I A. C. WILLiiUiSON ( Edito ) J 1 "VOIjiXJIEE: I. HOLTON fe WILLIAMSON, ""' . PltOrillETOilS. i TERMS: . ' . Thi North,q.rolina Wl.iff will be afforded to utMr.riU-ra ..j-TWO IIOl.LAkn in udv-nee, or TWO DOLLAIiS AND rll-TY CENTS if " NrtMtlvbc e.-l yt tbr turee mor.tiw, md TIIUkE UuirLXRSkJhe J ' the yc.r. AJv.riin-nitntf. iitisrtitt Out DolUr p'r quore ( 16 luic or Its, t.iia Micd ty p-;) lor tile Hntl iuwr tion. .jiJ ia cci.ta lur e-oli cuiiUiiu.net. Court -q ' utuotr iTu . h- i.. ii, r...l r or.-.. I..r uverti-r Lv lie yc.r. AJvertinciiu'iiU iiwcrtd monthly ;r ' ta rt.Tlv, i.t f latr qu rc fur eh tune. Scniu montl.ly Ti t. ..f'r l rc fi r e ch lime. ft 7- All I. It,.ra nl In tie Ei'llnr'l. I DrD rt mcnt limit lie directed to the fc!itor. And ull 1. 1 t, r-otl bninesi fbf M Work, A.e., mu.t be tliree. lei t. t!u.- I'ulilnluT. All U tter mut be pot p.io or they w ill out be ..Itemlid to. U' ryinrut e-n be iic.ilc to cither. W l'otiiiaur arc uutlioriit'd to act ot agenta. (Original poctvn. TO THE NORTH-CAROLINA WHIU. Oh ! be Iliippy. Th're in nnr pure one lieinly joy, We Ii.vt' un tins cidil erth ; My only one witllullt ll'y. Some ycrs ogo hud birth. .N- w re dtf p ue, nnd puta awhile. Wh..t c n tl.ia pu.'e joy be ? lrn.tpfi it will bnn conteniptuuui vniile But uh '. it ia joy U me. THti 'tis tn r. tire tt enrly morn, When ill u brirht lid f ir. In aotitade, fri.ni tltftichte furb.rn. And rejdnd wuraliip th-re. Nri dnubl vou picture lo yourelf, A in nl with tut I nriii.ly fe lure. Hut no ! aiie'a known tn f t end near, Ae a h ppy, j"V'iii5 rre turc. ttret nwjbd, Ott. -0, l".Vi. Airrs. Jtlisccllanwus. MENTAL HALLUCINATION. HIXJCLA I.vsTtcM. There is au ol l-provtrb that ' Fancy is as fnmous of their tiiiie in the world belon poo J for a fool as phy-ic," aud i believe the w j0 oni, D ,ne chief bo ;.itals of Kdiubiirj, saving luilit be earned lurtber alil.li.lor till rir' i . -,di a thin? as cortioreal disease, depending i-iitircly upon the mind; and tluit with vi ry wise nu n too. J be em-el ot men tal r. iiicdi js we all know, even in very -evi re and in. rely muscular diseases. I have known several instances of mental ... -.. . . .e r' lie O e- applied Wiiu success; V say imm in;: of La vmy; actually recti the incident ills- played by old liuiibury s caricature of a rheumatic man enabled to jump over a Injn fence b the i.re-eticc of a mad bull, I w (live you one iii.-tai.ee of a complete, thou;!! temporary cure, performed upon a youu lady by what I tan only cou-idi-r mental a.o i.cy. One of the dau.'bters of a Roman athoiic latmlv, tiained ,a very beautiful aud liitere-tinj tin, liau entirely lo-t the u-e of her limbs for nearly three year,, ami was obliged to be fed and tended like a child. Her mind was acute ami clear, howc-v. v. and as at that time the ce'ehrated I'riiiee Hohenlou was performing by bis I. ravers, some cures which seemed iniracu- , her father entered into corre-ponil. nee with him. to see if any tbini' could be done for the daughter. 'Ihe di.-tancc of some thou-and miles lay between the l'rince and the patient ; but he undertook to pray and .'ay ina-s for her on a certain day and at a cci lain hour ami directed that mass should also be celebrated ill the city where she re sided, exactly at the same moment. As the lon.'itude of the two places w as very differ ent, a irrcat deal of fuss was made to as certain the preci-e time. All this excited her imagination a iro'jd deal, and ut the hour appointed the whole family went to mats, leavinir her alone, nnd in bed. On their return thev found Mi,s Y , who for years bad not been able to stir hand or foot, up, dressed, and in the drawing room. For the time she was perfectly cured ; but I have been told that she gradually fell hack into the same stale as before. Mental medicines does not alway suc cced, however; and once in my own ca-o, failed entirely. When travelling in Europe, in the year l"'J, I was attacked with very sever.- 'juartaii fever. I was drujrjrcd im-ni'ii-ely between the riaroty,ui, and the ,.liv.i.iT.n eniisr.in-il with mv friends to iter- i.. I it ii, unite cured The v went so (iinte far as without my knowing it, to put forward a strikin-j clock that was on the mantle piece, an I when the hour struck, at which tin: fit usually sei.ed me, without any appearance of its return, they congratulated me on my iccovery, and actually left me. Nevcrthe less, at the real hour, the fever pcizcd me fi raiii. niitl shook me nearly to nieces.- V...I.... ; il. ..ii.i, t.il ini.ilti. tun w.,1. ii. t. n.es fail,; but it -omctimes operates in a mo-t unexpected and li.sastrousm.mner; especial- l... i .....1 . .....I I railiet inclined to believe, that corporal nial- ady may niten be best treated by mental lueiiiis; iiieiital malady by corporal mr-aii.a. 1 A Irieiitl of mv youth, noor Mr, I.;, i.U-,. ;., i ...... i,.,.....!.! ...,. ii r He bad but two children: this son and Her lips moved, and with a irrent flu! t she a dau-hter. Roth wen: ejeceiliii'ly hand- exclaimed, " b, John, John you know some, full of talent and kindly affections; that it was line my fault.'' . . . ' '..ii .. . i. r -1 i ....I anil the t-.vo yoiin-' neon o were mo-t strouelv . attached to each other. Sud lily, the Iii alth ol yoiiu s was perceived to decline. He bi camu crave pah: sad emaciated. Ills pun-uts took the alarm. 1'hy-icians were sent for. No corporeal dis ease of any kind could he discovered. The d I'.tnrs del fi.efl privately tb.it th'-re must f uiiu Ciin on his iiiiiicl, as it is. culled, ami bis father with the utmost kindness and , ti ii'li-riii-si, bcsoiiht hi in to confide in him, i a-iirinj; bim tlmt if anything within the' reaoli of fortune or in3aeiMo tnl g Liu. 