III"! A8u 1 FISHER, BURROUGHS k CO., Ijn the Brick Building adjoining Sadler's Hotel. The completion of the Charlotte Hail Road fiiritfhrRllic tili i xcum of Charlotte auil in-rounding country with the opportunity to purchase AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH, . & tf 4 JJS & 2MGY Ml GOODS, ? HATS, CAPS, LOOTS and SHOES, ' Paints, Oils, Varnish, and Dye Stuffs, WINDOW GLASS and PUTTY", S fym, Linseed and Train JC-. i GLASS and CltOCKEUY WARE, AND A WELL SELEOTI1D STOCK OF Ml iW mm" I Charlotte, December 1, 1952 Y.l.i.ibte TOYVA niori-:iCTV i FOR SALE. MIK subscriber will I'fTir for silc, in lha Town i I ui I b r hnte, nn 'I'mnlav, the 85ih day of J imi.y neat, (il bin g Ilia Tuiedayof January oarl.Ja'l of "" n'K'iiy rafffiifir ICenl Estate, : i , irf ifii Hi centre and moal dirahe part of lha : ' ,n or Iharlolt liereiolur mown aa jrt SADLER'S HOTEL fa fit, properly will bo divnhd into 14 Inla 3 of tshicb iH I'onl on I ryon Mrcel, I will In Us leal jVmt. and 3 will ba 27. running back fuel, and (.undid on on aid by II. B. Williams' l.argo f .'i.k Building and on lha other by the Hutchison I" ostny, 6 lula will front on 1 ml. Street all J . m t immediately below II. R. V illioina'a Large ) t Buildin?. and will be 33 fuel front each, and J.rnnif. back 140 feel, 4 will Ironl Main Depol i'rd, Imnline; 'J9 feet by 199, back, t here i a ti i lot 90 lael by 60, lying immedalely behind the jicliion Properly, and jmning lot No. 3. on Try. t Street, hich .ill be eold at the aama lime ami ii. 'Una property all llo. iinmadMlely around , tarijniniiif II. U William.'. Large Urn k Build and i without doubt the beet real ealat afar arfad foraala in Wratern North Carolina. Bund, i d ippraved eecurity will be required from pur. Kfi, payable one half in Bank in mnely daya, 't e'.li.r half in a nonll.a, all bearing uiterui Lrod.i JWf.n A SADDLER. 8 P ALEXANDER. , rUr.l(, Drrtmbet 21, ItSSS. 4rHe I JOHN SAHTY'S I M HE SuUe'iSrr i. nuw bpny to inform the eiti U t ni "i t 'iiarlolia and lha t)rrouni1irig rrvnn ti. thai be ht nimrd into ba New Hrtp, nn Cnl t;t iirect, immrdtaia'y bark of n.ddlara Hole!, t tit h . ri". rp.dy to eiland to all huin. iri hi I ite has ffol the beel of We k.nent and ia Ibrre I i erfroiinrd to d't Ilia ti, and ni't f.khiona h. rtfk, eve, put up hi thia Iwvb and at ruoder I "l.l PAIMNfJ done nr.ily and in a durable tiucEr, by calliug at Ibrahopof. JOHN IIARTV. . Pn,lt, f2. 18.'.. 4-1 tf (.ItlMT Itl'DI CTIO ! DAOLERnF.onrrs at Half PKirg! ! 1 S;.f niirf Likenesses for ct'hj 81..ri0 ,' rfAVINt; recently bought in New York at a gn at eecrnice, a lot of maleriala, w are Npd, (only while they laat) to finiali aaLLT 1 r ricrvaMand coaaict Liaaweaara, wano iiria To rtna, at tb following iinprecedeniedly t rairci wbicb are leaa than ever before offeied tin Mate, !ln. The una) 13 aita in fine morocco cava nn, only, 150 i 3J. fine double mororco cii, for g'oupa con liamgi.e likeneaea ol different pereune on epa liai.ira, (plain) heretofore tH 00, now rrrlmied ! a-iSy. 3 00 4 Miperb papier machie book raaee. inlaid with ri'l, nrwaat aiy'i-a including I ikaneaaee, ruluvcd m 7ij0 io only. 3 5(l rpedid nlnird lagiierrentypea taken at all pri fmni II 50 to a 15 IK), according lo aite, atyle I Loi kei, frame. Ac. t ll'tifrr LikaneaM-a - finer picluree more aiiterb'y hkI and al Iraa prii'a Ihan at any whir (Jul r ; in .Wth I arolina ! and takun equally well e'o dr in clear wall er, A Urge auor tna.nl i f fine gold and cheap Lock I &.., at i ee I Piiii'ing. I ng'a irge. Daguerrentypea, Ae. cor rt 7 C fril to any i 1 1 or uki y prai-ti. al l.iaTi.i'CTioKa giVrn and all 'rrnU luin.al.ed. IliAhLnl I K IA(.rKI(HA UAI.IJ KY I (ili.iA l)l(iiiria. Prnpru-lorr ) I No 5 l.r'i.i e Ituw, oaar Troitar'a Mnr. Petrmbe, 15. IS53. 