Htwrriheni i.t TWO Dol.l.AKS TWO Dyl.I.AUS AM HrTY CENTS if h..y. I",'. . vlis'i1',,;U ""."V ",0"tl," '"d ',"KVE I.A t the . .ui o, la-yr-r. . llP o. , J. , e ifc Z i "f" 'u T v..,i.i.n..nto .,..1 hhrritr. 8 .1 "h as -t. tosher ! and a deduction ..f 3.1 pr ee..t. w.ll le m ule frnui the KuJ..r pr.cei, ii-uuverti r by tlie yi ir. Advertiaemeiit inrtid uiontliljr quirl. i-lv-. nt l per M..r f..r e.ch time, he.ni. monthly ,j cent, per wiure t..t r-eli tiino. . T1"1 r v." ?r'ni.?U-t .T.T ""Z'XZJ. . . ., . - or tin y win in. i in' i. ttclltit'ii to. 17' r'ayiucnts c.n Ik: imak tuuiihcr. D iOHtin;;fsitT! urc autjinrizi-d to aut as ppciits. (Original Jortrii. FR THE NORTn-CAROLINA WUXU. Battle of Camdrn, August 10. 17 SO. II Y IAV. . ra. l( urn ,itf ntD'ii $ucctirrU in arviis! 'Ttii nirjiit I a wleiiii) Ft llnrsn rt-itjnrti afintrul j KmciitiIh rms U'rVncKs bro'U-d over the ground. A'iH lov ly C" m-'t-nV pi in in c lm!it l.iy I nrnriHi mtis of tl' morrow' dafly it y, 'Vhv w 'Vine pHics i') (Mil'-mn rr.mdi'tir t' -wrr I,'!:1 "i nt of trmuriifloua (ti?e and K.tT, ( nlmnliia'd hofifs nrr itmviijj in npar To ririi'c I'rnm Fr-vdnni' ml tiu- inv-dmir rcf. Thrr P-iiiiine vu f prori im hi victory mrr t And firmly tr-itn hi mrrrh ffr-m I e wrnrp. firrrp rntmiins inert hi wo.ntrurli ryra And lint iin' TfY m no rt I piini.r. 'Pie adv fnritiff liM'M'nt hn!t : Iwo n'tf'tn nt'rt-mc T'fnin r-rh f'nn4"iitin'r hue it N-nfffh pr, i . mi, T'm n "tl ain ii hntthed: in ifit -rc Two fu ry Jmlta of . v n s rt l!try th r', Tf. i f. ,sc, i.i w nn t'v tr i !m r on pi . ir . T pmic t''t' com in." Morni niul t'rivjfijr r in. T'o- 'iii,r-. of w r 'Tr hn-t'd ; tiiiwii''. nirpriM An! t -ni'c'ul t,,ir!t f'r!'- "In-nin-r from their rye. T'O' wli't'N Ot'timr. f W -oIlltlL' I'TVf --!('irr Inp tint tKr weary brtjri t' n;''t pn-ltmr. Thr w rrior' t'tf iij' t- mi n'in'nl ttuh'fit 'wc!!. Tr r-iTinnn's rnr thI mn''-; H( alh'- ( linn Vn U. Tr iiiii'nI fr'trnd. t' r hhr.rii' or, tN Hrnd, T1 h.v'.'-t i-d Prld, if n'ldtor !r,v. -nid head, rP" fri P', nf v'lt1'. hrr'v rhtfd. P-r'- p hi ! "i'.lovf I t -l rnilrd ; A" I' r iv.av. !m y nd thr i fth-'i m r, ''rr- Ir.rn fttirl 'v-, m y orvr - thcrn more, Hu! p- w A-irnr p int tW- ( t rn V j , Anil i 'i j j ! .nr ht t Hv in H"".rrr i" r wri? A- ' niw vr riin'n lir.c of l-ft in n, W (h ij' it rtn? h-vnrt apH tirtr gtiiia, fj?p r irT'e. f r on prrv nf An'! rith to h ttk, n th fctrr 'di -M. ri4 ill tl -nd ru'do'- to tli lnrr, Vit'i ' p rr' uo'iip, drf.-atiful, dtaft iiifij.' roar, Tn-' !rifc hifiv. 'nlti!ihf' nntnd cwiinii, f Tnnrf f h-t)lf nh Mtt 'n'- lt'd(-n r tit. In finnin ; nnd b a 1hr unV nr1 t fu ld Tft th who jivwr fv, ftiui n v r yirld, lb r rf.ifn nna -re !hi tp. anii ''-' ir r. to ir And w-t'i t li I r hhifrft thev dvi- t!r rh!tt rinT pl.iin. 1 ,n ! liUo ;t fotp. t f prodif"nn iixc. Tp brivp IV hnlh. m tntt rpH rounril ww, T.iwr r- nhor,-ni (irivra Vu- h t'h -n, Ij'not to win ; to nnkr it fb f r! won. Hot wIpI r-n v i r 'in. -rrv-d mr'tinM th- l.niK Am! t'vo-c t trfn.iw rut f II in fhry'" it- w. T'ii '.I'-. iv tVld t fought, ntid vr"T arc (.'hup, In : j n t tii&tf . mu r th.it i'vriit'ul morn. A id mow the Ib r.t I(-o to r I'll rep m Wt ri- w i 'o pi-w-f. here tv ii" t "ert' '.Tf.wn ; The f-t ir ot' Frt "i.m hfiifs rr un-l f i l"'ii. And U iU fdi-mre r.vr- In ly l.-d. Iliit t In :mioo eve, hi r -' rnip NT.ir N- v r p r thjr i")it, hut in hi wa'onp Hrrun. Til' n b t us trifr l"s w hf F.Ti-dom fl g's ot. 'urif-H, Py hirth a rn. m, hut a nutuc of the worbl. lj Miscellaneous. IVfiin liitj St T .11 nt tt i-; r r.v '1 TlarwiiT. Ihi' M.n.t. " Cool night, Walter, will Ti"t enter our citl iL' von ndieii, for beautiful I 'Lire Tint ri -k in dump : llli 'lliT-- voire. f l-ill-t - You s. e, if you , I in u -1 e'en bid m is the evening, ir, and I bear my i : good ni-'lit.' '. it Walter I,e.-ii lin-fcrcd. Why 1 L'n.e o iiio ntly iii.oii the tuire, white lid he Irow and mild line eve-, r:ii'.d li 1 1 1 -1 . in i i .y, b-ilf-t ni-tin-.dy t'j h'n fnin, or venture to l,i . tin' little tin." r Mill elo-i r within his cr.i-p ? Minnie'), xnze f. II beneath bi earn-e-t flai.ee, and a deeper hue nirintlol her eli'-i k. while her Ml' slightlv ouivereil. The I. !! -tale inooiiheaiiH revioilcd the blic-h nti'i tremi.'.I'i': to Walter, and there they both s-tool, with th" soft, cry li 'lit playing around tin ni,and the gent! y i .'hinir zephyrs lifting Minni"' anloirn rin.'i. t-. while their hi n rls hll-h"d tion. Oh, drill " ! rt.-pond heatiii'j d only i to the by their alnio-t aiiguugo of afTee- love '. fir-t, young, triftini' eotifi wh'it a n.-iradi-e tlcil eati-t create. Truly, with thee ''earth may seem all a fai ry l-uid, ami life a thornlesa rose, ' Mr'. Chilton's voice aroused thcni. ' Minnie, love, the evening air is too cool f,r v...." Walter L"slie Hsrted. " Your mother H rijht, nnd (iod forbid that I -Ii oil l c.iil-e you sulTeriiig." There w!i- a depth of meaning to hU word llifit Minnie (oi.id not f ithom, but he pressed a ki-s upon In r brow, nnd tiny were rpiiekly fir'oth n. or onlv ree-illed a a proof of hi affection. She timidly re timed tl.'- prcssuro of his hand, and her (rood-Lye was lower than usual, but the next m mietit she win wilhin the cott i j-e, ami sit tin r on her accu-.omed scat at h"r mother's -: t Mr.. Chllson gently chide. br for thm rashly expo-inj her t"liier frame to ni.'ht nir, ndd'ni", n sb "moofhed tl u ilamp u,l- from Miniiii''s brow " You are all I have left now to love, darlin", nnd untold bitterneii would till my top if this la-t were taken from Lie. A Uf we: i MikEie'p lij.1 ; tL . t.