'relief, hi wishes should be ace implUhcil," whatever they niyht be. ; I I 'You cau do nothing fonue, my dear .father,' replied the youug in an, sadly : ' but van deserve all III V CUUiidcllCe, aillt 1 Will Hot ithold it. That w..ich u destroying me U v....- -.; .I.t .,., ,, u, " f re,,t- Lvery Bylit, ubout au Hour after 1 lie down; a figure drewed in white, very like the figure of my dear si.iter, glidca into the room, ana genl awn on me nni wde ol uiy bud, Here ll reniniua an inui. If I aiu asleep at the time of iU con.iiif I reto wake, and I remain awake all tnht with uiv eves hxed unou it. i believo jt to bo a delusion j but I cannot Imni.-li it; auj tj0 Mlellt t appears I am r ,i pit tot y ;uflw.Bcet j lu ;s w han killing The "father reasoned with hiu, and took every tueauit thatcoald be dt iieti eitliei l.y ; frkuds or pliyaieiaiw, to di-pel this nbaiitaiv. 'J bey uave rarlies ; they sat ii late ; they chanucd the scene ; but it was ail in vain. 1 be figure still returned ; and the j young man became more and more lecble. Ills was evidently dying ; and as a last re Uource it was deteriuiued to have rtcour.-.e 'to'a trick to produce a strong effect upon jhis mind. The plan arranged -was to dress hisM.-ter in white, us he had representee tue fiuure to be dressed, and about the hour be nifiitioned. to steal into the room, and seal I herself on the other side of the bed, opposite j to the po.-ilion which the pbautoiu ot ni I i iinaeinaiioii usually occupied, while the j parents remained near the uoor to bear the i i result. She undertouk the ta-k timidly ; but executed it well. Sti'alin in with nni-e less tread, she approached her brother s bedsid;-, and by t lie faint nionn-li.ht, saw his eyes fixed with unnatural stare upon i vacancy, l ut directed to the other side. She : seated herself wiibout makinn the lea.-t noise. ! and waited to see if he would turn bis eyes I tow arils her. lie did not -tir in the l-n-t,' ' i ... . ..i i I..' however ; but lay as ifpitnlied by t I hi fane: Presented. At length she mad a (sli.'Lt inoviiiiitit to call Lis iitti Ution, and ' ' her jrarinents -u-tled In-taiy the youn jinati turned bis eyes to tbr k-.t, pazed nt i her looajcd to the ri.lit- cfOd at lief 1 aain ; and then cxelain.ad, almost with n ' ?hri".. " (Joo tioil ; there re Uo of tin in I ' I He rail no more. Ills sister darted up to him. The father and mother rsn in with lLhts; but the ta. ct baa been ffftal. Me' wa gone. Nor is this the only ei-c in which I have known the most detrimental results occur from persons atteiiiptinx iiuli -erectly to act 'upon tha minds of the sis while in a very ' feeble state. Unce indeed, the abole laedi- cal men and thev were anions the ino. t vrS i. f't in a similar mangy r.. J be P!Ult, this: A nour woman oi J..-ith had married a sainr, to w noiu sue s, fondly attached. They had one or two children, and were iu by no means jjood lir cuinstnnccs. The man went to ca, iu pur suit of hi usual avocation, arid at the end of two or three months intetli o nce was re Ccived iu L it U of the lo-s of the ve-..-c with a OI1 Loard. ltlt in penury, with no ii,i-flrn of sutitiortuu her children nut her own hard In I or, the poor woman, who wa. very attr.ic.tive in appearatn-o. was pe.sua'l.-u to marry a man coii-iderably o!''1 r than le r self. but ill very tolerable eireuiust iiiccs. Ry him she bad one child; and in the sum mer of the vear l7-fl. she was sittin on tin- broad, orn-n wav. cn ed l,en!, I. vv a! k . with a baby on her lap. Suddenly, she beheld ln-r f,r,t. husband walk up the strctt directly tow aril her. The man reco-iii'nted her in- stantlv. m iiroat bed. and p-ike to her. Rut she iieilht r niiswcrcil nor mov. u. .-ne was struck wilh entalep-y. In this state -lie was removed to the Royal infirmary, and her ca.-e, from the singular t -ircum-tancc s at tclidiir' it, excited ejeat inture-t in tie medical profession iu Eilinbur.'. which at that time numbered anion,: it profers the eelel.rated Culh ii, and no b-.,s cel. l r it -I tireeory. The tale was related to ine I y one of th.-ir pupil", who was pre-ci.t, and who assured Ine that every thiiin' was done that scii'iii'C could su'-'.-.t, tiil all the or dinary remedial mcaiis were rxbau-t.-d. The poor woman remained without speech or motion. In whatevi r position the holy was placed, there it remained ; and the ri -il ir v of the muscles was sin h that when tie arm WH, extended, twenty minutes elnp,ed before it fell to her side by its own weight. Death was inevitable, unless some means could be devised of roii-iuj the mind to "Oiue active operation on the body. From various indication-, it was judged that the poor woman was perfectly sensible, and at a consultation of all the fir-t phy-i-elans of the city, the fir-t hud. and wa. -cut for, and a-ked if he was w illin ' to co operate, iu order to L'ive bis poor wife a chance of lie. lie r -H ied, w ith deep f . that he was w illini' to lav down his own Lie, il it would r. tore her; that he was pert illy latisfied with lu r conduct ; knew that she acted in ignorance ol Ins cxi-tcncc, ami ex plained, that having floated to the coast of Africa upon a piece ot the wreck, lie bad been unal.le lor some y.uirs to ri mm lo i.h l.iitive land, or coiiiiiiiinii nte with any one therein. In these cireiiui.-lauces, it Wiisdt: teruiiiicd to act immediately. 