47 if I , Groceries, Groceries, J UrrrfrifB ! !! i Il'ST raceie jng tin largaat and moat aitanaiea aleckof Urorcrict find M'rorisionn, t'" urTcred in the town of C harlotte, conai.ling f I ;" sarka S.U, I M Hair Gunny and Dund. Bagging, 1 ,s, ;ila Hope, WI do. Twin. I 18 llnda. l-ugar, new crop, 4 f Bbla. ( l.nAed andC'ruabad de. M fi.ga IdeCortea, " J.e. do. v () lib!,, fi.it, Mclaiaaa, n area, ' Hli tNib do, j Hhda Bacon Ride. j JW BM, ,tqilor, f , ki,aa. j "feru and .Malaga Winna. i ikt.rioua other arltdta aally kepi In th f '"'y Line, euch aa ; J and I heeee, i riilm.and Pe I I Lkril m..A f- 1'iirM.r. Lard and Candlee, Rai.on and Almonda, March and ttoap, tioda Biacuit and Soda, Pepper and pic Cimgrr and itditer. Indigo and t'npperae, 1 aha"f-o and 'gara, .... " t-een. Hlvli and tjonnnwrtrf. i Hi'b I i:i eel) l..w for f.'AMI or eacbange J' X'l'.N'lHY PKUDUCK, audi a i olton, J orn, Moal, Onta, In and Pane. Per.ona - . . u en ueinre purenaaing eiaewuer j aj AM, , oinaigiiment. I I-od rrpai,, e,ch j tten,btr IS. 1853. JOHN" WELLS. 47 if A I 1! ( V I aTlCJ Ifl III iQ M ! In' iri Hi r-'l Carnage Springs, Axels and Trimmings, IKON, STEEL and NAILS, BLACKSMITU TOOLS & MATERIALS, Carjienters'i Tools of all dtiscrijition, GUNS, GUN APPARATUS, 4c, Spades, Shorels,Iloes, Aies,Cross Cut Saws SADDLERS and coach hakers' IIAHDWA!tK&c. THOMAS MACKENZIE & SONS, No 222 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, f VroKTKIf.V.nd Pelen in ll f 8kion.Xi.ddle 'I'reea, Kngliit Hi-ad. and Heine. tJl'ill Wrbe, hlirrupa, ll.niea. Bi ta, Ar... ftpnnr., A vie. of all k.n'a.t'oach l.ace. HKN I IH.Id il, lluba. Mpi.kee, Can i. ire and 'lire B ilia, PaK'nl IVivave. Caruelinr, and t."ery ailmie munce'rd wlih fi ber branch ol lira burner, ahich ihey are prepared to offer In punctual eu 'lomera on aa good terma aa any other hou.r in the United Staiea. Afeota for lha aale of Pitpii'a Self. AHjuiting PA I s and Kpencer'. UIU TKKKS. LyOrdere prompil. aten(ird In. Addrete THOMAS MACKENZIE 4 SONS, No. 323 tt.iiiiiinre .Virrel. BALTIMORE. December 15 I8S2. 47-1 V t'onie and S-llle. HAVING discontinued The Tailoring Bu.ineaa in the Town of t'hailotie on my own rc.pon. ubility. I detire all pertone indebled to mr either by Note or Boob Account, tocome forward by Jtnua ry I ourt nail, and pay up, oiherwiae their delili will ba found in Iba hauda of an olTi.:.r. R M. KUHIN-iOV. raerioKe, Dtttmbtr 22 1853 4HiJ Dris;&;s Iron. ",av 'T" K are daily recrieirg from StT Hrge Iron i'ork. IhOX of traS'-vriy d ripiion. I l.ukrnnilia and t arumr. call and fi.iiune our stock. at jo. Ouratatkof lugar t oil. e. .tol.a., e.aV.e., IltVS I Sl lill.iilN-. .Nil 3. Ir mm lo Dtcmh.r IS, IbjS 47 if Charlotte Academy. -; ," , I iii'U in wrii oiniiifiii-e aVVft'TA J-rmar- 4 I'SI. lwiiiir- - f V t i i a Snph. Claw in ("ii'lpa. and Soph. I laa. in l-'i ieee, aleu lor ll- orfllnart bu.' naaa of Iifr. Hiodenia will ba received al any p rn.J dorirg th mhm, but aa rehing lunra le Nri.i av improvenient and le enure auiia, m nu h ay 4iem and ordrr, it ta de.irahle thai aJ, ahu wih to enjoy a routM of thorough Uaininif, run; ntnee with th opening yiar. liaiea ol luitino for a ace a Km of five inonthn. Ianguagee and the higher branchca of Mih. malica, tl5 00 Kngliah, 10.00 KhmeiiUrr, 5 00 Incidental inenee. l.Oll JOHN C. DENNY. Principal. Vretmbft 15, ln5'.. 47.41 Dissolution. fWHV partnerehip which heretofore eiisted be. Ji twaen t-prall Si. Alliaon ha eipired by the terma of Ha own limitation, and tt. Kirm being de. airoua of winding up thir old buime? re.e-lf'iilly requrat the r forin-r ft endn and eualoinra to conie forward hrloeen tlua and is Aral of January and rlon their ac ounta either by nolo or caah. The, indulge the hope that t'na reapectful rrqueat will be b'-cH. d. ar.d they ved the mortification of re. aorlmg to l-araher nteana lo enforce eeitlerntita. ( karhllt, Utcrmber 7, lr53 46lf Ik Hew Firm,1 AND JEW GOODS. f V nip- ffeiid ihr- firm tit Sjin ti St Alt!mn, i H V nd havtoy 'aid in lft ai-d ml id up. VAA. & Wl.NTEll of atylea and nialiiiea euperior to w al ha hereto fore Imrri iniporlrd lo tbta maikel, II ey fondly a . ttcipatrd an in"reaid run of luaiom, and UhK to th frienda of the old Firm to continue lo h-e ow thoir patronage upon tliem, aa Ihey a eonfid nt thai Ihey ara now mora deaerving of their ronfi. dene and ru-torn than ever 'I heir etoek of goode con. lata of every pnaaihl variety, which ia -r brought to tine market, or which the wanta o: the country demand. Only give ua a trial, and w will warrant you a good bargain, and aa good Go d. aa can be fuond tlua aid of New York. Their aland ia th aame aa that of the old Firm of hpratt A Alliaon. Ckarhttt. Vtetmbtr 7. lr?53. 