-.i r..n: l. i:r.. , v-.-. ............ ... . t.M.v... v to bo Waller Leslie a bride ? and tliou, Lad PiIlU Ik I linil III II 1 ! 1 1 ill 1 II Hi V I' HIT 11111 i L . i- J- 4 . . i - -i . o i,,u.: uugut ituot loinui de.r p.reu Uo Lad guarded am. guided her front lulaucy, and who.-c very ems- Set""Utl CU,oUcd Ltr M bc ..T TT T ' U", U'U u"UT V'T ! thought on the .abject, but i"ca as tuougD Ue were aroiig in suliering bcr aifevtiou. to tvnue eW where tl.au around that dear mother, and when shc Jeft her to seek repose, there w biiht (eh- in ,,. v0, ..j . FW iug vr the aunliubt ol' bvr heart, 'i hero -deep, ad thought, in Walter Leslie a l ...... I i, f"..Ii.i1. it,.. mn ,i I thoughts whivb bad, unknown to liuusell, xlumbered heretofore, were now awakened aud presented to bis menial u.-- iou. From earliest childhood lie had known .tilllUlO Uli.'-OIJ. CIH- lia'l Ueeil III.-. P'ii- mate alino.-t cxelu.-hek in the liM dayn of youth, and for many yeais hia eoinjia.i.ioii iu the bumble ran-e and .-eieiue taught in the village .-ehoois. Liiiring their m jmra- t- . in : .1 ... i ...i i I.: . ..I tion wliie he was MirsuiuL hi.- stumes al a m-i. ouauc iu fining upon hit me b juuug il renin for ni n i lil tl... li.'i vo lii-f inn-nut ei.io. di.-taul Aeadeuiy, and allerwards at lbo.iii dower was ui nihil a id Leail. I niver-ilv. he had never ceased lo r-call ! He knew Minuu- loved him ; 11 ) woi.U bright ihtiiioiies of the Lcuutiiul girl, mnl otUn had a fair drt am bt t n f nin d within his mind uf tin time h n, villi a name and wealth, itc luiLt win In r to hs heart ; but now the.se iitns mut be hanUht d. ilis father had been man nf supposed wealth. but the examination o(" In anjir. comrtiu'iii upon liib deutli, which o cuned aliii'.-t mi- invuieitc'lv alttr ntf r rrii'Ju;it'tl, prwed hiiu to be ho deeply iinuiwi tiiut hut vicu hUlai-e. etat; vmhii-I n.t-vt the in t deiitaiMls of hia creditors. It wan a n.vtr 'M"w to Walters ri.-iu j.r-rp.tt-, anl r a tiint M-rmeil to pro.-trate u!i LU riier'1 i ; tut the buoyant tinpetuhie of -youth .tiu tU tlie UAeeuilai.cy. ami he ;r;itetull ae- ot pUJ hi uuc v (4 proticred kinduvM tf a situation in Ins somewlia' rlteu.-Ue meieau Ulo eslahlishmeiit. lie had Hot seen Minnie since hi father's 'death, lor the ChiUoiis had likewise li lt the iron hand of sorrow, and had been railed to pait with their earthly protector and sup port. I. ike many other prolessionnl nu n, I r. (.'hih-ou had luily expended each yearly income; indeed, his cams as phy.-niiiu ot their little jwii were not of large amount, and his widow and MitiLic were left, at his . dcuii-e, with iit'le iUe than the residence J they occupied. It was a newt, tu.-t lui spot, I aim hallowed to thin, by a liiriKsand t u dcr ties, but llie-o could not ,-avc it Irom the sti ru hand of ni.oc-s.ily, an'!, with many tear and much hi ait-.-aotiens, they it : pass to -trauger-, and then turned lo seek a i new home iu the adj.timnir city. J ho uc.ieate health yi ..Irs. (.hil-oii mca ' pai.lalcd In r Irom anything but Iho lightc -t H'tnploy me.,1, nut .iinme w as y.niiij; ami ni I though not strong, yet siifT.ci. t.tiy .-o to I car the laliiie ol in .li ucling a lew n.u.-ie m hul j ars a tu-k lor which i-bc was luily ipiaii- lied and thus to aid iu ekltig out their : aiemb r il.coine. i With the kind as-i-tanc cf friend., tlu-e j were toi.nd, ami Minui- and In r moth'-r ' in ..i i.il iy seitled in a ph a-ant -.ttafi . ju-t in t in- -ubiii Ii-ol lo. cit v, w tien alter caine thither to re-i'le. Ill- lirt tare i' to find M'n.liie I.Tjil-'Oi. lie had le t seen her f ir im ie ihau a yiat, anil he wu.3 .-uipli -ed at the (bailee that, year had wrought, lie bad h lth. ru timid, liiil.-liing gill. Hail and d.-liealc, and seem ingly like the twiniiij! Miie, clinging to a stronger ann, and win. ing the t.-nonU of her sunny In arted at!" -ti.-ii arsin d all -In-loved, .-he had lo-t. none of In r tnithtnl dmp.ieity none of the gusiiing, beai t le't emotions of her earlier days but sorrow had (.Wept over her brow, and withered some blossoms in the jjarland of life, wlecc laded pefai.-i cu-t a breath of -n.l peilume .JM r ln r .-pint, Living sometime a deeper, more tb-mghtti.l expro.--ion to lnr 131 solteiiing tbf glad young smile and joyous ilati-hter leinling asuhduing mlliieiiee to her manner ereaiiiiL' the ntmo-plieie in ( which the lr.--h hud of girihood should cx pand into the opening bloom "f -.iiuluier years. j Months passed by, and Walter w:.- often a lingerer Ly the gentle Minnies si ie. lie watched with tender care and heartfelt de light the gradual i.nfol ling of the leave of that bud which it had been hi-i boyhood, plido to call his own, and tho igh he found no canker woim wilhin its fair young pet als, only the cv er-iiierea-ing' sweetness a.'id e beauty of a pure, cliri-tini.-likc sj.i it, y , t 1 the blight hud fallen on hia heart, and now seemed but to spread over the field of his affections, threatening to wither tl.- good and noble emotion.