I . ( tmsrmeasama A. C. WilUAMSGN, (kditou i. UIuLTGn.li'cBusHKn. CHARLOTTE, 20". 0.,G02302iS3EES22. 29, 18S2, lIOLTG.i & WILLIAKSOW, l'l.OPKtETOItS. TKR.M village, rose the dark outlines of tliu cypress wootl.t, grand and gloomy, and rcsoin llinf tome va.-t niouiitain sierra. It was a scene rich and radicnt with pleasures and pros ......: ...... i t ... -.'i... . . i 1 . . ., '., .. , , , . ' pdify j and Lore evidence of nriuuuly wealth Tip N.irtli.( Jrohiia W loo will lie nfbirtlcil to ,,,, ,i .,,(.! . , . , , i,i i .i , 011 the p:i 1 1 ol the proprietor. ubi.cfiU-r at I WO IMII.I.AUis in mlianee, or i . ' . . , . j w . l)(M. I. Alls AND FIFTY CENTS if pay.' 1 eonltl count at least three hundred las m. nt lw i"l ,y.-d ,lir ,:ir'1' ''! !. mill TIIkl.l-1 '.rers at work in the fields dressed in their IhllXAltS at tin, end of tho your. j broad palmetto hat. and sl;y blue j.u ki ts, A In riin-iwiitiiiiiiiTted atOne Itolh.r r i-.unri. whilu nearly an equal number of women and (i)t.-i.-.orli-..,t!.i..i.-dtyp)li.rUi(!t,r.tii.ur. thii.lren are seen at work union.' their hut lion. i.,-t j ctiiiU lur eoli cuiilimi a c. I oo't i.,!. . t 1 , , , , , , . 1 i;r";a. t ami HI.,r,rt".S.I-. .Iwp-dSJ per 0F 'ltd U"Jtr '" fcl'J --'- rk date . . i . i - .. -.--oil ii trees ll.nt t.rour i.r.,i.i.d 'I'm. ...it...-- ..C l... fr-l.t. Illdter ; biui iproii.ii.nini rr.xi. win .... - ............ it, nun i.t hi . iie- I. I 1 iiiiertcrcticc ot tue lreheli liobleinan, who, THE 1 at the same time received a blow from me that felled him to the earth. A duel was the const', pioiiec. The Frenchman was vvoun- e.l, but a far deeper wound was piy-cn to From tin- Itali. eh f tri - r . !of the House will undertake to raise his Th. )P Till: NAVY. report of the SocTfiry of the Navy, Mr. lytipedy, commences with an mo bv the content-, of a note which I n- I ;" ' "'""t "' t! ';ltt! 1"'""""' disposition ceiveii from Marie. I need not tell you all ! . MX "l'lrotiS Into which our Naval this note eontnim-d; it foib.-de me anv fiir-' !'"rCl! " "nv diNided, and the progress made ther aeouiiiiitiiiioc. From tl. 't m-,. ,--,i 1 ! '" I,lvri!11''"i' lie various ve.sael.-i for t'.icir M.'iw 'P iii,' Till s, i'. i. i"p t i - i 4.. .. . .i - ...: ii.... , ....1 ....f..-.- .11 VI l V'A lllij T I j V J j J-1 1 L j JlnU' 111" llll'l-eiiaie-'HIS r-.l.'.- jwi- " - . . ... red to, the Naval Asylum at l'hiladelphia KKrOUi OF Tllh t U.M I'l i;w I.l.hll. ""'..-'. , - '"' i- .-.! ..-,!.-.-.. of. l.uf it U so-'-ested that t uv I, I Oe tl,..- An,,.,. I Ii- -rt f the ""1"- I " I'" " " .', 1 It to AllIiali.illH or ( ,i'.tr.'. r ..! I in. in: .v e tcmr.tatiom of a - n.'n.L' . t. :tl , I --V'. F I,.. I mi. - i . 1 1 ... .i.-iuiiii- le-aruicf.-, oi every thin;:; n..il a re-poi-t that Marie was about to be married to the Count heightened my mi-, ry and ha-ten- le the events that 1 am about to r. late. It MTUce. In referoiico to the African squadron, the ccn tary hiijrjrest-i that the time has come ',r Congress to imiuiie ii.t-j the necessity in ,.U-Iron, tlie n-eul r pri.-n, l..ruut riii m t,y .'iiM-.,ii,tn rollea pn.-t w ithin a couple of w as too late t apologize 1 1 iifoiuote refor- continuing it, aln lie uniiKs that the ,c y.'.r. A.lvt-rlii-iii. i.t ,i,i-rt. .1 mont'-ly .,r bundled yards from where 1 Mood. oil. rin malion. I tl.n, mvOf ,. l. 1 .... , .' slave traific is now " lnui li reduced, that a,r.,'Tly-' !. V,t:lt,:z f. ii-: !'.:::!: uui t,petn iUx-..ri: .....i ... lj was i ,h w - i i..,i t., the w.inuu ; ' " 1 I ancM in tho i,-lr. i.t !.. -nil.l fi .. ..u t 11 - v.... i . . Hi n a. I run ... ..jj. -1 . . l . 1 , All l..,tnr. rrlntira la the K.litori.1 D. n-'rt- - . VI V " " "iw ""ViUttl. H-li-f f..ii-h,r,,rrM 7- " ,. , ... - .' ... ... , . C-vcr, ,n;t . lvukU.Ua:Ai4A aVsray a held of dissipation as J'aris it,-!f JM ' ' .. V. - . I . '.due. . Hi'f.tt..iiifu.i ik - - - ' i' i i i.-r. i lie c i h. i . i' hi cr in,- c . i . would be well to remove .or!o:l:, away lioin the temj larj-eilly. -. ,!,,, I. t.iV.i.ow Fund 'fhe S cr. lnry estiinat. s the sum reees sary for the support of the Navy for the n..-.-i. pts durinj; the Fi.-cal y.-ar year cndini: dun.- :i(ith, l--i. at SI I,. ",u I, - , of v. hid, ?yiw. will I., for iaIiU(mi.n,,l!uril, iUu ,,,, special ol.i -i t-.. I he amount draw n lroni t!ie Tre.-i-ury diiriiur the year ending .lime It., ,,,, due this Fund, ..v. 1. 1-.V2 Ho ' was after dedu.-lin.' re-liayuient , 'l ie re was a l.-il mv !.,. tlu-Tr.-i- .,of whi.-h 8-',(io;,this-l was H,r,r-IV,rrj,lo,.!- l-t ' ' ' . ,! 1 till Now iii'm r, -.1 'tni to the Puhh.li. r. All l..-r mu.t be w.t.w,d J pazc(J f,jr Keveral imnutcii over the t.ur 1 was not long in Uli'lin a dram lor tny .,,.,r.lti 0f t1(. ('!,!,,,., ... as the North I'acil or , y will n..i ih; u. . llaiKi.-cnpe, which otieraliuf.' as a narcotic, resources, .m.jh a.ier niiu saw me ).- ic ami lJiietin.' s Strait-, is aKo tiotic, !. :u J r Fayim-ntp cun l: i.id.- t. .-ithi r. ulinot j.ut u,y m .-lies to sl -ep. I'le-entiy in;' tion a d ruhkcii couch. I jilun-cd into tlK. H, ,-ri tary says that, in view of the ar- j r l'.itiiiUT re nutlioriird ! ct -ajrnU. ,,e Vo;re yf friend broke upon my wa- auibling willi perfect reckh-s.-ne.-s. and u- duous and Ion-.' x'rvice required, h" has put i kiugdieani. citement of this for a time ph-a-ed iiic I the slo.p of w ar 'iiieeini.-s, ,ropel!er ,J..!i:, You sec my plantation is it not a fine was not the only one, l.y l.un iret, ot tins 1 aucoc I;, the ,r',i Forp-d-e and a pilot bor.t y.'iiug p.anters, wii ) wastiicn .-p.