46tf For Sale. TEAM of large wail trained Mt'LKS. Call on A'VML'KL A. HAIililS. ALIO FIHE WOOD fur nit bed al th ahnrteM no'ic. Calln fA.nl'r.L A. IIAKKI3. Prcmbrt 8, 1851. t5l $20 ItUU AUl). TOLBN from the rnbaeriher k3 atibl. 3 mile from Char. loile, an lha ;SililiU'y rued, on Ihurnlav nig'il. lha I bill inalant, 2 IIOIIr.H. on n w lis yaj m ffl iKii w a 4Ctf with lifavy mane and tail, aiout writ mad and ol comrimu ni. i. lOor 12 le.irao'd: 'lheebera.iii.it amrel horae 4 y ie old ry long and heavy lul. S or 'I while liel. and a email while .pot nn iIh Ivl't aide of lua nwk. and a ernr on hit la e a linle ab ve the level of h a yea pa ea well and ia tod aaddl horae aboa all eund ateel alio. on k lure lent. A man who lfl Karr'a levt-rn that nign. allr datk. Hhuul paying hia hill, htallieen au-pm l-d Ha r. gntrred Ininwll aa BU IT.KK, b it had paea d by the nam of KOAt'll K in S.li'bury I a n n. lorined by rrepeciahle Tobacconiat. from Knck j inglram county, thai hit true nam ia .YIOabKLY, from that cojrily. I will give th above reward tn any one who will aacura my hone o tb.U I ean Rat tlirrn. Ii. T. CALDWELL. CkjrtvUt, Dtmtktt ' IBM. 161 SAVE SO ESIOL CEMT., AND BUY YOUR i ui i inn,, mmm -groceries. BOOTS, SHOES, II ATS, "CAPS, BOMNETS, B&&I!xTKBTg, IE! 101 Hi1 OF ELIAS .To. 2, December 1, 1802. Harness and Saddlery. AVIAN u t rtMive(1 at hitt o'd t'a-id oni Hior b.'li.w Ker II .ifl and nrtrlv nufxi-i't' Bra 'evd H'irk ui din- lir-e NanrimiM ol' Ihe bc--mieriiil all ti wfip'iiMi'; nnd li iwn emil. yed toiiir of h hr wrltinrn. i- (pi-pi'd to mkd or evcrr diai ripliun and having mi h u j a large lot ol fine Trimmings ami HfiHHtiitg, hv will le ab'e t i c-nnpeta wrli lha bnl linp i,i tin "tale ai rilu.; d pr A'l k'i'd nf CiMllHrv I'rtiiltIC' ii km ii exrhupe liir m'.t al le ln'. t .l It" price. Chatiwt KuBrmbtr il i, IrJ J 41 i; STOVES, PARMlLU and .-i OKIMJ i r,.,,vrd at PaIIKS it. UUTl HhO.N'8 Dnrmber 1, 1852. 4i f Notice to the Legislature. t)l'PBLt'. nrri e ia hereby kivoii, thai epplira linn will be made io lh prcaenl l.rgi.iaiure to inenrparate the Kmpii and Nuith CaruUna Mi ning I'omrwnr. I tctn.btr 8 1852 149 To Those u ho Otcp lle, Vl.li pcfenna ndcbird to me. ether by Note or lln.ik Account, are rttupm'ttuily requea'cd lo roma forwaid and pay :heir dent., aa I im dvtvr mined to acltle up my huaunaa iiniin-i mi- Iv. J Bril AN. Chur tile. Dfctmbrt 8, 18.'.3. 4(Jif Tt my !i-t'iiltirs. VI I, pprnn u.dih td in me. fiihrr by Note m B It A- iou t. ar reM rit'ii!v rHiiic.ied ti ciiii inrwrd and nv ib- i'".S!l iiiMiiediaiely, aa .org. i inrtuigt nee t-.iin .1 b g'1" ' DAVID PAR KS. ftrr.i l I, IW.S2 4 ii I t ll tURt'. IVID PtliKi 'gm mr ihe B nk rf ih MW S'a'c ol mutb Curt.. Ina Ml I 'it'itl-li I'm d In bu l'..durr. nr t'l trli 1 'deck, tin New V.irk D r-m b T I 12 2 4"ti 4 It.-tliwllc iii'it nlli-l 'aroliii;t it.u-i:oi. UK PASrM.KU 'IK IN I- nnw riui T dai y, iSaiidaya cue. 'In) from Culur;ba In Charlotie. Sf.HF.IH'I.K. Leave rnlnmbi,? Oil'i.m. Leave rhtrlotlt 7 00 a ni. Bidrraay. 5l .M.irr.iwa', 7 4S ' Winn-biro1, 9.40 Yongevit:s.lO-30 " B ack, nek, IUJi " t'he'icrville.l I 4i " Firt Mill., UDi ' Hbcnizrr, .4i " ("lieaicrvill, 10 2i " II ackatork. M.i'j " Khemx-ir, 13 55 ..m. rt Milla, 1.35 iMorruwa', 2 31) Ynneeavitlcl I 20 " Wiiin.boro 13 10 p.m. R.ilEeaf, I3.V) Arri. Charlotte, 2 40 " Arr. Columbia, 135 The FlitKJIIT TRAIN" run daily, Iravi.ig Co. unibia and Cnarlutle at 7,15 a. in. The- ia i daily line of 4 horae STAfiKS from Charlotie to Sa i-bury, cnnncctiiig with ilia traina. Tioin Cheaieryille a line of at-gna rtm in c-n neciiun with the car. on Monday. vVedniaday. anu Friday, lo L'muii vl.le. G.tnn Springn, and 8jiar lannurg, C. BUl KNlGIIT.ra,'. JNWmlwr 3, 1P52. 4 L t Clothing ! Clothing ! ! ' I V I' f iv- d a hc oftii tup tlv n p ttv.y i 'ni tg fr F o' feiorii. i'aiitu and Vrr nf ih firnl rjijliv, wtucli will b d lw or c-in.li, fiy A UK nit N K &. CO. A'nn h-t 10, 1S.V2 42 tf Fancy Cnssimcrcs. TIC T K.eni rcc..,,.