- winch had been gath ered there. And what wan that blight .' liold I Walter i.e-lie was not sor.ii I or mercenary j be would never hcrnum a mi ser, though countless riches bad been liH. He w as tendcr hi arted mid gein rou-, alsno-t to .1 fault, when a youth, but l.e had lien taught to look on life as a wene ,,f (nji.y. im-iit, and its duties to win happiness, ami he had falsely decided that gold was the only medium through whiel these might Otlt.lllUU. Little did the ear. le.s student think, when he indulged his brilliant day dreains of 1 1 ' j -j.iiiio-. with Minnie, a- his own, and the lau rel of wreath wo.i by hi- talents alone encir cling bis brow, that lie should ever, for the Hake of wealth, ndin'piisli nil claim to the la-t, and more than that, stifle his affection and turn from his heart lure ta colder shrill". ( ireuiiistnlices had betrayed to him the evils arising from want of Wealth, an I, blinded by ttn iii, be hnd not perro -ivcil the thousand liesing that mayexi-t without aye, that .juiet p";icelutnc-s which i'-n!tcuer the share of hilu who .oils for Iim daily pit-'-..ic, :'i:iii of I he miliionairc, with all his eon-eiji.i 11 , cares and iinxi.-lh s. The mercantile 'eln-'d iu which he had been en t, and the character of bis uncle n mail w'.iom' chief aimkin lib; was the amass ing of wi ulth. nnd the i-iru lo let nlhi-r. know of it po.i-inn ,r tidundant di-plnv , -w ill Lt'cd to ffik'i ieh I'lw ; m- .1 i r. . i. m ucuHnv(jr icw , puvu .ciucr yearn wwiu liui-n j.f nnd I In iet n nfii t... i-iii..! i- Tl..... :.. - --- -- - ....(..j. iut.i, mi tho circle to w hull, an the nephew and re - UUU'll I 1'ir til LIIH UI-illLl V U lUI'Ill lit Iju. in I ... i -a i ... ... ' no w-uiu rouuceu.u nau ucaame lunueijco. U.npo.ud of .ho gayt oi.hu upper cuek. tluire of cour-, no lack f uurMi-i.roud r.. 0Cr",!J"' ."UL'r " H.terna.ure would irequen.ly revolt fru It. M C U?ri,,!fl", W"J C0,ftr";.,cd "'"'J .th M.nmo t. h.Uon . pu.enphu.y ud trustiuiia- ol Heart aud manner, liu eoald w,8 ue ftrogo j J- . ht,r to not resist tho fastiuation of tkoi aaiuu itivh piWo 'hat it t.R f 't r fued to sus- clea, uor withdraw liU ' pi -- r L iT li "jT t i iiiV' I'iiai i" " aurea W Wel KoraUtiwr 4r- KnJ 4 'f t. A.Tm.oy , . ,Uom,....j You p-.-".,. eumtatud uiimi, , fai,a ill. Merry T how pale you look '" and polished adurew, as well a, the reputation i Mite Grant ha.tily ran-f the bell for a of a hand.ou.e iortnue iu perMive, ho a. : Hon llllt rc OM , Miiuue lad lank the liiii.ii i, nl unfile filled :i iitir-. ti.tti f7.i i t ., . ... too laMtioi.ablu ihioug, lo wn.eu nw really Cno UleiiU obeeured, though not destroy-1 eJ, by tho glare uf coureutioiial follie, , rendered him it very de,irahle ddioi.. ; 1 lu re win a leeling ot tehul n. turning tr .in ft ) ... u :..... , ...i.,.- i t .. mi umu a j'.. i. i r j - u i , .1 1 1 . f(! was not long in aeki. jv.le lgiu,! to hiinwil' that .-In- alone pose-seu hi-all. -i lion . out there would arise Cold, wordiy thought.- and rousideralioi.a, and prudence would pre.-ent tlw uiipraclteability ol wedumg one wuo.- import h;iJ indei;J ever pat-J mt ;.. . ... i... .. .i. i i. ..... i ii , , .'mi I. nd tor weeks. u olio wi with her irtlesa eirl had revealed ln r lecliiii.-, and , . ., . ., h tnl her ii lleet iou ttasol the purest ami . 1 1 . i . -1 kind that ever tilled woiuan s hlea.-t. Olteu would hi- 1 Iter nature aii.-e, und be ci. . i , - fniia rcilv to wxdro tlut jiriei-.f- Ik-tit, uuJ tru-t to hue ami jm to uin tlinu 4 liuine, but HuiUJly cou.'i in atiua - an.l it.Uu- euce ue.g m )i t lo ti oti. On tho uiilit lie it'll Minnie, ai vio have narrated, thought- of more than u-uai wi'ilil liiled hi mind. His unci ' had tii.it tl .i , as oiteu be lore, urged hitu loseuet one amoii the many wealthy and nii.oni-pii-hed ouiig ladies that lui im d tio ir n i ie, iutitnatuig Lt.s intention of rem in ; Irom bu- sine-s an l placing W n.tvr 11. lo- jio-iiion, and also remotely referring to tho uiuil in-ili-po ilioii of his large fortune, whuh, p r-hap-, Would al-o devolve upon iiiui i:i i-.i-o he showed a suitable conh ruiity witii Mr. l.-ile . wishi'i. Waiter w -ll knew hi, uu ebi S passion it might almost be .aid -lor riches, aud vva- aware that a porlhinios biide would liinl but iiltie fa.ol iu hi. eyes. Minnie (.'hii.-ou, with ail ln-r fWei-Luea and beauty, ar:d vvaiiiing gohieii atti ai lions, would not he likely to win In- Jil.-a-uie. ln uncle kindness ci-rl-iniiy claimed tl 011 l.ini obedii in 1 , and lin n ho rnn liliii-ell strongly imbued wtlU tin- saii.o pun. ij.Jea. .No WynJer, then, that hi pioiin.-cJ coo.p.i ancc inueed. went tar i- t. aV4ie Mr. IasIu- thai Mrimic l'hil-on was t .t likely to win hi- liaieJ, lor his liicud-hip for the gi n- t'c (iill VVa- li lt UllkliiWII t-i Ills Ulie.O. '1 h it night a visit he h.i l ! .. .v . d id.uuhl hit la-t 1 1 the cottige ll.it it .ecu. id a.s tbuueli Minnie in- v cr iot'led alo..iv n- at that interview, ller 1.1 ju iy.-s i..ii..t,i with a pur-, trusting li.hl, an! h. r vry t"ii',s seemed lobriallic the conic. mg .-j.ii t id' herl-ie. kiltteily did Wa.tcr hcaii 1 ri proa, h him a.- he lurni-d troiu her, and . earne-tly til il hi, oivn belter nature anl at nctioiis plead, but uoildly momtor. wuh witliiu his bria.-l, and .-1,1 uceJ the ama.l v on e ol t oj.-i.i. nee. Wi 1 iv.. r. nd uioiiUio pa-. 1 J, but Waiter Lesley was a lli iiiiicr to ihc I hii-on c .U.igc. In v.uu Minnie s gititle ,-piiu a.'.ei.lcd a thou.-nnd pietcxts lor hi- uii wo.ite 1 '.i...i n. : lie llilr ht he of I II incss, vviili' ; but away, or pressed by toe cues or i.i yet surely In- could no iiii..-.-,i 0 can.", and at la t, slowly, reluctantly, met Willi an utter dev. latioii hiait, -be admit). 'd the s,nl tndii wlneii her mother, with 111 ire experienced eye, had long loie.ici u he had c. a.cd to eaie lor hi r. And yet, when .she iccail.