-iel,n.' I. is upon tint -piadrou. I he expedition i-to b. rial oloe.-t '. ilie llue:p-n'icu nai- ... uri,, the vear of nppropriati ons on tho Uiltli June, will tie w atitdu lor onlr jaiions io conic . Dal ,ne. ee.iunls, ll.r t'ai-li-.M v-;:r two parties minis ,-NUie huuutil lie lumen. rum i, w-e I' t'n.t I1,. r M r. .c.Vi!l ui-t lamieu anv oppo.-itin to tho hoe!, en the ..f N-,-i i" r, , ; ,,,. Jeclar.-d in the resolutions, and R I - b:t.-ed his opposition upon the ground of cr-')-'-, .1, jt iiit tin a'.one ; but some sentinients uttei- cd by him in tiie debate, as reported to us ! 111 th. ui.-i Ives at'.'-rd a strong reason for li.l, I.J. i.l .,, J0 resolutions wo'-, lie sail!, Y.",7--. ,-, substantially, that he should like to be in Ko-suth'.i jilace and did not blame him f..r ' rai-iuj-fmels as In: did in this country If " ''y ' iii'l f'r.Ut .'" W'lu-i, mi-tubers of our Leii-- ' '"" lalure are found .-ipr'-s-iug Mich M-ntiineiits, S-:i:!J.li; 1-; surely it is time for those who condemn the pOCll'IT. one : i ' The finest I i ver aw. thj: r.Tn:i statks anim;i;i:at , . i r-i' t i -.- e i i i ' i-ijiM'NM'j Ji.ii..i. jnr. i i. 1 1 1. 1 . 1 1..-. , The folb in ini' coiivcr-ati-.ii oecurn-d in the - Hriti-h II ei-e of ('oniin ins on the 1 J I It u!t : Tit k Ait.'!!--A l'l iii;::ii;s. Mr. Mac- ,:ni y d. ,!s, I!,,.-.'! . Cue 1 ". - 1 1" Wi!. I!. It. i:-i.-id(-ni.'v i;,i,!-. . n;i.- st t , " I .in', ef 1 1 -p- 1'.- r, i. . ... i a : 1 I;,. .! I ,U ' I was boru upon it, it was my father s I he city seemed to be one huc aiiibliu ,e under the coniinaii'l of Commander King- tue .a--age in tn.: sp. ei h v. dating t the n t ;. IM. ,1-, '.v'o 1 have ii:. li r.-tood.' hou-c. 1 bad seen no such high gamin.' ,.,,1.. " ! mi under-tanditi.; b. twe-n this coutitry and I'-. Cr, .-..si.'., I-. ( ',,1. do T..i. ,..i. ..nbat t.lui.talion .lel". even in the bells ot J'aris. In one iii-l.t " 'II.,. -;. ..--..... ....... r.C.,. t , I. ..,.! the I'liited Stat,-, on the N , il'ii American !-l--r-'l '''! thousands nightly upon tar-j and lo.iiett snppii. d w it h sei. niiiie oliic-r-, and will LT.-grr v.: In-'l t tun a f. w reniar. I- - ..:.: 1. ,w u-ell .1... .,,,.. ur en'.. Fund, Nov. i, '.vi :w,-:-u Mj ,. ' ;M ,i, ,.!,.. , . i it.,,,... . Tl,.. r-.-fu.ti. int. tin- l.,7v.y Fund w. rc a fob I ..1V,. .jj .a -,.,1 ;,, ref. ranee to the e.-tab. h'-v- : !:,....-.i , i . Fr nil FlOries of V;.e;t,it I. itnls, n T.v. r.ai:! ,,, oi oi the c un.trv. 1 he Senate I !..'.Tr. i-o ritu-.-.i i i concur in the amend i-iei.t, and .-..-,.Vp eo :,,. I!,,, Us,-, bv a vote of i;l to ol. resoNed I s, I e-i ii -nuiei.t ol I he country el .lacKson. J he i.-.'.'l XI S. i,:tt,. j.-i I a 1 ill to r, J-eal the net c-ta',- I "" !i-l.in' .-aid coiti.trv, ami tl.i- House aui.-n-U Vn !i! !,'!! fd it I"-- substitutin-.' a 1 id t-. carry out the at. oil I'le.b'ed ! IIowV The Secretavv next r-f.-rs to the cxnlura- aloue 1 lu-t upwards t-.M-ntv th-ei-and dollars ,.f .. ,, ,., ..r V f.h.-i 1 viu ' ei-i of (i-heri.-s. J !. said n.-t a word ti-jain-t what ' upon another, more than halt that a in nil it. ,il. ria, to the iuionrtaii"" of "which his lit- government was doing now ; but he a 1- . I-;., e'l I-;, i no Ii . V. !-r'-t C.,1. t it as n i't -t; .a t tie- I 1 I'ledg.-d to the devi! thrt I would now Sum -times 1 wu legally, but the shall:- ta- f-nlion h el b.-.-n c illed I v the I'enn-v! w arn on agaui-t drink . atiJ it -n. r was kiuir au v.n.t.ii'e ot r, el.le-siie-- soiin t,in. s (oloi,i.,tio:i Soe'n ty. With a v i.-w t i pre- p o'taheo, on,: that mi-jht l.:t involved t.ie , t left, sou! and body, witiiiii one dollar of dam- by lalse dice, and oil u as I foiiuJ, by ah- ,,ai-ii:.' .'m.-way f'r sn- !i an exploration, ' peace and tran.'iility of the two countries, i ate-t i : i , - , h.i t',e I I" oik l;:id T.vi rn t, tit.ftit: to their position. A committee of coiii. reiiee, we Mipposc, will be liecessary .-, i; 1 oil thi-i .-llbjclt. "tl Tie bill to "i vile I r. ... II has been irnt-...- i- Ml ,, ,1. I ,,;,.,. 1 v j, v.-tc f tin to lit). T!.- dishurscni' nts from t':r .an" 1'imd w it S. M l'l'oceelliu.'s ncCe-- m::!te,. l'-.th iii the House airy id S.-nat. Fr.en t')e Lonth,-, Fc.!-r. Tli V-w ri-.t.:fn--J. A title ".t could only lew T i.- H;i,- of li'dde birth. And nirn of rank w. re ycr (; Thr gr Hi n, of Hie cmth. Tti. v ih i-m.-d it ju-t the crowd ahoaid fhrink li.' I'orc the c . nd (town ; They thought .1 rK the pwir should think, A,iid right to kr.p th.xu dean. Tho.e wtre the .hv when l-o..k wrre th,,,p- . 'I'he peoplu " t'o.dd not l.,u. h ; Mid.- fi.r the M of lf Olid kings And rmty ....-lint f.r .ii.-!,. Tn work Ihe loom, to till the .l, To eol -he r..tiy eein X,i trei.l thr ri.ui.,1 ..f .loir tol V,. qu.tc rnoi.L'ii f'-r them. T. "r ii. m U'n ju.t t . re.nl and wf ,t Verthi..,sllt a '. IrolH d'l1, ft t'-.-e w't. W ike WJ', ,n,,rniir bpt.t, To nrn th. ir duly .... .1. Tb- 11. m a t-t"r' tielus-lTe p!sT The I. ln !ie-i!.pi. ee Urn; As i fc, the in-M fr.,m I i'.-.t gave T.i'ir both -r,,t.l I., the ! w. N'i,- 1 -lrmd, fa I.-.I I J'rut!, a i.t.nf f r Slid we'. , A-.l f, t which fdl II ' Fiich-h youth, M l-t ,e our nil. .. . t pteie. 'T, li.n.d .1. ill- rm e 1.1 Lie ()"!, I , -pit- of w-e !,', orid r'nk ; The -rtii.n ,n y f-re a !',rd vs i tl ih.,,-si.il in tl- biik. r trmn not thoar ( hih de-.re f,i ... i . r.- a r'.n t;' Pyf -.'-er.-r men . rn h f .,n te ;,1 ijU'tr Hn O'd-Ie toO. V -r pr.ii.e ,n-v ,..-t a p-vcr !--irl. Hut t" w - work, f.r fr'--d M y Is . p r.-h.iiec. - w.rmer hesrt, A.. 1 '. -j a . 1 -r. r hr-'. T-o n .. . t ' ' --d -.Id tinifi," I: .. 