(i n .i.rtiin Mip,,iy nl rx-ia fine rncli Kjih y t'mtf ineri p nl I he mill- p Itt rn now .old by the Al r: mil I'mlnr hi Nt-w Y-.ik a ui:ri:i . t o . .V. ii'ft.ie' TutUrs. A'erreiter. 10 1852. 43 if Notice. r aNTEIt lo en i , o i e fi or S il CM." " Pl N I LUiS. li-.n.l uir, . mid r ..n.iiin c n plnyiiM-tii wtii i.e g.v ii iu am Ii. tfrhu noinn m.i e cuuimeiidcd. JONAS l.fDI-'ILL. fimmber 17, IS53. 4.' T j MadirH Silk tHatttillts. 'ifiUST received a few of the innai lat iinnil le 4 it via. For aale Iiiw fur en.h. he Hllhl(, BL'HKOl'GHS & CO. Kotembtr S, 1853 41 If jj3"-Notice. General I ami HAlee, OtTOIlKR 11, 1S.")2. J D M F.ROU"4 application, having been made In J. w Ihia office on Die a .1 ject, it ha b cn dccidi'd. on full eonpideralion. lo rfccgiuae ave'eninr'nti. ol Lu-d Warraula, when exet-ulert brfure two witni'tii. ea. and ai known dgd betVire a Notary Public; in all eaeee. bowevet, to be accotnpanii-d by a eerliti eat under aeal, Irom the pinpr auibority, of the off) ;il chararter of the Noiaiy, at Ihe lime ol la king audi acknowledgment, and of the genu. tie ne.a i-f Ilia signature. I be mai ui'iiiiiauf ihe 93d March leal will there fore be ri gidt-d aa en ami ud d J IIN N ll.MlN, CommiuttntT tejiro shoot ainl HI h stints, lat'tiiyiii I'litiita, ki lt) ) & l.tltat), Fuir ht e very Inw at KLI AS A COHEN'S, N t. timiuie Row. A I.AI.GK.tn. k ot C.i OCHS CtSSIMrKKM. a Sa'I'I I NETs, Tv EEKS and JKANS, loi ale low by ELI f ft toll EN. N l 2, Grant Row, c N RY SFED fur anlc. T. J. HOI.TON. 0 ISIT1C GOOD All) FM ARTULES J! & COHEN, Granite liotc, t harlotle.X. C. 40tf By Express ! " My wurk p'wtd, my ptivt- yii. Cheap fur CASH, bin c-ton'ii trust.' tT who linten with crrdntttjr Oie wliirtpwri JR. of fainiiy; or (mriniH wjih i'vf,r"'" ht Imr. tnnii of hnpe; ulin fipnct I hat ego will perform lh proinipra ot V'U'h ; or Ifrnl ilia d fifitfi" "f to day wi I lie aipp Hd Hy hu p"rriii.lien of to t'lnof SadlL-r and HariieM A1 afeer in the town of 'hir'ott" II smdillit ons!atof tl.c following va. rtetii-p, to wi' ; Forth f nro'ina SADDLES, Knniu. ki y " Curtn ntera ' Dnatnr " He a'to hna a varinlv of aar!d!ea mtda rxprp.a'y inr lrnv. fnirj a pnn'. dit;ince, wirrantrd to wear aell ll"i''b't a lnri;i' rtam.r'iniini of finddlna, Mt'i It'ni ka't. ,1 rii' lliovi'ia W s Butrgy whip Hoy 'a Sh db ei.tr-U"' h-r a tin all in inner oi s.Mliiit iy Ilarilu-'irr, tie will ft'l nn the niii.1 moderate terma, either hy ih hole aale nr rr-io,l. Ijr('"ll and aue. Shop one door Eoal of L, .'prinj a i-iurtr, R SIUVV. Ct.irlntte, Karttnbrr 10. 1S.2 43 if Hounds! ISotttuts ! ISonnets ! A Cnrnplein nsorlrnent of fanhionuble stylce. . V For sn'e Inw for cua'i, hy HIIKI(, DL'l.KOl'GHS ti CO. A'aortne.-r 3, i8j2 41 tf Tapestry y ISrusseln J' Ingrain fOR aale Inw tor cisli t v e IT II Kh, BUit.orCH4 Ai. CO. Katrmbrr 3, 1 853 41 if r.mbroiii erii s i I mbraith rics ! ! 1 T E cat the attention ol tbo Ladies to our com p'et aaenrtnienl of Cht'inist'lta, (ollr, I'ndrr Mlenyra ardCuir For i e l. fnr cash, by FIHE;, B L'l! KOl'GII Sl CO. Await 3, 4 1 ".f Plank Uo.id Notice. fjllnl'i SI ,S... lull. i hinut'Uika ilMrn.rrii .hi iht li'iiarm ti and T'av lor-i. le P .niK Koid i h f e f II , r initu Iu. ii i ph. t'. ili be rcr-cievefl bv In P .snle,.l and Dr.nl -f. P to b-id oak ' tine, .'t inc. i' Ii.ick ly ts feel fnn.'. Fur 'ui'hir j'tt'.n aiM- si t fh- l.rpn ei r n- i ni-dt ri nu d. w M JOiI.TaN, fn, id tm .Virl 10, .fill eioiiii, ej:iiii.cj, X(l ! I .. A. I t) I EN ha- j4.-l received a biauli. J till , is line. I ol' Supri fine Gi nil Fr-w k and Dross CO T."5, d' dn Sirkand Bjniues do ta-iincrp, T-rred and Jane; dj Fine C'ntli Ctoik, l.'lnlli, b'l'imt'e, Fc'l, Pcierfham and Blai kcl Over. Paula and V'caia in every variety of style and ma te lit. SliuU, Dmwert, Co'lar, Crv,ia, Gloves and yen llenun'r: furni-hlng artitloa, all of Inch will be .old II) per cent. Inner than any ii hrr e-itablit'hmeni in the Sia'e. Cell and judgofur Duri Ivs al N I. 3 Granite Row. A'ui"itr 10. 1?53 4if Notice to Travellers. DAILY SKKVICH. Through Ticket from Ciiar'.o-ttc To I'. Ii i.liurf, ... Ami in one month frptii this time a through Ticket w ill le given T n.illiiiiuii , for ... 