'I be prolcs- sors ro.ii....I t lilliisi.l v. I around tlle I.Oor woman, and the fir-t hii-band was brought suddenly to the foot of Ihe bed, toward u-1.1,.1, I... ..-..i er ,.r.,..l earrvlie' the child by the m cond husband in bis anus, A momciit of cileiice and su-pcncu succi i d ed ; but then, .she w ho had lain for so many ' davs like a lviii" corr.se. roseslowiv up, ami , j - - " 1 ' - . stretched out her hands to the poor sailor 1 lie euori was too iiiucn i'n in i t-iim ' frame, she fell back a:a iiiiedinti l y, and iu five minutes was a corpse indeed. This slory may have been to d by otlurs before me, for the thins was not done iu a corner. Rut I always repeat it, when ocea sion serve", iu order to warn people iioain-t an iiii .'iii'ious u-e of means to which we an: acr iistomi-u to attrit.ute less power mail un y really possess. ' Why is it that a steam enine cannot net d'f Ueosuisa it bw a tender behind. A DOG. HORSE.' AND FISH STORY. Jwu friends of oars, Maying a week or so nt 0tiu of the wuteiiii ,r-pliiee.s ou , the Uulf, H(;re Bccu.toineil daily to ri-e til an early 1,,,,.,. , unll; ii-biii,. iiiiiilciiicliL in linii.l. to a j,yoa, abo.it a miiu in the rear oi the , , ' . ' . , , . . ll0tul, Umju there, being expert aujcr -, ty.y i0uiiMitted wucb-devaalittiou aiuuutbe ranki ol the iinuy u ibe. , 'jue wuk tliro.ih the piney wood's to the trout and pel cli-toi ploaaiu.t enough ut red atrt-am was i-ool and . five o clock in the mor but tlle V-tor.,, trip on to,, t, m,U or ten o clock, a.i aekiiowleded to be len.l agreeable, as it n.M warmer and more iKtuuiua. It will easily be iuia.iuud, then, that at the lo t li.biit expedition our triemU, made, which took place a lew day since - r - - tlat t.y hiulo hoi row the om hur. f tin t of a eariienter, w ho iivcil near 1 y, anil who was au ucdainlaiice o! tin ir4, w -J i j ai eepted and put in execution. i tu c.u -peiit. r !'ad no ol-jettioiis ; the call wi:- ji pired, the litLle I'reole liiu tau.' wn.. lur :esscd, and our friends jumped into the vei.irle n ir) rallied oil lot the ii-hin urouini in hih spirits. Know in that lin y would be !ihi' to I. rim,' back mueli wore li ii than U"iial, they took with t!e t.)iit eli.iuiiia"iio lia-kt t. whirl iu a l.ir.'e, they lie- ,; .,,,.,1 tilliit r to the brim with the c:ilv u tj 0f the hook and line. Away tln-v rat tied, then, a we said belore, and but idoddin.'lv followed them a hu 1 1 1 on - j,ri, ,iOVi ,jn , to the cjrj i.ter, l!y tbut dn; lianas a tale ! Arrived near the b.iyeu, the fUlierui"ii jmnpi.d out, tied tim mu t in.' lo a snpliii.', ati, red together their li-hin. ( od-, Jiia-r, chiinipajiie baki t, spiritual ;n l other relrehiiieiit ', and adjourned to the banks ror ,j .toli,tl operations. The do,' curled I,;,,,,..! ul, under the cart nir'. went I i An n : ti,(. n,U!-t.iii eletit without, cui iuu biuisilf up. After a cooi.lt! of hours of jib a aiit aid dilienl labor, the champ i,'lie I .i-e. t as filled, and the t ao confederate, pr. p-.r 1 to decamp- Siiiilin-; aud ntieipailu au a ITccal le drive home, they packed up the lootv and marched t ord the cart. You untie tli j hor-e while 1 p it tie h isk, t in,' said co,rii, and eac the chief fl.-licruian t his I proceed, d I . hi- t.i-k. lJ,,w, wow, wo I' and th bi' da.' by the c.-ut. du a i ray of , sprang out, and took his Man' eruwliu,', showin ' a lormida t'eetii. aiid barking iu a teniide iiiiimicr. As WKlU a ri,,,.r u,hcrmau made a iiu.eiio i.t ,, B;lr,s t. Cart, or the bor-e the do; flew at )i u a urv. aiel cumiiclled i.iui t i a prc'.j.ilale retreat. ojxiii. liir at , p. I hies and .'tick, thrun, acre o, no u-e they .....lv notde tiiu ai.iinal iie.re hn.ii i-. II.. . .1 .nl L'Uuiua.u t . I uu Ut i- a!. nil an ) w a-pre-i rv in li.e 11 - ilia E. I cut it ii t.e -e i.t, a;i I the I II J.s it. 'I , . .li ob-liii.ilely b.-nt on the io '.nt. i ly Ir .in ali i.i a i 'i. 1 o lit I'll t I i.t- ei.i . .a 1 1 a - - in. i.l ol o n frieti Is al tlis Liiicrou' ' ' I ol c.tui.ie initi ion, would be iiitp . -ii.le.- I here wa, n u,e in Iryin to oai,iii d his iiiov. niciits wi n; so i.ipi!, nud he ,o plainly ha I tin- advantage o! .o ili hi, that no sudden da-b al the h ir-e or cart o,il I l'i sui cei.-liil, witn iut a total a!. and .aim i,t of all tl 1, an'e, t'j iitinciit. jly. tine ol the two ail ni.lurt rs prop. d t-: a V with the do' by summary uica-ur but that plan w a- speedily ai.an loii- d. 1 in other liiiii.Iy -u ' ;t; ti I ti.at tie- ba ket o! U h .-iioul l be lilt bcliiii J, au I thai th.-y sho.il-l uiiike " a h-jp, skip, an I a j-t.np I r the curt, where oui e e -t bli di 1 1, tli -y could ca-ily del. ! I them-cLcs 1 r.-ni In c.iiiiiie i n uiy. H it ihe otii -r man son he would rather gi.e up bit heai tiinri hi -lib. At length t'ni List liaiiie 1 iu li . i lusi went into tin- biihes ti eat a ion,; p m- where with to -tir up tie- lei'iei'Mi annual. I li oilier expe.iitioiiils tied a huntm -.-Kt.ilu to a li-hlii-rod uiid apj.roacheii the h-.r-e ., bea i w ith a ilc -i ; ii ot cuttin ' the rop .- an I t tilt the pony' tree. In or h r to .inert lie do ' H allel.lloll, hu p .il.led to tlie I 1,1 ! i ma H i i tel. I iy ill the pr.-ci-e i.i.n.!,.;. whi le hi. t-oiiip.ti.ijli ha 1 til .iipp-. ar !-- a.: i -hool I on tin: 'i-.,- t- alt. -er. .inlu.i i' . cm in y . 'Ihe do ru-hcl in tie: t:,n.:i,. poliite'l out; the other mia jit I.; a emerge 1 from the bu-h; tii.-d"; cii .lit him not exactly in the small part ol ti.,: I .el,, or the middle of the thi.'h eith.-r. A des perate, but brief stru.'le t n -n--.l . nud in an in-taut th" unfortunate li-h.