-d the iiumbeilc lok Us ol nth i.tiou which ,-hu had received, and hi 1 maiuii.r ol ncrc ti.au usiiiil I.-n !eri.e-s at tii- ir la-t inciting, il seemed too w ihi for belief. .Sadness took a iri'iille 1H 111 i 11 Minnie ; her check grew pal.; and her loim lor soiuew hat of Us round, syiniiu tried proportions. Ilcr step became, less cla-tie, and her V oice more -,v I i nd . plaintive, while the joyous l.cait light u ie I Irom her eye nnd Miille ; but yet, 11 lucre cu-u.il observer Would scarce I.:. v.: iiotie..d, even these indieationi of ;he sorrow -':i 1 id that Cli-luouiied ln r yoiiiig .-pint.. lint it was nil the dupir and duiker for this 0-1:-ward caliiilies.-. It bail been late suimmr time when ,-he had la.-.t .-ecu Waiter Lc-lic, and no.v ii..tiun and winter ha 1 h ilh pi--,--l and no word even from him hud reached Minnie s car-. That he wn- iu the city and engaged in hij ordinary Vocations, she knew. I'nju.-t as had been his tl: aliuent of herself lor she could led but acknowl edge thi- iu In.r moments of cool reflection she was ever ready to invent plan il ie 1 x-cu-csfor hi.- singular demeanor, and had she eiicojiilcicd bin., would have enel.d him with very much of the 11 ibi linnate I rank lieu, of old. I hie bl ight -pring day, rn be wen le 1 h. r way ti. rough the crowded thorough-fare. to the re-iili -lief! of one of her p'lpiN, lnr heart seemed to feel a gUsh of Mii.-.sl.iue wliich had long been unknown to. it. 'a it the bright day ' She roi.l.1 not tell. L it in -he ascended the ti ps of Nr. Ilrants .stalely mansion and rang the bill, she fella .'pint of delighted happines-. tluilliuj I,ev hn-a-t, such a in dnys long since post w.n Wiuit t have it dwelling lliere. There were two youii! Indies ji, (),(. par- ir one Hie 11111 on pupil hut .o .n-.ily were tin y engaged 111 conversation that In r! 'ilrnnre wn only noticed eogiiilioii, and drawin? 11 si y a slight re - t lo t he it ow ing ; grati', Miuiliu prepared to wait until tilt; 1 11- . growing oiie should be terniinat.il. ,; iiaiui; but lof well known to lnr, and coupled with another which was not nllo-, gclln r uiiianiilinr, that of it n ignin.; iiv belle, fell upon hef ci.r. lutei.tly sh',. ; listened. I "I yon real! v think it an en. agcnieut ' ..lis. iirani: impmeU tiiu visitor. "till, yea, tln-re is no doubt of it, for Miss Adley'a mother assured Aunt Annie it w.n so. Mr Adley is very much pla.tt--d, and m it Mr Leslie, tho uu.d. Tp.. y i say mo nintcli Wfl frinciprilly of his making. I 1 'I'l... ,.1.1 . . 1 T . . . . I . in; mu frcniicut.itj n immensely rich Von ' know, and young (eslie will probably" be l J I a . I . , , ' :T n i nil i ivniucia Ho.,, ha woul.J r1y wit., uncle s win,e8, though nine Mis, Adley will make srdemli.l lt ...! ......h ,0r t,,e eka,,t ''' . I' ' to l.ieh abo . ill plbul.ly be bloomed." 'Mn b.U wa- -.jiead before her Vcm Jl(.r ,ic.j m,j j'f.rol.l.ed fearfully, and Kxhatted nature could Lear no more 'Ph.. lavu tide of aurro had i-wfpt with Vtl(.,4t.e, cvi,r l(r wtmnded h. arl, j.appilv .iroiieiu....iK-s came to aoolle ,, t (l, ,j x 0r that shattered n.ir'it. " It I 'll tvo Minnie awoke j mean titite, the ktn. -hearted K-'pht din; wa with lia'i ueil ejery luettb Jur her retturatiuii, ami win n 4m fartietly heyiol to ie ntluw ed to hne, a-ici tintf thai shv wa tron j enough to walk. 3!-. lira hi Mimuioned her I earnae. lud h r.-elf eouvty td the pcorirl I I j Iilt iii aucr am!. In t i . 1 1 iiiilu rrt an! u eoueh of sullei mg, Miunie ,, .. . , , ., . w -in. iii-i.iii ..our-, biiu uaiiie ntr icvcreu blow iiiid parched lips to catch the wild Words of delirious dreams, au l know the cause jI ali thia mi-ery, and Mr-, (.'bilsou kin It and prayed for Heaven to forgive bim the ruin lie had I roiigl.r, und cast ha'pinus.i around hiui, while witii the same breath hhc wildly implored that her child s life might he .pared. And ln r prayer was granted, for, though His' shock had been such as to threaten ut ter di solution, Minnie a young frame grail- 11 ih v aro e Irom its influence, dclicati fragile, it i.i tine, Lut stil, wilh life and be-. '"'. ' " all .r I.e-lie, nn anwhile, had pursued hi- f ir dilfen nt career, l!y uiinglliigiu the , whnl ol fa -hionabli) gaii I y , or tho excite-j mi nt ol mercantile train-actions, he strove to banish Minnie ' pure image from hia; nn niory ; and be partially succeeded, but -till, moments would olteu come wln u cou j sci. nee would aceu-e him of the wrong which he had none, t'oiild he have seen Minnie as i-he lay upon her e.oieh of Milier- 111., lit. 11 to ln r ail I, incoherent ravings or supplication to bim, and feci that hu - had Lccii l!i" cause of it nil, his belter na- ' lure would have triumphed. lint t hi-could not be, and so, all utnoii cioiii of Minnies -uff. ru. -s, he JcvoU'd iniii-i ll to winning the h ind .1: ihe peerless belle, Mi,-s Adley. . Lo her with tin: d. vp affi ' t on he fi it f r Mini, i", lie e - j 1 1 1 1 not, but In; admired hi r b. .u.'v , b r tal -iiU and wit, and in.- um ie sihib-d u thi-ir hi Ir .thai, for the lady ha 1 like w i-e g"Ai .) atir;u lion.-, S" In- Lushed the laii.ua;e of hi- heart by ante ip.ition? 1 o' 1 brilliant future, AH th it long, bright -miiiiu r, Minnie l'liil-011 drooped like .-une beautiful fl-wtT w h j -i-pin nt it. 111 it broken, 'toward il- i-lo-e, 1 li.iigc t.f nir and Mvt,e was urged o stn iijly l y the ph .-ician, that tle phv.