1 1 i .-!.., io .1 -. v T .i i' u-'. ..I ,lr t' Crimea A r.- we r f -t . w . y -li. Ore f ir I'm, 1', I' the lt.ll, Via.! ..1 ; ...... i. l! : Th. e,,-;li.v pi - t ( .fit. -t f-ii! IH, n ui i :t !..- uit lII. 3lisccI(;incoiis. tlUtlel) . I ' I have never heard .s anlaoi!" it, he ,.,(. lulu- i:it rnij.ti-d t;ie;r cjiumer. Hi- h-ws on F..r .--. i le-liliili stl acting ii. -!.i y l ..:,i my . .i ,,, I. sh -e,i,l '!oii-r In oueoeca-i-.n. a f.iro dea'iei-. thinhin ' lee t-ieh"l (..' oinmaii let' l.vneh t i the Ai'rieiiii f-ut oil our snt-ply ol cot: 'II No jou never heard. You have red i , t. .x i. 1 1 alt. nq t-d, though in a ne.-t S.-i.,droti with in-tru.-ti .ii- haviit-r in view 'his . i --!iou c .rr-.-p-mded with tie-,: ol' P , II i !,:nig, niixc.l ith my I'o: ::iei- a - ,-iates in New ( r- ..,Vei.ly manner, to cheat in- out .4' a thou- the a-ctrt.-iitmicnt of sm-h loc.-.liti-s on the , .Mr. l';:t. i x; r, 1 imui.-diatdy all i- the Kxri,.--, th'.n. l.ut yj-l si, i!,c Hi af and I)ii I -aid I v.as not to; drunk t cii-t a- in:, v off,-r t! at- -t fael'i'ies I u- I . in tl lilind, - Su a. up I...n,!s, 'i , i i -po-it ;. uis conn, ct. .1 W illi tiie . il,-;.-i!i, I-., i t aiel e.-t, of the North Cur--' ' l: ' -'.iii.i li .-I lbeid. wire ill under ili-ctis- M-' t'i 1 I'1!' 'Il "f this debate l.ill ap- ! I l.:,.M Fl 1 1 -.'.' !ilo . i,i:-- a i I.-e i lele-v bear, li-t, in' pr.ciw: his trick, but en.',i-;li to make in.; ,-.ictr:,tiu.' the interior. The t..-n,i.-. Yix-u v a-hingl oi t !,a! t !ii c- ii.iii. icial and niari-! ' P Anv ill removed hi- 1.I-.V.-1 leaf Panama rcardlee. ..f what I did, and drauinr luy i- t i be --,.t t the Atricau eoa-t to ail i:i '.t -rcour-e l-.-i ni-n ry put .-.f th: -y. r,., from a-n-'hle a f ji-ehead a-n itiiic chis- sii;,tto I pinm. 1 hi- ban-Is t j the t il l -. J t.'oiiiin inder 1, Mich's op-rato,:is. Ih ili-h .1 oiui,,i on- an 1 th I n:t -d St-.t- s l-.w - : Sei.-d W a veil it se Vel a I times a. r.--s his t.ice ,V,ll l.ev. r f, ,r -ct the nul-oar l,..t ,1 The ev lit!..-. . o.h.r.. tl,,, r.-iter-s r.f 0:1 -!it t . be l'l 1CV 1 ol, the ! '.MZ ol a c) l-t- IVoin St it 1" r io on i- n, :. II tiie 11. -Use by way of fanning biiuse'f nnd procceil,..! ; .,. .;, ubu-ed, and in the t ud v, ! ' I am now thiitv live. Iilhni vi-ir. a:o I" bed to p iy a lar.e -uui ot mon. y t : t ;. to i-.-n n.. r e, i-n , I had completed my t-ducati in in I'iiii.-, un-1 a pro-, cuti-.u that had b. en ei. I -r. d a. a in. t It will . returned home to we tho rcti.. no. of my l.i-t nn:. in this w ay n-v lot tune so, j n.e.t 'relative, in v f.ith.-r, .l.i.o-itetl beneath v..n- until finally I obtain.."! (iilv th 'U-inl d -II- com troiicd po--.-s-or Ii . I ' .mill. .ns, t',!L. resolution v 1 ' I 1 '- ' .which 1... 1 pr-vi-ei-lv I,,--,-, I the Senate.) .i i'..:i - i- i .. e ' ... - '. j,, .lino II, e l ' ,r 1 ui... ... - pl-.JVldmg for tin- nnlle-inte I !''. dl u( the St:,:. ' sllb- Pi :!l I!, -til I,'' .'. 111 1 1 III. ! '.- Oieip . !. lynieiit u! ; 1 Hon to t! Do h- ('rn oi iv an 1 1. 1 I'iat i. bit- ly ni. -n.-d mg iraue. - . . i - i i . i ... i . . . ,- , , sab;- . I c.i-s e-ri d -Hen in:i) j..ei at til" i.ro-.'ress ot n )n-i -t of th ' -- -mier U'at-r Wild,, ot tlie t-'1''-'"- Angl-v American re, t i ll.-, lie .... r, -,!. .s. li . ;. ;,, with a eon ii, 'ei, o it r ,f ..,U An under I'o m 1 tliat '''I Veal's a.'-) tin: Wild.' lil.Illl 1 , S I,-,! nn.l I.'., i n'l.t f. h' n -in I of I.irut. P , .. . win will d.-p-irt as 1' 'j-'iiatiou m.N iitli America vv a- coiiiim- f the A i.l .!,, F v tn . iiii'l Wet. 1'. It. tin Ms, 'At-t willow, and to find my- If the uncii- ars l.y a inort.'iige or my ,a,.t. ti-til 1 his so -m a- tiie st -ainer i - r - ,-ly l". r s.-rv i.-. : t o a liai r-iw strip a. .11.' t.ie s. --re "t the w-e.t,-,. Turni.i;;.-, -fan . state Worth nearly wn.t l.kc the re-t ami in l--s that, one vcar, i h n-t.ini of l.i.-ur . 1 1 en, leu troiu a u cx- '" ' '' 1 " 'L ' -"' " """ 1 ' 1 ' B.-.ek duVs 11 .nk .r ( ape 1 car,) two hundred tlioii-al.d Uullnrs. live mil. s I toim I m -. II I.e. jari o , a n 1 a .; 1. 1 a 1 1 ... ,t , ,ioratf.!i ot t.i- v.,S, v ot tie: An.a?. !l. is -.''. j ..- . .-....... . .- , ..-i ,. n . . up the river, , the same si,!,., wa, the .-late lor 1 had even cxi.au-t d this an I what v, a, li-xt n-'li.-ed, an I I,, i-'-.i-l to have iiecom- II ril!-l and governed by a p-ople .-pe ih- 1!-' "j;" :ai,. chateau of l.asalh-. II- had oti-inally w -r . thin ail. I had bev -me a drunkard I plish-d his duty tii - uhlv and ol f.ih-1 lanjn age, and th"iih tier- (,( ( . , '. , r .u.i.-iat.-d Ir ,, Pran.-e aloi,-; with my f.ilh'- V ,.,v think u .-tran " mv o-,i-. nm.-h valuable i, , firm. .f ,u. ' Lieut, tiilboii, ''r'; " 1 govi-r.iinetit s in America, til.-!-.- n ,,',,----v, ';,., .., ...t I....1 l .. rh-l. I..- .!... "l. -t i-.: ....i .1 . . i .. . .i.i i , .-. '. .... ! villi n,i. a iiit!', ,-, t,t Ii ,s ii'tvitn- --'a ready but one t.e .j.ie. and the p-,i..-v li ek ,.f ..i..rt..... tint oitlit t . he pursued in re 'whole ti ivi-.'.itiiii between thi-i 'ir-lti tin- ' ..!!. ...! H.tik id v .ittoiir . st . .-. . i v. ... ,i. . )-.im rv an I '. ' ' ' means. lie hi-l fin only dun-ht-t Ma lie of ".,, year, but as N. w t It h .in- then w a- '"'-"" , . ... . . . . - ' -i-i f ,i , , , i . l.-i-i: c. had t.e.-n pl.ivmi.tcs pr.-vi'.us mi, ,,y a v ul nn w a- ma 'e cvi li in ! tin,,.' nc serv ices oi n:e t-n r I'oipnin in - -y - - - "'e,c ft... I-I'i to n.y d. paiture ftrllui -l-e. While we Vou'mav think it ,t.an- -till, when 1 c-rtuini..