-r.ii in exciainu- but we will not -;iy vvli.it h- t-X'-l ;i i .ii . .1 . It was well lor him, ho'eer, ill it in- h i I a coat, th" tails of w h it-tt were li-.t over -hot Strau'c as it may seem, tlii l-i iicroti affair en led in o ir fiieii Is hi ill,: oblij". to i.e up all hope of u"iin' h ime in the call, and to return ou foot thr-m li tie1 deep -and an I broilin.' sun, buithelie l wiih i:ll th" ti liin t ickle, au I the t lianiji i oie t-a-k-t tilled with li b. I he do ri ii.aiiii-I ma t. r of the field, and hi, wa-ter, th" c.irpi-iiter, had to (.". niter bim in onier to btin.' back the inu-tan,' ami the cart. Reader, singular nt it may sctin, tl.i- Tie. r story Is a true t He. WAIT A MINUTE. "James you li.il bitter alteii I to e.-tfni- m Hi woou, sau h,,. lor-y.i, -.i.e, son who had bet-tone deep y intere-ted ,,, a hook he w as p.-rilslll . " Wait a minute, mother, I w a tit to fiiii-h this pnn'e, I am ri.'ht iu the middlo of it l.'JH. ' His ino'hcr did wait, anil although slie sai I liolhin', yet she win deeply irri.-veil. When he had read the pa 'e lliro.i.ih, be should loo-e the force of it, if be laid it a-ide just then; and whut difference would it make if the wood was brought iu five min utes Inter. Hit mother allowed him totil.u bis own time for it, so it was almo t dark before hc thou lit ol leu in hi - book, 'I hen be went at il in a pleat hurry, and iu split tin.: some kindling, he M-ralclind hi- h inds very badly. Aud when he ii;ain cut led the neat sittin.' room, w here hi. mother was at work, In! iva-i crying and complaining bitterly. J "lib, dear! dear I I was t-plittin-r th" wood, and a erent stick flew up and hit J -iij baud. You know that is jv.t n luck." "iWandsitifowntrmd.Jumes.Twanll w taiK wmi you, little. XUitair jooj A 't riuidnd (W. I.) pnper relates the fol are v.yy jinlueky, doiit you !" : w Mowing : 'J ho fceliooner i'rw.Sdeiit Jereiuie,l "t l n.i, I do, niotlier j l mil alyt getting ;lyiMM t. UiU poll, got, under weih for St.. liurt nud it 1 u t my fault I'ltlit-r." iuctut,but bad only got as far a oppositu 4 it iiot joar fault to inrbt?' ( the l ive IsJumU, (u i..r iuilen from tlie au- i hy no bOif should 1 kiiow the ctick eh. ira-e ground oi Fort Kpain,) when mi ac- w as l oin to hit Hie ?'' riilixit. a iuMt nniMiiui anilrrilvinir Ba-. v i . . , .. ;. . i e-v out naii ii uot ucen so attrlt ana but baU it: not been m dark and line vou woaiu uoi nave iieeii ill kueli a bur- v " ,su Jl1.1' T'o " you in sua- Mil, to ((o it an iu Uayli -lt, but I let you iiiaiiazv our own way, to see what would bo the ri'Milt. .1 have tioticcd. lately that whrnetr unytbing U given you to do, " wait a luiuute, ii your nlu.o t contitunt reply." S" Mell 'what difference "uoe.f a. minute , ,i .rf .feV - - any wy CV - ell orrai.lu t till iiiuner tiuie " by, I ui lio-u Hot. V" , " And, l.eiiu.-, the i xeu-e which ii pood f.ir one utiiiut.', i ju-t as poo'! for the next, a. i I for tiiaiiy iiijre. And a- a consequence, piocr.i tinntioii is crowding business of uu hour into a moments space, you hurry lliro irh iih everything ou' v half doin it. o you -( always com jiIjii in nj ol all luck. . Now this very lault oi "yours is the cause. I No doubt it si tins hard to break oil liom j a:iliiin.' in the midst of it, but recollect ' it you do cventiiiiu- proniptiy, mid in its p!.-e, yon will have more tiu.e to do it in.' i. io not sc. t hint is ieaxmai.il-. riki l win iry aim no i.euer in iiiiure, nioiner. liiit h 1 1 J.t my in i, r ."Iter a little, than to h'a nil ( ii. 1 ill (hid il to do ihins ill tl.' ir lo a 1. i-'ire luoiiiei.t. ' or a r And I think v u vi I not havii -o umcli ill! Iui-U to eoinpia.ll ol lierealter. ' And now, my yoi'litf tri.nds, I he only . to -ay that .lame, For-y th has rtforii.ci, and i a much litter boy. t.o thou and do likiwi-e lli,lhnill fn.;. I i MANY SilAI.J, IU N Til AND IRO. I I he time w. uld appear to have auived when this t'oiliou ol ihe iir.'i.lu t Daniel w ion . lo he lulliiie.l. " Many h!.' i run to and lro au 1 knowledge shad be iu- eita i d, Lai. inl. in, ei.ee ai.noui.ces that Europeans aro leaving at ;he raie ol more Uian one ?uoj-aiii per oa. lor iiiesuoie, j f America. llu,'il.-li paj'er- are heyiuiiiicjr serio.t-lvti H'.ak ot the " lljodu, of tiiei I'eltie race ' Ir . ni Irelaud. 1 lie waters of j On Sunday oteiiiiiat week, the coiiyrega tlie Atlanlic are not alone ploughed by the tion at the WcsU-yau chapel, Norton, mar ciiiuiai.t and p.i--enj;er ship-; tho,-u oi theiA-kcin, was thrown into reat cxcilement I'acir.c are ili.-t.nbed lor a rin.uar pui po.-e. . ,y the alarmini' and Midden d. lui-e of Mr. 'lu-uay ( Au.'UM -d ) the Ji.ilia Uookh Is an-. .lames Calvert, of ei.-!iiit'Hl, near ork. ehoied in our li.tihof witu ui.e linn, lied , w hH-t reading the bcautitul parable f;iveu pa- e n :ci , bound I I'roin Sydiiev to t'li iioi liia, hilc eiiiv il le Uav, ao auotiur vessel . bed l.ere with i:a. lli.l to S V due v. iiwtii.i is bound Iroiu tos h ure con-t.ii.l- I 'i.. ihrttday, a:" toe" unit oi.e hiiii.ri.'d 1 iiiiic Ai.ioy, while liio.i -amis up hit,; I toiia lor the wc-t. I In lis ai ri . ed : laboi el -, li '.in II llio ls.luils ale li l o.l-t o No: ill au i .s.i i til Amenta, l.itli. r lend, li.is leiai iiivivcuii iilaiiionj ail li.itioiii .' Never ore w- re the ell Is ol till! earth brought near I'ilh.r. To tiituii.iiau.ate the be i no no more tu ml.t id lhau a r ii- y --I a b.iu 1 J" 1 n.il w a - a l.-w y i. ar . i, or a tiip a. .ik- the R. ili li tlianiicl. . ,'. '. 