-ician, that Mrs. t n re-oli . of h.-r only Minnie was p '! to try the mountain brciz r ither s home, in ernioiit. p. rf.-ctly v cr In r passive, y 11 lding renu iiiothcr proposed, as-nppa.-i nt ph asuie. lo-t ail la.-te f-.r ln r iidcctl, any of the or--, and otu 11 ol 1 her e turned to her child a ily to wni.ti. tiiour:i wum .'.it any ."he -ci ined to haw former pur-tut-, or, din il v all or of lit 111. .liter tremble as .-1 future, for, il u.e -tieu.lii. Would t retained her health and e f. 'iiiur lively, h 1'py I ill" of llilllll colli" ImoK . Minnie -ebb. in spoke of Walter, Jet when -he did, there was a peculiarly mournful Underlie." to In r v in e, that t ld bow de. ply were thoughts of hiui inter vv 01 en with h'-r being. 'Ihe pure mountain air seemed to awaken a little ed In r firmer spirit. Ib r cln-ck caught a faint tinge, and In r moticr fancied tln ic was ...mclimc a gn-.tin of the obi familiar light in ln r eye. The spot where tiny were stopped was but a b vv mile from a fa-hioiialde wntei'- iiig-jilace, and l.i.iiig one d;iy riding in the v hunt ', , M i. (,'hii-oii was surprised to en e ount-T, iMiioiig a pai'V "I l-L-hcuialiie- I10111 I In; lily. Waiter L '--lie. He vv a iiecompan iod by'a lady, prohnbly Mi-a Adley. Tg guard Milini.: Iron, the knowledge of hi. vicinilv, now became JI r-. ( 'hil-ou care, bill she .scale ly hoped to be sui.ei .-lul, in Minnie mu t 11 le daily, and might thcreloic he likely to eiieo inter in n ou any dii.e. ; line day, some two or three wick- alter their arrival among the mountains, Minnie .;in l her mother were taking a stroll 111 the lui filled It 10 I of their leblti.es le-idcliee, wle u a carriage. Containing a g.'ii'lcman and In ly, rapidly pa-- ed them. Neither M r 1. IJIiii-oi. or Mil mo noticed the. oecu , 1:1 lit mil it c.cea ioiit d only a p:.ing thought, but on their return lo the hou-e, lll.-y Were sul pilsed to see tiiu saluo Veiiicie by the maii-idc, and iu a very shattered condition, Willi uiid.'liiiablc iippii.heit-ioiis, t tin v lite red tiiu house, where they were, nut by the brother of Ml, t'lul-oi.. who in formed theiii that a sa.d necidcul h i 1 on 1'Ui red ; a gent Ionian and lady had been tiiro.vu from a chni-e, and the former very ! d 1 11 1 mi .1 y injured. Il w a owing to 11 I 111. -1.1 th" leu- e ha I receive I, he -aid, and indeed, thev hivl a III t mil aeui. us csinipe 11. le from with their lives. liny were penp the t it v. and Well' -injuiiiig nl the priiigs. Irighl, I The lady had lit lirst tainted fn.iu but ot. recovery, was louinl to be unhurt, nnd insisted noon being sent iii.niedialelv lo the hul.d w here ln r u 11 nd were stopping. Mr. lirceuc rvii. 'i d niuch indiguatiou at her heartless conduct in scarcely vouch-afciiig an inquiry lor the puof young man who was with her. Long be fur.' he had finished the narrative, Minnie bad glided noiselessly lo the .trail er'.- be-Lide. .V alraiiju, wild thought bad seine .1 her. One elanco mllLetl q reveal to h' r, in the pule, half insensible form. th" feature, of Waiter Leslie, .lie hsd tatrrcd, ihe H"i and ? ileutly tljij i&r 1. . . it . . sought her own, aud xui.k lifekts upon tho floor. I CM Ji was iudtcd AV alter Lowlie . . . .. oven under ho very roof . ith her ho had L deeply wroed Hut heart I i ...... i .i vuiumi bureiv v un uver-runn j i rovmeuco neither time; nor poldncH, nor har.h eg! lect e3n ollUerate en.irely'the affctiou. Zt, Waiter'. bedfide Ld atehed hi... through lUo ild delirium of tho fearful fever -.."-uuii ! l.e taul.t ma uiur-jJ(, mured Mm..... pa kllew tlmt. tUagl, he ! lb. ii T.V i.?fl..ftoV-Jt the dirtul tk: isiic'cjt lua ruirrui. ui.oi-f tbiat il hiiJ iut..r V.k.iVll 1'er heart fe.lt : uu u lull it v oi iU'i ehijtioiis i ui.. - ..... - i- ,iJM'.tnn Iiasl. and ir.-ntlv stuitlie llo' future. All . i bad euduied was loruotleii. aj the bent ' i- . -.i oer n.ut win. uuuearieu atieuiion, or k neit iu agonized prayer that hp uiil.t bo fpared. Aud Ilea v ii answered her pray, r, for, though with his former beauty neatly (:one, and luinc Jul' Ljr, yet Walter Lesliu waa permitted to rise from his eoueh ol sulferin j, a changed, holier man. ,, . 1 , , . ,1 . .1 1 r. 1 1 is strange, but true, that tliougu .villi- , nie IhiUu came to c.mo.,t to try , mountain air aad exercise, yet die never 1 aad exercise, yet die never 1 rode alter tho accident above narrated, ' until Waller s com alcseent u enabled him to , iiccompany her, aud then, by her glowing) clieik aud sparkling eve, nu would hardly . iud'e that he had been his nurse, and eon-, .. -, fined unwvarici.lv to the invalid a r s.111. .Miss Adley visiled l,cidie tvv ice, and express ed the deepest .01 row at the unfortunate ae- : l ident, and o gr.-nt a horror of tin1 dr. -ad- 1 fill chamge in his appeal aiice, tlmt she de clared her nerves could not stand the sboc't 1 of a third interview, an I shortly alter she' lett with her friends fir the city. Hut I lrfsln (lid 111! Ueeriiv rcri t tier neglcrf. ai- I moot:.., i.crn.ii'- i.-n -s ni .ii.- 111 1111- . 1 . . . . . - .. ,.l I ... ur,rl,l .11.1 l...u ll..-.,.. . , 1,,. '."imiiid, and when, .liortly a!U r the decbion Oi ... - - 1 " ,- . i-,-.. ii 01 mi; 1111 -i.-i.i lis iu 1 la oieii.-sa 101 no: woui'i 1 1: .. 1 1 1. ... 1. f . ou ill)- noiiiou, liu rfiiii em a i"o" i. vi i eoudolem e from the heiress. closing With the 5 nl i , .1 '. I i.irt ll.l.l .if ..ilir.li lit..!!1 . Il.t.l llll 0. I.t, Mi 1 1 , -., . . 