- the location ofr.,ck.s ard finals the I. mted Stat-s vva-i,ii. that -.vo ild p. n e . m.-r. I.otl. . loi.lr. ,,. ai..l b. In.- h-avit.' I. ,u- 1 .... to tl... ,;,...'.. i,...,.l I..,. 1 .... i . bit. . li this coui.trv and llur-.tie. are favor a- - i-cany a" pos-ioleoli the lool.ngot ac-w.-t- l , B.l.liti. nil r.t .rn. f-r l-.Vi,- 'i-iaioi f.r the lirt time, tiie face ..f the b.-a-.i- ,,, !lt .,,t to ,V s,.,-es. I wa- -liliii --dv --p"i;cll of. --. -Vo,.i I'..,..-:,... ..,;i .., ..... ,i ;, . ' IV; 'A i ... .I,,. ...in iio.il., o.--i o u- srl. jo. Men no . i al i'" eiiu-s and, under a suspension of l'" ' "i tli- I d'..--. W a s or. li red to clll ollllellt. ""! ; Th.- tw... Houses W the agre,- im in.-nl to a-ljoui ii on the l.'th inst, and adop ' 070 t' d a resolution t adjourn on the 'J-tl. We rr, ha-.e 1.1 idea that they will be able to do I'-'. "i s , ;.. ,i,:.t tin,.. ! vi v r ii. W11.1 kv. Iv.,.. .-'!' Hitilford, we .i. .ij ale ph-a-i I tj learn, vvasclcete,' Siipcrin-o.:i--i no t-ndeiit of Couiinoii Schools f..r two years. 'jo no: A b. tt. r app -intnu-.t culd led have L. ill made. H. W. (.' : it 1 s. the prc-eiit iiieumbeiif, l.i :.- 1 - was re-cle.-t -d 1 lcasiin r lor tw 0 venrs. KI.--M 1-i IL .-'--'1 U' -e-o 1 :.,-, t,;Ll,J. 1: 1,0 II 'Ffu! i l,;i I bad tu ' Six V . .li s of eH i:ed lis ltu.ig.. iti my ,- i all ui In the p: e:ut. in. ts i ionuiig 111 a cate in toe I AT I'.'l.l. VII was i.i lev (oftiie Palais lb.v ale did liel . flacc that iiu- ,,) a sum that I h e! I iiiL' trade. , 'I' ' v en AM-.rn, v -' I. ... - 0 I . I ..'- . C SO ri... , 1 .,1 ,r,.'-. 1 11,1111: j-t 10 toreun administration 0! thi- .-..ii-- . V''!' h ot, i.i 1, ,i bv Mr. llei'n v'lliinmll '-Ountry i-y the noble lord ( Palm-r.-ton) and ( 1 u'1 ' ' ' - - 1 - ... . .- . . . - .1 . 1.' ..! ..- ,1 .... . ..-....,!. .i 1 i.l Mr ,., , - I , ,,,' 1- I . 1 1 - , -01 .V s. . 1 lie j. .1 1 1 01 . in - ii. ii11111.11 , : . ' i.u ion .',-'1 Id O . oil I I nd oft. n a. 1 luy upon a dcrp!c-s cm. h , ,,,, nc.Uiiintanee. 1 ba t taken it di I I tliii.l: of niy.wii littl' Creole in the poeki 1 to sp, nd it lot a tii n.u ; iri'iu a 'fair S ...th-A.-sl -.-f - ur !a-t ;-irlin-r 1-v 1- jfai.ht.Ts Kr.H,ei-ry J of the clltle pie slire 1 ill.! full eve, the liu-hd In.,:, llll'l tin- pout 'in lit-, that ! fould hi vp L'iv.-n the w-r'. tlo.t ,-t 11,1 l..,re sol,, r a! I held the -II.. r -! ,11 inn U 1 1 1 ml v I. ,1 1 on ie ,11. -ul.i a- in were kept up In tween the t ,s i co.intrie and the I itn-i- unde tins.' i-onc-ssinns will. Ti : C.-lil!T lllli'lls lr-iii I" Vi- s.-.ini- 1 liil.l vv i . 1 1 r v pr 'p- no--t I. ,w 1. 1, r-4- ctive tli-i;i u-- r ii. I-y I, - n '. 1: v . v - 1 1 -, li. ..f ,.; t: j bi.e ki--td; 9 ml ..f a tleoi-an 1 things t;,!le-s..l ,;b. ity. iw'.ii, k a- t Ie. 1 ; 1,1 t;, that filited like Milibeauis o.crth'- m-.i of o! ;. et .;i.'g.-t- I t) n,j n.ii. 1, le. r '. -Ui. li.irv. i th .il-.'iit 0! these and 1 Ion ft 1 i, ,ae w a . ' ,1! etii -i.ed up 01 in v I 1 1 ) r tor ,. tie. p: v I'oit all tin' d nn'. in ( he w . e ,1 I W,th mi. !i a ..i-r-.-'.t'-'ii .luring mv ab- t,-.t w i-h it out. I f. !: in a f.aiu !' r. :! M-lue, Vo4 will . aril y b.iicve that a:t. r my t, ,.. I thou, ht ol the cl.aii.-e t ..t i. 1 I . ' ' -" H dl cou-l -t i-xelu- ,.n.tn ' I un- lon.lli V I- ill, 1. tie- l'lao- . iuu oe.r i,,e - tl,,. I,, i .ft 1 i, hod. III..,, " HI I.u I, W I, ) 1, 1'C l.-C, , l(ti-ii of Pierre l.:i-al!e. I ru-ln d thr-.u-.h vva-l Hut ab.t.e all, I thought ..f h r, an I tnepcrh rr. tl..- ...d man w a--.u the pia ,. n,,. ,jii,--tion cr-.--. d mv imnd, v. !e t.e. r I I le -lc."k Ine w 11 u.ly by the hand ' l. r. ,' mi-l.t ti'd will In r, having li. ar lth.it shouted 1, ' W here is luy il'.tle M irie I" i-.lt- r'l,l-ed th" Fr, lieu Tc.bb leall. li siellliii tie Marie I' repeated In', l.iu.1 ing, and mi- t my tlu-n paralyze,! mini a .1. - jo i o t re- t.-rin- the b'.u-e ; li r turiie l n-t with the solve. Hat it is -.nlv when w-y b ur drown- pretty ( hoi if t, ti years llint I waswal.t t, in ; that vv- strike tb p-rat, Iv. A-l'li':is . i ,. V- !.i"-i :.ti I (. i, I! ,1! fb "'. Vol. l:r,,,w;,.L- .,.,.1 I 1 1-. 1 1 u',-i-(i s.lll.ol I llert st e'l I ... I . s .. .. K. i. . h' there d: 1 n it remain between tin- two coum- I', if 1 F. bl id t) 0. I.' ! V l - .1 I -l I -.-: : '., I N ivii: ti"u Co. THE LAST BOLL Ail; Lit, ti i: it ! i w i i.i.. nv t. sr. iti.ui. 1 Francis you still drink, it is a danger cn practice.' ''h, m. rvly a d.vh now an 1 then noth ing 'tiore. v I7,e i.t.oi, with I, .vi-h iii.otion, I ul a l.nc.e an ..loeet I- williiti ...ir r. u li we lane -in .1 firl approaebiu;.' the lull ib-v .-i, ,pm. til . id" j. .it,-, to keep it th- re; ! t u but l"- it, tie W01liai.h "d ; still It Wa- Marie l.-elise. I eoaies the r.-gr. I lie' desire t W ill it la. hid lievt r b, fore lo ked en -'i-h loveliness, again a-k t'in-e who have -pint a I -t n She was pcifi.tl In st .tl- a g-i l.le--, an S.,eh am! itioti has mil,- (In- -r-it ....- .-.vv'-r .loiiu I' nr. nil. Mic li a . a-k-it i Ii" eo-ooi r- ,l "i .., '.,.-,.-l A-s,., ,., s,i,-. -o i K-.lte. an., iiu; , in.',- iut.c tin-.' e..i,e:si..us w:n. y, n. , i ,;. t ;, an I ," ru.i--i-.ri has I , ; ,-. n t . him 1 v an regard to tie" ti.-in-i i-s which vv.-re iu-t and y , :t. ,,!,. .,) v,-t. P. I!. Com. '" "id r whi.-h it- him -: -,-ia! s.-r-.-iee. prop-r. When tiie ipi.-tions r.-i :i -j Ih- S i-r. t-.ry r.-comni. n . - 1 1, ,t Con-n !.-- I 1 i.l -ll" anv tll.T.ti:f. .f u, he neees. m . ll t lliliaill l-eiweeil me I"-' . ',,o- , . . s. . .. v !...