1 ,n ml. ., , . j . ; . TELLl-Vi TALES DC t' ( IF Si'llUi )L. We nt ,ei c ijld buv. u p'J-ed that 1 ainiy i ii would ha. . bet u "(in , .1 Lie f jUowi.i ' ti u .1 'i Oil- trt a -ion : j " Everybody is lining vacation rxiril I sbi lid line lohavu the editor w ho w r.'to liial, loi lue iii the la.-e au I aii-wi-r luo !.i.,e,,i: t-.it. i ni-ui, and tii.-n dare whine a.ler that l i-iuoiil Who fi l liekets to ail t.n; ."-i.ti.ic-e bov-. tat siin-, white iieu-roe-, ictri-ii pi--, w nt. -t.nirf caii.irii s, i neu-cs, i j.. ti 1 1- ami ihcities; U ho ha, a lice pass ti laiiiui i c. it 1 r l ion , water excursion ., banooii a ct u ion-, political huhl-, Wthstcr i.iiiiiers, ku.,i.)j tuppers. nnd " I'eal rejec ll iu nit i tin.: t .' Ni ho baa the lir-t pi ul 'I" -h ol th. a-ou ,' who Lads ou aiiony- . I.t ill s aiid in tliii ine-, -iraw hen ies. 1,,, a. el nit loin u lio 'cls a slice ol .'.uu tithe every tune a couple make ioji- ol ii-:ii..-ehes . ant who ha- "pie in li., uiiie.: year iu and year nut I U bo has a.i toe Li ;an.i , ,ser ivhti. male lul l leu. ale c ui taot. v rend. in-.' round him. W ho amas ses a liiai.i.it enl library lrec gratis lor ii .t li i u : ( a.e a pull or two.) IV ho e,. t, pi-city bo. i. put i wh.n lies mi k, from his lady c ...I. n.ulor.s '.' " action, loisoothl don t talk lo me. I know nil about it. Ihe !ir t eiitli in. i n I c.i-i' saw n an "editor. I le been ac i linte l with tin cu r since 1 wa, kii.e iiirh to a but kit L. - iy 1". tn t'tt't. hi: iivvi; a iil.m lint Tin: i.wir.s. A new boiii.et has made il up pi ai .nice in I'ltii . oli.il. lll.d by Ma. ..line I'liiay ev 1 1 1 oi ul r a 1. :i mi' la li.oti - 1 u i ne to tt.iitt.t. 1. 1 "i i '" " """"" I Lili'.'lieaii la -In, .u the uiiit'llil Is hi tr a.i l i. in jii .i.1 i.t iii .il. i t.t ' Wi ll a- tlie I 1. 11,11 I- o, UIC s,u O, , r. oil bed leal h. r. Madame h.ts seeuied ai . ii i p.ueiii i -i ii r ineciiiiiiy , (ine ' , ill I -I li r iiiL'cu.iii v , (Hie i.-o rf-nii oo. has It sale li linn .1,) and ha.- couleiTcd lis c.u-lu-lve t K.i -land noon a da-hiii,.' minim r in 11 .i ..t sin el, L m ion. I h Joiiiniil aJii-: " I lie po-. es noi ol these bound-has already become, a perh et.'"'"a to I'aii-i and Un real. y beaiitilul way iu which the matt-iial is inade subsci . ieiil to every style id wearer, liom the truly t-.j.pic-Ui-li l" the sombre or di uiiire, fully ju-lnit s that ili-tini lioii.' 'I bis new uititle ol tires- is called I he ,'-'" o lloiiin t. Wo shall " ki t p au eye out lor the lir t appearance here of Ihe ti'llifirn. It w til be " a sil.t to see " w l.eii our ladies all -ret to weauiij.' Ualhff l"ilt. AlUmy Atus. A RE'llTiN TK'KET A (, a i -iy a ; ovv piiptr -ny s : ..lack, I ewly off; , 11 till , I'ltvaiCU ny ' ".-i ... J-."..:!, la.-s of 1 1 a out r animal, due nl Ibis eia.,s was a ,is- ria 'i lie. r I In: i it in r nay in a imin..) e b.iu. e.i lii-eeiiock anil I'ort Ulasiow, iu which was scrupulous in clergyman. Jack was not , aud the ch r- in hia nrastoloji' ' . ...1 l. i. PS mail iu a soli um tone ej-ptes-.,.. ... that the ' man was ou the road to the I nm dev I. Wi it dan t matt, r mueli, re-1 fliud Jj"k, "I have jot a.-turo ticket."' CAUOIIT IX A WATER SFOTTT. r tuiu uouurrea to bur.. ,1 ue, master of the tuiu ooemrou to ber. ,'lhe. master of the ' j--n . ve'el haU oboerveil some tbreuteiiiuff ttuatU- er coiuiu on, and had prudently taken iu . all sail. "ft ben he suildennr found bis xeswl enveloped intlie Voituxof whati Common-'" ly known m a water rpou ot water, bow- ever, he mh none but of the wju 1, or whirlwind, no inre than, ,n all probability, 'IID HI1IM I1BVJ v rrvwj Ki. Ul U V rvt . I UV lucky etiougli to eun ive to tell thft tale.r- ; t ' - carried do u kind of well or vorrJ Mr. KvermanS,,rr aud there thrown on her bean. ends. M,e h,,t volume of " ir. U eb-l r s ork.. ' recovered Iter p i-itton, a.jatu thrown are indebted for la. ts not ehibraced withiu j down in the same way, recovered herself; om ptrw.i.al kuowhd-e. . ti'i'd time prostrated. Iu the course oi , J,ullR.l ubster was born on the 1 f th these three uliset-, n-vru of the eleven per- ,i,.v .. I.... ....... It-' iu the Uwn of Sail.-- laillVtl IU' 'l 'llin HMIi'i"! i i 1 1 -t ui . a j these three upset-, m-vcu of the eleven per- i sou, on boaru wete lhrou oil the deck into the water, the ina-ier biiu-rlf was thrown overboad a sttojid time, after once eettitij Uafd o.,t ot the vollex. 1 jim.ly tlie w hi: !w iud f a-sed over, and of tl. overboard, five sueei eded in vvt- t;., ard aaiti, but two, uiifortiiiiately Wcle drowned ; they were both sailors of iUv ies.-cl: oi.e ol Hie to men U row lieu Hu ;, tiderlv man ; a pa-scii-cr who . niippoltiu biiu-ilf on a ben coop be bad 1.11 leky enouj'i to find floatih',' about, gallantly j;a.e it up to hint, s. eiiiL' his ape and iiit.rn.ily, and sw am oil to tin- v,:.Ur ea.-k floating at a greater di-taiiee i but the p .or man could not keep hi, hold of the c ' lii.an l w as d row .lied ; the other man who pei i-l eo was not i h Ii liom the deck en from the moment be into the sea. '1 be ikek carr'o fell or was swept over hoard the loi.,; boat via, partially stove in and tin- maiii-iiil, alt h u-li it ha I been prev ions lottei I'd , w a much rent. 1 he ves v 1 n turned to town to rtpair and rtpuil lainae. A riririitine comia in the he'lur, very . . j i : ....!:...! Iiarro ly e eaj.eu .. inj juvoiveu in ine ssiue 'eat a tropin'. SI HDEN DT.ATF1 IN A I'l LITT. in ,0 4.' th chapter of M. I. like - e -J I Amid the n.aliv -uMeii death.- that ar- lie.pi. l.-l pe fo r 11 1 1 Ii -, Jiuiiiiseriit i ,d Il l M-ite tlie nont'-t ti-ietids and .. .1.... ,..,l ... potteruliy h.tv e all. t ted il.j-e pres. nt iu the in ut and pit a.