621 Olill II rc. ( n.rlii. and Dr'vera, a all not I he mirp.iM d in the State ; inti p-ninnl at'i-riMnn I wilt lie pud lo fin aiTnitt.iind tun, of lh 'I rwv I. ( 'ii g i .iininuni: v bn liny l.unr i.s nn h r.t,l J. ."-."ill r. nr Airi pr'ln:a. oi i i.nr'nite. ar : I'nl y airb.-iisiil to rn.-eiie fare lo l'.lf rsbiirj; all i In- k'U'Vii tte, nisi to llahiiuure vilnn tliu ar rail r ne ul ran l., inaib- tl.tMl A I'.IIWV, Contractor l' rnni --aiia mrv In h'ali-h bll'Li V, fl'M'ti! A CO O.I C2 '52. 41 f 4cm Matins ai.tl Straie 4 tttiers. (f, AV'f'FD to p-tform well or nn aa!o. " " ClinttiiiV Patent. For aalu low for cuah. by A'trewo 3 lH5i 4l tf HOIILK T liltYCr, tr.vLrs is CROCKR1 LS, II AUD-WAUK ANU BBIB.tk' fltea EDM IJICU'DINO Family and Plantation Supplies, MIIOLI.SAI.I: AMI Kl I AII., yr. 97 Rii htirihoii-Stieet, Columbia, S. C. iLTCO'lTUN and ihrr Troduco Mured aid o!d, and Advance, made. ee.ter 3 I8."2 41 6 n Gttr.iT Clothing Emporium. JUT BKt'HIVKD AM) NOW OPENING Sjiletidid .tsHvrtmtnt of Ready-3Iade Clothing, 'iianul.clurtii hy al h-a.t l.itven llindru llau.... kepi core. ant y cmpl" ed at Niw Yoik aid ebe whi rn, bv eoiiii'bodv, erea-ly lor my nwn Sn'na, ind fnl a ixrre Iv Ibr n re.t ol mankind. Ca I and rnamin the Hoc a aid are il j(iO can't heat lUOl-nr any Iblng tl-e Of aer23. i.'.S A.C. STI'LI.E. S'Jti' Wanted, 1,500 PMVS D cfeau C oltunand Lin iwfe wr? tip a! tm IRI Tkffl, J 'i 1 5"J MEBWM1, CSBiOCJBRIES, IIATkS, cap, boots, siioen, and every things else generally kept in nny K.-tahlifliincttt in t!ii. town. We nrc rlcli r miued to sell Z2 B. Jfl. MiiiJ IdnV H.oi.E 12 IS . than the clieaiie.t, nt our Stun-, .10.4, Granile ISangr, sign of the Golden Her-Hire. November 31, la32. A. IlETIllE Jt It And DoaleidSaa.Af tlemen's Furnishing TKvO ml ieijectfu!Ir invite the attrn ion of their tJLF f'itnd and the public gtiinll ( to their vt fitti t(.ck ol' Tall and Winter, Staple and Fancy roir 31 I i x ' .S W Ii A IS . whi'-h hiive been selected with care and judgment in Nuw York. We feel ronfi. lent tn nffcitng an a. sorinicr.l nf (.mda unaurpiii-scd bv any houee in Charb He,' but at are enabled lo insure tatislacliuii to the purchaser. OUR STOCK CONSISTS IN PART OF cloths; cm s s i,nr.i:i:s, ASH of the niost tatiiotifib e yU , bnili Filar k or d Fn rV,of the IritePf ) 1e,iit. h.ih iinnnrti d nnd ddnii'tytio i Tlipk' wii! he 11 1 t Ol'ltrr. with Hit 1 e " ' nl 'J'rijiiiningB t Mill. Uy hh y.HuI vVurknicn df can bp I fuunn 8 m ! g Ihe trai'e. lul'iic uho wi-h we tlr the leirffst. bet and m't fiKliitHinblf s'ofk 'Or vt-n inoni-i mvariai.lv) ilun ran lip foui: in t harlnHt , hdVin niade airniipinei'i" v.j(h nin of ihe inofit XI' iifive umtiuuciu tru m New Vu Im whnsc G hi tin n rid work e can rconini( nci with tilt Coftfideiiri'. f "Mltp'V H rrinil-if'aj tlimnL'h 'III1 'H n with Hr Q.aSB B til 13 JXfc,' dai of ivcry du-cnpi. n in tt iud.-uM4tii itMin as n utamitBcitiTFr cmi ciid them to l'hnr,nttc. We w-is-ii it distinctly iindrrKtifod (hat our inift- are ail gena ine nuhiiiiation. lnaddiuuit to I lit above wt havt a n'endid piork of S'Wi'. Drawers, Sftsrtiffrrs, GfvettftirlSj Or a rats, Vtxket lluudkervhirfu l)rt .t Casts. Yurt ISIotiics JSIaucy Beltsy Srar Cases t ij-c. tj-r. Acknowlt-dcin our oblifrationa tn oar fi lends and (he public e!i emllv Inr Itirinfr favors, we hope io reetive ptlpn.tfe Mirticitnl tn jnst.tV tn in increas inp our hit iii,ns 4i Bt tn pnh u us lu ptM C'Aforff. October 2 IB.V 3(J f Catawba. College, If. II. SniTII, Prcidrnt, and Profcaor o' AItthtniKiit:b, Ant:ient and Modern LafgUHfret, Pro'esfor of Menial and Mora1 iSt-.encp, Dclles Let! re?, S c. Profe.s'if Chemialry, Mineral ipv, a id N'jiural Plu!os'phy. yi, FKVi T.itnr in Mathematics. V. V, iXAPP, Tutor io Langutigca. Course of Instruction, And Terma ptr Staaion of Twenty Weeks: ! t'clUge Courr-e, flllili II Pu:.ratory do. frou 5,00 to I2.IKI I II NnrniHl and Cvieineea Di niieoi lu,Uh IV. Primary do. from 5,00 ti ;,0u German, Freni h, Spwh. and I Im n. cxua.txcep tiiif th.ne in the re. ii r Col.i gA Via a. Coi)!tMte t expfi'rs var) inif w.tli iircunihtupccs. ni v- r i x -ftdii c SlJMJ. to be p ii in artv.mr;. narding, room, futl, etc., from to $,50 ptt week. The (iiiTcsn with whtrH tlui !ostituti n Ii.t thin far met has indurrd lh Tru.