- tn - iiri-icil!.)-!,-: - -n!:;ii' ili-e-.iv- a -iu-.-ii' oue-iioii hi .ii-pm- c.--.-ei i;n p. l'l i-; ,-.. .! i:- "'i c -in xiiu witli !'-. hi.,.. '- duty. unioi tin. it- "ne d the li-lu-ri.-s. 'i'iieiiiau- I' ll.'- Naval A' -l'l--: --.!-: of ulacluriiig an 1 cunm-P-al p '.- .-t thi- ii t i ii -. . -' i i , i v -- r ,'i : , , e r. iir:i-i;-, i.u l th - ........ . ..j..u t- i,, ,,1..,, , s, v ).,-. that 1, ;, ,:!, r th- e-id- K-tt.. n.eiit, ati-t nw that ii"g.-tiatio.- Pel, t,,,-, ... . . . i ..... i .... i i i . , . .- Iv fend' ts nr w.i e-'iug "ll ne ii'ii-iei, u wi'iiiu ne an- ."i ry, i'l- e.'.-lilt iu.tc.1 on the prim-pie .f free and uuint.-r- F.se.-.it.t.- I) j.srt..,. t,t, . "....,. i .. - i . -.i I re. . -ill v do t .i-a-iiiii-ion to the navv ; ih at tie-ii iml'.-i- rupi-'i iniercour.-e on ,...TU -i-i. s witii r- S(i)i. jl( be limited, t r the pr. '- .:. t .'!-; on-, -p" - " l!o ';, we'd ac- . :..r..!!ers' l lo.irtli.'T li.'. to be lion,:;, t-.l at th- coin- 'I'lainle 1 with the p op: - of th" l'tlite.1 A iiut r.t ( i ie n,!, in. ne-in. nt of each veailv t, : ia. an 1 t . eon- M 't-s. and l:n v.ving their wi-le-s mi this Fihr-n.,., t stitul- the lowest c--s in't: - -de. .'.-IT of I' "-' hoped the government would not X,y"'iu,u.; those ti be iioini-.ine-t 1 v i ' ni-.-n -- and .,,1-s- sight of the matter :. r. hear.) '..st".i,r.. bvihe Pr.-i lent. Vacae" - ,.. l.o supplied ; .Mr. S. Ibrb. it wished to know wh.th.r s: .;, iv. 1 ' t ' ... . . 1 .!. i . : .. . T ..':.. . ..... th. re wa- an v i-r .-i'-" i of an eavl v s,-lti"- I' - ' -. io '.i.i -- ,iiii . i,- i ii-, .'!,i. i .i .. i . l i . . i i cxperi. i.ee ot the Ue-t ' mt ."a t. in ,- u- "' ' ' "i-pi - wi.'i tue -vm- n-.i T11K I.lMTSL.U'nii:. The hi'.' to inc., i ,j -rale the Atlantic anil N -vlli C-.;- "!. a tlai! li en! C.,n pany has 1...U i.iil. -. m t.ie ."eii.tte. 1 lie vote un its '-.''!- i.-, pa-.-.u c 1. dug -'-' S-r and - against. Wo sim-crt iy r-gr.-t this It .U-'. iy s tor two or v-'-i'l';; ii.' :': '!'' ' a i ' " ' ft ..f aw.-.rk, (I j,,,,, I, i t'i tee ' ee'.-" ..f whi.-ii. as all :ehi-t, 1 .' . . ; n d. n !- tl-- c iii:;., i-el.il -reatness and ; .: - - -. ,-ity of N Tth C;;,-.,:;-. '-' "" 1 "'' 'I !,. i. il niii'-o, ' -.1 -ii nt-.1,. i:,.. 1 '." i no . . . . - j . j ....... . i ., 1 .' , 1 1 1 that cr.at. .1 tie- world and si,,-!, a i Itl-ei t : .-I i n I. nt ure w it i an e wheicver its gi.-ince. f, '. I i l n-t of me. rcii I. r- d acute by the v.-rv dilli. ul- t- II v ei of the Strang oll-.n lint I then tv ..! th" died to be d-ne. Tiie ibdi.r, t xpt-ii. need. I loved, donbt.-d, .snd feared ; 1 , sure h , 1 little to do with tie- reformat: a jfor Uled '.his inoun nt it had l.i-v.r ..c.-urr.-.l that f .Hewed, th igh It , c.!:;.:,!y -ugg t -.1 I ,) me that Marie I,, i.l.!, ill I..V al -ei.ee, have ) ,, r, - jlu-i-ii that , d t- this r, f.i m itl ei. eet, wooed hii I won by another aid an- 1 thru-t il back into my pock, t, an 1 iu-hel l!,.r v. -is ,,-. s.oO V,, .tie, Colli, t llllr. C,. I., I l.n.. i ., . v, r . i . . i . . 1 ..... 1-ay ms,,, the-e . la-he, ami Jul, pstliat ., n ,,,,,.,.,. wa, j,;Ir ) ,, ,,.. the danger ICS they pass the bitter .l J,,,. M.olll.. ,., ). ., -,r,.: favorite with M ..- ' Pranei-. I have lit,',- more to t -'1 vol. oer , ne palate that nan else r,u.. ,,- , ,.,,. , The nnais bv w I.l, h I Ulllle-1. I I i itr. v. .nlv criiuii i.t oil tue li-ln re - i--t: :i. an I at tothirtv" . what period they iiii.'ht . xp.-i t th- vo-.-erti- .- 1 , , ..-.. .!..., 1. ., . ... pj -,,, men; vvi'Ul , lav oil liie l l"ii a - i,i luc n i t ni '."oi I ; ncgotialioi.- that ha '. t:ik. II pl:i--. . i-;,; b-eu il.i Th" Chan, ellor of th.- l-lx' b-.j'i'-r u ! it - ... !v'i. io-.. was o ld- inipo--ib!.' t i say whet: tln-y eo il.l . .!-!v. M'i!'n;T. ii v f.r-'p- ' ! " il "". Vtu-i, vi do not know the " t.v:. , Irvl it has tak. il upon you. t...i,f.--i..i. in In r sigh '".w: 'and blu- I o'.s.-rvcd, I ranci-, wlulo the l.oat w as n ,( 3n ( j tiknig in my cotton, how often you went t , , , ,.,'., , ,,,., , f t.e- bur. ' I'.lt they were old a'-o'iuint inee- th. ., ...-... "...:.. ? . .... . , """ ' " " .. i aie. c...i iiu i nave no, seen , m i u ior i . , ,;-, .1.. in r , ui'intiis. lie s teamen aunt. I he m. -ris t-v w I.i, h I r iovci l.llf a teW l ull li eKiii I.CI iri- 1 IJ ,1111 nil , lie u.o'o i.,o- -i t V- sn:.,, e u ,s , ,io. . . 'Hut, l'A,ivill,t Lave taken a d.i. so .,., lllli(v llf ,.;,, ,,,-.,- vpjri,. ,..l ',u one week from that ti no achik in a n lm tli.a,, u-ti years, and w 1, -re s t he ev il . Uom.( -r -,i,it,.( t. 1(,s0 f IVrr,- l.a- cottu, broker sat a salary of e I.U -M a vear. i c, n never i,c, ,.iii, ii ttrutiKar.i. i . ., , ,. i i,..,i ..i.1,,.,1 .,, ,.. ti... l,r!...r .,. . .. iVl,..i ;-f,, ',,.,- me I heard tin- thrilling 1 recovered tho :':u-.uiit of a d. '. ! of .'-'ll1, '" I I saw it in her looks 1 1 1 si t an Kn-gli h ni.-i. hant had bvcti owing Mail, me l-'iam-is, I do nl to mv father's e-!:i!" aid 1 shortly Incline e l-.i.l a s nl made any ;, p ntner in the firm of my employ, r. At 11- 1 iVes, but I dee, lie. I (his tilllUCOttOll sp. dilate Is' fort 11 il'S W't.' that a she -bowed me a plan, partiality, o!t,-n made in a few months and I was n -t . , . . i- i .... . i . . i . ... liel the nine was ten i.ir tu-iani wucii i v ry i mi; in ret riev m : my lo-t l'i-p ny, ..tire the confe ion from h.T lip, and what was of in-, re c.ni-i .j n lice, my l.p- Ti 1,' .. .. stt....f s.l-. -.ll. till, "it Will. III llol. 