-anl l.tth- chap I "1 N -n u o-i S.. u lay l.i t I'!.. y wa re li-t. niu,' v illi tit" di't p. -t attention, evident!.- ni"v.-d with the simple nnd lorciblc p,issai;es of Scnp t it ro cuiitained in the ch.ipt. r iu tpic-ti'.'ii, w In ii all of a .-.I'M' ti, u'.ti r u 1 1 . 1 1 . . the word, ' I will ari-e an 1 pi I i my the preaeherenelaimed, dli my dear friend'.' and fall down ill tli- pulpit and aliuo-t ini uicdiately expired. 'I lus solemn incident nude a deep impression on the minds of the I eon re.'.-ttion, which will let iloiiblle-.- bt ,.,ldit rated till the lnt.-t moment of th-.-ir cTi-teuce I '.tit: '( X'tiftr'. j I'titNTED SEIlMdNS. Man? yeiir-i a'i". there praduati'd at Har vard I diversity a mint, by the name of kin. son, who settled iu the ministry at lur i mouth, mi Cape Cod. He u-e l to preach . vi ry poii, fed si rui.ms. llavin - heard that i ni,,. of bis parishioner.. W ere iu the hat it nl' inakliii? bim the subject ""' their mirth at a irro '-shop, he one Sabbath pre -tiled a i discourse from lb" text, " And I was the Smij of the drunkard.' His remarks were , -d" n very uioviu character, i many of bis h -nrers rose ami b it the house. A short (tiiuc aiterwiirds In- delivered a ili-eourse till more pointed : "And they Lcin ; con viited by tin ir own consciences, went out one b one." n this oeea-i iti no one ven tured to retire from the assembly, but the I .-uiity on. li-tciicri iu sikuce to the lash of the p-i-tor. i wasiiim; made easy, 1 The crazy folks ' in the Asylum at H.irl - ford (Ct) mix a -ill of ,i!it.io with a pall on ' of solt soap, just as thi-V are eoin,' to rub it Ion the cloths, which they then soak two or three hours, nud then merely l in-e out in 'clear water, and all the dirt ii out as cflect ' u a 1 1 v as eon 1 sense is out of a fel ov alter drinkiiio the same rjii-ititit v of the "poi-ton-! o,n stull. ' Just tell the women that thi, i 'the easiest way to make washin,' cu-v, and I in .. i h. II. to t r v it. it lid v on will th. It, ,-alier ' ll a v e no ri .t-oii to i n ii.i vt a - tm t. .i-iiiii.- ii.o 1 i :.. . .1,... , , - . , , I,, u-n. bin; stairs ami pa-sa:res, always u-n - . i r i .i i i a sponge in-tead of a cloth when wa-luii',' .,, . . , ., wall, ami you oitjc is cheap, .'win noi suit mi- elites , . ;. ,- ,;.,. ,,!,, .,, 1.,,, ;, 'l'i -l val- liable to all b .-p. l'o"l li ar mother," sai 1 n delicate little Lirl, 1 have broken your china in-n 1 ' ' Well y ou are a naujhly , careless troub- , -some little thin-, al wa vs iu li.i-i'hiel ; eo troub id; up -lairs till I si nd lor you." Au I thi- was a Christian" mother's nn swer lo the tenrlul litllfl culprit, who Inn sru'i til wilh nm. eoiniuereil temptation io tell a falsi hou I to si it ne In r fault I With i .i: ..... I .i:l i..,,.l I..,,'- th,-child o-' I,,.,',', 1 Li ihaf' moment was crit-hed in lu-r little heart the sweet flower ol truth, per-1 I hups never a'niu in alter years lo be reviv ed lo life. Oh what were a thoii-and vases ill comparison . John WAW.l-tiUt, a roldier ff the Revo - lothm, di.-d nt Shaker Village (N. H.)Urlo- her -!d a -etl fi.'j years, sevtn nionlhs, and ' . '' . J ii ...i.l . . t . . twenl y-tliree days, ne wasni me name oi Riiukerr Hill, and was one ol the last to leave the se -ne oi aciion. . ic v its vnr oi ttie . .-.'....-.. r. .... .r.r. founders of the Society of Shakers, bavin: tM.eu a member oi mil naitrniiy o '.'rssveuiy j-ear. SKETCH OF Ml. WEBSTER S LIFE IHUMlIIli. 1 . CUlV.nv.i AJ.. v Ue . ,J0 wmtlwr Kremli aiiiii't ; Jt .- tilting that, ou so. melancholy an oe- ci,'artc1.in. the U- 15:itili, tiiiti m rouiarka-. casion, thU jomnul, the couduttorspf which b,n fur jtf i! ,,sMicinl, hUtoiieaUnd political . baVe ever bceu -ineere admirers of the peer- fatare a thespeoth of two year previous. U.s8 taleiiU of the deceased statecinau, ud.,j. . cmrtrr lwwever,' was granted Iy a ' ,u carnut aud honest, friKuds-, Us bo well ole.bf N to 6ur ' i t ,--.-"; ki.t.ur I atwnvit nndvta upknowludifCL - . tr .. ': A ' ( should tiidiike iu bioraplueai reuiiuiceij should indulge iU biosrapbieal reuiiuUceiif - - - - j j . . 'f.i J.muwi iih. Mr. ucasipr ninit' m s (.f ' LU dLtiiH.nLbed career, luto tbo. minuto dttuil of hi yyutulul lile we iuiiy ,,l ..nu-r. . hiv are narrated iu vanoun publjeuUoosy but especially and with piod r. tVte, iu a volume, entitled ia i ot j ty ; rter and bU Cwiiemporar,.,, V published I n, . the farly part of the prweut year by -Mr. 4 , J I lit lit I . IIUIU tllli luva Jtm n v "-"--" a I ,iiu welt, and was in bis conUdeuce, Mr. L' 7 .'I I (,,v ,,f January, 17"-', iu the tjwn of Sali.-- hurv, New Hampshire, and was therefore ,, ... ,,....... vion-s. nine montiis and six ii;,, lauulv originally -hiii from ( nine or, ...f Seotland liis eui!ie-t aiicc-i or, of whom (MUljlv have any eel taiu knowledge, w 'J Itouias Webster, who settled utllaiup-j t,n, early as 1-od. His mother, Miss t 0 Salisbury, wa the second wife ,,1 hi, fath. r. KLeiiezei- el.ster. and a wo- r, in uu of rare Aiiiii t, I'.U mouth Col'.e. . intellectual endowments. In i, Mr. Weister tntcicd Dart c, a, a li i--Lilian. lie eradua- ted iu I - U i Imniediatcly afterwards be en me a law idei.t iu the olhce of Mr. I h mip-'ou, iu Ins native town, and siil.se ipi' iitiy mini ated lo take charge of a school al I iyi i.i.re,e, Maine, where be added to the scanty emoluments "t the po.-t by acting as it.-.-:-tui.t to the rcgieit r of de. d, lor the eoui.iy. I:i ; t. n.i '-r, l-i',, Mr. Wi 1, t. r r. turn ci! to Mr. I le.mp,i u s nli.ee, where be prose cuted bis stui. lis i.i.lil Fcbiuary, IUi,oe c.pyiu' him-. Il al-o villi the Latin cla-sics. Doii.i.' ih.it veiir Mr. 