1 n . l,u iiiiiiti 11 ' in 1 v i.ore u . , 11 10 1110 b ii.,.. now In-considered at an end, ai she 1 , ., ., ,-' , . ... ,. ould not bo expected lo unite bcr fate with 1.0 laboring under such inn, m..,, the . uouiiccmcitt cc used ratlnr a relief 1 1 1 a I) : otherwise, and placing the b tur in Mliiuie'a hand, for her peru-ai, he sought ln-r pure gaxe, aud fell, Horn its calm, almost heav enly expression, that Willi hor ho might hope lor a ho. o r h.ijipiucss li. 11 11 wealth could ever bung. And his thought- were verified, lor with a v. il dra 1. 11 over the p.i-l, and toe Inture iiniuiated iu hi.- brea-l l y tho resolves of his better nature, whiil. bad only for a brief time .lumber, d, W i.il. r and .Minnie were united, and cou.im un d I -ther life's wed ded journey. '1 hat tin y were hippy, and tu:.t Al r Lcsl.iM.'i ior was so w m by Min nies g. -title s,.,'. as to take b'lh a hia children. We leave f.-r tin- leader t- imagine. the IVtroit .li.-covcred Pit. I! S. T.VU.oit w rites lo (Mich ) r,,,. J',, -s that he has a new and sure spicilic lor ihe l ever and Ague. 1 he account of his ui-roicry. as published in the Tree Press, will be likely to interest our Medical readers: "Lertam aeciiicni .1 occi.i ixnces led 1110 1 to make some cxpei iiiii'i.l with a plant whit h grew in the wuodn of .Michigan ; but villi, h has never Lei n supposed to posses medical properties. 1 In rc.-ult of experi ment ha- Li en to c.'iivii'.ce lie: and all who have tried it, that this plant is quite it ecr- I tain aienied', for ago. , iulcruiitt. i.t and rendu nt fever, as uiiiuin... It h is been thoroughly tried dining the past suiiiim r than the surrounding land ; for a. .Ik vv itle mt a single failure. It name 1 never "ht beds have become solid tho new have I een able to find iu any Ihspcusatorv i f Mciiical I. ninny, nnd I urn coiituicii! limn v a 1 1011- cuii.sid.-rations that it has lie v cr ' .eu u.-cd iu domestic practice. Il is not among that kind of plant from which all ague medicines have beni denied ; there is not (the .-;ibtL-s t biltei or pungent t:ntc to ihe I plant.-, any of it.- pi 1 pa mimns. I I claim 1 In rotor.', to have made a d'u jeoviiy lo hnve used a plant which li ;; ncvir In en u-ed bc'orc, and found il p - i -c.-oed ol import. mi medical propel lie.. 'Ihe ! preparation which i-designed to be official I and to vvhlch ha- b. eii uiven th" inline 1 I ip. .f ura, is -imply the plant piilveri.ed 11 ml 1 ground with augur. An ounce fthispre Ipi.iniioii will go as tur a a ilrnchut of i qiiiiiiue. Il is us eel' Jin is that li.c'li. iue to I ariest the paroxysms, it is much cheaper; ! It will eo-t b-.-s than half the present price ! ol . j : . 1 1. 1 111' , ll has 110 Lad lasle whatever, I nnd i never lollovied by any of tho.u uu ( ile"srint effects which follow the use of : .p.ii. inc. I have given it in ten time the 1 described d i-e without ' id ilb et-; indeed i I h ive never bein nble lodi-cover any cf 1 feet from it 11 -i d in u hatovcr do.-cs, except in cessation of the chills and fever. The I di-case is not liable to return in a week or ; two, as when brol.cn up vvltu o uuine. Ll'llMNi; SMilivK. Two ymr ago the elth 1 in Kngland and S. 'inland were like nuokcd h.'nn-, owing l- tie-d. ine volume, nf Mimkc which lilh'd the nt m v-pliero by the use of bitnininoiH coal. The fields of grain were black in appearance from the nuie e;u-", and In.' ledge- were in the like condition. Now all i rh:iti-. d the ky i no hoi er like n -Mioko Imu -e ; the rain ile-ciMi 1 iu clear -trenni. n-t in inkv rivulets; tic liou-e, b.'gin f look as if their face., were wa do d, and the hedge, begin to weal their old dark green ai penraner. All Hin-La 1'ccn ncrompliM.eil hy nn et of Par- lintn.Mit milking il penal for fiieturie. to let t li'dr mokc escape. 'J'be smoke is all burned be siinjde contrivance of fnrtiac", ninoug which "duke.-'." is very cstispieuous. A f 'onuiilssion r.f 1iovcrnn1. nl fir. t cstahli-licd il.iii .hi. buriiin.' of .moke w:i. r.ecr.eflc pi a.-tieablc, and l'NrIiMM-nt then enforced the fact by law. The factory and mill owners io n fcuml out bow to fulfill lac eon - dab. .d of thi law, and the result is, they mv. a great o. ni ft tun r; ids r-f erjtioa. f -xt.-nfc .l.Twff. FOHKIiJ.V PAKA0UA1H.-. Wn WiIcpii nn aiuI tin trnnim have oe - .-, -, - ma u,...ini ..nuri.r rri nnunn nt the ' I 1 t re U 1 I 7 J Ih, II . . ' . . ' , r . . " " , . ' . ,. etivc , ervi-c to hi, villa at K.ybarh. sWEDr7-Priceirt.r. Lukeofl'p- a J a t Cfl"r iit he ultimo. IlJ K W.,7 lr Uueen on the b 8a complained of indi poMtion. .Next ' ,. ii,ed with vfolent feves and .i . . i - . - - i t : -i ;.. .!. nr. i,.i. of the r v: e L- ..... ,i;...v....,1 tl.fi means fi : . ' ":, . ......! r,..,,,, ,1,.. I- 1 "lil,,.", - I i . t .in i nur itn (ill I'AUim i' ' f Vnuou, and rendering it fit for nse I i . ' .. . 1 !" U"",W",,'. to tin; il,..,v,.rB. I he leerov has nocureu "-v,.rer th ...l,..iv.. ri ht lor ton y aia ol elunfyiujj. u,,t ,)iii,u the oil. I i t.iuuni.r. r-uii wiiK. k. Wo regret to bin e to record the t otal loss of the ship Mo-1 Ill,, f 'I',.,l.,,v ,.r Itol, t..!..' i' P LJ . for New Orleans from Liverpool', U . tl' ul!., I ... f . il t!U il i i-rtr ol It' i i.rii Hi, 1 1. i'i,t,,s un'1 si r- ism -r,ft all ,ff ,, , u nl, ,,(. rrrj,. ; ' "f hi it, in 1 turn 1 nu ,'ionre hiiiicu . , ' ,, ' ' , , .. ?m the Mci-ey 1 ue.day morning wi.u a " , , '. '.?., , ' . " . ,r dip .lay. ,M im.iu.glii u,c capta, .. r.c.u, ,. , h ,orc,ver, discovered, by cxp. r low, leaving the second mate in charge, , ,. , , ulu. .ll.lw.Ve... Willi oruers 10 neei it. av-suiivy-n. -s., now .o ea lnui (Ihi! caiil.iin) at two o clock, or sooner, if the weather became threatening. At midniiibt the wind was blowing a lie.