'Ah, l-ralitis, do not dec-ive me ; there J.n-eiy tlorr, elided sinofl.lv toi-t, and I w ns p,v a straii-e coincidence, mr partner V "' .Va,!r '"'"'' t'""t -'"""ded me n., ,;,..-. j,.:1,m, ,.v,. f ,. ,', .bleinan, w ho bapp.'-ued to be the a '.-ll of 1',,-r,"" !.-,:'-. f mv own .lowuward career. j still ilium d to v isit th-man ionof l..l-alle. m,. circun.stauees onee more l-roijit me ' l our downward ettrocr , ,, in-..,,..,... ;, I, . l, ,,l ,1 ,., , ,- l n-ebr. li . i e . -.1 . r. - . I'uring mv stay in Pan-., amour other m f -id with th- ohl m.in. As I ii,i..i- 1 ha known my Ire nd for about fu, , ,. .,,,, . ,,,,,lt of ,d att,r:,rls he ha I 1-mg wat, !,--,! my ars-had made his ae.p.a ,. .,, uvl.-r . ,ul' ; , j (;ihk ,( H;M ,..,,,.1,,, ,, aid in due time he iiu I. d ,- .-, iu,ijr iireuiii-tuices in the city t i i . ,i' . ;i ii li hie, -.t hi. I, ,i-l V m- i.,, . i n- . , . , J .iiiaintanee that lir-t led me into the evil, -'--il. nun at nis u... i. lo.imay i.nii.e "'e in-i w here lie w as represented to me as i , . .:,,,):.,., ie,i ,. more in , . ' . . . i. , mid It had crow n upon Inc. I he swi , tenet my sua it. an nog invs, unu . mon in siie ot the most clitel prisini ami weally plan- . ,'. , ,,,,. ,,,.,, ,,c ,!., ,.,,.r' l,,,r , , , , . ... .tit i.. ... Iio'tors ami lancy nriims urn iw n ...o, i .-. . ou , no river, aim uni-e- , ii, i.n. . , - , . , ..... i, ,,, ,, ,, . t ... , ,., n in I t hi ii i n . I . , ' , i i . tdefs of the I feiicli capital Um-vv so well ici mi lae u. i p an i limning i " irn-.il -"!'" . "'"' , ,., ,n ,.!.re, had created an appetite for di.-cv. rmg that I w as tor , : Vl -nay u, u '"' ""dd have meant by his downward r-v ' , . . , ai,,lln,.(1 that she st.ll loved ne- I ll.-aic, r rr ' "ol --; '." "vo '." ,1..; I,,l.;, nf ),rlv dritiki,,-. althoud, in seemed to -mil' l.pvn me, an! 1 w a , I, ,1 a gul iv, the llllllilier . 1 vv.. i! 1 not cM-.-od from tv . :.' Tin- S, eretai-y a bo - cr- ps of '.iii-l-hi'iia.-eii sh ..;! i . 1 1 be a--igued f-.r s-ervl -and nit -r ,-ix months nt - :. ti ,-, and approval by a c. p t -nt boar I. t , i-y ti"' papers on toe tan!..; (bear.) II-b-ii.ilil, 1 t a midshipman - v.arnut dating !,' ! oi ly r.-p- it what wa- mei.-i.vied in at i!,;;r itradu-itioti from th !. A:t ; ''' royal spo-cli. that th- m-goti , lions hi 1 thi ee vi-m service at . i. th v shall be. b.-.-n c.-irri.-l oil in t!, nm-t iVi-ndiy spirit, up ei a"n otherexaminati-.ii.ii t 1 f u- j.r,.m .- and lie bdi-ved tie' r.-ih-. win'. 1 be very ti',;i t i a new -Ta Ie t" 1,.- , .'.I ! ma-t ', r- " im-r.-a-'tl c unin.-ii i;ii relations b. tw-eii the lh- ..ra ie of "passed n,. I - i.ipmoii " to 1- two countries. a', -li -he: a soon as the l' -.-I-i il pruu-ti ui j .-1 tie-io. p- will allow. II-- LT i I" ..' mas- A Ct iCNTllI'il'ilIT. t-r- I e ...si-t of one huii'ln d. t b, at oia-, , W( ,,,;,.,.,, a ;,W ,1;, s since, that l!r,- iiili d 1 tie- a hp u ii tine I, t "I -o iiiiiiv pa--id .. , , . :. ! - W.,.,.,,.,, P. il, M.-" : i," in. i : -v. 1 1 ,.r's i:: s !,,t ..i.l F.h. 'l"ll, I i ear n -vf r ll I cf I 11, .Hi-l lo lae I , vi : i -, , ,' n .-, ;. 1'ii ,i,."Tr-J.ui. ..tun . -ii .-1 t.ie w.-i ..m t ;,pe I i ar and i.o . ! p I.i . . r l.a- j-.i--e.l its -d ri'iidiiig. l.-l i ' i In the II .-v, the res, .1 nt t uis introduced -.'1 I !, i 'Xlr' i'""-'1'-' --'iiCnlsoindiclaiiiigagaiiist .",',.,',, It1'1 ''-''.have pa-sed 1 v a vote of t. I t s Th- pr- lings of "Tue -day will l.-i i ni sh e.v the 'bt 'nu'iin 'l . 'ppa-itl-m which th-v ".'.' ' ' li'd Willi from S"llie "t the loc if,..- deil-iel-. ...'li 1 in .) i li. iary IJiil has l.eou iudeliiiitely -.: .' - I p.'-tp.'ie.'d. for the w ant of time, we beliove, 1: . 11 t - coi. -i n ! it. : :' Wn.i.i v.t . II. Smith li-.p. his been t-"-siiiltiriu the lirst J;i iicial Circuit. -1 ' - 1 - I V ' l I - . . . . . au i -or. ,v. i,. .-1 r.r.i., tuo cnator troiu lle hio id ami llohcs-'ii, has been dieted a Ti ii-tec of the l"niver.-ity, to hli one of tho pj-.ir vacancies in the Hoard, P. . I I ie-lay s Proceedings necessa rily omitted, as usual. In th- Senate, the 11 i I'i-t-i. r. li: f oi 'the Cape Pear and I'.-.p Ui.ir Navigation C enpany pa-sed its thirl r a l.n g, and i-, there;-. re, a law. In tiie 1.1-1.-'' I i la 1 Ig.'.-.l io I'-lr ,i t io' ill' v sail. II Tin: i.pnisi.A'n i:!:. Though this body bus been in e-s on six o.l to ivide tue Mate into eight .hi Iicial Circuit-, and to provide f.r th" eleiti .1 of an .-h'. r .1 a-lge an 1 an .titer S ilit- t vci ght d-ivs. and is now within two 'lays of it wa- o "' -' ' t'i e time ti'xcd ilr its adj ourtiiu. i.t, but little , An -th-r in. ll'. i.t:ial ba'l-.tliig was h i I for of the liceis-ury b'l.-iue-s of the s, ...ion has SvUat.T. 'i he uumi er of v-.te-ea-t was 1 ti,l y. t been coinplitod. Of cour.-e, the rcso'il- n-c. -eiry to a choice - I. Mr. pibbiu ii-ei t- adi-.urn on tiie l.'th luu-t be r.-seiud- '"'' ' : dr. P.aym r "d ; -entering I J. ed ; aid'..' what time th" l.e.l-latm-.: f,!! AH the Whl v .ted for Mr. llavner,' with d M.-srs. All-i it:,.,,,, H li.i.-.npiueu. 1 Ins can ., .Mr. Keune ly ;,,.,, 1; ,,.k in , In u'i.ti"ii. Vest, rd.iv , -'!dc to adjourn, ii-a t..c, it t.s imp, ...i-.i,- ' --,-,' ; 'a o. .oe -si s. .u-iii:,..!,, lioieunn, sugg.'-C, woull cliect a r.-iu.-tiuiot on.- w, ,lwu ....... f.,,- -.d. which, alliiiugii : for us to predict. MVi-s, I r.pp ah.l 1 ,-a;u--; an I all b in lie I a;, I fourteen m:; - r-, no 1 1 u-rca-c i t , j t (j( , 1i;iVu lllVl r The S.-nat-.'. ..ii I'nday an 1 Saturday, w.i- " voted i,.r Mr. J-mbiu, exc-pt the ratio ..-1" proiuoiioii to t i- vrps ul lie. i ',' j...,. 