'i 1 -t. r u nt to l'..--tou and became n student ill the ollice of tin- Hon. ('In i-mpher liore. He was n.l iiiiltid to praeliee in the Suffolk Court of Coinii.uii Tk as iu Man h, 1 ' Do. In about a i,i I at L j alicrrt ai d -ea w en, w 1, Mr. W. l ere the i ml a di K r father died. prompted by to l e m ar bis filial attaebiii lit : laliit-r iu hi p;ai lice, 1 diclinin year-, bail eoliilncuced a mi'' tneuou-iy deeiined the cb rk-bip of the t orninou I 1. a- id 1 1 1 1 1-1 m-r-.tuti, N'eiv llanipsliire, iifi'i I'-.l to bim out ot 1 1 ,it i t for his father. The l.o-t was w-.rth i."hmhi a year. Ill IMI'i Mr. V b- M"" -t, ,- r. n - I i , I'.it u.'O.tli. Iu 1-0' I Mi at i i- -i Mi.,, 1 kf h. r, jaiib!,.r.-!' ll." Re Mr. I K lit r. of ll"pkiui:ton, N. II. M I b : le r . bstrr is t i.e uJi m.h i . :n j i--i tl art i.t.-.-. (lie tl 1 11" lie pr, -. nt Mrs. , !,. liter of 1 1. mi n ii l.erny, it isni .ulh, Mr. W i b.-t. I'u I il.ii tbil! t:l..i be W 3S bar ol i are t ii.li -, Jen u.iab Ma-.ui, Iv! rn::.r", , .1. i ciuiiib Sii.ii li, t ot Cms ,-ity. In p resided nine yeata a -.- .t lilt i d w .tli a amo:i - vt l.oi;t wit' war I J't I. .- Live William Kin,' Atkinson, l.ioree Sullivan. Saiini'l Dexter ami .lo-ph Story; y.the appeared as jiuin r counsel lut ten time- In May, 11 I, li'"' took his -i at in CoiiL-n-s., ! as repit-sciitative from the Stat" of New t ll.-Mi.p-hire. f.vA though one id the younne-t , mclnbcrs id' the lions.-, was placed upon, the committee ou foreign albiir-, alway - in; imp "'. 1 u ut committee, but tli.it lime pecii liarlv so. Mr. t li-ter was then l ut thiily; ve:.r- of aw. From this point bis public life may be said t i have commenced. I lis lir-t spi i i li in ( .ui"rcss was dilivi reil o;i ll-.- f t th .lui.e. I-I-I. It was in Mi port ..I a si t ies of resolutions introduced by him-; designed I) libit a couiiiiuiii.'.il. n fioin ll.e Kxieulivc which would unfold the proximate cau-cs of the war. His spei ch .sin prised the Ibnise by its display of histo rical knowledge ami illustrative ability. It ri vi it d the attention of all. The resolutions . pii-viiil.d, ;:nd to ibeiu the coitulry was in-, d. I tt d f..r a vt ry full and instructive report from Mr. Monroe, then Secretary of State.: At this session of Congress, Mr. Webster, al-o made effective speeches upon the in- , crca-e of tlie navy, and up"ii the rescinding: of the cmliar-oaiid took bis place in the Jfr ml rank of I'urliaiiieiil irv debaters. In .Mil lie was re-t let ted to C ingress, and iu ' January of tin' follow im' year snake ii'-aiu-t Mr. Dallas's bill f'-.r the biuter of lb" 1. Stile, Rank. Tlie bi.nk wn-t-i I .- uiidcr obli 'ation to lend the ( iovr-riiini tit thirty millions of dollars on demand', and to eiia hl it to do so, was to be relieved from re itcciiiiiij; il notes in specie. Mr. Wcbsler, in conjunct! m wilh Mr. Calhoun, Mr. .Lowndes ant others, strcnuoii-ly opposed the measiiri as tin nrraiwmciit lor the ' i--iie of an irreileciiiable paper turn m y 'a- a pr-ettt n-t only iiii--ound in it- piimi p'i -. but tending In inert use the d. iiin.-e-; un nt ol l!ic cm n iicy already existing. Mr. ; W'cbsti-r s speech upon this project displayed a dearie of research nnd a mastery of the 'somewhat difficult subje. I, id' bankliiL' and i hi,.,.,, .- i "i rely seen iii the debates in t'mi j tirc-s. The projci I wits lost, but rev ived by : ri i on-iil. ration on motion of Mr. Webster, ' nnd such aili. tiilllli Ills int I'll'lllectl that it 1 v:ls linally atl "pled by the House nnd passed ithrou'jh the senate ; but it was negatived j ,y r, 1 .,.1 i nt, I . iuj one of the two eases ; ., I he , i,i eisetl the vi to i.ow cr dunlin he t Xel l lsetl 11 his ci :ht years Ailuiiui-lral Mr. W.l. Ui..P nlsn 't.ri.eiiied l!ie tiassaue of Ihe Micc'e - - r ' . . -. , ..I ul inn, rcipiiriu. nil debts due lo tut or in noles -i r,..,,m-v p, ,c p if. p .yal le ou demand iu the tame legal cur I , i,,',!,,, M.1,-,lll,linif of Cotmress in De-' f ,.,), ,,r (-.- ,-. Wcb.-ter aain returned to W'a-hinton. Ho distinguished htniscir at this ses-ioii by oppo-ing Mr. Calhoun's . tariff 1 ill, and delivered a well-considered speech upon the subject in April, I!"'- 1 Mr. W't b-tcr ilia .Teed with Mr. t iillio.m, j ami opposed the bi'h tariff polny. The, j I ill that finally passed was on bis motion . - i . .1 : .. . : ..... ..'... 1 i i-j l.nl o he voted agfliiiM it on its passage as being el crude it, its character and injurious iu its j r i operations to bis ci.Mituent,, I ?j Subsciuently, however, thopslic-ycf ttcj I tariff bavin? b-wu,.- tli ' , anicnui-u in some nupoi i.im j....... he voted against it on its passage as i , .t, .....i- in- tnitinn it i lUhed plicj f the country, Mr, Weboter fti in nnd uiitiuortod k. In Februai , . , ir '-. . . ' ;', . 'i nrJ.,iM t lorta, mouth not Uciug Hullieieutly remuuenitive ; . " '. .' ... .... ;......;vn T . - ,r i.w hv tbo ! ""."'.".".. " , . ... ,i i view of In heavy M Dy n" reat lire in that twn, wbieU uettroyuu jus ; . a Ma br,t constitutional nf- " . hc lJart,I10ut, Colb ge ease, be- : e u,e Suprt.n,c Court of tho I'nitod States. . -m ... . 1 r I il.i.l f It. .....i .av IiA lit laVI i.O T'llllOlI U (Jt lit lUIIICI. ,,. " ', ,. lttlortti.ie diseourse before .Mv" ".Ulled " err favn Ik? font of the M.7 (J fM tl,e lmt of the. l'.(- ' , - ,,'' In tie Fall of lsiv.', bavin" previ- y all NlmiUr applications, even . . ,. .. . ..... i sit..t..u S,a,r. to the prolt.