-l brccite from ca.t-iiorih-ca.-t, with a heavy sea, wliich boon increased to a violent rale. ('11 the c. it. tain coming on deck ut two o clock, he fouud the ship ou a lec-shore. from which it was impossible to extricate her, the second mate having, it is said, mis taken Ins oruers, ami m pi Hie snip on a , West II irlil We-t course. At lialf-pa't two' 1 .1 i , 1 1 1 1. . . .1 - 111 .hurtle h flcrii r.U e.iiinite neeil .0 I.I ea k no. - 1 .1 . 1 -- ""- "'" 111 cnseiiuenee of 1.0 I., inn. il lie 00.1. s, ii , v the high sc, they were' h"urs after .'he ves-el I fiuille-s. A few nn.derati d, ari l at eleven o clock en Tburs- .1 . ......-.,!.. In.. ... I. .si i, 1 . r. ion ill ili.rlit ..."i- .. 1:.: . 1.1 .1 .. ...i. 1. . " 1 "'" " "".'w. " I fmr aaii-.r. and .he only ;ii ,v,g passen- .,' , , , , , 1 I s.iil"is and I . 11. 1..il I I...I.1 ..I Vti-vtiir.l U In. It.. n : the) have be. I'aptain T tln iiii -Ives to until one ail' 11 forwarded t. irli'.v and all Liv. i-ni-nnn! lauds exerted t I 1 the ulnio.-t to save the r another thov were w bed , aw ay and peri- d. , T111.. K'ii r n in T.f .IItna -V tin - find toe lu: :i in a foil wing eraiiiiie ncco'ir.t nf b tier listed ( e-tel da v, Z.ifl.iiaiia ; fi it.'inia. Angir-t oil : aft. r I rei.kl'ast, wc reached in tin t 1 use ..f the ii- lane v.e s,i the lava nt ?nn-h d lii-faree, and ill tht ili-tiin. the h"at w.is very coat. Tin tojiii.er i.i which the rxti.i-.r.li.ij'y ami frightful torn nt advance.1 i- not to be described; it mii-t be seen. Jt in v is -low - ly and uninterruptedly : tlie first waves, it 1 mny so express myself, rise and fall at the ,,, ,,l,jstaclo thev encounter; then send forth Micjnilets here nnd there, recede, ex tend I lieiii-cl v tl. and again advance. .Now it i- beaid as a continued sound of glass breaking in the fire, nothing mor", nnd now iinniei.se damage succeeds. Kvi rv now and then it is 1 ., re-led, denoting the presence of presumpti.tii of tne young, or to tne meek ere.'iicr obstacles, or of water. , "ess and ncpiie-ccnee ot the ciders in this Uy day all (hi- erand 111:1- pic-enls an niatter. Men rni 1 anced bey ond the miduiu appearance bet ween red and y.llovv; -.nine- ! ol lif.- lire called " old bngies." by their tin.- dull, ...uietimes brighter, lean ill juniors; as if this were not .liing unlit describe the -peeiacle by night that dull for tin' v.iy street, it is curried up into striauiof fire, tlecc c'.ou.isol ashes and sub ''iigreis, aud grave lei.lators tteecpt the Inn 1 ou-v apor-, are ie ond desci lpliott and sublime! ibliluelv llo.iible. 'I he stream, of lava nre much higher for lava flow over them. In truth, nothing cm. he more picturesque roi.Id we dive-t ourcle of the feeling of mi-ery and grief which pervades thilinplcss region. I he lava flows over the richest and most cultivated part of the country, destroying vineyards, till sort-of fruit trees, nnd some hon-e. tWcive the lniserv that lias fal- Ion on inanv nroid ictors and colonists. S in . iin'iiii.f th.. .'ibove un Inive aeeotiiiLs from I'ataiii.i to the "Jlth ."i ptcmber, up to which date the eruption continued, but wit tint having uestroy ed any village, though rich vineyards, woods, i,e , have been .leva.-t.it.-l. AlllUV.M.s i.K A L's i KALIAN I I'll. P. The Ia-t fevv days have witnessed the nnnt -I ranrdiuarv arrivals of gold from Australia. of last wee sbit to the Thai dii.-t of vai ions amounts up to t . II, 1,1)0. 1, Hut nil these es-els were out-tupped by the Medvvay, which iiiriid on Saturday with a eariro of gold dust valued nt upwards of two hundred ami seventy thousand pound-. 'Ihi dues not appear to include the quantity of the precious metal in Ihe p ...e.-siou of the passenger on hoard. The wlede sfve of Australian produce brought into port by (his ship is estimated at half a million sterling. '1 hero mo ius no reason to doubt the ac.-uraev of the reports received lately from the A :nl r.ilinn diggings. hie!. nre more l.kr th" fabulous wonder,- of -o-in-ill. -e than sober lvaliti"-. Tho import of gold tiny ho expected now slum t weekly .0 ini'iva-i', for the neeouut- from the colonv r, .pri sent h"'.h the population employed at , the diggings to be proniug rapidly in nuiu . bcr and the digging" to bo iiirreaing in eoin parative pro liietivi lie... We regret-that the mornl a-jiect .f the gold uuloniea is not so favorable a the rna t.riil. Soiii ty see ins Hterallv overwhelmed by the irruption of end grant. 1 iov "rnim nl i weak, nnd life nnd property but feebly defended.. Two things seem b.nlutrly ne uiccss.iry. The iiiiinrdii.tc dispatch nf a p"li e or military force ..dequirfc t-1 jr.'ervc order, and the withdrawal of eouvirt-' from I canfrT of ueh tron tenipt.tion. to. nnfl I many facilitioa for. fU eemni.s;oB r. ; Mime. GlSttv .V-w. ' 1 Tbl,. MintirhiUdolp .lar-xorH aoeat i.l .-. dur n-h' rr."jf. ( .Vts-'t-r T11K PKXIrt'LHSI I-ail'KRIMKXTS. Leon 1'oiitiiifir, the author of tho beauti ful experiment relative to the movement, of i .. . -.1.1 1 ... .it ..i..r- lcUt' 18 ,Le ' un....: in mu. new remits of experUnent., hieh I b be pr.u.Sug 'for . thnc and i 4 ' -veu.ent of the earth. I " In order to u.riv at new n.I.eaUou of B- p.