0r Vd- ml i- by no mc-iiis ' principal! v engaged in thi coti-ideruti -n of M, Hyr-l.Cott m, Christmas, L; Wat- l'":"il- . 1 an i oUanon',,:' ih- .'.ri.inal, ie ii can easily the ei,gro"-cd bill 1 1 iue-n p-o-at" the Allan- a:i 1 Saun lers. I i," i.r.raiii.atioii ol a 1 1 v.,rogr.,pIi;.-il ' . ...... .. ,i r ; .. t. ,-, i j ti- and North Caiinua Hail ibnul t onieinv. -- i-a.io.ing was ai-o ha l l-r Atlorney -nt' uti.it p., . co,,i, no. gucs,; ,. , , u., . nf iranil,. ,rinkiii T, althoud, in "-ncl t" mi.,!- upm me, an 1 1 w.,, 1 P,-t it in, been n upward ..me. lie was kll.,w. Pierre f y I his is the doll ,,,' 'nw worth half an, ilhon; I had beard more. ' , V( n f,lor tll;.,.M mi ,,,,,,,,: D'Aiivil drew a silver dollar from J' r that tlosw-ii, the pl,.nl'.t.o.. upon whn h ; j ; Hi . father died from ! poelo t and held it forth. A small w m I !,,... . . i .. . :.. ..... i iiicmici a n.v- tr, ami ma. u, ,., i, ' ..- , .... , - , i, i ., . . . . r ci mi mm , the elicits ol di nil, nil' Woild tt,e iiropnctor nl bl.Mi,iiiMi. ., . r i . ... '. . I .. ... t. .... ,.r .1 d l.cturmiig from .. , lorwaru io inc uo,o ,- n." p...'..-., , hi-hit- i.i, i li anil w as lant upon his simuiUi r, an-i a - u I,, rtillo one cvellln ' 1 dl.iui.l Voice lironoiiiieed 'llell. il 1 ill nil, g .-.'I t.'V -Vi . . .1 ".. I . ' i;,'. stopped ot his hou-e. I had never pa-scd it;e bcl.el.i .Mane Louise . ,. ":'"" "IT"r"J -- ..imc. uv return without stopping, and I coubl I bad I oct a number U V i.iirt,.,u.. "it- . ' ., , . . . i. . i : p.. i not on this occasion "tt km ill tie fpramiitii oi a iM-a.ni.u. ... . . ,. ,i, ., ,.,, , i .i ,-.. ot eary cjinpamons in Iberville, ami iiuiiii' f -ii -i'.ii. 1 urosn as de-u'eo, and walfccl , '. . , , , , i f-. i . .. . . . .-.i i : th" day we had drnnk iiuidi wine iii"Und i,M'i- to me iianioo , ia i.iuj: ., nit ."o" fiaza. ' Well list t ottr prcn over the tdnnf itnu.' I looked ubro.i.1 over fhe tops of the or- Ni:w ci im: imu PKVi-.ii anp .vat. 'J'1,0 Hiintsville (Tcxa.-) .'..', say.; "We bud a call this week from Mi'. P. I!crr, of (irimes counlv, who wo unler i n p. i i next recoininen led. t e m-i-t of on ma u r-, oil Lieutenants, 1 .". c unman b r-a-iio l'alaiis, li be e-p, eially cl.i-ated l"- si i -nl i,.e .-er i, e. Indepeiideiil and sepa rate from the regit! ir naval service. It should le built up 1 V. on material furnished bv the Naval Aca-i-niv. The S, . relary tii.p.t-rs a. id nrgu. s in favor of t .i- u. w enps .; s uiii' h ii:ili. Ill conn ,-t. .i wit', the . .ther pi-oji ) - i; i "i - I," submit I - I he -ay-that it iv i.l all' o-l the annual a p;. ,i ,,I un ,,t ..I ti can ; .dates f ,.- ii u y ; w id . i - r- r hi inencv and cHi. i-'i.e . t the A ..!!, i.,y ; v I f.-'t at " '" 'I " l '''v" 1 w 'H 1 l' ' di -d- U.l'.lt! P U'pS 111 Si'lell! i .. . o.he.-i'.-, Ac. Mr. Keim-lv c .u out sir :igiv a raln-t the ah, ...lion of lb, g.;i:. .' ill tue .Navy, an! .-ays that it, ha. c.i.i-el increase. 1 iu-ul -r-din.iii an, moie t'i i- e--t e i-irts in-ii li.,1, ."ii 1 tin; dciiioraii.aliou ol no n and idiiee:-.-. fin mo-t li etpient c uipl iini-iigaiust it are l'l mi t he s. allien t iielii-clv s. I u eoimceil ei w h thi. he proposes a new sy-teni lor organ'. ,ing ll body of cllieient seamen, tin' .1, t:i.!. of which are too Ion:! lor us to .,i!,.i-h. An iuei-east; ,.f the .Navy is st r,.n -I y re-l- .1:1 mi ll led . Al.-o the cstablisbllii. ill el on- f W.,-h,n.oi,, :d !',!.; The Snate has strieken out the dau-e p,V N r'!i Car iliui M-ssrs. Hatou vi. 1,-d 1 'i' a tran-l-.-i ot th" .'-t-ite S st 1. Iii ' " " u ii inilg pri-vi ni-iy U 'JU avettevclie and West tii Plank P. ia-1 J"u :n ti 'li:t..tt..:i. ! s ea-t 1 ti 1 jces- to strike ...it "".' ! ' :l '' in.''' -l. -Mr. Ui,s.-i:a receive 1 Mg S. II. lit MM ''. a .ar.e lgne e. I ' re M vi "11, tr ' Vi, l-i'Siiltin ' Ci Tt'S siltlll ' , ,T ..:.!. -. si...-, r ,-'.-, -,, ., !,, ,- 1 ,,. th. t. i. .. .!.. . .. -i: v.- to this roil, an 1 has "-'" '' --'-" , - - . . , , , i.- - . iv i,i in g t -r a tnc.isier tue .-:-c; in - . o i:,i,t pro K ;l. : I; and t.i-t -n S-vi :'al i i.'- 'l't -ui :t !.!.. .'! In-' II use ei I- relay an I ui lav. :.. t li ' loll tose -iroa 1 1 :n---'. a. ! tv ,::i' -i -of tl.i. .'-..---:h- Fr.- si,:!';--..-.. t. r i Hail 11 .ad II ml. pr. n,i-e- t i I- .-. Twei ly lV,lar.s to the 1! ar. r ,u Ch n 1- -ton. S. ('., N'ovr. I - IT. Ciiirh-.-ton. S. C . 1st 1 m- 1 bcr.l-l'-'." P. t.vieii ih ' Sioliiiv-, .1. ll. , 11 .'. :.. -. C.i-I.: r. an 1 .laics K I'l-'-i-dei,:, i a -idp ; in iiu- ...i. ii.a! ii i- a tali , l oa 1 car. II,- e,i,: iv, i- u. inns .;i the coii'i'evli ll ar- p: ii.te I '.' pi- ,n. C .i p i.:, r 1 ' ''- ! ' I -' ll, !' ',..,.; !.,', A C, I'eil'ni. l. 1 aid th - b.ll io r-l.-il phi. i aid NV.. i.'i'k. 'l lie ei iiiiol ha-.oily f'oi- siii.il v ign.-i cniii-ely .li::'. r, i.t li' en tho-e on ii,o e cn.i. fit ll, aid has ai- a l...r-!ir a' t P an. i-'t! 'in wiiu t.ie vv -r,i ,:il. - ' !-. t "' . i JIO,.!'l North C ti: sill 1 1 i i M.i. i::sj i;i . : iv i; n,:; i califosma. A f , t a i g 1 , ; . I i : t- ; i w s iV j : u Ciiifornit '' ha- '-en r e.-iv !. -.v'il,-h bri'i; S n l-'i-au-' ei-- d -t - t i th loth i.eiu . -r. '- 1 a- I'r. -i 1 -ii'i tl ci ,"l v i p i-. 1 of , lie'. !y. 1'l.c 1 1 :n . a-c - i " i: i-s: i e , o! '' t iiii 1 a m ii ultv -s;' ni. e f.'i.'l I I. I'i: c i v S i.-i-ei! -il , has b vn visite 1 Tic tn, i,:v o 'oa,-- repca e id;, vv I.i, ii 1 he ' " ., t ;i-.e al-,, in any elh.-r i , t v. . i a .li- e -ui : :"1. h. -v.-v. r, ii is. we ci 1 1 . ,! tw.