-r of the 1 niten males ocnaior- ship, be wa, elected a liu-mber of the Hou.sD of Representatives I'mm the city .4' Uostoii, iu the .i -hti-eiith Couoress. da the It-th of Jamtiiiy s-JL be made his speech on the I J reek revolution, iii .support of a resolution providing for the iay incut of au a'cut or tominandcr toll recce, whenever the i'resi deiit should deem it expeiiieut to appoint one. In tin-same y ear he sjioke iu opposi tion lo Mr. Clay oil the. tariff ticstiou, his iihjccti.Ui' to the irotective tiintf bill then peiidin,' bi'in,; not aL'aiu-t the priueiple of tin- bi.l, as ha- been alleged, but against certain of its details, nud ou the ground of it- inexpediency ca in rally. The bill, how ever, became law. D.irin-4 the sceoud si's-ioli of the eigh teenth Con-.'ic-s, Mr. W'eb-t. f was chairman .-I the judiciary iiuinitlee of thellou.-.1, and iu that capacity 1 rained and introduced the act of Mar .li --o, " more eileciually to provide for the punishment of certain crimes against the United Slates and for other put po-, ' very properly regarded t tl.it day its one of ihe iu i.t valuable lawsuit the statute book. Iu the summer of 1.(1, Mr. Webster ue liverc I hi. ni -c i.ir.-e in eoiniiieiiioiatioii of the li i , mid s. r.iee, of .loliu Ad. tins nnd 'j hoiii.ii J-. U - j.. In the previous year, the ad lres.s v.a., luadv on the li.yiu.4 ol tiiJ c.jiUsr stijiio of the ii inker lliii Monument. To the iiiiieteciiih Coii.'ress, Mr. Webster was elected by nearly a iiiianimous vote. During this ee-.-iou came up tlie sill-ji-tt of the Congress of l'ai.au.a. Mr. Webster s cch in tlie lloii-e ou that suloeel, .ir. l-.verttt i 1 1 -1 1 v s.i-.s. was bv far ttie aldest ol ibo-c p.lbii-hed, and " raised Hit- tpiestioii iroiu tin: w i etched level of party polities to the el.-vuli'oi of ieiil M.lteslii.ili-I i..'- Iu . I. tlle l't. Daui-1 Vv't lister was cleet.-il. by u Iiiri-c liiainity ot both llou-esiil the Mas--aehiisits I.e. 1-1 a tli re to the Senate of the I iiitcd Mat--.-, in p He" of Elijah Mills who I', lire. I en i,i cunt "I ili heallli. I he revis ion "I t:;.ii; v.:,- the -.rent .jiieM-on I.i-I'.ii-k tl.e t .vciiliei.tSi Ci't,;-re.-s. 'li.e prupo ed bill, tbuiieli pit-.ino heavily up, .ii tin: lcaiiiu, Stale, ul New KtuJalld, Itetived Mr. Wcb sler .-up. oi t, be cariici-tly juiin'.in"; out, however oi.'ii i tioiis to its dtlaiis. lo.vards the close of l'J aortal alllie f i - ii li 11 i.;."ii Mr. Webster in the decease of ills wile, lit- was on bis way to asliiiie. t' ti win u she tiled, nnd her iiiins.. and sub-.-i. j i. rt il. ..th p.evei.ud biitl tV mi takii.o his scat in the Senate until January, 1 This fir.-1 .session of the twenty-first Con-rrc'.-s was an eventful period iu Mr. Web ster s public and political lile. ll was dur ing tloit -i .-.-i li thai b. made w hat has teue rally b i li foii-iJ' letl bis auk-.-1 speech, ill r. ply to Seiiat-.r I lay lie, of South Carolina. 'Ih.il emphatically J.rcal speech will live ;n loii- as tlie Eiili-h language. Tlie tlow "f pati ioti-m and the bl ilii.'iney of it peerless intellect made even its severe lo -ie warm aud vital, while some poi'lions t.f ll are un surpassed ill ma-iiv ene-s of tii-uibt and u:aje-ty iu iiitcllcet. l iom that day Daniel Wt-b-ter jii-tly Kcaiiie the id d of New England, and be-all to leap ilio lirst fruits ..f lliiit wide pcieiiiiial lame, the richer j;ilts of tthich went on accumulating to the end of his life. Uu the evtliii.e ed the day on w liii h the debate closed, Mr. Webster and Mr. I lay lie lin t at a friends hou-e, and lor "ot t!ii- cxeiteiiiciit of the debate ill mutual civ ililii s. Iu Ihe Iwenty-sce hi I Con-ress (lie bank iplt . li Ul became a prominent .subject, Mr. Dallas itilro'liiiug a bill w bich p.-is.-ed both Houses, bciir-r supported by Mr. Webster iu ihe Seiiatc, to renew the Rank's charier. '1 he reader needs not to be told that it was vetoed by l'rcsideiit Jaeksoii. Next came 1' 1 1. 1; ' iii. the oiie-tiou of liullilii atloii, the lil.t ot which wa., Mippoited l y almiaii, but utter ly ovi-rtlii'.wn by Mr. Webster, in bis speech til the ihlii of February, !--. A btt-r from .lames Maili-ni, first publislied in ihe recent edition of Mr. Web-ters Works, shows how powerful was the impression made upon ttiat Mat ".-mans mind by tlie powerful rtasoniiijr of the Senator from Ma- .-iciiu-i Its. Siil'-i.'.i!. i.liv Mr. Clay ot tered a res-diiti ni, which, altt r amendment, coii-'emnin the removal of deposits from the United Stutes Rank. This led to a for mal prolcst from the President, which in' communicated to the Semite on the l.'th of l-.'il. This protest Mr. Wib-t.-r iii-i.ii rcil in an ei.croaciiinci.. on uu- r,iis ol the Senate, ami a denial to that body of the fVe.lom of action which tbo Fiesiilfii earnestly claimed lor himself; aud on the ,th May he u ldiessd the Senate ill li ply, iu a Miei'i-li of rare al ilitv, iu which tha con-lil utiouui riht-auf the Senate were set forth and defended by unanswerable a-vgu- LOits and in mo t foieil le language. Cuaiu c. llor Kent de-ciibes that spec-U ai " worth millions to our liberties." At the sps-im of (' .tigress held in. S'f b iiibcr, I by Fju-.-ial proclamation f Mr. Van Ruven, the plan ot finance, known as ihe sub-treasury system, an ! reto-mtucB.il. ed bv the (tnvcrunu iit, cnnnged the atteiis tion of the Senato. Mr Uebsb r oppo-cd tl.e henie Iron, its icePt.on. Mr.U.boun -upportcd it, and in a a;rerh ,n .ta t .vor ...ado ".eh .so ot Mf. W chslera namo a.-d "Wrtimniti- m w 4rav firth f.P v 'A tl.snnf'tho Senato. Mr. Webster oppo-cd r. j