-iem lo en'arg' 1 couri-e ofjiiiidy, io hk to include ai lliil is imbra ced in thu in- t ihornugti hchemva of Coih'tre in -t u hioii in tlua country, and to adopt a iysle n oi iiierinx lo r une it to tie ti ghtst grutJe uniMiiir the l tmuiiutis ol Leaininjiii Hie Smj" htrn Siaien. Thrj exjMci, in due time, to te able to fill the va cam PrHit'nMKfditi?, by men of known literary mer. t and qunl'tVaiMii'-. 0Ttie Wimer iSowinn of 1 will commence on nti first Muudiv in Jjinury. IK ortter of the lr uft'e : J. II.CiiAUrORD, President. Gko. SKir.R. Secretary. Ntwinti. V i'bi county, N. C. Noviinhtr 3 I Kit. 41 tf 'IMinl."., V.-tliM ., V ( ;ii'iet Itngs. TTTJ a lT arrived nt Fl'I.I.II'GS . ti.w (. ioiiiiiiu Mora". he In 1 1" sl lot nl I runks, V.ihscs and i.iirpi.t II tt. rvrr broilsibt In t'hartolle. all of which will be aula at thu lowtst kind ni prit't-s bv u llings ,t co. OfforV 5. 1S22. 37 tf QdjVoticc. TVOTlK ia herohy given that anplirntion wi'I 1 b madft lothH i omtiiifsionora u IVnsion, lor (ttiplieii'e f lill;iry ftmitiiy tnnii Wnrrnttt, ia-40'd Under -ct nf Sfpiember iil-i. IHfiO. to Rilen Vullrii, lor 40 rrM, and nuniteret 1511'''. uid Wtirrani wmh jnirf hi-Ked .f lh VVarranlt-e, for me hy FTfins V ra-it AllnrneyaBl W nnhinlti'i ( ty It.C , and lor ardrd to toy n'd.esnat Korl I ( fiance, N. i ,, al'Oiil i nlO'lior U h of April Net, in a t prkot miil-iining tivf oilir find H jrrjint-, aid pm-k t wan mtrked No. 1 or No 'J a d whu opn when recr ted, mid I lie warrant Mm d to nt'd IA leu Mullen, hud butii vjuacitd or IokI if i-rt fioiu, October 27. 1?;,2. 40 6t II.3I.Pritchard,M.D. tiFKICK NO 2, M'lil.NG'. N t-.W BUILDING Cotton H II K subcribcr bavinir rnnnei tcd hiiiiaell wiih .A. nneot the bes' b..npp in ("ha lfnt"n. ni now p'e iiarcd iniintrliirCOTT01 at lair priri s, and make adrmici-a nu Hie ' i", nr fnma'd it by Kail Unad aa Ihe seller rimy rhonmi. Ilia (Mice is a I! ii if II. tel. II. will also attend tnanv Coumiia. ainii liUfiiiei-a that may be entrusted to hi enre, K. I- L.MS. Chmloitr. O'loher 20. lf5.-2 3lif WARCLAW & WALKER, Faetnrs k Commission Merchants, NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF, CT 1 A R L LNTON , S. C. Tf. A. -WaRDLAW. O. TALRER. Onr fommiMinn for arllino Cotton will he fiftv cnla per balf. Finly aopnhes will bo porchas,d for mi r fnrmda Special attttition iventotheee Ire t ion of arMelM order. b Ohri. it? a. sff j j -YLJSI "$& tf ry -ry -rr- m DiiK Kim 4i s(mii:us. 4tf WATCHES & .5 E WELTI Y AT TIIO.IAK 'ritUTTKirN, .iv. at Giii.TiTi: ic.i.yGi:. rIO my Friend andCtintomern and n ij l he Public in general, I i jat nv, F W ttiijLiSif vou wish any arlir.!"! in itiw abnvi x5 line, cu'l b ii rj 1 will bIidw ynn (!, of (he hel fttntuif rnctitH in be found in the Siule, ooi ,ntiiic uf I?ine IHttchrs ami Jfrtvtlty Silver Socma and Forks. Pen and Pocket Knivva, Kazur-, Ftinrv Ariidts and ."D m ."ETC Hit B O. Jiff B H 3 E R w Inch I will m-1 1 for CASH at reduced j.nof. (.all and examine. jNocharir' lor tsliuw mg UuoJs. a tn Urge assortment ol Wuii h Mntuiialu for rrpair. iofr Wntc'iia and Jcweliy in the butt manner and at fhort not tr. I tiartolte, October 20 1 "oi. 30 f Fashions. fBl UY. LsiIips Monlhly ,lair..ziiic T he World of ia riifliion, a J .urn;il of ilie t'otirtu nl Lnud.in and I'.'ina A!so, Ihe l.cntlcmrn'e Monlblv .ttntfn ztne of r'uropran Filpluniis, cmi be hud, by iipp'y niff to tho autiscritier. who is a regular author. led ngcnl. Tim price fur the World of Fna'iioii, ta per year. Ginlleuicu's Maniin (4 " ' A. UK III I1 NF.. Orfoier 13 1-62. 3nf ISat.s and Caps. STl.'STn i-.-ivd at I I I.I. - I (.! .V '. !' i i a s II ii ind t nps K.ili Sivlc fnr lc.2, at II. e lo.vel kiiiu ol prices von cash. FULLING & CO. Orfttrr 5, 13.i2. 3711' 'fIIE jr;e and comtnodinuH houso in liinrolntnn. favorably knntvn in firmer timcn ni? 