-lve t: i. It has ii t. -I, i lu-l e , f 1 ' ' .ii:.. "f di-iti.il-i-.ity i l". ' t io, ! u- iiiiliie, which : ; ' i eive, ui.iie s-a: v to : -- 1 :. p. ll '. .oi: ,. oa as v, e nave s the pn! li- on th. ir lu.ii ! 1 . :i :ijl, to put ; gain.-: r. ia ivin : I ie iip-n t t.e -.111. Pert -C.;!i.v II. I :. Tiie bill lav r li." s' 1 -', ,-h a ilgh: 1 1 ; 'IlK-e. M-.s r. !. i; i'i.l o'l C l- I .-v A'.'- r"t ; -. a - i - -' il t , in.-, t vv o r v lilll 11 ii sllOlli I I. .t ,- tin- r 1. . a w : . i I s-e-, .. ,;ii. r.t il' iiiau'l.-il i el' Mr. Al' , i' ' re ni n.y v i or nn.re factories firth.' construct-. -a el ' liiai -hiii. tv, Ac., lor steamers. lie al-o ad- i ' vises thai, by w ay of t xpiT iiiu-ut. or- .the billiard table. I was semcwliat intoxi cated, but not so much as m-t to perceive I I. a l. l ie lU'l Ill.tl, ,,-ee.v,-.. ,nc i ...it. . wi---... teoilsly. Mung Willi this liil-n ireaiiuc.i., . - , ... ' t,at thev wcl 0 c ipahie of bein (ill ,. , .- , i ;. i r ...,..,1 ,.1V. I o informatioii, we .'leaned iron, linn . pei-i1"'" i "" - -'I'-' "u, 1 . CiH'NTHKril! r. 1 ure n dth. lroni among other i i it re-liiig item-. ...-.i.d i - ..1. .. . roil.li I, -. .,, 1,, ., 1, f- vi-cs nun, i v w ay ol t xpei iiiu-ut. or ot tiie i vv e v er , "'" . 1 1 :i -. l . a. .. .1 1 li., p . . , :o ... ,t, . . ' , . ; ,1 ,,1- f .1.' 1 .. ,.: ... ,i, . iv.... ,..'. , .. l. 'l -s . .. ... , .1 ,11,. I, N' It 111! I ,'l.lil I- H ..if 1111,11 i'lillliilll ; - - . ' l I . I , ' : 1 I . . , ',,,,:, , , i. '. ii, , l . . . . , , l ill. , , . " , , - i , . , , for (own. (.-lys tie- S '': fi-' .:..) The ! w i - 1 .; 1 rn :i tl. t ,'-l -n I'll lay. 1 1 vv w e I.u vv ll t ', at in- t- b that It will M ;i up. ie su'c et of I iter- . , ... . t . , i ' . , , . . , . I ll.-,. 1 I I ....... , . . I ... 1 . e. Mr P s-iys he h as se-ii it 1 men-leu. Also an imrea-e ot ti,.- marine . n;it ire 'l the , .a-ui-r ami i r, -eii lit. .i. v , veeti -ti. int.- raee i ny .'ir. l. acu, ire,, -o f t"- 1 "- ' 'i unjorii y i ren. corps nnd ot the cops ot pur-, rs, to 'I'.a.er i ( r iv, f. i -t an. I . l.tateting, are evi i.-ut'.y ; jr- !ti.'. l some ui-etisst-in. .ues-r-, i. a :i i if i u t. rec-. , e i in any .".tut! oi tat Willi the e-tabli-hm-nt of nnewen.ps ..f written with the same ink. The word I an 1 P. I". Caldwell sujet trt 1 the r - .-i-.l- I. .ii ui, in pr .pint i:t t.v thi ti imSef of vot-M js.-i.-t nit i.ur.scr. I he estaldi-linieiit d a " I w. nlv, on the Lit h -.ml lower corner ol tntis and .Mr. .M.v-:i oii;...ei t'm.n. u it . ci-t. in fit, ii.-n, I i v I. ,,t i I J relirvd li-t i aoaiu advised, jt'.e bill, is very much binned. t'uT an t!i"r geiiti- iii-'U "U th. oth-.T - v ol 1 -. ' 1 t .i :.i -r pub!!,-..:-' -ii. - '.iy -i " n a e sutivvf, It ' : - iloi t. t'oiiinn i. i i! i'. ii.k of thi- , vv V- h I1:- Pre- S S- ' fi - .oo.) Thew i- !.! 1 rn . :i tl lie W , - I . .1 .!..:..., .. -. ? ,,,! , , . ,. , , . It'll ill! V I HIT ill.- llliuiencc oi ei.iie.j . . . f'fild take in. ho'daof augareitio were w.v- n J ..... ,..,.,. r,1,i,: j .t their g?blen plume, in thn mm: ?? the - .. ,,. by 1 tr,),',"i'U 0l, r'"' I" Tl intoxi. .ition. 1 can scarcely Ml what pass ,.lv . 11 ultnt li:iMMMl 'uni t and fro ,.,. r a littlit Kummcr , ""ox" '"'"" ... , mini . ..1 I lie.. - .... ..r.iU..r l't,oii the occasion. ...y .. " - .i.. ' " ''. " " " . I .', ,..s I demanded, iii angry, wo rear, nulds of cotton amj preen tuttie, nti haps the fallowing rcine.lv for chills id-" -n'Meo, should c cpnpped with the n-fe has a V iiii-',n 1 "... bad pap T and be: g il w t , -.ei", to. r worth printing: Take a raw .-sir, break il ' V"r armament. j bmlly ex. clel. I ho head of t no v igt.et te Pr -set.t, t i.e rr -p-. ! e, iu tumbler, cover will, vinegar, aid drink j A provis,.,,, tor an inerea-e of i he number ; ,-iin- into lie curt - . uim at tb.t .. ,d the met its ibyh, w.n ,. t i alto-Cher :,,, hour or two bcto.e tl, - chill s ! "' limited to i.VM. is rccom- bill C ,'u,l : ,. S "d :, , .,:-.!..:. lie -t g 1 he re-nutio,,. on t y a v :;. .!-'.-::- 1- !::'-, woi-.viis repirt.-d ' h '..- 1 . 1 tic city iu adi.-i, with io i - -p ci a i - ,v h ...-.-s It was a; u 1 - i v, . : h i'i - t i : ; ,i - r o i! unit v of t'i; 1 1 f ii.';', a:d tli'liss of iir.ii.erty i. : .'. 1 :"- 1- i-ii, :,.-. ' I1 -tr i 1- ii' a 1 1 a'. i ocearre I at San r ,-i-i - i a d M iry svide. A' i r a !.i --.i t t rf y s pi ire. were ci:i l.iid, c i:r.:.ii-iag all tile sp I ' bettfeeil V ;r-et .-..iiu no 1 -!: ."! u r!:i, a.d ItMv'm l'ele-s i.:ue.; -T'Lhs if de p .pal ati-.m. Tllit - -,s I'i'. ii il'l :C th. ev'ra.-1 ;aut liguro ft -u n ,li .i-. T i - : i',- dpi; ii vv n s.ivc-l. .:..- hi:, I;.-1 -riry buildings were, r 'l- 1 a a !.' th ioias iviiln.i uia- jivs ift.-r tho li,'-. -y .8.,..ng and auui.y, until in m uuian. ...H1 ,. nrcvented U the " grouud at leant three wile Idiu thy "V ' i , . I 1 :.. ,,.,.. a-or.ls linen or years, aii'i ni tci miw limine wits irross. I di'inandetl, iu angry, woru., i j t .it. .... . i tt .,.. i ,i h ird ilo.e. till il is not ha so bail as that v:,i!laiuoa.s ITtiidi iuyeirti-m, "I'liuinc." nr, UUI. IS DI POIIOU WlllJ pn-cu I'. u'"', I ' . .. , f lrp.1,,,,,111 n, i. ,1 , , i , , , . . , i i un explanation of Ins lornior ircaiim.ni , nu '-puteliea of yams and melons atretelieil "", Al , . i n ...it; 'i. :i : .1... ,l;...,i I Pndcaved (montst r that I was) to s. it time f calling. '.. -i il v ; - f-r Pi'-sileiiUu PS-.ii.la.is - 1 a- i' -1. i.vs : oi,1,! Il l I :, in t .!. ")', -.r 1 jeu (.' v.?,

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