-, - -T- - o rota.M.u ol a My turn.njr on I plane of rotatiou of u b'xly turning on an 1 jaxis, at I Ha.l'prcviouslysMfl the plane of " -. , oscillation of the pendulum. It M ruck 1110 I , .hot a bosly turning about a principal axi-, I o- eillation ot the pei.-l ""y uma ni.o a 1 liitti in ireelv eUMiendtd by it-'' centre of . - .......a.- Ll 1. 1 f'aiiy, Mioum, nae l .e penouuiui, III 1 1. Ill 111 I tl I til fii.i. 1. tat t i' ni-l ti il. at f ii ;r - - - eartu . n,ovemoi.M. An apparatus eoti-lruri- priui-.ple haa aeeurriingly luru.-h- ed tho additional proof I tougbl ol the rota- ,. a ,!',. i t , , . . "! irmly Ijracod towards the cast iu ab.v 1'atT' ,h, xii of turu''g . '-en C--l:tliilMf.l uill. t.A ...l....AA . , ii"-wp, seems 10 re "rauc aiowiv iron. cs. lo wo-t ( and trav - ., . ... , . ---- miu .n the in-truuient, 11 He the nnu-re of a lien..n .y Wy - Ulft fwU( of tiiu U J tl.-s. singular property, which reasoning had sug gested to me belorthaiid. I refer to a force of orientation, which tends to bring the njiis of ihe body into a parallel with that of the earth, and to di-pose lit the same tune the t .vo rotation in the same direction. This force of orient .it bm manifest- itself whenev er the axis of the turning body is niaiitained in a pla.io tixert witii tlie eartn, tun nneriy of (liref ting it-elf in this plane being left it. ' Thin new properly of resolving bodies gives lory marked t" tiinooy of the eaiiVs liioveineiit. lecaliing to oliie cxlclit the 1 v o- lutioiis ol tl!" Iii'i.i'il:e I'll' vv lo 11 ;i acts if a iioruot.Oi plane, the a.l- 1 t I body si.vks v:ie north, and the ;.j 1 ;!;;.- ait- like a ilip needle ; when it act' in any I veit'cal plane, the cxi of rotation incline.-, and iiiiiUt,'-- 111 ui'tii'o.Miiiatji.g to tin' 1.11. . ,. u ,,f th, tuic-ti a axis, the n.e inatiou M . I.e. 01 kill. . I u. it in... d 111 in v luilnl without I doubt, and to pre-o'l.f them to the Academy f Sciences, 1 wa'iU'd .i.iiettv lo Hie end ot tt... 1 !i.-;i 1 1. .11 (.ml iho I. lnr 11 f an o. casino ' favorable I" the '.tedious J.ibors. l.iirr -tion of my s.'iiicwhiii lint learning ll .-.t one f ."iir most di tiingui -bed savaiis vva- about 1 0 ' 1 titer tin path I bad been travelling, 1 have dueuicd il pl'opi r, with tin- f'.s of n single ! day, to statu hi icily to you and th.' public 'the facts acquired by my effort.- in this de partment of fci'.TiCC. li:u F' ni' i'i t." 1 Jill Y1K M ill 1 A.MF.lui'A. i 1 throw down a remark or two on nn nn , occupied page, upon the cbarncti r which , boy hood is taking on among 11- or rather, , upou the ucw aud extraordinary relations wliich me uri.-iug iu this country between 'the. young and the more advanced in life 'It is without a precedent iu ail history! 1 1 hero never was air, thing quite eoual to the von-, .1110 nanu 11 nu-nn n- 1 un qmon-,-.- a go id jo.-l. Iu society, and e-prciallj- in our eitb's, people nre scarcely married and hetih d iu life, before they are regarded a on " the shady side " of their day, and are Heated accordingly and by whom : Why, by bovs .ni l gil ls between Hie age of scven- I'-'en and twenty one. 1 li'.-ar cnn.-m.it c;,i- plaint ol liii-. and my reply i constantly Ike same: "if thcro i let luaiily and womanly .seine and authority enough among, v ' to repress an I put down rueh tolly, you ought to siill'.r." Hut this extraordinary deference does not stop h -re ; it extend to misy and impertinent boys in the streets. in iiublie places, at railway slaiiin. and wherever boy. congregate. The elders say, " This i- a free country ; what right have mo t:i tlie s(rei to" the .-I at' n, in --ve than lli-y They mny insult us if w e interfere throw slicks or stones at u and what can wo do .' ' ll is a fact ; tiii- language is u.-cd ; L h ive "lli'i! heard it. W il'n u view .0 sali-fy iny curiosity on thi point, and pei h: i to : broiisht four or five feci Hie public puis.-, I nave put the loilow witlicniiroes.it' .old ing question t 1 half a tlo.en geiitlcnieti ill lie ol our the CllleS, same and have uuil an vv 1 r : "I :'. : shou! 1 :i; rmiy r. - j -e.i ari .'":!ch II ccive down t"ih dozen boy plaving 011 the sidcvvilk. and ot -slriietiiig it, so that you could lint conveni ently past,, which would oii .Iu would you say, ' boys you mint not gather hen in thi. way and ... eupy the walk, or would Jou g' I down off fr-dn the sidewalk into the lr"ct. go round, nnd come on to the walk iigaiu. when von had lr-itbyl" Aud tiny nil ,-M 1. " We should go I'tMiinl !' N".'., if in. 11 ; e'100 t iib-lii'iiii ill! .1, li.bl-. ill tl. o it V of If il" , 1, Mr V i' l so: 1, ut 1 inllst say 111:11 I h.iovv 01 ii" cr, or grniiino is, or more jmiinei- 1.0. : but 1 l.ioj i' iai'1 co.lilli't. .l"ll cell sj .M. u nini In ml v to I'.iv -. and he .i-t t- if not, if ever; -thing i t- vicbl and give way before the lie. die-. nisi, of youthful imper tinence, this will become LeL-re many year.-, nu intolerable country to live in, I'.ut the subject is too vat to hi discussed in a note. Our i1e:in.'roi:e ib fcr'ntv in ssiiie directions i goin-r a preat deal too far; and oar absorption in businPis is-ueli I fear, ti.nt we have uu time tor ninny of our lades, mi l least of all, ht our iloaica.o rlutic-- L'l. r.'7". Daniel WebMcr' 5p-vchc, in 0 hrg"! volumes, ara in great d.jmsad in New Tork. Tho priifl w 6ftcan dollar. ; and tho Ai. -r- nj. thit tbr"0 doll.ri en e-eh -et goes 1." the fitn.lv rf M." 'vbt'.J'r it

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