'o,2'a Hotel, hua recently hern refuted and put in corn, f'iriable nrdur hy thu subacri'ier fur ihe aut-ummud. lion of (lis TRAVELLING rimLIC, and iu. Ii nf hi numernna friend- a a rrtiiy fiivor him Willi a tall. IIh pledges all tlmt th; utmost (1 ill i en re in bin bun mss. u ltd n'.leii! inn lo I. is co5iotii eii, can etFcCl to elicit a hht-ral degree of p.urnn. ac) at the h'indMof ti e put.lir. line him but a In at and be will prove ail he h re aertf. T. Ii. MlFPORLr. Ltf.'.iitOn, Allgtttt, JW. Ucif CtiifZy.v anil Harur fur .alc. INQFIftK at Sadler's IIolol or of V. C. Bar ringer Fnq. Charlotte, A', t' , September 1852. HVxi7 for the Waggon! J K would jtist aay to thno tli.it Iuto been ' V a it in (or lh 22cn inal it Ins ar- ived with a Urg! lot uf Hair Oils, Lubia's Extracts, Ox-marrow, Fn.i and P eki-t KNIVKf, Tnoiii Picks, I loll), llmr. Tonth and Nml l:( III l, IV .4 TCJI CL-MlltS 4--. A;'., iill of which a ill bi sold at the IoaoI kind of pii .ca l ull l ASH, by FILLING A CO. Octr.lrr 5. '852 37U A CARD. ESSRS G F KKN KDY. of Chesicr. and ilBJAtlfiS :M. IILbM. lormerty omi ol the prnprietnra of the Planter's llnii-l, t'b;irb'sinn. huve Icaai'd t' e A i ericun lloti-l, Kiiig Sirci-t, and w otild respectfully sulicii from Ibeir Iru ndn and ihe tmv cllinj; public, a portion of their patronage. We plcilL'R uurselves tlmt I he nncsta ol the Motel will rcci-ivo acoininndnlion, uiisuriasscd by any in the C''y" KENNEDY &, HI RST. 21 li. C lothing! C lolhinl! t lotiiiii! "Hl'ST received, nt M l B.IX V CO.S CllSI Cilll f'liilllfliu loie, the Urged and hel snleried stuck ot C 'SOTI I N (a f.;r hr one lit 1'harl.it o all ol wi.iuli is unr own innnufat tnre and will be eold 20 per ci-nt. chenper than ean (. purchased in North i arol.na. As we hiite iip liter lime nor room .tt pri a- nt lo enumerate the ditlVreiit atyks of (iood we keep, we would jjM a;iv we havcevury thmg in the wiy of Gentle- moo's r urniatiinj Oooua al pni-e ! h-.t ucH compo. utmii. L LL1.NUS .V fU. Oetoher 5, 3?if itSct lianicsi, 71ai)iil.u lui rr aiul In vt'iifiir. J KFW Volume ol tho f I f N T! r 1C A J M Kli II A N eommen ea about toe miud'e ot ."rptfit br in each ye r 1 1 is n journal id ."cieit t l , Me'-himo ai, ai.d utln-r impriivonif ntK ; ile mi rnr:t1' nt Indus ry i . till ta vuriuu-branrhes. fi is piiotinhed wt'tkivin a tom Mt.l.i'lo lor londnig. iiml cimis i'-ilcs ' t!e end of e.teh y-ir; a pfo did To n 0 ol over 4!Mt piijt'!, 'Ailn a cepmm index ami from five to s-X ho. dred original entrr ay. i.g. lonilrtT wnli a rt'ut .tutoutiL ot practic-tl inttirniii tion niiiriri.i-tjf 'he progress ot' invention and ii:s Ci Vt'ry Ihroutii ut lot! world The S.-ten ific Aim'ri.'an is Ihe mnt wulely cir cnl.ited .ind n'pu!.ir journal ot til.- kind t iw pab listit'd ha Koiturn, i on t r t'Mitt'i a, and 4 "nrr-f-pon den'a are nmong Ihtj ablest practi al actentdij iimn in (he Morhl. Ttie Pitt-tit (lattns ore pildfhed weekly and arn inva u.ihlo to Iiifiiilofe am! Pit ten tees. PK1ZK We toh il atimtuHi to iir aph-nd d Priz otf-rd for the l irt sl mimber of aiib.-crf'n coi.u.iii g of a .MLVl-.K Pll'CllhU worth tfrtiij. a I of tho lOOMIUU AI'IIIC ilNl Y L'' K IU wortn $35; 1KMPKY'S MVlltii;iiY UF Till: M.XKTKK.NTll t KM L'l! Y, and t . II Stiuil'e great work upon tins NAVAL 1RY VO KS Ot TIIK TMl Kl) SPAi e.S. Loltera al.ould bo directed (post paid) to .Ml'NN itO, 12S Fulton a l reel. New York. One copy, lor -o $2 S.x Mo iht $1 Kive enpies, lor !i tonth 14 Trnl opea (or i Montlia for So Ten i upiea for Tw.-lvn Months, $15 Kilt.en 1 opiea for Twi-lve iJonthat $2J Tmty 1 uptes for Twelve Moulin, Fouihern and Westi rn l ney tk-n at p.r for subscriptions, or post olTice Stamps takes at their full is op. 1I0TZ 11(111. I.iiiscy CMolh LiRGELOTon hand and for a.l lew. by SAM L. T Cheaper than Ever. IS. AV.TlOOIIIa ETL'KNS his sincere Ibankt to the ptib'ie fof C tho liberal pnlmnaiiii heretolnre ealendi'd IO him, and rer-pocifully anln-ita a cniiiinnance of lh iiiim. II.' nioy lie found ai In. Oi l) STASL). rruily at d willing lo watt on all who may lavor lino wi h a call. II has nr. I.rnd a laigi- atoik of r H &jat an 4m'''tt BkM C:a I.iitsty t t.OTII, Tallotr, .if., which hn ejrl anil, H balevale nr Kciail. at icdm ed prn i-a IVrrori freui a distaiir e vrniild do nl io igivn him a call lielore buying elaeaheie. a he ia .J. l. rinin. d loaull aa clll lip J Ihl" 4 iacat fal. ur.Jon WORK. "-" r.ocfinfr, Guttering, Etovo Fipc, tc dmc in the noaleet stylo and nt I' shorte.t notice. If All kiml. of l'l(4;I)L'Ci: taken in ex. -lmi.0 fur Gnod. or V are. R. W. MOORE. Octuhtr 5, lrVr3. 3Tlf A Var with England. CHARLES T. EEERIIARD & CO, KhPEf TFI'LI.Y inform Ihecil K-naorcbar. lulie and vivtiiMy, Ibut Ihey still carry on lb m HOOT AM) SlKIt: nl thiiir old Ptand.two doom below David P.irk' Mote, and marly 0oiio Knir'a lloiel, where t t v are prcpart-ii lo r xeciitn all work in their line, in ihe iicit' iil and m)t tuaiitonahlr inannner. 'J hey will warrant Ihnrr work to be made of lh bent ma. t rials and to urnr n wvll tt unv m tt-ti Bt'e'ion jlt'g'tod H.uif nnlw. f ''d workrimn anil tt:ri'l at. ( (tint on to OrdiTH v ill pi em e encour iijfctiitnl they A oiio of the firm will po North, onre or Iwire h Tear, nrpoHi'ly to MirdiiiMe I. outlie r, tt ry alwaya mtct d lo have lite t"-t that can be bought at thy North, and thy uitl be ahlu to sell tclttr und rhiajier Work tt an unv nlh(!r!lop in Ihi .pcliun of country. ariilVK lllhM A Tlilt. jr A supply of all ktttdaof U L) Y M A l R n;K alw ni n on iund. Sfjit 8, law. 33if XJ X f aa Es S.EEEy II AKLUTTi:, '., Denier in Sf'7'A" and Fumy Dry Coc!, JLirdiruir, dtlirrii, (,'uiis, Iron, Steel, and Xi'n's, Crifkiry, Olass-Wurt , yji f.S'.V. W'indtiU' Class, Vu fly, Am a wlt-l(d kTOfK of tia'Ciicrics, c. 3T A M now rp?n'ny I hi- Irtrffcat nrd ninat comnlto 0 M ill h OU .!, l I have ev. r nfT-r rd to my f'rtcnda and ci ' .iin.ira. and am di't.-riniiii-d In M il h. B Z O taVraV' a any r.a;elilrsh.nenl in the W taU-in purl of tin: Mate. A C STKKLE. Sritrmhcr ill. I S j2. 3fi f i VJ?L tia.i First .lr rival by Slail Itoad. II. It. & .. .. WILLIAMS UFrh IVI' I) loiliiy Ly the first tram ol' earl. largo aupp'y of FAI.I, & WINTER which will ho no Id nl a so. all ndvaurs. Our mtt id "(jiiick Fatles ii nd fimill prutii." Call and aeo ba- foro you purchitai e.u'h'.rt;, ire iill nl ISraMlkn ISrick rinui. Octuhtr 5, ISf.U. 37if (CC3 Notice W"lM'I'G h ii-mp rry abFi-iire from thie plaec, mJr Vnior V M.irioKr, Kq will acl aa my a g.'nt in ttW umiii i-B irHiiFictinr.e. I'er-onp liiivmf tmni( an wnh him, will find li m 'ii ( turhitte ur .ti th- ( vf ra! Coirta on my circuit. All p-rfti-ns w ho hin-d Neurocaot me hirl yrar, am rq.i.U'ii lo rviu-o lh-tti lo .Mr B. nt C'Mjeurd, on tite 3it of iN'Leuilior next, when ihey will bs ' 4 1 1 1 fjf, d out t f Miu L IT t's R fi I; I N '' FR. Cunrord -V C, September D, 1853. 34ll A.NUTHEU CTilAX EXPEDITION. $1,000 Mount v. .4HF:aP APPRACTImX at I). L. RKA'S Jft U UOC El , confioting in pa't of Liquors and Wines, as chnire and pure os wcru ever oH'iirad al the Car fine cut ruEtrnu tobacco, (put tip in liiifni!) a great variety of M . ES ' Q XX. EL G. sS 9 v.irvinir in price from $J0 to 1100 pnr thousand jlo eiijiuciaf ly invites (he alttmt"n ot (rtnllemeri to his stock of cnrs, leelm lul'y asstirtd t hut in tt wii he found thf nc'iet ariicletn the I own. Jnal imported, iiffially tor the amusement of the Lot. rj of hun, "Tho Ih-vil ainori th Tailors !" eall ijiiwn (ietitlemen ami liik-' a pci p nt ti e Did (" fond" Tho Ch ns I ier and African llore are itUo on exhtiminn ! Charlotte, Aug 2,'), H52. 3Uf 'l ia UaiT, A GF.NFRAL ASU I'M KNT of Tin ware n. always on hind and tor aale as low aa the lowest ether wholusalu und leluS by AM'I. 1 . WRISTON. Aug 2o, 1S52. 31 il. NEW FIR 31. Vi'P wmi'iii .pe',t''.l;y annoone ta the publie, ? t hi t ve .tivr t' i- dy tunned a copartnership under ti e name and style, of OVKIMIAX vV WILSOX, fur Lie purpot-i? of manufacturing tvpj CARRIAGES of i-vory di'Pt-riptinn. We promise Uithful work, in. a vrord nena in tb South r.:lll ailrpni., ua. ILXALL WOKk WARRANTED. iLfUKPAllilNU done al tne a .ortest notice, and on the muat modcratu temw HThop on Tryon and l liurc.i Sureeis, nearly opnosilo lu Kerr's Hotel. f. OVERMAN. C WILSON. Chnhttt. July S. IJ2. iSit -i;32WS.'i'" AND C KS E R A L CO M M 1 SS IO X .Vo.3 DoyteJrVoTs UTirrir, ss.MWOTrito. e, A r 1 833, for talc at IhU O flier. ATTACUaIKN 18 FOR RALE HERE. BOLTON. J